#I think its cool that we learned so much about her through edward's pov
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Through all these little things, I was able to add the most important quality to my list, the most revealing of them all, as simple as it was rare. Bella was good. All the other things added up to that whole: Kind and self-effacing and unselfish and brave—she was good through and through. And no one seemed aware of that besides me. (x)
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alethiometry · 3 years
Edward Kenway for character asks!
ooooooo okay i should open this with a disclaimer: i have not finished black flag yet (about 2/3 of the way through i think? i need to level up my ship so i can beat the next story mission lol) so everything i'm saying here is based on the game up to thatch's death, and everything we know about edward in ac 3: forsaken and the comics that came out a couple years ago.
First impression
oh boy... to be honest, one of the reasons it took me such a long time to get around to playing black flag (it was one of the first ps4 games i bought when i got my console in 2016, and i didn't start until about a month ago) was because i didn't really feel particularly strongly about edward's character design. i was vaguely interested in That One Pirate Assassin Game after having watched (and loved) black sails, but was afraid i would be let down; to me edward just looked like Some Dude, and i was still hung up on the black sails gang. to me, black sails and its characters were so genre/time period-defining that any other piece of pirate media just seemed lackluster in comparison.
i'd also heard a lot of praise for edward and for ac4 in general so i was aware that it was a very popular and well-received game. but since i mostly heard that from reddit (didn't join tumblr ac fandom until odyssey in 2018) i kind of discounted it, bc gamer reddit tastes are... questionable at best.
Impression now
I LOVE HIM!!! i always think i want stories about virtuous characters who believe in goodness and kindness and aren't motivated by gold or glory but aren't afraid to do what needs to be done to help others who can't help themselves. and sometimes that's true (coughratonhnhake:toncough). other times i end up clowning on myself because i realize that it's so much fun when said good/kind character has a rough and rugged exterior, and is motivated by personal gain (i think edward and kassandra are kinda kindred spirits across time and space in that regard, but maybe that's another rant for another time). sometimes you just want someone to be a little bit of an opportunistic bastard, and boy does edward fit that to a T. he's an incredibly complex man, and i think what really got me was that even as he was impersonating assassins and then templars and then assassins again, all for personal gain (pickpocketing the templars in havana while he gains their trust and agrees to do their dirty work lmfao my beloved <3), his primary motivation for doing so was to prove to caroline and her family that he is someone worth a damn, that he is capable of great things and that he is worthy of their love and acceptance. and i know from ac forsaken that the marriage with caroline doesn't last (though i haven't played ac4 far enough to see if that happens on screen, or if it occurs between the game and the novel) which makes his backstory in the game all the more heartbreaking. but his optimism and perseverance and determination to prove himself are all what make me love him.
so that's edward the romantic. now let's talk about the way edward is with adewale, his crew, and his friends. and let's also put the rest of this behind a readmore bc girl i am RANTINGGGGGG
he has several lines that he says to adewale that make me physically cringe (namely: "many of [these men] wouldn't accept you as captain" or "what was it like being enslaved?" like i get that someone like edward would be asking that question in good faith and genuine curiosity but also JESUS CHRIST UBISOFT). but on the flip side - cringey as those questions are, he also takes the time to actually listen and learn, and i think he genuinely values the perspective that he gets from adewale allowing him to open these lines of trust and communication. there's a patience and mutual respect there that i adore.
i also love how much edward loves his crew and his other pirate friends. those scenes of him + kidd + thatch + adewale + hornigold (lol) drinking on the beach and having a grand old time and talking about establishing - to borrow one of my favorite chills-down-my-spine phrases from black sails - a nation of thieves, for people like them to live and prosper, free from the chokehold of civilization. and i know he's not as outwardly invested in counterculture/independence/anticolonialism as thatch and vane and kidd are, but the fact that he so wholeheartedly supports his friends' goals, lofty and impossible as they are, speaks volumes about his love for his friends.
Favorite moment
every scene he has with kidd when kidd casually and softly reminds him that they see that he is a good person beneath his opportunistic and rambunctious exterior. i especially love when they discover julien du casse's mansion containing orders for templars to go out and hunt down assassins: the way kidd immediately knows that edward wants to help the assassins as a way to make up for the damage he did while masquerading as a templar, even if he hasn't voiced it aloud himself. the way that they don't force edward to admit anything about himself before he is ready, but still constantly remind him that he has a good heart. they give him space to come to terms with his compassionate side in a world/environment that more often than sees compassion as something to be stamped out or cast aside. i don’t love when characters are forced to be the Moral Compass for a main dude character, but i think it works for edward and kidd.
Idea for a story
not an edward story per se, but there are 2 povs into edward's life that i would cut off (someone else's) limbs for:
jenny's pov growing up in the kenway household. from haytham's pov it seems that she knows way more about his past than haytham ever did (it was hinted at that there are rumors about edward’s past as haytham was growing up that he wasn’t privy to, but i don’t think at any point in the novel does haytham ever find out definitively that his father was a pirate) and i want to know how she knew so much, and more into what her life was like - through her eyes rather than haytham, who is like 10 years younger and by his own admission barely understands her and barely has a functional relationship with her. i'll expand further on edward and jenny in the next question/prompt/bullet point, actually, bc i have a LOT more to say.
connor's pov learning about his grandfather from... idk? who's around to tell him? what's so goddamn sad is that by the time connor rebuilds the colonial brotherhood he's kinda the only one left. sure there's aveline down in louisiana, but as far as we know everyone who was around in edward's generation is dead now, and i'm not sure how much of the kenway saga is preserved for connor to discover, or if all this information about their family line was discovered in the modern-day, by your abstergo employee character, and later by osto berg in the comics. which is why i so badly want a revelations-style game where connor traces his assassin heritage back to the caribbean, relives some of edward's memories, and then makes the trip to london to see his aunt jenny. it would have been such a cool way to round out the kenway saga.
Unpopular opinion
idk how popular or unpopular this is bc i rarely see other in-depth posts about it on my dash, but edward was a terrible father to jenny. he was every bit the wonderful and loving father to haytham for the 10 years that haytham had a father, but i wish we'd seen more of jenny's perspective than just a few lines of dialogue in haytham's diary: i hate the way edward sidelined her and raised her in the same manner that any other wealthy person of the time would have raised their daughter - that is, for the sole purpose of sitting pretty and marrying her off in an arrangement that would benefit the family. it's especially hard to reconcile because in ac4 there are female assassins in the americas, and there are female pirates in the caribbean, so it's not like edward isn't aware that women have as much right as any man to live life on their own terms. it just seems like by the time he returns to england and settles down with his family, he's reverted back to the societal norms and gender roles that the pirates fought (and lost) against, and it's hard not to be deeply disappointed by that.
to be clear, i don't begrudge edward settling down and becoming a Rich Society Man. dude deserves to live comfortably with his loving family. he has every right to dote on his wife and children, and leave behind the hardships of being a pirate. but i think "fightning against deeply-ingrained cultural norms/expectations is a long and bloody struggle, and after losing so many people he cared so deeply about, i think it's understandable that edward wouldn't want to continue that fight alone (and also adewale is still fighting the good fight) (do NOT @ me about ac rogue I Pretend I Do Not See It)" and "i don't love the way edward sidelined his daughter into societally-expected gender roles she did not want; it makes me think that he did not continue drinking his Respect Women Juice as much as i thought he did/wanted him to" are two opinions that can coexist.
Favorite relationship
i don't know that i ship edward romantically with anyone, actually. i thought he and caroline were cute in the beginning, but it's hard to want to ship them knowing that she leaves him eventually. and ofc there'd edward/tessa in ac forsaken, and we know they were very happy together and that he loved her so so much. but we don't see that relationship except through haytham's eyes.
as for non-romantic relationships, i already talked at length above about his relationships with adewale and the other pirates and kidd, and i'll just leave it at that. i'm also vaguely aware that edward's got some upcoming scenes with anne bonny, but i'm not at that point in the game yet so i don't have much to say about the two of them. so far i've only seen them say a few lines to each other at the nassau tavern.
Favorite headcanon
kassandra absolutely rubbed shoulders with edward at some point during his time in the caribbean; i like to think that she needed to lie low for some reason (maybe she was with the assassins idk) and joined his crew. i just need my best stabby gal and my second-favorite stabby dude to be pals!
finally, this isn't a headcanon per se but it is obligatory that any time i talk about kenways i yell for a bit about the fact that EDWARD WOULD HAVE LOVED CONNOR SO SO SO MUCH AND I'M FOREVER DEVASTATED THAT HE NEVER GOT TO MEET HIM. at the same time, if edward hadn't been murdered and haytham not been indoctrinated into the templars the way he had, i'm not sure connor would even have existed. and in a way i'm glad that edward wasn't around to see how broken and cynical and depressed haytham became, because i think that would have absolutely broken his heart.
send me a character!
