#Cobb teasers
internetcowboi · 2 years
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It is still technically Sunday somewhere in the world, so HELLO! Ty for the tags as always, y'all are lovely and your wips/works are so exciting to see <3 Sinc I last did a SSS/Wipsday, I finished posting my COBB fic (E, ~33k) so here's a snip from the final chapter! As always it's more then 6 sentences 😂
Baz I blink, and there are arms around me. I blink again, and the skin is warm against mine. I can’t see anything past the tumble of bronze curls covering my face. I breathe in the distinct smell of Simon’s skin, salty and warm. It’s heaven.
“You’re here,” I murmur into his cheek. He laughs.
“I’m fucking here! ” he yells over my shoulder. He squeezes me tight, arms strong around my shoulders, and shakes me in pure delight. His laughter has scared the fireflies away.
Aaaand for my aftg peeps, here's some sentences from a fluffy andreil draft:
He leans down, keeping eye contact with Andrew as long as he can before closing his eyes to press a kiss to the top of Andrew’s shin. 
“Okay?” he mumbles against the fine scattering of hair there. Andrew grunts the affirmative, and Neil places another kiss in the same spot. 
“This is weird,” Andrew says. 
Neil smothers his smile in another kiss. He places soft, slow pecks up over Andrew’s knee. 
“You’re weird,” is his witty retort. 
I won't tag anyone new bc this is so late, but thank you for the tags @erzbethluna @palimpsessed @ivelovedhimthroughworse @artsyunderstudy @larkral @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @bookish-bogwitch and the Wednesday tags @facewithoutheart @ic3-que3n @cutestkilla @aroace-genderfluid-sheep and everyone else over the last month or so!
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dontflirt · 2 years
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confused-bi-queer · 2 years
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Hello!!!! Thank you for tagging me @martsonmars @artsyunderstudy @facewithoutheart @stitchyqueer @bookish-bogwitch
I finally managed to get some words out!!! I’m still with my ballet AU, for chapter 5 (it’s around 6k and I still need to edit a lot:c), fighting with my life to make the boys fall in love a little bit slower without putting too much angst. And fighting with myself to describe their actions bettwr, but, hey!, something is something.
These are both from Baz’s pov, but this first is from SnowBaz being forced to work together. Simon is taking the lead and telling Baz what to do, they’re dancing in pair.
“Then, you touch my face.”
“I touch your face,” I deadpan.
“Yes. Almost like—Like you're touching the most delicate thing in the world. Like you’re examining me. Like you love me.”
I already love you, I want to say.
“Snow, what the hell are you reading? Is it the right sequence?”
“I just—Okay, you got me. This isn’t in the paper, but I thought that it would be a good adition, right? Miss Possibelf is pissed at us, so maybe a really good interpretation of this might make us win her. It is a very intimate dance, after all. After you will basically lay totally on top of me, I don’t think touching my face is the biggest of your problems.”
My eyes open in surprise. “Excuse me, after what?”
Not Baz having a gay panic 💀💀
And because we had to bring out the angst…
I sneer at him, stepping back.
I take my bag from the floor and before I get to the door, I acuse him with my finger.
“And don’t fucking tell me later that I never tried to be nice to you.”
“Baz, wait.”
I leave the classroom, slamming the door on my way out.
It gets better, I promise.
Now tagging: @nightimedreamersworld @wellbelesbian @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @castawaypitch @captain-aralias @erzbethluna @johnwgrey @cutestkilla @fatalfangirl @forabeatofadrum @whatevertheweather @urban-sith @whogaveyoupermission @foolofabookwyrm-activated @letraspal @bucketfishy @kohatenz @sillyunicorn @moodandmist @tea-brigade @katmiscellanious @yeonjunenby @ic3-que3n @ileadacharmedlife @ionlydrinkhotwater @angelsfalling16 @thewriterxj @bazzybelle @dragoneggo @palimpsessed @aristocratic-otter @takitalks
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castawaypitch · 2 years
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thank you for tagging me today @cutestkilla💜
just so you know, I am working on the second chapter of my cobb fic, but I think I've already shared enough bits of it that I might as well post it this way; plus, I'm just now finding out I'm much better at writing about feelings than describing actions, which is the reason I've struggled so much all this time. now that I'm aware of that, I think I'll find a new way to be more focused on writing.
that doesn't mean I'm not gonna share anything. in fact, let me show you a fragment (for a later point of the fic, because I can't seem to be able to do a lineal writing) that I wrote a couple nights ago. thanks to my light state of drunkenness that made me go all sentimental, and led me to put some thoughts into words:
Some light filters through the window, finding its way to rest on Simon's mop of curls, mostly, but some of it falls over one of his eyes. The right one —not quite reaching the mole on his cheek, the one I like to kiss—; it brings out his blue iris even in the middle of the night.
He's lovely. So, so lovely. I still find hard to believe how I've got this lucky with him.
"What are you thinking about?" he whispers, as his fingers slide through my hair.
