#C R A V I N G a bitter & sweet cover now
arbitrarygreay · 1 year
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Hi :3 here's a (used to be roleplay-) idea that my former friend and I had together!
The main storyline was Victorian era Roman/Logan and revolved around them. Like Logan was marrying Roman's sister and the two guys kinda didn't like each other but then had to spend time together for her (Roman wasn't home often as a opera singer so ofc his sister wanted to hang out with him, so Logan was dragged along) and yes unfortunately they did technically cheat (as happened often then) (dont condone cheating personally) but then both guys confessed and begged her forgiveness (she forgave them) (saw Lo as more of a bestie anyway, same way he saw her) (they married to save face, had roman live with them as a Hot Bachelor, she was aro I think)
But there was Remus/Virgil in this too.
Remus was sort of the unloved brother. There were four siblings total (Sister, Roman, Remus, unnamed brother) and Remus was considered the weird and odd one. They're all rather rich and among the aristocracy so it makes sense that he'd be looked at weirdly with his interests. I don't remember all of it.
Then there's this guy. Virgil, his name supposedly is. He's quiet and was born with a messed up leg so has a cane. That's not why he's bitter he's just bitter in general (but we love him). And Remus is just. So in love with him.
Remus technically helps cover Roman's affair by being more gay louder. Virgil doesn't mind being more outwardly gay because he thinks he's looked at weird anyway (ableism should die in a hole) (we had too much realism in this damn rp idea) and also neither spooky gay really wanted to go to the parties or soirees or rich people parties anyway.
I think the spooky gays owned a quaint home close to Roman/Logan (and obvi cool sister) and visited often when everything came out and was understood. They owned rats. Remus was a scientific researcher (think mad scientist) (appropriate for time period) and Virgil was an artist under a pseudonym.
(also the fourth unnamed brother had a wife and they were really sweet and cookie cutter adorable. I'm 99% sure they were also cool with the queerness and sneaking around, even covering for them. I just remember he and his wife were damn cool)
(I'm really fond of the Roman/Logan plot too it was like so heart wrenching to come up with we were INVESTED)
but spooky gays :3
— 👑
S C R E A M I N G I fucking L O V E that S O damn much!!! Opera Singer Ro is underrated as hell and I fucking L O V E the twist of Ro and Ree's sister being Aro and okay with Lo and Ro seeing each other <3 Ree really is a true brother like manz is willing to be even louder and prouder of being Gay with his boyf just to help his twin not get too much controversy over an affair (Also the Spooky Beloveds owning Rats and being a Mad Scientist X Artist couple is something I L O V E S O fucking much and the twins having more siblings is something I did not know I needed until now /positive)
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ryan-spinel · 4 years
The ABC’s of Spinel Valentine
(also I'm skipping letter I because spinel is straight. I'm also skipping Y)
(Also please comment on this, it took me a long time. Thanks)
A: Aptitude
Spinel in her prepubescent years did a lot of ballet, still going it to this day. She also did a lot of cooking with her momma. She was an innocent, mildly disturbed child. She wasn't really sadistic until teenhood.
Probably when it came to activities, Spinel was very shy and insecure. So she didn't do a lot when she was younger. Although she does go to the karaoke club with Perri and Lexi sometimes, the three also did a lot of roller skating and went to the Sentō’s on Sundays. (also a sentō is a type of communal bathhouse)
I would have to say the two main abilities that spinel has mastered over the years. The first one is killing and disposing of a corpse, she gained that experience by kidnapping and killing domestic cats. She was very sloppy, to begin with, now she knows how to cover her tracts. The second ability is social skills, spinel studied a lot about social interactions and how to win people over. Now she's a master manipulator.
There's only one thing that she's bad at. Which is anger management, due to her having BPD it's hard to keep her cool sometimes? But her BPD will be explained more clearer in upcoming chapters.
I would have to say spinels most impressive talent, is ballet. When she's not gutting and slashing, she's an amazing ballerina. Which will be explained soon.
B: Basics
Her hair color was originally black, but dyed it pink when she met Steven.
Her eye color is Blue but can turn red when she's angry. ( because she has the soul of a succubus)
She’s 5’5, spinel is a petite babey
She is now 16 years old, just turned that in the first chapter.
Now I had to do an BMI to work out her weight, so she's 115 LBS.
C: Comfort
There are four ways spinel sits. The first one is Hands Clasped In Lap in front of family. The second one is Clutching Armrests when at school. The third one is Arms Crossed when with friends. Lastly, she sits with her Hands Resting In Lap when Stevens around.
Spinels sleeping position is The Pillow Hugger
Spinels' ultimate comfort day. Would be snuggling with Steven when it's raining outside, drinking hot chocolate and spinel resting her head on Steven’s chest. Listening to his calm heartbeat.
Spinels major comfort food is pocky. Because she always eats it with her friends at sleepovers, it's the only thing positive in her childhood. She also wants to play the pocky game with Steven.
Steven, only her senpai. Also Grandmother Whitney sometimes,
D: Decoration
She would decorate her house like from classic fairy tale, sort of like Tinkerbells house.
Spinel would decorate her child's room like a calm, soothing style. Like your floating on a cloud.
Spinels room is very girlish, cute and fluffy. She also has a shrine for her senpai Steven. With a photo of him, an old sock, the cookie that he gave spinel a year ago, and his old toothbrush.
Spinels wardrobe has lots of cute outfits and accessories. Most of her cloths are pink.
She does where lipgloss, blush and eyeshadow. Very light make up. She hates girls wherein heavy makeup.
E: External Personality
Not unless you get on her bad side, she has a psychotic messed up personality that she covers up with sweetness.
No, Spinel doesn't to anything typical. Although she hides her true nature with some sanity
Spinel doesn't follow a crowd, she just does and where things that will appeal to Steven.
No see isn't, the only thing she does on social media is stalk Stevens Instagram account.
She hides her true nature, but sometimes it can slip up.
F: Fun
Hang out with her friends, stalks Steven and make chocolate milkshakes
She doesn't like parties, she's a shy baby
Perry, Lexi and most of all. Steven
Yes, spinel keeps her antics low-key
Yes. Mostly to kill someone or something
G: Gorgeous
I would have to say her most attractive feature is her petite figure. She doesn't have a lot of cleavage. But her petite athletic build can be very appealing. Especially to Steven.
Her bubbly cute personality when she is with her friends. But also stands up for herself and the one's she cares about.
She can be very loyal and will do anything for you. As long as you don't like her senpai and respect her.
The part they would like about her is that she's very caring and sweet. The part they would dislike is that she's a murderous psychopath.
People would envy her on everything they see on the outside.
H: Heat
Cold room
J: Joy
Being with Steven
Every time we touch by Casecade
She's happy every day, on the outside.
The thought of Steven confessing his love for her
K: Kill
Already did that
She would kill any potential love interest for Steven
Her family and two closest friends
Connie Maheswaran
L: Lemons
Bananas and anything bitter
She has a potassium deficiency
M: Maternal
Son: Steven, daughter: Whitney
Yes, put they won't allow her to.
