#Castillo Aragonese
coolthingsguyslike · 1 year
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Castello Aragonese, Ischia, Naples, ITALY
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notasfilosoficas · 1 month
“El hombre tenía que ser como una tierra de nadie, siempre listo para recibir las semillas de la filosofía de todos lo lados”
Michel de Montaigne
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Michel Eyquem fue un filósofo, escritor, humanista y moralista francés nacido en Saint Michel de Montaigne en febrero de 1553. Ha sido calificado como el más clásico de los modernos y el más moderno de los clásicos. Su obra fue escrita en la torre de su propio castillo bajo la pregunta “Qué sé yo?”
Nació cerca de Burdeos en un castillo propiedad de su familia paterna, su familia materna era de ascendencia judía española, de judeo-conversos aragoneses.
Michel recibió de su padre una educación liberal y humanista. Recién nacido fue enviado a vivir con los campesinos de una de las aldeas de su propiedad para que conociera la pobreza.
El latín fue su lengua materna, pues su padre contrató a un tutor alemán que no hablaba francés y prohibió a los empleados se dirigieran al niño en francés durante sus primeros ocho años. Posteriormente se le enseñó griego y después de dominar completamente estas dos lenguas, se le comenzó a hablar en francés.
Fe enviado a la escuela de Burdeos, graduándose en Leyes, y sus contactos familiares le permitieron ocupar el cargo de magistrado de la ciudad, pasando los siguientes doce años en lo tribunales.
Se casó a los 32 años y tuvo 6 hijos de los que solo le sobrevivió uno. En 1568 heredó la propiedad de su padre y en 1570 abandona los cargos públicos retirándose a su castillo para meditar y escribir.
Fue admirador de Lucrecio, Virgilio, Seneca, Plutarco y Sócrates, siendo un humanista que se tomó a él mismo como objeto de estudio en su principal trabajo titulado “Ensayos”.
Su proyecto era mostrarse sin máscaras develando así su yo más íntimo en su esencial desnudez.
Fue un crítico fuerte de la cultura, la ciencia y la religión de su época y su influencia fue colosal en la literatura francesa y mundial como creador del género conocido como “Ensayo”.
Los dos primeros volúmenes de sus ensayos fueron publicados en 1580 y tras su publicación y en su afán de conocer costumbres y usos de otras naciones, emprende un largo viaje por Suiza, Alemania, Austria e Italia, el cual usaría de tema para la publicación de su libro “Diario de viaje” en 1774, y del cual tuvo que interrumpir al ser elegido alcalde de Burdeos de 1581 a 1585.
En 1589 es encarcelado en la Bastilla en París en donde fue liberado por la intercesión de la reina madre.
Preparó la última versión de Ensayos en un libro de confesiones que el autor, profesando un escepticismo moderado, se revela a si mismo en todos los aspectos del alma humana, desde el detalle más ínfimo hasta elevadas cuestiones de religión, filosófica o política.
La obra de Montaigne ha pasado a ser una de las características principales del género ensayístico. No intenta aleccionar al lector, ni actúa como maestro ni pretende serlo, siendo un escritor mucho más cercano al lector, sin creerse más listo de quien lo lee.
Montaigne creía firmemente como Sócrates, que la ignorancia era la fuente de todo mal y que teníamos que luchar contra ella, así como de que era la propia reflexión, el mecanismo mas importante del hombre en la búsqueda de la verdad.
Como filósofo Montaigne se podría catalogar como escéptico, su pensamiento es del todo relativo, opina, y reconoce que muchas de sus tesis están muy influenciadas por sus emociones y por las circunstancias que le están tocando vivir. Se trata de un pensador de mente abierta, dispuesto a reconocer aciertos y errores de los demás y propios.
Dedicó el resto de su vida al pensamiento, la edición y la traducción, así como a ser uno de los primeros intelectuales pro-feministas de la historia, escribiendo “La igualdad entre y la mujer” y “Agravio de las damas” en donde analizó las causas de la desigualdad entre géneros.
Montaigne muere a la edad de 59 años en su castillo en Saint-Michel de Montaigne de un absceso periamigdalino y su sepultura se encuentra en el Museo de Aquitania situado en Burdeos.
Fuentes: biografiasyvidas.com, Wikipedia, universidad de Sevilla, filco.es
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dear-indies · 1 year
Hello lovelies! I was wondering who someone your favorite Mexican fcs are? I would love some suggestions especially if they have a decent amount of gifs. Thanks in advance! I appreciate all you do
Sara Ramirez (1975) Mexican, some Irish - is non-binary (they/them).
James Roday Rodriguez (1976) Mexican / English, Irish, Scottish, distant Swiss-German and German.
Raúl Castillo (1977) Mexican.
Lauren Ridloff (1978) African-American / Mexican - is deaf.
Jay Hernandez (1978) Mexican.
Amara Zaragoza (1980) Shawnee, Mexican of Purepecha descent, and German - has Multiple Sclerosis.
Tenoch Huerta (1981) Spanish, Nahua, and Purépecha.
Manuel Masalva (1981) Mexican.
Aarón Díaz (1982) Mexican / Irish.
Lupita Nyong'o (1983) Luo Kenyan - considers herself Kenyan-Mexican.
Alfonso Herrera (1983) Mexican.
Richard Cabral (1984) Mexican.
Michael Trevino (1985) Mexican.
Alex Meraz (1985) Purépecha.
Clayton Cardenas (1985) Mexican, some Filipino.
Peter Gadiot (1986) Mexican / Dutch and French.
Roberta Colindrez (1986) Mexican - is queer.
Jessica Marie Garcia (1987) Mexican / Cuban.
Francia Raisa (1988) Mexican / Honduran.
Summer Bishil (1988) Indian / Mexican, German, English, Dutch.
David Castañeda (1989) Mexican.
Harvey Guillén (1990) Mexican - is queer.
Julio Macias (1990) Mexican.
Lindsey Morgan (1990) Mexican / Irish.
Morningstar Angeline (1990) Navajo, Blackfoot, Chippewa Cree, Nez Perce, Shoshone, Mexican, and Unspecified White - is non-binary (they/she) and pansexual.
Diego Boneta (1990) Mexican-Puerto Rican-Spanish, small amounts of Swiss-French and German.
Danny Ramirez (1992) Mexican and Colombian.
Yalitza Aparicio (1993) Mixtec and Triqui.
Eduardo Franco (1994) Mexican.
Hayley Orrantia (1994) Mexican (paternal grandfather), English, Irish, French, Swiss-French, German, Welsh.
Mason Alexander Park (1995) Mexican and Spanish - is non-binary and uses they/them.
Zión Moreno (1995) Mexican [Spanish and Unspecified Native American] - is trans.
Cierra Ramirez (1995) Mexican and Colombian.
Alejandro Speitzer (1995) Mexican.
Coty Camacho (1995) Mixtec and Zapotec - is pansexual.
Eva Noblezada (1996) Bisaya and Ilonggo Filipino / Mexican.
Diego Tinoco (1997) Mexican and Colombian.
Kiana Ledé (1997) African-American, Mexican, Swedish, Norwegian, Cherokee.
Becky G (1997) Mexican – including Spanish [Andalusian, Aragonese, Asturian, Cantabrian, Castilian, Extremaduran, Leonese, and Valencian], Imsepcidied Indigenous, Basque, Galician, African, as well as distant Portuguese, German and Italian.
Jaylen Barron (1997) African-American / Mexican.
Ariela Barer (1998) Mexican [75% Ashkenazi Jewish 25% Unspecified]- she/they - has since deleted their Instagram post stating they're non-binary so I’m unsure if they still identify as non-binary or not!
Froy Gutierrez (1998) Caxcan and European.
Lizeth Selene (1999) Mexican - is genderfluid and queer (they/she).
Xolo Maridueña (2001) Mexican, Ecuadorian, and Cuban.
Andrea Chaparro (2002) Mexican.
Here you go!
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jepsolell · 2 years
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👥El mejor cara a cara con la XIII duquesa de Alba / The best face to face with the XIII Duchess of Alba - 📌Casi no es necesario presentar el nombre del salón donde nos encontramos hoy del Palacio de Liria: el salón Goya. En este refinado espacio es donde encontramos, el famosísimo retrato pintado por F. de Goya de Teresa Cayetana de Silva y Álvarez de Toledo, XIII duquesa de Alba. Realizado en 1795, dicha pintura es una de las mejores representaciones del estilo sobrio y personal del artista aragonés: tan solo un frío paisaje recorta la silueta de la duquesa, y los rojos de lazos y collar de coral ponen la nota estridente. Es de remarcar, más alla del otro retrato de Goya de la Marquesa de Lazán, la cómoda que acompaña esta foto. Se trata de una copia de Adam Weisweiler que perteneció, junto a otra en esta misma sala, a la Emperatriz de Francia Eugenia de Montijo. De esta importante pieza encontramos otra muy parecida comprada por Jorge IV del Reino Unido, situada en el salón de tapices de seda de Buckingham Palace, y otras en el Castillo de Versailles y Fontainebleau. - 🇬🇧 It is not necessary to present the name of the room where we are today in the Palacio de Liria: the Goya room. It is in this refined space that we find the famous portrait painted by F. de Goya of Teresa Cayetana de Silva y Álvarez de Toledo, XIII Duchess of Alba. Created in 1795, this painting is one of the best representations of the sober and personal style of the Aragonese artist: only a cold landscape cuts out the silhouette of the Duchess, and the red ties and coral necklace set the strident note. It is noteworthy, beyond the other Goya portrait of the Marchioness of Lazán, the chest of drawers that accompanies this photo. It is a copy by Adam Weisweiler that belonged, along with another in this same room, to the Empress of France Eugenia de Montijo. From this important piece we find another very similar bought by George IV of the United Kingdom, located in the silk tapestry room of Buckingham Palace, and others in the Castle of Versailles and Fontainebleau. (at Palacio de Liria) https://www.instagram.com/p/Chz9kAYIcI0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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midasgreece · 1 year
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Castillo Aragonese, Ischia, Italia 🇮🇹 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl9R2d4Dbvl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Castillos, Fortalezas, Palacios y Plazas Fuertes de Aragón               (Zaragoza-Huesca y Teruel)
Castillo de Montearagón-Huesca-Aragón-España.
