#He'll give you a silly face to make you laugh then scare the trash out of you
sarnai4 · 2 months
Facial Expressions
As a quick thought (and spoiler alert), I love how the facial expressions Dagur has. I mean, I can almost play a game of looking at random pictures or gifs of him and trying to guess if he's good or bad. Like this:
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He's good here🤣. I wish I had a gif of right before he shoved this poor man in the chicken seed because he was so into that moment. Or may I present:
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I legitimately couldn't even figure out which episode this was because I kept searching for Season 1 and 2 episodes where he had a spear. No one would've convinced me that this 😈face came from redeemed Dagur. I had to watch it for myself, but this is him about to spar against Mala. He looks like someone's about to die. And then you have this cute moment:
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Too bad he would've happily gutted anyone of the Berkians immediately after being out of the hug. Bad Dagur shouldn't be allowed to have cute moments. It's confusing. He's still my favorite hero and villain, but it makes me feel like I need to be redeemed if I'm "aw"ing the evil times. Last one. I promise.
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He looks so calm! It's deceiving! This is the same episode where he howls at the moon and tries to kill Toothless. I think the only time he ever looks this calm and at peace again is when he's looking at Heather right before he tries to sacrifice himself. He'd just accepted that death was okay if it kept his little sis alive😭. I should try to play this game with someone who's never seen the show. If any of you try, please share the results because I'd love to see them.
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mytheoristavenue · 2 years
TF2 Sniper x Anxious!Reader - Nyctophobia
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Summary: Sniper helps you through a panic attack during a thunderstorm.
Warnings: Fluff, anxiety, fear of storms/dark
Rain pattered softly on the sand as the New Mexican sun set on the RED base. Sniper peaked out of his window, deciding he didn't like the look of the storm rolling in. Sighing, he collected a set of soft sleeping clothes, a fresh uniform, toiletries, and a few other things he'd need to spend the night inside, packing them into a beaten old duffle bag. Tossing the bag into his passenger seat, he locked himself into the driver's, driving his campervan into the garage, securing the safety of his home.
You sat of a sofa in the Rec Room, thumbing through the latest fashion magazine, giggling a shot of a silly looking model from a French show from the previous week, adorned in a traffic cone themed outfit. Spy scoffed at your amusement.
"For someone who never misses an issue of zhat magazine, yet still insist on wearing zhat boring old outfit, 'ou have no place laughing at a model from zhe most fashionable city in zhe world."
You giggled, flipping the page. "That's not fair, Spy. You're just biased."
He ashed his cigarette. "Even so, 'ou are just jealous zhat 'ou could not pull off an ensemble so complex."
"Pull it off? All I'd want is to pull it off! And toss it in the trash!" You snorted, annoying him enough to leave the room.
Turning back to your issue, you frowned, the lamp beside you flickering. Looking up, you couldn't help but notice that the overhead lights began to flicker as well.
"What the-?"
Suddenly, panic filled your bloodstream as the luminescence of the room gave way to a void of vantablack. Jumping up, your heart raced as you frantically searched for the exit. Tears threaten to fall and your eyes began to sting. You were horrified of the dark, and even more so of being alone in it. The flooded room with momentary light as lightning crashed behind the window to your left, giving way to a dark silence. Just as always with lightning and rain, a murderous boom of thunder shook the base, causing you to fully break down. Screaming in terror, you crumbled to the floor, your senses overloaded much beyond their capacity and no one to offer you an ounce of help in knowing you'll be alright. Screaming again, you flailed, petrified to feel a pair of very strong arms restaining you as you sat on the cold floor. 
"Shhh, shhh, Sheila, it's me, it's just me." a thick Australian accent cooed, desperately trying to sooth your intense anxiety. Breathing seemed to be an impossible task as you struggled to catch a gasp of air, or quail your trembling. Calloused hands caressed your hair as you were held to someone's chest. Gradually, you began to settle, if only a enough to breathe clearly. "There, see, Sheila? Ya alright. Everythin's  alright, Sniper's here."
"Yeah, Beaut?" His voice was so gentle and soft as he whispered to you.
"W-What are you doing here?" you asked, still trembling.
"Oi saw the storm outside and decided ta sleep on the couch, but on my way hear, Oi heard ya scream." You fell silent, still too anxious to think. "Ya alright, Luv?"
"N-No...I'm really scared of storms and the dark...so when the power went out, I guess I lost it...I'm sorry." you stammered, barely able to form a coherent explanation.
"Shhh, it's alright, don't apologize. Oi just wish ya'd told someone so ya didn't have ta deal with it by ya’self."
"I-It's embarrassing..." you whimpered, hiding your face in her shirt, not that he could've seen you.
"Shouldn't be. Everyone's scared-a somethin'. Makes us human."
You sniffled a bit, feeling Sniper shift away from you, filling you with dread, terrified that he'll leave you in the dark. Suddenly, you felt a pressure on your wrist as a force pulled you off of the floor. "C'mon, Sheila, let's getcha off that dirty floor." He stood you on your feet, looping his arm around your waist for stability. "Oi, it''s late, let's getcha some rest, aye? Oi'll walk ya ta bed." You hummed in hesitant agreement.
You heard a small clicking sound that repeat for about four times. Suddenly, a small yellow flame illuminated Sniper's jawline. It was a small light, but it slashed through the darkness and protected you from the booming thunder, so you worshiped it.
He smirked, holding his lighter level with your eyes as he began to lead you toward the door. You blushed a bit, catching a small glimpse of his attire: a bare head and face, a white tank top, socks, and a pair of red plaid sleep pants hugging his waist. You could see the strap of a bag hanging over his left shoulder.
Leading you into the hall, he gently pulled you toward the direction of the dorms. You clung to his arm, earning a soft chuckle. Finding your room, Sniper slowly pushed your door open before leading you into the black room. You whimpered as anxiety filled you up, unable to see most of the room. He lightly pushed you away, causing you panic a bit. You calmed down as you felt his rough hand press into your shoulder, easing you to sit on the bed.
"Here, where's ya pajamas? Oi'll get ya somethin' comfy ta sleep in." He asked, stepping away from you.
You gripped your sheets in his absence, as if they'd anchor you from being sucked into the abyss. "T-The first drawer..."
Sniper hummed in response, making his way to your dresser and plucking out a tank top and a pair of shorts. He laid them out on the bed and brought the lighter close enough for you to see what he'd picked, but far enough that the heat didn't cause any damage. "This alright?"
You nodded gently, taking the garments into your grasp. Sniper blushed a bit, turning around and holding the lighter behind his back, before covering his eyes with his forearm. Blushing as well, you begin to shed your clothes, in favor of the pajamas.
