#Frisk Epilogue
heavenfell-au · 18 days
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Their Wings - The Epilogue
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riftfic · 9 months
17. Epilogue
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The end is here.
Thank you, everyone, for staying with me till now. I've made two additional illustrations buried in the text below. :)
Happy Anniversary, Undertale. 💙
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An incandescent future unfolded over the course of that year. Though far too familiar events repeated with frustrating familiarity, they arrived in new packages: some in bright and colorful wrapping, some in grossly damaged bags. Even if confusing and often jarring, most monsters expressed gratitude to have familiar yet unfamiliar lives awaiting. The additional security and a world more accepting allowed them to press on with more comfort than expected. 
Not all were as fortunate. Several returned to lives in pieces. Lost relationships. Humans that knew them, loved them, and had aged beyond them. Photographs of small children they might never conceive. Tombstones engraved with names of the living . . . sometimes their own. 
At first, Asgore and Toriel tried to shield you from the responsibility. This level of accountability, they said, should not rest on a child’s small shoulders. No one needed to know about your hand in the broken clock. 
You didn’t see it that way. Not knowing why their lives had been stolen, left wondering if their relationships could be undone again, only festered the wound. So you explained to them what had happened and why, and swore that it would not and could not happen again. Amazing, how forgiving monsters could be—not that they all were. 
For three months, HEART continued its search for monsters left behind. The moment Sans had recovered, he had jumped at the chance to join Papyrus and Undyne among their ranks. His unique teleportation magic served them well once he had a feel for those snaking, unfamiliar shafts and pathways. Places once difficult to reach suddenly became accessible. Dozens of monsters and their families owed him thanks, especially those trapped deep in the Ruins. 
None of them were Wingdings.
With this and all else he had set in motion to free them, monsterkind quickly came to love and respect Sans in a way he had never truly experienced. Sure, he had been a recognizable face in the local comic scene, the friendly smile at Grillby’s every other night, the playful hotdog peddler in Hotland, sentry and judge for the royal family, but never . . . this. If the swath of gifts and well wishes in his hospital room hadn’t been enough proof, Asgor went far enough as publicly honoring him. He hadn’t knighted him, thankfully—a fact Sans could not celebrate more—but he did proclaim something more touching than that. 
He named a star.
As a human, the first mention of this honor had underwhelmed you. Humans named stars all the time for science, for romance, for shits and giggles. What you hadn’t understood was that, to monsters, this meant far more than looking up and picking a distant flicker. 
Their people had evolved from stardust. While humans had a touch of this magic in them, monsters churned with this fire as their lifeblood. The celestial bodies, their very beginnings, were esteemed with enough reverence to be gods. 
Their banishment to the Underground had been especially cruel for this fact, and after such a long separation from the sky, marking their reunion with a new light was more than fitting. After all, when someone’s name was thought with enough intent in so many hearts, a star wasn’t only named; it was born. 
It was bright and it was beautiful. When viewed through his telescope, it nestled in a pocket of blue and gold fringed in red, much like the Ring Nebula, only light years from a star they had once named after you. 
“i don’t get it,” he admitted to you after the fact. “all i did was make up for somethin’ i did wrong. my motivations weren’t exactly heroic either.”
“Not all knights wear armor, Sir Sans the Star.”
“heh . . . and just what’re you gettin’ at, fair frisk the fart?”
You laughed. “It doesn’t matter why you did it,” you said. “You still did it. You brought back the dead, Sans. You deserve to be thanked for that, don’t you?”
You knew Asriel hadn’t been the one he wanted to resurrect. Even after the members of HEART had disbanded, he delved into the dark in search of Wingdings until his phalanges bled and his magic ran dry. All of you had begged him to relent, Asgore more than anyone. Not until every inch of the Underground’s remains had been scoured did he finally lose hope.
At least now, his brother’s name did not wither from memory like a dream in the morning light. For the first time, he could mourn him freely. He could share memories with those who knew him, find understanding in kindred spirits, and heal.
As one year on the surface came to a close, he finally found the courage to destroy the machine.
The spring sun crisped dewdrops from dandelions as you and Sans strode across his overgrown lawn. The skeleton brothers’ house, a cozy little two story chalet, stood half embedded in the steep hillside behind you. Its stilted, elevated porch overlooked miles of green forest and a babbling river inlet at the knoll’s foot, just as he had remembered. A long road wound atop the hill’s peak, passing from driveway to driveway to outline a comfortably spaced neighborhood. In the distance, Mount Ebott reached among smaller peaks for white clouds in a gold and pink sky. 
Under your arms, you each carried a folded mesh lawn chair. Matte black aviator sunglasses masked Sans’ eyes, though a cyan glow smoked behind the left lens. A pair of bright purple shields blocked your own. Following behind in a cloud of blue magic, the rusty, tattered block of a machine he called a “temporal flux manipulator” hovered helplessly a meter off the ground.
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A safe distance from the coyote bushes dotting the property line, Sans shook out his chair and tossed it down beside a patch of naked buckwheat. You followed suit and plopped into your seat.
“countdown?” Sans requested.
Before you could start, he had flung the machine unceremoniously upward, nearly thirty feet into the air. At its very peak, he voided his magic. It plummeted into a satisfying cacophonous crash of metal and glass, as if a double decker had smashed into a brick wall.
“Three,” you said.
Two Gaster Blasters materialized over his shoulders.
Their unhinged jaws pooled white-hot energy in their gullets.
Those wild-eyed dragon skulls unleashed two furious jets of dangerous magic. The light reflected in your sunglasses. Screams of raging power overwhelmed the once peaceful ambiance of nature. You both watched impassively, but perhaps just a little smugly, as what had once been a marvel of science was pummeled down into a flaming mess. 
The blasters dissipated, appeased. Both natural and magical fire burned high like a bonfire in front of you. You popped open a bag of marshmallows. Sans, meanwhile, emptied an old yellow envelope into the flames, then shrugged and tossed in the sleeve as well. Blueprint after blueprint shriveled away to embers, never to be crafted again.
“erase that, ya fat gameboy,” he muttered. 
Just as he reclined in his chair, a sputter of laughter spooked him out of it again.
“That was five years of our lives and 20 million G in government funding you just blew up.”
Sans whipped around, eye sockets wide and empty. You followed his gaze. The uncooked marshmallow you had been too impatient to wait for fell from your lips.
A lanky skeleton stood somewhat removed behind your chairs, clinging to a small paper bag and his own wrist. An orange laminate wristband hung above his bony palm, rugged from wear, and another rested alongside it in white. The sleeves of his loose, plum colored button-up had been pushed up to his elbows; the buttons down his torso had been fastened incorrectly, off by one. Something like apprehension and hesitation lit the small lights of his eyes, so similar to Sans’ and yet worlds apart. 
Sans’ hand shook audibly as he peeled the sunglasses from his face.
Wingdings looked exactly the same as he had nearly a century ago—no longer melted, his body whole—even if those awful cracks still split his skull. They had been mended, only scars now behind a thin but large pair of lopsided circular glasses. Though he had seemed joyful a moment ago, his smile slowly slipped away. 
At his heels, a small white dog panted happily. Far behind, at a bend in the road, a black Lincoln idled in park. Asgore stood leaning on the car door, watching from afar.
“I guess,” Wingdings eased past the silence, “it worked. Kind of. In a roundabout way. Basically, I was right; you were wrong. Congrats to me.” A small smile split his face again and his shoulders twitched upward. “Hooray,” he lilted weakly.
Sans had been creeping cautiously nearer, trembling, tracing that silhouette with the star of his left eye. Only inches apart, he touched the wristbands. The white one listed his name, his species, a mental hospital, and an admittance date—almost nine months ago. The orange band simply stated, “SUPERVISION REQUIRED.” 
Sans’ face was wet before he realized why. Every thought and feeling had been swept away until now.
“did you really come all the way from the void,” he hardly breathed, “just to rub it in my face?”
Wingdings stared down at him a long moment before his eyelights circled up into a cinched brow. He shrugged again. “Yes?”
Sans bubbled with laughter then, and Dings bubbled back. Next thing you knew, they were piled in each other's bones on the ground, happy, relieved, home. The Annoying Dog danced joyful doggy circles around them with a wildly flapping tail. 
From his vantage point, Asgore smiled with relief and found the resolve to approach.
“Oh, hey,” Wingdings said brightly when he noticed you nearing. “One sec.” 
He opened the paper bag and rustled around inside. The sound of pill bottles jostling like rain sticks only distracted you a moment before he surfaced something both considerate and serendipitous. Chocolate. Your favorite. A big, thick bar of the good stuff, the kind that melted in the mouth and made for soft and perfect s’mores. Your mouth salivated as you took the brick into your hands. The two of you were going to get along fine.
