#Brian go brrr
crumbleclub · 11 months
AU where, after Pizzasim, Henry finds that he's come back as Evan's Fredbear plush in a new universe. He has to try and set things right from there, to save all the children from the threats that loomed...
Including himself, and everything he turned a blind eye to.
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tinytinybumblebee · 1 year
I thiink I like writing/drawing characters like Ed, Danse, and Tim, etc because they didn't have the best upbringings and faced a lot of difficult sads stuff day to day and they deserve good and safe love while tiny
And because I project onto their carers because I just wanna be useful and take care of themmm xD
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the-arcade-doctor · 1 year
But there’s a difference. Blitzø is an adult. -Loona
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WOAH, COOL ICON- I'm getting off track, please do not blow up my arcade. :(
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magewolf-the-artist · 3 months
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Haha Sulinda Brainrot go brrr-
So this was a VERY spur of the moment thing that I decided to make canon to the Domestic K-9 AU. The basic rundown is that in 1978, Linda Thompson moved back to Michigan for a job opportunity several towns over from Brighton. While she didn't want to see Felix again, she did want to know how everyone else was doing, especially Susan since they were best friends and probably something more but that's for her to unpack another time.
Except oh fuck, everyone's gone missing and Bon's Burgers shut down and the company is extremely cagey with the details. Linda is distraught and launches into her own private investigation, especially since she doesn't trust a word out of Felix's mouth about how everything is totally fine.
She doesn't get very far for a good while until in 1982 shortly after the death of Brian Stells, an ex-BSI employee reaches out to Linda because he heard that she was running an investigation on the shady shit in the company. This employee, who is an OC I'll probably design later, recently discovered quite a bit of dirt on the company and quit soon after. He didn't want to say anything out of fear, but after the death of Brian shakes up the community and Linda goes around interviewing everyone she can about it, he reaches out to her and reveals the following:
That all the missing person didn't just randomly disappear one day, they were murdered
Their bodies were shoved into the animatronics
Felix is complacent in all of this and the company is trying their damn best to pretend the missing people never existed
Brian isn't the first BSI employee to go missing
The employee clarifies that he doesn't know who the murderer is and that he has reason to suspect it wasn't Felix, and that he doesn't know WHY they were killed. Idk yet how he finds all that out but I imagine it'd be over a period of time and he'd quit once he found out that the missing people were murdered and possessing the animatronics out of fear for his own safety.
Linda is obviously horrified and enraged that Felix would do this but really wants to have all her information straight before she start throwing accusations around. She asks where the animatronics are because she wants to try and find them and the employee reluctantly tells her that all the stuff from Bon's Burgers is stored in the K-9 facility in St. Juana's forest. Linda profusely thanks him and promises that when she releases all this info to the public, she won't mention him. The employee thanks her and leaves, and Linda drives to the K-9 facility.
She breaks in through a window and looks around for a bit before stumbling across Susan in the Banny animatronic. There's an awkward moment of silence before Susan asks what the hell she's doing here. Linda quickly explains all the previous stuff and says she really wants to know her side of the story. Susan is extremely bewildered but complies. She goes into detail about her death, Bon and Wonderland, the deaths of everyone else, and Jack Walten's mysterious disappearance. Susan is once again furious at Felix for doing all of this shit but thanks Susan for the info.
Then they kinda sit around a talk for a while since Susan hasn't interacted with the outside world for over 8 years. Linda briefly catches her up to date on things and they talk for awhile, and then the conversation eventually turns to them reminiscing over the past. Linda at some point says that despite the... unusual and very sad circumstances, she's glad to see Susan again and off-handedly says she still looks beautiful inside the animatronic. Susan freezes up as Linda confesses that she thinks she had feelings for Susan back in 1974 but obviously wasn't able to act on them, but she really wants to start over and asks Susan out. Susan is incredibly fluster and confused by this turn of event but says yes almost instantly, admitting that she had feelings for her too but obviously didn't want to get in the way between her and Linda.
Linda promises she'll be back tomorrow night to interview everyone else and gives her a quick peck on the cheek. Susan.exe has stopped working.
Later that day Charles walks past the room Susan's in and sees her laying on the floor, staring up at the ceiling numbly.
Charles: One of those days, huh Susan?
Susan: *quietly* I have a girlfriend.
Charles: HUH?!?!?!
