#I’m gaining skills I never thought I could master!
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| FRANSWEEK Day 3 — Tears | Overworked Ambassador Frisk and her equally exhausted partner | ♟🏵
| Day 1 🍷 | Day 2 💎 | Day 3 🏵️ | Day 4 🔪 | Day 5 ⚜️ | Day 6 🔪 | Day 7 💖 |
332 notes · View notes
hellotherekenobi · 2 years
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Temptation’s Kiss.
Summary: the three times Obi-Wan almost kissed you and the one time he did.
Word Count: 6,762
Dedicated to my kid sister @kyber-crystal!! Love you!
CW/TW: Obi-Wan’s POV; super light angst but mostly fluff; mentions of blood & injury; my Clone OC makes a reappearance; I’m addicted to using Star Wars slang.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
As a Jedi, Obi-Wan is accustomed to rules. No attachments, keep the peace, and never give into the Dark Side. Simple enough and, as he believes, important rules to have. But after meeting you, he’s had to assert some of his own rules.
Don’t let this feeling fester, keep his composure, and most important of all don’t kiss you.
He’s never felt a temptation as strong as wanting to do something so dangerous since knowing you. He’s been angry before—vengeful, even—but this was something entirely more difficult to withstand. It would be so easy, like nothing at all, to simply lean forward and press his lips to yours, but—no! He can’t.
He won’t.
Just, Maker please, stop giving him those eyes.
It’s not even deliberate, that’s the issue. You have no idea how that look of yours makes Obi-Wan’s knees weak. How butterflies start swarming in the pit of his stomach the moment you look at him from under your lashes with parted lips. Maker, he’s losing himself.
The moment itself isn’t tempting, which makes this harder. He wasn’t exactly expecting for his heart to lurch out of his chest when you stepped closer to him. All he had done was hold your lightsaber out to you when you were about to leave the training room without it. You walked over to him quickly, thanked him under your breath, and as soon as your fingers touched the hilt and his skin, you gave him that soul-dividing look.
He could split in half having you look at him like that. You whisper his name and that isn’t helping in the slightest, especially as he’s lost his breath and so no reply can form even if he wants one to.
Don’t you know that you’re tearing him from the inside out with just your eyes?
Finally, you speak. “You’re always looking out for me.”
That brings him down from whatever numbered cloud he was perched upon, now swallowing enough to gain his voice. “Well, you really shouldn’t lose this.”
“I know,” you smile. “You’d kill me.”
“Well, I don’t think it’s me who you’d have to worry about.”
Obi-Wan nods his head up and you hold his gaze for a moment, totally cheerful, before turning around to see he motioned over at Master Yoda down the hallway; not near enough to hear or, probably, see you both, but still there.
“You’re right about that, I’m afraid,” chuckling, you look back at him and the wind is knocked from him again. “All the more agreeable for you since I bested you in our match.”
“Now, hold on,” he wags a finger and you laugh. “You said best two out of three.”
“I did.”
“That was two. You’ve yet to beat me a third time.”
“Ah, but, Obi-Wan,” you step nearer to him. “You just admitted I’ve beaten you twice already.”
His heart is pounding in his chest and he’s worried it’s going to make an ugly splatter down his robes if you catch him off guard one more time. Around you, he feels boyish. He finds himself irrational and blushing. Maker, hopefully you never catch the tint on his cheeks. Though, he must thank you; he’s never smiled so much before since knowing you.
And you seem to always be smiling at him, too. He does hope that it’s not all in his head, though. He really hopes that incandescent smile of yours is meant for him.
“Well,” he gradually finds his voice. “It would be rather foolish of me not to recognize your skill.”
“My thoughts exactly,” you glow, reaching forward to straighten the fold in his tunic.
Please don’t feel how fast his heart is beating. Please.
“A match for another time, though,” you draw your hand back. “I’m already late as it is.”
Obi-Wan nods, placing a hand where yours just was. Only briefly to feel the warmth there. “I’ll hold you to that.”
“Of course, you will,” there’s laughter on your lips, shaking your head at him giddily.
He might cave in at just the sound alone. You’re so ethereal, so golden. Every room is lit up by you and he finds himself like a moth drawn to a flame. Curious and wondering how it might feel to burn himself. Would he taste your laughter amongst the blaze?
Your hand catches his wrist, squeezing gently. “Meet me here at sundown.”
“Of course,” he says, though what he means is anything for you.
Stable breath finally leaves his lungs when you happily turn out of the room, walking fast down the hallway. He’s too eager about seeing you again this evening that he knows his attention will be less than usual as he goes about his errands for the day.
Still, distracted by you is not a bad way to spend his time.
It’s bashful to admit that his thoughts are mostly occupied by you, regardless. For a Jedi with a Code to follow, the mere thought of you is much an effective motivator.
But he’s always been this way. Whether he likes it or not, Obi-Wan knows that he’s a hopeless romantic. It comes in many forms—some with how beautiful he sees such things like nature, the ocean, and the stars, and some with moments like younglings laughing on the grass, or a brother reaching out a hand for support. Many things he romanticizes. It just so happens that amongst all things, you’re the one his heart is set on.
The training room looks much different in a sunlit glow; everything casted over in deep orange. The morning felt cool, but there’s a warmth here now as the sun begins to dip beneath the horizon.
He’s been idly swinging the hilt of his lightsaber back and forth, eyes focused on the sunset. Too deep in thought to feel the presence behind him, though he should feel it, that he jumps a fraction when your hand meets his shoulder.
And dear Maker, you’re laughing at him again.
“You’re prepared this time?” Says you, smiling at him with a hint of sarcasm to your words.
Obi-Wan bows some, just enough to have you chuckling.
“Oh, yes. The question is, are you?”
“I suppose we’ll find out,”
Your cloak is thrown over to the side where Obi-Wan’s already lies and you’re stepping to your spot on the floor, watching him eagerly as you extend your lightsaber and it ignites ablaze. He grins at your enthusiasm and within a breath, you’re at each other.
It probably shouldn’t be something he admits to himself, but Obi-Wan quite enjoys sparring with you. There’s a thrill in the way the two of you reflect and deflect each other. An enticing energy of knowing that either of you won’t actually strike the other, though it’s possible. A tempestuous feeling of being close.
Almost like a dance, you and Obi-Wan spin around each other, outstretching hands, dipping beneath the other, and flowing like water until one of you acts the rock that stops the movement.
His boot catches your calf in a childish manner of comically tripping you, yet it’s at such an angle that your whole body tips forward, dropping with the weight of how his action hinders your stability.
If you were Anakin, in all honesty, Obi-Wan would have let you fall. But you’re gasping at the drop and he feels frantic to prevent you from hurting yourself, so he dips quicker than you fall to catch you in his arms. Hastily, however, that he loses his footing in the process and you’re both smacking against the tiles of the training room, your lightsabers retracted and rolling toward the wall.
The only fortune in that is how Obi-Wan goes tumbling first, effectively cushioning your fall straight onto his chest. But his head knocks against the floor, not enough to cause a contusion, but enough to make a sound that has your hand flying straight to the base of his neck from behind.
“Oh,” you worry, eyes direct on him. “Are you alright?”
He offers a smile, though there’s a throbbing in his head now.
“I’m fine. Are you?”
“Well, you caught me before I could be the one to smack my head against the floor, so, yes.”
Obi-Wan hums. “I might be regretting that now.”
There’s a slight huff to your smile as you help him sit straight, still close enough that at least some part of him is touching you. In this case, his legs are against your hips as you peer over his shoulder, your fingers still at the base of his neck and now flittering through his hair.
“I don’t feel a bump,” you say, inspecting the hurt area.
He wonders why you don’t sit behind him, since you’re practically draped over his shoulder at this point.
“Aren’t you lucky?”
You mean in reference to the fact that his head isn’t swelling but his mind nags at him that it’s because he’s able to touch you so closely.
“How come you dove for me?” You ask, sitting back to look him in the eyes. “You would have won if you let me fall.”
“Well,” he swallows. “I was hardly playing fair.”
“True, but,” you’re whispering now, “that doesn’t answer my question.”
His answer, if he were to be honest, would be hazardous. To tell you that he cares for you so deeply that even in a friendly match he would risk his own safety just to assure yours would not only speak of the secret to you but go against the Code he’s been following since before he can remember.
“Truth be told,” he starts. “I don’t want to be responsible for the injury of a fellow Jedi.”
“Ah,” you chuckle. “So, you were saving your skin.”
“And hurt my skin in the process.”
You give him a sympathetic smile, rubbing again at his head. His hair’s a mess, surely, if not by the fall then by how keenly he was sparring. Wisps along his forehead, no longer combed back as neatly as he does every morning. You don’t seem to mind, though.
In fact, you’re quite intent on soothing his pain. When Obi-Wan realizes that’s all you’ve been doing for the last minute, he brings a hand up to your own still in his hair and he gently rubs at your skin with his thumb, hoping that the gesture enough will stir you awake from whatever thought you’re buried in.
It does nothing. No, actually, you give him an even softer smile. This time, looking him in the eyes. It makes his heart do a summersault in his chest when it suddenly dawns on him that you’re both sat on the floor, legs pressed against each other, your hand in his hair and his hand on yours, and neither of you seem content to move.
His temptations are flooring him again and Obi-Wan is reminding himself of the rules he’s made, but that prior feeling is so much more powerful and even more harder to resist.
The air feels thinner and he thinks the only solution be your lips, if he were to press his own against them he might be able to breathe. He’s tipping, similar to when he caught you, instead this time he’s leaning for your touch, close to tearing down those rules of his.
Except just the mere mention of the rules, now more tangible as he watches you lean as well, gives him enough reason to stop himself before he starts. Though, he desperately wants to give in. Yet, he’s in the Jedi Temple of all places! This, as much as it is craved by his heart, is something he can’t let himself risk.
He places a hand on your shoulder before he can fall into it anymore, giving you a smile to ward away any confusion. Not that you were truly leaning into him, though. He must have been imagining it.
“Perhaps another time,” he says, meaning the fight but slipping the forbidden kiss between the words as well.
He’s assured no harm is done when you smile at him in reply, but there’s that glint in your eyes he knows too well.
“I won’t fall next time, Obi-Wan. I assure you that.”
Believe it, he’s already fallen.
─────── ⋯ ───────
As much as Obi-Wan is a fighter, he can’t deny that he rather enjoys quiet days. Such as now where he sits with his friends on a sunny afternoon, overlooking the gardens of Naboo.
Granted, it was a mission which was his reason for being here in the first place, but it was rather easy and with so many helpful hands it was sorted by lunch time. Padmé, ever the gracious host, insisted everyone stay for something to eat and when he felt his stomach growl at the mere mention of food, Obi-Wan couldn’t say no.
Anakin is sitting next to Padmé on his left and across on the other side is you and Riggs, a brave clone trooper and friend. Obi-Wan has always relished in the sound of your laughter, even feeling quite accomplished when he makes you smile, so your joy is something contagious as Riggs tells another one of his infamous stories.
“You’re always getting yourself into trouble,” you chuckle, nudging Riggs in the shoulder.
He laughs, brows raising in defense.
“Me?” He counters. “Says you, sparky. Should I tell everyone about our time on Bar’leth?”
Obi-Wan doesn’t miss the way you flare at that, shaking your head at Riggs in what is most likely supposed to be a subtle motion but it’s pretty obvious to anyone paying attention.
Your reaction only seems to spur Riggs on, who smiles wider than a Cheshire cat.
“I don’t think I’ve heard that one,” Anakin pitches in, leaning on the table with his elbow. “Care to share?”
“No,” you shake your head, looking from Riggs to Anakin. “It’s a very boring story, honestly.”
“Let them be the judge of that,” Riggs nudges your arm like you had done to him earlier. “It started off as a basic recon mission. We were going to spend the night when—”
He’s chuckling at your attempts to shut him up and Obi-Wan, silently watching the whole thing, starts to get this fire burning in the pit of his stomach that he’s not used to.
“The night?” He asks, cautiously. “Together?”
“Oh, yeah,” Riggs nods, facing Obi-Wan and gesturing with his hands. “Have you seen the way this one sleeps? Trust me, I’ve got pictures—”
The rest of his sentence gets swallowed down with the slice of cake you suddenly shove into his mouth, muffling whatever else he was ready to say.