"I-I'm decent..." you whisper, granting him permission to take you into view. His eyes widen a bit as a light pink dust his cheeks as his eyes trace your figure. While picking out your fit, he hadn't realized that the tank top would fall just above your belly button, and your shorts would sit much higher than he'd anticipated. He snapped his gaze away, realizing he's been staring.
"W-Well, ya look...nice an' cozy..." He mentally scolded himself. 'Cozy'? He could have called you by any flattering, charming, romantic compliment, such as 'ravishing', beautiful', 'hot', even, but he chose to call you 'cozy'? Brilliant.
"O-Oh, thank you..." you sat back down onto the mattress, hugging your knees.
"Um, Sheila, Oi want ya ta keep my lighter...least 'til the lights come back on. Ya need it more than Oi do." He rubbed the back of his neck, looking away.
"Sniper, are you sure? How will you smoke?" you asked, well aware of his habit of smoking in bed.
"Oi'll be fine. Rather you feel secure than worry 'bout getting my fix." he chuckled.
An air of uneasy silence fell on the bedroom.
"W-Well, ya probably real tired, so Oi'll see myself ou-" Sniper began to make a dash for the door, only being stopped by your grip on his wrist.
"W-Wait, please don't go..." you stuttered, refusing to look into his eyes as he looked back to you.
"W-What?" he turned toward you.
"Um...I know you don't have a room in the base, and...I'm really terrified to be alone...so, could you maybe sleep in my bed tonight? There's no sense in you sleeping on the couch, and this way we could both keep your lighter a-and-"
A blush crept onto Sniper's face as his eyes widened just a bit. "Ya want me ta sleep with ya?"
Your faced flushed with bright red as you waved your hands in front of your face. "N-Not like that! I-I can sleep on the floor, and you can have my bed! I-I just don't want to be by myself..." you confessed.
"Sheila, Oid never push ya outta ya own bed, Oi'll sleep on the floor."
Your stare fell downcast with guilt. "But...I want you to be comfortable..."
He smiled warmly, sitting beside you and tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. "As long as Oi'm with ya, Oi'll be comfortable."
You took in a heavy breath, refusing to meet his gaze. "S-Sniper, can you keep a secret?"
"'Course, Luv. Yah can tell me anythin'." he replied.
"I-I think I'm in love..." you whispered, barely hearing yourself.
He felt his heart drop as his voice cracked with fake curiosity. "Oh yeah, with who?"
"That's not part of the secret..." you answered.
"Well maybe ya should tell me another secret, so Oi know not to tell anyone."
"I can't tell you who it is..." you sighed sadly.
"Ya don't think this bloke wants ya back?" his interest was once again captured as he decided to pry through your confession.
"I know he doesn't."
"How can ya be sure?"
You smiled weakly, tears pricking your eyes. "He's just so wonderful. Handsome, skilled, mature, and his accent gives me butterflies..."
Well, that narrowed things down to six of the other mercs, disqualifying Pyro and Soldier. "Tell me more about 'im, Roo."
You thought for a moment, trying to come up with a more precise description that wouldn't land you in trouble. "He's so compassionate, he's always there to make sure I'm alright and in a good mood. He always makes me laugh when I'm upset, and never leaves my side until I feel better."
Jealousy bubbled in Sniper's chest, he hated the thought of one of the other men making you smile or laugh, doing all the things he worked so hard to do. "What else?"
Your eyes became glossy as you peered up into his iceberg eyes, your sincerity almost startling him. "He's the kindest, most beautiful person I've ever met. He's my best friend."
Sniper felt utterly defeated, watching you nearly sobbing over another man after he'd put in so much effort to make you feel loved, only to find out someone had beaten him to the punch without him even noticing. His voice was now cracked and breaking more by the word. "W-What's his name?"
"T-That's the problem, I don't know his name. I only know what class he's in, he won't tell me his real name."
"Well, what's his class name?" he asked, slightly impatient.
"Yeah, Beaut?" he asked, almost annoyed.
"What's your name?"
The man was taken aback. "M-My name? It's Mundy, why?"
You smiled weakly. "You wanted to know his name."
Sniper sat in his own confusion, slowly piecing things together, before forming a hypothesis. "Oi-Oi'm in love too..."
"What's her name?" you smiled knowingly.
"Whatcha name?" He smiled gently, cupping your cheek with one hand, and holding out the lighter with the other.
Slowly, Mundy leaned into you, his breath tickling your face, before brushing your lips with his. His icy eyes dart up to yours. "(Y/N), may Oi steal a kiss?" you nod slowly. The man before you gently connected his chapped lips with yours, lightly moving his moving his jaw in sync with your kiss.
Pushing you back into the pillows, he absentmindedly flicked his lighter shut, smothering the flame, before letting the small metal device fall to the floor. He brought the now free hand to your side, caressing it gingerly, earning an almost silent moan from you. His teeth tugged on your bottom lip, begging for further access to your kiss. Your lips shyly parted, letting his slimy tongue slip into your damp cavern, mapping out every ridge of every tooth, the length and thickness of your tongue, and the smoothness of the inside of your cheeks. You let go of a small moan as you gently sucked at the tip of his pink muscle.
Mundy pulled away from your kiss, licking away a strand of saliva that connect his tongue to yours before pecking your lips before peppering an aimless path of light butterfly kisses down your jaw and neck and finally stopped on your collarbone before attacking it and unleashing a stream of breathy moans. He flicked the sweet spot with the tip of his tongue before dragging his teeth across the bone, finally settling on planting loving bruises all over your collar and neck, and few spilling onto your cheeks and earlobes. He chuckled at your pleasure, mumbling small praises against your skin.
"Oi love the way your perfume tastes, Beaut, 'ts intoxicating."
"Ya sound so pretty when ya say my name, say it again, Darl’."
"My God, ya so bloody gorgeous, 'specially when ya throw ya head back like that."
Passion flooded your senses  as you moaned into the dark night air, forgetting all about the fear that had previously consumed you whole. You tangled your fingers in Sniper's hair, gingerly tugging him away enough for you to look into his eyes. You froze, prying your eyes open, them having been sewn shut with bliss, to find no small fire in his hand.
He must have realized your sudden discomfort, because he began to frantically search the floor for the small zippo, quickly lighting the space between you. "Sheila, Oi'm so sorry, Oi go caught in the moment..." You smiled gently, capping the lighter, your gaze never leaving his as you pulled him back down with you.
"That's alright, Love, I'm not afraid of the dark anymore."