Susan gets flustered VERY easily because she was closeted her whole life and pretty much solely focused on her work so being in a relationship is very new. Plus the complete whiplash of her seeing a long lost friend, being suddenly questioned about her death and all the shady shit with BSI, and then getting a girlfriend is a bit much for her to handle in one day but she's not exactly complaining.
I imagine Susan never lets Linda out of her sight and goes to great lengths to keep Bon away because she knows if he finds her she's a goner.
I'll probably drawing Linda interviewing the rest of the K-9 people at some point but for now have mindless, tooth rotting lesbian fluff
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brother-emperors · 11 months
Allow me, if you will, a moment to go absolutely rabid over your blog and everything that goes on here. I’ve always loved history but the USA hardly likes teaching anything that isn’t American History. I’ve forgotten how much I love WORLD history, specifically the rise and fall of empires.
I’ve been smothering myself in your posts and I love it ALL. JC, Pompey, Crassus, Sulla, Octavian, Antony, Cassius, and Brutus. Wow what a mood. You don’t miss on your references or your modern AU’s and I’m over here like- I’m trying to buy whatever web comic you put out, book you write, etc.
Also, if you’d be so kind to list some material with like themes to start breaking into these topics. Preferably materials in English or translated materials.
if you really want to start on the ground floor for breaking into something, I'd recommend my personal favorite approach which is picking the figure that's most interesting to you, reading through plutarch's biography on them (free! online! in english!) and then putting their name through a jstor search and reading whatever sounds fun.
other than that, the primary theme I've been wandering around in lately, so these are the materials I've been really enjoyed related to that:
The Deaths of the Republic: Imagery of the Body Politic in Ciceronian Rome, Brian Walters
The Game of Death in Ancient Rome: Arena Sport and Political Suicide, Paul Plass
Ideology in Cold Blood: A Reading of Lucan's Civil War, Shadi Bartsch
Statius and Virgil: The Thebaid and the Reinterpretation of the Aeneid, Randall T. Ganiban
Rome, Blood & Power, Gareth C Sampson
I also have a comparatives tag where I play connect the dots with texts that made my brain go brrr
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caffinedragon · 15 days
Through Selune's Eyes. (Of Bear Claws and Wolf fangs blurb)
I may not subscribe to the christian religion as much as i used to but this song still makes the brain go brrr. And now is the song that represents a future chapter in my Tav/Halsin fic.
I see this song as being the vibe and energy of the night Halsin returns Razzikel(Tav) to his people before the game. His return is celebrated by beautiful music and dancing around a large bonfire, food, drink, and company freely shared with all.
At first Halsin, though in awe of the immensely diverse and loving community of wandering nomads, the darkness that he has been through makes him question if he deserves to join in the celebration. So instead of joining in the joyous celebration full of life and love, he watches his normally stoic friend spinning, dancing, laughing, and singing, longing the entire time to join them.
Razzikel's father, upon seeing him sort of keeping to the shadows, approaches him and through the same kind and understanding nature Razzikel himself inherited gets Halsin to talk about what he has been through.
By the end, the Tribal leader gives him a new perspective on his life and the words that are sung I imagine are the words that he uses to show him how welcome and loved he is, encouraging him to join the celebration.
So when Razzikel swoops in and reaches out his hand in invitation, he takes it without hesitation and for the rest of the time he spends there he lets himself learn what it is like to have a community that supports you and to be surrounded by people that genuinely care.
It is a memory that later inspires him to build the commune post game, building a place for those with no where to go to have a home.
A place that Razzikel's people come too to help him build and ultimately settle there.
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natestarsher55 · 7 months
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my mech oc, and the most pathetic wet cat (or should i say whale shark) to ever mech. how did they end up on the ship? who’s to say. maybe jonny really wanted a pan flute player, who knows. also i like to think that brian took pity on them and makes sure sea’s doing ok. relatively, of course.
someone suggested that raph and brian would make a little aquarium system around the ship for sea. i’m a huge fan of this idea, maybe it could be like those long overhead tanks in aquariums? i always liked those. i think they’d probably sleep in the aquarium system whenever possible so they wouldn’t have to use their spritzer (more details below).
i’m thinking that they’re similar to a frog in that their skin (or in this case, seas gills) needs to stay moist to breathe. so maybe they carry around a lil spray bottle and spritz themself with it every so often. raphaella customized it for sea, of course. maybe she gave it some sort of sleep setup so that they can be spritzed even while asleep (if they’re outside of the ship). i like to think that the mechs do care about sea, even if they pretend not to most of the time. because dysfunctional found family dynamics go brrr.
anyways i’m really happy with them and i hope y’all enjoy sea too :)
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glisteningreverie · 4 months
*Kicking down the door* Guess who’s BAAAAAACK~♪
Something something “Brian Strikes Again”
Got to thinking about my Cookie Run-based PreCure fanseries that I’d like to write eventually and so I ended up drawing some Cure Designs!