“Have you tried the cake?” You ask, voice spikey. “I think the cake is delicious. Anyone want a piece?”
Padmé and Anakin are laughing, happily accepting your offer for some dessert. Riggs chuckles through a cough when he tries to consume the cake piece in his mouth in one gulp, and you’re slapping down on his back to help him but your lips are drawn in a tight line and Riggs makes a noise of pain.
“Obi-Wan?” Comes your voice, eyes on him.
He’s startled out of his trance—having been so focused on the way that despite the story you don’t want told, you’ve moved closer to Riggs—and finds himself confused on why you’ve called his name.
You smile, gesturing down at the table. “Do you want some cake?”
“Oh,” he breathes out, shaking his head. “No, thank you. I couldn’t eat another thing. I think I’ll go for a walk.”
“Now?” Anakin asks, eyeing his master with that brotherlike inspection. “Where are you going?”
“Just around,”
It’s more so a rushed answer as he excuses himself from the table, turning on his heel and ignoring the gazes set on him by everyone who watches him leave.
Being quick about it is probably not the best as hastiness, especially when running from something, is a clear identifier of offense. But he had to get away, strangely. That fiery feeling in his stomach grew too hot when he saw how cozy you and Riggs were sitting beside each other, and it felt like the flames were going to spill out from his mouth.
He’s never felt like this before. It’s scary, for one thing, that he can even experience a feeling that isn’t in his vocabulary, though there’s a storm over his head that tells him exactly what it is he just felt and why exactly he pushed himself away from the scene.
Though he flees, Obi-Wan does admire the Naboo gardens as he walks. Everything here is so vibrant; the water, the grass, the flowers, the fruit, the tastes and smells. If Obi-Wan convinces himself enough, he can believe this planet to be paradise.
Even so, it seems he can’t be alone for long.
“Obi-Wan,” he hears you call, and acting the fool, he runs.
Not as if he were being chased, but just quick enough to dip behind the large hedge and hide himself.
He sees you a moment later, walking down the path he was on a moment before with a small plate in your hand and a slice of cake sitting on it. Oh, how his heart melts at the sight of you.
What he thinks is going to happen is that you’ll look around, find him nowhere in sight, and keep on walking, or return to the others. At first, he thinks he’s correct as you stop in your place and look around the garden. But then you huff, something irritated, and march over to the hedge he’s crouched behind, shoving a fist through the foliage that meets him on the other side.
“Ow!” He cries, rubbing at his chest where you punched him.
“I knew you were there,” you say, stepping around it to face him. “Why did you hide?”
Obi-Wan pouts at the ache in his chest. You can land one hell of a punch.
“I wanted to be alone,” he says, not missing the way there’s a crease forming between your brows.
“Sorry,” you say it so softly, it almost breaks his heart. “You left so suddenly, I thought something must be wrong. So, I brought you a slice.”
Now, Obi-Wan feels guilty. All that surge of emotions prompted him to speak without really thinking first.
“I appreciate it,” he says, stepping forward to take the plate from your hand.
He doesn’t get ahold of it, though, as your hand grabs his wrist, pulling him alongside you as you walk across the garden. He’s stammering, asking you what you’re doing, but you just lead him with you over to a bench under a blossoming canopy, sitting down with a huff.
The plate is placed down beside you and to Obi-Wan’s dismay it is on the furthest side.
“You know you can tell me anything,” you say.
It’s truthful and Obi-Wan knows it, nodding with what you say. But he can’t find the words to tell you what’s on his mind. Or, rather, what’s on his heart. That’s the most embarrassing of all. The fire he felt is something he doesn’t want to utter aloud, but knows its reasoning. He’d rather keep it concealed.
When it seems you grow impatient at his silence, you shuffle toward him, sitting closer, and hold your hands out.
“Come on,” you wave them. “Meditate with me.”
Meditating sounds a lovely respite, however, he knows where his thoughts are heading. This will make matters worse, especially if you manage to hear him.
“No, thank you. I’m afraid I’m far from focused right now. I just needed some air.”
“While we sat outside?” Your brow raises with the tone of your voice, eyeing him suspiciously. “No cake, no meditating, and giving me some bantha fodder excuse... what’s wrong, really?”
Obi-Wan shakes his head. “You shouldn’t say that.”
Not like he’s been much of a saint with his vocabulary but, still, there is a matter of propriety he’s trying to maintain.
It doesn’t deter you, though. You sigh, reaching for him again. This time, holding his arms, leaning forward like you’re trying to peek behind his eyelids.
“Was it something I did?”
“No,” he’s quick to say it. “No, not you. That’s impossible.”
You smile at him, short and prideful. “Then how can I make things better, Obi-Wan? How can I help you?”
Everything you say sounds so beautiful, so tempting. If he knew there’d be no repercussions, he’d fall right into you. He’d let you hold him, knowing that even something as simple as that can cure him from his unnecessary saddling.
What he wants from you will not help him, though he wants to give into it. You’re so close to him again like that evening in the training room and he finds himself falling into what could be described as nostalgia even though the memory is not that far away.
He feels drawn-in again, a buzzing on his lips in yearning to press them against your own. Maker, you’re looking at him with those deep eyes and he’s losing his sense of control once more. The atmosphere aids in sweltering those feelings even more, sitting in such a romantic setting.
Moving does nothing to deter himself, he realizes. As soon as he shifts slightly, his hands drawing down your arms to settle in place where your hands are on him, he finds the space between you is more minimal than what it should be.
He wants to. He really wants to. But he knows he can’t.
“You can do me one favor,” he says, and your alertness is admirable. “Pass me the cake?”
You laugh, leaning backward when he says it and he’s freed from the closeness you both shared. With a smile on your lips, Obi-Wan understands how the fire in his stomach ignited from the way he loves making you laugh and, apparently, hates it when someone else can do it better than he can.
“If it helps,” you shake your head, picking up the plate, “then I’ll happily save you a slice.”
He’s done the same for you. Not with cake, but with his heart.
─────── ⋯ ───────
Dark clouds are swirling in the sky as the rain pours down heavily, almost making it hard to see. Obi-Wan is growing tired of running but he knows he can’t stop. Not unless he wants to be captured. Not unless he ever wants to see you again.
Getting ambushed on a mission is not exactly top five of the things Obi-Wan likes to experience, but being in the thick of it was simply his style. Where else would he be, really, if not right where it’s all happening, right in the danger?
Anakin was somewhere with Rex and Ahsoka, aiding one side of the battle, while Obi-Wan and yourself were fighting on this side. In the height of all of it, though, you both were separated. He knows you can handle yourself but he can’t help from worrying. After all, even in a playful spar, he’s making sure you don’t get hurt.
He’s fortunate enough to find coverage somewhere secluded, away from any prying eyes. Fortunate to catch his breath as he slides his lightsaber against his hip, leaning his head on the pillar and seeing his breath fanning in the air by how cold it is.
He knows he can’t stay here long. He needs to keep moving, otherwise they’ll find him. It’s not the best place to hide, anyhow, as the only thing keeping him from being seen is this pillar, and the rain is wafting down to where he is that he’s still getting wet. Less than standing under the sky, but not enough to bother wiping his brow.
There’s a pressure in the air before he sees a face, but he knows it’s coming quick enough to get his hand prepped on his lightsaber hilt, one move from drawing it.
Then, “Obi-Wan,”
It’s your voice and he turns to watch you slink behind the pillar further down, each pillar standing in a line, pressing your back up against it.
“Thank the stars,” he says under his breath, turning to lean on his shoulder. “Are you hurt?”
You shake your head. “No. Are you?”
“No more than usual.”
When you raise your brow at him, he chuckles. It’s short-lived due to the tightness in his chest from having run for so long, still breathing heavily.
Same as him, you’re soaked from head to toe. You attempt to squeeze some water out of your robes but with the rain sweeping past the pillars, it doesn’t do much. With a sigh, you seem to also be delaying to rest, even for a short moment.
“So much for an easy mission,” you shake your head.
Obi-Wan grins. “Are they ever?”
“I suppose you’re right. Oh—” you click your fingers and he doesn’t fear the noise, knowing that the rain is covering up your voices. “What about Naboo? That was a piece of cake.”
He stares at you a moment, furrowing his brows some. There’s a chuckle ready to pour out from his mouth at any second, but it’s holding its place as he ponders.
“Was that a pun?” He asks.
You smile, ever so eagerly. “Of course.”
He lets the chuckle die, not necessarily being a big fan of puns, much to the dismay of one Anakin Skywalker.
“Well,” he confesses, “it’s nice to know you still have your sense of humor in situations like this.”
“And I’ve still got you.”
He smiles some, watching the droplets of water running down your face. It instinctually has him wiping at his forehead.
“As I have you.” He says.
You nod, peering behind the pillar. “Always.”
It won’t always be like this, though. Will it? Times change and Obi-Wan has known them to change pretty quickly, so he can’t help but wonder how long this will last, whatever this is. He hates to think that you only see him as a friend or a fellow Jedi and nothing more when he sees you like the sun on a cloudy day.
What he would give for some sun right now. When this mission is over, he fears he’ll get a cold.
“Have you seen the others?” He asks, hopeful that you’ve accomplished more than him.
“Only from when we landed,” you tell him. “But Ahsoka reached me by comlink. They’ve almost swept their area so I told her to meet us here, then I came and found you.”
“Good thinking,” he breathes out, finally regaining a normal rhythm with the beating in his chest.
There’s a kick of wind amidst the storm and a plentiful amount of rain comes splashing past the pillars and crashing onto the ground by both your feet. It makes you jump, stepping to the side of the pillar you were hiding behind.
“This rain is relentless!” You cry, looking down at all the water that leaves a giant puddle. “My boots are soaked. I’ll have to get some new ones—”
Water doesn’t pour past the pillars this time but instead gunfire does. A singular shot cuts through the rain, nipping your arm and you yelp, and then the rest of the cavalry seemingly arrive as more and more shots are fired where you are standing out in the open.
Obi-Wan manages to spring into action after the first shot, luckily, and grabs ahold of the arm closest to him, tugging you over to his pillar and right up against his body, where he shields the sides of you with his arms.
The gunfire doesn’t cease and you flinch, burying your face into his robes. He can only think to hold onto you tightly so that not even an inch of yourself is peeking past the pillar, in order that you don’t get shot at again.
When the attacks quieten, leaving just the downpour to fill up the empty space, Obi-Wan tightens a hand on your shoulder.
“Looks like you were followed,” he grumbles, though he knows it’s not your fault.
Your hands go from resting on his chest to gripping tightly onto his arms, risking a glance to the side in what Obi-Wan assumes is trying to find where the gunfire came from.
“Mother of Kwath!” You rage. “I was so careful too.”
He feels it in him to berate you for using that kind of speech yet again, but decides better of it.
“No use fretting on the past,” Obi-Wan says, one hand drawing to your back. “How bad is it?”
Your face contours into concentration, looking like you’re trying to number the amount of soldiers adjacent to where you both stand. Any freedom the two of you had to spring back into action is gone now. At the moment, you’re cornered.
“I can only make out the front line,” you groan, slinking in his arms. “There’s a lot of them, though.”
Obi-Wan hums. “Let’s hope that the others come quickly. But I was asking about your arm.”
You glance up at him, paused for a moment, like what he said comes as a complete shock to you, if only for the second after he said it.
“Oh,” looking down at your arm, you shrug. “It’s a scratch.”
Obi-Wan’s hand at your shoulder comes down to rest at the reddened area on your arm, undoubtedly where the blood is seeping through from the gunshot wound. He’s gentle as he peels back the cut in your robes, now singed, to inspect the area.
True as you said, it’s essentially a scratch. But it must have nicked you more than what he thought it did since it’s bleeding quite heavily. Nothing a bandage won’t fix, yet it’s there.
“Your verdict?” You ask him.
For the first time since he grabbed you, he realizes just how close the two of you are. Looking into your eyes feels as if walking into a trap, and the words get lodged in his throat as you watch him under your lashes.
You really, really don’t know what that look does to him.
“You’ll live,” he says, though he thinks he’s dying.
Even more so when the gunfire kicks up again and you’re stepping closer on instinct, same as he with wrapping his arms around you, and with the jump you both make, your noses touch.
