#<- bro I just realised I’ve been spelling her name wrong
radishearts · 1 year
Hello kotlc guys the keeper fans idk what it’s called Anyways I relapsed after Stellarlune into this mess have some messy character design sketches
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These are pretyy scuffed but I was in a car for ages today so I figured I’d spend my time well :D
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artzee-bee · 3 years
Best friend’s ex | Benny Weir x reader
Fandom: My babysitter’s a vampire
Request: “ Um if you don’t mind can you write for mbav? Something along the lines of the reader and Ethan try a fake relationship thing cause Ethan asked her to? Like to get to Sarah/ or get her attention. And everyone is shocked cause they thought Benny and the reader would date instead cause all 3 of them are childhood friends”
Genre:Fluff mostly but I guess a little angst torwards the end
Warnings: some arguing and also it’s LONG, don’t say I didn’t warn you
A/N: This has a little Ethan x reader too but over all it’s Benny with a guest apperence from jelous!Benny torwards the end (or at least that’s what I was going for)
“Wait, you’re dating?! Like for real dating?!”
 You clinged tighter to Ethan’s arm “Yeah, we are” but you weren’t. You didn’t want to lie to your friends and it was honestly making you kinda uncomfy but you were doing it for E.
“Ok so how long has this been going on for?” asked Benny. You and your entire friend group were gathered around his locker and you decided to break the news to them about your and Ethan’s “relationship”, which was all bullcrap. He had asked you a couple nights before to pretend. He was hoping it would get him closer to Sarah.
“Um, no more than a month” E said, trying to sound as confident as possible and doing a fairly good job at it. Of course you saw right through him but everyone else seemed to buy his act.
“Well that’s...interesting news” Sarah laughed awkwardly
“You think so? Why?”
The group went silent for a moment
“Well, just cause” Sarah started, nervousness laced into her tone “I mean I would have guessed that Benny and Y/N were going to get together eventually.” Rory and Erika just nodded in agreement while Benny tried to suppress a nervous laughter.
“I mean, come on guys” he said “ I’ve known Y/N for just as long as Ethan.” 
“Yeah, but you two just always seemed, I don’t know, closer?”
“Well” Ethan interrupted “ seems like you were wrong on that one.”
Suddenly aware of how rude she sounded, Sarah babbled some lame excuse and left quickly, face red from embarrassment. Rory and Erika left as well, each in their own direction, but not before congratulating the couple once more. Benny was the only one left.
“You good Benny?” E asked
“Yeah, I guess it’s just interesting seeing you like this”
“I hope you’re not mad or anything I mean we…” you were quickly cut off by Benny
“No, no, absolutely, not! I’m really happy for you guys! My two best friends are in love, that’s really cool!” A pink tint made its way onto your cheeks hearing Benny say “in love”, even though you knew it wasn’t true. E smiled at you and hid his face in your hair. You wrapped your arms around his neck and he placed his hands on your hips, swaying you two back and forth for a moment
“Alright, well I gotta go. Chem starts in a few” you told your boys and headed to class, not before hugging both of them and leaving Ethan with a quick peck on the cheek
As soon as you got to class however, you texted your “boyfriend”
“Think that went pretty well”
“I think so too. Everyone seemed to buy it!”
“I know!” you said and the conversation ended like that. 
You switched your attention back to your teacher, who was discussing your next assignment but even though your eyes were on her, your mind was replaying Sarah’s comment on repeat. You and Benny, huh? You couldn’t say you disliked the idea or that you’ve never thought about it. You’ve always felt different when hanging out with him compared to all your other friends.You felt more free and comfortable. You couldn’t stop the smile on your face from the fuzzy feeling you got just thinking about Bens and you together.
“So how long are we gonna be doing this for?” you texted Ethan. Now that you thought about it, you could never date Benny after this. The sudden realisation made your stomach twist in knots. He would never even go on a date with you if he thought you to be Ethan’s ex! Bro code or whatever but you couldn’t blame them!
“I don’t know for sure, I don’t see why it should last more than a couple months.”
“Ok” you didn’t mind helping E. He was a great guy and one day, some amazing girl is gonna see that and be all over him, even if it’s not Sarah! And he’s going to fall in love and have a beautiful wife and a happy family and this thing you are doing right now is just gonna be a silly high school memory to look back at. You tried not to overthink everything like you usually do and go with the flow, have fun.
It was surprisingly easy to do. Holding hands and occasional cheek kisses didn’t mean much and you never had a “proper kiss”, telling everyone you were simply not fans of PDA. It didn’t feel much like you were a couple, just closer friends. Touchier.
About 4 months down the line, you and Ethan go on your last “date”, which really just meant pizza night at Morgan’s.
“Thanks for all this Y/N, I know you didn’t have to and it might have been awkward at times but it means a lot that you went with it all this time” Ethan says sincerely while pouring you a glass of soda
“Don’t be silly E! You are one of my best friends. I would do anything for you.”
“Yeah but, now you and Benny won’t be…” he didn’t finish his sentence, as if he wasn’t sure if bringing this up was even a good idea or if it was gonna make you mad. You told E about your crush on your best friend not long after your first day as a “couple”. You couldn’t lie to him and quite honestly, you needed someone to vent to. The more you thought about Benny, the more it hurt and while you weren’t mad at Ethan for bringing it up now (you knew he had the best of intentions), it was putting you off
“Let’s not talk about that tonight” you said softly
“Right, yes, of course! Sorry” you giggle and reached out for your glass of soda, raising it up
“A toast!” you declared dramatically, making E laugh “To our breakup!” Ethan raised his own glass and clicked it with yours 
“To our breakup!” he said before you both took a sip of your drinks
You laid down on the couch, getting ready to watch Scare Finder. Your head was resting on one of Ms. Morgan’s decorative pillows and you placed your feet on E’s lap. He rolled his eyes at you and you giggled
“I love you!”
“I love you too babe” he joked before laying down next to you and wrapping you in a hug. The couch was a bit too small for the both of you to lay down side by side and you felt the left side of your body  hanging off the edge but E’s arms were around your waist, holding you and you felt safe
“Can we..” Ethan whispered nervously “can we keep cuddling during shows even if we aren’t boyfriend- girlfriend anymore?” 
“Yes of course” you giggled
“Good, cause this is really comfortable” he whispered in your neck
“I know, I love it too”
 Your breakup was a much bigger deal than you anticipated.Your friends seemed not only shocked, but heartbroken too. You didn’t tell them anything about why you ended your relationship, saying it was too early and you didn’t feel like talking about it but that you were still close friends and nothing was going to change
Things went back to normal afterwards, except now you were single and so was Benny and you couldn't help the invisible pull, dragging you closer and closer to him. Everyone of his silly jokes made you crack up and you couldn’t even be mad at him when his failed spells ended up in a big mess that you and the friend group needed to solve. You hadn’t realised how much you missed him until you broke up with E. Whether or not that relationship was real, it felt like a real reason to stay away from Benny. It felt like you were taken because everyone else belived you to be. You couldn’t make a move on him because everyone knew you to have a boyfriend but now you didn’t and you couldn’t help yourself from looking at B in a different light.
You were over at his house, helping him pack some herbs he had to organise for his grandma, as punishment for wasting all her old ones on some spell. You were stuffing dried leaves in tiny jars, while Benny was busying himself attaching little tags to them, with the name of each plant.
“Thanks again for coming to help me, you didn’t have to”
“Anytime Bens, you know I’m always here for you” you looked at him and smiled sweetly. He looked into your eyes and said
“I know, Thank you” you nodded and switched your focus back on the plants, hoping he wouldn’t notice the blush on your face. Lucky for you, he started telling a story that happened in his geography class and things slowly fell into their usual, casual place, at least up until you had to leave.
You placed the last little jar in its respective spot on the shelf
“I think this is it, right?” Benny asked
“It should be”
“Perfect, I’m in dire need of a snack. You want chips? I have some upstairs”
“No, it’s late, I should head home”
“Um, ok yeah. No problem” but none of you moved after that, you just looked at one other for a little bit, until the awkwardness got too much and you took your backpack and headed to the door
“Thanks again” Benny said right when you reached the door
“No problem” and then time froze again. You got lost in his pretty eyes and barely noticed his chest rising and falling faster with every second that passed until, you both found yourselves in each other's arms, kissing deeply and desperately, as if you’ve waited all your life for this. Your hands tangled in his hair, pulling at loose strands, his hands running up and down your back, bringing you as close to him as possible. All your senses were intoxicated with him and finally, the little pit in your chest disappeared. Your lips fit together like puzzle pieces but than, all of a sudden, Benny pushed you away aggressively
“No, I can’t do that!” his back turned to you, but you saw the red in his face and his hands went to his head, massaging the back of his neck just like you had been doing
“No, no, you are Ethan’s ex and we can’t do that! I can’t do that!”
“B, listen to me!” you tried to step towards him but at your slightest movement, he jumped back, finally turning to face you
“Y/N, that was a mistake and I’m sorry! We shouldn’t have done that! It was a mistake” your eyes stung from the tears threatening to spill down your cheeks
“Don’t say that…” you could barely hear your own voice and were genuinely surprised when B replied
“Of course it was! As much as I wanted to do it and as right as it may have felt, it’s barely been a few weeks since your last relationship with MY BEST FRIEND and your best friend too and we can’t, I CAN’T do this to him! You, you guys dated and…”
“But we didn’t!” you said
“Of course you did, are you out of your mind?” Benny looked at you, teary eyed and desperate “I saw you, we saw you! Holding hands and cheek kisses! He had his arm around your back every moment of every goddamn school day and every time I wished it was me! He had all of you and he could hold you during movie nights and spend all his free time with you and kiss you and run his hands through your hair and everytime he did it I imagined that I was in his spot, hoping you would look at me with the same love and admiration that you looked with at him but now it’s too late! It doesn’t matter that he didn’t cherish you better while he had you because I still can not take you! I can’t do that to him!”
“Benny it wasn’t real!”
“What does that even mean Y/N?” he was yelling now, but you knew he wasn’t angry, just hurt. You saw the tears in his eyes and how hard he tried to stop them from running down his face.
“We weren’t ever dating! We just pretended!” the madness in his eyes turned to a question, an invitation for you to continue “It was all a show Bens. He wanted to impress Sarah. He asked me to fake a relationship with him.”
Benny leaned over the table, resting his body on his arms. He seemed to be thinking for a while, until he said “That’s a stupid idea”
You laughed “I thought so too when he told me” Benny seemed to think some more before saying
“Such an Ethan idea to have” which only made you laugh more
“So it was never real?” he asks you finally
“No! It was just an act” but even now, Benny couldn’t say anything. He was looking at his hands nervously. You took a deep breath and said the one thing you could think of
“He knows if that’s what you are wondering” the boy looked at you with questioning eyes again “Ethan I mean”
“Ethan knows what?”
“That I like you” Benny straightened and looked at you with soft eyes once more, you felt your cheeks heat up and turned to walk away but Benny quickly grabbed your wrist and pulled you into him, holding you in a tight hug. 
“So, does that mean I can kiss you again?” a small smile tugged at your lips
“Please do”
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
Stark Spangled Banner
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Stab Me In The Front
Part 1: America’s Asshole
Intro: It’s been a year since Katie was held hostage by Hydra, and whilst she’s still working through her feelings she has an idea about how she can make other people’s lives better as a result of her ordeal. Alongside this, she needs to take a trip to Boston to meet Harlan Thrombey-SIP’s latest author. Slightly nervous about taking a business trip alone after what happened last time, Steve offers to go with her.
What could possibly go wrong?
Warnings: Bad language. SMUT (NSWFW)
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
A/N: So, here we go. This was a request/idea from @icanfeelastormbrewing​ for an Avengers/Knives Out Cross Over where Katie and Steve come face to face with America’s Asshole! The tongues are sharp and the knives are out! This is set in 2015 so way before the KO storyline so therefore contains no spoilers!
Oh, @angrybirdcr​ I bloody love this edit and banner- the edit you have named the Ransom pre- Steve-Rogers-fucked-my-face-after-I-called-his-wife-a-hoe edit...
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Stark Spangled Banner Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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October 2015
 “So, Mr Thrombey, that’s all confirmed.” Katie tapped at a key on her computer to lock the meeting in her calendar. “11 am, Next Thursday, the 15th ”
“I’ll send you through the zip code and location for your GPS.” Harlan responded “The house is just outside of Lincoln, not far from Pierce Park. It shouldn’t be too far for you if you’re staying at the Harbor.”
“Thank you.” Katie smiled as she spoke into her phone.“I look forward to meeting you on Thursday Sir.”
“Oh, less of the Sir, Harlan please. And the pleasure is all mine Miss Stark, I mean, Mrs Rogers, my apologies!” The man chuckled. “And thank you for accommodating my need to pull this meeting forward by a few days.”
“It’s not a problem.” She assured him. They exchanged pleasantries again and then she cut the call and leaned back in her chair, cracking her neck, before she double checked the travel arrangements. The hotel was booked, flight was sorted, hire care was confirmed. All that she needed to do was not forget the annotated manuscript or the cover ideas.
The door to her office opened and she looked up to see Tony leaning in the doorway, waving a Starbucks cup at her, along with one of their familiar brown paper bags, clearly bearing treats.
“I love you, bro!” She smiled at him as he wandered in, chuckling, placing the drink and paper bag down in front of her. She looked into the bag and gave a moan when she saw it was a rather large, gooey looking brownie, and gave a bigger moan when she sipped her drink and found it to be a Pumpkin Spiced Latte. “Perfect Elevenses!”
“Well thought you might need one, you’ve been locked in here since seven this morning…”
“You got FRIDAY spying on me?” She narrowed her eyes at him.
“No.” He denied, but at the same time the AI affirmed her suspicions.