“One square at a time,” Asgore instructed you firmly.
You nodded.
“nine months?” Sans lamented playfully, tugging at the band around his brother’s wrist. “i coulda given birth by now. what happened? where were you? why . . .” Joy siphoned out of him. “why didn’t i know?”
At this, the anxious guilt Wingdings had forgotten sprang to life again.
“I’ll explain.” Asgore’s broad shoulders blocked the sun like a monument. His large though gentle voice stilled them all. 
“Your majesty, I can . . .” 
“I am no longer ‘your majesty,’” the great boss monster interrupted Wingdings with a smile. “I am your friend.” 
Dings relented, then, even if he fidgeted with the tags wrapped around his ulna and radius. Sans took his hand hostage.
Shortly before Sans had joined HEART, a small team had discovered Wingdings deep in the remnants of Waterfall. They had nearly given up their search when an annoying white dog barked after them ceaselessly. It led them to a dark alcove behind watery curtains, where Wingdings lay huddled in a corner, confused and nearly starved. 
“I was all bone,” Wingdings interjected shyly, but no one smiled. 
When he received the call that yet another skeleton had been unearthed, Asgore had raced to meet them almost as fast as he had run to meet you—but what he found was not the reunion he had hoped for. His smart, clever friend had been whittled down to a frightened creature with an ever fracturing hold on reality. With the breaking of the barrier, more than his grip on the rift had slipped loose. His mind had lost its bearings into a whirlwind of relentless psychosis. Excluding his early years in the void, Wingdings could not remember enduring an episode darker than this. 
Though warned of Wingdings’ catatonia and incoherency, the king of the underground immediately requested to visit him. He was glad he did. Something about seeing Asgore snapped Wingdings out of his stupor and into a brief moment of clarity, long enough to ask for help . . . and beg for the news not to escape, not even to Sans. 
“I didn’t want to be seen like that, marbles all over the floor,” Dings said. “And if I couldn’t be helped, well . . . I thought it would be better to stay forgotten.”
‘i didn’t forget you.” Sans’ grip on his brother’s hand tightened. “i mourned you. i thought you were dead.” 
‘I’m sorry.”
“I should have told you, Sans,” said Asgore. “Right away. I was torn . . . and the longer I put it off, the harder it became.”
Sans took measure of his heartache and decided it wasn’t worthwhile to blame them, not now. He had learned to forgive Asriel; he could absolve his brother and Asgore of this one misstep. He let the warmth of that metal bonfire and the sight of Wingdings’ tired face smooth over his soul.
“you don’t gotta apologize,” he sighed. “it sounds . . . scary.”
Windings nodded meagerly, but did not elaborate.
Asgore had placed him in a special care ward under the brightest human and monster minds he could assemble. Thankfully, humans had already researched three years ahead on this front. With their combined understanding of monster and human anatomy, they found a combination of physical and magical treatment that worked enough to stabilize him. The rest relied on therapy. 
“I’ll have sessions twice a week,” said Dings. “Asgore already agreed to take me, so if you have reservations . . .”
“reserva—the hell are you talking about?” Sans said. He had gripped his little brother by the shoulders, then, harsh at first but quickly gentle. Tears beaded in his eyes. “you think a little hot water’s gonna scare me off? you’ll be lucky if you get me off your heels!”
“It’s not over,” Windings said shakily. “I’m not cured. Something like this doesn’t just go away. It . . . sleeps.”
Sans deflated, then softly clutched him to his chest. Dings lowered his eyes, melting touch-starved into arms he had once lost hope in feeling. 
“i know,” Sans answered calmly. “and when it wakes up you don’t gotta face it solo. you’re not alone in the dark anymore. you’re home.”
Sans inhaled deeply, mercifully, as if he hadn’t truly breathed since the day he lost him. Saying the words aloud had released something inside him like puncturing a balloon. Everything felt pure and new: the weight of his brother in his arms; the scent of him intermingled with the neighbor’s freshly-cut grass; the warmth of his breath amid the late summer sunlight bleaching his skull; the glow of his eyes against the bonfire flickering strange their shadows. Nothing would let him forget this, not even the stars that began to glimmer out of hiding. 
“you’re home,” he said again, and this time his voice rattled with joy.
Wingdings held him very tightly then, desperately, and with it Sans knew he shared the sentiment. He smiled truly, deeply, never more whole, and hid it for himself in folds of wine purple cloth. 
“you made it.”
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The End
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Hear me now, hope you're listening It's been centuries, least what it seems to me I've been on this road, my eyes glistenin' Our past don't matter, I'm much stronger And fly much farther, soar overseas Finally, see, I'll keep on climbing Ridin' the lightning and I am sure
At times, I really didn't show What was wrong with me, wrong with me I told myself I cannot grow Without lovin' me, lovin' me But this is just the hell that lives inside Tell me now, where to? Please be my guide
I've been goin', goin' in circles Reoccurring dreams, talkin' in my sleep Then I'm floatin' up to the surface I can finally breathe, I could do anything And I don't know why it's all right And it's not at the same time Then I look up at a blue sky And I know
At times, I really didn't show What was wrong with me, wrong with me I tell myself I cannot grow Without lovin' me, lovin' me This is just the hell that lives inside Tell me now, where to? Please be my guide
"Lovin' Me" - Kid Cudi feat. Phoebe Bridgers
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That's it. That's the end. :')
This has been an amazing journey. Thank you, thank you so much for reading through to the end.
I've been considering starting a new fic, a part two so to speak, that follows Wingdings as he reconnects with family and friends and learns to navigate his new life. Plus healing, as well as his mental health and trauma from the void. Maybe romance??? idk. A wholesome slice-of-life thing, much lighter in tone. I have scenes in my head already.
Thank you again. I have a surprise in store, so please don't unsubscribe just yet. ;)
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askfallenroyalty · 1 year
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i haven't played undertale but i've watched many playthroughs. i'm hoping i can get the game for my birthday
image description in alt text, design notes and headcanons under read more
I believe Chara is not evil, just a little fucked up. Especially in the Genocide route. In the Pacifist route everything is fine and they get a happy ending :) :) :) I will manifest the happy ending into existence :) :) :)
Undertale human sprites are wack /affectionate. what is up with their bangs. anyway I headcanon that Chara cut their own hair and that's why it's uneven
Frisk is non-binary and use any pronouns and Chara is agender and use they/them
Chara coughs up flowers sometimes. It's not hanahaki. I just think the imagery is cool
Chara looks creepy but they turn back to normal during the fight with Asriel
this headcanon is from @/ licollisa but asriel's locket is human soul shaped (heart) and chara's is monster soul shaped (upside down heart) and frisk is wearing asriel's locket here
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carlyraejepsans · 1 year
I don't know how you can look at sans' pacifist arc which is all about letting himself care about the future again and rekindling that ember of hope he never truly lost in the shape of this tiny, sensational, cosmically terrifying human kid in order to finally move on from his past life and fully live the life he has NOW with his new friends, trusting said kid with his story, letting them know it's okay (sans with a lot of people you don't recognize. you and sans with all of your friends. it doesn't matter, he looks happy)
...and then go "i think post pacifist frisk would hate him".
that adds nothing to the characters and it's so needlessly mean spirited it becomes straight up cheap. hate him for what? not keeping his promise in full? letting them die? this kid fought a god and won, frisk doesn't give a crap about dying! the only times they react to death in any capacity in canon it's:
1) someone else's death (which they caused)
2) a way to make their opponent feel bad and stop fighting
3) after flowey takes their SAVE powers.
this kid gets beaten to death by asgore an uncountable number of times and they still trot over to gerson in the epilogue to be like "is he a goat? is he immortal? okay but what if he adopted me, could he adopt me? i'm very adoptable you know". be real now.