Montearagón es uno de los castillos históricamente más importantes de España. Construido en pleno siglo XI y desde el cual los reyes aragoneses organizaron el asedio y conquista de la Huesca musulmana.
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colicignolocations · 3 years
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Il castello #Aragonese di Ischia è una fortificazione che sorge su un'isola di roccia trachitica, in provincia di Napoli, Campania. #castelliditalia Photo by @nunzio__pascale #campania #napoli #castelloaragonese #ischia #naples #castle #chateau #castillo #italia #italy #middleages #natgeo #nationalgeographic #medieval #italianholidays #architecture #buildingconstruction #sea #mare #isla (presso Ischia Castello Aragonese) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLRHF_Nrx2R/?igshid=1n2ajqoksrvm8
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solnunquamoccidit · 2 years
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Exmo. Sr. D. Jvan Ð Acvña Marqs. Ð Casa Fverte Cavallero de Orden Ð Sn.tiago Comendador de eſta en la de Alcántara, Cappn. Genl. đ los Exércitos đl Conſejo đ Guerra đ ſu Magd. ſu ViRey Governador y Cappn. Gl. deſta nueva Eſpaña y preſidente đ ſu Rl. Audiencia 32 viRey entró el año de 1722.
by Juan Rodríguez Juárez (Novohispanic, 1675 – 1728) oil on canvas (76,7 × 100 cm), 1722
Castillo de Chapultepec
* Born in Los Reyes into a military family, D. Juan de Acuña y Bejarano (1658 – 1734) made a career in Europe serving in the Royal Armies, later being appointed the second Captain General (a demoted office which, in the Aragonese realms, substituted that of Viceroy after the War of the Spanish Succession) of Aragon (1715) and Mallorca (1717). In 1722, he became the second Peruvian to formally rule over New Spain as viceroy, and one of only five people born in the New World to hold that title.
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promonetpublishing · 5 years
Interviewer: David, can you tell us what you were inspired to write your first novel in this one so ambitious genre?
I like it read stories that illuminate my imagination, elevate me and take me to fantastic worlds where to escape from reality. Since I was a child I knew it and today I can dare to invent my own universe full of characters unusual. That's why I searched in universal history for a young noble, but with a past illegitimate, to a bastard as we also tell him. I also found Laurentius de Valla, a philosopher accused of heresy in the first years of the inquisition that proved in spite of its faults that the reason can be demonstrated with intelligence. So I was able to discover the Visconti, another family from Milan with very interesting characters from whom it was said they used mystic divination, and we were writing a singular novel that I hope will be liked by the readers.
Interviewer: We can say that historians rewrite the European past in a way supposed based on his investigations, how true do you consider that legend of the Castle in Italy?
My first novel of the fantastic historical genre is "Fernand and the Castle of the Magic Egg" which is based on a real legend that happened in a Castle of Naples from which its ruins are still preserved. I started it write in 2005, before formally studying writing, so I still do not stop rewriting its final version. Ferrante is an antihero who must show himself as a firm conqueror of a territory fought by other Mediterranean kingdoms. At the end of his life he will discover that everything he battled for can be lost for his decendents.
Interviewer: Well, we wish you many successes in this new path that you have just embarked on as digital novelist. Could you share a fragment of your novel?
Many thanks for your support. Of course, yes, I advance a few lines of the argument of my next novel. He says thus: "Giraldona met your father there, the affinity of both young noblemen was immediate. as a royal councilor in Naples at the end of that afternoon he saw them depart in a boat for a walk along the coast when holding hands they left the garden walking towards the Castillo dock. Another reason to know was that their duchies would be together. When the holidays ended and the letters with congratulations of some Neapolitans ceased, the regent Juana II remained withdrawn in the castle of the Egg, leaving the Duke I stayed there while an Aragonese castle was being built in Pizzo de Calabria. That's when your father asked me to accompany you in the dukedom as a counselor and a scribe of his court. I accepted his offer carrying my parchments with me. "
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maricofviana · 5 years
the  devil  works,  but  the  prince  of  asturias  works  harder  --------  or  so  it  was  said  upon  his  return  to  florentine  soil  following  lengthy  travels  across  the  vast  continent.  by  way  of  meeting  and  parleying  with  foreign  dignitaries  and  royals,  mario  had  done  his  utmost  to  reinstate  the  prestige  of  the  aragonese  crown,  dust  away  the  rubble  that  marred  their  jewels,   yet  his  efforts  fell  quite  pitifully  short  in  light  of  joan  de  guise’s  condition  --------  an  announcement  that  had  agitated  europen  society  and  commended  their  lineage  to  the  very  tip  of  any  finely  bred  courtiers’  tongue.  hope  was  a  frangible,  useless  thing;  and  yet  for  the  first  in  many  arid  summers  of  desolation,  the  prince  had  begun  to  experience  a  renewed  sense  of  it  stir  within  his  marrow.
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a  foreign  court  was  not  the  ideal  eden  for  a  child  to  be  raised  (  mario  could  attest  to  that  by  virtue  of  his  own  past  )  nor  a  woman  in  so  delicate  a  state,  so  as  he  watched  from  the  windows  overlooking  the  children  bellowing  with  joy  and  brandishing  their  multi  coloured  ribbons  in  the  courtyard  below,  the  building  blocks  of  preparations  began  to  come  together  in  his  mind.  where  joan  would  complete  her  lying-in;  where  the  babe,  if  it  were  to  survive  infancy,  would  be  christened.  it  was  not  until  his  ears  prickled  to  the  sound  of  petticoats  swishing  that  he  muted  his  thoughts,  temporarily,  and  felt  a  grin  curve  upon  his  lips  as  his  wife  joined  him  at  the  window. 
 ❛   castillo  de  peracense,  ❜   the  prince  mused  aloud,  gaze  transfixed  by  the  sight  of  ebullience  beneath  them.   ❛   i  will  rip  it  from  the  emir’s  deadened  fingers,  and  we  will  have  a  mecca  just  as  this.  ❜
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tasksweekly · 6 years
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In celebration of September 15th to October 15th being Latinx Heritage Month, here’s a masterlist below compiled of over 620+ Chilean faceclaims categorised by gender with their occupation and ethnicity denoted if there was a reliable source. If you want an extra challenge use random.org to pick a random number! Of course everything listed below are just suggestions and you can pick whichever faceclaim or whichever project you desire.
Any questions can be sent here and all tutorials have been linked below the cut for ease of access! REMEMBER to tag your resources with #TASKSWEEKLY and we will reblog them onto the main! This task can be tagged with whatever you want but if you want us to see it please be sure that our tag is the first five tags, @ mention us or send us a messaging linking us to your post!
THE TASK - scroll down for FC’s!
STEP 1: Decide on a FC you wish to create resources for! You can always do more than one but who are you starting with? There are links to masterlists you can use in order to find them and if you want help, just send us a message and we can pick one for you at random!
STEP 2: Pick what you want to create! You can obviously do more than one thing, but what do you want to start off with? Screencaps, RP icons, GIF packs, masterlists, PNG’s, fancasts, alternative FC’s - LITERALLY anything you desire!
STEP 3: Look back on tasks that we have created previously for tutorials on the thing you are creating unless you have whatever it is you are doing mastered - then of course feel free to just get on and do it. :)
STEP 4: Upload and tag with #TASKSWEEKLY! If you didn’t use your own screencaps/images make sure to credit where you got them from as we will not reblog packs which do not credit caps or original gifs from the original maker.
THINGS YOU CAN MAKE FOR THIS TASK -  examples are linked!
Stumped for ideas? Maybe make a masterlist or graphic of your favourite faceclaims. A masterlist of names. Plot ideas or screencaps from a music video preformed by an artist. Masterlist of quotes and lyrics that can be used for starters, thread titles or tags. Guides on culture and customs.
RP icons [of all sizes]
Gif Pack [maybe gif icons if you wish]
PNG packs
Dash Icons
Character Aesthetics
Graphic Templates - can be chara header, promo, border or background PSD’s!
FC Masterlists - underused, with resources, without resources!
FC Help - could be related, family templates, alternatives.
Written Guides.
and whatever else you can think of / make!
Belgium Castro (1921) Chilean - actress and teacher.
Carmen Barros (1925) Chilean - actress and singer.
María Teresa Fricke (1927) Chilean - actress.
Teresa Münchmeyer (1928) Chilean - actress and landscape painter.
Shenda Román (1928) Chilean - actress.
Delfina Guzmán (1928) Chilean - actress.
Mario Lorca (1930) Chilean - actress and director.
Violeta Vidaurre (1930) Chilean - actress.
Mireya Moreno (1931) Chilean - actress.
Luz Jiménez (1934) Chilean - actress, theater director, and teacher.
Gabriela Medina (1935) Chilean - actress.
Sonia Mena (1936) Chilean - actress.
Grimanesa Jiménez (1937) Chilean - actress.
Gloria Münchmeyer (1938) Chilean - actress.
Isabel Parra (1939) Chilean - singer-songwriter and interpreter of Latin American musical folklore.
Gabriela Hernández (1939) Chilean - actress.
Silvia Santelices (1940) Chilean - actress.
Palmenia Pizarro (1941) Chilean - singer.
Dagmar Lassander (1943) Chilean, German / French - actress.
Coca Rudolphy (1943) Chilean - actress.
Monica Carrasco (1947) Chilean - actress.
María Elena Duvauchelle (1947) Chilean - actress.
Gloria Laso (1947) Chilean - actress and director.
Ana Reeves (1948) Chilean - actress and director.
Gloria Benavides (1948) Chilean - actress, singer and comedian.
