#.also I do really like Charlotte from what little we get of her :).
kiivg · 1 month
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.“I bet your dance card was full tonight, ey, Reid, or did the young Charlotte keep prospective sweethearts at bay?”.
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gaytranszoro · 5 months
sorry okay im rewatching whole cake w a friend and got obsessed with the vinsmokes this time around okay. sorry. however i am a liker of themes and motifs and doomed characters. sorrey.
#i just looovvee the ways the different families this arc are portrayed. big moms as an empire to be expanded.#beges as a loyal bond and structured organization#and ofcourse the vinsmokes as an army bound only by blood and not by love. and a commodity to be used/force to be strengthened#like sure they're all related but like. they do not act like a family even in the slightest. they don't even seem to really like each other#LOL just even w the charlottes you get the feeling they care about each other to an extent (ie katakuri and brulee or chiffon and lola)#but we rarely see any of the vinsmokes hold a conversation with each other let alone act like siblings.#(unless you count them like. abusing sanji as sibling bonding)#which i why i OBSESSSS over when reiju gets hurt you see one of them call out in concern.#n the (admittedly anime only) scene of yonji like helping a little. bear guy get a fruit off a tree. that shit cute as hell.#you get these like. moments of humanity with them that seep through the cracks of the carefully-constructed image of the Evil Germa Army yk#the way all the siblings turned out and the ways they compliment and contrast each other makes me think ab what could have been you know.#iirc reiju wound up how she is because her mother encourgaged her emptions and instilled a sense of humanity in her. proving they are all#capable of having that sense of morality the others just...didnt get it 1) bc sora died when they were so young and#2) bc judge had a VICE GRIP on them.#so they were doomed from the start.#their father wanted a perfect unfeeling obedient army of soldiers and he was going to get it by any means necessary#even if said soldiers are supposed to be his children#i do think the vinsmokes are deeply unforgivable but i also recognize tht like...they were victims of circumstance.#smthn smthn nature vs nurture#in another life i think they would have kicked ass together#idk im fuuucked upp off the green tea rn yk how it goes.....#.txt#idk how to be coherent abt them they just make me feel like pacing around my room with my head in my hands#its been said better by ppl with better grasps on character analysis than me but. abuse victims who suck. and are also assholes.#you mean everything to meeee
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sunny44 · 1 year
I promised you
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x fiancée!reader
Warnings: mentions of Charles father, google translated French
Summary: Charles and Y/n have known each other since they were kids, the relationship grows and they’re about to get married. The wedding day is already very emotional but Charles does something to makes everything way better.
The part in italics is the flashback.
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That’s what is was getting today.
Charles and I have known each other all our lives, we have been best friends since we were kids.
We have been dating since forever, had all our first times with each other, and I believe we are soul mates.
I remember the first time we met and also the first time he said we would get married. We were 7 years old at the time and he was playing with his Ferraris cars while I was organizing my bracelets in a little box that I had gotten from his mother.
"Charles, give me back." I kept trying to get the bracelet but every time I got close he took it off. "Charlie."
"I'm not giving it back."
"It's my favorite bracelet, you'll ruin it."
"I'm only giving it back to you when we get married."
"That will take a long time, we're small yet."
"Then when we get bigger we'll get married and then I'll give you the bracelet back." I huffed giving up taking it and sat back down on the fluffy carpet in the living room.
"You look so beautiful." My mother says behind me fixing my veil.
"Thank you mom."
In the room where I was getting ready was my mom, Charles' mom, Lily, Lorenzo's girlfriend Charlotte, Arthur's girlfriend Carla, and Elena.
"You had already looked beautiful when we went to pick the dress but you look perfect now" Charlotte says and smiles at them.
"Do you guys really think it looks good?”
"Of course, you are the most beautiful bride I have ever seen. You look like came straight out of a bridal magazine." Lily holds my hand and smiles.
"It will all work out, you are perfect for each other."
I start to get nervous and tears start to come out of my eyes and the anxiety starts to make me breathless.
"Honey, breathe."
"Can I talk to him? Please." My mother agrees and they all leave the room leaving me alone.
"Babe." I hear his voice from the door.
"Are you okay, your mom said you wanted to talk to me."
"I'm getting nervous and out of breath." He opens a crack in the door and puts his hand inside.
"Hold my hand." He says and at the same time I take his hand intertwining our fingers. "Now take a deep breath."
I started to take a deep breath and dried up tears with a handkerchief.
"It will be okay, in a little while you will walk down the aisle and I will be there waiting for you and crying from seeing how beautiful you will look." I laughed at his line. "I love you and nothing is going to change that so just take a deep breath and I promise I will be there waiting for you, I’m not going anywhere."
We stood there for about 10 more minutes until he had to go because the time was coming, I heard a knock on the door and allowed the entrance watching Pescale enter.
"Your father is already waiting so I won't take up too much of your time, not least because I am anxious for you to marry my baby boy." I laughed at her anxiety and she took my hands. "I know it's your wedding but I wanted to ask you something."
"When Harvé and I got married I gave him this gold watch and I wanted to ask you to take it down the aisle with you and give it to Charles, we both know how much he wanted his father to be here to see this and I wanted him to have a part of his father along with him." And once again I was crying. "I dear don’t cry, you'll ruin your makeup.”
"I will, I will." I smiled and she dried my tears.
"Thank you, dear. And thank you for taking such good care of him."
"Thank you for making him." She laughs.
"Ready?" my father appears in the doorway and I agree. "You look so beautiful."
"Thanks dad."
We were positioned waiting for the door to open, I was with my arm intertwined with my father's when the music started to play, Charlie didn't know but I had chosen AUS23 to play while I enter and I could see his surprised face with the music but soon his look of or on me and I could see the most beautiful smile I’ve e er seen in my life.
Everyone was standing as I walked over to him, when we got there my father shook his hand and whispered something before handing me over to Charles.
"You look beautiful." He says and I smile.
"You look beautiful too." I hold his hand and hand the watch to Charles who instantly recognized it and looked at his mother who smiled. "I know you really wish he was here because I feel the same way, but I know he is taking care of us and that he is happy."
“I'm sure of it."
And then the priest starts with the usual speech.
"I Charles Marc Harvé Perceval Leclerc take you, Y/n Y/l/n as my lawful wife. To love and respect you, in sickness and in health, in wealth and in poverty until death do us part."
“I Y/n Y/l/n take you, Charles Marc Harvé Perceval Leclerc as my lawful wedded husband. To love and respect you, in sickness and in health, in wealth and in poverty till death do us part."
"I pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride." At this he holds my face kissing me and I could hear the shouts of celebration from everyone making me smile in the middle of the kiss.
"I have something to give you." He says as soon as he separates but with his forehead still glued to mine. "Here."
He pulls something from his wrist and I see that same bracelet he stole from me years ago.
"I said I'd give it back when we got married and I keep my promises." I smiled through tears as he taped it to my wrist. “And when I said to you that I’m not going anywhere I mean it. You are the love of my life and I love you with all my heart.
“I love you more Charlie and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life by your side.” He smiles taking my hand next and we walked to the exit of the church to finally start ours lives together.
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Bonus scene!
Y/nleclerc instagram post
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Liked by @charlesleclerc and other 1938292
@y/nleclerc and here are some of my favorite pictures of the best day of my life, I still can’t believe it that your my husband and that were going to spend the last of our lives together.
I can’t wait to start our family and to grow old with you, you are the best thing that ever happened to me and I’m thankful everyday for you.
Je t'aime pour toujours Charlie (I love you forever Charlie).
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i've been seeing a lot of falsettos posts recently deconstructing the fandoms beliefs and firstly
holy fuck thank you, i try to steer clear of fandom (and fandom-izing thereof) drama but this is getting a lot more visible recently so here's some little tidbits for you
whizzer brown is not an unflawed character!
okay so i haven't seen enough dissecting this but!!! in the chess game!
the whole point of marvin using that game to determine the ending of their relationship is because he suspects whizzer is constantly deceiving him and wants to prove it.
whizzer LITERALLY proves him right!
he asks marvin to help him along (yes i know he says he doesn't want help, hear me out, it's a little more complex than that) and takes advantage of the fact that marvin is- like- infatuated with him.
he draws him into a sense of false security then starts throwing accusations at him ("since you need a man!" "what?" "who's 'brainy'," "or witty, move.") until hes able to win, which he does with ease because he's been using marvin having this idea that he isn't smart against him.
of course, marvin's side of this isn't the best either but honestly, for once the fandom should focus on a different character when they think 'insane asshole'. typically we should also probably change our perspectives a little to be more unbiased cuz fr guys, this is getting really.. annoying.
i understand he's the most visibly flawed but that doesn't excuse constantly picking the worst parts of this musical (without other context, btw) to use against him.
and this post certainly isn't here to excuse anyone either i've just got a lot of opinions that i wanted to share while falsettos is.. trending? right?
2. marvin's (headcanoned but still somewhat researched) autism
this one isn't brought up as much but when i do see it around, it's kind of a skewed viewpoint.
while rewatching bits of the proshot i realized a lot of different neurodivergent traits that he shows-
he's helpless during I Never Wanted to Love You and is childish and regressive when he's upset (not every autistic person is like this either, i know this is a bit of a touchy subject so i just wanted to add that).
usually when people depict it i see it either toned down or joked about which is fine when all in good fun, and when its done respectfully.
not here to attack anyone, just here to point it out and say that yes :) he most likely is neurodivergent, but despite that his actions aren't condoned. he's still kinda a dick who needs to get his shit together
3. ..the lesbians also have shit going on?
just putting this out there- I DON'T SEE ENOUGH FOR THE LESBIANS! OR TRINA!
the girls in this musical are like thoroughly neglected and i think that's kind of shitty just assuming the fact that william finn put them in to demonstrate how gender roles put people in degrading positions (and he even makes it more prevalent by showing marvin as something like a misogynistic character who forces whizzer into more feminine roles to show the audience what woman have to/had to go through in society).
anyways, the lesbians aren't just there guys. they have a plotline too. in Something Bad is Happening, you derive a lot from charlotte singing about the outbreak of HIV/AIDS and realize how she operates on a daily basis (she's passionate about her work and takes every bad day as a hit to her life and career, explaining in a way that as a black, jewish, lesbian, FEMALE doctor in this time, everything that goes wrong is immediately brought down on her so much more than it would as any straight white male pharmacist-).
cordelia on the other hand has to handle the fact that her girlfriend is so adamant about her work ethic that she can't actually be super present in their relationship at times like that.
but either way she still sticks by her and is constantly trying to be supportive and endearing despite feeling like she's not amounting to her gf who's basically a hero in her eyes.
i kinda just wanted to bring that up because they mean a lot to me and they don't get enough love from the fanbase, thank you for listening to my TED talk <3
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bethanydelleman · 8 months
I rewatched Pride and Prejudice and it's surprising how my thoughts on it changed over the years 😃
When I was a teenager, Elizabeth Bennet was the plucky heroine that I wanted to be (lol) , now I'm older with a mortgage and responsibilities/bills, I'm like what was her plan in life?
Because she wasn't really educated per se (im thinking about how she answered lady Catherine about what she has to recommend her re:drawing, playing the piano etc) so I guess a 'career'(no matter how little it would be available at that time) was out of the question, but accepting marraige to the (admittedly obsequious) Mr Collins was also out of the question as well as Mr Darcys first proposal (which I get why sge turned it down!) ...I guess I'm asking what Elizabeth's plan for her future.
I've heard this from a lot of people upon re-read, "Why isn't Elizabeth more worried about her future?" I think there are a few things to note.
Early 1800s or not, Elizabeth is 20 years old when the novel begins (the average age of first marriage for women was 23). 27 year old Charlotte is in more of a future panic, but Elizabeth is still young. She has done practical thing like learn to play piano, but like most young people, she's probably just hoping for the best. And it's not like there is much she can actually do, Elizabeth is putting herself out there, she's dancing, she's playing piano, but otherwise she can just hurry up and wait. Her mother's marriage schemes are seen as vulgar and mostly backfire, and we would hardly want Elizabeth to act like Caroline. We read across Austen's novel's that women are largely stationary and it is the men who move in and out of their lives.
Also, I think a big part of Austen's point is that women are in a position where they feel the need to accept any and every proposal, because as Mr. Collins says, they may never receive another, but that this leads to misery (just look at the older couples and how many of them are unhappy!). While somewhat foolish from a financial perspective, Elizabeth is thinking about her long term happiness. She has watched her father turn bitter in an unequal relationship, she does not want that for herself. Elizabeth is choosing possible spinsterhood over being married to a person she knows she could not respect. Marrying for love, or at least on a basis of respect, is a big theme in Austen's novels. Let me add this quote from Mansfield Park to illustrate this point:
“I should have thought,” said Fanny, after a pause of recollection and exertion, “that every woman must have felt the possibility of a man’s not being approved, not being loved by some one of her sex at least, let him be ever so generally agreeable. Let him have all the perfections in the world, I think it ought not to be set down as certain that a man must be acceptable to every woman he may happen to like himself.... And, and—we think very differently of the nature of women, if they can imagine a woman so very soon capable of returning an affection as this seems to imply.”
So yes, Elizabeth Bennet isn't being financially prudent but she is being sensible in preserving her happiness. And for realism, we know Austen made this decision herself! She turned down an eligible offer.
Next, Mrs. Bennet is somewhat exaggerating: they are very unlikely to starve or be destitute. While it is never explicitly stated, Mr. Gardiner seems to be doing very well, and would probably very happily take at least Jane and Elizabeth if Mr. Bennet died. Mr. Philips is also doing well for a country attorney, he could take in his sister-in-law and nieces. It is going to suck, the Bennets should have planned better, but it's not the end of the world. We also do not know Mr. Bennet's age, but he may well only be in his late forties. He's no Mr. Woodhouse who may die tomorrow in a stiff breeze.
So what is Elizabeth's plan? She doesn't have one, she's 20. She's hoping life will throw her a man with a decent income that she doesn't hate. It works out in the end, but I don't think she would live to regret either turned down proposal if she had never met Darcy again.
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The Littlest Morningstar
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Rating: Gen
Warnings: None
Tags: Pre-canon, fluff, domestic fluff, parenthood, canon compliant for the most part I think except maybe one headcanon
Word Count: 1k
Summary: Lucifer and Lilith Morningstar admire their newborn daughter, Charlotte.
Note: After episode five I just had to write this! I had it stuck in my head and needed to get it out. I know posting it right before new episodes tomorrow seems crazy, but better now than tomorrow I think. Hope you enjoy all the fluff! This is my first Hazbin Hotel fic, so I hope it's not ooc.
Also, I know the title is ironic considering Charlie grows up to be taller than her dad, but it fits in this context.
Additionally, we need more little Charlie gifs! I know it's not accurate to the fic, but it's the best I can do.
Also Read on AO3
Lucifer sat slightly curled up with his wife, Lilith, on their bed. The couple leaned against each other, taking in the quiet, peaceful moment with the newest addition to their family, their newborn daughter.
He watched how his wife doted on her sleeping daughter, bundled up comfortably in a soft blanket. Lilith whispered sweet words to the infant, a smile on her face. Lucifer felt like he’d fallen in love with his wife all over again, his heart full of love for his precious family.
“What’s on your mind, dear?” Lilith spoke, still keeping her tone soft to not wake up Charlotte.
Lucifer looked up at her, a small smile on his face. “Just thinking about how lucky I am to have both of you in my life… and, I don’t know, I guess I’m feeling a little overwhelmed with love right now.” He chuckled softly, wiping a tear from his eye.
Lilith beamed, taking his hand in hers for a moment, rubbing gentle circles with her thumb on his skin.
“How are you feeling?” He asked.
She let out a small sigh, though still with a happy expression. “Tired… but overjoyed.”
“It was a lot to go through, but you, of course, handled it gracefully throughout the whole thing.” He kissed her hand.
“The whole thing? I feel like you may be exaggerating just a tad.” She joked.
“No, I mean it. How could I possibly lie about my beautiful, strong, and amazing wife, huh? It’s not something I’d do.” He grinned, meaning every word he said.
“Thank you, honey.” Lilith smiled and placed her hand on his cheek, leaning closer to kiss him.
Lucifer gladly accepted, closing his eyes and enjoying her presence. They eventually parted and rested their foreheads together; both smiling.
He pulled away when he heard the tiniest-sounding yawn he’d ever heard in his life; causing a wave of emotions in his heart. Lilith and he looked down at their tiny daughter. Her face had scrunched up, and with some effort, she opened her eyes.
“Oh, just look at her, Luce…” Lilith cooed, making sure her daughter was still settled comfortably in the blanket.
He could feel tears welling up again, quickly wiping them away and smiling. “She’s beautiful.”
“She looks like you, has your eyes.” She murmured, looking down at her with a small smile.
Lucifer felt a swell of pride seeing how similar his daughter’s eyes looked to his. Long ago, he struggled with some of the changes that had been done to him when he fell, the color of his eyes included. But seeing them in his daughter, they suited her wonderfully.
“Her eye shape is like yours, and she kinda has your nose,” he commented. “I think she’s a perfect mix of us, right?”
Lilith couldn’t help but smile again. “Absolutely perfect. Do you want to hold her?”
“Oh, really? You sure you’re ready to hand her over? Just look how small she is, practically the size of my hand! So fragile… I just… well, I…” He chuckled nervously, stammering.
“Honey, you won’t hurt her. It’ll be okay.” She cut off his anxious rambling, attempting to soothe him.
Lucifer looked up at her, slightly furrowing his brows and nodding, attempting to get his nervousness under control. “I’m sorry, you’re right… I guess I’m just…”
“Scared? I understand. You’re not alone in this.” She gave him an empathetic look. “We’ve been practicing for the whole nine months. You got this.”
He let out a breath he hadn’t realized he was holding and nodded again. “Thank you, Lili. I’m ready.”
“Don’t forget to unbutton your shirt a bit. Skin-to-skin contact is important for newborns.” She explained.
“Oh, uh, right.” Lucifer muttered and worked on unbuttoning a few top buttons on his shirt. He was significantly dressed down for the whole experience, wearing a long-sleeved plain button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up and slacks.
When he was done, he held his arms out, carefully taking the infant in a secure hold as his wife slowly passed her to him. Little Charlotte blinked a couple of times, looking around the room. She had managed to wriggle one of her tiny hands out of the swaddle, still having her little fingers in an instinctive fist.
Lucifer held her close to his heart, hoping she could feel all the overwhelming love coming from the people who loved her most. He smiled, listening to her soft breathing and quiet coos.
“We’re so glad you’re here with us, little one,” he spoke softly, noticing how curious she was, continuing to look around. “Yeah, it’s a big change… all these new sights and senses. But you’re safe here with us. I promise.”
Lilith rested her head against her husband’s shoulder, watching them both lovingly.
