#39;re even throwing that in our
hils79 · 9 months
Hils Watches Mysterious Lotus Casebook - Ep 39
The strong urge to just stop with the OT3 ending of the last episode is strong, but I shall continue
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I happened to pause here to answer a text but god look at them
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HE CALLED HIM A-FEI! I was just thinking last night that I hoped we'd get at least one more now that Di Feisheng has his memories back. I'm so delighted. They are so married.
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This looks like the cover of a video game
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This is a really awesome fight scene but it's very disconcerting that sometimes Li Lianhua can barely move without fainting and now he's in the middle of the most badass fight of this entire drama and he's not even sweating. Is this because Di Feisheng gave him some of his internal power?
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Ah, now his poison is flaring up. Sorry, my bad. I shouldn't have mentioned it.
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Okay, I definitely did not see THAT coming.
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Di Feisheng has just found out that his new boyfriend isn't royalty, but the husband he just re-married is
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Okay, cool. And you couldn't do this before now because...?
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I was not expecting him to explode, and I don't think anyone else was either. This all feels very final episode but there's still another one to come after this
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Aww they both love their Xiaobao
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I'm scared to think about what's next tbh
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I'd be happy if there wasn't another 15 mins left on this episode and another whole episode after this one. It's not going to be that simple, is it
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Wait, no, is he leaving? I thought they were all going to live together!
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Aww I'd forgotten about the voice throwing thing. Look at Li Lianhua sneakily helping Fang Duobing
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Fang Duobing has permission from the Emperor to go off and be a gay little dude with his boyfriend and his boyfriend's husband
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Aww her face
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I know the emperor said we could discuss our engagement at some point in the future but I am just a gay little dude
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Aww I do like her. I hope she finds a nice handsome heroic man who is not a gay little dude and will treat her like a queen as she deserves
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Hmm...what is left?
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sodiumlamp · 5 months
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Season 1 finale, and... yeah. That sure was a thing. Eyeball plucking was this big fad in 2020, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised they did it again in this episode. It's like that distressed typewriter font everyone used in the 90s, or the "bullet time" effect in the 2000s.
This episode sees the androids on Coppelius trying to activate the beacon that will summon Romulan Ragnarok. They believe that doing this will save them from extinction at the hands of the Romulan fleet on their doorstep, but Picard convinces Soji to step back from the brink before it's too late. As for the Romulans, a bunch of Starfleet ships arrive to hold them off, but it isn't until Soji sees Picard pleading with his dying breath that she shuts off the beacon and the Romulans withdraw.
Okay, so some problems with this. First, we do get a glimpse at the god machines that supposedly left the message which started this whole mess. The beacon appears to open some interdimensional portal, and a bunch of Dr. Octopus arms start to wriggle through it, but when Soji smashes the controls, the portal closes and the arms are pulled back where they came from.
So I'm glad they at least showed us this was a real thing, and not just a Romulan doomsday prophecy or an android messiah. Whether or not it could have lived up to is fearsome reputation is an open question.
The problem is that... it's an open question. Nothing was settled here. The beacon was shut down but someone could build another one. If anything the Romulans would see this as vindication. Their "mythology" just got proven to be truth. What's to stop them from trying all of this again?
More importantly, the machine gods on the other side of the portal are aware of all of this. They received the summon and attempted to respond. This episode "conveniently" forgot that the beacon was just to send a message. Instead, it treated the beacon like a way to open a gateway to another world, one the machine gods needed in order to enter our world. Except, no, that's how how this works. They came from our world. They found a way to go to the other place, and presumably they can travel back and forth as they pleased. The message they left behind was for other synths to contact them if they needed help, but it never had anything to do with "allowing" them to re-enter our universe. So why would they leave simply because Soji stopped transmitting?
Second problem: It's kind of weird how both the Romulans and Federation have so many ships to throw at this one planet. The Romulans' motivation is well-established, but the logistics are a different story. This whole series has been telling us repeatedly about how the Romulan Empire has been in a shambles ever since their sun exploded. And yet they can deploy over 200 ships for a single mission? Meanwhile, this series has also said that the Federation has become more isolationist over the past 20 years. They abandoned their humanitarian missions in the wider galaxy because they didn't have enough ships. But now they can send 200 ships to match the Romulan fleet? To put this into perspective, Starfleet lost 39 ships at Wolf 359, and the Romulans had... five?... okay, five ships for their joint attack on the Founders Homeworld in that one DS9 episode. Both defeats were painted as colossal disasters. I'm not trying to power-scale this, but it feels a little unrealistic for this episode to feature 400 ships in a standoff over a single planet.
Anyway, the bigger issue I have with this episode is the aftermath, where Picard succumbs to his brain disease and finally dies. This is... not very satisfying to see, because I have Seasons 2 and 3 of this show in my DVD collection, so I knew he would survive somehow. And he does, because Alton Soong was working on a technique to transfer human minds into new bodies. I guess he was planning to use it on himself? But he used it to save Picard instead... even though he was already dead before they would have gotten it all hooked up. I don't know how this works.
Anyway, Picard's mind spends some time in a simulation, where he meets Data, who has also been in a simulation containing a backup of his mind that was made prior to his death in Star Trek: Nemesis. When Picard's new body is ready, Data asks him to turn off the simulation, so that he can die once and for all. Picard wakes up to find himself in a new body that's an exact replica of the original, minus the defect in his brain. He doesn't get super powers or immortality, although that's only because Soong knew that he wouldn't want it.
So... once again, a crappy Star Trek show has invented a cure for death, seemingly without realizing how that kind of breaks the fictional world. The last time I saw this was in Star Trek Into Darkness, where Kirk died so they could do the shitty homage to Wrath of Khan, and then McCoy injected Kirk's corpse with tribble blood to bring him back. That treatment, like Soong's "golem substrate" was just a plot device to serve the story. Kill the main character and then bring him back. Except there's nothing to explain why the same trick couldn't be used for everyone, forever. The story is more interested in respecting Data's request for euthenasia, which is really rich considering that death no longer has any meaning.
I mean, why didn't they just put Data's consciousness in a new body? Soong built lots and lots of androids. We saw them all over the last two episodes. Why did he leave Data in a box on his desk? Or did he not know Data was still self-aware in that thing? Maybe that's what they were going for, but it still feels wrong. Data wanted a finite existence, fine, but he wasn't dying of a terminal disease, or stuck on life support. He could rejoin the living at any moment, just like Picard. It's a confusing morass and the confusion sucks all of the emotional weight out of the scene where Picard and Data say goodbye.
Oh, and Data comes back in Season 3, so none of this means anything. Fuck...
One other gripe: They show Seven of Nine and Raffi holding hands as they play kalto on the ship in the final scene. Fair enough, good for them, but those two barely spoke to each other this whole season. Raffi put the trick handcuffs on Seven and told her how much she admired the work she did as a Fenris Ranger, but that was really it for them. That was a good starting point to build a relationship with those two characters, and the scene of them holding hands is a good way to pay that off, but there was nothing in the middle, and that ticks me off, because this show did nothing but waste time from start to finish.
In particular, I was really hoping to see more backstory on Raffi. We get bits and clues here and there. She's got substance abuse problems, her pursuit of the Romulan conspiracy destroyed her marriage and estranged her from her son, but it's all sort of doodled in the margins of the main story. It might have been nice to see her expand on her lore a little. She could have explained her personal problems to someone who didn't know her very well, like... I don't know... Seven of Nine? And then Seven could say something supportive and their relationship develops from there. That way when you see them holding hands at the end it could mean more. But no. It's all just implied. It sucks.
This whole show sucks. Maybe seasons 2 and 3 are an improvement, but this is easily some of the dirt worst Star Trek I have ever seen, and that's saying a lot. I have a hard time believing this production managed to turn it all around for the next twenty episodes.
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chirhos · 2 years
i am very glad to have found a christian blog on here who's LGBT affirming. i've received a lot of backlash after coming out as a lesbian. for years i tried to push it down and "pray the gay away" so to speak because i was told i would be condemned for being otherwise. but then i married a man and stayed with him for 5 years and suffered a lot of trauma. he grabbed me by the throat in font of my mother during an argument and i had a lot of christians telling me that marriage is forever and as a woman i am not allowed to leave him and that it was wrong for me to leave him and that divorce is wrong. it's gotten worse now that i've come out and i've been attacked by many christians on here saying i was never a real christian...even though for as long as i can remember i've been involved in the church.
admitting i was a lesbian made it feel like a huge weight was taken off my chest - am i still loved by god despite all this? maybe that's a stupid question.
Romans 8:38-39 (NIV): For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
In other words, OF COURSE you are loved by God. This isn't to discount your discomfort or doubts, and it's not at all a stupid question - I know firsthand how difficult it can be to know that God loves you, especially when the Christians around you are being less than loving. But Christ's love for you never wavers - not DESPITE who you are, but BECAUSE of it.
I am so, so sorry that all of this has happened to you. You do not deserve any of it: not the abuse, not the homophobia, and certainly not the judgement of fellow Christians. I don't know where you live, and it sounds like you've gotten out of the marriage, but anyone experiencing domestic abuse in the US can find help at thehotline.org or by calling 1-800-799-7233 or texting START to 88788.
Admittedly, I don't know a lot about the variety of Christian perspectives on divorce beyond what you've already encountered. I do know the feminist perspective on divorce, though: it's a fundamental right for everyone, but especially for women, to be able to divorce an abusive spouse. I cannot imagine that a God who loves us (ALL of us) would want you to stay with an abuser, and I wish that the people around you could understand that. Other people have written about this much more eloquently than I ever could, but the idea that God's plan for women is for us to be entirely submissive to our husbands and at their mercy is misogynistic, ridiculous, and entirely unbiblical.
"You're not a real Christian" is an insult that progressive and conservative Christians both love to throw at one another. It's disappointing - it's good to constantly be evaluating if our actions are Christ-like, but I don't think insults really work to cause anyone to re-evaluate. Especially when Christ himself gave us the two greatest commandments by which we must live: you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind, and you should love your neighbor as yourself. Everything else should follow from this. It's not up to others to decide whether you are a "real" Christian or not. I know it's tough, but try not to listen to people who say these things to you.
I am so happy for you that you have come out despite everything that you have endured. If there is any way for you to find an affirming church (if that is something that you want - there's also absolutely zero shame in taking a step back from a religion and culture that have harmed you so much), I think that being surrounded by affirming Christians would do you a lot of good. There are more of us than you think! I've found that churchclarity.org is an excellent resource, or even just googling "[your city or area] lgbt affirming churches".
You'll be in my prayers, and I would ask that everyone who sees this join me in praying for you❤
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silver-snow-77 · 1 year
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I posted 636 times in 2022
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Longest Tag: 135 characters
#this shit right here is proof of how happy the film industry hates having to pay people their worth especially if they’re union workers
My Top Posts in 2022:
So, scary thing that just happened:
My family’s geriatric cat, Corrina, is more than a little senile and prone to finding her way into hard to reach places then getting stuck there and needing us to extract her. Every few months she gives us a scare because she was stuck in a closet, got inside one of the cars, wriggled inside the couch, or treed herself in the backyard. We’re resigned to the inevitability that she’ll get herself in trouble again every so often and take it in good humor.
Now, this time was special, all right. You see, Coco puff isn’t allowed in my parents’ bedroom unsupervised, so any time the door is open she bolts in and starts exploring at the first opportunity. Mom was moving some of dad’s musical instrument cases around in one of the closets late last night, and failed to realize Coco had gotten in there before she closed the door. But no, it doesn’t end there.
Our octogenarian wonder decided to climb over the guitar, saxophone, and trombone cases, up one of dad’s spare winter coats, and finally onto the shelf above the coat rack to explore among boxes of old tax papers and the like. While doing so, she found a small hole in the upper corner nearest the hallway, where we couldn’t see it given the angle and the boxes in the way. Being a cat, she decided crawling in there to sniff around was a wonderful plan indeed and had a grand old time for a while wandering in the crawlspaces…until she got stuck inside the wall, with none of us humans the wiser.
So, around 10:30pm last night, this ridiculous creature realized she couldn’t find the hole she entered by, and started yelling her fool head off to inform us she was in distress. I searched all over for over an hour but couldn’t seem to locate her, likely because she kept moving around. Corrina is extremely deaf from old age thus wouldn’t respond to me calling for her, and I had no idea she wasn’t just stuck in one of the closets yet again like a doofus.
I got up and looked again around 1am because she started fussing even louder, but she quieted before I could get close enough to pinpoint her location. At this point I had my suspicions, because she wasn’t in any of the rooms I had gone into and double checking the linen closets turned up squat. I couldn’t rule out the attic yet because my parents were asleep and would throw a fit if I woke them up, given the only entrance to the attic is in their master bathroom, so I gave up for the night.
This morning I re-checked every room, every closet, every piece of furniture big enough for her to get into or under, and combed the attic from one end to the other. I even checked the ducts, because we had to re-secure the grate to keep her out of there after an incident where she wormed under the copper mesh sheet and peed on the filter a good eight months ago. That latter incident is what clued me into what liked happened, and I tested my theory by knocking on the wall next to the linen closet, which was near where I had last heard her meowing earlier in the morning.
Lo and behold, Coco started yelling stridently from down the hall and raced over to the source of the vibrations! And I had a massive “oh shit” moment, because I didn’t have access to dad’s tool shed and he was running errands in town.
Cue me calling him in case drastic measures were needed, searching for her entry point, locating the hole in the closet, and spending an hour trying to coax her to climb up and come back out. This failed. She continued to stay down on the floor of the crawlspace yowling in displeasure. Her younger and more sensible sister Bennie came to investigate what the the world was going on, sniffing and pawing at the wall in the hallway and giving me baffled looks when she saw me stick my hand in the closet wall with a flashlight.
At long last, Dad arrived home and operation “open the walk to get the fucking cat out” commenced. We had to find and check the blueprints carefully to make sure we avoided pipes, wires, ducts, and insulation. And just our luck, we ended up making two holes because when we tried to cut one in the closet, the duct was closer than we anticipated and there wasn’t room for Coco to squeeze past.
After a lot of swearing and careful handling of a hand saw, we finally had a square hole near the floor in mom and dad’s bedroom suitable for a cat to fit through. Coco came out screeching and running around like she’d had an electric shock before bolting out the bedroom door and sprinting down the stairs in the direction of her food bowl.
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See the full post
2 notes - Posted January 18, 2022
❤️: who is your favorite character to write for, and why?
Okay this one’s actually a bit of a doozy given how many fandoms I’m in, but given our main shared one is DC comics I’ll answer for DC.
You probably won’t be surprised that the answers are Tim Drake and Cassandra Cain, for somewhat similar reasons. The short answer is those two are my favorite DC characters and also the two who I find easiest to get into the headspace of.
The longer answer…I find the possibilities of what I can do from their perspective/what I can examine about them from outsider perspectives to be very compelling, especially given my tendency towards writing “canon with an alteration or two causing butterfly effect changes” or “so how would this character/plotline change with a few tweaks to the universe/unique circumstances, and what would stay the same” fics. Tim and Cass were brought into DC at a very interesting time and have fascinating webs of relationships with a lot of other characters, and I identify with them strongly in certain ways that increase my investment.
