#(L + ratio to Sam here)
sonicexelle-junkary · 4 months
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I think I downloaded a pirated copy of SA1
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asofthe-sea · 2 months
i’m really bored rn so here’s lorien legacies as shit me and my friends have said
Nine: Counterpoint: L, ratio, bozo.
Ella: You motherfricker!
Nine: I’m going to eat drywall.
Five: Can I have some?
Nine: No, find your own drywall you pleb.
Six: My wife is cheating on me with a fucking text-to-speech!
Sam: I play sudoku like a SOPHISTICATED person.
Nine: Ah yes, because nothing says “I am a normal human and definitely not a space alien” like the name JOHN SMITH.
John, drinking an espresso for the first time: It’s as dark as my soul… AAAH IT TASTES REALLY BAD
Six: If Ra just decided to be a stripper instead maybe Lorien would still be alive.
Agent Walker: Superbeings with their pronouns…
Sam: I got dice and a visceral need to use them.
Setrákus Ra: Good evening.
Ella: Bitch.
John: So, did you meet any girls?
Sam: Fictional or real?
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thesleepysystem · 3 months
i think a little co-fronted w/ me this morning b4 i went 2 bed ?? (yes ik i have a fucked sleep schedule lmao)
basically, it was 9 in the morning, and as i was laying down i started to get all anxious and in my head abt shit yk, and suddenly i felt very. Not Me. i felt like a little girl w/ black pigtails, and the voice speaking to me in my head was very young, but very clear too. i felt kinda fuzzy and dissociated too, like i was going into my head if that makes any sense. like, i could feel my consciousness getting pushed out of front.
she told me her name (Katy), and i think she was 5 or 6 years old ? anyways, after a bit she kind of faded away from the front and i felt like i had been pushed back into front, i also had another possible alter introduce themselves to me (John) pretty much right after this, and for some reason i felt like he was maybe the one who pulled katy away from the front, so he might be a caretaker or something ?
didnt say anything else except for the name of who he said was the gatekeeper in our system, Betsy (ive been wondering who was or if we had a gatekeeper, like if they mightve been the person keeping me from properly communicating with and remembering stuff abt the sys, along w/ like switching out stuff). almost felt like he told me her name to spite her ?? like maybe she doesnt want me to discover the sys ?? possible in-sys disagreements going on abt me ?? (wow im so famous /j) after that, nobody else talked 2 me and i fell asleep pretty quickly.
im kinda just sat here like. hm. what do i do with this information. cuz now im like "this is very good proof that ur not faking sam !!" and the theres that little fucig. demon inside of me all like "ur just delusional L + Ratio" or "U were just tired u cant trust the stuff that happens 2 u when ur all tired like yhat" yk ????
-samuel (host)
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mysteryspotcast · 1 year
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🚨 Ep. 31, Fellas, Is It Gay to Read the Brothers Grimm?, is here! 🚨
Our Supernatural season 3 recap and Countdown to Castiel continues this week with S3E5: "Bedtime Stories" and S3E6: "Red Sky at Morning."
Note: today's episode was a BIT delayed because of some audio issues, so if it's a bit quiet, please let us know.
Points of Interest: We will fund The Winchesters s2-5, where’s a writers strike when you need one?, moments in autism, clinging to heteronormativity by a thread, proximity to dirt crossroads, professional hater Sam, L + ratio + uneducated, exchanging Dean’s soul for the pink cadillac, Dean’s he/they pronouns, Castiel name drop, Sam loves a girlboss, the Dean-bashing bat, Great Expectations reference in Supernatural (NOT CLICKBAIT).
LISTEN NOW in your favorite podcast app!
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dr3amofagame · 2 years
UNO REVERSE! top five foursquare duos!!
i can't believe you would do this to me >:( i didn't do it to you or anything nope (<- lying)
um um um four square my beloved .... choosing this is so hard
For Kat's post on the same subject: look here for some context on the AU as well as her top 5! The basic premise of the AU is simple: c!dream and j!dream get put In The Box for bonding purposes and receive a small selection of Visitors !! (The Technos, the Sams, and the Quackitys). This goes ... well. I'd say it's fun times for all, but that's not strictly accurate. Very fun for us XD though, and isn't that what really matters?
Anyway, onto the top five (note: I tried to keep from too much overlap w/ Kat's, bc all the duos in this are honestly really really fun):
5. j!Dream + c!Quackity
c!Quackity has been the specter over j!Dream's head for so long - this implacable weight that lingered over his head, that he couldn't put a name to, that resided in the threats the Warden would hiss at him when he got too testy (I could skin you alive, I could cut off your hands, I could nail you to the wall and leave you that way. Don't test me, Dream. This isn't torture. You don't know what that is.)
He's been told, again and again, that he's had it good. That it wasn't that bad, that he doesn't know what torture is, really - what Sam did was nothing. He's just weak. And hell, he's got something to prove, doesn't he? Something to throw in the face of c!Dream's snide remarks, the Sams' hypocrisy. (To prove to himself that he isn't exactly as pathetic as they all think he is.)
And as for c!Quackity - j!Dream is strange, uncomfortable. This one doesn't flinch at him the same way; this one doesn't bear the same marks of his influence, how he built himself into something through blood and sweat and every drop of fear he'd worked for. In a way, his existence is discomfiting because it - takes the singularity of his achievements from him. He's no longer the only one that was willing to go to these lengths, the only one that didn't shy away from getting his hands dirty. This Dream doesn't fear him nearly in the same way as the ghost of the Warden that follows his every step - and of course, c!Quackity aims to do something about that.
4. j!Quackity + j!Sam
My God. These two. Everything about them had already been so delightfully complex in the original AU - with the context of their counterparts and their situation, it only becomes all that much more complicated. They have all the rough memories of the JMAH timeline; they're forced to cooperate to keep the Dreams under control. There is so much tension (in more than one way- [gunshots]) and they're just. So fucking fun as a duo.
j!Quackity thinks that j!Sam is a creep, period, you get no bitches + please die alone in a ditch + L + ratio. Every time they're forced to interact is only reinforcing this idea in his mind. j!Quackity is the least possessive over the Dreams, strictly, and is the most convinced of the idea that he can still get the revive book - not having had nearly as long of an opportunity to try and torture it out of him. His goal is to make the Dreams miserable and get the book and put them six feet under - and honestly, more than that, his goal is to kill j!Sam As Soon As Possible, Please And Thank You.
j!Sam has Regrets over the whole Quackity thing, in both timelines, and even though he's making more of a concerted effort to Work Together than j!Quackity he's also - not got the highest opinion on working together with anyone except for himself when it comes to the Dreams (just me and him and all that). Everything j!Quackity says and does (emphasis on says, good lord) only seems to emphasize this point in his head. Surrendering Dream to Quackity had been bad enough in the first timeline - to do it now? Is a whole different beast entirely - and one that he's going to continue to struggle with, for better or for worse.
3. j!Quackity + c!Quackity
I couldn't resist these two - oh, the girlies the girlies. They are everything to me. Hand in hand against a world of Weird Ass Sam And Dream Bullshit (What the FUCK, am i right ???) They are subjected to the Rituals and they are Not Happy about it. In some ways, they look at each other and see the difference in timelines most keenly - j!Sam and c!Sam share memories, j!Dream and c!Dream have the commonality of a year of Hell, and the Quackitys - some things are very similar. Some things are very, very different. In some ways, it makes them treat each other more like good friends or drinking buddies than the Sams, who are more inclined to see each other as extensions of themselves.
Where the Sams see each other and use each others' existence to reinforce their ideas of themselves as paragons of Justice and Law, and the Dreams can't quite stomach looking at each other without seeing all the ways their Issues reflect on each other and shine a spotlight on their newly gained liabilities, the Quackitys have a slightly more well-rounded perception of each other. They embolden each other and enable each other because of their shared humanity, find common ground in crude jokes and laughing jibes and time to gossip, in the filth and grime of holding someone down to cut into them and the ensuing intimacy it demands, the heat of skin against skin. They look at each other and there's not really anything to hide, is there? In some ways, this is frightening. In others - it's almost a relief.
(Also, the ways that the Sams are more comfortable with each other when the Dreams are around, while the Quackitys come out of their shells with each other when they're alone? Fun. Fun.)
2. j!Sam + j!Dream
These two. These two. There's no one quite like them - the heady mix of fear and relief and possessiveness that can make the entire rest of the world fade away, sometimes - the two-sided knowing that really isn't matched by any other duo. It had been just them, only them, for nearly a year. No other interference. No other visitors. Nothing. Just me and him.
Neither of them quite know how to function with a witness, never mind several - and no one around quite knows either of them like the two of them know each other. There had been no Quackity to play off of, no Techno to keep Dream company - no one had been present, except for them, in the aftermath of where their timelines had diverged so greatly. Even now, even with so much revealed, there's still so much that resides in mystery. That the others don't know.
It's hard not to look at the two of them and- wonder.
j!Dream + c!Dream
To literally no one's surprise, these two take first place. They're the two that started it all, the two that are featured throughout, the two that it all circles back to, in the end. It's about the ways they hate each other - for not being strong enough, for being able to fight back when the other couldn't. It's about the ways they scream at each other and hit each other where it hurts and what does it matter, really, if they're quoting Sam or Quackity or whoever as they're doing so - what does it matter, as long as it gets their counterpart to fucking shut up?
But it's also about how the Sams arrive and they immediately come up with a plan, bracing against the potions slamming down on their backs and chained against the wall and biting back screams of pain. It's about how they fought, half-delirious from exhaustion and barely able to stand and facing impossible odds. It's about how they keep watch for each other when they manage to get a few moments of sleep. How in the end, even though they hate each other, even though they can't look at their counterpart without seeing the hell they endured and the hell they're not sure they can survive (and the hell they'll have to live through, anyway, because what other option is there?) and at least they have each other.
They fight together; they surrender together. c!Dream snaps at j!Dream to drink the fucking milk, holy shit, it's not fucking drugged (I was watching, I know, I know) and j!Dream forces c!Dream to eat a gapple before their next visitors (heal, eat, I only have you.) It's not quite care, it's nothing like love. There's so much fear and trauma they have to work past before they can imagine confronting what the other lived through (what they themselves lived through).
But they have each other.
(In the end, they're not facing it all alone.)
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thatonefanaccount · 2 years
People on Twitter were doing reality TV (aka mostly BB and The Challenge) crap lists last night and I’m bored so here’s mine even though no one asked for it:
Before we dive in though, it’s important to note that NOT EVERYONE ON THIS LIST IS PROBLEMATIC OR A BAD PERSON: Sometimes it's just me being petty LOL.
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Explanations below.
Jack (BB21): *Sticks shaker bottle in the fridge and walks away.*
Emmy (TC38): For being the reason Nam had to be DQ’d for the third season in a row.
Kyle (BB24): Need I explain?
Bear (TC33-TC35): For the plethora of things he put Georgia through bc no one deserves that (plus I think he dated an underage girl unless I’m mistaken?).
Memphis (BB10, BB22): For his racism, ableism and weird obsession with David.
Michael (BB24): The main reason why Kyle trying to form an all white alliance went unchecked for so long. Brittany is guilty of this too, but she kinda just followed Michael’s lead the whole game, so consider this a two-in-one.
Tyson (Survivor, TCUSA): Kinda cocky, plus he worked with Angela, who I’ll get to later. Plus the whole "rich get richer" thing was getting on my nerves.
Pooch (BB24): Poor treatment of Taylor, plus he allegedly gr**med a sixteen-year-old girl. Plus his eyes are unsettling to look at.
Monte (BB24): For being the worst fling Taylor could’ve asked for.
Paloma (BB24): For being the one who started it all when it came to the Taylor hate (from what I saw).
Copole (BB24): VERY poor treatment of Taylor.
Michie (BB21): *Steals watermelon and walks away.*
Terrence (BB24): For what he said about women in abusive relationships (plus poor Taylor treatment of course).
Paul (BB18-BB19): Justice for Dominique!
Daniel (BB24): Extremely poor treatment of Taylor.
Turbo (TC33-34, TC38): IDC how Tamara got on the show, he had no right to treat her the way Gamer and PinkRose have said he treated her. Plus he can’t take a joke.
Sarah (Survivor, TCUSA): No, Sarah, production will not let you take Enzo in a hall brawl. Plus the Angela obsession is getting weird (even though Angela’s on this list).
Jingle-Foot-Felon (BB19, BB22): See Memphis but without the David obsession.
Frootloop Franzel (BB16, BB18, BB22): “Ohh my gahhssh, I can’t beleeve Cohdee didn’t take me to the final toooooo!”, plus ableism.
Brett (BB20): I was a huge fan back when BB20 first aired, but then he got in with Jack and Michie and also did other stuff that made me lose a ton of respect for him. It REALLY hurts, but it had to be done.
Jordan (TC… IDK I lost count): L + Ratio + Racism + Tori needed help after the breakup so there.
Angela (BB20, TCUSA): For throwing my faves into the line of fire on both The Challenge and BB while having no remorse whatsoever.
Todrick (CBBUS3): Oh, boy, I could write a novel.
Dani (BB8, BB13, BB22): She was part of the Ian incident too - I didn’t forget!
Sam (BB21): I only minded him a little bit on BB21, but what the heck happened to him between then and now??? Has he always been this backward-minded? Is that the right word for it? "Backward-minded"? Anyway...
I have a few more but the list was getting long enough. Should I make a part 2?
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futchmemes · 2 years
i am sam, sam i am, etc.
27 yrs old
she/her pronouns, tme
white, culturally irish-american
anti-capitalist leftist
from the northeast USA
raised catholic, currently agnostic
bfa in illustration, mfa in art conservation
taurus sun, gemini moon, gemini rising if ur interested in that stuff
diagnosed with inattentive ADHD
mcr sideblog is at @gerardskirt
i love and support my trans siblings explicitly. terfs are not welcome here.
bi women are my friends. discourse that divides us is stupid.
if you don’t like butches: L+no taste+lesbophobic+misogynist+we are not friends+ratio
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lateral-org · 1 year
Wait that was a stupid question I want a do over. Which Supernatural character would you permanently evict from the plot if you had to pick one?
OH MY GOD *cracks knuckles*
what an unexpectedly difficult question!! this depends soooo much on which season bc each one had dumbass characters and characters got worse/better depending on the season. also, because it's such a long show, i've evicted a lot of characters from my memory anyway so the only guys i remember are faves.
for late seasons, kaia is an obvious choice because (from what i've read at least) she's a poorly researched racist stereotype. not cool spn, don't do that, thx. (this also applies to most minority characters unfortunately but kaia is the most offensive/blatant example which is depressing)
honestly the whole apocalypse world cast/season 13 in general. i don't like seeing the new versions of guys i used to like and then needing to remember they're actually different guys with different memories. it's boring and reduces risk to the main cast.
for earlier seasons, gadreel and/or dorothy. FUCK gadreel, literally get him out of here. i don't care if he was 'helping sam', he's homophobic and LAME okay get him away. dorothy i just thought wasn't fleshed out. like they wanted to give charlie a fantasy gf which, valid, but also like. what was that plotline. am i the only one who thought that was out of nowhere???
also any version of lucifer played by mark pellegrino post season 5. problematic actor + overused character + lame execution + L + ratio.
last probably jenny the vampire. we get rid of her then we get rid of the finale, i feel like that's a worthy trade.
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bustyasianbeautiespod · 2 months
Episode 87 Transcript: Grey Wants Everyone to Know That He is Saying Things Recreationally
[intro guitar music]
G: Hello, it's Grey.
C: Hello, it's Crystal.
G: And this is Busty Asian Beauties, a Supernatural commentary podcast where I, someone who has seen this show many times...
C: And I, someone who only knows the show through social media, discuss every single episode of Supernatural from start to finish. Also, we are both Asian.
G: Both Asian! For today's episode, we will be discussing Season 5, Episode 5: "Fallen Idols," written by Julie Siege, directed by James L. Conway.
C: Julie Siege, as I've said to Grey, should probably take a break from writing for a while, I think. [both laugh]
G: Well, what is Julie Siege's next episode? Let's see. 5.12, "Swap Meat." And then "99 Problems."
C: Is that the one where Sam's like, in a teenage boy’s body and vice versa?
G: Dean- No no no, Dean is in a teenage boy's body in Season 10. 'Cause Sam-
C: Dean's in a teenage boy's body, too? 'Cause doesn't Sam- he looks through the room, and he goes, "Virgin." [laughs]
G: What? No, Dean likes Taylor Swift, and that's a 2015 episode. I think "Swap Meat" is Sam in a teenager's body.
C: Dean doesn't switch bodies with an existing teen. He is [overlapping] just a teenager himself. Sam's switching bodies with a teenager.
G: This is true. The last thing she writes is "99 Problems."
C: Oh, which is incredibly misogynistic, right? [G: Yeah.] Not a good run for Julie Siege.
G: Is this the couch? [laughs] [C: The- yeah.] The Sam and Cas couch scene? Okay, yeah.