Lucifer gently touched her soft, chubby cheeks. His thumb carefully rubbed the adorable little red circles on her face. They were just like the ones on his face.
Charlotte made a little content coo, already heading for the process of babbling. Though it would be a long while to get to that point. She reached her tiny hand out, gripping Lucifer’s finger.
“Wow… she’s way stronger than she looks.” He chuckled softly. “I suppose she takes after her mother.”
Lilith placed her hand on theirs for a moment, not fighting the urge to smile again. “She takes after both of her parents.”
He nodded, feeling tears in his eyes start to well up again. “She’s perfect… thank you for giving me the opportunity to be a father, I mean it.” He looked at Lilith, feeling nothing but pure love.
She smiled and gave him a quick kiss. Next, she kissed her daughter’s head; causing the newborn’s face to scrunch up in surprise for a split second.
Lucifer chuckled at her adorably confused expression. “You okay, Char Char? I guess it’s another new thing to get used to.”
“Char Char?” Lilith repeated, an amused smile showing on her face. “She’s barely hours old and you’ve already come up with a nickname?”
“Ah, well, I guess I couldn’t help myself… she’s just so cute!” He blushed a little from embarrassment.
“Of course she is. Look who her father is.” Lilith teasingly flirted a little. She laughed shortly, seeing how red his face turned.
“Thank you, dear.” Lucifer smiled and looked away for a brief second before looking back down at his daughter, gaining his composure somewhat.
Even though she wasn’t at the age yet to know how to smile, the corner of Charlotte’s mouth pulled up a little, giving the appearance of a smile.
Lucifer rested his face against Lilith’s shoulder for a second. “I don’t know if I have the strength for this Lili.” His voice muffled slightly.
She picked up on why and chuckled quietly. “Why is that?”
“Just—look at her! My heart can’t take how cute she is,” he said in a hushed tone, turning to look at his daughter again.
“I guess you’ll have to get used to it.” She smiled.
“I have no choice.” He sighed, clearly smiling as well.
Charlotte cooed again, and he gently patted her head, feeling the soft golden curls of her hair.
“I can tell she’s getting sleepy again… or maybe hungry… or both.” He furrowed his brows. “I’m going to have to learn all the differences.”
“You’ll get them in time,” she replied.
“Do you want to take her again?” He asked. “I don’t want to hoard all the baby cuddles…”
“If you’re okay with it, and there’s no such thing as hoarding baby cuddles.”
Lucifer scoffed lightheartedly. “Yet.”
He kissed Charlotte’s little red cheeks before handing her back to her mother. He watched her settle back into her mother’s arms, yawning again.
“Oh, you were right about her being hungry… I’m guessing after this she’ll probably fall asleep again,” Lilith spoke, nursing her daughter.
“Sounds about right. That’s the life of a baby, especially one as new as her.”
Eventually, as they had predicted, Charlotte fell asleep. Lucifer listened to her calm breathing again, feeling at peace, which had been hard to come by in his life before.
“We’re parents now,” he stated. “This is our new life…”
“Still feeling glad about it?” Lilith asked.
“I’m overjoyed.” He spoke honestly. “It’s just a lot to take in.”
She nodded. “I’m sure after a bit we’ll settle into our new routine.”
Lucifer looked up at her and smiled, appreciating how wise she was being. What would he do without her?
“I know I sound like a broken record, but I’m so lucky to have you two… I love you both.” He managed to keep his voice steady.
Lilith kissed his cheek. “I feel the same.”
Lucifer hoped he’d be good at this whole father thing. He knew that realistically every parent made mistakes, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t give it his best. And it didn’t change the fact that no matter what, he would love his daughter with everything he had.
“I love you, Charlotte. More than anything.” He thought.
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madebyrolo · 2 months
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Holding me and holding back pt.3
Rafe Cameron x pouge reader
summary: Kook vs pouge still exists on the mainland.
obx master list (find mini series here!)
─── ʚɞ ⋅ ᯓᡣ𐭩 ⋅ ୨୧ ───
As you finished doing your hair Rafe finally arrives back from breakfast.
“Good morning princess” Rafe says as he enters the room with just keys.
“Hey babe, where’s breakfast?” You ask as you place a kiss on his cheek in search of your jewelry.
“Change of plans, had the little altercation with Maybank. Thought we go out mainland.” He says with a guilty smile.
You sigh “What happened?”
“Well I was getting coffee and jj happened to be working in the cafe. I order your signature iced cameral macchiato 3 creamers and when I went to go pick it up jj said “hmm got the same coffee order as y/n. are you wearing her black lace pantees too?” hes lucky i didn’t punch him.”
“Rafe come on we talked about this.”
“How does he know what panties you wear? I bough those for you?” He asked as his tounge swiped his lips.
“Rafe we’ve spent days at the chateau and he just probably saw them with my laundry or something calm down” you say putting on a gold necklace.
“You’re right. beside he couldn’t even get in your pants if he wanted too.” He chuckled as he went into the bathroom.
“Oh and I threw the drink at him.”
𐙚 -time skip- 𐙚
You and Rafe are sitting on the ferry, hand in hand with matching outfits he insisted on wearing.
“Remember the time when we went to Charlotte too see The Weeknd?” Rafe said looking at you.
“Yeah it was really fun, though it was hard to cover up to the pouges” you say scrunching your face as the sun hit it.
“Ugh why do they get suspicious of your happiness?” He playful rolled his eyes.
“Maybe it’s the fact that they all work 3 jobs a week to survive and I went on a thousand dollar trip for ‘funsies’ but hashtag idk Rafe.” you blanky stated.
“I bet jj had a lot to say”
“Oh the mouth on that boy- wait Rafe enough with the jj jealousy!l
“Not jealous.” He said not even convincing himself.
“What is it then. Love? Obsession?” You joke
“Okay fine jealously…” he said under his breath
“Aww Rafe Cameron’s a bitch??” You gasp dramatically.
“Okay whatever, besides im on the date with you right now”
“Yeah well now believe it.”you go in for a kiss.
“Oh by the way Sarah is on mainland shopping so she’s gonna meet us for brunch.” Rafe said as He pulled away.
“Wait so I’m official meeting your sister?” Your eyebrows furrowed.
“Duh you’re my girlfriend”
Hearing him say it had butterflies going crazy in your stomach.
“And you already met my parents, and wheez. I’m surprised she hasn’t said anything to Sarah” he said with a small smile.
“You don’t think she’ll like hate me?”
“Why would she hate you?”
“ you know kook, pouge, you practillay started the so called war yourself.”
“Well you're different” Rafe said pushing hair behind your hair.
His comment left you confused, but you just brushed it off.
“Also her and Kiara have some beef. I don’t know what went down but she they don't seem to hide their hatred. ”you say worried.
“And if she hates kie, how do you think she’s gonna react to meeting her bestfriend?” You began hugging yourself in a comforting manner.
“i know how Sarah gets with their drama or whatever, but if you get caught in the crossfire I’ll be there to put it out.” Rafe wrapped a arm around you.
You sat in his embrace trying to save this memory. This is the Rafe you knew.
As you guys exit the ferry, Rafe has a Uber waiting already.
“Okay so we’re doing brunch, then a little sight seeing and shopping. And if all goes well maybe with Sarah.” He said opening the car door falling you in.
“Hopefully with a full stomach it’ll be less intimidating.” You say putting your seatbelt on.
“Giving the fact you both love shopping, and annoying me, the odds may be in your favor.”
“Ha ha very funny” you side eye him.
“In fact I don’t love shopping, you just fueled an addiction.”
“Call me your sugar daddy”
“Oh I will.”
Soon enough you guys arrive to the restaurant.
As you guys enter the restaurant you sit a table. The waiter hands 2 menus, soon asking for a third. You order a waters for now until Sarah arrives.
“So you think we can hit up Victor secret for a new set? Because jj seen my hopefully now old ones” you said with a fake grimace.
“I’ll buy you as many as you want if we can burn all the ones he’s seen.” He said looking through the menu.
“So why today am i meeting Sarah?” you ask Rafe taking a gulp of your water.
“Why not? Besides plans were ruined cause of your friends.” he smirked
His comment pissed you off a bit. You hate when he talks shit about the pouges, your best friends.
“Maybe if you didn't assualt them we wouldn't have a problem.” you scoff
“They don't know a ounce of respect, so why should I?” Rafe crossed his arms
“Because your a good person Rafe” you put down your glass.
“So you're agreeing with me, they terrible people?” he says
“Not even a little bit. I'm just saying be the bigger person.”
“I mean I got the big dick so I pretty much am-”
“I’m gonna head to the bathroom I’ll be right back.” You cut him off, sliding your now empty water glass.
You get up walking around the back to the restroom.
As you wash your hands you pull your phone and check the messages you’ve gotten practically spammed with.
⌞ Pope hitting the Dougie. ⌝
What does the j stand for: Rafe just threw coffee in my face😍
Kiki do you love me: omg what!?
Johnathan: wow can’t tell if should laugh or ?
What does the j stand for: why is there a or.
Hope 🥺: Since I’m a good person I won’t be laughing in this group chat.
Kiki do you love me: I see him giggling at the table while im working at the wreck.
What does the j stand for: wow okay I see where I stand in this friendship 🕳️ 🚶🏼‍♂️
Johnathan: he did say group chat…
Kiki do you love me: what even happened ?
Hope 🥺: open his mouth ♡ hearted by 2 people
What does the j stand for: to sum it all up I called him a sissy because he had the same coffee order as y/n
Johnathan: LMFAOOO
Kiki do you love me: wow okay that’s kinda funny 😭
Hope 🥺:ohh now I want a iced caramel macchiato
Johnathan: that’s like the most basic order jj. I’m gonna laugh because you yourself in that position.
What does the j stand for: no but like he even got the extra 3 creamers….
Kiki do you love me: y/n has good coffee orders you can’t blame her 🤷🏽‍♀️
Hope 🥺: omg Twinem!!
Johnathan: okay pope has been too funny and it’s only 8am
What does the j stand for: I quit before I could get fired 🤞🏼
Johnathan: you lasted 2 months. That’s the longest you held a job!!!
Kiki do you love me: woohh the bear minimum !!
Hope 🥺: how’d you know you would get fired
What does the j stand for: it’s Rafe.
Johnathan: I’m assuming you’re coming over?
What does the j stand for: yes master.
Kiki do you love me: count me and pope in. I’m gonna try to leave early then I’ll pick him up.
What does the j stand for: y/n you in?
Kiki so you love me: is she even alive, she hasn’t texted all morning.
Hope 🥺: so that’s why the birds are singing
Johnathan: you’re killing me pope.
What does the j stand for: y/n wya.
Kiki do you love me: I swear if ur still sleeping…
Hope 🥺: hate to admit it but kinda want you here. Jjs yapping away
Johnathan: #missingyou 🩷🩷
Hope 🥺: #wakeup
God you completely forgot about the pouges.
What do you tell them? This is like your 6th trip to the mainland, they’re gonna start to get suspicious.
Y/n: I had to go with my mom to see my aunt sorry guys :(
Hope 🥺: I thought you went last week?
Damn you pope.
Y/n: she’s old pope.
Now that isn’t a lie.
You put your phone away, quickly recollecting yourself in the mirror and heading back out.
As you walk towards the table you see the second blonde Cameron.
Ohh things just got real.
Rafe spots you soon getting up before you can reach the table.
“So Sarah I want you to meet y/n, my girlfriend.” He said with a genuine smile.
He wraps he arm around your waist as she also gets up.
She looks you up and down, analyzing you like an fbi angent.
“Hey Sarah. It’s nice to meet you.” You say breaking the ice. Very cold ice.
“Nice to meet you too y/n” she said reaching her hand out for a handshake.
You took it, her grip somewhat firm but you couldn’t help but notice how aware she was.
“so let’s sit! I’m starving the ferry ride was long!” Rafe said trying to ease the tension.
“Oh the menu looks good” Rafe says examining it thoroughly.
“Rafe we’ve been here before” Sarah say looking up at him through her menu.
The waitress comes up with a notepad before Rafe can argue back.
“Welcome to sunny kitchen, my names Anne I will be your server for today. What can I get started for you?” The waiter said in fake happiness.
“Ice cameral macchito.” You and Sarah both say in unison.
“Oh sorry you go first” Sarah smiles
“Uh ice cameral macchiato with 3 creams” you tell the waitress
“Same for me” Sarah says
“I’ll take an orange juice” Rafe says as the waitress writes it all down.
“Alright I’ll be back with your drinks!”
“Didn’t know you guys had the same coffee order” Rafe spoke up.
“Cameral macchiatos are literally my babies.” You say throwing your head back
“Ugh they’re so good I made our dad buy me whole coffee set up. Expreso machine, the syrups everything.” Sarah agrees
“Ive noticed, I love making rafe make me one. It's like playing barista”
“You force me.” Rafe hits you with the menu
You both giggle at the annoyance of Rafe. So far so good.
“So what are you thinking of getting?” You ask Sarah.
“Hmm maybe like the sunny platter, how about you?”
“Chicken and waffles, they have the best waffles here I swear, there so fluffy.” You smile at her.
Ice starting to melt.
“I think I’m gonna get a salad.” Rafe joked putting the teacher's finger in front of his lips.
You guys all giggle as the waitress comes and drops off your drinks.
“Are you guys ready to order?”
you guys order tator-tots for appetizers and you out in your orders. You guys have been chating away, you and Sarah not had one bad interaction so far.
“Wait so Rafe accidentally knocked on your parent's window thinking it was yours?” Sarah asked completely losing it.
“Yes and it was like 2 am too, he was waiting and my dad went outside and chased him with a bat” you guys are in a laughing fit while Rafe is sitting arms crossed.
“Glad you guys find my trama funny. It was terrifying it was pitch black and all I can hear is his screaming” he said rolling his eyes.
“don’t try sneak out at 2am maybe?” Sarah commented.
“He was wearing all back too, he genuinely looked like he was gonna cause a home invasion!”
The waitress soon brought your plates.
“Here’s the chicken and waffles, sunny platter, and sunny side. Enjoy your meal!”
You all began to dig in, sharing small comments about the food being absolutely amazing.
“Why can’t there be food like this on the banks” you say practically moaning.
“Honestly I would pay for a sunny kitchen franchise” Rafe agreed
“we need to do this more” Sarah smiled at you.
We now have a watered down caramel macchiato. Wooh!! 
Soon you guys are walking around town, window shopping, photo ops, small talk.
You and Sarah and hitting it off, you guys like the same music, clothes, coffee order.
Rafe is glad your guys are getting along and you were too.
“I wanna find a cute sundress, my mom’s forces me to go to church with my grandma and I want to at least look cute before she stuffs me into floral hell.” You say walking into a boutique.
“Get whatever you want, all on me.”’Rafe says planting a kiss on your head.
“I’ll seat here, you girls go crazy.” He says sitting on the small couch.
“Since you’re getting a dress I guess have to get a dress. I don’t wanna be the weirdo who doesn’t get a dress you know?” Sarah jokes are you began flipping through racks.
As you go through dress after dress, you feel vibrations coming for your phone. You know it’s the pouges but you refuse to check. You feel bad for ditching them for the Cameron’s and it doesn’t help that you’re dress shopping with Sarah. You were just doing the same with Kie.
“Y/n this would look so good on you!” Sarah said showing you a blue floral bustier sun dress.
“Oh my god that’s so cute!” You say grabbing it.
Soon you guys are both in the dressing room showing your items giving each other a fashion show.
“You think this tops cute” you ask Sarah looking in the mirror.
“Yeah it’s cute and casual, you can wear it anywhere.” She answered.
“What about this skirt?” Sarah asks adjusting the length.
“If you dont get it I will.” You comment.
“Are you girls done it’s been like almost 2 hours?” Rafe yells from the dressing room entrance.
“Rafe if you want us counting your girlfriend, to look cute, you should shut up.” Sarah tells him earning giggles from you.
“We should hurry up though it’s getting late and I don’t wanna miss the ferry like last time. It was hard making up an excuse to the pouges.” You say changing back into your regular clothes waiting for Sarah to finish up.
“I don’t understand how you can be friend with them” Sarah tells you leaving the dressing room.
“That’s what Rafe says too. Were like sardines, always together.” You smile to yourself.
“What do they think about you and Rafe?” She asks.
“Uh they don’t actually know.” You say putting your things on the counter.
Soon Rafe takes a notice goes up to the counter to begin to pay. You and Sarah sit on the couch counting your conversation.
“Why haven't you told them?” she asked.
“Because I know they’ll freak. They don’t exactly like the your family let alone any kook. Jj and Rafe were at each other throats all the time and I know you and Kiara have your history.” A flat smile forms on your lips.
“Honestly why do you care what they think? If you’re happy they should accept that”
“I know but we’ve been with each other since diapers, knowing they could throw our entire friendship away just because of a boy doesn’t make it any easier,” you say looking at Rafe.
“Honestly y/n I’ve seen the way you and Rafe have an effect on each other, that’s actual love. I know we’ve just met not even 4 hours ago but you're respectful, caring, and kind, like one of the most genuine persons I’ve known. If the pouges throw you to the side of the road just because of my bother they don’t seem like the perfect people you paint them to be.” She says
“And with Kiara, what happened is she called the cops on my party after I didn’t invite her. I know it was wrong of me but she didn’t have the right to ruin my birthday. I think she was and is a very shellfish person, and if you think that’s the way they would treat you just because you’re in love that makes them all shellfish.” Sarah says with kind eyes.
“If I can be honest with you Sarah, I think you’re right. I’m just scared to admit it. I know it’s wrong for me to say it but sometimes I can’t help but to think if I were to grow up on the other side how different I would be. Me and Pope are the only ones who actually think about our future while the rest think about the moment. They wanna do fun spontaneous things but I want to at least have a safety plan.”
Is what you would’ve said to her. But all that came out of your mouth was
“you don’t know them like I do”
Soon Rafe comes up drowning in shopping bags.
“A little help wouldn’t hurt,” he says trying to balance 10 bags.
You all are sitting in the ferry, you and Rafe are sitting together while Sarah on a different side. Rafe is scrolling on his phone while you’re looking into the harbor.
You get up to find Sarah, you couldn’t let the day end without having one last conversation.
“Hey Sarah” you greet as she looks up from her phone.
“Hey y/n” she smiles
“I just want to say it was spending the day with you. You’re really cool and like the best and worst person to shop with” you both giggle “and I wanna thank you for listening to me, I gunesilly like the advice you gave me. I can admit I’m scared of confronting them and we both have a good idea of what would happen if I do, but I just can’t help but feel torn between these two worlds.” You confess.
“Do you love Rafe?” She asks
“I’m mean we’ve been seeing eachother for like almost 5 months, it’s too soon-”
“Do you love Rafe?” She asks one more time.