You. I want to say. Always you.
tags and hugs to @fatalfangirl @whatevertheweather @facewithoutheart @confused-bi-queer @takitalks @angelsfalling16 @bazzybelle @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @aristocratic-otter @mostlymaudlin @kohatenz @wellbelesbian if you feel like sharing anything 🤍
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facewithoutheart · 2 years
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Thanks for the tag @martsonmars 🥰 I swear I’ll never break another dry piece of spaghetti on purpose if only you promise to make Baz nice to Simon always and forever. Ah! Just saw @forabeatofadrum tag me I’ll read your snippet in a sec 😁
Aaaaanyway my COBB is live, I’ve mostly finished chapters 4-12 barring a few changes I still need to make, and I’m working on chapter 13. In case y’all wanted an update? I dunno.
Here’s a Simon POV from chapter 11. Not spoilery but throwing it under a break anyway:
“So what brings you to Austin?”
Nico peers over black Ray-Bans. “Two guesses.”
“I really didn’t think you’d need two,” he sighs, disappointment oozing from his pores.
He twirls one finger half-arsed in the air. “Winner, winner.” Then, he brings his celebratory index to my forehead and joins it with his thumb to flick me. (It hurts more than I let on.) “You booked a gig without asking.”
“Punish me for breathing, next.”
“I might.” He sticks out his tongue. “Okay, so maybe your first guess was right. ’M kind of a shite manager, aren’t I?”
I resist the urge to do my celebratory Simon-was-right dance. “I don’t need much.”
“Well.” He pushes up his sunglasses so they properly cover his eyes. “Fiona asked me to stop by. Said you and the formerly-goat-boys got an interesting proposal.” He waggles his eyebrows over the tops of his Ray-Bans while I groan.
“You’re not going to tell me, are you.”
He does a little jig.
“You’re going to make me stew in the suspense for my whole show.”
It’s turning a bit too close to Riverdance for my comfort.
“You’re a real bastard, you know.”
Now that I’m into the meat of the fic I’ll just be posting Nico-ridiculousness until I’m done hahahaha. Or, like, random words to avoid spoilers. Or, WHO KNOWS, maybe I’ll get absorbed into another WIP soon.
Hi hello tagging you if you wanna share but no pressure: @sillyunicorn @mostlymaudlin @urban-sith @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @fatalfangirl @whatevertheweather @shemakesmeforget @stardustasincocaine @captain-aralias @aristocratic-otter @moodandmist @johnwgrey @takitalks @jbrrring @excalisbury @otherpeoplesheartachept-2 @confused-bi-queer @palimpsessed @tea-brigade @cutestkilla @creepyspice @ivelovedhimthroughworse @bookish-bogwitch @mrskrementz @bazzybelle @gekkoinapeartree @dragoneggo @letraspal @im-gettingby @artsyunderstudy @orange-peony @rainnorwind @annabellelux @nightimedreamersworld @messofthejess @ionlydrinkhotwater
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bazzybelle · 2 years
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Hello. I am back to working on my COBB (slowly, mind you). I downloaded CANVA and tried to make a new banner for my WIP snippets, but they're all way too effing big! So, until I figure out how to fix that, I'm gonna keep using this old banner I made.
I wrote a few words this weekend, not forcing myself too much.
Tags for today will be below the page break.
“Dev, I swear to Merlin, I will curse you if I need to.” I shake my wand out of the holster I keep around my arm (a gift from Siobhan), and point it at Dev. He scoffs. “Yeah right, Baz. You wouldn’t—” “A Slap on the Wrist!” I cast. Dev yelps, and flinches. He cradles his wrist, which is turning a bright red. “Have you legitimately lost your mind?” He shouts. I might have, honestly. The last year, dealing with growing hostilities, an active campaign against my family’s traditions, and [REDACTED] has affected me. Now to see Dev [REDACTED] is enough to push me over the edge and actually curse him to kingdom come. “Have you?” I shout back, keeping my wand levelled at his chest, and the book far away from his reach. “Why the fuck would you be reading this stuff, Dev?” “I told you both, I wanted to get a head start—” “Don’t lie to me,” I seethe. Niall comes between Dev and I (before I can get a chance to curse him again). He places a hand on my arm, gently lowering it. I allow him to do it (because I really don’t want to hurt Niall as well), but keep my eyes locked on Dev. He’s pointedly avoiding my gaze (a tell-tale sign that I’ve caught him in a lie).  “Dev, please talk to us,” Niall calmly says, and thank Merlin for him. I’ve been trying to keep a level head, but sometimes I need the cool presence that Niall offers. “Of course you’d side with him,” Dev spits out, glaring at Niall. I roll my eyes. “Don’t deflect. It won’t work on us.” “You haven’t been yourself since classes started up,” Niall says, keeping a solid wall between Dev and I. “You don’t pay attention in class, you’ve dropped rugby, you spend every single moment of your time reading those spells. It’s like you’re obsessed with them.”
Thanks for the tags for today (can't wait to read your snippets): @martsonmars, @aroace-genderfluid-sheep, @cutestkilla, @confused-bi-queer, @nightimedreamersworld, and @aristocratic-otter
Hello friends and gentle tags: @carryonsimoncarryonbaz, @f-ing-ruthless-baz, @fight-surrender, @amywaterwings, @ninemagicks, @palimpsessed, @excalisbury, @urban-sith, @artsyunderstudy, @facewithoutheart, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe, @takitalks, @ivelovedhimthroughworse, and @ileadacharmedlife.