Patricia Maldonado Aravena (1950) Chilean - television presenter.
Teresita Reyes (1950) Chilean [Palestinian / Unknown] - actress.
Jacqueline Boudon (1951) Chilean - actress, comedian, director and pedagogue.
Elsa Poblete (1952) Chilean - actress.
Rosa Ramírez (1953) Chilean - actress and director.
Consuelo Holzapfel (1954) Chilean [German] - actress and director.
Silvia Novak (1955) Chilean - actress.
Malucha Pinto (1955) Chilean - actress, theater director and dramatist.
Claudia di Girolamo (1956) Chilean [Italian] - actress.
Fedora Kliwadenko (1956) Chilean - actress.
Loreto Valenzuela (1956) Chilean - actress and director.
Maricarmen Arrigorriaga (1957) Chilean [Basque] - actress.
Marcela Medel (1957) Chilean - actress.
Roxana Campos (1958) Chilean - actress.
Carmen Disa Gutiérrez (1959) Chilean - actress.
Maria Izquierdo Huneeus (1960) Chilean - actress, director and screenwriter.
Paulina García (1960) Chilean - actress, theatre director and playwright.
Esperanza Silva (1960) Chilean - actress and director.
Adriana Vacarezza (1961) Chilean [Basque, Italian] - actress.
Magdalena Max-Neef (1961) Chilean - actress.
Andrea Tessa (1961) Chilean [Italian] - singer-songwriter, TV presenter, and actress.
Irene Llano (1962) Chilean - actress and singer.
Elena Muñoz (1962) Chilean - actress, dramatist and scriptwriter.
Luz Croxatto (1962) Chilean - actress, director and screenwriter.
Sandra O'Ryan (1962) Chilean - actress.
Graciela Araya (1962) Chilean - singer.
Pilar Cox / María Pilar Cox Balsamina (1963) Chilean [Uruguayan] - ex-model, television presenter and actress.
Ximena Rivas (1963) Chilean - actress.
Coca Guazzini (1953) Chilean [Italian] - actress.
Valentina Vargas (1964) Chilean [French] - actress.
Carmina Irrigation (1964) Chilean - actress and manager.
Lisa Guerrero (1964) Chilean / English - actress, model, tv host, sportscaster, and journalist.
Viviana Rodríguez (1964) Chilean - actress.
Marcela Osorio (1964) Chilean - actress.
Katty Kowaleczko (1964) Chilean [Polish] - actress.
Carolina Arregui (1965) Chilean [Crotation, Basque] - actress.
Amparo Noguera (1965) Chilean - actress.
Cecilia Bolocco (1965) Chilean [Italian, Arbëresh / German] - actress, tv host, and Miss Universe 1987.
Myriam Hernández (1965) Chilean - singer-songwriter and television presenter.
Carmen Gloria Arroyo (1965) Chilean - tv host.
Claudia Celedón (1966) Chilean [Basque] - actress.
Elvira López (1966) Chilean - actress.
Natalia Cuevas (1966) Chilean - singer, comedian, impressionist, and actress.
Ana María Gazmuri (1966) Chilean - actress.
Lorene Prieto (1967) Chilean [New Zealand] - actress.
Charlotte Lewis (1967) 1/4 Chilean, 1/4 Iraqi, 1/4 Irish, 1/4 English - actress.
Macarena Mina (1968) Chilean [Italian] - Miss Chile 1989.
Javiera Parra (1968) Chilean - musician and singer.
Francesca Ancarola (1968) Chilean [Italian] - singer and songwriter.
Catalina Saavedra (1968) Chilean - actress.
Alessandra Guerzoni (1968) Chilean [Italian] - actress.
Paulina Gálvez (1969) Chilean / Spanish - actress.
Andrea Freund (1969) Chilean [German] - actress, director and producer.
Catalina Guerra (1969) Chilean - actress.
Karen Doggenweiler (1969) Chilean [German, Swiss / Spanish, Aragonese] - tv presenter.
Paula Urrutia (1969) Chilean - actress and director.
Claudia Burr (1969) Chilean - actress.
Aline Kuppenheim (1969) Chilean [French] - actress.
Paola Volpato (1969) Chilean [Italian] - actress.
Colombina Parra (1970) Chilean - musician and singer.
Alejandra Fosalba (1970) Chilean - actress
Alex Castillo / Alexandra Castillo (1971) Chilean - actress and dancer.  
Cecilia Amenábar (1971) Chilean [Basque] - actress, model and artist.
Paz Bascuñán (1971) Chilean - actress.
Claudia Acuña (1971) Chilean - jazz vocalist, songwriter and arranger.
Magdalena Matthey (1971) Chilean - singer-songwriter.
Heidrun Breier (1971) Chilean [Romanian, possibly German] - actress and director.
Ángela Contreras (1971) Chilean - actress.
Katyna Huberman (1971) Chilean Jewish - actress.
Leonor Varela (1972) Chilean [Syrian, Hungarian, French / Galician, possibly other] - actress and model.
Tamara Acosta (1972) Chilean - actress.
Karla Constant (1972) Chilean - tv host.
Amaya Forch (1972) Chilean [German, English] - actress and pop singer.
Ivette Vergara (1972) Chilean - tv presenter.
Francisca Imboden (1972) Chilean - actress.
Tilde de Paula / Anatilde de Paula Diaz (1972) Chilean [Brazilian / Cuban] - tv presenter, journalist, and author.
Berta Lasala (1973) Chilean - actress.
Paola Bruna / Paola Åhlund (1973) Chilean - singer and artist.
Francisca Merino / Pancha Merino (1973) Chilean - actress and television presenter.
Andrea Eltit (1973) Chilean - actress.
María Eugenia Larraín (1973) Chilean [Basque, German] - model and socialite.
Taira Court (1973) Chilean - actress and designer.
Francisca Gavilán (1973) Chilean - actress and singer.
Sigrid Alegría (1974) Chilean - actress.
Antonella Ríos (1974) Chilean - actress and presenter.
Angelica Neumann (1974) Chilean - actress, producer and designer.
Blanca Lewin (1974) Chilean - actress.
Ingrid Isensee (1974) Chilean - actress , director, broadcaster and industrial designer.
Yazmin Vazquez (1974) Chilean - tv host.
Renata Bravo (1974) Chilean - actress, comedian and radio presenter.
Úrsula Achterberg (1974) Chilean - actress.
Carolina Paulsen (1974) Chilean - actress.
Victoria Gazmuri (1974) Chilean - actress.
Claudia Pérez (1974) Chilean - actress.
Javiera Contador (1974) Chilean - actress, comedian and television hostess.
Mariana Loyola (1975) Chilean - actress.
Claudia Cabezas (1975) Chilean - actress.
Itatí Cantoral (1975) Chilean, Mexican [Spanish, including Andalusian, possibly other], French / Argentinian [Italian] - actress, singer, dancer, and producer.
Gabriela Aguilera (1975) Chilean - actress and singer.
Íngrid Cruz (1975) Chilean - actress.
Antonia Fernández (1975) Chilean - actress
Jenny Cavallo (1975) Chilean - actress.
Paola Giannini (1976) Chilean - actress
Ilona Elkin (1976) Chilean / Finnish - actress.
Elvira Cristi (1976) Chilean - actress and model.
Daniela Aleuy (1976)  Chilean - singer and songwriter.
Denisse Malebrán (1976) Chilean - singer, songwriter and vocalist.
Tonka Tomicic (1976) Chilean [Croatian] - model and television presenter.
Daniella Campos (1976) Chilean [English] - TV presenter and beauty pageant titleholder.
Mónica Godoy (1976) Chilean [English] - actress.
Deetah / Claudia Ogalde (1976) Chilean - rapper and singer.
Alicia Ika (1976) Rapa Nui [Chilean / Unknown]  - actress, musician and surf instructor.
Carolina Nissen (1976) Chilean - singer.
Paola Bontempi (1977) Chilean [German, possibly other] - actress and tv host.
Ana Tijoux (1977) Chilean - musician.
Charissa Chamorro (1977) Chilean - actress.
Paula Sharim (1977) Chilean [Lebanese Jewish, Egyptian Jewish, possibly other] - actress.
Connie Achurra (1977) Chilean - tv host.
Diana Bolocco (1977) Chilean [Italian, Arbëresh / German] - tv host.
Sussan Taunton (1977) Chilean [English, possibly other] - actress.
Ana Sol Romero (1977) Chilean - tv host.
Nicole  / Denisse Lillian Laval Soza (1977) Chilean [Spanish]  - singer-songwriter.
Patricia López (1977) Chilean - singer and actress.
María José Prieto (1977) Chilean - actress.
America Olivo (1978) Chilean, Mexican, Italian, Basque, Spanish / Belgian, Irish - actress, singer, and model.
Carla Ballero (1978) Chilean - actress and reality tv personality.
Daniela Jacques (1978) Chilean - actress.
Carmen Gloria Bresky (1978) Chilean - actress.
Natalia Contesse (1978) Chilean - folk musician and historian.
Siboney Lo (1978) Italian, Chilean - actress.
Jennifer Mayani (1979) Chilean [Sindhi] - actress and model.
Daniela Lhorente (1979) Chilean - actress and singer.
Francisca Ayala (1979) Chilean - tv host.
Catherine Mazoyer (1979) Chilean / French - actress.
Mane Swett / Maria Elena Swett (1979) Chilean - actress.
Jani Duenas / Alejandra Duenas (1979) Chilean - actress and comedian.
Cote de Pablo (1979) Chilean - actress and singer.
Macarena Teke (1979) Chilean - actress.
Paulina Mladinic (1980) Chilean [Croatian, Basque] - model.
Celine Reymond (1980) Chilean - actress and singer
Javiera Hernández (1980) Chilean - actress and director.
María Paz Jorquiera (1980) Chilean - actress and comedian.
Adela Secall (1980) Chilean - actress.
Mariana Derderián (1980) Chilean [Syrian / Unknown] - actress and singer.
