#40k army list
Master of None
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The list for this Saturday's tournament has been assembled:
Masters of None (1995 points)
Space Marines - Blood Angels
Strike Force (2000 points) - Vanguard Spearhead
Bladeguard Ancient (45 points)
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Heavy bolt pistol
Captain (80 points)
• 1x Heavy bolt pistol
1x Master-crafted power weapon
1x Relic Shield
Commander Dante (120 points)
• Warlord
• 1x Perdition
1x The Axe Mortalis
Librarian in Phobos Armour (100 points)
• 1x Bolt pistol
1x Force weapon
1x Smite
• Enhancement: Shadow War Veteran
Heavy Intercessor Squad (105 points)
• 1x Heavy Intercessor Sergeant
• 1x Bolt pistol
1x Close combat weapon
1x Heavy bolt rifle
• 4x Heavy Intercessor
• 4x Bolt pistol
4x Close combat weapon
4x Heavy bolt rifle
Heavy Intercessor Squad (105 points)
• 1x Heavy Intercessor Sergeant
• 1x Bolt pistol
1x Close combat weapon
1x Heavy bolt rifle
• 4x Heavy Intercessor
• 4x Bolt pistol
4x Close combat weapon
4x Heavy bolt rifle
Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs (85 points)
• 1x Assault Intercessor Sergeant with Jump Pack
• 1x Plasma pistol
1x Power weapon
• 4x Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs
• 4x Astartes chainsword
4x Heavy bolt pistol
Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs (85 points)
• 1x Assault Intercessor Sergeant with Jump Pack
• 1x Plasma pistol
1x Power weapon
• 4x Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs
• 4x Astartes chainsword
4x Heavy bolt pistol
Bladeguard Veteran Squad (180 points)
• 1x Bladeguard Veteran Sergeant
• 1x Master-crafted power weapon
1x Plasma pistol
• 5x Bladeguard Veteran
• 5x Heavy bolt pistol
5x Master-crafted power weapon
Eliminator Squad (75 points)
• 1x Eliminator Sergeant
• 1x Bolt pistol
1x Close combat weapon
1x Instigator bolt carbine
• 2x Eliminator
• 2x Bolt pistol
2x Close combat weapon
2x Las fusil
Eradicator Squad (95 points)
• 1x Eradicator Sergeant
• 1x Bolt pistol
1x Close combat weapon
1x Melta rifle
• 2x Eradicator
• 2x Bolt pistol
2x Close combat weapon
2x Melta rifle
Infiltrator Squad (100 points)
• 1x Infiltrator Sergeant
• 1x Bolt pistol
1x Close combat weapon
1x Marksman bolt carbine
• 4x Infiltrator
• 4x Bolt pistol
4x Close combat weapon
1x Helix Gauntlet
1x Infiltrator Comms Array
4x Marksman bolt carbine
Redemptor Dreadnought (200 points)
• 1x Icarus rocket pod
1x Macro plasma incinerator
1x Onslaught gatling cannon
1x Redemptor fist
1x Twin fragstorm grenade launcher
Repulsor (190 points)
• 1x Armoured hull
1x Hunter-slayer missile
1x Las-talon
1x Repulsor defensive array
1x Twin lascannon
Sanguinary Guard (350 points)
• 10x Sanguinary Guard
• 10x Encarmine blade
10x Inferno pistol
1x Sanguinary Banner
Vindicare Assassin (80 points)
• 1x Exitus pistol
1x Exitus rifle
1x Vindicare combat knife
The list is surprisingly Ultramarine-esque, as melee still sucks major ass in 40k, hence the build to try to do everything, rather than min-maxing the assault doctrine. From the testing I did, the list works really well in the mid game (around round 2-3) but suffers otherwise. In whole honesty, the only unit that does consistently well is Dante with his Sanguinaries, but that has proven often enough, to be more than enough.
In any case, expect a battle report of the tournament around Sunday. See, y'all around.
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warchirfsminitures · 6 months
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My 1000 point Vanguard Detachment list for tonights game.
Warlord: captain in termi armour (‘deep blade’ enhancment (gives the unit infiltrate)
Lieutenant in phobos
10x phobos infiltrators
10x terminators
5x heavy intercessors
1x balistus dreadnought
The goal is to use ‘guerrilla tactics’ on terminators to bounce them around. Kill a unit, fall back, teleport, kill a unit, repeat… I’m playing knights, so I’ve kitted them out with chainfists…
Infiltrate both terminators and phobos up the board to deny centre. Heavy intercessors and balistus to hold home field.