“Yes” you sigh “But please don’t say anything-”
“Im not going too. But if you love him you should be with him. It’s not them who are kissing Rafe it’s you.”
“Yeah you’re right. They should be happy for me, I’m always there when jj survives night surfing or when Kiara ‘got her revenge’.” you and Sarah smile
“But if all goes wrong you got Rafe and me. i can agree today has been a wonderful day and if there is more of this in the future.”
“Enough with me, I've heard you have a little thing with Topper huh? Spill!” you asked Sarah who had faint blush on her cheeks.
“Well i guess you can say we're official, Topper’s sweet and kind. He's not like the others who always want more.” she said playing with her fingers.
“Aww you're blushing!”
“Whatever, but sometimes he just feels like, i dont know. Clingy?”
“Oh tell me about it, the first month with Rafe he wouldn't keep his hands off of me, always spamming me with stupid memes” you began blushing.
“But once time passed we got more comfortable, our friendship grew. he was and is my best friend now. Sometimes we fight like friends too but at the end of the day we still have each other”
“I want what you and Rafe have, i hate to admit it but I'm jealous of him. Never repeat those words to anyone.” she pointed her finger at You “You guys are like perfect!” she groaned
“I wouldn't say perfect but maybe with time you and Topper will be your perfect.”
“Yeah but, i dont know. Like he's great and all but-” she made a face no boy would understand but only a girl would.
“You just don't want it with him.” you finish for her.
“Oh god, am I a bad person?” she says laying her head on the ship wall.
“No no, you just know what you want. If you lead him on that's a mess you don't wanna clean up.”
You looked at Sarah and she had a very unfaithful look.
“But you never know, maybe one day you'll feel something that makes sense you know? Like he's the one.”
“With topper?”
“With anyone. I knew it with your brother when he randomly picked me up and surprised me with the perfect date. He got my favorite flowers, went to my favorite dinner, he for everything write and I didn't tell him a thing.”
“So he just knew”
“Yeah, he knew” just as you finished, you turned too see Rafe walking up to you guys.
“There's my girl,” he says placing a kiss on your forehead and handing you a Cherry Coke he got from a vending machine.
“Ugh that is what I mean!” Sarah complains
“Just give it time, you don't have to worry about love right now you're just 16. ‘Got your whole life ahead of you. It can be now, next year, hell even next week.” you sat giving her a hopeful smile.
“What is she whining about now?” Rafe jerks his head towards his sister.
“Boy stuff” Rafe fakes gagged.
You and Sarah shared a small side hug.
You guys sat together the whole ride back
Never in your life, did you expect to be this close to the Camerons.
Sarah was refreshing, she wasn't silently judging, she understood your jokes, she cared about what you had to say, didn't laugh or call you a pussy for showing your emotions. You both were excited for back to school season (for the shopping only though) and even planned study dates. all the guilt washed away.
Sarah was now one of your closest friends, spilling deep secrets, cracking jokes, endless selfies.
Now you guys are in Rafe's truck, he's driving you home with the gifts he got you and your mom (obviously she loves him)
You get out of the truck, Rafe following behind grabbing your bags. Before you shut your door Sarah says goodbye.
“Remember sleepover next weekend alright? Don't let Rafe take you away.” she smiles as you say your goodbyes and shit the door.
Rafe puts the bags in your room also saying his goodbyes and hello to your parents.
You slide into your duvet covers, scrolling through your massages and finally replying to your friends after such a good day, even meeting your new best friend.
Who knows? Maybe next week you and Sarah will be buying matching jewelry. Let's just hope the pouges dont get suspicious.
─── ʚɞ ⋅ ᯓᡣ𐭩 ⋅ ୨୧ ──
Part three :))
Thanks for the love on this story <33
excuse any typos
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novalizinpeace · 3 months
This question just came up randomly from my dyslexia, but I'll ask it anyway.
Why did you name the characters exactly what they are called now? Like, what gave rise to giving them such a name? Especially a question for Neill.
(By the way, I pronounce his name as “Nail” (nail and hammer) due to dyslexia and only now realized that Neill is correct)
It took me like 3 hours looking for the names for each children (on the original post were i introduce them), 'cause i was really trying to get details both for the original critters and the children own personality in said name.
Let me use Google to explain the meaning part, and then i explain my own work with it. long post guys, Nova is gonna talk a lot
First with Nell
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As i said before, Nell's name was fitting for him 'cause the ''Shinning light'' goes fine with Dogday character, but on the other side, the ''hard as a horn'' was the part that, for me, work with the experiment one: Nell's can be emotionally weak, but his temple and spirit is the strongest in the gang, specially if it mean to protect those how he care, he's the shining light of the killer team, their boss but most important, the one that is ready to give his life for his loved ones.
Now, Callem (here it show Callum, but is another way of write it, it mean the same)
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Just, is a simple meaning, and yeah the bird side was for Kickin, BUT the meaning of said animal is was Callem's character really is about
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Callem is the free spirit of the gang, a soul that is only trapped in the physical way, but that doesn't care about anything else, he isn't afraid of cry, of scream, of love. Yup, maybe he doesn't take the iniciative with Nell, but not 'cause he's afraid, but 'cause he care for Nell's feelings, he never liked to be force to do something, why would he force Nell out of his comfort zone? He's ready to fly when needed, that's Callem for you.
Now, Charlie
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What does this had anything to be with Bubba? Well, this was a inside joke with my lil' cousin, that when we read the name Charlotte whe remember the spider, AND then we remember the game song (in spanish, idk if there's a version in english) ''Un elefante se columpiaba sobre la tela de una araña'', it was a silly moment, but she ask me to name him Charlie, 'cause she liked the name and, in her words, ''Tiene cara de charlie'' (he had a charlie face). So yeah, Charlie doesn't have a strong meaning in his name, but hey, the ''Warrior'' part was what make me put him in the Killer team, and it a choice 'm really happy about.
Now Alba
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The ''white'' meaning is for literally Crafty's fur, and also the name is kinda relate to a colour palette, so it fit in her side. Now, with the experiment, is basically a mirror of Nell, but in a more ''bright'' way; Nell and Alba had always been mirrors of the other during their time working in the playcare, but Alba has something that Nell doesn't: A mind without attachment. Alba never had something to care about in her past life more that herself, something that make her miss her past life, so when she learn the true, she was angry 'cause she was used, no 'cause she wasn't a children in playcare anymore. Nell since day one has been emotionally ''in a eternal night'', there's something that give weight to his actions, something that make him worry. Alba was able to pursue Nicole, she was able to become the second in charge of the heretics, she was able to make a community with the little they have, 'cause her mind was already past the night, unlike Nell, that shine in the dark.
Now, Nicole
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Obviously more close in meaning with the cartoon side that with the experiment side due the deatils of ''victory'' related to competitions, BUT in Nicole theres also some true: She has always been a fighter, maybe not in the physical way, but in her past life she refuse to let the employees experiment with her using the Poppy serum, doesn't caring if she could die without it, she wasn't a lab rat, and even after getting turn in Hoppy, she show them that she still was able to win over them, by been the most hard to tame, to the point of breaking the scientists's patience with a literal jumpscare (this gonna be show in her VHS)
Now, Samina
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The name, as i read in another place, also mean a ''well feeded child'' that goes to the side of Picky, but the rest is for the experiment, 'cause yeah, the bitchiest, most intense and meany member of the gang is actually a generous soul, but a soul that had been breaked over and over again, and even after that still have a lil' piece of that kind soul to give to her friends.
And then, we have Amara
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why i had to scroll so much to get this meaning? But yeah, 'm using the latin/spanish meaning of this name for her, that is basically ''to love'', something that work both for Bobby and for Amara herself, 'cause both were means to be a character full of love to give, full of emotions and ready to ''love'' those she care about.
Also! Funfact!
Do you know what Theo's name mean?
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An interesing choice considering all his relation with the prototype, good on that Mob game.
And here ends my tedtalk, good night everybody!
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beskarandblasters · 9 months
New York or Nowhere
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Part three: Dicked Down at the Deli
Bodega Owner!Joel Miller x F!Reader
New York or Nowhere Masterlist
Main Masterlist | Joel Miller Masterlist
Author's note: Okay two things: 1. I think this is some of my favorite smut I’ve ever written?!?!? 😛 and 2. In part one I included a sentence about how the reader has lived in Manhattan her whole life but I changed it to the reader being from Long Island instead. Just bringing that up because it gets mentioned again! It's really not that significant to the story but I didn't want y'all to read this and notice a plot hole/continuity error.
Chapter summary: You find yourself reeling at the fact that Joel gave you a fake number so you decide to go out with your friends. After a tense moment at the bar you leave to go confront Joel which turns into something else pretty quickly.
Word count: 4k
Warnings: reader is able-bodied, no outbreak, canon divergent, drinking, argument between friends, Jessica being ignorant af, Joel being a lil creep, age gap (unspecified), making out, groping, dirty talk, pet names (sweetheart, sugar, good girl, pretty girl, dirty girl 😵‍💫), slight degradation, dub con bc reader is drunk, nipple play, fingering, oral sex (F receiving), semi public sex (I think??), unprotected sex, vaginal sex, pull out method, light choking, no use of y/n
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You spend the next few days seething; at Joel for giving you a fake number but also at yourself for buying into his bullshit. You thought you actually had something with him, or at least the start of something. What did he gain from flirting with you and giving you a fake number? 
And the worst part is you’re having sex dreams about him; about him fucking you over the check out counter… or pressed up against the window. You imagine he has a big cock and that he’s talented with his hands. You think how big his hands are and imagine how they would feel roaming your body. Too bad it’s not looking like you’re getting that anytime soon. 
The next weekend rolls around and you and your friends are at your apartment, getting ready for a night out at a rooftop bar called Night of Joy in your neighborhood. You get ready at your apartment together, all of you doing your hair and makeup together. You, Jessica and Charlotte are in your best clubbing dresses. And Nathaniel in black jeans and a button down shirt with the first few buttons at the top undone. They can sense something is off with you but no one brings themselves to question it. 
“After we’re done at the bar tonight can we go back to that deli?” you ask. 
Charlotte stops putting on her makeup and gives you a knowing look in the reflection of the bathroom mirror but chooses not to say anything. Nathaniel, however, comes right out and says, “Why? So you can see that creepy old guy again?”
“EW!” Jessica calls from across your apartment. 
“What do you mean ew?!” you ask, looking at your friends.
“Girl, he’s ug,” Jessica says.
“He’s not terrible looking… but he’s old and creepy,” Nathaniel adds.
Charlotte keeps her gaze on you as she stays by the bathroom mirror, the knowing look never leaving her face and never saying a word.
“Fine, I’ll go by myself,” you shrug. 
“Come on, we can’t let her go alone, Jess,” Charlotte pleads. 
“Yes, we can. It’s just a bodega. She’ll be fine,” Jessica says, folding her arms.
“We established he’s a creep and you’re gonna let her go alone?” Nathaniel asks.
“I’ll go with you,” Charlotte says, offering you a reassuring smile. 
“Thanks, Char,” you respond before going back to getting ready, feeling annoyed at Jessica. Out of all your friends, she’s always the one who goes against you about literally anything. You feel your frustration bubble up but you decide to ignore it for the sake of having a good night. 
The four of you leave and walk to Night of Joy together. Charlotte and Nathaniel try too hard to break the tension between you and Jessica, talking about anything and everything to fill the silence. You play along a little, feeding into their small talk but Jessica isn’t having any of it. As if you did something wrong by having a crush on the bodega man… The same bodega man who gave you a fake number. Whatever, you’re gonna drink to forget your feelings anyway. Maybe if you stop there tonight you’ll have enough liquid confidence to confront him about it. 
You arrive at bar and head up to the roof. And to your absolute fucking delight there’s a frozen margarita station. You make the mental decision to get plastered here, head over to Beldro’s after to confront Joel, and wipe that stupid fucking smirk off his face.
You sit at a table near the edge of the roof with your friends, each of you sipping your margarita with an uncomfortable, palpable tension weighing heavily on everyone. Leave it to Jessica to ruin a night out. You look out into the distance at the view from the roof, scanning the neighborhood. You’re still somewhat new to this area. You’re from New York, yes, but really… Long Island. You came to the city a lot growing up and you feel like a “true New Yorker” but to Jessica… you’re really not. You met your friends at your new job at a PR firm and all of them grew up here besides you. And while Charlotte and Nathaniel are genuinely good friends to you, Jessica isn’t, to say the least. She’s your classic New York elitist, looking down on anyone who isn’t already from here. 
You’re lost in thought looking at the view and that’s when you notice Beldro’s a few blocks down, just barely in view. But you can’t miss those bright green awnings. The conversation starts to pick up between your friends. And though you can’t see it, Jessica notices you’re not paying attention and follows your gaze. 
“Are you gonna engage with your friends or what?” Jessica asks. 
You’re snapped from your thoughts and you turn back to your friends. Jessica shoots daggers with her glare, like she can see right into your mind and what you’re thinking about.
“So… how’s your new beau?”
“My new what?”
“Your little creep.”
“There’s literally nothing there?”
“Your behavior seems to indicate otherwise,” she says. Her words cut like a knife, making you feel guilty just for having a simple crush. 
“Why do you care so much?” your voice quivering just a bit. You shouldn’t be afraid to stand up for yourself but she makes you feel small.
“No friend of mine is going to be a thing with a New York transplant.”
“C’mon, Jess. That’s like xenophobic,” Nathaniel drunkenly adds. 
“Okay that’s a bit of a stretch but this is still ridiculous. And you say transplant like it’s a bad thing? You know I’m a New York transplant, right?” you respond, your anger and disbelief overshadowing any shred of self consciousness you had before. 
“Yeah but you’re still from here. He’s some country bumpkin who thinks he can make it here.”
“You sound insane right now. Anyone can move to New York, Jessica. I think you forget that this city is literally made up of immigrants.”
“It doesn’t mean you have to associate with one.”
“It’s hard to live in New York and not associate with an immigrant. And you know what, I’m done with this conversation. I’m just trying to have a good time and for your information I just wanna go back to that deli for the cat,” you respond angrily, looking just to truly end this once and for all. 
That seems to shut her up for now and she resigns to drinking her margarita before going up for another. 
“She can get… a little out of control,” Nathaniel says after she leaves.
“That’s one way to put it,” you mumble. 
The four of you drink together with the tension still hanging heavy in the air. You feel bad for Charlotte and Nathaniel, absolute angels for humans who are just trying to keep the peace. You get up for a second round. And then a third round. You’re just a liiittle bit drunk and frankly you don’t want to be here anymore. You have all the liquid courage you need to head straight to Beldro’s and to confront that stupid asshole. But you also can’t deny how much you want him. If there was a word for a mix between angry and horny, that would be you right now. 
“I think I’m all set,” you say to your friends. 
“Yeah, me too,” Charlotte says. 
Nathaniel downs his drink and rises from his chair. But Jessica sits at the table with arm folded and a scowl on her face. 
“I never said I was ready to leave,” she says stiffly. 
You, Charlotte and Nathaniel freeze, unsure of what to do. The three of you exchange glances awkwardly before Jessica continues.  
“Were you guys really just gonna leave me alone here?!”
“No? We just thought we were all done?” you say.
“Definitely not,” Jessica says, finishing her drink and getting up for another. She walks back to the margarita station and Nathaniel turns to you. 
“You guys go. I’ll stay with bitty,” he says. 
“Are you sure?” you ask but he waves you off. 
“Go! Be safe. Go get your creepy old man,” he finishes with a wink. 
You and Charlotte wave goodbye before heading down the stairs. As soon as you step out onto the street she asks you, “Do you want me to walk you to that deli?”
“Sure,” you reply. She nods and you both walk silently in the direction of Beldro’s. You’re grateful for her support and her friendship even though you know she doesn’t understand your attraction to Joel. 
As you walk to Beldro’s the familiar green awnings and orange exterior get closer and closer. The butterflies form in your stomach in anticipation. The nerves are kicking in and you do your best to bury them down. The whole point of getting plastered was to come here and confront Joel, not to chicken out at the last second. You stop in front of the door and turn to Charlotte. 
“Thanks for walking with me but I think I got it from here.”
“You sure?”
You nod and she pulls out her phone to order an Uber. 
“Okay but call me if you need anything,” she says. 
“I’ll be fine! But text me when you get home,” you say before waving goodbye and entering through the door. 
You see Joel at his usual spot behind the counter, dressed in jeans, a light gray t-shirt that hugs his biceps tightly, and the classic name tag. This time he’s talking to someone; a man. It could just be a customer but it’s a conversation like he already knows this person. Joel makes brief eye contact with you before averting his gaze and continuing his conversation. You walk up and down the few aisles in the store, killing time and waiting for Joel to be done. After what feels like the tenth time walking past the potato chips you hear, “See ya later, Bill” followed by the sound of the door opening and closing. 
You turn at the end of the aisle you’re in and march right up to the counter, pulling out your phone and opening the failed text thread with Joel. 
“Care to explain this??” you say, holding out your phone in front of his face. 
He blinks a few times and says, “Hang on, sugar. I can’t read this when you’re holding the phone like that,” taking it in his hand. 
“Yeah no I still can’t read this, sweetheart. Let me get my glasses.”
He sets the phone down on the counter and grabs his glasses (rectangular lenses, black metal frame) from the shelf underneath the cash register before putting them on and bringing the phone by his face again. You expect for him to come up with some bullshit excuse as to why he gave you a fake number but instead he starts… laughing?!
“And you’re laughing because??” you say, folding your arms. 
“Because I have a landline, sugar. I really meant it when I said you had to call me,” he says, handing your phone back and putting his glasses away. 
Boy do you feel stupid right now. Joel’s gotta be in fifties and you really thought he would be an avid texter. You don’t say anything, feeling too embarrassed to say another word. But Joel reads the expression on your face and says, “Don’t worry about it, sugar. You’re cute when you’re fired up anyway.”
“Oh really?” you ask, hoping to turn this around. 
“Mhm. And I saw what your text said. You wanted to take me up on my offer?” he says, paired with a shit-eating grin. 
“I did,” you say slyly, resting your elbows on the counter. 
“Did?” he asks, leaning forward and bending down a little.  
His face is only inches away from yours. You look into his eyes before scanning the rest of his face. His brown eyes gaze into yours and his glasses sit low on the bridge of his nose. His facial hair, slightly graying, peppers his face in patches. His warm breath tickles your face and before you know it you’re inching forward even more, really depending on that liquid courage right now. His hand moves to the back of your neck and he closes the gap for you, pulling your lips into his. The kiss is sort of awkward at first, with both of you leaning over the counter and your slight height differences. He tastes like cigarettes and fireball; exactly what you thought he'd taste like. 
You pull back and ask, “Fireball?”
“That would be cinnamon for those of us who aren’t alcoholics.”
“Hey! I’m not an alcoholic!!”