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unknownwriting · 3 years
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Ruin Our Friendship
[Part 1]
Summary: Poor Ace has fallen head over heels for his best friend but he's scared that he'll ruin their friendship if he tells her. (pt. 2) 
Characters: Portgas D. Ace
Song Inspiration: Jenny by Studio Killers
Work count: 4.2k (I was not expecting it to be this long)
Notes: Part 2 of the one shot, hehe it’s a little longer than the first i hoped y’all like it. Sorry it took so long I was not expect 2 book reports and 2 essays to be assigned 🤬🔫 
“...Ace, if I go on one....more rollercoaster, I think Imma...puke.” (Y/n) groaned as she stumbled over to a bench. Ace watched her, her hair a mess and her face flush from the excitement. For the whole mess she looked like, Ace found it so cute. He let out a loud laugh, taking a seat right next to her.
“Giving up so soon? I thought you’d have more in you.” Ace teased. (Y/n) shot a glare over at him but she couldn’t help but let a smile brush across her lips.
“Oi, shut up! I’m not built like a monster like you. And plus-“ (Y/n) leaned back on the bench as her stomach let out a low growl. She let out a soft whimper and placed a hand on her stomach before looking back at Ace, “-plus. I’m hungry. I wanna eat something.”
“I saw a hot dog stand just around the corner. Let’s stop there.” Ace laughed, standing back up. (Y/n) watched him for a moment, trying to calm herself down at but from the rollercoaster they just went on. It had to be their 4th rollercoaster in a row, she was just surprised with how casual Ace still seems to be acting. With a small scoff from her lips, she jumped up and intertwined their fingers once again.
“A hot dog doesn’t sound too bad.” She smiled leading the 2 of them to the food stand. Ace smiled down at her while the 2 of them walked hand in hand through the crowded park. Today was possibly the best day ever in Ace’s eyes, nothing could ruin today. The weather was perfect: not a cloud in the sky nor a chilly breeze. The park was amazing: not too many people nor long lines. And of course the best part of all: that fact that he’s going on a date with his best friend. Nothing could be better than this. After Ace got over his shyness and awkwardness, everything began to flow smoothly. The conversations came naturally and there seemed to be no conflict between the 2 when it came to activities. It was almost like the 2 were hanging out as friends but with all the hand-holding and the way Ace’s heart still raced in his chest, it made him remember it was a date. It also made him realize just how hard he has fallen for her.
“After this let’s go play some games.” (Y/n) had exclaimed as she squeezed his hand to get his attention. Glancing down at her, Ace followed her pointing her finger over at a row of games, “I wanna win a really big bear.”
“No more rides?”
“Ace if I go on another ride I will puke all over you,” (Y/n) said in a dumbfounded tone as she looked up at her date. Still hand and hand they made their way to an empty table. As (Y/n) took a seat pointed over to the stand and smiled, “Now Ace, go get me a hot dog!”
“Huh? You can’t get it?”
“Nope, it’s the man's job to buy their date a hot dog. It’s the first rule of dating.” (Y/n) exclaimed. Ace's face flushed red before he made his way over to the stand to order. Once Ace got them both a meal he went back to (Y/n) and let out a scoff as he saw (Y/n)'s eyes light up at the sight of food.
“I don’t think I’d ever been this excited to eat a hot dog.”
“So you really didn’t eat before coming here?”
“Of course not. Knowing you, you’d wanna go on a lot of rides so I tried not to eat anything that would upset me.” (Y/n) explained as she took a bit out of her food and hummed happily. Ace froze for a moment as he watched her eat. It was always the little things that made Ace fall for her. Even if she did it for herself, the fact that she thought of him was enough to make his heart explode. With the rush of shivers that ran through his body, he opened his mouth to speak but he caught his breath before he could say anything. He had a plan, well more like Macro and Thatch had a plan, for how Ace would confess. The 2 of you would spend the day together riding rides, playing games, eating junk food, and taking pictures, silly and cute ones. Basically, stuff the 2 of them would normally do together, and then at the end of the day is when Ace would confess. The park plans a huge firework show once every few months, so what would be a better place to confess than a huge firework show. The plan was simple and flawless, the only problem is waiting to see if it goes that way. He felt confident though, the date has been going smoothly so far. He hasn’t seen anyone who knew them or hasn’t run into any problems, with (Y/n) or anyone else. It was going well, nothing seemed to be getting in the way...
But of course, he spoke too soon. As the 2 of them finished their meal and began to ball up their trash, a loud voice called out to them. (Y/n) was the first to perk up and turn around to search. Ace immediately cringed as he recognized the voice. He’s totally jinxed their date.
“Ace, (Y/n) !!”
“Oh! Luffy, Sabo! I didn’t expect you 2 to be here.” (Y/n) called out as she waved back to the 2 approaching boys. Luffy and Sabo were quick to make their way over to Ace and (Y/n)'s side. As soon as Luffy took a spot next to (Y/n) and Sabo took a spot next to Ace, Luffy and (Y/n) already began to laugh.
“Pfftt...Lu-chan what are you even wearing? That headband seems very-“
“Shishishi, isn’t cool!! I beat Sabo and won it.” Luffy cheered as he smiled brightly at (Y/n) and place a hand on the strange hat he won. Now that he mentions it, (Y/n) does remember seeing those hats at the front. It would be a lie to say that winning one of those didn’t cross her mind, but she figured that she would force Ace to win her on one the way out like a boyfriend should do.
“Luffy beat you? Lu-chan must’ve been going easy on you.” (Y/n) teased as her eyes glazed over to the older blonde. Sabo tensed up and shook his head, trying to hide his embarrassment.
“It was dumb luck. I was winning but he came in and won instead. My hand simply slipped.” Sabo explained to cover up his embarrassment. (Y/n) scoffed as she raised an eyebrow at Sabo, who stared down at her. He knew (Y/n) was gonna say something, she always says some type of remark. Just like Ace, Sabo also met (Y/n) in one of his classes. They easily got along and it wasn’t until later on did (Y/n) learn that he was Ace’s brother. That was probably the moment Ace realized he fell. To him, family is extremely important to him and of course, his lover must like his family. So when Ace learned about how well she got along with Sabo, he knew he fell. Ace watched too, wondering if (Y/n) was gonna say anything and she was because she opened her mouth but was quickly cut off by Luffy again. He grabbed her attention and began to talk about who knows what. Sabo seemed to be interested in the conversation but he was pulled away when Ace spoke up. Ace still found it hard to believe, out of all the days, why did Sabo and Luffy have to come today. Out of all the days, why today? It was no lie that it made him frustrated. This day was just supposed to be him and (Y/n) and now Sabo and Luffy showed up. He’s not stupid either, he knows what going to happen next now that they ran into the 2, and it made him upset but he knows that the 2 of them mean no harm, it was simply just a coincidence.
