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I have just learned that there is a reason for mismatched new additions. Apparently, if the addition mimics the original building it creates a false sense of history and detracts from the original structure, b/c the addition and the historic building have nothing in common. (I don't know what to think of this logic. I would think that it should be different, but not extreme.)
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wiirocku · 1 year
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Winter sunset over Tel Aviv, Israel
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Cities, like dreams, are made of desires and fears, even if the thread of their discourse is secret, their rules are absurd, their perspectives deceitful, and everything conceals something else.
- Italo Calvino, Invisible Cities
Dubai. What can I say of my time living and working here for these past few months?
There are vast swathes of Earth that confound human habitability, and yet humans persevere in these places. Being struck - or stuck - between scorched desert on one side and sea on the other may not seem like the best of locations to build a city. But Dubai turned this apparent deficiency into a positive asset - indeed much of its 21st Century futurism rhetoric was built around its desert location.
Advantage one of a tabula rasa traipsed over by Bedouin tribes for hundreds of years is that there’s little built history to contend with. No foundational forebears or symbolic, mythic origins to tiptoe around. It’s been billed as one huge sheet of blank paper to reboot the future.
Advantage two is that there is nothing to limit growth. Like Las Vegas, one of the fastest-growing cities in the U.S., Dubai has virginal space to expand as and when it wants. And it does so in both directions, devouring desert and invading the sea.
I found it weird, when I looked up what a desert is geologically speaking, to discover that the largest ones are Antarctica and the Arctic. Desert is defined as a barren area of landscape where living conditions are hostile for plant and animal life. Sand is not as necessary an attribute.
In Dubai, the endless conveyor belt-like walking in the world’s largest shopping mall felt like sensory torture to me. The best thing about Dubai was leaving Dubai and heading instead into the desert. In contrast, the silence of the desert was instantly cleansing. A pilgrimage to the desert at weekends reinforced the spiritual dimension of deserts. The body felt different out there. Less able to hide behind the camouflage of cultured life.
I‘ve also been wondering if the city is the opposite of the desert? If the mall is the desert in a city?
We glean so much aesthetic and moral pleasure from the pictures of brand-new settlements built in desert landscapes - Saudi Arabia and parts of China come to mind - which are never inhabited, and instantly transform into ancient, ghostly ruins. There‘s the whole story of civilisation‘s ambition and idiocy in these hubristic failures, especially, as archaeology tells us, many deserts hide previous civilisations’ buried cities.
The desert is, thus, one of the ultimate encodings of deep time. Against which, human time will always lose.
I don’t know which Arab writer described Dubai as an example of ‘Gulf Futurism’ - a city built on shiny skyscrapers, petro-fuelled SUV machismo, nouveau-riche bling-baroque interior design. But, arguably, the kinds of deserts found in the Arabian Gulf are deep in the subconscious of the cities that have grown out of them: like Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Kuwait, Manama, and Doha.
Gulf Futurism knows that from sand the skyscrapers were made. To sand the skyscrapers ultimately one day will return.
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thedalatribune · 1 year
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© Paolo Dala
Campground, Cabins, And Lodges
Lodgings that commune in some way with nature are more popular than ever, post-pandemic. The 2023 North American Camping and Outdoor Hospitality Report found that a record 58 million American and Canadian households camped or “glamped” in 2022. That same year, the National Park Service saw more than 13 million overnight stays in its campgrounds, cabins, and lodges.
Travelers wanting to be close to the wild without giving up amenities isn't new, of course. Iconic lodges like the Ahwahnee in California’s Yosemite National Park and Crater Lake Lodge in Oregon “were constructed to give early 20th-century American travelers nicer places to stay when they visited the West,” says Max Humphrey, author of the new book Lodge: An Indoorsy Tour of America’s National Parks, which showcases the history and nostalgic interiors of National Park lodges. “People back then wanted access to the outdoors, but they still wanted comfort.”