The firing and rain might as well fade into the background, that’s how focused Obi-Wan is on you right now. There’s a voice in the back of his head, screaming at him to pay attention, you idiot! But he’s so far gone. So far gone. There’s no hope in coming back from this now.
He feels your hands climb his shoulders, one on the back of his neck and the other at his cheek, and he shivers as if the cold is what makes him do that.
“Obi-Wan,” you speak. “There might not be a next time.”
He’s fearful for a moment that you’ve just heard his thoughts, or that he isn’t wearing as good a poker face as he believed. But that can’t be what you mean. Going out in a blaze of glory, surely, is what exactly you meant by those words.
Though he thinks they’ll haunt him for the rest of his life if you both make it out of here alive.
Which, so happens, turns out to be very possible as a flash of blue comes from behind the pillar and moments later, Ahsoka’s head is peeking around the corner.
“Let’s go, you two.” She says with a curious eye.
You’re out of his arms within a second, running behind Ahsoka to jump into the fight.
Obi-Wan, on the other hand, has to give himself a moment to breathe before he can pretend like he wasn’t just about to break one of his rules he so adamantly set up.
─────── ⋯ ───────
It’s been two weeks since the mission in the rain and Obi-Wan has been steadfast in taking every single mission thereafter that can put some distance between himself and you.
Even outside of the Order, if you and the others were going to spend time together, he’d give a curt “no, thank you” and some daft excuse and be as far away as possible from wherever everyone was going.
Maybe it’s a cowardly thing to do, since essentially Obi-Wan is running away, but with the temptations behind him already he feels like this is the only solution.
Anakin has asked about it, though. Ever the persistent friend, trying to uncover whatever Obi-Wan is hiding from him. He gets the same response every time—“There’s a war, Anakin.”—but none of it seem to deter him for very long.
Slowly, one by one, more people began to speak out about Obi-Wan’s behavior. Even Riggs. That was not a fun conversation. You too have tried to talk to him about it but he’s quick to make sure that you both have little to no interaction whatsoever, even if that means being a little harsh about it.
So, understandably, people were going to figure it out. Padmé, Anakin, Ahsoka, Rex, Cody, and Riggs have actually managed to talk to him. But you, on the other hand, have been evaded at every turn. Yes, it was obvious and everyone caught onto it. Now, Obi-Wan stays away from anyone he can (which doesn’t work well when you have Jedi duties to do.)
One day it happens. Obi-Wan is walking through the hangar bay to get to a ship for yet another solo missioned he accepted—though he really begged for it—and you’re waiting for him at the door of the vehicle, arms crossed and gaze set like stone against him.
Caraya’s Soul, you look scary like that.
He tries to play it casually, but in reality he’s beginning to sweat.
“Hello there,” he says, putting on a smile.
You don’t so much as grin at him. The ice cold front is not something he’s been a victim to with you before, and he pities whoever has.
“Let’s not dance around this, Obi-Wan.” Even your voice is far from cheerful. “Why are you avoiding me?”
The one thing he didn’t plan for, he now realizes, is the confrontation. He’s been running even from that.
“I’m sorry if you feel that way, but I promise I’ve only been doing my duty to the Order. I sometimes devote all my attention to it.”
Obi-Wan knows that’s the oldest lie in the book and it’s one of the most heartless lies as well, since he’s essentially flipping the blame onto you and hoping that you’ll take it and leave.
But you’re more persistent than that and Obi-Wan knows this, with the exception of you leaning off of the ship and stepping directly in front of him.
“You’re a kriffing liar, Obi-Wan.”
“You really shouldn’t say—”
“You’re ignoring me and I want to know why!”
That’s the most angered you’ve ever been around him and what hurts him is that he’s the one you’re angry at. He theorized that with his relentless avoidance that you could be upset, sad mostly, but angry wasn’t something he thought he’d come up against.
So, he does what he knows has worked so far. He runs away.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he says it like he’s offended, stepping around you. “You’re imagining things.”
Your hand reaches out and grabs him by the arm, stopping him in his tracks.
“Stop lying to me, Obi-Wan. I know you better than you think and I can tell something’s wrong, and I can tell it’s to do with me.”
There’s hurt in your voice and Obi-Wan wants to wrap you in his arms like he caught you during training, or when he wanted to hold your hands in the Naboo gardens, or when he held you to him behind the pillar. All reasons why he wants to run to you and all reasons why he ran from you in the first place.
“We were so close,” you say. “What happened?”
He’s reminded of just how many good times there have been with you. All the times you both spent together—training, fighting alongside each other, drinking Jawa Juice in the silent hours of the morning when both of you should be asleep, and how with every joke he’d tell, you’d hold onto his arm like you haven’t heard anything funnier.
The grip you have on his arm now is not as pleasant as those times, though. He can feel it from your veins to his that you’re desperate.
“Let me in, Obi-Wan.” You whisper, turning toward him. “Won’t you, please?”
He’ll slip, he knows he will, if he lets you talk to him like that. He’ll fall even harder and ignore that voice in his head even more just from one look from you. Without so much as knowing it, you can reel him in by the simple gestures alone.
He can’t let himself get tangled in this. As the wielder of a blue lightsaber, he has to guard himself. Protect his heart from the dangers of loving you.
Pressing his hand down firmly on yours still holding tight to his arm, he pulls you off of him.
“There’s nothing to say.”
He sees your heart break when you frown at him, as if he threw the words right at you.
“Why are you doing this?” Your question presses him and there’s a waver to your voice that almost shatters him.
He sighs, aching through his bones. “I have to go.”
“Don’t hide from me,”
“There’s much I have to do—”
“You’re hurting my feelings.”
He groans within himself, screwing his eyes shut. “I mean no harm, I promise.”
“Then tell me I don’t matter.”
At once, his eyes open and he sees the damage he’s truly done. You’re crying silently, waiting for him to make it worse. The determination he had to rid your mark on him goes melting away to the floor, content on dissolving beneath his feet.
All the strength he has feels like it’s failing him. He can’t stay but he can’t bear to go. He’s splitting apart, ripping rigidly into two shapes he won’t be able to recognize once they separate.
Is it even possible that he can remain a whole without you in his life?
There is not even an ounce of him that can say the words you want him to speak, even if it’s a lie. Simply saying it would do more damage to him than you can possibly imagine.
He shakes his head. “I can’t do that.”
You raise your chin, frustrations seeping into the sadness of your gaze. “No, I want you to say it.”
“Why would you want that?”
“Because if you say it then I’ll let you leave.”
You’re tearing him apart with this, digging your fingers into his flesh. There is not an inch of him that detests you so, not even some part of him that finds one attribute of yours less than lovely. You’re everything to him.
“I can’t just let you go,” you say, lips trembling. “Because I love you too much. I have to hear you say that I don’t matter so that I don’t hold on for an explanation you’ll never tell.”
A weight drops on him, direct on his chest. It pushes and pushes and he loses his breath.
“You love me?”
The question feels so boyish but you look so sure, and it’s enough for him to forget every warning he’s ever told himself.
“I’ve always loved you.” You tell him.
That’s enough, he thinks, to break the dam. Nothing could penetrate his armor, he once thought, but you’ve done it with gentle fingers. With one touch, he dispels like smoke and with it go his rules.
He does what he held himself back from doing before, three times already. Obi-Wan reaches out, his hand on your cheek, and he leans closer than the two of you have ever been and he kisses you, deeply, sweetly, and achingly. He kisses you with sincerity. He kisses you with all the might he has remaining.
His affections pulse between your lips, flowing like electricity enough to spark you awake. Instantly, your arms are wrapped around him, pushing enough to make the space between you burst. It shatters so that only you two remain.
Obi-Wan kisses you now, knowing he’ll kiss you again tomorrow. And the day after that. And the day he knows he’ll spend the rest of his life with you, burying his lightsaber in the sand.
Taglist: @penfullofwordsaheadfullofstories @alwayssleepingforreal @immoral-rose @bloodybunnyuwu @nagitokomaeda-onthe-nintendo-ds @the-mandalorian-clone-lover @princessxkenobi @mythandmagik @i-cant-hear-you16 @pradahux @inukako @whyiminlove @cosmicsierra @dxnxdjarxn @voidmalfoy @darthkenobii @iamtracyz @chogisss @nectav @disastereyebags @hellolitty @stareyeddie @liviiii98 @dameronology @overly-obssessed-with-you @onewholikesthings @shadowhuntyi @greeneyedblondie44 @doublesunsets @night-ace @mkr31011
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googleitlol · 3 months
As serious as Dove likes to pretend to be, I also want to show just how slightly unhinged her actions can seem to others. What she does may make sense in her mind, but sometimes all the others can do is watch as they struggle to comprehend her train of thought. She can also just be plain petty, but that's already very obvious.
Anyway, a good example of her behaviour is when the group meets Sandy!
Dove Masterlist:
“These Flowing-Sand metes, eight hundred wide; These Weak Waters, three thousand deep. A goose feather cannot stay afloat; A rush petal will sink to the bottom.”
Tripitaka reads aloud the stone slab on the shore of the river. Is this really the Flowing-Sand river? You thought it’d take you longer to get here, though not much has happened since your group’s encounter with that tiger and wind demon about a month ago. “I remember this place, from when I last travelled with my own master, Guan Yin.”
“Really?” Tripitaka turns to you. “Do you know of any way to cros–”
Just as he spoke, a figure leapt from the waters, a recognizable blur of indigo and red charging towards the group. Before you can mumble a word, you feel yourself being tugged back alongside Tripitaka. Zhu Bajie runs to meet the challenger, raising his rake high before bringing it down on the newcomer but before you can see anything else, Wukong drags you and Tripitaka away from the confrontation.
The moment he drops the two of you, you slap his hand away. “What do you think you’re doing?!”
“Saving your life. Keep Master safe, we’ll be right back.” The Monkey King didn’t give you time to retort before taking his needle-sized staff and extending it in his hands.
“Wait! That demon…!” The sage is already bounding towards the fight before you can trail off. Is it so hard to just listen?! With a quick exhale, you turn to the monk instead. “Follow me.”
“…Pardon?” Tripitaka frowns, more out of confusement than anything else. “But that’s where Sun WUkong and Zhu Bajie are fighting the demon.”
“I can explain everything in a moment but for now, I just ask that you trust me.” Tripitaka could stay further back and wait as well, though there was no real danger at the riverside.
With how quickly Sun Wukong sped you away, it took a bit of time to return to the riverbank. It was just as you reached the waters that the two disciples came into view, their opponent nowhere to be found. The closer you get, the more you can hear the two as they bicker.
“If you just waited, I could have worn him down enough to deliver the final blow!” Pigsy huffs, pointing accusingly with his rake to the Monkey King.
The King rolls his eyes, his arms crossed as he argues back. “How could you have expected me to wait? It isn’t my fault he was so intimidated by me.” As you approach the two with their master, the sage quickly straightens his posture, turning before you can even announce your presence. You’ve noticed him do this quite often, him and Pigsy both. Though, the latter never reacts to your presence in the same way. Perhaps it has less to do with them being demons that can feel your power and more that you could manage to get along with one and the other, well…. “What are you doing back here?! I told you to keep Master safe.”
“That is what I’m doing, now where is the river demon?” You question, looking between the two disciples.
“The moment he saw Brother Sun charging at us, he turned and fled back into the river.” Bajie explains, and you sigh in frustration. This could have been easier if that demon didn’t announce his presence by charging at your group. What did he have to gain by attacking anyone that passed by the river?!
The Monkey King quickly steps in before Tripitaka has the chance to voice any of his concerns. “You don’t have to worry, Master. We were just devising a plan to finish the demon off quickly so we can cross the river. You see, despite my skill, I am not the best at combat in the water. Fortunately though, Bajie is adequate enough to pull off what we want to do…”  
You don’t wait for him to finish. You don’t even bother interrupting, it would just waste time to argue with him. Instead, as the sage explains his plan with Pigsy to their master, you set your bow and quiver down on the ground. Transforming, you begin to ascend, flying over the stretch of water. It only takes you a few moments before you find yourself at an appropriate height above the river.
Zhu Bajie is the first to look back and spot you, his eyes narrowed and confused. “Brother Sun?” The demon nudges his fellow disciple, gaze focused on the sight before him.
Wukong is quick to give him an irritated glance. “What is it, Idiot?”
“The woman is about to dive.”