Francisca Lewin (1980) Chilean - actress.
Elita Löfblad / Helita Mariam Löfblad Letelier (1980) Chilean - model and reality tv star.
Maria Luisa Godoy (1980) Chilean - tv personality.
Paola Lattus (1980) Chilean - actress.
María José Bello (1980) Chilean - actress.
Gabriela Barros (1980) Chilean - actress, model and Miss Universo Chile 2004.
Adriana Barrientos (1980) Chilean [Yaghan, Spanish] - model, actress, vedette celebrity.
Fernanda Urrejola (1981) Chilean - actress.
Michelle Morgan (1981) Chilean - actress.
María Luisa Mayol (1981) Chilean - actress.
Begoña Basauri (1981) Chilean - actress.
María José Illanes (1981) Chilean - musician, model and actress.
Isabel Bawlitza (1981) Chilean - fashion model and beauty pageant titleholder.
Ignacia Allamand (1981) Chilean - actress.
Dayana Friend (1981) Chilean - actress.
Fernanda Urrejola (1981) Chilean [Basque, Spanish] - actress.
Ximena Abarca (1981) Chilean - pop singer and actress.
Pamela Díaz (1981) Chilean [Basque, Spanish] - model and media celebrity.
Elisa Zulueta (1981) Chilean [Basque] - actress.
Catalina Aguayo (1981) Chilean - model and actress.
Carolina de Moras (1981) Chilean [French] - model, actress and television presenter.
Nathalia Aragonese (1981) Chilean - actress and theater director.
Andrea Velasco (1981) Chilean [Italian, possibly other] - singer.
Javiera Díaz de Valdés (1981) Chilean [Basque, Spanish] - actress.
Medina / Medina Valbak / Andrea Valback (1982) Chilean, possibly other - singer-songwriter.
Lucy Cominetti (1982) Chilean - actress.
María Dalmazzo (1983) Colombian / Chilean, Italian - actress.
Yamna Lobos (1983) Chilean - dancer, television host, and actress.
Manuela Martelli (1983) Chilean [Italian] - actress.
Belén Montilla (1983) Chilean - Miss Universo Chile 2006.
Javiera Mena (1983) Chilean - singer and guitarist.
Pia Mechler (1983) Chilean, German, Polish, Scottish - actor.
Sofia Garcia (1983) Chilean - actress
Mon Laferte / Norma Monserrat Bustamante Laferte (1983) Chilean [French] - singer-songwriter and actress.
Loreto Aravena (1983) Chilean - actress.
Belenaza Mora (1983) Chilean - comedian and tv personality.
Emilia Noguera (1983) Chilean - actress, theater director and playwright.
Pia Miller / Pia Loyola (1983) Chilean - actress, model, and tv presenter.
Alison Mandel (1983) Chilean - actress.
Rocsi Diaz (1983) Chilean / Honduran - television personality and model.
Charmaine / Charmaine Náyade Carrasco (1984) Chilean - singer-songwriter.
Natalia Lafourcade (1984) Chilean, French Basque / Mexican, possibly small amount of English - singer and songwriter.
Maura Rivera (1984) Chilean - dancer and tv personality.
Carla Jara (1984) Chilean - actress and animator.
Renata Ruiz (1984) Chilean - model.
María Gracia Omegna (1984) Chilean - actress.
Camila Hirane (1985) Chilean - actress.
Karla Souza (1985) Chilean [likely Portuguese] / Mexican - actress.
Eliane Gagnon (1985) Chilean, French - actress.
Daniela Aranguiz (1985) Chilean - tv host.
Nataly Chilet / Nataly Chilet Bustamante (1985) Chilean [Ukrainian, possibly other] - beauty pageant titleholder.
Andrea García-Huidobro (1985) Chilean - actress and director.
Juanita Ringeling (1985) Chilean - actress.
Oona Chaplin (1986) Chilean [Mapuche, Spanish, Romanian] / Irish, Scottish, English - actress.
Vale Ortega / Valeria Ortega Schettino (1986) Chilean - model and tv host.
María de los Ángeles García (1986) Chilean - actress.
Tomasa Del Real / Valeria Cisternas (1986) Chilean - singer and rapper.
Vanessa Ceruti (1986) Chilean [Italian, Russian] - model, actress, Miss Universe Chile 2011 and Elite Model Look Chile 2004.
K-Réena / Katherine Macarena Contreras Contreras (1986) Chilean - pop, soul, and R&B singer.
Gianella Marengo (1986) Chilean - model and tv host.
Ximena Huilipán (1986) Chilean [Mapuche] - model and actress.
Cat Rendic (1986) Chilean - dancer.
Majo Martino (1986) Chilean - tv host.
Viviana Shieh (1986) Chilean [Taiwanese] - actress and singer.
Tanya Del Solar (1986) Chilean - model and Miss Piel Dorada 2010.
Oona Chaplin (1986) Chilean [Mapuche, Spanish, evidently Romanian] / English, Irish, 1/16th Scottish  - actress.
Luli Love / Nicole Moreno (1987) Chilean - model, dancer, and panelist.
Nicole Polizzi (1987) Chilean - reality television personality, author, dancer and professional wrestler.
Daniela Ramírez (1987) Chilean - actress.
Maira Bodenhöfer (1987) Chilean - actress.  
Snooki / Nicole Polizzi / Nicole LaVelle (1987) Chilean [Romani, Unspecified Middle Eastern, Unspecified South Asian, Unspecified East Asian, Jewish, Russian, Croatian, Macedonian, Slovakian, Spanish (including Andalusian)] - tv personality, dancer, and author.
Francisca Valenzuela (1987) Chilean - singer, poet, and multi-instrumentalist.
Isidora Urrejola (1987) Chilean - actress.
Sofía Viacava (1987) Chilean [Italian] - model and Miss Chile Continente Americano 2010.
Maite Orsini (1988) Chilean [French, Italian]  - actress, model, and reality tv personality.
Valeska Díaz (1988) Chilean - actress.
Natalia Reddersen (1988) Chilean [German] - actress.
Sara Paxton (1988) Chilean, Mexican [Spanish and Dutch Jewish, some German] (born into the Jewish faith) / Irish, Scottish, English, very distant French (convert to Judaism) / - actress, singer and model.
Daniela Vega (1989) Chilean - actress and singer. - Trans!
Lorenza Izzo (1989) Chilean [Spanish, Italian, English, possibly other] - actress and model.
Karla Vasquez (1989) Chilean - actress and singer.
Daniella Monet (1989) Chilean [Spanish, Croatian] / Italian - actress, singer, and tv personality.
Catalina Vallejos (1989) Chilean - model, television personality and Miss ATP in 2009 and Calle 7 in 2010 and 2011.
Jena Lee / Sylvia Garcia (1990) Chilean - singer and composer.
Carolina Vargas (1990) Chilean - actress.
Ana Luisa König (1990) Chilean [German, Irish] - model and Miss Universo Chile 2012.
D-Niss / Denise Rosenthal (1990) Chilean - actress, model, dancer and singer-songwriter.
Mariana di Girolamo (1990) Chilean [Italian] - actress.
Catalina Cáceres (1990) Chilean - model, Nuestra Belleza Chile and Miss Universo Chile in 2016.
Dominique Gallego (1990) Chilean [Galician. English] - media model, television reality personality, promoter and actress.
Kathy Contreras (1990) Chilean - actress, model, and dancer.
Miranda Bodenhöfer (1990) Chilean - ballet dancer and actress.
Tanza Varela (1991) Chilean [Spanish] - actress and model.
Camila Recabarren (1991) Chilean [Basque] - model and Miss World Chile 2012.
Maria del Pilar (1991) Chilean - singer.
Kel Calderón / Raquel Calderón (1991) Chilean [Basque] - actress, singer and lawyer.
Luciana Echeverría (1991) Chilean - actress, model, singer and television presenter.
Natalie Sifferman (1991) Chilean / Unspecified White  - actress.
Luciana Echeverría (1991) Chilean [Basque] - actress, singer and television presenter.
Carolina Mestrovic (1991) Chilean [Croatian, Italian]  - singer, actress and TV host.
Alma Jodorowsky (1991) 1/4 Chilean [Ukrainian Jewish], 3/4 French - actress, singer, and model.
Camila Andrade (1991) Chilean - model, TV Host and Miss World Chile 2013.
Piyoasdf (1991) Chilean - singer and youtuber.
Kika Silva (1992) Chilean [Spanish] - model and television panelist.
Constance Piccoli (1992) Chilean - actress and singer.
Alicia Rodríguez (1992) Chilean - actress.
María Jesús Matthei (1992) Chilean - TV Host, model and beauty pageant titleholder.
Valentina Villagra (1992) Chilean - youtuber.
Ilonka Obilinovic (1992) Chilean - youtuber.
Claudipia Chic (1992) Chilean - youtuber.
Ivica Llanca (1992) Chilean - youtuber.
Diandra / Diandra Flores (1994) Chilean / Finnish - singer-songwriter.
Cecilia Sanchez (1994) Chilean - model (Instagram: cecisanmar).
Fernanda Sobarzo (1994) Chilean - model and Miss World Chile 2015.
Hellen Toncio (1994) Chilean - volleyball player and Miss Universo Chile 2014.
Camila Cuevas (1995) Chilean - youtuber.
Bramty Juliette (1995) Chilean - youtuber.
Camila Gallardo (1996) Chilean - singer.
Rogue Anastasia (1996) Chilean - youtuber.
Catalina Joy (1996) Chilean - Tik.Tok and Musical.ly star.
Belén Soto (1997) Chilean - actress and model.
Inna Moll (1997) Chilean - youtuber.
Trinidad de la Noi (1998) Chilean [French] - model, actress and Elite Model Look Chile 2012.
Xiomara Herrera (1998) Chilean - dancer.
Christell / Christell Jazmín Rodriguez Carrillo (1998) Chilean - singer.
