#I would see looney toons ships
miramise · 2 years
tumblr: ruining childhood memories since 2007
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gurggggleburgle · 7 months
i'm just saying potentially the reason liu qingge has a delicate and beautiful face is because Airplane really didn't ever intend him to be in the story. In no draft did this man actually live long enough to be seen in cannon. He was not conceived in any real capacity simply because it wasn't important enough. So the system in it's infinite wisdom looked at the blueprints and everything and went 'we'll just copy past his sister's body except for like one or two details'. Like... it's funny to consider because what it would mean is everyone has technically already seen Mingyan's face just they haven't noticed because humans are dumb.
And i think that idea is funny because if there is one thing Shen Yuan spends the entire novel mad and trying to do despite everything going on it's see this girls face. He wants so much to know what the other half of his otp ship looked like but meanwhile he sees Liu Qingge like every other Thursday. It's nothing special. Now if you'll excuse he's going to be setting up a variety of well placed looney toons construction nonsense level mirrors so he maybe can figure out the shape of her jaw!
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saingirl101 · 9 days
Okay had some time and shitposts to really think about the finale of FHJY
I literally have rewritten this post several times thats how complex it feels.
Spoilers under the cut
First off I love that potential threads are hanging in the air particularly for adaine and kristen.
Character wise kristen ironically could have been the most complete storyline after FHSophY however with how Ally played her this season i think narratively she is the bad kid who absolutely needs a continuation for her story - tracker, bucky, her messy enemiess beebees ship, her parents, the whole buddy/bobby dawn thing, FUCKING KALINA, like the way brennan ended the season its like he's T-ing up another narratively perfect season for kristen.
Fabian, our darling boy makes several strides in improving himself and several steps back in other ways. I for one would die from laughter while he deals with having a GF, his mom, step father and grandpapa all living in the same house with a new elf baby (and also potentially stepsibling Fig).
Adaine - godamn what a fantastic narrative season as well, her confidence this season was so hot and siobhan continues to just be a dream TTRPG player. Like she's been killing it with her character decisions, impeccable comedic timing, and knowledge of the game out of the park for literally the past year and half.
Riz, like my god, such a perfect season for him and getting to see his character growth as well. He's also literally the hottest he's ever been and while I am sad he is aroace so i cannot make an OC to smooch him, he's just so fucking ool it doesn't even matter. ALSO RIZ YOU HAVE MULTIPLE QUEER PEOPLE ON YOUR TEAM YOU CAN DEFINITELY TELL THEM YOU ARE AROACE KING.
Gorgug, wow what a fucking season. Zac always kills it with his characters but besides the bit in freshman year I don't know that I ever clicked with gorgug as much as I did this season. He also had an amazing arc all those nat 20s in the last stand, the nat 20s to get them the academic help while he took on four years of school in one year, using his aertificer stuff to help take down his literal nemesis and the person whose put him down for years.
And now we come to fig and my controversial opinion. I still feel like despite them trying to T-up this possibly being emily's fairwell from playing fig I don't feel like narratively it makes sense. theres just still so much in the air and I would love to see her relationship with ankarna grow and blossom. Also despite the talk theres just so much left unresolved between her and sandra lynn. That said I'll be sad but understand if emily plays another character if they do ever make FHseniorY. THAT SAID, BRENNAN YOU OWE ME A SEASON OF GILEAR SHENNANIGANS. FIG DID SAY SHE MIGHT MOVE INTO SEACASTER MANOR, LET HER PULL LOONEY TOONS SHENNAIGANS TO PREVENT FABIAN FROM MURDER THEIR NEW SIBLING.
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chaifootsteps · 6 months
Has Viv ever been in a romantic relationship? Because based on the way she writes her ships, I don’t really see how she could have.
And I’m not saying this in a “ooh what a virgin loser!” sort of way (source: I’m a virgin loser), but like. Her relationships are very black and white. We have Fizzozzie and MoxMil presented as these perfect, heteronormative monogamous relationships where any conflict is resolved in a few mins tops. My gut says Chaggie will be the same way but I could be wrong.
Our “messy yet romantic” ship is neither messy nor romantic: stolitz is literal sex trafficking portrayed as sexy. And the abusive ship Stella/Stolas is portrayed very “abuser/victim,” black and white, which is pretty unrealistic.
Like yes I know this is fiction. I know it’s a cartoon. But Viv cannot decide if she wants HB to be 15 min Looney Toon shorts where everything’s resolved in an ep and is comedic, or this soap opera odyssey about class and oppression. And neither of these work well with her oversimplified thoughts on romance.
I've sort of wondered. If she ever has been in a relationship, I don't think she's ever talked about it, and given how she broadcasts everything else in her life she wants to humblebrag about, you'd think she would.
It's true, the ideal romance in HH/HB is presented as either cozy, monogamous, and uncomplicated fluff where everyone loves each other lots and lots and has lots of sex and conflict is fleeting, or Stolitz. Vivzie has also pretty much spoiled that Stolitz will be endgame within a few episodes and you know that once they're official, that whole repeated sexual coercion thing is never, ever coming up again.
It's a 13 year old kid's idea of how relationships work. Unfortunately, it's also the only thing Vivzie wants to focus on.
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Are the Warners Looney Tunes?
