#Don't like diving into personal details much. isn't too interesting/important
lunasilvis · 2 months
Feeling genuinely very happy & light lately
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221b-locked · 5 months
Long-time lurker, first time talking on the feed
I've heard the big news about the Murderbot TV Series too, and I'm in two minds about the damn thing.
On one hand, I think this isn't the moment to panic or forget everything fandom and community - especially LGBTQ+ community - holds as good practice. We can't 100% know the gender identity/sexuality of any person unless they explicitly state it. This includes cast and crew, yes, no matter how damn unlikely. It's not our job to pry or force someone to come out. (Someone's gotta be better than the tabloids, looks like that's gonna be us. Again.) OTOH it's fair to go with the info we have and make reasonable assumptions: Yeah, that's a damn uninspired choice, and I'm mad about it. Such a missed chance to cast a NB actor! We've got a lot of reasons to be disappointed and skeptical about the whole show. Do I want it to fail? Honestly, I don't know. But I know this:
No adaptation, however misguided, can take the original from us. I know that's hard to cling to when the fear of a bad TV show getting more attention and skwereing the views of new fans is quite real. Nevertheless, that's our biggest advantage, because we, as fandom are SO VERY GOOD at amplifying the good things, to go into detail about the scenes we love, the moments that resonate, all that rings true.
Whatever that show does right, we can use it to fan someone's interest into a desire to dive deeper, to discover the books and (re-)experience the story in all its nuances and diversity!
And every single time the showrunners fuck up, we can and should step up, not for their sake, but for the potential fans missing out on so much that matters. I hope we will not go off on people whose first impression is mistaken, or limited, whether due to the TV series or other issues. (Everything that's self-evident, important and irrefutable to anyone now was new information once, sitting awkwardly in a worldview that had just been rocked.) I hope we'll be like Three and help them. ...Who am I kidding, we'll probably pull an ART and drown them in data. Just, let's be as welcoming as we always have been!
I don't think I'm going to watch the TV series, for a variety of reasons, but I want to be right here for those who do. Especially for anyone who watches it without having heard about TMBD before and goes "Cool, but what's the big deal?" My friend, you ain't seen nothing yet!
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animehouse-moe · 9 months
Link Click Season 2 Episode 4: Let It Unfold
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As we enter into the heart of this season in terms of story, the opening of this episode does struggle a little bit with some all-too-convenient exposition about Qian Jin, which thankfully the latter half makes you forget all about. Potentially a bit of rough writing to give viewers information, as we slip into the past we shed those struggles and present a more expected but refreshingly different plot line. Certainly still a good episode, and certainly still a good bit to talk about.
So like I said, the episode itself doesn't start off incredibly strong by any means. It details all the information leading up to the current events: the phone missing, the picture Lu Guang has, Qian Jin's past, and so on and so forth. I don't think it's explicitly bad, but it feels like rushed writing for the story. A big old exposition dump from multiple parties, it feels like. Personally, I definitely believe they could have done a better job with conveying the information, but I also think it would take considerably more screen time to do so which is where this tradeoff stems from in the first place most likely.
Anyways, I'll just quickly expand on a few of those key details here.
Qian Jin's contact with Xixi. They're obviously aware of one another, but apparently were not working together explicitly at this moment. Qian Jin's surprised to hear that his lackey doesn't have Liu Min's phone, but isn't unaware of who's calling or shocked at the phone call when (presumably) Xixi makes contact.
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Qian Jin's past. A by the books cop that gets turned sour after the death of a loved one. It's not a novel story by any means, but is clearly the foundation for some sort of interaction with Lu Guang and Cheng Xiaoshi. It does make me wonder though if Xiao Li will play a role in talking down Qian Jin, or if Cheng Xiaoshi will take over Xiao Li himself, since he's the one who oversaw the murder case.
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And the last piece: the weight of Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang's powers. Not quite exposition, but definitely the most important piece of dialogue through this front half. It continues to establish the regret and grief the pair feel over their previous forays into the past, and their hesitation and wariness of continuing with it once more. It's the natural conclusion from the first season, so I'm glad to see it referenced so heavily whenever the past arises between these characters.
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Anyways, into the past we go with Cheng Xiaoshi as Xixi. I think similar to the first half there's not a world of stuff to talk about, but overall it's the much stronger and more put together sequence in the episode. The struggle of a single mother with a mute daughter is felt rather quickly through the story, and Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang are firing off piece after piece of information for the viewer to soak up.
Overall, it's a really solid sequence that teleports viewers back into the season 1 mindset as we explore experiences of the past and their regrets, challenges, and fears. Considering how well fitted it is to the overall idea of this season, I'm really curious to see how they move forward and how often we find ourselves diving back in time.
Regardless of my thoughts though, as I just said there's quite a bit of info here and there to take in, so let me highlight it really quickly.
We'll start off with this interesting notion. By pulse alone, the doctor could tell something was different with Xixi. This itself means that when Cheng Xiaoshi takes over the body of a person, they exert physical changes to some degree. Arguably only temporary changes, but a stronger pulse and physical capabilities were shown here specifically.
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It's also just funny because Cheng Xiaoshi was worried about this specifically.
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Next up is the eyes of the mother. This one makes things more complicated, as she shares the same eye color (but not pupil shape) with Lu Guang. Equally as interesting is the fact that Xixi's original eye color (that reddish-pink) does not come from her mother, but presumably her father? Considering that, is it possible that Xixi's father is the source of Lu Guang's abilities, and that the father (who has Xixi's eye color) is the one chasing Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang? That presents the question though of why a father would attempt to kill his own son, which is the right kind of dramatic for Link Click, if not a bit of a stretch.
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Next up is our first callback to the opening, our stuffed animal. I know it doesn't look exactly alike the 3D one because of the style, but if you pay attention the design on the ears is the same. A rounded triangle on one, and a star on the other.