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strayedmarten · 4 months
Had a dream uty got an update where it checks for a true pacifist completion in base undertale and instead of getting Flowey's reset prompt on startup Clover wakes up in the casket room and gets to do a walkback epilogue like Frisk does and we get to see everyone go to the surface 😭
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harmless-pest · 4 months
I thought i didn't write down any of my plans for this blog, but it seems like I did? so here's some character bios I wrote and the synopsis of what was gonna happen in epilogue (unfortunately without visual direction)
The following content was written in 2017, only meant to be read by myself and is mostly unedited
The underground is going empty. Slowly. Mostly he stays at charas grave, bc he's a fukkin flower and would die without sunlight. The only other place with light is the palace and there's too much traffic there in and out of the underground. He wants to avoid people after what he did. Not that anyone remembers any of it, resets or the god thing (it was kinda cool he doesn't super regret that. More later) but he feels like. Bad about it and doesn't know how to deal with THAT baloney. he'll still go out every now and then though to see the state of the UG, explore abandoned places, hear word of the surface from locals who decided it wasn't for them or just came back to visit. None of them know who he is, but some are familiar with a weird flower they've seen popping out of the ground and suddenly disappearing. He absolutely idolizes frisk for saving the underground, doing what he and chara never could. But after a while alone with himself he realizes that frisk just coincidentally came at the right time. First he idolized chara, then frisk, and then he realized HE was the one who became a GOD and broke the barrier himself and sure frisk helped but he could have done it on his own! He's charismatic enough! Who needs frisk, they aren't even that great or cool! They had the power to reset and didn't even do anything cool with it! They went around one whole time and that was it, they weren't even interested in the experimentation and mind games... He gets very lonely without frisk. He only knew them for a day but they were kind and forgiving to him unlike anyone else has ever been. He misses them. Sometimes frisk will come back to visit but he'll hide in the other buttercups, ashamed he's a flower again and afraid to talk to them. He's fuckin constantly monologuing he's so lonely. Without someone to cut him off he just keeeeeeps gooooooing He kidnaps absolutely everyones mannerisms and gets so mad if you point it out He's been around for 2-3 months in reality, which is a fuckton of time for resetting esp compared to frisks single day. He had to get real bored to stop for so long and let it all play out. He's just glad he chose to stop on a timeline where everyone was relatively happy so they could all be saved. Where is chara? He doesn't know. He still misses them but he doesn't care much to see them again anymore. Chara wasn't that great, but they also weren't that bad. They were his best friend and he idolized them. Chara was sure they were the angel sent to free the underground and he believed them. He hates what happened but he doesn't blame chara for it. For a minute when he 180s on them he does! But he's just angry and the more he thinks about it he can't stay mad. They were just kids. They didn't know. this is what they get. He doesn't care for humans one bit. He's only met 2 and the rest tried to kill him on sight. As a whole he doesn't hate all humans, but he certainly doesn't trust any of them. He was once obsessed with humans, its kind of like having your favorite celebrity be a jerk but worse. Part of the reason he stays underground is to avoid them, but touristy humans go down there sometimes so it doesn't always work. Many times when he goes to ask how the surface is, its to affirm his beliefs about humans. And often the bias in the underground is on his side. Grillbys is still open down there so he mostly goes there for Intel.
The vague amount of time it’s been since chara and asriel died is fairly short. Short enough for chara to know snowdrake, short enough for chara to have instigated the gyftrot thing and introduced the underground to christmas
Primary motivations: fear of death, fear of loneliness. Fear of death trumps all, as being with friends puts him on the surface where theres too many people and things that have killed him before.
He’s dependent, picks a favorite person and latches on. Personality is largely a construct of traits he pulled from others. 
He’s self-obsessed in that he’s constantly analyzing his own behavior and thinking about what he’s doing. May be an asriel trait refined by ages of carefully shaping himself to behave in certain ways at certain times. He’s not actually that snappy and quick to anger? At least not normally. He’s in a bad mood lately but when he wants to, he can stay perfectly composed. The threats are just a mechanism to get others to fuck off.
He’s an open book who will keep going on about himself if prompted, and if he’s not trying to hide something from a specific person. Exacerbated by the fact that he’s been talking to himself for so long.
Nasty cognitive dissonance. He will carefully look at all potential issues and outcomes but will find excuses and land on the one that benefits himself/his desires. (ie, he wont admit it but he knows theres nothing really keeping him away from frisk)
He’s been living a long time “without consequences” yeah but he’s extremely critically aware of all consequences. Every action he takes is calculated, he’s just roleplaying 100% of the time. Now that he can’t reset, there are consequences, so he’s very afraid of doing things and fucking up. Part of the reason why he doesnt want to see frisk is because he can’t believe they like him and he thinks that if they learn more about him, they’ll stop. He doesnt know they know everything about him. Frisk is his special person, he cant stand to lose them.
A lot of this is devoted to him figuring out who he is as a person
Doesn’t care for life but fears death because he doesn’t know what’s going to happen without a soul: he fears the unknown
Has the patience of a god but he doesn’t like puzzles that much? He wants the story not the challenge, whereas chara and frisk enjoy the challenge (puzzle enjoyment goes chara>frisk>flowey). Like me, he’ll do the same thing over and over again for hours until it works, but if he gets stuck at a puzzle for more than 30 minutes he’s gotta leave for a while out of frustration. That isn’t to say he’s bad at puzzles, in fact spending so much time with papyrus has made him pretty good at them! At least in theory.
On the surface he has fucking AWFUL crippling panic attacks and he finds it hard to do anything or go anywhere, at least without frisk. 100% dependency and he hates it
First reaction when people do things for him is “no this is bad and I hate it” even if he likes it actually. He doesn't realize he does it until its too late and he's too stubborn to admit anything after the fact. Its a defense mechanism after being taken advantage of, developed because he's so complacent and fine with anything
Unrealistically high and vague expectations placed on him all his life (ur gonna do something big, ur gonna change the world, etc)
His feelings toward Frisk
Theyre his favorite person right now, he’s obsessed with them and loves everything they do. This will wear off and he’ll resent them for a while until he manages to get over it and stop idolizing them. The spite could come out of them having “moral highground” and gently scolding him over little things that add up over time, out of them taking care of themselves poorly because they prioritize others, and by the fact that they’re just as bad as he is as it turns out. He’s afraid theyll stop loving him since he can’t love them. Hes fairly candid about how he cant love them, even asking them if theyre aware he’s just using them for attention and being a leech. What he doesnt know is that frisk is using him as well to stop chara, so once he finds out about that there will probably be some kind of relief.
His feelings toward Chara
They were always the right one, the smart one, as much as he loved them and was fascinated by them and loved to learn things from them, he really hated that part of them deep down though he never snapped and shared it. In the future he will since he’s less tolerant.
His feelings towards the relationship those two have
He’s jealous that they’re so close and know so much about each other. They’re really closer than any two people ever could be since they’ve shared a body for so long. There’s also such a strange mix of love and hate between them that he really can’t read their relationship. He resents the idea of being the third wheel so deeply and he’s particularly spiteful of chara for this since he loves frisk.
He super do have them, eh?? He super is actually just very traumatized and lonely and confused eh?? Almost as if he absolutely can and does still love everyone, he’s just detached himself from it. Something very easy to do.
They’re kind of a little bitch and a goth. Rebellious teen days now!! They’re hard to read which can either work for or against them. They don’t really give a shit in a large part about much of anything, especially not now when they’re very concerned with themselves and their problems. They don’t get along with humans or much of anyone their own age for this reason.
Resetting was largely on their hands and they got pretty fucked up by it. Chara did encourage them to do some shit, it wasnt helped that flowey who had forgotten about them was encouraging them too. It was just a bunch of irresponsible kids playing games with peoples lives. There’s also a touch of frisk getting to points on the surface where things are new and changing which scares them into resetting for fear of the unknown future. 
Frisk thought everything was fine until they got to the end of all the genocide stuff, that’s when chara lost it. In the whole “you think theres no consequences for this shit u pulled” manner and tried to hold frisk to it. It was a 2 souls one body case where they shared equal control, this was the first time neither cooperated. Frisk wasnt immediately freaked out by chara, they’re both friends and frisk knew they were a weirdo. Frisk gave in and “sold their soul” so chara would let them do anything other than sit around in an empty void. Chara played the next game like their regular old friend. Then they killed everyone. That’s when frisk freaked out and realized their friend had lost it. When frisk learned to regret what they did. They reset to a world where their friends could be alive again and fought their hardest, but Chara still had their way. This timeline, Frisk went out of their way immediately to get any kind of protection from chara. All kinds of supernatural charms and tricks to keep ghosts at bay. As a result, it’s been a while since they saw chara. And they miss chara a lot. But they know that chara watches them and is waiting for the moment when frisk lets their guard down. 
Frisk pushes so hard to get flowey to come home with them because they know he’s asriel and they know he knows chara. Maybe he’ll know a way to talk some sense into them. And after everything they did, frisk feels betrayed by chara and can’t call them their best friend. Floweys the only person they know wouldn’t do that, he’s faithful to the end.
Frisk is a fixer though, they still love everyone despite what they did and feel genuinely sorry for the way they fucked up. Including chara after all theyve done. It breaks their heart that they can’t play with chara anymore
When frisk finally explains all of this to flowey, chara’s sitting there busting in loudly at every chance and every disagreement like the fucker they are and flowey’s doing everything in his power to tune them out and just watch frisk’s hands
Backstory and reasons why they climbed the mountain are unknown. They will not under any circumstances talk about their old life, which concerns some people, but prying accomplishes nothing. They try to act as though nothing bad ever happened to them to make them want to climb a mountain no one ever returns from, because life is good now and they’ve got loving friends and family. Even other humans who knew Frisk before don’t know much about them since they never really spoke. For Frisk, pretending it never happened is as good as it never happening, at least so they try to think. But they’ll have some triggers, just need to figure out what.