It’s almost as if the pebble of realisation skips over his mind for a moment before sinking in. “What?!”
“Sha Wujing! Surface and face your master!” By the time the other two men turn around to join Pigsy in looking upwards, you’ve already transformed back, shouting before plunging into the river’s murky depths.
The three can only stand there, staring at where their companion had been just a fraction of a moment ago. Even the dragon-horse stares at the point where you disappeared into the water. However, your absence isn’t long, and when resurfacing, they find you with the very demon who had attacked just a few minutes before. Sun Wukong is the first to move, ready to jump into action. 
That is, until the demon lets out a hearty laugh. “Ah, I thought my mind was playing tricks on me! You really are the dove that accompanied the Bodhisattva Guan Yin.”
“Yes, I am glad you remember me.” You nod before nodding in gesture to your fellow travellers ashore. “However, I am now travelling with your master and his other disciples, the one you were instructed to wait for. The same men you so shamelessly tried to attack earlier.”
The demon looks back to the others on the shoreline, their confusion shared amongst their expressions, his brows shooting up in worry. “Oh! I see. Forgive me, young one. I hadn’t realised you were all so close, I’ve been waiting for so long.” He chuckles, almost bashfully, like the misunderstanding was nothing more than a simple mistake.
“Why don’t we go back and you can apologise to the monk yourself.” You suggest, and the sand-demon nods.
Together, you swim back towards your companions waiting on the shore. As you hobble back onto land, looking like a drowned rat, you’re greeted by the other men with silence. Now, finally holding their attention captive, you explain. “Tripitaka, I would like you to meet your fourth and final disciple, Sha Wujing.”
“Fourth?” Pigsy echoes, and with the silence broken, Monkey interjects.
“Why in the world would you attack us?! Why didn’t you say anything??” He points to you, twisting and squeezing the water from your clothes.
You laugh at his almost exasperated tone. “I’d explain that I tried, but you are the one person in the world incapable of understanding how frustrating it can be to get through to that thick skull of yours.” A semblance of a chuckle comes from Tripitaka, and it takes a good amount of self control not to laugh aloud at the outright look of offence on Wukong’s face when he turns to face his master.
Wujing clears his throat to grab hold of their attention once more. “I would like to apologise, Master. If I had known you were the scripture pilgrim, I would not have attacked you.”
“Wait a moment, why would you say fourth?” Bajie interjects, still stuck on your earlier statement.. “Sun Wukong and I are master’s only other disciples.”
Tripitaka is the one to answer in your place, patting the side of the horse gently. “You forget Ao Lie, he joined us just before you did.”
“…The horse?!”
“Actually, he’s a dragon.”
“…” He doesn’t say anything, though the expression of unfiltered befuddlement says all you need to know.
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anakinfests · 10 months
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day two is here! check out these beautiful works!
day two twitter thread: here
01. Wants and Needs by anonymous
On a planet whose atmosphere is filled with a gas with... interesting side effects, Anakin and Obi-Wan are sent to take out a Separatist base. Fill for the Rough Sex square in the 2023 Obikin Bingo as well as a prompt claim for the Sub!Anakin Fest
02. Bare grace misery by anonymous
Anakin let out a pained sound. “I failed my men, I failed you, and now… and now this. Could you, Obi-Wan? Could you come from this humiliation?” His voice broke, and then he was weeping, hot tears streaming down his face even as he kept stroking himself, his sobs of shame intermingling with his whimpers of pleasure. The mixture was so unbelievably erotic Obi-Wan felt his head spin. Or: Anakin gets poisoned, and the antidote that saves his life has some uncomfortable side effects.
03. Serenity, Serenity by anonymous
After learning that the Separatists have gained the favor of a weapons manufacturer that has the power to overturn the Clone Wars, a freshly knighted Anakin and Master Obi-Wan must infiltrate the organization's inner circle and eliminate the partnership at an exclusive event posed as black market dealers. The problem is, the two of them have to act as a married couple, Anakin assuming the role of coy, submissive husband to a domineering and firm handed Obi-Wan. Between Anakin's not-so-subtle pining, Obi-Wan's suppressed emotions, and the fate of the Republic on the line, the two of them must confront their messy feelings for one another over a game of high-stakes, winner takes all sabacc.
04. Subakin and his Obi-Dom by anonymous
Anakin Skywalker was forever in denial. He could not admit, no sorry, would never accept he was a sub. No Never. He, the great and powerful Jedi Knight, was destined to be a dom, and he would not stop until his desires came to pass.
05. no fault of my own by anonymous
“You know you’re not supposed to like this,” Obi-Wan murmured, “and here you are, so wet for me and I’ve barely even touched you.” Anakin looked away, blinking back tears that threatened to well up in his eyes at his master’s disapproval, but he leaked more slick into his lap all the same. “I’m sorry, Master,” he quavered. “I can’t help it!”
06. En Garde, Prêt, Allez by anonymous
Anakin Skywalker is a highly skilled fencer, known for his fast pace and brutal attack style. Young and arrogant, he carries himself as a man who knows he's going to win - no matter the cost. Obi-Wan Kenobi is an equally talented fencer who has more titles and championships attached to his name than most could ever dream of, and who has the respect and admiration from everyone in the community. When the two are paired off against each other during the World Championships, Anakin is caught between wanting to prove himself and win the title, and not dethroning a man who has inspired him both on and off the piste. They say never meet your heroes - and certainly never kick their ass in front of a stadium full of their peers - but winning on the piste might bring more treasures and rewards to Anakin than he ever thought possible.
07. Who's Loving You by anonymous
Anakin Skywalker was the luckiest man alive. He had the relationship he had always desired. Well, almost.
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alwida10 · 10 months
Hey! I just saw that you reblogged a post of mine on Loki's powers a while ago. And while I completely agree with your tags (Loki's powers in the tv series among other things), you also write that the show was originally written for a different character and only the names were changed and the magic added later on. I've never read that anywhere, could you explain? It would make so much sense given how different Loki is in the show and how his previous experience is largely disregarded.
Hi there!!
It took me a while to answer this because of real-life stuff, but now I’m there!
By saying the show was written for another character I referred to this analysis on Twitter which again links back to another analysis on Tumblr. (The original link in Twitter is broken, but I found the post manually). I read this analyses a while back, and admire people who were able and willing to read Waldron’s original script. For me, it reads like an insincere column on what a deeply conservative person assumes would be what a left-leaning, progressive audience would like to hear without understanding anything about the points he tries to mirror. I can't add much to the original posts.
However, Waldron’s comments about Loki, including the “he’s an ass and that makes him easy to write” as well as his jokes on never having watched Thor 1 before writing the series can certainly give you the idea he never knew much about our beloved blorbo before writing him. The fact that he thought making Loki say “he doesn’t enjoy killing people but does it anyway for his personal gain” (rephrased) would make TVA Loki in any way redeemable is telling imo.**
Now, technically this is all I can say to your ask, BUT I realize I never truly elaborated on the stuff I mentioned in said tags, so here is an explanation for everyone who would like more about it.
I read those a while back and took my basic analyzing skills to the test by taking a look at Loki and how writing for a character works in general. This has two aspects (I can think of from the top of my head).
If a work is written for one special character it should be impossible to achieve the same plot if he was replaced by another character without the special abilities.
One thing I read a while back (and sadly forgot where) is that both sex and fight scenes are both character exposition scenes. This is true for magic as well, just it gets rarely used since in all of literature there aren’t that many characters who possess magic.
In the Thor movies, Loki’s magic is masterfully used, showing that the works were actually written with Loki in mind. Both Thor 1 and the dark world would simply not work if you put -let’s say Fandral- in Loki’s position. Loki’s skill to find the pathways between worlds is essential. And his ability to make himself invisible is essential for Thor 1. I could go on, but you get the idea, and I don’t want to get this too long to read.
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Regarding the character exposition, Loki’s magic in the first movies was a mirror for his characterization (as it should be). He could make himself invisible, for he has been invisible to his family. He could cast illusions since he learned that people preferred an illusion to his real self. He could make others manipulate into saying what he wanted them to say because that was how Loki survived on Asgard (post-credits scene of Thor 1).
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In TDW, we see Loki’s anger and frustration manifest in a telekinetic blast that ruins everything around him, and if that isn’t a masterful analogy for his arc I don’t know what would be.
Now coming to the series. All magic Loki uses is cosmetically or for show. He dries himself, he makes sweet little fireworks. How is that connected to his characterization? The show tells us he is insecure and loves only himself. If you squint real hard you might argue the drying is a sign of him being used to comfort. But I thought he was pampered and spoiled? Wouldn’t that mean he had other people to dry him?
And then there is the hiding/teleportation* scene on Lamentis. What does it say about his character? If it IS teleportation what does it say about him? That he can go distances without walking, perhaps, which would fit his line “I never walked so much in my life”, but doesn’t fit that scene from Thor 1 where we see how long he had to walk. And if he can teleport why doesn’t he spare them the walk? And if it doesn’t work for long distances, why does he run for cover right when they realize they are on Lamentis and doesn’t teleport? Why doesn’t he teleport onboard the spaceship? IF they wanted to use the fight as a character exposition, they should have made him use illusions. That’s his trademark.
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Next is the “lifting a building” stuff. What does that say? I guess if you limit the interpretation to the series, it could be considered foreshadowing for the “we are stronger than we think”. And like so many stuff of the show it lacks any connection to the former canon. Loki isn’t known for brute strength, either of the body or of the magic. That’s Thor. Loki is known for being the intelligent one. Interestingly, the scene spells rather “we are dumber than we think”, too, since making two steps to the side would have achieved the same effect without any flexing of inexplainable telekinesis muscles.
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The same goes for the fireworks in the train (characterizing Loki as sentimental, ok fine, and later as a dumb drunk who can’t control what illusion he casts, 😒). The plot would work without that magic. Just like it works without the drying, the building lifting, and all the other magic Loki used.
So, yeah, magic is Loki’s specialty that sets him apart from many other characters. Someone who writes a story with him in mind will use that automatically. They didn’t. Because it wasn’t him the show was written for. But the worst guy of all time.
Since I only talked about the magic here, I would like to recommend this marvelous analysis on Loki’s speech pattern and body language in the shown in comparison to the former installments.
* The only thing the “I don’t enjoy it” achieves is taking possible sadism out of the equation. TVA Loki is still irredeemable because he decided his sense of superiority would be worth more than the lives of the people in New York. This is egoism and a total dismissal of other people’s lives, something that cannot be “unlearned” by learning to love himself. That only removes the former motivation for the slaughter. Should something else motivate him to kill people, he would act just the same.
On the other hand, OG Loki has been coerced, not only by torture as we see it in The Avengers but also under the influence of the mind stone. Whenever we see him having the choice he acts morally better by sparing lives where he can.
**I don’t consider it teleportation since there is a time delay between Loki vanishing and re-appearing, and imo teleportation is instantaneous. Also, he vanishes feet first but reappears head first which doesn’t sit right with teleportation, and rather with making himself invisible and lifting invisibility again, but that’s for another post.
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thatgreenoneyt · 25 days
Magolor’s Epilogue Theory - (Part 2)
However the moment he gets his hands on a Fruit Fragment, things might be looking up for him.
“The shattered crown was scattered across dimensions, as were Magolor’s powers. Now he seeks to reclaim them! Is this a journey of penance or revenge? And what surprises await at the end?”
~ Magolor’s Epilogue, Special Page
The way I see it is, that no one knows, not even the narrator knows what’s going on in his head, only he does, and thankfully we get his thought process every time we open up the ability booster screen. There are two things to go off of and I think they correlate.
The Crown is scattered and so are his powers, meaning that the Crown’s Influence on magolor is still active, and judging by his behavior, all he wants is them back.
“What if I could unleash up to 3 attacks in a row? That might help me get my powers back a little quicker.”
~ Magolor’s Magica Skills (Magic Sphere Lv2), Magolor’s Epilogue
What makes this complicated is just how he is as a person. Does he want them back to defend himself? Maybe to get back at Kirby? Some of his texts say that he wants to use these things to make sure that he doesn’t get taken down easily after all.
However… His own comments paint a not so innocent motive.
“Me? Get up to my sneaky, dirty tricks again? I would never! Unless no one is looking.”