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Playing a little fast and loose with canon here, since when it came to picking Cures I just picked out my favourite cookies (for the most part). I also haven’t decided if it’s the actual cookies becoming Pretty Cures or if it’s just characters based on them. Anyways!
Cure Astro (Astronaut Cookie) is the season’s Pink Lead. A lot of deliberation was had before I settled on Astronaut Cookie, both because I wanted to have a Pink Lead and because I wasn’t so sure if any of the other characters I picked would make good lead Cures. I was originally only going to use Cookies from Kingdom, but decided against it. A good scroll through the Cookie Run character list was what led me to choosing Astronaut, as I both like her look and personality.
Cure Mouflon (Cotton Cookie) was the featured cookie right around the time I started playing Cookie Run: Kingdom. So she’s got a special place in my heart for that. The fact that her English VA is Cherami Leigh has me inclined to choose her as well. I recognized her voice in game right away, as she’s also in a certain… infamous dub. I’m super happy with how her hair turned out in this drawing, as I feel it adds to the whole shepherdess look.
Cure Crême (Cream Puff Cookie) has a very PreCure protagonist vibe to me. Eager to learn and inspire others, I think she’d be a good addition to the team. I wasn’t sure whether to include her cape in her Kingdom look, but I ended up turning it into a collar and bowtie. I actually designed her Cure look first, and so I tried to build off of some of the ideas I had in her design into the rest of the team’s outfits.
Cure Framboise (Raspberry Cookie) is another favourite. Pretty sword lady go brrr, what else can I say? I’m glad the twist in her ponytail turned out well; I knew I wanted to try and differentiate her hair from the way she usually wears it, and wasn’t sure how that ringlet would work out until I saw it. The raspberries in her design also look like roses/rosette icing, which I think works for Raspberry Cookie!
Cure Lilac (Lilac Cookie). Purple is my favourite colour. Lilac Cookie is my favourite purple cookie. I will take no criticism. There are a lot of things I attempted on his design that I don’t usually do; for one thing, I obviously had to go for a shorter hair style, which I am absolutely not confident in doing. Masculine features don’t come as easily to me either, but I think his build turned out alright. I knew I wanted to include flowy fabrics in his outfit, since I wasn’t going to be giving him a skirt. I think his sash and the scarf thingy up on his shoulders (I have no clue what it’s actually called) turned out really well!
And of course we have the Fairies, based on the Cookiemals! Maple, Choco, and Buttershell are tasked with locating the legendary PreCures and the Soul Toppings, but get separated in the confusion of trying to escape the villains attacking their home. These guys have some pretty strong shape language already, it’s just a matter of translating them into my style and making them look more like they’d actually fit the role of PreCure Mascots.
I’ve had this idea for a while now and I’m still workshopping the concepts, plot, and characters. We’ll see if anything actually comes out of this.
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ok ok ok
Hear me out
Cause I've gotta couple things that might catch your attention ;):
Masky x Reader - Fantasy AU:
Where [Name] is known as "That one human who just won't die for some reason", and is known as a threat for killing the killers.
Of course she kills them for self-defense, but Killers don't view humans that way and consider her a threat.
So Masky is tasked with retrieving her and bringing her to the Operator/Slenderman.
(Inspired by the Owl House)
Toby x Reader x Eyeless Jack:
Toby, Reader, and Eyeless Jack are trapped in a killing game along with 17 other killers, making 20 if them.
Toby is the Operator/Slenderman's favorite and head Proxy, Eyeless Jack is in Toby's group and is one of the best medics, and [Name] is a poor human caught in the fiasco
(Inspired by Danganronpa).
Hoodie/Brian Thomas x Reader:
This is more of a slice of life, but it's very dark. [Name] is a human who was "adopted" by what I like to call, the Clockwork squad.
The Clockwork squad is: Clockwork (Leader), Jane (second in command), Nina (poster-girl), Nurse Ann (Medic), X-virus (Scout).