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cobalt-owl · 6 months
Man I'm trying to build a death guard list and I had it at SUCH a satisfying 1995 points but THEN I remembered: you have to run plague marines in squads of five or ten DESPITE THOSE GREEDY FUCKS STILL SELLING THEM IN SEVENS. I actually liked the whole "squads in sevens" thing but nooo they couldn't just make a rule for that! Fuck it, I'm moving stuff around and adding another poxwalker unit. I originally wanted it to feel like a cultist army with plague marine support but I found out cultists aren't battleline because FUCK ME I GUESS. Not like I wanna make a dark tide inspired army with some beefy stinky bois.
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beastofnurgle · 2 years
me waking up in a cold sweat ..............
pink necrons
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kris-belleau · 11 months
Can we use AI bots to create army lists for free? ChatGPT creates a Warh...
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dryderpunk · 1 year
Tyranid Hive Fleet Mot (1000pts)
30 gaunts
2 carnifex (1 ooe)
5 zoanthropes
2 biovore
9 warriors
5 barbgaunts
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3 units of warriors with synapse and guns for high toughness
5 zoanthroaps for the obscene damage
5 barbgaunts as they broke af (more if had them)
30 bits of fodder
Old one eye + guard because he's one of my favourites<.<
Biovores for mine control, tho it's weaker due to multi targeting rules
No idea if good, but based off leviathan / old models, is best I can do maybe, but if anyone has input feel free
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ms-fandomgirl · 8 months
Bento Boxes and Hand Grenades Masterlist
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Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
Words: 30k-40k~ estimate
Summary: A chance encounter in the Shibuya Train Station leaves you with a sore shoulder and a mysterious bento box. You’re willing to write the incident off and move on, otherwise preoccupied with navigating a new city and a new job, but a bombastic blond, meddling friend, and fate itself seem to have other plans.
Genre: Pro Hero AU, fluff, strangers to lovers, medical setting
Links: Cross-posted on Ao3!
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Sneak Peak...
You threw out your arms to stop yourself, but there was nothing to brace against. Already dreading the embarrassment that was sure to follow your complete wipe-out, you gasped as you instead careened into an incredibly hard chest covered by a very soft army green hoodie. The scent of warm caramel and expensive smelling cologne invaded your senses, and for a second, you thought disaster had been avoided. That is, until your bento box, along with his, fell to the ground with a soft thud in the chaos.
“Watch it,” the stranger growled. He bent over, grabbing both bentos and shoving yours into your arms. You began to offer your thanks, but the stranger didn’t care to wait, immediately muscling his way through the crowd until he was lost from your sight.
“What an asshole,” you grumbled.
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Chapters (6/12):
Japanese Curry
Mapo Tofu
Oyakodon with Spicy Sauce
Ramen - Coming Soon!
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A/N: I am so excited to announce Bento Boxes & Hand Grenades! I have been stewing on this fic for so long, and it feels amazing to get it out into the world. As always, reblogs and likes are greatly appreciated, but please do not repost here or on other platforms!
Tag List: If you want to be added to a tag list, let me know in the comments! I’ve never done one before, but I think all I have to do is post the usernames at the end, so it shouldn’t be too bad?
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ghostinthegallery · 3 months
How good is each necron at actually playing Warhammer 40k?
Trazyn- collects all the minis, perfectly painted. Watches the model reveals and preorders everything the second it comes out. Games Workshop's dream customer. However he has forgotten there's actually a game so he's average at best.
Orikan- cheats and everyone knows it. His game is figuring out how to keep cheating without anyone being able to prove what he did. Plays aeldar because it pisses everyone off.
Imotekh- master. Wins tournaments. List building king, plays whatever he thinks he can optimize, but hates the dice. The randomness drives him nuts. Will kill any ork player that yells "WAAAAAGH"
Szarekh- enjoys the hobby more than the game. Distracts him from The Horrors. When he plays he's chill, plays necrons because he feels obligated but secretly likes Tau.
Zahndrekh- plays Ad Mech and wins. Cheers for his opponent when they do well. Laughs at the wacky dice rolls. Best opponent, all around delight.