Frisk talks in their sleep, however it’s only very quiet nonsense gibberish. This shocks flowey, as he didn’t think they were capable of talking at all. It makes him more curious about their past too.
Are they soulless? It’s hard to say since really theyre nothing but a soul, just fractured all to hell and lingering long after they should. I still like the idea of their soul being a little infused with bits form asriels soul too
Before the underground, they were the youngest of a large family that mistreated them. They went underground after the death of their mother. In the underground they were best friends and great siblings with asriel. They hung out with kids they shouldnt have though. They werent treated super great underground either, as a human. They and asriel both got up to shit they shouldnt have.
Sans: Frisk assumed he knew everything already so they told him that they and flowey could reset. Didn’t tell him that they’ve killed everyone multiple times
Papyrus, Undyne, toriel, asgore: Doesn’t know
Alphys: let in a little on the reset business
The next section of the document covers the meetings, which were all made into finished comics, and therefore will be skipped.
(note from present Stem: this is all way more uncooked and hard to read than i thought it might be)
Flowey has nightmares that charas coming to kill him. Notably one comic where chara in shadow approaches and then it’s revealed as frisk
The inciting action
Kids make fun of Frisk for being “dumb” and flowey for being a flower and never wanting to be outside (he needs a roof over his head). At one point he snaps back a little too much and loses it a little. Frisk, as a result, tries to stuff him in their bag but this doesn’t calm him down. He blows up the backpack with magic and hurts a bunch of kids in the crossfire, including frisk
She walks into the room where flowey is. They say hi to each other. Then she asks if he's feeling well. He's confused, but says he's fine. She says that's good. Then she says he's been behaving strangely lately. Floweys upset by this. “Did my acting get worse or can you see straight through me?” she giggles, “I think its your acting, dear.” she asks him what's wrong, if he's not happy on the surface. He says no, he's happy and he never wants to go away again. He decides that he’s comfortable enough with toriel to tell her this, she was once his mom after all, and in a way she is again. He's confused. He doesnt know what to do while frisk is away at school, since he can't join them after he had a weird episode and threatened other kids. He can play with papyrus and that's fun, but he doesnt really want to do that. He doesnt want to leave or go anywhere without frisk really. Toriel asks if that's why he's confined himself to this little pot. He doesn't really know, and he doesn't want to admit being scared. Toriel catches on though. She sees that he really is just a regular kid in there, and a kid at that since its hard to tell with him being a flower, and hes scared of this big world. The underground has always been the same, small and hardly changing even after all the years since they were trapped down there. By contrast the surface is huge and full of new people and everything changes all the time, and it’s scary. By now she's caught on that he has issues with humans. She says that he can trust anyone in this house, but she understands if frisk is the only one he can really count on. He finally cracks. He admits that hes afraid of frisk getting sick of him since he's such a pathetic mess like this and can't do anything about it. Toriel tells him that frisk never would. They love him too much. But if he's still that afraid, then he needs to try and be better eventually. Sitting around in that pot all day waiting for frisk to come back won't do it.
Frisk finally breaks because flowey is being so insufferable and snaps at him. They both feel extremely bad, so toriel says that flowey needs to stay somewhere else for a while (because he won’t get along with anyone else in the house lately so sending frisk away is silly). Flowey hesitantly agrees to it and requests to stay with alphys and undyne. Which means i finally have to try writing for undyne lol. He probably hung out with undyne during frisk’s gym classes since he can’t exactly exercise as a flower. But he can’t go to work with her because he isn’t allowed at the school, so if he goes to work with anyone, it’s with alphys. She might take some time off for his sake too because she wants to get to know him and while she doesn’t fully understand why he’d go out of his way to choose her to stay with, she appreciates it. They watch some anime and al finally gets a chance to pry at him scientifically with a lot of question asking. He holds back on life questions except for ones that pertain only to this timeline and are least incriminating. Watching anime on netflix one night while the autoplay is loading he suddenly says he’s asriel. Alphys chokes on her popcorn or something and jumps to stop the autoplay like “what did you just say?!” “Don’t tell toriel. Or asgore. Please. don’t tell anyone.” ‘i won’t! I promise i won’t say anything to anyone!b-b-but did you really say youre--” “prince asriel. The one who absorbed the soul of the first human to fall underground and got killed on the surface” “b-b-b-b-b-but h-how is that possible?? Y-y-y-you don’t… you d-don’t have a s-soul, i-if you were--” “the flowers in asgore’s garden were growing out of my dust. That determination brought me back to consciousness.” “o-o-oh my g-g-god, I-i…” he finally looks up at her in the eye “alphys, you’re going to take this really badly. I’m gonna tell you everything. If you’re ready. I’m warning you now because this is going to get…. Really… really dark. And it’s going to make you feel awful. But you at least deserve to know. If you aren’t ready, I’ll stop. But there’s no promise I’ll ever be willing to say this all again.” alphys centers herself and turns to face him “i’m ready”
CHARA the first time they see chara again is shortly after frisk takes him home when chara possesses frisk and stumbles out of bed in the middle of the night. 
he catches them and theyre like “so at long last you caught on to me” 
f: “get out of frisk’s body” 
c: “what makes you think I’m not frisk?” 
f: “they don’t talk like that. no one’s as bad at roleplaying as you are, chara.” 
c*leaves frisk’s body*: “Why that tone, asriel? Are you not surprised to see me? I will admit, I did not think you would take this long to figure it out.” 
f: “I had my suspicions the whole time but you were always pretty well hidden.” 
c:”hm,,, that doesn’t sound right… oh… Oh! You let yourself forget!” 
f:”What are you talking about? why are you possessing frisk’s body” 
c:”Frisk never told you? Our sweet savior of monsterkind has been bad. they reset and reset and reset until they destroyed the entire world and I was happy to let them live in the void they created, the hard earned fruits of their labor, but they would not accept it. So they sold their soul to me in order to reset once again. They tried to fix all their mistakes and make the world as if they had never done any wrong. They have forgotten that their actions have consequences, so I am here to remind them.” 
f: “chara- chara. Chara. They sold their SOUL to you?” 
c: “yes they-” 
f:”did they sign a contract for it?” 
c:”A contract? What? No, of course not. I am a ghost, I don’t have paper-” 
f:”then it’s not legally binding” 
c: “what?” f:”it’s not legally binding! You can’t just take people’s souls, chara!” 
c:” Yes I can! I can? And I did.” 
f:”you’re being ridiculous! Give frisk their soul back and leave them alone!!” 
c:”no! ugh… we will continue this later” and then they leave
--- c: frisk has taken to wearing special charms and making all kinds of wards to keep me away. I don’t think they trust me anymore f: i wonder why
--- f: frisk taught me that anyone can be a better person if they just try, so I’m trying. They want to try too! c: frisk also went about systematically murdering every last one of their friends immediately after that f: chara. ohmygod.
--- c: I’m not going to swear. it’s rude and unintelligent f: it’s more fun tho
Chara makes mention of things they and flowey did in past timelines that were so fun and he can’t remember them, it makes him feel left out
Frisk’s room is covered head to toe in objects and symbols that ward off ghosts and evil spirits. They wear crosses and gemstone rings, they have objects scattered around their room and steal spices from the kitchen that supposedly help, and a circle of salt around their bed. Chara comments later that a lot of the things are meant to keep evil spirits away and therefore don’t actually do anything to them. No one really knows what to say to that
Flowey to frisk after he discovers they were just using him: so i guess… we’re even?  You were no better than me all along?
Frisk shrugs
“But um… i was using you because you loved me. So.. do you really…?”
Frisk frantically shakes their hands and waves their arms to tell him no, then scoops him up in a tight hug
Frisk laying in bed after a bad day
“Aw, is someone grumpy because they have too many friends?”
