#I don't know how to factcheck that
ipwarn · 5 months
Is chord not in New York
He had an interview with Elvis in New York this morning yes but he said during that he was flying home today. Might not match up timewise for him to perform at the show, but doesn't he live in Nashville?
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glitchthesenuts · 2 years
i will never get tired of this blog, i will never run out of ideas
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semimole · 5 months
reading the transcript of james somerton's video and here's some notable stuff for people who dont want to watch the 34 minute long thing:
it opens with him saying his media blackout is because he was in the hospital for "trying to do something really stupid"
the first thing approaching an apology in this apology video is at the timestamp 2:20
immediately after saying "i'm really really sorry" he says that in title cards he tried to put "this is based on this person's research or this person's book" but he "knows that isnt enough now"
"there were a lot of times that stuff just got put in and there was no attempt at crediting anybody and i'm really really sorry" nice passive voice james
he claims he didnt know he was hurting people doing this
he spends two minutes explaining how long he's been friends with nick and all their history and that nick has not spoken with him since "this happened"
"I also want to apologize for the misinformation and just outright lies that ended up in the videos I can honestly say that I never intended for any of that stuff to be in the videos. And most cases I didn't write it but I should have […] I should have been more diligent about factchecking" he never intended lies to be in the video, just pure good research that he stole. research that he later says he took for granted
he briefly thanks harris and his team for the fund set up for victims of plagiarism and says he wants to help but doesn't know how
less than a second later he's saying that all claims and estimations of how much he makes online are overestimated and that he split everything 50/50 with nick
he says his plan moving forward is to reupload all the videos, put credit in the description, and then somehow send the ad revenue for those videos to the authors whose research he stole. do those authors want that? wonder if he even asked them. i mean if he stole my shit for a video i wouldnt want him to reupload with a credit in the description and whatever paltry cents i get from the few views he'll manage after this
"I never thought anyone thought that I was doing like journalism on stuff. I don't think anyone did, but the people who actually were doing it should have been given the credit they deserved." wild sentence bro
he once again defends his title card citations in two videos and appends "but now I know that's not how citation works" so why are you still saying it...
at some point he'd like to do videos again, and his plan for that is "videos that are fully sourced where I will put a link to the script where you can find all of the sources so that everyone is properly given the credit that they deserve." now i could be reading this purposefully negatively but this just sounds like a description citation again but with extra steps
he wants to be a "really good example" of proper citation
"People think that I hate ace people and women and bisexual people and lesbians and that's not true. I'm sorry that stuff made it into the videos. I promise you I did not write that stuff. I should have been a lot more extracting when Nick and I would be editing scripts but I promise you that I don't think those things […] when it came to that I would just kind of run with Nick's judgement and his observations and stuff like that." SO THE ONE THING THAT HARRIS SAID WAS NOT PLAGIARIZED AND SEEMED TO BE JAMES'S REAL OPINION HE WANTS US TO KNOW THAT HE DEFINITELY DOESNT FEEL THAT WAY AND WAS JUST PARROTING NICK'S OPINION. but dont worry right after this he assures us he's not trying to "throw Nick under the bus"
he says he thinks they were just trying to do videos too fast and writing and editing too fast
"Telos was never a scam. It was never a grift or anything like that I swear it was not. In the next couple of days I'm going to send out a message to the supporters on Indiegogo and explain the whole situation in more detail to them." can't wait to read that explanation
he spends more time talking about the videos he'd like to make in the future
"I actually liked doing research. I loved doing research, reading the books and articles and stuff like that. The part of me that was lazy was the copy and paste part. I wasn't trying to be malicious that was just laziness." james. that's not as great of an explanation as you might think. it just shows how blatantly you dont respect or care for other creators. you only did it because you believed you could get away with it, not just because you were lazy
he says the reason he's reactivating his patreon is because there were several people online theorizing that his plan was to relaunch in january to pull surprise billing and run with the money. so he said he's relaunching now to give people time to leave ("which i imagine will be the vast majority" can't pass up the opportunity to be self-deprecating)
he ends the video restating what he said earlier in the video
notably he's crying the whole time
one thing i'll say is that i didn't see anything that indicated he communicated with harris or kat or anyone. it sounded like he was coming up with that plan on the fly. i'm not surprised if he claimed it elsewhere or has failed to follow up on that promise, but it has only been 5 hours since release (at the time i'm typing this). so at least he's not making claims quite as bold as "i've been in communication with hbomberguy"
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pansyfemme · 7 months
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jude + he/him + nineteen
FTM, femme, faggot, fat boy, colorfreak and general rainbow lover. I’m a visual artist (cartoonist, sculptor, painter, etc,) currently in art school, have a special interest in twee pop, and i make transgender penis jokes on the internet. Stay weird with it always, yknow?
Art: @fagboyfriend
Twee/Indie Pop blog : @upforabit
selfies are under: #Jude pansyfem irl
putting a short faq under cut bc. i get the same questions a lot. check it before you ask about my icon or header or anything
How long have you been on T/How do you have a beard at 19? I came out at 12 years old, started blockers at 14 and HRT later that same year, and had top surgery at 17, making me 5 years on t and 2.5 years post op.
What show/game/comic is your icon from? its a cropped version of the album cover of the 1999 album “shake the pounce” by vancouver based twee pop band Gaze. It’s a favorite album of mine as well as just a cool little guy i like a lot
Where is your header from? a painting i did in gouache a year or two ago and thought would make a nifty header.
