#I cooked here tbh
eve-was-framed · 9 months
okay this is gonna be a bit of a long rant (with some SA and CSA mentions so pls don’t read if that will be too much for you rn) but I’ve been thinking a lot about the “male loneliness epidemic” lately and I have some Thoughts ™
we live in very isolating, depressing and scary times. we live in a hyper-individualistic capitalist hellscape that seems to punish people who need community support. and I truly believe that we as humans should try to help each other out in the ways that we are able to.
but I lose 100% of my empathy for lonely depressed men when they start using their own personal issues as an excuse to peddle ideologies that advocate for rape, pedophilia, child marriage, sexual slavery, and even murder of women and girls. I don’t fucking care how sad you are, if you advocate for other humans beings to be subjected to the cruelest treatment possible then you either need to get serious help or die (and not take anyone with you when you do).
you do not have a fucking paramount on suffering. you are not the only ones who experience loneliness. I know you think women get to just pick and choose whichever romantic partner/friends we want, but that is false, and also being seen as nothing but a sex object by men is so incredibly isolating too. that’s not real love and connection, that’s only being valued for what we can provide for men. so many people feel so alone and it genuinely is a big problem.
I was raised in an extremely misogynistic cult that preaches that grown men are not responsible for anything they do to little girls bc “they’re wired that way.” I had very bad things happen to me before I was even old enough to realize what it meant. and you know what the excuse always is? “well it happened to him when he was younger too so he can’t help that he does it to you.” I learned very early that male suffering is viewed as more important than the suffering they inflict on innocent people. and despite going through this, despite seeing nearly every woman in my life go through something similar, despite all of this, I still would never ever sympathize with any ideology that preaches rape, slavery, sex trafficking, pedophilia, white supremacy, etc. and that doesn’t make me some super hero, it makes me a mildly normal person.
so no, nobody “pushed” you into your evil ideologies, nobody made you do that. if true suffering at the hands of the opposite sex is really the root cause of inceldom then almost every single woman I know would be the most insane incel you’d ever meet in your entire life. but they’re not, even though many of them are lonely and long for true companionship, none of them feel so angry and entitled to it that they want to murder and rape men or little boys. not a single one. the root cause of inceldom is, and always has been, male entitlement. men who were raised to believe the world and every woman in it exists to serve them in some way, but then grew up and realized that actually nobody is owed sex and you don’t get to force women to marry you and have kids, because we are human beings who deserve to be happy too. and this makes them so mad that they start thinking it’s okay to do whatever they want to whoever they want, because after all, nobody on planet earth could ever suffer as much as incels do when a woman tells them no.
I’m fucking sick of it. stop saying “they pushed me to this” and start taking even an ounce of accountability for your deranged, entitled mindset.
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spyglassrealms · 1 year
had a fucking hilarious dream that tumblr replaced the "block" function with the far funnier "glock" function, which did the exact same thing except whenever anyone blocked you a random bullet hole, like a png of a bullet hole, would appear on your blog. discourse blogs were unreadable bc you'd go to the page and the sheer amount of bullet hole pngs stacked over the blogs obscured everything. I woke myself up laughing
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khaopybara · 4 months
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GMM's Bisexuals of 2023
(of shows that I've watched/am watching at least)
+ Honorable Mention
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galacticsabc · 29 days
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When the Sun is Snuffed Out
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tomwambsgans · 3 months
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tomgreg + ratatouille (2007)
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beanghostprincess · 2 months
Usopp wants to make a cake for Sanji's birthday so he begs him to stay away from the kitchen for a while. Go read with Robin. Hang out with Luffy. Play with Chopper. Sunbathe with Nami. Whatever. As long as he doesn't come into the kitchen.
To say he's afraid would be an understatement. He has seen Usopp cooking and he isn't bad. Just... Average person skills. He can boil water, unlike some others (cof cof mosshead and Luffy cof cof) but baking a cake is entirely different. Sanji is scared for his boyfriend's safety and his kitchen. Mostly his kitchen.
He just waits next to the door until it's done, unable to even rest because the thought of what could be happening inside scares the shit out of him. He really, really wants to take a look inside but he's being respectful of his boyfriend's wishes. But God, if he messes up...
But he??? He doesn't???
The cake turns out extremely good. Borderline surprising. Astonishing. Sanji can't even speak. Okay, maybe it isn't perfect and maybe Sanji would've changed some stuff but- But it's perfect for him and it's well-made and it isn't average because it's obvious it's made with so, so much love and care.
"Where- Where the hell did you learn to do this?" Sanji needs to ask this because there is no way Usopp managed to make this without any prior experience. "I didn't teach you this." And the thought of another cook teaching Usopp how to bake a cake makes him shiver with jealousy.
Usopp smiles proudly, pointing a finger to his chest. "Well, did I ever tell you I used to be the most fam-" Sanji raises an eyebrow at him, knowing it's obviously a lie, and Usopp sighs, lowering his shoulders. He laughs at his own behavior. "Sorry, but I did bake a lot of cakes when I was a kid. My mom couldn't get out of bed, but she wanted to celebrate anyway and we didn't have much money to buy one, so... I made my own. Also made Kaya's when she was sick." But he doesn't look sad about it... Just nostalgic.