(Speaking of “altering canon AU” fics, I promised @kiragecko that I’d be posting that fic where Tim and Cass both realize they aren’t cis and end up exploring + growing into their gender identities sometime, and that one’s been a lot of fun to work on! It got delayed bc of original fiction publishing stuff (I might be publishing a children’s book soon!!!!!), but y’all can expect part one of that soon if everything goes well!)
5 notes - Posted February 15, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Rules: Tag people you would like to know/catch up with.
Tagged by @merfilly
Last Song(s): "Hayloft II" by Mother Mother
Last Movie: Last movie I watched was Wreck It Ralph, last movie I saw in theaters was The Batman
Currently Reading: lots of fanfic, but also rereading Arrow’s Flight by Mercedes Lackey and about to start reading The Book of Dust by Phillip Pullman
Tagging: @nightfoot @prettyporcelainporcupine @pumpkinspice-villaingirl @marudny-robot @mooitstimdrake @bionerd2point0 @bewaretheboojum @cutlassopinions @phantomchick @stevieraebarnes @nightwingcanttwerk @thephilosophersapprentice no pressure though
39 notes - Posted April 20, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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pinerquick · 2 years
Di caprio oscar speech fall fall fall meme
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"If you guys don't stop posting these things he may just run off!!!" wrote Weibo user Guoshuai. Others are cautioning Internet users to calm down a little before scaring the actor off. 19 Memes de Leonardo DiCaprio que se merecen un scar. "Hahaha, how our Chinese fans welcome him is unique like no other," wrote Weibo user Liangshuitangsiren. Leonardo DiCaprios Oscar Win 2016 Leonardo Dicaprio Oscar, Speech Coach, Public Speaking Tips. Some fans seem to enjoy the welcome gifts China is giving the actor. One of the most famous memes is a close-up shot of the actor's watering eyes, as he reacted to yet-another failed attempt to win an Oscar for best actor for his role in Wolf of Wall Street. Some mock his weight gain over the years, and others pay tribute to his handsome face. Some are made from pictures of DiCaprio's attempts to hide his face from the paparazzi in odd and sometimes bizarre contortions of his body. Ĭhina's social media is no stranger to memes, or emoticons, of the Revenant actor. In just one night, DiCaprio's first post was re-posted some 135,000 times, with roughly 147,000 comments and 500,000 likes.Īside from heartwarming messages, a large volume of pictorial memes of the actor were shared.Īn emoticon of Leonardo DiCaprio. Do you now feel the fire-hot passion of your Chinese fans?" wrote Weibo user Bimuan. "I heard you opened a Weibo account and I rushed here to take a look. įans of Oscar-winning actor Leonardo DiCaprio welcomed him warmly to China's social media with memes after he opened an official Sina Weibo account yesterday.ĭiCaprio, who enjoys a wide fan base in China, made his first Weibo post yesterday afternoon, and fans flooded to his account to welcome him. It’s Been A Long Year 51."Hello China! I'm Leonardo." Actor Leonardo DiCaprio wrote on his official Sina Weibo account on Oct 8, 2016. An Invention of the Mother with this Necessity 47. But, You Can Also Purchase the Wicker Basket for $89.99! 46. Do Your Part This Pumpkin Picking Season 42. Calling out La La Land as the Best Picture winner, the award actually went to Moonlight. During the final minutes of the Oscars, Faye Dunaway and her Bonnie and Clyde co-star Warren Beatty made possibly the biggest gaffe in the Awards history. Assista a contedos populares dos seguintes criadores: Jana :)(i.got.a.bird). A place for memes, viral video, and of course, conspiracy theories. In case you were wondering how pumpkin pie is made… 41. Descubra vdeos curtos sobre Leonardo DiCaprio Interviews no TikTok. I mean, if you could have your way with any holiday… 39. You Go Ahead and Freely Breathe In That Bliss 38. Just Be Careful Where You Roll Around 37. We All Apply the Autumn Urges a Little Differently 32. A Sweet and Tasty Seasonal Musk the Ladies Love 23. It’s September now so this is the mood until Halloween /xp5wcG5ewCġ2. Harvest Your Freshest Self This Autumn 11. They Need to Bone Up on Their Autumn Mood 7.Ĩ. Your New Form Suits You Well Witchy One 6. Autumn, Fill Me With Your Spooktacular Emotions 5. I know September is technically still summer, but… worldwideinterweb 2. So, like this dog, who totally gets it, let us jump right into these funny Fall memes and tweets!ĭogtober : the very best month for leaf pile jumping Dressing up in the most original costume you can find in the popular costumes section of Amazon.Īnd throwing some funny Autumn memes into the mix can brighten it up even further. And it is certainly so, the majority of respondents in that single, solitary poll did agree that Autumn is the best season.īut whether you agree with my questionable research skills and seasonal data manipulation, I think the majority of people can agree that if Fall isn’t the best season, it is a pretty good one. Which is to show that Autumn is the most popular season of them all. And by research, I may mean, I found a poll that suited my present purpose. These funny Fall memes are about as lovely as the crispy crunch of leaves under our feet and that fresh Autumn air in our lungs.
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selphplusplus · 2 years
(Form 2, kata no hitotsu)
Wake up and the atmosphere is already burning
Bracing for impact.
Morning my darling. I’m reeling from exhaustion but wanted to remind you how much closer it’s getting.
So many intense roiling most savory of indulgent contradictions antipodal mercurial fusillade, auto cross bow and bowed crossed the divine and malefícieme the umbra and a miasmática extático esoteric most essential electric eclectics, pen pricks and pensive pen is expends unpinned ends, dims Din’s extant insensitivity incense or incense all in which sense the way inmate conflicts it intimate convictions or shunned Akon music filled shunts or shuts off walls and of concave clashes. Content to smash, convex below, from the cave waves bellow, beakon, a beacon oh siren song, “come climb aboard,”in the freezing cold. Of course I go .
Feigns or feints in fact lit lace deface our graces well beyond too late to officiate any dignified response other than repose , only to suppose I just want, need, will burn this entire place…just one more taste, thats when photons froze, flow four below so icy cold floe so so growing was the only thing turbid enough to crack walls of the hardest stone, unsheathed Stump, Patrick a star, reminds us why it’s no use to fight fair, when the addled light on the other side is a broken bulb, and a melted snow globe, Id rather be swallowed by the coldest most abyssal lips like snow cones before I’d let this fire die a dry, deplorable stillbirth, a passionate stirring that never got to see the light of earth, from what could very well be the Kobe beef, the one more time, our eternal screech into the future , do we want to bleat out defeat defeat and disbelief, and turn to disappointment in moment meets, to utter a too much rehearsed jai me vous , said so many time that despite its pretty words, too well rehearsed, reverse the course and course of a corpuscle, salty taste that has no soul for words are pretty but over sold. I do no buy it, not a nickel an iota or a cent, I don’t buy that the hardest thing for us to do is to relent, I relented already, my hearts on credit, and I don’t even need it back, in fact I oh so fitting but unremittingly recommit to setting fire to it as a decoration after we’re forced to retire, let up atop my funeral pyre, my life house cage, has been a page by page, some how you on each an in every single page, in some my priestess’s exaltation, in others both deprivations and depraved and dampened deep vibrations, deep down rounded mouths on your holy grounds, moan sounds bounced and clapped down across all the echoed rooms, balanced anew entranced the soul of the enteral universe you, in between my lips parted two by two to drink from you communion cups are but vessel and chalice wounds.
I refuse to, I refuse, 39 days, 39 that’s it, Never will you make that 40 days and 40 nights. You may top that mountain ain’t ever coming down Don’t wander up that mountain, little mose-ette, you’ll never find water in that red rock, that burning bush you’re suppose to be talking to, I’ll mosy over and burn it down, I’ll rewrite the entire fucking exodus, do my fucking best, no jests no boast, not a speck of pessimist, most assured I profess, my when will manifests, it’s unbreakable, throwing talc against diamonds, a tacit reminder the design is realigned, this time, this time , we won’t count past 9. Useless commandments time is up, new times, new conclusions come, mortified at the history, this time it’s story time, I’m the editor, hear to head up, get a leg up, secure the holy grail, on top the stony mount, those flat rocks, let the surf inside her swell, I’m here to inscribe the Real instead, of some dumbass rules on some some dusty stone tablets we take in evidence exhibits, how these flat rocks, after I’m done, are soaking fucking wet.
Over-flowed, not reached my peak though, no limit to the depths I’ll take you.
Reload, concrete flow, foundational, and concrete like my re-bars.
Entwined we’l find ourselves, but not by nine, useless lies, inscribed by the blind to led the blind with ties that bind, stifle minds, and deny we our real inner sides , Earlier I said I had a surprise, I said 39, would be all you’ll get, when he mount was climbed and the fig bush burns no more fire, and teh scribes hadn’t the strength to chisel instructions to the unthinking public for how they could hold them down, but instead found my crown of moon and ice, and the goddess of war, Artemis of the hunt, sat on my shoulder, along with Athena the wise, as you crested to mount to get the message heaven sent they’re as a quill, of leviathan, and here’s the secret that I had in store, You courtiers couldn’t put even a dent, into the tablet that would make You Adam’s Ash Wednesday, were wrought by coldest flames in hottest hands what a match, the girl that strikes like a meteor and burns the world around here into air, was to be the sign of Ramadan, of lent, of fasting. Oh you’ll be fasting but I cannot accept in good faith you be cursed with Lent. OH baby be my vice and my virtue, by my only one left, forever by my last last cigarette and you,oh you, the beauty of land and air, who tastefully placated me and won my sea let’s take the world the day it was to make you martyr, let us take it further than the rest, let us consume the other as if we’re the very last of everything, the good the bad the bright the shade, and know there was simply journey but never mistake. And once we meet anew,in the miasma, wallowing is the afterbirth of space, that despite our forms we know the energy just the same.
A procession of witches,
A succession of witches
And the unyielding march of
Those who end up loving them
And those who become their familiars
Become nearer, endearing,
We yearn for their feeling
Successor, next sorceress
The typhoon, or whirlwind
the seifer,
Thunder and lightning,
Kaze 風 and Ame 雨
Yuki 雪and Taiyou 太陽
Aerith’s’ flowers earthbound,
Terra’s limits unbound
Fight with ferocity of a mother’s love
Guiding us with Eidos
and the Impossible
A thunderous Holy knight
A Summoner of hope
You come in each era,
each epoch,
Light dreams,
fractals, fractured designes
Of would-be queens
Abdicated tradition
Gifted the world with
Over and over again
And you show
and you show
And you show
What it is to give
If it means breaking in the the old
Along with yourself,
Without hesitation, you do
You lay the path
And teach us true
The world at large
About love and loss (The Sending)
how to live anew.
Kono Moto wa 3 pēji ni ari, katara rete inai kotoba
冬の山 - The Mountain in Winter
危なですかそれからとても色ろ - Is it so dangerous or is it simply more colorful
On the golden of the sun we feed. In the goddess’s silver moonbeams, we feed red the trees our enemies rivers of crimson chi,
But…they qre nothign to our the clear black void, for we know we are are infinite. In the totality of our lives we will live infinite colors knowing that nothing can kill us in any way that meaningfully matters
太陽の黄金に私たちは食べます。 女神の銀色の月光の中で、私たちは木を赤くし、敵の真紅の気の川を与え、
しかし…彼らは、私たちが無限であることを知っているので、私たちの澄んだ黒い虚空には何の影響も与えません。 私たちの人生全体で、有意義に重要なことは何も私たちを殺すことはできないことを知って、私たちは無限の色を生きます
『Taiyō no kogane ni watashitachiha tabemasu. Megami no gin'iro no gekkō no naka de, watashitachiha ki o akaku shi, teki no shinku no ki no kawa o atae, shikashi… karera wa, watashitachi ga mugendearu koto o shitte irunode, watashitachi no sunda kuroi kokū ni wa nani no eikyō mo ataemasen. Watashitachi no jinsei zentai de, yūigi ni jūyōna koto wa nani mo watashitachi o korosu koto wa dekinai koto o shitte, watashitachiha mugen no iro o ikimasu』
Meteor 2.0 second Kata 方
メテオラのバッラゲ ☄️
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0 notes
capitainelevi · 3 years
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Prompt for @rivetra-week: Harmony
Words: 3481
There was no sign of her today. Levi wondered once again who she was and why she was haunting his dreams. He couldn`t even remember her name anymore. But Levi knew he missed her. He felt himself drifting to sleep and closed his eyes.
"Happy birthday, Levi!"
Gabi and her family entered Levi`s room with a small cake, but he didn`t seem to notice their presence. Levi was gazing out the window, and his favorite love song was playing on the phonograph in the background. Gabi and Falco gifted it to him on his birthday 39 years ago, and it was still in perfect condition. They noticed the way Levi`s eyes lit up when he saw one in a display window, but they knew he would never spend money on something other than tea leaves and cleaning products. With their allowances, they were able to buy it in time for his birthday, and Levi scolded them for wasting money on him. But they knew he loved the gesture.
Falco got close to him and slowly shook his shoulder. "Levi, did you hear us?"
Levi just stared at them. His dementia was getting worse every day. When they started to notice the first signs, they forced him to see a doctor. When they heard his diagnosis, Levi just told them to take him to a nursing home. But they prepared the guest bedroom for him the next day. Levi was family, and their daughter was more than ecstatic to have him live with them.
"It`s your birthday today. It`s Christmas day, do you remember?"
Levi`s sight focused on the window again, and they wondered if he forgot about their presence already.
"Where is she?"
Falco stared at Gabi, unsure of what to say. When his disease worsened, Levi started talking about a woman. He started asking for her almost daily. Gabi and Falco sat down and tried to figure out who it could be, but Levi never had any lovers as far as they knew. They started to wonder if she was real.
Gabi smiled at him- "She should be here soon. Do you want to come downstairs and celebrate with us while you wait?"
Levi nodded, and Falco helped him get downstairs in front of the fireplace. Gabi and her daughter went to the kitchen to light the candles on the small cake they baked together.
"We should have added 81 candles."- Sofia pouted.
Gabi pinched her cheek, and she yelped in protest- "Then you should have helped me bake a bigger cake."
"Who do you think she was?"
Gabi shrugged and took the cake in her hands- "Maybe his lover, who knows? We don`t know much about his life before Marley."
They made their way back to the living room, and after he blew out the candles, Sofia hurried to get the presents from under the Christmas tree. She gave Levi one of the gifts, and he ruffled her hair. Levi tore the wrapping paper and smiled at the sight of his favorite tea leaves. No matter how poor his memory was getting, his love for tea was unscathed.
When it got dark, Falco took Levi back to his room. He helped Levi get back in his armchair for the night and turned on the music for him. He still preferred to sleep in a chair.
