evilios · 3 months
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We're so used to referring to Apollo and Artemis as Divine Twins, but did you know that the earliest known Ancient Greek sources do not explicitly denote the two as being twins?
That isn't to say one text depicting a myth is more correct than the other - but I so rarely see mentions of Apollo and Artemis as not twins that I find it all the more dear. There is beauty in Solar and Lunar twins - but I also see the same beauty in siblings who are not predetermined to be each other's mirror by the fact of birth.
The first mention of Apollo's name in the Ancient Greek texts is in the Homeric Hymn to Apollo (3), trans. by Hugh G. Evelyn-White:
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Here's a link to the original.
They are not explicitly called twins and They have different birthplaces: Apollo's birthplace is Delos, Cyclades - Artemis is born in a place named Ortygia. It should be stated that only Apollo's birth is given any sort of detail, and it is unclear where Ortygia was.
Ortygia (center of modern Syracuse named after the Greek word for quail) in Sicily has been known to Greek colonizers since around the 8th century BCE, Homeric Hymns date to approximately the 7th-6th century BCE. It's possible that Artemis was born there. In this case, the locations are separated by the Ionian sea and a large part of Greece. Delos is a small island to the North from Naxos and right at the Southern ridge of Mykonos, Ortygia in Italy is the Eastern part of Sicily:
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Ortygia could also be attributed to a large number of other places. Strabo (63 BCE - 24 AD) in his Geography (10.5.5) stated that Ortygia is but an old name for Delos or for Rheneia, a small island in the Cyclades:
Rheneia is a desert isle within four stadia from Delos, and there the Delians bury their dead; for it is unlawful to bury, or even burn, a corpse in Delos itself, and it is unlawful even to keep a dog there. In earlier times it was called Ortygia.
Though earlier in the same book (6.2.4) he argues that Ortygia might also be in Sicily. He gives a detailed explanation of what we now know as the Old Town of Syracuse:
Ortygia is connected with the mainland, near which it lies, by a bridge, and has the fountain of Arethusa, which sends forth a river that empties immediately into the sea.
— The Geography of Strabo, Books 1-5 translated by Hamilton and Falconer
Ortygia is also a placename attested to different parts of Greece. For example, in Homer's Odyssey (5.123), a much earlier text, Artemis kills Orion in Ortygia and the place is not anyhow noted to be connected to Delos:
<...> until in Ortygia chaste golden-throned Artemis attacked with her painless darts and killed him.
— The Odyssey of Homer, translated by James E. Huddleston
Hymn to Apollo is not the only Ancient text predating any mention of "twins" that did not specify that the two were born at the same time. Hymn to Artemis (27) calls the Gods a brother and a sister while Hymn to Artemis (9) indicates that They were raised together (ὁμότροφον) without a notion of the circumstances of Their birth. Those are the earliest sources we know of, but there were many other authors and traditions that followed, some of which were:
Homer in the Iliad makes Them a son and a daughter of Leto
Hesiod mentions them being born from the same mother
Neither describe the two as twins.
Apollodorus in his Bibliotheca (1.4.1.) makes Artemis be a first-born so She serves as a midwife for Apollo
Plutarch in Pelopidas states that Apollo was born in Tegyra, Boeotia
Some later sources (Callimachus, Servius) consider Artemis to be first-born while some (Hyginius) do not specify on time of birth.
The first - and most prominent - author to speak of the Divine Twins is Pindar (518-438 BCE) in his Olympian odes (3.35), here he refers to Them as twins of Leda. At the same time, in the Nemean odes (1.1) he calls Ortygia in Sicily Artemis' birthplace and "sister to Delos" (might be metaphorical, as in sister-state). Orphic Hymn 35 to Leto (1st-3rd AD?) also calls Them twins.
It should probably also be noted that the cult of Artemis and the cult of Apollo are not always interconnected. While some locations (such as Delos and Ortygia, Sicily) have a history of implementing both Deities into the same votive tradition, some (Didyma, Claros) have worship of the Gods completely disconnected from each other. It is likely worth another post, but worship of Apollo didn't necessarily imply His sister, and vice versa.