“He has indeed had me watch you, Mrs Rogers.” “Traitor.” Tony rolled his eyes and Katie chuckled
“Well I had all this Harlan Thrombey stuff to sort, Steve’s still in Copenhagen with Sam chasing the alleged latest sighing of Bucky.” She shrugged “Not much point in lying in when you’re wide awake is there?”
“True.” Tony nodded. “Are you going back to the Compound tonight?”
“I might just stay here again if that’s ok?”
“Kiddo, you own part of this Tower, it’s always gonna be your home too.” Tony shrugged, “You can stay as long as you want.”
“Thanks Tone.” she smiled. She didn’t want to admit it, but she felt safer in the Tower whilst Steve was away, even thought it was ridiculous as the Compound was just as secure, being closer to her brother was a comfort.
“I haven’t forgotten what tomorrow is.” Tony looked at her.
Neither had she. It was a year to the day since Bucky had pulled her out of that shithole in Canada and rescued her from her ordeal at the hands of HYDRA. With a little sigh, Katie pulled off her glasses, a lasting consequence of her period of capture and torture. Ever since spending six weeks in that constantly lit cell she’d needed glasses for anything that required a long period of concentration on a computer screen or monitor if she wanted to avoid migraines. Bruce seemed to think it was something to do with the fact that her cell had been painfully bright all the time and that continued exposure to artificial light in such a way triggered a subconscious response. 
She ran a hand over her face and looked at her brother, swallowing down the sudden spike of emotion, and  swallowed.“I’ve been trying not to think about it.” she said gently.
“Which is why I booked you and Pepper into the Dominick for the afternoon.” Tony smiled at her, reaching over to take her hand, giving it a squeeze. “Well, Pepper has, I’ve just given her the credit card. Apparently you’re in for a full deep tissue massage, facial and then Franco’s booked to do your hair, oh and don’t bother telling me you’re busy as I had your diary cleared and everything reschedule to next week” He sat back, watching as she opened her mouth before shutting it, shaking her head softly. “You leave in thirty minutes.”
“You spoil me.” She smiled softly. 
“Anything for my girls, plus I thought it might keep you busy whilst Spangles is otherwise engaged.”
“He was hoping to be back but when I spoke to him before he doesn’t know if he’s gonna be.” she shrugged. “It is what it is.” Tony smiled at her before he stood up “Yes, it is. And this afternoon is your pamper time so get your shit together and meet Pepper downstairs.”
“Yes sir.” she said, saluting him with a grin.  
As with anything Pepper or Tony booked, the spa was off the scale. Katie had been meaning to go for ages, and now, as she sat in the chair in Franco’s salon she was already searching available dates to go back. She laughed and joked with the stylist and Pepper, the pair of them enjoying yet another bottle of champagne as they had their hair done. A couple of hours later, at just gone seven, Pepper dragged her out over the road and into a ridiculously expensive wine bar.
“Feeling better?” Pepper asked as Katie took a huge gulp of her Sancerre.
Katie smiled. “Much, thank you.” “You know, I’m always here if you want to talk to someone other than Steve about stuff.” Pepper looked at her “And it won’t go any further.”
“That’s the thing, I don’t wanna talk about it.” Katie sighed “You know, Pep, I see all these women out there that went through…well, you know, and I read their testimonies and I just wonder how they’re so strong, like, how can they can just stand up and talk about it?” She trailed off, shaking her head “And me? I just wanna pretend it never happened. So much for being an Avenger huh?”
“Hey.” Pepper shook her head, looking at her sternly. “Stop that, right now.” “Well it’s true.” Katie shrugged. “I mean, I’m a public figure right? But all people know is I was missing for weeks, and it was put down to a mission gone awry. I just, well, I feel like I should be out there, trying to make a difference, helping people.”
“Kiddo, what you went through,” Pepper swallowed, “I can’t even begin to imagine. And how you’ve dealt with and processed it, well, frankly I don’t know how you’ve been so strong. There is no shame in wanting to simply move on and leave it in the past.”
“I know.” Katie sniffed a little. “Thank you. Having everyone around me makes me realise how lucky I actually am. I’ve got a huge support network. Not everyone who goes through…well, not everyone has that to fall back on.” Pepper pondered something before she looked at Katie, “You know, we haven’t picked our Partner Charity for the Stark Relief Fund next year. We could make it one that deals with Sexual violence. No need to go into details as to why.” Katie considered that for a moment, before she nodded. “That’s not a bad idea.” She clicked her deep purple manicured nails against her wine glass, thoughtfully. “It would make a difference, right?”
Pepper nodded. “Absolutely. Give it some thought, see how you feel.” “I will, thanks.” she smiled. 
Steve was exhausted but wasn’t willing to spend another moment away from his wife. So the moment the jet was down he headed straight for the garage, jumped on his bike and roared out of the compound heading down town towards Manhattan.
“Good Evening Captain Rogers.” FRIDAY greeted him as he pressed his palm to the access pad at the rear entrance from the underground car park “Mrs Rogers is in your apartment.”
“Thanks FRIDAY.” he said, as the elevator began to rise. It stopped a few floors up, and when the doors flew open he was greeted by Tony who was undoing his tie.
“Oh, you’re back.” He looked at Steve appraisingly.
“You’re up late.” Steve remarked in response.
“Just working on a few things.” Tony said vaguely. “How was the search for Tin Man?” “Well, it was him alright.” Steve ran a hand down his tired face. “Few more leads to work on. We could have stayed out there for a bit longer truth be told but, well, I wanted to be here tomorrow, you know.”
The two men shared a moment of understanding, both of them having experienced unsurmountable raw pain and anguish over the weeks Katie had been missing and it wasn’t something they were likely to forget any time soon. If ever.
“She know you’re home?” Tony looked at him again. Steve shook his head.
“Wanted to surprise her.”
Tony smiled softly. “She’s probably asleep.  Her and Pep have been in the Spa all afternoon and they’ve drunk a lot so…”
Steve gave a huff of a laugh. “Yeah she messaged me before saying you’d sent her there out for the afternoon. From the spelling mistakes in the text I figured there was a fair amount of alcohol that had been consumed.” He paused and smiled. “That was really thoughtful of you, Tony.” “Well it happens occasionally.” Tony sniffed as the elevator stopped at his floor. “Listen, Steve…” Steve turned to face him. “She’s not been herself the last few weeks.” Tony scratched at his beard and Steve took a deep breath.
“I know.” he said gently “I think she’s just, well, processing, if that’s the right word. We only got back from our honeymoon three weeks ago, and it kinda hit her when we got back just what time of year it was. Whilst we were away she didn’t have time to think about it.”
“Just, well, take care of her for me okay?” Tony looked at the Soldier and Steve nodded.
“Always Tony, you had my word on that when I told you I wanted to marry her, and I meant it.”
Tony nodded and clapped him on the shoulder, giving him a look of thanks before he left the elevator on the Part Floor level. It began to rise again and Steve let out a soft sigh. Tony was right, the last two weeks in particular Katie had been a little quiet, less vivacious, almost withdrawn even. At first he had put it down to post honeymoon blues, but Natasha had pointed out that this time twelve months ago she had been at the mercy of HYDRA, with those bastards brutalising her in ways that he couldn’t even bring himself to think about. For this reason, he’d been reticent to go on the latest mission but Katie had insisted, pointing out that they couldn’t not carry on with their lives and that she would be alright.
The fact she had basically moved back into the Tower for the three days he had been gone, however, made him think that she wasn’t quite as alright as she had told him.
The doors opened on their floor and he stepped out. It was mostly dark as he headed through to the bedroom where he found that the TV was playing on the wall, but Katie was fast asleep, one of the pillows clutched to her chest as a makeshift cuddle partner. With a soft smile he closed the door and headed over to the bed. Kicking off his boots he lay on his side, facing her, and brushed her soft hair back off her face before pressing a kiss to the bridge then tip of her nose and finally her lips.
She stirred, her face scrunching up in that adorable way it always did, before she blinked her eyes open. It took her a second to focus but when she did her lips curled upwards into a soft smile which became an ear to ear grin.
“Hey, Sweetheart.” He said softly, kissing her again, his hand cupping her face.
“You’re home.” She reached up to lay her hand over his. “Why didn’t you tell me you were coming back?”
“Wanted to surprise you.”
“Well it worked.”
“I missed you.” He whispered, his thumb caressing her cheekbone as he leaned in for another kiss.
“Missed you more.” She shot back, her lips brushing his and he chuckled.
“Doubt it. How was the Spa?”
“Oh it was amazing.” She gushed, her eyes shining. “I had this deep tissue massage and the guy hit spots on my back I didn’t even know I had. The facial was great, and my hair…”
“I like the colour.” He smiled, gently moving his hand so he twirled a piece around his finger. The ends were slightly lighter than usual, almost a dark honey blonde, and it extended a little up the strands before evening out.
“It’s called ballayage.” She smiled at him. “I just fancied a bit of a change.”
“Looks good on you. And I’m glad you had a nice time, you deserve it.”
“How was the mission? Worth it?”
“Yes and no.” Steve shrugged. “We have a few more leads we can chase up but…” he took a deep breath “I’m beginning to wonder what the point is. He clearly doesn’t wanna be found.”
“The point is he’s your friend, your brother.” Katie moved her hand to run her fingers over his jawline, the pads scratchings lightly against his five-oclock shadow. “Maybe he just needs a bit of time to find himself first, that doesn’t mean you have to give up on him. Besides, I need to give him back his jacket.”
“And I need to thank him. For getting my beautiful girl out and safe.”
“I can’t believe it’s been a year tomorrow since he found me.” She said softly
“Is that what’s been bothering you?”
“The last few weeks you’ve not been yourself.”
She licked her lips and nodded “Yeah, I just, well, I didn’t give it much thought when we were on our honeymoon, you know, but since coming back and ramping up the Thrombey Campaign it’s kinda hit home a little.” And suddenly Steve understood. SIP were publishing the man’s latest book, “The Colour of Revenge” which was all about a Detective on the trail of a killer who was hunting down and dispatching of six men who had been acquitted of a gang rape and murder.
“Shit.” He let out a groan at the fact he hadn’t made the connection. “Honey, I’m so stupid not to realise that.” “Hey.” She frowned, “Don’t…” She reached up and smoothed the lines that had appeared on his brow and he let out a sigh, gently reaching up to lace his fingers with hers, bringing her hand towards him and placing a soft kiss on her wrist. “It’s better now you’re home.” She assured him gently.
He smiled and gave her a gentle kiss again.
“Is that everything?” He pressed and she hesitated again.
“I’m scared.” She admitted eventually, looking at him.
“Scared of what?”
“Going away, on my own.” The tears welled in her eyes. “I hate that they made me like this, Steve.”
He let out a sigh, he hated that she was scared too. She didn’t deserve it. 
“Why don’t I come with you?” He asked, the idea suddenly forming in his mind.  Katie stilled for a moment and he continued. “Not to the actual meeting, but I can drop you off and pick you up, hang around, whatever you want me to do.”
She looked up at him smiling softly, not even trying to pretend she wasn’t relieved he had offered. “Would you?”
“Of course.” He nodded, wiping the tears off her face. “You only had to ask.” “I didn’t want to. I know how busy you are here and…” “That can wait.” He held her face in his hands as he drove his message home. “You’re the most important thing in my life and if me coming with you makes you feel better then…” He shrugged “Besides, I’ve always wanted to go to Boston.”
“I know we haven’t been back from our honeymoon long, but maybe we can make a little trip out of it if you like?” Her face was suddenly hopefully “Come back on the Saturday?”
“Sure.” Steve smiled at her. “Let’s do it.”
“Oh, Stevie you’re gonna love it.” she beamed, and he smiled at the way her face had gone from being furrowed with worry to alive with excitement. “Massachusetts is amazing in the fall and Boston is just stunning…” “Well I’ll make sure I bring my sketch book.” He smiled “Give me something to do whilst you’re in the meeting.” “Thank you.” She said softly. “I’ll book us somewhere nice to eat one night. Give us an excuse to wear something pretty.”
“Like you need an excuse.” He teased, and she nipped him harshly on the arm. He chuckled and then with a groan he unwillingly pushed himself up off the bed.
“I need a shower.” He said, almost apologetically. “I won’t be long.”
“You better not be.” She muttered and he smiled, dropping a kiss to her forehead before he headed into the bathroom.
True to his word, he wasn’t long. Five minutes, tops. But by the time he came back, the TV was off and Katie was fast asleep. Thinking back to what Tony had said, he found himself wondering if she had actually slept much at all whilst he was gone.
Steve dried himself off, stepped into a clean pair of boxers and then slid into the bed next to his wife, slipping his arms around her. Once her back was nestled snugly into his chest, he dropped a soft kiss to her neck and closed his eyes, happy to have her in his arms.
Steve woke the next morning to find his girl tangled around him. She’d shifted in the night, clearly, and now her face was pressed into his chest, right leg snaked between both of his, her right hand was slid under his arm, lightly gripping his shoulder whilst her left rested against her head, fingers in her hair. Smiling to himself he pulled her closer, relishing the feel of her against him. She murmured something incoherently as she gently moved, her cheek pressing into the hair on his chest, the hand around his shoulder slid down to the base of his back where her fingers simply rested, soft against his spine as she continued to sleep. 
And Steve was quite happy to let her nap for longer, using him as her own personal cuddly toy.
He dozed in and out of consciousness again, drifting off for another ten minutes or so, before he felt Katie stirring in his arms, and a soft kiss gently being pressed to his jaw line. He smiled at the contact and tightened his hold on her again, his eyes still closed.
“Morning, Beautiful.” He said softly, his voice still thick with sleep.
“Morning, Soldier.” She said, her cheek returning to his chest as she basked in the safety and warmth of his hold as his hand crept up the back of the stolen shirt she was wearing, his rough fingers ever so gentle against her skin as he trailed the pads up and down her spine.
“Sleep okay?” He asked, his eyes still not opening.
“Yeah.” She assured him, truthfully. It had been the best night sleep she’d had in days.
