#Ampers&one imagines
seokmattchuus · 4 months
Na Kamden as a dom
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Prefacing this by saying I am very delusional.
This is in no way accurate by any means bc all I've seen from other content is the opposite of this.
I wrote this for the sake of my sanity.
But moving on.
Somewhere in the middle of hard dom and soft dom but if you push enough, you get a brat tamer.
No, I will not elaborate because I don't even know what that means.
It just makes sense, y'know?
He's nice until he's not?
But when he's not nice anymore, he will fuck you up?
Definitely might take him some time to get there, but you can't tell me he wouldn't make the best brat tamer.
On the regular, he's not too strict but he's also not the most lenient.
Mostly because he uses his height to his advantage.
He doesn't need to you the voice because all he has to do is take a little step towards you and look down at you and boom, a natural brat-be-gone.
Can't blame you, though.
If he stepped towards me after being a brat, my five-foot-one-and-a-half ass (the half counts, okay) would cower like the chihuahua that I am (got that dog in me, y'know).
My hypothetical timbers shiver at the thought (in a good way).
But brat tamer Kamden?
He likes to use pet play as a funishment.
Because he's still trying to give you a chance to make it up to him.
And he's also not trying to ruin you completely.
Just a little bit.
The degradation of having the full kitty get up is enough to humble you so you're not pushing it.
Ears, collar, tail, no clothes.
Because kitties don't wear clothes.
He uses the leash to keep you in place.
Or keep you from looking away.
He'll pull you up to be right in front of his face and hold you there.
He's a lover of forced eye contact so he can watch you struggle not to close your eyes.
Which leads to my next point:
If he is trying to ruin you completely, the tail might be a plug.
That vibrates.
Maybe cuffs you to a cage and refuses to touch you.
Maybe uses a fuck machine instead. Because you obviously aren't going to listen. Why would he even try?
And he'll be mean about it.
"Awe, does someone want me to let them out?"
"If I let you out, don't think I'm going to make you cum."
"You get the machine, or nothing at all."
Or you're only allowed out if you're going to get yourself off.
Bc he's not about to reward you.
"You didn't want to listen, so you obviously don't need me."
"Show me how much you need it, and I might touch you."
I will not expand on this for my own sanity because I'm not trying to give myself thots. It's almost 4am.
Moving back to regular dom Kamden.
He loves reminding you how small you are compared to him.
All the time.
Holding hands and talking about how small yours are in his.
When you're sitting on his lap and he just towers over you.
Or his hands on your thighs.
Or when he has both your wrists in one hand.
Or when he's holding your wrist and his hand is just. So big.
He loves to verbally remind you, too.
Usually cooing at you.
Gives caregiver vibe lowkey, but he also just seems like the type to baby you anyways.
"My little baby."
"Look at how cute you are." (usually while pinching your cheek)
When he's feeling generous and wants to see you correct your own behavior, he likes keeping track of how much you're misbehaving.
I'm talking using a clicker all day.
And the final number could be anything, really.
How many times he's going to deny/keep you cumming.
How many spanks you'll get.
How many minutes he'll go without touching you (he might multiply it by two just for funsies)
Or how long he'll go on teasing you.
If he's feeling not-so-generous.
He's using the three-strike method and announcing them very loudly.
Does not care if you're around others.
Counting down from three while walking towards you.
Or giving you silent signals to check you.
Bc he knows you're looking at him after messing up.
But he loves the attention.
And loves that you're doing it for his attention.
Wouldn't have it any other way, truly.
He also likes to threaten you with what he's going to do to you once you're both alone.
Just to rile you up some more.
But his aftercare game?
He's gonna let you both nap before he washes you up.
Let's you relax in the bath after cleaning you so he can work on some food or snacks. Whichever you're in the mood for.
But you do get a big glass of ice cold water.
With a bendy straw :)
He gives you his softest hoodie to wrap yourself in while you both cuddle and watch tv.
Wraps his big ol' arms around you and holds you close while feeding you and maybe the occasional forehead kiss.
And asking if you're okay.
"Are you sure you're okay?"
"Nothing hurts, right?"
"My baby eats so well."
"Let me know if you need anything."
He's completely different from before. Total 180.
Big ol' softie.
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blossominghunnie · 2 months
𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭
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Pairing: hockeyplayer!Jiho x fem!reader
Genre: Fluff, love at first sight trope
Summary: A hockey player and an ice skater. Kinda cliché, right?
Warning: None
Notes: There’s literally no Ampers&One imagines on this app and I’m starting to stan them so, here’s an imagine of my cute bias. 😚
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“Why are we here so early?” Brian complained while yawning. It was Saturday at 8:30 am, pretty early for someone that wakes up past 11 am. The whole team of Ampers&One, which was the town’s local hockey team, was at the skating rink where they normally train on weekdays at 5 pm.
“Remember that coach cancelled training last week because of his allergies? Well, the only day available to reschedule was today, at 9 am.” The team’s captain, Jiho, responded while walking out of the locker room with his ice skates in hand.
“Stupid allergies, I could be sleeping right now.” The youngest of the group, Seungmo, complained as well. It wasn’t a secret that him and Brian loved to sleep all day on weekends.
“Quit complaining, it could be worse.” Mackiah spoke.
They kept walking and stopped at the bench that was in front of the ice rink.
They sat down and started putting on their skates.
Jiho decided to take a look at the ice to see who was training.
To his surprise, there was a pretty girl wearing leggings and a zip up jacket. She was doing spins and jumps, landing perfectly.
Standing a few feet away from her was a woman, who he assumed was her coach.
“Wah, she’s so pretty.” Kyrell spoke.
“Who’s she?” The blonde asked.
“Why are you asking?” Kamden questioned beside him. “You like her?”
“N-no.” The boy stuttered.
“I bet he thinks she’s cute.” Kyrell teased him.
When he didn’t respond, the two boys, plus the maknaes that were eavesdropping, began to make “oooh” noises.
“Her name’s Y/n, she’s a pretty well known ice skater.” Siyun informed the team.
“And how do you know that?” Brian asked raised an eyebrow.
The browned haired shrugged his shoulders. “I’m an ice skating enthusiast.”
“I’ve never seen her before.” Mackiah commented.
“Maybe she trains on weekends.” Seungmo guessed.
“Maybe.” Jiho kept looking at her, his eyes trained on her every move. She was so hypnotizing.
“I guess Jiho DOES have a crush, just look at him.” Kyrell “whispered”, his forte wasn’t really being quiet so everyone could hear him.
Kamden nodded. “He’s so astounded that he didn’t even hear what you said, and you suck at whispering.”
Everyone agreed.
And in a flash, it was time for their practice. Their coach arrived 5 minutes before the assigned time.
As they were preparing to enter the ice, the girl exited the rink with her coach. They bowed politely to the group of boys and walked towards the locker room.
Y/n felt a lingering stare so she looked back, surprised to see that the blonde guy kept looking at her. When he realized he quickly turned around, blushing. The girl blushed and giggled, thinking he was cute.
And with that, their first meeting ended. Without knowing that that was the start of something new.