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bonjour-rainycity · 4 years
The Long Way Around ~ Chapter 11
Link to previous part: https://bonjour-rainycity.tumblr.com/post/624011835356626944/the-long-way-around-chapter-10
Pairing: Jasper x Reader
Word count: 2552
Warnings: None
Y/n’s POV
Even from many hundreds of yards away, I can smell the blood in Carlisle’s briefcase as clearly as if it were in my own hands. A whine leaves me. I want it.
“Fight it,” Jasper commands from my side. He and Emmett flank me, ready to stop me from getting to the bag of human blood if my instincts win and I go running towards it. Right now, I’d say the chances are about fifty-fifty. And shrinking.
Carlisle reaches into his briefcase, ready to pull the bag out.
“No not yet, she doesn’t have it.” Edward stands a few paces in front of Carlisle, monitoring me, and my thoughts, closely. Ugh he must think I’m so weak.
“It’s alright, it’s only natural,” he calls back, though he sounds annoyed.
I force myself to refocus. Eyes on the prize, Y/n. You can do this. You want to be in control more than you want human blood. You don’t want to be a dangerous person. You can do this.
Edward’s nod to Carlisle is nearly imperceptible. Carlisle opens the briefcase once more, only this time, he succeeds in bringing the stiff, half-frozen bag out into the sunlight.
Its scent hits me in the face and the burn in my throat increases tenfold. I drop into a crouch. I want it. It’s mine, it’s mine.
With a snarl, I shake my head, forcing myself to cling to my human wants instead of my carnal, vampire wants.
You want to be able to go shopping with Rose and Esme. You want to go see a movie with Alice and Arthur. You want to have an actual date with Jasper. You’ve got this.
Carlisle opens the bag.
My humanity leaves me, and the monster within emerges full force. I rush towards the human blood. So sweet, so tempting.
Someone grabs me and forces me to the ground. Get off, get off, get off!
“Mine,” I snarl. The voice doesn’t even sound like me.
Someone cries out in pain, and the hands leave me. The noise breaks through the fog in my brain. It sounds like someone I know, someone I care about…Jasper!
Somehow, my worry for Jasper overrides the allure of human blood. I force myself to stop running forward, and turn back.
Jasper sits on the ground, managing to look stunned and pained at the same time, clutching his right shoulder. Carlisle is at his side a second later. I don’t look for the bag of blood, but its scent is a bit fainter now. Did he throw it? Maybe I should go looking…Jasper’s harsh breaths draw me back to the present. Somehow, I hurt him. Knowing I’ve caused him such pain makes my stomach hurt. I sink to my knees slowly on his other side, not even sure he wants to be around me right now.
“I’m so sorry. I-what did I do? Did I bite you?”
Jasper shakes his head, looking both starkly confused and fascinated. “No, I’m not in pain anymore. Just for a second, it felt like my arm had been ripped off.”
Edward nods from his stance in front of us. “It all happened very fast. He grabbed Y/n, she wanted him gone, and then he got hit with the pain. Vivid, realistic pain. If I hadn’t looked at him and seen his arm perfectly in tact, I would’ve guessed from his thoughts that it had been ripped off.”
Carlisle catches on a split second before I do. “You think Y/n had something to do with this?”
I sit back on my heels, staring at the grass. One blade is so much taller than the others.
“Think about it.” Edward’s voice is fainter than before. “There’s no bite marks, Jasper’s arm isn’t really gone. The only thing that could’ve acted as the causal mechanism is Y/n’s thoughts.”
“Perhaps it was a cramp, or-”
“Carlisle, have you ever known a vampire to get a cramp?”
“Wait, hold on. Y/n?” Jasper’s soft voice is close to my ear. “Are you alright?”
I manage to get words out, but they sound all high pitched and squeaky. “I’m a monster.” The breath I don’t really need becomes shallow and quick. Ugh, I wish I could cry! It feels like my insides are crumbling.
Jasper moves his hand soothingly up and down my back. I definitely don’t deserve his comfort, but goodness do I need it.
“You are not a monster.” His tone is firm leaving no room for argument. “You didn’t actually hurt me, you just made me think you did.”
“Like Jane,” Emmett chimes in. Who?
“Not exactly like Jane,” Carlisle muses, sounding cool and collected. “Esme was in real, actual pain yesterday, but it seemed to fade when Y/n was touching her. As soon as Esme moved away from Y/n, the pain returned.”
“So she can inflict the idea of pain but take real pain away? That doesn’t make sense.” Edward’s voice is condescending.
Jasper jumps in, still rubbing my back. “No, I think it might all be in the mind. A few months back, she actually bit me, but when I was touching her it was like I forgot about the pain. It didn’t come back completely until a few minutes after I let go of her.”
“Maybe she can extend her ability beyond her touch, like Bella? It would take practice.” A huge smile spreads across Emmett’s face. “Lots of potential there.”
“Y/n,” Carlisle’s voice is polite, but there’s barely restrained interest. “When you were a human, were you sensitive to others’ physical pain?”
I shake my head slowly, feeling steps behind everyone else who is quickly piecing this together. “My human memories are so fuzzy…but when I was touching Esme, I hurt too. It wasn’t as bad as I imagine an actual bite to be, but I felt something. It was like a stomach ache that didn’t go away until she was out of pain.”
Carlisle shakes his head, eyes wide. “Fascinating.”
My panic flares. “Not fascinating. Terrible,” I wail. “Not only am I a vampire, but I can make people feel like their arm has just been ripped off? What-” I gasp, trying to force myself to calm down. “What am I?”
“Nothing is wrong with you,” Jasper insists, cupping my face. “We will figure this out, I promise.”
I let out a breath, resting my forehead against his. I’m so grateful for Jasper. Even after I essentially tortured him, he finds it in his heart to forgive and help me. “Thank you.”
Carlisle gently takes Jasper’s arm, giving it one final check to make sure he’s unharmed. Once he’s satisfied, he stands. “Let’s call it a day, shall we? Good work, Y/n. We’ll try again tomorrow.”
I don’t want to go back inside. What I really want is to go deep into the forest where I can freak out in private, but the threat of attack from an unknown vampire prohibits me from doing so. Edward gives me a sympathetic look. I try to brush it off, and stand with the rest of the group. Jasper takes my hand, silently communicating his support. I give it a squeeze, taking extra care to be gentle. I desperately don’t want to hurt him again. He offers me a soft, trusting smile, and I nearly break right then and there.
“Let’s go lie down.”
Following the rest of the group, we head towards the house. Thankfully, everyone else is in town today, so I don’t have to confront any questioning glances. Jasper and I can just go straight up to his room. He shuts the door, giving us a semblance of privacy. Immediately, I fall onto his bed, lying face down. He says nothing, only sits next to me and strokes my hair.
I take a few minutes to think before I speak. I just hate that my special ability is so awful. Edward can read minds, Alice can see the future, Rosalie has awe-inspiring self-control, Jasper can make people feel actual emotions, and I hurt people.
I groan, pushing my face further into Jasper’s duvet. “Why?”
Jasper sends me calming emotions. It’s enough for me to finally sit up and face him.
“It’s not a bad thing, Y/n. Honestly, it could be pretty useful.”
I roll my eyes. “I don’t see how hurting you is useful, Jasper.”
He shakes his head, taking one of my hands in his. “Not that. I’m just saying, with the threat from the vampire who attacked Esme…if someone attacked you, you could incapacitate them. I’m not going to lie and say that doesn’t make me feel better.”
I sigh, knowing he’s right. But there’s still a more central issue. “I don’t know how to control it, and that makes me dangerous. For all I know, that vampire could attack me and I wouldn’t be able to summon the ability again or whatever and it would be useless. Or, you could take my hand or kiss me and I could hurt you again.”
Jasper pauses, considering. I know his mind is piecing this out strategically. “We’ll have to learn how to induce or activate it. What were you thinking the moments leading up to getting me off of you?” He cleverly avoids acknowledging the pain I caused him, and I’m both grateful and annoyed. Still, I take his question seriously and think.
“I just wanted the blood. You were an obstacle to that, so I wanted you to let go of me.”
He nods quickly. “You were feeling focused, thirsty, desperate, and determined. And you were feeling it all so intensely….What were you thinking when you lessened Esme’s pain?”
My response is automatic. “I just wanted her pain to go away. She was hurting, and I love Esme and wanted her to stop hurting.”
He considers. “Right now, I don’t think the causal mechanism is anything you’re doing intentionally. I think it’s all based on gut reactions. You didn’t consider hurting me, you just wanted me to let go. You didn’t think of ways to stop Esme’s pain, you just deeply wanted it gone. Like most things in this new life, you revert to relying on your instincts.”
I begin to catch on. “So you think it’s like a skill I could learn?”
“Yes. Starting now.” And with that, he holds his arm up to his mouth and bites down, hard.
“Jasper,” I gasp, immediately trying to pull his arm away.