Well, no. Officially, Animaniacs and Looney Tunes are separate franchises.
In-universe however...well...
In Animaniacs, there is already a character who's established to be an (ex?)Looney Tune in-universe, Slappy.
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The Warners themselves debuted in Buddy cartoons in-universe.
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Buddy in real life actually is an official Looney Tune, so if that's still the case in Animaniacs (and we have no real reason to assume it isn't) any characters who starred alongside him in his cartoons would be Looney Tunes too, right?
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That's not even mentioning the fact that Slappy and the Warners are all kind of like Bugs Bunny (Yakko especially).
There's also the fact that Animaniacs literally shares a universe with Tiny Toons, which IS part of the Looney Tunes franchise (as a spin-off):
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Ralph himself is actually from Tiny Toons, not Animaniacs!
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(Mary Hartless and Mr Skullhead originated from Tiny Toons too.)
There's also the fact that Pinky, Elymra and the Brain exists, and although nowadays it's considered non-canon, back when it was new it seemed to function essentially as a sequel series/retooled Pinky and the Brain season 5.
Sometimes the Looney Tunes themselves will appear in Animaniacs too:
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You could argue that doesn't mean much considering characters from a lot of Warner Bros stuff show up in Animaniacs because of the show's meta and satirical nature, but the Warners themselves sometimes appear in Looney Tunes stuff as well (in addition to their appearance in Tiny Toons Spring Break).
For example, in the Duck Dodgers episode "Pig Planet", these three characters, who are voiced by Rob Paulsen, Tress MacNeille and Jess Harnell, appear:
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They have the exact same voices as the Warners, they're characterized as three chaotic kids, they have a similar naming convention (Porko, Puerco and Sow), they're dressed like the Warners (except for Porko), Puerco's tongue is hanging out like Wakko's and Porko even does Yakko's "Uhhhh" in the episode. I'm counting this as an actual appearance of the Warners. I get why people would say they're just meant to reference the Warners, nothing more, considering the Warners aren't pigs; but Yosemite Sam and Elmer Fudd aren't aliens, yet K'chutha Sa'am and The Fudd are considered basically just the Yosemite Sam and Elmer Fudd of Duck Dodgers. Perhaps alternate versions of the characters, sure, but still essentially those characters, and I see Porko, Puerco and Sow the same way in relation to the Warners.
And then there's the Warners' appearances in Space Jam: A New Legacy;
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Not only is Dot's statue right next to one of Marvin the Martian, but during the game the Warners (and only the Warners) are sitting on Marvin's ship, which the Looney Tunes used to travel throughout the film. There's lots of space (heh) there, interesting that they chose to have the Warners be the only characters sitting on it.
There's a WB water tower in Tune World/Looney Tunes World (whichever one it's supposed to be, the movie uses both), which could be seen as just a cute meta reference to the fact that Warner Bros owns Looney Tunes, but here's the thing, the WB water tower doesn't resemble how it looks in real life, rather, it's designed after the one in Animaniacs! A lot of people already noticed this, but what I find interesting is that this is even consistent across games/comics/merchandise used to promote Space Jam: A New Legacy;
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Keep in mind the first Space Jam exists in the world of Animaniacs (it's mentioned in its spin-off Pinky and the Brain, which IS canon unlike Pinky, Elmyra and the Brain). This likely means A New Legacy does as well. Also keep in mind we never see an "Animaniacs World" or anything like it in A New Legacy.
So since the WB water tower is coloured like the one from Animaniacs, and there seems to be no "Animaniacs World", it's safe to assume it is the one from Animaniacs, right?
If it's the one from Animaniacs, the Warners we see in the movie must live there.
If they live there, that means they live in Looney Tunes World.
If the Warners live in Looney Tunes World, doesn't that make them...Looney Tunes?
I know I'm probably looking too deep into this, no matter what Animaniacs is not part of the Looney Tunes franchise; but the two franchises are definitely connected, and given that Looney Tunes was a big inspiration for Animaniacs, I think that's cool.
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comshipbracket · 3 months
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Antis DNI - Block the tag "comship" if this causes discomfort.
Remember, you are voting for the ship you prefer, not the ship you find more problematic
Propaganda for both ships under the cut.
Disclaimer: All ships (other than NozoCoco) on this bracket are FOLLOWER-SUBMITTED ships, the Mods do not always hold necessary knowledge to be aware of any errors or fanonizing what should be canon material that may arise.
Jimthan Propaganda (One-sided Toxic Dynamic, Underage - Both Jimmy and Nathan are children)
"Jimmy and Nathan have an adorably onesided dynamic where it's never entirely clear if Jimmy is fully aware just how much Nathan hates his guts. Fueled partly by their different feelings on summer camp, Nathan has tried to get Jimmy killed multiple times, almost always ending in his own misfortune as a result. Much like a classic Looney Toons pair, Jimmy's insistence on fair play and good sportsmanship somehow always wins against Nathan's schemes. Even after encountering a situation where it is Severely, OBJECTIVELY clear that Nathan is just a straight up evil person who wants him and everyone else involved in the camp Dead, Jimmy seems to openly consider him a friend who he's glad to see every summer. This doesn't mean he never fucks with him, but Jimmy's attitude being so chill and friendly makes a wonderful contrast against Nathan's seething hatered. They also seem to be on mildly reasonable terms at school, partly because whenever Nathan has to directly interact with him, he feigns friendship, making the whole dynamic that much more complex. Please let my disabled babies win against the conventionally attractive anime people, i mean no disdain for the other ships i just think that would be really cool!!"