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aristocratic-otter · 2 years
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Hello everyone! Happy Wednesday!
I've been fairly productive this week, and I've got something from every WIP except Playing with Fire, Treading Thin Ice (because I posted a chapter of that today). I've also got a teaser for a new WIP that I've just barely started. It's a lot, so I'll thank folk here and post all the snippets under the cut.
Also, shout out to @bookish-bogwitch, whose story Size You Up made me laugh until I cried this week.
Thank you for the tags and I'm extremely impressed by your work, @urban-sith, @confused-bi-queer, @angelsfalling16, @facewithoutheart@artsyunderstudy, @basiltonbutliketheherb, @tea-brigade, @fatalfangirl.
Tagging (as always, for Sunday, because I can't get my shit together before midnight, it seems): @annabellelux, @bazzybelle, @bookish-bogwitch, @carryonsimoncarryonbaz, @captain-aralias, @dragoneggo, @fight-surrender, @foolofabookwyrm-activated, @frjsti, @giishu, @ileadacharmedlife, @ivelovedhimthroughworse, @krisrix, @kherub, @moodandmist, @otherworldsivelivedin, @prettylightsbigcity, @palimpsessed, @raenestee, @whatevertheweather, and @you-remind-me-of-the-babe. I can't wait to see your work!
From: Westward Son:
Though the river does push the swimmers downstream several hundred feet, they make it across without incident. Then the rope is strung, tied to an immense boulder on the far shore. The strongest among those of us remaining, stand on the front of the raft and pull it along using both hands. 
My wagon is in the first group across, and it’s nerve wracking. I can feel the river fighting to push us downstream, with only the muscles of the six men and two women resisting. But we make it across. Then, Baz and Shepard and a few others ride back across on the empty ferry, which is pulled back to shore by a second rope, attached to the rear of it. On the other side, they leap down and help move the next group of wagons onto the craft. 
It’s on this second trip across that disaster strikes. 
From: Raising Dragons
I’m making a rat smoothie. I realise that sounds demented. It was Simon’s idea, of course. I was moping over the revolting nature of drinking blood, during one of my dark days, and he suggested that I bring the rats home and blend the blood up with some frozen fruit; make it taste good, or at least, palatable. I scoffed at the time, but the idea wouldn’t leave me alone, so tonight I drank five rats and brought the last one home, just to try it out. Crowley, I’ll have to soak the cutting board in bleach after gutting a filthy sewer rat on it. 
I suppose next, he’ll be having me try rat blood coffee drinks. 
From: Careful What You Wish For:
We hear  a tap on the door, but Penny’s pushing through it before either of us can do more than turn that direction. “Penny!” I protest. “What if I was naked?” 
She rolls her eyes. “I sent Baz ahead, didn’t I?”
Baz’s amused smirk grows wider. “You really didn’t think that through, did you, Bunce?” 
Penny pauses from setting two trays of food on Gareth’s bed (it’s not like it can get any messier, I suppose) and casts him a wide-eyed look of confusion. To illustrate his point, Baz suddenly throws one of his knees over my legs and crawls up to cover me with his body. He lowers himself gently until his weight is resting on me and his nose is pressing into my cheek. I shudder at the feel of him. Then he moves just enough to bring our lips together, and my arms fly up to wrap around his lower back, pressing down towards his arse. 
“Alright!” Penny shouts, and we startle apart. “Eight snakes, Baz, point taken! I will wait to be invited in in future!”
Baz snorts into my collarbone and I laugh. I would have just whined at Penny and she’d have gone on merrily doing exactly what she wanted. Baz certainly knows how to get his point across!
And, a little tease from something new 😉:
There’s something different about Simon today. I mean, I don’t know much about him, but I flatter myself that I know him. He’s always been calm, confident, utterly unflappable. 
Today he is definitely flapped. 
All of his body language bends towards Baz. If they’re not holding hands, Simon is snuggled into Baz’s side. If they’re not touching, Simon’s eyes won’t leave him. If I had to put a word to the change in him, I’d say he’s pining. 
But that doesn’t make sense! It’s obvious that Baz adores him. There’s no chance in hell that he’ll let Simon go. So why would Simon be so anxious?
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prettygoododds · 3 months
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Thank you @youarenevertooold @roomwithanopenfire @ic3-que3n @artsyunderstudy @blackberrysummerblog & @nausikaaa for the tags today!
I have a cool month before I have to travel for teenage Odds ever revolving sport schedule. I'm going to try to make the best of it!
Here's a teaser for my COBB piece this year:
He keeps the house unbearably warm though. I don’t know how he can stand it, walking around in proper trousers and a button up long sleeve shirt. It’s just spring, so the mornings are a bit chilled but by late afternoon I’ve shucked off my shirt because I’ve sweat through it.  Yesterday, as I was leaving, I ran straight into Baz as he was coming out of a room and I was walking down the hallway looking anywhere but in front of me. I’d yet to put my shirt back on, and I definitely left a Simon sized sweat mark on his fancy shirt. He ran off in a hurry. Probably to get some stain remover on it.