“What are you 2 doing here?” Ace asked, trying his best to not sound upset, although it wasn’t really working. Sabo was quick to catch onto the tone in his voice but for the sake of Luffy and (Y/n) in front of them, he decided not to call him out on it.
“Nothing much.” Sabo shrugged, “I had a day off and Luffy wanted to come. Although we didn’t know you’d be here today, especially with (Y/n). I thought you were busy?”
“...I am.” Ace hesitated as he looked over at (Y/n) who continued to laugh with Luffy about something. The way her whole body would jiggle when she laughed, and the way she would put a hand on the other person’s arm, and the way her laugh echoed through the area, it was all things Ace knew all too well. No matter how many times he looks at her, he just keeps finding more reasons to fall in love. Sabo followed his gaze and looked at (Y/n) before looking back at Ace and the blush that not so subtly covered his cheeks. He’s had his speculation about Ace’s crush on (Y/n) for a while now, and seeing how he can finally connect the pieces, he understood why Ace was busy and it didn’t help that Luffy and he interrupted it.
“Oh.” Sabo hummed as he shifted in his seat grabbing Luffy and (Y/n)'s attention. It was Sabo’s and Luffy’s cue to finally leave Ace and (Y/n) alone to enjoy the rest of their date. It would be a lie to say that he wanted to leave, in all honesty, he wanted to watch Ace go on this date. It’s been so long since Ace has found someone that actually gave him butterflies in his stomach but Sabo respected Ace’s wish. The one he really had to worry about was Luffy, he’s definitely one to not read between the lines, thus this is where Sabo comes in, “Luffy, come on let's go. We should leave Ace and (Y-”
“No!! I still wanna go on some rides with her!” Luffy exclaimed as he jumped up out of his seat and grabbed (Y/n)'s hand. She yelps from the sudden force, causing Ace and Sabo to jump up alongside her to make sure she doesn’t fall. Although she didn’t have time to fall as she was quickly dragged behind Luffy as he pulled her to the next ride he wanted to do. (Y/n) looked back at the others with a worried yet apologetic look as she tried her best to regain her balance. She felt really bad leaving the Ace behind, it was just supposed to be him and her the whole day yet Luffy and Sabo just happened to appear. Even though they did appear, (Y/n) was just going to make a short conversation with them and move on. She was sure Ace had the same idea, but she should’ve known that Luffy was bound to do something. All (Y/n) could do now I hope that Luffy doesn’t stay long.
After a long day of being pulled around the park with a very energetic Luffy and going on almost all the rides, (Y/n) was ready to puke. Not only was she ready to puke she’s also ready to go back to Ace and hopefully end the day together, at least. Throughout the day, (Y/n) barely had any time with Ace because of Luffy. Ace and Sabo tried their best to try and keep up with the 2 but as soon as Ace and Sabo arrived at the ride Luffy had already dragged (Y/n) on it or to a different ride. So much for Ace and (Y/n)'s date, it might as well have been Luffy and (Y/n)'s date. However, Luffy finally began to crash near the end, letting Ace and Sabo finally catch up to the 2. At the moment, Luffy and (Y/n) sat at the front of the park talking about each of their favorite rides while Ace and Sabo made their way to them. Now don’t get her wrong, (Y/n) enjoyed the day with Luffy but she still felt really bad about leaving Ace behind. It was supposed to be their first date today yet they hardly spent any time together.
“I liked the roller coaster that spun around while we rode it. That one was probably my favorite. " (Y/n) explained as she recalled that ride. She made Luffy ride it at least 3 times.
“Shishishi. We rode it at least 3 times, you really did like it.”
“Of course, it was a lot better than those rides you made me ride with all the twists and turns. I’m surprised I last as long as I did, I was about to puke. You're worse than Ace.” (Y/n) exclaimed as she leaned back into the bench, she was happy to sit somewhere that didn’t move. All Luffy did was laugh. It was around sunset, the skies painted hues of pinks and purple with the moon threatening to take over the sky. To (Y/n), there was nothing special that’s going to happen now. She doesn’t know that there’s going to be a firework show tonight, so as far as she knows is that the 2 of them are waiting for Ace and Sabo to arrive so they can go home. Because she already spent most of the day with Luffy, she might as well go home with them and try to make up for the time she didn’t spend with Ace.
“Jeez, we finally caught up with you 2.” Sabo’s voice called out, as he and Ace approached the 2. Both Luffy and (Y/n) perked up when they heard his voice and as soon as (Y/n)'s eyes landed on Ace, she jumped up from her seat and joined him at his side.
“Ace! Your finally back.” (Y/n) cheered while she easily and quickly slipped her hand into his, sending chills down each of their spines. The blush that was missing from Ace’s face had now reappeared as he looked down at his supposed to be date. Sabo scoffed at the 2 of them and looked back down at Luffy.
“You didn’t drag (Y/n) on every ride, did you?”
“Shishishi, nope...” Luffy shook his head, letting Sabo release a relieved sigh but he was quick to suck it back in when Luffy spoke up again, “Some rides were closed and had too long of a line.”
“Thank god for those. Luffy was trying to kill me. We went on like ever ride.” (Y/n) sighed, looking over at Sabo before looking back up at Ace again, “And I can’t believe I thought you were bad. Luffy made me go on every ride without a break.”
“I almost feel bad for you but I told you how much of a handful he was.” Ace laughed. It was nice to finally see her again after a long day of having to chase after her.
“Almost?! Aww, Ace you're so mean.” (Y/n) playfully pouted. Sabo scoffed again as Luffy stood up and join him by his side. Sabo finally felt at ease, Ace was finally able to go back to the date he and (Y/n) were supposed to go on, even if it can only last for one more hour.
“Well seeing how you were supposed to come here with Ace only. I’ll take Luffy and leave the 2 of you alone.” Sabo quickly noticed the relieved look on (Y/n)'s face and could guess for 2 reasons why: One so she can actually enjoy her date with Ace and two, so she can get a break from Luffy. Luffy laughed once again and waved bye to Ace and (Y/n), they finally took off leaving the 2 alone after an extremely long day. As if in sync, Ace and (Y/n) both let out a sigh and looked at each other, and laughed. It was no lie that the 2 of them were finally happy to be alone with each other again, give or take the crowd around them.
“Well, I can proudly say I officially met the whole ASL trio.” (Y/n) chuckled as the 2 of them began to walk hand and hand to the lake that sat in the middle of the park.
“Heh, I did tell you Luffy was a handful. Although I probably wouldn’t make the 2 of you get to know each other at an amusement park.” Ace added, smiling down at (Y/n), “I bet you're pretty tired.”