“You have come into my store completely shitfaced two times in one week now,” he deadpans. 
“Hey come on, shitfaced is a bit of an exaggeration. What about tipsy?”
“Now you’re being too generous with yourself there, sugar,” he chuckles before pulling you in for another kiss. 
The kiss grows more passionate and now you wish this stupid counter wasn’t in between you two. You need his body against yours as soon as possible. You pull away again and ask, “Shouldn’t we stop? I mean, what if someone comes in…”
“Don’t you worry about that, sweetheart,” he says,
He moves out from behind the counter and walks past you, flipping the “We’re Open!” sign on the door to say “Sorry, We’re Closed.”
“Are we going somewhere?” you ask, watching him move from the door to the windows. He doesn’t say anything and starts closing the blinds.
“Uhh what are you-”
“You said you didn’t want anyone to come in,” he says, pulling a key out of his pocket and locking the door. 
“And you do?”
He turns around, walks back to you and says, “I wouldn’t mind people watching,” with a smirk.
“Watching what?” you ask as he grabs your hand and leads you behind the counter. 
“Watching me fuck you over the counter,” he replies grabbing your waist. 
“On the same counter you make sandwiches on?”
“Mhm, I’ll give ya one with extra meat,” moving one hand to the hem of your dress, slowly sliding it up. 
You snort a little bit prompting him to say, “You can laugh all you want but I know that did something for ya,” while sliding his hand fully under the skirt of your dress. You shudder at his touch as his fingers tug at the seam of your underwear. He’s right, though. You’re already wet, leaving a small patch of the fabric damp. You lean back against the counter and spread your legs slightly, silently asking for more. You lean back against the edge of the counter and he follows you, planting kisses along your neck and collarbone. His warm breath tickles your neck as he nips at your soft skin, inhaling your enticing scent and driving him crazy. You rest your elbows on the counter behind you and throw your head back in pleasure, exposing more of your neck for him. He trails his tongue from the shell of your ear down your neck and to your collarbone, stopping at top of the bodice of your dress. He pulls the strap of your dress down shoulder, keeping his other hand in between your thighs and teasing your entrance. He tugs at the top of your dress exposing one of your breasts, replacing his lips on your skin and running his tongue over your nipple. He takes it in his mouth and sucks it lightly, finishing by taking it in between his teeth and biting it softly. 
“Fuck, Joel,” you moan as he releases your nipple with a pop. 
“You want more, sugar?” he says against the curve of your breast. 
“P-please,” you whimper. 
“Begging for me? Good girl,” he chuckles. You whine at the praise and arch your back, pushing your breast into his face more. 
“Up,” he murmurs into your skin. He moves his hands to your waist and supports you as you hop up onto the counter. He hooks his fingers around your underwear and slides them off before dropping to his knees and spreading your thighs apart. He pauses for a moment and marvels at how wet you are already. 
“Oh shit you’re fucking soaked; soaked by the thought of taking this old man’s cock, huh?”
“Yes, Joel, please. Fuck,” you moan, desperate for his cock, his mouth, his fingers– anything. He brings his face closer to your cunt and exhales, sending a shiver through you. He flicks his tongue around your clit in short motions, not giving you the full thing. 
“Please, I can’t take it anymore,” you practically cry out, suddenly feeling self conscious that someone on the street can hear you. 
“Aw, don’t cry, sweetheart,” he says, pressing a kiss on your inner thigh before sucking your clit. You reach between your legs and run your fingers through his hair, tugging on it when he suck’s your clit extra hard. He brings a hand up to your belly, pushing you lightly and prompting you to lay down completely. You oblige and rest your back on the counter as he hooks his arms around your thighs, pulling your cunt taught against his face. He brings his face a tad lower so you can grind your clit against his nose as he tongue-fucks your cunt, lapping up every last drop of wetness you produced thanks to him. You grind harder against him, almost suffocating him but in return he hums happily against you. He pulls away for a second to bring his fingers to lips, licking them and pushing two inside you with no warning. His mouth moves back to his clit, sucking hard as he fingers you. You’re teetering on the edge of orgasm, the muscles in your core tensing up in anticipation of a big release. With one last come here motion of his fingers you’re coming against his hand and face, your cunt clenching and relaxing around him sporadically as you ride out your high. You feel the wetness pooling around you so you sit up quickly, anxious to see the mess you just made. 
“Well look at that. You soaked my counter, pretty girl,” Joel says, face slick with your wetness just like your thighs and the counter beneath you. 
“S-sorry,” you whisper, catching your breath. 
“Don’t be sorry, sugar. Tastes real fuckin’ good,” he says before licking one more stripe up your cunt. You gasp at the sudden contact again and moan, ready to take his cock already. He rises and says, “Be a good girl and bend over for me.”
You stumble to your feet and he grabs your hips, spinning you around so you bend over the counter. You stand on your tiptoes and arch your back, sticking your ass up for him. He grinds against you, keeping his hands on your waist. You feel his rock hard bulge rub against you so you push yourself back into him, shaking your ass against his cock.
“You feel that, sugar? Look what you do to me.”
“I need it inside me. Now,” you beg. 
“Don’t worry, I’m gonna take real good care of ya,” he says, unzipping his jeans and pulling his cock out. He pulls up your skirt above your waist and brings a hand to your cunt. You feel his fingers gather some of your wetness, spreading it from the tip of his cock to the base. He grabs your hips and pushes into you slowly, allowing you time to adjust to his size. You wish you got to see it before he fucked you because you know it’s huge judging by the way it’s expanding your walls. He pulls you into him, burying his cock deep into your cunt with each thrust. One hand moves to your breast, pinching your nipple into a stiff peak between his fingertips. The other hand moves to your throat and forces you upright against him. 
“You take my cock so good, you little slut,” he purrs into your ear. 
You’re too cock drunk to form a coherent response, just whining back to him. 
“You think you can come into my store in a skimpy little dress and act up without me fucking the shit out of you after,” he chuckles, pinching your nipple his finger on the last word. 
“It’s so good, Joel. So deep,” you cry out, feeling tears spring in the corners of your eyes. 
“Yeah, that’s it. Be a good girl and take. my. fucking. cock,” he slays, drawing back and slamming his hips into you after every word. 
You feel yourself at the brink of orgasm in no time. Stars form in your vision as he fucks the shit out of you, keeping his grip on your neck and nipple tight as he plows you. Your cunt pulsates around him as you arrive at your final orgasm for the night, your knees buckling underneath you due to the sheer force of you coming. Joel pulls out when he feels your orgasm come to an end and paints your lower back and ass in his cum. 
“Good fucking girl,” he says, planting a kiss on the top of your head. Your cheeks go hot at his praise. 
You both stay there for a moment before he slaps your ass and says, “Hang on. Don’t move.”
You hear him tear off a sheet from a roll of paper towels and feel it wipe up the cum on your back and ass. You stand up straight and smooth your skirt back down, also fixing the top of your dress. You turn and get a look at him in his post sex haze. To your chagrin his cock is already put away but you notice that his shirt has more sweat stains than usual and his forehead is shiny. That old man fucked you good. 
Before either of you can say anything, you hear Ellie come scurrying in from the back. 
“Ellie!” you say, bending down to pet her, “I was wondering where you were.”
“You wanna take her home tonight?” he says, looking down at you. 
“Really?!” you ask in shock. 
“Mhm. Let me get her carrier,” he says, walking to the back. 
“Carrier?! And you said she wasn’t your cat…” you tease. 
“Whatever,” he says, returning back with the carrier, “Just bring her back in the morning.”
“Or else what?”
“Or else I’ll have to punish you again.”
“Oh, okay. So it looks like I’m keeping her forever I guess.”
“You’re funny,” he says, bending down and scoops Ellie into the carrier, “But I’m sure you’ll come in here and do something stupid and I’ll have to punish you again.”
You scoff in response. 
“Come on, you know it’s true.”
“Yeah whatever,” you say, grabbing a pad and pen on the counter. You write down your name and phone number since you just realized he did all this with you without even knowing your name. You trade the piece of paper with him as he hands you Ellie. 
“That’s my phone number and my name, ya know since… you ate me out and fucked me all without knowing my name… Do you do this with all of your customers?” you tease. 
“Just on Friday nights,” he shrugs, “But are you okay getting home?” he asks, opening the cash register to count out the drawer for the night. 
“I’ll be fine.”
“Alright well have fun at your little sleepover, sugar,” he says. 
You walk to the door with Ellie in hand and before you leave he says, “Oh and by the way, I told ya you’d get extra meat.”
“You know you’re just so funny,” you say sarcastically, waving goodbye and leaving through the door. 
You walk home and think about how you really won tonight. Between getting dicked down at the deli and a sleepover with the cat, how could it get any better than this?
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Banners + dividers by cafekitsune
End note: Don’t worry he disinfected the counter after 🫣
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crazyunsexycool · 7 months
My Little Love
Chapter 30
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
word count: 4.4K
Warnings: Angst, Sad Bucky, Sad kids, Angry Charlotte, Implied torture, Lottie says a bad word🤭, Implied Bucky turns into the Winter Soldier, Charlotte arguing (low-key my favorite part to write)
A/N: OMG I never thought any of my series would get to 30 chapters. I love this story so much though so here were are. Initially I was going to turn each month reader was gone into a chapter but I really wanted to be able to reunite them quickly so here we are. Also new character is introduced! Also I'm a liar, I said I would be updating one of my other series but oh well!!!!
Series Masterlist
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It had been a long exhausting month since you had been taken. Everyone on the team was pushing themselves to their limits in the hopes of finding something that would lead them to your whereabouts. 
Steve had just come back to the tower after almost nine days of following a lead. The whole situation was eating him up inside. You were his best friend after all. What was he supposed to do if they couldn’t find you? Steve wouldn’t be able to handle that kind of loss for a second time, not after Bucky. 
He had been exhausted when he got back and managed to take a shower before falling asleep on his bed. Steve was out within seconds and he was in such a deep sleep that he didn’t hear the door opening or the pitter patter of small feet that moved towards his bed. It took a few seconds of something shaking him for him to wake up startled.
“Oh shit.” He mumbled as his eyes adjusted to the dark. 
Steve groaned when he heard Lottie repeat the curse worse.  
“Shit Steebie.”
“You can’t say that word sweetheart.” 
“Steebie say it.” She argues.
“Yes but it’s a bad word only for grown ups.” Steve says as he finally looks over at Lottie. She was standing by his bed with her teddy bear clutched in her arms and her favorite blanket wrapped around her shoulders almost like a cape. “What are you doing up?” Steve asked her as he checked his phone to see that he had only slept for an hour and it was still two in the morning. 
“Can habe seepover with Steebie?” 
“Of course you can.” Steve says.
He picks Lottie up and lays her down on the bed with him. It’s the first time he’s seen her in over a week and it’s obvious that you being gone has affected her. She’s lost a bit of weight, there are dark circles under her eyes and she just looks overall sad. Although that also had to do with her visions. Lottie almost lost her voice a few days after you had been taken from all the crying and screaming she was doing. Wanda had managed to block her visions but when they were strong enough they still got through. 
“Where’s Henry, sweetheart?” 
“Bubba is with gwandpa.”
“And your dad?” Steve brushed some hair away from Lottie’s face.
“Dada say bye bye an den he go.” 
“What?” Steve cursed under his breath. “Friday, where is Bucky?” 
“Sergeant Barnes has left the building. He’s been gone for three hours.” 
Steve grabs his phone and messages Sam, Nat and Tony who were the only people in the tower at the moment. He let them know he was with Charlotte and that Bucky was gone. Nat replied that she was on it and he was able to turn his attention back to his best girl. 
“Alright Lottie, let’s get comfy so we can sleep.” Steve grabs his blanket to cover Lottie up while she snuggles up to his side.  
She hums a lullaby you would normally sing to her while she is going to sleep and Steve plays with her hair.  
“Miss mama Steebie.” Lottie says after a few minutes of silence. The small whispered confession breaks his heart. 
“I know sweetheart. I miss her too, but we’re going to find her and bring her back.” 
“Kay.” Lottie says with a yawn. 
This time Steve hums the lullaby and it doesn’t take long for Lottie to fall asleep and Steve soon follows.
When Steve finally wakes up the next morning he finds he’s been abandoned by Lottie although her blanket is still tangled up with his. He walks out to the living room to find her in his living room watching some cartoons all by herself. She’s laying down on the couch
“Good morning, sweetheart.” 
Lottie gives him a smile as she reaches for him. Steve gladly picks her up and places a kiss on the top of her head. He tickles her side and she giggles and squirms and Steve realizes he hadn’t heard her laugh in a long time. 
There’s a knock on the door before it just swings open. Nat walks in with a grim expression followed by Eddie, Molly, Luke, Olivia and Henry. Steve puts Lottie down so that she can go to her brother and cousin. The three kids sit on the couch while the adults head to the dining room so that they can talk. 
“What’s wrong?” Steve asks as he sits down.
“I reached out to a few contacts I have. Word is the Winter Soldier is looking to get into contact with a high ranking hydra agent. The worst part is that there are rumors that he already has a meeting set up.”
“Then what are we waiting for, we have to go stop him.” Steve got up but it was Ed that stopped him from rushing out. 
“We wouldn’t make it to the meeting place on time but don’t worry I have someone that’s going to meet him instead and bring him back.” 
“I think you need to stay, Steve.” Ed adds. “I know it’s a lot to ask and that you want to go out there and find Y/N.” He gets choked up as he says your name. “But the kids need someone here at least for a few days.” 
“We’re doing everything we can for them.” Molly adds with a sad smile. “But they miss their mama and the rest of the family. Lottie had asked for you so many times over the last few days. We almost lost our minds when we couldn’t find her this morning. Fortunately Friday let us know she was here with you. I think the kids seeing Bucky so distraught over not being able to bring Y/N back yet is affecting them so much. They could use someone they’re more familiar with, even if it’s just for a little while, maybe just an afternoon.”
“You need to rest anyway, son. Y/N wouldn’t want you to run yourself to the ground either, especially if there aren’t any leads.” 
Steve nods his silent agreement and then sighs. His shoulders slump and for the first time he looks as tired as he feels. 
“Ok, I can stay with the kids. Nat you’ll keep me updated?” 
“Of course.”
“Alright. I’m going to head out to the store for a moment and I’ll be back to spend time with the kids.” 
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Steve came back to his apartment in the tower about an hour later. His hands were full of art supplies since all of their things had been destroyed when the compound was attacked. 
“Hey guys.” Steve says as he walks over to Henry and Lottie who were sitting on his couch. “How about we paint something?” 
Lottie smiles up at Steve. Henry however doesn’t say anything. He sits there quietly with a pout.
“What do you say Henry?”  
“I don’t wanna.” 
“Ok bubs you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.” Steve says. “Lottie, let's go to the table.” 
Lottie hops off the couch and heads to the table. There’s a little bit more of a bounce to her step and Steve can’t help but smile. He lays everything out with Lottie’s help. Henry stands in the hallway and watches them set up. 
“What are you gonna paint, sweetheart?” 
“Make suwpwise fo’ mama.” 
Steve freezes but he hopes that Lottie’s statement is because she saw you coming home soon. It gives him a bit of hope that you will be.
“That will be nice, I know she’ll love it.” 
“Can I make something for mama?” Henry asks quietly. 
“Of course you can bubs. What do you want to make for her?” 
“The compound exploded right?” 
Steve clears his throat. “Yeah it did.” 
“Then I’ll make mama a new flower painting.” 
“That sounds like a great idea.” 
Henry takes a seat while Steve places some art supplies in front of him. He goes between both kids, helping them with whatever they need. It turned out to be a good time. There’s no worry about anything going on, just some paints and joking around. Steve hadn’t realized that he’d needed this just as much as the kids. 
“Mama comes home. I see it.” Lottie says and pats to her head. 
Hearing it floods Steve with relief. How he knows that it happens he just hopes it’s soon.
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Bucky’s eyes dart from side to side as he walks down the mostly abandoned streets. Undercover of night he makes his way to the agreed upon meeting place. He only hoped this would work. There was no way he or the kids or even the team and your family could go another day without you. If Bucky could at least get a hint at your whereabouts he would walk in there by himself to save you. 
Bucky slips through a rusty door that leads into an abandoned factory. He had made sure to scope it out earlier and made sure to know all the exits just in case. With a quick sweep to make sure there weren’t any surprises Bucky makes it down the hallway on the second floor to the agreed upon meeting place. Bucky has a plan, he just hopes it actually works.
“There’s no use in hiding, I can hear your heart beating.” Be said into the dimly lit and abandoned room. 
A woman steps out from the shadows. Her blonde hair was in a braid, green eyes scrutinized his every move. She was standing in a calm but almost defensive position. 
“You’re who they sent?” 
“Yes, is that a problem?” The Russian accent put Bucky on alert; he just wasn’t sure why. 
“No, you just seem young.”
The woman shrugged her shoulders. 
“What do you want, Soldat?” She asks. 
“I want to make a trade. I’ll go back to hydra if you let her go.” 
“Let who go?” 
“Don’t play with me.” Bucky’s jaw clenched. “Y/N, you have her and I want to trade places with her. Just let her go and I’ll do whatever you want.” 
“I’m sorry, I don’t have this Y/N person you speak of.” 
Bucky takes a few steps when he hears movement behind him. He turns with a gun aimed in that direction ready to shoot at whoever is there. 
“What the fuck are you doing here, Romanoff?” Bucky grits out. 
“Do you really think we would let you do something this stupid.” 
“Hi.” A more cheerful and sing-songy greeting comes from the blonde. 
“I see you’ve met my sister.” 
“Your sister?” 
“Yeah, this is Yelena. My baby sister and a baby ex-widow.” Nat says knowing how much it annoys Yelena to be introduced like that.
“I am not a baby.” Yelena complains and Nat rolls her eyes with a smirk. 
“Wilson, are we clear?” Nat listens to her comms. “We’ll meet you at the jet.” 
“What the fuck is going on?”
“Barnes I’ll explain on the jet but we are going home now.” 
“I’m not going home. I’m trying to get Y/N back.” Bucky argues.
“Ok let’s say you manage to get back into hydra do you really think they’ll let her go? And let’s say they actually do, do you think she won’t go right back to looking for you?” 
“I don’t know but I have to try. I’d rather it be me dealing with what those monsters do than having to sit at home not being able to save her. Do you know what it’s like to have to calm a 4 year old’s visions about her mother being tortured? I need to save her.” Bucky argues. He’s red in the face as he tries to explain it to Nat. 
“I get it but getting yourself captured won’t help her and the kids. Let’s go home, we’re so close to finding her. Lottie had a vision that she came home, so we know Y/N is alive.”
“She did?” 
“Yes, it’s the first sign of good news we’ve gotten. But we have to go home. Now you can go willingly or I can force you. It's your choice.”