Since I'm late to the game today I won't tag anyone, but feel free to pretend I did and share your stuff!
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sir-mr-dr-roe · 10 months
thanks for the wip tag @im-chinese-believe-it-or-not !!
calling ALL mutuals: please consider yourself tagged, I want to see what everyone is working on
here's a bit of a rough teaser for the Speirs/Roe fic im working on :)
“Get each of these men to a medic. Now.” Winters barked, one hand squarely against Speirs' chest. “I don’t need a medic” Speirs slurred, eyes never leaving Cobb. “He, however, is going to need a priest.”  “Yes. You do.” Winters said bluntly, ignoring the threat. Before he could continue, he was cut off by the sound of a door swinging open behind them. “Woah, woah, woah,” Nix stumbled over the doorway, bottle of whisky in hand. His thick eyebrows twisted as he took in the scene. “The hell’d I miss?”  “Christ,” Winters said beneath a sigh. He shot a stern look at Nixon, before scanning the room for the least intoxicated men. “Webster, Lipton, can you handle Him?” The two nodded in unison, each slinging one of the lieutenant's arms over their shoulder. “I don’t need a goddamn medic,” he spat. “Major’s orders.” Lipton’s tone was calm and matter-of-fact as he lead them out the door. .... Gene heard the thumping of boots outside and was already on his feet before they opened the door. “He got into a fight,” Webster answered the question in Roe's eyes with an exhale. As they lowered the lieutenant into a chair, Doc glared up from the man’s wounds, his face wrought with disapproval. “Alright, I think we’re fine here.” Speirs attempted to dismiss them, clearly agitated. Webster and Lipton shared a glance before looking to Roe. Gene sucked air between his teeth and looked away, hoping to hide the flush in his face. Unsure what was worse; to be alone with Ron, or to share an audience with him. “I can handle it.” he nodded assuringly after a moment, though nobody in the room was quite sure they believed him. “If he uh, gets violent...” Webster trailed off as he noticed the daggers in Speirs' eyes, looking black as a shark’s in this lighting. “I trust the lieutenant will behave himself.” Roe said sternly, avoiding eye contact with everybody at this point. Lipton and Web shared one last glance, but respected the medic’s decision. “Don’t make me regret that.” Doc muttered once they were alone, still not bringing his eyes to meet Ron’s. “Now let me see.”
Thanks so much for reading, i'm always always open for feedback
tagging: @liptonwashere @rain-lavender-rain @lovememadly92 @murkwaterrsss @lewis-winters @iceman-kazansky @aegondluvrs @footprintsinthesxnd @teabights @goneandbackagain @kaikai1324 @softguarnere @almost-a-class-act @hesbuckcompton-baby @luckyricochet if you're got anything you wanna share, no pressure!!
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tailschannel · 1 year
Here's a complete recap of everything featured in this year's Sonic Central presentation
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New collaborations with LEGO, an upcoming Sonic Frontiers DLC update, and a first look at Part 2 of Sonic Prime were among the major highlights in this year's Sonic Central presentation.
Here's everything you need to know.
Sonic Frontiers
Details on the second major content update for Sonic Frontiers was revealed in the Sonic Central. Titled "Sonic's Birthday Bash", it's scheduled for a release on 23 June 2023.
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Sonic's Birthday: Celebrate Sonic's birthday in Sonic Frontiers with a new birthday theme, including a festive HUD, environment objects, a new birthday skin, and more!
Open Zone Challenges: Explore the Open Zone with all new challanges scattered throughout.
Spindash: The iconic Sonic move makes a return in Sonic Frontiers!
New Kocos: Some Kocos seem to dawn new outfits and some do seem a bit bigger than usual.
New Game Plus.
Sonic Superstars
A new teaser was shown promoting the new Sonic Superstars and LEGO collaboration, featuring LEGO Eggman as a pre-order bonus.
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Following the presentation, SEGA dropped new renders and descriptions for all the characters featured in the upcoming game.
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Trip: Not much is known yet about Trip, the mysterious girl first encountered by Fang on the Northstar Islands. While a bit clumsy, Trip is heavily armored and has been enlisted by Fang and Dr. Eggman to protect and guide them around the wonders of this uncharted region.
Fang the Hunter (formerly Fang the Sniper): Fang is a springy jerboa that is light on his feet and is always looking for the next big score. A bounty hunter by trade, Fang the Hunter has been known by many different names over the years, likely due to his “WANTED” status with the authorities. Always trying to stay one step ahead, he’s constantly modifying and upgrading his primary mode of transportation, the Marvelous Queen.
You can check out the rest of the descriptions for Sonic, Amy, Tails, Knuckles and Eggman here.
The official Sonic the Hedgehog YouTube channel also uploaded a new 3-minute video featuring Superstars producer Naoto Ohshima and Sonic Studio creative officer Takashi Iizuka.
They "talk in-depth about Superstars, including inspirations, challenges, and what it's like to create a new character."
