#(normal beef to have in the fandom lol)
moinsbienquekaworu · 2 years
Yay you're online!! Can you tell me what a mandalorian is
Oh I would be delighted! I just didn't want to take out my 20 slides presentation without any prompting but if you're asking...
Canon vs Legends is a huge mess but overall Mandalorians are a traditionally warrior culture, who dress almost exclusively in their (very cool and almost indestructible) armor, are very good at fighting, and have their own language (a badly put together conlang). In certain series of books that aren't considered canon but still loved by a part of the fandom, they have a code they follow on how to live their lives and there's lot of lore, in the canon animated TV show The Clone Wars their leader exiled all of the warriors who didn't want to stop their endless infighting to a moon and then some of them founded a terrorist group and fucked shit up. And after that they got kind of genocided by the Empire (because the Empire are the bad guys) Note that even if on screen I think all the Mandalorians we've seen are humans (because that's easier for the helmets and Lucasfilm are cowards) anyone could be a Mandalorian, they're not a specific species but a culture who puts adoption on the same level as blood relations.
You'll be familiar on some level with the clones, at least from the "200 000 are ready with a million well on the way" meme I think, well those guys are all clones of that one same dude who depending on who you ask and when you asked is a Mandalorian too. The OG was that guy's exact-clone-but-he-raised-him-like-his-son, Boba Fett, who appears in the original trilogy and was originally a guy in some cool bounty hunter armor. Din (the Mandalorian from the title) is probably the one most people think of nowadays, which is fair and he's cool. Because of the whole canon vs legends thing most Mandalorians wear traditional armor but Satine (Obi-Wan's love interest who gets fridged, they deny it's a Moulin Rouge joke but.... yeah sure) is also a Mandalorian, the leader who exiled the warriors actually, and she always dresses with like, extravagant dresses, so not all of them. My personal little favourite hypocrite criminal Mandalorian is Bo-Katan (Satine's sister, fun family relations yeah?) who has done nothing wrong in her life ever looks super cool and has the best theme song in The Mandalorian <3 (and also my own OC, Karaad)
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olderthannetfic · 3 months
I don't even think this is the type of thing you would normally get Asks about, but at this point I genuinely can't think of anyone better to come to and ask for their opinion.
I don't know if any of your followers have seen this situation as it's been occurring, but this massively popular mobile game that's been blowing up recently (called Love and Deep Space) has incurred a lot of drama and discourse as of a few days ago.
So LADS is an otome game, with a visibly femme/female protagonist who romances the male love interests. And a few days ago, the dev team behind LADS introduced this rule to all of their official groups and servers like Facebook and Discord: "Absolutely no BL materials are allowed to be posted or discussed in official spaces"
So, naturally, quite a few people are upset about what is basically a "no gays allowed" rule being forced onto the fandom. Because the "no BL" rules includes the posting of ANY queer content with "official" #LADS tags. Which for platforms like Twitter is absolutely unreasonable. They're stating that fanart of M/M ships can't be posted with any tags for the source material? It's ridiculous.
There's been people trying to defend it, saying things like "oh it's because of CN censorship laws" despite the fact that LADS isn't a CN game and the company isn't a CN company. Or "they only banned queer stuff in their official Discord and official Facebook group and for the official LADS tags on socmed!" even though that is still censorship and erasure of queer content (and somehow the fact that it's officially sanctioned makes it okay?)
But the worst part is the fact that there’s been an EXPLOSION of aggressive homophobia within the fanbase. It's as if all the cishet women who play the game were just waiting for their chance to go mask off, because the second those "no BL" rules were put in place the rampant harrassment and bullying started. People are getting attacked for M/M ship fanart, people are getting attacked for having male self-inserts or male MC or OC designs, and several artists have already been harrassed into deleting all of their artwork and leaving the fandom.
There's now a LOUD number of fans screeching that otome games "are only for girls" and that anyone even slightly queer or masc-leaning "doesn't belong in otome fandoms" and "needs to go play something else"
I've seen baseless accusations that "men want to force us to play as a gay male MC!" and "gay men are demanding that LADS turn the female MC male!" when absolutely no one anywhere has ever said anything close to that.
I have tried telling these fans that queer people, including queer men, have ALWAYS played otome games, that gay men and queer people have ALWAYS been a part of the otome community from the very beginning, but anyone who deviates even slightly from the new majority of "no gay shit allowed, otome is for straight women only and everyone else kys" gets immediately shouted down and harrassed/attacked. I know a lot of people have deleted the game and have stopped playing because of both the official "no gays" rule and also the extremely toxic and homophobic fanbase.
I was wondering if you knew about any resources (blogs, articles, anything) talking about the history of queer people playing otome/dating sim games, or even if you happen to know anything anecdotal about it yourself. Because we've ALWAYS been here, otome games have never been JUST for cishet women. I'm also just wondering what your/your followers' thoughts are about this whole mess in general.
Oof. I don't play many games of that sort, so I don't know a ton about their history, but there has often been pointless beef between the more self inserty types and the more m/m shipping types.
I don't think you need evidence that people besides cishet women consume media X. It should be self-evident from being a human who lives in the world. These people are denying it because they don't want it to be true, not because they do or don't have evidence.
"LOL, you're a homophobe in 2024? Criiiinge!" is the only appropriate type of response to these idiots. Facts won't help.