He winces at the pain but makes no move to suck the venom out. I consider doing it myself, but then get the point of his actions. He wants me to stop the pain with my will. I sigh, feeling desperate and ridiculously out of my depth. I do want his pain to stop, but I don’t know how to make it stop. Still, I can try.
Gingerly, trying not to hurt him further, I take his arm in mine once more. I close my eyes, focusing on how badly I want his pain to go away. Please, please, please, please.
I open my eyes to find Jasper grinning broadly.
Surprise and disbelief fill me. “It worked? I did it?”
His smile widens and he encircles my waist, pulling me into his lap. “You did it.”
With a smile of my own, I shake my head slowly. “You promise you’re not in pain?”
He rests his forehead on my shoulder and places a soft kiss there. “I don’t feel a thing.”
As my euphoria fades, anger creeps in. “I can’t believe you bit yourself.”
He shrugs, continuing his kisses along my collarbone. “It was for a good cause.”
Good cause, my ass. Enjoy a taste of your own medicine, Whitlock. I bring my own arm to my mouth, but before I can sink my teeth in, Jasper pins my arms behind my back. He gives me a disapproving look, which makes me roll my eyes.
He nods, his eyes not leaving mine. “Pain is for me to bear, not you.”
I roll my eyes again, but this time much more halfheartedly. Instead of continuing the tiff, I lean down and kiss him. His hands release my wrists and grip my thighs, pulling me even closer. I hold back a smile at his immediate response and instead allow the desire to flow through me. I will never get tired of kissing him. In the span of less than a second there’s approaching footsteps and a knock at the door. Esme. I practically fly off Jasper, feeling guilty. He chuckles, though he looks equally abashed.
At Jasper’s invitation, Esme opens the door, smiling sweetly. A quick look to my right reveals Jasper’s hair to be a mess, not at all like its usual calm state. Oh man, this is so awkward. Esme doesn’t comment, her smile just brightens. Internally, I groan.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt.” There’s an edge of humor to her voice, and I want to bury myself under the covers. Or in a hole. “Carlisle, Edward, Bella, and I were going to put on Casablanca, and we were wondering if you would like to join us.”
“Sure, Esme.” Jasper has regained most of his composure. “We’ll be right down.”
“Wonderful!” Esme shuts the door. As soon as I hear her retreating footsteps, I groan and smush a pillow against my face.
“We just got caught by your mom,” I lament. Though as the awkwardness begins to fade, I can laugh about it.
Jasper similarly recovers, and chuckles as he lowers the pillow from my face. “Unfortunately, it’s a normal thing around here.”
I raise my eyebrow, intrigued.
“You’ve noticed that vampire hearing makes private conversations difficult.” I nod. “And you’ll soon catch on that vampire hearing makes private anything difficult.”
A nervous laugh escapes me as my eyes widen. “Oh that’s so awkward.” I gasp. “But you can  feel it! Oh my gosh,” I’m properly laughing now. “Poor Jasper.” I stroke his hair, unable to stop my laughter.
He grins, a long-suffering look on his face. “It is unbelievably awkward. Edward and Bella are the worst. And then Edward knows that I know and I know that he knows I know, and it’s just,” he makes a noise, shaking his head and burying it in my shoulder.
I snort and place a kiss on his head. “Well, I’m betting the past few minutes have at least begun his payback.”
Jasper makes a show of closing his eyes and checking. When he opens his eyes, he’s smiling again. “Oh yeah, he’s miserable.”
I grin, placing one last kiss on his lips before standing up and pulling him with me. “Good. Let’s keep that same energy during the movie.”
It’s not difficult. While the movie plays, Jasper lets his hands run along my neck, over my collarbone, down my sides. It takes quite a lot of effort to pretend to focus on the film.
Halfway through, Edward just gets up and leaves, shooting us a withering look.
Neither Jasper nor I can help feeling smug.
A/n Hello hello! How are you guys? Let me know what you thought and if you would like to be added to the tag list!
Link to the next part: https://bonjour-rainycity.tumblr.com/post/624296456441020416/the-long-way-around-chapter-12
Tag list: @puer-de-infinitate @charliestuff @hindustani-diaspora @one-thread-can-save-a-life @salsameter @enchantedcruelsummer @meashy-moo @sana-li @femflorals @80strashbag @tomisbaeholland @heyimval13
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firedragonx · 3 years
Promise to make this list all the way back in summer but this as longer I thought it would so splitting it into parts now.
This is from site fanfciton there will be more Action/Adventure fanfiction coming out soon but on different site like A03.
Note M-is fanfiction that is for mature audiences and if see this * this fanfiction may trigger you.
Shelter By XxWhispxX(*)
So imagine this: you go on vacation but then your parents die along most of the other adults in the world. Then vampires try to take you and bite and they almost kill you. Then a bunch of people took your sister and left because they thought you were dead. Then you wake up kill a dog and found out that you're a vampire. That's how Maisie is living her life now. Yep is a oc fic but the Maisie is interesting and it how the XxWhispxX writes the canon characters are in character. If you want to read a good oc fic then this one is for you.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12492805/1/Shelter
Poke Wars Universe By Cornova(M and  *)
In this fic, Ho-oh declared war on humans and removed pokémon dampeners. Which makes pokémon's move intensely powerful and most just go on a killing spree. If that summary didn't just give it away this is a dark fic but one more action pack then most other dark. It's like a survival game where almost everything is out to get you. This also have an expanded universe which means more fic that has different pov characters to give the world more flesh out. Be forwarn this fics blood and have character death. So you guys know what to look out for.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4480577/1/Poke_Wars_The_Subsistence
Cat'O'Nine Tails By Kaze and Kiba(M and *)
So Sakura is sent undercover to capture Itachi and any other Akatsuki she comes in contact with. Just one thing tho, she has to be disguised as a cat. If that summary didn't just clue you in this story have some comedy moments. Mostly by playing this situation as straight as it is.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5799290/1/Cat-O-Nine-Tails
Pokemon Cold Gray By Blu Rose
So in this story, White is the daughter of Red and can understand Pokémon but after an accident left her crippling fear of Pokémon. Which is why she going on Pokémon journey to learn to get over it. This story is more about character growth and friendship. If that your kind of story then you like this one.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6974190/1/Pokemon-Cold-Gray
Dragonfall By Storylover Vodhr
So this is a bit of a weird one. In this AU Ash is actually a Latios who brought to Delia after his birth mother was attacked by four different evil teams. One of which is original creation call Team Whirlwind who is after the species of Latias and Latios to control Rayquaza. What I like about this is not only we giving a some really worldbuilding in this au but good character development with Ash, Latias(from the movie) and Pikachu. The ocs in this fanfic is well thought out and really good characters. Check it out if you have time.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11133153/1/Dragonfall
Of Stars and Blood Book 1: The Silver Path By JasperLizard
So this all ocs fiction with clans suffer from huge fire and have to leave for a bit in order to recover. There also problems with Shadowclan leader and deputy, Robinkit  and Smallkit are getting a visit by Dark Forest cats, and Twisttail and Stormpaw are trying their best to make it during this journey. All the ocs are wonderful and LGBT+ themes in it. Check it out if you have time.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12420977/1/Of-Stars-and-Blood-Book-1-The-Silver-Path
Kingdom Shinigami By ElementalL'Cie
Basically Hitsugaya Toshiro is a drop-in Kingdom Heart universe. This is really depends if you like Hitsugaya and Kingdom Hearts characters then you like this fic. I personally do like it for that. I like it when a serious character gets dropped into a weird world or vice versa. Make for some great interactions.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12958144/1/Kingdom-Shinigami-The-Grand-Line
The Legend of Menace By ConmanWolf
So Spyro and Cynder find this portal into an alternate universe where Spyro is evil and Cynder is the good guy. Basically it! If you like alternate universe type of crossover then this one is for you.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12723760/1/The-Legend-of-Menace
The Legend of Cynder By GoldenGriffiness(*)
In Legend Of Spyro, the Dragon temple was attacked by Dark Master and Ignitus save one egg, and others were destroyed but one that was taken. That was Cynder. In this fanfic, Ignitus save Cynder's egg, and Spyro's egg gets taken instead. Yep, Cynder takes Spyro place but the author makes it very clear that Cynder is not Spyro however. So don't think things go like canon.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6782003/1/The-Legend-of-Cynder-A-New-Beginning
The Grizzly Game By Zestylicous(M and *)
So Sakura gets this letter from an unknown source that said, "Hey we going this cool weapon and these other people to fight each other to the death. Ok bye." Which left Sakura in very scared and confuse state to say the less and not only does she have play this game but this also around the time when chuunin exams were starting. So fun times for all. But yeah this is a dark story so if don't like violence then tay away from this one.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4717316/1/The-Grizzly-Game
What Lies Beyond the Walls series By abstow89(M and *)
Ok, so imagine Redwall was written by George R. R. Martin and more of a dark sense of humor. You get this fic. What I like about this fic that there no really good guys or bad guys just people trying to survive this awful place. You got Urthquake and his Long Patrol who hates the vermin and wants to do everything to get rid of them in Mossflower. The you got Kurwin a pirate who wants to control of Mossflower after he and his crew got a shipwreck. I should warn this fic is not for kids. Its violence and sexual situations. And not all the characters make it. You have been warned.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11267177/1/What-Lies-Beyond-the-Walls-Book-II-Betrayal
The Power of Three Journeys By Cabbit and the Weasel
This is Naruto x Pokémon where team 7 become Pokémon trainers for different reasons. But they all come together to travel around the region to get stronger and discover more about themselves. It's a nice fic to sit down and read if you have the chance too. It has nice character development and each of team 7 gets a chance to shine! You read it if you into that sort of thing.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9090449/1/The-Power-of-Three-Journeys