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Misc masterlist || Main masterlist
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moonlight-yuyu · 7 months
-Ampers&One As A Boyfriend (Astrology) -
Ampers&One Masterlist
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✧Kamden would be the type of bf who would be an adventurous and somewhat possesive bf
✧Kamden would take things slow from the begining but mainly because he needs to feel everything emotionaly and like to get his emotions into considering before jumping in a relationship
✧Kamden would like to have a somewhat “traditional” relationship and would be the classic gentleman
✧Kamden would be at his romantic best when he feels secure in a relationship
✧Brian would be the type of bf who would be really open-minded while trying to impress you a lot of times lol.
✧The most imporant part of being in a realtionship with Brian would be that you also would be each others best friends and can talk about everything with each other with no need of worrying to coming of as “strange”
✧Brain would also be the type of boyfriend who would give you a lot of space and freedom if you need to and won’t need to clinge on you or even controlling you in any way
✧He would probalby also need space to himself
✧Communication would be a big thing for Brian in a relationship!
✧Jiho would be a the type of BF who would be flirty and up-front!
✧Jiho would value adventures and spontaneity in a relationship and would be a funny lover
✧He would be really energetic and would love dates outside while doing anything physically
✧Jiho would also mainly take the lead in a relationship
✧Jiho would be a youthful and passionate lover while also needing space for himself and freedom.
✧All in all Jiho would be a fun-loving BF who would love having fun with his s/o!
✧Siyun would be the type of boyfriend who would be really into the relationship and would give his all to make things work!
✧He would be spontaneous and direct and would love a adventurous relationship
✧Siyun would be a really warm and playful boyfriend who would do anything to keep the flame burning between him and his s/o so things will probably never get boring
✧Siyun would do anything to make his s/o happy.
✧Kyrell would be the type of boyfriend who would be really into the relationship and would give his all to make things work!
✧He would be spontaneous and direct and would love a adventurous relationship
✧Kyrell would be a really warm and playful boyfriend who would do anything to keep the flame burning between him and his s/o so things will probably never get boring
✧Kyrell would do anything to make his s/o happy.
✧Mackiah would be the type of boyfriend who would value a relationship which stars slowly but will last a long time
✧He’ll need to feel secure to be at his romantic best
✧Mackiah would appreciate a s/o who will take comfort in the reliability which comes from being in a relationship with him
✧Although he’s still young he would date to marry lol and would only get into a relationship if he’s really sure about his feelings
✧All in all Mackiah would be a loving bf who would do everything for his s/o in a blink of an eye
✧Seungmo would be the type of bf who would be really open-minded while trying to impress you a lot of times lol.
✧The most imporant part of being in a realtionship with Seungmo would be that you also would be each others best friends and can talk about everything with each other with no need of worrying to coming of as “strange”
✧Seungmo would also be the type of boyfriend who would give you a lot of space and freedom if you need to and won’t need to clinge on you or even controlling you in any way
✧He would probalby also need space to himself
✧Communication would be a big thing for Seungmo in a relationship!
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skzooe · 1 year
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na kamden as your bf
you and kamden being that awkward & awkward couple hcs
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you wake up with him being completely on top of you while sleeping
on days when he wakes up first, he rushes to the kitchen to make breakfast before you wake up
usually always at home together
mostly just cuddling in bed
he loves baking with you
begs you to play video games with him
whenever you two go out, it's usually gym dates
attempts to hold your hand but gets embarrassed/shy
loves flexing his muscles to you
his ears turn red from all the compliments you give him
takes you shopping and buys whatever you want
you take interest in something from the shelf and the next thing you know kamden is paying for it at the cash registers
"here you go" with the straightest but sweetest look on his face (INSERT THAT POU IMAGE OMG)
you two barely sleep so you go for late night walks where there is no one around
secret and quick kisses on your cheek is what he loves doing
you eventually get tired and he gives you a piggyback home
scary movies on the couch with cuddling and snacks is a MUST
he loves playing with your hair and just pampering you generally
"do you want me to give you a bath?" "do you need me to get your clothes?" "are you hungry?" "should i make food?"
you both end up falling asleep together with arms and legs all over the place
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© skzooe
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mirisss · 2 months
Cuddling with Ampers&One
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Ampers&One x reader
Thank you for the request! I hope you like it! 
Wordcount ≈ 923
Warnings: None I think
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Na Kamden 
Kamden is the type of guy who would always have an arm around you. Walking on the street? Boom, he has his arm around your shoulders or your waist, sometimes when it’s more convenient he’ll hold your hand. Movie night with the friend group? Kamden’s arm is around you. It brings him comfort to hold you in his arms, knowing you’re close and can’t be separated. 
When it’s just the two of you, home alone, on the couch, Kamden loves to cuddle with him laying on his back and you on his chest. He will run his fingers through your hair and every now and then, he will strain his neck to give you a kiss on the head. 
He Brian
Brian is more for subtle touches in daily life, no more than holding hands out in the open. Walking beside each other, only your pinky fingers touching each other as the two of you share nervous smiles. It doesn’t matter if you have been together for only a week or 5 years, you’re both as innocent as ever. 
Though when you are home alone, in the comfort of your home, Brian loves to hug you, back hugs are his favorite as he whispers in your ear or sings your favorite song lowly as you dance around the kitchen. In bed, Brian is the type to rest his head on your chest as you fall asleep, his arms tightly wrapped around you as he listens to the beating of your heart. 
Choi Jiho
Jiho is a wild card when it comes to cuddling or skinship in public. Some days he will keep an arms length between the two of you no matter what and other days he will be hanging on to you as if he would die without having you pressed against him. 
In the safety of your home, Jiho will be all over you. If you’re in the kitchen, he’s back-hugging you, if you’re brushing your teeth, he’s back-hugging you, any time he can he will be giving you a back hug. In bed, he will love spooning, but also sleeping in the sweetheart’s cradle. Any position where he can hold you in his arms, he loves. 
Yoon Siyun
Siyun will be a bit more reserved in public, however, he will hold your hand. It feels safer that way, especially if you’re out walking on the street, he has to hold your hand or he will worry that the two of you will become separated. In front of the boys, he can hug you and maybe a quick kiss every now and then. 
At home, Siyun is still a little more reserved than some of the others. He wishes he was as bold as Jiho or Mackiah but it feels weird to be so clingy, but eventually as your relationship grows he will become braver and more comfortable. When sleeping, he prefers the two of you laying beside each other and just your hands touching. 
Choi Kyrell
Kyrell will be really shy at first but try to act bold. He will watch different romance movies and series to try and get some tips on how to act romantic with physical touches. Each movie and series will give him a number of moves to try, however whenever it comes to it, he always gets to nervous to actually try it. One of the few things he managed was the “helping you reach something on the highest shelf”, it wasn’t intentional though but when he came into the kitchen you were trying to reach a certain mug that Kamden accidentally put on the wrong shelf, so Kyrell walked over and reached over you to get the mug. You were in awe of his action but Kyrell only smiled and handed you the mug. 