Nuvia_OuO (1998) Chilean - Twitch star.
Teresita Commentz (2001) Chilean - actress.
Jeannette Pualuan (?) Chilean [Lebanese, possibly other] - singer-songwriter.
Macarena Darrigrandi (?) Chilean [Egyptian Jewish, possibly other] - actress.
Clara Lyons Parsons (?) Chilean [Spanish, Italian, English, possibly other]  - model.
Daniela Gomez (?) Chilean, Colombian - actress.
Allie Escaffi (?) Chilean, Argentinian - actress and model.
Tamara Almeida (?) Chilean, Ecuadorian - actress.
Kaylah Zander (?) Chilean / Unspecified European - actress.
Daniela Manyoma (?) Chilean - Miss International Queen Chile 2014. - Trans!
Tatiana Leiva (?) Chilean, Unspecified Other - writer and actress.
Macarena Carrere (?) Chilean - actress.
Lizzy Snaps / Lizzy Sullivan (?) Chilean - tv host.
Alexandra Dionelis (?) Chilean  / Greek - actress.
Marina Catalán (?) Chilean - actor.
Clara Aranovich (?) Chilean / Argentinian - actress, writer and director.
Bella Wholey (?) Chilean - actress.
Camila Correa Soya (?) Chilean [French, Hungarian] - actress and singer.
Alicia Ceron (?) Chilean - actress.
Karen Sotomayor (?) Chilean / Brazilian - actress.
Catalina Palacios (?) Chilean - actress, singer and television presenter.
Violeta Vidaurre (?) Chilean [German, Beligan] - actress.
Melissa Araya (?) Chilean - actress.
Francie Perez (?) Chilean, possibly other - actress.
Danielle Marina Jones (?) Chilean / African-American - actress.
Javiera Beltrami (?) Chilean - model (Instagram: javibeltrami).
Millie Wood V (?) Chilean, Russian - actress, model, Playboy Spain (Instagram: millie_wood92).
Jose Cruz (?) Chilean - model (Instagram: josefinacruz.t).
Monica Ramos (?) Chilean - harpist.
Bea de Tapia (?) Chilean - model (Instagram: beatapias).
Chiara Leone (?) Chilean - model.
Rosa Labordé (?) Chilean / Unspecified Eastern European - actress, playwright, director, and screenwriter.
Agustina Schwember (?) Chilean - model (Instagram: agustinaschwember).
Elizabeth Schall (?) Chilean - singer-songwriter, guitarist, and pianist.
Grace Barrejon (?) Chilean - model (Instagram: gracebarrejon).
Carmen Aguirre (?) Chilean - actress and writer.
Em Meades (?) Chilean - model (Instagram: emmeades).
Domi Palacios (?) Chilean - model (Instagram: domipalacios).
Jocelyn Osorio (?) Chilean - actress and model.
Emmanuelle Lussier-Martinez (?) Chilean / French - actress.
Daniella Tobar (?) Chilean - actress.
Uranía Haltenhoff (?) Chilean [German / Greek] - beauty pageant titleholder and Miss Chile 1990.
Constanza Silva (?) Chilean - model and beauty pageant titleholder.
Camila Stuardo (?) Chilean - model and a beauty pageant contestant.
Cecilia Echenique (?) Chilean - singer.
Cristina Gallardo-Domâs (?) Chilean [French] - singer.
Pascuala Ilabaca (?) Chilean - singer and songwriter.
K-Bust / Karla Bustamante (?) Chilean - singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist.
Verónica Villarroel (?) Chilean - soprano.
Isidora Cabezón (?) Chilean - actress.
Tichi Lobos (?) Chilean - actress.
Nadia Milton (?) Chilean - actress and singer.
Valentina Muhr (?) Chilean - actress.
Javiera Ramos (?) Chilean - actress.
Claudio Spies (1925) Chilean [German Jewish] - musician.
Lucho Gatica (1928) Chilean [Basque] - bolero singer, film actor, and television host.
Leon Schidlowsky (1931) Chilean [Russian Jewish, Polish Jewish] - musician.
Fernando Farías (1932) Chilean - actor.
Nissim Sharim (1932) Chilean [Lebanese Jewish, Egyptian Jewish] - actor.
Alejandro Sieveking (1934) Chilean - actor, director, and playwright.
Jorge Aravena Llanca (1936) Chilean - photographer, writer, researcher and singer-songwriter.
Héctor Noguera (1937) Chilean - actor and teacher.
Patricio Manns (1937) Chilean [French, German] - composer, author, poet, novelist, essayist, play writer and journalist.
Julio Numhauser (1938) Chilean [German Jewish] - musician.
Germán Casas (1939) Chilean - singer.
Lorenzo Aillapán (1940) Chilean [Mapuche] - poet, actor, film producer, anthropologist.
Eduardo Carrasco (1940) Chilean - musician, university professor of philosophy, author, and one of the founders of the Chilean folk music group Quilapayún.
Julio Jung (1942) Chilean - actor.
Sergio Hernández (1942) Chilean - actor.
Eduardo Parra Pizarro (1943) Chilean - musician.
Hugo Medina (1943) Chilean - actor.
Nelson Brodt (1943) Chilean  - actor, director, playwright and teacher.
Buddy Richard (1943) Chilean - singer-songwriter.
Willy Benítez (1946) Chilean - actor and comedian.
Pepe Soza / José Soza (1946) Chilean - actor, tv host, and director.
Benny Mardones / Ruben Mardones (1946) Chilean - singer-songwriter.
Óscar Castro Ramírez (1947) Chilean - actor, playwright and theatrical director.
Mario Mutis (1947) Chilean - musician.
Óscar Hernánd (1947) Chilean - actor.
Patricio Contreras (1947) Chilean - actor.
Exequiel Lavandero (1947) Chilean - actor.
Alejandro Castillo (1948) Chilean - actor.
Raúl Sendra (1948) Chilean - actor and tennis player.
Mauricio Pesutic (1948) Chilean [Spanish] - actor and director.
Pepe Secall / José Secall (1949) Chilean - actor.
Eduardo Gatti (1949) Chilean [French, Italian] - singer-songwriter.
Osvaldo Silva (1949) Chilean - actor, director, and producer.
Antonio Macia (1950) Chilean / Argentinian - actor and screenwriter.
Paco Saval (1950) Chilean - keyboard player, producer, composer and singer.
Humberto Gatica (1951) Chilean - musician.
Anderson Cooper (1951) 1/16 Chilean [Unspecified Indigenous, Bantu, Spanish], 17/16 mix of English, Dutch, Scottish, Irish, French Huguenot - tv personality, journalist, and author.
Gonzalo Robles (1952) Chilean - actor.
Cristián García-Huidobro (1952) Chilean - actor and comedian.
Patricio Strahovsky (1952) Chilean - actor.
Rodolfo Pulgar (1953) Chilean - actor.
Fernando Ubiergo (1953) Chilean - singer-songwriter and musician.
Mauricio Redolés (1953) Chilean - singer-songwriter, musician, and poet.
Oscar Lopez (1953) Chilean - singer, guitarist, and composer.
Francisco Reyes (1954) Chilean [French] - actor.
Alfredo Castro (1955) Chilean - actor, screenwriter and theatre director.
Cristián Campos (1956) Chilean - actor.
Alejandro Goic (1957) Chilean - writer, actor and director.
Felipe Armas (1957) Chilean - actor , producer , television director and businessman.
Joe Vasconcellos (1959) Chilean [Brazilian] - singer-songwriter and composer.
Erto Pantoja (1960) Chilean - actor.
Tom Araya (1961) Chilean - singer, songwriter, and musician.
Luis Gatica (1961) Chilean [Basque, possibly other] / Puerto Rican - actor.
Pablo Ausensi (1961) Chilean - actor.
Rodrigo Bastidas (1961) Chilean - theater director, dramatist, screenwriter, broadcaster and actor.
Luis Gnecco (1962) Chilean - actor.
Alain Johannes (1962) Chilean [Austrian, Dutch] - singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist.
Otilio Castro (1962) Chilean - actor and director.
Renato Munster (1962) Chilean - actor.
Fernando Larraín (1962) Chilean [Basque] - actor , broadcaster, comedian and animator.
Brontis Jodorowsky (1962) Chilean [Ukrainian Jewish] / French - actor and director.
Sebastián Dahm (1963) Chilean - actor and teacher.
Fareed Haque (1963) Chilean / Pakistani - guitarist.
Cristian Amigo (1963) Chilean - guitarist, composer, improviser, and ethnomusicologist.
Luis Dubó (1964) Chilean - actor.
Álvaro Rudolphy (1964) Chilean - actor.
Felipe Izquierdo (1964) Chilean - actor, comedian, communicator and businessman.
Pablo Striano (1964) Chilean - actor.
Andrés Díaz (1964) Chilean - cellist.
Luis Jara (1965) Chilean [Spanish]  - singer, ex-actor and TV host.
Cristóbal Jodorowsky / Axel Jodorowsky (1965) Chilean [Ukrainian Jewish] / Mexican - actor, writer, playwright, trainer, painter, and tarologist.
Álvaro Scaramelli (1965) Chilean [Italian] - singer, composer and therapist.
Boris Quercia (1965) Chilean - actor, director, screenwriter, producer and writer.
Claudio Narea (1965) Chilean - rock musician, singer, and songwriter.
Alfredo Perl (1965) Chilean - pianist.
Remigio Remedy (1965) Chilean - actor.
Juan Falcón (1965) Chilean - actor.
Carlos Embry (1966) Chilean - actor.
Juan Carlos Valdivia Lena (1966) Chilean - tv host.
Daniel Muñoz (1966) Chilean - actor and folklorist.
Jordi Castell (1966) Chilean [Palestinian, Catalan] - tv presenter and photographer.
Francisco Melo (1966) Chilean - actor and producer.
Ramón Llao (1967) Chilean - actor.
Pablo Macaya (1967) Chilean - actor.