“Ugh, Ace, that’s an understatement. I feel like I can sleep for days.” (Y/n) said as the 2 of them approached the lake. Ace scoffed at her comment, but then fell silent. All he did was looked down at (Y/n) who began to kick pieces of popcorn on the floor into the lake for the ducks to eat. He really wanted this day to be perfect yet Luffy seemed to come and interrupted that. It was so not how they thought the day would go. The 2 of them had hardly spent any time together, Ace just spent the day talking to Sabo about (Y/n) and tell him every reason why he fell in love. At least he was lucky enough to be with (Y/n) right before the fireworks and if all goes well this time, right before the fireworks Ace should confess his feelings.
“Sorry that Sabo and Luffy showed up. I didn’t know they were gonna be coming today.” Ace started drawing (Y/n)'s attention up to him. She took a moment to look up at him even if its dark outside, (Y/n) could still see the cute freckles that covered his face. Before any moment longer; not wanting to make Ace feel uncomfortable and shrugged her shoulders and smiled,
“Yeah, It was unexpected but I-”
“They ruined our dated.” Ace cut off (Y/n) as he hung his head low in guilt and frustration. It was already hard enough to figure out his feelings for her and now it’s just as hard to just ask her out. (Y/n) could completely understand how he feels, she was also so looking forward to his date but even if it was interrupted by Luffy and Sabo it still considered a date, just not a perfect one.
“They didn’t ruin anything.” (Y/n) scoffed, squeezing Ace’s hand pulling his attention over to her.
“It was supposed to be a date. With just me and you and yet-”
“-and yet, your brothers tagged along. There nothing wrong with that. We still rode some rides together, took pictures together, ate together, and did other couple-y stuff together. Your brothers just happened to be here.” (Y/n) explained as she recalled all the times the 4 of them did meet up with each other. Ace’s face seemed to soften a bit after hearing her explanation, “And plus, I don’t know about you but I think I'm finally ready to be apart of your crazy family. After the hell your brother put me through I better be apart of the family.”
That’s when Ace froze. He didn’t know what to do or what to even say. All he could do was repeat her, “...Apart of my.. family??”
“Well of course,” (Y/n) gave a firm nodded as she looked up into Ace’s eyes. As he stared right back down at her, he noticed there was a look of determination in them. It almost reminded him of the determination he had of making this date perfect, but that had to just be wishful thinking. (Y/n) couldn’t possibly know the plan behind the date. Seems like he was wrong, “All that’s left to do is confess to me, right? So whenever your ready Ace, I’ll give you my answer.”
“You...know? How’d you know??” Ace began to panic now. The plan was supposed to be kept secret and yet she seems to know all about it. He knows for a fact that Marco and Thatch didn’t tell her, they hardly even know her and as far as he knows, she was pretty good at keeping his feelings to himself, so how does (Y/n) know. She giggled as she inched closer to Ace, slowly closing the gap between them. Ace didn’t even notice, he was panicking too much.
“Ya’know Luffy doesn’t have a quiet mouth. Soooo, he ended up telling me. Well, he told me something along the lines. I figured out the rest.” (Y/n) smiled.
“Luffy told you?? God, he so stupid. How does he even know, I don’t remember even telling him anything about it. I’m mean I think I brought it up with Sabo but the only people who knew about it was-” Ace began to ramble on as the heat of embarrassment rushed through his body. He, no doubt, felt embarrassed. Luffy practically told (Y/n) that Ace like her. One more thing that Luffy did to ruin the day. Ace would’ve probably rambled on for a while too, not that (Y/n) didn’t minded. It was cute seeing Ace freak out and see the blush that covered his freckled cheeks, but if (Y/n) didn’t shut him up they would’ve gone nowhere. So while she wanted Ace to be the one to confess, it looks like (Y/n)'s just gonna have to step up for this one. (Y/n) doesn’t know what came over her when she thought of this idea but she has seen it happen in a lot of romcoms so why not try it in real life. Standing up on her tippy-toes, she closed the gap in-between them and connect their lips. Ace definitely froze now. This date is not going how he planned at all. The one he asked out is the one kissing him now.
(Y/n) had only planned to kiss Ace quickly and sweetly; a small peck on the lips to shut him up but things didn’t end up going that way Unknowingly to (Y/n) the fireworks began to go off right in the middle of their kiss. Gasping, her mouth slightly opened for just a moment and Ace was quick to take advantage of that. There wasn’t a lot he could control about this date but he knows that he can easily take control of this kiss. Now he’s taking full advantage of (Y/n). He knows that she’s hardly kissed anyone before so she’s inexperienced. He slipped his tongue into her mouth and began to dance around her mouth, taking his time and enjoying the feeling. (Y/n) face lit up in at least 10 different shades of red, this was definitely now how she imagined the kiss going but she enjoyed it. Her hands found the back of his neck while his hands found her waist. By now, there was no extra space between the 2. A small groan left Ace’s lips as the 2 of them continued to kiss. Fireworks continued to light up the sky, but the 2 of them didn’t even care. Ace probably could’ve kept the kiss going but after feeling a soft tug from (Y/n) on his shirt, he finally broke the kiss. As he leaned back he studied (Y/n)'s face. With the help of the bright flashes of light that illumined the sky, he could see the huge blush that covered her whole face: her cheeks, ears, and even neck. It was an amazing sight to see, especially after all the times (Y/n) had made Ace blush. He easily thought of it as payback, and seeing how he left her speechless he felt satisfied.
“I guess I don’t have to give you an answer anymore, do I?” Ace smirked as his strong arm continued to keep a tight hold around her waist. It still took (Y/n) a moment to regain her composer, the kiss was so unexpected and...amazing. There was no doubt that the feeling between the 2 is very much mutual.
“I...uh..A...a-after that kiss, if you don’t ask me to be your girlfriend now I might as well walk out of here empty-handed.” (Y/n) also kept her hands around her neck not wanting to let go of the warm body. Ace scoffed at her comment. Although the day didn’t go as plan at all, at least Ace was able to confess and not lose (Y/n). It filled him with so much indescribable happiness, he was going to be smiling for weeks. He closed the gap one last time, but this time with a tight hug. As he snuggled his face into the side of (Y/n)'s neck, she giggled feeling his black hair tickle her neck, “Ya’know, I guess we do owe it to Luffy. I mean, if he didn’t tell me then I wouldn’t have confessed either.”
“You? Confessed?”
“Mm-hm. I can’t tell you how long I’ve liked you. But I guess it was the same as you. I was scared to ruin what we already had.” (Y/n) explained as she nuzzled the nose into his hair as if she was trying to hide. Ace’s eyes widen at her explanation, turns out he hardly knows his best friend, “But, we really do have to make sure to thank Luffy.”
