h0neyfreak · 20 days
If I got rid of like. 6 years worth of yarn stash for dirt cheap, would anyone here be interested in it? I’ll do it via eBay but I really just want it out of my apartment and don’t think anyone is going to trust a listing that’s $5 for as much yarn as I can shove in a box.
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milkweedman · 8 months
As you may have seen I'm selling some of my handspun yarn, along with some fleece, batts, rolags, and other odds and ends. I'm really short on rent this month, largely due to having so many flare up days that working was almost impossible. So, I'm selling some of my work in the hopes that I can still make rent somehow. I need over $500.
Im also linking to my kofi. If you don't wish to buy anything but still want to help me make rent--which I would appreciate so much <3
I'll be updating this post as I sell things so please make sure to click back to my original post to check if it's still available. First come first serve. Unless otherwise stated, all shipping is $5 USD to within the USA. If you're outside of the USA please let me know--shipping will likely be between $30-50 USD depending on to where, but I am happy to work with you if you're interested.
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YARNS (please ignore the slips of paper, ive given everything a nice label now)
A: 572 yards/ 480 meters. 5.75 oz/ 165 grams. 2 ply, approximately DK weight. Silk and merino blend assembled by myself. There are stripes of different greens which are arranged to be bigger at one end than the other, so a triangle shawl (working from the correct end of yarn) will have stripes that are more or less even instead of getting thicker near the narrow end of the shawl. I don't know how noticeable the effect will be, though. Silky soft and shines beautifully in the sun. $100 USD or best offer.
B: 175 yards/160 meters. 2 oz/ 57 grams. 2 ply, light fingering weight to sport weight. Luxury blend of alpaca, cormo, debouillet, silk, silk noil, angora, and cashmere. Very textured due to how I plied it and some noils, but also extremely soft and with lovely drape. Next to skin soft. $60 USD or best offer. SOLD
C: 176 yards/160 meters. 2.25 oz/64 grams. 2 ply, light worsted. Merino, silk, silk noil, angora, and mystery wool blend. Next to skin soft, lots of different colors, and good drape. $50 USD or best offer. SOLD
D: 152 yards/130 meters. 2 oz/57 grams. 3 ply, light worsted. Cormo, alpaca, and merino blend. This yarn was arranged into a stripey gradient--white stripes separating a light purple to dark purple gradient. 3 ply. Incredibly soft--would be perfect for a hat or cowl. $55 USD or best offer.
E: 100 yards/91 meters. 2.5 oz/71 grams. Traditional 3 ply, aran/bulky weight. Romney 3 ply. Durable, squishy, and warm, but not particularly soft. Would make a great hat or gloves. $35 USD or best offer SOLD
F: 140 yards/128 meters. 1.75 oz/50 grams. Traditional 3 ply, fingering weight. Beautiful BFL yarn in autumn colors. Due to the traditional 3 ply the colors constantly shift and change. Very soft and with good drape. $45 USD or best offer. SOLD
G: 325 yards/300 meters. 4 oz/115 grams. 2 ply, fingering weight. Wool, silk, silk noil, alpaca, and Angelina blend. Very textured but soft and drapey. $80 USD or best offer.
H: 166 yards/145 meters. 2 oz/57 grams. 2 ply worsted weight. Targhee, BFL, Angelina blend. Incredibly soft and drapey. Fuzzy and lightly underplied for maximum softness (so a little delicate). Next to skin quality. $45 USD or best offer.
(I'll accept the highest offer I get in a timely manner, so if you really want something and think other people also want to buy it, you can offer more to potentially guarantee you get it. Or offer less, and get it for cheaper if nobody else wants it. Although I wont accept very low offers, sorry.)
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BATTS AND ROLAGS. These all contain several large handfuls of milkweed floss, because why not. Very fun and soft to spin.
A. 0.75 oz/21 grams. Romney, BFL, silk, bamboo, Targhee, milkweed floss. Somewhat soft, would be very soft if plied with a fine fiber. Lots of purples and blues, with small amounts of rainbow. Should yield a heathered, smooth yarn except for bumps of milkweed floss. $15 USD or best offer. SOLD
B. 0.75 ounces/21 grams. Naturally dyed Shetland combing waste (yellow), BFL, silk merino, milkweed floss. Many different colors arranged in stripes--yellow and blue primarily. Should yield a textured yarn due to the combing waste, but also lofty and colorful. Fairly soft and very squishy. $15 USD or best offer.
C: 0.5 oz/14 grams. Tussah silk, BFL, merino, merino combing waste, milkweed floss. Very soft. Majority tussah silk which is charcoal black. The other colors are dark purple, a few streaks of red, and the shining white from the milkweed floss. Should spin up to a fine and soft yarn. I am also able to make more of these, which would be the same weight and price and matching the original as closely as possible. Let me know if you want several. $12 USD or best offer. SOLD -- but i can make more, if youre interested !