Oh come on, you’re not unboyfriendable! “unboyfriendable” has been my title for about three years now on account of it being a lyric from a song that means a lot to me, “all my little words” by the magnetic fields. EDIT: i am. in fact, boyfriendable, it seems. this has been brought to my attention recently. slight adjustments needed to be made but i carry on the legacy <3 (yes he’s cute)
How do I refer to you? Actually, i don't get this question a lot, and I shouldn't, since this info is both in my pinned above and in my bio. But a lot of people still seem awful confused. I am male. FTM. I use He/Him pronouns and masculine terms with the exception of compliments like 'pretty' and all that. I am not nonbinary, and do not like to be referred to gender neutrally. I simply am a trans man who enjoys gender non conformity and cross-dressing.
Are you Bi or Gay? this world is full of beauty. im queer. take that how you will. I like hot people but especially like pretty men. <- guy who will not shut up about his very pretty boyfriend
What style are you wearing/where do you get your clothes? I started by wearing my personal version of the japanese fashion subculture Decora Kei. My decora became a bit messy and grungy, and while i do still identify as a decora boy and wear full coords from time to time, i consider myself now someone who enjoys colorful fashion and takes influence from 90s harajuku fashion, punk subcultures, drag and other campy fashion. I shop a variety of places, but a lot of my stuff is from Kei Collective or Candy Trap.
What is Twee/Do you Make Music? Twee is a music genre I developed a special interest in a few years back. It's a style of indie pop that originated after the UK rise of the famous c86 compilation tape in the late eighties, and was developed with a focus on low-fidelity, diy sound combined with upbeat, bubblegum-y pop sentiments and a naive, childlike outlook. It's both cute and somewhat rough around the edges. I do not make music, and don’t hold any musical skill. I’m just a major fan.
Do you take commissions? Yeah, Info above!
Can you boost/reblog this post for me? This is a tough answer, i know, but if we are not mutuals, or I do not know you, I cannot do that for you. My reasoning being that I have been baited by very similar asks in the past that turned out to be scams, and I do not want to take the risk of spreading misinformation or scams now that I have a much larger following. I do my best to spread stuff that ends up on my dash and/or I can factcheck, but if I do not have that, I will be wary, considering my past interactions.
Can we be friends/Can I DM you? Anyone is welcome to send me a message of any type at any time, unless I have those settings changed, in which case i likely have it off short term, because i experience fairly regular transphobic harassment and i find it the best way to protect myself. However, just understand that I am a stranger on the internet. I don't always want to continue every conversation, and I'm not online all the time. I have all push notifications for tumblr turned off, including asks and dms, because it's much better for my mental health to be able to opt out of tumblr the moment I close the app. So, if i don't respond, i'm probably just doing something else or didn't see your message.
Do you have a DNI? I haven't in a long time, due to it being pretty frequently ignored and my following count growing to the point i can't really control that anymore. I can and will block people, but i feel my opinions are made fairly clear through what I post here.
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sgiandubh · 3 months
The Ascent of Lying
Why, Mordor people? Why do you lie?
Is it stupidity? Hunger Greed for clicks? That #silly, #silly itch to be FIRST? And RIGHT?
The Ascent of Lying started in this fandom with *urv. Her Google sources, her undying obsession for S (and the mandatory hypocrisy that comes along with it), her paltry stories fit for people who never took a flight overseas in their entire life (not something bad at all, but in this context, this makes you incredibly fragile), her remake of the Twilight fandom hullaballoo and her chutzpah.
It continued with Jess, on this side of the fandom: her OTT girlish enthusiasm, her elusiveness IRL and finally, her capitulation and resurrection, under the same name, but with a totally opposed POV. For perhaps you don't know it, but Jess 2.0 has been back since quite a while ago, now making amends about her former strong beliefs. Even taking full responsibility for some 'receipts' (remember the S lemon pin/wedding ring one? she confirmed it was her and it probably was a #silly, horrible lie). How convenient and how depressing, isn't it? Reading her new, sparse blog brought along two firm thoughts: why this need to robotically inform us about her happiness and her change of heart? Also, how many Anons did Jess 2.0 send, since her comeback, to this side of the fandom?
Let this disappointment be my sin, then and let the link to her new hole in the wall remain undisclosed by this page. I have no wish to either start a flaming war, nor give this woman more space than she deserves:
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You'll have to deal with the very childish LMAO and this completely irresponsible explanation: 'it was fun to fantasize at the time'. No, lady: you LIED. You lied through your teeth and because you had the privilege of having a thirsty audience, you thoroughly enjoyed this strange avatar of fame, as you say it publicly yourself, now. You even were, most probably, heavily used by ***'s PR and even S (that is a very firm belief), just like another very fragile individual, who switched sides in a far more vocal and pathetic way. That makes for a mixed bag of truths and lies, something I think we all are way too familiar with, by now. But that does not preclude, nor excuse in any shape or form, your eagerness to ahem, 'embellish" a very real love story and twist it according to your naivete and parochial life experience. Morally, you are 0, to me: a sentimental troll, completely on par with *urv.
I could blather on and on about Jess's main competitor, Puffy, too. I think I already wrote enough about her, if only because many believed me to be her latest avatar, which is completely ridiculous, but ridiculous with an agenda. So, did Puffy lie, too? Probably, especially while creating Stella and Deep Throat out of thin air. Let's agree she heavily extrapolated, which is a shame, because some of her analysis is really spot on.
