#Draco Reptilians
stlhandyman · 2 years
The resistance of the reptiloids...
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- One of the greatest advantages the reptilian race and occultism have over us is the ability to use illusion while remaining hidden in another dimensional frequency.
You have to wonder how effective they would still be if this veil of illusion were lifted?
The resistance of the reptiloids…
As we enter these higher dimensional frequencies, people report seeing and being visited by extra-dimensional beings and geometric forms in the form of light.
I am one of them… These higher frequencies give people the ability of clear seeing, clear knowing, clairvoyance, etc.
These new energies create a faster way to clear negative energies, which raises our consciousness. This means that everything you have not resolved is coming to the surface to be dealt with.
For all of you who are paying attention, the truth about who is here and why has begun to unfold. These higher energies are exponentially accelerating the mass awakening of the human race like nothing before.
This awakening has also been triggered by the dark forces because they have realized that we are revealing the secrets of their tricks. Humanity is waking up to the illusion that these dark forces are using in the form of frequency fences and grids to keep us in a low vibrational existence.
This low vibrational frequency mixed with GMO foods, chemtrails, pharmaceuticals, programming and chemically contaminated water etc. have given them control over our minds and physical bodies.
Many people are in the process of breaking the hypnotic veil of this reptilian program. It really only takes a small number of light beings/workers to make a big difference on this planet.
We are experiencing a great panic with these dark beings because we now have the ability to see them because of the effects of these higher frequencies. Not only do we have the ability to see them, but we now have insight into what they have done to us throughout our existence.
The ability to see them should not be taken lightly. This ability could cause you to open a whole new can of worms. If you are not prepared to see different forms of beings and cling to fear, you could be psychologically affected.
The moment you are afraid, you are vulnerable to low vibration attacks that can take you back into a veiled, lower vibrational field. This is not good…These beings will know that you can see them.
Many people who walk the earth are not what they appear to be. Some wear bio-suits and some are shape-shifters. When your consciousness changes, you may see tribal markings on their necks, or faces, for a moment. You may see reptilian eyes with slit pupils, or all black eyes without white. I have spoken to several people who have experienced just that, but only for a moment.
People will begin to gain the ability to see full, extra-dimensional overlays of beings, or other types of robotic AI technology. Many of you may be living with these entities in your household and you don't even know it.
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You may see them every day at work, at the grocery store, at church, and in other, public places, and be emotionally unprepared to deal with the truth and deception around you. This will be a Red Pill that many will not be able to comprehend.
Clones, walk-ins and void sitters, people without souls and various incarnate, earthly and alien beings such as insectoids, reptiloids and dragons are among us.
The resistance of the reptiloids…
As we enter these higher dimensional frequencies, people report seeing and being visited by extra-dimensional beings and geometric forms in the form of light. I am one of them…
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These higher frequencies give people the ability of clear seeing, clear knowing, clairvoyance, etc.
These new energies create a faster way to clear negative energies, which raises our consciousness. This means that everything you have not resolved is coming to the surface to be dealt with.
For all of you who are paying attention, the truth about who is here and why has begun to unfold. These higher energies are exponentially accelerating the mass awakening of the human race like nothing before.
This awakening has also been triggered by the dark forces because they have realized that we are revealing the secrets of their tricks. Humanity is waking up to the illusion that these dark forces are using in the form of frequency fences and grids to keep us in a low vibrational existence.
This low vibrational frequency mixed with GMO foods, chemtrails, pharmaceuticals, programming and chemically contaminated water etc. have given them control over our minds and physical bodies.
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Many people are in the process of breaking the hypnotic veil of this reptilian program. It really only takes a small number of light beings/workers to make a big difference on this planet.
We are experiencing a great panic with these dark beings because we now have the ability to see them because of the effects of these higher frequencies. Not only do we have the ability to see them, but we now have insight into what they have done to us throughout our existence.
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The ability to see them should not be taken lightly. This ability could cause you to open a whole new can of worms. If you are not prepared to see different forms of beings and cling to fear, you could be psychologically affected.
The moment you are afraid, you are vulnerable to low vibration attacks that can take you back into a veiled, lower vibrational field. This is not good… These beings will know that you can see them.
Many people who walk the earth are not what they appear to be. Some wear bio-suits and some are shape-shifters. When your consciousness changes, you may see tribal markings on their necks, or faces, for a moment. You may see reptilian eyes with slit pupils, or all black eyes without white. I have spoken to several people who have experienced just that, but only for a moment.
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People will begin to gain the ability to see full, extra-dimensional overlays of beings, or other types of robotic AI technology. Many of you may be living with these entities in your household and you don't even know it. You may see them every day at work, at the grocery store, at church, and in other, public places, and be emotionally unprepared to deal with the truth and deception around you. This will be a Red Pill that many will not be able to comprehend.
Clones, walk-ins and void sitters, people without souls and various incarnate, earthly and alien beings such as insectoids, reptiloids and dragons are among us.
The resistance of the reptiloids…
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The greatest impact of piercing the veil will be felt by the negative, dominant beings who do not want to lose control of the planet because humans are a source of energy for them. But remember, not all hidden beings are necessarily bad.
The benevolent, positive alien and interdimensional beings have not landed en masse to show us their various forms because most humans are not prepared to encounter the abundance of advanced races, but also because the human race is extremely violent. In addition, there are already other races here that do not want to share this planet with them.
They have very advanced weapons systems, such as laser technology and frequency weapons. You also need to know that there are positive beings on this planet now that are keeping these dark forces from blowing up this planet because they can't have it for themselves.
Does that ring any bells? Maldek. We are in a similar scenario!