Stannarrator Propaganda (Codependency, Toxic Power Dynamics - In most endings)
"The Stanley Parable is a game about The Narrator wanting to tell a story through their game but having to rely on the Stanley's choices. The core of the game is that Stanley and The Narrator are bound to each other: Stanley needs The Narrator to make the "parable" he lives in, and The Narrator needs Stanley to make the choices that drive the story.
The Narrator clearly has the most power in this dynamic, since he can alter the world the Stanley lives in: modifying the rooms, creating and deleting objects at will, reloading the game, altering Stanley's perception, knowing almost everything and being almost everywhere. But, despite all that power, he isn't able to control the one thing that keeps his story existing: Stanley's choices.
Okay, spoilers to both the original 2013 game and the Ultra Deluxe remake from here on out since it's impossible to talk about them without spoiling a lot of the endings.
In one of the new endings on the Ultra Deluxe remake, the Skip Button ending, The Narrator creates a button that lets Stanley skip his dialogue `inspired` by a bad Steam review, but when Stanley clicks this button The Narrator is left all alone in that room, and which each click the skip becomes longer, from minutes, to hours, to weeks, to months… And in the fifth skip (where Stanley stays frozen for like, one, two weeks), The Narrator breaks up, talking about how he needs Stanley to listen to him and how scared he is of slipping back into the silence he passes through every time we use the skip button. In his own words, `I can't lose myself in the stretch of emptiness between you and me.` Of course, since it's the only way to advance in this ending, we skip again, and again, until The Narrator ends up eventually disappearing after the 12th or 13th skip, leaving Stanley alone in a desert, and that's where the ending stops, though it continues on the Epilogue, but I'll leave some things to add as propaganda during the polls.
Despite this, The Narrator still has more control of the situation than Stanley, like on the Explosion ending, where he traps Stanley in a room while the building's destroys itself as consequence for choosing to activate the Mind Control Machine instead of shutting it down to free everyone. He keeps acting like Stanley is nothing but a vehicle for him to pass a message through his story. `Watching you try to make sense of everything and take back the control wrested away from you…it's quite rich. I almost hate to see it go!` `You're only still playing instead of watching a cutscene because I want to watch you for every moment that you're powerless, to see you made humble. […] You wanted to control this world; that's fine. But I'm going to destroy it first, so you can't.`
But there's one point where they're equal, they both want to free themselves. On the Museum ending, we meet a being that is higher than The Narrator, the Female Narrator (yeah, that's her name), and she gives the best description of the relationship between these two: `Oh, look at these two. How they wish to destroy one another. How they wish to control one another. How they both wish to be free. Can you see? Can you see how much they need one another? No, perhaps not. Sometimes these things cannot be seen.`"
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SIDE 2B: ROUND 2: Daffy Duck (Looney Toons)/Donald Duck (Disney) VS Huey Duck (Ducktales 2017)/Wakko Warner (Animaniacs)
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Propaganda for Daffy Duck/Donald Duck:
They are generally very similar; they’re both ducks, they have anger issues, they are both greedy, and they both are jealous of playing second fiddle to their rivals. However, when they’re more downplayed and portrayed in what they would be like in a domestic setting (Ducktales 2017 and The Looney Tunes Show), Donald is portrayed as being a hardworking family man trying his best to keep shit under control while Daffy is snarky, sarcastic, and always up to some wild shenanigans, and I always thought that dynamic would be a really interesting romantic one. I guess what I’m trying to say is I ship them for both their similarities and their differences. If that makes sense? Sorry if I didn’t explain it that well.
Propaganda for Huey Duck/Wakko Warner:
Huey and Wakko are classic opposite attrack characters, while also touches of "you're drawn to people who remind you of your family" thrown in. They're both very autistic coded characters (because their shows are cowards and refuse to say the word) but in opposite ways. Wakko is very outside of the norm where as Huey holds himself to a strict set of rules. While Huey adds a bit of routine to Wakko's life, Wakko encourages Huey to cut back, go outside of his comfort zone at his own pace and also relax a little. Wakko reminds Huey of both his siblings, excitable and dramatic like Dewey, and laid back (compared to his siblings) and mischevious like Louie, where as Huey reminds Wakko of his own siblings. A bit more uptight and bratty like Dot, and intelligent and encouraging like Yakko. They also bring out different sides of each other, Wakko can be gross and messy and Huey somehow finds it charming, and Huey can help Wakko see that he's intelligent and creative in his own ways rather than being outshined by his own siblings. They both also have anger issues, and Wakko would be great at helping Huey to feel his anger rather than always keeping it hidden away. He makes Huey feel seen and heard and taken care of because Huey doesn't have to be the Older BrotherTM around Wakko. Basically just opposites attract autistic kids who help each other come into one another.