Bucky stares at the red head and then gives a quick nod. Nat and Yelena accompany Bucky back to the jet where Sam is waiting. 
“What is wrong with you? This isn’t the way to get Y/N back.” Sam starts saying as Bucky sits down. “What about the kids man?” 
“Save it, Nat already said everything.” 
Sam scowls at Bucky before taking a seat in the pilot’s seat and flying them back to the tower. 
“Dada.” Lottie runs towards Bucky once he’s gotten out of the plane. “Hi Yewena.” Lottie waves at the blonde. 
“So the Winter Soldier has a kid? And she knows my name?” 
“Two actually.” Nat corrects. “And she can see the future. She knew you were coming.”
Yelena nods impressed by the information.
“Hey Lottie, your auntie Sophia said she wanted to braid your hair. Why don’t you go downstairs and find her?” Steve says but his eyes are focused on Bucky. 
“Kay. Auntie Nat wets go.” 
“Alright munchkin, maybe Yelena will let you give her a makeover.” 
“I don’t need a makeover.” 
“It’s fun Yewena.” 
“Yeah, it’s fun.” Nat laughs as Lottie takes both of their hands and leads them inside. 
“What the fuck were you thinking?” 
“I was thinking of getting Y/N back. Every minute we sit here she's being tortured by hydra and who knows what else.” Bucky snaps. 
Steve just shook his head. “You're not thinking clearly and if you don’t get your shit together for Y/N and the kids sake I’ll have you benched.” 
“You can’t pull me out of this.” 
“Then don’t pull another stunt like this one. We need to be clear headed and focused if we want to get Y/N back fast.” Steve says before walking back in. 
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Things had gone from bad to worse. Two months had passed and still nothing on where hydra was keeping you. The kids had grown more restless the longer you were gone. Especially Charlotte. Wanda had to block her abilities so that she could eat and sleep. Every now and then though the visions were too strong and she’d get a glimpse of what you were going through. If Wanda wasn’t around it would be difficult to figure out what she saw. Except for now where Lottie was trying to get Bucky’s attention and he was exhausted. 
“Dada mama cwying.” She says from across the coffee table. “Wumwow is bad man.” 
“I know Charlotte. I know mama is crying.” 
“Habe to help mama.” Lottie says with urgency as she points to the door. 
“We talked about this Charlotte, we don’t know where mama is yet.” 
Bucky gets up and starts heading to his room. Lottie gets up on the coffee table with an angry expression on her face. She definitely wants to get his attention as she stands there with her hands on her hips.
“Wumwow is bad man, dada. Habe to help.” 
“Charlotte that’s enough.” Bucky says as he turns to look at her. If you were here you’d make some comment about how much they looked alike with matching pouts.
“Not ‘nough dada. You no wisten.” She stamps her foot on the table and the wood creaks. Her hands balled into fists at her side. 
“Charlotte, we are trying to find mama. Now get off the table.”
“No. You no wisten. You bad, dada.” She points at him and stomps her foot again with all the fury a four year old with super soldier serum can and the table breaks. 
Bucky is right there to catch her before she falls. The sudden almost drop and Bucky’s movement scare Lottie and she begins to cry. 
“I’m sorry doll.” Bucky says with a broken voice. “I’m so sorry.” 
Charlotte thrashes against him and punches him in the chest repeatedly. 
“No wike you. You bad, dada.” 
With tears in his eyes he puts Charlotte down and she runs to the front door, leaving Bucky to wallow in his anger and ever dwindling hope that he’ll find you and get to hold you again. Now he had to add on to that, that his children would resent him because he couldn’t dig himself out of this hole. You would surely be upset with him about it if you saw him like this. Still Bucky can’t do anything but sit with the heaviness in his chest and the knowledge that it’s his fault his family has fallen apart. He runs a hand through his now much longer hair as he thinks about how to fix this.
With everyday that passes Henry retreats into himself. He can’t hear your name without crying. Lottie is always upset and frustrated that she can’t explain what she's seeing. Now add to it that she apparently hates Bucky. 
“Buck.” Steve’s voice broke through his anguish. “We have a lead.” 
Bucky looked up to see Steve with Lottie in his arms. She doesn’t seem upset anymore and Bucky wonders how much time had passed.
“What’s the lead?” 
“Rumlow. Lottie heard his name in a vision.” 
“Wumwow.” Bucky muttered as he realized what Lottie had been trying to tell him. 
“Yeah, and Tony started a search and we’ve gotten some hits of either mentions of him and a few sightings. We thought he was dead after D.C. but I guess not. We’re going to start planning on how to bring him in. Right now he’s our best shot at finding Y/N and bringing her back.” 
For the first time this was a real chance and a ray of hope that this nightmare could be over soon. 
“I’ll be down soon. I need to talk to Charlotte first.” 
“Take however long you need.” Steve sets Lottie on the floor and walks out.
“C’mere doll.” 
Lottie steps in between her dads legs as he sits on the couch. 
“I’m so sorry baby. You’re just trying to help mama and I didn’t listen.”  
“Is kay. Dada sad too.” She says as she plays with the hem of his shirt. 
“I am sad but I should still listen. Now why don’t we go find Rumlow so we can help mama?” 
“I love you so much sweet Angel.” Bucky hugs her as she sniffles at hearing your nickname for her. 
“You not bad dada.” 
“I haven’t been a great dad though, doll. I’m sorry you and your brother deserve better.” 
“Is kay, lobe you dada.” Lottie wraps her arms around Bucky’s neck and kisses his cheek.
“I love you too, doll.” 
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It’s like Bucky had lost consciousness and control over his body. It was worse than sleepwalking. But it didn’t matter if he got the answers he wanted. He struggled against whoever was holding him back. 
“Bucky, listen to me. You need to calm down, this isn’t going to solve anything yet.” It was Steve’s voice that helped lift the fog he had been living in. 
When Bucky blinked back into the moment and looked around he realized he was somewhere unknown. His eyes turned to Steve in a silent question of what happened.
“Seems like you’re still a lapdog soldat.” 
Bucky turned to look at whoever said it only to find someone beaten tied to a chair. His skin was black and blue and blood was dried around his nose and mouth. 
“You found Rumlow, do you remember?” 
Bucky just shook his head. But note his cold dark gaze was on the man that could tell him where you are. He steps forward but Steve stops him. 
“Remember the mission is finding Y/N. Not killing him.” 
“That’s right, soldat.” Rumlow taunted. “If you want to know where your girl is you better listen to your handler.” 
In two long strides Bucky was in front of Brock and with one punch he was laid on his back still tied to the chair. Rumlow groaned as the pain bloomed in his face. Sam pulled him and his chair back up. Bucky hadn’t even noticed that Sam was in the room. 
“Do whatever you need to do to get an exact location.” Steve says. “You can get rid of him after we’ve brought her home.” 
“You can’t do that.” 
Rumlow fought against his restraints. He yelled and pleaded with Steve as he and Sam walked out of the room. 
“What was it that you said about listening to my handler?” Bucky’s eyes darkened as he grabbed a knife and flipped it back and forth. Toying with it as he walked closer to his prisoner. “Where is she?” 
“Fuck you.” 
Bucky huffed a laugh. “I’m so glad you’re going to put up a fight. Now you’ll get a taste of everything Hydra did to me.” 
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This would be the final briefing. It took almost another month to find the exact location. Rumlow had tried to send them on a wild goose chase but he learned his lesson fairly quickly. 
“So it would work best if our team heads down toward hydra’s compound from the east.” Agent Ross said. 
As much as Bucky didn’t want to see any CIA agents again both Sharon and Ross offered their help. T’Challa and Shuri were also joining to provide back up. They were currently at the briefing via video chat along with Okoye. Fury even asked for Charlotte to be present in case she got a vision of the mission. 
“No.” Lottie shakes her head as she sits on Wanda’s lap and looks up at her, waiting for the witch to read her mind. 
“Did Rumlow say anything about the village that surrounds the compound.” 
“No, he only gave me the layout of the buildings, all entrances and patrols.” 
“Hm,” Wanda’s eyes still flowed red as she read Lottie’s mind. “Seems like the village works with hydra. Most of the people that work at the compound live there.” 
“So instead of quietly evacuating everyone we have to make sure they don’t warn anyone in the main buildings.” Ross said.
“Leave that to me, I can cut all of their communication without it affecting us.” Shuri says. 
“Good. Then we should move the drop off point for Ross and his team to here.” Steve points at a Forest north of the village. 
“We can handle that.” 
“All teams must be at their entry points at the same time. From what Rumlow said this is the biggest facility Hydra has and has been in operation for decades.” 
“That means there is a chance for there to be other test subjects in there. We’ll do our best to not harm them but if they attack first you must defend yourself.” 
“Wilson, Vision, Rhodes and Stark you’ll be responsible for any aircraft that try to lift off. We can’t give anyone the chance to escape.” 
They all nod and for the rest of the briefing Fury makes sure everyone knows their rolls. 
It had been exactly three months since you were taken. And this was the day Bucky would bring you back. Everyone was getting on the jet after saying their goodbyes to the kids and your family. 
Bucky was kneeling in front of them and hugging them both. He could feel the nervous energy rolling off of Henry. 
“Maybe I can help. I can turn people invisible.” He offers as he looks at his dad. 
Bucky smiles but shakes his head. 
“Thank you for offering to help save your mama but I know she’d want you to be safe more than anything else.” Bucky cupped Henry’s cheek. “I’m sorry I haven’t been the best dad bubs. But I’ll make it up to you once I’m back ok?” 
“It’s ok daddy. I love you.” 
“I love you too.” Bucky hugs Henry again. “I love you too doll.” Bucky turns his attention to Lottie. 
“Lobe you too dada.” 
“Once mama is back and healthy we’ll have a sleepover just the four of us ok.” 
“Yeah.” Lottie did a little happy dance. “Dada?” 
“Yeah, doll?” 
Lottie’s eyebrows furrow before she blinks rapidly a few times. “Mama is not kay. Bad man make her mad.” 
Bucky wasn’t sure what to do with the information so he just nodded at her.
“Ok doll, I have to go now but I’ll be back soon and mama will be back ok.” 
Bucky stood and walked up to Eddie who held his hand out. They shook but Eddie pulled him in a bit and put his free hand on Bucky’s shoulder. 
“Listen son, I want my girl to come back home already and I know you’ll do whatever it takes.”
Bucky nodded.
“But don’t you dare do some sacrifice play for her, you hear me. She’ll need you as she recovers and if she finds out something happened to you because you were rescuing her she’ll never forgive herself. So you make sure that when she comes back you’re right there with her. Understood?” 
“Yes sir.” 
“Be careful out there. We need you just as much as we need Y/N.” Ed said before giving Bucky a quick hug. 
Bucky jogs out to the jet and takes a seat next to Steve. During the whole flight he doesn’t say a word. His focus is making sure he gets you out no matter what. 
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Of course hydra wouldn’t go down without a fight. Around every corner there was another group of agents ready to lay down their lives for this evil organization. That didn’t stop or slow Bucky down. He had one mission and that was finding you. At some point he must have separated from his team without realizing it. 
He had just walked out of an exam room when there was movement at the end of the otherwise abandoned hallway. With his gun raised Bucky moved quickly and quietly in hope to find someone or something that would lead him to you. 
“Stop. Turn around slowly.” Bucky orders. 
His breath hitches when the man turns around and pulls you along. He uses you as a human shield. You are dressed in a tattered old hospital gown. Your hair was matted and knotted and your hands were cuffed behind your back. 
“Y/N?” Bucky called out. 
You didn’t respond, instead your eyes stayed fixated at a point on the ground. Bucky could see how tired you looked. He couldn’t begin to imagine what they must've done to you. 
“She’s an obedient little thing now. She won’t do anything unless she’s told to do so. But you remember those days don’t you, Soldat?” The man behind you laughs at the distressed look on Bucky’s face. “She’s been so much fun to play with.”
He drops the ironclad hold he had on your neck and releases the cuffs you had on. He leans into your ear and murmurs something. 
Your murderous gaze snaps up to Bucky’s.
Ch. 31
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pattypanini · 2 months
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Lay All Your Love On Me
Chapter 9-Double Dip
Josh Kiszka x Reader and Jake Kiszka x Reader
Word Count: 9,206 (we got carried away with this one <3)
AN: Hi everyone! Here is the ninth chapter of Lay All Your Love On Me from me and @mar-rein12! We are soooo proud of this chapter and slightly scared for you guys. We are going to add a poll after this because we want to know when you guys would like us to post because as college students this gets very busy. We hope you enjoy the ninth chapter, Double Dip
Warnings: 18+, SMUTTTTTT, Unprotected sex, BDSM JOSH!!!!, DOM/SUB, Kinks, Choking, Impact play, Restraints, Spanking with object, Praise kink, Degrading kink, Dirty talk, Alcohol, Choking (not in the hot way, on drink), Fluff.
Y/n's POV
As you’re heating up your leftover pasta, you zone out thinking about last night. You couldn’t believe that had actually happened, but you didn’t regret it a single bit. You probably wouldn’t have even believed it happened, if it weren’t for Josh’s name under your recent calls.
Charlotte had only gotten back to the dorm around 1 today, and thank god for that because if she had seen or heard what you were doing last night you most definitely would never be able to look her in the eyes again.
You whip open the microwave door and snatch up your pasta, following with you dropping it after realizing how hot it is. Taking a seat at the dining table, you notice that Josh still hasn’t reached out today. After over analyzing the situation you immediately come to the conclusion that you must’ve done something wrong.
You stab at your food with your fork, anxiously. You glance over at the clock hanging on the wall, 3 o’clock. You let out a sigh. He should have texted by now. You take a small bite of your food and decide you were going to text him.
You didn’t want to come off as pushy or antsy, but you needed to know that everything was okay between the two of you.
As you pull out your phone to formulate your message, a notification pops up.
3:03pm Josh: Hey beautiful! I hope you slept well last night after our call😏 Wanna hear about the date I planned for us tonight?
It’s like he can read your mind.
3:04pm y/n: Yesss
3:06pm Josh: Well first I wanna ask something, would you like to try a little something different tonight.
3:07pm y/n: What is it?
3:09pm Josh: I was thinking about being a little bit more dominant and you be more submissive, let me take control. A friend of mine was talking about a BDSM test, idk if you ever heard about that, but it got me interested. And they say to do it with people you're comfortable with so I figured we could try it together, if you want.
Oh. That wasn’t what you were expecting to hear, but you’d be lying if you had said you weren’t intrigued.
3:10pm y/n: I’m down for anything Josh, you know that. And yes I have heard about it, but haven't really done anything though. So how do you wanna do this?
3:11pm Josh: Okay great, well first off we need safety words. Red means stop everything, yellow means stop momentarily or slow down, and green is good, understand?
3:12pm y/n: Yes.
3:15pm Josh: Amazing. So I’m gonna say it once and only once. I’m picking you up at 6 on the dot, we have reservations at 6:30 at The Earle. I want you to wear a tight black dress, the one that you wore for your New Year's post. Also a pair of black lace panties. I want your hair loosely curled and natural makeup. Pack an overnight bag with whatever you want. I’ll see you tonight mama.
3:17pm y/n: Damn, controlling much?
3:18pm Josh: Do you not like this, all you have to do is say red baby.
3:19pm y/n: No I like it, I like this dominant side of you.
3:21pm Josh: Perfect mama, I’ll see you tonight then.
3:22pm y/n: Can’t wait, Joshy.
You relax for a little while before you start to get ready. You slip on your tight black dress and the black lace panties he requested. You take a seat at your vanity doing some light, natural makeup and slide on your black heels. Lastly, you curl your hair, being sure to brush through it lightly to soften the curls up.
As you comb through your hair your mind is going wild, one because of the BDSM stuff. It was stuff you had seen in the media and were interested in it. A lot of the guys at Michigan weren’t into that kind of thing, most of them are pretty vanilla. Plus it was with Josh, someone you trusted. The main thing making your mind go crazy was the fact that you were going on a real date with Josh. You would have never expected things to lead to it after friendzoning him. But maybe feelings were coming back, or never left at all?
You glance at the clock after regaining consciousness, 5:57pm. How could it possibly be that time already?
With a few sprays of perfume, you grab your purse, overnight bag, and walk out the door to wait for him. To your surprise he wasn’t there yet, he’s usually pretty early for stuff. But as the clock hits 6 you see a black SUV pull up in front of your dorm as if you summoned him.
As he steps out of the Black G Wagon, daddy’s money surely, he makes his way to your side and opens the passenger door for you after taking your bags.
“Thanks Josh.” He lends you a hand, helping you into the car. He makes his way back to his side and puts your stuff in the back seat, and hops back into his.
He puts on his sunglasses before leaning over to you and placing a kiss on your cheek. You can’t help but blush at his subtable gesture of intimacy.
“You smell delectable y/n, makes me wanna take you right here in the back of the car.”
Your eyes open wide, “Oh, thank you!” You blush and a nervous laugh bubbles out. Why did you say it like that? You start to lean back towards the door, Josh mirroring you with a confused look, studying your body.
“Y/n, I need you to calm down okay? It's just me, we're gonna get a nice dinner, we're just adding a little bit of fun to it. Despite me being the ‘dominant’ one, you have full control of the situation.” Josh attempts to calm you down, as you take a deep breath trying to steady your anxiousness. He put his hand on your shoulder, rubbing it softly with his thumb.
He looked pretty delectable himself. He was wearing a dark green matching suit with a black collared shirt underneath, leaving a few buttons at the top open revealing a silver chain.
He brings his hands to the wheel after putting the vehicle into drive and begins to navigate you towards the restaurant, resting his right hand on your thigh, squeezing it lightly every once and a while. “I know, I know. It’s just… I’ve never tried anything like this before and I don’t want to make a fool of myself.”
“Y/n, you could never make a fool of yourself, we're going to learn together. It’s my first time trying this stuff out too, I’m here for you and don’t ever want to make you feel uncomfortable. Your safety and comfortability is my top priority.” He reassures you, rubbing his thumbs back at forth on the top of your thigh.
You place your hand on top of his, giving him a gentle squeeze and a sweet smile. “Thanks Josh and I appreciate you for setting all this up, it was very sweet of you.”
“Anything for you mama” You feel the blush creeping up to your cheeks again. “ Also, we are almost there. It's a pretty short drive.” You both sit in comfortable silence for the next few minutes, until he pulls into the restaurant parking lot. “We're here, I wanted to get here early because they are weird about people being late.
You look at the clock. 6:11, oh. “Will they let us in early?”
“No they’re a bunch of assholes, you have to be there perfectly on time, can’t be early or late.”
You sat there not knowing what to do. I mean you could sit here without saying anything to each other but that didn’t seem like a fun option. But then a better option came to mind.
“Hey Josh, do you wanna do something fun?”