Obyron- quiet, serious, not actually that good. Zahndrekh tries desperately not to backseat general even though he's about three seconds away from a stroke every time Obyron moves his units out of position. Plays Imperial Guard
Anrakyr- Hasn't really committed to an army because he refuses to play anything "organic" but doesn't vibe with crons play style. He would love Knights if he'd get over himself a little.
Oltyx- absolutely plays space marines. Dry brushes everything. Wins games early in the edition when nobody else has their codex and loses most games after that. Constantly rolls 1's.
Yenekh- plays whatever the other faction is in the launch box Oltyx got. Pretends he doesn't care about winning. Absolutely cares about winning. Rolls more 6's than is reasonable for a single person despite never actually cheating. He's just lucky
Zultanekh- plays orks and loves it. Does yell "WAAAAAGH!" As Gork and Mork intended
Lysikor- everyone expects him to cheat so he specifically doesn't. Plays Genestealers. Stole most of his models from Trazyn. Somehow has avoided consequences for this.
Szeras- Plays Drukhari. One would think he's a sore loser, but he enjoys watching the elves suffer even in tiny plastic form so he's fine either way. His opponents do occasionally vanish after games, but there is no proof he is involved.
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deepermadness · 3 months
Here's something for you guys to latch onto. It's something I'm quite excited about!
I know a lot of you don't play 40K, but something rather interesting could be happening during summer this year. Back in 2023, Games Workshop released the 10th edition of Warhammer 40K. I know, I know, but don't get switched off just yet. Things are going to get very fun.
You may know through cultural osmosis that there are four Chaos gods. Tzeentch, Khorne, Nurgle and Slaanesh.
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Well for many years they all shared one rulebook, but back in 8th edition, two of them (Nurgle and Tzeentch) spun off into their own armies. This was followed last year by Khorne who got theirs right at the end of 9th edition.
But in addition to new rulebooks, they also got their army leader, known as a Primarch, to take them into battle.
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Now what's interesting here is that they all have benefitted from gifts of their respective gods. Magnus has a staff and enhanced psychic powers, Angron has two powerful close combat weapons (to create blood for the blood god), while Mortarion has the enduring strength of rot and decay. In additon, they all underwent changes to reflect their respective gods. All very fluffy and tied heavily to the lore. These are really fun models and their rules are fucking cool!
But we're missing Fulgrim, the Primarch seduced by Slaanesh. And THIS is where it gets interesting. Slaanesh is the god of excess. They revel in striding over boundaries and feel most comfortable being who they are. Followers of Slaanesh often gain powers and benefits tied to their perversions, sexual or otherwise. And it is highly believed that Fulgrim is next in line to get a model.
Looking at GW's roadmap, you can see that there's a spot for a whole new army coming out (listed as [redacted]):
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There is HUGE speculation that this is the fourth and final Chaos god codex (the name for the rulebooks). This means that we will get a new Fulgrim model, and we're itching to see what 10,000 years of daemonic servitude has blessed him with.
And I say "new" model, because we have one of him back when he first turned. This is part of their "Horus Heresy" range, and not Warhammer 40K proper. The other three Primarchs also have HH models too, different from the ones above.
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Sexy, right?
But here's the thing. One of Slaanesh's defining traits is that they play with and change gender frequently. Actually, it would be just as appropriate to say that gender doesn't really apply to them unless they want it to. For example, here is a huge daemon from the range:
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As you can see, there's a lot of androgeny here. That's intentional. Sometimes they appear more traditionally feminine, sometimes more masculine, sometimes both, sometimes neither.
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And their forms shift to seduce the prey. It's brilliant!
But this leaves the question - what about Fulgrim?
I suspect that GW could do something incredible. I think they're going to heavily lean into the best parts of Slaanesh. I think that they're going to reveal a female, or genderfluid Fulgrim!
It would make so much sense. It's the best fit for the lore. It would be so weird to just have a random bloke standing there when everybody else is already living it up as their best and most open selves, you know? It would make her distinct from her brothers, we would get a phenomenally cool Daemon Princess model, and it would definitively shut up all of those guys who get funny about the idea of female space marines, because we'd finally have one in canon!
I mean, even the existing model is called Fulgrim "trans"-figured! Could it be any more obvious?
Trans Fulgrim please, GW.