C: The Sastiel couch scene [laughs] that launched a hundred AMVs.
G: Incomprehensible to literally everyone who was- [laughs] It's incomprehensible to anyone who is not invested in such matters.
C: [laughs] They look at each other at the same time on a couch. That's it. [G, laughing: Yeah, that's it.] And it means nothing. Or does it?
G: And everything to me [C: Me.] and all the Sastiel AMV makers.
C: It does. It's very well-synced.
G: This episode's good and so bad it's unreal. [laughs]
C: Yeah. Every single joke is like, "I hate Julie Siege." But every single Sam scene, it's like, "I love you, Sam Winchester." And every single Dean scene is a tossup between "I hate this man so much it's unreal!" and "Aww!" So that's fun for me. I also- I felt like- this is- Every single episode, I say this. Have you noticed? Like, we're so back.
C: "This is Supernatural 'cause it's a real case episode that's unrelated to the Apocalypse." [G, laughing: It is!] Is that what you're gonna say?
G: It is! [both laughing] It is! I was so- I was honestly quite happy about the case of it all. Like, I love a case episode. I kinda missed it.
C: I'm beginning to come around on case episodes. Like, yeah. [G: I missed it.] I feel like the current ratio they have going is good. Like, a two to one or a one and a half to one. Like, enough to make me miss case episodes.
G: Yeah, I miss them. I love them. I also love that we are back to being funny. Like, not that I think Supernatural is funny. It's just that we're back to being light. 'Cause I feel like the past few ones have been quite intense, and this one is like, they would do that fucking stupid guitar music that they do when something is supposed to be funny. You know the one, right? [C: Yeah, yeah yeah.] The [imitates it]. And, like, they do it this episode. And I'm like, "Wow. Comedy, I suppose." [C laughs] And it's fun.
Yeah, what did you know about this episode before going in other than Paris Hilton is here? Which, honestly, I didn't even- I mean, I knew, of course. I didn't know that she was gonna be here for as little as she was. [C: Mm.] And also, I didn't know that it was gonna be this kind of Paris Hilton. I thought she was gonna show up and kill the monster with them. [C, laughing: What??]
C: Wait, you, but what about the fucking Oingo Boingo [both laugh] AMV of all the deaths in Supernatural where you see her head roll out?
G: I have not particularly invested time-
C: The "No One Lives Forever" Oingo Boingo- [laughing]
G: - [laughing] in the Oingo Boingo-
C: I've talked about this before! You haven't remedied your ignorance regarding this AMV?
G: No, unfortunately, I have not.
C: Okay. Well, it slays.
G: It literally probably slays.
C: It does. Okay, yeah. So I know that Paris Hilton was there, that she was gonna be the monster at some point, and that Sam was gonna behead her. And I knew that the monster was someone who- I didn't know if it was heroes or fans. I think I wrote down that it was like, it takes on the form of like, the person you want to be the most, or whatever. So then, like, the monster runs across some teenage girls and turns into Paris Hilton, and then Sam has to kill her. That's all I knew.
G: Well, first of all, the most important thing that ever happens in the episode happens in the "Then" sequence [C: Yeah.], which is that [laughing] Sam goes, "Lilith was the final seal!"
C: Oh, that's not what I was talking about. I was talking about that they finally got the video and audio synced up [G laughing] for like, the Sam and Dean leaving each other in 5.02 scene.
G: No, I mean, the episode literally opens with "Lilith was the final seal!" and I was like, "We're in for a ride." And we truly were. We were really in for a ride with this one. So yeah. Lilith was the final seal. And also, you know, remember last episode when I was like, when Dean says, “You better be!” or “I'm sure you are” or whatever- [laughs] "You better be!" is so funny. "You better be" is such a funny thing to think Dean said. [C, laughing: Yeah.] When Dean says, “I know- I'm sure you will be,” or whatever, and I was like, I was so scared of what he will say next because that sounds so ominous. They play that this episode, and they remove the "You're the second-best hunter in the world" line so it's just the ominous, and I appreciate that! I appreciate it.
C: Mm. You enjoyed the editorializing.
G: Yeah, of course! [C laughs]I enjoyed the narrative that is created by splicing clips of Supernatural, and you can just say anything. I still have not moved on that that person said that about my AMV. [C laughs]
G: We start off in a good old, very very classic, "Before-" what's this called? cold open. [laughing] It is so fun to have a cold open that's just completely unrelated to anything that matters. You know what I mean? [C: Yeah.] It's so fun. So refreshing! But yeah, our cold open starts with these two guys. And they're like- one of them is, like, "Dude, I got something that I can't tell you over the phone about. But it's here." And they go over, and there is this sheet that is covering something, and it took me until they unveiled it to realize it's a car. [C: Really?] [laughs] Like, they're in a garage and everything, and I still was like, "I wonder what that is!" [C laughs] It's because it's shaped odd. Like, it's not the usual car shape.
C: Yeah, okay, I was flicking between car and like, lumpy motorcycle for a while.
G: Yeah. Real lumpy one. But yeah, the guy unveils it. And it's obvious that they both know this car. It's Little Bastard. It's a Porsche. They're both so excited. One of them was about to hop into the car and turn it on, and then they were like, "Wait, no no no, we need to video it for posterity." And so one of the guys goes in, gets a camera, and then hears a noise that's like, tires squeaking, glass shattering, blah blah blah. He comes back outside. His friend- or is it? [C laughs]- is dead. So yeah. RIP. I mean, what are stuff that matters in this scene?
C: I mean, he's dead from the windshield going through his face.
G: Yeah, going into his head, but the car has not moved. Which is, like, a pretty fun visual, I would say. [C: Yeah.] And because the car is- [laughs] I don't know. For those who don't remember what Little Bastard looks like, which I did not know about until this episode, it's open. So like, the windshield is like, just like, a piece of glass that's sticking out.
C: Yeah, it's a convertible situation. So if you rammed your face into it really hard, it would be able to do something bad.
G: Yeah. And also, I was thinking about how this guy got the car. 'Cause the way it's talked about is like, it's so expensive. [C: Mm-hm.] And he's just a guy. Like, he has a normal garage. How the fuck did he get this car? Is it also orchestrated by the- whatever?
C: By Leshi? [G: Yeah.] I mean, yeah, I guess so. But also, like, I don't know. [G: Doesn't have to be.] Like, he's clearly just a big fan. Like, I think he could have just gotten into debt to get it. [G: Yeah, okay, well.] And now he doesn't have to repay that.
G: I did feel a little bit attacked later on when there's like, the wax museum guy comes in and starts talking about his collection, and he's like, "Look at this jacket that I own!" [both laugh] And I was like, "Don't do this to me!"
C: Wasn't it a leather jacket too?
G: It was! He was so proud of his leather jacket.
C: Well, I mean, your jacket isn't from anything. It just looks briefly like Dean's.
G: Yeah. Does everybody even know that I- [laughs] [C: Yes, everybody knows, Grey.] Let's not get into it. No! That I dressed up as Dean Winchester for multiple photos [C, overlapping: Dean Winchester for your graduation photos.] Yes. [laughing] For my graduation photos. Do people know that? Well, now they do.
C: God. [laughing] Do you want people to know that?
G: I mean, they're truly atrocious pictures, honestly, [C laughing] if I'm being so for real right now. But yeah, it did happen. [laughing] Why did I do that?
C: Yeah, I mean, I was Castiel for Halloween-
G: [laughing] Yeah, and I thought it was for your birthday.
C: [laughing] For my birthday?? Now, that's embarrassing. No. For my birthday, I had the perfectly normal activity of making a Castiel cardboard cutout that was 6 feet tall with my friends.
G: [laughing] That you put in your closet [C: That I put in my closet.] so that people could be like, "Um, is that Castiel Supernatural?" So true. [C: Yeah.]
C: Dean's driving, per us'. And like, Sam and Dean are talking about a job, the thing that we saw in the cold open. And-
G: [laughing] Sam is so annoying!
C: What?
G: Sam is so annoying!
C: What did he do?
G: I think it's the acting, also. Jared Padalecki is just being like, "Ugh. So, what's this job?" [C laughs] And it's like, [laughs] okay! And, okay. I thought I had this episode was, remember back in the day when I was like, "I just- I like Dean so much more than I like Sam because, like, Sam is so mopey." Which is like, now, looking back, what a mean thing to say [C: - say about a guy whose girlfriend just died, yeah.] because his girlfriend just died and everything. [C laughs] Yeah. But I was like, "He's too sad. It's so annoying!" And now I am feeling it again.
C: He's not even sad!
G: And it's like, he just went through the most traumatic thing.
C: He's not even sad!
G: I know. But like, every time they do like, a sad piano music over him, and it's like, "Girl. Why are you doing this?"
C: I didn't notice the sad piano music.
G: I hate mopey guy characters so much. [C laughs] And girl characters, too, that are mopey. [both] #Equality. [both laugh]
C: He's not- How is saying "What's with this job?" mopey?
G: [laughs] No, it's just- it's the way it's delivered.
C: Like, normal? [G laughs] Like, a guy who's been tasked with delivering exposition?
G: No, exactly. Like, if you're gonna deliver exposition, just be a little bit more interesting about it, I believe.
C: [laughing] So he should've gone, "What's with this job, gamers?" [both laugh] That'd have fixed it?
G: If he did, maybe I would have been like, "What's up back to you, gamer?" and it would be a fun time we'd be having right now.
C: It would raise a lot of questions about Sam Winchester, I think.
G: Would Sam Winchester be a gamer? I don't think he would be.
C: He's like, [laughs] a Tetris gamer. He does, like, Tetris championships. That's his vibe.
G: God, yeah. I'm sure Sam fancies himself a chess, like, connoisseur. [C: Oh, god.] He's so annoying.
C: He definitely tried to join every chess club that was available to him, but he could only stay for a few weeks, and I don't think he ever got that good at it.
G: Aww! Well, don't make it so sad! 'Cause I just called him annoying! [C laughs]
C: Ah, yeah, well, both things can be true. Except both things aren't true because he's not annoying, so, there you go.
G: Well, he's annoying and endearing. He's a killjoy, and he's so funny about it.
C: Yeah, he's hot and he's cold, he's yes and he's no, he's in and he's out, he's up and he's down.
G: Yeah, there's a really good Yakuza AMV about that song. [both laugh] We're so tangent-centered this episode!
C: Yeah, we need to- we need a shorter recording time. Okay. Sam unannoyingly asks about the job. Dean is saying, like, "Isn't it weird?" And Sam just keeps insisting like, "Hey, shouldn't we focus on the Apocalypse. Hey, that's happening right now. Hey, let's look for the Colt. Hey, aren't we gonna kill Satan?" And Dean, I guess he reveals the time skip. He says, "We've been looking for three weeks."
G: He says, "Okay, but Dean, if we're gonna... ice the devil." He's-
C: What?
G: I don't know why I'm so pissed at Sam this episode. Dean is definitely much more annoying.
C: I have no idea. Sam didn't do anything I thought was annoying.
G: No, it's just that like, I mean, later on, it gets verified that Dean is being mean to him. He's not being very niceys.
C: I knew immediately. [G: How?] You didn't know? From this discussion.
G: I mean, I don't think this discussion is mean!
C: I think it establishes that the arc of the episode is going to be that Dean is [G: Of course.] being mean.
G: I mean, I just don't understand why Sam was like, "And this is training wheels for me." And I do appreciate Dean saying that, like, "No, our training wheels, as a team."
C: Wait, Dean's the one that called it training wheels!
G: Yeah, but not for Sam! For the both of them!
C: Well, it's obvious that it's for Sam if Dean's like, saying, "End of discussion" and deciding he's calling all the shots.
G: Well, [laughs] they're training to have this dynamic! [laughing]
C: The dynamic of Dean being in charge of everything?
G: [laughing] Yeah. Yeah! [C: That makes no sense.] Dean really did think that was what they were training for. I mean, Dean really did think that that was what they're supposed to be training for. [C laughs] And then Sam goes, "No, Dean." And he was like, "Ah, okay."
C: Okay, fine, Dean was training both of them to- I don't think Dean needed any training to have this dynamic. [G, laughing: To be so annoying, yeah.] Like, a dog owner doesn't think that they're training themself to be a dog owner.
G: Well, they should!
C: Well, but they don't! [G laughs] Well, anyway, so Sam, who's a wonderful person and has never been annoying in his life, [both laugh] asks, "We're gonna ice the devil?" And Dean snaps, kind of. "This is what we're doing. Okay? End of discussion." And Sam sighs and looks unhappy about this situation, and Dean tries to, you know, make it nicer by saying that "This is our first real case back at it together. We should ease into it, put the training wheels back on."
G: He says "we"!
C: Yeah. So? People use "we" to talk about everything. And also, like, he is the one who's putting training wheels on Sam.
G: Ugh. I mean, I'm not gonna defend Dean's character that much, but [C: But?] I'm gonna defend it a little bit.
C: More? You already have.
G: I think, like, it's because we didn't see the three weeks. That's why I am- And because you already think terribly about Dean, and I tried to think of him benevolently, that's why I'm like, "No!" [laughs] Because we didn't see the three weeks, so I could just apply anything to that, etc.
C: So you're saying he was soo nice for three weeks. And then, suddenly, with Paris Hilton case, he was, like, authoritarian again?
G: No, it's just that when they parted last time, it seems like Dean really was trying. And now, perhaps the fact that they didn't really talk it out or anything, they just decided to go back into the life, is catching up with him, and he's beginning to be a bit pissy about it.So yeah, it could very well may be that he was niceys in the three weeks, and now this is, like, the breaking point of "I thought I can move past it, but I can't." And here's now, Sam saying like, "Let's move past by talking about it. And maybe if you talk about it, we can."
C: Wait, okay, and this is better than my interpretation because...? Like, why is this a good look for Dean?
G: Because you were just like, "And he meant to be this way this entire time!"
C: Yeah. And he did. [both laugh] But yeah, okay. But like, this is a deliberate choice, though. He is saddling Sam with research while he says terrible things to women in bars.
G: Yeah, it is deliberate. And that's my point! [laughing]
C: What??
G: No, my point is that at some point in the three weeks, [C: He decided to be a dick.] he's like, getting mad again. Yeah!
C: Okay, so you're just say that he decided to be a dick more recently than three weeks ago.
G: Yeah! No, because like, the implication of "He was a dick this entire time was" he decided, the moment that he and Sam had that BM moment last episode that he was-
C: I don't really have an opinion on the three weeks. I just think Dean's terrible for what he's doing right now. He could've been doing anything in the three weeks.
G: No, but I want to put the context in of like, you're spending three weeks of your life interacting with someone that, just shortly before, you have decided to like, never see again, and you've resolved none of your issues. You have just decided to just like, "Let's go for it. Let's just be normal again." And then, like, the feeling of like, "Oh, but that's not actually how it works" is starting to creep up on you. Like, I have some empathy with that.
C: Well, Sam spent three weeks with someone who hates him, and he's still a nice person, so.
G: Yeah. And that person is himself, so.
C: [laughing] Dean also hates him. But-
G: Honestly, I thought, fascinating the way Dean conceptualizes it at the end, which is that "I also started the Apocalypse! I broke the first seal."
C: I will not- Yeah, I appreciate that that was there. But I will never forgive Dean for talking shit about Sam on the phone with Bobby.
G: Well, would you have rather he talked shit about Sam in front of Sam? [laughs]
C: No! I think you can just keep that shit to yourself!
G: [laughing] If you don't have anything nice to say, say it behind their back!
C: No! The point is that he's supposed to be trying to move past this.
G: No, as I said, he's getting pissed about it right now!
C: So like, if you have that thought, you either talk about it in a constructive way with somebody or you just don't.
G: I love toxicity! [laughs] I love being terrible, etc!
C: Only Sam is allowed to be toxic, and he's not, because he's nice.
G: I am sick and tired of blah blah blah!
C: [laughing] What's "blah blah blah"?
G: No, of like, "And Sam is the better character because he's niceys." [C: Well, he is!] And like, I just don't- it doesn't interest me. I don't like nice characters, I don't like mopey characters, and Sam is both of those things! And he's also a killjoy. So what now?
C: But we're currently arguing about Dean's morals, not about how interesting he is.
G: No, but what I'm saying is that I am able to look into Dean's morals more because I find him more interesting than you. Do. Not "more interesting than you," than you do. [laughing] And then- And so I am able to import that kind of generosity and thought towards him [C: Okay, fine.] because I find Sam boring right now!
C: Okay, well, I find Sam interesting, and I think that him spending three weeks-
G: [laughing] And so there's no generosity in thought? [laughs]
C: I think that this episode does a good job of showing the effects of spending three weeks with Dean. 'Cause like, Sam did go in being like, "I'm gonna prove myself to you." And like, "I won't let you down."
G: And then it's just like, it's so obvious that it's not happening.
C: Yeah, that like, yeah. That nothing he's doing is changing how Dean thinks about him, and that Dean still thinks that he's calling the shots, blah blah blah, and they're not back to what they are before. And I think that, yeah, this shows him at a point where he's like, "No, stop it." in a way that's constructive, and I think that it's- [G: Yeah.] I think the episode does a good enough job with Sam already, so I don't have to say much more.