There was no sign of her today. Levi wondered once again who she was and why she was haunting his dreams. He couldn`t even remember her name anymore. But Levi knew he missed her. He felt himself drifting to sleep and closed his eyes.
Levi woke up abruptly. He was lying on his back, with the sun blinding his sight. Levi used his right hand to cover his eyes... wait, he thought. He was met by something he hadn`t seen in dozens of years. His fingers were all intact. More than that, his skin wasn`t worn out by age anymore.
How odd, he thought. Levi couldn`t remember much these days, but something felt off. Did he dream it all? Being Humanity`s Strongest Soldier? The war? Getting old?
He found himself lying in the middle of a field, and Levi took a moment to cherish all the sensations. It had been years since he felt so carefree. He missed the feeling of the grass against his fingertips as he ran his hand through it, and he closed his eyes to enjoy the breeze on his skin. Levi turned his head to the side and spotted a small cottage in the distance. He used to have dreams of one before old age claimed his memories. He dreamt of the smell of freshly baked muffins and the sound of children playing in the backyard. The best ones were of her sitting on his lap on a lazy afternoon. Yes, Petra. He could remember her name now.
"Welcome home, Captain."
The voice he yearned to hear for so many years startled him, and Levi rose to his feet abruptly. His mouth went dry, and he could not seem to get a word out. Petra was as beautiful as the first moment he laid his eyes on her. Among the recruits, a small girl with fire in her eyes captured his attention.
Petra wore a long, white lace dress, with a beautiful embroidery decorating its length. She had a single white rose in her crown braid, but Levi`s attention was fixed on the shy smile she gave him. Oh, how he missed her. His memory, plagued by the passing of time, did not do her beauty justice.
"Am I..."
Petra gave him a sad smile before cutting him off.
"Dead? Yes, I`m afraid so. You died in your sleep on your 80th birthday."
Levi sat down on the grass, taking a moment to process it all. He felt confused, half-convinced it was just his mind playing tricks on him.
"I thought this was a dream."
Petra sat down on the grass next to him. She took his hand in hers, and he squeezed it back. She made small circles on his skin with her thumb in an attempt to soothe his nerves.
"If it were, would it be a bad one?"
"No," Levi answered without giving it a second thought. Dream or afterlife, he could never be bothered about getting to share it all with her.
"I thought it would be different. I didn`t feel anything. No fear, no pain."
Petra took his hand and placed it on her lap. She could feel where the conversation would be going next, and she didn`t want Levi to torment himself anymore.
Levi averted his eyes from hers. He felt a lump forming at the back of his throat, and he barely got out a whisper- "You died at such a young age. Did you..."
Petra interrupted him again. She cupped his face in her hands and turned his sight back to her.
"I was paralyzed by fear. I didn`t feel anything, I swear. It was quick."
She could see the disbelief in his eyes, but she kept going.
"I... I wish I had more time there. But we can`t fool fate, can we?"
Levi closed his eyes, still tormented by regret. He took one of her palms, and he placed a small kiss on it.
"I couldn`t get justice for you. For the guys. I`m sorry."
Petra threw her arms around his neck and pulled him into a tight embrace. Levi wrapped his arms around her, and Petra gave a smile at how much he was holding onto her."
"We didn`t want you to. There was so much hate already. What happened to us... it wasn`t your fault, Captain."
Levi sighed in relief, happy he got her forgiveness nonetheless. He ran his hand up and down her back, wishing time stood still for a moment.
Petra pulled away from him, and Levi could see the faint tears in her eyes. But the smile she gave him melted his worries away.
Levi cleared his throat before speaking- "You`re gonna get it dirty."
Petra frowned, confused at where the conversation was going.
"The dress. It`s white, what did you expect?"
Petra burst into laughter, throwing herself on the ground. She swore she could see Levi`s eye twitch at the gesture.
"I`m serious, Petra. Grass stains are a bitch to get rid of."
She took his hand in hers again, tempted to pull him down next to her.
Petra batted her eyelashes at him- "I`m sure you`ll get them out for me."
He flicked her forehead, and she gave a small yelp in protest.
"You wish, brat."
Petra turned on her stomach, and she looked up at him with a big smile on her face while her hands cupped her cheeks. She said in the sweetest voice she could manage- "I know you can`t help yourself, sir."
Levi sighed and laid down next to her. "Fine, you win. But you`re still a brat."
Petra giggled, and she moved closer to him. She placed her head in the crook of his neck, and her fingers started fidgeting with one of his shirt`s buttons.
"I`ve missed you, Levi. I`ve been waiting for you."
Levi put his arm around her and he pulled her closer to him. "I`m sorry you had to wait for so long."
Petra shook her head at his response.
"Time passes differently here, I didn`t mind. Plus, I had company. Everyone visits from time to time."
Levi felt anxious at the thought of seeing everyone again. He hoped he didn`t disappoint any of them in the end.
As if reading his mind, Petra turned his face towards hers, and she ran her finger along his cheek. "Don`t worry, they can`t wait to come to visit."
Petra was only met with silence.
"We all get together on your birthday to celebrate. Erwin, Hange, the guys, and the rest of our friends." She gave a smile. "I guess everyone loved you. We eat cake, we drink tea, and we share our stories about you." Petra gave a small laugh- "Now that I think about it, we should have cleaned too."
Levi chuckled, and Petra was surprised to see a smirk forming on his face.
"You all do a piss poor job anyway."
Petra kicked him playfully in the shoulder, and he pulled her close to him again.
"There were also some interesting people from your past that I got to meet and become close to."
"Isabel is the sweetest girl."
Levi felt tears forming in his eyes when he heard that name. After she died, he tried to remember her the way she used to be: cheerful, optimistic, loud, and most importantly, happy. But images of the people he cared about devastated by death still haunted his memories, up until he started to lose them.
"She and Farlan come to visit me weekly. They help me around the garden. Did you know Farlan has a green thumb?"
Levi missed them both dearly. They taught him a lesson he cherished until his life ended: that family isn`t always blood.
"Isabel`s big appetite always leaves my pantry empty. After we finish gardening, she and Farlan help me prepare lunch and bake dessert. We always have to fight with Isabel over a piece of it."
"Eld, Gunther, and Oluo are always pestering me, of course. Just when I`m having a relaxing, good day, I hear loud knocks on my front door." Petra looked up at him and smiled.
"Even in death, I can`t get some time away from them!"
Levi tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "You love them."
Petra sighed and gave a small laugh- "Yeah, of course, I do. They are family, after all. My life would be so dull without their antics."
"I can tell you it is. I found myself wishing I could hear Eld tell the story of how you pissed yourself on your first mission one more time."
"He still tells it all the time!"
Petra felt a bit anxious about what was on her mind, and she told him in a low voice- "Your mom is an amazing woman."
Levi gasped, both scared and impatient to see her again. She had always been on his mind, the pain of losing her so soon following him all his life. He hoped she wouldn`t judge him for the hard choices he had to make. He did what he had to do to survive, but Levi felt he was disrespecting her memory from time to time. His mother had been nothing but kind, and Kenny almost managed to murder the values she tried to instill in him.
"She came to visit me when I got here. We`ve gotten pretty close over the years. She and your uncle come for tea sometimes." Petra gave a small laugh- "He scares me though, I`m sorry. He pulls a ridiculous number of knives out of his sleeves!"
Levi had a complicated relationship with Kenny. But after he passed away, Levi started to forgive him, to understand what he was trying to do for him.
"Your mother is very proud of you, Levi. She can`t wait to see you."
Levi didn`t know how to answer her words, so he tried to avoid the subject.
"How about your old man?"
Petra sighed, and she turned her sight to the sky.
"Papa was mad at me when he first got here. For dying so young, for missing out on so many opportunities. But he loves me too much to stay mad at me, of course. He and mama are reunited now, so I`m glad they`re happy again."
"You know, I got to meet him once."
Petra covered her eyes with her arm, embarrassed to be relieving this moment again.
"He embarrassed me so much! I wanted to come back just for the sole reason to stop him from running his mouth!"
Levi averted his eyes from her- "I feel like neither of us would have been bothered by that."
Petra bit her lip, the emotions threatening to overwhelm her. She didn`t want to ruin this reunion with her tears, though she knew Levi wouldn`t mind.
"I wish I could have been there by your side. To help you watch over the kids."
"Over the brats, you mean."
Petra laughed at his correction- "They weren`t that bad, Captain. They all loved you."
There was a silence in the air, as neither of them wanted to talk about what Eren did.
"I wish I could see the sea."
Levi wished that for her as well.
"I wish I could have felt the waves against my legs. To run my fingers through the sand, to feel how soft it is. I wanted to taste the water as well, to see how salty it truly is."
Levi squirmed at the thought- "Are you crazy? Like I would ever let you do something so stupid!"
Petra pouted, but Levi held his position- "Fine, have it your way."
Petra whispered- "I`m sorry you had to go through so much."
"It was alright in the end. I had two annoying brats to keep me busy."Levi appreciated everything Gabi and Falco did for him, considering them his family over the years.
Petra barely listened to him, too lost in her thoughts- "I`m so sorry I had to leave so soon. I wanted to be there for you. I wanted to support you, to be a shoulder for you to cry on when you needed it."
Levi turned his head towards hers and caressed her cheek with his thumb. "I don`t cry, silly."
"But you did. The night you lost us."
Levi felt his throat tightening, not expecting to hear that response from her. He barely whispered- "Did you see that?"
Petra just nodded, and a single tear rolled down her cheek when she squeezed her eyes shut.
"You taught me to live without regret, Levi. But I did die with one."
Petra raised to her knees and kept her head down, gathering the courage to speak the words she`d been longing to tell him for more than 40 years. The tears flowed freely on her cheeks, and when she met his eyes, she could see his worry in them. But also hope.
"I love you."
Levi got up to his knees, and he cupped her face with his hands. He used his thumbs to clear her tears away, and they looked into each other`s eyes without breathing a word out for what felt like an eternity. Levi leaned towards her lips, and Petra closed her eyes, impatient to have them on hers. Levi captured her lips, putting all of his love and yearn into it. The sacrifices, the hurt, the pain, they were all worth it in the end.
He and Petra were one now. After wandering for so long, they were finally whole.
Levi deepened the kiss, and he could feel Petra's smile against his lips. She ran her hands through his hair and pulled him closer, eager to feel him against her. He devoured her lips until they were both out of breath.
He took her in his arms and laid her down on the grass before getting on top of her. Levi kissed her again, letting his tongue explore her mouth, before moving to lay open-mouthed kisses on her jaw. Petra wrapped her arms around him, moaning softly from the pleasure he was making her feel. Levi licked a trail down to her neck before laying soft kisses on it. He whispered I love you against the skin of her neck, and Petra whimpered, the tears threatening to fall again. She pulled him up to her lips and kissed him while holding onto him so tight he felt out of breath.
Levi pulled away, and he laid a soft kiss on the tip of her nose. Petra giggled and gave him a big smile- "Do you want to go home, captain?"
Levi couldn`t control his smile anymore. He had been longing to hear those words.
"Yes, I would very much like that." He wanted to go home for far too long.
Petra got up to her feet and offered him her hand, helping him off the ground. Petra`s smile faded away at the sight of an angry Levi.
"Tch, what did I tell you?"
Petra felt panic rise in her chest, thinking he might regret confessing his feelings to her.
"It`s ruined! I`m never getting that stain out, you might as well undress and leave it here for the fucking animals to shit on."
Petra turned her head to look at the green stain on her dress, and she burst into laughter at his antics. She was a messy kid growing up, and her father always teased her about falling in love with such a clean freak.
She let him ramble under his breath as she pulled him towards the house. Their house, she hoped.
Petra lived in a small cabin with flower pots at the windows. She had two chairs on the porch, one too many in his opinion, as he planned to have her in his lap every evening. He spotted a small vegetable garden on the side of the house, wondering if she and Farlan needed an extra hand.
When they got on the porch, Levi stopped her, and Petra frowned at his gesture. Was the house not to his liking? Did it not seem clean enough?
“Is something wrong? If you don`t like it, we can always redecorate.”
Levi kissed her to shut her up and picked her up in his arms, bridal style. It seemed appropriate, as they were starting a new chapter together. Petra yelped, surprised by his gesture, but wrapped her arms around his neck.
"Shall we, my dear?"
Petra giggled at the extremely uncharacteristic sweet talk- "Of course, my love."
Levi opened the door, and he almost hit her head on the frame. He cringed at his awkwardness, but Petra just gave him a small kiss on his cheek. He made his way to the living room and set Petra down on one of the armchairs.
Levi took a moment to take in the surroundings. It was cleaned up to his standards, and his chest filled with pride. He had trained her well. The living room was small, with some shelves filled with books, two armchairs in front of the fireplace, and a table between them. The tea Petra had prepared for them went cold, but tea was tea. He would never let it go to waste.
The room filled with music, and he turned his head to find Petra in front of a phonograph. It was his favorite song.
Petra gave him a shy smile and reached out to him- "Can I have this dance, Captain?"
Levi put the teacup down, and he wrapped her arms around her. They started moving slowly, and Petra laid her head on his shoulder. He ran his hand up and down her back, and she closed her eyes, wishing the moment never ended. They danced until evening fell, oblivious to the hours passing.
They had all the time in the world.
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the-acid-pear · 3 years
I did my homework and i did my chores, time to tackle on the third book of this series, Son of Ogre
Chapter 1
Okay but the fuck is Baki planning to do if he stops fighting? That's literally all he has, he's not smart
King just went to have a snack. Also FUCK does that meat look tasty FUCKKK
This baby so cute 🥺
I'm so glad Yuji is doing stupid hilarious shit again it had been a while
Congrats on Baki for that mantis
Chapter 2
Who tf is this kid?
Poor kid lmao, i assume he will meet Baki
Look at my boyyy
Imagine Baki actually kills this kid HSJDYSSHCBT
Third comment with a ton of likes is "we do not condone child violence. We do, however, find it hilarious"
Chapter 3
But i like Baki memeing a round a lil
Chapter 4
🥺🥺 that's so sweet...
Yujiro is such a fucking threat to society lmao
I love seeing Baki with his eyes open, he's looking more like his old self
Oh, shadow boxing incoming, alright
Chapter 5
Yuri? 🥺 /j
Chapter 6
I love how there's our silly little mains after every cover LUV em <33
Baki just dissociating his ass out and using it on his favor, the king
Why is Baki eating sour prunes aren't those meant to be sweet?
We all salivating
Chapter 7
Love to see there are even more swears there now
I can put my face next to my foot too tho
Also i would LOVE to see Yuji fight an Orca
I love how everyone in the comments is calling out Rumina for not seeing issue going down to a dark hidden basement with a shirtless man older than him
Chapter 8
"piggy back me" USHSYFLFUDSY
This fight is going to be good
Chapter 9
Imagine Baki dies right here right know against an imaginary mantis lmao
Okay Baki getting damaged makes sense but the WALL?