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Basically, most people are not mentally stable, so we are being weaned and gradually fed the information about this apparent disclosure plan. Baby steps! The responsibility that comes with this knowledge and other, esoteric insights is to help the portion of the population that will not be able to handle it when the full revelation is revealed.
When I was first confronted with this download in 2012, the reptilian agenda was the information that came through the loudest.
So what I'm saying is, do your part, even if it's incredibly difficult.
Source https://t.me/DUMBSandUnderground/21443 (by Teri Wade)
⚔☠️🔥WWG1WGA 🔥☠️⚔
in @SpecialQForces @DUMBSandUNDERGROUND in ALLIANCE with @SpaceForceGalacticFederation
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creature-wizard · 11 months
The Pleiadians: The Aryan Ubermensch IN SPACE
The Dracoreptilians: Antisemitic stereotypes IN SPACE
New Age Conspiracy Theorists: "Nooooo we're not antisemitic at all! This is about waking HUMANITY up to the TRUTH that we're being manipulated by a race of greedy blood-drinking parasites and the tall, blond, pale-skinned aliens are here to help us free ourselves!!!"
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iceemist · 4 months
drabble i'll hopefully finish and expand on?? i stopped writing in 2018 so this is a weird pick up. reptilian!draco
“Malfoy men are,” he lowered down to her ear. His voice barely above a whisper said, “Out of this world, Granger.” His cologne raced to her nostrils; the smell of him was intoxicating. Her head was tilted, allowing him access to her neck, until she realized what she was doing and snapped her head back.
"God, what am I doing? she thought.
She stumbled back, eyes wide, and searched within his own light gray ones for the answers she needed. His pupils were blown; he looked hungry and determined. His gaze went up and down her body, dancing along her legs and thighs the longest. For a split second, she could have sworn she saw a snake-like tongue flicker out.
 “I-I think," she stammered out. Her senses were on overload, making it hard to even concentrate.
 “Stop thinking," he interrupted, taking a step toward her again. She tried creating more space, but her desk was right against her bum. Her mind was racing to cave in or flee. This game of cat and mouse between them was coming to a head. The rational part of her brain was screaming at her to run. Grab her wand and hex him to oblivion, but the other part of her brain wanted to see how far they would go. Where would he take her? The gears in her brain stopped abruptly as he crashed his lips against hers. It was electrifying; the magic between them was pulsing and vibrating. Within a second, she felt all the hairs on her body stand up, including the ones on her head.
Draco didn't seem to pay any mind as his hands were gripping either side of her face, until he dropped one down, grazing the side of her breast before gliding down to her arse. He pawed at it for a moment before sweeping down to her thigh and lifting her onto the desk. She wrapped her legs tight around his waist without a second thought.
Stared at him. He was breathing heavy and his pupils were now slits. Draco looked like a predator, and she looked like his prey.
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skygodz · 1 year
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Recreation of a Peruvian statue of the ancient Reptilian god Morrop in the city of Chiclayo, the Capital of Friendship. Is the Draco look intentional?
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harrelltut · 1 year
Us GOLDEN 9 Ether Interplanetary BLACK SOLAR SUN [SUL = SOUL] RIZQIYIANS Underneath the Pacific [UP] SKY [U.S.] Ocean of GOLDEN [OG] SUN_KING [Sunken] Dome Continent [D.C.] STATE Queen CALAFIA [CA]... Interdimensionally MATERIALING [I'M] from Our GOLDEN SUPERNATURAL Isle de Californie [CA] ALTITUDE [CA] SKY KINGDOM ABOVE Earth [Qi]
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REPTILIANS The most known and feared of the Reptoid species (there are at least 3). They have been permanently on Earth for over 15.000 years (confirmed) but the belief is that they may have been here (permanently or on-and-off) for millions of years. They come from constellation Draco. They have a presence in thousands of planets and have at least colonized 500 by means of “infiltration”…
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🐉 Oops 🧚🏻‍♀️
This Whole Time i Was Confused n Kept Think’n it Was the bug Bitch’s but it Was The Reptile Women ! 
This Entire time i Has remembered my Time in Faery Land ! ( Hive world) With the Grey’s ! 
My God Dam fyk’n Point ! 
Was all this time i Was talking about the Almighty Faery Women as if thay where T-Rex Women only to in the End Figure out i Was Speaking about the Reptile Women and Almost nothing i Was was faery land but then why n the fuck was it IN faery land ! 
Bitch, i is Kno, When i Be Seeing a world of God DAM Enchanted Muth’a fykk’n Magic ! 
it Was Magic EVERY WHERE ! 
and there where a fuck ton of the Grey’s ! 
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suugarbabe · 9 months
magical creatures | m.r. x reader
prompt: may i suggest hufflepuff!reader, or just shy reader who often hangs around by herself or at hagrids hut helping w the magical creatures. yknow the type of person who no one notices is in class cuz she’s so quiet and he’s like,, enamored lowkey bc she’s so gorgiana but so shy. maybe draco calling her a mudblood and matty’s like abt to get in a fight w his own cousin bc of it.
word count: ~2.1k
warning: fluff
an: the end is a little shite, but the rest is good so bare with me.
It was both a blessing and a curse to see thestrals. They were very unique magical creatures in that only those who have seen death can see them. It makes sense, given their appearance. The black skin, the skeletal body, the reptilian face and the wide leather wings. To the unknowing wizard, the animal looked like it came straight from muggle hell. Historically, it was an omen of misfortune to see one, but they were protected on school grounds and oddly enough, they gave you comfort. 
You often found yourself out in this part of the forest after you had a particularly hard day. Hagrid was always kind enough to give you some raw meat to feed them, and this was the first day you could see the new foal since she was born. You tossed a portion of meat its way, the foal slowly coming up to sniff it. Once it had a taste, it came up to you, sniffing your bag and begging for more. 