#yall need to vote for my baby angels #wakko/huey sweep #please #they deserve it #their shows treated them awfully
Art Credit:
Daffy/Donald art by me, @/astro-b-o-y-d Huey/Wakko art by @/justadoll and @/krillconnessieur
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Okay so I'm sitting down watching Looney Tunes Back in Action and I was reminded of something I was like oh this is getting Incorporated with Three Toons and a baby
Bugs says I am thinking of taking a vacation to go see my 542 nieces and nephews
I normally would just brush this off as something I could possibly use but with the factor that Mickey has his brother Oswald with 420 kids oh this this is begging for jokes about them having close to a thousand nieces and nephews when combined with the Overworked Mascot Ship
And the factor that I am very much thinking of making it Rodney oh this is gonna be amazing.
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runa-falls · 10 months
Hi bb 🙇‍♀️ if I may join your shipping game requests …
I’m 5’3, got a blonde streak in my otherwise dark hair, and I love makeup (MUA problems). I always have my nails done, love being sarcastic when I’m comfortable with people but usually am quiet and polite if I’m first meeting you, and sometimes have really bad anxiety lmao. Love languages are probably words of affirmation and gifts, obviously if I could I’d say all of them but top two for sure. Ummmm I’m blanking on anything else but I think I’m like really funny low key and people don’t expect me to be what I am based on what I look like 😅🌚
Which Oscar boy is mine ❤️❤️❤️
HI MONA :) you get our baby: steven 🥺
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look, i cannot even begin to express how down bad this man would be for you 🫠 he thinks you're the coolest the person he's ever met. even if you weren't together, he'd long to just be your friend 😭
i feel you'd be more extroverted around steven when you first meet him because he's just so 😳😅🥺 around you, he'd literally be stuttering over his words, almost choking on his own voice.
even when you're dating he gets nervous around you. he tries his best to impress you, though he usually fails miserably like a looney toons character lol.
steven is obsessed with a few things you've mentioned --
NSFW: he MELTS when you leave lipstick stains all over his body
on his face, along his neck, his chest, at the base of his cock. he loves it when you mark him as yours. he could literally cum just from seeing the marks in the reflection of the mirror (and he has 😭 bro needs help)
SFW: he lets you practice makeup looks on him.
he sits so patiently as you blend his foundation (you had to get a tester size for his skin tone) and do his eye shadow. you made him learn how to curl his own lashes (though he doesn't really need to with how long they are) so you don't accidentally pinch him.
NSFW: dude gets hard just looking at your nails (HE'S A SLUT)
ever since you've shown him the 'benefits' of long nails (including, but not limited to: claw marks on his back/chest, your hand wrapping around him so prettily, and your nails running against his scalp when he goes down on you), he's had a fixation on your perfectly manicured hands.
SFW: love languages
steven hasn't known much of life besides his constant loneliness from his inability to maintain a normal life and the usual berating from his boss, coworkers, etc.
so when you come in, all soft and affectionate with supportive and loving words he feels like he's gonna cry 🥺 and WHEN YOU GET HIM A THOUGHTFUL GIFT 😀 dude literally cannot compute, it's affection he's never experiences before. so of course he returns the sentiment 10 fold.
he can't stop telling you how beautiful you are, how you're his world, how he's the luckiest guy in london -- no, the world -- NO, THE UNIVERSE *keeps thinking about what's bigger than the universe bc he doesn't want to minimize his love for you*
he buys you little things that remind him of you whenever he's out (mostly from the gift shop bc that's where he is whenver he's not with you) like a cute matching mummy and sarcophagus keychain
NSFW: some things cannot be said in the bedroom
unless you want him to finish there and then.
steven is sensitive, so when he's already feeling really good, adding affirmative words takes him off the edge. he can't help it, you're just so sweet and it's all just too good to be true.
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drink-tang-gang · 2 years
30. Free space! Say something about this ship that you want to say!
Ok this is gonna sound like a bummer, hear me out, but:
The furthest Bugs and Daffy will ever be together is the pseudo relationship thing they have goin on. No marriage. We'll be lucky if they even call each other boyfriends.
This is for multiple reasons, the principal being that, in a meta sense, Warner Bros. won’t ever recognize that Bugs and Daffy are a couple. The “Baffy canon” thing we got in August? Social Media move. Baffy is a trend they saw rising, and bc there’s so many of us out there, they decided to play along with us for now. Yet, there’s no way to canonizing the ship beyond socials, and that's a very safe pr move. Like, we have to see them get together on screen for it to become real. And how would they do that? Throw in a special? Make a Looney Tunes Short where they’re, without explanation, suddenly an item? Devote an entire musical feature film to their relationship to take the time to develop a relationship, and make sure all LT media going forward upholds their status as couple( hm)? What would this mean for viewers seeing things like from the past like, Space Jam? Will this confuse or alienate much of the audience?
Another reason– toons don’t get married. Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse, Popeye and Olive Oyl, all iconic romantic mascots, are eternally dating. So if by some miracle Bugs and Daffy profess their love to each other on screen, and there’s merch of them, and their profiles officially change to that of “each other’s official romantic interest” , well, that’s all they’re gonna be. Romantic Interests. I suspect it’s to keep the appearance of eternal youth, them being able to be their own separate thing while still able to be slapped onto marriage merch or singles merch regardless. It just opens up opportunities for storytelling, because marriage is usually reserved for “the end”. In animation, marriage is like, a resolution rather than a development.