G: Everything that- Especially towards the second half of this episode, like, it must be so gratifying for Sam to be like, "I'm gonna put myself out there and speak my mind," and it works. [C: Yeah!] Like, for the first time in forever, it works. And like, that must feel very gratifying.
C: Yeah, I think for him to be at a place where he's even able to vocalize, like, "Part of why I went off with Ruby was because of an issue with our former dynamic," like, he had to be sitting on that for like, years. And, like, when the Apocalypse happened, he probably felt at first, like, "I can never tell Dean this, because, like, I can never, like, not be guilty about this." So I'm really proud of him for making it to this point. But that's for later.
G: Yeah, everything actually that we're talking about is for later. [C laughs] But let's not get into it.
C: No, what we're talking about regarding Dean is for now. But yes.
G: I want to inform the audience that I am saying things recreationally in this podcast. [C laughing]
C: Well, I'm saying things professionally. But yeah.
G: Yeah, I'm saying things for the fun of it [laughing] in case people take me so seriously that I think toxicity is good. [C laughs] Well, I think it's bad! But I'm also saying that recreationally.
C: I think toxicity is interesting. Like, Dean had to be a dick for the episode to work.
G: Yeah. Yeah yeah yeah. He didn't need to be all the other things that he was this episode, but yeah, he did need to be a dick to Sam.
C: Yeah. So I appreciate it from a writing standpoint, from a "if Dean was a real person standpoint," I would dislike him heartily.
G: I miss Cas. Let's go back to Cas.
C: True. [laughing] It's fine when Cas is toxic.
G: It's fine when Cas is toxic! And every time Cas is on screen, I'm literally just like, having so much fun, it's kind of unreal.
C:  Sam goes flatly, unhappily, "So you think I need training wheels?" Dean goes, "No. We. We need training wheels, as a team." [G laughs] [G: Hell yeah.] And Sam's like, "Okay." And Dean calls this a "fresh start for the both of us." He really wants it to be a fresh start.
G: And I believe him.
C: Sure. [G laughing] And as Sam says, "Okay."
G: Yeah. And then this is the part where the "Special Guest Star Paris Hilton" flashes on screen, which is pretty fun.
C: Yeah. Good for her. Is it just 'cause they couldn't get JDM? [laughs]
G: No, literally, I was thinking, "Oh, they didn't put Special Guest Star Jeffrey Dean Morgan here, so she's not gonna turn into John."
C: I think it's 'cause they couldn't get JDM. The absolute hilarity of her about to touch the axe, and then it's like, "No! We can't get JDM on screen right now!"
G: [laughs] No, literally, that's my entire thought process. [laughing] We can get Gandhi, but JDM.
C: [laughing] They didn't get real Gandhi! What do you mean, "We can get Gandhi"?
G: [laughing] No, I'm just kidding. Obviously. I'm saying things recreationally. [both laughing]
C: Yeah. Well, anyway.
G: Well, yeah, we go to office of a sheriff. This sheriff does have a personality that we see throughout this episode. He's not just some sheriff guy.
C: Yeah. I mean, he's there to be, like, bad at inference so Sam and Dean can laugh.
G: Yeah. Be like, a hacky detective or whatever he is. They show their FBI badges, which I did miss. Unfortunate that I actually like Supernatural. Can you believe it?
C: I can believe it.
G: How would you say you believe it? What are the proofs of concept that I love Supernatural?
C: Like, about once a week, like, I get on this zoom call with, like, you, right? [G laughs] And then you say the words, "I love Supernatural." [G laughing] So probably from that.
G: Season 5 has been treating me moderately well in terms of the loving Supernatural. They investigate the death of the guy who just died. And the sheriff shows the video that was recorded, and then he says that, "Oh, obviously, the guy who was recording was the one who killed the dead guy because that's just what happens!" So Sam and Dean insist on interviewing the guy anyway, and when they do, he tells them, "The car did it!" And at first they're like, not believing. And then he says, "It's Little Bastard," like, the car. And Dean knows this car, so, good for him. And yeah, I think they mention it earlier, but it's like, James Dean's car. Dean's very excited. He was like, "Okay, we're gonna check this out."
C: Yeah. Oh, and also the guy they're interviewing says that- he says that the guy who died had been looking for it for years, so clearly, he's a James Dean fan.
G: So we go to the garage. Is it still the garage of the guy we met, or is it a different place? But wherever it is, I feel incredibly sad that I wasted all of my carfucker Dean jokes last episode. [both laugh]
C: Yeah, you were like, "Crystal, you can't say he fucks the exhaust pipes!" He does. He does, though.
G: He wants to fuck this car. Dean loves cars. He really does. And I think, last episode, I also said he's a one car guy. "He's not even a car guy. He's a one-car guy." [C: No.] Or maybe I didn't say it, then.
C: You did say he's only a one-car guy recently.
G: Yeah. But he's not even a one-car guy. He's a car-car guy. So yeah. He literally will- [laughs] weren't you the one who was like, "He's going to watch Cars in a drive-in?"
C: [laughing] Yeah, at a drive-through theater with Baby as a date, yeah.
G: Yeah. [laughs] And he's gonna whistle when the blue car comes in who's the love interest [C: Literally.] and then he's slap Baby's- whatever that part is and go, "Don't worry, Baby! [C laughing] You're still like, the most beautiful car in the world."
C: [laughing] I don't know if I said that part. I think you're just riffing, but I enjoy the riffing.
G: No, you definitely did. You did.
C: I did? [G: Yes!] Well, congrats on past me for being funny. I said the drive-through date, but I don't know if I said the rest. I'm gonna look up "Porsche." [laughing] Oh my god, I did say, "And I think he gave a little whistle at the blue Porsche who's the love interest in Cars, and then immediately, he was like, 'Oh, no, don't worry, Baby, she'll never be as beautiful as you!'" [both laugh] I guess I did say all that.
G: Literally! This is literally what David is doing in his free time. But anyway, he is so pleased with the car. He starts explaining the lore, which is, you know, fun for him, because this is not usually his job.
C: I don't think he- I don't think Jensen Ackles plays it excited enough for it to like, surpass that this is clearly exposition.
G: That one. But he does go underneath it, and it is a scene. [laughs] [C: Yeah.] I mean, the thing is, when Sam is doing exposition, it's very clear that it's exposition, but this one is supposed to inform us of a character of Dean, which is that he loves to- [laughs] He loves cars. [laughing] I don't know what was supposed to be after-
C: [laughing] He loves to- He loves to what, Grey? [both laughing] What does he love to do regarding cars?
G: Well, he loves to look at cars and talk about them! Who'd have thunk?
C: Yeah, I think the fact that it's meant to be a character thing makes it like, a worse scene, I think, [G: Worse acting performance, yeah.] because I think Jensen Ackles is incapable of carrying it through. 'Cause usually when Sam's delivering exposition, it's because he's trying to deliver information [G: Just get over it, yeah.] so it matches up.
G: "So check this out, Dean." [laughs] That's Sam's line. Well, the story is that the car crashed, and then the wreckage was being fixed up by a guy, and then the guy gets killed by the car falling on him, and then blah blah blah blah blah. And so the car is, like, haunted. And Dean is like, "Oh, the guy who was looking for it for a million years didn't know that the real trick was looking at the engine. He only looked at the outside! He should have looked at the engine." And so Dean looks at the engine. [C: Yeah.] So [laughing] the way he fucking looks at this engine number is so ungodly funny to me. First off! First off! [C: Well, before he goes under-] Sam volunteers, and Dean goes, "No, no, no." [laughs] And he's like, scared, you know? He looks scared.
C: Yeah, he's supposed to be playing scared that the car is gonna kill him. But all the, like, breathlessness just really seems like, he wants to fuck the car.
G: Yeah. And then he caresses, like, the hood of the car or whatever, and then he goes, "Okay, baby. I'm not gonna hurt you, so don't hurt me."
C: So you know how, last episode, we said most things people call "cheating" isn't cheating. [G laughing] Him calling another car "baby"? That's cheating. [both laughing] I take back everything I said about, like, the social construct of monogamy-
G: [laughing] We were speaking recreationally back then.
C: [laughing] We were speaking recreationally. [G: We're speaking professionally now.] I'm dead serious now. This is cheating.
G: Literally! There's this iconic shot of Dean, like, people gif this to hell and back where he is on that thing that rolls under cars, and he has a pencil in his mouth, and then he rolls into the car, and, you know. It's a whole scene. People would recognize it from anywhere. And-
C: I don't think I've seen it before. [G: I've definitely seen it.] But I have the Dean Winchester tag blocked, so.
G: [laughing] Yes, this is true. I should have the Sam Winchester tag blocked just for funsies so we can be equals. [C laughs] But it's never gonna happen because I do like Sam. [C: Yeah.] Yeah, he rolls in there, and the number is so visible.
C: Yeah, I don't know why he has to take an engraving of it! He could literally just say what the numbers are out loud to Sam, and Sam could write it down. He could've memorized.
G: I mean, what I thought was gonna happen is he's gonna go under there and he's gonna tell Sam "8. 0. 1." Like, I literally- why else would you do this? Why would you put yourself in so much danger? Touch the car, even! He was touching the car. I feel like that's the number one thing you shouldn't do in this situation. But, you know.
C: Well, he couldn't keep his hands off her.
G: And it's like, there's a lot of tense moments where it's like, it's shaking. "Oh, no, it's gonna fall on him!" blah blah blah. But it literally isn't. Like, we're all lying to ourselves. [C: Yeah.] And again, he takes an engraving of the number, except at some point we look through the camera at what he's doing, and it's nothing. It's doing nothing.
C: [laughing] Yeah, the engraving isn't doesn't do anything. It's just a fucking scribble. The letters aren't deep enough or whatever to actually cause the letters to show up. It's hilarious.
G: Yeah, because it's not like it's above. Like, it's not- I don't know what the difference between engraving and emboss is. Emboss is it's upper, right? Like, it's protruding out. [C: Yeah, I think so.] It's not embossed. It's like, engraved into. So like, the thing that you are gonna get is going to be not as prominent as if it was embossed, so I have no idea why they're doing this at all. [C: Yeah.] I do find it funny that, like, after that one shot, they were probably like, "Oh, yeah, it looks really bad." and just never show it to us ever again. [C laughs] Iconic.
C: Yeah. Yeah. Also, while Dean's under the car, there's a very comedic moment where like, we have a side view, and then suddenly Sam's head pops down 'cause he's like, flung himself under the car-ish also, and he goes, "Need a flashlight?" [G: So true.] And Dean goes, "Don't do anything. Just go away!" Okay, like-
G: Dean says, "Don't even look at her. She might not like it."
C: [laughing] Yeah! Like, bro. Bro. Yeah.
G: Dean is truly a character.
C: He is truly a character. Like, he was so kind to offer Sam Baby, like, at the end of 5.02 'cause like, [G: Now that I understand their relationship.] that was his vibrator, too. [both laugh] Like, yeah.
G: Now that I understand their relationship, I forgive Dean for never making Sam drive that car except for today! [C laughs]
C: Yeah, literally.
G: Well, anyway, he gets the fucking engraving but he doesn't, really, I don't even know. And it doesn't even matter anyway, so who give a shit? And then he sends Sam out to do research for like, an entire afternoon while he, I don't know, does things. And what he does, we'll find out.
C: So he's at a tavern called the Green Dragon. Fun name. And he's talking to a bartender who is, of course, a #PrettyWoman. And he's doing the thing that he did before in [G: He did before, yeah.] "Shadow"? [G: He did before, yeah.] Was it "Shadow," or?
G: I'm not sure what it was, but it was- yeah. It's terrible! And the thing is here, it's like even more. I don't know. Because last time, it was like, a passing remark, I feel like. Like he was like, "Oh, I told her I was an agent" is kind of how I remember that scene being, versus this one where we see the actual conversation with the woman.
C: Yeah. So it is horrific to watch. So he's trying to flirt with her by lying and basically doing the "If you sleep with me I'll get you a job" thing [G: Yeah.] where he goes, "So you want to be an actress, huh?" And when she says yes, he pulls out a business card and says, "Oh, well, that's so funny, 'cause I'm an agent for William Morris Endeavor!" And like, she takes the card, and he's like, laughin' it up about how he is being sexually predatory, and he thinks that's so fun. Sam calls. Sam's info is that- I mean, we don't have to discuss that more. It's just terrible and Dean should die, right? Yeah. [G: Yeah.] Yeah. Sam's info is that it took a long time, a lot of research, Sam says it took, like, the whole day, but he found all the cars' previous owners.
G: He's just wearing a shirt. [C: Who?] Sam. The costume choices this episode are pretty fun. Like, earlier, there's one where Sam and Dean are like, out of their jackets, so they're in their white button-downs. [C: Mormoncore. But later.] and Crystal said it was Mormoncore. And in this one, Sam is wearing just a t-shirt, and it's the grey t-shirt. Wow! Shout-out to me. But no, it's a grey T-shirt. I feel like, similar to stuff he wears later on in the show-
C: The tits T-shirt?
G: Yeah. Like, the Grey one. You know the one, right? You know the one. [C: Yeah, the one.] Also, when John gets mentioned later, I was like, "Wow, and Dean's not even wearing his 'Dean Winchester is daddy's little-'" What's that? [C: Daddy's blunt little instrument?] Blunt instrument, [laughs] yeah. Dean is not even wearing his daddy's blunt instrument leather jacket. And then afterwards, he wears it, which is hilarious to me. [C: So true.] Yeah, the costuming this episode is pretty fun.
C: The car's history- Sam starts saying it, but then he hears the pool balls near Dean, and he goes, "Dean, are you in a bar?" And Dean goes, "No, I'm in a restaurant," which, honestly, isn't that much better if you're not gonna bring Sam anything back for his meal. [both laugh] Like, rude! [G: Yeah.] But then we have the bartender come back and tell Dean, "Here's your beer." And Sam's like, "Uh-huh." And Dean goes, "That happens to have a bar." And Sam complains that he's been working his ass off here all day. And Dean just goes like, "World's smallest violin, pal. I spent the afternoon up Christine's skirt. I needed a drink." You did not spend the afternoon. We saw it, and it was, like, two minutes. [G laughs]
G: And the suspense was fake.
C: And that was sexually exciting for you. [G laughs] That was like, a good thing for you. Yeah. It was Sam's whole day. And like, I don't want to get into the Samgirl/Deangirl debate anymore, but isn't the idea here that Dean thinks that Sam deserves to suffer? [G: Huh.] Or that he deserves more than Sam does?
G: Well, I suppose so. I didn't really think about it, which is, you know, typical of Deangirl. [C: Yeah, typical Deangirl.] I cannot believe we have gone back to being a Deangirl vs Samgirl podcast. I thought we were past this! I thought we were all just Samgirls at this point. You know that one- [laughs] you know when people are like, "I love that your podcast is Samgirl," I'm sorry for betraying literally everyone. [C laughs]
C: I mean, the people say that are not Samgirls, because real Samgirls know that neither of us make the cut.
G: Yeah. If you saw the Samgirls I interact with, you would throw up. [C laughs] I think it's just there is a degree of Samgirl- or Deangirlism- or Casgirlism, even, that just becomes extremely difficult to maintain once you're in the show. Once you're watching it week to week. Like, at some point, something's gotta give. And for me, it gave, like, Season 4, Season- yeah, that I was completely on Sam's side in every single step of the way, and I hated Dean. [C: That was nice.] But now, we are back.
C: Now we're back, baby. Yeah, such is how it is. Or, okay, I'm trying to figure out- It's not- I don't know if it's like, "Sam deserves to suffer." I think it's like- I think it is the whole like, "Sam has the training wheels on. I'm in charge. So, like, I delegate tasks. I can have fun. Sam's making up for the Apocalypse, so like-"
G: I mean, it could also just very well be "I don't want to spend time with him, and he's going to do the research anyway, so I'm just going to-" Which is, I mean, I'm not saying that as an excuse, like that's a benevolent thing. Like, obviously, it's not.
C: They haven't inspected the body yet.
G: Ah, you're right. They could be separate, and Dean could still be doing something.
C: Yeah. 'Cause typically when they're apart [G: Separate, yeah. They're both working the case.], they're both doing a task. Like, one of them is interviewing a witness and one of them is doing blah. So like, it is a deliberate choice that Dean is like, "This is like, you do all the hard stuff right now, 'cause I'm in charge, and I don't wanna!" [G: Yeah yeah yeah.] But I do think that part of the "I needed a drink" could be like, the "I want to get away from you" thing. [G: Yeah.] So yeah. And I I feel like every time Dean has been slightly mean to Sam, like, he thinks, "Well, he started the Apocalypse!" [G laughs] Like, it is a easy go-to sentence for him to think to justify his actions to himself.
Sam has found that nothing about the car is haunted. It is a fake Little Bastard.