With all of this being said, I do not believe that one version of the story is above another. And while I do find it fascinating - and logical - that the idea of Apollo and Artemis being twin-Deities has taken root, I do appreciate other, older and not, versions of the same legend.
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laescritorasecreta · 29 days
Querido diario 📔
Te traigo un mini relato de hoy:
Conversando con mi mamá, le digo: Mamá, en verdad yo creo que me quedaré sola toda mi vida, honestamente como que no tengo ganas de, en algún futuro cuando termine mi carrera, intentar tener novio, siento que para mi se vuelve muy complicado.
Ella me dice: pero hay un muchacho que pienso que te está esperando. Sabes de quién hablo??
Yo: sí, de X
Ella: sí, lo digo porque desde que supimos que le gustabas nunca le he visto una novia.
Si mi mamá supiera que en realidad sí tiene una novia... lo vi en una de sus historias de Instagram. Además, ya no tengo nada de interés por él.
PD: no piensen en que alguien los o las va a esperar a que terminen su carrera o algún proyecto de su vida. No descarto en que pueda pasar, porque sé de un caso, pero no cualquiera está dispuesto a eso.
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gloris-stuffs · 7 months
He encontrado algunos blogs bastante interesantes con reseñas del libro en el que se basa la próxima obra de @jaeuck.kim .
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Categoría: Literatura coreana (Novelas coreanas) Primera edición, 1ª impresión: 2018. Autor: Gu Byeong-mo Editado por: Soyeon Kim Maquetación: Kang Kyung Shin Publicado por: Wisdom House Co. Aproximadamente 300 páginas.
Pagwa" significa "fruta chupada" o "puré de fruta". Pero tiene otros significados como 'fruta con rasguños' (breakwort) o la edad de 16 años para las mujeres y 64 años para los hombres, o también indica el primer día del ciclo menstrual (breakwae), en otro lugar significaría "avance".
En los blogs que consulté dicen que la novela alterna acontecimientos desde el punto de vista presente de “la” protagonista y su historia pasada (primero pensé que era una especie de Escultura pero realmente ella se llama "Escultura"). Además cuentan que la "Escultura" se ganaría la vida realizando asesinatos a sueldo por encargo de una agencia que la quiere jubilar , por lo que se muestra como una mujer en su vejez, sin amigos, solitaria. Al transcurrir la historia ella se relacionaría emocionalmente con 2 personajes masculinos, un médico de 30 años al que conoce accidentalmente, y "Ryu", que fue el primero que la puso en el camino de asesina.
Otra autor dice: "Como siempre, es un libro que descubrí y leí por casualidad. Pero es tan famoso que parece que todo el mundo, menos yo, ya lo ha leído".
Otra autor dice: "Como siempre, es un libro que descubrí y leí por casualidad. Pero es tan famoso que parece que todo el mundo, menos yo, ya lo ha leído".
Por último, de la obra de Koo Byeong-mo cuentan tiene una atmósfera oscura y pesada en general, pero les gusta porque "no es ni esperanzadora ni trágica" y "tiene un giro al final".
Seguiré buscando más información intentando no hacer spoilers.
Algunas Fuentes:
blog naver https://m.blog.naver.com/PostView.naver?blogId=khh_khh&logNo=222897108341&searchKeyword=%ED%8C%8C%EA%B3%BC
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esli-art · 2 years
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Small Historia and Armin sharing their love for books 📔
September 15th 2021
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Yo también compre es historia...
📔"El sentido de la vida"📔
"Creí que uno Tambien se meresia ser feliz y me equivoque".😉
No la venden mucho por donde quiera.
Todas las editoriales pocos son los que cuentan la verdad.
Luego los editores no saben editar quieren que sea todo miel sobre hijuelas.