“Like, go to the backseat for fun, or something else.” His eyebrows shot up.
“Not backseat fun, that’s for later.” You say with a hint of sarcasm, knowing it's not actually sarcastic. “I mean like taking that BDSM test you were talking about, and maybe the rice purity test.”
“Are you sure you wanna expose yourself like that?” Leaning back in his seat more, getting comfortable.
“I mean I don’t care, I’m comfortable with you and would share whatever. I’m doing it more because I’m nosy and wanna know about your past.” You say reaching forward, fixing the collar of his shirt.
He looks down at your hand, sliding his tongue across his teeth, trying to conceal his smile. “Okay baby, whatever you want.” He pulls out his phone from his pocket, you pulling yours out of your purse.
You pull up the Rice Purity website and begin to check off the boxes, flying through it since you’ve done it with your friends many times before.
“Okay I’m done with the Rice Purity test, are we sharing our results yet?”
“No, do the other test then we can go over them.”
You nod your head and go on to the next test. This one was much longer, and had much more vulgar questions. Some that you agreed with strongly, some you were shading, and some that you had never heard of before, but wondered if you’d like it?
After a very long time of taking the test and waiting for Josh to finish he looks up from his screen.
“Okay y/n I’m done.”
“Yay so we can go over them now?”
“Hmmm no. It’s 6:28, so it’s time to go in. Looks like someone’s going to have to ponder my results until after dinner.” He gives you a fake smile quickly running around to your side and giving you a helping hand out of the car. He gives a quick kiss to your hand and shuts the car door.
He guides you to the entrance with his hand resting on your lower back. Opening the door for you, you're met with a lowly lit restaurant with lots of low toned chatter and a piano playing in the background
“Josh Kiszka, table for two.”
The hostess looks down to the planner and crosses off his name before grabbing menus and leading you to a table.
You're brought to a very nice area where the live music is playing. Josh pulls out your seat for you letting you sit down before pushing you back in. You could really get used to this pampered lifestyle.
“You’re such a gentleman Josh.”
“Just trying to treat you the way you should be mama. Nothing less than perfect for you, especially for how hard you’ve been working in the show.” He grabs his menu and begins to look it over.
“You have been working hard too, how can I repay you?”
“Oh trust me you’ll be repaying me tonight in bed.” He says with a smirk.
Your eyes shoot open and before you're able to say anything else the waiter approaches your table.
“Hello everyone, my name is Matthew. I'll be your server for today. Can I start you off with any drinks?”
“Yeah I’ll have a Moscow Mule and she’ll have a Dirty Martini. Thank you sir.”
He jots down the drink orders and hastily walks to the kitchen. It was a very busy night, lots of older couples, probably due to the fact that college students don’t typically have the money for a place like this. You took a look at the menu before you came and saw the expensive menu items. It was filled with lots of good seafood and many other options. You liked coming to restaurants prepared, having your meal planned out, and a backup option just in case.
You were planning on getting the scallops, but the steak also looked good from seeing them pass by with other waiters.
“What are you thinking of getting Josh?”
He sits leaning back in his chair, concentrating on the menu and slowly looks up to you. He looks so good.
“I usually get the same thing every time. The Beef Bourguignon.”
“Sounds fancy Josh, I think I’m going to have the scallops.” You smile looking deep into his eyes.
“You look so amazing tonight mama. The way you look under this lighting is driving me crazy.” He gives you a cute, little smirk.
Before you could say anything back, the waiter came over with your drinks. “Here you go sir, and for you ma'am, a dirty martini.”
“Thank you so much.” You give a polite smile and take a sip of your drink.
“Would you like more time to think over your order, or do we think you’re ready?”
“I think we’re ready. I’ll have the Beef Bourguignon and she will have the Scallops.”
“Sounds good, it's not too often I see men order for their girlfriends anymore. What a good boyfriend” Matt points out, while snatching up the menus.
“Oh, well he’s a great friend, not boyfriend but..yeah he’s great.” You feel the heat rise in your cheeks, no doubt looking like a freshly picked tomato.
Josh gives you a smile, not one of real kindness, but one that tells you you’ve fucked up.
“I’m sure he is. I’ll go put that order in.” As Matt walks away, your eyes follow his trail, you are scared to look back at Josh. When you shift your eyes to him, you’re met with a surprisingly pleasant look.
“Are you still too scared to just admit you like me mama? I know you do, or are you just trying to seem available to Mr. Matthew over there.” He reaches over the table to hold your hands between his.
“I…I wasn’t trying to, I just got caught off guard. I didn’t mean to…” You’re quick to defend yourself.
“I’m only kidding y/n, I’m just trying to get you riled up.” He squeezes your hands softly before bridging them to his mouth and kissing them. You take a few more sips of your drink and Josh notices it beginning to get low. “Do you want more darling? Or maybe a bottle of wine for us?”
“Up to you Josh, I thought you were ‘in charge’ for the night.”
He smirks to you, biting the inside of his cheek. “We’re taking this slow baby, but someone seems eager to be dominated, what a slut.” You can’t help but smile at his remarks. You did want to be dominated, badly. Before you could agree to his comment Matthew comes over to the table with another dirty martini.
“This is for you, I noticed you were getting low and don’t worry it’s on me.” Matt smiles at you with his bright white teeth, gently setting the glass onto the polished wood table.
“Oh my, thank you Matthew.” You accept his gesture and take the drink.
“Oh please, you can call me Matt miss…” You watch as his gaze lingers a little longer than it should’ve.
“Y/n.” You say noticing his hand was reached out for a hand shake.
“Well I’m going to check on your food. It should be out at any moment.” He smiles before noticing Josh’s near empty glass, and continuing to walk away.
Josh scoffs and shakes his head. It definitely was a little rude of him to do all that.
You notice that Matt had not gotten too far away, when he turns around you signal him to come back over.
“Hi Matt, I know you noticed but my date is running low so I’d appreciate it if you did your job and got him some more.” You shoot him a condescending smile, your tone laced with venom.
Matt’s eyes almost pop out of his head. “On it miss.” He turns back to the kitchen before anything else could be said. He’d do anything for a god damn tip.
You turn back to Josh to see him smiling ear to ear.
“That was the sexiest fucking thing you’ve ever done y/n. Such a good girl obeying and serving me.”
“Anything for you Joshy.” You bat your eyelashes at him.
“But you were still flirty with him before, so that’s a strike for later mama.” He teasingly raises his eyebrows at you, making you wonder what exactly he has in store.
As you wait a little longer for your food, due to the fact that it was busy tonight at the restaurant, you talk about how awful this week coming up would be during practice. Coleman was always so stressed the closer it got to the show. And although you still had a month-ish before the actual show, it was getting closer to hell week which was when you would run through the show full out all day and night. Coleman’s big on total perfection and mastery, to ensure the show goes exactly to plan.
When the food and Josh’s drink finally came out you wasted no time to dig in, in a classy way of course. It was very rare for you to indulge in quality food since all you ever ate was dining hall food and never went home for homemade meals. When you saw they served scallops on the menu, you knew right away that was what you were getting. You love seafood so much, it reminds you of your childhood, when your Aunt Jen would take you out to your favorite seafood restaurant for your birthday every year. You missed her deeply, ever since you broke contact with your mom, you drifted with her as well.
You jab your fork into one of tender scallops, popping the entire thing in your mouth. You savor the rich, nutty flavor knowing that tomorrow morning you’ll be right back to the regularly scheduled meals.
“Wanna hear a funny story?” Josh asks, shoving a large forkful of noodles into his mouth.
“Hit me with it,” you reply, still chewing on your scallop.
“To preface, I was still in high school when this happened, so you can’t hold it against me,” He smirks, pointing at you with a raised brow.
You giggle at his dramatics,”Okay…”.
“Promise you won’t?” He presses, holding out his pinky finger to you.
You interlock your pinky with his, “Promise.”
“Good. Jake, Sam, and I had the house to ourselves one weekend because our parents went on an anniversary trip. So… you know, we threw a big party. Jake and I were Sophomores, not very experienced with alcohol for one. Two, we didn’t have that many friends so the friends we did have invited a ton of people we didn’t even know. So, our house was practically filled with complete strangers.” Josh took a big gulp of his drink, followed by another forkful of beef.
“Rebels,” you mutter, a chuckle bubbling out.
“That's for sure. We crashed on the chaise chairs that surrounded our pool that night. Woke up to the house a total mess, someone had even broken one of the lamps in our living room. And, boy, it was not a cheap one either. But that's besides the point, I woke up and immediately needed to shit, you know… as one does. I was still kinda drunk, I definitely wasn't sober, so I was a little slower than usual.”
“Oh no…” A wide smile spreads across your face, as you tilt your glass up to your mouth, you take a hefty swig.
“I shit my pants. 16 year old boy, shit… in his pants,” A boisterous laugh leaves his lips, recalling the moment.
You swallow your drink, the same time a cackle escapes from your throat. You begin aggressively coughing on your beverage, you watch through your teary eyes, as Matthew comes running up to you. But you couldn’t quite read the expression on his face, your tears blurring your vision.
“Y/n, are you okay?” You can hear Josh ask.
You try to clear your throat to answer, when you feel strong arms wrap around your torso. Matt comes up behind attempting to perform the heimlich maneuver on you. You come to your senses with one final cough, your vision returning back to normal.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Josh’s eyebrows are knitted, a lilt to his voice.
“I was trying to help her!” Matt backs away with his hands up defensively. “I’m sorry,” he turns to apologize to you and walks back towards the kitchen.
“It’s okay!” You yell after him, facing Josh again, anger written all over his pretty face. He can’t seriously be mad that the waiter touched me to give the heimlich? “Josh, is everything okay?” You widen your eyes at him.
“Shouldn’t I be asking you that? You’re the one that started choking!” He says in a surprisingly defensive tone.
“Why are you getting snappy at me? I didn’t try to choke?!” You bite back.
“Mm, yeah, sure. You also didn’t tell him to get off of you now did you, hm?” He fires at you, his lips pull into a thin, straight line.
“Are you actually serious?” You start, wanting to say more but held back to prevent a possible argument/
“Yeah I’m serious. You probably loved having his hands all over you didn’t you?”
You stare at him, not knowing what the fuck to say to that. This has to be a joke.
“That’s what I fucking thought, thats another strike mama.” He warns you.
So this is what it’s all about. Just nitpicking so he can be more dominant. You wanted to be mad, but you couldn't, you were kind of aroused.
You might be sick. Sick for thinking angry Josh was hot. Sick for wanting to make him even more irritated, to get more strikes, even though you have no idea what it entails. Sick for yearning to grab his hand, leave the restaurant, and fuck in the backseat of his car.
You let out a quiet whimper at the authority in his words, but not without him noticing.
“What was that mama?” He raises one of his thick, well-groomed eyebrows at you.
“Hm?” You think acting stupid might make him forget or possibly make him think he made it up in his own brain.
“Oh baby, I’m not stupid. You like it when I talk down to you, like a little brat.” Another mouthful of beef is forced into his mouth.
“Who says?” You challenge, wanting to see how far you can push him before he falls off the edge.
“Don’t act like you didn’t just outwardly moan at me talking to you,” What a cocky bastard.
“I didn’t. I think you’re making things up Josh,” You swirl your drink around in your cup, giving him the stupidest look ever.
He narrows his eyes at you.“Don’t think so mama, and plus it's not good to lie. That’ll be another strike.” He drops his fork down onto his plate.
Your eyes are bulging out of your head, mouth gaping. “Don’t look at me like that darling, or else I won't be able to wait until we get back to my apartment and I’ll put that mouth to use right now. A gaping mouth is good for many things, not just you pretending to be surprised while hiding the fact that your extremely turned on. I bet those panties of yours are soaked right”
“Who says we have to wait? I want you right now Josh.” You instinctively rub your thighs together desperate for any kind of friction. You've been struggling with your impatience for him all evening, ever since he brought up his little idea.
“Now, where’s the fun in that? The build up is one of the best parts,” he gives you a sweet smile flashing his gorgeously white teeth at you.
You roll your eyes at him, “ I suppose.” Your foot stretches out, brushing up and down his ankle with your high heel.
“Keep being a fucking brat and see what happens, but its obvious that being punished is what you want. Such a dirty whore.” He takes a sip from his drink reacting like he just told you the weather for the day. It seems only you had a reaction to what he said and thankfully the music was loud enough or else you would be getting a couple more stares.
Your face must have been concerned because immediately Josh’s demeanor softens. “Baby are you not liking this, I told you all you have to do is say the word.”
“No no no. I’m loving this, maybe a little too much. I’m just so taken aback, I’ve never seen this side of you and I’m really loving it.”
He smirks, probably feeling good about himself after you just exposed yourself, probably a little too much.
After Josh pays the bill and you convince Josh to give Matt more than a few dollars tip because of his jealousy, you prepare to leave and head back to his apartment.
“Okay I know you want to get into the action immediately but I want to take you somewhere else, if you don’t mind.” He smiles, reaching out to hold your hands between his.
“I don’t mind at all.” You scooch out of your chair, grab your purse, and follow Josh out of the restaurant. After a short 5 minute drive you show up to an ice cream parlor that you had never been to before.
“How have I never known about this place?”
“You must be living under a rock y/n. I loved this place as a kid, our dad would take us all the time.” You felt a little overdressed for an ice cream parlor, but being here with Josh made the outside world irrelevant. After looking over the many flavors you opt on a mint chocolate chip scoop in a cup and Josh chooses his regular, a double scoop of cherry vanilla in a waffle bowl.
He brings you over to a small table in the corner, letting you have the booth side. After indulging in your ice cream for a few minutes and realizing it was the best ice cream you had ever had, Josh breaks the silence.
“So do you want to go over our test results?”
Your eyes almost fall out of your head. “Here? Josh, we're in public!”
“Anddddd…” He says, waiting for your response. “It’s not like there is anyone around.”
Besides the family on the other side of the room and the old couple ordering, the place was empty.
You giggle before pulling your phone out of your purse. You find your results and wait for him to begin.
“Okay so, what did the innocent y/n get on her rice purity score?” Making sure he emphasizes the innocent.
“No way man, you first.” You say pulling your phone closer to your chest.
“Fine. I got a 46.” He says dryly, waiting for your response.
“Oh my god, you're such a slut Josh.” Not being able to contain your laughter.
“So I got lower than you?”
You wince a little, realizing you’ll now have to expose yourself. “If we're talking golf then sure.” He can’t help but let his jaw drop a little. “How about a 23.”
His mouth turns into a huge open mouth smile. “I can’t believe that, show me.” You flip around your phone sharing the evidence.
“Are you going to call me a slut now or something?” Half being serious, half joking.
“Y/n, I don’t think you're a slut. Seriously. I said those things before because I was jealous of what I couldn’t have. That number means nothing to me, unless you chose one of the last two options, then it matters.” You can’t help but laugh, one at the joke, and two at the fact that he sees you for more than your sexual history.
“That means a lot Josh, thank you. And it means even more knowing how jealous you were.” You giggle, taking a spoon of ice cream into your mouth.
“Why not just get the cherry flavored ice cream? The vanilla probably just makes it more bland.”
His head cocks to the side giving you a look that makes you feel like you're missing something. He begins to scoop up a good amount onto his spoon, making sure to get a big cherry in it. He brings the spoon to your mouth, normally you would be cringed out over something like this but it was different. You allowed him to feed you the icecream and to your surprise it was amazing.
You cover your mouth making sure that you lick the remnants off your lips. “That's so good Josh, I’ll have to get that next time.”
“So there will be a next time?” He says scoops up some ice cream for himself.
“I mean, I had fun tonight. Even without a label I like hanging out with you and going out.”
“Right, and one may even call those hangouts a date, don’t you think?” He says, cocking his eyebrow up at you.
“I guess one could call them that. No matter what they're called I love being around you Josh. At practice, your apartment, out somewhere. It doesn’t matter. And to me it doesn’t matter what we are either, does it matter to you?”
He sits there for a second thinking about the bomb you just dropped on him.
“If you would have asked me that a little bit ago I would have said it did matter. But whether or not we're more than friends, I enjoy your company and I think for now that’s all that matters.”
Wow, this was a whole new side of Josh. Such a sweet and tender side that you could really come to love. Love. That word had never been in the equation. You push your many thoughts aside in your head, enjoying the present moment with Josh.
As you continue your simple banter you finish your ice cream filling so full from all the food from tonight. The way his face looked under the light could put you in a trance, you barely could pay attention to anything he was saying.
“… it was so crazy. Like who pulls up to a wedding in a tracker themed party bus?”
You snap back into realty to hear the last bit of his story. “That is so crazy.”
He smiles at you, the moment was so pure. “Anyways, wanna go back and let me fuck the shit out of you.”
Now that was the Josh you were used to. “Been waiting all night for you to ask.”
When arriving at his apartment, you imagined it would be like the movies. When they are stumbling into each other, hungrily trying to peel off each other's clothing, wanting nothing but one another. But despite Josh’s words fucking wasn’t the first thing to happen.
You both walk in hand and hand and he lets you use the bathroom to change into something more comfortable. Normally you would wear a giant t-shirt and shorts but wanted to dress a little nicer. Which sounds silly considering you would be going to bed. You wore a plum silk tank and flowy pants that fit perfectly on your body.
After returning from the bathroom Josh was sprawled out on the couch waiting for you. He had a tight t-shirt on, his muscles underneath pulling at the fabric. His bottom half, dressed in red flannel pajama pants. Your mouth waters at the sight, your hand quickly moving towards your mouth to wipe it. He pats the spot on the couch next to him, “Come take a seat mama, lets watch our show.”
“Community? But I thought we were gonna-”
“Patience darling, all in good time. Don’t you wanna relax with me?”
Without a second thought you come over to take a seat next to him but are grabbed and forced to sit in between his legs, letting your back lay against his chest. The episodes went by while light chatter filled the air. His fingers made it to your head at some point and never left as he played with your hair, lightly twirling and braiding it in some sorts. As you were going into the third episode of the night, you remembered the BDSM test that never got revealed from earlier.
“Hey Joshy?”
“Yeah.” He says drying, trying to pay attention to the episode.
“We still never went over the BDSM test.”
He sat up now giving you his full attention. “You're right, let me go grab my phone and some snacks and I’ll be right back. I have a feeling this is going to be entertaining.” He smiles moving around you to get up. You giggle and reach for your phone. When unlocking it, it opens right to your messages and Jake's name is very clearly near the top. Before he got back, you quickly deleted the messages and turned on do not disturb. You felt guilty having to hide it, but you didn’t want this to ruin the night.
Josh walks back into the living room with a bag of premade popcorn and his phone in the other hand. He reclaims his seat, offering you the bag. “ What results are you expecting from me?” He pops a handful of popcorn into his mouth.