C: We cut to the house of a man named Mr. Hill, who we find out later, is a professor at, like, the University of Canton, Ohio, or something. And his maid comes in. And she is Latina, specifically, she's from El Salvador, she says later. And she tells him that she's done.
G: She has an accent.
C: Yeah, she has an accent. And she tells him that she's done, and he bids her goodbye. Then he breathes out. The air is cold. And he turns about and he goes, "Oh my god! It's you! [both] You're dead! You're supposed to be dead!" I would assume it's a guy in a fucking costume! Like, how do you know-
G: Well, first of all, "you're supposed to be dead" is such a funny fucking thing to say-
C: [laughing] Such a funny thing to say about Abraham Lincoln! Like, "I dreamed, always-"
G: Like, that is not the first thought! That is not the first thought!
C: That is what you say to like, someone you murdered, or like, your ex-wife, who like, died like, [G: Recently.] 10 years ago, you know?
G: Yeah. Like, not a person who has been dead pretty much your entire life.
C: [laughing] I mean, definitely your entire life, yeah. God. What a silly-
G: [laughing] When it was revealed it was Abraham Lincoln, [C laughs] I did laugh. I was like, "Why did he say that, then? He's supposed to be dead?"
C: Yeah. And I think the idea is that he's such a big fan of him that, like, he does feel like a close personal friend [G: This is real to him.], so he reacts the way that you would to a close personal friend.
G: Like, me when I see Caravaggio, I'll be like, "You're supposed to be dead!" [both laughing]
C: "But I always knew that you would come back for me!"
G: For real. I mean, I also want to use this platform to ask an important question, which is, how do you pronounce his surname? Lihn-cun? Lihn-col-n. [C: Lincoln?] Lincoln. As in LinkedIn without the D?
C: I guess? That's how I say it. Lincoln. Yeah.
G: Okay. Well, that's good to know, because I've always just did "Lihn-cun." [laughs]
C: Yeah, it's Abraham Lincoln. But, like, again, there are Abraham Lincoln impersonators everywhere! Like I would not see a guy who looks just like Abraham Lincoln and go like, "Oh my god! It's Abraham Lincoln come back to life!" [G laughing] I'd just be like, "That's some good makeup." But yeah.
G: And it's not like, yeah, he looks, like, convincingly real.
C: Yeah, he doesn't even look that much like the existing photos of Abraham Lincoln!
G: He's just wearing a top hat!
C: [laughs] Yeah, he's got the correct style and stuff, but I don't think his face is really that similar. [G: Yeah.] Like, it's more similar than an average person's face is to Abraham Lincoln, but like, it's not, like, exact.
G: [laughing] Do you think they couldn't hire a James Dean? [C: Oh, yeah.] People they couldn't hire: Jeffrey Dean Morgan and a James Dean impersonator.
C: Real. He like, sort of growls at Mr. Hill, like, with his teeth showing, and [G: Chokes him out.], yeah, he chokes him out. And there's a big splatter of blood that hits a framed copy of the Emancipation Proclamation that is hanging on this guy's wall. My god! 'Cause later, it's like, he was a Civil War professor. So it's like- But being a Lincoln fan is a different thing than being a Civil War professor. [G: That's true.] So like, he really likes this guy. I think that the framed thing is like, he's like, a really big- Why would you frame the Emancipation Proclamation?
G: I don't think- What is- It's supposed to be your biggest idol? Because I genuinely do not buy that Sam's biggest idol is Gandhi.
C: I think it's just anyone who [G: You admire?] you admire enough. 'Cause it's like, the wax museum didn't have everybody.
G: Yeah. Well, we don't have to think of this, then, as he's like, a Lincoln superfan. Or Lincoln. [laughs] I still don't know how to pronounce it.
C: I think having the Emancipation Proclamation framed is pretty Lincoln superfan.
G: I mean, that could really be, like, a professor thing. It is an important document.
C: I guess? I guess.
G: I don't know. I'm trying to rationalize it because- not for this guy, but for Sam, later. Sam doesn't have Gandhi poster.
C: [laughing] Yeah, I don't think that's his biggest hero.
G: Yeah. But yeah. So I'm trying to think of like, maybe he's just like, he's a professor, and  he also admires Lincoln. Lihncoln. So like, you know, it just so happens.
C: Yeah, I just feel like whoever decided this just doesn't know that much about the Emancipation Proclamation. Or okay, I guess he could admire it as like, a strategic move and not as a civil rights move or whatever. I guess that is typical Civil War professor behavior. All right, I have no criticisms.
G: I think what's interesting about a lot of professors is you would expect them to deal with complexity about their subject matter, but also, who is the type of person-
C: - who would be like, "I want to spend my whole life teaching this topic"? Exactly.
G: Which is where the crux is, yeah.
C: Yeah, like, some people are into it 'cause they find the complexity interesting. And some people are into it because they're like [G: "Ooh, cool stuff!"], "Oh my god, Abraham Lincoln was like, such a good guy!"
G: You can learn the complexity, of course, but if you come in already taking a certain mindset, which, well, that's kind of- that you have to choose to be this kind of professor.
G: There's a whole police hubbub about this. And the sheriff is saying that like, I don't know, "There's gotta be an explanation," and he goes like, "It's a professional killer, and they're like, trained assassins, and they don't leave fingerprints" and all that. And Sam and Dean are just like, "Okay, well, can we talk to the witness?" And the sheriff goes, "Well, sure, but she's not making any sense! And she's not making any sense in Spanish, either." [C: Booo!] So yeah, this is where we talk about it, I feel.
C: Yeah, just, this line just does so much work regarding the, "Oh, this is racist for realsies." [laughs]
G: Yeah, the tone-setting of this scene.
C: Yeah. 'Cause before, it was like, "This is a stereotypical role, and I wish that Supernatural had Latinas that play, like, other roles." But, like, here, it's like, oh, no, this is bad. [laughs] Yeah, no 'cause it's like- it's very gimmicky, the way it is. [G: Yeah, that's what I don't like about it.] It's like, "Oh, boy, look at this new challenge that we've thrown up against the brothers: someone who can't speak English!"
G: I think for me, it's that they would only do this if it has to be a contrived plot thing in this way. Like, they won't- Supernatural won't ever just have a character who has an accented English, or who speaks Spanish primarily, just because. Or, I don't know. Maybe they do in the future. I feel like I would know, though, if they did. [laughs] But okay. Yeah. So, like here, it's so explicitly like-
C: Like, "We went out and we hired this person specifically because we wanted [G: For this gag.] for her only thing to be that she can't speak English very well." Also, I don't know. I think people have talked about the lack of translators in like, police departments. [G: Oh, of course.] I think mostly heard about it regarding, like, domestic abuse in immigrant families, because usually the husband is the one who's doing the abuse, and is also better at English. So like, he can, like, shape the narrative, like, in the way that he wants it to be seen. But yeah, yeah, I don't know it. It is- like, police shouldn't exist, but if they do exist, they should have translators. [laughs]
G: Yeah. She's saying that she's from El Salvador, which, as you said, she mentions. And she witnessed the thing.
C: Yeah. She's very shaken about it. Sorry to this woman.
G: Yeah. And so Sam and Dean approach her about it. And Dean is the one who starts talking first. And, you know, [laughs] he's speaking in English, and he's saying that like, "Well, did you see something? You did, right?" And she's speaking in Spanish, and Sam pushes Dean aside and was like, "Okay, I'll try." And he like, tries. Apparently, he did freshman Spanish.
C: Yeah. I'm assuming at Stanford, 'cause freshman could be high school or college. But I feel like, you need a consistent year-
G: Very good for, I feel like that's very good for one year.
C: One year, or one semester, maybe?
G: Is it one year or one semester, yeah. For one semester?
C: I'm not sure what Stanford's foreign language requirements for graduation are. [G: Yeah.] Yeah, but either one year or one semester. And it was a while ago. It was 8 years ago?
G: Yeah. You have to practice this shit! She's saying that she saw someone tall, and someone with a bigote, so a beard, a mustache. And, well, he doesn't have a mustache, right? [both] He just has a beard. Yeah. And also, like, she's describing the outfit. She's describing the hat. And there's like, a whole thing where it's like, she goes, "Oh, he's wearing a sombrero," and Dean's like, "[laughs] He's wearing a sombrero?" and Sam's like, "No no no, not sombrero like that. Sombrero like just a hat." And she describes it as big, and then she, like, keeps motioning that is, like, tall and tall and tall. And Dean goes, "Oh. Like Abraham Lincoln." [laughs] I pronounce it different every single time I say it.
C: It's fine, I don't notice.
G: And she goes, "Exactly! Like the President Lincoln!" Sam and Dean are like, "What?" She says, "Abraham Lincoln killed Mr. Hill." And then yeah.
C: Yeah. And the point is like, the last- like, she's been speaking in Spanish, but the last line, the "Abraham Lincoln killed Mr. Hill" is in English. And the point is like, "Oh, like, we're gonna make it understandable to everyone at the end to make it so so funny." And like, I think that adds on to the whole like, "they only brought this character in for the gimmick." Because the point of her like, shouting it at the end is like, she is sort of overcome with emotion or something about it, and she's distressed and like, I feel like you don't do the work of like, translating stuff into English when like, you're saying something, like, very distressed. So it is just for the- it's just a whole setup for, you know, the gimmick that we mentioned earlier. Not a fan.
G: Not a fan. We keep on saying this. I wish there was more people in Supernatural and people of different kinds, different kinds of people. [C: Yeah.] And Supernatural just fails so severely at that. And when they do have a person that they don't usually have, it's always this kind of gimmick. So, not fun for me.
C: They will never hire a person of color unless they're to be a person of color.
G: Yeah. Isn't that so annoying? [C: Yeah.]
C: We're back to the motel, and Dean's watching the video of like, the car death at the beginning. And then he sees, like, a reflection of a guy in one of the wheels. And then he calls Sam over, and he's like, "Wait, doesn't that look like James Dean?" It looks like nothing. It looks like a blur. [laughs] But-
G: Yeah, I have no idea how Dean notices this.
C: I don't know. Maybe, like, the red jacket is like, an iconic James Dean look or something.
G: I'm sure it is, or maybe it isn't. [C: Yeah.] [laughing] Isn't everything black and white back then? [both laughing]
C: Yeah, most of the photos on his Wikipedia page are- like, all of them appear to be black and white.
G: Wait, no no no. He does have a red jacket thing going, I think, because if you look up "james dean red jacket," there's a jacket that he wears.
C: Okay. So they start discussing like, "Wow, like, I guess we have like, famous ghosts going on. Like, that's dumb." Sam first makes the observation that the ghosts are killing their fans. Dean calls that "Muchos loco," and-
G: Sam goes, "It's muy."
C: Yeah. Sam goes, "It's muy, not muchos." [G sighs] Yeah.
C: Sergio's boy, not mushers. And yeah, I think. Yeah, first, Dean is so annoying. 'Cause like, clearly, he's just saying that as a "Isn't it funny that we ran into someone who speaks Spanish today? [G laughs] Isn't that, like, a funny thing that one experiences in one's life?" And I think that the Sam correction... is positive?
G: I think they're also just making Dean take the offensive role, and so Sam, as the writer can go like, "Ahaha! I know it looks racist, but not really! [C laughs] 'Cause Sam's correcting him!"
C: Yeah, yeah. So it's like- [G: "It's fine!"] "So we're just making fun of Dean right now for saying muchos, so it's fine. But like, we are introducing the initial idea that, like, someone who speaks Spanish is something that one could laugh at." [G: Yeah.] So it's like, you could have just not done any of it in the first place [G laughs] instead of trying out this balancing act.
C: They're saying like, "Why are the ghosts here instead of, you know, where they were during their life?" And then Sam does a little bit of research while Dean is drinking soda by the sink. And then he goes, "You gotta be kidding me." We don't see what it is, but Dean repeats this sentence, and they go to a wax museum!
G: Yeah, the wax museum thing is actually pretty cool. I liked it.
C: Yeah. The play it as "wax museums are so weird and no one wants to come here," but it's like, [laughs] I think they're kinda cool.
G: Yeah. When my dad went to LA, he went to the Madame Tussaud's one. [laughs] [C: I haven't been.] And he took pictures with the basketball players, which is so typical dad behavior.
C: That's so correct of him.
G: They go in, and it's dead silent in this space. Like, there's nobody here, which is brought up later, when the museum- what is he? a curator? [C: Yeah.] Or owner? Yeah. When the museum owner says, like, "Oh, we're a bit busy." And Dean looks at the completely empty hall like, "Oh, this is busy?" And he goes, "Well, it's busy later. It's early right now." [laughing] And Dean goes, "It's 4:30," which I find pretty funny. Like, I'm sorry to this guy. But yeah, the implication is that, "Oh, it's so weird. Wax museums are so weird. And the people who run them are so weird." It's literally fine! And also, these are like, really nice wax-
C: Yeah, they are really nice. I think the idea is that it's like, creepy. [G: Yeah.] But it's like, you are literally in the Supernatural show. Like, get over it.
G: Dean walks up to Gandhi and says, "He's short." [C: Yeah.] And Sam says, "Hey, Gandhi was a great man," [C laughs] and Dean goes, "Yeah, for a Smurf." What is this? I thought it was just completely-
C: Yeah, wow. Like, okay. Initially, when Sam said, "Hey, Gandhi was a great man," I was like, "Short is not that much of an insult." [G laughs] Like, if Sam thinks short is an insult, like, maybe he does disrespect Dean and hate him so much. [G laughs] But then Dean really just brings it home by being quite rude about it, so I guess Sam anticipated correctly.
G: Again, like, they're playing the role of someone who is an asshole and someone who is like, "Haha! Look, I'm not an asshole, so therefore, the show isn't terrible!" [C: Yeah.] Like, "The morality of the show's fine because we have one person saying, 'That's kind of fucked up, dude.'"
C: I don't even know if that's- I feel like for the Gandhi stuff, it seems like, 'cause later, Sam's embarrassed to say fruitarian. And so is it even "guy who's an asshole" and "guy who's not an asshole"? Or is it, like, "funny guy" and "wet blanket." Like, what does Julie Siege think people think people are seeing here?
G: Wait, so Dean's supposed to be a funny guy?
C: I think that with like, a lot of the Gandhi jokes, it feels like Dean is, like, a funny guy, and Sam is a wet blanket is the dynamic that they're going with, which is worse.
G: Yeah, I don't know. Yeah, you're right. It could be what they're going for of, like, "Dean's being funny and Sam's being so serious and a killjoy." Sorry for calling you that constantly, Sam, and now defending your honor. [C laughs] But yeah. You're right. I mean, but Dean is not funny, so.
C: Yeah, Dean is not funny, but I do think that we're supposed to be like, on Dean's side later when he's like, "Oh my god! Like, you picked such a loser guy to be a fan of!" [G sighs] I think we are supposed to be like, "Haha! So true, Dean." [G: Yeah.] So that's why I feel like with the Gandhi stuff, it might be-
G: I mean, I think Sam is a loser for completely different reasons! [both laugh] Like, I think he's a loser for liking Gandhi, but for completely different reasons than Dean thinks.
C: Like, I think it's fine to like a guy who's a fruitarian. But yeah, [laughs] there are other reasons to be a loser for liking Gandhi.
G: [laughs] Yeah! Yeah. And also, just Dean saying like-
C: I'm surprised that Dean didn't bring up the like, "You don't really do the nonviolence thing, though, do you?" [both laugh] thing.
G: [laughing] I mean, I mentioned it to you earlier, but [both laughing] when Sam was like, "I thought Gandhi, the ghost or whatever, was trying to take a bite out of me, but he can't possibly be, because..." and then he takes a pause, and there's like, a really long, "Why? Why is he not gonna eat you, Sam?" And I literally thought it was because he was on a hunger strike. [both laughing] Like, I genuinely was so afraid that that's what they were gonna say!
C: [laughing] I was also waiting for that to happen, yeah. I don't know. I feel like their thinking about Sam thinking Gandhi is a great man only extends as far as like, the not-even-Gandhi quote of "Be the change you wish to see in the world" and not- I don't know. Yeah, I guess same with Abe Lincoln. They made this episode about people who are fans of people, but I don't think they actually looked into those people further than the pop culture knowledge about them.
G: Yeah, I mean, there is, you know, like, the first one is like, a fan in a very dogged, looking for the car way.
C: Okay, they did do research about James Dean. They did know things about James Dean for this episode. I don't think they knew things about Abe Lincoln or Mahatma Gandhi.
G: No, I mean, like, what I'm saying is the guy who was looking for the James Dean car, like, you don't really get to that level of doggedness without, at some point, like, kind of forgetting that the person was a person. [C: Yeah.] So like, I don't know. It's not like they're saying that like, "And the way this person admires this idol is the correct way to do it." [C: Right.] And, I mean, Dean's idol is apparently John Winchester [C screams], so obviously, that's not the point they're making that like, "This person has an accurate idea of what their idol is like." So yeah. [C: Yeah.] Okay, fine. Sam has an inaccurate idea of what is admirable about everything in the world.
