#♥︎ objection ! relevancy ?
crumblita · 5 months
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basil ( omori ) icons / graphics
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gift for @ashlynsgarden :3c mwah
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Thank you for the advice about dealing with a friends rejection. I sent that and I wonder if I could ask a followup question? In addition to thr rejection, how do you get over the embarrassment that accompanies it? The embarrassment is both effecting my ability to write and the friendship. Friend is also a writer and has been able to progress in their work, while I'm still stuck. I am happy for them yet talking to them has become difficult especially where writing is concerned, because I just feel so stupid now. That piece was probably too important to me. Since it took months of work and still was rejected by someone dear, I have lost all confidence in writing anything now. I worry it'll come out so bad it'd just add to the shame and make me look even stupider than I already do.
Getting Past Writing Rejection from Friend, Part II
Why should you feel embarrassed because one person didn't like your story? If all writers did that, there wouldn't be any writers--because, again, no one writes anything that is universally loved by everyone. And part of being a writer is learning that writing bad stuff is instrumental in learning to write good stuff. So, even if what you wrote is fundamentally bad, that's still nothing to be embarrassed about. If you want to be a writer, you need to let go of that embarrassment.
Also: if you have a higher expectation for someone to like something you wrote just because they're a dear friend or loved one, I would recommend not sharing your writing with dear friends or loved ones. Because for one thing, dear friends and loved ones are not the best judges of your writing. They have a harder time being objective, so they tend to be overly gushing or overly critical. For another thing, if their rejection of your writing is going to sting more, you're setting yourself up for failure. Because it's not fair for you to expect someone to like what you wrote just because you wrote it. Again, reading preferences are very personal, so you're asking a lot of your friend or loved one to like what you wrote just because you wrote it.
If you haven't been over there already, check out the relevant posts on my Motivation master list. There are several that deal with overcoming writing-related embarrassment. ♥
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
SEE MY ask policies
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syninplays · 1 year
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Medieval Camp Dump - conversion set from Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla.
My previews suck but I promise everything looks great in game / Also this is quite a long post so please read under the cut for more information about each object like polycount and other relevant info (:
Credits to Ubisoft/Assassin’s Creed Valhalla for the meshes and the chest texture. // Btw this is a friendly reminder that 1) no I’m not done converting stuff from this game and 2) I take requests 👀
General info: walls, scaffold and tower base have two versions aka short (one story) and tall (2 stories tall), but keep in mind the tall version is bigger in height but also in width (except the tower). / most things have 5k verts count or lower (read below for exceptions..) // names are in order with the pics, aka left to right and top to bottom.
> Scaffold - 4,7k poly, might have some transparency issues but I didn’t actually see any while testing; also both versions are longer than pictured aka a part of the mesh is hidden in the floor making it perfect for cliffs! 
> Fort Wall - 5,7k poly, I made these to be the same height as ts3 walls so you can have your sims walking on top (though you do need to place floor tiles).
> Fort Wall 2 - 3,9k poly, does not align perfectly with walls but you can always count on moveobjects and alt-key (;
> Fence V1 (short) & Fence V2 (long) - 684 poly and 1,2k poly, part of the mesh goes under the floor/base so keep that in mind if you were looking for a clean look :s
> Spiked Wall - 1,4k poly.
> Camp Tower (3 pieces) - Tower (8k poly, 8k verts), Roof (10,9k poly, 9k verts), Railing (4,7k poly, 6k verts) // the actual tower is slightly taller than the floor line so if you feel like making it functional or want to finish it by applying floor on top of the base you will need to use OMSP Resizer(s?) or make walls taller than default. Note: I did not give it a floor on the preview but you should cover both the actual tower (5x5) and the beams to avoid the railing looking off.
> Unique Chest - 4,7k poly, 7k verts. Includes decor version (BG compatible) and functional version(requires WA)! // shoutout to @aroundthesims​ for telling me how to make it functional♥ // not recolorable, sorry!