However their relationship isn't really healthy, and it resembles that of a toxic nuclear family.
So this is in the timeline in Marble Hornets where Brian "dies". But instead of being revived for the Operator/Slenderman, he ends up in the Zalgo realm.
Where he meets [Name].
(Inspired by South Park, Moral Orel, and Helluva boss)
Masky is a living breathing mess, but [Name] is such an even bigger mess, that it makes him actually ground to earth.
Hoodie is your player hot boy, but then he meets [Name], a shy rich kid with a bunch of family trauma.
Toby is a fucking disgusting rat who makes everyone's life a living hell, but he meets [Name], his ultimate match, that's somehow always catching up and ruining his schemes.
EJ is a gremlin demon with a superiority complex, and [Name] is the one who claps him back down from his pedestal.
Jeff is your local murderous goth, and [Name] is the personification of Barbie, which is actually Jeff's type, nuclear family trauma go brrr.
Consider my attention caught 😳
Fantasy AU sounds absolutely lovely, I think there will be a great chemistry between Masky and the reader 😳
Oooo A Toby x Eyeless Jack x reader looks very cool! I think you can do a lot of great things with the plot, it's an interesting relationship dynamic too👀
I NEED MORE SLICE OF LIFE FICS FOR THIS FANDOM, EVEN IF ITS DARK PLZ ID ABSOLUTELY LOVE FOR THIS BOOK TO EXIST😤 Like you can make it realistic and fluffy at the same time and It's such a good idea ✨️ The Zalgo realm situation would be very cool and the idea that they're all part of a toxic nuclear family is an interesting detail!
The Toby and Reader ship dynamic is perfect- The same with EJ because he does need to be taken down a notch 💀💀💀 Oh gosh I adore each of these different dynamics and I can't wait to see what you create with them💛💛💛
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Ok listen. Classpecting is super subjective so no one can argue with me except about Jessica's. Jessicas was a complete guess based on the series because im not reading the comics until they are all out.
Jessica- Rogue of Space
Brian- Bard of Light
Alex- Prince of Rage
Jay- Heir of Time
Tim- Page of Doom
I used classpect-navelgazing 's guide for this, and just went with my gut for most of them.
Until i become more educated on classpecting and have fully formed thoughts on classpects other than hehe this one go brrr, i might use these >:D
Yk, for the sillies :3
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tahcoo · 2 years
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3am drawing
Brian go brrr
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sp1resong · 2 years
roles for that wcrw/mechanisms au. because i am tired and have nothing better to do
willowsong - raphaella. do i even need to explain this one
lynxheart - jonny. batshit insane guys with murderous tendencies, dark stripes of some variety next to their eyes, a history of cannibalism, and, possibly, a gun.
sparrowfeather - tim. i don't even need to change her backstory it's already so referential
rushtooth - marius. their backstories line up less but like. the vibes
featherfell - nastya. idk vibes mostly. and also because Someone had to be nastya and it was either him or snowtuft
snowtuft - the toy soldier. this one was a bit harder but it fits i think, even if the characters themselves are rather different.
frecklewish - brian. once again, largely just a 'someone had to do it' role.
ivy and ashes don't have a particular character, but are kind of mixed in with willowsong and sparrowfeather respectively
the mechanisms themselves are all switched up to fit the characters and their backstories better; so uhh here's a list of those:
willowsong - undecided lmao. she originally died of accidentally poisoning herself someone give me ideas
lynxheart - her heart. because jonny. and her name. in this universe hopeflower stabbed her in the chest instead of her throat
sparrowfeather - her lungs. smoke inhalation go brrr
rushtooth - also undecided. i'm thinking his throat??? i haven't really decided how she dies in rewrite-canon,, either she accidentally poisoned herself or he got murdered after everyone else got tired of having the world's least qualified healer. a mechanical throat could be fun to work with, especially if the mechanical bits included his vocal cords
snowtuft - his eyes. this is actually based in rewrite-canon; he volunteered for willowsong's dark water experiments and ended up with a funky new eyeball with which he can see shrimp colors and also literally stare into people's souls. he's also made mostly of fog?? technically???? and he's way older than any of the others (although he can't remember much from before he showed up).