Shinigami Phantom By inukagome15
Danny Phantom and his friends were attacked by Hollow and send to the Bleach world. Where they have figure out how to get home while watching out for Soul Reapers and Hollows. It's true the characters, fight scenes are good and has both dark and fun moments as well. Give it a read if have the chance.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/5307215/chapters/12253124
Plegian Queen By C2ii
So in this fanfic where Validar is already dead and Robin still meets Chrom and join the shepherds. That point no one knows what's going to happen because canon already changes. Give it a read when you get the chance.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9708436/1/Plegian-Queen
Expedient By SwiftKick (*)
So Konoha and Iwa sign a truce and agree to an Exchange Program which is like student exchange. And Sakura was chosen for the Konoha side and her sensei is nothing other then Deidara. This is before team 7 and before Deidara joins Akatsuki. I can't spoilers what happens but let's say character's goals change and it happens in way that is in character. I should warn there are some dark moments and while it doesn't go into detail it still happened so keep that in mind.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6004135/1/Expedient
New Reality By noa748(*)
Ok so this is SI and...hey don't runoff. Trust me it's a good one. First off the SI is actually is a character with flaws and she messes up. The other characters do call her out on it and she does change the plot up so it's not just the same story but with another character in it. Give it a read if it sounds like your type of fic.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4772320/1/New-Reality
Gone Batty By Lilgrimmapple
So a human name Medley was helping her friend in bat conservation with experiment. Of course things turn wrong and Medley gets to turn into a bat. And through a series of events she ends up in Tree Haven where she meets Shade. What I like is the friendship between Marina, Shade, and Medley and the other ocs were pretty good too. If you enjoy Silverwing you'll enjoy this fic.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10590553/1/Gone-Batty
Land Before Time Retold series By Elise Lowing
Basically a human from our world gets a drop in the Land Before Time one. Surviving and friendship is the theme in this fanfic but there is a bigger plot point with the stone and predators. Can revel too much so have to read it for yourself.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9479048/1/Land-Before-Time-Retold
The Chakra Alchemist By Miss Comatose
This is a crossover between Naruto and Fullmetal Alchemist where Sakura drop-in FMA world during Ishvalan War. Deciding that using a child for this war the Amestris side. Yeah, it gets dark but Sakura made friends with Roy who has a father-daughter relationship. Which is new for FMA and Naruto. They always ship Sakura with Edward and Roy.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9171994/1/The-Chakra-Alchemist
No One Would Believe Me By onelittlespeck
This another SI but more friendship than anything. Basically Truth is bored and brought a girl Amy to FMA world. She later meet Edward and Alphonse later and they become friends snd willing to helo she gets home. The friendship is believable and there some goo world-building here too. If that sounds good give it a read.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4135721/1/No-One-Would-Believe-Me
Called Out In The Dark By Ironic-Sarcasm
This is AU where Maleficent knows ahead of time that Sora is going to become a thorn in her side in the future, so when he was a kid and she throws him into darkness. Don't worry he meets Aqua and DiZ and they help raise as they trying to survive in the land of darkness. Found families and friendship all around in this fic. Plus it gives Kairi something to do besides waiting for Sora and Riku. Give it a read when you get the chance.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11103097/1/Called-Out-In-The-Dark
Hakumei By Pryotra
Hakumei is Naruto AU after one night Naruto, Hinata, Neji, Sasuke, Sakura, and Sai meet each one night and also watch as Danzo killed the Hokage. They decide to leave the village because they all were afraid they're be next. But they promise to get stronger and take the village back. Found family feelings are in the fic and everyone gets a chance to shine. Read it when you get the chance.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4119917/1/Hakumei
The Land Before Time: the Return of Sharptooth By Red Eyes Black Dragon Master
So remember T-rex in the first movie? Well, he back and he wants revenge. There's no holding back and the only way for Little to defect him is train by Lone Dinosaur to get stronger. It's good little fic with some good action scenes to go along with it, Give it a read when you have the chance.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4164198/1/The-Land-Before-Time-the-Return-of-Sharptooth
The Seven Hunters By The Rhombus (M and *)
Basically Littlefoot and his friends found Stone of Cold Fire and make a wish to be strong enough to beat Red Claw. Well, remember the old saying be careful what you wish for? Well, the gang besides Chomper turned sharpteeth aka Utahraptors. Many of the adults think they ate their children and chase them out. If wonder why they can't just say it was them well Littlefoot and the gang lose their ability to talk to their old language. So now they kick out of the Great Valley, their parents after them because they kill them (their sharptooth forms) kill their children, and they have a deal with the idea of eating meat. Fun times for all.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9990125/1/The-Seven-Hunters
Not Quite as Planned By cerokun
This AU Bleach fic where Ichigo as a bit slow to pull Zangetsu out as his Inner World crumbled and ends up more arrancar then a soul reaper. In change, a lot in plot and I can't explain too much because of spoilers. But it not a dark fic unlike more other fics I list here. Plus as an AU it does take chances to change the plot around which I like. Give you like this kind of fic give it a read.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7462056/1/Not-Quite-as-Planned
Rewind By LittleMissMidnight
So this one is a bit of a weird one. It's an what if Robin didn't come back after the end of Fire Emblem Awakening. What they find is that Robin is not present but in the future. Chrom volunteers to get his wife back but incomes at a cost his memories. But Chrom decides to go along with the children and off to the future they go. What I like about romance/adventure story is how much everyone that is a couple is willing to go far for their loves one. The ending left somewhat of a bad taste in my mouth but it's good noth the less.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9297676/1/Rewind
The Daughters Trilogy By ShoutFinder
A Warrior Cats AU after the Omen of the Stars arc where Dovewing and Bamblestripes have a daughter name Skypaw. Everything was looking good until a kit came intoThunderclan to warn the three that cats of No Stars are planning their revenge. And the three are losing their powers and a new generation of cats will get new power. Of course one of the cats that get this new power is Skypaw so her apprentice because a whole lot more dangerous. It has great characters and great world-building even better than canon. Check it when you get a chance.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8788038/1/The-Daughters-Trilogy-Daughter-of-the-Sun
Bleach: Ultimate Alien Remake By Bigby the Big Bad Wolf
So this crossover with Ben 10 and Bleach. Where Ben is in Hueco Mundo and trick into thinking the arrancars are the good guys and the Soul Society. This fic is about friendship and actions as incomes both shows. It good story and so give look.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11296670/1/Bleach-Ultimate-Alien-Remake
A Game Comes To Equestria By Rainstone56
So this Yu-Gi-Oh crossover with My Little Pony. Weird crossover I know. After Yugi almost loses his soul in the Atlantis filler arc Pinkie Pie made wish and Yugi literally came crashing down. He is pegasus colt in this version because like most mlp crossover. And has no memory, No Cutie Mark, only his name. Both enemies and friends are looking Yugi too but how can they find him? Read to find out.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9222211/1/A-Game-Comes-To-Equestria
Of Princes and Paupers By KiwiWizard
It's kinda like the fairytale but Pokémon Manga characters and with new twists and turns. Instead of a prince being boring of the high life and switch places to a poor person to see what it's like. Instead is about a prince's family being kidnap and team up with a servant, a group of thieves, and stable boy they kidnap along the way. Yeah if this the story that sounds you enjoy then check it out.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7729704/1/Of-Princes-and-Paupers
Just Another Night At Freddy's By DeltaV(*)
So this is a strange one. Yes, even stranger than the crossover I list so far. Five Nights At Freddy's is horror but in this world after Mike's seventh night and visiting the place during the day the animatronics realize that he not endoskeleton but human. This puts them relax state and Mike really doesn't have to worry about his night that much anymore. But everything changes when Foxy finds a way outside... Find out more by reading the first story of this series
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10680061/1/Just-Another-Night-at-Freddy-s-Night-One-Foxy-s-Freedom
Tangled In Time By TwilightFairy928
So after the events of Twilight Princess our good old friend Ganondorf wakes from a coma and Twinrova informs him the old Link die but a new Link is born. So Ganondorf gets idea of kidnapping new baby Link because just killing him will just make new reborn. Ganondorf raise Link as his own son giving the name Siegfried Dragmire and raising him in Lake Hylia with no knowledge of the outside world. But destiny as the funny way of showing up...Read more to find out.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7318363/1/Tangled-In-Time
Amity's Arrancar By Chash123
So this crossover between Danny Phantom and Bleach. Where Danny instead becoming a half-ghost becomes a half-Arrancar. There a lot of stuff happens which is spoilers. But the story blends lore with Danny Phantom and Bleach. Plus some original stories that interesting and fun! Check it out if have time.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7307426/1/Amity-s-Arrancar
Where Even Time Freezes By LavaReefAct4
So in this AU survive Albert the final battle and so did Chronoforce. Using Chronoforce reverse time powers they decide to 'fix' thing aka the mess up Aile and Grey a lot. This is used why Vent is around instead of Aile and how Grey got killed. But things took a turn when Ashe almost time and because Ashe is Albert last bloodline Albert save her by taking over her body. Now Albert has fight himself! If that sounds good to you then go check it out!