Ffs it's true Baki COULD create himself a stand 😰
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
This fight is so boring i had to take a 6 hour break
Baki just can't win against nature eh
This reminds me of Garland pulling a suplex on that Anaconda
Chapter 12
I can't wait for the main cast to ACTUALLY appear, instead of just, you know, them in the covers
This fight is slow but cool but slow
To fight a mantis you must think like a mantis 😎
Though it's true in this manga you will most likely win if you steal your opponent techniques so
Chapter 13
This is so dumb i luv it
That mantis be swearing lmao
Love it when Baki goes full Yujiro
Chapter 14
Holy fuck do mantis fly?
Secret Chapter?
Is this how Yujiro got born?
Idk girl i would have killed him if i was you
I might just be sleepy but this is so confusing
Chapter 15
Why is he like this?
Is "he" with us right now?
...gotta admit that IS true...
I love Strydum sksgwhwg
Yujiro really went XD
I don't think my man Arun in the comments is aware how gay what he said is, though maybe I'm wrong
Chapter 16
I can't believe Bush is dead
8 of January? My god he's a Capricorn
I'm sorry, what?
This explains why Baki was in prison clothes in the anime teaser
Chapter 17
That one mf like 😐
Glad Baki is 18 now at least 😌
Love to see Oliva back
Chapter 18
This page not even bothering to charge the pages anymore
I'm sure there were better ways to go to jail, well, actually, no, but still
Toba used to just chew that off
Baki did that mantis hit you in the head too hard?
I. I watched way too many prison movies and shows. I don't like seeing someone as young and pretty as Baki in such a place. I rlly don't.
Chapter 19
Yanagi baby i miss you...
Mfkhsjsys 😳🥴
Eh got my hopes too high
I hope he swears too i want to see a boludo o pelotudo PLEASE
I mean para pelotudos lo veo a Yujiro todo el tiempo pero igual JSGWKEGWG me pone bien argento ver al Che carajo
Chapter 20
I can't take this omfg new fav I'm sorry Doppo but he just said boludo 😭
Pendejo is more used as pibe here but i will let it pass bc idk the lingo in Cuba and he spent some time there so
Why don't i speak like this too ffs? All i do is say eh and call it a day
He's cocky enough to call anybody any age pibe so I'll let that pass too
Por favor no lo hagas che sksgwj
Chapter 21
Che, pibe, it's a good day to die...
Chapter 22
GSHAGSTSG he should have said "no boludo"
I'm falling in love with this boludo myself
That's talented and brutal
Chapter 23
Hm that's, cringe
Honestly i too get pissed off when called American or European, though i won't throw shit to Baki, he's some random 18 yo japanese boy, no way he would recognize latinoamerican lingo lmao
King shit Baki boy
Chapter 24
Oh that's why he's called Jun Guevara, that's fair
I like how they are mixing a bit of truth and a bit of lie it's fun at least
Chapter 25
I like how they are drawing nipples now, occasionally
I can't wait for Viêt to complain about propaganda in the comments
😳 :Y
He's sooo nice 😍
Chapter 26
Only three? You mean the third is... 👁️👁️
I can't believe he works for the USA I'm crying and shaking rn
What a progressive manga, the three strongest and most dangerous men and none of them are white 😍
Chapter 27
Why is this guy sweating sm?
I like how the only time Baki was willing to kill a person was when he thought Sikorsky had hurt his girl
Chapter 28
I feel like Ian will die
Man i love how Baki is drawn in this book
Ffs i called it, i have watched way too many prison things to know how shit goes down
I have seen these three before in fanart but I'm curious to see what they can do
Chapter 29
Their faces remind me of Doyle
I'm gonna struggle to tell em apart but i think I'll manage
Okay I'm not the only one who thinks they look like Doyle, fair
Chapter 30
The mouth vs Yujiro when?
Someone mentioned the have the same vibe as the dudes that worked with Gaia and like 👁️👁️
Chapter 31
Lmao someone in the comments recommended the same thing
These three must be great at sex (sorry)
KSHALDHDKD NEW FAV COMMENT: "go to Japan and look for the word "defeat". That way you won't feel cocky anymore"
Chapter 32
Hehe hello Junnn~
La luna
Chapter 33
Okay that's funny, hocico instead of mouth (hocico is used for animal mouths)
I'm so glad i know Spanish
The two things that drive me insane and make me ramble are Doppo's beauty and this stupid argentinian
Chapter 34
Imagine he's doing that illusion thing Dorian did
With his own blood, that's so cool...
I did that once when i had a terrible nose bleed, didn't go well
Chapter 35
This book is fucking boring NGL
"now that you got no more urine left in you"
Chapter 36
HHH he kinda cute...
Oww :(
God piantao is an old word i had never heard it before
AND he took a piss.
Se me cayó un ídolo y yo que le quería dar 😔
Let's see if he lied to Baki about just liking eh /j
Chapter 37
I luv Oliva lol
I too wonder where the fuck Kozue is
Chapter 38
He is jealous of what you two have, it's normal, el Che just rejected his love after all ;/
Oliva is a king
Oh shit Oliva is like 45?! He looked so young
Te fuiste a la mierda, Che, el chabón estaba siendo re bueno con vos
Baki is just dead
Chapter 39
I love how realistic Che's fear is, he's rather smart, though not this time
I didn't realize Che said "what more, it may be a woman!" but to be fair they ARE in jail so
Chapter 40
I'm feeling kinda bad for him ngl
I feel happy for him tho 🥺
Bruh they added one page after the ending of some naked anime girl tf 😐
Chapter 41
These prisoners having fun is kinda sweet
Bitches be complaining about Maria's looks are just jealous 🥰
Chapter 42
Damn she lorge
He loves fighting naked eh
Only valid person is the one saying Oliva deserves better treatment which tbh true
Chapter 43
Fun fact i wear my jacket like El Che too, unless it's too cold
El che with the hair lose is so cute bro,,,
Something something fingering joke
Sikorski could fold a coin too
I bet the bandana will break
Chapter 44
I would have just fallen on top of him, how is he gonna counter that, eh?
Oh that super fun to know!
Oh the good ol dirty technique, i have seen this one before!
Chapter 45
This fight is super cool tho i love these two characters
Chapter 46
They just keep changing the rules i think Itagaki is just flexing at this point
Baki wants his protagonism back
I'm getting pissed off they keep putting semi naked underaged girls at the end of every chapter 😐
Chapter 47
Bruh just realized, the mouth got so hyped as this new cool villain and they died in their first appearance 😭
His damn bandana...
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rhetorical-ink · 4 years
Haikyuu!! Ship Analysis: OiHina
With all the negative in the world, Furudate really said, “screw you, 2020, I’m giving everyone some good food” with Haikyuu!! coming into this year, and with the manga concluded, I want to go back and examine some popular ships and why we love them/why they work. 
The 2020-2021 Haikyuu!! calendar just dropped and I was pretty excited to see the month of August highlighted with this image: 
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So, this calendar image, followed by the cover of the Haikyuu!! Light Novel, volume 12, has really screamed, “Oihina rights!” to many fans, myself included. But...why has this ship grown in popularity? What has Furudate given us fans to fuel the flames for this pairing? Well, let’s find out, with this analysis!
Part I. Setting Up A Rivalry...
So, it’s been established early on that Oikawa views Kageyama as a threat, and has been constantly working to make sure he stays superior to his rival setter. But from Chapter 14, there was the faintest inklings of rivalry established between Oikawa and Hinata -- starting with this famous scene from Chapter 14, “Versus the Great King”: 
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Despite Oikawa looking frustrated they lost the game, this is his reaction immediately following the moment in Chapter 15. He seems to get over his initial shock, as it’s replaced with some...other...emotion, it seems: 
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And later, we can see the foundation of the dynamic Oikawa establishes with both Hinata and Kageyama. Notice how in this scene he offers Hinata polite praise for his winning move, while immediately challenging Kageyama, who clearly did not sign up for this barrage of taunts. 
It’s interesting, because it kind of sets Oikawa up as a rival for Kageyama...just like Hinata. We’ll talk more about Hinata and Oikawa’s similarities below, but I love how this weird “Rival Triangle” has formed between these three and carries on into both matches of Karasuno vs. Aoba Johsai later on.
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PART II. Oikawa’s Not-So Subtle Focus on Hinata:
While there are hints in the practice match that Oikawa recognizes Shoyo could be a threat, we don’t see Oikawa really focusing on Hinata until later, when Aoba Johsai shows up to watch Karasuno’s game before they play them in Chapter 39, “The Return.” I like how Oikawa is not at ALL impressed with Asahi,
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But seconds later, is all-hungry-eyes on Hinata’s “god-mode” set: 
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And then there’s Chapter 48, “The Conductor.” I love this chapter.  I saw this image on Twitter, and I about fell out of my seat laughing:
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Seriously. Think about it. Oikawa sat like that for over an HOUR, listening to Hinata screaming “Bring it” and “Give it.” No, no, we’re fine over here...
Of course, we see how Oikawa views Hinata as a threat during their first match up against them in the Inter High Prelim Qualifier match in Chapters 61-63:
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His reference to Shoyo as a “Monster” is consistently brought up in the series, and then, waaaay later on in Chapter 189 at the end of the Shiratorizawa match, acknowledges how Hinata is indeed the type of hitter you WANT to throw the ball to, foreshadowing Inarizaki and Atsumu Miya literally 100 chapters early: 
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PART III. “We’re Not So Different, You and I”
So, this leads us to the dreaded Chapter 365 and onward into the now-infamous “Rio Mini Arc.” I’ve noted it in a previous post, but during Takeda’s lecture to Shoyo in Chapter 365, and then later on in chapter 368-369, any time the words “defeat” or “hurdle” are thrown up, there’s an image of Oikawa beside them. In this moment, we are to meant as readers to liken Hinata’s hurdles and obstacles with those that plagued our main antagonist, Oikawa, all those chapters ago. You may be wondering why Furudate would set such a thing up...well, in Chapter 371, we get this reveal:
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Ah, yes, of all places and of all people -- Shoyo wasn’t the only one crazy enough to trek across the ocean to South America to improve his game. Oikawa did too, only going to Argentina instead of Brazil. Yes, as Kindaichi and Kunimi kindly observe, Shoyo and Oikawa may have more in common that we the readers gave credit to, originally, as we see in the precursor to the best damn selfie in the whole series and possibly manga history: 
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But it’s below that’s kind of the crux of this whole OiHina ship for me -- It’s not just that Oikawa and Shoyo are so alike...it’s that Oikawa and Kageyama are so alike, too:
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Oikawa, whether he wants to admit it or not, has a lot in common with our blueberry setter...the difference, as we can see in these panels, is that unlike Kageyama, Oikawa is GREAT with communication. His ability to communicate with his team and connect with them is his hallmark as a player, right? 
Take for example, this situation below. If it’d been Kageyama, he’d probably fluster around, call Hinata “boke” and they’d bicker and carry on -- Oikawa, though, rightfully takes the compliment and runs with it, even adding in that flirty little tag there at the end. You’re not helping matters, Furudate...
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Back to similarities with Hinata, though, and showing just how much Hinata has GROWN to Oikawa, we have this conversation below. Oikawa started out this manga literally calling Shoyo and Tsukishima “dumb.” Now, 300+ chapters later, he’s acknowledged that Hinata is “thinking” ahead...doing very much the same kind of crazy tricks to improve himself that Oikawa has chosen as well.
Also, good to know that Hinata initiated wanting to get Oikawa’s contact info; plus, Oikawa having to deal with his own teammates just giving him a hard time 24/7, when Shoyo’s offering open praise? No wonder he latched on...
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But seriously, go read Chapters 373 and 374 in their fullest -- there are TOO many amazing moments between Shoyo and Oikawa to count, but they all show this forming friendship that I’m just in love with, like this one from 373: 
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And while I LOVE the moment Oikawa calls our ray of sunshine straight-up “Shoyo” and shakes his hand, acknowledging their friendship and respect for each other, I really love this final shot of Oikawa before we see him at the Olympics. That panel of him walking away, reminding Shoyo that he has a looooong way to go, but showing his sudden motivation to get even better: 
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Seriously, in the anime, I have a feeling that one episode is going to end with the ending of Chapter 371, and then they’ll probably just have one episode encapsulate Chapters 372 - 374, which I will be sad if it’s one episode in the anime...but MAN, I’m going to be watching that episode on repeat for a while, just to see these chapters re-imagined in animation.
PART IV. To The Olympics...and BEYOND!
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The final chapter of Haikyuu!! graced us with the reunion of our ray of sunshine and our sassy trash king setter, and let’s be real -- we all need this animated...and to have Atsumu and Kageyama’s reactions on display in this moment, just for the fun of it.
And ya’ll wonder why there’s so many Rio/Brazil Fling fics out there?!
I think, besides this hug, what cements this ship after this last chapter is the following: 
* Even if it’s just a platonic friendship, it’s still one of the most fun and freshly developed friendships in the series, and makes sense going back from start to finish in the manga.
* Even if it’s just a fling, it’s flirty, fun, and could be the stepping stone for shippers that want to spice up their Iwaoi/Kagehina drama/angsty fics by adding in a little “fling” for Oikawa and/or Hinata to go through before reconnecting with their soulmates, if that’s your ship.
* And even if you want to view it as something more than platonic friendship or stepping stones into other ships, it still works. I mean, after all, Hinata went to play for Brazil after the Olympics. And Brazil’s a stone’s throw away from Argentina...so...who knows what could have ended up happening, right?
Furudate definitely doesn’t confirm many ships (with the exception of Tanaka and Kiyoko), but he definitely lays out some crumbs for us the fandom to nibble on and speculate with endlessly. OiHina may not be my OTP for Hinata, but I will never deny that it’s fun, spicy, and presents a VERY nuanced way to view the relationship between one of my favorite manga protagonist and antagonist pairings. Furudate, you are a genius. Thank you for the food!
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turtle-paced · 3 years
A:tLA Re-Watch: Fine-Toothed Comb Edition
This is what I mean by the recaps getting shorter. There’s still plenty here for a twenty-minute episode, it still moves the plot along, it’s just not as dense as those big plot-crucial episodes.
Book 1, Chapter 5 - The King of Omashu
(0:55) Previously, on Avatar, Aang owns up to being the Avatar. The Avatar who has friends all over the world. Aang realised he’d lost his friends and family, but Katara and Sokka decided to stick with him. The knowledge of the Avatar’s return became public, including to the Fire Nation.
(1:42) It’s winter in the Earth Kingdom, as we can see from the snow on the ground, but we’re also somewhere temperate enough that grass is still growing underneath.
(1:52) Aang introduces the city of Omashu (another cool design!), which he’s visited frequently in order to hang out with his friend Bumi. As the previously on reminded us, Aang’s done quite a bit of travelling around.
(1:58) Meanwhile, Katara and Sokka experience a bit of culture shock at seeing a city. Note that Katara focuses on the size of the city, i.e. the number of people, while Sokka focuses on the difference in construction. Without making a big deal of it, the show’s furthering its characterisation of Katara as most interested in social relationships and people, and Sokka as most interested in technology.