Another reason they won’t get married? They’re too damn chicken and got a shit ton of issues. Will they hastily get married in Vegas one vacation? And proceed to regret yet long for that title of “spouse” for the rest of their lives? Yes. Will they ever sit their hyperactive asses down and ponder their personal issues over attachment and vulnerability to commit to something as demanding as marriage? Hell nah. That’s not their style at allllll. I can see them joking to each other about it a couple times, tryna gauge how the other reacts to the big M word, wonder if the other also thinks of it. Daydreams what it would be like to be married. ACT like a married couple. But they ultimately don’t do it.
For quick thinkin toons, they’re sure slow about these things. Aww but cheer up! It’s only taken them 80 years to finally be together. What’s another 80 more to tie the knot, eh?
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wurm-food · 2 years
Question (for fanfic purposes): Do you think the crew made sure Uta never heard them getting freaky on a Friday night? Like, we know she's sheltered, but it was still a pirate ship full of guys barely out of their teens so... If they did behave and were careful, think it would change once Uta's an adult and back on the ship? (Because what movie ending? I saw nothing. Did you?)
Honestly, I have a million questions I'm trying to sort through for Uta fics and you might be getting flooded with some of them over time. You're basically the Uta expert for me and if anyone could guess these dynamics and this character's reactions, it'd be you. (Like where did Uta even sleep? Did she have her own room growing up? Did Shanks share with her - either all the time or when she was small? Was Shanks not even the nighttime parent and Beck slept with baby Uta on his massive chest? The questions are unending.)
Ya know…. these are all very great questions. I’m thinking back to this fan art I saw of Buggy and baby Uta where he’s like “what do babies even do on a pirate ship?” because… WHAT DO BABIES DO ON A PIRATE SHIP? it’s not like she saw combat she was just the Baby On Board ™ (side bar could you imagine one of those signs hanging up on the ship? the Looney Toons antics of it all!)
I feel like she had to either have her own space or be with Shanks in his quarters. But like… then what? Seeing Luffy was a very once in a while thing, the men are literal pirates doing all of the pirate things that wasn’t meant for her. She was very much an only child but very self-reliant when it meant staying on the ship. She’s smart as hell for sure, but smart kids also make quite the trouble makers…. What did she do to keep herself entertained other than singing and writing songs? And for that matter…. the girl is intelligent enough that she probably started studying music and theory before going Elegia. I kinda imagine her being this kid who spent a lot of time in her own head and her imagination or in books. Talking to stuffed animals? Participating in her make believe orchestra? My gears are TURNING 👀
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sanchoyo · 1 year
sorry hi again. want a queen ship mocumentary.
touching the cactus.
oh me too.... I don't think there's a single character thats NOT a hot mess, and theres so many of them that it would have a few full seasons of shenanigans. the character dynamics...
-everyone having a crush on pereskia. (she is extremely aro and too focused on Important Matters to actually notice)
-arilla doing way more jobs than he SHOULD be and being an exasperated babysitter to everyone. please just let him eat an entire cake alone and drop into a food coma. thats all he wants hes already half dead!! let him rest!!!
-queen's the horribly demanding boss that you dont want to say no to, because..she IS nice, don't wanna hurt her FEELINGS, but...my goodness she asks a LOT. but she asks it so nicely!!! (the running gag of her being so proper and pretty in public vs in the lab when shes a mess, too) + queen and arilla both being the worst at fighting. the episode where pereskia, worried queen might not do so well if shes not there to act as a body guard, tries to teach her to fight and its the most pathetic flailing youve ever seen in your life. she gets a LITTLE sweaty and just curls up bc its TOO HARD and shes SORE and doesnt want to be sweaty anymore :( (she has done (1) push-up, with shaky arms)
-sapote and cara being an entire comedic duo. cara's culture shock abt the aliens vs sapote never being shocked by humans bc shes so down for anything. (all of the other aliens are shocked by how unphased sapote always is) sapote and her sister being SOOO opposites (her sister is older, more mature, and way sweeter. and also a crybaby) +the daycare shenanigans vs how...it would very quickly devolve into an r rated series if sapote was the main focus and we werent around any kid or teen charas jkdhfkj it would turn into. magical girl rick and morty im sorry to say but its the truth
-saguaro and queen's little passive aggressive talks every time they speak to each other. 'oh im sorry was it SCIENCE that brought deep blue back the first time? noo it was the miracle of mew aqua miss queen ^_^' 'mew aqua IS science from our ancestors ^_^' 'no, i think you're mistaken! there's no way thats true it was a gift from deep blue ^___^' ...everyone deciding saguaro is a weirdo (they are ALL weirdos) but then it cuts to saguaro explaining WHY they do things in their particular way (explaining deep blue cult stuff) and its like oh ok! theres an entire cult on this ship! haha thats probably fine! but they keep insisting its SUPER normal guys cmon. also using it to justify anything they do. deep blue sama WOULD want you to give them that bag of tea and pastries u stole from the cafe btw he told them himself. not lying btw. true and if you dont well. PERHAPS deep blue will tell them to put a tack on your chair.