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buckybarnesss · 1 year
agree with you when it comes to misogyny in the fandom (and in general lol) and shipping etc and I wanted to dump this here because it's been bugging me and I have nobody to talk to about it irl that hasn't heard me muttering about it before but why do people seem so anti-romance in general? I see 'Star Wars doesn't need romance or a love story' all the time and I can't help but feel like it falls into the misogyny category a little because romance is seen as something inherently feminine or 'for the girls' ig so people think it's an unnecessary addition to a plot but it can actually affect a character and how they act/think etc so much whether that's for good or bad, hope that makes sense?
obviously not every character needs a great romantic love and Din-doesn't-need-or-want-love enjoyers do your thing but even in the first season he clearly considers Omera and seems open to the idea at least, so people being against Bo just doesn't make sense to me? has she done bad things? well yeah but what character hasn't in Star Wars? and even if it's not Bo I still see it thrown around that Star Wars doesn't need a love story but why? what's wrong with romantic love? there are other shows that they're making/have made that yeah shoehorning in a romance would've made no sense (i.e. Kenobi, I mean I've not watched it but I can't imagine a love story working in that) but the Mandalorian hasn't set itself up to be a show like that?
I hope this has made sense but I basically wanted to air that out and it just came to me reading your answers to other questions that it's probably at least a little misogyny that plays a part in that anti-romance feeling going around or that makes sense in my head anyway
(also Jyn and Cassian soulmates truther here so if people wanna beef about them pls consider not doing that or I'll cry, they're basically built to be perfect for each other so???)
i wanted to publish this before tonight's episode (i just woke up for work 😂).
i agree. it's always when there is some prospect of romance for these kinds of female characters that the "we don't need romance" brigade comes out. like, there's nothing inherently wrong with romance nor is there anything wrong with not wanting romance. it's preference. but c'mon it's not star wars even has a lot of it on screen for major characters. at least healthy relationships or ones that don't end in untimely death.
i can name the actual romances on one hand probably and further discussion is going under a read more out of sake for length and because some minor spoilers for clone wars and rebels.
padme amidala and anakin skywalker ends in tragedy, the eradication of the jedi order and the fall of the republic. anakin turns into darth vader.
hera syndulla and kanan jarrus again ends in tragedy. he sacrifices himself to save hera, sabine and ezra.
bail and breha oranga perish in the destruction of alderaan.
obi-wan kenobi and satine kryze never officially get together as she's dutchess of mandalore and he's a jedi knight. she's murdered by maul to spite him.
vel sartha and cinta kaz external circumstances and cinta's devotion to The Cause of the Rebellion put them on shaky ground.
han solo and leia organa are depicted as a kind of volatile relationship and we never actually really see them be a couple on screen besides some crumbs. by the sequels they are separated.
cassian andor and jyn erso dead before they could really have a relationship.
galen and lyra erso ends in lyra being murdered in front of galen.
owen and beru lars seem to be a relatively normal married couple but than they get brutally murdered by the empire so.
so where's the over abundance of romantic relationships in star wars?
i'd like one couple in star wars that doesn't end in a tragic demise or a "casualties: everyone in the local vicinity" type of scenario.
besides a "strong female character" doesn't have be devoid of romance.
allison argent still says it best "can't i be strong and go to prom?"
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blackstarmylove · 1 year
Smack Goes MC’s Hand (HC)
Fandom: Blackstar Theater Starless
Pairing: Team Beef x fem!Reader
Warning: None? lol. 
Requested by: Potato
Prompt:  Another! What do you think Team Beef's reaction to Female SO slapping their butts would be? 
A/N: I had fun writing these. 😂
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Kei stood with his back to you on the rooftop, talking to someone on his phone in a foreign language. Bored, you began looking around - first to the sky, then to the wind playing with Kei's hair, and to the coin a few feet behind Kei.
Bending down, you picked it up, but as you stood up, you got a view of Kei's derriere. Normally, you didn't stare at men's behind, but you couldn't deny the sight in front of you was pleasant.
You stood up straight and contemplated whether or not to go through with your thoughts.
Kei felt your presence behind him, but he didn't think much of it until you slapped his buttocks, catching him off guard. He quickly turned on his heels and looked at you with wide eyes.
The man on the other line said something to Kei, and he walked away from you. He continued to talk on the phone as if nothing had happened, but Kei stood with his back to the wall.
At least the two of you were alone. The last thing he wanted was for another member of Starless to see you touching his derriere.
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Sotetsu reached the rehearsal room early, hoping to get in a few stretches before practicing for the upcoming show. As he stretched, Sotetsu heard footsteps and glanced at the wall of mirrors in front of him. "Hey. What're you doing here?"
"Oh, I am here to watch the rehearsals. I'm just going to sit here and wait, don't let my presence bother you," you said as your eyes wandered down to his behind. On cue, Sotetsu bent down to touch his toes, giving you a full view of his buttocks.
Biting down on your lips, you averted your eyes but couldn't keep them away for long.
You got up and smacked Sotetsu's behind, making him jolt up and stand straight. Turning his head, he looked at you with a raised eyebrow.
"I couldn't resist...," you nervously chuckled and shrugged before turning your back to him and walking to your seat.
The next second, you felt a sting on your butt, and a yelp escaped your lips. "Sotetsu!"
He smirked and shrugged, "I couldn't resist either."
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You stood a few feet away from Kokuyou and watched him smoke a cigarette. You wanted to stare at his face, but if he caught you, he wouldn't let it go for days.
Your eyes began to wander down his neck to his biceps and stopped at his derriere. He was leaning over the railing of the large outdoor staircase, so his behind stuck out more than usual.
For a while, you had a battle with your thoughts, but ultimately the invasive thoughts won. So, you casually walked up to him and smacked your palm flat on his behind.
Kokuyou snapped his head towards you and stared blankly. Soon his eyebrows furrowed, and his lips fell. But he remained silent, waiting for you to explain your actions.
"I let my invasive thoughts win. Sorry...?"
Kokuyou tossed his unfinished cigarette, snuffed the tip out with his boots, and walked away, but not before throwing you a threatening glare.
He had no idea how to feel or react.
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Sin heard the door opening but continued sipping on his tea. If anyone was interested in talking to him, they would approach him without needing him to greet them first.