Kimberley Lovato 10 Overnight Stays that Embrace the Wild without Pitching a Tent
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xaviergalatis · 2 years
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sheltiechicago · 9 months
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The Aul Residential Complex, Tole Bi 286/1, Almaty, Kazakhstan Built In Stages Between 1986-2002 Architects: B. Voronin, L. Andreyeva, Yu. Ratushnyi, V. Lepeshov, V. Ve, M.rakhimbayev
Revitalizing The Heritage Of Socialist Modernism: BACU’s Online Initiative To Protect Central And Eastern European Architecture
Preserving the monumental yet decaying structures of central and eastern Europe erected between 1955-91 is the mission of the online initiative, Socialist Modernism, created by the Bureau for Art and Urban Research (BACU). With an aim to revitalize this heritage, BACU believes in the significance of these elements which managed to defy some of the ideological requirements of their time, giving the urban space a distinct flavor characteristic of the socialist period.
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Bas Relief Sculptural Frieze On The Facade Of The Institute Of Communications. Yerevan, Armenia. (70s)
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Military Medical Academy Complex, Banjica, Belgrade, Serbia, Designed In 1973, Built In 1981
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House Of Fashion, Belarus, Minsk, Built In 60’s-70’s
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reylatargaryen · 1 month
The volume 3 is here, I also link vol. 1 and vol. 2
VOL. 1
VOL. 2
That’s volume is dedicated to architectural and infrastructural aspect of Draconicu’s.
Well, as I said, the main aesthetic/vibe/theme is first of all — dragons. Dragon scales, wings, paws, claws, fangs, heads, tails and etc. motives embedded/engraved in buildings/statues made of various types of noble stones and metals but more often from onyx, marble, obsidian (dragon/Vardaryan glass), volcanic rock and molten lava, gold and Vardaryan steel. Beside dragon theme there are two other themes which can be seen as representatives of the rings which create border’s (Empire’s) territory/landscape: fire/flame, volcanoes and lava motives (which is also dragon related motives, but can be seen as Wrathian influence on the Empire) and tropical/jungle motives (plants, leaves and etc.) — Gluttonyan influence on the Empire. The main architecture style in general is a mix of Mediterranean (Greco-Roman-Byzantine) and sci-fi style (for example: architecture from Star Wars)
Like that:
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Most of the architectecture in Vardarys is made with fusing technique which include dragon fire and magic (this same technique is used for making Vardaryan steel and other kinds of steel and materials which originates from there).
Vardarys in night and day time:
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The Great Vardaryan Empire is truly the diamond of all Hell. It’s a state which looks and infrastructure is reminiscent to it’s population (more so the natives) and it’s ruler: grand, mythical, exotic, beautiful, wealthy, advanced beyond the end and powerful. Even suburbs areas not lacking all of this. The Empire is one of not so many places in Hell which level of cleanliness, culture, life and protection is highest. The main domains of Vardarys are dragon taming/bonding/breeding/selection, use of different types and variations of magic, advancing technology’s and heavy militarisation/weapon production.
Dragons diversity in breeds and types and their usage in various areas is truly unmatched.
They’re used in:
Dragon Games (in which can also participate mixed breeds of dragons);
Taxi/transportation/courier (besides regular taxi/transport);
Agriculture (besides technology’s);
Naval military/naval transport (besides naval/aquatic underground and naval military technology’s);
Beauty/decorative sphere
And other spheres and areas and of course there are multiple mixes/hybrids which contain different traits of nearly or fully each of breeds.
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lachevrier1 · 10 months
HOME: a safe space
Everyone understands the critical role of home as more than just a physical structure in today's quick-paced and always changing environment. Home is a sanctuary, a safe space, meaningful relationship and even a place where there’s diversity. A term that evokes up so many different feelings, meanings and is much more than just a place to live.
The representative artwork represents a lot in my opinion and is a perfect descriptive piece of work. This piece shows the importance of surrounding yourself with people with who you can share your highs and lows and who have the same values as you. “The Last Supper” by Leornardo da Vinci is a meaningful piece of work which represents the final meal that Jesus had with his disciples. The home is represented in this artwork with the relationship that Jesus shares with his disciples. This last moment is extremely important for Jesus, and it really represents the importance of surrounding yourself who shares the same beliefs than you. This is for me the definition of home.
The architectectural interiors represent the physical structure of the word home. The first piece of image is my living room, which is the central room in my house back in Canada. A home is a place where you can share your best and worst moments in and feel yourself. It’s a place in which you are not judged, you are not loved and blessed. It’s the room in which me and my family gets together, talk, watch movies, etc. The second image is the Suncoast Credit Union Arena at Florida SouthWestern State College. I moved to Florida last August to pursue my education but also follow my biggest dream, to play college softball. I can now consider that this place feels like home. I’ve created friendship and memories that I will be forever grateful for. Every time I step in the Suncoast Arena, I feel like I’m at home. I can be myself, express my thoughts and emotions.