The Ascent of Lying then morphed, along with an US busy social and political agenda being more and more sensitive to the 'fake news" issue, towards the Factchecker Anti blogs, who mimicked neutrality and promoted online stalking to unprecedented levels. Along came people like Meowkabob, who even manufactured their own facts/evidence and released them online. That was perfectly premeditated and done for increased credibility (I have debunked her shite last fall, if you remember), being fully aware that her libel could not be justified only by a prior, questionable, 'London experience', of which we conveniently have no concrete details. The other blog, you all know and sometimes visit: whether she is a PR plant or lonely rider doesn't really matter, yet a stalker and a hypocrite in her own right, too. The fact that both these persons suddenly felt an urge to express themselves during the heavily conspiratorial climate of the first COVID pandemic wave is not innocent at all, I think.
Lying is the real Uncharted Territory of this fandom and one of the main reasons we seldom have nice things to talk about, anymore. I barely scratched its surface and merely stated the obvious. If anything, it only comforted and strengthened my own beliefs, which I always strived to base on personal findings and facts, along with other likeminded people's experience. And I'd rather take the general brunt and simply say 'I don't know", than embellish. Also, when I am wrong, I am wrong: it happens to the best of us and it's always either immediately edited and explained or taken full responsibility for.
What I do know with a reasonable degree of certainty is that These Two are together. And this is all that matters to me, justifying my presence here.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk. There's more, but here is just an overview of the sentiments that prompted my next investigation.
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puff0o0 · 1 month
okok basically just wondering how tf141 would react/treat a religious s/o? I know they would be so understanding and sweet about it, I would love to those those thoughts written down 🤧
Hii!! I'm not religious so I tried to do research on the basics of every religion so it wasn't specified 😢 if there is a specific one you want, feel free to request it !! 🩷🌟
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☆ Like all the boys here, he would do anything and everything for you to make sure you were happy and content- if that meant buying you some stuff? sure. If it meant sitting there with you at a church or somewhere else? on his way
☆ There is nothing he wouldn't do and this is just added onto the list of stuff he would do. Like Ghost, he also does his research so he can understand everything about it. He also asks you so he can (hear your voice) learn more without having to factcheck the source
☆ He kept it in mind, making sure to add it to his mental list of everything about you. He'll go to the places and sit there with you and buy stuff if you need it, he doesn't mind. I don't really see him as a religious guy, but he will gladly listen to you talk about yours
☆ As long as you're happy, he's happy
☆ He'll ask questions about it and even do his own research- he wants to understand and get to know every little thing about you after all
☆ Very understanding as he is catholic. He doesn't expect you to indulge in his stuff and he probably won't do the same for yours unless it's visiting a place weekly. He will gladly listen to you ramble or talk about it as he is open to learning more about other religions
☆ Anything you need him to do he's pretty much doing
☆ Like everyone else here, will buy stuff for you if you need it or will take you to the places you need to go and stay there with you
☆ Very, very understanding. He will do pretty much anything with you if you ask him to. He doesn't mind doing it in the slightest and won't throw up much of a complaint unless he's really really tired, but then again, when is he too tired for you?
☆ Will listen to you when you explain your religion to him and won't mock you for it
☆ He'll even buy the stuff for you if you have anything necessary to have in your religion, he enjoys seeing you happy and making you smile
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piplup335 · 2 months
Scythe and reader who used to be a showgirl!
This...was one of my most confusing requests ;-;
Initially I was like "this should be okay" until I found out the definition of a showgirl..and I factchecked it and ended up being even more confused...then I realised that I forgot to ask for details…
so yeah- this may not be what you wanted, but I tried ;-; if you want I can rewrite it ASAP, I'll prioritise it too :D
hope it's alright, I did what I could with the prompt!
requested by @shymed! again, sorry if out of character, still not familiar with phighting n stuff ;-;
"...where am I?"
A lone demon sat in a small room, tied to a chair and blindfolded, without any sense of his surroundings.
He had no idea where he was, or why he was there...all the poor demon knew was that he needed to get out as soon as possible.
The last thing he remembered was blurry and fuzzy in his mind, almost like a damaged cassette tape…but he still remembered the details of what happened.
It was just a standard routine for him, sneaking around Lost Temple to snag a few bucks here and there to survive another day, buy another meal…and that’s when he saw it.
A dancer. Fair skin, flawless movements…she had it all. Especially in that sizable jar, almost stuffed to the brim with coins and banknotes…it was innocently sitting on the floor, practically begging to have some of the money taken out of it, begging to be spent…that jar was a sitting duck at that point. Situated in plain sight, brimming with cash and with no visible security in sight? Perfect.
One, two three…the demon watched as the dancer tapped to the beat, her dress flowing behind her as she twirled for another grand finish to her sequence. It was almost hypnotic…step, twirl, step, twirl, step…bingo.
Without wasting another beat, the demon leapt forward, seizing the jar. Tucking it under his arm, he cracked a sly smile.
"Target acquired...heh, I'm eating good for the next few days..."
Before the dancer even knew what happened, he had turned a corner into a dingy alleyway, with no traces left in sight.
Little did he know that someone was watching him from the top of a building…someone whose hat cast a dark shadow over her face…
The unknown figure sneered.
"Target acquired."
And now, here he was.
Blindfolded and tied to a chair.
Now, he was the sitting duck.