N: Never Have I Ever
Forgive their abuser
Have her first time with Steven
Gossip and bully. She hates those things
Slapped a piece a cake out of Connie's hand
Murder a human being
O: Optimism
Yes, but she doesn't follow her own advice
No, she fakes most of it to this day
P: Personality
Her cuteness
Her anger
Her supportive attitude
Her charming personality
She hate people who are meanie's, and hates that she can't feel empathy or sympathy
Q: Questions
R: Rules
No, but she does if she needs to
A bit of both, mostly strict
S: Streets
T: Truth
Only her family
U: Underdog
A little bit
V: Vomit
Spinel vomited a lot in the beginning when she was killing cats. Now she's gotten used to the dead body smell
Killing someone with her bare hands
W: Water
X: Xylophone
Pop and a mix of all genes
Yes Every time we touch by Casecade
Christina Perri, Imagine dragons and lady Gaga
Z: Zebra
Cats, because she finds comfort in killing them
A giant pink bun-bun and two pugs
She has a brown French lop bunny named Cotton-tail. She serves as an emotional support rabbit for Spinel
Finally that's over, it took me around an hour and 30 minute. I hope you guys enjoy
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hbostolemysoul · 5 years
Band of Brothers fluff alphabet: Joe Toye
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A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
Walking into camp Toccoa had been terrifying for you, not that you would let it show. Having gone through basic training you knew better than to show your ‘girly’ emotions around the guys. That being said having every single set of eyes on you as you walked through camp was nerve-wracking. Most of the men stared at you, some whistled, but most of them left you alone.
You didn’t really have a problem with any of the men until you were out at a local bar one night enjoying your weekend pass. Cobb had seemed like an okay guy, a bit cynical and bitter at times but your interactions had been limited. He approached you, spilling some of the beer in his mug as he invaded your space. Clearly, he had overindulged, and his comments towards you went from inappropriate to near threatening as you denied his advances. Turning to leave you were yanked backward, your lower back slamming into the table behind you. At this point some of the men around you had taken notice, some looking like they wanted to step in, but also not wanting to add to the building tension. You felt your face flush, you broke Cobbs hold on his arm and he stumbled a bit.
As you turned to leave you hear Cobb sputter “Hey bitch”,
You turned on your heel and instead of throwing a punch at Cobb you were surprised to see Toye, Joe Toye if your memory serves you correct, with Cobbs collar in his fist muttering a quiet threat to Cobb to ‘leave the lady the fuck alone’. Behind Toye you could see Guarnere, Randleman, and even Lipton looking ready to back him up should the need arise.
Cobb backed down and stumbled back to his seat on the other end of the bar. Toye turned towards you, hand extended as he introduced himself. The boys ended up inviting you to their table while sitting you leaned closer to Toye,
“I appreciate the sentiment and all, but I could have handled that myself” Joe gave a gruff laugh,
“You flatter yourself too much sweetheart, I stepped in for his protection, not yours”, that got a laugh out of you. You and Joe got on pretty well after that.
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
Joe had dropped out of high school in his junior year to work in the mines to help support his family. He had been raised to put family first and should he ever get married or have kids their wellbeing would be his first priority.
After losing his leg and spending about 9 months in hospital he is at a loss as to what he can do for work. Before the war, he had worked in the mines and mills but without his right leg, those were no longer options. He wrote to you and in his own ‘tough guy’ kind of way expressed that he felt lost. He did eventually find work as a drill bit grinder at one of the mines in Reading, Pennsylvania.
When the war was over, and you had been shipped back home you decided to visit Toye. You two had always had an easy friendship, so coming to visit felt pretty natural for both of you. A one week visit extended to several, to you eventually moving into his guest bedroom, to said guest bedroom being made into an impromptu nursery.
Your pregnancy hadn’t been planned, but you and Joe took it in stride. Your friendship had always been an easy one, and when you two sat down to talk about things it became apparent that you both had been harboring ‘deeper’ feelings for each other.
You were a champ through the delivery because that child was by no means small. A hearty little thing that was a perfect mix of you and Joe, just having them in your arms made up for the 21 hours of labour you just went through, not that you would tell Joe that. Him doting on you had been kind of nice, and you were going to milk it for as long as possible.  
C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
You will usually fall asleep close together, and wake up your back to Joe’s chest, his arm wrapped securely around your waist.
D = Dates (What are dates with them like?)
Joe is a pretty simple guy, beer and pizza. You also happen to like those things so you two often just order in and hang out. When his leg isn’t acting up you two sometimes go down to one of the local bars. If it’s a particularly good night Joe will even dance to a slow song or two with you.
E = Everything (You are my __ (e.g. my life, my world…))
“You are the toughest little thing I have ever met, y’know that?”
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
You and Joe had talked about ‘feelings’ and what not when you first found out you were pregnant. While you both knew you loved the other the words hadn’t been said yet. Truthfully, they hadn’t felt right until Joe saw you with a hand on your lower back, gently scolding the child within you for “kicking my damn bladder again”. Joe wasn’t a super touchy-feely guy, but for whatever reason, he just blurted the words out. It was kind of funny as you looked up at him, he blinked owlishly at you as if shocked by his own admission. You just grinned and waddled over, raising on your tip toes you place a gentle kiss to his mouth, “Love you too. Do you think we can get pizza for tonight? I really want olives”.
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
Don’t get me wrong Joe can be very gentle, but that doesn’t mean you always want him to be gentle.
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
Again Joe is not super touchy-feely, but when the mood strikes him he has no problem taking your hand in his larger one.
I = Impression (What was their first impression?)
He had seen you around Toccoa, and he had heard enough about you from the men to feel familiar enough with you. Prior to the ‘Cobb’ incident, you two hadn’t really crossed paths. What he remembers clear as day was how you were definitely going to lay Cobb out on his ass if he didn’t step in. Not that the guy didn’t deserve it. After talking with you that night he realized that you were quite funny and would totally take a guy down should the mood strike you. What can he say, he liked you.
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
Joe can get jealous, it happens more now that you two are officially together than it did before. Sure while overseas he would get annoyed with the way men would look at you, flirt with you, touch you, breath in your general vicinity, but hey you were just friends so he kept his feelings in check. But now that you are together he gets to pull out that ‘back the fuck off’ look that he does so well.
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
You honestly don’t remember. You two had been bickering about whether pineapple had a place on pizza and somehow your mouths ended up together.
L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)
Joe did. You had been standing in the kitchen muttering to your acrobat of an unborn child when Joe just blurted it out. It had been sweet, and so uniquely Joe that it was kind of hilarious. (Also you did get that pizza you asked for)
M = Memory (What’s their favourite memory together?)
The first day you came to visit after the war had been pretty great. You two didn’t realize how much you had missed each other until you were in the same room. You two had stayed up late that night, drinking beers and just catching up. Joe also ‘forced’ the photos of Guarnere’s various kids upon you. What the hell else was he going to do with all those photos anyway?
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
Pizza is kind of your thing. You two aren’t particularly materialistic, so it’s the simple things that keep you two happy.
O = Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?)