In the next moment, he felt a sting on his behind and nearly sprayed the tea in his mouth but managed to force it down his throat.
After a while of cough, while you apologized to him, Sin cleared his throat and looked at you questionably.
"Are you?" A hint of irritation decorated his voice.
"For making you cough..."
"And...nothing else," you stuck your tongue out at him and skipped out of the office room.
Sin sighed. Looks like he will always have to expect the unexpected when you are around. But why did you slap his behind? Was it only to get his attention, out of curiosity, or were you hinting at something else?
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Feeling bad for asking Kongou to make your lunch, you decided to help him in the kitchen. He gave clear instructions, and you followed.
All was quiet until Kongou squatted down to look into the cabinet under the sink.
In your peripheral vision, you saw his behind but quickly shifted your eyes to the cutting board. Whenever you were with him, you checked out his chest, arms, and abs, but his butt...how did you miss that?
Luckily for you, Kongou dropped a spoon on the floor and bent down to pick it up, leaving his behind open to you. SMACK. Kongou jolted straight up and jumped away from you.
The kitchen went silent as the two of you stared at each other blankly.
A shade of red crept up onto his cheeks, and all poor Kongou could do was clear his throat and pretend as if nothing happened.
You would have felt bad for making him uncomfortable, but seeing him blush was completely worthwhile.
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waitingforeddyneddy · 6 months
Lmao I looked at the comments under my Reddit anon post. And I just wanted to respond because, lol I wasted two years?? Where?? Check my Reddit history lmfao. The last year I haven’t even been active in the Kate/anthony subs! Plus posting a comment takes all of, what, 10 seconds? I don’t live online like some people.
I said a lot of nice things about Simone that people overlook because I said I thought it was weird she wasn’t booking quickly, good lord. As for liking Siena? J did like her in s1, but I have plenty of comments stating I wouldn’t want her back for 3. I think the actress who played her did a good job 🥴. I’m not a fan of either of them, as in, I don’t follow their careers and only know about what’s posted on fauxmoi or something like that. Do I HAVE to be a super fan of Simone? Some of you guys hate JB but know his entire schedule.
As for Cynthia, what have I said about her? lol I don’t really know anything about her other than she can sing. She also had her own affair scandal, but I know little of it. She DOES have haters because, if I recall correctly, she said something off about American black women years ago. That would be something for you all to research, if you cared, which I’m sure many of you don’t. I, actually, recently spoke about how I hated how interviewers don’t being her UP when speaking about wicked.
And well, as for Ariana, yeah, I don’t like her. She sucks. And anyone who thinks she doesn’t is weird??? She literally just helped break up two marriages tf??
Also I never said JB carried the show on his back. I said I preferred his performance and I thought he was great. And I said Simone did a good job. Again, why do we have to be fans of both? You guys aren’t fans of him and I honestly am ok with that lol. My Reddit history is there for all to see, it’s strange to see people just make shit up. And yes, I am a woman for those stalking me and wondering lol.
I don’t really get why people in this fandom can’t disagree in a normal way. Not everyone will like what other people like.
listen I haven't been on reddit for many months and I don't remember having beef with a particular person because I was disgusted by pretty much the majority of people. I think I only visited BridgertonNetflix and I couldn't believe my eyes that there were so many gaslighters in the fandom who would say that we imagined Kanthony being done dirty or that downplayed what happened regarding Simone. I can't honestly say that I ever came across one of your comments so I really don't know what to think on this matter. I agree with you saying that people have to learn how to disagree politely. I appreciate you coming into my inbox with manners and for being honest about your declining interest in JB, my blog is a place to rant after all and as long as it's done on my terms, everyone is welcome, even JB fans or former JB fans.
on another note I don't want to downplay JB's talent as an actor because as much as I don't like him I can admit he's good at his job, but I think it would be fair to say that he was able to shine more because the script allowed so. What did Simone have by the scripts? Crying in rooms alone and being in a coma for the majority of the last episode? Let's remember she wasn't the sister with the central episode about her even tho it was supposed to be ALSO her story
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accio-victuuri · 2 years
everything below is CPN, just serving you all some Monday sweets to start the week right.
Let’s gooooo 💪🏻
In yesterday’s Weibo Movie Night event, Web was seen leaving the area after he was done with his bit. I guess he really just wanted to have some rest and make use of his time in Beijing. He was also wearing the bone necklace. It’s such a contrast, from the man in stylish suits to the “normal” Yibo. 🤍 From the guy who wore an expensive brooch to an inexpensive bone necklace— but we all know which one is more important to him.
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What people noticed tho is the creases on his shirt. We already have an existing CPN about who folded what clothes based on this. The speculation is, GG is the one who prepared the clothes. Or he already bought it before, folded it, then gave it to Bobo at some point when he came back to use. Because if you noticed, this style is not Bobo’s usual. It’s either shirts or hoodies. The one we see wearing this type of clothing is usually XZ.
Buying each other clothes is completely normal to them 💕
• We noticed in BAH behind the scenes that Bobo had a mosquito repellant patch. The one we first saw who had that was GG back in DC shooting. Is this another “advise” from GG for Web to use? Or was GG there? ( FYI, the fandom back in 2020, always had a strong argument that GG visited the BAH set )
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• Back in SDC 3, there was a scene that Jackson Wang and Lay were talking about the food being served during filming. Then Web said the food in his crew was good. People thought he was talking about BAH because it was the drama he was working on alongside SDC 3. He said :
The box lunch of our crew is really good.There will be abalone in it. Shrimp and beef brisket. I can take a picture for you next time. Really, our crew's meal was pretty good.
Now BAH team released a BTS video that shows the food and the staff commented that it’s important to include things that will make it healthy.
Let’s focus on the greens, which later on we found on XZ’s CNY post. The same celebration we CPN that Web was a part of. So the interpretation is, Web sent a photo of his food with that and maybe he liked it so GG remembered. Plus GG always want Web to eat well so it’s a no brainer.