“I’ll make sure to beat him up later.” Ace muttered causing (Y/n) to erupt in laugher. Although, (Y/n) thought Ace was joking around Ace knows for a fact that he will beat him up for ruining their date, but he must give him credit at least. Even though Luffy didn’t mean to do anything, he ended up making this the best day ever.
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lovinkiri · 4 years
NSFW Alphabet ~ Katsuki Bakugou
Warning: Obviously, there shall be smut. Anything you'd expect from Bakugou.
A = Aftercare (Do they take care of you afterwards? How?)
Katsuki's actually pretty soft after sex. He'll run a bath for both of you and carry you into the bathroom. He'd gently rub the wash cloth against your skin.
He'd use a soap with a soft scent, so the smell of lavender or maybe light strawberry is filling the room.
You definitely get sleepy, I mean you were already exhausted but now this? And he lets you lean back against his shoulder and drift off.
"Don't worry bout it, I got you."
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of yours? Of themselves?)
He loves your ass. Bakugou is an ass man and I stand by that statement. He loves to have you over his knee and spank you. He loves simply smacking it when you walk by. He loves the red prints he leaves on it and seeing you struggle to sit 😂
His favorite body part on his own body? Definitely his hands. One, he needs them to properly fight and they do that pretty well. Two, he loves touching you with them. Running his hands up your sides, squeezing your tits, and of course smacking dat ass 😏
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum)
He cums a lot. A bit more than average. Like, one load his spilling out of you in a small stream.
And speaking of which, he prefers to cum inside of you and to fill you up. It's kinda like marking his territory, you know?
If that's not something you're comfortable with, he'd rather cum in your mouth. He'll force your mouth open and watch you swallow it down.
"That's right, swallow it down, slut."
D = Dirty Secret (A dirty secret of theirs)
Definitely has urges to fuck you in public. Whether it be in front of your friends or just on the train, the thought of everyone watching as he takes you against a wall gets him going.
Especially if he notices someone flirting with you. Depending on how hard said person is flirting, this may go from a dirty secret to a funny (hot) story.
E = Experience (Any past experience?)
Nope. None. Before you, Bakugou never even thought of dating, let alone sex. He didn't see the point, he didn't care enough. You were just special.
He was simply a natural and got the hang of things pretty quickly. What'd you expect? Katsuki Bakugou doesn't lose! Not even at sex!
F = Favorite Position (What's their favorite position?)
Face down, ass up. He loves shoving your face into the mattress and towering over you, fucking you senseless. He feels powerful.
His hand will definitely curl into your hair or he'll grip the back of your neck.
G = Goofy (Are they serious or silly during sex?)
I mean, he grins.. While teasing you. So I wouldn't say silly because he's pretty serious on pleasuring you. But not completely serious because of his cockiness.
He definitely laughs at you sometimes.
Like "*laughs* Are you shaking? You needed my cock that badly?"
H = Hair (How well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes?)
He keeps it pretty neat down there, he just prefers go trim it. And yes. Yes. The carpet does indeed match the drapes, my friend.
I = Intimacy (Are they romantic?)
Yes. I mean, he's not exactly gentle with you, but he's not destroying into next week.
It's more of deep, passionate strokes as he holds you against him.
If he's really trying to get romantic, he'll wrap his arms around you as you straddle him and just slowly thrust up.
J = Jerk off (How often do they do it? What do they think of?)
Before you two get together, he did it maybe a couple times a week. Often times, he'd think of hearing your cute sounds. He'd visualize you doing a slow, sensual strip tease for him.
After you two get together, he doesn't do it as often. At least not alone. He definitely does it with you sometimes. If not with you, its a bit more frustrating. He gets so used to your pussy that his hand isn't as satisfying as it used to be.
K = Kinks (One or more of their kinks)
Degradation, BDSM, Daddy, Spanking, Choking, Biting (or marking in general), hair pulling, there are more.
By the way, all of which can be reversed. Don't be afraid to dom Katsuki. He secretly wants it ;)
L = Location (Favorite place to do it?)
Usually happens in your own rooms, but will definitely take his time with you in the kitchen.
What if someone walks in? He doesn't care. He's too busy making you both feel good. And after a while, you wont care too much either.
M = Motivation (What turns them on?)
A pair a shorts. Bending over while cleaning or something. Making out. Giving him light touches. Hell, even stroking his ego!
Say the right things and he's ready to go.
Trail your hands down his chest and he loves it.
So to put it simply, boi lowkey has a praise kink lol
N = NO (Something they wouldn't do? Turn offs?)
I feel like it depends. Like, for the most part, he likes voyeurism. As long as he's not the one watching.
Though, even that depends. He will only share you with someone he completely trusts, like the Bakusquad.
Realistically, he wouldn't care for Somnophilia. And unless you're both drunk or your just tipsy, won't touch you like that if you're trashed. Lack of consent is, and should always be, a big turn-off.
O = Oral (Would they rather give or receive?)
He would definitely rather receive than give. Like, he doesn't mind giving. And will definitely let you sit on his face. But he loves fucking your throat senseless, its just 👌🏾
P = Pace (Fast? Slow? Gentle? Rough?)
He's only gently when your having a bad day. Unless what you need is to be taken roughly, then he'll deliver.
He's usually rough, but always passionate. He likes to switch it up sometimes though. When teasing, he'd definitely more slow and sensual though.
Q = Quickie (How do they feel about quickies?)
He loves them. He loves the possibility of being caught somewhere, the rush. He loves shoving you into a small space and clamping his hand over your mouth.
He loves when you quickly grind against each other to chase your orgasms. You're both just in a frenzy and things start getting hazy.
R = Risks (Do they like taking risks? Do they like to experiment?)
Oh, he lives for it practically. Nothing scares Katsuki Bakugou. He'll take you almost anywhere and just hope you aren't too loud.
Definitely the type to finger you under the table at dinner with your friends.
Definitely loves cockwarming during movie night under the blanket.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go?)
Typically, he'll only go 4 rounds at the most. Out of respect for your body, you know?
After a bad day, he can go all night. Everything is so much drawn out. Teasing, thrusts, orgasms.
T = Toys (Do they use/own toys?)
Katsuki himself doesn't own many toys. And he's not a fan of using them for the most part. He definitely owns handcuffs and and a paddle. And he'll definitely use your own vibrator on you.
He finds pleasure in fucking you and watching you squirm with the vibrator pressed against your aching clit.
U = Unfair (Do they tease?)
Yes he does.
He teases like crazy. No matter what, he finds a way to tease. Its in his nature.
V = Volume (How loud are they? What sounds do they make?)
It depends, really. If you're dominating him, he's moaning roughly. Well, its a mix of a moan and a growl. Tease him enough and he'll start whimpering quietly.