You turn your body so you are now facing him between his legs. “Hm… I don't know. From everything I’ve learned about you here lately, I’d say maybe age play or brat.” You chuckle at him, grabbing your own handful of the salty snack.
Fear and confusion washes over his face. “Excuse me? What the fuck?” You can’t help but laugh at his reaction.
“I’m joking, Josh calm down. What is your top 5 on the list?”
He scans over his phone before beginning to read. “Okay so number one, I have dominant, of course. Number two brat tamer, three rigger, four degrader, and five masochists.” Damn. You didn’t know what to expect but it wasn’t that. “Was that what you were expecting?”
“Um… no, not really. I thought you were going to be pretty vanilla” You can feel your cheeks flush, embarrassment beginning to take over your body.
“Wow, I’m kinda offended. Your turn now.” He says with a cheesy smile.
“One is switch, number two degradee-”
“Switch?” Josh proclaims as he interrupts you, his eyebrows raising in shock.
You jokingly roll your eyes and continue sharing your results. “Number two degradee, number 3 brat, number four rope bunny, and five is primal prey.”
You were waiting for a witty response but he was speechless. You don’t know what he was expecting. “Josh, are you good?”
“Yeah it's just interesting to hear. But it's good to know you were turned on all the times I would call you a slut. ” He shoots a wink at you.
“You’re lucky that I find you attractive, or else I would have slapped you across the face.” You give him a little smile.
“Oh! So, you dooo find me attractive?” He says running a hand through his curly hair.
“You really needed me to tell you to know that?” You play at him.
“I thought we were ‘friends’ though? Being attracted to me makes me think we're not just friends y/n.” He places a hand on your thigh, squeezing it gently. A sharp shiver travels up your spine at his hand placement.
“I mean we're friends with benefits if that's how you wanna put it.” You give a poor attempt at trying to appease him, knowing you both wanted much more than to be just “friends with benefits”.
“Yeah but I think deep down you know you want me to be more than that, y/n.” He begins to move his body, hovering above deathly close to your face. “What do you want from me y/n? Is it just the sex, because I can give that to you. I’ll fuck you just how I’m going to fuck you tonight. But I know deep down you want me. Maybe you're just too scared to admit it, but I need you. I need you so fucking bad y/n, in more ways than one.” Your hands meet his hips, fingers playing with the waistband of his pajama pants.
“Let me take you to bed mama, and by the end of the night I want an answer. I can’t be teased any longer knowing if I can have you or not.” He whispers seductively into your ear. You can feel the pool forming in your panties just from his voice alone.
You moan lightly into his ear, as he scoops you up off the couch. He carries you down the hallway bridal style, pushing his bedroom door open with his foot, stumbling inside. He walks over, throwing your body down onto the bed.
“Strip.” He commands at you as he walks over to the closest.
“You too.”
He whips his head around. “Are you back talking? I know you're not stupid, don’t play with me. That's another strike mama.” You notice that he’s not empty handed anymore. He grips the thick black leather belt he was wearing earlier, walking right back over to you. You can’t help but let your eyes widen at the sight.
“Don’t act scared now, we both saw those results. Do you remember the colors?” He asks softly, taking off his shirt in the process leaving him in only his pants.
“Yes Josh.” You rip your pajamas off quickly, leaving you sitting completely bare on his bed.
“Good girl baby. Have you ever done this before?” He asks, sitting beside you then lifting you to be bent over his lap.
“No.” You say timidly.
“I strongly disbelieve that, but we’ll just take your word on it.” You feel the cool leather beginning to brush over your bare ass. “What color are you right now?”
“Green, very much green.” You quickly spit out, eager for his touch.
“Good, now I want you to count with me since you were a very bad girl. Can you do that mama?”
You can count to 5. “Yes Josh.”
“Sir, you call me sir.” He says sternly.
“Yes sir.” You say pathetically.
Without any warning you feel a hard slap on your ass. “Fuck” You recoil at the feeling.
He leans down to whisper into your ear, “That didn’t sound like a one to me, how about we try that again.” Again, the belt goes flying through the air landing another harsh crack against your ass cheek. “…One.”
“Good girl. Only four more to go.” He taunts you, but you can’t say it doesn’t turn you on even more.
“Two”, you squeak out, your eyes shut tight. Your hands travel to his thigh gripping firmly onto his thigh as he lands a third hit to your ass. “Fuck, three…”.
“Fuck three!” He mimics you in a high pitch moan. “You hear how pathetic you sound?”
No way.
“As much as you're acting like you hate this, I know you like it. Such a fucking whore. You’re so wet right now, I can feel you soaking through my pants.”
With another whip of the belt your hands can’t help but clutch onto his bicep. “Four.” Your voice, no doubt, sounds so small. The final strike is the worst. It stings the hardest out of them all and you could barely get your words out. “…five. Fuck Josh.” Your eyes begin to water as you feel a few drops roll down your cheeks.
“Good girl baby. So glad to know you're not incompetent and can count. Now get up.”
As you struggle to get up from his lap you couldn’t help but also feel the pool between your legs, coating the insides of your thighs. He pulls his pants and boxers off at the same time, revealing his hardened cock.
“You see that mirror over there baby.” He points to the mirror centered in front of his bed. You nod not being able to get any words out. “First, you are going to get yourself on that bed, and then I am going to leash you, and your going to watch me fuck you like the whore you are. Got it?”
It was almost embarrassing how fast you got onto the bed. You stayed there on your hands and knees facing the mirror, watching him slowly make his way around to the back of you. He begins to put the belt around your throat.
“I’m not going to tighten it all the way, I don't need you dying on me. Lift your hand up if you need me to stop okay?”
“Yes sir.”
“Good baby.” He begins to line himself up with your core slowly pushing himself into you. His grip on the belt tightens, pulling your head up.
“Oh God, you fill me up so well Josh,” You choke out. He yanks the belt back a little more and slowly starts to thrust in and out of you.
“That I do, mama. You’re so fucking tight holy shit.” He begins to press into you harder. “Look at yourself, so beautiful.”
You look up into the mirror, making eye contact with him, and can’t help but moan at the obscene sight before you, your head falling down towards the bed, but Josh wasn’t having any of that. He lets go of the belt and grabs a chunk of your hair and pulls you back up. “I said, you are going to watch me fuck you. What's so hard to understand, you dumb bitch.”
He lets go of your hair and grabs the belt again, pounding into you harder and harder. Your tears pick up even more, rolling down your cheeks. “What a poor baby, do you feel so good?” Josh reaches around to your face, wiping the tears off your cheek, smearing your mascara in the process.
You were so incredibly turned on you couldn’t help but tighten around his cock as you begin to feel an orgasm creeping up on you.
“FUCK Y/N.” He pulls the belt hard, pulling you up to his chest. “Don’t do that shit or else you’ll get another strike.”
It’s almost like he’s begging for it. Without a second thought you squeeze around him again.
“FUCK.” Disregarding the belt, he slams you face first into the bed, grabbing your hips with both hands to give him more leverage. You feel heat radiating off your ass as Josh fucks his pelvis into the same spots he abused earlier with the belt.
“You can’t take this pussy Josh,” You clench around his dick again and this time he’s had it.
“I’ve had it with your shit, y/n.” His grip tightens around your hips, yanking you back to meet his thrusts harder. You feel his tip brush against your cervix, bringing you even closer to the edge. You knew you wouldn’t last much longer. “Josh I’m gonna cum.”
“What a surprise. I don’t care, because we're not done til I say we are.” His thrust never soften or stagger. He continues to assault your pussy.
“Josh I’m cumming oh my god.” You feel a wash of pleasure go over your body, but the thrusts don't stop. “Oh Josh stop, it's too much.”
“I don’t care. You're gonna take it.” He begins to get sloppy, knowing that he’s close to climax. “What color are you, baby?”
“Green.. Fuck Josh.” You see him smirk in the mirror knowing this is exactly what he wanted to happen. The pain of the overstimulation begins to turn into pleasure once more.
“Oh baby, your pussy feels so good. I’m going to cum so hard inside you, get you pregnant so no one else can have you.” His head tilts back, mouth wide open.
Holy fuck. You would be lying if that didn’t take you back a little, but it just turned you on that much more. Before you can get a word out you feel a shot of warm cum fill your pussy.
“Oh fuck mama. You feel so good, too fucking good.”
When he finally comes down he flips you onto your stomach, releasing your neck from the belt, trailing it down your body. “You think you can give me one more baby.” You feel the cool belt drag over your wet folds, along with a few light slaps.
He was going to be the death of you.
Not being able to help yourself you begin to grind up against the belt. He takes your hands above your head and begins to tie your hands together and wrap the belt around his bed frame. You feel his cum leaking out, as he leans his face down in between your legs. “Are you gonna stay still for me mama, be a good girl?”
You nod, feeling like you were on an entirely other planet with all the different sensations going through your body at the moment. He reaches up and slaps your face and grabs your neck. “Answer me y/n.”
“Yes Josh, I mean yes sir.” His hand releases and he makes his way back down between your legs. “I’m going to suck my cum out of you baby.”
With that, his head disappears between your thighs, licking a stripe through your folds. His face reappears and he sticks his tongue out for you, presenting his cum to you. He leans up, planting a quick kiss on your lips, followed by a deeper one licking into your mouth. You hum in pleasure of his taste on your tongue.
“Taste good, baby?” He gives you the prettiest smile.
“Mmm, so good,” You moan arching your chest against his. He smirks, going back down to eye level with your cunt. He begins with quick circles on your clit with his tongue. “I love your tongue, sir. Always making me feel so good.”
He doesn’t respond as he speeds up his licks, making you squirm beneath him. He pins your hips down with his arm, “ Stop fucking moving, or do I need to tie your legs down as well?”
You liked the idea, but needed to cum again. You shook your head furiously and kept your legs still.
He keeps lapping up your juices, bringing you closer and closer.
“I'm so close.” This feeling was different, much more powerful, but certainly not foreign. You feel little spurts coming out, and Josh picks up on it immediately.
“Soak my face, mama. Drown me.” His tongue attacks on your clit faster until you let go.
Josh’s mouth opens wide, desperately trying to catch every drop of your juices. It was a sight you never wanted to forget. He swallows it down and looks up at you, his face completely covered in your cum.
“You’re so fucking hot babe.” He reached up to release your wrists from the restraints. As your arms come down and hit the bed, pins and needles wash over them after being suspended in the air for so long.
You laid there silently in his chest for a while until you broke the silence. “Josh, did you mean what you said about getting me pregnant?”
“No, I don’t think getting you pregnant is a smart idea for either of us. But having you to myself was true. I need you badly y/n, and I hope I’ll have an answer soon on whether you want me too.”
“How about we go out to the living room, watch community and cuddle for a little, my head isn’t the clearest after all of that.” You offer, Josh can’t help but let out a chuckle before getting up to collect your clothing off the floor. He helps you back into your pajamas and then puts on his own.
You look in the mirror to see your mascara smudged and hair all knotted and messy. You don’t bother fixing it much because it was only you two there tonight. You rub the mascara away a little, still leaving you with makeshift eyeliner on your waterline.
You follow Josh out of his room and drag your feet back over to the living room. When you make it there you are met with a familiar face sitting at the couch on his laptop.
“Finally you’re done, I was gonna go back to my room but didn’t wanna have to hear her moaning. So fucking loud, by the way, what were you doing to her Josh?” With that he closes his laptop and saunters back to his room, closing the door behind him. You couldn’t dare look him in his eyes as he walked by. You can’t imagine how either of them feel at the moment.
You were a little embarrassed to learn that Jake had been sitting here, listening to your sounds of pleasure. Yet, some part of you was completely turned on by the fact he was able to hear everything. Every little moan, whimper, and whine, all caused by his brother.
You take a deep breath and sit back down next to Josh, and cuddle into his side. You look up at him and smile. “Ignore him, y/n. He’s probably just going to use that imagery to jerk off because he doesn’t get any.” You awkwardly laugh. Yep, definitely not getting any. You internally cringe.
You immediately forget about it though as Josh pulls you impossibly closer. You wrap your arms around his torso and snuggle your head into his chest.
“Hey Mama, look here for me,” Josh says to you. You look up again, into his beautiful coffee irises. He wipes under your eyes with his thumbs, swiping away the remaining smeared mascara. “There you go, sweetheart.” He seals his act of affection with a sugary, sweet forehead kiss.
You blush under his touch, grabbing his hand interlacing your fingers with his. You bring his hand up to your lips, reciprocating the kiss across his knuckles. You hear a little giggle leave his lips. “Wanna watch Community now?”
“Yeah… yeah we can, right after this”, He takes your face in his hands, bringing his lips to yours. You make a move to deepen it by slipping your tongue into his mouth. It wasn’t like the makeouts you had before, this one was tender and passionate. Your hands reach for his face, slipping them up into his loose curls. His roaming across your back, not going any farther than your waist band.
He pulls away for a moment, “You can’t do this to me and not be mine y/n. I need you to figure this out for my sanity.” His eyes, large and pouty. “I don’t think I could ever get over you, whether we become a thing or not.”
You realize the game you were playing is not something you can carry out any longer. You were never tied down to one person, but Josh was different. The way he made you feel could never compare to the many other guys you’ve been with. Your fling with Jake though had to be put to an end or else you could never make this work out with Josh.
“I can’t make that decision right now. I want you too, badly. I just need time to sort some things out, and tie together loose ends with some people.” Making it as vague as possible to not lead him to think it could be Jake. “I want to take things seriously and not lead people to think I’m going to be open for anything.”
Josh stares at you, half happy, half still frustrated that he didn’t get his way. “I understand babe, this isn’t the way for me to do it either. I want to make it official official. Not just force you into it on my couch. I’ll give you some time, but I know it's coming.” He sends a bright smile to you, finishing it off with a deep kiss.
You break away again, “Josh, I’ve never felt this way before, I was so confused for the longest time.” You grab onto his face gently rubbing your thumbs across his soft cheeks. He nuzzles his face into your hands.
“Same, Mama,” your lips reconnect and let them do the talking. You push him down to lay flat on his back, he looks back up at you with innocent eyes.
You resituate yourself to sit on his lower abdomen, and begin to grind lightly against his soft dick.
He grabs a hold of your hips and stills you, “Can’t we have a sweet moment y/n.” He says in a sarcastic tone, smirking up at you. “Or is fucking always on the mind.”
You act like you have to think about that for a moment, “Mmmm… maybe?” you chuckle leaning back in for the kiss.
“As much as I’d love a round two, Jake is home now. Can’t we just enjoy this moment together.” He says as he pulls you in for another quick kiss. “Maybe, when he’s asleep though…” He adds, with a dorky wink. You playfully shove his shoulder and then relax your head back onto his chest.
He reaches for the remote, turning on Community. After a few episodes, you both doze off, only waking up when Jake slams his bedroom door to go out to the kitchen. Josh not waking even once. You awaken again by another slam of the door, what the fuck is he doing? You look over at Josh, to see him still peacefully sleeping like a baby. What time is it even?
You quickly turn your phone over to check the time, still in a half-asleep daze. 2:15am. Definitely not a time to be slamming doors.
You see a new notification under your messages, Jake. You swore you deleted him from your messages earlier. You click on his name anyway to see what he could possibly have to say.
2:14am Jake: I know he’s asleep. Come to the bathroom now.
@demonrat444 @gvfstuddedmajesty @jordie-gvf @jazzyfigz @slut4lando @gvfmarge @peaceloveunitygvf @jjwasneverhere @areuirish @mar-rein12 @woyayaofdreams @freyjalw @musicspeak @jennabobenasblog @do-it-jakey-baby @dannys-dream @terry-66
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lfghughes · 11 months
I need more dad Trevor with twin daughters 😭 can I please get something where he takes them out on separate daddy/daughter dates? He totally seems like the type of dad who would do whatever his babies asked of him
a/n: i had way too much fun planning this out. thank you so much for requesting it
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One of the first promises that Trevor had done when he found out his girlfriend was pregnant with twins was that he would give all of them his individual attention. He wanted his daughters to know and feel that they were their own individual humans because he knew most of the people in their lives would treat them as one. He also vowed to his girlfriend that they would always find time for each other in the middle of all the chaos. This meant a lot of date nights with all three of his favorite girls.
His twins were definitely very different from each other. Since birth their personalities had been very different but as they grew up those personalities shown through more and more every day. This meant he had to get pretty creative on what to do on those solo dates with them because he wanted to pick the right activity.
Date #1 - Adeline
Adeline or Addybug as Trevor liked to call her had always been the calm sensitive baby. She thrived when it came to sitting down and reading a book or all the quieter activities. Out of the twins she was the one Trevor had to think more out of the box for because it was usually opposite of the activities he would do. But he always went above and beyond for things she liked to do. Right now both Trevor and Adeline had finished up getting their nails done at the nail salon, completely Addys idea but Trevor went along with every second of it.
Now it was his turn for her big surprise. “Remember when you told daddy you wanted to go to the butterfly garden?” Trevor asked and immediately her eyes got wide because she knew what this meant. “Are we really going?” She asked and Trevor nodded his head. As soon as she had mentioned it last week he made a mental note to see if there were any places around where she could go see butterflies up close. Eventually he had landed on this place and decided it would be fun for her.
Turns out he was right because the minute she stepped in she was amazed by everything in the garden and not just the butterflies although that was her favorite part. “I have one more surprise for you.” He told her as they walked out from the butterfly garden after she got to see everything. “Me and mommy ordered a little caterpillar kit for you and once they turn into butterflies we’ll let them out into the garden.” This was everything she wanted to hear and more. Date one was the success he had hoped for.
Date #2 - Charlotte aka Charlie
Charlotte was the fierce one of the two. It was her way or no way and even at a young age she had demanded that she get called Charlie and not Charlotte simply because she liked it better. For Trevor though she was always his Charlie Bear. Funny enough she was the easier of the pair to find an activity for because whatever meant getting her energy out was what she wanted. He could as easily take her to a trampoline place or go karting and she loved it regardless.
Typically she chose the place though because she was always very vocal about what she wanted to do and surprises were not her thing. Today she had made it clear she wanted to go horseback riding and Trevor wasn’t going to tell her no. Luckily for this one he didn’t have to research a whole lot because she had been on a horses kick lately and had already picked this activity a couple of times before. “Do you think one day I can get my own horse?” She asked once she was all done riding, her eyes looking up at her horse and he could tell by that look that this love for horses was here to stay.
“I think it’s something me and mommy will have to talk about but maybe one day.” That was a good enough answer for her, a smile immediately growing on her face. “Alright, well it’s pretty warm out so what do you say about getting some ice cream?” Trevor asked and she immediately nodded her head. “Can we call Uncle Jamie to go too?” That was going to be another yes and once again another successful daughter date.