"Mas todos esos libros que te venden algo que no son. Te dicen que es rico y a la hora no tienen nada y terminan huyendo. Te dejan la responsabilidad".😘
"ESE FUE EL SENTIDO QUE LE DIERON A LA VIDA". Es cuando la gente dice que estas realizando.
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lasonambulablog · 2 years
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#REPOST @magicsemy with @get__repost__app 💫RESEÑA LIBRO VIAJERO💫   📔Título: MUJER MEDICINA 🖋Autora: @_lasonambula 🌐Género: ficción 🌍Organizado por: @lybluebooks 🫶🏼Esta es una historia de mujeres, de descubrimiento, evolución y renacimiento, de conocimiento y aprendizaje, de respeto, superación, sororidad y amor.   ⏳Es una historia que comienza en el presente y en la que viajamos en el tiempo a diferentes países de la mano de mujeres increíbles que nos cuentan sus vivencias como mujeres medicina en las diferentes épocas y civilizaciones que les tocó vivir.   💜Todas tenemos una o varias mujeres medicina a nuestro alrededor y si no la tienes, es que eres tú.   🌅Muchas gracias @_lasonambula por compartir tu novela en este #libroviajero y a @lybluebooks por organizar este viaje.   #book #bookstagram #ficción #mujermedicina #mariadelcarmenparres #leeresvivir #leeresdeguapasydeguapostambien #leoycomparto #leoyrecomiendo #libroviajero #leoydisfruto #repostandroid #repostw10 #lasonambula #novela #MujerMedicina #sanacion #libro #leeresvivir (en Elche) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjnRE3wj2uo/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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carlosdevis · 2 years
E369--Enseñando a Taxista a Evitar la Quiebra
¡Su gran error ha sido no tener una meta de ahorro! Trabaja hace 8 años como taxista y diariamente se propone cumplir una meta de ganancias, las cuales destina para diferentes gastos de su hogar y su taxi.
En este episodio Don Carlos, de 44 años, nos comparte su historia y nos deja ver el hombre trabajador y organizado que es, pero sin planes a futuro.
Este puede ser un gran ejemplo para ti, te puede ayudar a enfocar tus pensamientos y acciones en lo que debes y no debes hacer con tu dinero. Aprendamos juntos con esta historia y continuemos transformando nuestro pensamiento para tomar el control de nuestras finanzas.
¡No te lo pierdas! Cada minuto vale la pena.
► ¡NUEVO TALLER ONLINE! Descubre el Descuento Exclusivo que tenemos para Nuestra Comunidad | Preventa: https://bit.ly/3UH8HQx
► 🖥️ Asiste a mi Webinar Gratuito Semanal, Te revelaré el Método Secreto para comprar Bienes Raíces Haciendo clic aqui: https://bit.ly/3BSP8ft
► 📔 Mi libro "Un Inmueble al Año No Hace Daño”: https://bit.ly/3RmY0Qb
Clic aquí para Escuchar los Nuevos episodios de Mi Podcast Con Bienes Raices!