Sonic Symphony World Tour
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Here are the official tour dates for the Sonic Symphony from 2023 to 2024:
Sept 16, 2023 - London, Barbican Hall
Sept 22, 2023 - Paris, Le Grand Rex
Sept 30, 2023 - Los Angeles, Dolby Theatre
Oct 14-15, 2023 - São Paulo, Brasil Game Show
Oct 21, 2023 - Boston, Emerson Colonial Theatre
Oct 28, 2023 - Chicago, Auditorium Theatre
Nov 17, 2023 - Düsseldorf, Mitsubishi Electric Halle
Dec 15, 2023 - San Antonio, Majestic Theatre
Dec 29, 2023 - Atlanta, Cobb Energy P.A.C.
Jan 05, 2024 - Seattle, Paramount Theatre
Jan 06, 2024 - San Francisco, Davies Symphony Hall
Jan 20, 2024 - Washington DC, Warner Theater
Jan 27, 2024 - Kansas City, Kansas City Music Hall
Feb 11, 2024 - Tokyo, LINE CUBE SHIBUYA
Feb 17, 2024 - Toronto, Meridian Hall
Mar 24, 2024 - Montreal, Wilfrid-Pelletier Theater
Mar 29, 2024 - Portland, Schnitzer Auditorium
For more information such as ticket pricing and availability, check out the above links.
Sonic Prime
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A new extended clip of the upcoming second content drop of Sonic Prime was previewed. It's scheduled to make its debut on Netflix in 13 July.
With the help of his ragtag group of Shatterverse allies, Sonic battles the Chaos Council for control of the powerful Paradox Prism, one Shard at a time.
Sonic Dash and Speed Battle
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A new Classic Super Sonic skin will be joining SEGA HARDlight's flagship titles Speed Battle and Dash soon.
Other things of note, as reported last week:
To coincide with the release of the 2nd season of Sonic Prime, characters from Prime will be playable in Dash, including Boscage Sonic, Rusty Rose, and Tails Nine.
Alongside the Prime characters, Super Silver and an all new Dragon Hunter Lancelot will make their debut in Dash and Speed Battle later this month.
San Diego Comic-Con 2023
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With Comic-Con coming this summer, a new pop-up restaurant featuring the blue blur will open near the show floor.
More details will be announced in the weeks ahead.
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New Death Egg Set from Jakks Pacific: Based on the Sonic 4 Episode 2 final boss, fight The Egg Heart in the new Death Egg set.
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Streetwear brand Hypland announced their collaboration with Sonic the Hedgehog: The limited edition collection features an assortment of graphic tees and hoodies featuring Sonic and his friends meshed into contemporary streetwear designs.
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S-Fire Sonic Statue: Pre-order the new Sonic & Shadow statue today with augmented reality compatibility.
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Sonic has officially announced a collaboration with the popular shoe brand Crocs. As reported back in late May: it's available in adult and kids sizes, for $49.99 USD and $44.99 USD respectively. Besides the shoes themselves, Crocs will be offering Jibbitz charms. They will be coming in a pack of 5 with Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, and Shadow, offered at $19.99 USD.
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Other things of note: a Sonic-themed Playmate cooler from Igloo, a themed guitar from ESP Guitars, and Sonic and Shadow Cable Guy figures.
Sonic Origins Plus
With Origins Plus out, SEGA released a new launch trailer.
With more content than ever before, and a new premium physical version, Sonic Origins Plus is the definitive way to play 16 classic Sonic games in one timeless collection.
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SEGA officially previewed the Death Egg Robot set, now scheduled for a release in August.
As reported via a leak earlier this month, it contains a Sonic mini figure accompanied with his speed sphere mechanism and the launcher to it; and the Death Egg Robot piloted by Eggman, and Cubot.
Samba de Amigo: Party Central
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As reported, the upcoming Samba De Amigo: Party Central will be featuring the world's famous hedgehog as a guest character.
The game will feature two iconic Sonic tunes, Escape From the City and Fist Bump, alongside the City Escape stage itself.
IDW Sonic the Hedgehog
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Today's Central presentation made a brief mention of IDW Publishing's upcoming one-shot issue for the Sonic the Hedgehog comic book series: Amy Rose's 30th Anniversary.
You can read more details in our report from earlier today.
Sonic Speed Simulator
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Despite the developer's controversies, the officially-licenced Speed Simulator got a mention in the Central presentation.
Users can celebrate Sonic's birthday in style with the new Tuxedo Classic Sonic skin, out now.
TailsTube got a shoutout, and voice actor Mike Pollock dropped some fire bars in the LEGO collaboration video.
...and that's all! For news and updates anytime, be sure to follow @TailsChannel where you are on social media.
(Files contributed by the Tails' Channel Newsfeed.)
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brokehorrorfan · 1 year
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The Last Starfighter will be released on 4K Ultra HD on May 30 via Arrow Video. Matt Ferguson designed the cover art for the 1984 sci-fi action adventure film; the original poster is on the reverse side.
Nick Castle - best known for playing Michael Myers in the original Halloween and co-writing Escape from New York - directs from a script by Jonathan R. Betuel (My Science Project). Lance Guest, Dan O'Herlihy, Catherine Mary Stewart, and Robert Preston star.
The Last Starfighter has been restored in 4K from the original 35mm camera negative with Dolby Vision (HDR10 compatible) and uncompressed 2.0 stereo, 5.1 DTS-HD MA, and 4.1 audio. Special features are listed below.