D: 0.5 oz/14 grams. Merino combing waste, merino, BFL, silk, milkweed floss. Buttery soft. Mostly dark brown with purple, blue, and white streaks. I can make several identical ones if desired, for the same price each. $12 USD or best offer. SOLD -- but i can more, if you're interested !
E: 0.5 oz/14 grams. BFL merino, mystery wool and milkweed floss blend. This has stripes of purple and blue, suspended a squishy mystery combing waste. Should yield a fine but squishy yarn. $10 USD or best offer. SOLD
If I sell all or most of these I will make some more !
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FLEECE. I am selling by the ounce (28 grams). I'm also willing to process these into fluffy hand carded rolags or fine hand combed top as desired, which will cost extra depending on how difficult the fiber is to process.
A. Jacob lambswool. Very soft but lots of large vm (so, easy to pick out) and nepps/noils. Those will stay in the fiber unless combed, so this tends to produce a very soft, bumpy yarn. I love this fleece but I just can't seem to use it up. Primarily dark brown, but I also have some white and mixed as well. I have about 8 ounces. Washed but still a tiny bit greasy (just to my preference). $3 an ounce.
B: Rambouillet. I have almost a pound of this stuff. Incredibly buttery soft. Like touching seafoam. But it has a ton of fine VM, so it can only be cleaned either lock by lock on hand cards or combed. I am willing to clean it for you. Takes a long time to get into a spinnable state but it is SO worth it. $2 an ounce. SOLD
C: Breed unknown. Some sections are salmon pink, others closer to hot pink. Not much vm, can be combed open lock by lock on hand cards or combed into top. Yields a silky, strong, hairy yarn. Willing to process for you (this would be one of the cheaper ones to do, it's very easy). I have 5 ounces. $2 an ounce. SOLD
D & E: These are both rya lambswool, naturally dyed with yellow onion skin (the bright yellow one with alum, the copper one with copper). Very soft and silky, spins up to a surprisingly robust yarn. Absolute treat to work with. Some vm but the nature of this fleece causes the vm to fall out pretty easily. I have about a pound total. Will process for you. Washed and dyed by myself. $5 an ounce. D IS SOLD, E IS STILL AVAILABLE
F: Sunshine Shetland. Very soft and fine. Naturally dyed, again with onion skins. The tips are somewhat felted and need to be pulled off, which is quick and easy. If combed lock by lock and then spun that way you can get a subtle gradient of orange to yellow with each lock... absolutely gorgeous. Will process for you. I have about 10 ounces. Washed and dyed by myself. $5 per ounce. SOLD
G: Red Hampshire. Not neon red like in the picture, more of a brick red. Very soft and foamy. Some vm. Easy to process on hand cards by combing lock by lock or turning into a rolag. Washed and dyed (using food coloring) by myself. I only have an ounce and a quarter--which is $6 for all of it. SOLD
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These are 1 ounce bags of primarily combing waste (so, short fibers and likely some vm) along with other interesting scrap such as mohair locks, colorful merino, and sometimes the occasional single rolag. Lots of the colors are naturally dyed by myself. Great for turning into rolags or using for batt fodder. These are $5 USD if you're buying more than one item (that could be yarn, another grab bag, some fleece, etc) or $10 USD each if you are only buying a single grab bag.
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Lastly, I'm also selling some spindles. A-C are whittled and decorated by myself. D is a beautiful Dealgan which I never could figure out how to use.
A. Supported spindle carved from a fruit tree. I gave it a steeple shape, which does make it slow to spin with. Really enjoyable for special spins that you want to do slowly and thoughtfully. Small spindle, about the length of my hand. $55 USD or best offer.
B. Onion dome supported spindle. Very light for its size, so it can hold a decent cop on it. Small spindle--about the length of my hand. $50 USD or best offer. SOLD ! thank you 🩵🩵🩵
C: Larch spindle. This one has lots of beautiful spalting, as well as being woodburned. Also the length of my hand. Has a very distinct feel to it, sort of in an alive way. $90 USD or best offer.
D: Lightning Dealgan. I got it for $50 and it's basically unused, so reselling for $50 USD. Very heavy and smooth.
And thats it ! If you don't want to buy anything but still wish to help me make rent, you can also donate to my kofi, which would mean the world to me <3
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textillianfiber · 3 months
What remains of the fiber stash that I am selling is now on eBay.
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textillian · 4 months
I have sadly come to the realization that I don't do that much spinning anymore, so I am doing a major destash. Below is the link to my destash page on Ravelry.