“Good. What do you fancy doing today?”
He felt her still and then she pulled back slightly, and at that he opened his eyes and blinked to see those gorgeous emeralds locked onto him.
“Are you not needed at the Compound?”
He shook his head “Kitten, I’ve not seen you for almost three days so I figured we deserved one together.”
She groaned “I have meetings this morning.” “That’s okay, I’ll meet you at lunch.” He said, tucking her hair behind her ear.
She didn’t argue. She knew full well why he’d taken the time out, and frankly she adored him for it. Without saying a word she leaned up and captured his lips in a gentle kiss that quickly became heated, but was shattered by the piercing noise of Katie’s alarm.
She gave a groan, and made to move.
“Don’t you dare.” Steve mumbled against her mouth, his grip on her tightening.
“Stevie,” She sighed “I gotta…”
He reached over, his large body flattening her into the mattress making her giggle as he swiped across the screen of her StarkPhone silencing it.
“You ain’t gotta do shit.” He said, hovering over her on his elbows. “Except me.” He added as an afterthought.
“Oh so you’re gonna to explain to the board why I’m late?”
“Well, to be honest,” he said, dipping his head to trail hot kisses up the side of the next, “they probably won’t even notice you’re not there. I mean, are you really that important?”
“Fuck you.” She giggled back.
“Believe me, I’m tryin’” he quipped, his mouth nipping at her ear lobe. That made her giggle even more and she felt his lips curve into a smile against her skin.
“I love it when you do that.” He whispered gently, using his leg to part hers, leaving a large thigh pressed against her mound.
“Laugh.” His mouth moved up her jaw line. “It makes me happy.”
“You’re such a sentimental sap.” She mumbled, as his lips claimed hers again, the heat between her legs intensifying as the kiss grew deeper, tongues lashing against one another. Steve pulled back for long enough to pull his shirt over her head before his lips returned to hers and Katie’s hand slid into his hair, one hand gently winding into the longer locks on top, her nails on the other dragging against the hairline on his neck. His hands moved, one gently cupping the side of her face, the other, gently skimming over her breast, her nipples already hardened. He gently teased one with the pad of his thumb and his mouth moved down to the other, his tongue and fingers working in tandem. She gave a little involuntary twitch against his thigh and once more his lips quirked up into a smirk.
“You want something, Baby girl?” He asked, peeking up at her and she nodded.
“Stevie, don’t make me beg, please.”
And when she asked so nicely like that, how could he ever refuse? He hooked his fingers into the sleep shorts she was wearing and worked them down, before flipping down the waist band of his boxers. Katie bent her legs as he shuffled upwards and worked into her, the pair of them letting out a groan each at the stretch as he buried himself to the hilt. Steve’s hands fell to either side of Katie’s face as he held himself up on his forearms, kissing her deeply as he flexed his hips forward, again and again, picking up a gentle rhythm.
It was soft, it was gentle, it was loving, everything she knew her soldier to be and it wasn’t long before he had her writhing and groaning loudly, his lips assaulting that spot on her neck.
“So good,” he groaned, his thrusts getting deeper. “Feel so good, Sweetheart.”
“Keep talking.” She keened, arching into him as her hands raked down his back.
“You were made for me, God I love you Mrs Rogers. So fucking much.” His words were punctuated by his heavy breaths as she gave a soft cry, her head falling backwards, eyes fluttering shut as she tightened around him, her legs shuddering slightly as she came.
“Atta girl.” He panted, his hips becoming faster as he thrust through her orgasm, chasing his own. It wasn’t long before he felt the ribbons in his belly unravel and he came with a cry of his own, his head buried in her neck, hips slowing, thrusts going deeper before he eventually stilled, a loud contented sigh escaping his mouth.
After a few moments of them simply basking in the afterglow, Katie’s hands trailing through Steve’s ruffled hair as his nose slid against hers, she gave a sigh and pushed on his shoulders gently.
“Soldier, I really do need to get up.”
He pouted a little causing her to chuckle before he rolled off her and she pushed herself out of bed, heading for the en-suite. Steve watched her go before he swung his legs from under the covers,, found his boxers, pulled them on and headed down to the kitchen to make them both some coffee. *****
The idea had sprung to Katie as she’d headed out for lunch. The local shop was donating a percentage of its earnings that month to a homeless charity, and it set her mind whirring.
“So you want to donate, all the profit we make, from what is going to likely be the biggest book SIP will ever publish, to charity?” Tony looked at her.
“In a nutshell, yeah.” She nodded. “We can split it across various charities, all those that help victims of sexual assault, abuse or crime…”
“Isn’t that what the Stark Relief Fund is for?” Saul, the SI Finance Director looked at her and she turned to face him.
“Yes, but it isn’t just about the money, it’s about raising awareness.” She pressed “A lot of people don’t know those charities existed. Hell, I didn’t know about half of them until a year ago. If we do this, think of the publicity and the press and…”
She trailed off, looking at Tony. He could see the excitement shining in her eyes. She had a point, and it wasn’t like SI needed the money. SIP was her company after all, and if she wanted to use it to do something good, help people, maybe even help herself…then that was fine by him.
He shrugged and looked round the table “SIP’s vision was never about making money.” Katie beamed at her brother as she realised he was backing her “It was always about helping those who needed a hand to get their work out there…I don’t see why in this case, where they author is already so well-known we can’t use that to help those who need it.”
There was a pause and she looked expectantly round the table. One by one the board members seemed to concede, all of them that is bar their Legal Manager, Dan Robertson who was frowning.
“You’re going to have to bring Mr Thrombey on board Mrs Rogers.” He looked at her. “We can’t just use his book as part of a campaign without his permission.” “I know.” She assured him. “I’ve already realised that. I’m meeting him on Thursday next week, I’ll have a full proposal and pitch ready.”
There were a few murmurs around the table before Tony spoke. “Is that it? Are we settled?”
Everyone looked at one another, nodding, and Katie leaned back in her chair, smiling.
But, she wasn’t smiling now. She had less than twenty-four hours before they set off for Boston and her pitch was only half way through completion.
“Sweetheart.” Steve’s hands slid over her shoulders where she sat on the chair in her office. She looked effortlessly elegant, even in sweats and an off the shoulder sweater, one toned leg stretched out in front of her, the other bent at the knee so her foot was resting on the seat of the chair, her left hand was curled around her shin, her right was tapping at her keyboard, the dark blue framed glasses perched on her nose. “It’s late.”
“I know but,” she sighed, “this means a lot to me Steve. I need it to be right.”
Steve knew better than to argue. Instead he leaned over and kissed the side of her neck. “What are you stuck with?”
“I dunno it just…it all seems so impersonal.” She removed her glasses and wrinkled her nose as he sat down in the arm chair in the corner of the room “Facts and figures on sexual assaults and stuff, we all know it happens, it’s about making people want to do something about it.”
“Are you ready to make it personal?” He asked gently, taking a deep breath. He hated thinking about what she had gone through, he truly did, and if he had half a chance he’d rip the bastards limb from limb. But if she was ready to confront what had happened to her, he had to be there to support and back her all of the way, regardless of his own feelings.
“I don’t know. I was talking to Pepper about this the other day. I should be able to, I should be someone other women can look up to, being an Avenger and all but…maybe I’m just not strong enough.” “You’re the strongest person I know.” Steve leaned forward and locked eyes with her.
“I don’t feel like it when it comes to this.”
“Honey,” he scratched at his head. “Without wanting to sound flippant, since January this year, you’ve been, okay, well maybe okay isn’t the word but you’ve gotten on with things. You’ve moved forward, we both did.”
“Because we were busy, and we had no choice…”
“Well maybe,” he shrugged. “But chasing down a sceptre, fighting Ultron, mobilising a new base, planning a wedding, running a business…it’s all time consuming, stressful stuff that if you really weren’t strong enough to deal with what happened, then it would have all gone to shit and probably tipped you over the edge into a nervous breakdown.”
She brushed a piece of hair behind her ear as she considered what he was saying.
“Honestly…” he continued, his eyes boring into hers. “If you want my opinion I think the fact that it’s the year’s anniversary of what happened that’s playing on your mind a little. You need to stop, look back and how well you’ve done and stop beating yourself up about all the things you haven’t”
She smiled softly and looked down at her hands before she glanced back up at him “When did you get so wise?” He chuckled “Well I am ninety seven years old.”
She laughed “You don’t look a day over twenty five.”
Steve smiled and stood up. “I’m gonna make you a hot chocolate, and you’re gonna stop overthinking everything and come relax. We’re up early tomorrow. You can do the rest at the hotel tomorrow evening.” “No can do, we’re going out.” Katie grinned at him “I booked the Chef’s table at Menton.”
“The what?” Steve frowned.
“You never heard of a Chef’s table?” She looked at him, and he shook his head. “Oh my God I’ve let you down, so badly. Check this out.” she tapped on her computer, bringing up the website and showed him the photos “It’s a private table with a glass wall that gives you a direct view into the kitchen. Totally impossible to get a reservation unless you book like a year in advance. Or name drop.”
Steve groaned. “You seriously dropped the Captain America wants a table line?”
“No, I dropped the Captain America’s wife want a table line.” She smirked, closing down the browser page.
“Pain in my ass.” Steve grumbled, standing up. But as he left the office there was a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips.
One that his wife had seen.
“So, was it worth a name drop?” Katie asked as they walked back into the Fireside Lounge located in their hotel.
“I’m happy to overlook the fact you acted like a total brat to make that reservation, yes.” Steve grinned as he went to remove her coat from her shoulders. He looked her up and down, the tight black jump suit she was in was driving him crazy.
She grinned, and then shivered slightly.
“Cold?” He asked, frowning.
“A little, don’t wanna sit in my coat though.”
“Do you want me to nip up to the room, grab your cardigan?”
“Would you?” She asked, even though she knew perfectly well he would.
“Course.” He dropped a kiss to her cheek “You get the drinks in, be right back.”
She headed over to the bar. The bartender, Will, was the same one who had been on before so he greeted her with a smile.
“Mrs Rogers. How was your meal?”
“Fantastic thank you.” She smiled. “Can I get two Bourbon’s please? I’ll leave it to your choice, I’ll be back in a second, just need to nip to the bathroom.”
She excused herself and once she’d finally had the pee she’d been dying for since they left the restaurant, she set about touching up her make-up, smiling to herself. She’d deliberately picked this jumpsuit as she knew it got Steve’s blood pumping. It was a simple, plain black one with a V-neck line, but it was tight. Teamed with a thin red patent leather belt, matching Jimmy-Choos and purse all set off by the bright red lipstick she was sporting, she knew she looked good. Not that Steve had much room to talk, she could happily perve on him in the dark pants he was wearing, teamed with a tweed blazer and that damned blue shirt, his collar left open. Frankly, he looked good enough to eat, which she was planning on doing later.
She headed back into the bar and spotted Steve perched on one of the stools, blinking as she saw he’d changed into a simple brown, long sleeved tee, but then again he always did like to get out of his dress shirts as soon as they got home usually, so she wasn’t that surprised.
“Hey, Handsome. You changed.” She slipped her arms round him from the back. He felt different, he was softer than Steve was. He smelt different, there was a really heavy woody scent to his aftershave whereas Steve’s preferred Hugo Boss was a lot lighter and she realised with horror that Steve hadn’t changed his outfit at all.
This wasn’t Steve.
When the man spun to face her, Katie had to do a double take as the likeness was indeed uncanny at first glance, but as she blinked and looked at him she noticed subtle differences. His eyes were cold and calculating, his jaw line wasn’t quite as sharp as Steve’s and the smirk he wore on his face was nothing like the cheeky one Steve would sport. It was almost a sneer which spread across his face, every feature laced with disdain.
“What the fuck?” The man glared at her as Katie stepped back, holding her hands up in apology.
“I’m sorry, genuine case of mistaken identity,” she said, taking him in. His shirt was the wrong colour too, only she hadn’t been able to see that from the back.
“Yeah well if you’re touting for business I already got some today so get lost.” The man drawled in his light, Boston accent. “Like I just said I thought you were…hang on…” Katie frowned as his words registered “You already got some?”
“Yeah, that’s right.” He looked her up and down, arching a brow.
“You think I’m a hooker?” Katie snorted.
“Pretty high end one though, I’ll give you that.” The man’s voice was now amused, as he nodded towards her chest.
“I’m not a hooker.” Katie shook her head, laughing in disbelief.
“Oh, sorry. Do you prefer the term escort?”
She rolled her eyes, flashing her left hand at him. “I’m married, this was a genuine mistake….”
She moved away from him to the side, nodding at Will who slid the check over for her to sign to charge the drinks to their room.
Ransom observed her for a moment, fighting the smirk that was threatening to break across his face. After another row with his stupid Libtard cousin and his mother who had been at his Grandfather’s house before, he’d come out with the sole intention of getting laid and then so drunk he could hardly remember his name. After a visit to one of his usual fuck pieces, he’d achieved the first part, now he was concentrating on the second. He’d been initially irritated by this woman’s interruption, but now she was getting sassy back, and he wasn’t about to let it drop. He could tell she had money,that much was clear to see. The way she talked, held herself, was dressed. Whilst she wasn’t a hooker as he had originally thought (although to be fair to her, she was pretty hot, he’d consider fucking her if the opportunity arose), she was probably living off some seventy odd year old rich banker husband. Huh, maybe she wanted a fuck after all…frustrated little trophy wife.  
“So, tell me. Does your husband know you’re here trying to tap me up?” He looked at her.
“You know, if I was trying to errr…tap you up, you wouldn’t be able to afford me” She shot back, signing her name on the cheque with a flourish.
“Try me.” Ransom smirked, making a show of looking her up and down. “How much for that ass?” “I’ll kick yours for free you self-entitled dick.” She glared at him before she slid the signed paper and pen back to the bartender.
Ransom gave a bark of a laugh “I’ll pass thanks.”