frecklewish - her blood. i was going to make it her eyes, but we've already got snowtuft and--i mean--she died of snake venom in her bloodstream so blood makes more sense overall
featherfell - all of him except his eyes(?). because he just straight-up got smote. starclan really just said 'no life for u
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terrasolstice · 2 years
Dp/dc au first hero
I apologize ahead of time I don’t know how to shorten/hide the post if someone can tell me how it would be much appreciated I also suck at writing
Danny is the first hero of earth , having many time travelling adventures he’s known throughout the world hundreds of years before Wonder Woman showed up
Back then he was vaguely known and not many people knew of his name or origins.many farytale heroes were based of off him. he started 20 years before Batman even lost his parents he stopped aging after he turned 18 and disappeared three years after .he had become the king of the GZ (causing the ghosts to step back and stop harming humans)and wasn’t needed anymore so he stuck to ruling his people and rarely left the GZ, and when he did he was in human form .many people thought he was a myth or a fairytale until one day the yj team pick up a strange boy from Cadmus that’s been in a frozen stasis for a few years at least
No one knows who he is
He was found in human form so no one made any connections
They though he was either the first meta Cadmus caught (do to the very little info Cadmus had in him ) or a clone that Cadmus created although no one new who he was cloned off of
Cadmus had him for 2-3 years but they could never wake him up and the clones all failed
Ellie took over the gz after his disappearance and become the princess
She never took the crown in hopes that Danny was still alive and that he’d be found one day
Danny mixes in a little to well with the heroes and robin (dick) is a little sus
There’s no sign of the meta gene but they swear they’ve seen him freeze his cup once
He doesn’t realize how much of an impact he made in the hero community until one day ms m asks about the first hero and all the earth born heroes gush about him .sharing stories of his adventures that they aspire from
He gets extremely flushed
Everyone’s confused why
He flees
If Batman found out first
Batman would instantly treat Danny with out most respect and call him sir
His parents told him bedtime stories of his adventures
He grew up idolizing Danny
Everyone would be confused as to why the cold and rude Batman was very respectful and slightly shy of a random 18 yr old they rescued last month
If Wonder Woman found out first
Her instant reaction would to bow and apologize profoundly for her rudeness and the actions of the rest of the team
He’s the king of the dead and is considered one of the many gods
She’s herd the many tales of his victories threw out her time in mans world she’s .extremely shocked to find out he’s basically an immortal teen that is only considered in his 50s age wise for his human half
He didn’t act it
He’s very much a modern day teen every other way
If YJ found out
They would flip shit
They don’t know about the king part but still treat him like royalty
He doesn’t like it
Once they realize he’s just like them and they finally relax around him they find out just how much of a teen his is
(And how op he can be when angry)
What if he’s related to Robin?
Like a great uncle or something
And robin just freaks out internally for a month cuz like.... he’s related to the first hero and king of the dead?????? And he’s very much alive and kicking?? “I swear I’ve seen him at the circus I think he was moms uncle??” That being said that makes jazz robins granny
Side story
After Mary (that’s dicks moms name right,?????) moves to the circus and promises her mom she’s happy ,safe, and very loved (jazz sends Danny to watch over her for a bit) jazz moves into Danny’s castle and retires eventually passing on and becoming ghost (I don’t want no angst) once she turns ghost she goes back to her early 20s and becomes the castle therapist. her lair is a large library that’s very comfy and calming. Once she finds out she’s heartbroken over Mary’s death and that she can’t do anything for dick since she’s too weak to enter the living realm so she sends Danny dicks way to watch over him as a friend and mysterious mentor when needed but Cadmus gets to Danny first and he never meets dick .
When Danny realizes who robin is he breaks down and apologizes for hours (leaving dick confused at first )promising he’s here now and he’ll do what he can to help
At one point he brings dick to meet his granny (she becomes his therapist) (dick finally puts it together that he’s related to Danny)
Double points she eventually becomes everyone’s therapist because she can change her looks to make everyone more comfortable (ex for the teens she looks a lot younger and the adults she looks older and more motherly) and because of her obsession ( to comfort the hurt/ heal the mind )she feels safe to everyone and she can feel their emotions stronger then any other ghost (we don’t talk about spectra here nope nope nope)
I wrote a thing that’s part of this au
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lostmidnightwriter · 3 years
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orangeblobby · 3 years
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myaxx my beloved
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ladytranquil · 2 years
I just woke up but... this community is so nice I could cry genuinely I've never been so warmly welcomed it means so much to me. Thank you guys so much.
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