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locuradelibrosblog · 2 years
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Gracias @lecturasycuriosidades ♥️ 📔#OLIMPIA @lauramasj @espasaeditorial - Veo que te gusta el poder...Lo noto en tus ojos, que tienen sed de grandes hazañas ... Las mujeres no estamos hechas para gobernar, pero nuestra empresa es mucho mas poderosa que los asuntos de estado y las guerras.- Cuando Eurídice,la madre del Rey Filipo II de Macedonia, dice estas palabras a Mirtale, hija del Rey Neptolémo de Épiro y esposa ya de su hijo, no imaginaba cuan ciertas serian y como se convertiria en ejemplo a seguir por parte de su nuera. Pronto se cambiaria el nombre por el de Olimpia, el mismo día que su marido obtenía una sonada victoria en los Juegos Olimpicos y nacía su hijo Alejandro. Olvidada por la historia, Laura Mas, con este novela le rinde un magnifico homenaje a esta mujer que alumbró a uno de los personajes mas famosos de la historia antigua, Alejandro Magno, y que lucho en un mundo hostil como pocos , en el que se ejercia la politica de matar o ser muerto, para que su hijo llegara a ocupar el trono de Macedonia. Laura ha fabulado sobre su vida personal y también sobre su faceta de estratega y, además, madre coraje. En esta novela coral de personajes reales e imaginarios nos encontramos a una Olimpia inteligente, con una gran capacidad de lucha y con una visión de la politica encomiable, que la ejerce como los hombres y que por ello la veian como enemigo denostándola y borrándola de los anales de la historia. Pero también a una mujer que seguía el culto mistérico y por tanto vivia rodeada por sus serpientes, por ello era vista como una bruja, un ser oscuro rodeado de supersticiones, una mujer apasionada, sensible ,enamorada pero que al final fue repudiada por su marido, una mujer que afirmó que su hijo Alejandro era hijo del propio Zeus y como hijo de un dios estaba llamado a obtener la gloria. Y así fué. Por ello luchó toda su vida y lo consiguió. La correspondencia epistolar entre madre e hijo, que nos regala Laura, nos da muestra del tamaño del amor que ella le profesaba. Laura nos muestra el ascenso y ocaso de esta mujer digna de ser recordada y alabada; una novela que ha despertado mi sed de conocimentos sobre ella y que os recomiendo… (en Club de Lectura LL) https://www.instagram.com/p/CisN1z4jNjr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lclunastar · 2 years
Mi cara de ortografía.🖨️🍂🍃✨
Alguien le avisa a mi "Stan", que además de que nunca nos conocimos, te tengo bloqueado?
Yo ya no sé cómo ayudar.
Tenes ansiedad. Se entiende que yo no entiendo del tema. No estoy informada al respecto. Hablemos bien y claro. Pero ojalá que te hagas tratar.
Me agradan las niñas pequeñas, que se parecen a mi Amanda, las hermanitas, preciosas, pero hasta ahí nomás.
Cuando se pasan de la raya inventando cosas que no están sucediendo en mi vida.
Ahí tenemos todos juntos un problema.
Porque esa cara de enojada?
Yo estoy acá así de quién es este tipo? no lo conozco, nunca lo conocí.
Preguntó, nunca saben contestarme?
Sencillo es..
De que si mintió en que me conoció?
Nadie me responde. Inventan arriba de mi pregunta.
Y ya van para 7 años.
Es muy triste, y no sé cómo contestar:
"No sé, me hablaron del otro lado de la computadora y nada más."
Algún que otro desconocido me habrá invitado a salir y yo respondí "No."
Imagínate de todas las cosas que me enteró que no hice.
Y yo no sé cómo lidiar
Entonces, en mi vida normal, estudió idiomas, le conocí a unos Asiáticos increíbles, me adoptaron, me tienen como una hija más, algunos primos se conocieron con ellos, se casaron, y nos volvimos una familia.
A mi no me gusta, que respondan por mí, a cosas que no están sucediendo en mi vida. Y que no van a suceder, porque yo simplemente no lo permitiría.
No escriban de mi vida, que este blog, que me cree es para ese motivo, que yo misma escriba la historia de mi vida, de las cosas que sí me están pasando.
Y hay muchas cosas que nunca pasaron, y mi cara no puede ocultar que me molesta.
Okay? Estamos?
Perdón también si te molesta que te llamé la atención, pero, está todo muy errado.
Empezando por el hecho de que nunca estuvimos, en los mismos países.
(Es un latino.)
My orthography face.📔✨
Whomever could tell my "Stan", that besides that we never met, i have you blocked?
I don't know how else to help.
You have anxiety, it is understood that i don't understand the subject. I'm not informed. Let's talk good and clear. But hopefully you get yourself treated.
I adore the tiny girls, that look alike to my Amanda, the little sisters, precious, but till there.
When they pass the streak inventing things that are not happening in my life.
There we have all together a problem.
Why that angry face?
I'm here like.. who is this guy? i don't know him, i never met him.
I asked, people never can respond to me?
Is very simple..