Katie snorted and glanced sideways at look at him, scarlet red lips pursed as she eyed him over her glass of bourbon. “Good decision, because I’ve dropped bigger men than you for fun.” “Sure you have, Dollface” Ransom quirked an eyebrow, elbow leaning on the bar, angling his body towards her. She kept hers facing forwards, arms resting on the bar top, her head shaking slightly.
“You have no fucking idea who I am do you?” Katie shook her head, not looking at the prick stood next to her.  She hated using that line, but, well, when the occasion arose to get one over on a weasely little shit like this, she wasn’t going to pass it up.
“Why should I?” He snorted “I don’t know all the little bitches in Boston.”
Katie felt her mouth drop open and she was about to retaliate when Steve gently appeared by her side, dropping her cardigan over her shoulders.
Ransom recognised him straight away. He’d had it quite often, been told he looked similar to Captain America. So this meant the woman he’d been baiting for the last five minutes was his wife, Katie Rogers, sister of Billionaire Tony Stark, the Avenger, Supernova.
He’d called Supernova a hooker.
Ransom looked into his glass of scotch, turning away back to the bar, snorting with laughter.
“Sorry baby, Sam called and…” Steve stopped, frowning at the look on Katie’s face. “You okay?”
“Fine.” She looked up at him, smiling and nodding towards a cosy sofa over at the other side of the bar. “You wanna go sit down over there?”
“Sure.” He nodded, picking up his glass of bourbon, he held out his free hand for her and she jumped down off the stool.
“I’d like to say it’s been a pleasure.” She snarked to the man next to her “But I don’t lie so…”
Steve frowned, wondering what had gone down whilst he’d been away. He glanced at his wife and then turned to look at the guy that was sat on the stool next to where Katie had been to see if he recognised him and did a double take. He recognised him alright, but only because he looked incredibly like him. Granted, there were a few subtle differences, but the resemblance was uncanny, to the point that at a first glance in the street, you could be fooled.
“Pal, you should keep that bitch on a leash.” Ransom spoke, his eyebrows raising and in front of him Steve stiffened.
“What did you just say?” He frowned, pulling himself up to full height.
“Seriously, man. You save the world from Nazi’s, get frozen for seventy years and then end up marrying that.” Ransom smirked, enjoying baiting the Captain “I’d ask ‘em to put you back under…”
Steve’s nostrils flared and he felt his neck getting warmer. “Don’t you dare talk about my wife like that.”
“Steve, leave it, come on.” Katie gently placed her palm on Steve’s chest. “The guy’s a complete ass hole. If brains were dynamite I doubt he’d have enough to blow his head off.”
“Well if we’re talking about blowing,” Ransom looked Katie up and down before locking onto her eyes. “You up for the job?
Katie let out a bark of a laugh, her hand still on Steve’s chest which was positively humming with anger as she turned to face Ransom, contempt etched across every single inch of her face.
“Go jerk yourself off and wipe it on a curtain like your father should have done with you.”
“I’d rather wipe it in your hair.” came the quip back.
And that was it. That was the point that Steve Rogers snapped.
There was a loud smash, the glass he was holding shattered in his grip as his fist contracted in pure anger. Katie barely had time to realise what had happened before he had stepped forward and grabbed Ransom by the front of his shirt, lifting him with ease, slamming him on the bar.
“Steve!” Katie pulled on his arm. “Baby, he really isn’t worth it, let go!”
“Captain Rogers!” Will behind the bar was desperately trying to talk him down as well “Please, don’t make me call security.”
Security! Steve wanted to snort. Like that would do any good.
“Soldier, come on.” Katie tried again, pleading to his reasonable side. “Look, we’ve had such a nice night. Don’t let him ruin it.”
Steve let out a deep breath, he wanted nothing more than to knock the asshole’s teeth down his throat, but he felt Katie’s touch on his arm and her pleading tone and he let go, shoving the man hard.
“I would tell you to apologise.” Steve snarled stepping back. His voice was steely, eyes carrying none of their usual warmth.“But I suspect it’s pointless”
“Yup.” Ransom nodded “Totally pointless.”
“Like your existence.” Katie mumbled, Ransom snorting in response. “Look, Drysdale, my manager’s told you before.” Will said, his voice laced with vexation as he shuffled from behind the bar to sweep up the glass that Steve had shattered. “Any more trouble and you’re gonna be banned.”
Ransom’s nostrils flashed angrily as he looked at the man “’I’m gonna be banned? Eat shit! He’s the one that just attacked me! He ripped my shirt!” he gestured down to where Steve had grabbed him, two tears either side of the buttons of his shirt “This is a Fendi!”
“Ransom, just shut up and apologise.” Will pressed again. “Or you’re gonna have to leave.”
“Fuck this, I was going anyway.” Ransom snarled, knocking back his drink. He stood up and pulled on a long, tan coloured camel coat before he glared at Steve then Katie “Really bad smell in here.”
Katie rolled her eyes, deciding to let him have that childish one without any fuss. But Steve didn’t.
“Close the door on your way out.”  He watched as the man stopped, took a deep breath before angrily flinging the door open, his coat flapping behind him. There was a moment’s pause before it slammed shut. 
“Sorry.” Steve turned, apologising to Will. 
“He’s a dirt bag and a cretin.” Will shrugged, as he waved the apology off. “No redeeming features whatsoever. Well, none that I’ve seen and trust me, I’ve seen him a hell of a lot.”
“Is your hand okay?” Katie asked Steve gently. She turned his right hand over to see that there were no cuts at all from the glass, which was good.
“Yeah, fine, don’t worry.” Steve looked at her, frowning. “Honey, what on Earth just happened?” He asked her softly, as she took a deep breath, blowing it out of her mouth.
“I went to the bathroom and when I came back, well, I thought he was you from behind so gave him a hug.” She shook her head “Soon as I touched him I realised I was very, very wrong. I tried to apologise and he called me a hooker.”
“A hooker?” Steve repeated, arching an eyebrow.
“Yeah, so I told him even if I was he wouldn’t be able to afford me.”
At that Will, who had been busy pouring them both another drink, laughed as he slid two short tumblers of bourbon back over to them.  “He won’t have liked that at all.”
Steve nodded his thanks to the man as Katie looked at him. “How come?” She asked.
“Well, simply put, his family one way or another are loaded, and Ransom likes to be the flash bastard if you get what I mean.”
“What do his family do?” Katie asked, “I’ve never even heard of the Drysdales.”
“His mother and father run a real Estate Company.”  Will shrugged, “A local one round Massachusetts, but you’ll have heard of his grandfather, or if you haven’t you’ve been living under a rock for the last twenty years.” “Who?” she asked.
“Harlan Thrombey, the crime fiction author.” Will replied, and Katie felt the colour drain from her face. She turned to look at Steve whose eyes had also widened, and she gave a groan.
**** Part 2
**Original Posting**
50 notes · View notes
intothewickedwood · 5 years
Once Upon A Time Rewatch: 2x12 In the Name of the Brother
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Poor Belle’s terrified. I mean I would be if I’d just been shot and some man had magically healed me.
Emma: “Gold are you insane!” Mr. Gold: “Yes, I am.” Omg. Gold be wild!  
Ngl Gold attacking Hook is kinda hott xD.
Aww, Snow looking after Belle. I would’ve liked to have seen more of their friendship. I think they would’ve really gotten on.
I love Gerhardt. He deserved better. And Victor’s father should have treated Victor better. I think the Frankenstein brothers look alike. The casting team strikes again!
Oh snap! His name is Viktor! I’ve been spelling it wrong this whole time!! And also, what language is that on his letter? I know they’re in the Land Without Color, but are they supposed to be in a certain country? Does the Land Without Color consist of every country that’s in the Land Without Magic?
Gerhardt sticking up for his bro! This is why I love him!
His father is a jerk!
A feeling of dread just crept over me. I don’t want Gerhardt to die!!
It’s weird how Rumple shows up in colour. I guess people who aren’t from that land all do. Or maybe he just used magic so he could be be super vibrant!
Was Rumple trying true loves kiss to help Belle remember there?  
Woah, that scream scared me! Poor Belle’s having the worst day!
Okay Hook, really going for the innuendos there.
I forget how powerful Gold is sometimes. He can heal major injuries in seconds! If only he were a doctor!
Yep. It seems everyone who isn’t from the lwoc appears in colour when there.
A so the land without magic does have witchcraft! Explains how Jefferson could travel there!
Yes! Rumple & Cora interaction! My otp!!
Is Cora being genuine when she says she wants Rumple to find Bae? Who can ever tell?
“Let’s seal it how we used to” *kisses Gold*
Damn. Golden hearts is so awesome! Their relationship is so unpredictable. I love it!
I wonder if Gold still has feelings for her? I headcanon he always has.
Greg has ‘Her’ on his phone. How ominous.
I freaking love these interactions between the Charmings, Ruby & Leroy! More of this please!
Whale, honey! Poor guy!
Oh man, this is awful. Poor Viktor just wanted to bring his brother back!
Cora sniffing Regina’s clothes and looking through her things will forever be extremely creepy. It just shows the level of obsession she has with Regina.
How does Cora know to imitate Henry’s voice? I guess that just goes with the spell. I’d like to know how these spells work!  
Regina’s look of terror when Cora appears.
Omg. Cora and Regina’s relationship is so complex! They love each other but with Cora it’s to the point of obsession and with Regina it’s such an unhealthy love. It’s so interesting and heart wrenching to watch!
Ah, very perceptive of Regina to realise her mother wanted her broken!
This scene! This dynamic is everything!
Whale! Poor man has no support system until Ruby comes along. He really loved his brother.  
I just found out that according to David Anders Frankenwolf was supposed to be canon! But Megan Ory’s schedule conflicted with the show!
Thank goodness Ruby was there!
Viktor’s father is so horrible. Gerhardt just wanted to protect his big brother! I needed another episode to see what happened to Gerhardt and to see the brothers reunited.
Gerhardt, no!! This is awful!  
Oh okay, so according to Ruby she is a werewolf and not a lycan.
Poor Ruby having to live with the fact that she ate Peter. That would make me feel sick. Also, I needed more Ruby-centric episodes!
Oh, so the father was like that because he never got over their mother. Maybe Viktor reminded him too much of her or Gerhardt reminded him more of her.
Here goes Cora with her manipulation game.
Cora, why don’t you give a damn about Zelena goddamn it?! She would have happily become the obedient daughter you always wanted!
Oh man Regina’s fallen for the manipulation! But I understand why, she’s probably been craving the love of an authority figure for years. Look at the way she hugs her! It’s like she’s longed to do that for so long. And of course, Cora knows that and uses that to her advantage.
Poor Gerhardt. Poor guys tormented!
Rumple you’re freaking Belle the heck out!  
“If you focus (on the cup), it will work. It’s magic.” Rumple, do you have any idea how that sounds to someone who doesn’t know they’re from the EF??
Oww! I hate needles!
“Rumplestiltskin and Captain Hook had a fight and someone got hurt. We weren’t sure if Dr. Frankenstein could fix him, but he did.”
I love the Charming family all being together like this! Emma kinda seems like Henry’s big sister, which I’m all for!
Greg is so shady.
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onyour-right · 5 years
Change of Heart
Think Maxine Shaw and Kyle Barker but instead it’s Erik Stevens and Ryan Mosley, friends turned enemies who find themselves living in the same apartment building. Will they get a second chance at friendship or will it be forever lost? Featuring the lovable T’Challa, Ororo and Simone as well as other other characters both made up and canon. 
A/N: This is the first time I’m writing Erik so feel free to let me know how I do, as long as it’s constructive criticism it’s all good. I just wanna shout-out @hoopshoney for allowing me to use her as a sounding board, lmao, I hope it’s not too shabby. Also wanna shout out my sister wife who is on my forever tag list: @oceanscorazon. Please leave a comment if you enjoyed and reblog! (Also, apologies for any grammatical errors or spelling mistakes, I’ve tried to go over it as much as I can.)
Word count: 2.3k
By the time Ryan entered the apartment that she shared with her two best-friends, Ororo and Simone, she was beyond frustrated.  As if work hadn’t been stressful enough with the several documents she hadn’t finished reading over and translating and her asshole colleagues who kept on trying her, she’d gotten home to find a moving truck in her parking space which meant she’d had to spend an additional 10 minutes going up and down the street to find somewhere else to park. It also meant that instead of the few minutes it usually took her to get out of her car and carry her heavy ass bags into the building and up to her apartment, she had to struggle with her bags for much longer. Maybe it would seem a trivial thing for her to get upset about when she looked back on it later on, but on bad days every minor inconvenience mattered. Thank goodness it was Friday and she had the whole weekend to do absolutely nothing.
As soon as she shut the door behind her, Ryan dropped her bags onto the wooden floor and slipped off her black work heels that gave her a few more inches – not that she really needed them though, she was tall enough on her own – before moving towards the kitchen to get herself a much needed drink.
She could hear the faint, contrasting voices of conversation coming from the other room and her whole body relaxed at the realisation her girls were already home and they could all bitch and catch up on each other’s day. Perhaps it was her frustration and weariness making her emotional, but she was hit by a sudden surge of warm affection for her two friends. Although Ryan was blessed with a big family which she definitely loved, ever since the death of her eldest brother the relationship between her and her siblings could be quite tense and sometimes left her feeling alone. It was at college that she met Simone and Ororo and slowly but surely they started to heal a part of her that had been left unfulfilled for quite some time. But it was something they all did for each other and a big reason why they all moved in together a year after graduating college. 
“Hey,” Ryan greeted them as she walked into the kitchen, offering both her friends who were seated at the table in the middle of the room a quick smile. They were both still dressed up from work just like she was, which made it obvious to her that they probably hadn’t gotten in any sooner than she had. Simone was dressed in a classy black and grey pants suit, with her black braids pulled back into a simple ponytail and Ororo in an elegant grey sheath dress, with her long, white hair tumbling down passed her shoulders.