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I am not a master of Chinese cuisine but BXGs are saying it was uncommon for GG to prepare it for CNY considering where he came from and the type of food they prepare. Well, among the other things that are out of place in his CNY spread. 😂
• During the red carpet, Web had to sign his name in that big ass backdrop. One BXG noticed that he signed it very close fang chencheng’s. Why you ask? That person signed it cheng x2 and when you look at it, it resembles an XZ = XIAO ZHAN.
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• Bobo was fiddling with his ring 🙃 and well, it’s similar to GG’s action. just please show us a glimpse of your couple ring please lol
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• YBO and XZS are at it again 😊
YBO : In the name of light and Shadow
XZS : In the light
hmmmmm. I know captions are not exclusive or copyrighted. These things can definitely be repeated, but two connected ones done so close to each other? well, their studios are dating obviously.
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• Then we also have this umbrella prop. I don’t know why it’s there but the clown in me is saying it has something to do with Mr. Umbrella - XZ - Shiying. I was so nervous cause I thought he was hinting something. Maybe he is, we will know it when it happens.
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Before I end this I just also wanna lightly remind people about the bone necklace. Since it’s becoming prominent again and people are using it as a proof of stability. I understand that. Yes. However, it is still CPN. It is still speculation. Like all the other necklaces that came before it, we don’t have solid proof, and by solid i mean WYB saying where it came from himself. Just enjoy it. Don’t think too much. As with all things in this fandom — try and not be too nervous if there is no candy. Candies are not a requirement. XZ/WYB’s job is not to feed us candy. We just notice them because we pay attention.
Don’t pin your belief in them with one single piece of CPN. The important thing is always to protect them and not cause them trouble because of our need for proof. People think since international fans are outside of Weibo then we can do whatever the hell we want. No. I personally think we should maintain the same caution and not give a bad rep to our fellow turtles as well as XZ/WYB. Take it easy. Enjoy the content and don’t make everything candy. There is a time and place for it and don’t let it get in the way of treating the boys as real people. 💕
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ignitesthestxrs · 5 months
omg you scared me, I'm like mostly retired as an army and I thought something new happened with corden 😭
and I thought I remembered bangtan actively not cosigning the harrassment? like when they went back on the show there was an awkward little obviously scripted segment like 'so you were in trouble with army huh?' and I thought the gist was to show they had no beef with corden and also that even if they did they wouldn't have found it cool to harrass people anyway...?
i'm absolutely not saying I disagree with your take I genuinely don't remember any of the specifics, except how fucking uncomfortable I felt identifying as army with the kind of shit armies could get up to for fun. (which is why I did Not last long as an ''active'' army lmao, I dipped after a few months on twitter, I never wanted to go there ever again)
as with anything this shit is up for interpretation! certainly at the time the clip came out i wqas more inclined to be critical of the group on this particular subject LOL just because i had personally been subject to a level of mass harassment myself. it's hard for me to find the humour/levity in the segment for that reason, combined with having seen the way army behaves as a fandom like, in general (as u have mentioned lolol)
for me the thing is that corden has to launch into this overly explanatory defence of army and the Good Donations they do and the Serious Passion they have, and how they're a Force For Good In The World, in the same breath that he points out that, you know, he has been receiving death threats.
and i think that should have been an opportunity for knj/the group in general to say 'yeah, we don't condone that kind of behaviour from our fans and we wanted to take the opportunity to ask them not defend us/attack people like that'.
instead the whole conversation and the 'we appreciate your apology' (corden was not apologising so much as admitting he's bad at jokes lol, which he is) gets played off as 'corden fucked around with army and found out that they're a collection of unhinged stans who escalate to threats en masse, and bangtan mostly thinks this is funny and that he was asking for it'.
like, the segment is about clearing the air, but in the sense of giving bangtan to opportunity to be magnanimous towards corden. which is fine! but if we're broaching the subject of mass harassment and dogpiling from fans, then i do think it is the responsibility of artists who have made anti-bullying a part of their public platform to also take the opportunity to be like 'hey. don't do that.'
and again the like, indulgent laughter re: I Heard You Got In Trouble With Army just reinforces corden's shitty stereotypes about insane fangirls to me. LOL like if army/bangtan wanted to prove that the fanbase were normal, caring, ethically minded fans, laughing about their descent into murderous twitter rage by the thousands was probably not the way to go about it
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neutrallyobsessed · 6 months
I challenge you to make a tier list of your opinion on Ace Attorney ships >;)
Challenge accepted motherfucker >;))))
i did like 5 different lists cause not all them where complete enough to my tastes and then i found this MASSIVE tier list (with a lot of crack xdd) so i was able to do it, fortunally the nrmy week gave me some time to work on this and EVEN THEN some kinda obvious ones were missing so i had to edit them in from the other tierlists, plus stuff i made up lol
also, for it not be too long and mark very clearly my Heterosexual Bias, the list was divided in two, so let's start: (spoilers for investigations cause shih-na doest appear as shih-na)
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The OTP category is very self-explanitory, so the second place is all other ships that i like and ship too just not as hard since i have OTPs for the characters already~~
Ohters I like and Im listening have varying degrees of crack but im still considering as potential ships to like seriously
the canon ships acting as a neutral divider, they are canon, you can't complain about that (or you can im just a tumblr post you can do what you want forever). if they arent higher is cause they are not as interesting or funny as the above ships, i still love them very much
then theres the absolute crack that i find amusing but couldnt take to ship it seriously and then ships that are either boring: too tame, lack spice, feel like avoiding being problematic was the priority instead of they'd be cute togheter; or ships that feel a bit too cruel for comfort and i percieve as no longer fun, but sad
this tier list didnt have ema/nahyuta but did have poly ships that included the three so there we go, the only het ships i dont like (2)
finally, the only gay ships i consider to be neat, silly funny friends-to-lovers not overly popular, very cool and epic
And now, the interesting one:
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Rangu referenced and teased by canon joke ship goes first of course!