This indicates to viewers both the number of pasts we visit in this season, and also the order of them. We've started with the stuffed animal, will move onto the gun, and finish with the diary. Now, I'm unsure of who the diary may belong to, but I'm somewhat confident that the gun story will be related to Qian Jin who's past we learnt of today.
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The next piece is this curious question: the deceased owner of a phone that was texted information about Qiao Ling. The name is Liu Lan, which has the same surname is Liu Min. Are they actually related? Is Liu Min the real brother of Xixi? It raises an incredible interesting question of just how things came to be, and if it actually is Liu Min that's Xixi's brother, or if there's any relation to Lu Guang. Incredibly curious detail to reveal, that I'm very interested to learn more about.
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And last but not least, Cheng Xiaoshi's realization. Is it Liu Min's father that touches Xixi's mother on the shoulder? Or is it someone else that Cheng Xiaoshi would recognize? Whoever it is, their expression relays the notion to the viewer that Cheng Xiaoshi knows the person that's in front of them at this moment.
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From here, we end the episode with (presumably) Xixi waiting for Cheng Xiaoshi to discuss things with him. Are they planning on airing out all of the pasts to provide a reversal of events? Knowing the past they now aim for the future? It's an interesting question to pose, but without knowing what it is that (presumably) Xixi wants to tell Cheng Xiaoshi, it's hard to say for sure what direction we'll be moving in with the next episode.
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Building a mystery atop several smaller mysteries, all the while taking into account timelines and order of events can be challenging. So far though, Link Click S2 seems to have a pretty confident read on how it wants things to go down. At times it might be a little too literal with how it hands out information, but at its core it still aims for the heart like season 1 did, which leaves me very hopeful for how things go as we continue on here. Very much looking forward to the next episode.
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Could you make headcannons for Jay ( Jay Hong from lookism!<3 ) with a hyper feminine s/o?:)) Or headcannons with jay that has an s/o that has adhd and how he'd deal with their mood swings them talking about their hyperfixations, how he deals with their hyperfixations etc<33 it's totally okay if not tho!! DW if u can't make one of those!, I rlly don't mind which one u choose to make :)), I hope my request isn't to complicated!, - miso! ( Sorry if I sent this while ur requests r closed ☹️☹️ I didn't check bc I got kinda distracted I'm sorry ☹️☹️ and sorry if I made it too hard and complicated and stuff, I'm rlly sorry if I did<3, )
jay hong with a (feminine) s/o with adhd
details: gender neutral reader written in 2nd pov, general canon au, you and jay are dating
a/n: no worries at all!! ;_; <33 i focused on the adhd part but added in small bits of the feminine part at the end, hope that works for u!! + thanks for requesting 💖
this was written with the assumption reader and jay communicate the way jay and daniel do !
> when it comes to a lover, i don't think jay is even capable of being angry with them so he'd have all the love and patience in the world for you <3
> enjoys listening to you ramble about your hyperfixations! he's an extremely quiet person and prefers to listen rather than talk anyways
> he says just enough to prompt you to continue speaking as long as you like, but most of the time he just smiles and nods ^_^
> generally has a "wow, that's cool :]" attitude about your hyperfixations. expresses interest but doesn't dive into it unless you bring him with you!
> also the type of lover to text and buy you stuff centered around your interests! in a loving "you talk about this a lot, so i think you'll like it!" way
> as someone with a dream to become a doctor, i figure he'd have a good understanding about general mental health! he'd read up more about adhd though to be more understanding about your struggles
> practically has all the money and connections in the world, so whenever you feel like your adhd is getting the best of you, he provides support and resources
> whatever you want is what he wants (i mean this in a healthy way 😭) so he goes with pretty much anything you say. this includes your mood swings; he never makes a big deal out of them and tries to be respectful. always checks up on you later just in case !!
> his money is freely yours to spend, by the way. buy whatever you want to help fulfill your wishes 💖
> he makes sure communication is very explicit between the two of you; aside from valuing how important that is in a relationship, he thinks it's especially important between you, someone with adhd, and him, someone without adhd. the last thing he'd want to do is misunderstand you/hurt your feelings :((
concerning your femininity:
> indulges in your femininity and does what he can to help you express it, especially in terms of appearance! once again his money is yours to use and he'll buy you clothes/makeup he thinks you'd like from time to time <3
> jay gives zero shits about heteronormativity/gender roles and just does what he deems fit but often plays a more masculine role, so view that as you will!
> happy to be more feminine with you, though he still prefers to dress masculinely ^_^
> expresses anger at anyone who slanders you for being feminine, and if needed, may become physical. tries not to though to keep you out of trouble, and usually just tries to get you out of the situation 💔
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Hi, Ralph — I agree with your thoughts on the tattoo. I think the likeliest explanation is that they were in a relationship, as much as this doesn’t fit with who *I* thought Harry was; the whole situation seems just too risky and embarrassing to have strictly been PR. My question is — does this change your thoughts at all on Harry’s queerness? I know he can still he queer and have/have had relationships with women, but I think his perceived queerness and signaling has made the most sense *to me* (all a story I’m telling myself, I realize) if he is a closeted gay person. If he is indeed under the queer umbrella or bisexual, it seems like he could have said this without calling his past relationships into question or risking alienating his fan base by being perceived as totally unattainable. He doesn’t owe anyone any information or a coming out, I know this, but I guess it’s harder for me to see why he wouldn’t come out as queer or bi if his relationships with women have been real. I can already hear the “oh anon” but I really value your opinions and I know there’s something I’m not seeing. I’m also bisexual and queer, so this is a bias I have, and queerness is a connection I believed I had with Harry and his art, which is why I’m always wondering if we (using “we” to mean people who have historically thought he is queer) have gotten it wrong. And not that he can’t make queer art if he isn’t queer, I just wonder. 🤷🏻‍♀️
So I think these are really interesting questions anon. I don't think I can say what impact this has on the way I think about Harry. Because I haven't really had a chance to find out yet. Nothing has really had a chance to settle. That's partly because I've been very busy, but also because I'll only really figure out how I think about things differently as they happen.