~ (Trickery, Lv1)
This could be argued that he’s doing this on his own. It could be true…even in future installments he is a bit of an ass, making jokes about taking over the world, laughing every time you fall in Dedede Drum Dash, and… introducing Microtransactions in the Kirby Franchise, (truly the biggest sin).
However there are two instances where I think two of his most consistent character traits are noticeably contradicted in his actions.
“So much power! With mischief this mighty, I could create an entire amusement park full of fun attractions and devious challenges...
~ Maximum Trickery
So much power! I'm finally flying high again! Now I can soar through endless skies with...my friends…
~ Maximum Levitation
The two consistencies are simply his preaches on friendship and his dream of running a carnival.
Magolor is a liar, which makes things frustrating, but it is also the very reason why I think these character traits are something to take note of. Because of what happened here, from then on in the series, he never betrays whom he calls his friends, and he does indeed make that carnival.
What’s happening here?
There’s not much to work with when it comes to his devotion of friendship, since that could be atonement for what he had done (once again, I’m not saying that it isn’t, as I said in this script, two things can be true), however there is something to take note of regarding his carnival fantasies.
I don’t think the Crown would agree with him doing that. After all, if he had omnipotent power, he could have made on in an instant, but if he had full control of himself the moment he put it on… then either two things are at play, either he was lying about it, which is quite clear that he isn’t, or that he’s not fully in control, even before putting it on. Landia himself eventually fell into the crown’s desires— whatever they are.
By the time he gets the fruit fragments, he is immediately bamboozled by a doomer who has absorbed the crown’s shards, and by the time he’s defeated, the red fruit he worked so hard on has transformed, and the most damning evidence for this theory is at play.
“Those who wear the master crown will gain power, but so will the darkness in their hearts. Thanks to the red fruit, it became a wrathful wreath— a destroyer called the Tree Crown without a Ruler!”
~ VS Master Crown
Magolor’s darkest desire is becoming an overlord, taking over the universe. Much like King Dedede’s darkest desire is being a king who takes and takes only— much like Metaknight’s darkest desires is a bloody and battered fight. By Star Allies, Dedede’s desire for stealing all the food in dreamland probably isn’t something that crossed his mind in Star Allies, not of his own will. He has changed since his debut, and even Kirby and his subjects know this.
“Surely King Dedede would never steal all of the food in the Kingdom and hoard it for himself… why would he do such a vile deed?! Such questions will have to wait as the king is coming for his eternal rival with all the fury of a wild beast!”
~ Vs King Dedede, Kirby Star Allies
As evident to his new found power, he could be an overlord again, he even says it himself. He probably already has the power to become one due to his hard work.
“So much power! With an attack this fierce, I could be a big, bad boss again...maaaybe…”
~ Maximum Magolor Cannon
But… he doesn’t. He doesn’t even try to.
The rest of the series his only goal is working hard for his true dream.
Once he destroys that Master Crown, tearing it in half, and the portal to the other realm opens for him, he shutters. A lot of people presume he’s crying or he’s shuttering in anger. Which… yes. I agree, but why…
He’s not crying because he feels bad for betraying his friends. Plenty of tears have been shed over this. He’s crying because he’s free: free from this hellish place, and the influence gnawing at him from the Master Crown.
And now he has work to do
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tiikerikani · 2 months
"I feel that it is time for me to pursue another opportunity that is more aligned with my career goals and values"
I’m 100% quitting my job if they require us to use Gen AI
They did, so I quit. I gave my one months' notice today and will start New Job near the end of next month. Of course I have to credit random Recruiter Guy for showing up in my life at exactly the right time; I wouldn't have left without an exit plan.
I try to be a principled person and there aren't always opportunities to safely stay true to those principles.
When Recruiter Guy messaged me on LI last month, I was intrigued that it actually seemed like he'd read my profile (unlike the spammy messages I usually get). I've never worked with a recruiter before, so it was interesting having a sort of agent pitching you to the company and liaising with them instead of having to be persuasive and do all the arrangements on your own.
Since the technical writer role is a new position in this company, I figured that it would mean they would be open to ideas on how to do things and wouldn't be forcing me to use AI things.
When Recruiter Guy asked for my salary expectations, I gave him a number in the middle of the range that was in the job description. The entire salary range is a significant increase over what I'm earning now[1], so I had literally nothing to lose and everything to gain trying for this. He said he'd ask for a bit more than my figure. (And that's what I'll be getting.)
The role would be a massive step up in responsibility for me and I know it's going to be a challenge; as the in-house writer I'd be responsible for maintaining the entire documentation library[2]. In-house writer is actually the role that many technical writers aspire to. You get to work closely with and really know the products you write about, and you can give feedback during the product development process.
I would have asked about it anyway, but the interviewer wanted my thoughts about using AI, and I said something along the lines of "I know people who do, but I do not because I trust my writing skills and good writing that gets taken seriously needs to have a touch that only a human writer can provide." She agreed that AI text sounds really obviously fake, so I took this as a good sign.
There was a small sample task that I had to do on my own time (given a list of specs, write a brief product description). Not a huge fan of copywriting but a product description is still very factual and not usually trying to sell stuff to people who don't want it. I returned the assignment along with a thank you note for the interview.
The interviewer wanted to speak with one of my references, so I directed her to talk to my master's thesis supervisor. He made such a good impression that she wanted to read my thesis (which IS, in the end, the only formal writing sample I can provide because I can't divulge who I've done work for) and had Recruiter Guy set up a chat for me with their HR person. Whom I spoke to on Good Friday because it wasn't a public holiday in their country and I didn't have big plans for the Easter weekend anyway and I just really wanted to move the process forward as quickly as possible. They were also extremely impressed and went back to Recruiter Guy right away, who then called me that afternoon. I'm sure he would not have done this if he wasn't optimistic about my application since he was very well aware that it was a public holiday for me.
So yeah, I got the offer email just as I was about to leave for the concert last Thursday, and I wrote back immediately to accept it. Recruiter Guy called me as I was getting out of the metro and I really hate talking on the phone in public, but THIS WAS IMPORTANT ENOUGH for an exception. We discussed the start date and agreed that I could have a gap week in between to just...catch my breath and rest a bit.
New Job is a hybrid workplace and they expect people to come to the office at least a couple of times a week, so I hope some social life and networking can actually happen??? Their products include hardware devices so it also makes sense that I need to physically be there to examine the things to document them properly.
[1] With the amount of experience I have now, with a job that requires a university degree and specialized language skills, and living in the Helsinki area, I should NOT be earning BELOW the national median wage (across all industries)!!!
[2] A recurring theme in my art and what I try to do with it is wanting to be seen, so it would mean a lot to me to be able to point to my work and say "I did this," rather than writing anonymously as a contractor.
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cienie-isengardu · 2 years
@mnmovdoom said to “This lightsaber…”
I'd love to hear your thoughts about Kreel and his lightsaber. This panel is amazing and it gives me so many feels (I specialise in knights, so weapons are highly symbolic) and considering what happens on Crait, this panel is just... ugh, my heart ;-;
(Sorry for late reply, I was out of country for the last week and had no access to sources to answer properly 🙂)
Oh, I have a lot of feelings about Kreel! He is one of my favorite new characters from Disney canon and it is really interesting that he is using a lightsaber, especially since he doesn’t have any ambition to be real Jedi or Sith apprentice at all. He even said so to Lord Vader's critique ("Too much a stormtrooper. Try all you might, sergeant Kreel, you will never be Sith"), as at the core he will always be a soldier:
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< It wasn't the Sith who saved me from dying in the fighting pits of Chagar IX. It was the 501st. I'm a trooper to the core. Sir. >
Kreel gained knowledge about Jedi during undercover mission as Gamemaster but his opinion about the Force seems to confirm previous statement:
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<The Force is a distraction, kid. Next time try fighting instead.>
Yet despite his bold words about being a stormtrooper first and foremost, Kreel likes the lightsaber and has appreciation for it as a weapon:
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< Just a trooper who appreciates the value of a good saber. >
And yes, the lightsaber for sure is a useful and dangerous weapon but this weapon is strictly tied to his previous undercover job that lasted for years and the fighting on the arena was similar to what he experiences as a child in mentioned fighting pits from which he was saved by 501st troopers. As a Gamemaster he was a slave of Hutt and he was glad to finally turn against his "master". And yet, when Kreel was giving report to Lord Vader, we could see him keeping the lightsaber behind his back
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and using it on SCAR Squad's mission soon after that (though I'm not sure if this was the same lightsaber he used against the Hutt, as it had a blue color while as sergeant, his lightsaber is green. Is that a simple error or Kreel picked one of the collected relics on his own?)
Surprising thing is that Kreel was allowed at all to keep the lightsaber since the Empire worked hard to erase any trace of the Jedi and comics made it clear A) the collected items were confiscated by the Empire and B) Vader doesn’t consider him as good material for Sith. Even more surprisingly the weapon has green color, not the red like Sith and Inquisitors commonly used, which ironically is one of Jedi colors. Lord Vader said that Kreel's lightsaber should be destroyed and most important, Kreel did not earn the right to it.
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Kreel for sure has some experience with lightsabers and maybe Force, at least in a theoretical way, yet as the comics proved, he is not that that good with it. Once he engaged Luke Skywalker in lightsaber duel, Vader outright said nor the sergeant nor the young rebel were skilled enough for such skirmish
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< You are engaging him in a lightsaber duel. Neither of you are skilled enough for such an endeavor. >
and later the Sith needed to save Kreel during exercise with training droids because the man deactivated safety protocols and set droids at maximum combat level and in result got overwhelmed pretty quickly. Vader definitely had a point there (and more patience than he has for imperial officers but I guess being one of the 501st gives people this benefit). Kreel already failed a few times and went against his boss’ orders (attacking Luke) and despite that, Vader still decided to give him a chance to prove his worth. I’m pretty sure it was less about the sergeant's potential and more about his answer, if he fails he will kill his squad and himself with the given weapon. He needed to truly believe in that to convince a Sith Lord - though this is an extreme approach, this also shows Kreel’s mindset. Either he will be worthy of this weapon that belonged once to a Jedi who died with it in hand - and was gifted to him by Lord Vader himself - or he will pay for failure (insult done to his superior) with his life and the life of his men. There is no middle ground and well, it sounds to me a lot like Kreel is willing to do sort of twisted “seppuku” (as a honorable suicide to make amends to his boss?) albeit killing his squad is a bit unfair, as they usually fails because of Kreel’s obsession about dueling Luke. So there is definitely something off about his connection to a lightsaber, as it strays more and more from Kreel’s “trooper to the core” assurance given to Vader.
On one hand, Kreel isn't aspiring to be something more than a trooper or to rise in rank (frankly, I don’t think he even cares that much about “evil Jedi” propaganda as he mainly wants to kill rebels on every occasion). On the other hand, Kreel clings to the weapon that is a vital part of Jedi or Sith culture and identity. He is not a Knight by any means, doesn't follow a Jedi philosophy, sometimes doesn't even follow a common sense, as he throws it away everytime Luke is around.
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The only Knight-like mindset is about being worthy of his special saber and to beat Skywalker in duel but he isn’t above using a lightsaber to massacre rebels. So the weapon is a tool of doom as much as a symbol (gift). Which contrasts a lot to Jedi lore; yes, Jedi used their lightsabers in fight and to kill, but they generally built their weapons alone, shaping to their liking and remaking it as they pleased. Usually Jedi didn’t get their lightsabers from others while Kreel was gifted with it but we don’t exactly see him “connecting” to the lightsaber? He does not intervene in its construction / redesign to make it fit better to him and maybe this is just me, but I have this feeling it is Kreel that readjusted himself (his fighting style) to the weapon, not the other way around? Bear with me on this one, but the stormtrooper to the core would rather stick to the blaster, the soldier weapon, right? Kreel barely uses a blaster now - for example, when fighting against bunch of rebels, he consciously chose the lightsaber to slaughter them and even SCAR squad was surprised if not freaked a bit by the result. Of course, the last few years working undercover demanded from him to adjust to the “gamemaster” persona but he didn’t switch back in that regard. And sure, a lightsaber is a cool and deadly addition, but this is a weapon of the enemy - Jedi and the Force is what became tied tightly to the Rebellion thanks to Luke who became a shining star (a new hope) after destroying Death Star. His journey to Jedi knighthood is kinda an interesting contrast to Kreel’s own development (or regress?).