+BONUS: Clan Flags! (preview is here)  Did this recolor for personal use, but you can't have a proper medieval camp without flags (even if they're a bit too fancy). Anyway, all mesh credits belong to Luna (you know, THAT Luna from lunasimslulamai) as I only replaced part of the texture with clan banners from ACV and slightly edited the mesh to avoid said banners looking mirrored.
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theladyoflove · 2 years
hahaha no, I'm not late to the Adeia, what do you mean? I'm simply adjusting the date to fit more with already established UK harvesting festivals haha
I didn't do anything huge though. Had my first time ever baking bread and... I learnt why CAKE tins and BREAD tins are separate objects. I offered some of the scraps that I typically don't eat to Demeter, and other Gods I thought were relevant to where I'm living.
It was a calm, pleasant experience and it was nice to have a festival that deals with current issues. I would love to see more of them!
Happy Adeia to everyone who observed it 'on time' and anyone whose thinking of doing it sometime soon! See you next year ♥
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forffax · 2 years
hi. so I watched all the conan openings in one sitting. to try to add some objectivity to the ranking, i gave them points based on visuals (animation, visual interest), music (the actual song), relevance (to the show/plot/character relationships), and bonus points based on my personal taste.
here’s the list!
As the Dew
Growing of my heart
Sekai wa Anata no Iro ni Naru
TRUTH ~A Great Detective of Love~
I can't stop my love for you♥
Miss Mystery
Butterfly Core
ZERO kara Hajimete
Nazo (2!)
Hoshi no Kagayaki yo
Don't Wanna Lie
Koi wa Thrill, Shock, Suspense
Misty Mystery
Ikusen no Meikyū de Ikusen no Nazo o Toite
Makka na Lip
Namida no Yesterday
Feel Your Heart
Everything OK!!
Mune ga Dokidoki
Ai wa Kurayami no Naka de
Mysterious Eyes
Kumo ni Notte
Everlasting Luv
Ichibyōgoto ni Love for you
Girigiri Chop
Kaze no Lalala
tear drops
Unmei no Roulette Mawashite
Kimi no Namida ni Konna ni Koi Shiteru
Winter Bells
Lie, Lie, Lie
Barairo no Jinsei
Glorious Mind
100 Mono Tobira
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katieputnam18 · 10 months
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Pack Your Bags; we're going on a trip through the tarot. Starting with the Major Arcana.
The Major Arcana
The Fool is usually unnumbered, although some decks label it zero.
The cards, also known as “Trumps,” are rich with ancient symbolism, and dominate the reading of a spread. This section decodes the symbols and describes the meanings most often ascribed to the major arcane, to inspire your own specific and relevant interpretations.
The Fool is the innocent adventurer, about to begin an important journey.
The Fool is the perfect example of the importance of understanding Old English. Erase everything you think of when you hear "What a Fool" and start with a fresh slate.
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With a head full of hope, he is idealistic rather than practical; he is certainly not dressed for travel. The little dog at his heels tries to warn him of impending peril, but the Fool is blissfully ignorant of the risk he takes in stepping off a cliff. He is about to encounter danger, but how else can he make his way into the world?
The Fool is the eternal traveler, ready to set forth alone in search of life’s secrets.
We all begin life as a zero, a tiny egg of potential.
The Fool is the cosmic egg, symbolized by the shape of his number, 0.
As he journeys through the major arcana sequence, he is a part of every card, but he also stands outside the sequence, without a formal value.
An absolute beginner, he is about to explore the world, gain experience, and leave behind his status as a zero, a no-being. He will travel lightly, without the baggage of commitment.
The Fool is the dreamer, lead only by his needs and desires.
Usually depicted as a youth, the Fool must grow to become a man in the next card in the tarot sequence: the Magician—an individual who knows life and has identified what he needs to succeed in it.
The Fool on his journey will collect, in his bag, the four symbols of the minor arcana suits (the Cup, Sword, Pentacle, and Wand):
These items are the essence of his survival;
the Cup to drink from;
the Sword to defend himself;
the Pentacle, a coin, for victuals;
and the Wand to connect him with his higher self.