I absolutely agree with you about what I did think. I have always thought that there might be space for Harry to come out if he was bisexual - and given the meaning he gives to coming out - the fact that he didn't come out suggested that Harry might not be bisexual.
But there are lots of alternate explanations:
I might be wrong about their being space for Harry to come out as bisexual, or I might have a different risk assessment from his team.
He might be attracted to and sleep with men and women but the version of himself that would be palatable to an audience wouldn't feel true enough to be worth it for him.
I may be wrong about how Harry feels about coming out - he may have a much more 'fuck you I don't owe you anything' attitude towards the public
There may be something entirely unrelated to his fame that stops Harry from coming out - such as people in his personal life who are homophobic.
The way Harry has navigated queerness publicly does make most sense to me if he was a gay man. But there's so much I don't see - and what makes most sense to me isn't necessarily true.
I don't know if there's anything more that I can really say that might be useful, because I do think that I come from a different place from you. I wonder a lot if I'm wrong about a lot of things. I don't wonder if I'm wrong in my belief that Harry is attracted to and has sex with men. But even leaving aside that belief (I could be wrong - I have been wrong about far more important things than boyband members) - one thing I do feel certain of is that Harry's relationship with queerness is genuine. I don't think anyone who has watched him since before he waved his first pride flag can doubt that.
And I think that's perhaps a useful way of looking at it - identity, attraction and actions can all be very complicated. Rather than dive into the details a simpler question like - is queerness important to Harry? Is maybe easier.
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bewitchingivy · 2 years
Hi Ivy❤ I want to join ur new game. So let's go~
Random facts abt ur FS: Ur FS will have the same the interests or hobbies as you even if it's not everything, they are logical and a night owl🦉🌙 they might be someone religious and will stick to their morals and beliefs. They might be stubborn. But dw, they will care of you well and their love language is probably acts of service. I picked these up intuitively. Take what resonates and leave out the rest. If it doesn't, then don't take it srsly to heart too.
Initials: B
Fav emoji: 😏
Btw when I was reading ur bio, sth rlly intrigued me. You have like the gift of seeing paranormal things that normal human ppl can't see? Thts rlly cool. But it's also scary at times isn't it? And also u r a Christian? wht type of Christian? Anyways, I hope u don't mind me asking these and have a nice day ahead.
your fs' likes & dislikes game
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Welcome, fam! Thank you for participating <3
This is what I got about your FS' likes & dislikes:
Their likes:
This person would love to pamper and spoil their romantic partner, they're also a very romantic person.
I'm feeling that they're really interested in how the human mind works? Probably psychology. It's possible that may be their career or the career they're aiming.
Now this person may be curious or they may be into things like the occult and esoteric. I also picked up before that they may be psychic even if they're not aware that they are.
This person strives to be the leader. Leadership is something that's very important to them. But it could also lead to a few toxic consequences because they might get obsessed over it.
I'm strongly picking up that they may like growing plants, particularly flowers. White flowers are very specific here.
This person is someone who really respects and loves knowledge. They're a very intellectual individual.
I'm seeing that this person somehow loves to write a lot, writing is like a part of their everyday life. Writing letters may be a hobby of theirs, it's possible that they're not sending those, just keeping them in a box. Might I also point out that they love diving into details? They don't wanna leave anything out.
They like the water. I'm hearing that they love kayaking? Or they're interested in that.
This person likes to be assured of the bright future awaiting them, and that's why they tend to be a goal oriented person.
This person likes giving and receiving from others around them. They may like giving gifts to others, but they'd also expect those people to give something in return to them.
Their dislikes:
They don't like breaking the rules, and would certainly not hesitate to reprimand someone who did, especially in their school or work place.
They may not like some people in their family? They may have some toxic family members.
They loathe people who are hypocrites.
They also hate it when someone betrays them, and if someone would ask for another chance, nope they'd kiss them goodbye.
They don't like ignorance.
They also don't like people who tends to play the victim.
They also hate people who manipulates and people who pretends to be someone who they're not.
Some people might call them sometimes they're lazy, and they really, really, hate that. It pushes their buttons. I'm hearing, “So you think a person's lazy when they just needed a break?”
They don't like being lied to is what I'm strongly feeling. They don't like be tricked, manipulated, and believing something true that turns out to be false.
I'm specifcally hearing that they don't actually like staying in their hometown or country. They would definitely wanna move out there someday and live somewhere out of the country.
Hope that resonates! Take care of yourself and stay beautiful 🖤
My feedback: YIEIIEE, I'm happy to hear that they have the same interests as me. And I definitely feel that's true! <3 I mean, I would never wanna be with someone who doesn't appreciate art, music, and literature as much as I do, LOL. You may be right saying that they could be quite logical and a night owl. I've also been getting that their love language would be something like acts of service :') So this totally resonates. Thank you very much for your time and energy! 🖤
As for your questions: Oh, I don't know if I can call them gifts, tbh. And it's not just me, but some in my family have it too. It's really nothing special to me, it's more like a problem even especially if I see something negative LOL. So yeah, it is scary even if they come from God too, HAHAH. And lastly, I have gone through a few different types of Christianity because of moving to different schools a lot when I was younger; Baptist, Catholic, Pentecostal, and Protestant. And now I don't really wanna label myself a certain type of Christian, what's only important to me is my relationship with God :) That's all <3 Thank you and I hope you'll have a wonderful day too!