Luke grows more and more accustomed to lightsaber fighting, more tuned to the weapon and Force. He is growing, with each fight more and more. Though both men started with "borrowed" lightsabers (Luke had his father's weapon, Kreel’s own belonged to an unknown Jedi), Luke slowly builds his Jedi Knight and Rebel commander identity while Kreel seems to be staying in the same place or worse, actually getting worse in regard to his competence? Losing time after time, putting his obsession (hunting rebels/Luke) above his missions and safety of his men; he uses the lightsaber both against the enemy and himself. As much as the cutting arm was necessary to save himself before the ship exploded, one may wonder wouldn't it be better to just call for backup? Instead Kreel decided to rely solely on himself while metaphorically speaking, the failure takes away part of his humanity, if we go with star wars Old Trilogy / Legends (in universe) bias insisting how losing a flesh and replacing it with mechanical part is a symbol of dehumanization. 
(Also, in star wars usually people lost limbs when their opponent cut them while Kreel took own arm instead of calling for help from his squad. In a way this reminds me of Vader and the iconic “Resurrection” [Star Wars Tales 9] in which Vade pierced himself right through with a sword to kill his opponent when it seemed he was close to dying. In that regard Kreel and Vader are pretty ruthless even against their own body. I may of course overthink it but not many characters in star wars were shown as using their own lightsaber for self-harm for whatever reason, I believe?)
At this point, I don’t think Kreel truly earned the lightsaber. So far Vader didn’t sound impressed by his skills or achievements of the SCAR squad. Yet for whatever reason, Kreel is still breathing (and I seriously hope the man will survive another meeting with a disappointed boss), so there must be something worthy in him for Vader to tolerate repeating failures. Personally I suspect it is less Kreel’s fighting skills and more the dedication to serve the Sith/Empire and maybe exhibited a sense of 'honour ' (if promising to kill your own squad and himself in compensation for the disappointment caused could be counted as such). I would love to learn more about Kreel and his service in 501st, how he became Vader’s undercover agent and what the Sith taught him to better understand Kreel’s stubborn clinging to a Jedi (Knight) lightsaber of all possible things.
Also, this man definitely should get professional therapy, not a deadly weapon to a hand.
I got carried away a bit, I hope I didn't bore you :)
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sasuhinasno1fan · 10 months
Wish come true - Adrien AUGreste Day 14+15
A bit late, but I was smart in asking EtherealGenie for help betaing, so there shouldn't be any spelling errors, at least not before the social media part, that I just added, so that was up to my spellcheck so fingers crossed. Also, it would actually take 6 hours for them to get to Saint Vincent Beach from Paris but for the sake of the story, we’re gonna say it takes less time. Anyway, enjoy! Passion
“No! Let me go, you can’t do this! I’m your daughter! I’m Lila Agreste!”
“Honestly Gabriel, you should have nipped this in the bud earlier. It’ll be difficult, but she’ll be disciplined and a different child by the time she comes home for break.” Tomoe said as they watched Gorilla carry the squirming girl to the red car. “My family will keep you updated. It’s laughable, how she doesn’t seem to realize how a name can’t get you far. You have to work for the respect you want.”
The designer could feel the judgment from the famed fencer. He still couldn’t understand how his daughter turned out like this. He thought back and realized times where she was caught, usually by her mother. Eventually she just got better at not getting caught and because he was so preoccupied with work or Emile’s health, he didn’t notice. Then she wanted to go to school and try her luck out there. She was quickly found out but it didn’t stop her. She kept trying to gain some attention, like something was supposed to change and nothing. And now it left her as this, a known bully who attacked a student with no motive. It took all his skills to keep the Rossi’s from suing, from having Lila removed to paying the hospital bills, and sending a check that was near 1 million euro. If he wanted any chance at saving his business, getting a new face for the company was critical. There were only so much his apologies could do. Honestly, after he got the Miraculous and got Emilie back, the business wouldn’t matter but until then, he had to focus on this, even if it meant turning his back on his daughter.
“I’ll fly with her to Japan and make sure she’s dropped off. Our security is going to meet us at the airport so your guard can stay here.” Good, Gorilla was not made for flying. “I should hope when I return that our business dealings won’t be putting my family at risk anymore.”
“Of course. Thank you again for doing this.”
Tomoe hummed before heading to the car, climbing into the passenger seat. Lila was still protesting as the car drove off.
“Master?” Nooroo asked once Gorilla had gone back inside leaving him and Nathalie on the front steps.
“Would I really not have been able to control her as an akuma? She would have been perfect.”
“But she wouldn’t want to give the wish over, even if she did know. She would be selfish. Even if she would have been your most useful or most powerful, she would have been the one you could never control.”
“Not to mention she still wouldn’t admit she stole the Peacock Miraculous.” Nathalie said.
“She didn’t have it. I couldn’t find it in any of her stuff. She might have given it away to keep it from you.” Nooroo said.
“To who? No one liked her.”
“Maybe she slipped it into a classmate’s bag. Unless Duusu came out, they wouldn’t know what it is.”
Gabriel thought of where Lila could have slipped it. one seemed the most obvious. “She must have slipped it into Rossi’s bag.”
“A-Adrien? M-Master, you can’t actually think…?”
“It makes the most sense.” Nathalie said. “She hated him and was constantly trying to get him into trouble. She left the book in the garden, no doubt because it was too big to hide away, the Peacock wasn’t. And it’s the one you want back the most. To hide it with someone who would be in bigger trouble than she’d been in would be the perfect place.”
“Um, uh, Master, I don’t think…you can’t go near him now.” Nooroo stuttered out. “Lila hurt him and his parents, they don’t want you around him. Even if he does have it, I’m sure he would have mentioned it.”
“He’s popular on Instagram, isn’t he?”
“His personal account is private, but he has a cosplay and food blog one.”
“Keep an eye on them. It might turn up.”
“But he might not even have it.” Nooroo said.
“Where else could it be? Do you know?” he ordered.
Nooroo stiffened as his ability to follow orders was triggered. “I don’t know.”
“Then we keep an eye on him. Now, what about Juleka’s contract?” he asked, heading back inside.
“Her mother has been going over it. Sir, she’s been checking everything from pay, to breaks, making sure it doesn’t interfere with her schooling and also making sure she isn’t working over a certain number of hours. You have to admit, the original contract violated a few child labour laws and she’s been spotting them like it’s nothing. In fact, she’s figured out how to get her daughter paid more.”
“Her mother? I suppose getting in trouble with the police makes it their job to drop by.”
“Actually sir…she graduated from law school.” At Gabriel’s stunned look, she continued, “Top of her class, was given the most offers after graduating but she didn’t accept any of them. Students in her class knew she had a deal with her parents to go to law school and she was allowed to do whatever she wanted after. Became a guitar player for Jagged Stone early in his career, got certified to be a ship captain, worked as a captain on a yacht for a while before becoming a freelance captain and had two kids. She knows how to get away with things because she knows the law. She’s making sure Juleka gets whatever she wants and that we legally have to give her.”
Gabriel sighed, looking to the ceiling. “The messes never end. Take care of it. If I want to fix this company, I need her.”
Adrien watched his boyfriend and Rose go over lyrics. The two were focused, Luka coming up with a melody that fit the words Rose came up with. He felt like he was watching Marc and Nath work on the newest issue. The couple had a rough start as comic partners, even after the effort of stopping Marinette from going with her idea and acting as a middle man until Marc felt confident enough, but now they were a well-oiled machine, with Nath talking Marc through his drawings and then listening intently to the script Marc came up with from that. He looked over at Marinette who was using Juleka as a model for new outfits for Kitty Section. She worked tirelessly with ease, attaching the pieces until they became a cohesive look. She was the same when sketching designs, rarely able to be disturbed. Even Ivan has his private passion with poetry. He wasn’t attempting to sing it anymore, but Mylene swore that his words had a deep meaning. He seemed calmer working on it, even when Mylene wasn’t there to read his work after. Watching everyone work on something they were passionate about made Adrien realise something. He hadn’t been doing that. Food blogging was easy but getting lost and exploring and even cosplaying had taken a back seat. He hadn’t actually worked on anything since his Queen Serenity cosplay and the feather disaster. He had a few that he wanted to work on but another thing he realized was he was bored of doing it on his own. Sometimes he was able to get his mom involved and his dad loved doing it but he had to rush off after staying in Paris while he recovered from his concussion. Very few times had he gotten friends involved. For the most part now, Nino took his photos and Marinette helped him with the more difficult outfit builds, and of course Max helped with any tech stuff like the wings. He even brightened at the challenge of making a bow and arrow for his BOTW Link, lights and all.
He wanted to do a simple cosplay and just get lost to find a place for pictures. But with his mom busy with her own job, it wasn’t like they could take a train and be back before her next meeting. He could do it by himself, but it was so much more fun getting lost with someone.
“You ok?” noticing Luka was standing in front of him, he looked and realized the others were setting up to start practicing, though Marinette was taking the time to fit everyone into their costumes in case of issues.
“Yeah, just…seeing everyone so focused on working on their favourite thing I realized I haven't been able to cosplay in a while. I just want to get lost and take pictures and fall in love with it all over again.”
“Who would you be?”
“I don’t know. I have a few thoughts but I kinda want to do a pair cosplay. Getting lost with someone is so much more fun than going by yourself.”
“Let me know a few of your choices after practise, ok?” Luka asked, leaving Adrien slightly confused. Why did he want to know that?
Practice ended with them going to Marinette’s to get the last pick of the day – and get extras – before Luka walked him home. They did stop by Andre’s ice cream cart to people watch.
“So, couples cosplays. What were your choices?”
“Couple?” Adrien looked at Luka. “Where did this come from?”
“I don’t actually think I’ve seen you in cosplay, I always see the pictures after. With everything you dealt with, with Lila, you kinda deserve to get lost. Maman has so many offers to borrow a vacation house out near the Rivera. So why not take a train and get lost?”
“I don’t think our mothers will be ok with us staying the night by ourselves.” Adrien felt like pointing out, if only to distract himself. He wasn’t upset with the suggestion, not at all. He just wasn’t expecting it.
“So, we go there to change into costume and back before we head home. Look, I’ve had those times where I feel like life is pulling me away from the thing, I’m passionate the most and having the time to do those things make your life so much better and less stressful. You’ve been through a lot recently and I want to do something to help you feel better. So, what couples cosplay do you want to do?”
“You’d really do that for me?” Adrien asked. He couldn’t remember any relationship where his partner wanted to participate.
“Yes, so come on.”
“Well, it’s a tossup between Ikuto and Amu and any of the main Mermaid Melody girls and their boyfriends. You know, with your hair, you’d do a pretty good Hanon, even though your personality is a bit more like Lina’s boyfriend.”
“Think we could do two outfits?”
How did he end up with this guy? Seriously, how was he real.
“If it’s closet cosplay, sure. I really wanna dress you up as an idol though. How do you feel about ruffles? And hair pins? Can I please put hair pins in your hair? Oh wait, I need to get you to listen to all the songs, even the openings and closings, I think you might like them. Is this, ok?”
Luka couldn’t help but laugh at him. “I don’t think I’ve seen you this excited in a while. You’re cute. I’m up for whatever, promise.”
Adrien couldn’t help but bounce a little. “You’re going to be the best mermaid prince idol ever. We need to stop at the cosmetic store. Hanon’s boyfriend has blue hair. I need to get temporary spray.”
“I think you’d rock blue hair.”
“In case I forget to in my excitement, thank you. really, you could have just come with me, but I’m glad you're interested in trying. I promise, I’ll make the experience awesome.”
“I can’t wait.”
A story with a selfie of Adrien and Luka, sitting in train seats. A typewriter font in the corner with ‘Heading out for shoot day!’
Another story, a video focused on Adrien sewing the last of the light blue ruffles to the cuff of a sky-blue tailcoat. ‘Look at him go’ is cantered at the bottom of the video in the same font.
A post with a picture of Luka, headphones on, focused on his phone propped up by a pop socket on the table. ‘@rosieheart, I think I got @lukarockstar hooked! He’s halfway through and calling Kaito stupid for not realizing.’
Another post with several pictures and a video. The video is from Adrien’s point of view as he follows Luka off the train, panning to take in the people exiting with them and heading for the station's exit. The next is a picture of the ocean and the one after that is a selfie of Adrien and Luka, Luka’s arms wrapped around Adrien who’s holding the phone. ‘@lukarockstar and I have arrived for our Hanon and Nagisa shoot!’