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drarryspecificrecs · 1 year
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2023.05 ~ Top 7 longest fics posted on AO3
1. Demons Run (When A Good Man Goes To War) by @shewhomustnotbenamed [E, 124k]
►I need your help. Ordinarily, I wouldn't inveigle anyone into deciphering life from my contorted perspective, but I desperately need you to understand the entirety of the situation that I've found myself in. It's vital that you comprehend and embrace the events that have led me here- to have the clarity of mind that I lack because I am more lost than I have ever been, and I need saving. I need you to see. I need perspicuity. Help me, because I don't know how I got here, and I need to repair the damage I've done.
2. Symptom of Your Touch by @ghostofnoir [E, 115k]
►St. Mungo's Healer Draco Malfoy is used to being pushed to his limits when providing aide to the ailing, but when an unexpected encounter with an out of character Harry Potter throws his life out of balance one night, he is forced to ask himself how far he's willing to push his own levels of discomfort to be of aid to a man in need of help that only he can provide. And once that need for aid is over, how will he find balance in his life again?
3. Love lies somewhere deeper by DarkWizard [M, 96k]
►Harry cheated on his wife with Draco sodding Malfoy. And then, he didn't remember it.
4. we should just kiss (like real people do) by whenstheweddingcake [T, 75k, series]
►Harry's summer is better than ever before, and he returns to Hogwarts for his fifth year with more power, changing relationships, an army at his back, and another DADA teacher that seems to have it out for him.
5. the world is a garden (and you're my flower) by Rosie321go [T, 52k]
►Draco’s mother always said there was a fine line between love and hate. Apparently, his flowers think so too. /// [...] in which Draco doesn’t know how to deal with feelings, Granger doesn’t know how to help him, and Potter’s just trying to figure out what’s going on.
6. Icarus by @soupy-george [M, 50k]
►[...] 2013 (The Unpleasant Present) - Sent undercover as a Professor at Hogwarts. Note: minding my own business, life ruined by dreadful turn of events. Note: Potter is DADA professor, a job he took out of the blue after I graduated from Auror training. His departure happened to coincide with a momentary lapse in judgement when we may have kissed, drunkenly … (and heatedly) against a wall. One time. Awkward? Yes. Reason to abandon whole career? Apparently.
7. Imperius by Jelliebabie [E, 46k]
►What if there was an eighth horcrux? What if Voldemort just wouldn't die? Draco Malfoy doesn't remember what came before his current existence, where he lives to serve the Death Eaters who control his every move, and through him, his magical inheritance. But when a memory from his past appears in his present, breaking the curse that imprisons him, he finds that he may be the one who holds the key to salvation. If only he isn't too broken to use it.
※ Word count: 1k ~ 10k
※ Word count: 10k ~ 40k
the first in line by @oflights [E, 29k]
Harry and Draco's Hogwarts Reunion by DarkPhoenixAscending [E, 13k]
Harry Potter and the Yuletide Potion by Grace_28 [G, 13k]
Just A Couple Of Strays by flowerpotboy [M, 20k]
love-stained hate by a_blur_on_the_highway [T, 18k]
Shades of Passion by CosmicallyFamous [E, 12k]
A Strange Twist of Fate by @shinigami714 [E, 18k]
Turn Back the Clock by @steampunkserpent27 [T, 14k]
Ongoing Fest/Exchange
※ Fics would be listed elsewhere.
Basilisks & Staircases - A Game of Drarry Fest | @gameofdrarry
HD Mpreg 2023 | @harrydracompreg
Lights Camera Drarry 2023 | @lcdrarry
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prometheus023 · 8 months
Kellogg's Khorne Flakes - 5th Ed World Eaters
In returning to 40k 5th Ed, one of the quickest, easiest and (at the time) most inexpensive lists I could build was a Khorne Berserker list. Two boxes of the old Berserkers gave me 24 angry Bois for about $110 AUD. That divided up nicely into 3 squads of 8 Berserkers. Add a Lord and a Dreadnought, it made an easy 1,000 pt list that existed to run at the enemy and punch.
Lets meet the gang shall we?
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This is the first of the 3 Squads, the Skull Champions in the squads haven't been named yet. I went with the Pre-Herey white and blue scheme as a deliberate homage to two of my favourite armies I saw at local tournaments around 15 years ago.