C: Yeah. [laughs] Better than your hero being John Winchester, though. [laughs]
G: [laughing] What if- imagine- that's so funny! What a fucking funny thing! And they can't even hire JDM.
C: Yeah, yeah. I mean, he was busy being on The Walking Dead along with Lauren Cohan.
G: This is true. So Sam and Dean tell this owner that they're here to write an article about wax museums. [C: And "how non-sucky they are."] And they ask about the Abe Lincoln and the James Dean exhibits. And the owner, like, says that "Oh, the people who died are our regulars." and etc etc.
C: Yeah. That professor comes in to stare at the statue of Abe Lincoln, like, every week.
G: Yeah. That is- that is something. The James Dean one, too. Do you think those two are gay for each other?
C: The professor and the-?
G: [laughs] No. The two friends who were into James Dean. Maybe they were triangulating desire.
C: Yeah, I did think there was maybe something going on, but then the other guy died real fast, so.
G: Yeah. It's the triangulation of desire. [C: Exactly.] So apart from those, he also says that what sets this museum apart is that there is actually, like, real things from the owner, from the person that is being modeled that the wax model is wearing. So like, Abe Lincoln's hat is the hat and Gandhi's glasses are his glasses, etc etc. So these wax figures have the "remains," quote unquote, of their owners, which is a pretty fun, like, red herring. I mean, it's not a red herring, because the god does use the remains, right?
C: I'm surprised that they don't get more visitors. [G: Yeah.] Like, Abe Lincoln's real hat. Like, that's an iconic, like, item of the guy. And there are Abe Lincoln fans out there.
G: What it is for me is that's what you're gonna pay for, more than the wax figure, honestly. [C: Yeah, just to see his hat.] You're gonna pay for the artifacts, which, these are artifacts. And they're just on display like that. You can just touch them.
C: They're just out in the open. Like, there's no glass around. [G: Yeah.] How did the hat survive?
G: Yeah, no idea. I think this guy's lying. [both laugh]
C: I mean, he's not, or else Leshi wouldn't have been able to transform, I suppose.
G: Yeah, this is true. Also, I think earlier, I think you were asking how- Also, this guy is like. "Oh, my leather jacket! It's also an artifact from The Fonz, seasons 2 through 4!" And this guy keeps on double thumbs upping, which later on, Sam does do. [both laugh] He thumbs up this guy, which I thought was fun. And I mean, I am a bit- you know, like, I don't like that they're making fun of this guy. This guy did nothing wrong. [laughs] [C: Yeah.] And he's, you know, I mean, he falls under the same trap, I think, of the other people of like, quote "idolizing" these people in a way that is not indicative of their value as people. But whatever. [laughs] I think it's cool to collect stuff. So yeah, that's my hot take that is not hot. Also, Sam says, "Wow, yeah, that's really cool... ish." [C laughs] which I thought was extremely rude. That's so rude. He should have just said, "That's so cool!" Yeah.I mean, Sam, have you never had to go, "Yeah, sure, that's interesting" to anyone? Do you think Sam has ever done that? Like, "Oh, that's interesting." Or is he the type of person to be like, "I need to be honest to this person [C laughing], and I just want to say, that's interesting-ish."
C: I think that if you're around Dean, you can't call everything interesting 'cause Dean will keep talking.
G: This is true. They need to tone each other down. Eventually, they, you know, decide that they're gonna come back to this wax museum later that night. So Sam is cocking guns [C laughs] in the trunk of the Impala.
C: It's a very funny transition because it's like, we're in the museum, the lights are on, everything's happy, he's giving a double thumbs up. And then we immediately cut to the dead of night with like, ominous music playing [both laugh] as Sam like, loads up guns, yeah.
G: Yeah. And as he goes into the room, the door is like, ajar, so he just steps in, and Dean can't hear him, and Dean's back is turned towards the window, and he is talking on the phone. And, you know, he's talking about, "Oh, we have this case. We have this case. Oh, why is it happening? I don't know. Probably the Apocalypse. Yeah, we all know whose fault that is." And then maybe, like, Bobby on the other side was like, "Dean, don't say that." And he goes, "Well, I'm sorry, but it's true." [C: I hate him.] And Sam is there. Yeah, this is horrible. This is horrible! [C: Thank you.] I did feel immense like, "Ugh! I thought we were trying!" [C: Exactly!] But as I've said earlier, blah blah blah. [C laughs] But yeah, Sam gets upset by this, and then, like, makes the door make a sound so that Dean will see that he's there, and Dean hangs up. And he just proceeds like normal, like nothing has happened. And Sam just says like, "So are we just going to pretend that I didn't hear all that?"
C: Well first, he asks, "Who was on the phone?" and Dean says, "Bobby," thus confirming for Sam that Bobby only loves him as a coworker [laughs] once more.
G: [laughing] No, imagine if that was Cas. For a second, I was like, "What if he's talking to Cas?"
C: [laughing] For a second, I thought it was Cas. [G: Did you?] For a second, I thought it was Cas, yeah.
G: I appreciate the idea that Sam is defending Sam because he's like, secretly like, "Well, it's my fault, honestly, if we think about it."
C: "Yeah, well, I opened the door, man."
G: [laughs] But he's never gonna tell Dean that, ever, ever in his life. So yeah, unfortunate. And yeah. And Sam says, like, "Are we just going to pretend?" And Dean says, "Pretend or don't pretend, whatever floats your boat."
C: What a dick. [G: Yeah.] He's just so like, "I'm not gonna apologize for what I said. It's true." Like, that is what he's saying. And it's like, wow. Wow, Dean. I'm glad Sam called him out.
G: Like, "It's your job to think whatever you think, and I'm not going to take back anything I said."
C: Right, like, "When you came back, you said you were gonna prove yourself to me. That's not a two-way street. I can do whatever." [laughs]
G: Yeah. And yeah, Dean says- Sam says, "This was supposed to be a fresh start, Dean." And Dean says, "Well, this is about as fresh it gets. Now, are we going out or not?" And this is like, what my quote “analysis” of Sam and Dean's relationship up to this point from the three weeks comes from the most. Because, like, I do believe Dean wanted to do that fresh start. It's just that the- where that fresh start is keeps getting moved back and back and back the more they don't acknowledge what's happening or what happened, you know. So yeah, like, I fully believe Dean was like, "Let's do a fresh start" and now fully believe that [laughs] this is as fresh as it gets, as he says, So yeah.
C: I mean, he doesn't announce fresh start 'til like, today, though.
G: Yeah. But I mean, there is that implication already, like, last episode's final scene, right?
C: Well, last episode was, "I'm gonna prove myself to you." "I know you will." So like, fresh start is like, "I'm gonna try to move this to a new stage."
G: No, I'm talking mostly about the "We're gonna go hunting again." Like, you know, the implication of the thing. Not necessarily the words exchanged. Like, they were going to go hunting again. Specifically like, Dean being like, "Well, you're the second best hunter around" with the combination of the-
C: Well, those are also the words. [G: No no no no-] What do you mean? Yeah.
G: It's not about what specifically said there, like, the words itself, but like, the implication of it, of like, "I am not gonna wait for you to prove yourself. I'm just going to act as if you have already," and then the further they go, it becomes more clear and clear that like, that's not what's happening. It's the same deal with the knife, like, giving the knife. Like, he could have withheld that knife, you know, and could have been like, "Okay, let's wait a little bit." But he gave it immediately, and I think that's the right decision [C: Right.], but I'm sure throughout this thing, Dean also thought like, "Was that the right decision?"
C: I don't think I read "second-best hunter" the way that you did. I think I just read it as like, "I'm making a joke to diffuse the tension." I don't think I've read it as more meaningful than that.
G: No, you said too last time we talked about it, that it's supposed to inform, like, a return to normal.
C: Yeah, as in like- a return to normal as in like, yeah, return to the former brother dynamic, I suppose. But are we talking about the dynamic regarding the job or like, them as brothers right now?
G: I think them as brothers because- Yeah.
C: Okay. So I guess the second-best hunter joke is like a "Let's return to how we were as brothers" or like, "I'm attempting to do it," but-
G: It's just the job and the brother thing is completely inseparable to them. I mean, Sam tries to quit, and Dean basically goes, "Let's never see each other ever again." [C laughs] Like, it's inseparable for them. Like, Sam left for college, and to Dean, that's like, "Well, you're not a hunter anymore. Therefore, you've left the family." And the only way he can be back in Dean's life is if he's hunting with him. So like, it's not really a distinction one can make, especially Dean Winchester as the one.
C: I feel bad for Sam, and he's probably been trying to tell himself the whole time that like, "It's okay. I'm like, still trying to prove myself," blah blah blah blah. And then hearing this is like, "Well, Dean's not trying back." [G: Yeah, yeah.] They go into the museum- Oh, right, no. I think- right. My one other thing was that the sting is definitely stronger because Dean sent Sam out to prep the trunk with all the guns, and apparently, it was so that he could talk shit about Sam to Bobby [both laugh] [G: Yeah!] in the motel room. Like, that's a major asshole move.
G: Yeah. Sam was already suspecting that Dean was like, avoiding work to do something else, so is he now thinking that like, "Oh, Dean went to that bar to bitch about me."
C: To talk shit about me more, yeah! [both laugh] Yeah. Can't be a good feeling.
C: They re-enter the wax museum, and, like, they go in and take off Lincoln's hat to burn it. And Dean's like, joking around, putting the hat on. And Sam's like, "Whatever, let's just do the job." And Dean's like, "You're a killjoy, but okay." So Sam starts staring down Lincoln, and I really have no idea why he's doing this.
G: Why is he doing this? It's for suspense. This episode is ungodly short. It's the same reason why they did the car thing. It's because this episode is ungodly short. It's like, 39 minutes long [C: Huh.] with like, a 2-3 minute “Soon” section.  [C: Right, that's crazy.] So this episode is pretty short.
C: So, I don't know. Maybe he suspects that, like, the wax statue itself did it. Maybe he's just admiring the details of the statue. But yeah, he's staring Lincoln down. It's suspenseful, like, their faces are very close. But then the doors slam shut and won't open, and then his breath comes out visible. So it's cold. And then- so he's pointing his gun, but then the gun flies out of his hands, and then Gandhi attacks him. [laughs] Not the statue, a separate guy.
G: Yeah. And they make it a point of showing the statue still be there, not moving. So this is a different person. This is a different- Obviously, different person. But like, I mean like, this is a different thing than the wax statue. It's not the wax statue coming alive.
C: Yeah. And like, they shoot Gandhi's movements kind of weird with the camera. Like, it's slow-mo/fast-mo, and you can't really see his face. And I was like, "I wonder who they cast for this. Like, why are they trying to hide the face so much?" [laughs] [G: Noo.] I don't- Okay, I don't think that they cast a white guy, but we'll find out during the IMDb check, I suppose. I mean, it's possible because I know that they cast a Black man to play an Indian character in "Hammer of the Gods." So like, it's possible. Anything is possible. We'll find out.
G: I think what I assumed it was was because Dean goes like- makes a comment that like, he's squirrely. So I thought they were trying to convey that [C: Oh, with the motions?] via camera movement, yeah. [C: Perhaps so.]You know what? I also just thought, like, Gandhi has a more distinctive face than Abraham Lincoln, so it could just- And also, we have more pictures of him.
C: Yeah, it's harder to find someone who looks like him properly.
G: Yeah, it's harder to emulate a face that you know, which is probably the same reason why they didn't show James Dean. But it is like- you're right. Because with Lincoln, they really do show his face. [C laughs] They really show his face.
C: Yeah. So he's attacking Sam and like, jumping on his back and shit and strangling him. And Dean rushes in-
G: Sam does a fun move where he like, backslams a wall [C: Oh, yeah!] to slam Gandhi off his back, which I thought was pretty fun.
C: Yeah, good for Sam. Dean runs in, and really does not seem to be seeing the- [G: He DGAF.] Yeah, he does not care. He thinks this is mostly funny. And Sam's being strangled, but through the strangulation, he's like, "Get the- get the glasses!" So Dean gets the glasses and burns them, and the body just immediately disappears. And as Sam's like, recovering, Dean goes, "You couldn't have been a fan of someone cool? Really? Gandhi?" Again, Sam is a loser for being a fan of Gandhi, but for reasons other than what Dean thinks are the reasons. [G laughs]
G: Yeah. So they're back at the motel, and Sam is talking about how "Isn't it just weird the way Gandhi just vanished? Like, he didn't scream or fire out?" I forget, ghosts do burn though, right? [C: They do scream and burn, yeah.] And they scream about it. And yeah. And Dean was like, "Well, I burned it, he vanished. Sorry." But yeah.
C: Why is Dean so in a hurry to leave this case?
G: I think I think it's probably just a control thing. Like, Sam's arguing for one thing, let's argue against it and go.
C: Yeah, yeah, that makes sense to me. Yeah.
G: I don't know. I'm trying to think of a situation where Dean would just be like, "Okay, I'll listen to Sam." [C laughs] He was like that in the earlier seasons, I believe. They had a more equal footing. Season 1 specifically, I think they had- but mostly because Sam and Dean back then were treated by the narrative as, like, loser hunters. Like, they don't really know what they're doing. So even if, say, Dean knows a little bit better what they're doing, not by much. Versus now, where they are treated as special little princesses of the story.
C: Yeah, even though Sam's been hunting for longer 'cause Dean was in Hell for a few months. [G: This is true, but-] Like, hunting for longer, like, in the show. Dean was hunting for longer earlier than that, but yeah.
G: Yeah. [laughs] I was gonna make that point, but whatevs. Sam says, "And also, it's like he was hungry." [both laugh] [C: "He was trying to take a bite of me."] "No, but the thing is, Gandhi, [both laughing] or the real Gandhi, he was a..." And Dean was like, "What?" and Sam just doesn't want to say it, and Dean just goes, "What? Spit it out." Sam goes, "He was a fruitarian."
C: Yeah, and see, the humor for me right now is that Sam thinks-
G: That this is a logical conclusion that a ghost will not eat him or bite him because the people was fruitarian.
C: Exactly. Most people weren't cannibals during their life. [both laugh] Ghosts change!
G: I think the question should be like, "Why would ghosts bite me?"
C: 'Cause they can't- Why would they want- It isn't a part of ghost lore that they want to bite you. That should be the question.
G: But here, the question is like, "Why is Gandhi ghost trying to bite me [C laughing] when he was fruitarian?" Like, why is Gandhi ghost trying to bite you, period?
C: Yeah, why is ghost trying to bite you, period?
G: Yeah. But the comedy to Dean is that Gandhi is fruitarian. I understand that.
C: It's just funny that he was a fruitarian. Which isn't even true. He was a fruitarian for five years, and then went back to being a vegetarian.
G: Dean keeps making fun of him for it, and goes like, "Oh, your ultimate hero is not only a short man in diapers, but he was also a fruitarian?" which-
C: Fuck off, Dean.
G: Yeah. Fuck off, Dean. But yeah. Sam is saying, like, "I don't- I don't think this is over. I don't think it's a ghost." But Dean, again, gung-ho to just leave. And Sam says, "So first you drag me into town. And now you're dragging me back out." And Dean says, "You're not steering this boat. Let's go." But Sam doesn't. And he says, "This isn't gonna work."
C: Yes! Go Sam. Go Sam forever.
G: And yeah, he says, "You and me together, I thought it could, but it can't." And Dean says, "You're the one who wanted back." And Sam says, "No, but you're the one who called me back in," which is true. [C: Yeah.] And Dean says, "Oh, we got some trust building to do, that's all." But Sam says, "Well, how long am I gonna be on double secret probation?" which is a way to put it. And he really is, I think. [C: Yeah.] And Dean says, "'Til I say so." He doesn't even deny it! Well, this part I'm like, "Sam." [laughs] Well, he says, "Look, I know what I did, what I've done, and I'm trying to climb out of that hole. I am, but you're not making it any easier." And Dean says, "Wait, I'm just supposed to let you off the hook?" And Sam says, "No, you can think whatever you want," which I love! Because Sam, for a while, for a long time, has been like, I think, so adamant on Dean forgiving him for being angry enough with him, Bobby forgiving him, Bobby thinking he didn't do anything wrong, Bobby thinking he's forgivable. And it's like, hearing Sam say, like, "You can think whatever you want." Like, it is coming from a a place of self-deprecation, because he says like, "Oh, I deserve it. Like, whatever bad thing you think of me, I deserve it." But like, the point he's making here, which he says is, "The point is, if we're gonna be a team, you and I, it has to be a two-way street." which I like, I love that kind of acceptance. Like, it's not a matter anymore of [C: Yeah, "You should forgive me" or whatever.] what you think of me.
C: It's just like, fair treatment, yeah.
G: Like, forgiveness comes in layers. Forgiveness, you can forgive a person in action but still blame them in thought. And what he's saying to Dean is, "You can blame me in thought all you want, but you can't expect me to be here, and you're acting the way you do, and I will continue to be here." It's just like, yeah. "You can think whatever you want. But don't treat me like shit."