Frisk pushes his pot off the bed to crash down onto the floor while flowey snickers
Frisk has gotten in trouble for texting flowey during class so they have to put their phone away now
*insert some kind of normal convo. Then: frisk. Frisk reply. Reply. Reply. Reply. Reply. (cont.) all with very close together timestamps*
Frisk hours later: <3
*conversation continues as normal*
chara keeps possessing frisk and it drives flowey and frisk up a wall bc they can barely do anything about it other than by being constantly vigilant. theyre both exhausted and sick of it since charas spectral and doesnt run out of energy. and theyre so obnoxious. they go to alphys for help since she knows how to bond souls to things. she asks them why they dont like call an exorcist or something and flowey and frisk both hesitate before admitting they both love chara too much despite how shitty they are. alphys tells them that chara has to accept the body in order to bond to it, and everyone agrees it’s unlikely that they’ll go for anything unlike their actual human body. alphys says she may know something they can do, she just has to call a friend first. she gets on the phone with a mysterious human who they can’t hear on the other side. actually she might give her opener over text and then immediately get a phonecall in response. she opens by bringing up their interest in necromancy, says that she has a ghost, no not a monster ghost, a human ghost, then has to hold the phone back bc they’re screaming on the other side. she calms them down and starts asking about any ways they can think of making a body for someone. she might just tell the two to take off and give them a thumbs up, she’ll text them later. alphys finally gets back to them and tells them they might be able to build a type of hybrid human-monster body for chara, but they need their buried remains and powerful magic in order to do so, and it only makes sense that it be the magic of their parents used to resurrect them. she might sprinkle in that if this works, flowey might be able to get his asriel body back too. of course, nothing is possible if they can’t get chara to agree to all of it. and of course they don’t. their lack of body is punishment, appropriately earned. for them and flowey both. they can’t go back to their bodies just as they cannot undo the wrongs they have done. they cannot escape the consequences of their actions. it would be great if chara said “thats a funny trick to play on god!” flowey tells them that this isn’t some kind of fucked up divine punishment. what they did wasn’t so bad to warrant this. if anything, taking these forms has made them both WORSE. if it were supposed to be punishment they wouldn’t have these chances to get out. he was punishing himself for so long and it didn’t make any difference, but accepting everyone’s help and trying to do better with them DID help him. doesn’t chara want a body back? don’t they miss the ability to feel… anything? don’t they want to live the life they never got a chance to have? chara goes quiet for the first time in their life and undeath. then they agree to it. after that, the three of them go to asgore and toriel to finally break the news that their dead kids are still here. chara doesn’t show themselves, but the point still gets across. they agree to it wholeheartedly and without hesitation the next step is to prepare chara’s body. alphys has a small team of humans helping her out, or maybe just one very enthusiastic one. chara’s body is dug up and there are complements to how well preserved it is, this could be easier than anticipated. a mixture of science and magic is used to heal it and make its human processes function again. just before chara’s to go in frisk tells them that they can’t wait to finally hug them and they’re like “i take it back?? i can’t do this” once in their body chara’s just a clumsy weak little fuck and so very grouchy about having to feel things again.
When asriel gets his body back, the first thing he does is stomp out the old flower. Only frisk notices, it worries them. They try to ask him later but he gets offended like, “what you wanted me to keep it to remind me of my horrible life or something?! You think i need it in case something happens and i have to live in it again? I’d rather die!” the reality is that he thinks he’s cured and better and brand new now that he isnt a flower anymore, but that couldnt be farther from the truth. He’s now convinced hes perfect and can do no wrong which makes him do a lot of wrong
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sin-cognito · 3 months
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Rarepair New Year 2024 ch8: Sans/Error, Bad bro AU
Wordcount: 2932
Error has been checking on the original universe a lot lately.
Error has been checking on the original universe a lot lately.
He usually doesn't pay it much attention anymore, what with being busy keeping up with the new alternate universes that are born everyday and are invading the story. His hatred for each and every one of them hasn't wavered since the day he was born, and it's a daily struggle to destroy them enough that they cannot be resurrected.
He remembers how he used to check on Undertale all the time back in the day, when he could count the number of alternate universes on the fingers of one hand. Things were simpler back then, and he misses that time when he could take a peek at Undertale and marvel at the happy faces of his beloved original characters.
They're all treasures to him. Toriel, Papyrus, Grillby, the dog, Asgore, Temmie, Alphys and Undyne…
Sans is special. He's always been, for Error anyway. He's a part of him, but also not. Being nothing but a string of coding in a simulation, Error doesn't believe in any deity, but if he had to, he'd choose Sans. That's how important the skeleton is to Error.
Call it a crush, Error doesn't mind. He's given up a long time ago putting words onto the adoration he feels for Sans. Sans is special to him and that's all that matters.
Error has always taken great pleasure observing Sans. He never interracts, rarely even pays Undertale an actually visit because even when he does, he needs to stay hidden and make sure no one sees him. They're not aware of the alternate universes in Undertale, it's still only one of Alphys' unproven theories and Error intends to keep it that way.
(It would complicate things if Sans were to form a friendship with his alternates.)
(Because, well… Error's goal is to destroy said alternates.)
Lately though, Error had been too busy to check on Sans on a regular basis, but that has changed with the last Full Reset.
It's always the same with Undertale: all the characters' little, prewritten lives get upended the moment Frisk falls underground from the surface. There are generally three ways things can go from there: a pacifist run where Frisk befriends everyone (except Error), a neutral run where Frisk harms some of the monsters, and a genocide run which is self-explanatory. The later is Error's least favorite, because it's the one where Sans will die no matter what. The neutral run has the wildest variations in terms of results, as the end depends on how many monsters the human child has hurt, as well as their identity; the outcome greatly differs depending on whether Frisk has killed a random Froggit or a boss monster like Undyne.
There is no discernable pattern regarding which path Frisk will choose when they first wake up in the ruins. Error believes that they're more often pacifist than not, but he's too lazy to actually keep track.
When Frisk reaches the end of the story, one of two things will happen: either they free Monsterkind and spend the epilogue with them on the surface, or they don't.
After that, it's only a matter of time before the whole story resets to the very beginning, before Frisk even gets underground. None of the characters are aware of this, but being outside of the story's code, Error is allowed to observe. He then can watch as everything plays out again from the very beginning: the creation of the world, the war between Humans and Monsters, Gaster, the Underground and its various areas, the creation of Sans and Papyrus and how they grow up.
Error watched attentively the first few times, but it'd be a lie to say that it doesn't get repetitive after a while. Not boring, just… less exciting. (Except Sans. Sans is always interesting.) Still, Error enjoys watching again around the time right before Frisk arrives. Sans usually is fun to follow at that time, as he goes about his daily life in Snowdin, unaware of the presence of the little human in the ruins. Error will never get tired of the first time Sans and Frisk meet.
Error's current predicament is that there's been a glitch this time when the story loaded. It's not the first time, it's even happened once that there was no war between the Humans and the Monsters, but it always levels out one way or the other. It's also distinctively different from what an alternate universe is, because this is still very much the story of Undertale, just with a glitch in there. It's more of a timeline mistake, really.
And it's exactly what's happening here. Somewhere around the time Papyrus was created in this timeline, some source code glitched and the correct personality file didn't upload properly, resulting in Papyrus… well… being an asshole. A big one even.
He's not worse than some of what Error has seen in alternate universes, but it has still profoundly affected the balance of his relationship with his brother and as a result, Sans and him are far from being close, which is a key component to the original story.
To put it plainly, Papyrus is a bad brother who regularly hurts Sans, both physically and mentally.
It's hard to watch for Error, who is so very attached to Sans, more than Papyrus at least, but he reasons that it's only temporary. Soon Frisk will show up and do the whole befriend or kill everyone thing and then it'll all reset and start again. The glitch should be fixed by then. Hopefully.
But Error can't quite stop himself for checking on Sans more regularly, and what he sees rarely appease him. If Sans had some down moments in previous timelines, it's nothing compared to how depressed he is right now, and Error has to bite his tongue hard to stop himself from barging in when he witnesses from the safety of his void how nasty Papyrus can be in this timeline. He says and does things to his older brother that make Error's marrow boil.
For the most part, Sans accepts the harshness. He doesn't know better, he's grown up with this twisted version of Papyrus and knows nothing of the genuine care he's supposed to feel for the other. It doesn't help Error's feelings settle, because at the end of the day, all he's going to see is Sans hanging his skull low as he discreetly flees into the woods for a silent cry. Error can't do much besides staying there, watching helplessly Sans cry his SOUL out and offering words of hollow comfort that Sans will not hear.
Today is such a day. Sans is cooking in the kitchen, making lunch, before Papyrus shows up and blows up at his brother for no apparent reason. He says awful things and threatens Sans to beat him up, Sans tries to diffuse the situation but it doesn't work, of course, and the two have a big fight that culminates in Papyrus throwing an attack at Sans, who teleports out of the way before he runs out the door.
When he'd usually go into the woods to calm down, this time Sans hurries to the basement, where Gaster's broken universe-hopping machine waits. Error gets scared that Sans might try to fiddle with it and find another universe to run away to, to get as far from Papyrus as possible, and Error can't let that happen. It's not the first time Sans fixes the machine, he usually turns really desperate during neutral runs where his brother doesn't survive and thinks that the device is a time machine that will let him go back before Frisk beheads Papyrus. Error always manages to make it so that Sans doesn't accidentally universe-hops, but with the glitch affecting this timeline, he doesn't know whether his usual methods will work or not.