He tried to scream for help, pointlessly praying that someone would hear him and come to his aid…but he realised he couldn’t.
Someone had taped shut his mouth. The tape was some strong stuff, too- it wouldn’t get off, no matter how hard he tried.
Struggling against his restraints, he paused as a blood-chilling laugh made its way to his ears.
“Now, now…let’s not get too ahead of ourselves, darlin’!”
He felt the blindfold being harshly yanked up and over his head…and after seeing the individual in front of him, he just wanted to tug the blindfold back over his eyes and wipe his memories clean. Never in his entire life would he ever want to see this face, let alone up close. The sight of her alone scared the living daylights out of him…
The same serial killer present on many, many posters throughout Lost Temple…the infamous profile throughout the Inpherno, notorious for evading capture from Banlands’ warden over and over again…
And now she was sneering in his face like a predator sizing up its prey, ready to swoop in for the kill.
“My, my…you have some guts, don't ya? Stealing from an innocent gal without hesitation…ya really lack morals, huh?”
Scythe unsheathed her gear- an overengineered rifle. Twirling it in her hand, a laser blade emerged from one end. The demon thought it was over for him- but then felt the ropes binding him to the chair loosen up and fall to the floor in a flash. Scythe had used her weapon to sever his restraints.
Looking at his situation, he decided that if he had any chance of survival, it would be to make a break for it.
Analysing his surroundings, he made a few observations.
The room was fairly small. From his position, he thought, it would only take him around five seconds to get the hell out of there.
Scythe’s back was facing the door. Not too near, not too far.
The only object in the room was the chair. No obstacles in sight- plus, he could use the chair to deter her- just whack it over her head and make a run for it.
Simple enough. Hit and run.
Just as Scythe was about to reach out for his neck, he rolled off. Quickly hopping to his feet, he grabbed the leg of the chair he was tied to.
It was now or never.
He hurled the chair at Scythe’s head and made a run for it.
He didn’t go far, however- he felt something tight wrap around his ankle. He frantically tried to shake it off- but his efforts were all in vain.
The force pulled on his ankle, dragging him to the floor. Before he could react, he felt a harsh pressure on his chest.
She had a boot on his torso, grinning like a Cheshire cat.
“Well, well, well…you sure are a feisty one, aren’t ya?”
Too scared to react, the demon didn’t even dare breathe as Scythe picked up his wrist with a misleading sense of tenderness…a false promise that he would live.
Hell, he would be lucky if his death was even quick and painless.
“What delicate hands you have…”
Scythe’s fingers ran over his skin, circling his joints with false pleasantness.
"I wonder what you'd do without them?"
"Damn it...how could I have been so careless?"
After a long and fruitless search, you ended up empty-handed.
One moment you were dancing on the streets, smiling as you saw your jar filled to the brim with cash, your earnings from dancing on the street.
Next thing you knew, your income was swept away by an unfamiliar person, his face obscured by a dark hood.
"...not a fan of going back...there..."
You shuddered at the thought. Once upon a time, you were a showgirl- dancing away in nightclubs and basking in the spotlight as drunken spectators threw coins at the stage, by your feet...looking back, you hated those days. It was only a few years after you signed up for the job, for the lifestyle of a showgirl that you realised that to them, you weren't seen as yourself. You were just another plaything, another woman for drunken people at nightclubs to fawn over.
Just another money-making scheme.
You quit your job a few months prior just to pursue street dancing- something you much preferred. It didn't pay nearly as much, and your pay wasn't fixed- but hey, you could still get by.
But now the day's earnings were snatched away, and horror filled you as you realised you may have to return to that dreaded place just to afford a meal.
Sighing in dejection, you decided to find your friend, the one person who could help out.
Left, right, another right...after a few twists and turns through the crowd and into a dark alleyway, you found a door. It was a plain door, painted a dull teal with some scratches in the coat of paint. It looked old as if worn down over time, and it almost seemed as if whatever was behind it was abandoned, left to rot in the blazing heat of Lost Temple.
However, behind the door, there was an entire community residing there.
Pushing open the door, you heard the familiar chatter of your friend's "cult", as you so nicely put it. Weaving through the crowd, you found another door. It was easy to spot- not many people crowded around that area, and for good reason.
The door was labelled with a plaque saying "DO NOT ENTER" in bold, steel letters. The sign was framed with brass, and you knew that whoever was behind that door had a high position in the group.
After all, you knew this individual on a personal level.
Pushing open the door, you saw your good friend sitting at her desk, filling out some paperwork with a lethargic expression on her face.
"...what did I tell you midgets about knocking- oh, it's you! Perfect timing! Hey, (Y/N), I got a surprise for ya!"
Scythe swiftly snuck behind you, using both her hands to cover your eyes.
"Scythe, don't leave me hanging-!" You groaned. You weren't a patient one, after all.
"Fine, fine...I found something you lost!"
Scythe uncovered your eyes, your gaze immediately settling on the familiar glass jar. It usually sat on the floor whenever you danced, and now it was seated at Scythe's desk.
"My jar! Scythe, you're a lifesaver! Wait...where'd you find it?"
Scythe chuckled. It was a friendly one but had a slight bit of menace to it.
"Let's just say...I can get people to loosen up...and fast."
Scythe's gear was propped up against the wall, a streak of blood on the handle.
and that’s my third req! again, sry if it sucks ;-; if you want me to I’ll rewrite, just lmk! :D
hope you guys enjoyed it!