Photography is a potent medium that, in the world of art and self-expression, communicates emotions, tales, and the essence of life itself while across linguistic boundaries. With the photographer’s eye assignment, I was able to show my freshman’s experience at FSW in a couple of pictures. I’ve created friendship, discover a new country and its culture, met new people, followed one of my biggest dreams, in a lap of one year. Home is not only a physical structure in which you live, but’s it’s also people who you meet and with who you share different parts of your life. This part of my life is called “College, far away from home”. In the past year, I learned how to live on my own and I’m so grateful for all the people that made Florida a place that I call now home.
One of the songs I chose is called “Yellow” by Coldplay and its main them is on not giving up on someone. One of my values in life, is family. They have always been there for me, and this song reminds me immediately of them. We have not only been listening to that song for years, but my parents love them. I’ve also been in a tough relationship in the past, where I felt like it was a one-sided love relationship. Every time I hear that song I feel like I’m at home with my parents and they are listening to Coldplay in the kitchen. It just feels so homie.
All the posts I’ve added to my blog have a meaning and are linked to the word home. Whether it’s related to the physical structure or to relationships created or even a safe space, the different posts are all connected to the feeling you have when you are at home. I have never felt so much at home in the past year. Whether it is in Canada or in Florida, I know that I am safe and surrounded with people that care for me as much as I care for them.  
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designaddictmom · 3 years
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The Stepping Park House by VTN Architects
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What an elegant home. It’s an 1874 Second Empire Victorian in Mt. Washington, Pennsylvania. It has 4bd   3.5ba and is listed for $2,999,900M.
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Situated on a hill, it has a stunning view of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
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Notice the patina on the front door. 
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Beautiful entrance hall. Look at the inlaid in the floor.
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What a pretty sitting room. Look at the Bishop’s Sleeve drapery treatment and the ceiling medallion.
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What a fancy library/study. 
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So much gold, even in the dining room. 
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The kitchen was tastefully redone in hi-end cabinetry, plus a beautiful backsplash and quartz countertops.
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Beautiful TV room opens to a porch- I love that screen in the corner. 
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Look at the lovely porch it opens to. 
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The 2nd level hallway. Look at the curtains in the linen closet doors.
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Very modern bedroom redo has a mirrored wall. 
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Renovated modern bath. 
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This room looks like a serious student’s room.
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And the hall/closet to the bath has another desk area built in.
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New modern shower room. 
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This looks like a fancy daughter’s room. 
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A family room at the back of the home opens to the garden.
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What formal gardens.
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Plus a beautiful pool. 
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Pergola by the pool.
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Beautiful fountain. 
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And, a gate that makes it look like a secret garden. 
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The neighborhood is just across the river from Pittsburgh. 
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wiirocku · 3 years
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Sunset in Verona, Italy
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yorksnapshots · 4 years
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The Gatehouse of Easby Abbey with the Parish Church of Saint Agatha, North Yorkshire, England.
Need to return here after Covid as the church contains 13th Century wall paintings.
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deseopolis · 4 years
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Temple Residence. 4 Apartments Urban House. Lausanne, Switzerland. 2010-2013. LOCAL ARCHITECTURE
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taller819ac · 3 years
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#taller819ac #arquitecturacarmela #arquitecturaexterior #arquitecturamexico #arquitecturaydiseño #arquitecturamx #cancel #canceleria #exteriordesign #terrazabar #terracecasual #terracehousealohastate #allofarchitectures #architectecture https://www.instagram.com/p/CUqx6k_FYY7/?utm_medium=tumblr
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sheltiechicago · 6 months
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“St. Marks Pipe Organ, Part 2.”
Architectonic Photographs by Charles Brooks Illuminate the Atmospheric Interiors of Historic Instruments
Architecture in Music series
All images © Charles Brooks
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“Charles Threress Double Bass c. 1860.”
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“1995 Low C Prestige Bass Clarinet”
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Left: “Lockey Hill Cello c. 1780.” Right: “The Exquisite Architecture of Steinway, Part 8,” Steinway Spirio R piano
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“Taylor GS Mini Guitar”
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