(2:05) After running from the burning village at the end of last episode, our protagonists start this episode by taking precautions and insisting that Aang wear a disguise. Learning! And note that they’re insisting on this even in a free, Earth Kingdom city.
(2:24) A mention of Sokka and Katara’s grandfather! I think the only one we get all series.
(2:44) The pan over the walkway to Omashu shows us some basic earthbending defensive fortifications. Aside from Omashu being basically a mountain with walls in the middle of a canyon, the walkway is narrow, sheer, and switches back and forth. It’s clearly not natural. Local earthbenders either raised Omashu or levelled the nearby mountains to give it a ‘moat’, then raised a high, narrow, switchbacked walkway. This has got to be the work of lots of earthbenders, over a long time.
(2:56) Aang says that Omashu is the friendliest city in the world, cut to our new friend the cabbage merchant being rudely dealt with by the gate guards.
Back on the defensive fortifications front, there’s no actual gate. Omashu needs a spot designated as a gate, but when you’ve got earthbenders aplenty, why bother having a permanent opening in the walls? Again and again we’ll see casual bits of setting design that show how the writers and animators actually put some thought into how a society where large numbers of people can manipulate various states of matter looks like. Here, we see it in the way Omashu is built.
(3:16) From the friendliest city in the world, to hovering a rock over an ‘old man’s’ head, just because. The war has damaged the social fabric of every society depicted in the series.
(3:31) “Bonzu Pippenpadalopsicopolis the Third.” It’s amazing that this isn’t the most ridiculous alias of the series.
(3:39) Major props to Katara for flawlessly going with it, though.
(4:10) Omashu’s walls open in three distinct stages. It is because most earthbending guards can’t open a wall that thick in one go? Who knows.
(4:27) Pan over Omashu, a free Earth Kingdom city. Lots of people, lots of green, the occasional bridge over a gap, and prominent ‘aqueducts’ for people to deliver things. Infrastructure in Omashu is based around earthbending.
(4:56) Aang flashes back to a hundred years ago series time, and what has to be only a few months previous, his subjective time. His friend Bumi has distinctive eyes and a noticeable gap in his teeth. He opens the flashback with a question for Aang and encourages him to think about their surroundings differently. Bumi also has a distinctive laugh.
(5:28) The fact Aang insisted on going to Omashu before anything else, after having accepted the Air Nomads were gone and that he can’t afford to stay in villages, is actually pretty heartbreaking. He just wants one slide down the mail chute. One chance to re-enact part of the life he lost.
(6:05) So much property damage. So much potential for people to get hurt.
(6:11) The joke here is that the Earth Kingdom soldiers were not prepared for three kids and a lemur to land a mail chute carriage in front of them, but again the context of this joke is that in Omashu, there are people being trained to go to active combat. The war gets into everything, even the comic relief.
(7:21) That poor cabbage merchant. It is not his day. Honestly, it’s fair enough Aang, Katara, and Sokka got taken into custody for that stunt.
(7:38) And so our protagonists get hauled into a big, empty, green-lit hall, with an old man in fancy robes. The old man reacts when he sees Aang.
(7:46) The earthbending guards address the old man as ‘Your Majesty’. The guard also shushes the cabbage merchant, saying that only the king can pass down judgement, handily introducing the monarchical structure of Omashu. Not as important as other monarchies we’ll be seeing, but yeah, it’s there.
(7:59) Close up on the king of Omashu, as he looks at Sokka, Katara, and Aang in turn. The king has distinctive eyes. This isn’t supposed to be super subtle. It’s way easier for viewers with knowledge of dramatic conventions to work this out than it is for Aang, who in-universe doesn’t have a director handing over a bunch of narrative cues. A few months ago, in his subjective experience of time, Bumi was his own age.
(8:15) The king of Omashu says to throw them…a feast! Which already shows us how Bumi works with expectations. The expected end to that sentence would have been “in the dungeons” or suchlike; “a feast” works grammatically, but isn’t what you’d think to hear.
(8:20) Pan over the feast. Lots of meat. Including chicken on Aang’s plate. Aang thanks Bumi for his hospitality, but says he doesn’t eat meat. Now this actually is subtle. Bumi recognised Aang, that’s clear by the end of the episode, if it wasn’t already. So what Bumi’s doing here is checking whether he can believe his eyes. Is this his old friend or just someone who looks like him? In his experience of time, it’s been a hundred years.
Note that even if vegetarianism was cultural to the Air Nomads, the overwhelming majority of Air Nomads have been dead for a century, and travel’s become much more difficult (particularly travel to Air Temples only accessible through airbending), limiting opportunities for others to learn about their cultural practices. Seriously, this is some excellent stuff from Bumi. Bumi knows Aang doesn’t eat meat. Who else would?
Aang’s dietary practices are also good characterisation for him. We know he loves animals, and we can understand his vegetarianism as a manifestation of how he respects life.
(9:04) The Kangaroo Island pun was exactly bad enough for Sokka.
(9:19) Then Bumi suddenly flings a drumstick at Aang without warning, testing his reaction. Which is airbending. Unlike people in previous episodes, Bumi distinguishes ‘the Avatar’ from ‘generic airbender’. Bumi knows it’s Aang in front of him.
(9:35) Bumi then becomes the next person to go with Aang’s ridiculous alias.
(9:58) Aang leans into the corollary of being the Fire Nation’s most wanted - the Earth Kingdom should see him as an asset. However, as the show starts showing us right here with the arrest of the party despite this reveal, the enemy of your enemy isn’t necessarily your friend.
I mean, in this case, yes, Bumi is literally Aang’s friend, but it’s not something the group can rely on. The show will go into more detail next episode and in a few other memorable instances.
(10:18) Bumi randomly decrees that Aang will face three deadly challenges.
(10:38) I do get a giggle out of the “who’s on first?” nature of the “newly-refurbished chamber”.
(10:50) Like the city walls, Earth Kingdom prisons don’t necessarily bother with doors. I don’t think I mentioned it before, but note that the light’s generated by mushrooms. (In the main hall, by contrast, there are crystal lights.)
(11:21) The party immediately starts planning their escape. Yet another situation that wouldn’t have been possible later in the series. This chamber couldn’t hold a trained earthbender.
(11:55) With the thwarting of Aang’s admittedly kind of half-baked escape plan, we get a skip to the next morning, when Aang wakes up completely alone in the cell. The terms of the deal are explained: Aang passes the deadly challenges, and his friends go free. If he doesn’t…something something. The danger is implied.
(13:00) The creeping crystal is arguably the most cartoony peril the series has included thus far. Until now, our protagonists have been dealing with deadly serious and actually pretty realistic issues - raiders, genocide, suspicious local authorities. The tone shift to “and now I will trap your friends in fast-growing crystal” is a jarring tone shift, which with hindsight we can take as a good indication that Bumi’s nothing worse than a troll. Avatar’s real villains would have thrown Katara and Sokka in a deeper dungeon or killed them outright. Even the one-and-done antagonists are more serious.
(13:30) “It seems I’ve lost my lunchbox key,” Bumi says. This episode isn’t even a little bit subtle about what Aang needs to learn (it doesn’t have to be, incidentally), and it will ultimately outright say what Aang learned from the episode. It’s Bumi’s over the top, trolling characterisation that helps stop the episode from being a dreary recitation of “Aang needs to think creatively to overcome obstacles.”
(14:01) So after Bumi sets Aang to fetching his lunchbox key from the middle of a waterfall with a ladder leading up to it against the flow of the water, Bumi says sarcastically, “Ooh, climbing the ladder, nobody’s thought of that before.” Which raises the question - how many people has Bumi tried this on? (My bet is that Bumi’s taught earthbending before and this is a standard lesson to get students to change up their thinking.)
(14:17) Also worth noting is the fact that after one unsuccessful attempt to get the key, Aang immediately changes his approach as he realises his previous angle won’t work. He’s entirely capable of learning Bumi’s lesson, and probably would have got there on his own eventually. Bumi’s just speeding this process up a bit.
(14:48) As we see when Aang gets the key on his third attempt. Didn’t take him long at all, really.
(15:02) On to a more pointed lesson, and one that applies to the viewers evaluating what’s going on in-universe. Bumi wants Aang to retrieve his pet, Flopsy. On screen, the viewer sees a cute rabbit.
(15:13) As soon as Aang says “come here, Flopsy,” however, he’s attacked by some sort of…sabre-toothed gorilla-goat?
(15:38) Until Aang’s shoulder-deep in a crevasse trying to catch the rabbit and going “hang on…”
(15:43) Aang addresses the sabre-toothed gorilla-goat by “Flopsy” and Flopsy, who is a very good boy indeed, very well-trained, stops on a dime, tail wagging. So there we go. Flopsy looks scary, but never meant to harm Aang.
This is a very gentle reminder to a boy who just learned that he’s the only survivor of a genocide but has duties to the global community, from a man who’s in contact with Fire Nationals working against their nation’s goals - don’t judge by appearances. And like I said, it’s a reminder to the viewer, too.
Also Aang’s enthusiasm for Flopsy is adorable. He gets past the scary exterior in a heartbeat.
(16:24) Our first look at an earthbending arena! Unsurprisingly, it’s underground.
(16:31) Bumi gives Aang an actually very simple final test - a duel. In which Aang may choose his opponent. Two very scary weapon-users leap down from above to flank Bumi. “Point and choose,” Bumi says.
(16:56) Aang points at Bumi. “Wrong choice!” Bumi says. For the first time in the episode, he stands up straight, and when he takes off his purple robe, he’s in remarkably good shape for a man of 112. He’s one step ahead of Aang here, anticipating that Aang would be smart enough to see that Bumi’s a valid choice, but twelve years old enough not to question why Bumi would leave this loophole.
This is the inverse of the previous point. Where Flopsy looked dangerous and actually wasn’t, Bumi doesn’t look dangerous and is.
(17:32) “I’m the most powerful earthbender you’ll ever see,” Bumi says. Almost certainly not - but given his helpless old man performance here, I think Bumi would be able to appreciate blind little Toph kicking serious ass.
(17:43) This is our first proper look at earthbending. In this episode we’ve seen it used to open doors, deliver mail, and threaten hapless travellers, but Bumi brings out a fight scene. He quickly and explicitly calls out Aang’s tactics (typical airbending tactics, he says) as predictable evasive techniques.
(18:01) “Sooner or later, you’ll have to strike back,” Bumi tells Aang. We’ve already seen Aang’s difficulties with this. 
The fight scene itself is a brief class on how a creative bender can shut down a predictable one, and one that shows Bumi knows airbending tactics as well as earthbending strengths. He stops Aang taking to the air by collapsing the ceiling, leaving Aang at risk of getting hit from behind by falling rocks. When Aang tries to use airbending-assisted speed over the ground, Bumi breaks the ground up, forcing Aang to slow down and swerve into the path of other attacks, and later dissolving the solid ground into dust beneath Aang’s feet. That’s two ways Bumi has to slow Aang down.
Meanwhile, Aang’s offense is casually blocked, and Bumi’s good enough to block when Aang dodges a rock that was going to hit them both.
Aang might be an airbending master, but this fight scene with Bumi shows how he’s outclassed as a combatant, at the moment. And yeah, that’s the sort of tactical depth the show’s bringing to a two-minute fight scene, because the point of this fight scene is to establish something about how Aang fights.
(19:59) The fight finishes with the biggest demonstration of non-Avatar State bending we’ve seen yet. Bumi hauls a giant chunk of rock into the air, Aang generates a tornado to redirect it. In the spirit of Bumi’s lessons, Aang uses the opening when Bumi’s forced to block his own rock to follow up with his own attack (having worked out that while his own offense isn’t good enough to defeat Bumi, Bumi may be vulnerable to his own attacks, and can’t recover instantly).
But as we saw when Bumi was one step ahead of Aang when he said “choose wisely,” Bumi’s anticipated that attack, too, and has a countermeasure - he grabs half the rock he just split apart and holds it over the both of them, the surface area too great for Aang to dodge if Bumi dropped it. Nevertheless, Bumi’s made his point and seen the improvement he wanted to see, so he calls it a match.
(20:45) “What’s the point of tests if you don’t learn anything?” Surprisingly deep educational philosophy here from Bumi. It’s not about the mark, it’s about the learning process.
(20:55) Bumi’s final question is apparently random: “What is my name?”
(21:10) The “Rocky” joke was too bad even for Bumi.
(21:35) Katara shows her own quick wits as she helps prompt Aang into the line of thinking he needs to work out Bumi’s name. 
This is also where Aang spells out the whole “think outside the box” thing. This isn’t a bad episode. (This show has two, maybe three, bad episodes. And even then those episodes are more just total nothings than they are actually bad.) But it’s this sort of heavier-handedness that makes season one the weakest of the three sseasons.
(22:00) Heartwarming moment. Aang’s old friend might now be an old friend, but he’s still the same person. They’re still glad to see each other.
(22:30) Here comes Sokka with his brains. Why do any of this?
(22:44) Aside from the fun of messing with people, Bumi says that Aang’s got some big problems on his plate. The world has changed. He also gives Aang Ozai’s name.
In response, Aang thanks Bumi for his wisdom. I suspect that what Bumi’s saying about confronting the Fire Lord and defeating the Fire Nation hasn’t sunk in properly, and that he’s not thinking about these things as things he’s actually going to have to do. But dealing with that is a plot point for future episodes.
(23:17) The episode leaves off on a much more positive note than previous episodes. Aang gets his slide down Omashu’s mail chutes, with the very friend who inspired the escapade to begin with. At the cabbage merchant’s cost.
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thebookishdregs · 3 years
Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo
tw: Violence, Death, Gun Violence, Sexual Assault (Sex trafficking, not shown), Drug Addiction, Abuse, PTSD, Genocide
read: july 1-10
stars: 1000/5
There aren't many book that I can say just effortlessly waltzes their way into becoming one of my favorites but this series did just that. It did it slowly and captivated me with every single word. I am terribly sad for it to be over but there is always the show and re-reads haha.
Every detail and job that the crows did in this book all played out so nicely in the end. A certain merch's downfall was so pleasing to read considering how terrible he is, (it helped my soul to read that btw) especially Jesper reading Wylan the paper beforehand (ahahhah) and Van Eck flailing around acting like a crazy person. I like how it paralleled to Van Eck's treatment of Wylan's mom. The whole transfer of estates and how Van Eck will never be able to hold his own empire again. When I read of his downfall I was reminded of jobs Kaz sent the crows on and it made sense, especially when they didn't make a whole lot of sense when I was reading the book. How she is able to plan for all of that is crazy!
The way Kaz plots and plans is so funny to read because as we are reminded in the book several times that "Kaz Brekker didn't need a reason" but everything he has ever done was backed up with a reason!! I also like how he literally held a one man coup against Per Haskell, beat up 10 men (mostly without his cane if I might add), and won!!! our demjin is a barrel boss now! I hope he does crime!