You laughed at its enthusiasm, gently petting its neck, “You’re just trying to find your way, aren’tcha bub. That’s okay, me too. This world is hard, but you’ve got your mummy here, she’ll protect you.”
A snapping of twigs made you freeze. No one came to this part of the woods, no one but you and Hagrid, and he was going to be gone for another few hours. You stood up slowly, taking your wand from your jacket pocket. 
You held it tight to your side, trying your best to make your voice sound intimidating, “W-who’s there?”
A boy slowly crept out from behind a tree, his hands up in a surrendering position, “Don’t stupify me, please. I didn’t mean to startle you.” 
Your grip on your wand loosened slightly, but to say you were confused was an understatement, “Riddle? What’re you doing out here?” 
“Could ask you the same thing. What’s a badger like you doing out in the forest?” He wore his infamous smirk, and you weren’t sure if he was trying to be charming, or getting ready to bully you. The lot he hung around, was the leader of more like, made it tough to decipher his motives at times. 
“I was just…feeding the new foal,” you gestured towards the creatures behind you. 
He looked at you curiously, “You can see them, too?” 
You stood up a little straighter, “Yes, Mattheo. I can see them. Slytherin’s aren’t the only ones who can come from a tragic past.” 
Mattheo chuckled at this, “Okay, fair point.”
You looked at him curiously, “What're you doing out here?” 
He smiled sheepishly now, “I was watching you.” You raised your eyebrows at this.
“Not in a creepy way!” He tried to assure you, hands straight out in front of him. “I just, I’ve been noticing you.”
“You’ve been noticing me?” 
“Yeah, I mean. You’re…nice to look at. And you’re…cute when you’re with animals.” His cheeks tinted pink at the confession. 
You couldn’t help the blush that crept up your neck, definitely not expecting that from him. You offered him something to feed the foal and he quickly accepted. You watched at he knelt down to the ground, hand extended as the foal slowly walked up to him. 
He spoke in a hushed tone, “S’alright, mate, I won’t bite.” You smiled at the scene before you, rough and tough Mattheo Riddle being soft and gentle. He stayed with you in the forest for another hour or so, both of you getting lost in conversation. 
He had offered to walk you back to the castle, but you insisted on needing to stop by Hagrid’s before dinner, encouraging him to go on without you. 
After that first encounter in the forest, you expected yours and Mattheo’s relationship to go back to the way it was, which was nonexistent. But the next day, when he saw you in the hall’s he ran up to you, quickly falling into step to ask you how your day was going and if you planned on “feeding any strange animals after classes”. He started doing that often, finding you in the hall or after class, asking when you were going to visit some magical creature and asking if he could tag along.
He found himself fond of how soft you were with them, no matter how rough the creature seemed. He would tell you about the grindylows he could see from his dorm window, and the way your eyes lit up made him wish he could take you there and show you himself, just to see your smile take up your whole face again. 
He had made a vow to himself to never subject you to the ridicule you would get if he brought you to the Slytherin dorm. Not because you were a hufflepuff, but because of your blood status. 
As a half-blood he knows that most Slytherins would look at you like a roast to feast on and their utensils would be harsh words and hexes. Over the last several weeks he found himself growing protective over you. 
Around you he didn’t have to put on a mean face, didn’t have to act tough, he could let his guard down. The Mattheo you knew was not the Mattheo that everyone else saw. Where others saw brooding and flying fists, you saw gentle touches and whispers. 
You never expected you would ever call Mattheo a friend, but it seemed that’s what he became. Where you were once invisible in classes, you found Mattheo staring at you. When you were always able to slip past your peers in the corridor, his hands always found you, pulling you to his side. 
You weren’t naive, you knew the looks you were getting, but with Mattheo near you, you just couldn’t find it in yourself to care. At least that’s how you thought you felt, until you found yourself being dragged by said boy to the Slytherin table for lunch one afternoon. 
“Mattheo, no, there’s no way,” you really thought he had lost his mind. 
“Oh c’mon, darling, it’ll be fine. We’ll sit at the end or something. I just wanna have lunch with you, pretty pretty please?” He was batting his eyelashes at you. His stupid, dumb, long and beautiful eyelashes and looking at you with the most pleading amber eyes. 
You huffed out a long sigh and Mattheo cheered silently in victory, slinging his arm over your shoulder and leading you to the table. 
You sat down across from him, listening to him ramble about his latest potions assignment as you filled your plate. The longer he talked and joked the more relaxed you felt. It seemed like it was not going to be as bad as you had made it out to be, until a head of bleach blonde came into view. 
“Ya lost, badger?” Pansy Parkinson thought she was clever, but in reality she was just the same as a lap dog, following Draco around like a pathetic lovesick puppy. 
You shook your head no, looking down at your plate. “Fuck off, Parkinson,” Mattheo’s harsh words head your head snapping up to watch the scene that was unfolding in front of you. 
Draco tsked, “Oh cousin, ran through the lot of Slytherin women already? Needed to find yourself a little mudblood to entertain you?”
Mattheo was up so quickly it seemed like your eyes had glitched. The smirk was immediately gone from Draco’s face as Mattheo gripped the collar of his robes, teeth gritted as he spoke to him, “Don’t use that bloody fucking language around her, you understand me?” 
If looks could kill Draco’s funeral would’ve been yesterday. He seemed to understand how serious Mattheo was because the most he answered was a grumbled ‘yes’ before brushing his robes off and walking away, not even sparing you a second glance. 
When Mattheo turned back to you his eyes were full of remorse. You spoke before he got a chance, “S’okay, Teo. Let’s just go. We can feed the thestrals before curfew if we leave now.”