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wellappointeddesk · 2 months
My Ink 100: Part 2 - Color Inventory is Hard
My phase two of my Ink 100 destash project is not going AT ALL according to plan. I needed to pull swatches for every color ink I own from my numerous Col-o-rings and sort them by color in an effort to streamline the sorting process. So many Col-o-ring swatch books This was a slow process which required pulling ink out of the drawers so that I could see all of them and align a swatch with each…
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neonkewpie · 9 months
Destash! The wandering flock worsted in alpine blue $280 CAD, 7 skeins (one from a different lot). Shipping extra from Canada
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bookhoarding · 6 months
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Does confidence count as an acquisition?
I feel like this was a year of jumping in, trusting my gut and trusting my skills. I entered scholarship contests, I started a new program, I pushed myself and full embraced how much I could do if I just let myself create.
Enjoy this swing coat, which I patterned and put together in three days. Fabric all from the last bayareasewists swap!
[[ID: Bianca in purple and green tweed swing coat outside. Lining is contrast tree pattern and smoky grey.]
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gornwen · 1 year
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Somewhere in the past decade, the number of projects I have on my needles mushroomed to an entire ecosystem. My goal for 2023 is to clear the needles, even if not all the way, at least make a reasonable dent.
And, as any seasoned LYS employee, I have an embarrassingly large stash. So in addition to clearing the needles, I'm hoping to have more yarn out than yarn in. For this, yarn out only counts if I use us the entire skein. So if you have a favorite scrappy project, I'm taking notes!
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knitsandnonsense · 1 year
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Doing a destash on my Instagram! @knitsandnonsense_destash
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cottonkhaleesi · 7 months
Woke up with tonsillitis after looking after my godson at the weekend (why are toddlers such germ factories?!) so I feel super gross but I have managed to almost finish this scarf!
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I really didn’t the yarn would go this far, but it is long enough to be a short scarf and I am calling it a win.
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skeinspider · 1 year
Happy 2023! Hope you all had a good holiday break.
One of my goals this year is to use up as much of my stash as possible before buying anymore yarn.
First up was this chunky yarn which has been sitting around gathering dust for far too long. I thought it would do nicely for the crochet challenge I had in mind....
.....trying to crochet amigurumi entirely by hand!
If you're interested in how that went, there's a full video about my hand crocheting adventure here and if you want the goldfish pattern that's here.
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fairykukla · 1 year
Hey, Dollblr;
Is anyone destashing 11.5 inch fashion dolls from Frozen or Frozen 2?
My nephew made a request for an Elsa and an Ana to play with his Iron Man and Barbie. I'm delighted that my brother doesn't want to limit his kids choices, but I'm not seeing the basic versions of these dolls at the moment.
I'm pretty decent at cleaning up dolls, so if they're not in perfect condition, I don't mind. I would prefer that they have their original outfits, but I'm not picky about shoes or accessories. They don't have to be "Displayed by adult collector" though I don't object if they are.
I'm looking for the Singing Elsa on eBay because I suspect he would love a doll with a light up feature. (he's big on lights and sound.) Though if someone has one, let me know.
Toss me a message if you have something shippable to the USA.
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platypuscreations · 1 year
A pair of fingerless gloves, all nice and blocked using up some yarn that has been sitting in my stash for a while
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wellappointeddesk · 1 month
Ink 100: Part 5 The Final Reveal
This is the final part of my Ink 100 series. If this is the first time you’ve seen these posts, check out Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4 to get caught up on this journey. Since I started this project, my goal was to keep at least one or two bottles of ink across the ROYGBIV spectrum. For the sake of organziation,  I am going to reveal my final “ink keepers” in that same order. What I didn’t…
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rhanylssitagpa · 9 months
#Empties: June 2023
It’s time for an #Empties post! June was a productive month. I had more empties than I thought I would. Almost all of the products featured here are full sized products. That’s why I was so happy and satisfied with my June empties. True, I only managed to finish one lipstick and it was a deluxe size. But I was still able to accomplish the goal of getting rid of at least one lipstick a month. So…
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thegreenwolf · 2 years
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Okay, folks, I spent almost all of yesterday listing a TON of stuff at http://thegreenwolf.etsy.com (and some things that aren’t on Etsy that are only at http://thegreenwolf.storenvy.com). Along with some wearable masks I also destashed LOTS of skulls, bones, and other vulturey bits, as well as several nice-sized lots of vintage yarn, much of it circa 1970s. Head to those links to see what I have! As always, the pictures are just a tiny sliver of what’s available.
And yes, I am phasing out most of my Vulture Culture art, which means I’m going to be continuing to destash almost all my supplies, so now’s your chance to get your hands on things I’ve been hanging onto for years (in some cases a couple of decades!) There will be more, of course.
Reblogs VERY appreciated, please and thank you :)
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