Chapter 39 and 40 absolutely hurt to read I was crying at 2:30 this morning. :( But I will say chapter 44 made me feel a tiny bit better but I'm still upset. MY BABIES (kaz + inej) HELD HANDS WITHOUT GLOVES, the way I had to hold in a scream and not throw the book in happiness haha. AND YOU KNOW THST KAZ WAS PROBABLY NOT OKAY OR WAS TRYING TO BE FOR INEJ. and he bought her a ship and found her parents aAAAHHHH
"we were all supposed to make it" will always be so heartbreaking to read, I knew he would die as I read spoilers beforehand but still they're my crows :( so will "i have be made to protect you, even in death I will find a way" HE DESERVED SO MUCH BETTER HE DESERVED TO BE IN RAVKA WITH NINA HELPING TO REFORM THE YOUNG DRUSKELLES!! I will always hate that he was killed, his arc was so good and IT WAS STILL GOING!! *angry exclamation points* how are you just going to rip out my heart like that ms. bradugo? did you enjoy it?
I truly hope Kaz and Inej are able to heal and grow (not inej, she is perfect, I take absolutely no critism for that). I want them to be the King and Queen of the Barrel and be the fearsome kids they are!! If I see one more kanej death trope I will scream :) They deserve to heal and live their lives hopefully together, kaz being a scary barrel boss and inej being a scary slaveholder hunter. They deserve to be the representation some in similar situations need and I find it tremendously rude! i'll haunt the kanej death trope writers, don't test me haha
The found family trope will forever be my favorite and have a special place in my heart. I loved how the crows had every reason to disband after Inej was safe but they didn't, as Wylan stated he wouldn't have wanted it any other way and I am sure that is the same for the rest of the crows, even kaz! I sure wouldn't have wanted the crows to be any different, maybe with less trauma though. wylan's "why I am here" will never not be funny bc all the characters feelings said this but he was truly the only one who said the words. Inej and matthias said similar things but I find wylan saying it so much funnier.
I can't wait to read more of the crows if/when Ms. Bardugo writes the 3rd book. This book/series deserves all the stars in the world (again no critism will be taken hehe) there's also this kanej fan fic that shows the crows and their collective healing that I am reading called "dealing with our demons" on AO3 KDSBGFILSBFI ITS SO GOOD THE AUTHOR IS JUST SO WONDERFUL
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dei2dei · 3 years
Sonya Timeline (MK game reboots)
Sources: MK9, MKX Comics, MKX, MK11 So much of this is "does it involve MKX Comics Or Not?" Because oh wow those comics throw *such* a kink into things if you look at the game timeline/info -- but MKX isn't even internally consistent. The same event is cited as both 20 and 25 years prior.
So here are our hard dates, from the video games (MK9, MKX, MK11):
21/06/1967 - DOB 14/08/1989 - joins US Army (22 yo) ????- Distinguished Service Cross, Lieutenant ???? - Distinguished Service Medal, Colonel 22/02/1991 - 01/10/1991 - Joint Service Comm. Medal, Lieutenant 18/04/1992 - Medal of Honor [Battle of New York], Lieutenant (24 years old) 10/10/1993 - Purple Heart, Lieutenant ??/??/1994 - Shinnok's defeat (MKX flashbacks) 20/11/2001 - Purple Heart, *Captain 01/05/2002 - Silver Star, *Captain 04/15/2007 - Date of Rank for General (39 years old) * I dispute this rank as making no sense in the timeline. She'd have to be demoted and then re-ascend the ranks in an incredibly short timeframe. It starts to get weird when we look at MKX & the MKX comics, because they don't make a lot of internal sense, or have consistency (e.g. things are referred to in MKX as happening 20 years ago, or 25 years ago, for the same event). They fight Jax as a revenant, Quan Chi disappears, 20 years advance, and then in a later cutscene Jax says:
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SOOOO it's pretty much a mess. That said, trying to make it all agree.... Have some citations, screenshots, and an attempt to reconcile.
The MKX comics are the biggest source of actual hard timeline data, along with MKX, but both are also the biggest problem in reconciling things. * Since the below pieces of art are noted with ages, I think it's fair to say his portrayals in the comics are at 8 years old and 15 years old. Sonya sent Kenshi undercover "before Cassie was born". Likely, Takeda was conceived sometime between the end of the Netherrealm War and Cassie being born. Kenshi didn't know about him or Suchin's pregnancy, so happening in that time frame makes the most sense (given his apparent attachment to Suchin). If Takeda's 15, Cassie must be closer to 16-17. Finish off Shinnok, go off and sow some wild oats with Suchin, Sonya calls him up to deal with the Red Dragon...
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* in the MKX comics, Jacqui is in Junior Olympics training camp, which means she's 18 or younger. They get into that 21-and-over bar illegally and we generally assume via game taunts that they're close in age (if not the same academic year, Cassie's max one ahead of Jacqui).
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* Sonya's a Lieutenant Colonel when Cassie is born - or, at least, when she tells Johnny she's pregnant in the flashback. She was a Major in MKX flashbacks, a LTC when she buzzes Johnny's door (4 months after they take down Shinnok in the Jinsei Chamber).
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* Sonya's a Colonel during the main events of the MKX comics. If Jacqui is under 18 (she couldn't have been born until after Jax was de-Revenant-ed), and about the same age as Cassie (as implied via taunts), Sonya's slowed down her breakneck rate of promotions. Makes sense if she's got a family, too.
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* it's somewhere between 20 and 25 years from the end of the Netherrealm War to the start of MKX; the dialogue lines differ from the text on the screen in the flashbacks. Sonya would be either 47 or 52. * it would take ~4 years of time in service (TIS) for Cassie to become a sergeant (her rank in MKX). * Sonya is ~27 when she's pregnant with Cassie. As Cassie's a sergeant in MKX, she should be around 22, which would put Sonya at ~49. Cassie could be anywhere from 20-25, again depending on which you take as "true" from MKX. * Sonya and Johnny divorced 5 years ago per Sonya's MKX bio -- and according to that bio info, the Netherrealm/Shinnok defeat was 25 years ago. * it's 2+ years between MKX ending and MK11 ("Two years too long of your grim and gritty makeover" as Johnny tells Raiden); Sonya is 49 or 54 in MK11.
At some point, Kotal organizes a coup against Mileena (MKX, flashback is '5 years ago') ... yet the MKX comics have Kotal saying:
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Has Mileena been overthrown for 5 years? For 10 or more?
It's a complete clusterfuck. The MKX comics throw so many conflicting elements in and it makes lore sorting a nightmare. If we utterly ignore the MKX comics, that's fine, but they're also really nice for flavor and thoughts about how things could have worked. I just get this gut feeling someone said "How could we expand this? Let's cover some of those intervening years! Let's describe the Reiko Accords!" and nobody checked timelines, even roughly. That said, taking all those tidbits into mind, here's my proposed complete timeline for Sonya Blade, with some amendments: 21/06/1967: DOB 14/08/1989: joins US Army (22 yo) ????- Distinguished Service Cross, Lieutenant 22/02/1991 - 01/10/1991: Joint Service Comm. Medal, Lieutenant 18/04/1992: Medal of Honor [Battle of New York], Lieutenant (24 yo) 10/10/1993: Purple Heart, Lieutenant ??/??/1994: Shinnok's defeat, Major 1994 or 1995: Cassie Cage born, Lieutenant Colonel ???? - Distinguished Service Medal, Colonel 2000-2003: somewhere in here is Kotal's coup to overthrow Mileena (MKX Comics) 20/11/2001: Purple Heart, Colonel 01/05/2002: Silver Star, Colonel ?2002-2003: Sonya extracts Kenshi from Pakistan, misses Cassie's birthday 04/15/2007: Date of Rank for General (39 yo) 2010-2013: somewhere in here is the Blood Code debacle of the MKX Comics... and that's impossible because Sonya is a Colonel in when it happens. 2012: Sonya & Johnny divorce 2013: Kotal's coup to overthrow Mileena (MKX) 2013: Cassie turns 18, enlists in US Army 2017: Main events of MKX, Cassie takes down Shinnok 2019: MK11
Purple: from MKX comics Red: what makes more sense to me
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Aurora comments: I was in a mental breakdown with Coco, since a month ago. I just wanna say thanks to @chibsytelford and @satchie666 for helping me with some tips to bring back my inspo with him. Honestly, I think this is one of my favorites writings, a fucking masterpiece. I have mixed three requests and added one of my favorites spanish songs (I translated it under every part of the lyrics). I just hope you enjoy it as I enjoyed writing it.
Anon #1 asked: may i request 19 and 29 with coco?
Anon #2 asked: 37 and 39, angst, coco cruz
@hoooli13 asked: Hi I love your writing! Could you write 19. “You’re the only good thing I have”. With coco?
Song: ‘Orgullo’, Justin Quiles ft Káren Méndez.
19. “You’re the only good thing I have”.
29. “I don’t deserve you”.
37. “Stop ignoring me, please…”
39.“We need to talk”.
Word Count: 2k (including the lyrics and the translation)
Author comments: The paragraphs in italic mean that it’s a past situation. This work wasn't re-edited, so I'm sorry if you find grammar mistakes! I hope you all enjoy. Gif isn't mine, credits to the author.
Tag list: @starrynite7114 ​ @chibsytelford ​ @dazzledamazon ​ @mara-mpou ​ @sammskellington ​ @gemini0410 ​ @1-800-imagines ​ @briana-mishell24 ​@sassymox @whyisgmora @aquamento @sadeyesgf @viviansafizada @samcrobae @jade770 @witchy-wish @rebel-without-cause-x @xx--day-dreamer--xx @spiced-reads @tita127 @ifoundmyhappythought @enamouravecleslivresetlechocolat @angelxshiba @sheeshgivemeabreak @destynelseclipsa ✨ (if you wanna be tagged, send me a message!)
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Él me dice que le llame, que no duerme temprano. Si no textea, no texteo y si no llama, no llamo. Pero él es igual…
(He tells me to call him, that he doesn't sleep early. If he doesn't text me, I don't text him and if he doesn't call me, I don't call him. But he does the same…)
It’s been almost two weeks since that night when, apparently, you fucked up whatever you and Coco had. Comings and goings of furtive kisses and improvised sex. You were catching feelings, he was catching feelings too. It’s the thirteenth night that you are sitting on the sofa, waiting for a call or a text, waiting even for an email. You know he is on line, you can see him writing you with those three grey points flashing in your screen. But the text never comes. 
“Stop ignoring me, please…”
You would like him to write you, but he doesn’t do, so you either. Pride is stronger than you want to admit. The phone flies off from your hand with an angry move, crashing against the wall and breaking into pieces. And you don’t even care, because he won’t budge.
Estamos envueltos en un juego, donde somos prisioneros del sentimiento que llevamos por dentro. Me siento incontento, y yo sé…
(We're wrapped in a game, where we're prisoners of a feeling we carry inside us. I feel unhappy, and I know…) 
“(Y/N), Templo, now. We need to talk”. Bishop just says, as soon as you cross the main door of the clubhouse.
Everybody is staring at you, confused by the way he has talked to you. So serious, so dry. For a second, just for a second, you look at Coco. Maybe you’re ignoring each other, but he’s worried too. Licking your lower lip, you leave your bag over the empty table, before continuing your steps to the meeting room. Closing the glass colorful door, you find the man sitting on his chair having a smoke of his cigar.
You obey, as a dog would do when the master talks.
“Why are you late?”
“I just… Last night I had a problem with my phone, and I needed a new one. I’m sorry, Prez, it would never happen again and… I’ll recover this lost hour today. I promise”.
He nods in silence, having a sip from his coffee.
“What’s up with Coco, ah?”
“Orgullo, Bishop. Eso es lo que está sucediendo”. (Pride, Bishop, that’s what’s happening).
“Fix it. I don’t care how. But… this situation is awkward and uncomfortable for every one of us”. He leans over the table, supporting his weight on his forearms. “I love you, and you’re a good mechanic. But he is a Mayan”.
And you know what that means. You can’t help but let some tears run out from your eyes when you're grabbing again your bag. The guys look more worried now, and even if you just want to punch Coco on the face, you lead your steps to the huge warehouse next to the club. Throwing your stuff somewhere on the ground, you attack enraged the punching bag hanging from the metallic ceiling. Your cry gets more angrier when you feel two big arms surrounding your body.
“Com’ere, McGregor”. 
Angel whispers on your ear, putting you away from it to turn you under his grip, hugging you tightly. You’re furious. Really furious. And your cry floods the place making some echo, while the oldest Reyes tries to comfort you. Fucking pride that doesn’t let you talk with him. And when you do, is his who talks for him.
Me esta matando el orgullo, cuando más quiero estar al lado tuyo. De solo verte concluyo que tú eres para mí y yo soy para ti.
(Pride is killing me, when I want to be by your side the most. Just seeing you I know you are for me and I'm for you).
Maybe you drunk too much that night, starting with beers to end up with a bottle of tequila. You were needing some fresh air, walking in some kind of zigzag to the empty yard. Having a deep breath with eyes closed, you continued your clumsy steps to the farthest picnic table. And you decided to have your own party. Playing some latin music in your phone, and leaving it over the wood, your body began to move alone, under the influence of the rhythm and the alcohol wreaking havoc on your mind. You saw him coming towards you, a little harmed too. He threw the cigar away, holding the hand that you were offering him.
You were having a good time alone, but with him, it only got better. His chest was pressing your back. His arms surrounding your waist, and your hips dancing against him. You could feel his warm breath on your neck, colliding in a delicious way, before starting to kiss your left shoulder. Since the moment you two met, a sexual tension got installed between both, following you whenever you went. And his mouth was feeling so good on your skin, that you wanted to taste it. 
No sé por qué el orgullo nos está matando, si tú eres mía, bebé. Ya sabes desde cuando. Nuestras miradas aquel día estaban chocando, y al besar tus labios el deseo iba aumentando.
(I don't know why the pride is killing us, if you're mine, baby. Our looks were crashing that day, and when I kissed your lips the desire incresed).
Turning under his arms, your faces met, twisting a little your necks. Your bodies kept moving to the sound of the song, your noses almost touching. Eyes closed, drinking each other breathings. You wanted too bad to kiss him. He wanted too fucking bad to kiss you. With a hand on your lower back, he wrapped your throat with the other to push you a little bit closer. Enough to you. Your mouth found the other with a ephemeral caress full of desire. You were playing, and he didn’t like it. Coco pressed his lips on yours, not wasting another second, looking for your tongue with his. And it was like an explosion. Your hands getting tangled in his hair, while you two continued dancing, with a leg between yours and vice versa. 
It was like touching heaven with your fingertips.
“Shit, I don’t deserve you, mami. You’re a fuckin’ blessing”.
Es que tú me tienes a mí en un vaivén, y me matan las ganas de volverte a ver.
(You have me in a swing, the desire to see you again is killing me).
“Who’s that mami, bro’?” Coco asked to Angel, resting his shoulder against the wooden column, having a drag of his cigar.
“New mechanic. Taza’s friend, or something like”.
Che was your father’s best friend, so when you told him what you were studying, he quickly offered you to work at Romeros and Bros. It was a good opportunity to learn a little more. You saw sideways how four men walked towards your car, from where you were grabbing your stuff.
