wheredidalltheusersgo · 4 months
Geoff and Brody were so sweet in "Little Bull on the Prairie" I'm gonna cry
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joshseoh · 11 months
hair cc pack coming this week!
Based on the bachelors of Harvest Moon & Story of Seasons A Wonderful Life!
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real-total-drama-takes · 10 months
nemma was to avoid nowen and lesbian emma allegations and macbrody was to avoid macsanders and breoff allegations and no one can change my mind
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calamari-pop · 8 months
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a warm celebration
a dnd group photo of a fun night camping n the woods around a warm meal~
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ilariyalavorowrites · 1 month
Writing update
I'm waiting for the poll results to finish Chapter Four as I need to work out a few final details. So I'll write future fluff scenes for Stalking Me, Stalking You.
This scene will include an additional pairing that should have been canon - Morgan and Greg! They were so damn cute together.
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ariesbilly · 6 months
The way Tom Sandoval has always talked to people is so condescending and holier than thou like sorry it didn’t take scandoval for me to hate him I’ve hated him this whole time ✌🏻
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mostautisticsinner · 1 year
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Quick drawing for TDoV...Theyre t4t I just know it
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shaking n crying n vomiting
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sushisempai · 8 months
This is a scene that I am 100% certain is canon in the CSI universe and takes place somewhere between "It Was a Very Good Year" and "Ghosts of the Past." I feel like this explains all the subtle interactions and makes them better.
Open the cut for an adorable Morganders/Grody moment that is living rent free in my brain. Yes, I know I'm late to the party. Don't care!
"It's no Frank's but it's not bad." She said quietly. She wasn't sure she was ready to go home and go to bed yet. The sun was well and truly up and it didn't feel like sleep was coming.
Morgan followed Nick out of the dinner and exchanged pleasantries as he headed to his car, a literal doggie bag in his hand. She stopped at the curb and felt, more than saw Greg step out behind her.
"Yeah." Greg mumbled a response. She turned and looked at him. he had one hand in his pocket, the other on the back of his neck and his eyes were on his shoes. He glanced up quickly then back down as he said. "Morgan... the other day you said..." He looked up to watch Nick pulling away with a wave.
"The best is yet to come?" She finished. His eyes came back to her.
"Yeah, that. Do you know the rest of that song?"
"I do." She smiled to herself and nodded.
He huffed a nervous laugh, somewhere between excitement and fear. "I did not realize how much I wanted you to say that and at the same time..." His eyes went on his toes again as he engaged in a nervous little dance.
She was fairly certain he was incapable of being still when he wasn't holding scientific instruments.
"At the same time?" There was something she wasn't saying.
"At the same time... I don't want to mess this up." He gestured between the two of them.
"So don't? If it doesn't work out I promise to still be your friend." She gave him a flirty smile that barely hid her growing anxiety.
"You weren't here when Grissom and Sara... When Ecklie... when he found out they were together he was pissed and said Sara couldn't be supervised by Gris. The thing is by then they had been together for months and they kept it quiet. It only came out because this psycho serial Gris was chasing took Sara. She would have drowned if he hadn't been on the case." He paused a moment and then said more quietly "Though them dating was the reason she was taken... I guess it's a chicken and egg thing... But the point is, I don't want them to split us up. I love working with you. You're my partner. I want to have your back."
"Greg, that is really sweet, and a little macho, but I get it." Her head swayed as she though a bit. "First, you're not my boss, so we'd could be find on the same shift. But I don't want a different partner either. So we go on a date or something; that's no one's business but ours. Let's worry about anything else if and when we need to."
"You couldn't tell your Dad. I don't want to ask that of you." Even as his words were discouraging there was a cautious hope in his tone and their eyes met.
Before she could stop herself she blurted "My sex life is not my father's business." in a mildly irritated tone. Greg smirked and raised an eyebrow as she felt her face turned heat. "I mean, that is also a problem for another day. Aren't you putting the cart before the horse. Nothing has even happened yet."
His smile grew. "Yet?"
She thought she might be on fire her face was so warm. She chewed her lower lip thoughtfully then smiled and raised and eyebrow as she stepped a little bit closer to him. "Yet."
Her advance seemed to be the permission he needed and he pulled her close and kissed her as hard as she kissed him back. His arms found their way around her waist and she looped hers around his neck pulling him down to her.
Cue the song "This Kiss" by Faith Hill as they share a clearly very passionate kiss for a good 30 seconds or so.
A wolf whistle was followed by Finn's voice "Get a room!" Greg and Morgan flew apart both red faced and breathless. "You guys forgot I went to the restroom didn't you. It's about time."
"Could you maybe not tell anyone about..." Greg trailed off, his eyes flicked to Morgan as if worried she'd be angry at his statement but she just laughed a little breathlessly.
"Of course! Well, actually, can I tell Nick? He owes me so much money." she paused thoughtfully. "And Henry. He had next week in the pool." They stared at her for a moment before she laughed. "Just kidding. About Henry at least. But don't worry. Your secrets safe with me, kids." She winked at Morgan and headed for her car.
Morgan started laughed more and Greg met her eyes with a grin and a chuckle. "So, I don't know about you, but I'm not going to get any sleep for a while now." She chuckled and shook her head. "Someone gave me this great Sinatra album recently. Could I interest you in some coffee and music."
"Sinatra, huh? I heard you make good coffee." She said taking his arm and turning them both towards the parking lot. She hummed quietly the tune of the best is yet to come...
Greg finished the words softly. "come the day you're mine..."
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mayorwhisper · 1 year
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treetownconfessions · 10 months
mod please tag that fucking rancid asks as scat im getting nauseous of the idea of my comfort character covered in shit thanks
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wheredidalltheusersgo · 5 months
I call Brody X Geoff BroHomo
this time hes kissing the bros with homosexuality in his eyes
they say "Full homo, bro...." right before they make out
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The hunter siblings Sugar and Grody 🪓
Allot of the hunters scattered after old Frank was taken out. These two are probably plotting their revenge somewhere.
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fairykukla · 1 year
And the nominee for "This Is Some Shit I Sure Didn't Need Right This Second":
I discovered what was making The Funk in my car. This was at the end of day two of the great search for a wedding dress at the last second.
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Several inches of standing mystery water in my spare tire nook.
Everything in the hatch was damp, wet, and or moldy.
I pulled out the three camp chairs and beach umbrella to salvage them, and tossed the rest.
The cardboard and carpet liner that covered up the spare and its stuff was soaked and super gross. I hosed it down and set it against the side of the house to dry. I will probably need to replace it.
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I scrubbed it all out with bleach toilet cleaner, bailed it out with a QT cup, and then hosed it out as well. (And another round of bailing out the water.) It feels really surreal to be running a hose into what is basically my car's trunk.
What's freaking me out is that I don't know where the water came from. Do I have a leaky seal? Did I accidentally dump something out? I didn't even have anything back there that holds water.
Weird and gross, man. Weird and gross.
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calamari-pop · 4 months
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the dnd group trying on their new disguises
(also the wheel isnt even attached to the cart oops!)
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Tagging my ships of CSI
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