Sans randomly presses at all the buttons on the keyboard and even though Error knows that won't do shit until the machine itself is fixed, he knows that Sans is one breakdown away from trying that. Error panics and, trying to get closer to see what Sans is doing, he enters the machine. His outsource code messes with the piece of junk, enough that in the blink of a glitch, he finds himself thrown onto the hard cold floor of the basement.
He coughs and shakes his skull as he rubs his arm, looking back at the damn machine. He makes a mental note never to set foot into that thing again. Who knows what kind of consequences such a glitch could have in the future? Error would rather not find out.
He clumsily gets back up and turns around to check on Sans and see how he's doing with the keyboard.
Only to find Sans staring at him, his eyesockets still wet with angry tears and his mouth wide agape.
Error immediately understands the situation and lets out a long, tired sigh.
Sans is momentarily distracted from his pain, which Error is thankful for, and throws a billion questions at him, wondering who he is and where he comes from and why his bones are so dark and if he's related to Sans and why he actually looks like Sans' twin but with black bones and how he got here and so many more that by the time Error gets a word in, it's already night out.
Error explains very roughly who he is, not bothering with the most complicated details. Sans doesn't need to know, it's better if he doesn't actually. Error then very quickly stirs the conversation into comforting words and encouragements, telling Sans that there's something wrong with Papyrus and not with him, and that's why he's lashing out at his big brother so much.
Sans lets out a pitiful and heart breaking chuckle at that.
"yeah well, maybe if i wasn't so damn pathetic he'd be less on my case."
It leaves a bad taste in Error's mouth. Even if he knows that Frisk's Full Reset of the story will fix the glitch, he doesn't like Sans thinking like this, ever.
"no, sans, you don't understand. papyrus is not supposed to be like this. he's a good brother, and you're a good brother too. it's just a glitch," Error tries to explain as best he can. "you two get along really well, you're always spending time together and you never fight, not for real. you tease each other and banter a lot, but it's always in good spirits. i've never seen two monsters get along as well as you and papyrus, i promise."
There's a shift in Sans' eyelights as he listens to Error speak and then he smiles bitterly, his voice sad and broken and wet as he says, "but my papyrus will never be like that, right? because he's just a glitch."
Error realizes how he did the very opposite of comforting Sans as he watches the other crumble into sobs. Sans curls into himself like he's trying to disappear and make the pain go away.
Error is at a loss, he doesn't know what to do. His mind is blank, and so he doesn't think about what he's doing as his arms wrap around Sans' oh so small frame. He pulls Sans into his chest and rocks him as Sans wails into his arms, his hands shakily gripping at the front of Error's jacket.
Error can't do much more than apologize for revealing the hurtful truth to Sans and reassure him as best he can that at least he has Error now to confide in, or vent whenever Papyrus harms him. Error vows that he'll never leave Sans alone and hurt anymore. That's the least he can do. He might not be able to fix the glitch, but he can try to make Sans' current timeline a better experience.
They start to hang out, a lot. If Error avoided making any contact with the characters before, he shrugs that there's no point in hiding his existence now that Sans knows about it. He swears to himself never to intervene in future timelines, but this one is a lost case anyway, and he might as well enjoy Sans' company.
Turns out that Sans is an even more wonderful monster that Error thought, which says a lot, considering how high he already thought of the chubby skeleton. Sans is smart, fun, caring, witty, beautiful and Error is drawn to him like a moth to a flame. He's quick to get out of his depressive funk Error accidentally provoked, and gets livelier and happier each day he spends with Error. They usually just stay in the basement, chatting and playing games, but sometimes Sans brings him to the Snowdin forest, where they build snow sculptures, play between the trees, share secrets under the falling snow and just overall have an amazing time.
The sadness sometimes comes back to Sans' eyelights, but it's quickly replaced by unbridled joy when he spots Error. He knows then that his day is going to be better. With time, he shows less and less bitterness about Papyrus. His brother's nasty words seem to not reach him as deep anymore, and Error is relieved for Sans.
They spend about four months like that, hanging out together everyday, until Error finally announces the news that the little human is on their way. Frisk will arrive in the Underground within a week or two, and if they're in a good mood, Monsterkind might even get freed.
He makes sure not to mention the possibility of a genocide run. Sans doesn't need to hear about it in this timeline. He's suffered enough and ignorance is bliss.
(And if push comes to shove, Error is ready to intervene this time, whatever that entails.)
"you'll get to see the surface!" Error beams at his friend. "the sunset, and the stars, and the sky. And real rain and real snow."
"wow… that sounds nice," Sans whispers in awe with a beautiful smile. "i can't wait."
Sans carefully lets his skull drop on Error's shoulder. Error is tempted to wrap a comforting arm around Sans' waist, but he doesn't go further than thinking about it. He splashes his feet into the water of the luminescent stream in front of them instead. Sans is right, Waterfall really is the best place to hang out.
"error, what will happen to you when the human comes?" Sans asks after a while. "you said that i'm supposed to befriend them, but what about you? you're kinda me, right? will you be their friend too?"
Error hums. He does care about Frisk a great deal and would love to hang out with the tiny human, especially if Sans is there as well. He can already picture the three of them playing in the snow by the entrance of the ruins. Maybe Sans and Error could sneak up behind Frisk and surprise them, that could be fun.
He shakes his skull gently.
"i'll fade in the background for a while. it's your story, sans, and i don't want to influence it more than i already have. i've already said more than i was allowed to, to be honest."
Sans pouts. "hmmm. not fun." He then adds in a quieter voice. "what about papyrus? is he going to be the human's friend too? or is he going to…"
Sans doesn't need to finish the thought and Error does wrap that arm around the other, squeezing him reassuringly.
"don't worry about this, sans. it's almost over anyway. when frisk gets here and finishes their run, the world will be reset and papyrus will go back to normal. the risks of the same glitch happening again are very slim, so you'll forget he even treated you that way and you two will be best brothers again. i promise."
Suddenly, Sans sits up, removing his skull from Error's shoulder, making him miss the contact. Error worries he said something wrong again and stares intently at his friend.
"i'll forget about it? about papyrus being mean to me? really?"
"yes, sans. i know it's hard to imagine for you right now, but trust me. you're going to forget this timeline, everything about it, and then you'll be happy again." Error scratches his cheek as he looks to the side and adds, "i'm not saying things will be easy for you, you also struggle in other timelines, but you'll have papyrus to support you. you won't remember how awful he is right now."
This doesn't seem to be the thing to say to cheer Sans up, because it doesn't work and Sans looks almost gloomier with each new word that goes out of Error's mouth, so he shuts up, waiting for Sans to speak his mind.
Error's patience is rewarded a couple minutes later.
"what if i don't want to forget?"
Error blinks.
"i think i don't want to forget." This time, Sans looks straight at Error.
"but… why? you'll be happier if you forget all of this ever happened."
"not if i have to forget you."
The words barely register before Error feels Sans' teeth press against his mouth. He instinctively closes his eyesockets and lets Sans kiss him. Sans runs his tongue along Error's teeth, asking for entrance that is easily granted.
Only the echo flowers around them witness their love, and they too will forget all about this soon.
But even if Sans and the echo flowers and the entire world forget about this moment, Error will remember.
Error will never forget.
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havockingboo · 2 years
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E.C. AU concept doodles back in August. The very beginning stages of fleshing out the AU, so a lot of things have changed from these first concepts :]
‘Frisk’/Player concepts
Getting a feel of how Papyrus would act in the AU
Brainstorming the possible epilogues towards the Player (note: Frisk is just emoting just to make it easier to see how the player feels)
Flower’s character and behavior in the beginning of the au (he’s shown to be mean here but he’s just overwhelmed with papyrus’ panic and doesn’t know how else to cope with it yet)
Papyrus new battle body concept
short comic (originally a destresser just to vent, so what’s happening isn’t entirely canon. does give you a sneak peak of what a possible comic would like)
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galactic-knightmare · 4 months
MercyTale Rewrite Redesigns
AIGHT! the MercyTale redesigns. ARE DONE! Mild warning- there is blood. and some bones through someone. which is why I'm putting this under a cut lmao. its not the worst but better safe than sorry XD
Starting wiiiitthhhhhh THE FALLEN HUMANS!
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Pssst- Soul Skill stuff and LV corruption are explained in THIS post! I was intending to do Pixel art 'Sprites' for all of them, but I kinda... gave up lmao. I might try again later...
As stated before, back when I originally made MercyTale on DA, Soul Remnants still have bits of how they died show on their forms- Chara has Buttercups growing all over them, and Frisk has been absolutely skewered by bones.