“Welcome to the fam’. I’m Angel. And these are my brothers. Coco, Gilly and Creeper”.
You smiled with pursed lips, not ashamed, but kinda like. Four big guys with tattoos and looks on their faces of being truly assholes? No, thanks.
“I’m (Y/N)”.
Since the first moment, you knew they were betting who would be the one who would end up dating you. But they were wrong.
“Don’ try to fuck with me, guys. I’m more into drivers than into riders”.
Or maybe, you were the one who was wrong. 
Me está matando el orgullo, cuando más quiero estar al lado tuyo. De solo verte concluyo que tú eres para mí y yo soy para ti.
(Pride is killing me, when I want to be by your side the most. Just seeing you I know you are for me and I'm for you).
It was an innocent dance with Angel, what kick out of you two that fucking pride. When you came back to the clubhouse, holding hands and laughing loud, your favorite song were playing through the speakers. The oldest Reyes, who was your best friend since you met the Mayans, wanted to dance it with you. And you couldn’t say ‘no’. Dancing close with him, as you did many times before. The funniest thing about the night is that you danced with everybody.
Ella me dice que la llame, que no duerme temprano. Si no textea, no texteo y si no llama, no llamo. Pero ella es igual…
(She tells me to call her, that she doesn't sleep early. If she doesn't text me, I don't text her and if she doesn't call me, I don't call her. But she does the same…)
Coco has been the whole day trying to figure out what did Bishop say to you. No one, but you two, knew what happened inside the Templo. Not even Taza. He’s sitting in his terrace with both legs over the table, drinking a beer and his phone in the other one. He wants to call you. And he has been typing your number by heart, the last hour. Once and again, ending up locking the screen. Until he decides that he doesn’t want to play this game anymore. He doesn’t want to lose you. The world is less shit waking up with you.
You need to breathe fresh air, stepping out of your house with no destination. You just want to walk, leave your mind blank by listening some music, with your headphones on. Actually, you don’t give a shit about the work. You don’t want to lose him. The only moments of peace you have had, you have found them between his arms, under his kisses and his caresses. You need him. You love him.
When you want to notice where you are, your feet are leading you to his house, being pushed back to reality because of the roar of a bike coming closer. You turn at it, when the wheels stop dead making a scratchy sound. Then, you see him. And he sees you. Getting off the motorcycle, he leaves the helmet above the seat. You turn off the headphones to keep them inside a pocket, taking some steps closer about to say something. But, what can you say? He’s coming towards you too, as if it was a slow motion scene. 
Me está matando el orgullo, cuando más quiero estar al lado tuyo. De solo verte concluyo que tú eres para mí y yo soy para ti.
(Pride is killing me, when I want to be by your side the most. Just seeing you I know you are for me and I'm for you).
You swallow hardly, barely breathing when Coco is just one step away from you. And maybe you don't need any words. Maybe you've been too stupid to recognize what and how you feel about the other. The mexican raises up a hand to your left cheek, resting it there, knowing that you missed him much more than you thought. His right hand helps the other to hold your face, before crashing his lips on yours. A soft needy moan drowning in your throat, when your fingers get tangled in two fist in his shirt. Your tongues stroking the other so desperate, that you don't care about being out of air.
Your back finds the wall, lifting up your arms to his neck, surrounding it; while his hands go down to your lower back. Fuck the pride.
“You're the only good thing I have, mami”.
“Tú eres para mí y yo soy para ti”.
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bustedbernie · 3 years
“Compare that to what Hillary did for Obama in 2008” didn’t more Hillary voters go to McCain than Bernie voters to Trump
1. Opinion polls are NOT evidence that 25% of Hillary supporters defected to McCain.
There are only two sources for the 25% Hillary/McCain defection number. The first is opinion polls from during the primary, which are meaningless for obvious reasons.
But if we were to take these numbers seriously (and again, don't, because they are literally useless), Bernie supporters would have no legs to stand on. In fact (although The Guardian's article put some truly insane spin on it), opinion polls from a comparable point in 2016 finds that only 7% out of 18% of respondents who were Bernie supporters said they would vote for Hillary in the general election. That's less than 39%, whereas 62% of Hillary supporters said they were willing to vote for Obama 2008 primary polls.
But again, primary opinion polls are meaningless, so let's move on.
2. There is still ZERO evidence that 25% of Hillary's primary voters voted for McCain.
The second source is a study published in Public Opinion Quarterly, titled "'Sour Grapes' or Rational Voting?", specifically this particular table: https://i.imgur.com/fiCeesG.png. The authors analysed the self-reported votes of 1,837 respondents, finding that of the 15% (~275) who reported voting for Clinton in the primary, 25% (~69) claims to then have voted for McCain in the general election.
Sounds damning? Except... it's all bullcrap. See for yourself by adding up the votes for Obama and McCain: 0.76 * 30 + 0.11 * 21 + 0.33* 49 vs 0.19 * 30 + 0.86 * 21 + 0.37 * 49 => 41.28% vs 41.89%. Of course, in our timeline, instead of losing by 0.61%, Obama became president in a 7.1% (52.9 to 45.7) landslide. Further red flags: Studies typically find only 2% of primary voters vote against their own candidate. Yet, in this table only 87% of Obama's primary voters reported voting for him in the general, and for McCain it's even lower, 84%.
So why is this apparently the worst poll since The Literary Digest called the election for President Alfred Landon in 1936? Simple: because it is the unweighted results of a panel survey.
Normally, opinion polls try to produce representative results by getting a certain number of responses from different demographics and modelling the population. If they don't get enough responses, they keep trying until they do. In contrast, with a panel survey, a fixed cohort of panel members are selected at the start and just keeps getting re-interviewed throughout the rest of the year. Inevitably, response rates drop off a cliff. Hence, it is conventional wisdom that panel surveys are good for showing trends of the self-reporting cohort, but useless as an prediction of the absolute numbers. This gets even worse when you try to get a subgroup of a subgroup, as the author were doing in creating this table. All 69 Hillary-McCain voter it found could just be from West Virginia, for all we know.
It makes zero sense to believe that the 25% number is accurate, when we know for fact that nearly every other number on that table is off by double digits.
3. In fact, exit polls say 84% of Hillary supporters voted for Obama
Thanks to the media attention PUMAs attracted, one of the questions asked in the 2008 exit polls were who the voters supported in the primary. These are the only concrete numbers we have on the Clinton-McCain defectors. And it shows that of the voters who supported Hillary during the primary, 84% voted for Obama and 15% voted for McCain.
Source: http://edition.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/11/04/exit.polls/
I'll be the first to admit that wasn't ideal (ratfucking by Rush Limbaugh aside, there's clearly a fair bit of racism in play). However,
4. Only 74.3% of Bernie's primary voters voted for Hillary.
The spammers usually either ignore the Bernie defectors completely, or point out that "only" 12% voted for Trump. I mean, for starters, McCain was a way better candidate than Trump. Literally anyone is. More importantly, however, this is a lie by omission, because another 13.7% voted third party or wrote in Harambe, or stayed home altogether.
Here is a table of the results, as prepared by 538. As you can see, at least 24% of Bernie's primary voters voted against Hillary in the general election. And I'm sure you all remember this, but enough of them voted for Jill Stein to throw the election in MI, PA, and WI.
The source for these numbers is the 2016 Cooperative Congressional Election Survey, which used actually confirmed voter records (as opposed to self-reported votes) of some 64,600 voters. When one of the authors, Brian Schaffner, shared the preliminary results on Twitter, he noted that the sample size of confirmed Bernie primary/general voters was 4,226. That is fifteen times larger than the "Sour Grapes" study had for Hillary voters.
TL;DR - the "25% of Hillary supporters voted for McCain" claim is projection from the far left. They don’t actually care, anyway, they’re trying to externalize their guilt/shame from putting Trump into the White House and are running from their responsibility to own up to their white-supremacist mistake by playing a game of “what about...”. If you were able to vote for Hillary Clinton in 2016 and you didn’t, that’s on you. 
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ravenbrenna09 · 4 years
Jij Verliest - Chapter Seven: Clips 9-11
master list
Donderdag 18:03
Sander: Hey, how was your stream?
Robbe: It was okay. Were you watching me? Because I literally just hit ‘end stream.’
Sander: No, I’m just now leaving work. Did you want to meet up for dinner?
Robbe: I can’t today. I’m going to meet my mom for dinner. Thursday is our weekly dinner.
Sander: Right, of course. For some reason, I thought it was Wednesday. Which is all the more reason for my text.
Robbe: What text?
Sander: Pack a bag when you get home.
Robbe: What for?
Sander: It’s a surprise ;) But make sure you bring a swimsuit and some shorts.
Robbe: What? What do I need a swimsuit for? Sander?
Sander: It’s a surprise, Robbe. The point is for you not to know.
Robbe: I’m not the biggest fan of surprises.
Sander: It’s a good one, I promise. Just getting some alone time is all.
Robbe: Okay. Does that mean I’m not streaming this weekend?
Sander: Just Saturday. I’ll have you home in time to stream on Sunday ;)
Robbe: Okay, I’ll pack a bag when I get home from dinner.
Sander: Great :) I’ll pick you up at 17:30 tomorrow? My shift ends at 17:00.
Robbe: I’ll see you then.
Sander: Yes :) Call me later?
Robbe: Of course. Wouldn’t miss it :)
Donderdag 18:28
As soon as Robbe stepped into her apartment, he could see the knowing look on his mama’s face. Her lips were upturned into a smile and her eyes followed Robbe into the apartment. As they were sitting down to eat their takeout (because his mama had to work late and was too hungry to cook), his phone vibrated on the table. Once the vibration started, the chorus of Rebel, Rebel played shortly after. Robbe rushed to turn it off, knowing it was a text from Sander, and fought the grin he knew was growing on his lips.
His mama watched his actions with a knowing look in her eyes. In an attempt to hide the blush on his cheeks, Robbe ducked his head. But avoiding her gaze did not stop her from asking, with a teasing tone, “Since when do you listen to David Bowie?” 
Robbe giggled, feeling his cheeks flush a little more. “I’ve been listening to him recently is all,” Robbe said, shrugging. He bit his lip and didn’t look up at his mother. “His music is amazing.” 
“Ah okay,” his mother said. From the light tone of her voice, Robbe could tell that his mother wasn’t buying it at all. She crossed her arms at the edge of the table and turned towards him with a critical eye. “Well, you certainly look happier than you did last week,” his mama said. She leaned towards him with a bright smile on her face and asked, “Does this have to do with Sander? Did you two figure things out?”
Robbe could feel the blush rising on his cheeks and dipped his head down a little further. His mother let out a giggle as Robbe said, “Yeah, we did and we’re together now.” His mama grinned excitedly at him, her dimples popping. “After work on Friday, he came over and we talked about what happened.” They didn’t talk until the morning, but Robbe was never going to admit that to his mother. “He spent the weekend and we went out to dinner on Tuesday.”
His mother smiled. “That’s so sweet, I’m happy for you,” his mama said. As Robbe placed his phone on silent and deposited his phone into his pocket, his mama dumped the contents of her to-go container onto the plate in front of her. Once his mama glanced up, catching his eye, she added, “I can’t wait to meet Sander.” Robbe swallowed. “I can see that he makes you so happy and that’s all I’ve ever wanted for you.” 
“About that—” Robbe started. 
“What? Does he not make you happy?” his mama asked, confused. 
“No, no, he does,” Robbe said, smiling. “I promise.” His mama nodded her head. As Robbe struggled to find the words, she kept herself angled toward him as she cut up her food. “I was thinking about you meeting him.” His mama stayed quiet, keeping her eyes focused on him, but Robbe could still see the confusion and worry in her eyes… and he hadn’t even asked the question yet. “Sander and I were talking the other day and he has next Thursday evening off, so I was wondering if you might want to meet him then?” 
“I’m not sure,” his mama said, taking a bite of her food. Once she swallowed, she continued. “I know how important he is to you. I want to make sure that I meet him on a good day so I don’t scare him away.” The words made Robbe’s stomach twist—because Robbe knew that she would never scare anyone away—but he kept quiet. “So, maybe, we’ll talk about it next Wednesday? That way we can put everything together and make sure it's a good day for me.” 
Since the moment that his father had left them when he was 15, Robbe had vowed that he and his mama would be a package deal. Robbe loved his mama with everything he had and he wanted her in his life for as long as he could manage. Because his father left when things got too much, Robbe was left to help her with the pieces and took care of her on the days where she couldn’t get out of bed. 
And his mother knew this. 
Maybe it was why she put so much pressure on having a good day when she was meeting his boyfriends and why she was always sad when Robbe insisted on coming over on bad ones. On his mother’s bad days, Robbe felt it tenfold and took care of her because he knew that was what she needed. Sometimes, she welcomed his help, knowing that she needed to be taken care of occasionally. Other days, she despised it and it made her feel like a burden. 
At the end of the day, Robbe loved his mama with every fiber of his being and he would always take care of her. His mama loved him just as much—if not more. Since the months she spent in the hospital, Robbe wanted to do anything he could to help her feel better. He knew that he could never completely help her the way that she needed—he wasn’t her doctor nor was he studying to become one—but he wanted to help with the little things, such as washing the dishes or helping with dinner. 
And, if she insisted, he would wait so she could meet Sander on a good day, knowing that it would help relieve her anxiety. 
It was why, instead of arguing, Robbe reached over to take her hand. She gripped his hand back, shaking slightly, and Robbe pretended not to notice. Running his thumb along the knuckles of her hand, Robbe said, “We can play it by ear. I just wanted to ask you before I asked him.” Smiling, Robbe added, “I just really want him to meet my mama.” 
“I really want to meet him, too,” his mama said, sounding calmer. “Maybe we can talk on Tuesday and set it up.” Robbe nodded, grinning over at her. Before Robbe turned back to his food, she added, “But, if I’m feeling bad on Thursday, we can reschedule to the following week.” 
“Alright, Mama,” Robbe said. “Whether it’s next Thursday or the one after, it sounds wonderful and I know Sander will be excited to meet you.” 
His mama smiled, turning to her food. Letting out a laugh, she pushed herself to her feet and moved to the microwave as she took her container with her. Giggling, she said, “We talked so long that our food is getting cold. Do you want me to heat yours up, sweetheart?” Robbe shook his head and his mama smiled at him before turning back to the microwave.
Vrijdag 18:39
No matter how much Robbe asked, Sander remained tight-lipped about where they were going. 
During their phone call after Robbe got home from his mama’s, he pestered Sander into giving him information but the only response he got was a teasing smirk and a, “Do you not know the definition of a ‘surprise,’ Robin?” Throughout the rest of the call, Sander had teased him about what they were going to do but gave no real details or explanations. The teasing had only increased the nervous and exhilarating buzz that was present beneath his skin.
Not knowing where they were going frustrated Robbe to no end. 