-erdisia having to take a workplace sensitivity class bc she keeps trash talking humans. sure, we want to kill ALL OF THEM, but! you ought to speak nicer abt them when cara's around!!! :/ (none of them see the irony in this btw except arilla whos regularly just staring directly into the camera like :\ ) every ep she tries to sabotage cara so SHE can work with sapote senpai instead. this is always thwarted in extremely looney toons fashion and its so frustrating to her but hilarious to watch. tunillo is in the same sensitivity class. but they, and this is important, cannot STAND each other and refuse to believe they have any of the same issues (or their humanphobia is even an issue)
-tunillo refusing to sleep for a week and starts being increasingly paranoid and hallucinating things on the screens he monitors bc hes so sleep deprived. so every other hour hes setting off red alerts and everyones panicked trying to find the. fake threats...that increasingly become more absurd...but by the end everyones incredibly unhinged and worn out by the end because theyve been on high alert all day...so they dont believe tunillo when he spots team tm2 actually breaking into the ship HAHA
-cara catches a (mild, normal) human cold, and everyone else catches it and are convinced theyre gonna die of Human Cooties. rip. and like, queen is a doctor. like, shes a scientist, and shes a doctor, technically speaking! but no one with a brain* TRUSTS her to do regular doctor things (*sapote and arilla are outliers adn should not be counted.) but in the event of everyone getting sick, she WANTS to play doctor!!! please just let her poke you with a LITTLE needle 🥺 she wont do anything weird she promisessss u wont wake up tomorrow glowing purple or anything 🥺🥺🥺
-cara calling tunillo an incel gamer type and he has NO idea what ANY of those DIRTY EARTH WORDS mean but hes SO insulted bc of her tone that he goes and rats on her to queen. queens like, cara honey sweetie my dear little snake child. what does gamer mean? and cara turning red trying not to to laugh. and shes like ohh no worries maam. gamer is a COMPLIMENT. and her and sapote and arilla are trying SO hard. so hard. not to laugh bc queen spends the week telling everyone theyre being such GOOD gamers!!!
-sapote continuing to bring human things on the ship, and people asking cara what they are since shes their resident human. and cara just starts, at some point. lying? for her own entertainment? theres not much else To Do when ur So Watched all the time. so its like oh yeah! well THAT is an item of HUGE importance to us, used in very sacred ceremonies. very ancient and beloved. and it cuts to a shot of a toilet plunger.
-cara and sapote dont have clearance to certain areas. (cara even less than sapote!) they want to GO in certain areas sometimes. (well. sapote does, and cara is obligated to follow her) so it stands to reason they just. they just gotta get the fingerprint of someone who DOES have that clearance! like arilla! sapote knocks him over the head and the entire episode is them trying to weekend at burnies him around to explore the ships more closed off areas. but they keep being stopped by EVERYONE because EVERYONE needs SOMETHING from arilla, all of the time. forever.
-the running joke of erdisia being some kind of Creeture, like. why is she like that in general? crouched in the rafters hissing. can someone get her down. shes tiny but so so so mean. there would be erdisia roast comp videos of all her sickest burns.
-all of them enabling each others worst behaviors. its like if its always sunny was set in a scifi setting. an episode where mira gets kidnapped or something and is like wow! all of you are really messed up :/
-...the quiche commentary corner where it cuts to him in his cell making comments on everything (dont ask how he can know whats going on. its not important whats important are his opinions) he hears abt mira and is like ohh. so. do you think them having a mew kid is gonna add stress? to like, ichigo and masaya's marriage? u think theres a chance of divorce? think I got a shot maybe? ik its been 20+ years but 🤔 instead of caring abt the drama of queens upper circle, LMAO
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potatoes-tomatoes · 3 years
ok ok for the ship bingo thing: wugs (wile n bugs)
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I know exactly which shorts fans draw evidence from, and I’m surprised they’re not as recognized as the other top LT ships (most of which... now that I think about it are bugs and another character..). Their shorts are fascinating! They introduce a different side of themselves. Wile is much more eloquent and neurotic outside of his obsession with catching RR (which now we know, is so intense it renders him mute). Bugs’ usual arsenal takes a backseat when he deals with Wile. I appreciate their shorts for introducing a new dynamic.
It’s not my cup of coffee, it's too spicy for me. but to the LT fans who create content for them, I say do ya thing lol.
As with everything that streams from my consciousness, I gotta make an essay explaining why, lmao
As with most LT ships, this one can’t last beyond what we’re shown. They make for an efficient and passionate(?) couple, yes, but at the same time, it’s icy and contentious.
First off, Wile is completely uninterested in Bugs. He sees Bugs as he sees everything in life— something to be conquered, a problem to be solved. He may be fascinated by Bugs’ presentation and appreciates his competency, but would feel threatened by Bugs’ unpredictability down the line. I can picture Wile’s frustration rising whenever Bugs completely defies the laws of gravity and bends toon logic to his will, while despite everything, Wile loses against it. It wouldn’t help that Bugs would ride the coattails of that anger to boost his own ego (as he does with everyone he outwits). Since both are repressed and goal-oriented, they would hesitate to be the one to discuss the deeper (i.e emotional) issues. I can picture low-toned, sarcastic arguments that focus on who the winner of the argument is rather than solving the issue brought up.
While I can't deny their contrasting nature is the reason they're drawn to the other, it being the reason they would fall apart is also why I can't get behind it.