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mundane127 · 3 years
nct127 as ideal summer holiday destinations and what it says about them.
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taeil : jeju, south korea. taeil appreciates familiarity and finds comfort in travelling alone where he is able to move at his own pace. he doesn't need to plan out and follow a strict itinerary and need not worry about not being able to communicate. the kind to ditch conventional drives and impulsively ride a bike to enjoy the sea view. loves to self-indulge when he is alone - booking a beautiful suite near the beach and taste the freshest seafood. and yes, since music = taeil, watch him explore the hipster and rustic music stores where he has the luxury to spend as much time as he wish in his personal bubble away from the world.
taeyong : lisbon, portugal. a man of art - taeyong really enjoys that mix of rustic building and the rich culture. he is like a burst of colors, eccentric and expressive. might pop a dance move or two in the middle of the streets and loves to maybe just lay back and have a cup of coffee as he people watch. enjoys the preparation process of holidays, reads up and learns a few lines to communicate with locals. i can just see him with his tinted sunglasses, map in hand and a new friend he met a few minutes ago that finds him really friendly despite a language barrier behind the camera helping him snap pictures. taeyong lives in the moment.
johnny : mallorca, spain. music, beach and chill screams johnny. not getting drunk or going to clubs for five days straight kinda rave but more of enjoying the night scene to the fullest, basking in the local nightlife, unafraid to try interesting concoctions, vibe and free from the shackles of the world at the music festivals and meeting new people from around the world through wine-tasting and paddle surfing. won't hesitate to spend on trying local food and there's always a snack in one of his hand as he walk around. doesn't like plans too, very spontaneous and focuses on making memories even if he ends up at a dead end where he least expects it.
yuta : okinawa, japan. also enjoys domestic travels because he doesn't like the hassle or being bound to a tour guide in somewhere he isn't familiar with. besides, okinawa is a combination of so many other famous summer hotspots! slightly more on the adrenaline side, can dive and snorkle for many days if he enjoys it, researches on the top local food to eat and makes sure to structure a schedule to visit all of them. spends his final day on the beach sun-tanning, no thoughts and no worries at all and taking the opportunity to recharge fully to start afresh after the holiday. not exactly a big fan of shopping.
doyoung : amorgos, greece. apparently, the only way to get to this island in greece is by ferry and can take up to eight hours but the result at the end of it is exactly why doyoung started on this journey anyway. he is not only competitive, but very very tenacious and determined and believes that at the end of a long painful journey, he gets to savour the beautiful view. obsessed with being away from people, loves his alone time and probably carries a diary with him to document his holiday. may have chosen not to buy roaming so he can truly unwind. plans his finances well and stays in a hostel / guesthouse where he can find like-minded travelers.
jaehyun : istanbul, turkey. loves shopping and admiring the cultural elements of this modern yet rustic city. jaehyun gives off an energy where he likes trying everything but not exactly the kind that find importance in meeting new people. also another avid photographer, but rather than pictures of himself, he takes pictures of cats by the streets or locals going about their day. our boy may be a little shy and reserved contrary to what people often see and he is a 'feeler' so he remembers the moments in their scents, sounds and the energy it gives him. a quiet and peaceful traveller, don't want too much attention and emphasizes on blending in.
jungwoo : gold coast, australia. rubs off me as someone who really loves to spend his entire trip high on adrenaline and the capital of amusement parks is where jungwoo will be. has lots of fun even if he takes scary rollercoasters alone. an introvert with extrovert tendencies where he'll unknowingly crack jokes and naturally become the life of the party. his long day ends with him just taking nice long showers in his hotel bathtub with some good music to recharge from all the human interaction. not a detailed planner but likes having a rough idea of what to expect at the next amusement park he is about to conquer. always checks his documents.
mark : san diego, usa. we've seen how he blends in so well with the local asking whether they know that song. lonely travels are exciting because he gets to geek out without anyone else's opinion. honestly prefers nights over days because of human traffic, likes therapeutic activities like watching fireworks and star-gazing or cinemas under the stars. loves to just stand among many and enjoy music. may or may not take part in hot-dog eating competitions because of the sudden burst of energy. in a place where mark doesn't feel out of place and matches his energy, it is where his true self is unleashed.
haechan : bangkok, thailand. bold is the only word to describe haechan. crazy nightlife, food and shopping that he just cannot resist. wants to try everything and doesn't give two shit about anything else. so spontaneous and his only worry is about not having enough fun. haechan is youthful and i can only see him being so even in future. never plans and may lose his passport but doesn't sweat a single bit, he is street-savvy and he is definitely a master at thinking on his feet. probably someone who is actually very realistic and understands that everyone is living on borrowed time and why not make the best of it while he can.
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q-iilin · 3 years
Heellloooo, sorry if this has been asked before - I scrolled through your tumblr and did read your FFs, but do you think you could give us a little bit more of a deep-dive into Darren's personality? Including things he likes, things he dislikes, maybe any experiences he's made you think are of value? And just to pick smth up I've seen on your Twitter: Regardless of his bg story, the art is so visually appealing, I am hyped either way :p ♥ Lots of love!
It hasn't been asked of me here, so no worries! I'm always happy to elaborate more on what makes Darren tick. Thank you so much for your wonderful compliments and interest; it really means a lot to me T__T
I do plan on writing up a small bio here with "stats" for him, so look forward to that soon!
For now, I'll give a small appetizer for the things you've mentioned specifically. Putting things under a read more just in case I get too carried away.
Darren likes organization. He likes being in the know about important things that are tied into the process of achieving his goals. He can get a little uneasy in the moment if that assurance is broken, but he's quick to adapt and make the best out of the situation. He approaches most things in the same manner, already thinking many steps ahead and processed possible outcomes. Rarely is he ever surprised.