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One Berserker Squad runs a power Weapon on its Champion along with two Plasma Pistols to be a little cheaper - while the other two squads both run with a power fist and 3 Plasma Pistols.
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Here you can see some of the ways I helped make the Champions stand out. They all have the same Skull shoulder pad and some alternate heads which were spares I had lying around from my AoS Khorne army.
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Then we have the first of 3 Dreadnoughts/Hellbrutes. This is Tana the Bold. I've tried to give each Dreadnought a little Lore snippet, here's his:
A respected, albeit impetuous warrior, a characteristic that saw this former praetor of the War Hounds cut down in battle and interred in a Dreadnought long before they were reunited with their Primarch. Time has not been kind to Tana, as becomes increasingly unstable the longer he has remained active. This once great leader is now little more than a raging whirlwind for Chaos Lord Kellogg to unleash upon the battlefield when it pleases him to do so.
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Then there's Kellogg. A simple head swap on the Master of Executions made for a fierce looking Lord to lead this force. He started out devastating in his early days, but once people wizened up to what he can do, he can often be seen copping a Demolisher Cannon to the face or getting singled out by a Vindicare Assassin.
A cruel and bitter officer who reluctantly gave up the Legion's former title 'The War Hounds', Kellogg resented what became of his peers very quickly after Angron assumed command. In the warrior lodges he attempted to air his grievances but found only scorn. Increasingly alienated within the World Eaters, Kellogg feared his ferocity and continued successes were the only thing keeping him safe from demotion or worse. Since the Heresy, all other motives have been eroded, leaving a twisted shell of a warrior consumed by rage and the need to be in control at all times. The contradictory nature of these two behaviours has driven him well beyond insanity as his endless frustration spurs him on from one slaughter to the next...
Next up, over the last year I have gradually added more vehicles and Daemons to the army...
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warchirfsminitures · 6 months
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1500 point list. Anvil siege force.
Warlord: librarian with 10 terminators
Grav captain (stoic defender) with 10 heavy intercessors
Captain and ancient with 10 sternguard
Phobos LT (lone survivor)
Balistus dread
Rogue trader with 10 voidsmen.
Will see how this goes. Not Many units but they are durable and hard hitting.
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skunts-own-truth · 4 months
Got myself a copy of the 1st Ed 40k Rulebook! Spent an evening going through the thing, and you know, it's goofy as hell but it really is a cool book. I really appreciate how much work they put into this thing, not only selling the concept of 40k as a setting for the very first time, but making the entire game standalone and very playable. Seriously, there are few things in the 1st ed core book that doesn't have some kind of stats.
For instance, it mentions Custodes and within a few pages it has Custodes stated out. Most of everything has at least one block of stats and some kind of rules to field them, maybe not as a competitive army as we understand today, but as something playable for the sake of narrative. You can explore so much in one book, and honestly I wish modern 40k books gave that much love to their universe.
I think it would be amazing if modern GW published a core rulebook that could be played without anything else for 40k. Human stats, aeldari stats, Necron stats, chaos, kroot, random xenos and warp entities, charts to make your own, and standard weapons profiles for everything. So you have a game, a solid game that is playable by itself with a skew towards narrative play and making one's own characters- then releasing Codices and supplements for army building, special military units and rules pertaining to what a specific xenos race looks like as a military force rather than just a random band of them.
I do think modern 40k is very fun, but man, reading through this it does make me beg for a time where fun was the focus. I hate shit like meta play, tournaments, and balancing. It just isn't my jam. The way 1st ed is set up? I want a modern take on that. Even include the concept of having a GM for a campaign of it! I loooove that shit, I love the idea of having a GM for a 1v1 tabletop war game. Oh yeah, your list rocks, but did you expect the GM to have a renegade titan wander onto the map? My goodness.
I really dig it. When Dorothy and I move in two months, I'll try and trick some of my pals into playing 1st ed. I'll let you folks know how it goes! Who knows, maybe it'll be my favorite edition of 40k yet. I've played most of them at this point. Got in at the start of 5th, went back and played 3 and 4, and have been playing every edition up till now as they come out. Haven't touched 1 and 2, but I am very excited to do so!