“Hey girl” “Hey boo,” they both replied in unison.
“How was work?” Simone asked, but after noticing the poorly concealed irritation on her friend’s face quickly added, “Damn, your face look mad as hell, what happened to you?”
Ryan let out an inelegant snort at her friend’s brutal honesty, heading to the refrigerator and pulling out a bottle of wine as she started to recount her day.
 “…. and then I pull up outside and some moving truck is in my space, so I – ” she paused suddenly mid-sentence, her face scrunching up like she’d just came to some kind of internal revelation, “Wait, do y’all know who’s moving in? Because I haven’t heard anythin’.”
Simone’s eyes widened slightly at Ryan’s question and she turned her head away, both her brows raised and her bottom lip twisting into an expression that could only be described as ‘yikes’. Ryan just about caught the brief but meaningful look Simone then exchanged with Ororo.  She narrowed her eyes suspiciously as she glanced over at her white-haired friend, who had half her face damn near buried in a mug of something – probably coffee, given how obsessed with it ‘Ro was –  as if hoping there was a way for her to crawl inside.
“What is going on with y’all?” Ryan probed, the bewilderment clear in her voice as her eyes darted back and forth between the two of them. They usually only acted secretive like this for two reasons: either they were trying to surprise her, or they had bad news to deliver and didn’t know how to rip the band aid off.  
Ororo finally pulled her head away from the mug, feigning an expression of deep thought as she hummed and then clicked her tongue. “I have no clue, Ry, you might wanna ask SiSi though.”
Following her friend’s words Ryan turned to Simone expectantly, a hand resting on her hip as she waited. She was aware she probably looked a lot like her late grandma in that moment but she was beginning to lose what little patience she had left. All she wanted to do was have a glass of wine, eat some fast food and crash out on the sofa watching some trashy reality show that didn’t require too much brain cells to follow the story-line.  
“You ain’t shit, ‘Ro,” Simone murmured under her breath, shooting a quick scowl in the other woman’s direction before clearing her throat and turning to her impatient friend. “Okay, listen. Uh, here’s the thing. Promise you ain’t gonna get mad though?”
Ryan rolled her eyes. “I’m not promising shit, come on with it already.”
“Okay, fine. Fine,” Simone placated. “You remember T’Challa talkin’ about how he’s been looking for a roommate for months now and couldn’t find anyone? Well, uh… he’s found someone.”
Ryan blinked, opened her mouth to speak and then quickly shut it again. Was that it? Don’t get her wrong, she absolutely adored T’Challa and he was a great friend to her, but why Ororo and Simone thought she’d be so affected by it that they had to be communicate with secretive looks had her feeling even more confused. If any one of them was going to have a meltdown over someone else sharing T’Challa’s space it would be Ororo; those two were head over heels for each other but were also both completely blind to the other’s infatuation. Ridiculous.
“… Good for him?” Ryan responded uncertainly, her thoughts beginning to race as she went over the whole conversation again.  Maybe she was missing something that was painfully obvious?  
“It’s his cousin Erik,” Ororo suddenly blurted out, throwing her hands up as if she was apparently unable to take the slow progression of the conversation anymore. “T’s cousin Erik is moving in with him today and that’s why there’s a moving truck outside.”  
All Ryan could do was stare. She didn’t want to say she hated Erik Stevens because hate was a very strong word that she didn’t like throwing around, but she definitely couldn’t stand him. It had started when the three women had been freshmen in college and had met Erik, T’Challa and W’Kabi, who were a couple years older and went to a completely different college, at a house party. Initially they’d all been cool and had soon started hanging out after that, but then something went down between herself and Erik that made them incapable of being in the other’s presence without getting into heated arguments and trading hurtful insults. Because of that even though most of them were still cool with each other it had been ages since they last all hung out. A part of Ryan still felt extremely guilty about that.
Wordlessly she moved towards the glass cabinet, picking up one of her extra-large wine glasses she’d bought a few months back in some random sale and pouring herself a generous amount of wine. She would be calm about this.
Ryan turned back to her friends who were watching her reaction carefully, slowly she began to take a sip of her wine. “How long?”
“How long is he staying at T’s place?” Simone asked.
“How long have y’all known and not said shit to me?” Ryan clarified, pinning both her friends down with a glare.
Ororo got up from her seat at the table and moved towards her friend, ready to embrace her. She was very much the affectionate mother of the group; always offering hugs, always making sure the other two women were taken care of, regularly cooking for them not because she had to but because it was just in her nature. “It’s not like that Ry, it’s just…” she trailed off and looked at Simone for some support.
“It’s just that whenever he’s brought up it really seems to fuck with your whole mood.  We didn’t know how you’d react to him moving into the same goddamn building as us.”
Ryan pursed her lips petulantly. She couldn’t come up with a slick answer to retort back with because she knew her friends had a point. She’d be lying to herself if she said her chest hadn’t gotten heavy just at the mention of his name alone, or if knowing that Erik was in such close proximity to her hadn’t got her stomach feeling all unsettled.
But what exactly could she do about it now? It was done and she’d grown up since the last time she’d seen him, there was no reason why she wouldn’t be able to act civilised if she ever ran into him. She found herself shrugging, “It’s cool, I guess.”
“Ryan…” Ororo sighed, both her expression and her tone stating that she didn’t believe a word that came out of her friend’s mouth.
“Ororo…” Ryan replied, mimicking her tone. “I’m over it, it’ll be fine.”
Before anyone could say anything further, a series of heavy knocks on the front door filled the apartment and pulled them away from the semi-serious conversation. Ryan broke out into a small smile and squeezed Ororo’s arm in reassurance before putting her wine glass down. “I’ll go see who that is,” she announced, a little too relieved at the opportunity to leave the conversation.
Maybe it was the goddamn parcel she’d ordered over a week ago that had finally arrived. 
It was not. 
Ryan was completely taken aback at the sight that met her when she opened the door. She guessed the saying definitely must be true: ‘speak of the Devil and he will appear’. Erik N’jadaka Stevens stood opposite her, and looking infuriatingly attractive in a simple grey v neck shirt and a pair of jeans. It was weird, she thought, he’d changed so much since the last time she’d seen him and yet he hadn’t changed that much at all. He was still just as tall and well-built as he always had been, still just as beautifully striking with eyes so intense it made people want to squirm under his gaze. The only real changes to him were the keloid markings that covered his arms and his hair that had grown into locs styled in a fresh looking fade.
It seemed like Erik was just as shocked to see Ryan as she was to see him, if the way his mouth parted and his brown eyes roamed over her figure were any indication. After a few minutes of neither of them speaking he cleared his throat, breaking the silence with the deep and enticing voice of his. “I uh, I ain’t expect to see you here.”
Ryan thought she could detect a hint of uncertainty in his voice but she quickly dismissed it, Erik and uncertainty weren’t two things that went together. She tilted her head to one side as she watched him, a brow raising in disbelief at his words. She just knew he wasn’t trying to insinuate that T’Challa hadn’t told him she lived here. Not only that, but /that/ was what he was choosing to open with? After it had been so long since they’d last been face to face?
“You didn’t expect to see me in my own apartment?”
Erik huffed out a sigh, his face scrunching up a little as it dawned on him just how his words might have come across. “Nah, that ain’t what I meant, what I meant was- ” he paused, taking his time as he searched for the right words. “I just thought Ororo or SiSi would answer.”
Clearly those weren’t the right words to say however, because it only served in making Ryan even more confused and agitated. Maybe it was the wine, maybe it was the shitty day she’d had, maybe it was the combination of both those things, but it meant she couldn’t keep the bite out of her voice when she replied. “Uh huh. So my presence in my own apartment isn’t good enough for you? Thanks, Stevens.”
Ryan could tell Erik was also beginning to get irritated from the way his nostrils flared and his body tensed up, like he was prepping himself up for an attack. “Look, I ain’t come down here to deal with all this attitude from you, I - ”
“/My/ attitude?!” Ryan repeated as she cut him off, a scoff leaving her mouth at the boldness this man had, thinking he could say stupid shit and she wouldn’t check him for it. “Y’know what, I’m way too tired for this, be gone spawn of Satan,” she snapped, slamming the door in his face and preventing him from saying anything else.  She was absolutely seething, who did this negro think he was?!
All the noise brought Ororo and Simone rushing into the living room and looking between the door and their best friend, concern on their faces as they both spoke over the other trying to find out what had just gone on. “Girl who was that?” “What happened?”
Unable to find the appropriate words to express how frustrated she was in the moment, Ryan threw her hands up in the air while letting out a loud, disgruntled grumble. She ignored the looks on her friend’s faces as she marched into the kitchen to finish off the rest of the bottle of wine. 
Perhaps she wasn’t as over the whole Erik situation as she’d thought.  
// end
64 notes · View notes
merlinficreview · 7 years
Accidental Memory in the Case of Death Review Part 2!
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Accidental Memory in the Case of Death by derryere
Word Count 74987
We open this part with a Magical Paragraph Break: “(day four)”
The Royal family is having some sort of party or something and Merlin is super busy doing servant stuff. He approaches Arthur, who is talking to some stranger bitch Earl, with a tray of drinks. “And it's simple happiness, a bit stupid in its nature but also brilliant, not to be helped, and the sort that feels like he'll never get over this, over this mad urge to jump, to be silly like pulling faces and dancing foolishly but at the same time pretend he's not bothered whenever Arthur is near.” How freaking cute.
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The two of them spend the evening stealing touches and glances and it’s a little careless because they could easily get caught. Then they both get spectacularly drunk and end up in Arthur’s bed rooms. It’s amazing they weren’t seen.
Back to the present: Anthony is at the library; he’s been studying up on his past self.
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The rest of him is completely falling apart. He’s starting fights and behaving pretty promiscuously. Now I’m not saying promiscuity is a bad thing, but sometimes it is a sign of some deeply serious, not ok shit and that’s clearly what’s going on here.
Even Anthony’s selectively invalid mother has noticed something is up. “’I'm worried,’ his mother says, quietly one day when he's on the couch, pressing a frozen pizza to his face. He doesn't hear her and so she urges with a firm, ‘Tony.’ And another, ‘Anthony. Anthony!’ Anthony blinks at her, then, and there's a lump in his throat at the realisation he'd been expecting a different name—has, even in his own head—stopped referring to himself as himself.” Anthony has even started having the people he picks up at bars call him Arthur. This is important for later.
So Anthony picks up a girl and they are about to have sex in a parked car when they realize they have no condoms. She makes Anthony get out to go find some. Yay! Practice safe sex kids!
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Of course the store he finally stumbles into is the one Emory works at, “Emory looks at him, quiet and unmoving, eyes wide. It's been weeks. All at once his heart is thudding upward, blocking his throat, and he breaks out in a clammy, cold sweat and it's almost like a fever, this boy. The sight of Emory washing over like a quiet disease and Anthony wants out, he wants out of there, gone from the shop, barely even cares anymore about the girl—stupid condoms, fucking condoms, who the fuck even cares and who— ‘Where d'you keep the condoms?’ he finishes, willing his voice into something cool—smoothing out the tremble, pulling himself straighter, thinking—I don't have to care.”
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Smooth, bro.
“Emory doesn't say anything at first. He just stares, looking a little tired but otherwise fine, and there's nothing of annoyance or anger in his face as he takes in Anthony—scans his face, then replies with a frowningly admonished, ‘You look like shit.’ Anthony's temper flares at this, and his retort is an immediate, ‘Fuck you.’” That’s nice.
Emory tells Anthony to follow him but he doesn’t. “Emory reaches back, takes his hand. Anthony discovers he is that easy, as every resolve or any coherent thought crumbles at its foundations, then collapses when Emory pulls him along, his grip cold from the cool cartons and his fingers long, digging softly into the back of his Anthony's hand. He feels faintly sick, wants to pull away, still very much wants to want—bitter over weeks alone (though he wasn't alone), over a rejection (though he can't say it wasn't justified), bitter over being bitter in the first place, frustrated with himself and his own haplessness.” Anthony really took that, “we aren’t friends,” thing pretty hard. It’s interesting that this caused Anthony to go down such a spiral. Anthony could have reached out to Emory at any time and attempted to be friends with him. I’m not saying that Emory would have or had to accept, but Anthony could have put in a little more of an effort if it was going to affect him this much.
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Emory takes Anthony back to his apartment and I think we can could this as a Subtle Clue Emory is also Sort of Losing His Shit over the Whole Situation because he just up and leaves work. He doesn’t even bother telling anyone this time. That’s not normal.
Anyways, Emory immediately just goes and lays down on his mattress which is a little strange because I’m not sure what Emory was expecting to do when they got to his place. Anthony is equally confused and starts wandering around opening cabinets and such. Sure.
“’You're not like him.’ He looks away, a nail scratching a restless tune along the seam of his jeans. ‘Just so you know. You're not like him at all.’ Emory props himself up on his elbows, giving Anthony a mild, questioning look. ‘He used to have things,’ Anthony continues. ‘He—had things.’ Flopping back down with a huff, Emory replies with a murmured, ‘I have things.’  ‘You don't have things. You have . . . I don't know. But he made things. Used to make these little . . . wooden figurine things, of birds. Had them up on his shelves. He had things.’ Emory, giving a quick look and a laugh, says, ‘Oh, he didn't make those.’” Haha this made me laugh. Way to drop that beloved dead boyfriend bomb there, Emory.  
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“’Yeah. That was, like, a spell.’ He gives a fraction of a smile, adds, ‘Just couldn't get over the stupid look on your bloody face whenever he showed you them. So I sort of pretended I—‘ he stops. Catches himself, the smile disappearing as he scrambles to correct, ‘He, he pretended. They. Not—I meantthey. He. He . . . shit.’”