You started towards the doors, Mattheo quick to fall in step beside you. When you reached the top of the hill you stopped. Mattheo looked at you quizzically, “Y’alright, love?” You nodded your head, giving him the biggest grin before taking off running toward the forest. 
Mattheo stood frozen for a moment, in shock of how cheeky you were being before his brain caught up with him and he darted after you. 
“You know I’m captain of the quidditch team, love!” he shouted towards you. You shouted back over your shoulder, “Yeah, well you seem to be struggling without your broom, sir!” 
This bit of banter seemed to spur Mattheo further, his feet seemingly moving faster and getting closer and closer to you. You could sense him getting closer, and you could help the butterfly feeling that started to build in your chest. 
You reached your familiar spot, bracing yourself on a tree when you felt hand grab your waist and turn you to face him. “You cheated,” he was breathing heavy, but his tone was still playful. 
“I thought Slytherin’s were cunning, guess I was wrong,” you shrugged your shoulders, biting your bottom lip gently. 
He reached up, cupping your cheek. The pad of his thumb tracing your lower lip, dragging it down slightly. Your breath hitched slightly, watching as his eyes flicked from your lips meeting your eyes again. 
You stared into his eyes, wondering if what you think is going to happen is about to actually happen. 
“Can I…” he questions, trailing off tilting your chin up. You nod slightly, then his lips capture yours. It was tentative at first, like he was afraid if he kissed you any harder you’d disappear like a dream. 
He pulls back, breathing slightly heavy, giving you a silent look as if to ask, ‘is this okay?’ You press your lips back to his as an answer, with more passion this time. It’s wet and messy, tongues dancing as his hands caress the soft curves of your body, pressing you harder into the tree.
He bites down on your bottom lip, sucking it into his mouth causing a whimper to leave your throat. You pull him back by his hair and he lets out a desperate huff. You start to kiss down his neck, finding his pulse point and sucking a fresh hickey to his otherwise flawless tan skin. 
You lean back, a smirk spreading on your face as you admire your work. “Proud of yourself, love?” Mattheo’s voice vibrates against your skin, his nose nudging playfully along your jawline. You nodded your head, “Very proud.” 
He was looking at you now, hands resting on your hips, but still pressing you into the tree slightly. His face had fallen ever so slightly, looking a little sadder than the moment called for. 
“I’m sorry for Draco earlier,” his tone was pained, like he was hurting just thinking about the earlier interaction. 
“S’okay, Teo. It’s not the first time someone’s said that to me. Honestly I don’t even think that’s the first time Draco has said it to me,” you laughed a little, but Mattheo could see it didn’t reach your eyes. 
He cupped your face again, thumb rubbing soothingly on your cheek, “He’s never going to call you that again, I’ll make sure of it. He should’ve never said that to you in the first place, or ever.”
You grabbed Mattheo’s face, holding it in your hands and making him keep eye contact with you, “Thank you for being so protective of me. It really does make me feel safer.” His cheeks were straining against your hands as he smiled. 
“Please, please understand that as long as I’m with you, it doesn’t matter what other people say. Even your cousin, okay? And if he is ever ever mean to me again, which I think is likely. You have my full permission to transfigure him into a ferret again.” 
Mattheo laughed at this, a full hearty, deep laugh and you wanted to hear that laugh all the time. Wanted to bottle his joy and happiness and release it on your toughest days to bring you cheer. 
Mattheo followed you back to Hagrid’s hut, getting the supplies you needed to feed the thestrals. You watched as he played with the foal. He looked as carefree as you’d ever seen him as you wished he could feel this way every day. The way he looked back over his shoulder, child-like grin adorning his face, you knew you wouldn’t want to be here with anyone else.
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elbiotipo · 3 months
Also, to oversimplify a greatly complex topic, dragons are basically whatever the romans called "draco" which includes all sorts of fantastic beasts which were kind of reptile*-like. It's a catchall term like "monster" or "spirit". The Chinese Lung, the Mesoamerican Feathered Serpents, the Andean Amaru, the Australian Rainbow Serpent, are not "dragons", even if they would fall into the "draco" latin bag. They are part of different mythological traditions. Undoubtedly there is some appeal into big reptilian creatures in human imagination, but they don't mean the same to all cultures and it's more interesting and useful to learn about them in their separate manifestations rather than to think there is some kind of "dragon" category that can be defined and applied to such different traditions.
In fact, if you're doing fantasy worldbuilding and writing, you might benefit from this. Instead of trying to find a common origin to "Western" and "Eastern" dragons and so on and put them in the same bag, you might find it more useful to investigate how those legends developed independently (with some cultural interactions, no doubt) and apply that to your setting.
*and if you know your biology, you would also know that "reptile" is also a catchall term.
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cryptotheism · 1 year
are the dragons Jewish?
Okay you know the whole David Icke "Jewish people are actually reptilian aliens from the constellation draco" bullshit?
There's a version of it where the ruling caste of reptilians -the Draco Reptilians, as it were- actually look like huge medieval dragons.
So yea, there is actually an antisemitic version of the "dragons are real" conspiracy in which the dragons are Space Jewish.
If your question is "is there a version of this conspiracy theory that's antisemitic?" The answer is always yes. There is always an angle. The angle might be different depending on the interpretation, or the person telling it, but there's always an angle.
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stlhandyman · 2 years
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mxlfoydraco · 1 year
Hi!!! Do you know any fic where Draco join the Golden Trio in their Hocrux Hunting in 7th year? Thnx
Hello! I know some,
Horcrux Hunting
Temptation on the Warfront by Alizarincrimson (180k)
Draco Malfoy is forced into hiding with the Golden Trio and dragged into their search for horcruxes. What ensues is a journey of redemption, unexpected friendships and an unwanted, turbulent romance with Harry Potter. Warnings for swearing, sexual content, and dark themes.