Even at home alone, when it comes to sleeping, Kyrell is a bit shy, so you often have to initiate the cuddling but once you have initiated it, you’re stuck. Because he won’t let go until he truly has to. He will lock you in his arms and keep you there until the morning. 
Mercer Mackiah
Mackiah is similar to Kamden, he must have some sort of skin contact at all times. Mackiah will hold your hand wherever you guys are, have an arm around you, and drape himself over you from behind, he’d put you in his pocket if he could. 
When the two of you are lying in bed, about to sleep, Mackiah has to spoon you because he can’t sleep unless he’s holding you tight and close. He will also give you about a thousand kisses on the neck and the head before falling asleep. 
Kim Seungmo
He’s the youngest but one of the boldest when it comes to PDA, he just doesn’t care what others think. If he wants to hold your hand, he will, if he wants to hug you, he will, if he wants to kiss you, he will. The only time he is embarrassed is around the other boys, mostly because they tease him, but he still holds your hand/hugs/kisses you. 
When it comes to sleeping, Seungmo will either fall asleep on top of you, spooning you, or in the sweetheart’s cradle. He loves falling asleep on top of you, with his head on your chest and with one of your hands scratching his head.
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kikitulips · 2 months
ꢐ Kamden ꒰ ꒰ ampers&one ꒱ ꒱ lockscreens ♡
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momobani · 4 months
i was today years old when i learned that keeho's little brother debuted in 82major like what??? this is little timmy?? wild
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actual-changeling · 4 months
Welcome back to Alex's unhinged meta corner! I am fuelled up with coffee and my adhd medication, so this is about to be a RIDE.
Apologies in advance, since this post will probably get quite long and also scientific at some point, but I will try to keep it as plain and easy to understand as possible. Combine two of my special interests (Good Omens and chemistry) and you get absolutely insane infodumps; it's a blessing and a curse.
As always, this is simply a theory, and maybe I'm wrong, maybe we'll never find out. But it's an option, and I have canonical proof.
There have been endless theories about why the Gabriel-Hiding-Miracle (which I will shorten to GHM) set off alarm bells in heaven and reached a strength of 25 Lazarii. Are their half-miracles really combined that strong? Does it depend on their relationship or love?
Well, today I am here to tell you that, actually, there is no such thing as "half a miracle".
We are going to have a closer look at miracles themselves, but the first important thing to keep in mind is that most of the time, Crowley and Aziraphale are incredibly unreliable narrators and have barely any inside into how heaven and hell work. Remember, they have been on earth since 4004 BC, they are certainly not used to any of the internal routines and functions.
They can tell us all kinds of things, but that does not make them true.
Now, miracles!
Both angels and demons are capable of performing them, though they only seem to be counted as actual miracles when they happen on earth, seeing as they measured in Lazarii.
One Lazarus equals the miracle power it takes to bring one human being back to life—the consequence is that miracles must be bound to the earthly plane, since that is where their unit originated from. When they are performed in heaven or hell, they are still miracles in a broad sense—celestial beings using their powers—but not in a way that ascribes to the measuring system.
Neil once answered an ask about Lazarus as a unit, and he stated that miracles tend to be measured in Centi- or Millilazarii (mostly the latter), meaning that the GHM was about 1000x as strong as your usual, daily miracle. The labeling also tells us that the scale for Lazarii is the same as the metric one.
If we treat Lazarus as a base unit, we need to find a way of defining it that is unique to this specific unit.
Globally, we have a collection of agreed-upon base units, the SI units (coming from the French Système international d'unités, aka International system of Units). Those seven are second, metre, kilogram, ampere, candela, kelvin, and mole, and every single one has a very specific definition—they are too bloody complex. None of them can be expressed with one of the other SI units, which gives you great definitions such as these:
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A little excursion for those that are interested: For a very long time, the kilogram was defined by. well. A cube. The "true kilogram", which is still in a vault somewhere in Paris. However, you can probably imagine why basing a unit on a physical objects isn't a great idea long-term, so back in 2018, the kilogram was redefined, along with three other units.
Now, all SI units are defined by natural constants, not physical objects, making them accurate and (more or less) absolute.
Back to miracles!
The reason I am telling you all this is that we need to find such a basic definition for miracles, too, or at least an approximation.
My proposal is that a miracle itself is the force exerted on matter by a a celestial being. That force is then measured in Lazarii, with one Lazarus being equal to the force required to bring one person back to life. This is where it gets a bit tricky because how do you visualize that kind of force?
Matter cannot be destroyed only created, so all the particles currently making up our bodies will continue to exist long, long after our deaths. Meaning when a person dies, the amount of matter that was them is still there, the consequence of which is that their body can be recreated at will. Now, souls seem to be separate from matter, making them metaphysical and thus irrelevant for this conversation. I am going with the assumption that once a body has been recreated, the soul can be put back into without additional cost in miracle power.
There might be another base unit hidden in the metaphysical, but that's a conversation for another time.
All of this amounts to one fundamental hypothesis:
A miracle is either done, meaning matter gets changed, or it isn't, meaning matter remains unchanged.
There is no in-between stage here, a "half-change" is not possible, either you exert a force on particles or you don't. What kind of change that is might not be tangible for us, but a change is a change.
When Crowley and Aziraphale try to hide Gabriel, they change the way he gets perceived, how others perceive him, aka they change the way his presence is processed.
The closest thing to compare it to, in my opinion, is the superior mirage—the Fata Morgana. At its core, it means that light bends as it passes through air layers with different temperatures; your eyes perceive the bent light rays and your brain processes them accordingly. You see images that aren't actually there.
Celestial beings look at Gabriel but see something that isn't actually there, so the "true" image remains hidden.
If we stick to this metaphor, then Crowley creates a mirage for any ethereal beings, and Aziraphale creates one for occult beings. The creation of that mirage is one miracle—not half a miracle, but ONE singular miracle. Both of them change matter, and both of these miracles can exist independently of each other.
Crowley and Aziraphale could have created their mirages on their own, meaning that two miracles were performed, not two halves of one miracle.
If you listen to the sound of the miracles, you can hear that it's different from the other ones they have performed on their own, with the "combined" miracle having two sound peaks instead of one. Tumblr hates it when I upload audio files, so have it like this.
In order, the miracles are Aziraphale lowering the chandelier and moving the shelves, Crowley removing the paintball stain, and the GHM.
IF they had both performed half a miracle, the end result would have been one miracle, meaning it should have sounded like any other—but it didn't! Two connected sounds, two simultaneous miracles.
There is still one thing left to talk about, which is the power of their miracle. Here is where my previous definition of Lazarus as a unit comes into play again.
Heaven measured a miracle power of 25 Lazarii aka a very high amount of force exerted on matter. You might think Alex, if they both performed their own miracle, how come that the alarm bells rang?
If we keep up the mirage metaphor, we can explain that! Crowley's intention was to make it so that ethereal beings cannot perceive him, so his miracle changed matter in a way that aligns with ethereal perception.