Red. You are fiery, funny, and a total badass (beast in bed).  
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
Sweetheart (not in a sappy way, but like totally Joe if that makes sense?!)
Q = Quaint (What is their favourite non-modern thing?)
He has an old watch that his dad gave to him. The watch face is cracked and the battery died long ago, but it came from family so it means something.  
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
Joe’s leg acts up when it rains, “something about the pressure systems or some shit” as he likes to say. So you two usually stay in, sometimes playing cards.
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)
Joe (tough guy) doesn’t get sad, his head just gets cloudy sometimes. Pizza and beer usually fix it, until baby Toye comes along. Joe likes to have ‘conversations’ with your babbling baby, it literally keeps them entertained for hours.
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
Day to day life stuff mostly, “Have you seen the remote?”, “Why is our child covered in peanut butter?”, “Have you seen my watch?”. You know. Normal things.
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
Joe will never admit it, but he loves napping with the baby. He will never admit to needing the naps though, always some excuse “The kid was already asleep. Seemed like a crime to get up and disturb ‘em”.
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
Again Joe isn’t very materialistic, or showy. He is just happy to have the things he does, (You, baby Toye, a reasonable distance between the Guarnere clan and your home)  
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)
The topic of marriage comes up occasionally, but you and Joe never really felt the urgency some other couples have. It wasn’t until baby Toye had tuned into ‘full on tiny human Toye’ that the conversation comes up seriously. Mostly because you kid straight up asked “Why don’t you just ask mom to marry you already?”.
You guys had a small ceremony, your families and friends came to the reception afterward. Guarnere full on cackled when he found out how you two ‘got’ engaged, he then promptly high fived your child.
X = Xylophone (What’s their song?)
Guest Room- Echos
Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
You two had tossed the idea around, it wasn’t until your child literally scolded you that you two got your act together.
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
Joe had a clear dog or nothing rule. Until your child came home with this mangy cat that they were clearly in love with…It took Joe about two days to come around, but he most definitely did not fall asleep with the cat on his chest. No, that never happened.
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katzuyas · 6 years
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I’ve been tagged in so many things over the past couple of weeks that I honestly don’t even have much more bookmark space left in my browser RIP so I finally decided to do all of it at once, hence the title and the rest of this longass post under the cut
bc there’s a lot of the tag games down there and tagging a million people would be annoying, I’m gonna tag 10 of you to grab a dice and roll it to figure out which meme you’re tagged for ^u^)b if you roll the same number twice, count that meme as the start from which to count and roll again! I hope you like this idea, but it’s only a suggestion so feel free to do whatever you want tbh?
@sweet-vitya, @gabzjones, @and-then-yoi-happened, @etherealalchemist, @joeys-piano, @quadruplyyours, @yuliaplisetskaya, @dreaming-fireflies, @teekettle, @iwritebetterthanispeak, @chessala
enjoy, if you want! 💕💕
tagged by @endlesscloudsoftime, thank you for the tag!!
rules: answer 20 questions, then tag 20 bloggers that you want to get to know better.
1. Name: kat
2. Nicknames: same tbh
3. Height: 170cm
4. Orientation: who knows who cares (it’s pan)
5. Nationality: polish
6. Favorite fruit: mango, cherries, I love watermelon too but the seeds piss me off too much to fully enjoy it
7. Favorite season: anything that doesn’t make me sweat off my skin but isn’t also freezing my toes is more than fine with me ^u^)b
8. Favorite plant: I don’t think I have any favs here
9. Favorite scent: I have this yankee candle ‘sweet candies’ and I can just DIE wrapped in that scent holy sheet (when it comes to perfume tho I’m a sucker for the original chloe, but I also love calvin klein’s euphoria bc it’s just Fresh)
10. Favorite color: any pastel really
11. Favorite animal: MY SWEET PUPPER HINA (so yes, dogs)
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12. Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: coffee sometimes, TEA AND GREEN TEA AND VANILLA CHAI!!!!!!, hot chocolate is a nope
13. Average sleep hours: I always try for 8h bc otherwise I’m a zombie, but it doesn’t always work out so... I’m a part-time zombie anyway lmao
15. Favorite fictional character: victor nikiforov. that’s it. that’s all. we can all go home now
16. Number of blankets you sleep with: 1 + a duvet bc I like being cosy
17. Dream trip: japan, always. but another one would be a trip to the harry potter universal store or the noble collection store I guess
18. Blog created: who even remembers this pffff (somewhen in august 2011 I think)
19. Number of followers: I’m just gonna say it’s a four number figure ;3c
20. Random fact: I’m currently rewatching lord of the rings and procrastinating writing so YES I’M A NERD AND A BAD PERSON AHAHA //sweats
tagged by @story-kat -- thanks love, I actually really like these so it was great fun to do 💕
Rules: using only song titles from one artist/band, cleverly answer the questions and then tag people
artist/band: one ok rock
what is your gender: stuck in the middle
how do you feel: jaded
if you could go anywhere: start again
favorite mode of transportation: mighty long fall
your best friend: wherever you are
favorite time of day: taking off
if your life was a tv show: liar
relationship status: hard to love
your fear: bombs away
tagged by @endlesscloudsoftime, thanks again!! ahaha I feel like I’ll be saying this a lot today, but you spoil me /)u(\
Rules: tag 9 people you want to know better or just because you feel like it.
Relationship status: taken ;3c
Favorite color: any pastels, really
Last song I listened to: still the lord of the rings ost
Last movie I watched: lord of the rings lol two towers ^u^)b
Top 3 tv shows: game of thrones (bc I love my fantasy shit), rein (bc I love my history shit), and american housewife (bc I love laughing and this show is Hilarious with the capital H)
Top 3 characters: victor nikiforov bc I adore him, hinata shouyou bc he’s my sunshine son and I gotta mention miyuki kazuya bc his smirks still keep me awake at night 😍😍😍
What I’m currently reading: honestly? my own writes bc I have no time for anything other than editing orz
tagged by @themayflynans and @endlesscloudsoftime, thank you both!! 💕
A - Age: 26
B - Birthplace: poland
C - Current time: 11:50am
D - Drink you last had: just some coke
E - Easiest person to talk to: nowadays it’s gotta be @saniika and @and-then-yoi-happened bc I know I can be as salty and upset as I feel when I talk to them and that it’s alright to just let it all out which is something I wish for everyone to have 💕
F - Favourite song: don’t have one tbh
G - Grossest memory: back in elementary school my class was in warsaw to see the big zoo there and one of the chimpanzees just projectile shat all over our teacher and it was simultaneously the most awesome and the fucking WORST bc she smelled like shit the whole trip back home ugh
H - Horror yes or horror no: depends on what kind of horror but generally? meh
I - In love?: no idea tbh but definitely comfortable in my relationship
J - Jealous of people?: you’ve no idea. jelly and bitter.
L - Love at first sight or should i walk by again?: walk by and actually tell me you’re interested bc I’m a blind pan who is easily confused
M - Middle name: magdalena ;3c
N - Number of siblings: 0
O - One wish: Been keeping Salty’s answers here - yes, to learn to love myself.