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vro0m · 1 year
Height fact checking - 2023 edition
Dear all, do you remember this?
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Back in 2022, when the only good grill the grid video came out, I decided to factcheck the height the drivers claimed to be with this grid photo of them through complicated and absurd calculations.
The whole thing was kinda shit because they were walking and had fluffy hair in the wind and it was highly inaccurate.
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It's time for round 2!
It took me hours to correct the perspective the best I could. Then I applied the same logic than last time which was fiding a px/cm ratio based on one of the drivers to infer the others' height. It got complicated. I had to do 2 series of measures because the ones on the platform are further away than the ones at the front. You also want to pick someone towards the middle of the photo as a benchmark because they're least subject to lense deformation but for the lower rank it meant not seeing their feet and in the upper rank, I saw on another photo angle that Guanyu was standing back compared to the others. In the end, I used Valtteri and Max as benchmarks. I used lines based on the platform and relative position of the drivers to get an idea of where their feet were and get a base to measure from.
Here's what I found :
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You can tell I did not correct the perspective well enough because there are consistent error trends as you move further from the middle, although the green lines tell you that the platform measures pretty much the same thing from one side to the other. The results are way more accurate than last time but it's still just a silly little fun thing so don't take it too seriously!
Detailed comments under the cut :
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Max was used as a benchmark so I have no comments about that. Sergio measures 173cm as he said. Last time I found him to be slightly taller than that. Once again, I argue that Seb is wrong, whatever he thinks, Charles is indeed 180cm.
On the platform, you can tell Guanyu was indeed standing back as I said, because he appears smaller than he is and what I found last time. In 2022, Lando seemed to be much shorter than he actually is but he had a weird position. It seems correct this time. Of course Piastri wasn't there last year. I found online he's listed as measuring 178cm. I found 177 which is not far off. Valtteri was the benchmark so no comments about that. In 2022 he was positioned on one of the side which means more probability of him being in a weird perspective which probably explains the off measurement.
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Now that's were it starts to get tricky. On the ground rank, George and Lewis seem to have accurate heights. In 2022, Lewis was the benchmark which explains the neat 174cm. In 2023 he is ~174cm EVEN THOUGH he's standing on his tippy toes. Yep. He is. If you look carefully at his right foot, you can see his heel is not on the ground. Silly short king.
But on the upper rank, we start to see an error trend. Lance is the right height, he seemed way taller in 2022 but it might just be down to fluffy hair. Alonso is a weird case because he's 1cm taller than he claims AND that was also the case in 2022. He might just be wrong about how tall he is lol. And then we see both Alpha Tauri boys are pretty much 1cm taller than they claim. That's probably down to perspective issues. It's kinda weird that they only affect the top rank and not the bottom rank but then again, Nyck and Yuki are further left than George and Lewis so it might be because of that.
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And here we have issues.
Bottom rank : Carlos +1.5 ; Pierre + 2.75, Este + 1.25. In the video, one of the tall drivers said the tall drivers have terrible posture. My bet is if Este was standing straight his measurement would be even more off and we could see a clear trend of people gaining cm the more to the right of the picture they are. That's down to me not correcting well enough despite my efforts rather than them lying. How do I know?
Because the same thing happened on the top rank : Hulkenberg +1 ; Magnussen +2 ; Alex +2 ; Sargeant +1.5. We find ourselves with a similar case of people gradually gaining centimetres the further right they are. Sargeant is a weird anomaly. Either
he's shorter than he claims to be and the difference is closer to 2 or 2.5,
he's standing closer to the camera than the others are, but it's difficult to say because we can't see Alex's feet although when I look at the Haas boys feet compared to his it doesn't really seem to be the case
something is really really weird with the perspective being warped like ⬇️ this even though the lines around them are straight? 🤔 Seems weird to me.
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Anyway here's a summary of the errors trends :
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Conclusion : the height claims are boringly mostly accurate.
The end ✨
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fairuzfan · 5 months
in your opinion, should ppl be confronting zionists at this stage? at almost 3 months into this genocide, i feel like anyone whose opinion was gonna change has already changed. but i know there are ppl out there who think we should be trying to bridge this gap between sides. it's obviously not the priority rn, the ceasefire and then the ultimate liberation of palestinians should be first and foremost, but when ppl talk about healing communities after the fact, what's your response to that?? as i am not palestinian or jewish myself, i feel like i dont have the right to be dictating that kind of course of action.
You know, I can't speak for everyone and I wouldn't try to pass this off as the prevailing Palestinian opinion, but honestly I'm a little tired of appealing to any type of zionist. In fact, I'm pretty sure my logical thinking has suffered these past few months, and I feel like I'm not making effective enough arguments. Things like constantly pleading for people to recognize your humanity is exhausting and for 3 months of it.... I don't know how people do it.
I've been invited to participate in talks and stuff at my university, and I have more coming up, about the history of Palestine and Zionism and colonialism but I can't help but think "what's the point of all this. people are dying in horrific ways. shouldn't that be enough to convince you?"
This is why I'm making more of a push to make art and encourage making art. Culture is a way for us to plan the revolution, as Fargo said in their essay (click), and provides for us a tool to imagine different, better, futures. We need to be aware of the sorrow, but we need to be able to do something with that sorrow.