for real tho, there's friends to lovers OR rarepairs OR lawyer x assistant ships, being my go-to in het ships they'd rank higher here
Evil People In Love! What else can I say? When 2 people are down bad for each other and down for destroying everyone and everything whether for revenge or the lulz cause they're bad and they're doing it togheter it's just beautiful~!
anything crack or toxic in a funny way goes next
incest as a neutral divider since being gay is super normal thus uninteresting but adding the taboo incest spice that will NEVER be approved by society IRL will make me a bit more interested but like you know- neutrally
any boring crack or toxic in a unfunny way goes next
and finally we reach my real (yet still neutral) beef with the ace attorney shipping fandom, being the popular ships that get talked about ad nauseum and if you wanna talk about any other ship you get ignored at best or harrassed at worst. Overrated could be the perfect way to describe this ships as they're so oftenly rated over other ships when they're SO LAME AND BLAND AND BRING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. i am not criticizing originality, you know im unoriginal as well, but other fandoms have this something called ✨VARIETY✨ that EVEN IF the boring bland m/m ship still is number one ship of everyone and their grandmas, it'll still be in a relative equal number of fans and content (or directly opposite where Super Popular Ship has like 100 fans producing stuff and literally anything else has like <5, so you only have to block 1 or maybe 2 Super Popular Ships and then is smooth sailing full of variety~)
tl;dr they're annOyedTPs actually they're not bad, they are meh plus the over exposure can really grind someone's gears, second place being not AS popular thus annoying but still pretty much talked about and liked by many people as they are second places to ships in the normie zone
and finally finally what i actually dislike, shipping canonically het married characters with same-sex characters (and not in the funny way)(specially the gay best friend in love with their straight friend, my absolute belothed) or any flavor of enemies-to-lovers, whether it's a tame rivals-to-lovers or a legit hero x villian (stockholm syndrome can be fine but it depends on how its presented....or if it's... y'know funny) or same-age shipping where the characters maturity levels are SO DRASTICALLY DIFFERENT idk it feels kinda icky :////
In any case, i'm still answering asks for particular ships if y'all want a more in depth opinion ^w^
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sawtual · 1 year
hey, im still new to the chucky franchise and idk like jack shit about it lol. could you explain to me why everyone hates him? im guessing its for a fair reason but i cant find much explaining it outside of people saying he destroyed the series
WELL UHHH when you say youre new to the fandom do you mean you haven't watched all the movies + show yet? because if thats the case well. you can see for yourself 😇
but just a basic little answer um well he prioritizes doing "shocking" things over writing his characters well and consistently.
the most offensive victim of this is obviously nica and a lot of the story around her. he bastardizes charles lee ray's character in curse just to give him a forced connection to nica that he did Not need to do. then goes on to retcon that in the tv show so it was like.. well what was that for. he has nica attempt suicide, be sexually assaulted, and get dismembered but then refuses to have her emotionally react to any of these things.
the fact he does all of this to his wheelchair using character is insane too like bro do you have something to share with the class.
season 2 was some of the worst character writing I have ever seen in my life. u have 4l3 children who saw people die in traumatic ways but because he is insane he only gives 1 of them a traumatic response to this. LIKE. LEXY???? BECAUSE OF JUNIOR????? she did not even like him. meanwhile Devon and his mom were so close and yet no not a word from him 💖💖
it just sucks here. he will make characters experience insane levels of torment and give them 0 emotional catharsis which is CRAZY because at its core childs play Is a character driven story, not a gore driven one. if it was just about shock horror the dismemberment would work! its shocking! its horrifying! but no we have to sit with nica as she lives with this and continues on and it's just insaaane it doesnt work and then he gives her those stupid fucking robot arms which i loathe.
also he made chucky eat andy like beef jerky for an entire year and we just have to pretend that was normal and ok
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darianias · 8 months
Is this normal for Demis or are these just me???
I have ADHD so this just getting bigger lol but I guess this can apply to anyone, esp the second part, but in this case it's in a semi context for me?
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A fun and interesting aspect of being #demisexual and #demiromantic (at least towards functional characters in my case as that's what this is about and I've only ever felt this way towards them, probably a psychological thing tbh) or it could just be a me thing... Either way!
Is that the longer I hyperfixate or enjoy a fandom for extended periods of time I tend to slowly fall for more people even YEARS after I started it and I pick it back up later. 😂
Like in Demon Slayer / Kimetsu no Yaiba this past week or the week before I fell for Obanai. Like I had no inkling of an idea that this would happen . I have now fallen for all but one of the Hashira men (men, not male), Gyomei and also have fallen for Yoriichi.
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Like... when I first watched it, I would not of been able to tell you this, heck I believe when I first read/finished the manga I had one. ONE guy I simped for being Kyojuro, I believe. Maybe two (second being Giyu) as I have no sense of time, but I know Sanemi was the third for me, and that happened AFTER I finished the manga.
Like I felt nothing for most of them, heck any of them for a while, given I watched season 1 when it came out partially and felt nothing, then the rest when the Mugen train movie came out, still nothing. Then I watched the second season and read the manga and finished it immediately after. (The second season being when I was like Oh SHIT. NO. HE DIES. HEART WHYYY) And now I feel like I am unintentionally "playing pokemon" with the adult male slayers (to count Yoriichi in) like.... 😂
I don't think I'll fall for any of the Oni / demons.... but that's under my terms as for me looking at their human forms and the Oni / demon forms is like comparing Crisis Core Sephiroth to when the Jenova virus/genetics has taken over his mind, or like a zombie virus, they aren't quite the same people imo. Like I simp for Sane Sephiroth, not the most famous/infamous one lol. So like an example: Hakuji =/= Akaza, as he's not himself when he's an Oni.