At this stage of his journey, he is yet to discover the power and meaning of these objects; when he fully understands their purpose, he may progress to the next stage of life, ready to morph into the card I, the Magician.
Even though his number is zero, his preceding card is the World, card XXI. Some tarotists even assign him number XXII/0, to show that the Fool is both the end and the beginning of the card sequence.
Basic Tarot Reading 30min Book Now
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The Fool’s letter is Aleph, the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet. It has no sound —it is the breath, the chi, the life force of the universe.
Life begins with a breath, as the Fool is the beginner in life.
Aleph commonly means ox, for endurance, and also instinct, which drives the Fool on his journey.
On the Tree of Life, he is placed on the first pathway between the spheres of Kether and Chockmah—denoting his journey from creation to wisdom.
The upright fool signifies calculated risk. It’s never too late to begin anew and follow your heart’s desire. The journey ahead is not without danger, but it is time to take a leap of faith.
This card depicts those embarking on new enterprises and educational courses provided sensible planning is in place; this is a time for optimism and a fresh perspective.
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Whatever you start now will go well, provided you do look before you leap—but once the decision is made, it’s time to push forward and not look back; have courage, commit to your path, and be fully in the moment. The Fool’s appearance in a reading can bring a sigh of relief, in that there is now a way ahead.
Welcome in the new and travel lightly.
Here are some insights the Fool can offer in particular areas of life:
Home: The Fool can show a young person leaving home for the first time. Also, surprise visitors could call. You may also have younger guests in your home.
Relationships: A new relationship—go with the flow at this point.
Career and money: You may have a sabbatical or a new opportunity in your current job or a new career or enterprise.
Prioritizing your workload is also the key to moving ahead swiftly.
Is what you’re proposing—or a situation offered to you—a leap too far?
The Fool reversed brings out his irresponsible side, as his mouth works ahead of his brain. Without thinking through the downsides, the Fool makes decisions that are not wise.
The reversed Fool leaps without awareness and so becomes the are not wise. The reversed Fool leaps without awareness and so becomes the literal idiot, sabotaging his chances due to desperation and irrationality.
Think carefully before agreeing to a new approach to work and hold back from emotional commitments until you are sure of your ground.
Leap, but look first.
In the Rider-Waite tarot (my favorite) cards, the Fool appears with these magical symbols. Some of them reappear in other major arcana cards, so learn to recognize them and you’ll soon find you can apply your knowledge throughout the deck.
The dog represents instinct and self-preservation. The animal tries to warn the Fool that he is about to walk off a cliff, but the Fool is oblivious to his warning.
See this symbol on card XVIII, The Moon.
The white rose or butterfly: The white rose stands for purity and innocence. Some cards show the Fool with a butterfly, a symbol of dreams and spirit. See the white rose symbol on card XIII, Death.
The bundle: The Fool carries little in his bundle—just his essentials and four talismans, the symbols of the minor arcana.
The white sun: This is a symbol of consciousness, of the workings of the mind that are directly expressed. As the sun rises, it illuminates the Fool’s world, showing it all in the best possible light. The sun is white, which links with the Fool’s chakra of the crown and has the purity of spirit.
See the golden sun on card VI, The Lovers; XIV, Temperance; XIII, Death; XVIII, The Moon; and XIX, The Sun.
The red feather: The red feather in Fool’s cap denotes his life force. See this symbol on card XIX, The Sun, and XIII, Death.
Basic Tarot Reading 30min Book Now
Cards from the traditional Marseilles deck, whose images have inspired most modern decks, are depicted throughout and their symbolism is explained.
The Fool is the eternal traveler, ready to set forth alone in search of life’s secrets.
It is a significant and complex card that represents new beginnings, freedom, and taking risks.
On the surface, the Fool is depicted as a carefree young person journeying through life, carrying a bundle of possessions with a dog at their feet.
The Fool's clothing is often brightly colored, and they are often shown about to step off a cliff into the unknown. The Fool represents a journey, both literal and metaphorical. It represents the beginning of a new chapter in life, where anything is possible, and the future is uncertain.