However, Aziraphale intended to change matter so that occult beings cannot perceive Gabriel, meaning his miracle changed matter in a way that is adapted to occult perception.
This is where science comes into play again!!
You see, particles aren't just particles, they are waves too. Wave-particle duality describes exactly that, e.g. an electron being both a particle and a wave at the same time. A connected theory to that is the Uncertainty principle, which describes the inability to measure the exact value of two different properties at the same time.
Or, to put it more plainly, if you try to figure out the exact position of a particle, its momentum becomes blurred, unclear. If you then focus on the momentum of the same particle, you can no longer describe its exact position.
You are probably looking at me now, thinking where the fuck are they going with this and why are there suddenly so many principles of quantum mechanics in a Good Omens meta post???
Crowley changes matter in way A.
Aziraphale changes matter in way B.
Those changes can co-exist, like an electron being a particle and a wave at the same time. However—and this is scientific theory adapted to celestial miracles—when an angel looks at Gabriel, then they are focusing on state A. When demons are looking at Gabriel, they are focusing on state B.
Focus on A and B becomes blurry. Focus on B and A becomes blurry.
Maintaining that double-state requires power though, because compared to wave-particle duality, these states aren't natural, they're inflicted—matter was changed. It's like the matter around Gabriel is flickering between those two states, a light switch trying to find a neutral position when there is only on and off.
How do we measure that power? In Lazarii.
The miracle energy that heaven measured is not that high because they each performed half a miracle and combined it into one, it is that high because they each performed one miracle that stands in opposition to the other; as a result, two different states need to be maintained at the same time, meaning the manipulation is ongoing, meaning it needs a fuckton of power.
If you want to keep balancing your light switch, you need to keep trying, you need to keep up the pressure, otherwise you either click it off or on. Same thing with the hiding miracle.
Twenty-five Lazarii.
The power you need to exert on matter to reshape twenty-five people—or to continuously hide one being from two opposing observers with rapidly-switching state changes.
While I think the whole "it's because of love" theory is fun and cute, scientifically it really doesn't make much sense because their powers have rules similar to our base units, so me must approach and treat them as such.
With that, thank you to everyone who made it this far and managed to survive our little excursion into the field of quantum mechanics.
Questions, thoughts, additions, etc. are very welcome!
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respectthepetty · 1 year
Hey there. Hoping you're doing well. This is gonna sound random but I need a reason to watch He's coming to Me. I was looking at a list of all gmmtv shows and I've seen them all, except He's coming to me. And the weird thing is I don't have a reason. I adore Ohm, i don't particularly like Singto but that has never stopped me before. I have no problem with paranormal bl or sadness in bl. But for some reason every time I think I'm gonna watch it, I don't. I don't know if this has ever happen to anyone else but every once in a while this happens to me with a show or a film, like there's nothing wrong with it but I can't press play. And I have no idea why. I was hoping for some motivation I guess, just cause I'm a completionist and it's nagging me that I only have that one show left. Anyway, I'd appreciate your thoughts on this. (thanks for the space)
@nothingsbetterthancoffee, as a fellow completionist, I understand. Nothing can be left unfinished. No stone can remained unturned. No show can be left unwatched! But also, this show is a HOT TOP for me, so let me easily help you by giving you not one but TEN reasons to watch He's Coming to Me:
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It has color-coded boys in love. <- The reason I showed up
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Med/Mes is a stable, loyal, and intelligent Blue Boy who is happy (yellow) even in death. Thun is a Red Rascal who is spontaneous, energetic, and passionate. The love was always there, but seeing the color exchange always brings a smile to my face.
It's only eight episodes, and they are FREE!
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Think of this as an eight-hour workday. Eat some breakfast, clock in to YouTube, watch five episodes (because after episode 5 is the PERFECT place to pause a la Bad Buddy), eat lunch, come back, watch the final three episodes, then clock out.
I know nobody wants to think of watching shows as work, but sometimes it helps to see the finish line at the end of day. Structure aids in productivity. And free is my favorite kind of watching experience, so it makes it even better.
The rooftop scene needs to be shown respect.
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Mentioning Bad Buddy reminded me that He's Coming to Me's episode 5 rooftop scene walked, so Bad Buddy's episode 5 rooftop scene could run. Put some respect on this show's name!
The team behind it are elite professionals.
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Aof, the director and an out gay man, has given us EVERYTHING! Bad Buddy, A Tale of Thousand Stars, Moonlight Chicken, and so much more. Rath, the cinematographer, has served us beautiful visuals every single time in Never Let Me Go, Dark Blue Kiss, and countless others. The screenwriter, Title, gave us the MaxTul vehicle MANNER OF DEATH. Imagine the Powerpuff Girls, but with film making. THAT'S the level of power behind this show.
The cast is stacked.
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You already mentioned Singto and Ohm whose backs must hurt from carry the plot of so many shows on their shoulders, but the rest of the cast is A+ as well.
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Sing and Chimon play the best friends, and they are the very BEST best friends. Sing has given us Todd(Black), and Chimon is about to embrace his sugar baby-ness in the upcoming Dangerous Romance. If they can stand next to THE Gun and the Perth, while holding their own, they deserve some recognition.
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The supporting cast could beat every other supporting cast in a fist fight without breaking a sweat. We have Gunsmiles (who is no longer on the GMMTV's roster, sad times) who played in one of the best plots in 3 Will Be Free. We have Ampere who plays the office ally in GAP and La Pluie. Then we have Jum who only knows how to play the kindest mother from GAP, The Eclipse, and the upcoming Last Twilight. The twins, AJ and JJ show up, as well as Love who riled up enough people with her performance in Bad Buddy to get her own GL show!
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Finally, we have the main ladies! Gigie makes you feel bad that this is a BL, so she won't get the guy, but that's because she is such a good character! Then there is Sine. I won't write much about her because I'm in love with her. I can't be rational about her. She never misses, and as a vegetarian, I would eat meat if she told me to. I. Love. Her.
The plot carries.
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We all know shows that drag out the main plot for far too long. This show isn't one. It understands the assignment, and has a genuine plot beyond two boys falling in love. It also has twists and turns throughout that make sense to the original plot. Nothing seems disconnected, and everything seems logical in a show about ghosts.
The love is real.
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For only eight episodes, in which one is mainly about a CHILD seeing ghosts, the way the love unfolds between the two leads is realistic. It is odd to see them first encounter each other when Thun is a kid, and Med is already a dead adult, but the way they come together as adults is touching.
The conflicts are believable.
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Because of the way Med and Thun meet, and the overall plot, the conflicts are believable. They aren't just having issues because they don't want to communicate, or because it's the second to last episode. NO! One is a ghost who had his entire life ended, and the other is a young adult trying to figure out his life. The hesitation, the separation, and the conflicts in between are plausible.
The coming out SCENES are top tier.
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If there is only one reason to watch this show, this is it! I don't need BLs to have a coming-out scene. Ever. If all of these shows existed in a magical bubble where being gay is the norm, I'd love it, but something about how Thun comes out in several ways, first to himself, then to his friends, and finally to his mom are all handled in the most endearing ways. These scenes healed my soul long before Be Loved in House: I Do hit me with its coming-out scene.