A reel with Luka filming himself. With his other hand he’s holding a piece of bread. “Just a piece of advice if you ever go to a new restaurant with Adrien. If they offer to bring chips or anything like that to the table, tell them to bring it with your orders, or else you have to watch this and starve.” Luka flips the camera to focus on Adrien, who’s standing and taking overhead shots of their food. Seeing his boyfriend filming, he refocuses with a smile on his face. “Leave me alone.” the camera flips back to Luka. “You’ll be happier, trust me.”
A post with pictures of Adrien opening the door to their temporary accommodation, a small Disney princess trunk themed carry on standing next to him, the cosplays hanging up on the door and a mirror selfie of Luka as Adrien does his makeup.
A story of a reposted TikTok with Luka and Adrien, Adrien leaning on Luka with his hands on his shoulder while Luka films. He shakes his phone and when the picture settles, they’re in costume, still in the same pose. Luka has star hairpins clipped into his bangs and the sky-blue tailcoat with ruffled cuffs match the pale blue shirt and white cravat which has a Shell Locket pinned to it. Adrien’s hair is now a pale blue, not true to Nagisa’s near black hair, but in a long sleeved white striped shirt and black short sleeved shirt over it and grey eyes.
A blurry picture of the Parisan skyline with a spot of red and black in the distance. ‘Spotted today was a new spotted hero with Catseye. Caught name was Ladybird, blonde hair and spandex suit. Witnesses claim this isn’t her first time out on the streets but second, but where has Scarlet Bug gone?’
A post with pictures, first with Luka on a dock. You could see his whole outfit now, including the dark blue bow attached to the tailcoat and the white slacks tucked into pale blue Doc Martens. An E-Pitch microphone is in hand as well. The first 3 photos are of Luka on the dock, either looking at the camera or of a profile of him. The next two are of him and Adrien by a rock wall. First is Luka sitting on it, looking down at Adrien who stood staring up at him between his legs. The next is Adrien dipping Luka as the two stare at each other. The one after that is on the sand, both holding ice creams, which are pressed against each other as the two share a kiss. The last two are close ups, one with Luka pressing a kiss to Adrien’s cheek and the last of them sharing the microphone, as if singing together. There’s a video at the end of Adrien and Luka by the rock wall. Adrien is trying to dip Luka, but Luka leans back too far and both go falling to the sandy ground, laughing when their attempts to stop fail. ‘Our Mermaid Melody shoot was a success! This was @lukarockstar ‘s first time cosplaying and I think we can agree he did amazing. Close up shots of the finished cosplay and more pictures and BTS coming soon!’
Pictures of their food from La Treille Tapas and a perfect shot of the ice cream used in the shoot, and a selfie of Luka and Adrien eating their ice cream. ‘A trip to Saint Vincent Beach means food fit for the seaside. Shared a traditional plate with jamon, cheeses and pain con tomate and 2 drinks. Altogether, no more than 25 euro. The ice cream was from a nearby passing cart, 3 euro each. I got passion fruit and @lukarockstar got mint chocolate chip. Very good, but melts very quickly. Already want to come back for a deeper dive.’
Story with a picture of Adrien, back on the train, asleep on Luka’s lap. The added gif of a cat sleeping tells all it needs. The next picture of the story is of Adrien as Nagisa sitting on the stairs, looking off camera. ‘He’s amazing’ is written in the corner in the same typewriter font.
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archersxartxblog · 1 year
Master Post
So is it messed up that this chapter is shorter and I left it on a cliffhanger? :)
Don't worry Ingo and the twins will star a bit more in the next chapters since they weren't really in this one. also, I used a lot of dialoged from the game, just to kind of set things up.
Chapter 21
"Did you think to gain our trust by quelling the frenzies you yourself brought about? And having gained our trust, what then? What is it you're really after here?"
"This person-This stranger appeared out of the Rift in space-time! Who here can guarantee she is who she says? Who here can guarantee she can be trusted?!"
"She will be given the chance to investigate this latest disaster… but not as a member of the Galaxy team. She remains a suspect unless she can clear her name."
"There are those in our village who cannot trust a stranger like you who fell from the sky. And so I must ask you to leave. You are no longer welcome in the Galaxy team."
"Consider yourself banished from this village until you can explain why these calamities keep befallen our good people…No-Until you've restored our world to its rightful state and prove your innocence beyond doubt!"
"But I have not forgotten your deeds nor the…unusual skill you have displayed. That is why I have chosen to let you walk out of here free rather than clap you in chains."
Kamado’s words bounced around in her head continuously, in a never-ending cycle leaving her in a dazed state as she followed slowly behind Captain Cyllene, the red sky above glaring down at all of them.
She had been Banished.
After she had done everything that was asked of her. Calmed all of the frenzied Nobles. 
Only for it to all be thrown back into her face.
None of it mattered.
She was still a stranger here and nothing she did would ever earn their trust.
And they had no problem throwing her out to the Luxrays.
That is…
slowly she looked toward the blood-red sky…
That is unless she could solve this newest mystery and clear her name, as currently, she was somehow to blame for both this and the frenzies she had spent most of her time calming. 
How she was going to figure this one out, she had no idea, as she would no longer have the resources of the Galaxy team, let alone any place to stay.
“Huh?” she was suddenly snapped out of her spiralling thoughts by someone shouting her name, and she looked up to see Rei and the Professor running up to her only to be stopping a few feet away from her.
“Akari, My dear, we only just heard.” the Professor panted, bent over as he tried to catch his breath, before looking up at her with worry. “You’re to be…expelled? From the Village?” his words dripping with disbelief, his eyes begging for her to deny this claim.
But all Akari could do was slowly nod her head. “Yeah, the commander is banishing me-”
“What? Why?!” Rei cut her off, looking between her and the captain for some kind of answer.
“Because…” she had to pause as she felt herself choke up just a bit at looking at her friend. “Because he thinks I’m to blame for this.”
“Because I fell from the Rift. Just like the Lightning that’s been causing the frenzies.” She shook her head, quickly losing the battle with her emotions as everything seemed to hit her. “And-and so that means I’m to blame for this too apparently. So people can’t trust someone like me, so I have to leave.” she squeezed her eyes shut trying to fight back the tears, but they slipped down her cheek despite her best efforts.
“Akari…” the Professor whispered, slowly reaching out to try and console the teen.
“Make Way! Prisoners Coming Through! Make Way!”
Akari quickly straightened and wiped the tears from her eyes, before taking a deep breath and looking over toward the commotion by the gate…
Only for her heart to jump into her throat.
Three members of the security corps, their uniforms as red as the sky, walked in formation, the lead member carrying a chain behind him. 
Flanking the group, the chain pinning his hands together clinking together as he walked, was a man in a dark coat and hat, silver sideburns framing his face. His back slouched forward as he walked, and his hat cast a dark shadow over his face.
By his sides were two smaller forms, their hands bound and tied to the same chain as their father.
The air seemed to become like ice as Akari watched the group approach, her jaw falling open and tears once more falling freely from her eyes.
Quickly she snapped out of her super and lunged toward the group “Uncle Ingo!” she cried, but she was quickly grabbed and held back. “Uncle Ingo!” she tried again, struggling against the arms that held her back as the group got closer.
The group passed by them, and everything seemed to move in slow motion, as The Warden slowly glanced toward her, only for one of the security corps members to yank the chains nearly causing one of the twins to trip.
“No! Uncle Ingo!” she struggled even harder, but the hands held tightly.
“No! They Can’t do this! They haven’t done anything!” she was quickly wearing out, and her throat was starting to hurt and become strained, but still she struggled as she watched the three get pulled further and further away.
Akari!” suddenly she was pulled back and forcefully turned around until she came face to face with Cyllene. The normally stern face woman looked at her with worry in her eyes. “You Can’t help them.”
“No!” The Captain squeezed her shoulders lightly. “If you try and help them now, you’ll only make things worse.” Cyllene’s voice shook ever so slightly. “You can’t help them if you’re in chains as well. They have a better chance if you're free.” the captain locked eyes with her. “Do you understand?”
Akari glanced over her shoulder, and watched the three, the twins hugged as close to their father as they could as they were pulled into Galaxy Hall in chains. It wasn’t right. They hadn’t done anything wrong. They weren’t a part of this. 
But Captain Cyllene was right, if she tried to help them now, she could end up chained up right beside them. After all, the only reason she was being banished and not chained up was that she had helped the village. If she was chained up with them, then who else would there be to solve this problem and clear all their names?
Slowly she looked back at the Captian and nodded in understanding.
“Good.” Cyllene nodded, her hands falling to her sides once more as she stood back up. “Now, let us continue to the gate. It is still my job to bring you to escort you from the Village and to the Fieldland camps.”
“As will I, naturally.” the Professor coughed slightly, trying to clear his throat.
“I’ll also see her off,” Rei spoke up, squaring his shoulders and try not to look too upset by everything that was happening.
“I’ll allow it.” the captain gave a nod and started once more toward the gate, this time with the Professor and Rei in tow.
Unlike before, Akari marched close behind with purpose, wanting nothing more than to get out of the village and get to work. Her mind buzzed with everything she needed to do. 
This was no longer just for her but for her adopted Uncle and his family. She needed to act quickly if the commander was willing to put a kid in handcuffs there was no telling what else he might try to do. But as her Uncle had told her before, ‘she must act with speed but not haste’. 
The first thing she needed to do was to find help, as there was no way she would be able to figure all this out on her own. And without the Galaxy team's resources to work with, she would need to find someone else to help her, and with Ingo and the twins being out of the picture, she couldn’t exactly go to them.
The group passed through the gate and continued on until they were at the first Feildlands base came and only then did they stop when Rei broke the silence.
“I can’t believe the Boss would do this…you were acting on his own orders when you quelled the frenzied nobles…” the boy was practically shaking as he spoke, the emotions he’d been pushing back as they walked seemed to erupt forward. “He can’t just banish you for following orders! It’s not right! And those kids, there’s like nine years old and their dad is a poor old man, there’s no way they could have done anything. Didn’t he just get in trouble with the Pearl clan when he barred them from entering, isn’t this just like declaring war or something?”
Akari almost wanted to laugh, picturing their reactions to Rei’s words. Picturing Uncle Ingo declaring that he wasn’t that old and the twins arguing that they were not nine. It would have been funny, if only they were able to join them.
“Quite right! Moreover, even if you did happen to fall from the sky, that hardly gives you the power to turn it red! The same goes for Warden Ingo and his two boys” the professor huffed, crossing his arms, in full agreeance with Rei. “This is utterly intolerable–and, I might add, unscientific! As a man of science, I must fight such illogical thinking tooth and nail!”
It was heartwarming, really, to see that there were still those in the Galaxy team that still believed her innocent, that were willing to fight for her.
“You must not.” the Captain’s voice cut through her thoughts, and she looked up to see the stern-faced woman addressing the Professor. “It will only cause Akari more pain if you are driven out as well for defending her.”
And just like that Akari’s heart sank once more, but it was true, she didn’t want anyone else banished for defending her. “Please, Professor, Rei, the Captain is right. Don’t get yourselves in trouble on my account.” it was hard to say, but the last thing she wanted was for the remaining friends she had to be banished alongside her.
To this Captain Cyllene, gave her a sympathetic look. “There are who might offer help. You’ve been an aid to both the Diamond Clan and the Pearl Clan.”
“Of course!” a slight smile appeared on the Professor’s face. “Perhaps Adaman or Irida will take you in.” yet as he spoke all the excitement seemed to drain away. “Though I’m already afraid they’ve both returned to their respective settlements…”
“Perhaps you could try to go find Lain first? He’s likely to be at Grandtree arena.” Rei suggested.
Akari nodded. It wasn’t a lot, but it was something. She’d worked hard to help the clans quell the nobles, even if it had been under Kamado’s orders. So there was a chance that at least one of the clans would be willing to take her in. though she would rather speak directly to the leaders than go through their Wardens.
Besides, Irida had been far from happy when Ingo and his family had been barred from the village. She would no doubt be furious to learn that the Commander had one of her Warden’s arrested, that just might be the key to getting Uncle Ingo and the twins to safety.