Also, as per the changes, Frisk is not entirely evil, and Chara is not entirely innocent. It'll be explained more once I get through the writing part... (also no, the 'Player' is not a factor here)
I'm still debating if I should make Melody trans, but we'll see. It might even end up being done AFTER I finish the rewrite completely lmao.
Anyway, Sans now!
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yes I redesigned him AGAIN after having already redesigned him not long ago. I wasn't happy with his tail at the time, and he didn't match the other redesign sheets anyway.
I also added some blood and dust to him- Dust from his own injuries and Blood from the fight with Frisk.
...Also yes, that does mean he hasn't washed off the blood and dust in three years. Its fine- he can get a bath in the epilogue oneshots... XD
And Finally, the Soul Remnants!
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They haven't changed enough to be stated, since, ya know, Soul Remnants- they kinda just keep reliving the moment of their death again and again, which is really kinda dark, but eh. It'll get fixed.
Anyway, I'm off to either Chill with some games, or start working on the Rewrite itself. ADIOS!!
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bonetrix-arts · 9 months
I made the first three drawings last year but never finished the set so I didn't post them jhfbeh
Decided to finish em up for this year!!! I wanted to do like an epilogue type thing, drawing everyone still hanging out a few years in the future :3
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I imagine Frisk likes to help Asgore take care of his garden.
I also think they're pretty close with Toriel still!!
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Papyrus likes sharing funny things he finds on the internet with them, I imagine he would try to be a YouTuber so he probably also shows them his videos XD
Sans is once again short in comparison to them, I think they'd use him as an armrest frequently JHBSDGHV I also thought it'd be cute if maybe one of Snowdin's residents or Grillby's patrons wrote a book with all of Sans' jokes in it hehehe
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I like to think that they have anime marathons with Alphys fairly regularly. They strike me as someone who would grow up to be a huge animation nerd (what no I'm not self projecting at all shut up).
I also think that Undyne would wind up as a personal trainer because. COME ON people. It would work so WELL for her!!!
I love this game to pieces, it's crazy to think about how much of an impact it's made on my life. I'm glad I finally got aound to finishing these, I was super happy with this idea n I'm pretty stoked th how it came out!!! Found Family my BELOVED <3<3<3
Anyways erm I wish I didn't feel the need to say this but please please please don't tag this as ship because,,,,yeah. Icky. Just wanna be safe yk.
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heavenfell-au · 1 month
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Their Wings - The Epilogue
[Page 75, 76]
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riftfic · 8 months
So, it's finally finished. Now what?
Well, a few things. First of all I have a surprise coming so don't peace out just yet. :) It might take a second, though. I feel like I have no right to ask for patience anymore lol but I promise I have something up my sleeve.
Second, as I mentioned in my notes after the epilogue, I'm considering writing an exploration of the aftermath. A slice of life thing about how the characters deal, kind of like what Steven Universe did with Future. I don't want to spoil the ending of Rift for anyone new or still reading, so I'll put the details below the cut.
And third of all . . . thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
Having the completed story out in the world feels somehow both full and empty. It's been rocking around my head for years and to finally have it out of me is just . . . It's an odd emotion and I don't know how to describe it. I don't think I've been through something quite like this before.
What I will say is that I'm incredibly grateful to every person who read this story: past, present, and future. I'm not sure how far it would have gone without your support. Words aren't enough, but they're all I have.
Thank you so much. 💙
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Now for the spoilery bits. ;)
The second part would primarily follow Dings as he navigates his new life on the Surface, reconnects with family and friends, tackles his trauma (both preexisting and from the void), and comes to grips with his mental illness. It would allow me to get into some things that weren't exactly relevant to Rift but I would like to explore. For instance, you might have noticed that Wingdings and Sans have very different perspectives on their mother's absence. There's a reason for that. He has hangups on humans for related reasons as well, which would be an obstacle to overcome. Their past has been left a mystery I'd like to excavate. And I don't know about you, but I personally want to see Dings and Papyrus bond already because dammit they barely know each other anymore and that sucks!
There's also a lot of potential to face how Frisk deals with the new normal. If I regret anything, it's that Sans took over the narrative of Rift to the point I felt there wasn't quite enough room to truly resolve Frisk's new perspective as Chara. Asriel was thrown to the backburner as well. That plus the reality about how the resets only affected those in the Rift's sphere of influence could lead to some interesting conflict. I imagine it's been really hard on Frisk. If anything, their arc in Rift took them to a darker place in contrast to Sans' heading to a lighter one.
Speaking of Sans . . . though he left off in a good place overall, there's the hard truth that Dings just isn't going to be the same after what he went through. The same is true for Sans, of course. There's potential for further healing and coming to terms with their relationship now versus then.
In short, it would mostly be about healing (as is pretty much everything I write, I've come to realize). Hurt/comfort like Rift but not nearly as high stakes or intense. It would be much lighter in tone: some comedic moments, some heartfelt ones, some tense ones. Slice of life, like I said.
What do you think? 😅
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askfallenroyalty · 2 years
So, if you're excited to go to college... then why did you ask Asriel if they wanted to Reload?
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[has alt id]
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imtrashraccoon · 6 months
I got a bit busy but I haven't dropped this series! It made more sense to combine these two ideas rather than make two separate chapters I think. I have about three more planned chapters that will both serve to wrap up the final threads and also serve as an epilogue of sorts.
This chapter takes place a day after Day 18 Festival or two months and three weeks after the humans fell into the Underground.
First Day, Previous Day, & Bonus Three.
Bonus 2: Festival & Dancing Part 2
You were stirred from sleep by an incessant bouncing on the couch cushions, which was no doubt Frisk's doing. With a low grumble of annoyance, you rolled onto your back and pulled the blanket up to your chin.
"... it's too early kiddo..." you murmured.
For a brief moment all was quiet and you almost began to wonder if they'd actually decided to show mercy on you.
You were mistaken.
The sudden collision of their much smaller, but still quite solid, body with your abdomen immediately dashed away any hope of getting a few more minutes of sleep. You let out a sharp gasp of pain and your eyes shot open to their now widely grinning expression.
You scowled and before they could get away, pulled them into a crushing hug. "You little pest," you growled in a teasing way while trying to get your own revenge by tickling them.
Frisk squirmed and wiggled to get away but to no avail as your grip held firm and you rained down tickles until you were both completely out of breath from laughing so hard. Only then did you release them and collapse back onto your pillow to recover.
"Okay... So what has you so impatient for me to get up this morning?" you finally asked.
"Santa came!" they signed. After a moment though, their excited smile fell to be replaced by a confused expression. "He did come, right? Even though there's no chimney?"
You chuckled and managed to sit up, pulling Frisk with you so they were sitting on your lap. "Well... You're right about the chimney part, so we decided to help Mr. Claus out this year since he wasn't able to drop off your presents in person."
You hoped your explanation wouldn't confuse them further but what else were you supposed to say? Right now would be a bad time to break the news that Santa Claus wasn't real and while you didn't want to lie to them, you also knew the importance of childlike wonder. It couldn't hurt to keep that hope alive for at least one more day, right?
Frisk seemed to consider your words for a moment before they smiled again and nodded slowly. "That makes sense... I suppose he can't come down here anyways because then he would be trapped and no one would receive presents."
You stroked their head in an affectionate way and smiled as well. "I guess that's one way of looking at things, but it's alright. Even if things aren't the same this year, we love you and we still want you to be able to be happy, okay?"
They wrapped their arms around your neck in a fierce hug that actually caught you off guard. You embraced them though and slowly rocked their body back and forth.
The brothers came downstairs eventually, although you could tell Sans seemed like he hadn't completely woken up yet. Papyrus was somehow the opposite and looked the very picture of perfect, like one those cliché "Just woke up like this" Instagram posts. You honestly envied him but weren't about to voice your complaints out loud, as he totally would take satisfaction in holding it over your head.
Once everyone was gathered together, Frisk opened their presents. While they seemed excited to receive the sketchbook and coloured pencils, you were surprised to see how much they liked the Mettaton action figure. They were grateful for each of their presents, but you could tell what the winning gift had been and it wasn't even a close contest.
A little later while Frisk was checking out the books they'd received, you helped Papyrus in the kitchen with making breakfast. It made you happy that Frisk had liked what you had managed to get them and while things were different this year, overall they seemed happy, which was what you'd been most worried about.
"got a question for ya, Rihanna."
You glanced over to find Sans leaning against the archway between the kitchen and living room. "Sure, what's up?" you asked.
"frisk mentioned a guy named santa claus earlier. so, who is he exactly?"
Papyrus seemed to perk up at the question and stopped what he was doing. Turning to you, he inquired, "Does He Seriously Just Enter Your Home Without Asking Under The Pretense Of Leaving Gifts?"