That being said I've gotten attached to a few of those former lives so time will tell I guess? If that attachment will go anywhere else? 😂😅
(Note: so far I've never felt that sort of attraction towards women- just squishes, would like to be QPPs or kinning at most- so I'm assuming I'm demi-het but I don't have enough experience with NB characters to know yet for sure. But for all I know any of that can change. 🤷‍♀️ Everytime I happens in general it takes me by surprise lol)
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A REALLY WEIRD THING (might also just be a me thing, that might get me cancelled but y'know fuck it) is being attracted to a character's adult version, like in fan art??? So like attracted to aged up versions of characters.
For example, Eijiro Kirishima from MHA. Like I feel absolutely nothing towards canon Kirishima other than he's a sweet baby that needs protected at all costs. But then I saw a fan art of adult him huge and buff/beef cake with long but still kinda spiky hair similar to l Ryoma from Fire Emblem Fates or Like Axel/Lea from Kingdom Hearts (that might of been not helping ) and I feel attracted to that specific version of him. Like very, very, specifically, even other fanarts of a grown up versions of him just doesn't hit me without that hair or him without long hair and idk why. I don't normally feel attracted to someone bc of physical qualities so I cannot even phantom an explainstion😅😂
LIKE THIS PICTURE RIGHT HERE, THIS EXACT PICTURE STARTED IT I HAD TO GO FIND IT and it just makes me feel mushy everytime, credit in alt text:
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So like when I watch the anime or read the manga it just feels like looking at an old school picture book, photo albums and videos at MOST. Like PRECIOUS BEAN, I protecc. That is a child, a puppy. I could NEVER. And then I see the fan adult version of him and I swear it's like two brothers?? or a dad and son??? but it's the same character and like...?? It makes me feel real weird and awkward bc like... yeah he has Kirishima's personality 1:1 but I don't feel that way about actual canon Kirishima myself as that is A HUGE NO. That is a baby in my eyes.💀🤢 Like I legitimately usually watch/read with me thinking of me/my sona as married to Aizawa and helping the class or with Keigo/Hawks. (Or a sane, au version of Touya/Dabi but that's less typical bc the canon one also is a big no for me, he is scary 😬😰)
This also has happened with Bakugo and Shouto too later, like.... y'all need to stop with the adult versions of them bc they're making me feel things which are kinda controversial (at least on TikTok) which makes me feel kinda anxious about it all 😵‍💫, and then like I create two versions of them in my head because I just love the fandom adult versions of them??? And it feels separate from the canon version?
And at least with TikTok's climate I couldn't tell many people this in like comments, bc they immediately assume I am a predator- which like esp if not specified I can get 💯 but like. It's not like that 💀 I stumbled upon some fan art of a guy who could be his elder brother or father and like that is who I like.
Is this somewhat normal or just me??? 😭😰
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thetuningofviolins · 9 months
least favorite trope(s), least favorite video game villain, least favorite drink, least favorite weather <3
ooooh ALL good questions. :3
least favorite trope is probably pair the spares-- especially in the case of doing it to get other characters who are in love with your main pairing out of the way or whatever. but ACTUAL CANONS do this so often that it's infuriating (looking at u, digimon 02/glee/various others) so i can't even fully blame fandom lmao. sometimes people don't get what they want! that's normal!
least favorite video game villain is a tough one. my initial lean is to sephiroth but that's more my beef with the ff7 extended universe than him himself, bc i'm always going to hold onto the og interpretation that literally everything was jenova and seph was more or less just cloud's sleep paralysis demon lmfao. and i love jenova as a villain. so... to pivot, then, my next thought is gaius van baelsar from ff14. like... i probably would have been fine with him if he'd just been your run-of-the-mill gonna-do-a-fascism turbovillain like he was in ARR, but then they tried this weird pseudo-redemption arc that is genuinely pretty gross and that made him a hell of a lot worse. thankfully most of that is skippable content lol.
least favorite drink is basically anything with aspartame in it. idk what it is but i can taste it REALLY STRONGLY and it always lingers in my mouth. bleh.
least favorite weather: DEAD OF SUMMER SHIT. hot, humid, no breeze. just sticky and terrible. i don't like heat on the best of days but man late summer can just suck my dick ahdgjkd
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ughh ty for ur amazing tags it was so disgusting how they were 1. telling on themselves claiming poc and fat people aren't attractive and 2. wishing racism and body shaming on an actor in the name of justice(??). not that im surprised anyway their crowd was the one that demonized lucas and ignored caleb for years. one of my favorite characters is patrick and he wasn't allowed even a nightmare sequence he was just forgotten by the narrative and brushed off. a Black victim of abuse not even given a voice, just forcibly suppressed and used to move the plot along to fuel jason's satanic bullshit. he is ignored by the large majority of the fandom that focuses all their attention on white boy of the week but think hating billy is enough to compensate for their favouritism and racism. i hate how poc are treated in this show but its not enough for ppl to just direct all their performative criticism on a character they want actual racist harassment directed at them too. so disgusting.
i don't normally beef on the internet (i much prefer throwing hands irl actually, but ppl seem to enjoy hiding their shit behind a screen lol), but i really did such a hard double take at those tags.
i really can't fathom tearing down another character because your fav gets shit. i fully understand that characters like lucas and argyle don't get a lot of attention and that's likely a combination of a) the duffer's own bias sidelining those characters, and b) fans' bias in ignoring poc. that doesn't mean i'm gonna throw hands with your average eddie or steve stan or whatever, i don't find that productive. i'd rather engage with fans that already enjoy my fav or are open to consuming content about them and encourage (in this long winded example) eddie stans to enjoy argyle content without making them feel guilty about their blorbo.