It has a happy ending.
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Not only does it have a happy ending, but it has several happy resolutions for all the plots. It makes sure to wrap up the narrative while giving a little extra that completes the stories without feeling rushed or random.
Now that I've given you all these reasons, I hope you find it in yourself to finish the series. I know the first episode is rough to make it through, but once you get to the second half of episode 2, it should be smooth sailing.
As for me, I need to go write up He's Coming to Me (in Colors) post.
(thanks for the ask)
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blubberquark · 6 months
Share Your Anecdotes: Multicore Pessimisation
I took a look at the specs of new 7000 series Threadripper CPUs, and I really don't have any excuse to buy one, even if I had the money to spare. I thought long and hard about different workloads, but nothing came to mind.
Back in university, we had courses about map/reduce clusters, and I experimented with parallel interpreters for Prolog, and distributed computing systems. What I learned is that the potential performance gains from better data structures and algorithms trump the performance gains from fancy hardware, and that there is more to be gained from using the GPU or from re-writing the performance-critical sections in C and making sure your data structures take up less memory than from multi-threaded code. Of course, all this is especially important when you are working in pure Python, because of the GIL.
The performance penalty of parallelisation hits even harder when you try to distribute your computation between different computers over the network, and the overhead of serialisation, communication, and scheduling work can easily exceed the gains of parallel computation, especially for small to medium workloads. If you benchmark your Hadoop cluster on a toy problem, you may well find that it's faster to solve your toy problem on one desktop PC than a whole cluster, because it's a toy problem, and the gains only kick in when your data set is too big to fit on a single computer.
The new Threadripper got me thinking: Has this happened to somebody with just a multicore CPU? Is there software that performs better with 2 cores than with just one, and better with 4 cores than with 2, but substantially worse with 64? It could happen! Deadlocks, livelocks, weird inter-process communication issues where you have one process per core and every one of the 64 processes communicates with the other 63 via pipes? There could be software that has a badly optimised main thread, or a badly optimised work unit scheduler, and the limiting factor is single-thread performance of that scheduler that needs to distribute and integrate work units for 64 threads, to the point where the worker threads are mostly idling and only one core is at 100%.
I am not trying to blame any programmer if this happens. Most likely such software was developed back when quad-core CPUs were a new thing, or even back when there were multi-CPU-socket mainboards, and the developer never imagined that one day there would be Threadrippers on the consumer market. Programs from back then, built for Windows XP, could still run on Windows 10 or 11.
In spite of all this, I suspect that this kind of problem is quite rare in practice. It requires software that spawns one thread or one process per core, but which is deoptimised for more cores, maybe written under the assumption that users have for two to six CPU cores, a user who can afford a Threadripper, and needs a Threadripper, and a workload where the problem is noticeable. You wouldn't get a Threadripper in the first place if it made your workflows slower, so that hypothetical user probably has one main workload that really benefits from the many cores, and another that doesn't.
So, has this happened to you? Dou you have a Threadripper at work? Do you work in bioinformatics or visual effects? Do you encode a lot of video? Do you know a guy who does? Do you own a Threadripper or an Ampere just for the hell of it? Or have you tried to build a Hadoop/Beowulf/OpenMP cluster, only to have your code run slower?
I would love to hear from you.
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taetown410 · 7 months
About Me
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Hi, I go by LULU, and I am currently in High School. I write imagines for the groups I like, by taking inspiration from my own experiences and ideas.
This blog is SFW, so I will not post anything other than that.
The groups that I currently listen to/write for are listed below, along with my biases from each group. I'm still trying to get into other groups and learn their personalities to write them accurately, but I do write for and listen to the groups listed.
Taetown's Ultimate Masterlist
Biases From Groups:
NCT/WayV - [Taeil, Taeyong, Doyoung, Jaemin, Chenle, Kun, Hendery]
Seventeen - [Jun, Wonwoo, Minghao]
TXT - [OT5/Soobin, Taehyun]
ATEEZ - [OT8/Hongjoong, Yeosang, Jongho]
XIKERS - [Minjae, Sumin, Hunter, Yechan]
Zerobaseone - [OT9/Zhanghao, Matthew, Ricky, Gunwook, Yujin]
Treasure - [OT10/Yoshi, Asahi, Jaehyuk, Haruto, Junghwan]
Cravity - [Serim, Allen, Wonjin, Hyeongjun, Seongmin]
Enhypen - [Jay, Jungwon, Niki]
&Team - [EJ, Harua, Maki]
8Turn - [Jaeyun, Haemin, Yungyu, Sungheon]
BOYNEXTDOOR - [Riwoo, Leehan, Woonhak]
Xdinary Heroes - [OT6/Gaon, O.de, Junhan]
The Boyz - [Jacob, Q, Kevin, Sunwoo]
Stray Kids - [Lee Know, I.N],
P1harmony - [Keeho, Jongseob, Soul]
(I'm still getting into these groups, but I do have a bias this far)
NewJeans - [Danielle, Hanni, Haerin]
Le Sserafim - [Chaewon, Yunjin, Eunchae]
Ampers&One - [Kamden, Brian, Kyrell]
One Pact - [Jay, Jeongwoo, TAG]
Evnne - [Keita, Hanbin, Yunseo]
82Major - [OT6/Seongil, Yechan, Dogyun]
Groups I Want To Start Listening To:
The New Six (TNX)
(Most of the groups here I had heard about before debut, but wasn't able to get into until now)
Soloists (these are kind of iffy, since i haven't hotten into them much):
Bang Yedam
[I've added some names to the bias lists, as I wrote them when I was sort of new to the groups. Plus, the groups at the very end are the ones that I'm still learning the personalities for.]
I will write/take requests whenever I can, so you can still send asks. During breaks is when I'm the most free, so weekends and holidays are the best time for me to write.
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ask-for-dhmis · 1 year
Electracy, can you teach me about electricity?
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eletrecey: The concept of electricity itself is based on electron movement. When you force electrons to move in sync, they end up producing heat, which turns the wire they’re moving in into a magnet.  
Britannica describes electricity as a phenomenon associated with stationary or moving electric charges. Every electrical charge is a fundamental property of matter being borne by elementary particles. 
For electricity, this elementary particle is an electron that has a negative charge, which is carried to the next electron through the convention method. So, when we talk about how electricity works, it’s essentially the result of the accumulation or motion of a specific number of electrons. Moreover, electricity travels in a closed circuit for the electrons to move through it. 
Let’s explain this with the help of an example. 
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Imagine you flip a switch to turn on a light. What do you do? You basically close a circuit. By applying the same logic, when you flip a switch off, you open a circuit.  
Now, when you close a circuit, the flow of electricity from the electric wires powers through them through the light, and vice versa. Likewise, the same logic applies when you charge your phone, switch on your television, or operate any other appliance. 
Moreover, electricity takes different forms like water, coal, wind, solar, hydroelectricity, and nuclear. 
How Is Electricity Made and What Is It Made Of? 