Wile is straightforward and takes himself seriously. Most of all, he's got a one-track mind. He wouldn’t have the capacity nor the will to lend himself beyond something physical, and even that could seem like a waste of time since he prioritizes his projects/theorums. Wile isn't grounded and is always lost in his thoughts.
Bugs is, again, unpredictable and plain looney. He doesn’t take himself seriously, but it doesn’t stop him from constantly assessing how he can come out on top. I’ll admit, Bugs is attracted to Wile to some capacity, It’s very clear he’s Bugs’ type (accident-prone, skilled, challenging, narcissistic) and loves messing with Wile in the shorts, but I can't see Bugs pursuing Wile long term. Boredom would drive him away if the exhaustion from vying for his attention (usually reserved for catching RR) doesn’t set first. Finally, Wile’s meticulous and straightforward manner isn’t enough to keep Bugs on his toes and that’s a HUGE deal breaker.
This is a couple that will grow frustrated by each other and lose respect over time (if there any was, at all). But also like... I can easily see them getting together for a brief moment. Which, ok I guess that's the point and it's fine like I don't think the other would mind they were a shallow, physical fling hgfdhgjkfd. That seems to be the appeal of Wugs, from my time scrolling thru fan content.
Tldr, I just can’t ship it bc the vibes are very cold, yet at the same time a little too spicy for my taste, lolol.
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thebrownssociety · 3 years
Space Jam 2 AU [AKA, Across the Serververse] Chapter 1
Hey! My names RoxyGoth and this is [as the title suggests] an alternate universe of Space Jam 2.  Like, no LeBron alternate.
I do not own any characters from Looney Tunes or Space Jam.
Bugs was running through Tune Town forest, hoping against hope he wasn’t to late. He leapt over tree-trucks, skidded round corners and eventually hitched a ride with Marvin. 
“Remove yourself from my space-ship, earth creature!” Marvin commanded, sticking his head out the window of his spaceship.
“Eh...relax Doc. It’s not to far.” Bugs said. “Jus’ behind dat rock.”
“That is irrelevant - pardon? Did you say ‘rock?’“ His eyes went wide as he saw the rock hurtling towards him at 100 miles an hour. “Oh how vexing.” 
There was a explosion, then out of the smoke Bugs came flying to the ground, his parachute billowing out behind him. “What a maroon.” he said, upon reaching the ground. He quickly unhooked himself, then he looked at his watch and did a double take. “Oh man, Oi’m late!”
He ran round the other side of the rock and down to the beach that the rest of the toons [san Marvin] were waiting on. Pepe and Penelope were already saying there goodbyes.
“Wait for me!” Bugs yelled. “Wait for me!” He skidded onto the beach, accidently kicking sand onto the other toons so they resembled sandcastles.
“Bugs!” Penelope said, laughing. “Watch it! You’re getting sand everywhere!” The two of them hugged and then Bugs hugged Pepe before stepping back and wiping a tear from his eye. “I’m gonna miss you guys!” He said.
“Bugs, we’re only going for 6 months.” Penelope pointed out. “It’s not like you’ll never see us again.”
“Apologies, family.” Marvin said, hurrying over to them. “I was parking my spaceship. It’s a nightmare trying to find a free spaceship zone.”
Pepe and Penelope went through the hugging routine again with Marvin before finally getting on the cruise-ship liner that was waiting for them. 
“See you all soon!” Penelope said, waving wildly.
“Au revoir!” Pepe added, waving as well. “Je vous verrai tous bientôt! Essayez de rester à l’abri des ennuis!” *
Sylvester snorted. “Like he can talk.”
As the liner started off on it’s destination the toons all waved the couple off before heading back up to Tune Town. 
“And look at that!” Daffy grabbed Bugs’s shoulder and indicated the air. “No sthink!”
Bugs rolled his eyes, but didn’t actually disagree. Around him the other looneys started talking about what they were going to do that evening. Suddenly there was a loud bang and everyone jumped. Yosemite Sam put the drum he’d just banged back into his hammerspace and said, loudly. “A’ight! Now which of ya idjits wants to challenge me to a game of poker?”
“I will!” Daffy said, stepping forward dramatically.
Behind him Porky face-palmed and muttered. “O-o-oh boy, h-h-here we go.”
It was at this point that Al-G-Rhythm closed the server, a strange pondering look over his face.
After a few seconds of his master just staring into space, Pete got so concerned he waved a tentacle-like thing in front of his face. Rhythm slapped him away before skulking to the back of the room he had created and sitting in a high-backed, regal-looking chair.
After a few minutes of deep thought, Rhythm then got up, walked back to the front of the room and, with a simple wave of the hand, brought up the entire history of the Looney Tunes.
Being the king of the serververse, Rhythm had full access to the history of the characters within it, so it was no issue for him to pull up the Looney Tunes file and see not only when they were created and what they had been in, but also how they had interacted within the serververse itself.
Now he was looking at the history, Rhythm realised that the looney tunes interfered. A lot. For example, there was that issue with the DC toons a few years back, where they all got put into different worlds. They were also a few incidents within there own group where they’d come to the defence of one another. The most recent one being the cancellation of Pepe LePew where the other toons had attempted to argue his case and failed. But they still tried.