Chronological Displacement by bookinit (89k)
In which Harry and Draco have a time-turner accident, and many things go wrong, but a lot of things also go right. Featuring: reptilian bonding night, canon-inaccurate animagus lessons, and a fuck-ton of pining.
aka the fic where Harry finds his family, and fights to keep them.
Consequences of Redemption by bobbirose (120k)
When Draco makes an impromptu decision to rescue Harry Potter from Malfoy Manor, the two find themselves completely alone and facing the looming climax of the war against Voldemort. Harry must start from the beginning with Draco–and starting over has more consequences than either of them anticipated.
Finite Incantatum by Alysian_Fields (153k)
What should have happened after ‘Half Blood Prince’! It’s the autumn after Dumbledore’s death, the Death Eaters are steadily gaining power, and Harry and his friends are desperate to find the remaining Horcruxes. But then Draco Malfoy arrives at Grimmauld Place, traumatised, starved and drained of all his magical ability. It falls to Harry to show the Slytherin how to adapt to his new way of life, never guessing that Draco has a few things to teach him in return.
The Sum of Your Scars by Tessa Crowley (4k)
Draco will never forgive Harry for making him a better person, and will never forgive himself for falling in love with him.
Earthbound Spook by cest_what (57k)
Two months after Draco Malfoy was reported dead, Harry and Ron found him tangled in Strangler Ivy on the grounds of Hogwarts.
The Serenity of His Rage by Lomonaaeren (152k)
AU of HBP. Narcissa never made Snape swear an Unbreakable Vow, and in the end, Draco decides to accept Dumbledore’s offer of sanctuary. But when Narcissa dies and Dumbledore declares his intention to create a soul-bond between Harry and Draco mainly to get rid of the Horcrux in Harry, Draco becomes enraged. He’ll use the soul-bond and the sanctuary Dumbledore gave him. But not exactly in the ways that Dumbledore anticipated.
Vulnera Sanentur by Zzzara (51k)
When Harry Potter fires a deadly curse at his "arch-enemy", he has no idea what the curse does. He has no idea he will soon beg Draco Malfoy's forgiveness and try his best to atone. He has no idea that the ugly bathroom incident he would rather forget will tangle and bind their lives together with no chance of escape. Navigating a treacherous path between Dumbledore's lies and Voldemort's orders, Draco is trapped and considered to be dead by both sides of the Wizarding War. Against the Golden Trio's wishes, he joins them on the Horcrux hunt. Except that he has no idea what he is hunting for. This is a love-story, a fight-story, very much compliant to the 6th and 7th 'Harry Potter' books and yet, very, VERY different. Because this time - after the Sectumsempra incident - Harry visited Draco in the hospital wing and tried to apologise.
Men Who Love Dragons Too Much by @fencer-x (522k)
[Extensive re-telling of Deathly Hallows] ‘Kill Albus Dumbledore’ is less a challenging task and more a suicide mission, so when Draco Malfoy is presented with the option to either dispatch his Headmaster or suffer an excruciating and most ignominious death of his own, along with his parents, he reaches deep into his black little Slytherin heart and manages to scrape together enough courage to go with option C instead: Spend Sixth Year secretly studying Animagecraft in the hopes he’ll turn into something sufficiently imposing even the Dark Lord himself won’t be able to keep Draco under his thumb. But just his luck, his Animagus form turns out to be a dragon, and a rather randy juvenile at that, intent on finding its mate: one Harry James Potter.
Speak (and may the world come undone) by @shealwaysreads (26k)
The war is on in earnest, and the hunt for the Horcruxes has begun. Harry receives help from the least expected person, and must decide whether he can trust the enemy he knows best. A story of grey-tinged loyalty, the silver of trust in the darkness, the agony of courage, the unexpected richness of secrets, and the vast unknown of survival.
Walking the Line by SilentAuror (179k)
Sixth year is over and Draco Malfoy is on the run. The war is on and an unwanted assignment is forced upon him by the only people he trusts - and a one-time arch-enemy just may be out to kill him.
Bad Faith by jad (224k)
Four years after Dumbledore's death, Draco Malfoy shows up on the doorstep of number twelve, Grimmauld Place looking for Harry Potter. Torn between his own self-preservation and his family's pride, Draco finds himself alone on a battlefield and has nowhere else to turn; and Harry has to learn that sometimes you don't put up walls to keep other people out, but to see who cares enough to break them down.
The Eighth Tale by lettered (12k)
Draco Malfoy tries to fix the past, but instead mucks it up some more. For Harry, it all becomes quite clear.
The Hush of War by @lol-zeitgeistic (351k)
Voldemort has made a bargain with Harry to stop killing muggles and muggle-borns (when at all possible, of course) in exchange for Harry's cooperation. While Harry thinks he's using the time to find a way to defeat the Dark Lord, he will realize that Voldemort is always one step ahead, and so long as he isn't killing anyone...what's the big deal? He has bigger things to worry about now, anyway. Includes dementors, pureblood culture, the prophecy, what exactly happened with Lily's sacrifice, magical breakthroughs, children Death Eaters, and portraits of family. Final pairing: H/D. Sequel to Black, in the Smothering Dark.
Brave Though The Stars They Make Me by @dwell-the-brave (108k)
After the events at the end of his Sixth Year, Draco Malfoy has been kept all but prisoner in his childhood home, Malfoy Manor. Alone, terrified, and desperate for some way out, he begins to have strange dreams - dreams of Harry Potter. Are they a trick of his mind? Or are they a way to change his fate, and a chance at redemption?