P - Person you called last: my mom lol she’s the only one I call, really
Q - Question you are always asked: "so when will you start looking for a job?”
R - Reason to smile: VICTUURI!!!!!!!!!!!!!
S - Song you sang last: oh man I don’t even remember, I don’t really sing out loud
T - Time you woke up: these days? 6:30am
U - Underwear colour: sea green-blue, turquoise?
V - Vacation destination: I’m going to japan next year to see ice adolescence even if it kills me
W - Worst habit: biting the inside of my cheeks bloody
X - X-rays: my hand when I had a small accident playing badminton, my jaw for my braces
Y - Your favourite food: PIZZA HELLO
Z - Zodiac sign: gemini ;3c
tagged by @theexitgarden and @endlesscloudsoftime, bless you both and thank you for thinking of the old me 💕 
1st RULE: Tag 9 people you want to get to know better:
we’ll be skipping this one bc of reasons //sweats
2nd RULE: BOLD the statements that are true.
APPEARANCE: - I am 5'7 or taller - I wear glasses - I have at least one tattoo -I have at least one piercing - I have blonde hair - I have brown eyes - I have short hair - My abs are at least somewhat defined - I have or had braces
PERSONALITY: - I love meeting new people - People tell me I am funny - Helping others with their problems is a big priority of mine - I enjoy physical challenges - I enjoy mental challenges - I am playfully rude to people I know - I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it - There is something I would change about my personality
ABILITY: - I can sing well - I can play an instrument - I can do over 30 pushups without stopping - I am a fast runner - I can draw well - I have a good memory- I am good at doing math in my head - I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute - I have beaten at least 2 people arm wrestling - I can make at least 3 recipes from scratch - I know how to throw a proper punch
HOBBIES: - I enjoy sports - I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else - I’m in a orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else - I have learned a new song in the past week - I exercise at least once a week - I have gone for runs at least once a week in warmer months - I have drawn something in the past month - I enjoy writing - Fandoms are my #1 priority- I do some form of Martial arts
EXPERIENCES: - I have had my first kiss - I have had alcohol - I have scored a winning point in a sport - I have watched an entire TV series in one sitting - I have been at an overnight event - I have been in a taxi - I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year - I have beaten a video game in one day - I have visited another country - I have been to one of my favorite bands concert
MY LIFE: - I have one person that I consider to be my Best Friend - I live close to my school/work - My parents are still together - I have at least one sibling- I live in the United States - There is snow where I live right now - I have hung out with a friend in the past month - I have a smartphone - I own at least 15 CDs - I share my room with someone
RELATIONSHIPS: - I am in a relationship - I have a crush on a celebrity - I have a crush on someone I know - I’ve been in at least 3 relationships - I have never been in a relationship - I have admitted my feelings to a crush - I get crushes easily - I have had a crush for over a year - I have been in a relationship for over a year - I have had feelings for a friend
RANDOM: - I have break-danced - I know a person named Jamie - I have had a teacher that has a name that is hard to pronounce - I have dyed my hair - I’m listening to a song on repeat right now - I have punched someone in the past week - I know someone who has gone to jail - I have broken a bone - I have eaten a waffle today - I know what I want to do in life - I speak at least two languages - I have made a new friend in the past year
tagged by @story-kat and @endlesscloudsoftime (astea m’dude ur tagging me in everything and I love you for it)
I will most often hum or mouth lyrics when I’m writing and my brain gets distracted so it usually is some sort of acoustic cover of a rather popular song, like despacito? lol WHAT’S YOUR FAVOURITE FLOWER/TREE/PLANT?
I don’t have one tbh FAVOURITE COLOURS?
anything pastel!! WHAT DO YOU ALWAYS DOODLE?
I don’t anymore but it used to be some random squigglies??
2.5 teaspoon of sugar into both + 1/4 milk/cream into the coffee and 1/4 cold water into the tea FAVOURITE CANDLE SCENT?
sunrise bc I don’t even see sunsets anymore (I’m asleep then lol) WHAT PERFUME DO YOU WEAR?
the original chloe is what I like most but I would die for dior’s j’adore, it’s so nice 😍😍😍 in the summer I’m wearing masaki’s fluo tho bc it’s sweet and summery
butt wiggling? maybe? idk man I never really thought about it? lol FAVOURITE QUOTE?
“Because people don’t have wings, we look for other ways to fly.” -- somehow this one always sticks with me bc it’s so beautiful and vivid that you’d never say it’s from a japanese cartoon lmao
sleeping, kicking back and watching some dumb movie that won’t make me think of anything but how dumb it is
both? I like fuzzy socks in winter but in summer I go barefoot but sometimes u gotta have something between your skin and the floor so = slippers WHAT COLOUR ARE YOUR EYES?
I don’t honestly care but blue eyes when they’re very light creep me out somehow FAVOURITE SEASON? WHY?
don’t have one but as long as it’s not too hot or too cold I’m good NECK, CHEEK, OR NOSE KISSES?
depends on what you want to achieve? neck kisses will have me melting, cheek kisses smile and nose kisses giggle and possibly blush so YEA THERE’S THAT
it’s my room. that’s it. this is my happy place
idk, I mean yes I’d like to be married one day but I’m not really in any hurry to get there? CURSIVE OR PRINT?
I don’t honestly care
cloudy but not too cold
tagged by @story-kat, thanks for the tag babe!!
Rules: bold what you prefer and tag 10 people.
coffee or tea
early bird or night owl
chocolate or vanilla
spring or fall
silver or gold (BOTH! BOTH IS GOOD)
pop or alternative
freckles or dimples
snakes or sharks
mountains or fields
thunderstorm or lightning
Egyptian or Greek mythology
ivory or scarlet
flute or lyre
eyes or lips
witch or fairy
opal or diamond
butterflies or honeybees
macaroons or eclairs
typewritten or handwritten letters
secret garden or secret library
rooftop or balcony
spicy or mild
opera or ballet
London or Paris
Vincent van Gogh or Claude Monet
denim or leather
potions or spells
ocean or desert
mermaid or siren
masquerade ball or cocktail party
tagged by @endlesscloudsoftime, thanks for this omg I actually wanted to do this one!! 💕💕
869 938! holy sheet I’m so close to 1mil???? wowowow o.O
I try to write every day, but these days (with renovations going on and my sleeping schedule all fucked up) it’s really hard to find the time and focus to do it orz
I actually do! or I did when I was still regularly writing lol it was something like this: cracking open an energy drink, lighting up my fav scented candle, booting up itunes and my writing playlist and generally just spending 5-6h just writing 💕  
kinks: pet play, public or semi-public play, voyeurism, doggy style, also actually BOTTOM VITYA,      
tropes: reverse au, time travel, famous aus,
pairing: victuuri. no seconds. we die like man and only stan one (1) gay ship
I don’t necessarily have an absolute fav but a fic that I still remember fondly and am beyond sad that got little to no attention is: if there’s a will, there’s a way bc I worked my ass off for it and I love every bit of it so? give it a read if you want to?
dazzle me with gold which will be getting an update this weekend ;3c
recently? everything. I’m just broken and idk how to fix it bc I can’t even find a good moment to try so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
how sweet and soft everything is when I’m in a good mood bc victuuri deserves this kind of love and I’m so happy writing it for them 🙏🙏🙏
tagged by @amaanogawa, thanks so much ems!!!