C: Yeah. Yeah. Good boundary-setting.
G: Good boundary-setting. But also, like, for Sam, I do feel that is a character development thing, right? That, like, "I am going to ask for forgiveness, and I will hope that you forgive me. But if you don't, [laughs] there's other things to worry about." And there are other things to worry about.
C: Yeah. I feel like Sam is the one who's been saying the word "sorry" in like, all of Season 5 so far and, like, this episode, Sam doesn't say sorry, and Dean does.
G: Yeah. So Dean asked- And at this point, he's not, like, convinced or anything. He's still being, like, condescending when he replies. He says, like, "So what? Are we supposed to go back to the way it was before?" And Sam says, "No. [C exclaims] Because that was bad."
C: "We were never that way before. Before didn't work!" Go, Sam!
G: Love that! And he says, "How do you think we got here? One of the reasons I went off with Ruby was to get away from you." [C: So true.] And Dean is surprised by this. This is a revelation for him. He's like, "What?"
C: He's literally been the guy who's like, "You chose Ruby over me!" Like, "You betrayed me by going off with Ruby," but, like, he never thought that it was to get away from him. Like, he thought these were just completely unrelated things.
G: Yeah. No, I do think he thinks that. Like, I think he thinks that Ruby tricked Sam, and Sam wasn't doing anything out of his own volition. And when Sam was, like, "No, I am choosing it," he ascribed that to Sam's addiction already, [C: Right.] and Sam's, you know, all the other stuff happening. [C: Yeah.] He didn't stop to consider that like, before all that, there was a reason why he was going off with Ruby
C: But he is very blamey about like, "You chose a demon over your own brother." Like, is that something you would say when you were, like, "You were 100% just being tricked, and then later, when you made the choice, it was because of your addiction." Like, that seems like a different idea caused that sentence to happen.
G: I don't know. Like, there's a difference between, you know, like, choosing something- As you said, there's a difference between choosing someone over someone else and, like, choosing someone over someone else to get away from the second someone else. [C: Yeah, I think that is different.] So like, maybe Dean was just like, "You chose her over me" and didn't connect the dot that "to get away from me." It literally was just "You chose." [laughs] Again, Sam, Dean, and Cas-
C: Like, "You think I'm so cool and great. [fake-teary] But you had the audacity to think Ruby was cooler and greater!"
G: Literally. Like, all of these characters are so bad at self-reflection. Like, so so bad. [C: Mm.] But yeah. And Sam says, "It made me feel strong. Like I wasn't your kid brother." Agh. I love the term "kid brother" so much when Sam says it. Yeah. And Dean says, "Are you saying this is my fault?" And again, this is delivered condescendingly. Like, after this, I had no idea where the episode was gonna go with Sam and Dean. Or, I mean, you know, I had an idea, but I didn't really know the specifics of how they were gonna resolve it, 'cause Dean still feels incredibly cagey about everything. Sam says, "No, it's my fault. All I'm saying is that if we're gonna do this, we have to do it different. We can't just fall into the same rut." [C: So proud of him!] Ough! And then they're going to. And they're going to, for the rest of time immemorial. [C: You're right. Well, let's not think about that.[ Well, I mean, they're not going to. It's not the same- It's not the same problem over and over again. It's different problems. [laughs] But it's problems nonetheless! This is the part where there seems to be something changing with Dean. 'Cause when he says, "What?" I think that was the first time he was, like, actually taken him back by something Sam was saying with the, you know, like, "I went off through Ruby to get away from you." But yeah, he asks, "What do you want me to do?" And Sam says, "You're gonna have to let me grow up, for starters." But this gets disrupted because Dean's phone rings, and then we are made aware that somebody else has died or something weird has happened yet again. [C: Yup.] So this is- You know, Supernatural really is such a format show. Like, it really is a "I don't want to talk about it, Sammy. I don't want to talk about it, Sammy." And then Sammy says something, [laughs] and it's like, "Okay, let's talk about it at the end of the episode." And I love that for Supernatural. I love to be taken on an experience where Dean doesn't want to talk and then does. [C laughs]
C: Yeah, well, so we're back at the police department, and something weird has happened. So they go and interview these two teen girls. And they're not being that clear about what happened, but somebody who uses she/her pronouns took their friend Danielle. And Sam's like, "It's okay. Just tell us. Who took your friend?" And one of the girls goes, "It was... Paris Hilton." And they go on to talking about how, like, she looked really good and skinny [G laughs] or whatever, which, I don't know. I don't know, man. I guess the idea is because they're like, really big fans, so they would be focused on these things in addition to their friend getting kidnapped, but I'm not sure about that. It just feels like a "teenage girls are dumb" sort of thing that they're doing. Sam and Dean are like, "Oh, like, we have to talk in private," and they walk one step away [both laugh] and whisper so loudly.
G: So true. You know, like, I fully thought, because of the camera angle as well in this scene, I fully thought that the sheriff was gonna, like, pop up behind them or something, and be like, "What are you talking about?" Or like, somebody at some point doing that. Because again, they're like, one step away from the people they were just talking to. [both laugh] They're still pretty much inside the room. [C: They're in the doorway.] And like, they're talking so loudly, the camera angle is making space for someone to pop- I don't know. This is just like that scene where they were fighting, and they were like, "Let's step out for a bit." [C laughs] And then everybody, including Ellen, can hear their fight.
C: Yeah, this is just like when they were talking in the doorway to Bobby's hospital room about him, [G laughs] and he said, "I can hear you." [laughing] Haven't they learned by now?But the whispered conversation is that Paris Hilton is not dead, so it cannot be a ghost, so they missed something. So Sam's in scrubs now at the morgue, and I do think it's odd that after that conversation, Sam is still being sent out solo to do, like, the icky work. He's there, and he's looking at the body of the guy who died by the car. And he, like, cuts open his chest, and then he reaches in, and somehow, despite the fact that there's like, other shit in there that he was also feeling, he was able to take out two small round objects from inside. And he is surprised by this. And when he comes back out, he explains that there was a lot more blood loss than expected from the other bodies, like something was, like, drinking their blood. And they all had these seed pods inside of their stomachs, at which I wrote, 'OMG, mpreg episode?" [G: Noo!] But we don't really learn what happens with the seeds. Like, do the trees grow out of the bodies, I suppose, is what we're supposed to- Can trees grow when they're implanted inside of someone's chest and don't have access to sunlight?
G: I mean, this is a magical seed.
C: I guess so. But doesn't he just say, it's like, [G: A normal-ass seed?] from a tree that's dead. Yeah, like, a regular tree. It just is extinct now. Yeah, I don't know. Maybe it's just a ritual thing.
G: I mean, it's a seed he has never seen before!
C: Yeah, it's a seed he's never seen before! And Dean goes, "Wow! Just when I thought you couldn't get any geekier." Sam does some research, and he's somehow able to find out the species that these seeds are, [G: How even?] despite the fact that they were covered in blood inside of a man's body, [G laughs] and when he washed them off, I'm sure they didn't look that similar. And also, like, they didn't have, like, reverse image search. Even if they did, I don't think it would've worked that well! But yeah, I guess he's just really good at research?
G: Yeah. He's research boy. [C: Yeah.] [laughs] Gun boy and research boy. So true!
C: Yeah. The hunting brothers. They are from a forest in the Balkans, which was chopped down 30 years ago, and they thought that the forest was guarded by a pagan god named Leshi who could be appeased only with blood from his worshipers, and, like, drink all their blood, and then put the seeds in their stomach. And I guess he just turns into different people by touching things that they owned and can be killed with an iron axe chopping off his head.
G: They go to the Wax Museum. They open, like, the back door, or whatever. So they open this area, and it's like, a garden scene.
C: Also, Sam whistles to get Dean to come over to him, which I think is so fun. [G: That is fun.] It's like, a very cute whistle.
G: So yeah, they see the girl, and she’s tied up. Sam checks her pulse, and she's still alive, barely, and Dean is holding an axe. And the axe, like, flies out of his hands. And yeah. Paris Hilton is there.
C: Hell yeah. She looks like she's having a lot of fun. I hope she had fun on set.
G: Yeah. She knocks Sam out and then knocks Dean out with, like, a stomping on his face with her shoes. [C: Yeah.] And then, yeah. They wake up tied up, both of them to trees. But like, I just wanna say, I don't know anything about Paris Hilton other than she's Paris Hilton. [C: Yeah, nor I.] I also don't think I know her voice. And the whole time she was speaking, I was like, "Is that really her voice?" [laughs]
C: I think it probably is.
G: I mean, it is, it is. It's just me being like, "Huh! I did not expect her to sound like that." You know, 'cause it's a face you've seen so many times, but the voice is always new when you hear it. But yeah. This is Paris Hilton. How did they get this collab?
C: I mean, she could just be a Supernatural fan.
G: Is that true? Can we look that up?
C: Okay, "Paris Hilton." Oh, it says Jared Padalecki co-starred in the movie House of Wax with her, [G: Ohh.] so they probably did the wax museum and the Paris Hilton thing, like, for fun because of that.
G: That's why Dean says, "I haven't even seen House of Wax."
C: Okay, it says there was an interview with Access Hollywood where she said she was a big fan of the show and was excited to be part of it.
G: Do you think she's just saying that, or was she really a big fan of this show? [C: I don't know. The other thing in the article is that-] I can't believe people are fans of Supernatural. Like, don't do that.
C: Yeah, I mean, many people are. [G: Apparently.] I feel like I talk to a fan of Supernatural every week on Zoom.
G: There's this really fun thing they do with her where she is holding the knife, and she's going over it with her nails, and it's sending out sparks. I thought that was really fun.
C: I mean, it made it so hard to watch because it sounded really bad, [G: Yeah.] but it was fun.
G: Yeah, I thought it was fun. Paris Hilton is saying like, "Oh, I've been eating a lot of fast food lately, so it's nice to do the ritual right. Prepare a nice slow meal for a change," which is pretty fun. Dean says, "I guess these days, nobody gives a flying crap about some backwoods forest god, huh?" And she goes, "No. Not since they cut down my forest and built a Yugo plant," which I do think is interesting. What are the concepts being talked about here? It's that one, and then also, like, the concept of, like, the United States being- having no God? [laughs] [C: Yeah.] Like, their God is celebrities and whatever. [C laughs] I mean, isn't there- there's that one Tweet or whatever that was like, "You want to insult the British, you in theory can just insult the Queen. But if you want to insult, like, Americans, you have to insult McDonald's or whatever." [C laughing]
C: This is true.
G: What else? I don't know, it's just about worship of gods and idolatry and celebrities, and it is, I suppose, fun that it's Paris Hilton they're making do this speech: because that is celebrity 101.
C: Yeah, she's the "famous for being famous" person.
G: Eventually, Paris Hilton now wants to kill Dean. [C: Yeah.] Except she can't unless she transforms into someone that Dean idolizes. And so Dean's like, "Oh, I don't even idolize you. I've not seen House of Wax." But she goes, "No, but I know who you really idolize. Your daddy. Am I right?" And the axe apparently belonged to John, so she can just go touch the axe and turn into JDM and then drink Dean's blood. [C: Slay.] So she goes to reach for it. Dean gets out of his binding and then goes to attack her, except she gets the upper hand. And then Sam also gets out of his thing, and then he gets the axe and then eventually axes once, twice, three times, until the head rolls over. And his face is super duper duper bloody, which is fun.
C: Soo bloody. It was hot.
G: So fun! And, you know, Sam gets a word in with Dean because he's like, "Dude. You just got whaled on with Paris Hilton" [C: Fuck yeah.] while laughing. And it is fun to see him laugh with all that blood in his face. [C: Yeah!] Like, agh! So true.
C: Love that guy. Yeah, I don't- Is the "You have no god. You just worship celebrities instead." is that at all supposed to be related to God being dead in 5.03? Or is it just doing its own thing?
G: I think it's just doing its own thing, although you can relate it for sure.
C: Yeah, yeah. I feel like as its own thing, it's kind of silly. But oh, well. It is Supernatural.
C: We return to the motel. Dean is on the phone with the sheriff, and Danielle's gonna be okay, like, the teen girl. [laughs] The sheriff is putting out an APB on Paris Hilton. They are heading out to the Impala. Dean says, "I was thinking about what you said yesterday about me keeping too tight of a leash on you." And Sam doesn't say anything. He just looks. He just waits. And Dean goes like, "Maybe you're right. I'm not exactly Mister Innocent in this whole mess either, you know? I did break the first seal." [G: Aww.] And Sam says, "You didn't know." [G: "You didn't either!"] And Dean said, "Well, neither did you." [G: Aww!] And that was a really nice moment because- yeah. 'Cause it's like, Supernatural and I will never agree on the demon blood thing, so I've given up on that. But [G: - the Lilith thing, yeah.] the Lilith thing, the breaking the first seal, like, the level of blame accordant, the "Sam didn't know," like, I'm glad that we're finally getting to this properly, because all the previous episodes it's just "Sam did this, and that was evil, and Sam is evil." So yeah, I'm really glad that they're at this place where, like, I guess Sam can maybe sort of start trying to forgive himself through viewing it as similar to the Dean breaking the first sale thing. [G: Yeah.] And like, Dean can also like- Yeah. Like, just both of them are forgiving themselves and each other through each other, and that's nice! And it's nice that they're just- yeah, reminding us of this.
G: Yeah. I am thinking about how like, to Dean, at least there is a positive to come out of it. I mean, like, killing Lilith is a positive thing. The side effect of the Apocalypse starting is negative, and also the drinking demon blood to get there is negative. That's Dean's calculation [laughing] To Dean, it's all just negative, I believe.
C: Yeah. He did the starting the Apocalypse through starting to torture people, yeah.
G: Yeah, because he was tortured for a long time. Like, yeah. Pretty horrible, that one!
C: Yeah. 'Cause Dean says, "I'm not saying demon blood was a great way to go, but you did kill Lilith. Who'd have thought killing Lilith would have been a bad thing?" [G: Yeah.] So he's like, also acknowledging that they all had the same goal. And then he says, "The point is, I was so worried about watching your every move that I didn't see what it was actually doing to you." And for that, is he talking about recently, or just like, their whole lives?
G: No, I mean- Ah! This line. I'm not actually sure.
C: Because Sam was saying, "It never worked in the past."
G: I think it could be a more recent thing.
C: I'm more on the long term side because I think Dean might be responding to Sam saying, like, "The past patterns we were in didn't work and like, made me upset."
G: Yeah. This could be conceived that way. Like, you can think of it that way, whichever way. [C: Yeah, yeah.] So it's a reasonable point, whichever.
C: Yeah. So it's like, "Part of my overprotectiveness and control is what led you to, like, go off with Ruby, and I acknowledge that." Yeah. Good for Dean for getting to this place, and I hope that I hope that this does for Sam what Sam wants, like, for emotional closure.
G: I want to bring up something. [C: Mm-hm.] You asked earlier, like, "Why is it that Sam is still the one who looked at the coroner's?" It's because Dean asked him what he wants to do, right?
C: Oh, is that what happened?
G: Like, Sam says like, "Oh, we missed something." And Dean goes, "What do you want to do?" Which, like, at that point in the episode, that was a concession. Or not concession. That was a sign of like, oh, Dean's taking it to heart because he asks Sam, like, "What's your game plan?" So the reason why it was Sam who is in the coroner's office probably was because he asked to be there.
C: But what was Dean doing?
G: I don't know. Probably doing research, whatever the fuck.
C: Was he?
G: Yeah. I mean, I think part of the charm of this episode is that Sam is the one who figures the case out, so-
C: Mm-hm, yeah. They didn't get a call from Bobby being like, "Bobby says it's a Leshi."
G: Yeah. It is vital that Sam is the one doing the research, I feel. Or like, doing the figuring things out, too, like, narrative-wise.
C: Yeah, okay, I get that. So after Dean says that, he pauses and he goes, "So for that, I'm sorry." And Sam says, "Thanks." They discuss a bit. They come to, like, the same conclusion that they come to at the end of every episode, [G: Yeah.] so [laughing] I didn't even know why it was a new conclusion.
G: Every end of the episode, they will just say things like, "We just need to do our own thing."
C: Yeah, "We just need to survive, we just need to hunt, we just need to go down fighting." Like, you said that, like, day one, bros.
G: Yeah, but this time, Sam is saying it instead of Dean. So that's the difference.
C: Yeah. So Dean asks, "So where do we go from here?" Which, you're right, the Dean asking questions is a step in the right direction. Like, "I will listen to you." And Sam says that "We got one shot at surviving this. Maybe I'm on deck for the devil, maybe same with you and Michael. Maybe there's no changing that. But we can stop wringing our hands over it. We just gotta grab onto whatever's in front of us, kick its ass, and go down fighting." Dean kindly does not say, "I said that, like, three weeks ago, and also four weeks ago, and also five weeks ago!" [laughs] He just goes, "I could get on board with that." And Sam says, "Okay, but we're gonna have to do it on the same level," and Dean goes, "You got it!" which is nice.And finally, they're about to like, get into the car. But then Dean goes, "Hey. You wanna drive?" [G: Agh!] Soo true. It's so corny.