In terms of more tangible likes, he enjoys having a sweet whiskey with good company in a quiet space. Darren likes complicated literature, books that allow him to have deep thoughts about the material, and has an affinity for the tragedy genre. He likes fireplaces, specifically the smell of burning wood, and gentle rain showers.
He sounds like a very dignified person with expensive taste, but he really isn't. Darren doesn't care about wealth. He's more interested in living comfortably than living on a hoard of coin.
There isn't much that he dislikes, per se. He's not the type of person to be influenced by other people's opinions regarding, well, anything. He doesn't like not being in control, whether that be of a situation, his emotions, etc. Darren does his best to minimize the chances of his feelings flipping on a dime because then his brain works too fast for him to process. Though, the exception of this is when Jacob is involved and he never knows what will happen. The feelings are less anger-frustration and more flustered-frustration.
I'll explain more in the bio I plan on writing, but here's a little backstory on possibly why Darren is the way he is.
Darren was born to a Chinese mother and a Welsh father. His exposure to the Assassins was through his mom, though not through the means of being thrown into training at a young age. She effectively "retired" before Darren reached the age of 3 so that the family could live comfortably. Her stories thrilled him, but she never pushed him to join the Assassins if he didn't want to. And it certainly wasn't because she was unable to defend herself and his father.
They dealt with a lot of shit due in no small part to good ol' period-typical racism. None of which really bothered the two of them (much to his father's dismay) because they came to expect it but the nonchalance to strangers' opinions was hammered into Darren.
I have too many OCs that have the ~dead/absent/murdered parents~ thing, so I wanted to make sure Darren still had both of his. There's a very important detail that I left out here that really plays a part in who he is as a character. I'll reveal it when I get the detailed bio written.
I hope this is enough to satiate your curiosity while you wait for more! Again, don't be shy about asking situational/scenario questions as well because I looove writing about those, too.
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x-useobwa-x · 5 years
༄ Swipe, baby! | Part 12 - Oh, a real gentleman, I see
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Idol!Taehyung x Reader sm/au
< Previous | Next >
➺ Word count: 1,5k
Genre: Crack humor, Romance/Fluff
╰ You both swiped right on each others tinder profile with no pictures of yourselves.
You keep the details on the low; no names, no nothing, only your ages. To keep the interest until the meeting, you started talking casually, but little did you know that the guy that's trying to get into your pants is no one else than Kim Taehyung, Singer of BTS, and little does he know, that you are completely whipped for the man, an army by heart since day 1.
Start reading!
⇣ ⇣ ⇣ ⇣ ⇣ ⇣
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Taehyungs grip around your wrist is tight and his pace is fast, it's taking all you've got to keep up and not stumble over your own feet.
„Tae- Taehyung,“ you stutter. „Can we slow down it's really hard to walk if you- if you pull me like this.“
„You brought this over yourself y/n, you'll have to learn your lesson.“
Hearing your name falling from his lips nearly has you losing your breath. Your name? Said by the Kim Taehyung? The man you've been losing your mind over for around 6 years? This is more than you've ever dared to dream. It almost makes you lose all the confidence you've built up over the evening. It was fun to tease him and drive him crazy, but now that it's close to happening you're getting pretty nervous, and the fact that he pulled himself together and took the upper hand again is almost intimidating.
As soon as you reach the doors Taehyung agressively types in the door code and continues to drag you over to the elevator. He's repeatingly pressing the button impatiently while waiting for it to arrive.
As soon as it's there, the doors open agonizingly slow and Taehyung shoves you through them the second the doors give enough space to do so; unbothered by the fact they did not fully open yet.
With one swift pull he spins you around so your back is meeting the wall on the left side as he slams his hands onto it and traps you between his arms. Seconds later, all you recognize is how he's leaning in sharply, with his face so close to yours that it has your breath hitching in your throat.
„You shouldn't have played me like this, y/n.“ he says while one of his hands is leaving your side to push the button thats starting the elevator.
You're meeting his hand halfway as he's about to bring it back and take it into yours, locking eyes with him. He's in control right now and you don't like it; you have to do something about this.
After stopping his hand with yours and holding it in place for a second, you're guiding it to rest on your cheek, not losing the intense eye contact even for the smallest of moments.
You watch as his bottom lip trembles and his adams apple bobs in his throat before he exhales shakingly.
Within the blink of an eye, what follows next is his lips crashing onto yours and his fingers diving into your hair. His lips are warm and soft and the kiss is greedy and filled with passion and in this moment its taking you everything to not rip his shirt off of him. His teeth are pulling eagerly at your lower lip and as he lets go of it his tongue is softly grazing your mouth, begging for entrance.
As much as you wanted to have a taste of is tongue, you don't get to let him in; the elevator opens its doors and Taehyung pulls away.
„Let's get out of here so we can continue somewhere more comfortable,“ he growls under his breath while he takes your hand, fingers intertwined.
As you walk towards the door, you can't help but feel overwhelmed by the impressive and gigantic building the boys are living in- not to mention how overwhelming the fact, that you're about to enter their dorm and spend a night with your bias, already is.
Taehyung is quick to type in the door code and he doesn't hesitate to push you through the door immediately.
With the sound of the door closing, he's already finding his way back to your body; his hands are gripping tightly around your waist as he's pulling you closer.
Sadly, just as he's about to lean back in to kiss you, nature is suddenly calling. This might not be the best timing, but on the other hand, it's pretty much just fitting into your plan of gaining back the upper hand. It won't hurt to leave him hanging high and dry for once more.
„Not so fast, big boy,“ you say while bringing up one finger, placing it on his lips, stopping him midway.
„What is it?“ he's asking under his breath as he's planting a kiss onto your finger.
„I kinda have to use your bathroom... can I?“
He's pulling away sharply, confusion visible on his face. „Uhm, of course you can... uhh, it's right over there,“ he responds with raised eyebrows as he's pointing into a direction.