A Slight Inclination by @jilliancares (48k)
When Harry Potter is ten years old he accidentally winds up in Knockturn Alley, where he runs into a man named Lucius Malfoy. Harry is thus thrust into the wizarding world and makes his first ever friend, Draco Malfoy. Years later, Harry is on the hunt for horcruxes with his most trusted friends, Draco, Ron, Blaise, Hermione, and Pansy. Still, being in love with his best friend is bound to make their mission a little bit more difficult, isn't it?
Paradox series by kerfuffling (84k + 34k)
Thanks to a clever bit of magic and the help of an old acquaintance, Draco is given the chance to relive his years at Hogwarts with the knowledge of what exactly is in store for the future. However, when things tumble out of Draco's grasp, he finds himself losing his memories of the life he's already led as everything takes a startling turn away from what he'd always assumed to be his destiny. - Just because Draco's somehow gotten himself involved in Potter's suicide mission to defeat the Dark Lord doesn't mean he has to go quietly and actually act like a Gryffindor fool. And sure, he and Potter have some sort of relationship going on, but Draco's still a Slytherin, and he's going to bring his own brand of cunning to this cockamamy fool camping trip Potter's gone and got himself stuck in trying to save the world from evil lockets, gingers, and badly cooked food.
Death Comes for Us All by @lumosatnight (5k)
Burying his face in Draco’s hair, he can smell the smoke from the cigarette, can taste the ashes lingering in his mouth. Harry finds it comforting, a reminder that Draco has seen his worst and still chooses to stay.
Secrets by Vorabiza (395k)
Beginning with Draco's unexpected arrival at the Dursleys, Harry's summer after sixth year becomes filled with activity and many secrets. As his summer progresses, Harry generates several unexpected allies as he finds himself actively becoming the leader of the Light side. H/D post-HBP ~~Complete~~
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dracoxmalereader · 5 months
Peacock Quill
Draco x Male Reader
Context: Another chapter of Intense, which can be found in full on Wattpad and Ao3. Reader is a ravenclaw in the year above Draco. Takes place at the end of OotP. <3
Summary: Draco was right at Hogsmeade station when he realized his wand wasn't in his pocket and went back to the carriages to go get it, only for you to be the one who took it in the first place.
Word Count: 950
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The dirt path was damp under the hot, wet air. Dew beaded on the blades of grass to either side of it, moisture dripping from the trees that bordered. Draco jogged down, mud caking in the grooves of his shoes as he passed a number of empty carriages before finding the one him and his friends had arrived in.
He stepped up onto the carriage, balance faltering for a moment as it wobbled to accommodate his weight. It settled, and his eyes scanned the seats and floor for his wand. Patting his pockets again, he felt a surge of panic in its unmistakable absence. 
This was, quite possibly, the worst time for him to be losing his wand of all things. Anxiety boiled in the pit of his stomach, intimidated by the prospect of going home to his father and the uncannily pale guest they’d been housing wandless. He felt reptilian eyes loom over him even now. 
Jumping in place, Draco turned his head to you, and he felt heat creep up his face when you held his wand out to him. You stood to the side of the carriage, and Draco stepped down to take it back from you. As he took it from your hand, you ran the fingers of your other along the lapel of his jacket. His pulse raced, and he swallowed the air trapped in his mouth.
You looked him up and down, then smirked. “You clean up well, hm?”
Draco could have sworn he was still on the wobbling carriage with how his organs lurched forwards. 
“I knew you’d come back for your wand, sorry I took it.” Your apology barely made it past the blood that rushed through his ears, warmth blooming in his face because you wanted him here. You let go of his jacket, and he wanted to grab your hand and put it back, keep it there forever. 
You shoved a hand in your bulky pocket, wiggling it around to free the content before holding it out to him. It was a box, dark bluish-green with silver finishes. Slytherin colors that made him want to dress you in his uniform to see if they’d be just as flattering as the box made them look on your skin.
“For me? You’re getting me gifts now, hm?” He felt childish, giddiness swelling behind his teeth. The corners of his mouth tugged up against his will.
You nodded and nudged it towards him. “Open it. Happy end of the year.”
He took the box from your hand and eased the top off, revealing a peacock-feather quill with a silver nib. Opaque and saturated, the feather’s colors alone looked expensive. “How much was this?” His brows furrowed and he pulled the quill out by two fingers. 
“A pretty penny, put it on hold at Scrivenshaft’s and saved up for it.”
Draco eyed the quill for a second longer, admiring its form and shape before he slipped the quill back into the box, shimmying it shut and turning his eyes back to you.
He took a shaky breath, tucking the box into the inner pocket of his jacket. He gave one firm nod of his head back to you. He felt the warmth in his face creep down his neck, and cursed the new summer sun for the sweat that collected at his brow. 
Clearing his throat, he muttered, “Thank you.” 
“Write me over summer, if you can.” You grinned, and he shoved his hands clumsily in his pockets, fingers restless and unsure. His lungs felt tight and his nose itched. You wanted him to write to you. Draco felt like he could die.
“Alright,” He started, more words laying unspoken on his tongue. His mouth hung open and he felt embarrassment seep into his blood as you stared expectantly. “Uh…”
“You should run off to your friends now, no?” You cocked your head to the side, and it made him want to pet you.
“After this year I don’t think your friends would take too kindly to you ditching them for me on the train again.” You laughed, dry and lacking full humor. You squinted and looked away.
Draco felt guilt burst in his chest. His brows furrowed. “Did they say something to you? Crabbe or Goyle?”
He watched your face morph between a selection of emotions he couldn’t quite decipher, and it made his stomach churn. “Don’t worry about it, I like having the ride all to myself. Good for reading ahead if you ask me.” You brushed past his question and shook your head with a chuckle. A smile that didn’t look very natural settled onto your face. 