G: I started crying. [C: Congrats.] I started crying. This whole, like, "Do you wanna take the car? Do you wanna drive?" thing that Dean does sometimes, it really does get to me. Like, it matters to me! And, like, I kept on telling myself when this scene was happening and I was crying, like, full-on tears flowing down my face, I was like, "But it does matter! Like, it does matter!" [laughs] Like, I was trying to convince myself that it does matter. But the thing is, it does matter. [C: Yeah.] I think it matters to Dean, and it matters to Sam. It matters to me, so.
C: Yeah, I mean, the writers put it in because it matters. I think it is a little corny sometimes, but I don't care.
G: It's corny as fuck, but we are in the CW's Supernatural, so it's fine.
C: Indeed we are. And yeah, [G: We drive.] Sam asks, "You sure?" and Dean says, "I could use a nap." And they drive.
G: Yeah. And also, like, you know, they drive, and also there's a scene- what's that? There's a "Soon" section. [C: There's a "Next time on."] Yeah, which I don't really ever get a lot of.
C: Yeah, I think we got like one before this.
G: I think it's because this episode is so short, like, honestly. [C laughs]
C: Maybe so. Yeah, we see bits from "Changing Channels" and a bit from-
G: "99 Problems," I think.
C: Yeah, probably. And a bit from- which one's the episode with the two Asian sex workers?
G: Ah, I forgot! There's also the one with the devil Antichrist.
C: Oh, yeah! Who turns Cas into an action figure. [G: Action figure, yeah.] 'Cause Cas wants to murder that child! [both] Just like Aziraphale!
G: Yeah, it's feminist. It's literally feminist. [both laughing] Do I explain that joke or what?
C: In the Good Omens podcast, in our Rubbish and Probably a Podcast- everyone listen now!- Q&A, someone asked about female Aziraphale and Crowley, how it would have changed, and I said, "Would it be feminist that female Aziraphale wants to kill Adam because she's not being motherly?" [laughs] And it is.
G: It literally is. [laughs] Oh, anyway! What did we think about this episode? It was bad when it's bad and it was fun and it was good when it's good.
C: Yeah. I think the Sam and Dean stuff was excellent, and the rest of the plot was- well, sometimes it was fun. Sometimes.
G: Best Line/Worst Line. What's your best side?
C: Best line is, "We were never that way before before. Before didn't work. How do you think we got here?" Let's go!
G: I mean, my best line is "You want to drive?" honestly, like, it got to me. It got to me. What's your worst line? I think-
C: I think... there's a lot of options. [G: Yeah, there's truly a lot.] When Dean's like, lying about being an agent in the bar [G: Yeah.], that's quite bad. [G: That's pretty bad.] The "She's not making any sense in Spanish, either!" was bad.
G: I don't like that Dean calls, like, "Great for a Smurf." I don't like that line. Very rude. [C: Very rude.] Spreadsheets! Spread those sheets.
C: Alright, we've got points happening. Misogyny, the lying in the bar thing, quite bad.
G: Definitely. I think that's a 2.
C: Yeah, I think that is probably a 2. Racism, okay. The jokes in the episode are, "It's funny that someone can't speak English and can only speak Spanish," "it's funny that Mahatma Gandhi wore clothing that is not, like, Western clothing, and was short [G: Yeah.] and was a fruitarian," and then, like, "the sheriff is dumb" and "wax museums are dumb." So like, 50% of the jokes in this episode are built off of being racist. [laughs] [G: Yeah.] So yeah, I think I think that could take us to 4 territory.
G: Yeah, I agree. It's I think it's a 4. Homophobia, there's none in this episode, I believe.
C: Yeah, I don't think so.
G: So what's our IMDb ratings? What's our guesses? IMDb guesses. We need to specify that every time.
C: I don't know. I think it's like, pretty good, but I don't know if people would like it. [G: Mm.] I'm just gonna guess same as 5.03. 8.5?
G: I was gonna guess 8.4. Okay, let's see. [C: Let's see.] Oh my god! It's a 7.9.
C: Oh, that's low.
G: People don't like this one.
C: Did they think the plot was, like, silly or something? I guess there's also the fact that it follows 5.04, so it's like, why are we doing a case episode right now? Like, that's weird?
G: [laughs] "You can't tell me Paris Hilton is awesome for doing this." Wait, no no no.
C: Isn't awesome, or- they meant "isn't awesome"? Yeah, they think she's cool.
G: They think she's cool. And it is cool, I think, that she did this.
C: Yeah, the making fun of herself performance. She does do a pretty good job acting.
G: This one says, "There was some social commentary here, [C laughs] some scenes were funny, the brother tension was great and they made some progress. Also yes Dean you too started the apocalypse, stop blaming Sam." [C: Real.] I think both of them are probably fine. Like, it's all the angels' fault honestly, if we're being so for real right now.
C: Yeah, it's the angels' fault and also, like, the demons' fault.
G: Yeah, I think because Sam and Dean are, like, important. And they are. But they're also just pawns. And I feel like they go back and forth, especially Dean, goes back and forth between "I'm a pawn" and "I'm so important! No one's gonna hurt me because I'm important." And it's like, both of those things are true. You're a very important sword is what you are.
C: [laughing] One of these says, “How sad that even Hungry Hungry Gandhi knew that Sam's vulnerable spot was his throat. One of these days, the writers are going to have to address why every single evil thing the boys fight goes for Sam's throat.” [G laughing] Is this a pattern? I think you may just be sexually attracted to Sam Winchester. [G laughing]
G: This one says, “I really do not understand how this clunker got made in season 5. It's probably the worst episode of the entire series and it has nothing good to say about it. The premise is silly and yet unfunny. [C: What about Sam?] The brotherly melodrama is forced. It's not scary. And Hilton didn't deserve to be on the show.”
C: What?? Okay, people do hate women.
G: This one says, “It didn't end great in my opinion. What possessed the writers to write such speech for Sam? I have tried so hard to find sympathy for Sam. [C: Booo!] So according to Sam (because that was what he was saying between the lines) everything is Deans fault. [C: He literally said it's not Dean's fault!] Sam went to Ruby, because of Dean. He drank demon blood because of Dean. Then with the same breath he says to Dean that his big brother needs to let him grow up. It was truly ridiculous. [C: Boo!] Basically Dean sacrificed himself to save Sam, he died...in the 4 months he was gone, Sam went and became demon blood addict. [C: Boo!] Part of being adult is also taking responsibility for your own actions and not blame your big brother for every single thing you do. Will Sam ever grow up and accept the responsibility for his own actions?”
C: He literally has been over-accepting responsibilities for his actions, like, the entire rest of Season 5 so far! He's been apologizing. He's been saying it's his fault. He said it was his fault, like, explicitly in this episode, too! Wow!
G: That's crazy that this is a perspective that people can have. [C: Yeah.] Well, I mean, the thing is like, is it entirely Dean's fault? Everything? Obviously not. But like, you cannot the deny the reasons for it.
C: Yeah, and Sam doesn't think that- Yeah, that he had a factor.
G: And like, Sam exclusively says that like, [C: “It's my fault!”] Dean asks, "It's my fault?" and Sam goes, “No, it's mine.”
C: Yeah, like, "It's my fault. We just- But in order to avoid a similar situation, we should like, change our dynamic."
G: "Let's not put ourselves in such situations."
C: Yeah, that is, like, a healthy, helpful thing to say. Wow.
G: This is growing up. [C: Yeah!] Like, Sam is accepting- Sam kept on saying, like, he's punishing himself more than Dean will ever punish him! Like, "It's my fault," he keeps on saying. [C: Yeah.] I don't know. Whatever
C: Whatever.
G: Well, that’s it for this episode of Busty Asian Beauties. Next week, we will be discussing Season 5, Episode 6: "I Believe the Children Are Our Future." Oh, it's immediately the next one! Leave us a rating or a review wherever you get your podcasts.
C: Wait, which one is "I Believe the Children Are Our Future"?
G: The kid who turns Cas into a toy.
C: Oh, that's- that's so funny. Okay. [laughs] Well, follow us on social media! We are on Tumblr at bustyasianbeautiespod.tumblr.com. Our official tag is #BABPod, B-A-B-POD. Thanks to everyone who's donated to our Ko-Fi at ko-fi.com/bustyasianbeautiespod, which is where our outtakes live, and check out our merch at babpod.redbubble.com.
G: You can email us any feedback, comments, or inquiries at [email protected]. See you guys next time! [both] Bye!
[guitar music]
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megacandy420 · 1 year
War Of The Dumb Hedgehogs 2022
Alright, let’s do this!
Here’s my case:
You claim my clients are a vicious race
Your Honor, you’ll find they’re not so insidious
But just a group of lovable idiots
[Lawyer Big]
Hold it!
Don’t give me your lecture
Your argument here is pure conjecture
The defendants are vile and no doubt insane
They’re small leeches who’ll bring a world of pain
No, that’s wrong!
We fulfill dreams
We bring a smile with the magic of memes
It’s all about love with our wholesome show
Where you can be assaulted by the Teletubby Po
Okay, sometimes we break the law
But that’s an insignificant little flaw
Our mission is to laugh, enjoy, and inspire
Just ignore the things that we set on fire
[Lawyer Big]
Heh, this is the end, it seems
‘Cause your team’s flimsy schemes are through
Your antics are too extreme
Violence, separation
Is this segregation peace for our nation?
You guys bring peace?
Don’t give me that crock
Sure, you can talk the talk
But can you walk the walk?
Our only crimes?
We saved the Earth a buncha times
From eldritch incantations
Greedy expectations
Hate, love, and rejection
[Lawyer Big]
Don’t get cocky, you haven’t won yet
I haven’t even broken a sweat
You’ll be banned just as planned
Witnesses to the stand!
You make us look so stupid and dense
None of what we do makes any sense
So what?
It’s about having tons of fun
Your neutral special can be a gun!
Bro, your vids aren’t even funny
I bet you’re doing this all for the money
Shut up! No one asked for your opinion
L, plus ratio, plus you look like a minion!
I’m sorry, but I got a confession
All your arcs always give me depression
It’s okay, we may woe
But we develop love and grow
Ugh, can you guys please stop persisting?
It’s hard enough already existing
Alright, you’ve heard their plea
They’re innocent, so if you please
Let them all go free!
[Lawyer Big]
Time to stop this persistent sinning
I’ve been winning from the very beginning
It’s no use with your whinging and cringing
‘Cause the use of Sonic is copyright infringing!
Please, I don’t wanna be exiled!
I was just a naive, stupid little child
[Tails as Walter White]
Oh, sir, you deserve this mockery
Can’t be original or high quality
[Lawyer Big]
Here, we sentence you for robbery
Of our intellectual property
Halt with your elation
And your litigations
Parody citation
Refutes these actions
Fair use states a parody of a style
Can hold water within a courtroom trial
Our Sonic’s all silly and dull
IP robbery is therefore null
Stupid imitations
Fun exaggerations
Proving their protection
Whatcha gonna do?
I’m not your hero
I’m just a dumbass with an IQ of zero!
There's no escape, you dumb ape!
[Lawyer Big]
Wait, no, you can’t possibly agree!
These three don’t even have a degree
Whoops, sorry, time’s up, ya clown
It’s time for the judge to hand a verdict down
[Judge Snap]
I gotta thank you all
Now I clearly see
I, Judge Snap, hereby decree
That I find the defendants to be
Not Guilty!
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theminecraftbox · 2 years
If an eldritch god locked all three of the torture trio in a box and didn't let them leave until they each said one nice thing about each other, what would happen?
/dsmp /rp
[Love this. I’m going to assume that the playful eldritch god in question has the ability to read thoughts and has further stipulated that the compliments must be completely genuine.]
Dream: (laughs incredulously) …what. Seriously? That’s all you want? Hah. Sure. Sam is a hard worker and extremely skilled at redstone. Quackity is very creative and dedicated, and he’s impressively willing to do whatever it takes. YES, I win, L + ratio + you guys are idiots, now gimme back my weapons. …Wait, we ALL have to do it? That’s—no! That’s not fair!
Quackity: Shut up, Dream. Sam is good at building, and he’s a nice guy and a good partner when he’s got the stick out of his ass. Dream… is good at being an evil piece of shit. What do you mean that doesn’t count as a compliment???? … Fine. Dream is good at being fucking stubborn. Okay, whatever, he’s decent at keeping secrets! Does that count?
Sam: Quackity is good at talking his way out of things. And into them. And now I guess we all die in here together, because I can’t say a single genuinely good thing about Dream, and guess what, Dream? Even if I could, I’d choose to starve to death a thousand times before I’d do anything to let you out of here.
Quackity: come the fuck on, Sam, I didn’t sign up to die! Just say something!
Dream: (sitting down) …yeah, see, this is why I was saying that this isn’t a fair game.
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quorras · 3 years
TRON: Legacy & the Aspect Ratio
Well. This is going to be a long post. Ever since I watched Legacy for the first time, I’ve been wanting to do so many different types of analysis on the technical choices made. This past May, I wrote out a giant analysis on what the possible reasoning behind the fake aspect ratio changes on discord and thought it might be a good idea to clean that up and post it here. Because why not! It’s pretty neat to think about! I’m not adding a read-more just in case this blog gets deleted, I still want this to be readable lol
So, beware! Extremely long post inbound!!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
A quick breakdown of the aspect ratios in Legacy, according to IMDB:
1.78:1 (70mm IMAX) and 1.90:1 (Digital IMAX) -- This is pretty close to what’s called ‘video widescreen standard’, similar to what we have in personal video cameras and HDTV. They’re both pretty close and which one you see depends on how you saw the movie (projected in a theater, CDs, digital download, etc). In Legacy, the first time we see this ratio in the full is when we see the Recogniser for the first time.  
2.39:1 -- This is the ‘widest aspect ratio common in modern cinema’. Pretty much any typical blockbuster movie you see is made in this ratio. In Legacy, you can see this ratio during the entirety of Sam’s ENCOM prank before he gets into the Grid.
The first thing to understand when wanting to break down the aspect ratio changes is that when you actually watch the movie, it’s actually in 1.90:1 the whole time. The black bars that appear on frame are what give the illusion of 2.39:1. I haven’t read up what cameras were used when filming Legacy, so it is actually possible that they filmed at two different ratios, but that’s highly unlikely since it’s easier to cut wide ratios down than it is to do the opposite.
Legacy makes a conscious decision to switch back and forth between these two ratios at various points of the story (about 16 times, if I counted correctly). What’s interesting to me is not as much the decision to have ratio changes at all, but when these ratios were put and what that means for the story. It’s pretty easy to brush it off and say “Oh, it’s just there to look cool”, and yeah, I agree with you, knowing the way this franchise has been handled, that’s probably the most logical reason behind the decision. Still, I’m half a film student and my job is to overanalyse and make things harder for myself, so that’s exactly what I’m going to do.
The first thing we learned in freshman year was importance the of framing, not only for what the shot highlights, but also the purposeful order of shots in a scene that draw importance to certain thing. We never really learned about aspect ratio changes because my instructor actually said "It’s a cheap move and only works if you’re Wes Anderson", but here's my thought.
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At first glance, 2.39:1 represents the real/User world, and 1.90:1 represents the Grid. That’d make sense, right? We meet adult Sam Flynn during his motorcycle sequence in 2.39:1, and the ratio stays like that until he gets zapped into the Grid and looks up at the Recogniser, when the ratio changes to 1.90:1. The music booms, the Grid fills the screen, and we move on. So, one ratio for one location, right? Well... sure. Kinda.
The thing is, most of the time we spend in the Grid is in 2.39:1 too, if you add up the runtimes. That’s where I think things get cool. 
I’ve heard a lot of criticism towards Legacy in regards to not fully answering questions or fleshing out characters. But looking at the ratio changes, I almost think that the changes actually do more than look cool. Maybe they’re there to tell us more about our characters, in a way they couldn’t put in the script? Again, I am definitely reaching with all of this. But isn’t it cool to think about?
So, what if...
...2.39:1 is supposed to be the 'personal' ratio, the same way anything tighter than a midshot would be for framing? 
For example, let’s look at when Sam Flynn meets Clu2 for the first time, and the Games and Lighcycle scenes bookending it. When Sam meets Clu2, we’re in 2.39:1, the personal ratio. At this point in the story, Sam hasn't entirely wrapped his head around what actually being on the Grid means and that everything from his father's stories are apparently real, which is why the Recogniser he sees the first thing in the full 1.90:1. 1.90:1 shows the simple awe and vastness of Sam's little stories being real and true, probably relating to how grand the stories felt to him when he was a kid. 
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Then, suddenly! We’re back to 2.39:1 when Sam is faced with all these questions when he meets Clu2. The highly personal issue that brought him to the Grid in the first place, his father’s disappearance, comes to the forefront again. The purpose of this meeting is to establish Clu2 as himself, and makes Sam face an event that’s too grounded in his life's reality, so despite the fantastical environment, he has to ask “So, can we just go home now?”. Thus, 2.39:1.