If he lied that he met me?
Nobody knows how to tell me, they invent above of my question.
And already its almost 7 years.
It is very sad, and i don't know how to respond either:
"I don't know, they spoke to me from the other side of the computer, and nothing else."
Few other unknown to me probably invited to go out, and i said "No."
Imagine of all the things that i found out i didn't.
And i don't know how to deal.
Then, in my normal life i study languages, i met few amazing asians, they adopted me, they have me as one more daughter, few cousins met with them, then, they married, and we turned a family.
I don't like it, when people respond for me, to things that aren't happening on my life. And that won't happen because i just wouldn't allow it.
Don't write about my life that this blog, that i created, it is for that motive, that i write myself, the story of my own life, of the things that.. Yes, they are happening to me.
And there are plenty of things that never happened, and my face cannot hide that bothers me.
Okay?  Agree?
Too, my bad if you get upset that i called your attention here, but it's all very wrong.
Starting with the fact that we were never in the same countries.
(He is a latino.)
Minha face de ortografia.📮✨
Alguém poderia dizer ao meu "Stan", que além de nós nunca, não nos conhecemos, eu tenho você bloqueado?
Não sei mais como ajudar.
Você tem ansiedade. Entende-se que eu, não entendo o assunto. Não estou informada ao respectivo. Vamos falar bem e claro. Mas espero que você se trate.
Eu gosto das meninas, que se parecem a minha Amanda, as irmãzinhas, preciosas, mas até aí.
Quando passam a raia inventando coisas que não estão acontecendo na minha vida.
Lá temos todos juntos um problema.
Por que essa cara brava?
Estou aqui assim de, quem é esse cara? não o conheço, eu nunca o conheci.
Eu pergunto, ninguém nunca sabe me responder.
É simples..
Se ele mentiu que me conheceu?
Ninguém me responde. Inventam acima, da minha pergunta.
Estão indo para 7 anos.
É muito triste, e não sei responder:
"Eu não sei, eles falaram comigo do outro lado do computador e nada mais."
Algum outro desconhecido para mim, terá convidado sair e eu respondi “Não”.
Imagine de todas as coisas que eu descobri que eu não fiz.
E eu não sei lidar.
Então, na minha vida normal, eu estudo tradução, eu conheci alguns asiáticos incríveis, eu fui adotada, eles me têm como mais uma filha, alguns primos se conheceram com eles, se casaram, e nós viramos uma família.
Eu não gosto, que respondam por mim, para coisas que não estão acontecendo na minha vida. E não vai acontecer porque eu não permitiria.
Não escreve da minha vida que este blog, que eu criei, foi para essa razão, que eu escreva a história da minha vida, das coisas que sim, eles estão acontecendo comigo.
E há muitas coisas que nunca aconteceram, e meu rosto não pode esconder que me incomoda.
Okay?  De acordo?
Também desculpe se você fica chateado que eu liguei para você a atenção aqui, mas está tudo muito errado.
Começando pelo fato de que nunca estivemos nos mesmos países.
(Ele é latino.)🧳🌼🌻✨
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anichibooks · 2 years
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📔ELLA Y SU GATO📔Makoto Shinkai y Naruki Nagakawa Tanto ver este libro por las redes me llamó la atención, eso y porque habla de gatos. ‘Ella y su gato’ se compone de cuatro historias, que de una forma u otra termina por entrelazarse (esto viene en la sinopsis, no es spoiler), pero lo que me ha gustado que se cuenta desde el punto de vista de estas chicas y también desde sus respectivos gatos. En sí el libro me ha gustado mucho, sobre todo como los gatos ven a sus dueñas, con esa mirada infantil e inocente, desconocedores de las vidas complejas de cada una, con sus imperfecciones. Como he dicho, solo son cuatro historias, y ninguna deja indiferente, tan distinta entre sí, pero con una misma carencia, la felicidad. Sin duda leer ‘Ella y su gato’ ha sido un acierto. Cada vez me gusta más la literatura oriental. #ellaysugato #makotoshinkai #narukinagakawa #books #bookstagramespaña #bookstagram #lecturaoriental https://www.instagram.com/p/CcC31BojaVH/?utm_medium=tumblr
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evilios · 1 month
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Roman divination and Roman ritual are some essential parts of Ancient Roman religion, which was and is heavily ritual and cult based. Ancient Rome, with the establishment of strict rules and requirements necessary to address the Gods, is more meticulous and precise with the sacred than, for example, the neighboring Greece. Roman prayer and Roman divination, thus, are to be taken in as examples of individual inner development of a religious system unique in its nature.