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Special features:
Audio commentary by star Lance Guest and his son Jackson Guest
Audio commentary by director Nick Castle and production designer Ron Cobb
Audio commentary by Mike White of The Last Projection Booth podcast
Interview with actor Catherine Mary Stewart
Interview with composer Craig Safan
Interview with screenwriter Jonathan Betuel
Interview with special effects supervisor Kevin Pike
Interview with author Greg Bear on Digital Productions, the company responsible for the CGI in The Last Starfighter
Interview with arcade game collector Estil Vance on reconstructing the Starfighter game
Crossing the Frontier: The Making of The Last Starfighter - 4-part documentary with cast and crew members
Heroes of the Screen featurette
Image galleries
Theatrical trailer
Teaser trailer
Booklet with writing by film historian Amanda Reyes and author Greg Bear’s unpublished Omni article on Digital Productions (first pressing only)
Video game expert Alex Rogan finds himself transported to another planet after conquering The Last Starfighter video game only to find out it was just a test. He was recruited to join the team of best starfighters to defend their world from the attack.
Pre-order The Last Starfighter.
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internetcowboi · 2 years
Six Sentence Sunday!
hello lovelies!! Thank you so much for the tags these past couple weeks while I’ve been quiet— I have things to share now! :D You can read both of them over on AO3, with more chapters of The Boy and the Summoned coming very soon (I’m sooooo excited to share more) 
I posted the first two chapters of my COBB piece a few days ago (with art from the brilliant @ic3-que3n), so here’s six sentences from ch2:
Natasha, 2002
“Who sent you?” I yell. 
The vampire in the middle lunges at me, clasping a hand around my throat. The other two hang back, baring their teeth in warning. I’m sure there are more, but I can’t see past these three. I can’t see Basilton. My heart races. 
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” one of them sneers. His fangs are on full display, like the others. 
I grunt, thrashing against my captor's grip. He laughs, leaning in to whisper in my ear. “You’re out of time, Pitch.” 
and for my aftg pals, here’s six sentences from the Bookshop Drabble fic I posted last week: 
Andrew watches Neil’s eyes widen for a moment. Neil’s gaze flicks down to Andrew’s lips, then up again to his eyes. Andrew stays frozen in place. The air in the bookshop is still. The only light comes from a lamp to his right. It casts shadows across Neil's features. Andrew wants to sink his fingers into them and puzzle out the mystery of this man. Instead he grips the ledge of the desk, one hand on either side of his thighs.
“Can I kiss you?” Neil breathes.
Tags and hellos! @basiltonbutliketheherb @artsyunderstudy @fatalfangirl @martsonmars @facewithoutheart @themandilorian @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @tea-brigade @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @confused-bi-queer @bookish-bogwitch @ileadacharmedlife @bazzybelle @ivelovedhimthroughworse @cutestkilla @shemakesmeforget @palimpsessed @forabeatofadrum @urban-sith @moodandmist @foolofabookwyrm-activated @amywaterwings @whatevertheweather @prettylightsbigcity @starwarned @pipedream-darling @stillmadaboutpetra @otherworldsivelivedin @mostlymaudlin 
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danidoesathing · 1 year
💎 lord huron. i want to hear abt ur autism
💎 are there any fun facts or trivia that you would like to share?
MY TISM!! im not sure if you mean like. the actual band or the lore but I am fixed mostly on the lore so ill go with that
-Lord Huron themselves have self inserts that are just. themselves again. like they're not supernatural or have a deep storyline or anything they're just playing themselves.