You free yourself out of Taehyungs grip and start making your way towards the bathroom as you hear him calling out to you.
„I'll be waiting for you in my room, just walk down the hall on the right side.“
You turn on the spot, sending a nod his way. „Sure, I'll be right there,“ you assure him, making him smile.
But you wouldn't let go of a perfect opportunity to put one on top, not in this fight over dominance. So what you're doing, is forming a silent ,daddy‘ with your mouth, watching as Taehyungs eyes are widening while you turn back around to continue walking.
As soon as you reached the door Taehyung has pointed towards, you're quick to push down the handle- you wanna make him wait, but you don't want to make him wait for long.
Surprisingly the door won't open, though. Instead, you hear a voice calling out to you.
„Uhm, hyung?? I'm still in here so... would you mind??“
Being an Army for so many years, you know exactly to whom that voice belongs to. It's no one else than Jeon Jungkook, and it has you shocked. You would have thought that no one would be in the dorm when Taehyung brings you over, but certainly you've been proven wrong. Too bad that you have to keep the act of not knowing them up.
„E-... excuse me?“ you say nervously.
It doesn't help that now there's a big awkward silence, caused by probably both of you being equally surprised.
„I... uh... I-I'm sorry but-... uh yeah... occupied,“ Jungkook stutters out, being obviously just as nervous as you are.
„Uhh, okay, that's fine. Do you think it'll take long? I really have to... you know... pee.“
„Sadly, I think so... I'm sorry but I have been here for a while already and I don't think that'll change anytime soon...“ he says with the tiniest of voices. He sure sounds embarrassed.
„Oh dear, how long have you been in there?“
„... four hours...“
„Fo-four hours? You poor boy, what happened to you?!“
„I might have eaten 21 buckets of KFC... it's kinda taking its toll right now...“
„What- twenty-one buckets? That's... well, yeah. I can see that might take a while,“ you laugh. „But that doesn't change anything... do you happen to have a second bathroom?“
„Yes, it's actually two doors to the left, it should be free!“ he responds, now a bit more excited.
„Thank you! And... good luck in there!“ you cheer, as you turn away to find the other bathroom.
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As you are about to pass the first of the two doors, it suddenly shoots open and Hoseok is sliding out of what seems to be his room.
He's leaning onto the door frame, arms crossed and a smirk on his face.
„Hey sexy, how are we doing tonight? Who's your daddy, huh?“
„Someone that's not you,“ you reply as you keep walking, unfazed.
„Fair enough,“ is all he says as he quickly disappears, shutting his door.
That sure was not what you'd have imagined what Hoseok would be like, but who are you to judge, you are not better.
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As you push down the handle of the door next to Hoseoks, you are relieved to see that it in fact is the bathroom. You step inside and quickly do what nature is calling for.
Taking two, three glances in the mirror after washing your hands, you straighten your dress, fix a couple strands of hair and are ready to go find Taehyung.
‚Just walk down the hall on the right side,‘ you recall. ‚Shouldn't be too hard.‘
The right side of the hall is pretty much in front of you now, there is only one problem- it hasn't exactly only one door.
„Of course he didn't tell me which one,“ you mumble to yourself. You could try and call out his name, but you aren't very fond of the idea of making a fool out of yourself.
This damn guy. You immediately understood why you had to give your phone away as soon as you saw him and you didn't mind, but right now it wouldn't have been too bad to have it back.
Taking a deep breath you place your bet on the first door there is. Every rational thinking person would mention which door it is if it wouldn't be the first one, so that must be it, right?
Slowly you open the door and dare to peek inside. The lights are out, yet the space is dimly lit by a monitor that's left turned on. The whole room is a mess made out of empty bottles of banana milk, ramyeon bowls and a giant load of KFC buckets.
‚Jesus christ, Jungkook...,‘ is all you think as you close the door again. Not the room you were looking for.
Now you're getting nervous. As it seems, you'll have to go through all the doors, as much as you'd wish that wouldn't be the case.
Gathering some courage, you're knocking on the door next to Jungkooks before you open it carefully.
This time, the lights are on and the room isn't empty either; someone's sitting in their chair working on something on the computer. You immediately figure that you've barged into the wrong room again, but when he's starting to turn around in his chair, you'd feel rude if you would just leave now.
„You must be the girl that's Taehyungs guest for the night?“ Yoongi says with a monotone voice.
„Yes, I am and... you are?“
„That's not important right now. It's just good that I met you before, because...,“ he says while turning back around, opening a drawer, looking for something. When he found what he's been looking for, he reaches for his pocket, pulling his wallet out and turns back around as he continues his sentence. „You're going to stay over night, I assume? So, let me ask you, how exactly are you going to pay for this? I can accept cash,“ he says while lifting the wallet a bit, „....or credit cards,“ he says as he lifts a pocket card reader with his other hand, smirking.
You chuckle. This is probably the most hilarious thing you've ever witnessed. These guys are rich, and yet he asks you for money?
„Excuse me, but... this house doesn't exactly look like you'd need this, are you for real?“
Yoongi lets out a breathy laughter while putting down both of the items in his hands.
„We might seem rich, but I like to be on the safe side, you never know when you run out of money, you know?“ he explains with a smile, his expression kind of thoughtful.
You assume that this mindset probably has its roots in the fact that he grew up very poor, so he'd try to do everything to keep that from happening.
„I think I can understand that,“ you start. „and who would I be if I wouldn't support that? Also I kinda liked the way you asked. It was funny.“
You're laughing as you finish your sentence. Reaching into your bag, you drag out your wallet and pull out a dollar.
„I'm so sorry, but I can't just give you everything I have, since you never know when you run ouf money. But I can give you this as a thanks for the hospitality.“ you mock, and his eyes widen in surprise as you offer him the money.