I try to avoid arguments and analysis a bit (unless something really annoys me/is important to me) these days for that reason. I'm sure there are still some people in people's lives that they want to convince and I don't fault them one bit. I think if individuals genuinely see that people can change and want to take that initiative, I would never discourage them.
If you're talking about ME personally, I don't focus that much on it anymore. But I have either cut people out of my life or I've not had many zionist friends in the beginning lol. I make a point of introducing myself as a Palestinian who works in Palestinian cultural heritage for that reason.
EDIT: (addition) also wanted to say as a result of.... constant coverage and discussion, my factchecking is not as great as at the beginning so I try to avoid providing sources not directly from Gaza, Aljazeera, Middle East Eye, and a couple others. So if you do see me making more mistakes about sources and information, please do let me know. I cannot emphasize enough how bad I feel about things that are incorrect/not properly sourced so I would love to fix it if possible.
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paradoxcase · 2 months
Spading is found in the always accurate Urban Dictionary as slang for sex. Probably a regional variation. :P But leave it to Gideon to make anything sound dirty.
A note on the spading thing! I think it’s slang in New Zealand specifically for flirting…but it’s also a Homestuck reference. It’s known at this point that TLT has its origins in Homestuck fandom which Muir was big in. The aliens in Homestuck have 4 types of romance based on card suits—spade/black romances are a kind of enemies-to-lovers situation where they stay enemies and hate each other but are romantically involved as well. Perfectly describes Pyrrha/Wake’s dynamic ♠️
Is there a source for it being NZ slang? Wiktionary usually lists major regional variations and slang for these sorts of things
I wouldn't put it past being a Homestuck reference, though, they did have that kind of relationship
Theory is that one reason John didn't 'fix the holes' was that it might make his daughter more beholden to him. We know he could likely have done so. Instead he turned her into a construct. Also, a sort of callback: GtN: “Half a dozen tendrils came after her. They would have given her an interesting array of new airholes for speed.” And then from NtN: “Those are my speed holes. They help me go fast,” said Kiriona quickly.”
If John ever was trusting of the people around him, I guess he probably moved past that since the last book, haha
and this hits hard: Gideon talking about Harrow, in HtN: “You could always leave everything else behind, but you never got rid of being so absolutely fucking goddamn sad.” And Nona talking about Gideon, NtN: “Nona had never seen anyone so sad in her whole short life.”
No one in this story is having a good time at this point. Even the villains aren't having a good time
The audiobook narration of this chapter is fantastic. Moira Quirk uses her Gideon voice, but gives it a bit more meanness of sorts, more snappishness. It's so good.
Ooh, that sounds interesting!
Do you think, generally, that Gideon seems...meaner...now? A bit of the 'came back wrong' trope?
@wellhappybirthdaytomeiguess I personally would say that she seems meaner because we are watching her from Nona's POV. Nona doesn't like her because of how she talks to her family but the way Kiriona talks is not really that different to how she talked to people back in GtN. Now we just don't have her POV anymore to factcheck how she really feels.
I think part of it is that it's through Nona's POV and we aren't getting Gideon's perspective on things, but also I think she definitely is being meaner. Like compare how Palamedes was treating her and reacting to her in the first book versus this:
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dduane · 1 year
I just sent this ask to @petermorwood and got to wondering the same of you: What kind of time do you spend writing something as detailed as some of your posts in response to asks? Do you compose partially and then save to draft until you can look up anything you may not have at your mental fingertips? When obviously you don't consider tumblogging at such length to be a waste of time which you could have spent on paid work, what is that time to you? Thanks for what you do, in any case.
Time spent depends on the subject. There are areas where Peter and I without preparation could each do a one-hour talk with illos (or PowerPoint, if either of us could be convinced that PP is any more effective than walking up and down a stage waving our arms and being really excited).
But if either of us is asked something on which we realize we need to do some factchecking or backup research, we go do that. Sometimes that means composing partially and then coming back to the potential post later. It's safe to say neither of us minds, or considers this wasted time. (Even to the point of trying to keep track of it. It's not like the Post Police are standing over us with stopwatches. If we've got work that needs to be done, we make sure that happens.)
Some posts have to sit a while, because some questions I/we get asked require thinking time. This may be for me a place where I come to play, but it's also a place where I connect with people (and enjoy doing that), and those people deserve serious answers when they ask serious questions.
But also: many people (though the other writers here would be exceptions) may not be clear about how essentially lonely writing work can be. You spend prolonged periods mining and documenting complex interior landscapes that you've devised and which you try, all day, every day, to communicate clearly to others...never being sure how close you're going to get. (Or whether, at the end of the day, anyone'll care.) So to be able to just wander out of your current interior environments, and into a digital one where people are chilling or being serious or goofing off or just looking at cat pictures, can feel like a long drink of cool water after hours of hot dusty work. I'm glad to spend my playtime here... not least because engagement with other human beings not my husband is a good thing. :)
...Summing up: hanging out on Tumblr—part of that time being spent in contributing to the space, via posts or Q&A stuff—pays off for me in forms of satisfaction that have nothing to do with money. And Thoth knows, though writers need money, there are some things they need just as much... some of them being available right here, in the form of other people. :)
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sophsun1 · 8 months
Do you know if anyone has done a timeline of QAF? Not, like definitive, but best guess kind of thing. Like, for instance, how long did Justin date Ian, and how long after they broke up did Justin get his internship at a Vanguard and get back together with Brian? I've read some fics that make it sound like 6 months transpired for that arc, but I didn't get the feeling it was that long when I watched those episodes. I realize the timeline is all over the place, but for some reason, I really need to know how long Britin were broken up in S3 haha.