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9668864/1/Where-Even-Time-Freezes
The Houseguests By Zilo Sugarpill
So this fanfiction takes the tropes what-if the characters came into the real world but it does take itself serious and funny at the same time. Kina likes anime. The story Melissa Jones along with her two siblings Ricky and Cassie. After there is a way for work for a while Melissa has to watch over her siblings while she away. But things take a turn when with Envy show up in their basement and in character tries to murder Melissa. And not to worry that so far there is no romance if you worry about that and character are in character. Check it out if a chance.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5874851/1/The-Houseguests
Son of Aura By CG07
So in this AU Ash is actually from the past and was send in the future because there's this group for some reason were hunting people with Aura. In order to keep him safe his mom have Celebi bring him to the future where Deila adopted him. But all is not well as the group is still alive and after to kill Ash. If that sounds good to you then read when you get the chance.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5236075/1/Son-of-Aura
Rise of the Chosen By Ainrhyr
So this fic follows Alie as she going through her adventure in ZX. It's sort of retelling the game but with a lot more character driving story, the reference to older games, and we get characters that weren't that focus in original a lot more screen time.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4209994/1/Rise_of_the_Chosen
Remember the Tides By @regiss-tides
In this Kingdom Hearts AU Xion defect Roxas in battle which results in Xion absorbed Roxas and heart. Xion runs away and later join Sora and his group. Axel is after his only friend left and Xigbar plotting something evil. This story does have hint romance but I love the friendship between Xion, Sora, Donald, and Goofy. If that sounds good story to you then give it a shot.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9580894/1/Remember-the-Tides
Dissidia Rebirth By AceArcalas
So this takes after the events of the original and 012 as this fic was made before Arcade so keep that in mind. So after the war, most of all the characters from the game settle down and have kids. The kids each have different personalities and hints that not everything is ok with them or their families. It's good read so give it a shot.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7928417/1/Dissidia-Rebirth
The Hungry Pokemon Games By Windflicker
So it takes the plot of the Hunger Games but adds new twists and turns. Like for example, the capitol have a tribute in N and the pov character is from the 4 district instead 12.  I give it a read if that sounds good to you.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8012435/1/The-Hungry-Pokemon-Games
Crisis on Two PokéWorlds! By PokeRescue18
Hey, want crossover fic between the manga and anime without the needless bashing of the anime because it wasn't as dark and serious as the manga even when it isn't that dark or serious. Well, this fic got you cover. So there are there these two guardians, Solaris and Lunaria who one day were attack by this guy name Odio stole this orb that holds the power of universes. They battle it out but the orbs breaks and two reality are going to crash together. So what can you do but get heroes from both universes to collect the shards before the villains do and save the worlds. If that sounds good to you then check it out.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6608899/1/Crisis-on-Two-Pok%C3%A9Worlds
Hakumei By @pryotra
In this Naruto, AU Danzo had the Hokage killed but 6 kids saw this going down and ran away. These kids being Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Sai, Hinata, and Neji. They leave the village and try to survive the outside world. Despite that little summary, this is not a dark fic. It's more about found family and overthrowing a government. It's a good fic if you have time.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4119917/1/Hakumei
Legacy By Lady Mayflower
This retelling of the first three Sypro games. Trying to make sense for the plot but it doesn't take the tone and fun out of the original. There were a couple of times where laugh out loud at this fic. Check it out if you have a chance.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7280837/1/Legacy
My Life By Berk'sWarrior
So this How To Train Your Dragon Warrior Cats AU. Which sounds like weird AU because how you going to blend those two together. Well changing the dragons into rogues and still have the fic be about friendship and Smallkit(Hiccup)trying to love from his father. If that sounds good then check it out here.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8997114/1/My-Life
Tinyclaw By SplashHart
This what if fanfiction where instead of Tiny chasing away the dog he told them the truth and they chase him out and into Riverclan. Who welcome him with opened arms. If you think it's going to be like how Firestar was like in Thunderclan it isn't. Tiny had his own problems in Riverclan and some will shock. Plus it give Riverclan a chance to shine which if you're a fan of RIverclan will bring some joy because they haven't really gotten a moment in the newer books.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8657366/1/Tinyclaw
RockmanEXE: Operation Black Ace By Azure Euphoria
So this crossover between Megman Starforce and Megaman EXE where after an certain event from the third Starforce game send Subaru back in time to the EXE. What I like about this one is keep the characters in character and has a lot of twists and turns that you won't see coming. Plus some good character development for some of our character including one grumpy Starforce we all know and like. Check it if want to see more of it.  
Link:  https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5994333/1/RockmanEXE-Operation-Black-Ace
Legend of Spyro: Stormfront By marsh166
So how many of you read a fanfic where the main character turns villain? I imagine you at less read one of those. This one is a bit different tho as it keeps everyone in character and it's a tragic story. So make sure you bring some tissues because no one is coming out this in one piece.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7482435/1/Legend-of-Spyro-Stormfront
The Ash Connection By I am Lu
So this story starts off with Ash and co getting ready to go back home for Christmas. But not everything is well because some Pokémon have been attacking Ash's friends that he had throughout the years and G-Men is putting Ash and his friends under witness protection program for the time being. I mean every one of his friends. Every traveling companion and his rivals up to B & W. Everyone has a moment to shine and some really good surprises that you never it coming. Give it a look to find out more.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9103189/1/The-Ash-Connection
FateStay Night: Ultimate Master By Ten-Faced Paladin(*)
So Ben was sent to Fuyuki City because of course what happened during the last Holy Grail War and the killing has been going since then. But here arrive he was attack and accident summon an Averger type servent. Which keep in mind was made before apocrypha or grand order so keep that in mind. It makes good use of the cast of characters and have some good action scenes. Check it out when you get the chance.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6781336/1/FateStay-Night-Ultimate-Master
Wanna Change By daydreamer1008
Another good SI in the Bleach version. Mostly because SI isn't over-power and does have a personality. Has great pacing and dialogue that actually sounds like the show. Of couse most of the characters are in character and the action scenes are good enough. Check it out when you get the chance.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6214127/2/I-Wanna-Change
A Sound Soul and a Sound Heart By Keyblade Guardian
So in this story starts out as it could happen in Kingdom Hearts game. Heartless start to invaded and Sora is sent there to stop it. What makes it good it's the character's interactives and actions scenes. I very much see a Soul Eater world being play out like this is the games. Check it out if you have the time.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9245458/1/A-Sound-Soul-and-a-Sound-Heart
Warriors: Servers of Chaos By Songarri0125
This Sonic crossover Warriors Cats but it's more au Warriors Cats. All the Sonic characters are cats in different clans. Shadow, Sonic, Silver, and Knuckles are a part of prophecy(because of couse.) and have power. What likes how it blend the two series together and characters are use really well.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7293595/2/Warriors-Servers-of-Chaos
The Eyes Have It By Shana the Short
So this is one does what if stories. And this what if story is about what if Sakura development a doujutsu or have one those weird bloodline eye power like Uchiha. What I like about it that it's play more realistic. Like she has no idea how to use them because she just work up and her family has no idea how to help her because it skip a couple of generations. Even her sensei can't really help so she on her own. It's a coming-of-age story with friendship and found family thing put in there. Check it out if haven't yet.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8661803/1/The-Eyes-Have-It
Mega Man Star Force Zero By SapphireLibra3(*)
So this take place after the third game in StarForce. After finding out that the Planet FM has a weapon and sending to Earth Geo and Omega-Xis were send to stop it. That was 4 years ago and they haven't return. Almost everyone thinks he's dead but Luna who find out that weapon is coming back by Wizard name Xerox. They team up to defect new villains and save the planet. What I like most about this game that it took the elements from Zero and make it fit the StarForce universe. Even you know the Megaman Zero games there still a couple of surprises that you won't see coming. Check it out if you haven't yet.  