-Yawning Grave, and Way Out There are the only Strange Trails songs that don't have listed narrators
-The Night We Met is listed as one of Frankie Lou's songs, but the MV shows Buck Vernon's narrative, presumably during the events of Vide Noir
-Cobb Avery's story varies from the MV and the comic book. In the comic book, he and his family die in a sinkhole under their home which was purchased from the Winthrop corporation. He kills Winthrop first and purposefully forms the gang afterwards to aid him in killing off the others. The town is destroyed in a sinkhole at the end of the comic (which may have been caused by Avery through some supernatural bullshit?? unclear). In the music video, it's a purposeful house fire started up by the Winthrop corporation that kills him and his family (and is implied to have burned down the whole town). He starts killing the employees first before going after Winthrop at the end, and starts the World Enders more or less by accident after they tried to jump him and thought him being immortal was cool. his weird supernatural bullshit seems to be more around fire this time. The music video is generally seen as more of the "canon" version but trying to find set canon is like trying to eat ramen with a spoon so
-We're still not entirely sure like. who Helena even is. Like is she the girl in the She Lit a Fire MV? The girl in the Time to Run MV? Is that the same girl? is neither one Helena? who is she
-Frankie has cameos in both the Fool for Love and World Ender MVs
-"Lee's Song" in the Vide Noir movie is actually "I Lied" from Long Lost. this is all well and good and narratively fitting but I have to question like. who wrote "I Lied"? because Lee clearly came up with the melody and it's clearly. uh. related to her and Buck's storyline. But the song is credited to another pair of artists, Donny and Midge. so like. we're not sure what the hell is going on with that
-the narrative song that has been adapted into different media the most times is Dead Man's Hand, with a grand total of like 3 separate adaptions (4 if you count Postcard XIX but I have no idea whats going on with that). Those being in the Strange Trails teaser, a session in Alive from Whispering Pines, and the Vide Noir movie. All of them vary a lot in terms of what actually happens, with different dialogue, dynamics, even whether or not Johnnie is actually dead, alive, a ghost, or if he's got the world ender curse. god knows whats actually going on and I blame buck 'cant be a reliable narrator to save his life' vernon for that
-speaking of Buck and his inconsistent character arcs/timeline, that bitch CANNOT keep the damn story straight. He's first described as a washed up country singer from the late 50s early 60s era, presumably late 30s/early-mid 40s. Got it? well in Vide Noir, which takes place in the late 60s, he's in his mid 20s and hasn't become successful yet. He first gets to California in Vide Noir but he's playing in the band in the Fool for Love music video, which is supposed to take place after the events of vide noir but has both Johnnie and Frankie there alive despite having already been dead before he arrived so it HAS to be before Vide Noir. his band is playing on the TV of the Frozen Pines motel during the World Ender MV, which takes place in the early 50s. did he write louisa before or after Lee left him. he's not signed on to Whispering Pines Studios but theres a poster of him shown in Alive form Whispering Pines. why does every story he's in end in his death despite him NOT being dead. honestly how is he NOT dead after Vide Noir the fucker got black brained which killed literally everyone else and just. lived?? somehow??? why can he talk to ghosts. I get there will be some variation and changes with the characters over years but with its only ever this bad with Buck. im so tired. whats going on with him
-"Danielle" is listed as the narrator of the song Frozen Pines, with H.W. Justine as the performer. Neither of these characters have appeared since. No music videos, no cameos, no pictures, no other listed songs, nothing. All we know is that aliens may have been involved but it's been 8 years and we haven't heard shit
-The Balancer's Eye is still like. very ambiguous even as a concept but we DO know it's a massive crystal with some supernatural elements to it. ben (the lead singer of the band and primary writer of the lore) says he thinks of it as "universal reckoner" whatever the hell that means
-George Ranger Johnson (the writer of the in-universe book series "Lonesome Dreams") is heavily implied to be the own of George's Place, the bar where all the Strange Trails artists played at
-Both Cobb Avery (all versions) and Dale Redmayne (Fool for Love MV) are played by Stevin Esponiza. we still dont know if theres a reason for this or if it's just Buck back on his unreliable narrator bullshit again
-Lee Green's in universe album "Wildflower" is described to be a depiction of her leaving Detroit and trying to find her footing as a performer, which we can assume is Vide Noir but from her perspective
-Lee also apparently beats her addiction to Vide Noir sometime while recording it. good for her!
-The Lonesome Dreams book series lasted from 1968 (She Lit a Fire) to 1985 (Lullaby) with Setting Sun being an unfinished manuscript
-Both Vide Noir and Strange Trails had a hotline for a while with some weird choose your own adventure aspects, though both are defunct now
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confused-bi-queer · 2 years
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Good morning and thank you for tagging me @johnwgrey !!!
Wednesday, huh? I’ve been bit slow about writing since I’m dealing with a class that sucks my energy out, which makes me feel a bit guilty that I’m taking so long in updating my fics, so I’m going to share bits of the chapters I’ve been stuck in writing. Prepare for a fooking whiplash!
First off, my COBB, the ballet AU, since chapter 4 will be up this friday (or maybe the weekend):
I go after Baz.
He sees me approaching and raises his hand, stopping me from steeping too close.
“Not today, Snow,” he warns, rubbing his temples.
He must be faking it; he can’t possibly have gotten a headache the moment I got close to him.
“Why were you so close to Agatha?” I ask, but my tone is mostly accusingly.
“Snow, please.”
“What are you—”
He doesn’t let me finish; he grabs the front of my shirt and shoves me against the barre.
“I said not today, Snow!” he yells at me.
I grab his hands softly when I see how red his eyes are. He’s been crying.
“Don’t you dare to fucking touch me.”
When he blinks, a tear escapes him.
“I’m so sorry, Baz, I didn’t know you—”
You know how these two like fighting so much.
Now, for my CORB, the regency AU, have some Agatha telling Baz about Niamh. ((You people are really not prepared for this chapter. When I get into really writing this fic, it’s over.))
“My wish was to stay single for as long as I could, but my heart couldn’t stop itself from bursting when I watched her taking care of a baby goat as I watched her do her job. And she didn’t wish to bring me down to poverty when you and I could get married to do whatever we want, but I don’t want her to be considered an affair.”
AND, NOW, my so abandoned (I’m sorry Marta haha) but still in my mind WIP fest, meaning: ⚠️⚠️⚠️SPICY UNDER THE CUT ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ 
Porn, Baz with a tail, and dom/sub shit! My usual like for writing smut. (This is Baz’s pov!!)
“That’s not what I asked you to repeat.”
He withdraws his fingers slightly, leaving only the tips inside me for a moment before starting stretching me with three fingers instead. I moan.