1) How many works in progress to do you currently have in progress?
one actual wip and like... 5 more that just sit and wait their turn? //sweats
2) Do you/would you write fan fiction?
rip that’s all I write too... tbh I used to write original fiction before but I find myself much less constricted by fanfic? I can explore the characters here more than I can in original fiction where worldbuilding takes most effort
3) Do you prefer paper books or ebooks?
oh definitely paper! if I could I’d buy printed out fanfic too!
4) When did you start writing?
I was about 12 I think? it all started with harry potter, like everything else has, and I regret not a second of it!
5) Do you have someone you trust that you share your work with?
sometimes when i get very excited about what i’m writing i’ll tell my fandom friends about the specific AU that i’m writing about but in terms of reading the full length fic, i don’t have anyone that i let read before anyone else. it’ll be on ao3 for everyone at the same time.
6) Where is your favourite place to write?
my desk, my pc. I can write on my phone but I like to edit as I go and it’s hard to do on the phone.
7) Favourite childhood book?
do I even need to say it? harry potter
8) Writing for fun or writing for publication?
for fun, but with the aim of possible future publication maybe?
9) Pen and paper or computer?
always computer. i have only recently begun writing fics on my phone because i’ve been traveling a lot and i don’t always have my laptop on my person, but it’s still much more comfortable to sit down and type on a proper keyboard.
10) Have you ever taken any writing classes?
at my uni, yes. and it completely sucked bc they didn’t teach anything, just had us write random shit for 3 years so eh
11) What inspires you to write?
everything? like, any random thing or thought I’m instantly trying to weave into my writing, turn it into a prompt. every new experience is just a basis for me to write on.
but if you’re asking WHY I write: I don’t even know, I’ve never thought about it? it’s kind of like asking why I breathe ahaha I just do? it’s a part of me? idk man idk
tagged by @themayflynans, thanks for this love!!
7/7/7 tag
The rules are as follows: Go to page 7 of your WIP, go to the seventh line, share seven sentences, and tag 7 more writer-bloggers to continue the challenge.
oh wow ok this is a difficult one bc I don’t think I even have a wip 7 pages long //sweats let me see... aha, okay, I found one! from back in march when I asked people to send me over some numbers for one of those writing memes and @theexitgarden I believe (??) sent me the prompt “I don’t think anyone could be as lovely as you” for victuuri and I kind of got a blind!victor au from it?? wELP here’s the fragment of it:
His music is vibrant in a way that he couldn't play on his piano alone and the clap of the blades that he can hear from the speakers of his TV makes him only more certain – this boy, Yuuri Katsuki, is skating to the sound of Victor's soul as if it's his own.
He never notices the tears that well up in his eyes until they roll down his cheeks and Makkachin presses against his side, whimpering in concern. Victor runs a trembling hand through her soft fur and takes a deep breath. And then, he decides.
"Yasha," he says when his former coach, his father in all but blood picks up Victor’s call. "I want to do this."
And he does it.
tagged by @endlesscloudsoftime again, boy you spoil me ahaha
1. Which fictional character would be the most boring to meet in real life?
I have no idea tbh bc even the characters I don’t like wouldn’t be exactly boring, so??? I honestly don’t know
2. What problem or situation did TV / movies make you think would be common, but when you grew up you found out it wasn’t? (i’m lowkey taking a jab at hsm because thanks Disney for making me think high school would be awesome)
hooking up with people ALL THE TIME when you’re in your 20s bc wtf what a bold-faced lie omg
3. What would be on the gag reel of your life?
"how many times can kat click her tongue at random strangers who piss her off by breathing the same air?” and a manip of all the eyerolls I do bc let me tell you... THERE’S A LOT
4. What does “infinite” mean to you?
my love for victor nikiforov
5. If your life was a movie, what songs would be on the soundtrack?
definitely lots of acoustic vibes and harry potter tunes and I can bet your ass that I’d have the yeah yeah yeah ost from yoi bc it’s such a banger and I LOVE IT but also dramatic classical violin and piano bc they pull on my heart and I am weak
6. What item would be your top choice to make into a horcrux?
honestly? my phone probably. I don’t necessarily have other things close to me that I’d use with enough heart to be of any significance to me
7. Who would play you in a movie about your life?
??? no idea lol I’d love for it to be katherine mcnamara bc 1) we share names, 2) her red hair is gorgeous and I’m a redhead, 3) SHE is gorgeous and I’d love to be portrayed by someone that hot 😍😍😍
8. Most relatable scene from any book/movie/anime/etc.?
yuuri’s little gasp when he first saw victor skating bc HARD SAME MY SWEET SON HARD SAME
9. If you were shrunk down and somehow got stuck in a blender, how would you get out?
I’d jump from side to side of it to try and rock it a bit and see if I can flip it over and get out that way? idk man what is this question lol
10. Would you count manga as a piece of literature? Why or why not?
ofc I would? honestly, some manga have even better storylines than written fiction why WOULDN’T it be counted as a piece of literature
11. compliment yourself. (joey, you’re just to freaking good to at making up questions).
oh man... //sweats umm??? good job me on not breaking down yet bc the renovations keep being awful and you’re handling it well?? maybe lol
tagged by @theexitgarden, thanks love, once more!
RULES: Choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions, then tag 10 people you want to know better.
Three Fandoms:
Yuri!!! on Ice
Ace of Diamond
The First Character You Loved:
victor. he’s voiced by suwajun, do I really need to say more?
miyuki!! gosh I do love my asshole sons snarky and mean
hinata bc he’s a ray of sunshine and I even named my doggo after him 💕
The Character You Never Expected To Love So Much:
I gotta copy you garden bc chris took me by surprise too! my love for him started from that little sad look he gave us in the kiss and cry and it blossomed beautifully over time ahhh
sanada omg?? he is literally baseball kuroo so I was not expecting it but I fully embraced it lmao
iwaizumi bc I’m not one to like the mothering types but he’s??? actually so kind and sweet under all that harsh Manly facade it’s so cute
The Character You Relate To The Most:
victor, I’d say, or so I like to think
honestly? miyuki. just look at my url lol
oikawa, probably...
The Character You’d Slap:
I wouldn’t actually, but yurio deserves a good kick on the butt
early tsukki bc he’s could use it tbqh
Three Favorite Characters (in order of preference):
victor, yuuri, chris
miyuki, eijun, mei
hinata, kuroo, oikawa
A Character You Liked At First, But Don’t Anymore:
no one like that in yoi tbh, my love is only growing
kataoka lol
umm???? idk
A Character You Didn’t Like At First But Do Now:
seung-gil, I’d say. he grew on me lol
raichi, I guess??
to say tsukki, I’d have to actually like him now but it’s more difficult than that bc I didn’t like him at first but now can tolerate him so?? does it count?