If he's dominating you, not too many moans. It's mostly groaning and grunting, definitely growling. Usually though, he uses his voice talking. Sometimes he'll moan when he cums.
W = Wild card (Random scenario)
His cock pushed deeper into you and his hand found its way into your hair, roughly yanking on it. You yelped and moved back against him feverishly. His hips stilled and you whined instinctively. "What's wrong? You were talking all that crap just before. What, does it take a nice cock to shut you up?" He teased, a growl in his voice.
X = X Ray (Length, size)
This man is long and thick. I emphasize on thick, by the way. He fills you up in all the best places. There's a slight curve up.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
You guys go at it slmost every night. He can't help you! How dare you look so good all day? The way you licked your lips earlier, you did that on purpose didn't you? You wanted attention so badly? Now you got it.
Z = Zzz.. (How quickly do they fall asleep afterwards?)
He falls asleep quickly. He'll pull you close on top of him or he'll nuzzle your neck. He loves having you against him as you fall asleep, skin against skin.
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" what's the matter sweetie~~? Why don't you get close? Loook~ here's your teddy beaaar~ come here and take it.....come on take it.....jarjarjar....." The big headed clown chuckled darkly as he stare up at you with his golden deadly eyes.
Your eight year old self could see his sickening grin form from ear to ear inside the dark echoing sewer. You notice how he had spots of blood spread on his big mouth and his dirty clothes. He held your now ripped bloody teddy bear in his shaky claws.
You grimace at the way it look but you remember when your little brother gave it to you for your seventh birthday. Your little brother went missing one night and that teddy bear is really important for you because it's the only thing left from your little brother.
" Give me back Mr. Teddy! Please it's from my little brother! He gave it to me for my birthday! " You pleaded with your tiny soft voice.
" Your little brother..... Jeongin?....." The red headed clown said as he raised his thin round eyebrows and widen his eyes looking creepy. 
You also widen your eyes as that creepy looking clown mentioned him. Perhaps....does he know where her little brother is? Does he know something about his disappearance?
" How do you know him?....." You asked as you crawl closer towards the sewer. The clown chuckled and grinned widely showing his sharp yellow teeth.
" Little Jeongin is with me honey~......do you want to see hiiimm~?" He cooed with his silly and raspy clown voice.
You eagerly nodded. " PLEASE! PLEASE! Jeonginie~! Come back!"
Your eyes widen when you saw your little 6 year old brother. He wore a yellow raincoat. His hoodie was up covering his small chubby face. His raincoat looked dirty, covered in mud, pieces of trash stick on the coat. He held a red floating balloon in his tiny hands.
" If you want your brother back...." This time the clown frowned, and he looked deadly at her. " Then get down and take him.....NOW!" He yelled scaring you.
" Jeongin~! Jeongin~! Come over here! It's me Y/n! Jeongin!" You said crawling slowly towards the sewer, your tiny arm sticking out to reach for him. " I can't, I can't...." Jeongin cried as he step back, still his small face looking down all this time.  The clown chuckled darkly as he was opening his wide mouth.
" Y/n!!!...."
" Y/n! What are you doing there next to the sewers! You're going to fall!"
You turn to your side and immediately stood up. You looked at your little friends that called you. The clown suddenly growled as he aggressively grab Jeongin and pushed him away like a ragged doll. He felt annoyed he couldn't get what he wanted; his fresh food.
" Guys my little brother is in here.....!" You stoped speaking as you turn to look back at the sewers. The clown nor your little brother weren't there anymore.
" Y/n......how could he be in the sewers?...." Yeonjun asked as he held your tiny hands with his tiny ones.
" Y/n! You shouldn't get close! You could fall!" Your taller friend Soobin, suddenly hug you.
" But I saw a creepy clown! He had my teddy bear and Jeongin!"
Yeonjun gulp down saliva as he heard about the clown again.
" Clown? On the sewers? Y/n you're too cute and funny pleased stop!" Soobin laughed as he pinched your chubby cheeks.
You looked at Yeonjun and he did the same. He squeezed your hand almost telling you that he believes you.....
Flashback End
"Ahhh! I need to stop remembering it!" You yelled as you got up from the bed to get ready for school.
" Y/n! Eat something! At least an apple!" Your mother yelled from across the kitchen. " No mom I'm late!" You said and quickly put on your shoes that were next to the door. " Bye mom love you!"
" Love you too!....ahh! This girl" she shook her head.
" Hey! Y/n!~" Your friend Soobin said as he smiled at you. " You woke up late too?..." The tall dark hair boy with an undercut said as he look down at you. You nodded. " Yes! I....had that weird memory again...." You said as you touched your forehead.
"Mmm....ohhh....the clown memory? You mean a dream?.... Again!? Y/n you keep having that same dream so often? Are you really that scare of clowns?...." Soobin chuckled as he face palm.
" Soobin you don't understand-"
" Hey Y/nnie~! Hey Soobin~~~ i'm glad y'all waited for me" Beomgyu smiled kindly as he put on his red beanie over his long rock emo boy hair cut.
" We weren't waiting for you, we stop to talk about her nightmare.…" Soobin smiled innocently at him showing his deep dimples.
" The clown dream......Y/n, baby...." Suddenly Beomgyu wrapped his left arm around your shoulders getting close to you, his fingers from his right hand  slightly pinching your small chin moving your face towards his lovely gaze. " you see, fears are like food.....you can't resist them.....they hypnotized you to eat them...."
" What are you saying? That doesn't make sense" Soobin laughed and you agree bobbing your head repeatly.
" What I mean is that I'm hungry. Long or short story...Y/n.... YOU NO LONGER A CHILD GROW UP! FEARING CLOWNS IS FOR LOSERS!" Beomgyu yelled exaggerating every word he said while making dramatic hand gestures.
" Says the loser that is scared of the red sun...." Short blond hair Huening Kai said as he smirked at Beomgyu, teasing him.
" Kai~~~" Beomgyu suddenly hug him sofly and then let go. " Hey! Stop it! The red sun is not a joke! I've heard once the sun turns red it means the world will end.....or does it mean evil will rise?..." Beomgyu question himself.
" Umm..... where's Yeonjun and Taehyun?... Yeonjun said he'll take us to school...." You furrowed your eyebrows worried. Yesterday he texted in the group chat that he'll be picking them up since he already got his driver's license.
" Tae called me in the morning telling me he feels sick....so he'll stay home...." Hueningkai said.
" Yeonjun doesn't answer his phone....." Soobin said as he hold his iPhone against his ear.
" I'm worry....." Beomgyu said in english.
" Me too gyu...." You said in english as well.
What could've happened to him? He always answer his phone every time we call..... something is wrong.... could it be his parents?