A spark of shame stirred his breakfast back to life in his body. Draco felt sick, and a little like he wanted to punch Crabbe and Goyle so hard they could never say anything to you ever again. 
A protective feeling washed over him, and he was glad his hands were in his pockets so you couldn’t see the way his nails dug into his clammy palms. You blinked. How beautiful, he thought to himself. 
“Run along,” You reached out and pawed at his shoulder, pushing him slightly. The contact made fireworks pop behind his ribs. “I have some business to attend to, don’t wait up for me.”
Your smile shifted into something more genuine, and Draco nodded dumbly, allowing himself a moment just to appreciate your eyelashes. Stepping back, he muttered a farewell to you before moving to leave along the dirt path to the train. 
His gaze flickers down your face one more time before he lets his trembling knees carry him away, hoping the summer won’t last too long.
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I had a dream the other night that I had to fight Voldemort and then me and these girls I didn't know had to fly out of my window by flapping our hands and we flew to this abandoned island with only woods and a claire's and me and this one girl were arguing about which one of us was gonna go and make the claire's checkout counter into rice because in her words "we don't need that much rice"
So I had to explain to her that I'm bulking, of COURSE we need that much rice. Then Nev from catfish came and made our survival into a TV show and we eventually ran away because it felt disingenuous. We also burnt the entirety of Beverly Hills down, but that wasn't really relevant to the plot.
I hate Nev from catfish. A girl on roblox catfished me once with some scene chick's pictures, and when I called her out for it she was like "Do you know the show catfish? I'm Nev." Girl. We are playing a kawaii sanrio roblox obby at your request. No you are not.
Tags: @nowayisthistakenyet @gayaristocrat @dracoshusband @skrunklespoingo @esperfraud @joongbin @midwestemosblog
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skygodz · 1 year
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The Ciakar are a 4 meters tall Draco race which are also part of the evil Orion Empire that declared war on the Galactic Federation.
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harrelltut · 2 years
Lo!… JEHOVAH OKCULT BIBLE [JOB] WIZARD Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] from the Ægyptian [JE = JESÚS = EL CHRISTO NEGRO] OCCULT MILITARY [NOM = NOMMO] RELIGION of Us 144,000 PRIMEVAL URAEUS SERPENTINE [U.S. = ROYAL] REPTILIAN [NĀGA] LORDS of Constellation DRACO's Highly Complex [ADVANCED] Ancient Biochemical [PRIMORDIAL] Fossil Earth SUN & MOON DNA Code [D.C.] WRITINGS Scientifically Explaining TECTONIC [SET] PLATE Mechanics of SIRIUS Thermal Infrared Energy [HEAT] DYNAMICS & MOTIONS [BIOMECHANICS] KINETICALLY CREATING Rapid Oscillating Magnetic [CROM] Wave Fields [RADIATION] of Highly Complex [ADVANCED] Ancient Stoichiometric Chemical Equations from the Quantified [EQ] Multiplication of Associative & Commutative [MAC] PROPERTIES DEEP IN:side Inner Earth’s [HADES] Most Darkest [Occulted] Interplanetary 9 [i9] Ether Crystal Skull City of SHAMBALLAH’s Ægyptian AGHAARTA [SEA] Underworld of Nine [SUN] Ether ATLANTEANS [SEA] from 900 A.D. MU America [MA = ATLANTIS]… MILLIONS of AZTECAN Years Ahead [MAYA] of Lost 2022 [VI] America
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adarkrainbow · 6 months
So, recently @drachenwiki has done a very nice reblog of one of my posts (thank you!) and evoked something very interesting. I didn't want to just answer in a simple reblog, so I'll make a new post about it. Here is what drachen said:
I noticed an interesting connection here. In Greek fairy tales, there is a character that’s pretty similar to the ogre, but is called Drakos (Δράκος). The name is obviously derived from Drakon (δράκων), which means serpent and is the origin of the word “dragon”, but the Drakos is a supernatural humanoid, like the ogre sometimes fully human-looking, sometimes with monstrous traits, but almost never with the serpentine traits that define dragons.
I unfortunately do not have enough knowledge about Greek fairytales as a whole to be able to fully answer or react o the character of Drakos - even though I can say, as someone who studied ogre, that there is a very obvious general connection and "family link" between ogres and dragons, the same way there is one between ogres and giants. Ogres and dragons, are the two sides of the "devouring fairytale villain", whose main threat is eating the character ; both of them dwell in usually hostile landscapes such as deep forests or grottos ; and both of them are usually said to have great riches and treasures.
But what I originally wanted to say is this. I don't know if you had heard of it, but in French folklore there is a character that sound very similar to the Greek Drakos, and seems to be very clearly some sort of cousin. He is frequently found in French folktales and oral fairytales collected in various regions of France - and in fact he is one of the most prominent and well-known monster of French legends. It is the Drac.
Long story short...
The Drac is a folkloric being of Southern France. It is a water-dwelling entity that is most commonly said to inhabit rivers and lakes, sometimes streams and wells - some folktales even make him sea-dwelling, though most of the time he is a being of fresh water. There were several dracs around France corresponding to the various important bodies of water - though folktales like to always refer to "THE" Drac.
The Drac obviously comes from the same etymological and cultural roots as the dragon. "Drac" comes from the Latin "draco/draconis", itself from the Greek "drakon" and it is all the same family as "drakkar" for example. If it wasn't enough of proof we have in the Occitan language words such as "dracmarin" for "sea dragon" (marin meaning "of the sea" in modern French). As a result, the Drac is considered to be a reptilian being... But the exact nature of the Drac is unclear.