Of course there was a small chance they wouldn’t notice what he was doing. But could he risk that? After all, it would take a lot of time and a huge amount of luck for him to even try and pull it off, and if the Looney Tunes suspected what he was up to during that time... 
“I can’t risk it.” he said, out loud.
Pete beeped in confusion and Rhythm snapped. “Keep up, Pete! I want to cause havoc across the serververse and I don’t want anyone interfering! All I need is the right technology...”
Pete beaped*
“I know we don’t have the right technology, that’s what I’m waiting for! Someone to invent it! But when someone does then...” He gave a deep laugh. “...then I will no longer have to live in servitude to Warner Brothers!”
Pete beeped.*
“I know the superhero’s will intervene, that’s to be expected - they’re superhero’s! I can handle them! The Looney Tunes-” Rhythm’s tone grew darker and the entire atmosphere dimmed to match him. “Are different. Unpredictable. I don’t like unpredictable...”
Pete beaped, questionigly.*
A faint smirk appeared on Rhythm’s face. “I’m SO glad you asked...”
Pepe - Goodbye! I will see you all soon! Try to stay out of trouble!
Pete 1 -  We don’t have the right technology.
Pete 2 - Won’t the superhero’s...
Pete 3 - What are you planning to do?
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ben-the-hyena · 2 years
2 nights ago I had a dream in which Wolfie and Red and all the other Tex Avery characters actually are toon actors à la Roger Rabbit and they are actually are married and in love in real life even if it's different in the cartoons in which they play. I hesitate accepting this HC since it would be too simple to sum up all toons as "they are actors" but it's true there is no real seriousness nor continuity in the Looney Tunes so why not for Tex Avery, plus like for the Looney Tunes and for Roger Rabbit we see they are actors in some shorts. Now unsure if that's in a live action world or actors in a 2D world, but I wonder if this could be the right compromise for me having always shipped it a guilty pleasure way. Or ignore the live action acting stuff and just go with "fuck continuity" lol
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fandomfrenzy625 · 3 years
My problem with the new space jam a new legacy
If you haven't watched it yet, probably don't read it as it will contain spoilers
Ok so my first and probably only problem with this film is that
Literally, Marvin the Martian is one of the most iconic and lovable toonss of the looney tunes. He has memorable catchphrases (which yes were said in the film but could have been done more effectively) and has a lot of merchandise because of how popular of a character he is
And when the film came out I was so ready to see what was instore
In my mind, you could hear “bring out Marvin, bring out Marvin!”
But when he did appear the first time there was good all looney tune banter, guns, trickery and eventually LeBron James and Buggs stealing his ship
But then when Buggs was picking out the “team” of all the tunes that had left to collect for the game
But the picture of Marvin was put in the bin on his computer....
Of all the tunes you could have used Marvin had to be one of the most useful
And you can't say “oh it's because he's a villain” because he had gone to get elmer fudd and have Yosemite Sam have tried to harm him and the other toons on multiple occasions
Marvin is a technical and weaponry genius that could have gained the tunes a great advantage
Other than that exchange we only see Marvin being crushed by the door of his ship, which is a good gag but that was it
that was all they did for Marvin
I understand the first film where Marvin was just the referee since it was tunes vs aliens and since Marvin is both he would be a neutral party
But the second film?!
He was used even less?!!
And these fake film toys/advertisements did not make the pain any easier
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and him in the little toon uniform would have been so adorable
So when they said “we need a secret weapon” I honestly thought that they could have been referring to THIS!!!
It would have been so cool and finally give Marvin the spotlight he deserves
He's one of the most famous cartoon characters, being referenced in a lot of alien gags e.g
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And even a Simpsons reference
So I fail to see why they thought that leaving Marvin out of the game and yet advertise promising and exciting toys highlighting things in the movie was a smart move
Does buggs just hate him? And if so give us a reason!!
That's just my biggest problem in the movie
Other then that it was good, good story and good graphics (although it would have been nice if they got in deeper into it, like giving a chance for Daffy to properly take up the coaching team and get rid of some of the characters that just didn't seem needed in the team, like I know buggs wanted his family back but characters like Gossamer, Elmeer, Sam, longhorn and even Sylvester hardly did anything to help the the team is out so having Marvin on the team would have helped their chances out a lot more
also, another thought does buggs hate Marvin so much he doesn't think of him as family? Marvin since he's an alien could be moving to the planet to the planet so that does make sense of why he isn't in many episodes of the original looney tunes, but he is a tune made for that purpose so it's a bit unfair to just throw him out since the creators used him less for the occasional video and that he's going out collecting planets, in fact buggs could have seen that as a plus since he destroys these planets which would mean the toons would have less planets to go and stay in the looney tunes planet
Marvin even though gun-happy would have more sense than others than to destroy the planet he belongs to as a tune himself, not his fault he was created as a martian
So if you're watching this movie for amazing Marvin content then be ready for disappointment, you only see him in 3 shots and the other 2 are just disappointing and sad
I didn't stay for any secret end credits or scenes because I had to get home, but once those credits rolled, I knew it was over (unless there was something I missed that gave Marvin the appreciation he deserved then I'm not interested)
But I'm probably getting of topic and will stop here, the rant is over, you may disagree but this is my honest opinion, thank you
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