same goes for every time i see someone thinking that if they kick down billy it will elevate nancy or lucas or max or eddie or steve. it's petty, it doesn't work, and the only things that result from it are a) an echo chambers where all your fellow salty mutuals will yes man you, or b) ppl who like what you just talked shit about are gonna roll up asking what your damage is. lo and behold.
even putting all of the dumb nancy vs billy nonsense aside (and for the record i think the duffers badly wrote both characters in different ways), those fucking tags were just. SUCH an accidental slip reveal of what that person really thinks. i don't think they're a horrible person or whatever but they're definitely a dick and think that as long as they hate the right character they're correct and good.
like you said, wishing bigotry on a person/character just because you don't like them is a weird fucking thing to say. at that point i barely care what the context of the post was. can you imagine saying that out loud in a room full of fat ppl/poc? i don't think any of them are gonna come to the conclusion that you mean it as a roundabouts insult against a popular hot white actor/character and go 'oh yes haha you're so right i totally think fans hating him for being brown/fat is preferable'. i personally would have torn down whoever said that shit to me irl, that's some white ass performative activism i don't have time for, but it seems like ppl don't think about how the shit they say would sound out loud irl to the very ppl they seem to be trying to support
nevermind that any given piece of billy fanfiction and an awful lot of fanart explores the trauma billy has gone through more than it goes 'ah yes blonde boy hot'. we can have tho conversations without being pricks saying shit in bad faith about it. like, most billy fans i see are huge fans of patrick and mourn his lost potential. because we know how the duffers treat their abused characters.
this shit isn't a contest, but often the shit you say about a character affects ppl who are similar to/identity with that character. if in your pursuit to hate and spit about a character, you say shitty things that make poc, fat ppl, abuse victims, etc., feel like you're insulting them or just using them as props for your wokeness, then you need to take a step back and ask yourself if maybe you needa chill and reevaluate what you're doing. it's not a good look, and neither is the mindset that revenge and punitive 'justice' should be prioritized above healing, growth, and connection.
(like c'mon we can redeem fictional war criminals but we can't let an 18 year old being abused by his dad work through his racial biases? like the latter isn't a much more common situation that happens irl to real abused teens with bigoted parents? alright)
anyway, i'm glad you appreciated my tag rambles, i really was just word vomiting in a fury lol
if you love patrick and enjoy the idea of patrick and billy interacting, i have a # patrick mcckinley tag and a # kingr*ve tag for each respectively (i lump all my patrick and billy stuff under their ship whether platonic or romantic bc patrick stuff is scarce enough as it is). cheers!
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acourtofthought · 2 years
Heyyo, I’m the person that made the callout post towards Elriels and their beef with the color yellow that your most recent anon post was about. I just figured I stop by and clarify some things. Sorry in advance if this doesn’t make much sense, I’m super tired rn lol The post I was talking about/calling out was actually made a few days after your toga post, and basically the anti-toga blogger made a post that agreed w/ an anon saying that fan artists were responsible for Elain hate or some shit. If I’m remembering right, it implied that two artists were problematic because 1 said they associated Elain w/ the color yellow, and 1 didn’t want to make fanart of her for an acotar project they were doing. No artists were called out directly, and I haven’t been in the fandom long enough to know all of the big fan artists, but the post did use pretty specific examples of things certain Instagram artists did, so someone knowledgeable on the fandom might be able to deduce who they are. Normally I wouldn’t of had enough of an issue with that to feel the need to make a callout, but the blog ended up accepting another anon confession where someone called neutral elriel commission artists a “waste of money” and asked for a list of pro elriel artists to commission. Obviously people are allowed to have their preferences and whatever, but I am worried that the elriel community is jeopardizing commission artists by fostering an environment where artists will be under a lot of scrutiny. That’s why my petty little callout post was mostly me promising Eluciens that I’d make them some fanart, it was kind of a “fuck you elriels, artists don’t like you anyways” lol. Also, I pissed off one of my elucien muts by making a joke about how the real problem w/ Elain’s black dress was that it wasn’t slutty enough, and I wanted to make up my bad joke with some Elucien content (I’m only mentioning this because they follow this account) (shoutout to my girl, this fanart is for YOU bestie). TL;DR: No artists are being harassed yet, but Elriels are starting to create a worrying environment. I don’t think any of your posts are responsible directly, but I do think you advocating for toga fan art kinda pushed the anti-toga blogger to openly not like fanartists in general. I’m hoping that we’ll stop with the toga/suit/black/yellow debates because all of these debates are heavily linked to commission artists jobs, and I don’t think ships are worth jeopardizing someone’s financial stability/mental health
I am sorry that your original post went over my head because honestly I had no idea that was all going on. I've recently been blocking a lot of accounts I'm uncomfortable with because I've become a lot more Anti E/riel lately and I realize that's a bit of a change from when I first joined (when I was open minded to either ship). I didn't want to deal with stirring up E/riel supporters because that just leads to a lot of inbox hate messages.
I do apologize if a post I created somehow led to discontentment towards fanartists although I feel it has to be said, E/riels have already created a worrying environment that's been around for quite awhile. I'm a super small fish on Tumblr and don't have the following a lot of other bloggers have so I'm not sure that anything I've posted has the sort of major impact that would drastically spill over elsewhere.
Also, I wasn't necessarily advocating for Toga fanart. More acknowledging why artists who have already created Toga fanart should not be attacked for their work. There was already fanart shared during Elucien week that anti's were up in arms over and I felt their arguments were fairly baseless so I was addressing that more than saying Elain and Lucien should be in Togas all day, every day :D I just felt bad that someone's work was being attacked.
Unfortunately, I think Anti E/riels will find a way to rally against anyone they think might show loyalty to those that are Pro Elucien. That is extremely childish and I feel horrible that any artists would have to deal with that sort of behavior. And I think if that is the type of person they are, it doesn't really matter what we blog about because hardcore anti's will use literally anything we say to further their cause.