There are a lot of sources on Hellenic prayer and ritual, but very little on the Roman one(s). Here's a shortened, slightly simplified list of matters that were an integral part of ritual and divination within Religio Romana.
Disclaimer: This is a simplified post, so Roman historical eras are treated loosely for the sake of being concise. I am not a historian, my sources are listed and limited. Do not blindly follow my word. Check your sources. This is a cleared-up re-upload.
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According to Ancient authors, precisely Cicero who wrote works on the matter, no public event occurred without auspices being taken (auspicium, a Pre-Roman practice from Umbria and Etruria). Romans, by multiple accounts, cared greatly of establishing the state of pax deorum, or peace of the Gods. Thus, everything a person was to partake in needed to be in Gods' favor and under Gods' protection and blessing.
Ovid in Fasti depicts Romulus, the great founder of Rome, as the one to look for a sign to denote who is to be a King: and sees it in twelve (sometimes six) birds he believes were sent by Jupiter. Jupiter in Rome is Prodigialis, or the main source of omens.
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Another famous mythologized ruler, Numa Pompilius, claimed to have received the "true rules" of Roman rituals, sacra, directly from the Nymph Egeria (sometimes called Goddess) who was as well his beloved. We cannot fully decipher where Roman customs in ritual come from, though it is likely a product of development of faith within local communities: Sabines, Latines, and other tribes of pre-Roman Italy. Regardless, the point remains: Romans trusted their Gods to give them a favorable omen, and, once given, said omen was treated with utmost respect. They did, after all, directly connect Divine favor with the prosperity of Rome and her citizens, and Gods were believed to be looking out for them.
Romans looked for signs everywhere: at peace and at war. Livy reports lightning strikes over the temple of Juno Sospita during the Second Punic War when the Goddess was later appeased with gold offerings. The temples of Jupiter and Juno had the most prodigies reported, though it could happen anywhere. After the event, the Senate was to decide whether that was a natural occurrence or a Divine message - so one can decide how trustworthy said omens were.
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Specific prodigies were sometimes attached particular expiatory rituals. For example, rain of stones (meteor shower, perhaps): novemdiale sacrum (a nine-day long ritual). The number of days, the specific gift given, and sometimes the number of participants differed from one case to another. It seems that the Roman structural system of devotion allowed freedom of choice between regulations but required following said regulations.
It appears that auspices were so important to Romans that poets like Ennius and Plautus described multiple workers of this industry being in the city. An auspice became a common character within Roman literature.
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Cicero denotes the following kinds of divinatory practices:
Prodigies (especially from Jupiter).
Interpretation of entrails.
Lightning strikes.
Augury (bird omens).
Drawing lots.
Dream visitation.
All of these had their own rules, though they do base off Ancient Roman customs with majorly Etruscan heritage.
Out of all forms of Roman divinatory practices only state-controlled activities, such as ones by haruspices or auspices, or temple duty of flamens, were strictly administered. People still could refer to a professional diviner or interpret their Divine signs on their own.
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Traditionally, an omen is followed by a ritual. Roman ritual is a set of precise rules deciphered individually for particular situations with the importance being placed on who is being addressed, for what matter, and how. Researchers tend to classify Roman rituals into:
Sacrificium - an offering of food, an animal if public. Roman ritual regarding food offerings requires a specific ingredient: mola salsa, or salted flour. Considered sacred, mola salsa was made by the Vestal Virgins thrice a year on particular occasions.