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gasha40k · 7 months
I have unfortunate news. I think that, in the last three months or so, this has unexpectedly become a Khorne blog. I really and truly did not foresee this when I first started posting. No factions really spoke to me on a grander scale, except for my own. But now I’m actually legitimately obsessed with the World Eaters. To be fair, I guess no loyal servants of the Emperor expect their corrupted descent into Chaos ahead of time. The tragedy is always in the lack of foresight, after all. I don’t think my own dark baptism is anything close to a tragedy, though. I’m having a good time with it so far I think.
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Got quite a few things to talk about, but first and foremost, I got my hands on some Valhallan Blizzard and finally finished the bases on the few Berzerkers that I have painted. I’m pretty happy with these! The dry brushed stone beneath the snow gives a sufficient enough impression of, like, a rocky, mountainous environ, and the white contrasts really nicely with the red armor and dark ground, I think.
Initially, I was going to really drench the snow with blood—I think you can see that in a few of the bases that I painted first—but I decided against that after seeing how it actually looked. The bloody snow is a neat effect, for sure, but it’s super eye-catching and makes the minis a little noisy when overdone. In the future, I’ll likely save the blood for the more notable or interesting members of my World Eaters army (likely on characters and standout grunts), so as to make them stand out and add a little bit of base variety to the army.
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This is my third time painting an Ultramarine, and my second time painting a dead Ultramarine
Lord Akselos, though, gets next to no blood on his base, so as to make him stand out in an inverse fashion. The snowy, mountainous base here represents the frigid crags of Gorranax, the planet upon which Akselos landed after betraying the Ultramarines on Valefar. Gorranax is also where he would first encounter his Berzerker-Surgeon partner, Kastigor Spineripper, who would eventually be responsible for implanting the Butcher’s Nails within Akselos.
I think his base is probably the best of the bunch. The placement of the snow sort of visually balances the black, swooping cape, and adds some interesting color in that bottom right section, which is a spot where the model is otherwise lacking in visual variety. I’m mad happy with this and glad it looks as cool as it does! And with the base finished and his highlights complete (complete enough for me, at least), Akselos is fully finished, and ready for the tabletop!
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I say this all the time but I love this sculpt so much, the 2002 Daemon Prince is the most iconic Daemon Prince—the fella from Dawn of War—even if it is pretty silly looking objectively
Speaking of finishing things, my big boy is finally complete. My ugly, ugly son is painted, based, highlighted, and Ready to KILL. This is, by far, the largest non-flyer model that I’ve finished, and while he definitely isn’t the prettiest or best painted model on the planet, I’m really proud of it. I pulled out all the stops on this model and utilized just about everything I’ve learned about miniature painting in the last few years. I also took a good handful of risks and learned a bit from him, too, and despite it being a kind of treacherous and elongated ordeal, it was a super fun experience painting him up, and I’m glad he’s done with. I did, however, lose the hilt of his sword to my carpet, but I’m working on replacing it with a cool little custom skull hilt, which I’ll post eventually, probably.
But with one big boy done, another boy has filled the empty slot in my to-do list with his huge red bod.
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Finally got my hands on Angron, the man himself. I can’t quite describe just how obsessed with this model I am. Not only am I excited to have him because he’s one of my favorite characters in the 40k mythos, but he’s also a fucking Primarch—and a strong one at that—which is something I never thought I’d get to have as a custom Chapter player. All in all, I’m incredibly excited to paint this guy up and get him terrorizing my group on the tabletop.
I did have the opportunity to run a test game with my list on TTS a little while ago, which was both my 2nd ever World Eaters game and my 2nd ever 10th Edition game. Lemme just say about Angron: wow. He barreled into the enemy deployment zone in the first turn of BR1 and immediately mauled an Armiger. As a Space Marines player, I’m very used to none of my units being extraordinarily good at destroying shit, but those days are OVER!!!
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Since he’s a big ass model, though, it also means that he’ll be a big ass painting project. I plan on making him a proper centerpiece, and after painting my Daemon Prince, I’m totally confident that I can make him look pretty fancy given a few weeks of work. To make that process easier for me, here’s the subassemblies that I’ll be painting him in.
I also got my hands on some Mephiston Red primer, which I’m using to expedite the painting process. As shown above, I’ve primed
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My Khorne collection is getting pretty huge. So huge, in fact, that I now own more Khornate shit than Space Marines, both in bodies and points. My Khorne collection contains:
2,115 points of Adeptus Astartes units
59 individual Astartes models
2,995 points of Khorne units
107 individual Khorne models
Dark baptism confirmed. Corpse worshippers malding.