„Are you for real?“
„Yes, just take it,“ you respond with a laughter.
„Holy shit, this is the first time someone actually does that. Geez, girl, you might not be as bad as I thought!“
„Excuse me?“ You're cocking an eyebrow.
„Nothing, forget it!“ he quickly says.
„Alright... listen, I should probably get going. Keep doing what you do, it's amazing!“
Shit. You didn't think that sentence through.
„Uhh, the... the money thingy, you know. It's amazing how you, uh yeah, how you're managing that! I'll leave now, enjoy your night!“ you stutter out.
Yoongis face is decorated with a huge smile.
„No, you better enjoy your night.“
Closing his door behind you, you're taking a deep breath. That was close. You have to be more careful with what you're saying.
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Giving the next room a try, you definitely did not expect what just happened, and neither did the person inside expect someone to walk in.
You are peeking your head into Kim Namjoon's room, which isn't a bad thing at all, but his eyes are fixed on you as his mouth hangs open in embarrassment.
He was listening to a song you know all too well, no, he wasn't just listening, he was enjoying it. He enjoyed ‚Expensive girl‘. He danced to it.
„That never happened.“ he says emotionless.
You know exactly why he's embarrassed, but since he doesn't know that, you decide to take a different route.
„That was a nice song, though. What's it called?“ you say with a soft smile.
Namjoons eyes widen even more when you said that.
„Are you- are you serious?“
„Yes, I am.“
„Fuck yeah it is right?! I knew someone will think so. You know what? I'm sick and tired of hiding that song. I'm sick and tired of pretending I don't like it. It's a good song, and thats the facts, ain't it like that?“ he says with way too much exitement and somehow a hint of aggression.
‚Who hurt this poor boy? Jesus christ, why does he feel so angry?‘
„The song is actually a cover, someone named Rap Monster made it. He changed his name though, but he's really sick!! You should give him a try,“ Namjoon says with a smirk.
You're having a hard time not to laugh. If only they'd know.
„I'm sure he is.“
„You're not in here for me, though, huh? You're looking for Taehyungs room. It's the last door at the end of the hall. After mine there's a couple other rooms following. You probably stumbled into some other rooms before mine, I guess I'm just... yeah, I guess I'm just trying to be nice so you won't waste your time.“
„Trying to be nice, huh?“ you laugh.
„Yeah, I mean, how could I not? You promised not to tell anyone about what just happened, so I'm just giving back the favor.“
„Oh, a real gentleman, I see.“
You both laugh out loud and remain smiling at each other quietly for a few more seconds afterwards. The guy that just seemed like an angry one now doesn't seem angry anymore at all; he suddenly feels warm.
„You're pretty cool, do you know that?“ you compliment him, your voice sincere.
Namjoons smile fades away, and he's staring at you with big eyes.
„I'll go now. Keep your nice taste in music up, alright?“
He doesn't say anything. Instead, he just nods a couple times.
Poor guy. You must have flustered him, although you have to say that this expression looks pretty cute on his face.
With a smile on your face, you wave him goodbye as you close the door behind you.
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Namjoon's a decent man. At least he's told you where Taehyungs room is.
So here you are, walking towards the end of the hall, and as you reach it you realize that you're facing another problem. Just as you thought you might finally be able to get this night started, you are standing in the middle of two doors.
‚At least its a 50:50 chance now... instead of tons of possible doors that could be the right one.‘
Namjoon really could have mentioned if it was the left or the right door. But well, you're thankful that you didn't have to open the other 5 doors thanks to his hint, so you're not complaining.
‚Fuck it, let's just go with the left door.‘
Knocking first, you open the door ever so slowly before you step inside a bit. You can't see anyone to your left, but as your head turns over to the right, you find Jimin sitting on his bed in a cute pajama set.
This is probably the purest thing you've ever seen. He was reading a book, and as he faces you, your eyes lock. He looks as if he's absolutely mesmerized; his eyes wide and lips slightly parted, and you'd be lying if you'd say that this moment doesn't make your heart skip a beat.
„....I- uh.... I'm sorry.... wrong room,“ is all you can bring out, your eyes still locked.
He slowly nods at your words.
There's a short moment of silence before you cut the tension that lays thick in the air.
„I should... uhm... yeah,“ you stutter as you point over your shoulder with your thumb. Again, he only nods in response.
Just the second before you close the door, you can hear Jimin whispering a quiet ‚wow‘ under his breath.
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As soon as it's closed, you're leaning onto his door. What the fuck was that?
While you're leaning there, though, your eyes fall onto the door in front of you.
Taehyungs door.
‚Alright, y/n. Game on.‘
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a/n: jfc what a riDe this chapter was clykslxls. N E WEIGH I HOPE Y'ALL ENJOYED IT!!
And before you ask, y e s. The next chapter will be exactly what y'all are thinking. 👀 🐸☕️
Thanks for reading, ILY ALL SO MUCH 💕💕💕
Taglist: @foreverconfused-foreverlost @depressed-philosophers-daughter @hobisbeech @torrentmgc @rjsmochii @xxqueenwxtchxx @presentlyblooming @xosetsuna @babyboyjiminn @stray-kids-in-your-area @thefooolonthehill @yeosinlana @sippinpeachtea @stbangtan @kpopkermit @d-noona @sarahleslie123 @sociallyawkwardforever @oodlespadoodle @btssouls
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dalemeetsworld · 4 years
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Chef Anthony Bourdain once said, "If you're young, physically fit, hungry to learn and be better, I urge you to travel- as far and as widely as possible. Sleep on floors if you have to. Find out how other people live and eat and cook. Learn from them wherever you go." Those words inspire me and impacted my whole being. I'm 25 and fortunate to have traveled the world and absorb what it has done to me. Through it, I realized that traveling is a better investment than more material things. Why? It's because there are so many life lessons you can learn from it. I can tell you some of my favorites.