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So then... 2.39:1 is to show Sam's personal priorities, character beats, etc, because he’s the “main character”, right? I don’t know. Because here’s what surprises me—the entire Adagio for Tron sequence is also in 2.39:1. That’s the point where Sam becomes less of a singular main character and Flynn's (and also, arguably, Quorra and Rinzler's) story becomes a little more front and center. The Father and Son reunion scene is in 2.39:1 too, it acts as the transition from the focus on Sam to a focus on our Kevin Flynn because it’s a moment that’s important to both Sam and Flynn. After that, the flashback sequences (and the dream) are personal to specifically to Flynn, explaining the 2.39:1. Similarly, Quorra’s conversation with Sam about Jules Verne and Clu2′s “Your move, Flynn, come on.” are both in 2.39:1 because these are moments of personal importance and character establishment.
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Another thing that surprises me is the scene that cuts between Clu2′s arrival at the End of Line and Flynn and Sam's chat on the Solar Sailer. The entire time we’re in the EoL watching Clu2 and Zuse’s conversation, we’re in 2.39:1. And the Flynn family chat is in 190:1!! But doesn’t that contradict the whole ‘personal’ ratio and ‘awe’ ratio idea? It totally does! It’s weird!
But, think about it again. The End of Line scene has pretty much no emotion directly involved from the characters interacting with each other. Zuse, Gem, Clu2, and Rinzler aren't "emotionally attached" to each other in any way during that specific dialogue. They're talking business and Clu2 just wants to get Flynn’s disc and thats it. But it’s in 2.39:1.
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Simultaneously, the Flynn chat on the Solar Sailer is in 1.90:1. This is the scene that pretty much defines the point of Legacy to me personally. It’s about Flynn's importance on family, the different types of hope that's built up in Sam vs in Flynn over the course of the movie. The scene's got a lot of heart, and it's not hard to say that the purpose of this scene is to convey emotion. But it’s in 1.90:1!?
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Here's my thought then. This moment, at about an hour and a half into Legacy, is where things change in terms of meaning of the aspect ratio. The meaning of the ratios changes that show meaning changes! Ha!
From that point on, 1.90:1 is to show urgency, not awe. It's there to highlight emotion of all the characters rather than how 2.39:1 highlighted only Sam's personal concerns in the first quarter of the movie. Clu2′s speech is in 1.90:1, the entire lightjet sequence is in 1.90:1 and it stays like that right up to Reintegration.
Actually, once Quorra, Flynn, and Sam reach the Rectifier, we’re in 2.39:1 until Clu2 makes his speech. At this point, I think this is an attempt to refocus the story and bring together the events two previous scenes. Because all our main characters are in this sequence, I take it more as a tension building technique rather than a personality/character building one.
It’s also interesting to note that when Rinzler is in 1.90:1 whenever he’s onscreen with Sam or Flynn, but in 2.39:1 when he’s with Clu2. Right after the Solar Sailer scene, we get a clip of Rinzler stalking around for Flynn’s footsteps in 1.90:1 before cutting to Clu2 and Zuse in 2.39:1. I feel like that all could be considered foreshadowing for the Tron reveal and how essential Rinzler is in the last third of the story (he’s the one who indirectly gave Sam and Quorra enough time to escape, isn’t he?)
Reintegration is in 1.90:1. We, the audience, don't know much about the Grid. We don’t know anything about what exactly Reintegration means. When Clu2 shows up at the portal, 1.90:1 becomes about whole-ness, combining that awe from the Recogniser that we first saw in 1.90:1 and the emotion from the Solar Sailer chat. Reintegration leaves us straight up confused (mostly because the script for Legacy is... messy), but also because we won't be able to guess what happens next, and we want to know what happens because Flynn just died in a weird computer explosion. It’s awe and emotion.
And then we get this—the first time there’s a cross dissolve transition that literally shows the aspect ratio change instead of a hard cut.
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The ending arcade scene and sunrise are in 2.39:1. Probably because we're back in the User world, but that’s the easy answer and I’m determined to make things hard for myself. 2.39:1 is changed during the sunrise. I’m not sure about anyone else but to me, the sunrise at the end feels... kind of underwhelming. I think that’s because of the aspect ratio change. 2.39:1 makes the grandness of a sunrise seem smaller than everything we just saw in the Grid. But then... we also see Quorra's reaction to the sunrise. And that. That is a personal thing. Quorra finally gets to see a sunrise. As mentioned earlier, 2.39:1 is personal, but changed. It’s the want to return to normalcy for Sam, while showing us that Quorra doesn’t have that option and she’s willing to fully embrace that. The cross dissolve transition tell us that there’s no way we can separate the two worlds in these two’s lives because of the events of this movie. I think it’s also worth nothing the sunrise scene is the first time the actual sun is shown on screen in the entire TRON franchise.
Wether any of this aspect ratio stuff means anything or not, I still think about it a whole damn lot, because there has got to be a reason why Legacy ends on a 2.39:1 close up on Sam and Quorra. Not on the Arcade, the sunrise, ENCOM, the city, the Grid, or anything else. 
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Both TRON movies (and Uprising too, in a indirect way) explore the juxtaposition of a human/User’s life to a program’s, and to me, this shot tells me that regardless of all the crazy alienation, there’s still something that programs (represented through Quorra) and Users (represented through Sam) have in common. What exactly that is or means won’t be revealed until a part 3 though, it seems.
In the meanwhile, I’ll be here overanalysing this crazy colourful journey of a movie, because it’s pretty neat to think about, right?
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mysteryspotcast · 1 year
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🚨 Ep. 27, Hell's Unlimited PTO, is here! 🚨
We have finally reached the Supernatural season 2 finale, "All Hell Breaks Loose" parts 1 and 2! And with John Winchester's single slay moment, just in time for the Winchesters finale (which we will cover next episode).
Points of Interest: Supurnurtral, revisiting Kid Nation, our unofficial gay counter, Sam “Ally” Winchester, a pile of Ash, Crowley is babygirl, justice for Ava, Effie Trinket is the Yellow-Eyed Demon, #TeamJake, L + ratio + stabbed in the back, God’s self-insert OC, Dean’s gaslighting behavior, a naturally occurring portal to Hell, and BC (Before Castiel) and AD (After Destiel).
LISTEN NOW in your favorite podcast app!
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yoshinorecommends · 2 years
DOL Ask Game
What got you into dol?
An author I used to follow on Wattpad wrote fanfic about it and I got intrigued so I downloaded it and now here I am still playing it
Pc gender?
Cis female. Gotta project myself into my avatars haha
Gender ratio in town?
Npc genders?
All male except for Robin but she does have a d
Favoriete love intrest?
Sydney. I love the whole idea of 'corrupting a pure and devout guy until they're in love/obsessed with you' so he takes my heart.
Black Wolf is a close second because I love the poly aspect but I wish there was more we could do with them like some of the other love interests.
Least favorite love interest?
Not that they're my least favorite but Avery. I don't really interact with them much so he's not on my mind much
Favorite npc?
It's a tie between two but it's controversial cause I always see people dissing them lol. I just wish we had more chances of consensually lewding them/more events cause I love them lol
Leighton - I'm kind of into the whole pervy teacher who abuses his power. One of the reasons I'm going to school is so that I can do the photoshoots, participate in his science class inspections, and go to detention. Also why I'm always at the brothel on Fridays. Trying to get him to take all my virginities in my current run. Just need the an*l since he can't take our handholding one
Morgan - I know that he's creepy and dirty but I can't help it 😭The whole shtick of him thinking we're their kid/the inc*st vibes is just *chef kiss*
Least favorite npc?
Gwylan. Like the least favorite love interest question, it's not that I don't like them but I just don't interact with them much. So they just kind of slip my mind
Favorite teacher?
Mason cause I love his whole 'wants to be with us but is held back by morals.' I just got the locker scene during the panty raid and it was everything I wanted and more. Just fall into temptation already
Least favorite teacher?
Like the other least favorite question, I'm just indifferent to the rest. There's no one I dislike
Favorite play style? (Sub/def/mix)
Submissive. Make love not war lmaooo
Favorite transformation?
I don't really play with the transformation on but I would say cow cause it's cute and because angrelysimpping's Remy fluffy cow fics endeared me to it
Least favorite transformation?
Angel cause we're falling into temptation/lust. Ain't no time to be pure lol✌️
Favorite job?
Tie between chef at Sam's cafe and dancer/prostitute at the brothel. Like the whole secret aspect of the first job and for the second it's cause I like putting on the shows
Least favorite job?
Not cause I don't like it but dockworker, I don't really do this job so I forget about it
Favorite bad end?
The farm because I like interacting with Remy / once again angrelysimpping's AU endeared me to it
Least favorite bad end?
I haven't gotten the other endings yet so I have no opinion on them
Do you collect feats?
No. I mainly use the cheats so I can't collect them
Do you use cheats?
Yes. I'm trying to have fun and I can't do that by following the rules lol
Reasonably debauched, Vanilla, everything goes or no beasts?
Reasonably debauched. I have disabled: NPCs may forcibly write on you cause I'm not trying to get any unwanted tattoos, NPCs may try to choke you cause I can only handle some pain, no soft monster vore / wasps / slugs / spiders / and bees but everything else is on
Anything else you wanna confess?
Very thankful I found this game cause it's really fun <3
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Thursday, 7 October     Warmup.....Thrusters.....4 Round WOD.
Even more rain overnight.  But it cleared out, we saw some sunshine, and the afternoon at the Barn was fabulous.
Warmup:       4 Rounds
           20 Second Ring L-Sit             50 Jump Ropes   (any)
Strength WOD:          THRUSTER’s
 Done without racks:                2/2/2/2/1/1/1 
Ed=165     Timmy=145     Tom=115     Coach=105     LSU/Chad=95     Shannon/Sandy=65     Linda=55     Kim=35     Zac= arrived late
           WOD:          4 Rounds
10  GHD Situps
10  Thrusters’s     (65/45)
10  Pullups
10  Box Jumps     (24/20)
10  Pushups
10  Wall-Balls     (20/14)
Timmy=13:55 RX
Coach=14:24     Ed=14:45     Linda=16:25     Chad=17:03     Tom=17:28     LSU=18:04     Shannon=18:24     Kim=19:47     Zac=19:55     Sandy=23:20
LSU Dave’s Baby Daughter Kim joined us this afternoon. Her husband Travis was here over the last weekend.  If we can get a Grandma to watch the Grandkids this weekend, we may get blessed with both of them at the same workout.  They would be a fantastic addition to our community.  Try to be nice to them.
We had a sweet wine tasting after the workout.  No, the wine wasn’t sweet.  It was DRY.  The group around the picnic table was sweet.  We had the usual favorable ratio of wine bottles to taster’s, like 7 to 7.  Miss Linda produced nuts, crackers, cheeses, as if by magic.  Apparently we were bored, because we all kept wondering  where Carolyn and Sam were.  They often arrive late for the workout, but early for the party.  The party of which they are often the life of.  Sadly, Shannon/Sandy/Ed/Chad all had to adjourn early, and were missed around the picnic table.  
We need water.
Saturday at 0930.  It is supposed to be a lovely weekend.      
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sharpearpilluse · 3 years
SharpEar Reviews
SharpEar Reviews - Sam Olsen SharpEar Supplement Helps To Fix Hearing Loss? Product Reviewed Sam Olsen Hearing Loss Supplement SharpEar Reviews - Does It Really Work Or Scam? Read Full List Of SharpEar Capsules Ingredients & Side Effects Before You Try.
Sam Olsen Hearing Loss Supplement SharpEar Reviews - Does It Really Work Or Scam? Read Full List Of SharpEar Capsules Ingredients & Side Effects Before You Try.
SharpEar Supplement Reviews: Groundbreaking new report gives critical information every customer needs to know ears are very important sensory organs for us. Any damage to the ears will be a big loss for us. Can you imagine your life without having a hearing power? Now-a-days many deaf people are suffering, and many of us are about to lose their hearing power. In the modern world, everywhere you will find so much noise pollution which will damage our ears. We need to recover our hearing power and repair any damage to the ears.
If you maintain good ear hygiene, you are not still completely safe from air and pollution that can damage your hearing. And in these busy days, you cannot keep your ears clean every day. And then, you need something that will support your ears health.
If you look for any supplement to treat ears, you will get tons of items to choose from. So which one will you select? Surely, you will go for the one which has no harmful side effects and which is 100% natural supplement, right? Today, we are going to introduce the perfect fit for your ear treatment, called “SharpEar”. SharpEar is an all-natural and side effects free hearing dietary supplement that can repair any damage to your ears.
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Improves the memory
It is a non-GMO and doesn’t contain any toxins or stimulants.
SharpEar is made from 100% natural ingredients.
The supplement has no harmful side effects.
Enhances the connectivity between the ear and the brain
It clears brain fog and anxiety.
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Learn more about how the SharpEar capsules works
SharpEar Ingredients
SharpEar is made from all organic and top quality ingredients. Below are the ingredients of SharpEar with their benefits:
Ginkgo Biloba: Ginkgo Biloba is used to relieve the symptoms of tinnitus that helps inner ear improvement. It also increases the blood flow to the brain. This plant has neuroprotective effects and can be used to treat dementia.
St. John’s Wort Flower Heads: It has anti-inflammatory properties that can treat infections and inner ear pain. It also works well against trigeminal neuralgia.
BacopaMonnieri: BacopaMonnieri is widely used against neurological illness. Now-a-days this plant is also used to treat learning and cognitive issues. It can also protect against Alzheimer’s disease. Vinpocetine Seeds: Vinpocetine is capable of protecting against cognitive issues like ischemia and all sort of cardiovascular issues like dementia and stroke. It works great in fighting cardiac remodelling and reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis.
Huperzine-A Aerial Plant: This plant is used to treat neurodegenerative disorders and Alzheimer’s disease as it can decrease d-glactose that limits your hearing power.
Phosphatidylserine: It can maintain the myelin and nerve cell membranes perfectly. With your age, you will start losing your memory and focus, but Phosphatidylserine can help you to regain your memory power and support the cognitive function.
L- Carnitine: L- Carnitine is well known for its neuroprotective effects. It also increases energy levels and reduces oxidative stress. If you suffer from any brain injuries, it can still prevent the death of cells.
L-Glutamine: It can protect inner ear hair cells; it also ensures a good cardiovascular system.
Passionflower: This plant can treat insomnia and anxiety.
Corydalis: It has anti-inflammatory properties.
Prickly Pear: This anti-oxidant regulates insulin blood sugar levels.
Benefits of SharpEar Capsules:
SharpEar is made from 100% natural ingredients.
It has no harmful side effects.
You will get back your hearing power.
You will be able to overcome tinnitus.
It will balance the mucus in your ears.
It keeps the inner ear environment healthy.
It safeguards your ears and inner tissues from physical damage.
The natural ingredients of the supplement improve your overall health condition.
SharpEar Cost and Guarantees:
With tons of benefits, SharpEar may seem to be expensive. But NO! It is very pocket friendly and comes with amazing packages like:
One Bottle: One bottle of SharpEar costs $69. You do not need to pay any shipping fee on this purchase.
Three Bottles: If you buy this three bottles package, the price will be discounted to $59 per bottle, total $177. You will get free delivery. You will also receive a free bonus bottle of BrightMood.
Six Bottles: If you buy six bottles, you will get flat 30% discount, the price will be $49 per bottle, total $294. You will get free delivery and two bottles of BrightMood for free.
The big benefit of this purchase is that you will get 60 long days to try out the supplement. If you are not satisfied with this, you can simply ask for a full refund within 60 days of your order. You only need to send back all bottles to their company and wait a few days to get your refund. So you have nothing to lose with the purchase; you are completely risk-free while purchasing SharpEar.
Another important thing is that you can only purchase the supplement from their official website. SharpEar is not available in any local store or Amazon. If you are already taking any medicines for sickness or other health issues, we always recommend you to consult a doctor before taking any new supplement to your routine for your safety.
SharpEar Reviews - Final Verdict:
If you are facing hearing loss issues, you cannot lead a simple life. On every step, you will have to face difficulty with this issue. So it is the right time that you can overcome your hearing loss problem. Without having any confusion about side effects or health risk, you can start consuming SharpEar capsules to repair your hearing problem.
Remember one thing; today’s market is full of successes with different kinds of supplements, and a large part of them fail to prove their results what they say in marketing. SharpEar is not like those, and even if you are not satisfied with it, you can simply ask for the refund after trying 60 days. With a 100% money-back guarantee, SharpEar is surely worth a try! Is the SharpEar supplement FDA approved? Find out here
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This review for informational purposes only. The information does not constitute advice or an offer to buy. Any purchase done from this story is done on your own risk. Consult an expert advisor / health professional before any such purchase. Any purchase done from this link is subject to final terms and conditions of the website that is selling the product. The content on this release does not take any responsibility directly or indirectly.
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