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5283660/1/Mega-Man-Star-Force-Zero
The Legend Of Spyro: A New Dawn by Kendell
So after the events of the games Spyro and Cynder and now adults and they want to have a kid. Problem is that due dark side flowing in their veins they are afraid it be pass down to their child. So they decide to adopted one. Problem anew villain appear and took some of the eggs in Temple along with Spyro's and Cynder's adopted child. So Spyro, Cynder, and the new Fire Guardian to travel into the Unknown Realms and defect the queen of Nega Deadlock. It's good adventure story with twist and turns. And really good character moments and has a really good villain. Check it out if you haven't read it yet.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6835233/1/The-Legend-Of-Spyro-A-New-Dawn
Falling into the Abyss By Chang-Tong(*)
This one is an SI for Tales of the Abyss but one where the author did it realistic. Like the SI act realistic and so do the characters around her. More in the sense of how they react to her actions. And there no romance so far in this fic so if worry about then don't be. Check it out if haven't check it give it a shot.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5791754/1/Falling-into-the-Abyss
Night of the Shy Revamp By RavenStarfire
In this fanfiction Fluttershy is possessed by evil magic that turn Luna into Nightmare Moon and cause havoc. And yeah it can see as horror because the possessed!Fluttershy is down right cruel to her victims and enemies. To make things worse the main 6 can't use the Elements of Harmony because of Fluttershy and *spoilers* being gone. So they have find a way while Equestria defect itself. And I have to get this out here the author is no longer with us so this story doesn't have an ending but I put this on here to keep RavenStarfire's memory alive. So check it out if have the time.  
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7562952/1/Night-of-the-Shy-Revamp
Mega Man AXL: Zero Era By VirusChris
So this is an what if story where instead of finding Zero Ciel finds Axl instead. I like how the bond between Ciel and Axl. And how different from the game and Axl character development. A lot of twist and turns and love letter to Axl fan. Give it a read if you get a chance.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4483320/1/Mega-Man-AXL-Zero-Er
Land Before Time Twilight Valley By Zarrelion
So this war fic with Land Before Time....I know it sounds weird but go with it. Stone of Cold Fire crushed landed in Great Valley and mysterious sharptooth seeks it out and willing to spill blood over it. The children of the show grow up and willing to fight. The fight scenes are amazing in this fic and it deal brutal actions of war. As well as mental damage that war cause. Check it out when you get a chance.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4044080/1/Land-Before-Time-Twilight-Valley
Jak and Daxter Living in Sin By EcoSeeker247
This is about oc from our world coming Jak and Daxter world. Paige get a job working in the labs where Jak was experiment on after being arrest. What I like about this series is that there is no romance for Paige but her struggles on mortal compress and actually good friendship with Jak. I know in the in summary it looks like Paige has a villain redemption but Paige isn't a villain. She more someone who made a mistake. A mistake she needs to own up too but an mistake non the less. Which I like. While I do like villain redemption stories most of the time they are not well thought out. Even on 'professor' writer can't really write good. So this is better then what we be getting.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6791869/1/Jak-and-Daxter-Living-in-Sin
The Legend of Crystal New Beginnings By SnickerToodles
It's a retelling of Legend Of Spyro but what if Sypro had a twin sister. It expands on the world and add in a couple of twists and turns. Crystal herself is good character as well. She loud and more headstrong then her brother and balance both Spyro and Cynder as well. Check it out if haven't already.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6366414/1/The-Legend-of-Crystal-New-Beginnings
Fire and Shadow By Rowanoak23
I did a review of this fic a while ago. But is what-if story where Firestar join Shadowclan instead Thunderclan. It makes good use for the cast of characters in this fic and have good understand of the world of Warriors that you can see the author did do their research. I would go into more detail but I already did a review so check it out for more informtion or read the story.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4992672/1/Fire-and-Shadow
Broken Bow By Xed Alpha(*)
So this Percy Jackson fanfic about Armani Dove, son of Artemis. Unlike most this well made and oc is well done. If like comedy of the books then you like this. Nothing more to say but check it out if haven't yet.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5673899/1/Broken-Bow
Soul's Fantasy By Grimdivide
So because of Aizen causing the resurrection of the God of Discord and so Warriors of Cosmos have to stop him and Espada. Some of new and old characters from the Final Fantasy characters. Bleach characters are used really good too both the villains and heroes. Check it out if sounds good to you.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5481758/1/Soul-s-Fantasy
Twist in Time By Alisa180
Can this count as a crossover when if it is from the same series but different time lines? Anyway due to some time travel shenanigans our favorite villains from the ZX timeline started causing trouble and what should happen but ZX travel back into the X timeline to stop them. The author know about the in and out Megaman universe as well as the characters. It has good twist and turns. Check it out when you get a chance.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3832375/1/Twist-in-Time
Fate Dissidia by Echo the Ethereal Swordmaster
Not an crossover really more like Dissidia characters in Fate/Stay Night setting. The plot is this Cosmos notice that the Crystals and Planet Earth are in danger. So, she  sent her warriors to Earth to find their masters, find and protect the  crystals, and save Earth from Chaos and his warriors. The cast ismostly ocs at least are interesting to say the less and characters are written as in character. I more surprise don't use this idea more offen really. Check it out if haven't already.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4741236/1/Fate-Dissidia
The Switch Glitch By Zilo Sugarpill
Another oc from our world go in FMA world. The first anime one bot Brotherhood one. This takes kinda realistic and the there so many twist and turns that you wouldn't see coming. It's action and comedy that did have me laugh at certain moments. Check it out if want too.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3791056/1/The-Switch-Glitch
Generations Collide By Crono Candescence
Basically Dr. Wally is at it again and build a new weapon for Bass to use. But during fight and travel forward in time and meet X. Yep in this fanfiction Megaman go forward in time and start meeting other characters from other Megaman games. It play just how I'll picture these characters meeting and add some insight on other stuff that games barley touch on Check it out if haven't already.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4369795/1/Generations-Collide
So this takes plot of that but with Avatar gang oh and Zuko there too. The author knows about that characters and how to use them correctly. And to make things the character act like how I picture them like actually meet each. And it keeps the tone from both series which adventure with some comedy. Check it out if you haven't already.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/2501876/1/SECRET-OF-THE-CURSED-MASK  
Balto Future Shock By Kendell
So this Balto with some elements from Watchers but not really. Like you read this without any knowledge of Watchers and you follow it just find. The story begins at the present day with husky name Tina escape from military base, a genetically engineered Super Soldier named the Outsider chasing her. Turns out the Outsider is to replace human troops in the war on terror, but it turned on its creators and escaped, and being telepathically linked to Tina. So it wants to kill her.However, right as it catches Tina in Central Park, a lightning bolt strikes its extending metal claws, sending both back in time. To where Balto is and Tina is happy because she gets to hang out with idol but Outsider is still out there. Check out it if that sounds up your alley.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3937457/1/Balto_Future_Shock
Lost in Time Found By War By lunateix
So Bass once again attack Megaman but Roll herself step between them and were send forward through time by Wily new weapon. This was during Zero timeline during when Weil working with copy X. This story have a lot of twist and turns, great character moments and development, and there are some lore /background that if you know you get but if you don't then you can still follow it. Give it a chance when have time to read it.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3278280/1/Lost-in-Time-Found-By-War
Bonds By Sol Hiryu
So used Netto accident used Full Synchro with the human hating Forte. So being force to work together in order to stay alive environment while Rock is looking to get Nettoback. It enemies-to-friends fic that I think we should bring back. Yes enemies-to-lovers are good. I like well done fic of that. But I let's bring some good enemies-to-friends fic too. Check it out if haven't already.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/2505790/1/Bonds
A Sharptooth's Heart By Sora W.T.K
So this one of the fiction that ask the question what will happen if sharptooth dinosaur that adopted into Land Before Time.(This was before second movie.) It cute and little story that have good characters moments and world building that isn't boring! Check it out if haven't already.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/1583842/1/A-Sharptooth-s-Heart
Price By DarqueDeath4444(*)
This AU where Ochako because a villain to get money for her parents and work with Wolfram(The villain from the first movie.) It'd villain fic that play out well that's not about Deku(I still like those fics don't get wrong) and has good understanding of the characters and good development for them so far. Check it out if haven't already.  
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13594903/1/Price
Pokemon Reset Bloodlines By Crossoverpairinglover(Rated: M and  *)
So some time during the XY anime Cyrus dismantling the universe to create his world without spirit so Arceus send Ash back in time to stop him. But few things change for example: Ashi is 15, kept in contact with Serena, and most important of all he's bloodliner. People with Pokémon-related abilities. This fic was inspired by another fic call Ash but it has a lot of different to make it is own fic. Those reason I listed above and in the fanfic. If you like X-Men you would like this fic because bloodliner are like Mutants in that people hate them for being different. It does have a lot of dark and serious moments so I can't say everyone should read it but it's not as dark as say like the Dark Knight or something like that. Check it out to see it for yourself.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9939848/1/Pokemon-Reset-Bloodlines
Lightning and Death Itself By Cke1st(*)
So in this AU Night Fury have this power to transform humans into other Night Fury.