That being said, I’ve been focusing super hard on my World Eaters recently—mostly for economical reasons—but I’d definitely like to shift focus back onto my Astartes soon. There’s a lot of new, cool kits that I want to get my hands on, and a brand new codex, too. Feels neat having gone through an entire edition. Wonder if I could sell my codex from 9th. My current chore is just to paint my men, as per usual. I have some plans for my Thunderbearers that I’ll post about next.
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kris-belleau · 1 year
New40K Warhammer 40,000 App thoughts and reaction #tabletopgaming
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radwolf76 · 1 month
WH40K Homebrew Space Marine Chapter: Stormwolves
I've posted about them before, but with the April 2024 Field Manual Points List v1.8 recently dropping, I'd gone back to make sure my army list for my Homebrew Chapter was still in compliance, or as close to it as I can get seeing as much of it is from Legends due to the nature of my Chapter's Backstory, and it felt like a good time to consolidate the Lore as well.
(Keep in mind I don't actually play this army, the last time I played 40k was when Clinton was in office, it's just an exercise in seeing how well I can apply the army building rules to my Homebrew's fluff.)
Stormwolves Lore
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The story of my Homebrew Marine Chapter, the Stormwolves, starts with an Ordo Sicarius Inquisitor who had been embedded as a deep-cover operative in the Vanus Temple Assassin of the Officio Assassinorum -- Real name undisclosed, known only by her Inquisitorial Authorization Code for her Mission: 𝜮 — Niner . Septagraph \ Halley | ℚ [Rational] • Soul : Zed <𝑖> ∞ = Foxtrot ^ V̿ (This is often shortened to "Sigma Stroke Niner", and in rare cases to just Halley)
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The combination of Inquisitorial zeal and the Data Gathering & Manipulation skills of an Unbound Infocyte is a potent mix, and Sigma Stroke Niner was able to deduce the existence of Cawl's Primaris project prior to it's official unveiling, including the initial reports (later proven wrong) that these new marines would be near-immune to the various chapters' gene-seed flaws.
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She brought this finding back to her compartmentalized Inquisitorial Conclave, who decided that it warranted further investigation in the utmost secret. They also came to the verdict that if there were going to be a next generation of Marines, it was ill-advised to let them all be under the sole control of a lone member of the Mechanicus, no matter how intelligent and skilled. The Inquisitor Infocyte was authorized for a new assignment, to divert one of Cawl's secret remote caches of Primaris for study by an independent Mechanicus Arch-Genetor. This diverted batch of Primaris would also secretly serve as a fail-safe contingency for the eventuality of Cawl's project posing a threat to the Imperium, giving the Inquisition an independent stock of Primaris from which a counter-force could eventually be raised from.
A Vogelist Arch-Genetor, Kristiana Rozza, was chosen and allowed to review the collected research intercepted from Cawl. She hypothesized that the supposed flaw resistance may be possible to be backported to Firstborn Marines, especially if aspirants were screened for favorable genomes. A Rogue Trader, Jareth Keldon XXIV, was secretly commissioned to locate an obscure world to conduct experiments with this new "Marine Chapter", his payment being a full company's worth of these new marines being seconded to his flagship to assist with his explorations.
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The planet that the Rogue Trader was able to locate for the project, Etherion IV, was a pre-Imperium Dark Age of Technology -Remnant human colony Industrial-Hive not on standard navigational charts due to surrounding warp-storms (these warp-storms would result in several temporal anomalies and the planetary system having an asteroid belt littered with Space Hulk wreckage from the past and even future).
Etherion IV's planetary culture consists of a Capitalist Corporate Oligarchy with proxy wars of genegineered Abhuman Hive-Gangs, called "Splicer Gangs". The wide variety of genegineering among segments of the native population gave Arch-Genetor Rozza a broad canvas of potential aspirants for her various experiments in Astartes creation.
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In addition to the stasis Primaris extracted from Cawl's secret cache, a small amount of Astartes genetic tithings were diverted so that Firstborn Marines could also be made. The primary source was the Space Wolves, but some Blood Angels Progenoids were also in the mix of what could be illicitly redirected. While carrying the Geneseed mutations of these parent Chapters, the Marines created from this supply were entirely divorced from the homeworlds of Fenris and Baal, carrying no cultural context for any Chapter-specific flaws that develop.