Mola salsa was a sign of unification: powder and salt were mixed on Vestalia (administered by matrons), Ides of September (administered by senators), and Lupercalia (festival of the wild youth).
There's something to be said about the simplicity of a Roman offering: grain and salt were already a sacred gift for the Gods. Ovid notes that it was the earliest form of offering. According to Pliny the Elder, no sacrifice is made without mola salsa. It could be a domestic offering, made at home.
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Roman public sacrifices that used mola salsa were majorly animal sacrifices, though it is important to note that a bloody sacrifice is not a very common occurrence for Rome. A higher preference was given to bloodless sacrifices and offerings rather than to killing for the Gods; in many cases, human blood was considered an unclean substance unsuitable for devotional spaces.
It is important to also mark that there were types of murder considered an act of disposal rather than sacrifice: so, yes, killing-focused rituals existed, and plenty, but not as an act of sacrifice.
Regardless, after sacrificium was completed, the participants could eat everything that was not given to the Gods (the best pieces were sacrificed). For many poor Romans, it was a chance to eat meat. As for a modern practitioner, this kind of a sacrifice implies that food given to the Gods can (if not should) be shared.
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Aside from sacrificium, we can also speak on magmentum - a type of sacrifice, often on an animal, that was performed in similar rites to the former but did not have to stay in the realm of the Divine. Sacrificium was a purified offering devoted to the Gods and the Gods alone, aside the unsalted parts, but magmentum could happen between two people as it implied honoring another with a gift or a service.
The last type of a Roman sacrifice is a polluctum. This type of a sacrifice involved a wide range of objects starting from precious pieces of jewelry or gold and including even everyday meals, grain, and much wider types of foods. Anything could be sacrificed in this manner, the only matter of importance was a place - Roman religion is locus-tied after all - of sacrifice, or an altar.
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Religio Romana was tightly intertwined with the political life of Rome, so a lot of examples of prayer come from within military context: we know of oaths and vows made by generals before battle, and we know of acts such as devotio - a self-sacrifice performed to show selflessness in face of the Gods.
Most military oaths and vows follow a similar order: a deal is offered to the Gods and, if They are to take it, a gift of gratitude is proposed. Often such gift was a temple in Their honor. One of many examples is the establishment of the temple of Mars Ultor in Rome after Augustus and Marcus Antonius won in Battle of Philippi against Caesar's assassins; Augustus allegedly vowed to honor Mars with a temple if the victory is his.
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Romans took great care to make sure there was no wrong utterance in a prayer. For that, the concept of vitium existed: vitium happening during a ritual nullified said event and required is starts anew. One of the examples of vitium was breaking of silentio, sacred silence. Usually, Romans had a number of participants involved in a ritual that consisted of praying so one can rehearse the text with the priest, one can pray, and one can overlook keeping of silence. Pliny the Elder reports stopping rituals if ill-omened noise interrupted the process.
Praying to the Gods was taken in great respect. Romans typically did so veiled, women and men alike, whether it was a state prayer or one for the household Gods. Rites of purification were observed: the simplest requirement of a Roman ritual is to wash one's hands and be quiet. Some sources note that before the ritual prayer begins, they'd exclaim: favete linguis! - stop (the working of) your tongue, or simply "stay quiet".
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The usual ritual prayer goes as follows:
The participant cleans their hands.
The participant veils their head (exceptions: Apollo and Ceres).
The participant says a prayer.
The participant offers a libation and incense (can be in a box).
The participant ends the ritual with thanks to the Gods.
In case of the prayer being answered, the person is expected to pay off their side of the deal and give the Gods an offering of gratitude, which could be as simple as a plaque with words of thanks.
If the ritual included fire, the first Goddess to be mentioned (and the last one) was Vesta whose sacred flame opened fire-focused rituals.
The first God to refer to within a Roman prayer was Janus as a native Roman Deity who serves as the door between worlds, among many other aspects. It was Janus, and not even the Capitoline Triad, who was honored first, if Vesta was not addressed.