However, at the same time, he was also eagerly anticipating whatever it was that Sander planned for their weekend getaway. Throughout his Friday afternoon stream—moved up to accommodate their trip—he was frequently phasing out of the match and getting killed when he shouldn’t have. About halfway into the second hour of the stream, his chat had a frightening realization and started screaming, or posting in all caps, “OH MY GOD, HE’S GOT A NEW BOYFRIEND,” which simply led to Robbe blushing profusely. 
Once he ended his stream, right at 17:00, Robbe made one last check that he packed everything that Sander had told him to bring as well as other necessities. Swimsuit, shorts, shirts, underwear, phone charger, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrush… Robbe had packed everything. Now, all he had to do was wait for Sander to arrive at the flatshare to pick him up. As Robbe paced around his room for the fourth time, his phone dinged, announcing Sander’s arrival. 
Sander: I’m downstairs ;)
Throwing his bag over his shoulder, Robbe exited his bedroom and stepped into the hallway. Making sure to grab his phone and keys, he shouted goodbye into the nearly-empty apartment and practically flew toward the elevator. Outside the building, Sander was leaning against the passenger side door and grinned flirtatiously at him as Robbe approached.
“Where are we going?” Robbe asked, knowing he wouldn’t get an answer. 
Sander leaned down to kiss him and Robbe eagerly stood on his toes to meet him. Sander’s arms wrapped low on Robbe’s waist, pulling them flushed together. Robbe wrapped his arms around Sander’s neck, tugging him closer. Sander let out a low noise before pulling back. “Come on,” he said. Sander stood from against the door, taking Robbe with him, and opened the door with one hand. “We better get going.”
Robbe raised an eyebrow. Sander’s hand on his waist guided him toward the door. “But where are we going?”
A teasing smile spread across Sander’s face. “Get in the car and you’ll see.” 
Once Robbe got in the passenger side, tossing his bag in the back seat, Sander closed the door behind him and moved to the driver’s side. Before they drove off, Sander started the David Bowie playlist. While Robbe wasn’t surprised, he also recognized the playlist immediately. Whenever the two of them were together, the playlist was always playing. Sander turned up the volume, sending him a grin, as Robbe simply rolled his eyes. Before driving away, Sander leaned over to press one final kiss against his lips. 
Throughout the drive, Sander held Robbe’s hand and quizzed him on the songs that came through the speakers. With each correct answer, Sander would beam over at him and squeeze his hand. Whenever he was struggling, Sander would give him hints and tease him the entire time. If he got a question wrong, Sander would tell him and remark that he needed to “study up” for his exam. 
After an hour of listening to David Bowie, Sander exited the highway. Still gripping Robbe’s hand, he navigated down long roads without pausing. Even though he could sense they were getting close now, Robbe still did not have a clue where Sander was taking him. As Sander guided them with expert ease, Robbe stared out the window, his eyes finding the large trees that stretched to the sky.
Unexpectedly, Sander slowed down and the blinker of the car flipped on. After a few minutes of wandering down a dark, narrow road, they emerged into a clearing with a cabin perched in the middle of it. 
The cabin was beautiful with a teal door that contrasted beautifully with the dark wood siding. The wall in front of them had large windows that peered into the living room and part of a beautiful kitchen. As Sander drove up to the cabin, Robbe could see a large backyard with a patio and possibly a pool behind the house. Once the car pulled to a stop, Robbe turned to Sander, who was staring at him nervously. 
“Do you like it?” Sander asked. 
“I do,” Robbe said. “But how much did this cost?”
“Didn’t cost anything.”
“It didn’t cost me anything,” Sander said. He sat up in his seat and cupped Robbe’s cheek, swiping his thumb along his cheekbone and connecting the freckles. Without really thinking about it, Robbe leaned into his touch as Sander watched him with soft green eyes. “It’s Emilie’s cabin. When I mentioned getting out of town to surprise you, she offered the cabin. Normally, they come every weekend. I’ve been invited a few times. Alicia has a test on Monday so they aren’t coming this weekend.” 
“Really?” Robbe asked. 
Sander leaned forward, connecting their lips. At first, the kiss was gentle and chaste; but the realization of them being alone without having to worry about roommates or streams was enough to break the proverbial dam of emotions. They hadn’t stepped out of the car, but their kiss became deeper, needier, and borderline desperate. 
Robbe tugged at the fabric of Sander’s work shirt, trying to pull him closer, but the hindrance of the console between them stopped Sander from being able to do so. One of Sander’s hands fisted at the hair on the nape of his neck, pulling enough to be pleasurable. His other hand dropped to Robbe’s waist, pulling his hips flush against the center, before slipping his hand beneath his shirt. Robbe gasped, trying to pull him closer, but to no avail. The console was still lodged between them. 
Sander let out a sigh, breaking the kiss. “Come on,” he said, turning the car off. Reluctantly, he untangled his hand from Robbe’s hair and reached in the backseat to grab the bags. “Let’s go inside.” Robbe nodded. Before he could manage to snag his bag, Sander was taking it out of his reach and stepping out of the car. Robbe stared at him in disbelief before climbing out of the car.
As Robbe stared up at the cabin in awe, Sander wrapped an arm around him. Robbe turned toward him, snaking his arm around his waist. “So, you didn’t spend money on this?”
“Not a dime,” Sander said matter-of-factly. Robbe let out a sigh of relief. “If you and I go out to get some food to cook later, I definitely will pay for it though. But even if it was the priciest cabin in the world, I would still do it because there is nothing in this world that is too expensive for you.”
Despite already knowing the answer, Robbe said, “At least let me pay for something.”
“No,” Sander said matter-of-factly before pressing a featherlight kiss on his lips. Robbe whined, trying to pull him closer, but Sander simply smirked and moved to the front door. As Sander fumbled with the extra set of keys, Robbe stood back, watching him with an amused grin. After a few minutes, the teal door swung open and Sander pulled him into the safety of the cabin. 
Immediately after stepping into the living room, there were two thumps somewhere behind him. 
Robbe turned, catching sight of their bags abandoned on the floor, before Sander was claiming his lips again. Robbe wrapped his arms around Sander’s shoulders, bringing their bodies flush together. They stumbled against the wall—Sander’s hand protectively cradling the back of his head before trailing down his body. They could’ve kissed for minutes or hours or maybe even days, simply lost in the feeling of being together and alone.
After their kiss, which felt like a glimpse of forever, Sander pulled away from him. 
His green eyes were blown wide and his lips were teetering on the edge of bright red. Robbe was certain that he didn’t look much better. But right now, he didn’t care. All he wanted was Sander, kissing him again, chasing that glimpse. 
“Come on,” Sander said. He sounded as wrecked as Robbe felt, his impatience threatening to overwhelm him. Sander tugged at the hem of Robbe’s shirt, pulling him from the wall and into an unfamiliar hallway. Without question, Robbe followed his movements, walking backward with Sander guiding him. He bent down, his lips brushing against Robbe’s as he said, “I’ll give you the grand tour.” 
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meandmyechoes · 3 years
The more I think about Dark Disciple, the more I find something odd.
[28th March 17:46]
I keep referring to it as a ‘favourable experience’, and there is no question the writing is what made me fall totally head over heels about quintress, but I also just, can’t?
I mean, yes. It’s very passionate, dramatic, scenes and gestures I can only dream of. But I also, don’t really see it in that ’omg they totally belong together here are my sixty headcanons of them’ sense?
I am very involved in the pairing, but also don’t really, actively ‘ship’ it — like the way it was an open book with Rhayme or Latts Razzi (since it’s the same author that indoctrinated me to Captain Rhayme). I could imagine them being happily ever after and silly shenanigans and slow-burn. But the concept of a quintress fairytale ending is so wild. I can only ask how much it is tainted with my personal view on relationships.
I know the plot leaves little room for “the future” and fed us well on all tropes possible. But, it just never occurred to me to put them in any other clichés or invent a missing scene.
Winding up, I don’t think their relationship is "weak", but it’s very motivated by circumstances and once you take that out of them, you are a little bit lost. For example even during the illicit affairs month, I… can’t really propose one date that does not seem tonally insensitive. (I can think of them being cloak dorks and Vos bringing her to ice-cream, that’s it, after a long hard moment) Really, all I possibly want is that sweet, sweet angst and canon is already there so I have no complaint.
It’s just… I don’t really get why it has to be the two of them that fall for each other. I understand why they did, and I believe it— Perhaps it’s much more a physical attraction thing that I don’t really have personal experience with.
I don’t know if quintress classify as slow-burn because 10 chapters still seem a little quick in the grand scheme of things. (aside: I’m quite disappointed Ventress wasn’t doing much in the last quarter of the book.) My point is, they do feel a little bit puppet to tropes, and while it’s deliciously written, there’s not much potential outside of canon. And that lack of inspiration makes me grimace a little.
[3rd April, 01:39]
I’ve scrolled through the dd tag and let the book sank a little. I am better articulated to talk about the sexist criticism now.
It’s a romance story, and when I judge it by that (lower) standard, it ticks the boxes. However, it might be a weakness as well, due to the projectability of the heroes. And yes, the whole assassination is dumb. Yet, tcw has been consistently this dumb at us. The last two times when she’s more rooted in the dark she failed, sent Savage and failed, so she’s gonna do it again with Vos… after she put down her desire for revenge. right. and surprise! Our “assassination” plan is to find Dooku and duel him directly. right…
I’ve read a review that says the romance takes away from the plot. However, the romance IS the plot. The book IS supposed to revolve around the two of them. I do agree them becoming begrudging allies then partners is a more unique approach, more rewarding as foils as well. but I guess a romance is easier for the conventional to process ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
With the “Ventress lose agency in falling for Vos”. Now, I can’t dictate how each of us buy into their physical attraction and chemistry (or lack thereof), and there’s no denial that a conscious human being is making that choice for the fictional character, I think the stance on this topic varied person to person from the above two factors, which are very different starting points.
I kept Katie Lucas’s foreword vividly in mind while reading. She said this is a story about people seizing chances to rebuild. That there’s always a choice. Cliché as it is, I believe ~the power of love~. I believe there exists someone you’re willing to sacrifice everything for, to overlook everything for, to forgive - to love them, warts and all. So, yes whether you think Ventress loses her agency to the romance, or if that’s a conscious choice on her behalf, is swayed heavily by how much you buy that they are the one.
[10th April, 10:30]
Yesterday I’ve been thinking a bit more about this. I do love this ship, I just don’t believe they’d be two people who find each other again and again in every life time, in every universe. That’s why, as magnificent as fireworks, it also won’t last.
To explore this, it’s not entire impossible for quintress to separate peacefully after this incident, but would that cheapen the build before? The entire motivation of dark!Quinlan hinges on his vision of their future. And say, Ventress did saved him and survived. How would he balance being a Jedi and his feelings - that’s publicly exposed to the Council? (sidenote: i really don’t like Ch. 27 where a bunch of old men are questioning their love life, but uhhh yes, I’m a sensible person!) For now, I’m seeing another Obi-Satine situation. And honestly how bad that an outcome is. It’s not like Ventress died for her war crimes! The show gave her a full pardon! So Idk man. Why can’t she leave him because she loves him and she exiled herself and they never see each other again WHY NOT FILONI WHY NOT.
Now I’m lamenting more what could’ve been with the two arcs. In Filoni’s original sketch, Aayla and Maul were involved. Man, that could’ve been the dream.
Part 2: [26th April, 15:15]
It has been… a month, since I finished Dark Disciple and I feel like it’s time to conclude all the thinking this book has made me do.
On the wider reflection about attachment and the Jedi Order, I still have to do more reading on it from other sources to form a concrete opinion. This theme won’t be touched on in this post yet, but I cannot shake how intriguing it is to compare “falling” in love to falling to the dark side. The temptation, and the submission to their emotions, the irrationality, the newfound curiosity, it all incites. Very curiously, it was Anakin Skywalker who commented that one is “blinded by love”
Okay, so what I’ve been scratching my head off the past two weeks is how I look at the romance between Asajj Ventress and Quinlan Vos. How would I define it?
Now this is as much as an exploration of how I view romantic relationships. Well, I’ve decided it wasn’t “love”, it was an “affair”. It was an affair because it’s a rush of passion, it’s a secret, it won’t last. Before I chop my own head off for bluntness, I mean it in, of course they are hopelessly in love with each other, that’s the exact premise of why it moved me so. But it wasn’t a complete relationship, wasn’t a healthy, sustainable one by any objective standards. Then, that’s the exact contradiction. Oh to throw caution in the wind with you, or to build a future with you?
Both are things I want a lot, and the ideal is of course one after the other. What quintress had (in the end) is definitely not something I’d want for myself, but it’s so fantastical, it’s alluring, just like the concept of falling in love - opening up yourself and trusting another person, is - it’s risky. That’s why it’s a sweet, sweet drug.
I’ve been so angry at all the red flags in this relationship. Reading this book, getting into both of their shoes, yelling NO like their best friends. But ultimately, what they had is unique to them and I can’t influence it in any way. Re-reading, I find myself holding myself back at all the places I was furious about going ‘You are smarter than this!’. Because it’s a tragedy, and the beautiful (I guess) thing is they chose each other.
The other day something on the dash inspired me to really think about ship dynamics. I, unashamedly admit, I’m VERY into Obi/Quin/Ventress in any and all combinations. *cough* I will not explain further.
I do accept the premise and I did discover they share quite a bunch of traits, but it confused me a while what made them cross the boundary, and it was, physical attraction (that the book was selling so hard I was blushing hot). I love them both a lot, and I would like to date them both, and I can see myself in either of them. Again comes the contradiction, is it a good thing to have characters so easily projectable, or do I want to see myself in more complex characters like them?
I probably lost quite a few cars stalling this train of thought. And I've been a canon apologist since forever. This book brought me a lot of emotional upheavals and a lot of food for thought. It brought me down to reflect on my romantic worldview and sexuality because I have nothing better to do. It totally challenged me as a writer and it’s just a really good novel by its right, regardless of the absurdity that is The Clone Wars. It’s a lot of firsts for me. And I really should find something better to do.
[26th April 16:00]
I must address that I got spoiled of the ending and the first and second half of the book probably went through some big changes.
If I cried for this book, it’s score would be even higher. And I’ve been so obsessed with discussing the relationship, without shedding light on the characterization, which is definitely an unfortunate side effect. Then it occurs that quite possibly the second half (26-42) deviated even further from the script than the first? It doesn’t have concept art or blocking, plus possibly (heavily) edited to omit correlation to other arcs. My major complaint for the second half is Ventress doesn’t do much and we know NOTHING about Vos, even though he is given screen time in the book. my, I just wish Ventress punch him harder and drag his idiotic mess back to the light sooner.
And to criticism about it being their ‘toxic’ relationship being portrayed as ‘true love’, well, it really depends on how thoughtful the reader is, right? I think if the reader is able to notice all these red flags and gave their own interpretation of the relationship and its outcome, it’d’ve been an educating experience. There’s what for the reader and what for the characters. They don’t know this ‘love’ is destroying them, and what kind of message is it sending? What ‘love’ depicted in the book is true then? I have my answers, and I hope every reader comes to their own as well.
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