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Poor Emory. He sort of freaks out a little bit about the slip and I don’t blame him. He tries so hard to separate himself from Merlin but he’s finding it harder and harder and probably feels like he’s starting to lose his identity. Other than that, it’s cute that Merlin did that for Arthur.
Anthony goes over to Emory and they have some more awkward frottage and call each other by their past names again. “’Why do you—‘ is Anthony's snatch of coherency, murmured wet and drowsy to the fabric of Emory's shirt, ‘—keep doing—this, Merlin, why do you—why can't you—‘ And Emory, closed-eyed and feverish to the side of his face, mouthing to his brow—his eyelid—a continuous mantra of, ‘I'm sorry—sorry—Arthur, fuck, I'm so—sorry—I'm—‘” I find that exchange kind of sad. 
In the morning, “It's comfortable and wonderfully familiar for a long time. There are mumbled words between them of today and patrol, of training, of how long can we stay in bed? and the humming, non-committal answers that come in reply. And then, then there is silence, a stretching, easy silence that allows for a slow realisation. The misplacement of their words starts to get to them, to sink in, the times and their surroundings, their names, even—and as Emory begins to stiffen in Anthony's hold, Anthony tries to subtly extract himself from it.” Well that’s hella fucking depressing, damn.
Anthony awkwardly gets ready to leave and Emory asks him to lunch, “Anthony stares. ‘But we're not friends,’ he says before thinking, but finds that even if he didn't mean to say it, it is a fair remark.” Damn, Anthony. He agrees to go anyways.
Magical Paragraph Break: “(day five)”
This scene takes place following the big feast after falling asleep together in Arthur’s room. They talk about how bad they were the night before. That’s what I said! There’s also a maid who comes into the room at one point. I wonder if their relationship is like an open secret at this point because Merlin doesn’t wake up fully when the maid is there and start freaking out like I would expect.
“’Tell me,’ Merlin says, later, a bit distanced as he dips a finger in and out and around Arthur's navel, ‘something you like about me.’ Arthur smiles, strokes back Merlin's damp hair from his temples. ‘A thing that I like about you,’ he says, ‘is how you bump into stuff.’ A thoughtful pause. Then, ‘All the time.’ ‘That's a very wrong answer,’ Merlin tells him, propping his chin on Arthur's chest. ‘Very. Now give me at least ten things you like about me.’”
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Ahaha that’s cute and Merlin’s reaction is exactly what I would say. They start having sexytimes and then there’s an abrupt shift to the present day with no break in the text.
Anthony is at Emory’s apartment and when he gets inside he notices how happy Emory is and thinks about how, up until this point, he’s never seen Emory genuinely smile. Poor Emory.
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So Emory is super excited and tells Anthony he has to show him something. Emory tells Anthony he fell when skateboarding and was able to stop time. Then he shows Anthony that he can move things, knocking over a salt shaker, telling Anthony he has magic. “’Not really that surprising though, is it? I mean, he had it. So. I guess . . .’ Emory's smile fades a little, hardens a bit around the edges. ‘But I'm not him, am I? This is new for me. I've never done this. It's special, yeah. For me.’”
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Damn it, Anthony. What is wrong with you? That is 100% the wrong thing to say. Anthony sort of half assedly smooths things over, then they had out for lunch.
While they are walking, Emory asks Anthony about his bike. Anthony tells him that it was his dad’s and his mother doesn’t like him taking the bike out. “’The magic thing.’ And then, to clarify his snatch of thought, ‘It is pretty cool.’ The grin Emory flashes him is brilliant, his walk losing some of its cool as he straightens up to look at Anthony with a proud tilt to his shoulders. ‘It is,’ he concurs, grandly, and Anthony can only shake his head—amused and despairing of the both of them.” Good job, Anthony. Should have said it twenty minutes ago but better late than never, I guess.
While they eat, they play a game guessing how various people they knew from their past lives would react to modern things. It’s a cute game. Then they talk a little bit about Anthony’s father dying in a car crash. Normal depressing first date conversation, you know.
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Behind the scenes fun: this gif isn’t quite what I was looking for but damn Leo DiCaprio looks pretty here so this is what you’re getting.
“’It's not fair,’ he says abruptly, quite out of nowhere. Emory doesn't move, unsure what Anthony is referring to, and so he continues. ‘That you get the magic. What do I get?’ He toes a loose brick sticking out of the curb. ‘A bunch of memories. Yeah. Fat load of good that does me.’ ;That's not true.’ Emory grins, swaying back against the pole. ‘I can assure you, you've many charming qualities in common.’” Way to be bitter, Anthony. Also, this is why I like Emory, he understands Anthony is upset and attempts to make him feel better. Anthony rarely picks up on it when Emory isn’t doing well.
When they get to the apartment, Emory asks Anthony to tell him something he remembers and it’s pretty funny. Anthony mentions the time Arthur asked Merlin for help picking out a birthday present for Gwen after they were married, “’Somehow, yeah,’ he smiles, quirking his brows. ‘I'm not sure exactly why, it probably had to do with that hidden stash of ale you—he, he was always keeping under his bed, but we came up with this idea that—that she'd like something that would make her laugh. Something funny.’ ‘Oh, god,’ Emory starts laughing, clearly remembering, covering his face with a hand. ‘Yep. A royal, golden chamber pot’" He shakes his head at himself. ‘Engraved. With her name.’ ‘So stupid,’ is Emory's muffled reaction, mumbled into his palm. ‘Gwen, naturally, completely missed the highly intellectual metaphor inviting her to feel at home in her new . . . well, home, but . . . ‘ he trails off. ‘God, that one backfired properly, didn't it?’ ‘She thought the chamber pot reminded him of her,’ Emory tells him, dropping his hand. ‘Engraved.’”
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Then shit gets real depressing real fast, “’He married Guinevere,’ Emory says in a small, low voice. ‘Yes,’ Anthony says, sinking back into seriousness. ‘He did.’ It hangs between them for a while, Emory mulling it over and Anthony feeling hapless somehow. ‘And he and . . . ‘ Emory begins, pauses. Puffs, frustrated, and continues. ‘After that, the both of them, they never . . .’  ‘I know.’ ‘But why did . . .’ ‘I don't know,’ is Anthony's mumbled reply. ‘It's all . . . fragmented, Emory. I don't know.’ ‘It must've been really bad.’ Emory bunches his shoulders, crosses his arms. ‘What happened between them.’ Anthony looks at him, looks at him for a long moment before chancing to voice his thoughts—eventually doing it quietly, carefully. ‘Or maybe they just came to their senses.’ Emory freezes visibly. His eyes harden on Anthony, a dark, angry flush spreading up his pale throat. ‘Their senses?’ he repeats, quiet and dangerous, an incredulous lightness to his tone.”
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YIKES. I don’t know how Anthony consistently says the wrong thing. Every. Single. Time.
This starts a HUGE argument between the two of them about how hard it was for their past selves to not be together. Anthony tries to defend himself, blurring the lines between him and Arthur. Emory comforts him. It’s pretty sad.
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That’s it for this review. There’s some pretty heavy shit that goes down during these sections and I’m sorry I couldn’t leave it on a higher note. I was looking ahead and the Day Six section with the following modern day section is pretty long so I didn’t want to try and squeeze it into this review. Anyways, yeah sad and depressing stuff happened but I like it in a weird sort of way. It fits in really well with the narrative. The whole Arthur married Gwen thing tends to be super glossed over in other reincarnation fics. I like that Emory brought it up and that it wasn’t all flowers and candy because you know Merlin wouldn’t have just been cool with stepping aside while the love of his life married someone else. Arthur wouldn’t have just been fine abandoning Merlin either. It was interesting to see it carried over to the present day and how much it still upsets Emory even though he spends so much time defending how he isn’t Merlin. I think it’s also interesting to see their realities continue to fracture as they delve deeper and deeper into their past lives. I like that Emory has magic too. I had actually completely forgotten about that until rereading it. I know I pick on some of Anthony’s reactions to Emory and how he’s always doing the wrong thing but at the same time, it’s a real reaction. It also fits in with how we know Arthur’s behavior. What makes it even better is Emory’s reactions when Anthony is upset. He’s very caring and able to put himself aside for Anthony. This is also true to the Merlin character. I just love this fic, guys.
Until next time:
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14 notes · View notes
Netjuu no Susume 2 - 3 | Black Clover 2 | Classicaloid 28 | Juuni Taisen 2 - 3 | Code: Realise 2 | Houseki no Kuni 2
I lost Classicaloid after episode 28…good thing I had Girls’ Last Tour on tap. (See Houseki no Kuni’s simulcast commentary for more details on that.)
Netjuu no Susume 2
Aw, I’m not really one for romances, but once again, these guys are making me warm and fuzzy on the inside. Hayashi and his cry emote really get to me – I love bishies who aren’t gung-ho macho.
Sakurai has an email from Comico! LOL!
I’m with Lilac on this love story, LOL.
“Sakura-chan”!!! Oh, it’s so cute. It also probably explains why Sakurai = Lily, eh?
This isn’t a manga, it’s an online manga. Same diff, Hime-chan.
If you pause at Moriko’s email, you’ll see it’s riddled full of keigo (polite language).
Sakurai Yuuta voiced by Sakurai Takahiro, LOL. Didn’t notice that the first time around.
It’s staying on, even if for just warm fuzzies.
Netjuu no Susume 3
I’m hearing the OP for the first time and…it’s actually pretty good! It fits the entire cute aesthetic of the show.
Irina was only just talking about this.
I’ve heard people call Moriko Morimori-chan across the ‘net and I didn’t understand it until Koiwai said it just then. Nicknames mean you’re uber close in Japanese terms.
I had the volume on while Koiwai and Morimori-chan (LOL) had their chat and I couldn’t hear her cry. So much for Mamiko Noto being a top-notch seiyuu, eh?
LOL, Koiwai’s so fun as a character.
Eyyyyyyyyyy. This green counter boy is probably Kanbe. You can tell by the hair colour!
Is Li-chan Lilac or Lily?
LOL, the Rose of Versailles parody is too good.
A…dog PUG? Apparently not. Never played WoW, of course I wouldn’t know the term.
Oh, I preempted the show’s caption. These sorts of captions were used in Superstar wa Nemurenai too, so this feels nostalgic in a sense.
I know the feel, Lily. I’ve been in online arguments before (you’ll see in previous simulcast commentaries I cite the magicalgirlsandcerulean one a lot).
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! These too-cute-for-this-world characters steal my heart againnnnnnnnnnn!
Interesting that Nico is called just that in the credits.
Black Clover 2
That very scribbly handwriting appears to be…English. Mostly correct English, to boot.
Someone decided on sakuga this ep, it seems…
Okay, I think I’ve had enough echo reverb for a lifetime. That’s going on hold.
Classicaloid 28
Ah, the new OP. Same song, Dovo-chan + “Wataru”, a few new staff…but otherwise, same old, same old. That’s what I like.
Oh, I almost missed the sign that says “Place all used tableware in the sink – Kanae”. Thanks, subbers.
Huh. The word “respect” is teinei, which technically means “politeness”. But “respect” works better in context, I guess.
Sometimes, Beet says things that actually make sense + are quotable. Get me some quotes of this man (LOL).
This shopping list stuff, if it isn’t something you’ve done for your family already, is normally something for kids in Japan as part of fostering independence. So, I think Wa-kun’ll be the winner here.
Garland chysanthemum is the only one of these I’m unfamiliar with. Apparently in Japanese, it’s called shingiku, which would correspond to those kanji I saw on the shopping list.
Why is Dovo-chan going with Wa-kun? (LOL?)
There’s a coffee shop called Mogura (mole) behind Liszt in one scene.
Wa-kun reminds me a lot of the Beppus (Boueibu). Seriously, we need a comparison of those three.
Symphony No. 7. The Allegretto seems to be stirring some memory in me, but I can’t seem to detect what particularly or why it does. However, Wikipedia does note Wagner liked it. In fact, Wagner admired it.
Yup, Pad-kun. That’s (the bit about “apotheosis of dance”) the bit Wikipedia says.
I think the hippo -> idiot joke works better in Japanese (kaba -> baka, it’s a reversal of syllables).
See? Wa-kun is like the Beppus! Lookit that boy blush.
How does one spell “yeah” anyway? I swear I’ve seen 2 or 3 variants of the word alone…
Oh, Schu-san wasn’t around this episode. He got taken away by the kite strings like last time, come to think of it. Admittedly, I think I liked Schu better when he wasn’t a rapper, although apparently this time he’s going to go into reggae, judging by the rasta cap he had in the OP.
Ohh, a goukon I see. It’s translated as “singles’ party”, but…well, let’s say it’s a little more complicated than that. “Singles’ party” translates sufficiently, but goukon have certain connotations to them that make them uniquely goukon, much like sushi needs vinegared rice to be sushi, anime needs to be at least partially made in Japan and so on.
Juuni Taisen 2
I think Nezumi being sleepy is a pun (neru -> to sleep).
Oh, hey. They do look like the Justice League.
By the by, this OP is called “Rapture”. Not “Rupture”, even though that would sound more appropriate in some contexts.
The CGI models at the end of the OP look like figures. Either I give you my money for good quality versions of those or you…shouldn’t waste your time, Graphinica. (Especially the Tatsumi bros.)
The title of this episode literally translates to “chicken cry, dog steal”. I dunno what idiom’s behind it, so I’ll leave that to the subbers.
Well, a manhole is one way to lay low…
“Old Timer”. Good pun there.
Knowing the Beppus, I’d say the Tatsumi was talking about his bro and not Inou.
Well, that was a bit too much blood. Good thing is wasn’t as bad as King’s Game.
Finally, an Ume show I can really kick back and not worry about! Young Black Jack and a lot of shows I go into for Ume are normally shams or locked out by licensing, so I’m finally psyched to get a proper Ume show to back.
Uuma walking through the turnstiles was…pretty funny, actually. (LOL.)
How does one out-crazy Rabbit, with his high heels and booty shorts???