There is nothing more like diving out of your comfort zone to make you realize that you are a newbie in life no matter what your age is.
When I was younger, middle eastern countries used to be terrifying and scary to me. Maybe because the way these countries are portrayed by media can sometimes be negatively biased. But that has all changed when I visited Abu Dhabi and experience it first hand.
It's exhilarating to forget what's familiar for a bit and expand your horizons. Once you do, there is no better feeling than taking on unfamiliar territory and making it familiar. All it takes is pulling the trigger, and you'll come home with endless stories.
It helps us break our behavioural patterns when we feel like too many days look the same. It's also a great way to add a new dimension to your life, which makes the hustle bearable.
As cliche as it sounds, sometimes we don't know how to handle issues and what we want to do, until we step away from our family, friends, workmates and tune in to our inner voice. Travel gives you the space to just be you and think alone in a way you could never do back home. It's so much easier to deal with issues and solve problems when you look at them from the outside. It gives you a lot of time to think without destructions and make healthy decisions.
Life is too short to eat the same type of food every single day. Imagine there's a book with thousands of pages and you read over and over the same first page never turning it once, that's how most people live their lives. I never thought that pelmini, sushi and kimchi would become some of my favorite dishes in the world until i tried them country to country. Try a restaurant serving ethnic food and avoid the touristic ones with equivalent food from home.
As a cook, I cannot go to a restaurant in a foreign country without mentally reverse engineering the food that I am eating. Many times your waiter will tell you the recipe. Afterwards, I try them out in my kitchen. Not only it gives me the pleasure of eating the food, but also helps me become a better cook.
Traveling is like condensed education. So many scales and new forms of interconnected knowledge merged together in a travel experience. It gives you a detail of insights whether about Geography, History, International events or even Language which others only study in school books. It makes you realize how much you don't know, and it opens your mind and broads your perspective. These absorbed information will stick around a lot longer than what you learn from school. After all, experience is the best teacher of all.
The best part of traveling is the people you meet along the way. I've found out that it is extremely rare to come across another traveler who isn't eager to hear your stories, where you've been, or where did you come from. You listen to their stories, tell yours, share the same interests, hear various opinions and experience things together with people.
Some of my favorite friendships are the ones I found from traveling. To name a few: with a Mexican guy called Arnold and a Danish old man named Ben. During a carnival in Veracruz, a man named Arnold approached me and asked stuff about my camera, turns out he is a blogger from Tampico who came to celebrate the carnival. He gave me a liter of local beer and took me to his group of friends and partied all night. The other one is with Ben, who offered me a lift to Esbjerg downtown because he was worried that I'd be walking longer than i thought. And the list goes on. Who would have thought that simple situations like these help you build relationships that would last a lifetime.
It is a beautiful thing to say that you're friends with people around the planet.
Living somewhere completely different gives you a new perspective that's different from just hearing or reading about it. People fear what they don't know or don't understand. Just because someone lives in another geography than you do, their skin color is different, and they believe different religion than you, it doesn't mean they don't share the same emotions. When you travel, you'll find that most people are good and welcoming, and they'll share with you what they have in order to make you feel good.
The act of being somewhere new allows you to fully immerse yourself and appreciate that new place, from the people, the language, the clothing, and everything in between. Taking the time to interact with the local culture is the way to experience and appreciate it fully. Again, this can't be taught, only experienced.
Whether you are staring at a menu realizing you have no idea what the items are, or jumping on a bus that you hope will get you somewhere familiar, traveling is exciting. It forces you to do new things, and it's gonna be easy after the first couple of times which eventually makes you learn the system. Being in new territory will probe new ideas and curiosities- what the local customs are, the local food, what language is spoken and religious practices. It gives you a better understanding, and therefore turning these curiosities into discoveries. This will then make you hungry to learn more, ask questions and completely immerse yourself into a new place.
One goal in life is to be independent. Meaning, if it comes to it, you're own set of tools is enough to keep you going. Most parents are overprotective and do not allow their children to face the hardships in life until it's too late. You grow up in a bubble, and the reality hits you like a brick on the face. When you travel, you will learn one of life's most important skills, self reliance.
I remember the first time I visited Venice, I was alone by myself, only got 2 euros in my pocket (I had enough cash but in a different currency which isn't acceptable in the local area), without an internet connection and even got lost, since the city was pretty sketchy. It didn't bother me. Instead, you'll find it more valuable. Nothing like being lost in Venice where every corner has beautiful little bridges that serves you a very peaceful view. One's paddling the Gondola, while some walks slowly and taking their time, with their eyes mesmerized. You have to trust yourself and understand that life's circumstances aren't bad at all and sometimes it'll lead you to somewhere even more beautiful.
People says we're always connected because of how technology develops. But a digital world is an invisible world. Sometimes, people lack of personality because they no longer go out to form one. Due to our indoor existence, we are forming our personalities based on almost the same type of pattern provided on the internet, until we become products of what companies wants us to be. When we travel, we get to have real life conversations, talking to people we don't know and learning from them. Our connection should be invested in real people, from our neighborhood to the world.
It's only when you travel that you will realize how big and diverse our world really is, but also how similar we are as one people. What if world war III would happen. The people that will be harmed are the people you became friends with, the people you met in the cafe, or in carnival, people who gave you a lift, gave you recipes, people who smiled at you on the streets, or the receptionists who are very courteous, the children you saw on their way to school because they have dreams. You will realize it's never going to be okay to see them injured or get killed. I think, even world leaders would feel the same.
People are our most treasured gifts in this life. Go meet them. Let them see we are all one too. If we could do that, we can change the world. One traveling peace maker at a time.
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