And Taehyun suddenly missing school? When he is one of the top 5 best and smartest students in Junior grade and plus he is a very healthy boy.....
Something is going on and we need to find it out.
" Let's go to his house?....we should check and if he isn't there, let's check in Taehyun's house......ahh!" Beomgyu said earning a smack on the arm by Hueningkai.
" You stole my statement! I was gonna say that! " Kai said.
" Ok let's go now!" You said as you started running and the boys following you.
" His car isn't there....." Soobin said as he looked around the backyard.
" If his car isn't there....he must not be in the house either...." Kai said staring at the decently looking house.
" Should we knock?" Beomgyu said as he gazed at the maroon door.
" I don't think he's there if his car isn't out here..." You said.
" Alright." Beomgyu answered however he still walked towards the maroon door and knock it. " Mrs and Mr. Choi! It's your son Beomgyu! I want to see my bro! Where is he!?" He yelled his voce kind of cracking,  leaning his ear against the door.
Suddenly they heard a heavy kick against the door coming inside the house. Beomgyu flinched like a baby and back off from the door. " The fuck?..." He narrowed his eyebrows as he gave it a weird look.
The person abruptly opens the door and peeks out to see who was the one banging on his door while screaming at it.
" Beomgyu it was you.....who do you think you are to be banging at my door like if you own it...." Yeonjun's father said angrily.
" Your son....." Beomgyu said in a sad tone faking a sad look.
" MY-keeu!.... You ain't my son and don't ever knock on my door like that nor yelled at it as if it's a dog!"
You and the others secretly try their best not to laugh at the whole scene you three are watching making Beomgyu turn back to look at you and your friends.
Beomgyu crack a smile but quickly went back to being serious. " Look sir, we're looking for Yeonjun! That idiot was supposed to take us to school and now we're going to miss it! Not that I care for me it's alright I can missed school every day BUT MY FRIENDS!! THEY LOVE SCHOOL!! IT ISN'T FAIR-"
"ⁿᵒ ʷᵉ ᵈᵒⁿ'ᵗ...." Yelled Soobin and Kai from a far.
" Little boy.....I don't care about you or your friends, that idiot is in one of his stupid friend's house.....Taeyang? Taeyong? Taehyung?..... something like that...now JUST-"
" That's enough sir thank you for the info......let's go?" Beomgyu question his friends while raising an eyebrow.
" Taehyun!!" Soobin screamed as he knock on the door.
From inside the house you could hear Taehyun's heavy steps and cussing them off for making a whole chaos outside his house.
" Can't y'all understand that my parents are sleeping right now?!?.....so disrespectful god....well except for Y/n she's a sweetheart, the only normal one here..." Taehyun glared at his friends except for you. You innocently smiled at him cutely going with the flow.
" Are you sure she's a normal?..." Kai crack a nervous smile and laugh.
" She dreams about clowns chasing her..." Beomgyu joked next.
" CLOWNS!?......" Taehyun widen his big eyes even wider.
" Shhhhhh! Your parents are sleeping and is Yeonjun here? He must...." Soobin glared at him.
" Yeah yeah right, and yes his hear.....how y'all know?" Taehyun asked as he peek inside his house making sure his parents are still sleeping.
" His new car, outside....." You responded.
Taehyun nodded and let the three of you walk inside his house. Taehyun made sure nobody around the neighborhood saw them. For what reason? Only he knows.
" Yaaah Tae you're being suspicious.... what's the matter? Why is Yeonjun here?..." You slightly whispered as all of you gather together in Taehyun's room.
Yeonjun sat on the ground, tiger blanket on his shoulders, eating Doritos and watching SpongeBob like a little kid.
You smiled at that sight and felt happy when you saw him there... healthy and safe.
You know his problems....the problems that happens inside his house everyday. His parents are in the middle of divorce and that had caused horrible fights and arguments between them....and Yeonjun is sick of it.
So you understood why he prefer to stay in somebody else home instead of his own.....you would've done the same if you were in that situation.....lucky for you you don't have a dad so it will never happen. You sat next to Yeonjun and wrapped an arm around his shoulder.
Yeonjun looked at you and smile. Taehyun notice how you two were close to each other. He shook his head and tap on Yeonjun's back two times. " Yeonjun, they're here.... mind explaining them?"
" Guys.....the clown.....he talked to me....." Yeonjun said with a scared look and his eyebrows narrowed down. " He said he'll be here to come and get us.....that clown that got my twin sisters is back!"
His eyes landed on yours making you covered your mouth in shock.
Soobin, Beomgyu, and Huening looked at each other slowly, seeing how you were reacting and how Yeonjun and Taehyun look so serious, make them feel like they're being honest.
" Is this for real?.... aren't y'all joking with us?..." Soobin raised his eyebrows.
You looked at Yeonjun and Taehyun with a sad look and so did they towards you.
" Guys.....I know it sounds crazy...but the reason why our younger siblings went missing and their bodies were never found....is because that men dressed in a clown suit ate him! He eats children and even teenagers! Probably even adults! That's why I'm terrified at clowns! Specially him...." You said as you sat down on the bed and covered your face with your hands.
Soobin, Beomgyu, and Huening looked at you surprised. This strange information is slowly processing in their brains.
" Soobin, remember 9 years ago.....I was laying down in front of a sewer...." You said hoping he remembered that very first and last day you talked to that clown. " Yeonjun remembers!" You said as you looked at Yeonjun then back at Soobin.
" I.... remember.....I didn't believe you at that time....so that clown does exist....." He thought as he looked at you in realization.
" Last night I was riding my car, I parked it next to a sewer.....and he was there .....he told me he will come to get me and my friends.....I really don't know what I ever did to him....All I know is that we're in danger..." Yeonjun said as he look up at his friends with red crying eyes.
" We must stay together...." You said as you reach to get Yeonjun's hand to help him stand up. Taehyun quickly walked to your other side and held your hand.
The six of you gather around in a circle holding hands.
" We promise to each other that we will stay together forever, in good and in bad..... together forever!" They all said loudly as they rais their holdings hands up in the air. It was a friendly encouragement for y'all's strong friendship of years.
" What the-! Is this some cult ritual y'all doing? Y/n you're the only girl here be careful!" Taehyun's mother said as she stand there next to the door watching us.
" Mom don't worry Y/n is protected with me...." Taehyun said as he wrapped an arm around your shoulders and smiled warmly at you.
" Alright......I seriously don't know what y'all doing here instead of being in school but come to the dining room to eat breakfast...." She said as she no longer care what this troublesome kids were doing.
Yeonjun grabs your hand and you accept it. Taehyun notice it and he did the same to you with other hand.
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