Rodrigo Muñoz (1967) Chilean - actor and comedian.  
Beto Cuevas (1967) Chilean - singer, plastic artist, painter, and actor.
Rodrigo Andrés González Espíndola (1968) Chilean - musician.
lvaro Morales (1968) Chilean - actor, theater and television.
Marcelo Alonso (1969) Chilean - actor.
Claudio Valenzuela (1969) Chilean - guitarist, singer, and composer.
Anton Reisenegger (1969) Chilean [German] - singer and guitarist.
Horatio Sanz / Horacio Sanz (1969) Chilean - actor and comedian.
Alejandro Silva (1969) Chilean - guitarist, bassist, and songwriter.
Rafael Araneda (1969) Chilean [Basque, possibly other] - tv presenter.
Adam Buxton (1969) Chilean / British - actor, comedian, writer, and broadcaster.
Manuel García (1970) Chilean - singer-songwriter and guitarist.
Fernando Solabarrieta (1970) Chilean [Palestinian / Basque] - tv personality.
Carlos Patricio Díaz (1970) Chilean - actor.
Pablo Schwarz (1970) Chilean - actor.
Felipe Braun (1970) Chilean - actor.
Ricardo Villalobos (1970) Chilean - DJ.
Luis Uribe (1970) Chilean - actor.
Francisco Pérez-Bannen (1971) Chilean - actor.
Felipe Viel (1971) Chilean - actor and tv presenter.
Frank Pando (1971) Chilean - actor.
Sergio Lagos (1972) Chilean - musician and tv presenter.
Michio Nishihara Toro (1972) Chilean [Japanese, possibly other] - musician.
Álvaro Véliz (1972) Chilean - singer.
Juan Pablo Sáez (1972) Chilean - actor.
Cristián Sánchez (1972) Chilean - tv presenter.
Daniel Alcaíno (1972) Chilean - actor.
Pedro Carmona-Alvarez (1972) Chilean - musician, poet, and novelist.
Claudio Espinoza (1973) Chilean - actor.
Promis / Jose F. Promis / José Francisco Promis Hoyuelos (1973) Chilean - singer-songwriter, keyboardist, pianist, and composer.
Jason Liebrecht (1973) Chilean - actor.
Carmen Disa Gutiérrez (1973) Chilean - actor.
Marcial Tagle (1973) Chilean - actor.
Juan Pablo Ogalde (1973) Chilean - actor.
Rodrigo Sepúlveda (1973) Chilean - tv personality.
Carlos Díaz León (1973) Chilean - actor.
Víctor Montero (1973) Chilean - actor.
Claudio González (1973) Chilean - actor.
Sebastián Layseca (1974) Chilean - actor and director.
Pablo Francisco (1974) Chilean - comedian.
Cristián de la Fuente (1974) Chilean [French] - actor, presenter, model and producer.
Lincoln Cáceres (1974) Chilean - actor.
Patricio Castillo (1974) Chilean [Spanish] - actor, singer-songwriter, and performer.
Nicolás Fontaine (1974) Chilean - actor and director.
Álvaro Espinoza (1974) Chilean - actor.
Daniel Rojas (1974) Chilean [Unspecified Indigenous, possibly other] - pianist and composer.
Andrés Gómez (1975) Chilean - actor.
Rodrigo Salinas (1975) Chilean - actor and comedian.
Néstor Cantillana (1975) Chilean - actor.
Felipe Ríos (1975) Chilean - actor and director.
Pedro Pascal (1975) Chilean - actor.
Nicolás Saavedra (1975) Chilean - actor.
José Martínez (1975) Chilean - musician, comedian and actor.
Andrés Palacios (1975) Chilean - actor.
Leo Quinteros (1975) Chilean - singer-songwriter and guitarist.
Méndez / DJ Méndez / Leopoldo Jorge Méndez Alcayaga (1975) Chilean - DJ, singer-songwriter, and producer.
Diego Muñoz (1976) Chilean - actor.
Daniel Valenzuela (1976) Chilean - tv host.
Andres Burgos (1977) Chilean - youtuber.
Iván Álvarez de Araya (1977) Chilean - actor.
Américo / Domingo Jhonny Vega Urzúa (1977) Chilean [Basque] - singer.
Pablo Díaz (1978) Chilean - actor and producer.
Marko Zaror (1978) Chilean [Palestinian, possibly other] - actor, martial artist, and stuntman.
Francisco Celhay (1978) Chilean - actor.
Jesus Cosialls (1978) Chilean - actor.
Gonzalo Valenzuela (1978) Chilean - actor and model.
Benjamín Vicuña (1978) Chilean - actor and buisnessman.
Luciano / Lucien-N-Luciano / Nicol Et Lucien / Robert Crazy / Luciaen / Lucien Nicolet (1978) Chilean / Swiss - DJ.
Benjamín Vicuña (1978) Chilean - actor.
Gonzalo Valenzuela (1978) Chilean - actor and boxer.
Ricardo Fernández Flores (1978) Chilean - actor.
Santiago Cabrera (1978) Chilean [Spanish, Basque, small amounts of French, Belgian, Flemish, 1/32 English, 1/64th Irish, 1/64th German, possibly other] - actor.
Pablo Vargas Becerra (1978) Chilean - dancer and choreographer.
Sebastián Silva (1979) Chilean [Basque] - director, actor, screenwriter, painter and musician.
Diego Casanueva (1979) Chilean - actor.
Nick Puga (1979) Chilean - actor, writer, and producer.
Leo Rey (1979) Chilean - singer.
César Sepúlveda (1979) Chilean - actor.
Adan Jodorowsky (1979) Chilean [Ukrainian Jewish] / Mexican - actor, musician, and director.
Ignacio Franzani (1979) Chilean - tv presenter.
Christian de la Cortina (1979) Chilean - actor, producer, director, and writer.
Rodrigo Diaz Rioseco (1979) Chilean - dancer.
Álvaro Gómez (1980) Chilean - actor.
Sergio Freire (1980) Chilean  - actor,comedian, and screenwriter.
Fille Danza (1980) Chilean - rapper.
Pablo Cerda (1980) Chilean - actor, director, and screenwriter.
Matías Novoa (1980) Chilean - actor and model.
Arap Bethke / Ricardo Arap Bethke Galdames (1980) Mexican [Chilean / German] - actor.
Fernando Milagros (1980) Chilean - singer.
Alvaro Estrella (1980) Chilean - singer and dancer.
Cristián Arriagada (1981) Chilean [Basque, Croatian] - actor.
Mario Horton (1981) Chilean - actor.
Alain Soulat (1981) Chilean - tv host.
Cristóbal Tapia Montt (1981) Chilean - actor and producer.
Tiago Correa (1981) Chilean / Brazilian  - actor.
Gepe / Daniel Alejandro Riveros Sepúlveda (1981) Chilean - singer-songwriter.
Kanata Irei / Daniel Irei (1982) Chilean / Ryukyuan - actor, singer, and model.
Chinoy  / Mauricio Castillo Moya (1982) Chilean - singer-songwriter.
Mathias Alvarez (1982) Chilean, Italian, Scottish, Irish - actor.
Héctor Morales (1982) Chilean - actor and director.
Raul Peralta (1982) Chilean - dancer.
Gabriel Peralta (1982) Chilean - dancer.
Eduardo Paxeco (1982) Chilean - actor.
Stefan Kramer / Stefan Kramer Solis (1982) Chilean [Swiss, German] - actor, comedian, impressionist, and announcer.
Pali (1982) Chilean - musician.
Fernando Godoy (1983) Chilean - actor.
Andrés Reyes (1984) Chilean - actor.
Santiago Tupper (1984) Chilean - actor and model.
Ariel Levy (1984) Chilean Jewish - actor and singer.
Emilio Edwards (1984) Chilean - actor and dancer.
Ariel Levy (1984) Chilean Jewish - actor.
Fernando Mena (1984) Chilean - actor, dramatist, director and writer.
Sergio Járlaz (1985) Chilean - singer.
Nano Stern (1985) Chilean Jewish - singer, multi-instrumentalist and composer.
Jean Philippe Cretton (1985) Chilean [French, Swiss] - tv presenter and musician.
Nicolas Linan De Ariza (1985) Chilean - youtuber.
Eyal Meyer (1985) Chilean [Kalaripayatu, German] - actor, model and dancer.
Gastón Salgado (1985) Chilean - actor.
Julio César Serrano (1986) Chilean - actor.
Martín Castillo (1986) Chilean - actor.
Justin Page (1986) Chilean - actor.
Luz Violeta / Sebastián Aguirre (1987) Chilean - drag performer.
Diego Ruiz (1987) Chilean - actor.
Karol Lucero (1987) Chilean - radio personality and televisión host.
Alejandro Fuentes (1987) Chilean - singer.
Samuel González (1987) Chilean - actor.
Michael Silva (1987) Chilean - actor.
Pablo Holman (1988) Chilean [Cornish] - musician.
Pedro Campos di Girolamo (1988) Chilean - actor.
Sebastián Ayala (1988) Chilean - actor and director.
Matías Assler (1989) Chilean - actor and model.
Ignacio Susperreguy (1989) Chilean - actor.
Fabrizio Copano (1989) Chilean - actor, comedian, tv presenter, and writer.
Alex Pino (1989) Chilean - rapper.
Omegaevolution (1989) Chilean - youtuber and Twitch star.
Nicolas Jaar (1990) Chilean [Palestinian / French] - composer and recording artist.
HolaSoyGermán / Germán Alejandro Garmendia Aranis (1990) Chilean [Spanish, possibly other] - youtuber, comedian, and writer.
Cristian Moreno (1990) Chilean - youtuber.
Sebastián Badilla (1991) Chilean - film director , screenwriter , producer and actor .
Paolo Ramírez (1992) Chilean - singer.
Nicolas Yunge (1992) Chilean - reality tv personality.
Hernan Arcil (1992) Chilean - dancer.