Date #3 - The Wife
“Wow look at you.” Trevor whistled as his wife stepped out of the closet all dressed up for their dinner date. Her cheeks burning a bright pink because even after all this time Trevor managed to make her heart skip a beat with his compliments. She walked over, pressing a quick kiss to his lips. “Both girls told me all about their daddy daughter dates this week. Addy has been watching those caterpillars since they got here.” His wife smiled as she talked about her girls. “And Charlie said you wanted to talk to me about getting a horse?”
Okay, not his exact words but his daughter did get him there. “I told her we would think about getting her a horse.” He shrugged sheepishly before holding his hand out. “But that’s a conversation for another night because right now I have a date with my favorite girl in the whole world.”
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queer-overwatch · 2 months
Omg hi! We need more venture! And im having major brainrot of Venture and how they might be with kids! What if Reader and Sloane went to one of those itty bitty play dig sight activities and just see little kids brushing sand away from (fake) fossils! Like how will they react seeing a little kid learning about dinosaurs from Venture?
Reader having to babysit their niece or nephew and Venture is there along the way. And the just their niece/nephew just absolutely love listening to Sloane’s stories!
Im sorry if this is too much! You dont have to do this! Or you can just do whatever! I love your work and finally we can get more Venture love!
Venture with readers Niece!
It's not to much at all! I really like the idea of Venture being a parent personally- decided to do a one-shot for this one, hope u like it anon! -Frisk
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"Heeey, Sloane-? Sooooo quick question, how do you feel about 5 year olds-?" You grin sheepishly, standing behind Venture who was at their desk, studying a rock from an ancient Roman burial sight they found.
"Oh I love kids! They're always so cute, even though they can be brats sometimes- why you askin?" They put down the rock as they talk, turning to look at you curiously.
"Well, my sibling asked me if I could babysit today, and I may have said yes without thinking of the fact that you'd have to deal with my niece too." You laugh nervously, really hoping they won't be upset. You knew they loved kids so you weren't too worried about it, but you also weren't sure if they'd planned to do something today.
"Aw really!? I've haven't gotten to meet your family before! That's so cool! Does your niece like history?! I really hope she does- I love telling people about my discoveries! Do you think she likes eating rocks too-?" Venture, just as enthusiastic as ever, bombards you with questions about your family. You let out a sigh of relief as you try your best to answer all of their many, many, many questions, trying your best to keep them contained as you wait for your sister to drop off your niece, "Venture you are not feeding my niece rocks."
"Aww, but these ones are so cool!"
"I will chip another one of your teeth if you convince her to eat a rock."
"GASP! Betrayal!"
"Of course, see you later! Love you too!" You gently usher your niece inside as you part ways with your sibling, now stuck babysitting for the next five hours.
Venture stands just behind the door, a nervous feeling in the back of their head. Despite being slightly worried your niece wouldn't like them, they were still super excited! They really hoped she would like them so she would tell your sibling good things about them and your sibling would finally want to meet them! And, of course, they were also hoping your niece would like to hear the story's Venture had to share.
As soon as you're niece is five steps in the door, Venture makes themselves known, jumping in front of her with their hands on their hips, in a sort of superhero pose.
"Hey there, little miss! How'd you get in here, huh?" They kneel down, a light tone in their voice as they tease her. "Mi amor! I think we've got an intruder on our hands!"
You shut the front door as you laugh to yourself, moving to stand next to Venture and rest one hand on their shoulder, slightly leaning against them. "Yeah, I think we do! We've gotta send 'em to the interrogation room!"
You scoop up your niece, laughing as she squirm around in your arms, cleary enjoying all the attention.
You both bring her to Venture's work space, setting her down in their chair and trying your hardest to look serious as you "interrogate" her.
"Who might you be, hm? And why are you here?!" Venture starts, poking your niece's cheek as they question her.
Your niece, while giggling, manages to answer their questions pretty well in your opinion. "I'm Charlotte! I'm here 'cuz my momma wants me to be!" She huffs, hands on her hips with the most adorable, smug face you've ever seen.
Venture nods along as she answers, clearly taking this so, so very seriously. "Well then, I suppose you can stick around, as long as you like to learn about history!" They laugh, picking her up and tucking her under their arm, bringing them to a spare room where they keep a few of their favorite artifacts they've they've found to show off.
"This one is from Greece! I got to go there for a week last year! And this one if from a remote area in northern Canada! Found that during my first year with the Wayfinders!" They point out different rocks and other things you can't quite identify, easily answering any questions your niece throws their way.
You stand in the doorway, smiling to yourself and admiring just how sweet Venture can be, wondering how in the world you got lucky enough to be dating them.
Your mind wanders, wondering what Venture would be like if the two of you had a kid. It wasn't something you thought about too often, but seeing how sweet they were with your niece, you couldn't help but wonder if they'd ever want kids of their own.
Obviously it wouldn't be anytime soon, you were both far too busy for that, but one day, maybe.
"Amor! Come here! You gotta listen to this story too! This cool little coin is from the Renaissance Era!" Venture snaps you out of your thoughts, holding a little golden coin up for you to see.
You move to stand next to them, taking your niece out of their arms and holding her yourself, both of you listening intently to Ventures story. Clearly, you're niece and you had one thing in common, you both absolutely adored the wonderful nerd you were dating.
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wolfoftheblackflames · 3 months
Alright misfits, here's another fic to feed ya with ^^ Enjoy! (Pre-hotel this time.)
Dancing with the Devil: Pt. 1
It had been a year since she was found and patched up by the princess of hell as Vaggie groaned slightly with her empty eye socket aching. She sighed, popping a painkiller since Charlie had been kind enough to leave some in the guest room she stayed in. "Can't believe it's been a year already..." The grey skinned woman sighed as she looked out the window to the latest extermination massacre. "Better go see how Charlie is holding up..." Vaggie grimaced slightly since she had been one of those who slaughtered the sinners blow.
Vaggie finished up getting dressed as a twinge of self-hatred surfaced whenever she saw the empty socket and old scars on her back. She pushed those thoughts down deep since she knew Charlie was suffering more right now. "Baap!" One of the bodyguards that hung around Charlie was coming over to Vaggie, giving her a soft nuzzle.
"Hey Dazzle, how's Charlie doing?" The fallen angel replied lightly, ruffling his head.
"Baaap, Baaap!" Dazzle replied lightly, tugging on Vaggie's hand, ushering her to hurry over.
What greeted the two in Charlie's large room was the princess sniffling and curled up in blankets. "Huh?" Those ruby eyes lifted from the book she cradled in her hands. "Hey, are you doing ok?" Charlie shook her head at Vaggie's reply.
A soft sigh escaped Charlie's throat. Vaggie couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt seeing this. The first person who offered her kindness, her own best friend, was suffering. "What's also not helping is that, too." Charlie looked away, pointing her finger at an envelope on her nightstand.
"May I look?"
"Go ahead, it's kinda stupid anyway..."
Vaggie went over and sat beside Charlie, taking the envelope into her hand. She looked over at Charlie, who laid down on Vaggie's lap, curling up to the smaller woman. "Dear princess Charlotte Morningstar, you are here by invited to a grand Ball hosted by Seviathan Von Eldritch, we'd love to see you again. Signed Fredrick Von Eldritch." Vaggie finished reading.
"Bet he's gonna try and get me and my ex back together..." Charlie bitterly grumbled lightly, gripping the blanket.
There it was, another twinge. Sure, Charlie was a completely open book at this point, but something made Vaggie pissed at this guy. How dare he hurt her best friend, though Vaggie shook her head. She looked down at Charlie. It was obvious the princess liked her. She even blushed slightly when they first met.
"It says it's in three days from now.." Vaggie looked annoyed. "Maldito pedazo de mierda.." (fucking piece of shit) She muttered, thinking of this Seviathan guy.
"If I go it'll be just another shit show since they'll ask about my parents first..." Charlie nuzzled her nose deep into Vaggie's belly, enjoying the scent of lavender. "And before you say I should cancel, I can't exactly do that since I'm royalty and should be keeping up appearances.." She growled since most cared about her title and the weight it carried.
"What if I go with you?" Vaggie asked, making Charlie stare up at her. It looked so cute. Vaggie had to look away a little, rubbing her neck. All she heard next was the cutest squee and had arms thrown around her shoulders. "Whoa hey!"
"R-really?! You'd do that for me?!" Charlie beamed, looking slightly more chipper. It melted Vaggie's heart, seeing a smile return to that sweet hellborn's face. Though it began to beat a little faster when Charlie started to fidget and tuck some hair behind her ear, which were pointed and wiggling slightly. "I-Is it a date?" She shyly asked her ruby eyes looking innocent.
"Sure, besides, it said to bring a plus one." Vaggie replied awkwardly since Charlie was just being too cute. "So why don't you dress comfortable and nice... Okay?" She added as Charlie easily got up and started jumping for joy.
"Of course! Quick though, what color are you gonna be wearing, I figured we could match.." The princess blushed a bit with her hoof lightly kicking the carpet. God those hooves, they were just so cute too.
Vaggie, however, blinked. That twinge had turned into a fluttering effect inside her chest. "I thinking black, maybe?" She replied since she had no clue what to wear to a fancy ball. She was an ex exterminator for crying out loud, so fancy gatherings were new for her.
"I think you'll look amazing in black, not that you don't already look nice..." Charlie blushed and clamped her mouth shut to keep her awkward rambling from coming out. The princess, however, looked over at the window with a wince. "Sorry, I gotta go. I have to let people know it's over and go out to help the survivors."
"Hey, I'm coming with you, remember? Can't have some asshole trying to scam you and shit."
Charlie smiled softly at this remark, she giggled a bit and went to go change out of her red pj's. "Thanks Vaggie, you've already made my day a little more bearable you know?" She stated grabbing her usual outfit. "I mean it."
Vaggie watched her disappear into the bathroom. Once Charlie was out of sight, Vaggie couldn't help but sizzle slightly at the fact she was taking her best friend on a date. Sure, the two hung out for simple outings like a tour of hell, a cafe where they enjoyed their favorite snacks, a simple walk in the park, and purchasing the Hotel. But a fancy outing like this, it made Vaggie feel awkward and uncomfortable since she wasn't used to the fancy noble scene.
Vaggie blushed softly at the word date. She then shook her head as it actually hit her. "Ah mierda, estoy enamorado de esa hermosa mujer.." (Ah crap, I'm in love with that beautiful woman.)
(Hiya Wolf here, I hope you guys like the cute best friends being awkward before becoming a couple angle. I was reading the wiki on both too to gauge how I should go about it. So more to come ^^)
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aprill-99 · 1 year
Daphne & Simon:
Daphne: “A friend of mine asked me if I’d ever been given the sex talk, and the answer is yes… I think.”
Simon: “My father was COOOLD BLOODED.” + “Does my best friend hate me or do I just need to go to sleep?”
Kate & Anthony:
Anthony: “I’ll keep all my emotions right here and then one day, I’ll die.”
Kate: “Get out of here with your facts. Just because you’re accurate does not make you interesting.” + “I’m new in town, and it gets worse.”
Benedict & Sophie:
Benedict: “This is a healthy twenty-eight year old man trying his best.”
Sophie: “I was a maid for a while. I was treated well in my day. I worked for a variety of sirs.”
Colin & Penelope:
Colin: “My wife is a bitch and I like her soooooo much.”
Penelope: “We spend most of our time proving to people that we are who we say we are. Think about that for 10 seconds and tell me you don’t want to walk into the ocean.” + “People say crazy things all the time. And those things mean nothing to them, but they mean everything to me.”
Phillip & Eloise:
Eloise: “Thirteen year olds will make fun of you, but in an accurate way.”
Philip: “It was like, you know one of those days where you just go ‘this might as well happen.’”
Michael & Francesca:
Francesca: “I try to stay optimistic, but I will admit, things are getting pretty sticky.”
Michael: “We don’t get better than this. It’s just going to be worse versions of me from here on out.” + “And if you think I seem unlikable or out of control in that story, then just remember, that’s one I was willing to tell you.”
Hyacinth & Gareth:
Hyacinth: “Well none of us ever really know our fathers…… Anyway-”
Gareth: “I am very small. And I have no money. So you can imagine the kind of stress I am under.”
Lucy & Gregory:
Gregory: “I do hear you, and I also don’t want to be doing what I’m doing.”
Lucy: “In terms of instant relief, canceling plans is like heroine.”
Lady Danbury & Lord Ledger:
Lady Danbury: “Shut up you’re all going to die! Street smarts!” + “It’s wrong to make fun of people, but it’s just so fun sometimes.”
Lord Ledger: “My vibe is like ‘hey you could pour soup in my lap and I’d probably apologize to you.’”
George & Charlotte:
King George: “it seems like everyone, everywhere, is super mad about everything, all the time.”
Queen Charlotte: “I simply do not give a shit what anybody thinks of me in any situation.”
Violet: “Putting a thirteen year old in charge of your younger kids is like getting a dog to babysit your horse. If something goes wrong, they can just maybe get help a little more quickly.”
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shokolandish · 3 months
edit: i made a new charlie design and a post-finale vanessa design!
viv is not a good person and i don't support her, but ive got a hyperfixation right now and im gonna make that everybody else's problem
besides, separate art from the artist or whatever
hazbin has a shit ton of mistakes, problems, same body and hell, even same clothes syndrome. does hell only have one shop or something???
but i just kiiiinda enjoy (?) it for what it is
and ive seen a lot of people do redesigns and that seems really fun and honestly, the characters have a lot of potential that's just blatantly ignored by the show
aaaanyways, after all that out of the way, i present to you...
finished refs for two of my redesigns for the cast!!! did the main couple first, naturally
soo, here's charlie
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age: about 22 in human years
and vanessa!
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age: about 25 years old. not sure if angels age differently but that's her age in human years
some notes under the cut
- yep, i made her non-binary. just get a lot of non-binary energy from xer. besides, i like the hc of them preferring the name charlie over charlotte because it sounds more gender-neutral
- i like to imagine xer a bit on the bigger side complexion-wise. like, i don't know if you could call her chubby but she is a bit plump and really soft to the touch not only because of the fur. i feel like being soft and having more soft edges in buns design would fit buns character more
- she's not freakishly tall anymore!!!! like.. i don't mind her being tall because she's the princess of hell after all.. also have you seen how tall lilith is???? but i feel like sometimes it's TOO much... also honestly it also just fits them more imo??
- they're a redhead now. I MEAN LIKE. both lucifer and lilith were described with red hair in old paintings.. i just had to.
- yeah yeah i made her a demigirl... her original color palette just screamed demigirl. like. it was literally the demigirl flag color palette.
- i thought of naming her violet but that'd be a little too on the nose i think- gave her actual hips!! and not whatever was going on in her original design (the waist just going straight into the legs)
- also made her a little more.. (uh i guess the appropriate word is "thicc") overall- yeah i also redesigned the angelic spear a bit. not too proud of it but i think it gets the idea across
- i don't usually.. draw noses, but i figured it was a pretty big/most recognizable part of her design so i gave her one.
- oh yeah btw she's not gray anymore!!!! yippee!!!!! like what's even up with viv and making poc characters gray. anyways since she's a fallen angel i figured giving her a more human appearance would make sense. we've seen winners in heaven and a lot of them look pretty human. even if we only look at exorcists, lute looks pretty human too.
writing notes
okay, so, i wanna give you some notes about the writing, but before i do - i am NOT a professional writer, im just a kid who has some criticism for the hellfire of a show hazbin is
with that out of the way...
chaggie's writing
okay so. chaggie am i right.
so, ill just get this out of the way - it's boring
like, really boring
chaggie defenders will say they're just "casual" and im an asshole for wanting more from them but you can be casual and not be FUCKING BORING
like.. all of their interactions just go the same waythey comfort each other or hold hands or vaggie is trying to convince charlie to do something and she NEVER. FUCKING. LISTENS. like seriously.
the only time she actually listened was when vaggie convinced her to be more assertive but she was trying to do it anyway... and she changed vaggie's words and did her own thing anyways
they don't even have that much chemistry. and they're like, the main couple. they're supposed to have chemistry.
hell, emily and charlie had more chemistry in one episode they interacted in than vaggie and charlie in the whole damn show
vaggie's writing
vaggie's writing.. it's... sigh.
she doesn't really feel like a separate character when she's with charlie
they're just. doing the same thing. over and over again. all of their interactions are the fucking same. like.. i wanna care but i just have no reason to. i just DON'T FUCKING CARE.
even vaggie's whole deal in "whatever it takes" is her just?? dedicating her life to being charlie's partner?? and not even being her own person and living for herself??? like. what's up with that. maybe i just didn't pay enough attention??? i can't be bothered to rewatch any chaggie scenes in episode 2 because they did not deserve that drama and i just don't care enough
im supposed to care but i don't
the show just. doesn't give me any reason to care.
vaggie interacting with ANY other character is so much more interesting - i don't know what to expect, i can't predict it!
vaggie interacting with alastor? hell yeah! we never know alastor's intentions and seeing vaggie not taking any of his shit is really entertaining!
vaggie interacting with angel dust? sure! id love to hear the bickering or maybe them having to put up being alone with each other for an episode? maybe both of them having to put up with charlie's shenanigans and bonding over that?
vaggie interacting with niffty? okay sure! a lil gremlin and an involuntary caretaker maybe with vaggie seeing niffty can take care of herself? or vaggie trying to put up with her insanity?
vaggie interacting with husk? oh hell yeah, they both seem to be the straight man in any situation (despite neither of them being straight but whatever), maybe they can have a drink or two together.
vaggie interacting with pentious? yes please! she'd not take any of his shit, but honestly? pentious' obliviousness with vaggie's seriousness could be a very fun dynamic!
but charlie? yeah i can just. predict any interaction they'll have.
and that's not really a good thing with the main couple
because it just gets old really quickly
and we see them all the time, so after some time they can just start to irritate people
how would i fix it?
maybe make charlie listen to vaggie more often??
or maybe vaggie getting a bit irritated because charlie doesn't take her advice seriously
or maybe actually show us how they fell in love?? not just love at first sight or whatever they had in the flashback
like, id love to see actual chemistry develop!or maybe make their interactions not as predictable??
or maybe actually show us how they work together
have an episode dedicated to them
that's the problem with trying to fit everything into one season - the character and relationship developments can end up rushed and just. not very good.
like.. the season we got could be easily stretched out into two or three, WHERE ARE YOU GOING SO FAST, SHOW?? why so fast
this show doesn't know about the existence of filler episodes and we NEED filler episodes
to actually get to know the characters, to explore dynamics, to get to know the world around them
the season is just way too short to tell the story it's trying to say
and if i didn't care about a character from the start and the show doesn't let me meet them... im not gonna just start caring.
anyways, that's about it! im definitely gonna do more, i even have angel and pentious ready:) niffty, husk, alastor, emily or adam are next after them, i already have them sketched out
idk what order im gonna post them in but we'll see i guess
some concepts
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