Three OTPs:
victuuri, phichimetti, and the third would be very problematic bc I honestly don’t ship anything else in yoi?
miyusawa, chrisawa, sanasawa
tagged by @sleep-furiously, thanks for the tag, love!!
post five facts about myself ❤
I have a sweet doggo who is the light of my life 💕
I write good shit sometimes
I believe I have good taste
I’m a snark machine when certain buttons are pressed
patience levels run at 0%
wow ok this was A LOT to go through and it took me like 3h to do this holy sheet but at least I had fun and now I have my firefox bookmark free so that’s awesome ahhh!! thanks so much again to everyone for the tags, you guys are amazing and I’m lucky to have you 💕💕💕💕
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tinyxdancer · 3 years
Tumblr media
A : AFFECTION. how does your muse show affection?
Izzy is all about touch. Whether it's holding hands, her boyfriend's arm or playing with his hair. She loves it and loves that her papa bear doesn't shy away from it either. Always being in the public eye tends to spoil the mood but not with him.
B : BOUQUET. does your muse like flowers? which ones are their favourite?
She likes all types of flowers with the exception of white roses. Those were the flowers that her brother hated and she can't stand to see them on his grave.
C : CHOCOLATE. does your muse like chocolate? which one is their favourite?
ALL AND ANY TYPE OF CHOCOLATE! Chocolate covered strawberries? Yes, please! White chocolate, dark, store bought or expensive, she'll take it all.
D : DATE. what is your muse’s ideal date? where / who with / etc?
She's always wanted to lay in the back of a pick-up truck and look at the stars. The idea came to her when she was visiting her grandparents at their ranch. Quiet, intimate, relaxing and away from the city noise.
E : EMBRACE. does your muse like hugs? what are their hugs like?
Bring all the hugs!!! She loves all the hugs. They make her feel warm and sheltered, like everything is going to be okay. Her hugs are tight and reassuring mostly hoping that she's doing them right and the other person feels like she's there for them to keep them together.
F : FLIRT. is your muse good at flirting? how do they flirt?
She doesn't think she's a very good flirt. Sometimes it feels more like she tries way too hard but others she just plays along trying to be seductive. With her bear she's more goofy something no one has ever seen.
G : GIFT. is your muse good at gift - giving or do they struggle to get it right?
Izzy struggles because she doesn't want to over do it.
*If there's such a thing*
She knows that gifts don't always have to be expensive for someone to enjoy them. So she does her very best to make them special and personal for the person she's giving to. 
H : HEART. is your muse quick or slow to give their heart away?
Prior to Eli, it was the last thing she would ever give. She was always so reserved and with her guard up when it came to anyone that would shoot their shot. With her bear? She didn't even know when it happened but he has her heart and she knows it's in good hands.
I : I LOVE YOU. does your muse find ‘i love you’ easy or hard to say?
Easy to say but not always with actual meaning. Saying I love you were just words that anyone was willing to throw around just to get what they wanted. Now she can't stop saying it because she really does feel love for her boyfriend.
J : JEALOUSY. does your muse get jealous in a relationship?
Yes and no. She is very much aware that Eli is an attractive man and there's no hiding that fact. But she's also a very confident person and trusts him with everything she has. If there's one thing about her is that she's a lady and isn't going to fight or cause any sort of trouble.
K : KISS. is your muse a good kisser? why / why not?
Izzy would like to think so. Soft, sweet, loving and very passionate when she can't contain her desire.
L : LOVE. who does your muse love?
Most definitely her papa bear, friends, and her father.
*Yup, she's a daddy's girl.*
M : MARRIAGE. what is your muse like or will be like in a marriage?
Miserable. At least, that was what she used to think. With her arranged marriage to Christian and being so against it she thought she would become consumed by anger and grow bitter. Probably make everyone else's life a living hell. Now she doesn't feel much would change. She's her true self with her future fiancé. She only hopes she won't become boring.
N : NAUGHTY. what is your muse like in bed?
A well behaved angel who sleeps in her bed the whole night! Kidding. Izzy loves to try new things and really isn't one to shy away from stuff so long as her bear is open to the idea as well. She doesn't mind taking control but really enjoys being dominated. It goes hand in hand with an experiance she has yet to share with anyone, only one that knows about the incident is Christian. (drabble of this in the works)
O : ODE. does your muse have a way with words?
If needed? Yes. But with a wink and a smile, the twirl of her hair around her finger and maybe a soft graze of her fingertips to the other person's hand and she can get what she wants. It helps that she's a royal and a lot of the times, from what she's been told, she seems untouchable and with any little attention given they would do anything she asked.
P : PARTNER. what does your muse look for in a partner? looks / personality?
The complete opposite of what she's always been surrounded by. Kindness, a sense of humor, and someone she can feel comfortable with. Aka: my bear.
Q : QUESTION. would your muse ask the big question or expect their partner to?
She never thought she would be in a healthy relationship before so she wasn't expecting much. Now she doesn't expect Eli to pop the big question but feels it would might be something he'd like to do.
R : ROMANCE. is your muse a romantic or a cynic?
A total romantic. A princess now living her own fairytale? Absolutely.
S : SWEETHEART. did your muse have a childhood sweetheart?
No. She loved someone but that wasn't until her teenage years.
T : TRUE LOVE. does your muse believe in true love?
Izzy didn't believe in it until now. She came to realize that love isn't something you come across in her world. It's all mostly for appearances and to gain more power and wealth.
U : UNREQUITED. has your muse had their heart broken?
Yes but rarely does she ever acknowledge this.
V : VALENTINE. how does your muse feel about valentine’s day?
She didn't use to care for it. It was just another day and reason to go out and party. Now it's a whole different story.
W : WEDDING. would your muse get married? why / why not?
Of course! Once again, it wasn't something she was a fan of.
X : XOXO. does your muse use / like pet names?
ABSOLUTELY!!! She sucks at coming up with them herself and most have been on accident but she's always calling Eli her bear, papa bear, or the most recent which has been baba bae.
Y : YOURS. does your muse get protective easily?
Y E S. Is that even a question? She would do anything and everything in her power to protect those she loves and cares for. #MamaBearModeActivated
Z : ZZZ. how many people has your muse slept with?
It may come as a surprise but not many.
  post stolen from
the devil /1658919
0 notes
mishas-angel-eyes · 7 years
Alphabet Tag Game
I was tagged by my darling @raising-hells !! Thank you, sweetheart - XOXOX! 
A - age: On my last plane flight, the man sitting next to me guessed I was 22. I said that was very nice and then asked him how old he really thought I was and he replied, “I thought you were 24 or 25, but if I had said that and you were 23, you would have been offended, so I said 22.” He was way off, but I’ll accept that, lol! 25 is good, lol! So, basically, I’m your big sister who looks 25 and we’ll just leave it at that! ;)
B - biggest fears: I live in Florida and we have the occasional flying cockroach in the air here. I hate everything about cockroaches and believe this fear manifested exponentially after reading Kafka’s Metamorphosis (don’t read it, please). I especially hate how they look at me when I’m screaming at them whenever I encounter one because they seem so intelligent and that fact somehow makes them even scarier. I was absolutely petrified when I saw one on my front porch trying with freakishly calculated determination to headbutt its way under my front door, attacking it from different angles. I screamed the entire time I was drowning it in bug spray and used up half the can just pinning it to the spot with the pressure of the bug spray stream until by the grace of God, it stopped moving. I can kill them, but Gryffindors would cover their faces in shame and move along quickly, as it is some seriously undignified business. 