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single-malt-scotch · 2 years
my name is morry (he/him/it/its) and i made this sideblog to share fan art for mindcrack and/or hermitcraft... im an adult and watched mindcrack religiously 10+ years ago.
I used to post a lot in the fandom under the tumblr urls single-malt-scotch (in 2012-2015! got it again!), miaoumc, kurtimac, zedstew, lordwillakers, unico-malte-escoses, and… quite a few more. If you know me, lets forget that you knew me as a teenager ok? <3
i used to write lots of fan fiction too (and i started again recently under the username anonymous-scotch) and have loads of old fan art floating around. i ran/run abdz, no im not saying the whole url. if you know you know lol.
the guys i watch: etho (since 2011), bdubs (since 2011)!!! less so keralis, grian, tango, kurtjmac. i sometimes watch other hermitcrafters when i am interested in new episodes from them.
mcyt i formerly(?) watched: most of mindcrack (started to dwindle at s5), mindcrack UHC (stopped whenever mindcrack s4 was), buffalo wizards/lord of minecraft/DvZ (played on LOM and DvZ - i sometimes play present day DvZ on rawb streams!). Used to specifically be very into kurtjmac, zisteau, vintagebeef, and brucewillakers/rawb back around 2011 onwards. I watch kurtjmac and beef sometimes still...! If we are talking real old, I started with captainsparkles, yogscast/shadow of israphel, antvenom, and uberhaxornova- none of which i watch anymore.
Do note my main is @spikeinthepunch so i may reply under that name, and to direct fic specific asks to @not-so-anonymous-scotch if you can! my normal mc blog is @mc-mk.
Nebtho masterpost
Single Malt Scotch masterpost
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qrichas · 6 months
vent post. fandom neg, not abt any specific situation, feel free to ignore and scroll past
i get so tired of the overprotection the fandom has regarding characters and actions sometimes it feels too annoying to bear seeing stuff anywhere anymore. i understand when its done with the purpose to avoid miscaracterization from people who dont watch them and try to paint anything they do as the completly opposite or even false stuff at all also ofc its natural to have a bias towards your favorite, you like them and want people to understad them. but its tiring as fuck seeing posts like "how dare x character say something about y like that" when y character did something that bothered x and its normal they react like that, or "the situation between a b c and d is so sad bc no one takes into account a's feelings about this and how much they went thru" when 'a' never communicated properly what they go thru neither b c or d interacts in their pov the moment things happened, being impossible to know what happened without metagaming, or "h never gave any reason to distrust j about this" when they dont need to, even if its a tragic situation, characters will simply choose if they want to trust someone or not.
and the "trust" part is also something that makes me very pissed bc ppl act like any minor misstep someone makes is a "break of [characters] trust" and that they should isolate bc theyre oh so sad and no one cares about them and life is tragedy for them. when the people on the server are literally friends in real life and not always theyre gonna be full time roleplaying so ofc theyre gonna want to spend time with people regardless if their characters have beef with each other. i get you want to engage with the themes that are presented with a character and the story in general and discuss the analysis behing it but not everything is to be taken 100% seriously in need of deep discussions or long threads, sometimes things can change in the blink of an eye if the cc wants to, bc thats their character and their playstyle and they can do whatever they want with it. and i say this as a person with favorite characters, favorite themes i like to engage and discuss abt them, and that wants others to understand their actions and how their trajectory in the story is non-linear. but im also aware i dont need to excuse everything they do to make them seem like they're never wrong in any situation and theyre in fact the one who suffered most and people who are reacting negatively or having their own opinions abt them are, in fact, wrong and never understood the character as a person. not everything is abt your main pov and you have to be aware of this (tho its fine to joke like "they did nothing wrong!!!!" i myself do that, just be self aware). even if i dont like the way a character reacted to something my favorite has done/said (because its normal to be upset abt these things) or i think its unfair, its literally not on me to say what that character does or has to do and only them can choose what to do abt it, because after all this is a medium of semi improv roleplay, its not a fictional world with fleshed out characters with a start and an end. the ccs will say or do things they dont actually mean to say or do in character sometimes, and without counting the language barrier factor. anyway, ppl are free to complain abt stuff thats their blog and their own opinions and they can keep doing whatever. however ill be blocking posts and blogs that annoy me to no end regarding this situation in specific and then enjoying what my mutuals are posting or talking abt. i just wanted to put this vent out here bc thats something ive been bothered with for a long time and i cant vent this properly nowhere else lol.
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tldr: I put a password on my account, it’s “alexissaysok”. I’ll take it down in like a day. I also turned off showing my blog in searches or to those without an account, and will also go back to normal in like a day on those counts too.
long explanation if you want it: Hi okay so if you’re wondering why my account randomly is locked down/not visible it’s bc I turned on a password and all privacy settings! It’s just for a lil bit, because I don’t love the idea of my ex finding this account, and she JUST sent me a piece of fanart that op later rb-ed with my tags (see my last rb lol). And in my tags I mention being hard of hearing and from new jersey which is real giveaway because that’s a specific niche, and I know she will definitely recognize me by my style of typing plus the context if she sees that. SO to avoid her being able to investigate I’m just staying on lockdown for a day or so maybe, until she hopefully forgets about it! Disclaimer she’s an absolutely lovely person who I have no beef with, I mean she sent me that art BECAUSE she knew I’d connect to it which is really sweet. BUT that being said I just like this as a space where I don’t have to worry about looking dumb around irls and trying to impress them lol, like it’s my one fandom account no one has access to and it’s a fandom I know she in particular has PASSIONATE feelings about, so I just don’t wanna worry about the possibility of disappointing her in how I engage with it, because even though I shouldn’t care I kind of do.
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