The Fool urges us to take a leap of faith, be brave, and embrace new opportunities, even if they are risky or untested. Another aspect of the Fool is that it represents innocence and naivety.
The Fool does not yet know what lies ahead and is therefore optimistic and eager to learn and experience new things. In tarot readings, the Fool can represent a need to take risks, let go of fear and make bold decisions.
The Fool can also signify a fresh start, a new phase in life, or a call to explore and discover new things.
Indepth Tarot Reading 1h Book Now
He is portrayed striding out carelessly across the countryside with a staff in his hand and a dog snapping at the bag hanging from his belt.
He must make his choices, abandon, adopt, embrace, or discard, in order to attain perfection.
Alternative Names: The Jester, The Idiot
Number: 0 (can also be considered XXII or unnumbered, depending on the deck) Numerology Link: None of and all of the other major Arcana cards Astrological Planet: Uranus Element: Air Hebrew Letter: Aleph Symbol: Theox Meaning: Instinct Tree of Life Pathway: First, between Kether and Chockmah Chakra: Crown, for spiritual connection, and base, for survival Key Meanings: Innocence, risk, and beginning
Arcana means “secret” or “mystery.
The major arcana consists of twenty-two picture cards, numbered one to twenty-one.
0. The Fool - Know that you know nothing
The Magician - Be Yourself
High Priestess - Listen to your Instinct
The Empress - Create
The Emperor - Respect yourself
Hierophant - Obey
The Lovers - Follow Your Heart
The Chariot - Keep going
Strength - Belief in Yourself
The Hermit - Meditate on it
Wheel of Fortune - Roll with it/Go with the Flow
Justice - Do the right thing
The Hanged Man - Surrender
Death - Change
Temperance - Find the balance
The Devil - Beware of your appetites
The Tower - Expect the Unexpected
The Star - Have Faith
The Moon - Remember
The Sun - Enjoy
Judgment - Face Yourself
The World - Move On
0 notes
sword-and-lance · 5 years
Munday Meme Extraordinaire: All of them. :)
((hoooo-EEE that’s a lotta questions, let’s get down to it :D
☕  - Do you prefer coffee or tea? Perhaps neither, or both?
I only prefer coffee in the sense that I like the frou-frou frozen drink ones :’D Otherwise I don’t do either
☠ - Do you think you’d survive a zombie apocalypse?
Oh hell nah, my mentally ill out-of-shape ass would die pretty damn quick lol
☺ - Post a picture of yourself or describe what you look like!
Chubby ol’ goat who’s radioactively pasty :P I know I know near-30 ain’t that objectively old but also: compared to most of this site it sure is
⚽ - Are you active?
Only enough to keep myself from having a heart attack before I actually do hit 30
⛄ - Do you have a favourite holiday?
Anything that gets me time to myself is fantastic, I ain’t picky
♫ - Do you listen to music when you write? If yes, what kind of music, if no, why not?
Answered here!
☤ - Have you ever had to go to the emergency room? Why?
I’ve actually never had to go to a hospital ER or anything, thankfully. Did have to go to an Urgent Care once because I woke up with the worst possible sore throat and with my voice gone, but I don’t think that counts...
♪ - Do you play any instruments?
Used to! I played French Horn for quite a while in school.
⚖ - Opinions on the fandom your muse blong to?
I love the individuals I’ve met through this fandom but the wider fandom in general can go fuck itself
♿ - Is there anything about your body you’d like to change if given the chance?
Ehhh, if we’re counting relatively “normal” shit, not really?
✂ - Do you hate people easily?
Errr...depends. Really depends. Disliking people easily, sure--it’s just kind of a thing that happens, especially with an Asshole Radar like mine. But hate usually requires doing something egregiously bad, ie being abusive, various breeds of -phobic/-ist, etc.
✼ - Do you think the character/characters you role play as reflect who you are?
To some degree, yeah, they usually do; they wind up reflecting themes that I find fascinating and relevant to my own life, without going into too much detail.
⚄ - Do you play videogames? Have a favourite?