C - current time: 11:11PM.
D - drink you last had: Water.
E - everyday starts with: Hitting the snooze button.
F - favourite song: Oh my, I have so many. Will shorten to say songs are like people; some of them you love from the very first moment you hear them. I loved Bad Blood by Bastille the very first time I heard it and still love it. I love Take Out the Gunman, Face to the Floor, The Clincher, and Hunter Eats Hunter by Chevelle in that order because I loved all those songs and then after I heard Hunter Eats Hunter and found out it was about being attacked by a gargoyle while taking the trash out at night, I decided then and there, without a shadow of a doubt, that Chevelle had to be one of my very favorite bands ever and so they are.
G - ghosts, are they real?: Holy ones, yes, and I definitely believe angels are real. 
H - hometown: Currently, Tampa, Florida, USA
I - in love with: Chevelle, Deadpool, The Driver from Drive, Captain America, The Punisher, dairy products, and last, but not least, Castiel/Misha Collins about whom I have this blog
J - jealous of: Oh dear…I hate to think I am jealous of anyone for anything. Perhaps for people who I feel have had things come so easily in one particular area of their life that mine has proved to have been a neverending, soul crushing struggle. But in the grand scheme of things, I don’t see as my jealousy amounts to much, as we are all not so different in that from time to time, we all face some struggle in some area of our lives, whether it is readily apparent to others or not. 
K - killed someone: I only lay waste figuratively to people during oral arguments. Ex-boyfriends have especially hated this ability as they got tired of losing! Hahahaha! lol! :)
L - last time you cried: A few weeks ago, after watching Logan for the third time. That movie deserves an Oscar - it made me feel so much, achieved epic levels of savagery, and was utterly relatable from both Logan’s and Laura’s perspectives. I also love that men are not ashamed to say it made them cry at the end. What an experience. 
M - middle name: Jane
N - number of siblings: 1 (one).
O - one wish: To finish writing my book. 
P - person you called or texted last: My mentor who is like a dad to me and a total badass
Q - questions you are always asked: I’m not sure about questions, but I get called pet names by people quite often and get mothered and fussed over a lot as if I am a cute innocent thing people like to shelter and take care of (even at my ripe old age of 25, *cough, cough*, although I got it more when I was younger). I have no problem with this and think it’s sweet. In different cities I have traveled, there are different ones people use (e.g. honey, sweetie, baby girl, mami, pretty girl, etc) and they mean well and are not creepy, so it is totally fine by me. 
R - reasons to smile: So many. 
S - song you last sang: Can’t Smile Without You by Barry Manilow - so sad, happy, sweet, wistful, cute, and silly at the same time in a sweep-you-off-your-feet-in-a-good-way-and-start-dancing kind of way
T - time you last woke up: This morning, trying to stave off death and peel my eyes open in time to make it to church (was still 15 minutes late).
U - underwear color: Oh gracious. Um, it is black with white skulls and pink hearts on it.
V - vacation destination: dream locations - Japan, Ireland, skateboarding in Iceland a la Walter Mitty, swimming with manta rays at night in Hawaii
W - worst habit: Throwing up like the Kung Fu Panda when I exercise. My personal trainer was surprised at first and then worried. She takes it very easy on me now and I don’t know if I will ever lose that pesky 10 pounds. Sadly, it doesn’t come off in spite of my ridiculous heaving spells. 
X - any x-rays: Of my arm when I was a kid and fractured it falling off the jungle gym. 
Y - your favourite food: If you are what you eat, I am a pile of Hershey’s Kisses and a couple scoops of Rocky Road ice cream splashed in milk. I also love Japanese, Lebanese, Thai, and Indian food, and lasagna. 
Z - zodiac: Capricorn
Just as @raising-hells said, you all don’t have to do this by any means, my dears, but tagging you: @herebutoutoftouch @jeanjeaniethings @the-moose-that-ships-destiel @thewinchestersangelinatrenchcoat  @abnormal-angel @theriverscribe @my-bitter-blue @pooffa Kisses all - have a great week!
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pldubrahs · 7 years
anyway, this has been a While coming and now im back in new orleans so LOTS OF GUSHING ABOUT THE LIGHTNING THIEF MUSICAL, UNDER THE CUT
the ambiance of the theater, dim and filled with soft storm sounds
this show does really beautiful things with overlapping singing and w harmonys and its So low budget but still so good and the cast is small but amazing and literally everyone but chris is cast into several roles and its just amazing
if u dont wanna read this whole thing, just scroll down to the end for a Special Surprise
the Bitter, Angry, Sad music, ltm is truly the Emo Rock Musical we deserve
i seriously almost fell out of my chair when chris mccarrell came out. he honest to god was SUCH a good percy, so fidgety and all his expressions were ON POINT
ms dodds in General she was hilarious for the literal 3 minutes she was onstage
the pen to sword transformation is literally just: chris hides the pen and grabs the sword from somewhere else onstage. during my show, in the ms dodds fight scene, the sword was on the back of chirons wheelchair and it got stuck so he had to trip after the chair as chiron wheeled off and TUG it off to fight
sally is a BLACK WOMAN 
just in general, this show was Amazing at raceblind casting
sally sprayed febreeze after smelly gabe, like he leaned to look in the fridge and she stood behind him spraying febreeze directly at him for like 30 seconds
“he was handsome and strong and before too long- you came!” percy was roasting marshmallows and looking out towards the audience and sally was rubbing up and down the sides of her body during this before “you came!” and it was v funny
grover and percy meeting outside camp
“oh look a goat” “percy!”
“he met a furie” “youre all furry! what happened to your legs”
the v cute friendship bickering, overlapping voices thing that percy and grover v often did. this was the grover and percy friendship that we always needed
during the weird dream when he sees annabeth and hes like “gee whiz shes the most beautiful girl ive ever seen”
and then when he officially meets her after hes not out of it, he says “youre my dream girl!” and then backpedals and its great
he kicked the chair over so much and then there was a part after his camp halfblood intern thing left so his chair didnt get reset behind him and so he kicked into the air, got frustrated, and put the chair up himself
“of course, who am i to give relationship advice, im literally the god of alcohol”
“you can hate it here, but i HATED IT FIRST”
so so so many Soft sex jokes and bc im a Child i loved them 
chiron is just a guy galloping with a horse tail its the cutest thing and everyone laughed bc like imagine a kid galloping w their legs high and w/e, but on an adult and slow motion
“you’ll get used to mr d. he can be a bit... well, he hates children”
luke was Very attractive and ALSO he had a lot of chemistry w percy and w annabeth and i, who remembered shipping percy and luke back in my Youth, was Living
annabeth deffs had a crush on luke dont @ me
also luke was Softly bitter. like he sounded like a modern kid, bitter and upset but saying it in a joking way; totally makes sense that no one suspects that he’d do anything w chronos bc all the kids are upset and he doesnt get dark until the very end of the show
“are you ever going to wear pants again?” “Nope!”
luke: “havent you ever played capture the flag?” percy, excitedly: “not with swords!” *makes swooshy lightsaber noises* annabeth, suffering, full of regret: “It’s not a lightsaber.”