Well, as they say, when an unstoppable object meets an unmoving force, kaboom! (Or…something like that…)
According to the manga, Dotsuku was a teacher. Can you really imagine that though? Dotsuku, a teacher??? Of little kids???
Note Niwatori is shown with science things. She must know some stuff about Dotsuku’s poisons too, although she probably didn’t expect them. Update: Read ahead, and let’s say I’m right about one thing and wrong about another.
I wonder which Tatsumi bro is the NEET and which is the gambler…
Rabbit home boy’s too good, but Ushii and his fluffy jacket are better.
Nezumi and Twelve Mart, LOL.
Juuni Taisen 3
I read up on some spoilers for this…so I’m only just keeping abreast of some of you guys out there. However, the TV Tropes page notes that the OP shows who the winner of the Taisen is if you pay close attention…
Ugh, I love Nezumi and Ushii too much. Mah Ume-boy is good as gold – this is a step up, considering I’ve started some very bad anime because of Ume-chan – but even though I don’t know Shun Horie very well, I like me a bishie like that too! (Horie’s a tad quiet, but otherwise he’s pretty good too.)
It was much clearer that Niwatori was affected by the One Man Army even during her meetup with the Monkey in the manga, so…yeah. I’ll give it that much.
Silly name of “Cockscomb” aside, that’s the name of Niwatori’s spading fork. Cockscomb.
I’m properly listening to the OP and ED for the first time, but I like the ED more than the OP. Probably because the Justice League is funny but the ED’s casual stuff is better.
Oh, there’s a post-credits scene. Keep watching.
Oh, that’s…pretty powerful stuff, Niwatori. Wowee, Juuni Taisen’s got the mark of a high ranker, from its staff to its OP and ED quality. Tough competition this season, as I keep saying.
“Even a monkey can fall from a tree.” – That’s a kotowaza meaning “Even experts fail sometimes”, which is an important adage for this show.
Sharyuu was taught by sages, so that comment is interesting, Duodecuple…or Horse…or whoever’s narrating this.
The pun in the next ep title is something to do with the word saru (monkey). Noting that saseru is a thing in Japanese, maybe saru is a shortened form of that Nisio Isin wanted to cash in on…?
Update: I finally figured out Dotsuku’s pun! Make the tsu smaller, give the ku a tenten and you have…the katakana pronunciation for dog!
Code:Realise 2
Get me a man like Impey and I’ll be set for life, LOL.
“If you touch me, you’ll melt.” – The juxtaposition of Cardia’s sadness with a punchline makes for something very interesting, indeed.
Saint??? Is that his first name or his title?
These ornaments on Finis and the queen – the pseudo-Chinese or Japanese ones – stand out a bit compared to all the steampunk stuff.
Oh, dearie me. The cars and carriages in this are CGI and it shows.
“…Baron Gilford Dudley and party.” – LOL.
“He loves his food too.” – I’d assume ths subject of this is Sisi, but the way this sentence was framed made it sound like Impey loves his food too. Which seems to be true, since Impey likes cooking.
These really bright scenes are kinda sudden. They don’t quite work with the rest of the show, and that’s because they’re probably stills you collect in the game.
I keep thinking this dude with the guns is Fran. Geez, it’s quite the bad case of Six Same Faces…however, this one has purple eyes while Fran’s are green.
C’mon! Stockinged legs aren’t that indecent, Lupin. I know you run by Victorian London standards, but still.
Okayyyyyyyyy. Vampire hunter fits the theme of historical fictional bishies, but…you really don’t imagine Van Helsing to look like this. Just sayin’.
The glowy blood was probably unnecessary…
I feel like I should put this on hold, just to be on the safe side. That means the lineup is settled. I’ll update the sheet when I can...eesh though. There’s some tough competition this season…
Houseki no Kuni 2
The two moons are a nice touch.
This OP is way cool. It’s such a visual spectacle.
By the way, I’ve heard good things about Girls’ Last Tour so I may binge it next month (November) and it may even challenge for one of the top spots.
Uh, cleavage? Not to use a dirty joke here, but gems are androgynous. They have no cleavage, so to speak.
Oh, Dia’s fighting style is like baseball. I see.
Huh. I should really write about identity and belonging in this series. Dia’s a really interesting character, pretty much denying their own name and nature because they see Bort as the “true diamond”.
“…tried to lend a hand.” – Oh, the irony of you missing a hand, Dia.
Notice Phos is still holding Dia’s hand as she talks with Jade and Euc.
Holy snails, Batman! Arima (Boueibu) wouldn’t like this for sure…
Wow, this truly is a new innovation in anime. Certainly, traditional animation can’t do this.
Wowee, this ED is something else. As I said, it’s tough competition this season. Girls’ Last Tour may even just miss out for the ground-breaking nature of this show alone, even though Kado is its precedent 3D-wise (and on the 3D front, I accepted that very well).
0 notes
bublp0pr · 7 years
I started a fanfic idea, which quickly expanded out of hand into more full-length fanfiction level. Then i get interrupted by things like ‘not starving to death’ so i have to prepare and eat dinner and whatever. By the time i get back to it, momentum is lost ;_; 
It’s not complete, fleshed out or edited. But it’s half interesting so i wanted to post it somewhere.
Frisk won’t back down. Neither will Undyne. Both are too stubborn for their own good, stuck in a stalemate with Undyne attacking and Frisk sparing.
Frisk is instinctually a natural at Undyne’s form of sparring and flourishes in the battle. This only annoys her more. Another rally of spear shaped bullets shoot at them. Another rally of spear shaped bullets are perfectly dodged. Frisk grins as the small 20HP value at the corner of their vision. Both are secretly enjoying this.
“Just fight me already you punk!” “Ohhhhh no!!! I’m not giving you the satisfaction, you fish!” “I can do this all day!” “Then keep ‘em coming lady!” “You’ll NEVER spare me!!!” “Trust me, when this is over I’m going to spare you so hard, you’ll be grateful to me for the rest of your life!” “Ngggggahhhhh!” “Rraaaarrgghhh!
~3 1/2 hours later~
Frisk is leaning against their spear, swaying side to side to avoid the bullets, now only moving at the speed of a leisurely stroll. Undyne’s armour is covered in sweat, moving up and down with her ragged panting. She’s taken off the arm guards and other unessentials, with only a chest plate remaining for real defence.
“Surrender *huff* your soul *huff* to me, human... This is *huff* your last chance.” She croaks. “*huff huff* Never!!” Frisk barks with short breath.
She holds back her next attack.
“What... *huff* What’s WRONG with you?” “What’s wrong with *huff* YOU??”
“Just DIE already!!”
A spear flies at them with an unexpected startling speed. Frisk parries it with their own stick without even turning around.
“Just accept my MERCY already!”
“Hell no!” “Same to you pal!”
Undyne lowers her weapon, walking closer to them. She looks down solemnly for a moment. Frisk leans back in relief. Finally! They spare her again. When I’m done with this, forget testing to find a better ending, i’m overwriting my save file. Undyne closes her eyes and clenches her fists.
The battlefield is quiet.
“You’re standing in the way of everyone’s hopes and dreams...” She whispers, a blue light slowly emerging from her. “I don’t CARE if you want to fight me or not.” The wind starts howling. “For the sake of monster kind...” The light grows brighter as dozens of spears conjure behind her. “I WILL NOT GIVE UP!!!”
Frisk sighs, weakly standing up straight again. They eat a Nice Cream while she powers up. It’s unnecessary as they’re at 20HP but the sugar helps wake them up atleast.
“Here we go again...”
Despite the revival, both sides are still obviously exhausted.
“YOU’LL... *huff* NEVER... *huff* ESCAPE.... *huff* ME!!!” She screams, her voice cracking at points from over-exertion.
Frisk glares at the warrior in a weary daze. They wobble in place and laugh with a minor hysteria, a crazy idea forming. “Yeah?!” The place a hand on their hip and tilt in place. “Just WATCH ME!”
With blatant disregard for the spears Undyne throws at her, they strut off the battle field in the direction of Snowdin.
“Get... Get BACK HERE! You little...” But Undyne is too tired to chase after them and trips over her boots.
“…Don’t think I’m not sparing you! You ginger devil-eyed freak of nature! When I come back, I’m going to spare you into next week!!! You won’t know what hit you!” Frisk calls behind their shoulder, meandering away like a drunk zombie.
They pause. 
“And... make sure to take care of yourself, okay?”
A crab apple and a bottle of slightly warm sea tea is tossed to next to Undyne. She rolls over on the ground and stares at the food in disbelief. Even running away, they’re STILL going on with that goody two shoes schtick?!
She spits at their direction.
...then takes the bottle and apple quickly. She’s stubborn, yes, but she’d rather get stabbed a thousand times in the chest than die such a pathetic death as drying out on a piece of rock.
“Stupid human.” She grunts.
Frisk takes periodic breaks to catch their breath as they hike back through Waterfall.
By the time they reach Sans sentry post it’s all they can do not to collapse right there and slip unconscious.
“woah. hey, are you o-” They spoke too soon.
There’s a thump as Sans hauls himself over the sentry counter and catches Frisk before they hit the ground. “kid...?” Frisk can’t hear them. They mumble some nonsense softly with a small wave of their arms and then drift into sleep.
They wake up in a dog bed. It’s too small for them, yet somehow they’ve positioned themselves so that they can fit on the round cushiony platform. Tossing aside surprisingly soft and warm layers of blankets, they look around. I’m in Papyrus’ shed. They realise in shock.
“No... no no no NO… I haven’t reloaded have i?” Frisk moans, stretching out. Unfolding their legs ruins the delicate balance of the resting pose and they fall out of the bed in a heap.
There’s a note on the floor. Face still pressed against the ground, Frisk stretches an arm to reach it.
hey, kid.
you uh, really rattled me there. collapsing like that. don’t tell me you’re falling for me so soon after my bro dumped ya? heheh.
tibia honest, just glad you both made it outa there in one piece. if y’know what i mean.
spaghetti’s in the kitchen with your name on it. (pap used the sauce to spell ‘hu nan’ on it. we ran outa sauce)
Well, atleast their fight hasn’t been undone. That’s a relief.
They stand up. To one side of the room, a pile of pillar-like logs are stacked hastily as though removed for their arrival. Weird.
With a yawn, they stroll out of the shed and towards the skeleton’s flashy ornamented door. Frisk takes a quick sniff under their arm and recoils. Ughhh. Sweat stains. They’ll need to take a shower in Waterfall or something.
The open the unlocked door and walk over to the kitchen. Can skeletons even smell though? They have... nose holes, Frisk supposes. Their mental dialogue is interrupted by a shrill yell as they turn a corner.
Bones suddenly wrap themselves around Frisk and they’re hauled into the air. They pat the tall skeleton’s back and hug him in return. The grip gets tighter. Frisk’s face starts to turn red. “Papyrus... I can’t... breathe…” They gasp.
Suddenly they’re dropped to the ground. “OH! SORRY HUMAN! I FORGOT HOW FRAGILE YOU ARE.”
Frisk pulls themself up and coughs. “It’s fine Papyru-” A fork is shoved into their mouth.
Frisk fights the impulse to gag at the invasion to their mouth and swallows. They feel the slimy noodles sliding down their throat and shudder.
“Th-THANK you Papyrus,” they say, taking a step back when he moves in to give another forkful of pasta. “But I’m full now.”
The skeleton frowns. “AH. I SEE...” His grin returns. “I UNDERSTAND. MY SPAGHETTI IS QUITE FILLING!!” He starts laughing and Frisk slowly joins in, calming down. This is just what they needed. A break from all that chaotic action.
Frisk turns away awkwardly. “About that Papyrus...”
“WHAT WERE YOU DOING ANYWAY?” He continues, looking over at them.
They blink. “Well... you see... Undyne and I were actually, um, we were actually, err, sparring.” Papyrus tilts his head.  “And we got so into it that we fought until we couldn’t stand?” They finish, raising their voice slightly on the last syllable.
“...” “...”
Papyrus reaches out to give Frisk another hug so they brace themselves. It’s more gentle this time though. Papyrus may be odd but he never makes the same mistake twice.
Frisk squirms so that they can look Papyrus in the eye.
“But, um. Papyrus, you see... Undyne... the way we were fighting... it was kind of, err, competitive. And… well, we both don’t want to lose. So we’re kind of enemies right now.”
Frisk shuffles out of the hug and repositions themself to come across as more serious. Papyrus takes a moment to consider Frisk’s predicament. It’s not the whole truth, but enough of it to get the message across.
He pauses long enough for the silence to become awkward.
Frisk holds back a smile. Typical Papyrus. He always has his priorities in order. (Which is to say the morally correct use of Papyrus’ unquestionable greatness always comes first)
“I know I’m placing you in a difficult position… But it’s ok! I’ve already decided I’m fine with you siding with Undyne, so there’s no problem!”
They know they can sway Undyne. Even if they have to die and reload a thousand times Frisk WILL spare her. In the scheme of things, Papyrus will be better off not feeling conflicted about Undyne hunting them.
It won’t be forever. Putting their friendship with Papyrus on hold is worth peaceful resolution.
“BUT… BUT…” He stammers.
“Undyne probably won’t be happy with me living here with you, so I’ll stay at the inn for now, ok?” Frisk suggests before he can argue his way out of it.
They walk to the door, when suddenly it opens. Standing only inches away from them, Sans faces Frisk.
“oh. hey kid.” He yawns, pleasantly surprised. “how was the nap? everything you dreamed it would be?”
“Haha, yeah. Thanks for helping me out back there. Aaanyway…” A gloved hand takes hold of their shoulder before they can slip past Sans. They scowl. Dammit Papyrus, not now.
“the very skeleton in the bone.” Sans winks, pointing finger guns at his brother.
The smaller skeleton just shrugs and grins.
“so what’s all this about taking sides?” He turns back to look at Frisk. It is physically impossible for a skull to raise an eyebrow, but somehow Sans manages it anyway.