Sanji kisses him. Out of nowhere and tasting his sugary lips he used to taste the cake. When they move away, Usopp blushing uncontrollably, Sanji hums. "Is it- is it good? Do you like it?" The sniper asks, a bit too nervously keeping in mind his prior confidence.
"The kiss or the cake?" Sanji smirks.
"The cake, obviously."
"Perfect." He kisses him again. "You, the cake, your kisses. Always sweet and perfect."
And Sanji thinks he will let Usopp bake his next birthday cake. And the next. And the next. If it means he will be able to taste it on his lips every time.
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Something is happening that he cant explain 😨😨😨
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lazycranberrydoodles · 10 months
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every time he steps into the kitchen he invents a new health code violation
follow for more. whatever this is
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hai-nae · 28 days
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just vibin'
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thatonecrookedsmile · 6 months
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"They wail in the night. Drifting in shadow. The Phantoms of the Machine. The ghosts."
We are at the very end of spooky season.
I finished this one a while ago. I was wanting to post this at the same time as the other last 3 TID prompts that I was wanting to do*. I had another idea for this prompt, but I think that would be good for another separate drawing. Plus, I've been wanting to draw Slicer for a while now. Kinda proud of this one. One of those drawings that I look at and think "wait, I think I cooked here". I had to swap my mouse for a different one, so drawing this (specifically sketching this) was really something. But I'm getting used to it I think.
I had to improvise in the background. Lots of negative space that I had to learn how to fill. Not half-bad.
The next time I draw Slicer it probably won't be with this level of detail. At least in this specific case, it made me discover one or two small details in her design that I hadn't noticed before. It's cool.
Since it's already Halloween, I thought it would be appropriate to finally post this now. (I thought about posting this tomorrow, but not only do I think it's better to post this today, but I'll probably be too busy thinking about Bendy's new announcement tomorrow, whatever that may be)
But yeah. Happy Halloween folks!
*Yes, I'm still doing those prompts. They are being done! I'm just kinda busy. I think I will post them during November. I know that TID is over and I don't need to do them. But I'm stubborn and want to do it anyway lol.
Unfiltered version below:
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megidoreyn · 5 months
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Drew the SMT4 Samurai Squad floating away on the twitter profile balloons to celebrate my birthday in September! 🎈🍰
💙twitter 💙misskey
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bluesfreakingart · 10 months
Hiii I really really love how do you draw Jervis. Its something I don't see every day, you know? Please dont stop drawing it!!!
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Glad you like the content anon! Also good news for you because I'm currently in the works with a meme and also actually getting to... possibly making an ask/rp blog because I'm caving into my own demons. (maybe more ask than rp tbqh dunno yet. I'm currently doing research n shit, so I get this right.)
Idk when tf I'm going to get both of these ideas out but like I'll post em-- SO IN TERMS OF STOPPING DW MORE IS TO COME
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jokest3r · 1 year
POV: Soap tries to cook surprise breakfast for Ghost in their apartment
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dekupalace · 1 month
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timey-fandom-stuff · 2 months
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"What, playing by the rules wasn't enough for you?"
"In that case... Let's play a new game, just you and me."
"I'm gonna count to ten, and if you're still there..."
"I'll make you disappear. Better get hiding."
'The Kriptid' isn't your standard issue Kris Dreemurr; it's hard to say what they qualify as these days. A few too many tweaks by an over-zealous Deltarune modder have left them irreparably changed. They don't appreciate what 'meddlers' have done to them or their world.
Are they human? Are they a monster? A secret third thing, it seems.
If you're lucky, they'll never be more than a fleeting shadow at the edge of your screen, a flicker of pixels you can't quite identify. To most they're nothing but an elusive urban myth. And to those who dwell within, they're merely a mysterious vagabond with a discomforting sense of humor and an eerily detached disposition... And a notable aversion to being directly observed. Their nickname seems all too apt.
But to those Players who reach a little too deep into the code...
Well, that's a whole other story, now isn't it?
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ghoulinfuschia · 7 hours
Seeing how… passionate you are with VTuber rigging, do you plan to make different models depending on your fandoms? Like if for example you go back to Homestuck, would you make a troll-sona model?
Seeing as making models for myself would be relatively easy I did consider making models for different fandom-sonas, the only issue is if I switched my model a lot it would kinda make me harder to recognize I feel. Although a workaround I thought about was maybe having my robo-sona be my default? I have been told I act like a robot anyways (not cold and unfeeling, but I was told I "glitch" a lot? I still don't know what that means IUDEFU).
My idea for my model was to have her be a cybergirl so being made of pixels would make it easy for her to shapeshift anyways??? Maybe?? Idk Im still workshopping that- BUT ANYWHO, A TROLLSONA MODEL IS V MUCH A POSSIBILITY. I think that could be very fun.
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