“sexist much?” “no, i love girls” [muffled luke and grover cackling in the background]
CLARISSE, LOVE OF MY LIFE! her song was so so good
the campfire song
percys Soft concern for annabeths story about running away “wait is that true”
grover starting to cry during his part
“my father is chronos.... remember my lecture, he ate his children””....... chiron wins”
APHRODITE'S DAUGHTER’S STORY “godess of love, my moms aphrodite... i bring home a boy and shes there in her nightie! oh nooooo” “she steals my mascara and all of my dates!” wonderful
percy sings nicely about his mother and everyones like “hes doing it wrong”
“we dont care where our parents may be, as long as you are here with me!” FRIENDSHIP MAKES ME EMO
“havent you noticed that there arent any other little sea godlings running around? any sons of hades or daughters of zeus? the big three gods arent supposed to have kids!” i loved this tiny easter egg i love my big three kids
“look at the boy, hes clearly not a thief!” “oh, yeah no yeah yeah yeah no no yeah yeah no yeah no, youre right! you cant fake being that stupid unless youre a brilliant actor, but im also the god of drama, so i can tell you HES NOT”
“his lightning?” “yeah, we're not talking some crummy tin foil zig zag from some off broadway play!”
Killer Quest! is an amazing end of act song and v upbeat and cute
“so where is the underworld actually” “look for doa records” “its a record company? actually, im not surprised”
“half bloods to monsters smell like mickey ds, like tacos or take out vietnamese”
“dude are you talking to the squirrel?” “satyr powers, be nice. this squirrel knows every corner of the woods, maybe he can help us” “really? because i think that seems kind of nuts” [silence] “you hurt his feelings. tell the squirrel youre sorry.”
medusa in general, what a Good scene
ensemble members shaking maracas to make snake noises for her
medusa cant say “nemesis”
“ive done everything to prove to the gods that im the best and you- i mean, you dont even know how to hold a sword” “yes i do!, yes... i do...” “no, hands here *adjusts percys grip*” “i didnt ask for any of this: gods, monsters, quests- oh, wow, that is a lot easier”
my grand plan is the most annabeth chase song ever and i love it its such a good look into her character and i love her so much
“when boys mess up they always get another chance”
“cause most girl never win if theyre polite”
“the gods will think we’re impertinent” “we are impertinent”
the squirrel gave them three amtrak tickets
i hate country except for this One Song
“is that chihuahua?” “its a chimera!”
“maybe if you hadnt brought all those dam snacks” “uh it was the hoover dam and i was hungry!”
ares drives them to las vegas and when they get there he says “this is where i... get off” and its HILARIOUS i love lowkey sex jokes
gentle easter egg to bianca and nico re: may 1st 1939
“the oracle can can it ill save my mom and savE THE PLANET!” im love percy so much
tREE ON THE HILL IS ABOUT THALIA AND IT MADE ME CRY GOD WHAT A GOOD SONG and grover feels like a failure and annabeth is like “no u saved my life ur a good friend and a good guardian <3 friendship”
“you wanna hear my demo?” “uh-” [loud music plays] “im sorry i couldnt hear you over this SWEET ASS RIFF”
“oh! do you have any josh groban?” “we will.” I CACKLED
the ferryman also attacks them all like “youre not gonna save the planet, you wont protect your friends, you wont be remembered”
everyone says this but “i think this pit is tartarus” “LIKE THE FISH SAUCE?”
“why would chronus want my shoes?” “they were really cool shoes”
bitter, sad hades who just wants people to stop thinking that hes the bad guy and for his brothers to come visit him
“one does not simply walk out of the underworld”
W H A T  B E L O N G S  T O  T H E  S E A  C A N  A L W A Y S  R E T U R N
small reprise of good kid as he considers hades offer and then the melody cHANGES and percy realizes that the seashell, a gift from a god, can SAVE THEM and its beautiful because SON OF POSEIDON IS A GOOD SONG
“maybe my dad was a screwup too, his best laid plans always falling through... maybe he never knew how to care but hey, thats life, and life aint fair... but i think my dad mayve thrown me a line, and better late than never, ill finally get a sign!”
its a good song kids
the kids get to the oceans and they FIGHT ARES and ares and percy are both singing, percy singing The Son Of Poseidon chorus and ares singing Put You In Your Place and its b e a u t i f u l
THE TOILET PAPER THROW- basically they bring in like 6 leafblowers w toilet paper rolls attached and the first five rows get covered in toilet paper. as someone who was in the fifth row, it was amazing
poseidon comes in, they have a Heart To Heart, he brings sally back to life, he flirts with sally, its hilarious and awkward
“the gods are unfair but we’re not total dicks”
percys like “you dont have to stay w gabe anymore” and sallys like “smh boy u cant solve all my problems. you saved my life, now i have to figure out how to live it”
he gives her medusas head
“what is this” “its a... do it yourself scupture kit” “oh! *begins to open it*” “no no no its, um, medusas head”
“well, as my official protector, you can officially escort us back to camp” “and youre conscience this time!”
chiron is also cast as poseidon so like he runs into the camp scene after a quick change and says “i hoofed it here as quick as i could!” 
last day of summer happens and w/e its cute but whAT REALLY MATTERS IS LUKES BETRAYAL: okay so the music slows and goes into the minor key and percys like “we still dont know whos working w chronos :/” lukes like “yeah it sucks” and he starts singing about how he doesnt trust the gods and how the gods hate them and how they need to take over the world and put the gods in their place--he and percy do their handshake fist-to-the-chest thing and luke is serious and percy does it but hes v confused and it Hurts. this is the first time in the show that luke sounds just Bitter and Angry instead of jokingly deprecating and its quite the effect
“ill do anything, i dont care if i hurt anyone, it doesnt pay to be a good kid, a good kid, a good son" GOD IT HURTS luke has so much pain and i feel so bad for him like yeah hes evil but,,, hes had a hard life
annabeth comes in and DISARMS LUKE but PSYCH luke has a small switchblade and STABS PERCY IN THE BACK (bc they cant use scorpions onstage)
percybeth moment interrupted by clarisse’s loud coughing and grover
percys like “we cant just sit here and wait for our parents to fix things.”
“the gods will say we’re impertinent” “we are impertinent” goddamn that symmetry
“are we ever gonna once have it easy?” my poor poor kids
percy- “feeling ready” annabeth- “feeling stoked” grover- “feeling queasy”
bring on the monsters is just a Good song
also hey if you got to the end of this, congrats! i have a ltm audio and either in a message or in an off-anon ask and ill hook u up
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