Oh boy, qaf and their timelines and continuity in general 😅
Everything from birth dates to events to relationships are a mess, I don't think any of the writers owned a calendar or even factchecked previous canon elements of the show.
I've had a search to see if I came across any info on this and I can't link the original post that someone made for some reason but they attempted to theorise on the timeline. It doesn't seem that long onscreen but realistically it was most likely around the 6 months you see. ↓
Justin’s birthday is sometime between February and April, just depending on which canon point you choose to believe and that’s when he met Ethan.
It seems like Justin started his affair with Ethan relatively soon after that.
In 3x02 Justin was talking about starting a new school year. By 3x09, when Brian and Justin are back together, there’s snow on the ground.
US elections are held in early November (unless, of course, it’s a special election), so we can probably assume that’s when 3x14 took place. 
So, I mean, things are iffy. But at the absolute max, Justin and Ethan were together for about seven months. However, it does seem that their actual time together was much shorter than that. If I were to hazard a guess, I’d say that Justin and Ethan got together sometime in April and were done by September, and then Justin moped around for his “first month’s rent” with Daphne before getting back with Brian. 
Hope this helps!
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lukiverse · 7 months
(Australians please read this) The Indigenous Voice to Parliament
Okay, so the basic idea of the Voice to parliament is adding a section to the Constitution (the laws that can't be changed except with a referendum) so that there is an Indigenous Advisory Board. This is something that First Nations people want and need, and the idea originated in the Uluru Statement From the Heart (https://ulurustatement.org/the-statement/view-the-statement/ it's less than a page long). 
These sorts of advisory boards aren't weird. Australia has over 110 of them for things like blood borne viruses and STIs, each containing qualified experts. Previously several attempts have been made to start Indigenous Advisory Boards but they've all been disbanded by successive governments. This is why we need to change the constitution. No matter who is in power, there will always be a group of elected Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people to give advice pertaining to their needs. (https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-10-04/how-different-would-the-voice-be-from-other-advisory-bodies/102880116)
One of the no side's main arguments is that there aren't any details about the Voice. This is actually a good thing. The power to decide how it works will be in the hands of the parliament, meaning our democratically elected representatives can vote on how the Voice works. The Voice also will not have veto power, not will it add unnecessary and costly beaurocratic delays to government processes. It will simply give advice and make recommendations pertaining to First Nations issues. 
The Government doesn't even have to listen to the Voice, although public records will be made of who agrees and disagrees with them. The public then has the power to cast scrutiny on whoever they think is in the wrong (which will probably be the politicians). 
Reconciliation Australia's polls have found that 86% of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people believe the Voice is important. (https://www.reconciliation.org.au/reconciliation/support-a-voice-to-parliament/)
Right now Indigenous Australians aren't in a great place. They are the most incarcerated race in the entire world compared to their total population (https://theconversation.com/factcheck-are-first-australians-the-most-imprisoned-people-on-earth-78528). Aboriginal males have a 40% higher suicide rate than non-Aboriginal males. Right now our government is failing to address these concerns, and they've been failing for the past 50 years. A permanent advisory board composed of Indigenous leaders elected by Indigenous Australians can best represent their interest and will ultimately save lives. 
On a final note, this affair has seen a huge amount of misinformation and conspiracy theories, with wild claims that Indigenous Australians want us to pay rent or bypass our democracy. These claims are wildly untrue. (https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2023/oct/12/indigenous-voice-to-parliament-referendum-misinformation-fact-checked). Also note that in Australia it's legal to lie in political advertisements and campaigns (https://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/why-is-it-legal-to-tell-lies-during-the-voice-referendum-campaign/2wxd2gfec), so take any extremist, fear-mongering claims with a grain of salt. No side campaigners also claim that "if you don't know, vote no". This is absurd. If you truly want to excercise the power of democracy that you (or your parents) are extremely lucky to have, then please do your research and come to an informed conclusion. 
Further reading - 
Every Australian household has received a booklet containing information about the Yes side and the No side. I would recommend reading The Guardian's annotated versions of these, where they elaborate on certain points and call out incorrect or disputed claims. 
The Guardian and their independent journalism are honestly a tremendous resource, providing free and accurate information about the latest developments and clearly explaining everything for those who haven't kept up. 
I also urge everyone to read the Uluru Statement From the Heart, which Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has committed to in full. 
Thanks for reading, hopefully I've helped clarify what the referendum is about, and maybe helped you make your decision. 🖤💛❤️
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brightgnosis · 2 months
I really wish people would stop spreading bad gardening myths that have already been debunked ages ago. But we gardeners really seem to love our fakelore!
Piling more dirt on your potato plants as they grow won't get you more potatoes (all it does is stress the plant out- which can reduce yield).
Aloe and Honey are not natural rooting hormones (Antifungal is not the same thing, and you're still more likely to cause rot than not).
Sticking a floating candle in some essential oils with basil leaves and water (or alcohol, as I've also seen) is just a fire hazard, it doesn't make a Mosquito Repelling Candle (it also blatantly ignores how Mosquitoes even find you).
Cinnamon is not a Fungicide (To get even the most minimal results that some studies have potentially shown, you have to use extremely high levels of super concentrated Cinnamon Oil- which is, again, not how most people use it).