🏺 Mola Salsa: Sacred Flour from the Hearth of Rome’s Vestal Virgins 🏺 Roman Sacrifice, Inside and Out 🏺 Lecture VIII | Ritual of the Ius Divinum 🏺 Roman religion (Warrior, Valerie M.)
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laescritorasecreta · 6 months
Querido diario 📔
En verdad es bastante triste cuando una persona cambia de lugar o locación porque se siente mal en la anterior, porque sabe que no le agrada a las personas con las que vive o porque les causa molestia por cómo es... pero es más triste aún cuando cambiando de lugar se vuelve a repetir la historia.
A veces me pregunto si es mi mala suerte la que me lleva a caer en lo mismo otra vez o es al destino tratando de forjarme o haciendo más fuerte para lo que viene después?!
Yo trato de llevar las cosas en paz y de no interferir en la vida de los demás, pero no sé, me siento igual de mal.
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brunaribeirojackson · 2 years
Olá sejam todos muitooo bem vindos ao meu Facebook, é um blog oficialmente, totalmente dedicado a história de ficção, fanfics com Michael Jackson, o maior artista do planeta e do mundo da música internacional. Aqui me sinto a vontade para ama-lo e admira-lo sempre e contem um pouco do meu trabalho como escritora também, aonde vou compartilhar as minhas melhores historias e fanfics com o meu maior ídolo ! Eu sou escritora de fanfics anônima com Michael Jackson, se vocês gostam de leituras, então vão se apaixonar pelas as minhas histórias originalmente escritas por mim! 📔🖊️ 🥰
E se o Michael Jackson fosse um grande escritor apaixonasse pela a babá do seu filho?? Um novo amor irá surgir novamente no coração de Michael?? Ou será apenas uma ilusão?? Será que Michael vai encontrar um final feliz?? Veja nessa nova aventura.
Michael Jackson um grande empresário, e escritor, porém era um pai solitário e divorciado do seu casamento anterior. Após a separação o Michael ficou com a guarda definitiva da criança, ao passar passar o tempo ele precisava de alguém para tomar conta do seu filho, até que uma jovem garota aparecer para ajudá-lo como babá mais o que os dois não esperava foi que ia surgir uma grande paixão entre eles ou seria um amor por acaso???
Personagens principais:
Michael Jackson e Madalina bellariu ion
Romance / drama / ficção
Português/ Brasil
Conteúdo adulto (+18)
Data de lançamento:
Autora: Bruna Ribeiro De Oliveira Jackson
(para maiores de 18 anos)
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bazarbeniamir · 2 years
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Nada Te Turbe, De Dr. A id Ibn Abdullah Al-Qarni 🟣Precio: 24€ 📔Tapa blanda ❤️Envíos inmediatos a toda españa 🔥 (Español) Este libro es para toda persona que este atravesando momentos de dolor y angustia o que se haya visto afectada por circunstancias difíciles que provocan tristeza y noches de insomnio. Par remediarlos, las páginas de este libro presentan fragmentos tomados de diversas fuentes - el Corán, la tradición profética, poemas, anécdotas conmovedoras, parábolas e historias verídicas. (en Bazar Beni Amir) https://www.instagram.com/p/Camd6m0qkB3OpjJblsjXKpLY5Vzs4lif0vWZoc0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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izaminy · 3 years
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#michtober día 12: #grimorio 📔 Tuve que buscar e informarme de que eran estás cosas (。•́‿•̀。) cada día uno aprende cosas nuevas :') pero me inspire e hice a esta chica #heredando un grimorio que se especializa en #magiaverde y asimilando parte del #poder y #conocimiento que hay en el 🤔 puede hacerse una historia muy interesante con esto... #traditionalart #acuarela #magia #magic #dibujo #drawing #inktober #dibujotradicional #dibujodeplantas #plantas #greenmagic https://www.instagram.com/p/CVeThxPlaAR/?utm_medium=tumblr
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