The Stormwolves are not a full strength Chapter, and lack much of the heavier hardware. What vehicles and aircraft they do have are often archived museum pieces whose storage records were "misfiled" or unused prototype schematic designs pulled from mothballs at various Forge Worlds to then be manufactured locally on Etherion IV.
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Due to their covert "founding", the Stormwolves are also at risk of being misidentified as a Renegade Chapter or even surviving Heresy-era Blackshields. Or they would be, if they hadn't been trapped by a severe time-distorting Warp Storm keeping them isolated while time ran at widely disparate rates inside and outside of the storm. This Storm lasted several centuries and did not fully dissipate until the middle of the Indomitus Crusade.
Due to the research-based charter that was their unofficial founding, the Stormwolves have a non-Codex structure.
Chapter Leadership is referred to as "Control" and consists of Firstborn Marines that have not been experimented on. They assist the Arch-Genetor with her experiments, and also lean hard into the monastic side of being an Astartes. Their unique power armor color scheme is often not fully visible due to cloaks, robes, tabards, capes, and hoods in black, red, and royal purple. Control also almost exclusively carries high-powered relic combi-weapons.
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Then come the Bloodstorm Squadrons which are batches of Firstborn who have had their Geneseed experimented on. Their armor scheme is a variation of Control's colors, with more red. Conscripts from the Abhuman Splicer Gangs are also assigned to Bloodstorm as they wait to see if they get chosen for Marine implants.
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Both these Firstborn sections are outnumbered by the Primaris Marines of the Stygian Wolves Division. Sporting a much darker paint scheme, the Stygian Wolves are a mostly Phobos-armored Vanguard Force and are typically grouped into 5 Marine squads, one of which is always a Helix Adept. These squads are either designated as Obscuratus Pack if they are equipped with Omni-Scramblers and Comms Arrays, or as Phantom Pack if they eschew this extra equipment in favor of mobility. The Helix Adepts in both types of Pack are charged with monitoring the genetic health of the rest of their squad in addition to all their other normal Helix Adept duties. Both Obscuratus and Phantom Packs wield the locally produced Etherion-Pattern Marksman Bolt Carbine, a design that takes cues from both the Instigator Bolt Carbine and the Stalker Pattern Bolter. Occasionaly, smaller fire teams armed with either Bolt Sniper Rifles or Las-Fusils are also employed.
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Uncommonly, the Stygian Wolves also use Tacticus Configuration of Mk. X Power Armor, frequently in combination with Plasma Incinerators in a Hellblaster-style loadout, in squad formations lead by an Apothecary and known as Sterilization Detail. Very rarely will the Intercessor-syle loadout with the Cawl Pattern Bolt Rifle be used; this equipment profile is typically reserved for in boarding actions. Rarest of all are the Gravis-armored Multi-Melta wielders of the Extermination Crew.
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The devotion to monitoring their own genetics in the pursuit of constant improvement is not just limited to the Stygian Wolves Division, as Control is also very Apothecary heavy, with many Apothecaries assigned to a leadership role by the title of Helix Keeper. Helix Keepers also frequently assume the command position over Bloodstorm Squads. The Helix Keepers, Apothecaries, and Helix Adepts of the Chapter take the place of Chaplins, as the Stormwolves have no Chapter Cult of their own, their worship is directed solely towards genetic experimentation. The quest for purity also has weeded out most all forms of random mutation, including the Psyker genes, so the Chapter also lacks Librarians. (The deliberate genengineering of potential aspirants is an exception to the purity mandate.)
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The Stormwolves often fight alongside Auxiliaries draw from the troops assigned to Rogue trader Keldon's fleet. Keldon's Elite Personal Guard, the 1st Selene Contingent, is the most powerful of these. They provide an additional avenue for Arch-Genetor Rozza to experiment on enhancements that fall outside of the Inquisitorial charter to research Space Marine genetics and the Primaris Project. The true nature of these side experiments by the Arch-Genetor are shrouded in secrecy for unknown reasons. While there is always the possibility that the sub-project could be something considered to be Heretical by either the Mechanicus or the Imperium, Sigma Stroke Niner is aware of the details, and permits the work to continue. It is of note that the 1st Selene Contingent is an all-female unit.
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