Fabricio Vasconcelos (1992) Brazilian [Chilean] - dancer.
Kevin Vasquez (1993) Chilean - actor, singer, producer, and composer.
Juan Francisco Matamala Reyes (1993) Chilean - dancer.
Pollo Castillo (1994) Chilean - facebook star.
ZeRo / Gonzalo Barrios (1995) Chilean - youtuber.
Sebastian Gomez (1995) Chilean - youtuber.
David Montoya (1995) Chilean - youtuber.
Keean Johnson (1996) 3/8 mix of Chilean, Mexican, 5/8 English - actor.
DeGoBooM (1996) Chilean - youtuber.
Matu Fuschloches (1996) Chilean - Tik.Tok star.
Dylantero Sin Imaginacion (1998) Chilean - youtuber.
Alfred.Okay (1998) Chilean - Tik.Tok star.
Camilo Elzo (1999) Chilean - youtuber.
Benjamin Mora (1999) Chilean - Tik.Tok star.
Cristobal González (2000) Chilean - youtuber.
Victor Klugg (2000) Chilean - Tik.Tok star.
Dani Ride (2001) Chilean - musician and youtuber.
Toshiro Murata (?) Chilean [Japanese] - singer.
Kiuge Hayashida (?) Chilean [Japanese] - bassist.
Alexander Nunez (?) Jamaican / Chilean - actor.
Sebastián Gálvez (?) Chilean [Spanish, Italian] - actor.
Leonardo Fuica (?) Chilean - actor.
Cesar Erba (?) Chilean - actor.
Iván Cabrera / Manuel Iván Cabrera Salinas (?) Chilean - dancer and actor.
Daniel Kemna (?) Chilean / Dutch - actor.
Sean Morales (?) Chilean, Unspecified - actor.
Oscar Morales Sánchez (?) Chilean - model (Instagram: moralessinmoral).
Aki / Aleksi Swallow (?) Chilean / Finnish - rapper-songwriter.
Paulo Felipe Casanova (?) Chilean - model, Candidato Mr Chile 2018 top 12, Mr Chile World Pacific and Mr gala viña 2017 (Instagram: paulocasanovaoficial).
Carlos Sanz (?) Chilean - actor.
Felipe Pereira (?) Chilean - model (Instagram: felipepereirarojas).
Roberto Díaz (?) Chilean - violinist.
Cristobal Jesus Lopez (?) Chilean - model (Instagram: tobal.lopez).
Lucio Prado (?) Chilean  - model (Instagram: lucio_prado).
Daniel Andres Parraguez (?) Chilean  - model (Instagram: iamdaniv).
Pablo Salvador (?) Chilean - model, gay activist and blogger.
Memo Aguirre (?) Chilean [Basque] - singer and musician.
Rodolfo Parada (?) Chilean - musician, composer, engineer and anthropologist.
Daniel Puente Encina (?) Chilean - singer-songwriter, guitarist, film composer, producer and actor.
RodStarz / Rodrigo Venegas (?) Chilean - rapper (Rebel Diaz).
G1 / Gonzalo Venegas (?) Chilean - rapper (Rebel Diaz).
Aldo Parodi (?) Chilean - actor.
Eduardo Cumar (?) Chilean - actor and theater director.
Juan Carlos Bistoto (?) Chilean [Argentinian] - actor.
Roberto Prieto (?) Chilean - actor.
Don Francisco / Mario Luis Kreutzberger Blumenfeld (1940) Chilean [German Jewish] - tv host - Sued for sexual harassment.
Tito Beltrán / Ernesto Beltrán Aguilar (1965) Chilean - singer. - Charged with the rape of an underage child as well as the rape of an additional 18-year-old woman.
Jorge Garcia (1973) Chilean, Cuban - actor and comedian - played a Native Hawaiian in Hawaii Five-0.
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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Peñíscola, Spain (No. 11)
The Castillo Palacio de Peñíscola (Castellón , Valencian Community, Spain), also called Castillo del Papa Luna , is located in the highest area of ​​the rock that dominates the city, reaching a height of 64 m above sea level. Its perimeter is about 230 m and it has an average height of 20 m. The Templars built this Romanesque work on the remains of the old Arab fortress between 1294 and 1307.
Pedro Martínez de Luna and Pérez de Gotor, who was named Pope by the obedience of Avignon with the name of Benedict XIII of Avignon , the so-called Pope Luna, made the castle his pontifical see in the long dispute over its legitimacy. The tenacious struggle that Pope Luna maintained against his enemies served to give rise to the popular phrase of " staying in his thirteen " in reference to Benedict XIII's refusal to renounce his position as pope.
The Papa Luna , Benedict XIII of Avignon, one of the most universally known figures Hispanic, yet controversial, moved in 1411 to Peñíscola turning his castle in papal palace and library. The sobriety and solidity of its construction stands out in the whole complex, both in the Templar rooms and in the strategic and intricate pontifical dependencies that Benedict XIII would later carry out. One of the major architectural interests of the castle is found in the vaulted solution of the Guard Corps and in the austerity and severe proportion of the Basilica of the Templars.
Used by Benedict XIII and Clement VIII as Pontifical Basilica, the construction characteristics of the rest of the rooms are joined by the presbytery forming a semicircular apse covered with a half-shell dome perched on a central arch and a small window located in the center of the apse that illuminates tension. space. In this Basilica the remains of the Pontiff rested for some time.
In this castle there are still evocative remembrances of the presence of Pope Luna and his successor Clemente VIII , the also Aragonese Gil Sánchez Muñoz, second Pope of Peñíscola. The Papal Basilica of Benedict XIII, an austere rectangular nave with a slightly pointed barrel vault and a spherical cap on the apse; the throne room where he received embassies and receptions; the conclave hall; the study with windows to the sea; the pontifical rooms, etc. All this, used by the two Popes of Peñíscola, had previously served the Knights Templar and the Montesianos who had the headquarters and support of their charge here.
During the period of the Germanías (1519 - 1521), Peñíscola was the seat of the coalition of forces led by the Viceroy of Valencia, Diego Hurtado de Mendoza and Lemos , who opposed the Germans. Due to this fact, the Viceroy granted the population the title of most faithful in 1522 and granted the pardon to the local Germans in the name of King Carlos I (1525). Felipe II ordered the construction of new artillery defenses, executed by the Italian architect Juan Bautista Antonelli , with the aim of protecting it from the attacks of the Berber pirates. These did not substantially alter the conformation of the castle.
Source: Wikipedia
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latristereina · 6 years
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Ferdinand the Catholic was born on March 10th in 1452, on Friday at 2 p.m. in small Aragonese town, Sos. We know it thanks to original letter that is stored at the municipality of Alcira and which had been discovered by M. Gual Camarena. (I have no idea if the said letter is stored there at this point; the book I am using as a reference for that information was published in 1962) 
His father John II of Aragon as a deputy of Valencia delivered such news to the Parliament of this city and his mother, Juana Enriquez, addressed directly the Cortes of Cataluña and the Cortes of the city of Barcelona for the same reason. Both messages arrived into respective places on March 27th. The Parliament of Valencia sent congratulations to John due to the birth of his second legitimate son, and decided to grant the messenger, Alfonso Pujalt, the gatekeeper of the king, the amount of 15 timbres of gold. The counselors of Barcelona, on the other hand, were more reluctant. The birth of Ferdinand wasn’t particularly celebrated there, given some problems the Parliament had to resolve at the moment. 
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It’s said his birth was surrounded by different legends. According to one of them, the arrival of the Aragonese prince into this world was announced by Carmelite monk who had appeared in front of Alfonso V of Aragon at Castillo Nuevo in Naples, and who told him that there, in Spain, an infante of his lineage had been born, the one who would be called the greatest of the Christian Princes. This symbolism clearly fit in with the Islamic triumph over Christianity, hence the belief the future ruler would hold back the intrusion of Muslims with the strength of his arm. According to other legend Ferdinand’s birth was announced by comets that had been circulating over the sky, moving from the lands of Aragon towards the lands of Castile and forward, towards the West. We can notice a reference to the later union between Aragon and Castile, and to the overseas expansion of The Catholic Monarchs. Such legends, clearly created by Ferdinand’s panegyrists, were rendered useless as historical sources.
But as a matter of fact, the fate of Ferdinand had been tied to warlike atmosphere since his birth. The place where he was born was in northern Aragon, close to the border with Navarre, where his father, John „the Great” was the king. Despite that, Ferdinand’s mother feeling she was about to give birth, left Navarre in a hurry, so the child could be born in Aragon. The prince’s birth coincided with the civil war in Navarre between John and his son by his first wife, Charles, The Prince of Viana. 
John in 1420 married Blanca, the younger daughter of the king of Navarre, Charles III. Blanca became the heir apparent to the Navarrese throne after childless death of her older sister, Joan in 1413, and assumed the title of the Queen of Navarre in 1425, making John her consort. Meanwhile in 1421 John and Blanca had a son, the infante Charles, for whom, his grandfather Charles III created the duchy of Viana, located in the southwestern zone of the kingdom of Navarre, at the Castilian border. 
A few years later, in 1433, Alfonso V passed the governorship of Aragon and Valencia over to his younger brother John, making him the regent of The Crown of Aragon and unofficial successor of his brother - who after settling himself in Naples once and for all, officially had entrusted his wife Maria with the policy of the Iberian Peninsula.
Blanca passed away in 1441, in her last will leaving the title of the King of Navarre to her husband, John, even though the said title lawfully belonged to their firstborn son, Charles. In 1447, John married Juana Enríquez the daughter of Fadrique, the Admiral of Castile. This way John had in his grasp the titles of the King of Navarre, the governor of Aragon and ensured his position in Castile. Ferdinand was the fruit of his marriage to Juana Enríquez. Even though the prince was born in Aragon, Castilian blood did flow through his veins; after his mother from the famous Enríquez family, and after his father who was the son of Ferdinand I from The House of Trastámara.