Not many people are aware that electricity is actually a secondary energy source – something that you derive from the conversion of other primary sources of energy, such as natural gas, coal, nuclear power, oil, and so on. Interestingly, these primary sources of energy can be either renewable or nonrenewable, but electricity itself is neither. 
Electricity is made up of building blocks called atoms, which is why you need to understand how atoms, and most importantly, how electrons behave. 
Every atom has a nucleus that’s made up of protons and neutrons, while electrons are charged particles that revolve around the nucleus in shells. As protons have a positive charge and electrons have a negative charge, they attract each other. This keeps both the charges equal, which, in turn, keeps the atom balanced. So, the positive charge on the proton is equal to the negative charge of electrons. 
Neutrons have no electric charge, and as such, they don’t have an active role to play when it comes to balancing an atom. 
Understanding the Relationship Between Protons and Electrons 
Electrons have a strong attraction to protons. But the electrons in the outermost shell don’t have as strong an attraction to protons when compared to the electrons in the immediate shells.  
The weakly-attracted electrons can be pushed out of the orbit, which in turn, causes them to shift from one atom to another. It’s these shifting electrons that are electricity. 
Electricity is made of electrons. But from a technical point of view, it’s the flow of electric charge as a form of electricity that creates an electrical current flow. 
To recap, the movement of a number of electrons creates magnetic fields, which kickstarts the formation of electric charges.  
Conductive materials that are used to carry the electric charge, such as a copper wire, have a negative charge flow of electrons. This helps conduct electricity by giving the flow of electrons a targeted direction, allowing them to move uniformly while simultaneously creating a positive charge known as an electrical current. 
To create electricity, you need to properly harness this flow of electric current and then direct it along with a conductive material. 
How Is Electricity Measured? In What Units? 
Measuring electricity and electrical units is an interconnected affair. You’ll understand what this means shortly. 
The first unit of electric current measurement under the international system of units is ampere or amp (A). It denotes the number of electrons (aka the electric current) that flows through an electrical circuit at a given point in time. 
Next is volt (V), which is the measurement of the force that pushes the electron through an electric circuit. This force is also known as the electric potential difference. When we determine the voltage, we’re calculating the potential for the energy to move. Basically, lower voltage equals lower force, and high voltage means higher force. 
To measure electricity, you also need to measure electrical resistance, which is expressed in ohms (Ω). As mentioned, copper wire is a conductive material, and since it has minimal resistance, it allows the easy flow of electrons. It’s also why copper is a good conductor of electricity, having a low ohm reading. 
So there you have it: You need ampere, volt, and ohm to measure electricity.  
As for the interconnection between the three concepts, one amp is equivalent to the amount of current produced by a force of 1 V that acts through the resistance of 1 ohm.  
Now read that again slowly, we know it’s a bit complicated.  
The discussion of how to measure electricity will remain incomplete if you don’t mention watts (W), which is a measurement of power. Named after the Scottish inventor, James Watt, this unit of measurement indicates the rate at which work is done.  
If you think about the light bulb (created by another famous inventor, Thomas Edison), you’ll realize how it shines brighter when you increase the electrical power supplied, which also translates to a higher wattage. A one-watt light bulb converts one joule of electric energy per second. 
When measuring electricity, the last unit you should know is the coulomb, which is the amount of charge flowing whenever the current is one ampere.  
In other words, 1 ampere = 1 coulomb/second 
Why Is Electricity So Important? 
We’re pretty sure nobody would argue against the importance of electricity. Considering the inconvenience caused by even a short electric power outage, life without electricity is almost unthinkable. After all, this is an essential form of energy that we use throughout our lives, whether it’s heating, lighting, transportation, or entertainment. 
In fact, we need electrical energy for a greener, cleaner Earth. 
From rotating wind turbine blades to solar power to channeling steam to geothermal power plants, it would all come to a standstill in the absence of electricity. If you want to enjoy renewable sources of energy, you need to ensure a steady electricity supply. 
Where Does Energy Come From? 
In the United States of America, the three main electricity generation sources are coal, petroleum, and natural gas. But this may differ depending on the part of the world you live in. For instance, hydropower is the main source of electricity in Canada, but in France, electricity is mostly sourced from nuclear energy. 
Luckily, the growing awareness for alternative sources of energy has led to houses and industries employing wind energy and solar energy. Nuclear power plants, biomass, and hydroelectric stations are also being used to produce electricity. 
To learn more about your electricity source, you can contact your energy supplier for more information. 
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Why Is Electricity Not an Energy Source? 
If you recall how we described electricity earlier, you’ll realize it’s a way of transporting energy from one place to another. Therefore, electricity isn’t an energy source in itself but rather a secondary source of energy. 
Let’s discuss this with the help of wind power. 
It’s the flow of wind that helps to drive the turbines, which are connected to an electric generator that creates electricity. So, once the electricity is generated and transported, the energy gets converted to other forms of energy. It also stands true to the first law of thermodynamics that it cannot be created or destroyed. 
The potential energy stored in renewable and non-renewable sources of energy is converted to electricity, which then helps power electric devices, vehicles, and other things. 
Determining Electricity Usage 
Knowing the total electric consumption by common home appliances is crucial. After all, the higher your electricity consumption, the more you have to pay. Below, we’ve made a list of the electricity usage for several common electronic devices. 
How Much Electricity Does a TV Use? 
Typically, most TVs use between 120 to 170 watts, depending on the size of the device and the technology used.  
For instance, a 42-inch LCD uses 120 watts, while a 50-inch LCD uses 150 watts. But when you change the technology, a 42-inch plasma TV would need 220 watts to run, while a 50-inch plasma, 300 watts. 
How Much Electricity Does a Computer Use? 
The electricity consumption range of a desktop computer is anywhere between about 200 watts, and again depending on the type of device you use, electricity consumption will differ. 
How Much Electricity Does a Light Bulb Use? 
To find out the amount of electricity used by a light bulb, you’ll have to look at the watts on its packaging. You can have bulbs that are 100 watts as well as bulbs that are 60 watts. Moreover, while an LED light bulb needs 18 watts, fluorescent tubes need about 36 watts. 
How Much Electricity Does an Oven Use? 
Ovens come in all shapes and sizes – some are designed for commercial kitchens while others are made for domestic use. On top of this, the dishes you cook involve different cooking temperatures and duration as well. 
It’s normal for ovens to use anywhere between 1,000-5,000 watts, with the general average being around 2,400 watts per hour – provided the usual cooking temperature stays between 300-425°F. 
How Much Electricity Does an Air-Conditioner (AC) Use? 
Similar to ovens, ACs are also available in a variety of configurations. Several other factors also affect the overall electricity consumed – from the number of rooms in your home or apartment to the desired inside temperature to your insulation, and so on.  
Geography and season are also crucial here. Think about it: AC usage during the winter in New York will be different than AC usage during summertime in Palm Springs. 
To give you an idea, an average central air-conditioner unit uses anywhere between 3,000-5,000 watts of power during the hotter months of the year. 
How Much Electricity Does a Dryer Use? 