“I requested something.”
“I don’t remember,” I cry as he slams his palm against my arse. “Fuck...”
“Are you stupid or what?” he asks. “You’re a stupid whore who wants my cock.”
“I’m a stupid whore who wants your cock,” I say quickly.
He chuckles; this is the first time I really feel like I’m giving into whatever he asks me to do. I’ll do whatever he wants if it gets me fucked.
You know, I love the domSimon/subBaz dynamics, my ao3 fics confirms that, and I wasn’t really a fan of bottomSimon, like I never pictured him like that. However ✨domBaz✨ and since this fic is Baz with a tail and Simon into being choked (a little joke since he never shuts up about it), I’ll rewrite a few things before publishing the following chapter.
Also, Time hasn’t been on my side, but for these fics (thanks to wipsday for reminding me i love writing), i’ll stop giving a fuck bout not having it. Fuck time.
Now tagging: @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @wellbelesbian @artsyunderstudy @cutestkilla @moodandmist @castawaypitch @letraspal @dragoneggo @captain-aralias @martsonmars @fatalfangirl @facewithoutheart @bookish-bogwitch @takitalks @erzbethluna @urban-sith @ic3-que3n @ionlydrinkhotwater @ileadacharmedlife @ivelovedhimthroughworse @angelsfalling16 @foolofabookwyrm-activated @bazzybelle @palimpsessed @aristocratic-otter @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @forabeatofadrum @tea-brigade @sillyunicorn @whatevertheweather @basiltonbutliketheherb
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castawaypitch · 2 years
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thank you @confused-bi-queer and @aroace-genderfluid-sheep for tagging me!🤍
do y'all have any kind of sentence that you absolutely love reading, like a sort of cliché? well, if you don't get it, let me show you.
I've read the line "I can't tell where do I end and where do they start" in a million different ways, and it melts my heart every. single. time.
and so, I thought I wanted to write my own version of it, and my fic for the @carry-on-big-bang was the perfect chance for it. I haven't gotten there yet —but I've got a good start!
so, here it is:
He's standing in front of me —his curls all messy, his eyes half open—, with his hands griping my hips. Every single touch it's like fire on my skin (the good kind, if that even makes sense).
My eyes dart all over his face —admiring how puffy and soft his lips are, and the constellation of moles draped on his cheeks—, following all the way down to his throat.
I let my hands rest on the muscles of his shoulders, tracing delicately every curve and every crease. They create their own map, until they finally settle on his chest —the flesh soft, and yet firm— and that's when Simon gasps. I look up, searching for something wrong, but what I find is such a sight. His lips parted in a small smile, only lightened by the moonlight filtering through the curtains, and his bright blue eyes lost in me.
and oh, I also needed an excuse to write something about simon's chest.
anyway, it's kinda late, but here are some tags: @sharing-a-room-with-an-open-fire @ileadacharmedlife @aristocratic-otter @moodandmist (no pressure at all<3)
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facewithoutheart · 2 years
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Thanks to @martsonmars, @urban-sith, @confused-bi-queer @basiltonbutliketheherb& @forabeatofadrum for the tags!! I love fresh content; it fuels me.
Before I bug you with my shit, two plugs for fics I beta’d for COBB:
@dragoneggo’s Peter Pan AU which is just SUCH a sweet and lovely story that packs a big emotional wallop in less than 9k. Still not over the opening line honestly.
@bazzybelle’s “Youth Without Youth” which is big and bold and so fucking magickal! If you like insanely detailed world building, amazing original characters, and political intrigue, you’ll love this fic.
More COBB stuff, no Nico this time, but I do have some @cutestkilla-inspired content:
“Oh,” Baz starts, then immediately has to clear his throat, “woe-oh-whoa is me,” he settles on the bench beside me as I try to hide my smirk at his flub (it’s so rare to see any sign of imperfection from him; I don’t want to scare away his vulnerability). “The first time that you touched me. Oh,” he hits the note perfectly this time, “will wonders ever cease? Blessed be the mystery of love.”
Here’s a little fan service I added for @bookish-bogwitch:
I groan at what he reveals. “You would have a sex shower.”
“It’s not a sex shower!” [Simon] squawks.
I point to the two shower heads and conveniently located handles on every wall, then pause my finger at the spray attachment hose. “For dirty bottoms?” I raise one eyebrow.
He waggles his. “I’ll leave the labels to you.”
I’m working on an original fiction and I’ve named one of the characters Noble Villan because, fuck it, no one can stop me!
Tags if you wanna play: @sillyunicorn @mostlymaudlin @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @fatalfangirl @whatevertheweather @shemakesmeforget @stardustasincocaine @captain-aralias @aristocratic-otter @moodandmist @johnwgrey @takitalks @jbrrring @excalisbury @otherpeoplesheartachept-2 @palimpsessed @tea-brigade @cutestkilla @creepyspice @ivelovedhimthroughworse @bookish-bogwitch @mrskrementz @bazzybelle @gekkoinapeartree @dragoneggo @letraspal @im-gettingby @orange-peony @rainnorwind @annabellelux @nightimedreamersworld @messofthejess @ionlydrinkhotwater
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