So when Hiccup and Astrid when to ride Toothless he used this power to tranform the both of them into Night Fury and now they need to adjust to their new lives. The auother does a good job with the characters and world building. It used to this twist of Hiccup and Astrid and has effect their family really well too and as well as how the tribe and the world at large held this. Check it out out if haven't.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9343058/1/Lightning-and-Death-Itself
Loyalty By True Radical Dreamer
So in this AU Sakura was in the wrong place and the wrong time and it's force to work with Kabuto. It about spying, loyal, and war. And this fic dosen't shy away from the horrors of war so if you don't like that stuff then please check away. What I like about this fic is also the characters development that Sakura and the others go through as well and plot twist and turns. If that at all sounds good to you then check out this fic.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5316196/1/Loyalty
Earthborne By Mixed Valence
So this SI where the character is in Fire Emblem Fates and after bond with Nohr family has to make a choice to the upcoming war. What I like about this fic is the worldbuliding as it flash out more about this world. Another thing is the grey mortal that is done well in this fics then most other fic. Because the usually  play Nohr's action while just making just racist. Which come with a whole lot of problems and one them is you just make the game look even better at that part and I don't know how you imagine that. Plus some really good character development and twist and turn that you might see coming. Check it out if haven't already.
Link:  https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12213521/1/Earthborne
Kingdom Hearts: The Winter War By colossalblackening
This is crossover between Bleach and Kingdom Hearts after the events of KH3  Sora wakes up in Hueco Mundo with no memories. Because of that Aizen trick Sora into joining the attack the Soul Society. What I like about this fic is the spot on characterized in this fic and well as really well done action scenes. Throw in some really good characters developments and you have a really good crossover story. Check it out if you haven't already.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12500644/1/Kingdom-Hearts-The-Winter-War
Firelight By Riverstyxx
So this is an story a dragon named Charla who was save from the raid by an ape and raise by Jayce. But due to the even that in the fic they have separated and Charla needs to find him. By traveling through a war torn world and making friends and enemies along the way. What I like about it is that this is a story that does take place during the game but in a different pov so it makes the world flesh out a bit more. And the characters are all interesting and thought out. I like Charla, Jayce, and Silverback they all so good. Check it out if you haven't already.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8259545/1/Firelight
Friendly Foreign Dimensional Exchange Student Spiderman! By Zaru
So this crossover between the MCU Spiderman and bnha. Where after Infinity part 1 where Spiderman turn to dust ends up in bnha's world. After getting into getting some shenanigans he gets into U.A to become a hero. What I like about this story it takes mental problems serious and the characters are use nicly. Check it out if haven't yet.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13187854/1/Friendly-Foreign-Dimensional-Exchange-Student-Spiderman
All the Pieces Lie Where the Fell By forevermagik13
So this take place before Dream, Drop, Distance was out so keep that in mind in this fic. So this is forevermagik13's version of KH3 where Sora, Riku, and Kairi go looking for the missing light instead. What I like about this fanfic for the most part I can see some of the stuff happening in universe and characters have some stand out moments. Check it out if haven't already.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6772185/1/All-the-Pieces-Lie-Where-they-Fell
Burning Thunder By TheDogzLife
So this next gen fic where N's and White's son goes off on his Pokemon adventure. The ocs are well thought out and canon character written in character. I imagine this is how most of the characters would end up when they are older. Plus there so many good mystery in this fic and have to see for yourself. Check it out if you haven't already.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9415859/1/Burning-Thunder
The Tide series By Regiss
So this is a what-if story where Xion won the battle Roxas. Xion won and killed Roxas and to make things worse Organization 13 are after her and DiZ woke Sora with only half of power because Roxas didn't fuse with Sora. As you can see this story have a lot of twists and turns. All the character are used instead of shove a side like in the main games. It's one of my favorite KH series so check it out if you haven't already.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9580894/1/Remember-the-Tides
Dark Legacy series By Dardarax(M)(*)
So the Dark Legacy fic is next gen about a albino dragon, named Lyrith who goes to Temple Academy where dragons learn about fight, the world around them, etc. The problem is that as albino Lyrith has no power and while accepting some of the people around are dislike for being an albino. Lyrith is not the only chatacter that has an arc in this story and ocs cast is pretty good in my option. It also has good world-building without going away from the main story. Check it out but it does get dark at time so be careful.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6406803/1/Dark-Legacy
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new2otomelol · 7 years
What got into me? A Soryu fanfic
This story takes place after the MC has already gone through Soryu’s Season 1 route.  Voltage has rights to its characters, the MC, Elora, is a character I created.  This is all fictional fun.
It’s been 1 year since the incident when Soryu almost lost his life.  I can’t believe we’ve been through so much already, I’m sure we’ll be going through hard times again, but I know that as long as I am with him, I am safe and happy.  Right now I’m finishing up reading one of my school books, Soryu supported my decision to return to school, in fact, I had started prior to joining the Tres Spades, but had to “pause” my education due to financial woes.  I was almost done with my degree before, now, I will be done with my last class tomorrow and will be graduating in a few days.  So much going on, but I’m so excited!  I continued working part time at the Tres Spades, but I love how quickly my days fly by…sometimes, I forget things, but I feel so accomplished.
Sakiko has been worried about me because she says I look a little more tired than usual.  She gave me some “pre-natal” vitamins stating that they would give me the needed energy to take on my load; it didn’t matter if I wasn’t pregnant.  I sighed, but took them none the less, I had no time to think about starting a family; I’d rather wait until after marriage.  My graduation was this weekend, so I had to get ready for that!
It’s been a couple of weeks since then, the vitamins have actually helped, but one day at work while working with Sakiko, I passed out.  I was checked by a doctor who was staying at the hotel as he had witnessed me faint by one of the guest rooms.  He smiled and told me “congratulations…..you’re going to be a mom!  I would get checked if I were you, I think you’re 5 months along, you’re not showing much, but you will soon, oh and….based on the heartbeats, I think you’re carrying twins.  I was in schock, my jaw dropped.  The doctor held my hand and said “all children are a blessing, no matter the circumstance…”  he smiled and informed me had to catch a flight…  Sakiko rushed in after the doctor left, she saw my face and instantly was concerned…. “what’s wrong?” she asked.  I just looked at her and I felt such a rush of excitement and happiness that I touched my stomach and finally started to feel a bit of a flutter, why didn’t I notice before?  Sakiko just stared at me and said “Elora?!  Stop spacing out, what happened?!  What did he say?”  
“Oh Sakiko, I’m pregnant!!  I think I’m 5 months along!”   Sakiko just stared at me and laughed, “no wonder you’ve been riddled with attitude, eating weird foods, getting emotional,….”  She kept going, I decided to glare at her.  She finished her long list of symptoms and then she threw her arms in the air and hugged me tightly.  I asked Sakiko to keep my pregnancy a secret for now….she stared at me “honey, you’ve gained a little bit of weight and a round belly is starting to form, at this rate, you’ll be noticeable in a couple of weeks!”  I rolled my eyes at her and said “I know, I just need to think some things over and figure out how to tell Soryu.”  Sakiko squealed in delight and I left the room laughing.  
On my way to the lobby  I wasn’t paying attention, but two men followed me outside.  I saw a van driving up the front of the hotel and two men came up from behind me and lifted me into the van and drove off.  I was scared for sure, but I was more annoyed than anything!  Hormonal rage in its finest form!
The men take me to another mansion, I was more than sure it was another mafia hang out.  To my surprise, the men were being gentle with me, but then again, I wasn’t putting up a fight.  They take me to their leader, an older gentleman, and he asks me to have a seat.  I sit down and he sighs.  “My apologies madam, it seems that my over-achieving son ordered you to be kidnapped so that he can use you as a bargaining chip for the leader of the Ice Dragons…”  I sighed and responded, “I figured as much, I’m getting kind of used to it now, to be honest”  the man smiled and introduced himself “my name is Yamato Edwards, leader of the Serpents, I am half Japanese and half British.  I really have no quarrel with the Ice Dragons and support their ideas in protecting people, but my son Is a bit hot headed.  Would you like something to drink?”  I smile and say “water please Mr. Edwards!  I’m so thirsty!”