The average clothes dryer uses 5,000 watts while the average washer uses anywhere from 500 watts (non-electric water heating) to 1,800 watts (with electric water heating). 
Do Dimmers Use Less Electricity? 
Yes, dimmers ensure a lower consumption of energy.  
Modern dimmers use less electricity as opposed to older dimmers as the former uses a TRIAC switch that cuts off the electric supply several times per second.  
As a result, the total amount of power reaching the light bulb is reduced. This lowers the amount of light produced, which in turn uses less electricity. 
How Much Electricity Do I Use? 
The best way to determine the total amount of electricity consumed is to analyze your monthly electricity bills.  
Your electricity usage will differ with seasons, weather, and other factors. For example, months when you’re not home will have lower electricity consumption as opposed to months when you have guests over. 
You can also calculate your power consumption by using the following formula: 
Step 1: Calculate the watts of every device you use daily 
You will find this on the packaging of every device. Here’s a list of everyday devices to get you started: 
Microwave: 750-1,100 watts 
Dishwasher: 1,200-2,400 watts 
Iron: 100-1,800 watts 
Laptop: 50 watts 
Coffee maker: 900-1,200 watts 
Step 2: Convert the watts to kilowatts  
Every 1000W is equal to 1kW, so just apply this for your wattage. 
Step 3: Find out the kilowatts and monthly appliance usage 
You’ll need three formulas for this: 
Calculating Watts-Hours per Day
Device Wattage (watts) x Hours used per day = Watt-hours (Wh) per day 
Converting Watt-Hours to Kilowatts
Device usage (Wh) / 1000 (Wh/kWh) = Device usage in kWh 
Find Your Monthly Usage
Daily usage (kWh) x 30 (Days) = approximate monthly usage (kWh / Month) 
Step 4: Calculate the entire cost  
Monthly usage in kilowatt-hours (kWh) x Electric rate ($/kWh) = approximate cost per month 
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What Is the Average Household Electricity Usage? 
In 2019, the average annual electricity consumption for a residential utility customer in the U.S. was 10,649 kWh, an average of nearly 877 kWh per month. 
In French households, the average electricity usage was considerably lower at 6,400 kWh per year, while China consumes about 1,300 kWh annually. 
Different regions have different average usage. Plus, other factors like house size, availability of electricity, and appliance standards also affect the numbers. 
Electricity Literally Makes Our Future Bright  
Today, most of the devices we use and activities we engage in require electricity. From cooling off with a fan to talking on a phone to driving (hello, Tesla owners!), it’s become a significant part of our daily lives. 
Adopting renewable power sources as opposed to fossil fuel sources can ensure a brighter future for our Earth and reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Contact your energy supplier to switch to electricity from renewable energy sources like solar panels, biomass, and wind turbines. 
Brought to you by justenergy.com
All images licensed from Adobe Stock.
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Here is. I finished :)
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blossominghunnie · 2 months
My first Jiho imagine is up! 💕
Didn’t realize I lowkey based it off of Broken Heart, lmao.
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moonlight-yuyu · 2 months
Can I ask for ampers&one love language?
- Ampers&One Love Language Astrology -
Ampers&One Masterlist
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Kamden - Gift Receiving
Brian - Acts of Service
Jiho - Words of Affirmation
Siyun - Acts of Service
Mackiah - Physical Touch
Kyrell - Quality Time
Seungmo - Physical Touch
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mirisss · 3 months
Ampers&One confessing to their crush
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Ampers&one x gn! reader 
Warnings: None I think, really fluffy
Wordcount ≈ 2.1k
Thank you for the request 🍩! I hope you like it!
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Na Kamden
Kamden would have done his research on how to ask someone out both from asking his friends, looking up tips on the internet, watching romance movies, reading books, and even asking your friends if you had mentioned any scenarios of how you wanted to be asked. 
The result was him choosing to slowly warm up to it. It began with the two of you studying in the library, he was helping you with a subject you struggled a little with, as the sun set and it was getting late, Kamden asked if you wanted to eat dinner together. You said yes, wanting to get closer to the boy who made your heart beat a little quicker. Kamden paid for your food, wanting to be a gentleman. The two of you ate and spoke, laughing and enjoying the moment. Once dinner was done and it was time to head home, Kamden walked you to your door, you hugged him saying goodbye, but then he suddenly stopped you. 
“Wait, (Y/n)!” “Huh? Oh, yeah, what’s up?” He walked closer. “I really like hanging out with you and I would love to spend more time together, as more than friends, if you want that too?” Kamden smiled nervously as he held out his hand, in it he held a necklace with a small flower charm, it was a (your favorite flower). “I’d love to do that too, Kamden,” 
He Brian
Brian would not be as well prepared as Kamden. Nope, Brian would kind of just do it without realizing it. The guy barely knew he had feelings for you before Mackiah and Jiho pointed it out to him. “Hey, lover boy stop staring at your lover and go ask them out already!” His two friends said as they laughed at the shocked face Brian gave them. “What do you mean? (Y/n) isn’t my lover?” “Obviously, because you haven’t asked them out, but you should cause they like you too,” Jiho said. 
Brian thought about that conversation for the next couple of days, but he didn’t know how he should do it, well until today. Brian was about to walk home after his classes had ended, as he walked by the basketball court he saw you standing there alone with a basketball in your hand, staring angrily up at the net. Brian smiled because he found you so cute. He walked over. 
“Hey, (Y/n), what are you doing?” “Oh, Hi Brian! For my gym class next week, we’re playing basketball but I’m really bad at it, and my gym teacher told me today that I have to do somewhat well next week to get a good grade, but as I suck at anything ball-sport related, it’s not looking good for me,” “Mm well, I could try to teach you some moves,” “You could?” You happily said, finally feeling a glint of hope. “Yeah, I used to play basketball almost professionally, until I moved,” “Thank you, Brian, I owe you,” 
For almost 2 hours, Brian gave you a private lesson on how to play basketball. After 2 hours, he noticed that you were getting tired so he decided that would have to be it for today. “Thank you for today Bri,” “No worries, hey, um, do you want to get something to eat?” “Yeah, sure, it’s on me though, as I said, I owe you!” “No, I’ll pay,” “No, I should paaay, Bri,” “What kind of gentleman am I if I don’t pay on a date I asked you out on?” “It’s a date?” That was when Brian realized what he had done. “Yeah, if you want it to be?” “I’d love that,” 
Choi Jiho
Jiho first met you through his younger friend, Siyun. Siyun and you shared a class and during a lunch break, Siyun brought you with him to the table where his friends sat as your other friends were sick or busy that day. All the boys were super nice and you especially took a liking to Jiho, finding interest in his major. Jiho immediately fell in love with you, it was love at first sight for him. He would be a little nervous around you but you didn’t notice. Jiho was just a little bit jealous too, jealous of Siyun who got to see you all the time. Therefore, Jiho did everything he could to show you that he was better than his friend. 
After you were invited to a movie night with the seven boys who made up your classmates friend group, Jiho got to find out something that helped him out. 