Sans twists his face into the permanently smiling skull’s equivalent of a light frown. He gives Frisk a look(TM) then turns back to Papyrus.  “hmm. why do you need to pick a side at all bro?”
And then the concept died when i ate a piece of cooked fish. rip in pepperoni my fanfic idea. Maybe one day, the inspiration shall return and you will be edited, fleshed out and completed (but probably not)
0 notes
Prince of Stride: Alternative 2 – 12 | ACCA 1 | Hand Shakers 1 | Nanbaka 15 | Marginal #4 1
(ep 2)
I don’t think I noticed this last time, but the dropped item is a Stride headset.
“…that won’t affect your future…”
That technique, where the memory becomes “movie footage”…I like it. Plus, Kyosuke was basically half of the reason why I stuck around with this show…haha.
“Fubun ritsu” at least translates directly…
Without context, the dialogue sounds pretty funny, especially because Diane should be (half) British and maybe should’ve picked up on the fact D’s sounds like…well…
The “D for Demon” pun is an English only one. The D in the Japanese is for doge (and not Doge, mind you). Doge is short for dogeza, or putting yourself on the ground and bowing furiously (to regain respect, for example).
Even Kadowaki is into the photoshoot!
Ah…without fanservice, this show would never get off the ground. Judging by how well sports anime fare from having pretty boys, that is.
There seems to be a theme of “letting go” in this, which makes it a perfect character study for One Wish They Never Wanted. Unfortunately, I’ve basically finished the story now…
Note tobu is also the word for “to fly”.
It vaguely bugs me that every time the subs go “Takeru”, the Japanese goes “Fujiwara-kun”.
The dude’s name is Asuma (you can hear it in the Japanese clearly), but the subs said “Yuma”.
I never questioned it, but…why is there laundry in the Stride clubroom?
I dunno about shogi, but apparently “a mistake leads to progress”.
(ep 3)
Andromeda is a maiden in the mythology. So Reiji’s right. Also, he’s voiced by Mamoru Miyano. You can’t go wrong with the dude.
Who in Dante’s Inferno is the flashing light head man?
Yeah, I wonder where the “Mee-chan” comes from too.
LOL, biology joke. Luckily, I understand it.
Sometimes Takeru sounds too deep for a teenager.
(ep 4)
Sometimes the humour can be a bit hard to follow in this show, but the visual quality is second to none!
Riku specifically asks to trade bentos, so the “trade bites” thing is deceiving.
I dunno what the “Japan Deep” is, but I think this is it.
Gelidium jelly. Aka agar…in some cases.
Back to Takeru observing muscles. It doesn’t get overdone, which is a good point of this show.
Basically Nagatsuka is Yamato from Nanbaka…haha.
The English is really good around the “on your mark” bit.
(ep 5)
Apparently you can get a motorcycle licence starting at the age of 16. I’m not good with balancing though, so a bike is hardly appropriate for me.
That shot of Hozumi, with the “Kuga” locker in the back…hmph. Nice foreshadowing/suspense shot.
I can’t quite make out what Ayumu’s saying when the subs go “Bering Sea”, as I don’t know the equivalent in Japanese. However, it most likely isn’t “Bering Sea”.
I don’t know what the equivalent to the “KGB” thing is either…Update: Okay, I know it now. It’s “ka ge be”, at least in its audio version.
(ep 6)
What are the helicopters for?
There was a kaitenzushi that Kuga-senpai passed…(hey wait, what am I saying? Kuga’s not my senpai!)
The English on the subway sign behind Yuri is really good. Why are these fine details in this show so good?!
It’s moments when a character smiles and you smile along with them, that’s why I watch anime.
I think “Yuniko” was a parody of UNIQLO, a Japanese brand. Apparently they’re pretty cheap, and I’ve been able to find it in my home city for a good few years now.
Really? Gainaxing? On Diane? I must’ve wiped that from my memory.
Hozumi, don’t leave Kuga-senpai hanging!
(ep 7)
*nods* Heath, Riku, I know your feels.
I dunno what a Kankokukan is…
I think they mean the Sea of Okhotsk…since that’s close to Japan. At least there was a warning that this would indeed be stupid talk and nothing more. However, the “Stop getting creative with my memories!” means that that gibberish was actually a bunch of locations in Japan, characterised by that weird stuff in the animation. I bet only people who are really acquainted with Japan and its geography would get it…because I don’t.
I dunno what a “Jangara” is. Or what “Jangara ramen” is.
It’s really hard to tell who’s bros with who here. Probably because they have completely different hair colours.
If you watch the Riku and Asuma scene carefully, you can see Ayumu, Hozumi and their Saisei counterparts sliding on the balls in the room behind them.
In the back of the “salt to the enemy” scene, it says shio (in romaji), salt (obviously) and shio (in katakana). On Riku’s bag, it says shio (in kanji).
Poor Mr Dan…
Shizuma! That loose hairstyle suits you so well!
Batsu ge-mu, LOL.
That Reiji really seems to like Kobe products recommended by Takeru, huh?
Here’s a little something on the Tamaya and Kagiya bits. Kadowaki-ya is a pun on that.
LOL, that manservice.
(ep 8)
4th wall break…?
Hokkaido is known for being snowy…so yeah, “northness” it is.
Of course, when they say “Lee”, “Chan” and so on, it’s Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan. The Dragon Awakens belongs to…I dunno, actually.
Is Riku’s hair black when his face is hidden by the magazine (last part of ep with credits)?
(ep 9)
I only just found out, but that fanboy from Saisei, Kaede? He’s voiced by Toshiyuki Toyonaga, meaning he’s Yuri Katsuki (Yuri!!! on Ice). Kyosuke is voiced by Junichi Suwabe, making him Viktor Nikiforov. Yeah...that happened 3 seasons before Yuri on Ice...
Stick figures…that’s not a very conventional way to save on anime budget, but it’s a way nonetheless.
Gendo pose!
Seriously? Toilet humour? At least it didn’t last for too long.
There’s a box in the hallway that says “Aomori apples” on it.
(ep 10)
Did I just see Kyosuke with no eyes…? No, the aliens got his eyes too! That was so close to a perfect run (pun intended) without those face stealing aliens!
The question about snow is just an equivalent to “something impossible happened”.
“The devil getting sunstroke” was probably due to it being really hot.
Panda bread…the reason why it even exists is because pan da means “It is bread” and panda…is panda.
I know that feel, Riku… I’m only average, I used to not be so average…and that’s the sad part about me.
The rainbow of change…I hope it comes for me too.
(ep 11)
A high touch is a high 5, by the way.
LOL, 5th Symphony. Of course…
LOL, Shizu-man. A cross cultural pun…you don’t see those very often. Update: Apparently, that’s “Oshizu” in the Japanese.
That deadly look in Reiji’s eyes…it’s hard to look away from.
(ep 12)
Hopefully this show helps to motivate me long into the future…!
*yells into the breeze* …Idiots!
Even Hachiko has an EOS decoration, LOL. Hachiko is a dog known for his loyalty, having waited for his master right up until his death. However, his master had died before him.
So whose plan was it to see Honan in the first place (in regards to Galaxy Standard)?
Naked Speed…? What kinda name is that?
So did they…never mind. You know at the end.
Ah, bookends. At least they’re satisfying, even if they’re a little cliched.
The end of summer will last forever…until the winter comes. Heh. Of course I’d see that viewpoint. (Whaddaya mean, I’m too much of an optimist to be a constant whiner? I assume you’ve been through the POSA eps with me so far, and some of them twice.) Anyways, hope to see you again when our decisions once again collide…
Update: The name “Amatsu Ida” was on my mind and I couldn’t figure out why until I realised it’s the same pun as Tenya Iida’s. The POSA staff must’ve thought they were really funny, eh? Also, I thought they all had numbers in their names (Tasuku Senoo, Bantaro Chiyomatsu etc.) but I was wrong about most of them. However, there’s continuity between Shizuma and his bro (they both have the “horse” kanji, Asuma is “playing horse” – playing as in “frolicking” and such – while Shizuma is “quiet horse”) and Tasuku is “task” in katakana.
(ACCA 1)
I’m here because of Natsume Shingo and the stuff he showed on One Punch Man.
Okay, question. How do you spell Jean(?)’s name?
I love how there’s one shot that looks like it’s going to be a mouth to mouth kiss but turns into a secret telling instead.
Fweh? So, the part about the 13 districts suddenly starts to have echoes of the Hunger Games in it, and considering I suddenly decided to implement a Hunger Games parallel/parody into one of my fics one day, I know the exact makeup of such a story.
You can’t really tell Eider’s surprised aside from her open mouth…okay then. Moving on.
There was some very limited animation during that conversation (where Jean learns ACCA won’t be dissolved).
I don’t live in a family of four, so I actually questioned the squabbles over the flan for a second there.
“…or an ACCA chopper.” Speak of the devil, it’s a chopper! *Ahnold voice* Get to za choppaaaaaaaaaa! (Haha.)
What’s up with white uniformed Yurio’s hat? (Assuming Nino is the black haired dude.) Update: Turns out Nino has blue hair, while Knot is the dude with black hair. White uniformed Yurio’s name is Rein.
Pan = bread, apparently in Portuguese as well as Japanese. Also, Rein likes donuts and since he’s the “police” in this area…that sort of seems like a cliché…?
Mauve is the only one I really recognise (aside from Jean), after downloading all the ACCA icons I wanted before I saw this show. Mauve has some really distinctive hair. I recognise Rein from the icons, but not his name…hence the last dot point.
Trembling grey-haired dude’s hand was…actually pretty funny.
I love how Mauve is characterised by indigo hair that moves in the wind. It makes for some very limited yet LOLworthy animation.
Apparently, the café in the east staition (?) has American coffee (albeit lowercase) and blended coffee. Someone managed to stick that in…I’m impressed.
The ED looks arthouse, and I mean that in a good way. So…basically, although this seems to be a weaker showing than SGRS, it looks pretty good and I’m keeping it on for another ep.
(Hand Shakers 1)
Thought it had potential…but then the previews came out, and yet again, I have stumbled across the…problematic anime…of the season.
If there’s one thing I have to question, it’s the giant turtle on one building’s wall. Who thought a giant turtle on a wall was a good idea?
Yeah…if there’s any way to describe me after I see Gainaxing + torture, it’s “losing all attention”. Plus, they didn’t really explain anything yet about this boy who’s (according to the CR synopsis) called Tazuna or his girl Koyori. The CGI is hardly impressive either.
Gainax counter no. 2. Yet again, the scene is hardly impressive by any count. I think they’re trying to go all out with their visual techniques, and they’re achieving nothing.
When the camera specifically rotates around Pres’s mammaries…you know that’s a problem. Problem no. 2 is that I focussed more on a (purple) ad that says “Do Tarot Divinations!” instead of Tazuna. One last chance before I nope out of here, and that’s only because AniList was down earlier today just as I was using it.
Gainaxing no. 3. That’s it – I’m out of here.
(Nanbaka 15)
*groans* After Hand Shakers, I need therapy…ugh. I decided to rewatch a lot of my “worst shows ever” after Hand Shakers, too, which should very well explain my sore throat, feeling of a headache and any other symptoms I may exhibit during this simulcast commentary.
Rin! Rin! Hi! Hi! sounds more nasal. That’s what’s wrong with it.
Shut up…in English? I guess so.
Liquid nitrogen, in English? Hmm. Futamata-sensei’s good...or maybe just whoever was responsible for that.
Ooh…pretty screens…dang you, Hitokoe for being in the pretty screens’ way.
Poor Hitoshi. Doesn’t that hurt?
Where did the splat sound effect come from?
Why do they have to be so direct about…erm, that stuff? Hitoshi wears…those?
You said there were other traps here, eh? *raises eyebrows*
CGI prison bars…? Really? Plus, Hitokoe, you’re already annoying.
Even if parts of this ep were a letdown, Nanbaka is much better than a series of my worst anime…in a row. Ugh. *shivers*
(Marginal #4 1)
Idol anime are hard to access, so I’ve finally got one to cover…maybe.
Minimal CGI…that’s good. No gripes there, then.
Huh. It’s rare to find kanji that are assigned completely different romaji to their usual ones. Tsukuru has its own kanji, but those kanji are for bukatsu or club activities.
I knew it was coming…but L and R? In English, it just sounds uninspired.
Kirihara’s yet another Toshiki Masuda role…haha. Of course.
Marimo? The lil’ fluff moss?
I was confused at first about this “Starclusters” thing, but it turns out it just means the fans. Like Beppu Apes.
Yet another weird name I was prepared for, but got overwhelmed by when it showed up in the show proper. Shy…what a weird name…
I dunno why, but I react more to Lagrange Point’s hair being implausible rather than Marginal’s.
Hah, biology joke. That Atom is such a Masuda character, it’s cute.
Okay – complicated pun time. That kanji (it means “well”, as in the one with the water in it) is one letter I, but the word for “good” in hiragana is two Is but they sound roughly the same.
Of course, the iPun comes from iPhones, but the Taisho era is definitively Japanese.
The I-400 exists…but no one handles things like that at an elite school, right?
Tetranacci exists too, but…you know.
You can tell from their behavious that despite their hair colour, they really are bros, that L and R Nomura.
I think they tried too hard with L…or is it R? Welp, it’s one of them. The gaming twin. Update: It’s R. L’s the green marimo one.
Wow. Swanky room, kid.
Okay, whose idea was it to make Korean barbecue sauce flavoured soda?
Mayuge means eyebrows…
These guys are genre savvy. The specific word I used to describe them were “hideously genre-savvy”, but they hit the sweet spot between “too cliched” and “too much savvy, they ruin the entire genre”.
Wait, who gave the tomato then?
Mai is apparently the name of the group’s manager.
Okay, I’m keeping it on for another episode or so. It’s not completely out of the box, but it’s likeable.
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