Eggshell Powder doesn't protect against Slugs (they literally do not care).
Baking Soda doesn't help against Ants or Aphids (unless you use it in an incredibly specific way; Ants have to actively eat it- which is not how we're often using it).
Sticking electrified copper in your garden doesn't actually make your plants grow better (this study was debunked a long time ago).
There's so many more, I could keep going for ages. And it's so unfortunate that we continue to spread them all despite the inaccuracy. Even more distressing, however, is that newer gardeners who don't know any better take us at our word for it "because we've been gardening longer" and adopt them uncritically without factchecking them first.
Most of the myths we continue to spread are, thankfully, harmless and won't hurt you, pets, or your plants. Some aren't, however. The fact that most are harmless, though, still doesn't excuse their continued spread; always double check your information through actual scientific sources (Extension Services, Scientific Studies, etc) before application- and always follow product labels as closely and accurately as you can.
If you need help, I'm always happy to be here as a Master Gardener, training Rosarian, former Civilian Conservationist, and Lay Herbalist, whose been doing this for 16+ years. But keep in mind that I'm «Oklahoma - Region 2» ⬩ «Grow Zone 7a» ⬩ «Heat Zone 8»
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give-grian-rights · 1 year
so who was your favorite warrior cat in the original six books?
i liked yellowfang and barley.
Yellowfang was GOOD but past the six books, in starclan, she SUCKED. god.. og six books..
Longtail, Goldenflower, and/or Cloudtail. i also have a LOT of love for Brightheart.
Longtail is really interesting, because he was a bit of a pushover, sure, but he was also moral. he didn't like Fireheart, but then again, one of his friends and role models was Tigerclaw. y'know. the guy who brutally attacked a kitten as an apprentice, just for being a kittypet. He still wasn't willing to watch Fireheart die, when Tigerclaw was happy to watch him drown. Longtail should've been made deputy instead of Greystripe. I don't know if they KNEW they were going to be ordered to make another several arcs after they finished the first series, but i'd like to THINK if they did, they'd pick anyone but him..
Again, Goldenflower could've been deputy. She was strong and put her kits and clan first. She refused to let prejudiced against them, for their father, go unchallenged. She was also the sibling of Lionheart! And a friend of Bluestar, as seen in Bluestar's Prophecy. i REALLLLY hate bluestar's characterization and think Bluestar's Prophecy made her 100% less likable . Goldenflower, Lionheart, and Patchpelt could've been a lot more justifiable to be a deputy than her, the grieving queen with a history of mental illness leaving her in so much pain she's inconsolable for months at a time. she was definitely old (a bit younger than Bluestar) at the time after Whitestorm's death, but i'm pretty sure Bluestar was like. five-six years old. stupidly young still for a cat, and ESPECIALLY compared to Mistystar ended up being. i know i looked to factcheck the age Bluestar was vs Mistystar but that was ages ago and i forgot.
a lot of people fundamentally misunderstand Cloudtail i feel like, or at least misremember him. the WORST thing he did in his life, was eat kittypet food. he didn't follow the warriorcode, he followed his morals. he supported his friends. which, wowie! sure does sound like Fireheart! If only Fireheart would've..noticed that. and developed. he was always mad like "sigh..why can't Cloudtail have the passion he has for his friends, for the warriorcode?" AS IF HE, HIMSELF, DIDN'T BREAK THE WARRIORCODE GOD KNOWS HOW MANY TIMES
also . for sheer sake of being absolutely pathetic i think Darkstripe's great. he is so. so sad he's the most skrunkly pathetic wet rag of a cat
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wendy-leach-fanblog · 2 months
The biggest plothole of A Fish Called Wanda
I made an extra post for this one because we REALLY need to talk about this. And it's big enough to be worth an extra post. Get snacks and drinks, make yourselves comfortable and buckle up!
This will be about the scene when Wanda visits Archie and Otto drives her.
So, first of all, let's take a look at how Wanda gets in: she doesn't ring the bell, Otto picks the lock for her.
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After that, Wanda straight walks up to the living room where Archie is.
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Keep in mind that Wanda and Archie have only met each other three times. They don't know each other very well. She asked him to call him, he said no so she just entered his house like a pirate.
And still:
But hey, Wanda is so charming, why bother?
Later that scene Otto appears out of the blue and even Archie doesn't know who he is.
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And again:
Think about it: Otto is a total stranger to Archie and Wendy.
And they let him swan in their house telling them shitty lies about the CIA and KGB defectors, and worse - his NAME.
So, to sum it up:
Wendy totally buys the story of Otto being Harvey Manfrengensen from CIA that bebriefed a KGB defector in a house nearby and doesn't factcheck if it's true. And Archie doesn't say anything to correct things. He isn't stating that Otto is lying although he knows PERFECTLY WELL that Otto wasn't here before and that he had broke in like Wanda. Wendy even has a competion with Otto about who knows more about intelligence work: "My father worked in the Secret Service, Mr. Manfrengensen, and I know perfectly well that you don't keep the public informed when you are debriefing KGB defectors in a safe house!"
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Wendy asks "Who's car is it?!" when she first meets Archie after coming home but that's because it's blocking the drive and NOT BECAUSE THERE'S A CAR PARKED THAT SHE DOESN'T KNOW!
And when the owner shows himself she asks Archie who he is instead of asking Otto "Who are you and what are you doing in my house?"
This all leaves me with one question:
Okay, to finish this I think
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