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There is a tradition according to which the newborn baby was christened at the parish church of San Vicente and the ceremony was celebrated by the Bishop of Tarazona, Jorge de Bardaxí. The basin that allegedly the Catholic King was plunged into during his baptism is still being showed off as a kind of exhibit in Sos del Rey Católico. (It certainly was the case in 1962 when the book that I am using as a reference was published) However there is no documentation that would confirm this anecdote. On the other hand, a bunch of other circumstances refute it. The bishop of Tarazona would not have a chance to intervene in the alleged baptism in Sos; the prince was born in rather dramatic circumstances, given that at the time Villarroya and Villaluenga were taken by Gastón de la Cerda, the count of Medinaceli, on March 21th, in 1452. This resulted in a threat that he would reach Calatayud and the valley of Jalón; also a special committee had been appointed in order to face the Castilian invasion, the said committee consisted of forty members, including the said Jorge de Bardaxí, bishop of Tarazona. Also the febrile measures that had been taken by king John in order to destroy the plans of his enemies: the relocation of the prince of Vianna (Ferdinand’s half-brother) to the fortress of Mallén, in Aragon (April 13th) and his (John’s) departure for Tudela and then for Calatayud (May/June) in order to reconquer Villarroya; and finally, his disagreements with the Aragonese over the war efforts which made that campaign sterile. We can be sure that in those circumstances John didn’t think about great religious ceremony.
The family tradition rules out the village of Sos as a place of Ferdinand’s baptism. Ferdinand himself on one occasion claimed it was Saragossa where he had been baptised. Even though it may be surprising that he had had to wait almost eleven months before he was christened, his own words confirm that it was the case. 
According to Zurita, who is the only source of the information at the moment, little Ferdinand was christened at the metropolitan church of San Salvador - on Sunday, February 11th in 1453. The baptism was conducted by Jorge de Bardaxí, bishop of Tarazona. Ramón de Castellón and Ciprés de Paternoy acted as his godfathers.
According to one of Ferdinand’s biographers, Jaime Vicens Vives, Ferdinand took more after his mother, both in looks and impulsive emotionality, however tenacious vigilance of his cold-tempered and calculative father, made him repress his emotions and passions under the responsibility of kingship.  
About Ferdinand the Catholic:
Subsequent descriptions of Ferdinand verify that the prince was a vigorous and charming young man, who, if not exactly handsome by twentieth-century standards, was nevertheless quite attractive. An anonymous court historian later noted that Ferdinand had “marvelously beautiful, large slightly slanted eyes, thin eyebrows, a sharp nose that fit the shape and size of his face,” a slightly full, sensual mouth and lips that were “often laughing.” Although Ferdinand seems to have had a slight cast in his left eye, he had an attractive face framed by a high forehead. His well-shaped legs and an average height body were “most appropriate to elegant suits and the finest clothes.” Ferdinand was also an athlete, “a great rider of the bridle and the jennet, and a great lance thrower and other activities which he performed with a great skill and a grace.” The future king, Pulgar later observed, was also an excellent horseman who “jousted with ease and with so much skill that no one in his kingdom did it better…an avid sportsman and a man of good effort and much activity in war.” Ferdinand, like Isabella, was a compassionate individual who "felt sympathy for miserable people in unfortunate situations.” Naturally affable and gregarious, he had a “singular grace, to wit, that all who spoke with him at once loved him and wished to serve him.” Yet, despite his charm, Ferdinand was seemingly unflappable, a man in whom “neither anger nor pleasure could alter…very much.” His personal habits were similarly conservative and he exercised moderation in food and drink.
- Nancy Rubin Stuart. „Isabella of Castile: The First Renaissance Queen”
On the same day in 1503 Joanna I of Castile gave birth to her second son at the palace in Alcalá de Henares. The boy was named in honor of his maternal grandfather and became Ferdinand the Catholic’s favorite grandchild. 
Ferdinand Habsburg arrived into this world in unpleasant circumstances. He was conceived during his parents stay in Spain, who had come to be sworn as the new heirs to the both kingdoms, since Juana’s older siblings and their respective offspring had passed away. 
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It seems that Juana and Philip had never been on good terms despite all the love she had for her husband. He had a great influence over her and didn’t show her any respect or tenderness, she basically suffered abuse at his hands, despite all this, they managed to produce children on regular basis. 
Philip clearly didn’t like Spanish culture, cuisine and didn’t speak the language, and it seems like he was waiting for the occasion to run away and such occurred in October 1502, when he and his wife travelled to Saragossa to be sworn as the heirs to the kingdoms of Aragon, on October 27. On the same day when the ceremony was to take place, king Ferdinand received the news from Madrid that his wife had fallen gravely ill - in such circumstances he didn’t hesitate to leave everything and hurry to be by Isabella’s side. He named his son-in-law the deputy of the kingdom and abandoned his patrimonial realms, going to Castile. Philip was sworn as the general deputy on November 2, but the next day abandoned Saragossa, worsening the situation. 
He left pregnant Juana behind, who a couple of days later decided to follow into his footsteps, most likely asking her paternal aunt Joanna (the younger sister of Ferdinand the Catholic) for taking care of everything. Despite of Isabella and Juana’s pleas Philip abandoned Spain, whereas Juana stayed with her parents.
It was a hard time for Juana who missed her beloved husband. After giving birth to her fourth child on March 10th, 1503 in Alcalá de Henares, where the princess and her parents had spent Christmas of 1502, her depression and frustration got even worse. She didn’t hesitate to do anything in her power to come back to Flanders, not taking little prince’s tender age into consideration. 
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Little Ferdinand was christened at San Justo (today known as Catedral de los Santos Niños Justo y Pastor de Alcalá de Henares), his grandmother Isabella donated 3.750 maravedies on this occasion.  
Juana’s determination to leave Spain to be with Philip and three of their children whom she had left behind, worsened her relations with Isabella. The Queen would rather have her grandchildren brought to Spain, so they could be raised alongside their mother and their newborn brother. Juana kept crying and moaning, speaking gruffly to her beloved ones, and Isabella fell ill again due to those divergences with the heiress. The physicians of the Queen wrote a letter to king Ferdinand, who at the time was in Rosellón, on June 20th of the same year, to inform him that his wife was gravely ill once more, suffering from high fevers and they also touched upon the matter of Juana’s grave emotional state which, according to them, was the cause of deterioration in her mother’s health. Juana didn’t want to eat, couldn’t sleep and was showing signs of deep depression, being sad and gloomy, all the time missing her husband. 
Isabella was afraid Juana would decide to act on her own and for her own safety had her placed at La Mota Castle in Medina del Campo. Juana couldn’t stand this fact and when she noticed the gate was closed, she refused to come back to her chambers despite the fact it all occurred in November, staying outside, even though the weather was cold. Isabella despite her poor health travelled from Segovia to Medina del Campo to comfort her daughter, who, it seems, had wanted to force her mother to pay attention to her demands. Isabella and Juana fell out during this meeting, given Juana’s behavior and the scandalous tone she used while speaking with her mother, which caused Isabella’s indignation. 
Under such pressure the Queen eventually let her heiress go - the princess left Spain in spring of 1504, however given little Ferdinand was still a baby who shouldn’t participate in such voyage, it was agreed for him to be raised in Spain by his maternal grandparents.
About Ferdinand I in his youth:
In all aspects, such as nature, expression, and bearing, and all other things, he resembled the king, don Fernando, his grandfather. By nature he was predisposed to artistic things, such as painting and sculpting, and above all, to sculpting things from metal and doing gunpowder shots and throwing them. He enjoyed listening to chronicles and tales, and remembered everything (…) some of the things he said, when he was a five year old child, till nine or ten years of age, were so clever, so discreet, that everyone was amazed.
- Fray Álvaro de Osorio (x)
“Historia Critica de La Vida y Reinado de Fernando II de Aragon”, Jaime Vicens Vives
“Między wojną a dyplomacją. Ferdynand Katolicki i polityka zagraniczna Hiszpanii w latach 1492-1516″, Filip Kubiaczyk
“Isabel la Católica: vida y reinado“, Tarsicio de Azcona
“Isabel the Queen: Life and Times”, Peggy K. Liss
“Isabella of Castile: The First Renaissance Queen”, Nancy Rubin Stuart
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emiliobertinato · 3 years
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Il castello Aragonese di Ischia è una fortificazione che sorge su un'isola di roccia trachitica, in provincia di Napoli, Campania. #castelliditalia #campania #napoli Ph maliyenko3217 #castelloaragonese #ischia #naples #castle #chateau #castillo #italia #italy #middleages #natgeo #nationalgeographic #medieval #italianholidays #architecture #buildingconstruction #bbctravel #bbcearth #landscape #travel #green #culturalheritage #heritage #hiking #castello https://www.instagram.com/p/CRFRLaMrTNv/?utm_medium=tumblr
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nomad4everrr · 3 years
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The castle of Monzón was the last Knights Templar stronghold in Aragón🇪🇦. When the Pope Clement V yielded in the Templar matter to Philip IV of France👑, known as The Fair, the Military Order had its days counted. After the first arrests⛓️ in France, confessions were extracted under torture. Thus, the pontiff decreed that the Templars be arrested throughout Europe⚔️. During 1308, Jaume II of Aragon gradually took over the fortresses of the Temple of his kingdom. He did so reluctantly and treated the captives well. However, the castle of Monzón did not surrender🛡️. The Huesca stronghold, the last Aragonese stronghold to fall, fell only on May 1309🏹. -- #travelgoals #traveltime #travelporn #instatravel #travelingram #travelphotography #instapassport #mytravelgram #instagood #vacation #visiting #sightseeing #igtravel #trip #holiday #travellogger #WorldTravel #traveltheworld #vlogger #travelbloggerlife #tourism #tourist #Monzon #Castillo #Castle #CastlesOfInstagram #KnightsTemplar #Templars (at Castillo de Monzón) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPaTI26pBvK/?utm_medium=tumblr
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