You see, sometimes the drac is described as a dragon-like entity dwelling at the bottom of the lake or sea (a winged, enormous lizard-being) ; or as a giant water-snake. But that's only sometimes because one of the main features of the Drac is that it owns a power of shapeshifting, meaning one can never be sure of what shape the Drac will appear as. Most often, the drac takes the shape of a beautiful young man (to lure his victims or better wander among humans, as we'll see later), but there are many tales and legends claiming the drac can turn into various animals (black donkey, red she-horse, bunnies, lambs...) or even into objects (like a log, or a basket). Given the two shapes of "reptilian being" and "beautiful human" are the most famous and widespread, it often results in depictions of the drac as a scale-covered humanoid or as a dragon with the head of a beautiful boy.
The other main trait of the drac is that he is known to keep luring and dragging humans under water, off into his under-river or under-lake lair. But the how and the why of it all keeps changing depending on the regions and time. It is most agree that the Drac targets, out of all humans, women - especially pretty young girls (making him more similar to the traditional "dragon haunting damsels"). Washer-woman were heavily warned about the drac, and were depicted as his easiest victims due to being women spending so much time by the water-shore. Sometimes the drac uses his face of a handsome young man, or his beautiful singing voice, to attract his victims (some regions even call him a "male mermaid"); other times, the drac is known to let float at the surface of water gold coins, jewels, mirrors and other precious items. All in all - you are lured into the water, and once far away enough, the drac snatches you and takes you underwater.
Here's however where your fate changes depending on which "aspect" of the Drac you face.
In popular beliefs and superstitions, the drac is a water bogeyman in the same way as Jenny Greenteeth and the other water-hags of England. As such, he is depicted as a man-eater who lures humans to drown them and devour them. (Sometimes he doesn't even eat them, and he is just a demonic and evil being who drowns them for pure fun).
In folktales however the Drac can become more alike to the traditional "capture-maidens dragon", or to the general archetype of the monstrous husband. There is a very famous Gascogne fairytale (precisely the one that, to my knowledge, is the only depicting the drac as sea-dwelling rather than fresh-water-dwelling) that paints him as some sort of elemental spirit, a "king of water" that commands the winds and the storms - he steals away a maiden with which he fell in love to force her to become his bride, but she refuses. He still keeps her trapped in his beautiful underwater palace and gardens - and only allows her to walk for a limited time at the top of the waves and the surface of the waters, with a golden chain tied to her ankle. A hero has to break the chain and gets her to shore as fast as possible - because the drac has no power on land.
The most famous incarnation of the drac however is the drac of the Rhônes, illustrated in stories such as the legend of the drac de Beaucaire. This drac is much more akin to the fair-folk and "good neighbors" of the British Isles - as in, in various stories and tales he is described as stealing away a nurse from the human world so she can take care of his babies and breast-feed his children for seven years. Once she had done her work, the drac allows her to return to the human world above the waters - but something happened. The nurse got one eye "enchanted" so that not only does she see clearly in the water, she also can see the Drac's true appearance even under his human disguises. For some she mistakenly got some of the fat of one of the "snake-cakes" of the Drac into her eyes ; for others, the Drac offered her a box of enchanted human fat (because the dracs are still man-eaters in these tales) that would give strength and health to her baby, with the clear instruction to always wash her hands after using it - and she gets it in her eye... Anyway, all in all she ends up spotting the drac in the middle of her town or village, and she politely salutes him with his real identity. The drac, surprised at having been recognized under his disguise, asks her with which eye she saw him. She tells him, and the drac promptly gouges out the enchanted eye.
And these are just the main aspects and appearances of the drac based on his main "underwater magical being" persona. But you see, the "drac" is actually a bit like the "bogeyman" as in, you have an iconic name, some key traits, but everybody has a different version of it. Same thing for the drac - antagonist sea-prince of fairytales, child-eating water-bogeyman, aquatic "good neighbor" and fair folk... But in some regions the name "drac" will be use for werewolves! Everything in these stories clearly describe a werewolf, except the name. But this seems to be because as France was Christianized there was an habit of making the drac of demon - which is why many tales describe this being as a "water demon", as a "bird-hating demon", as "the son of the devil"... And in the Pyrénées, the drac even got an alternate identity fusing himself with another famous folklore archetype. The magical-but-deadly-horse ; the devil's donkey that snatches children. This creature exists in other regions of France as its own thing, its own being, but in the Pyrénées sometimes it gets fused with the drac into one being. A magical donkey or enchanted horse - sometimes white, sometimes red - that will invite tired travellers or innocent children on its back. It can extend its back to carry as many children as it needs ; or it can enlarge its body to fit the weight and girth of any rider ; but once you are on the beast's back, it will take you on a wild and terrifying ride that will end in a body of water where you will drown.
Usually this identity as the "magical horse" or "magical donkey" is thought to be just one of the various "tricks" of the drac - tricks and "pranks" typical of fair folk and other supernatural beings of Europe. Remember when I evoked his shapeshifting? The "lamb" part comes from a local legend claiming the drac likes to turn into a cute little lamb, but if you try to carry it in your arms or on your back, it will become heavier and heavier until it crushes you. Other local tales evoke stories of the drac turning into a ball of thread, and allowing a girl to weave a dress out of him - but once she wears the dress in public, the thread will disappear, destroying the dress and leaving the girl naked in front of everybody.
Again this all seems tied again to the "demonization" of the Drac - who was considered to be part of those nasty lutins, demonic imps and other annoying little devils that spent their time harassing everybody with cruel or disgusting pranks. But anyway my main point stays - a humanoid man-eating being with dragon roots, and an obvious dragon name despite ending up not looking like a dragon at all...
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