...I’m gonna presume this means other videogames. :P But yes, I do! I occasionally dabble in MHW, and in various Ace Combat games, amongst a few others; one of my old faves is this really old city-building game named Pharaoh whose ISO rip I’ve carted around since I got someone to pull it off the disk in college. Some of the sound files dropped off because of CD scratches and such, but the vast bulk of the game is fine otherwise, and there is something very very addicting about it that I can’t describe...
✵ - Are there any other fandoms you’d like to approach?
Ehhhh nah.
⚜ - If you role play more then one muse, do you have a favourite?
Dae is kinda the obvious fave here, though that sure doesn’t mean I dislike the others! Far from it...
⛔ - In real life, are you friendly?
Mmmm, depends on what “friendly” is referring to; of course I’m friendly to my friends/people I like but that’s probably not the intent of the question. I have a fairly decent Customer Service Face by now for strangers, if that’s what you mean? I vastly prefer my own company as a rule though lol, and on days when I can’t People it becomes even more pronounced
⨁ - Do you hold grudges, or easily let things go?
For relatively “petty” things like mere miscommunications and such--sure, I’m willing to let shit go, as long as the person who did it (even if it’s me lol) apologizes and knows what they did. For really assholish or repeated issues where the other person clearly isn’t learning, though? Ohhhh I hold those names in my head for ages and am perfectly fine with speaking honestly of such people when asked. Won’t go out of my way to piss on them but also won’t hold back what I think, either...
♥ - Besides fictional characters, is there someone you love?
Only in a platonic sense; in the romantic sense nah bro I’m good
♾ - Which timezone are you in?
W - What do you do for a living?
♡ - OTP for your muse?
Errrrr okay honestly she and @semper-miles‘ Maebh have quite the unexpected chemistry THERE I SAID IT FINALLY
⚔ - NOTP with your muse?
P much everyone lmao, Dae’s aro-spec so it is really not something that happens much at all
☰ - Fun random fact about the mun!
I got a filling without pain killers once :’D There wasn’t any drilling, mind you, it was a spot that the dentist “missed” when he was filling in a fairly nasty spot on one of my molars. It was also really unpleasant and I wouldn’t do it twice
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crumblita · 5 months
( cherry crush anon ) yay :3 in that case couple o request cherie graphics or icons ? ^_^
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cherie ( cherry crush ) icons
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free to use with credits / permission :3
haiii anon :3 i hope these are okay ! !
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159 notes · View notes
crumblita · 5 months
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leafeon ( pokémon ) icons / graphics
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gift for @ashlynsgarden :3 mwa mwa mwa
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crumblita · 4 months
ramona nd scott matchinf icons w those cool masks teehee
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ramscott matching icons
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free to use with credits
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63 notes · View notes
crumblita · 5 months
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lynx ( honkai star rail ) layouts
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free to use with credits / permission :3
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crumblita · 5 months
would u look at that its me again hehe
tho, if u do want to make me a gift I appreciate it alot, hfjdj I don't get much so I'll be sure to cherish it !! - ☆
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lamia ( punishing gray raven ) icons / graphics
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free to use with credits / permission
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ! ! gives you cake :3c
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129 notes · View notes
crumblita · 4 months
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sakura miku icons
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early christmas gift for @korndowg :3c hello gay
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85 notes · View notes
crumblita · 5 months
i am so tired. but could i get icons of whoever you'd like im so tired i cant think
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aubrey ( omori ) icons / graphics
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free to use with credits / permission :3
totally didn ‘ t read the request wrong and made graphics . but SLEEP
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103 notes · View notes
crumblita · 5 months
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hero ( omori ) icons / graphics
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gift for @ashlynsgarden mwahhh ♡
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110 notes · View notes
crumblita · 5 months
haii can i req auuhh mangle id pack && icons if u could ? :3 thank yiuu also i love ur profile theme eats it
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mangle ( fnaf ) icons
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hope this is okay !! free to use with credits / permission ( that part doesn ‘ t apply to u moot dw :3c )
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