“Come on, please can we watch a horror movie? Please guys,” Seungmo really wanted to watch a horror movie but some of the guys were against it, Jiho wanted to hear your opinion before he stated his own. “(Y/n), where do you stand on the horror movie? Do you like them or not?” “Um, both, I kind of like them but I also get scared so if I wanna watch one, I’ll always need someone beside me that I can hold onto,” You laughed a bit nervously, making Jiho smile as he found it cute. “You can always hold onto me if you want,” The way he said it and the way his eyes looked so warm as he gently gazed into your eyes made your heart skip a few beats and a blush crept up on your cheeks. “Then I want to watch a horror movie,” “Same, so that means the majority wants to watch the horror movie,” 
Everyone sat down in their designated spots, you stood a bit awkwardly on the side wondering where you should sit. Jiho waved you over to the couch where he was sitting, Siyun on the other end. “Come on, you can’t hold on to me from over there,” At the beginning of the movie, Jiho was disappointed as you just sat in the middle of the couch with him on one side and Siyun on the other seemingly totally fine. As the movie was approaching its middle point, the first real jump scare happened and you were very frightened almost jumping onto Jiho as you hid your face in his chest. Jiho’s heartbeat was racing but he felt happy, he embraced his arms around your frame, hugging you tightly to him. 
After the movie was over, Jiho reluctantly removed his arms from around you as it was time for people to head home. He walked you over to the door, hugging you to say goodbye. “Thank you for being my human shield tonight, it was really nice, you’re a great hugger, whoever gets to date you is lucky,” “Do you wanna be lucky?” “What do you mean?” “Want to go on a date?” “Seriously?” “Yeah, (Y/n), do you want to go on a date with me, Choi Jiho?” “Yes, I do,” 
Yoon Siyun
Siyun and you would be friends, studying together or just belonging to the same friend group. The two of you both enjoy photography, so sometimes, the two of you tend to stray away from the group as you wish to take photos of the clouds or nature. Without realizing it, Siyun began snapping photos of you as he fell for your passion. He thought you looked really cute as you concentrated on getting the perfect photo of a flower as a gentle breeze was blowing. It would take him a few weeks to realize that he was doing this, it wasn’t until he needed to go through his pictures to find one for an assignment in school that he found the majority of his camera roll from the last month was just photos of you. 
When he realized this, he knew that he had feelings for you, and he knew the perfect way to confess. He would print out all of his favorite photos he had taken of you and even some photos of the two of you together. He made a small collage of them, decorating it with flower stickers and other cute stickers. Next time he met up with you, he would ask if you wanted to see the photos he loved the most, and you, of course, said yes. He took out the collage and gave it to you. In the middle of it, he had written, I love you. “I love you too, Siyun,” 
Choi Kyrell
He wouldn’t be the one to confess first, he would want to but he would also be too scared to ruin things with the person he liked. For more read Your warm embrace. 
Mercer Mackiah
Mackiah would be totally whipped for you, he would try to act cool and impress you but the second you look away he is following you with puppy eyes. Whenever you asked for something he would get it in a heartbeat. 
“Uh I could really use a snack right now, I’m so hungry but I still have two more classes before the day is over,” “Uhm, I just need to go to the bathroom, be back in a sec,” Mackiah would run over to the cafeteria and buying you a snack then run back with it, luckily the boy has a lot of energy and he’s a fast runner. “Here, I got you a snack,” He’d smile brightly as he handed you the snack, his eyes sparkling with joy at being able to get you a snack. “Thanks, Mackiah, you didn’t need to,” “But I wanted to,” 
Other times it could be during an evening hangout, your friend group was at a park just hanging out and talking. Later on, a chilly breeze passed by, reminding you of your lack of a jacket. “I’m so stupid, I didn’t bring a jacket even though I knew we would be out for a long time,” “Hey, it’s okay, here, I brought a blanket, we can share it,” Mackiah quickly opened his bag and took out a blanket, he then walked over to you, wrapping it around your shoulders as he sat down very close to you. “Thanks, are you sure you don’t mind sharing it?” “Of course not, I’d love to share it. Anything for you,” “You’re so sweet, Mackiah, you’re like every person’s dream boyfriend,” “Even yours?” “I mean, yeah, you’re nice, sweet, caring, funny, not to mention handsome, loyal, oh-” Mackiah suddenly stopped your rambling by leaning in and kissing your cheek. “Can I be your boyfriend then?” “Yes, please,” He tried to stay cool but the second he turned his face away from you, he was turning as red as a tomato as he cheered internally. 
Kim Seungmo
Seungmo would be really afraid of rejection so he wouldn’t dare ask you face to face. No, he would write a letter with the help of his friends. He rewrote the letter many times because he wanted it to be perfect. 
Once he had his perfect letter, that basically just said: 
“hey, (Y/n), I’m in love with you, wanna go out? Love Seungmo, but like no pressure if you don’t” 
His friends wondered why he opted for such a simple letter instead of the three pages long once he had them help him write, but no one was surprised. They knew Seungmo, he’s young and terrified of confessing to his first love. 
Seungmo ended up leaving the letter in your locker, waiting behind a corner to see your reaction to the letter. When you opened your locker and found the letter you locked around a little confused but figured that it was for you. You opened it and read the sentence, laughing a little and blushing. You looked around to try and spot the tall boy with now blonde-blue hair, and while he was hiding behind a corner, he wasn’t really hidden. You walked over to him, he was nervous and ready to bolt out of there. 
“Hi, Seungmo,” “Hey, (Y/n),” “Yes,” “Yes?” “Yes, I wanna go out with you,” “Really?” “Yeah, and I like you too!” Seungmo nervously put his hand out toward you, looking shyly between it, your eyes, and your hand. You smiled at the shy boy before putting your hand in his, and so you walked out of the school together, hand in hand, shy smiles and red cheeks, nervous giggles could be heard every now and then.
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stevebattle · 2 years
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Willie Vocalite by Joseph "Barney" Barnett (1931), Westinghouse Engineering Department, Mansfield, Ohio. Barnett became interested in Robotics while working at Westinghouse when he met Roy Wensley, the inventor of Televox. Willie responds to vocal signals; each syllable spoken into a telephone handset flashes a lamp (a technique used later in Elektro). The light is sensed by a photo-electric cell, activating a particular function. Three syllables start the robot, while four stop it. It can rise from a seated position and sit down again, can move either arm independently by rotation at the shoulder, can wink its eyes, and smokes like a chimney. Based on the Televox unit, it can control any connected electrical appliance. A later model was also able to 'taste' food using its "electrynx" to measure acidity. "The imagination of both children and grown-ups is inhabited by many strange creatures. One of the strangest monsters ever described by the pen, the 'Golem' of ancient Hebrew transcript, is reproduced by science in the shape of Willie Vocalite, a mechanical robot for the performance of tedious or difficult jobs. Willie talks and acts by means of photo-electric tubes and he tastes foods with an "electrynx" so sensitive that it will record the acidity of fruits to one millionth of an ampere." – Albuquerque Journal, 25th Dec 1938.
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