You chuckled and responded in a lower voice than before so Frisk would be less likely to accidentally overhear. "Well, that's how it traditionally works. The truth is it's just a fun thing someone made up for the kids to make this time of year magical or something."
"Right, I Cannot Imagine Not Having Magic, Let Alone Not Growing Up Surrounded By It, That Must Be Unbearable," Papyrus mused. "My Previous Question Still Stands Though. Why Do Humans Trust A Stranger Like That Around Their Children?"
"Most people don't," you answered flatly. "Besides, Santa Claus doesn't actually exist, it's just a guy in a costume pretending to be him. Most Santa's are set up in malls so you can get pictures with them anyways."
"so he's made up?" Sans asked in a tone that sounded like he didn't fully believe you.
You couldn't help the grin that formed at his question. If you didn't know better, both brothers actually seemed rather concerned and while you could understand why, it was still pretty amusing that they were so unnerved by a harmless tradition.
"Yes, Santa Claus is made up. In fact, the whole tradition of a man that gives presents to children was based on an actual person named Saint Nicholas who gave money to people in need. While Santa has roots in many cultures, usually by different names, the concept is pretty much the same across the board."
Sans made a low humming sound and tapped his clavicle thoughtfully. "huh, that's quite different than what we thought..." he muttered.
You tilted your head questioningly and glanced between the brothers. "What did you think Santa Claus was then?"
"i dunno, like a celebrity or a ruler of some sort?" Sans rubbed the back of his skull awkwardly and frowned. "look, 's not much you can really gain from the random junk you find in the dump with his stupid face on it, okay?"
You giggled at his obvious embarrassment and shook your head. "No, no, it's okay! Anyone would find my culture's fascination with him strange and you've probably only seen a glimpse into the level of our obsession."
Papyrus chuckled and placed a hand on your shoulder. "Your Kind Have Some Strange Traditions But I Suppose We Do As Well. In Fact When We First Put Up The Lights Outside, We Did Not Even Know They Were Christmas Lights Until Much Later. We Just Thought They Looked Cool So We Have Left Them Up Ever Since."
Sans nodded in agreement. "too much effort to take 'em all down anyways..." he muttered.
"Fair enough, most would probably agree with you, but then there are crazy people who decorate their entire home and yards with lights. I couldn't even begin to understand how they can stand doing so."
< ~ - . - ~ >
That evening, Papyrus approached you in the kitchen and you couldn't help but notice that something was different about him. He seemed kind of excited, but not in a teasing or smarmy way, and he was holding something behind his back.
"What's this about?" you asked.
With more flourish than was necessary, he produced a decent sized package wrapped in simple brown paper and tied together with twine. You could feel your heart skip a beat and while you didn't want to assume this was a present considering the occasion, your mind couldn't seem to come with any other explanation.
"I Was Thinking Of You Recently And So I Got You Something To Show My Appreciation," Papyrus explained as he handed the package to you.
You blinked in surprise and for a moment just looked at the present, scarcely able to believe this was happening. You hadn't expected for him to get you anything but you really shouldn't have been as surprised that he had. Coming from the guy that would jump at the chance to spoil you if it wouldn't make other people suspicious, and if you had let him, this gesture should've been obvious.
Upon opening, the package contained something knitted from incredibly soft red yarn. You quickly realized it was actually a shawl with a fringe and, by the texture, seemed to be made from a similar material to Papyrus' scarf.
"Is this...?"
He nodded, "Yes, It Is, Precious. I Remembered How Much You Seemed To Like My Scarf So I Got You Something Similar." He couldn't seem to be able to stop the wide grin that crept across his skull and in a slightly snarky tone added, "Maybe With This You Will Refrain From Stealing It Again, Hm?"
You felt your cheeks grow rather warm from embarrassment and looked away. "It was one time! Besides, I did give it back when you noticed..."
He chuckled and cupped your cheeks with both of his hands, guiding your gaze back to his own. "I Know, I Am Only Teasing You..." he purred softly.
"This is really nice though... Thank you, Paps." You frowned slightly and glanced down at the shawl. "I just... I feel bad I didn't get you anything in return..."
"Hey." When you looked up at him again, he smiled in such a genuine way, that it almost made your heart melt. "I Know You Were Not Able To And I Never Expected Anything Like This From You. I Only Got You Something Because I Wanted To And Just Having You By My Side Is Enough To Make Me Happy."
"Still," you pouted, "I wish I could've."
A moment later though, you got a bit of a cheeky idea. "Hey... There is one thing I could give you..."
Papyrus seemed to catch on rather quickly. Maybe it was your tone of voice or maybe it was the slight smirk you had when you said it. Either way, he bent down slightly to be more on your eye level and gave you a bit of a curious look.
"Oh? And What Is That?" he asked.
"It's a sort of human Christmas tradition..." Rather than explain and ruin the moment, you decided to just go for it, despite the lack of mistletoe. Catching him by surprise, you wrapped your arms around his spinal column and kissed him.
He almost melted into your embrace and barely hesitated to hug you back. You released him after a minute but couldn't exactly pull away when he continued holding onto you. He pressed his skull against your forehead seemingly content in the moment.
"I Like Your Traditions, Precious," he purred in your ear.
You grinned in satisfaction, "I hoped you would..."
He held you close for a little while longer before he seemed to get an idea. His hold loosened on you except for his right hand which he moved to just behind your left shoulder.
"Remember A Few Days Ago When You Asked If I Would Teach You How To Dance?" he asked.
Your eyes widened and you nodded. "Yes, are you saying you want to right now?"
He grinned, "If You Would Like To."
"I would," you agreed. "But a fair warning, I probably will end up stepping on your toes a bunch as I've literally never done this before."
"Do Not Worry About That, You Could Not Hurt Me If You Tried."
Papyrus directed you to wrap your left arm over his right and rest your hand near his shoulder. He then clasped your right hand with his left and raised your joined hands up to about your own eye level.
There wasn't any music to really sync your movements to, but that didn't bother you in the slightest and you slowly swayed back and forth together. Once you'd become a bit more comfortable, Papyrus guided you into a basic step.
He moved to his left and brought his feet together before repeating, bringing you along with his movements. Then, he repeated the process but to his right this time.
It was much simpler than you'd originally pictured and actually pretty fun. You were pleasantly surprised that you didn't make an absolute fool of yourself. While he didn't admit to it, you suspected Papyrus was somehow purposely guiding you in such a way to prevent you from stepping on his toes like you'd fully expected to. He moved with such confidence though that you didn't mind in the slightest.
You quickly lost yourself in the moment and found yourself only able to focus on his face. Here was the toughest and also the strongest man you'd ever met, and yet he moved with the grace of an experienced gymnast or athlete. It was so contradictory and yet made complete sense for him as a person.
He was just that cool.
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carlyraejepsans · 1 year
How likely do think Sans would be a stay at home dad if/when he marries Toriel?
Like he wouldn't have to do much besides make sure Frisk does their homework, brushes their teeth and goes to school and bed on time, then he gets to laze around for 8 hours while Frisk, Toriel and Papyrus go to school/work.
funny enough, no I don't think he would be! after the last seasonal newsletter dropped and we got to know about his and grillby's friendship a little, i really love the idea that they open a bar together on the surface. he doesn't do much more than what he already did there as a regular, mostly entertain the crowd and make sure people get along, he just does it behind the counter this time, and helps grillby out when things get busier.
as for frisk, it wouldn't really be a problem. with toriel running the school, they'd already be under her supervision in the morning, and in the afternoon i think they prefer to wander. they don't really strike me as a sedentary child, they'd still keep exploring and digging around and making weird friends in even weirder places after getting their happy ever after methinks. they're pretty independent! toriel isn't 100% enthusiastic about it, but if she respected their autonomy enough that she would have let them set off on their own permanently in the epilogue, i think she'd respect their wish to snoop around if they decided to stay with her anyway.
and if they ever need sans on the job they know where to find him! there's a dedicated table in the corner of the bar for homework help purposes.
like you pointed out, it's true that sans is lazy, and he loves being lazy. but i think it's also important to remember that sans is an extremely social/extroverted guy. when you consider how his sentry job is basically "sit around all by yourself in the middle of nowhere for hours with little to no supervision", that seems like the dream job for the laziest man on earth, but he actually describes it as "kinda boring". it's meeting toriel at the door that makes it worthwhile.
sans loves people! he loves being around them and pranking them and making them laugh. so on the contrary, i could actually see him picking up odd jobs here and here, just to have a chance to meet someone new. maybe even volunteer as a janitor at toriel's school so he has an excuse to hang out with her during work hours. and if he wants to nap, well... he'll nap. no big deal. when has being out of his house ever stopped him from doing it, anyway :P
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