He pours some water for me and sits down.  “Can I ask for your help in disciplining my son?”  I spit out the water a bit in surprise and I asked what he had in mind.  “Well, I’m going to make him responsible for taking care of you while we contact Mr. Oh, but I want you to make it as uncomfortable as possible for him; I promise you, he won’t harm you, my men will be around to protect you just in case, he’s your age, just hard headed.”  I smiled at him and said “You have yourself a deal, it shouldn’t be difficult, I’m so emotional and hormonal right now that it’ll be a breeze.”  Mr. Edwards smiled and said “I hope we can join forces with Mr. Oh in the future”  we shook hands and I was lead to another room.  Mr. Edward’s son was sitting on a couch waiting for me, a super annoyed look on his face, almost like a scolded young child.
I smiled and said “so, you’re taking care of me, well, I need a bottle of water right now! Also, I need vanilla ice cream and pickles… plus, we’re going to watch Dr. Who because I need to cry to relieve my stress, which you started!”  that did it, he glared at me and said “my name is Yuun and who are you to boss me around you little bi..” I cut him off and got close to his face “have you ever dealt with a pregnant lady little boy?  Let me tell you, you’re in for a treat, do you want me to explode on you because I will!  You want to keep your balls in tact, get to work little bratt!”  He quickly snapped to it and began giving me everything I asked for.  We had started watching my favorite episode of Dr. Who, the one with Van Gogh and before I knew it, two hours had passed since my “ordeal.”  I was quite enjoying it.
SORYU’S POV: I’m working at the office and I get a phone call from Eisuke…. Apparently, Elora has been kidnapped again…DAM IT!  Where’s Inui?!  Why didn’t he protect her?!  I call Inui and he quickly apologizes, he had a bad stomach ache and was in the restroom for about 30 minutes, so he lost sight of her… I literally face palmed, but my nerves got the best to me and I began to panic!  Eisuke was researching the video footage at the hotel, apparently Elora had left her cell phone in one of the guest rooms, what is with this woman lately?
I began to make a list of mafia groups who had it in for the Ice Dragons, but none could come to mind, things have been peaceful lately, no wars have been started between groups.  I keep pacing back and forth waiting for word…. Hours pass by until I receive a call from an unknown number… I quickly pick up… “Mr. Oh, my name is Mr. Yamato Edwards, I apologize for taking a while in contacting you, but we have your girlfriend..”  my blood boils “Mr. Edwards, what is the meaning of this?!  I’m coming to get her, you’ll regret thi_” Mr. Edward’s cut me off immediately “Mr. Oh, I apologize, but this was all the doing of my immature son, I assure you, Ms. Elora is safe and you can come by for her at any time… in fact, she’s helping me teach my son a lesson, again, I apologize for the misunderstanding and I promise you, she’s safe”  at that same second I get another call on the phone from another unknown number. I ask Mr. Edwards if he knows the number, he laughs and says “that should be Yuun, your girlfriend is good! Please answer, I’ll text you our address and I will see you soon.”  
I switch over to the other line “hello?”  “Oh thank goodness, for the love of God!  Please come get your woman, how do you deal with this?!  This is torture, she won’t stop talking, she’s making me watch shows I don’t want to watch, keeps hitting me, she tells me horrible things….I can’t think, she’s so demanding!”  I  cut him off “that’s what you get you little bratt, your dad called me, you should be thankful you’re only dealing with her, because I would have killed you already.”  I could hear the young man gasp and at the same time I heard my Elora barking orders at him, it brought a smile to my face, just to think of the situation.  “I…. I’m truly sorry Mr. Oh, I have learned my lesson, please forgive me….I want to work with you and learn, please? Just come and take her away, as soon as possible, I don’t know if I can handle her hormonal mood swings much longer…”  Mood swings?  What the hell is he talking about, sure she’s been a bit off the past few months, but not that bad? Well, maybe…  “sit tight dumb ass, we’ll talk about joining forces later, I’ll be there to get her in a few.”  I hang up and contact Eisuke as I take off to pick up my woman  “Eisuke, you’re not going to believe this…”
ELORA’S POV: “Hey idiot!  Get me more ice cream and some ramen noodles, stat!”  Yuun glared at me… “but you just ate ice cream, pickles, miso soup and popcorn” he replies.  “Do you want me to tell my boyfriend you were horrible to me?”  ….  “no ma’am, please don’t, right away.”  I sit back and relax as I watch TV, God this feels amazing…. I feel more flutters coming from my stomach and I begin to smile.  Yuun hurriedly hands me ice cream as I prop my feet up on the coffee table… he finally calms down a little and asks me “what does it feel like? I mean, to be pregnant…” I quietly think for a moment and then respond “well, considering I just found out and then got kidnapped ….(he looks dejected for a second and truly regretful)…honestly it feels amazing, I think I feel something , look!  You wanna feel?!”  
I take his hand and place it on my stomach….I’m still not showing much, but I do look a bit fatter, lol….  “wow, I felt something like a flutter, that is so weird and cool!”  I smiled back and said “I know right?!  I might be carrying twins, but we’ll see, I still need to see a doctor to confirm it.” Yuun pulls away, lowers his head and apologizes profusely for having ordered my kidnapping.  I smile and thank him for taking care of me… at that moment, the door opens and in walks my handsome man … “SORYU!”  I quickly  get up and hug him, he looks at me stunned, but smiles… he then faces Yuun and I notice that Yuun is bowing to Soryu asking for forgiveness.  Soryu relaxes a bit and asks him to stop.  “the ordeal is over, I hope you learned your lesson….the Ice Dragons and the Serpents will work together from now on as I just struck a deal with your father, but you will work closely with my men in order to learn the ropes.  Don’t ever let me catch you doing this sort of thing again.”  With that Yuun cries and thanks Soryu.  We both walk out of the mansion.
On the drive home….  “Soryu, pull over to the gas station quick!!”  . Soryu had Eisuke and the boys on speaker, discussing what had happened, so they could hear everything… “why? What’s wrong?”  he asks, the guys are all sighing at the other end of the line. “Soryu, you pull over this car right this second or I will pee on these leather seats” …. “oooooooohhh duuuuude….you’re whipped!” chimes Ota….  Soryu replies “what has gotten into you woman?!  ….  My blood boils and my bladder feels like its under immense pressure, I can’t help it, the hormones win and I let loose “you did about five months ago and now I have two human beings growing inside me, now you stop this car or you’ll be cleaning up my mess and sleeping on the couch tonight!”  Soryu’s jaw drops as he very carefully pulls over to the gas station…. The guys are quiet on the other end of the line….it’s like time’s frozen.  I quickly give Soryu a kiss on the temple and run to the gas station as if my life depended on it.
SORYU’S POV ……. What the hell just happened?  Did she really just say she’s pregnant?  I…. I…. I’m going to be a father, wait, what?!  I’m GOING TO BE A FATHER!!!!  I can’t believe this!  Oh my God …tears start coming up and then I hear the guys, I forgot I had them on speaker “wooo!  Soryu you dirty dog!! Baba yelled…. Eisuke chimed in, “congrats old friend!”  Ota “dude, tell us about that night 5 months ago”  Mamo “zzzzzzzz” ….  I was still trying to process it, but I was besides myself happy!  I hung up on the guys not caring for their commentary and got out of the car.  I then see Elora coming out of the convenience store with a rather large bag of snacks and she’s eating a chocolate bar, she looks so fixated on her candy, it’s so adorable.  I run to her and pick her up princess style…  “I can’t believe it!  We’re going to be parents!  I love you so much!  I love you three so much!”  Elora looks up at me with teary eyes and a beautiful smile….she hugs me tightly.  I place her gently in the car like she’s a fragile object  and I turn on the car.  Immediately the phone starts buzzing and I respond, the guys are on the phone.  “Get your asses over here right now, we’re going to celebrate your pregnancy our way!  So get over here”!  Baba yells… I look at Elora and she replies “quit your griping, we’re on our way!”  I laugh and look at her “that’s my girl!”
4 MONTHS LATER – ELORA’S POV “You are so dead! Gimme your gun right now…..I’m in pain….Grrrr….  Heeee heeee uuuuu, heeee, uuuu..” … “honey, please breathe, I love you, you’re doing great, keep breathing”  ….
OTA, BABA, EISUKE and MAMORU – POV The guys all wait patiently in the waiting room when they hear “you’re so dead!  Gimme your gun right now…”  they all stare at each other and suddenly feel scared for Soryu.
SORYU’s POV: Please don’t kill me honey, just hang in there…. God, please let these hormones be over as soon as possible!  My poor Elora is in so much pain, but she’s almost there, the head is out for baby no. 1, she pushes and my son is born, I’ve never seen such a beautiful miracle….Elora breathes hard and begins to push for the second baby…..10 minutes later….”waaaaaahh” my baby daughter is born.  I can’t help it and I begin to tear up, they are both so beautiful.  
The nurses clean the babies and hand them both to us…  Elora is holding our son and I am holding our daughter… we both look at each other and smile – this exact moment is bliss!
30 minutes later, Elora is settled, the room has been cleaned and cleared out of medical personnel.  The guys all walk in to meet our bundles of joy.  This is my family.
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