“Don’t Die alone out there, that’s an order.” the Captain spoke up once more, her eyes locked on to the teen as she spoke with the same tone she used to give out missions. “I will ensure you have all that you need to complete the survey the Commander has tasked you with. As for The Warden and his children, I will do everything I can to ensure their safety. Now, If I might offer my advice,” she paused for a moment “In this life, you will meet both admiration and abuse from others. How others choose to view is a choice only they can make. You can not make it for them. All that truly matters is that you hold firm to your own values.”
“Yes Sir!” Akari quickly saluted, doing her best to fight the tears that were whelming up, as the captain turned to leave, Rei following close behind.
Leaving only her and the Professor behind.
“Remember the dream I shared with you on Prelude Beach? To Complete the Pokedex? That dream simply won’t come true without you…” Laventon muttered, giving her a watery smile. “Please, my dear, be safe.”
And with that, he turned and headed back into the village.
Akari stood there for a minute more, slowly collecting her thoughts before she turned away from the base camp and towards the Feildlands in front of her.
“Don’t worry Uncle Ingo, I’ll get you and the boys out of there.” she sighed turning her eyes to the unnatural sky. “Somehow.”
Zisu walked ahead of the group, keys in hand as she lead the group deeper into Galaxy Hall. the frown on her face deepened with every step she took. 
She could not believe the Commander was forcing her to do this, yet here she was. She supposed she did have a choice in the matter, do as she was told or be stripped of rank and clapped in irons alongside the Warden and his boys. And while she preferred to stand her ground, someone needed to be on the outside to make sure her men were kept in line. 
She’d already had to correct them twice when it came to pulling on the chain and nearly causing someone to trip.
Besides, it wasn't like standing her ground would do any good, the Commander was completely willing to bypass her completely and give the orders himself.
“Alright, hold here. I will get the door.” She commanded, taking a few steps toward one of the lock doors that led deeper underground.
“Yes, sir.” one of her men answered with a salute. Before muttering about how cold it was in the building. “The sky turning red must be blocking the sun, it’s been freezing since we left the highlands.”
“Agreed, these Sky Fallers must be trying to freeze us out.” another whispered back.
Zisu just shook her head listening to them as she continued to fumble with the keys before pushing open the door. “Common, let's get this over with.” she sighed allowing the group to go first.
The moment they crossed the threshold the darker and damper things started to get. Gone were the clean white walls and wooden trim, replace with stone and dirt floors. 
The Prison was located under Galaxy Hall, hidden away out of view of both their allies and the general public. A place that only a select few people knew about, and even fewer could even access.
This was no place for a family to reside for any amount of time.
Once they reached the bottom, Zisu once more walked to the front and did her duty. unlocking the iron bars of the cell, she bowed her head and closed her eyes. not wanting to see or risk making eye contact with the warden or his children as they were forced into the cell.
“There!” she heard one of her men sigh in relief as the door was swung shut. “That’s three less Sky fallers we have to worry about now.” the man dusted his hands off, turning to leave with the others. “Common, let's get upstairs and get warmed up.”
“Yeah, this place gives me the creeps.”
“You coming captain?”
“Hm?” Zisu looked over at the trio and then back at the family behind the bars. “Go on without me, I’ll be up in a bit.”
"You sure Captain?" The man looked back at her with confusion, only for one of his comrades to slap his arm as he passed. 
"Hey, give her a break. She treated those kids like her own only for them to go and betray her."
"Oh, right. Ah, see you, topside captain."
The three quickly departed after that, closing the door behind them.
The moment she heard the door slam shut, Zisu released a heavy sigh.
It was true, she guessed. She had heard the rumours the villagers spread about her and the Warden's children, and not once had she worked to disprove them. From the moment she met the twins she had latched onto them, and that bond only grew the more she had gotten to know the both of them.
Their likes, their dislikes, their little quirks, and the little bit of their past they had shared.
She looked over to the cell at the sound of the eldest twin sneeze, a softer sound than she would have expected from the boy. 
She watched as the Warden sat against the wall of the cell, chewing his lip as he pulled the boys toward himself. He batted his youngest hands away as the boy tried to fuss with the cuffs around his wrists. Not once looking up at Zisu or addressing her.
Yes, here men were right, there was a betrayal. But it was not that of the Warden or his boys.
"I'm not sure what's going to happen next, but whatever it is, the Commander will deserve whatever happens to him." She said, breaking the silence, as she turned to head up the stairs.
The only sound to follow was a deep growling noise that rumbled from the Warden’s throat. 
Slowly, she ascended the stairs, leaving the three in the cell surrounded by the unnatural chill that had settled in the area.
 No, the only person betraying anyone here was her…
And deep down, she knew it was the right thing to do.
"You! What in the world did you do?!" Liann shouted the moment he saw her approach, pointing toward the rift just above Mt Coronet's peak. "Look at the size of that Rift! If lightning starts pouring from it, all the pokemon in Hisui could be thrown into a frenzy! The entire Clan is in a panic now!"
Not the greeting Akari had hoped for, but she'd be lying to herself if she said it wasn't expected from the young Warden. "Oh, so you think I did this too, huh, so glad you and Commander Kamado are on the same page.” she huffed as she came to a stop in front of him. “If I could really do all this, do you really think I would have gone through all the trouble of calming the nobles?”
Probably not the best way to approach someone you’re about to ask for help, but today had been rough enough as is. Akari wasn’t about to let herself be bullied by a ten-year-old to top it off. Only Emmet and Lil’Ingo got that privilege and that was only because they outnumbered her.
But Lian just crossed his arms and snorted at her retort. “I should have known the only thing that could come from that rift was a disaster…”
“You know Ingo and the twins are also from the Rift, right?”
“Y-Yeah, B-but” This left the young Warden sputtering slightly. “But that’s different! They're different! Okay!”
As much as Akari would have loved to continue to banter with the young Warden, she had come here for a reason and she honestly wasn’t sure if she had a lot of time to be messaging around. “Look Lian, can we continue this another time? Preferable when the world doesn’t look like it’s about to end at any moment.” she sighed before getting right to the point. “I need Help. I’ve been banished from Jubilife village and I can only go back when I’ve ‘Solved’ this whole mess. But I can’t do that without help.”
At this, the fight seemed to drain out of the boy, as he tipped his hat up to look at her. “Help?! Ah. Well.” Lian hummed slightly as he considered her words. “That’s not exactly something I can do.” his shoulder’s slumped a little in guilt. “It’s not that I wouldn’t like to help you… but it would put Irida in a difficult position.” he sighed. “I truly do wish that I could repay you for quelling Kleavor’s frenzy like you did. You must know that there’s nothing I alone can do for you.”
Akari deflated at those words, starting to feel the prickle of defeat biting at her heels. This was not what she was hoping for. 
Yet, Lian still gave her a reassuring smile. 
“But, maybe you should hike out to the Highlands? I’m sure he’d help you out.” the young Warden suggested. “Normally I wouldn’t suggest someone take advantage of Warden Ingo’s kindness but you two seem really close, and it gives Irida a little bit of wiggle room since he and the twins are not originally from the Pearl clan.” Lian smiled, sounding confident in his words. “And the Twins can help you out with this task! Ingo’s great with handling dangerous pokemon.”
As much as Akari wanted to read more into the boy’s wording at the end, there was one glaring problem with his suggestion. “Yeah, that’s the other reason I came to you about this…” the image of the three being led down the road in chains came to mind, bringing with it bitter emotions. “The Commander had Ingo and the twins arrested.” 
She looked away quickly, trying to control her own breathing. “I saw them being brought in when I was being escorted from the village.”
Lian was quiet for several minutes after his, letting the words sink in before he exploded. “What?! No! They can’t just go and arrest a member of the Pearl clan! Let alone a Warden and their family! Are those Galaxy people trying to pick a fight with the Pearl Clan!” 
The young Warden was livid upon hearing this news if his red face and the vice-like grip he had on his hat were anything to go by.
“So, you’ll help me out?”
Despite the fact Lain looked ready to fight his way into Jubilife himself, the energy drained out of him and he shook his head. “I’m sorry Akira. But that’s still not something I can do.” he looked back at her. “If we took you in now it would make things a lot harder for Irida in the long run.” he paused trying to put his thoughts into words. “Think about it, if Galaxy team is willing to arrest them and throw you out because of this…” he gestured toward the sky, “if Irida tries to negotiate their release, the commander could just point to the fact we took you in and use as a reason too whole onto them.” he chewed on his lip. “Worst, if this goes any further, he could decide to make an example of them…”
Akari hated this reasoning.
Hated it because in a way it made sense. 
If Kamado was willing to throw her out to the Luxrays then Arceus only knows what he’d be willing to do to Ingo and the twins if he felt pushed.
“Yeah, I guess that makes sense.” she conceded, bowing her head.
“Warden Mai might be able to help you, though. She’s a very caring woman, after all.” He tried another suggestion, shrugging his shoulders slightly. “Besides, you’ve helped the Diamond Clan a lot too, and…you know…they don’t have a hostage situation in their hands. So they’ll probably be able to help you out.”
She slowly nodded to this, sighing slightly.
“You’ll most likely find Mai at the Worn Bridge. I believe it’s a very significant place for her.” slowly Lian turned and started heading back toward the Arena. “I have to send a message about all this.” he paused looking over his shoulder at her. “I’m certain that in the vastness of Hisui, there’s a place for you as well. Oh, and don’t worry about Ingo and the twins. We’ll make sure they're safe. Just make sure to take care of yourself. I know Ingo wouldn’t want you worrying over them.”
Akari sighed but nodded as she turned to leave as well. “Thanks, Lian. I’ll go talk to Mai, hopefully, I’ll have more luck with the Diamond Clan. talk to you when the world isn’t ending.”
And with that, she made her way out of the forest, setting off towards the Worn Bridge.
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gorogues · 2 years
Fictober 2022
Prompt number #28 Fanfiction Fandom: Flash Rogues Rating: PG Warnings: None.
Day Twenty-Eight: “We all have our reasons.”
It was a dark and stormy night, which somehow turned out to be relevant to the evening.  The Mirror Master had bought a decrepit old warehouse with some ill-gotten gains and was hosting the first ever Rogues social gathering.
Or so he hoped.  He had no idea if anyone was even planning to attend, because apparently criminals were not great at RSVPs.  He’d told the others that the event began at 7 PM, and the buzzer first rang at fifteen minutes past the hour.
A tall skinny man in a striped costume stood at the door, and Mirror Master opened it after verifying his identity with a couple of hidden cameras and facial recognition software of his own design.  The newcomer awkwardly held up two six-packs of lager.
“Hello, I’m the Top and I brought beer,” he said politely in a somewhat stilted tone, and was clearly ill at ease.
“Yeah, I can see that,” Mirror Master observed with a bit of a chuckle, as both conclusions were painfully obvious.  “C’mon in, you’re the first to show up.”
The Top sat down and was soon joined by the next arrivals, the Pied Piper and Captain Cold.  Captain Boomerang was already drunk when he got there, and Heat Wave appeared next and gave the side-eye to Cold every five minutes or so.
“Where’s the bloody booze, innit?” Boomerang brayed at Piper, who winced at the high volume in his sensitive ears.
“You’re holding a cup of it right now,” Piper replied with barely concealed disgust, and Captain Boomerang laughed uproariously and hugged him.
“You’re a fun bloke, polka dots!  We’re gonna be best mates!”
The Trickster came creeping in soon afterwards, feeling more than a little cautious and trying to assess the vibe of the crowd.  He’d only met some of the Rogues in passing, and his team-up with Captain Cold hadn’t gone as well as it could have; there’d been double crosses and the two had shot each other due to the Flashes’ machinations.  Still, Mirror Master had thought he’d seemed promising and sent him an invitation, along with…
There was a crack of lightning and simultaneous thunder, and the lights momentarily went out.  Mirror Master sighed and checked the outdoor cameras even though he knew exactly who it was.
“Weather Wizard is here, boys and girls,” a newcomer in green declared imperiously as he walked through the front door with a stylish wand.  “Oops, I don’t see any girls.  Where are the girls?”
“No girls,” Mirror Master replied with some defensiveness, already wondering if he shouldn’t have invited this guy.  He didn’t know the Wizard personally but had been impressed by his criminal work and some intense battles against the Flash.
“Did you make this storm?” Captain Cold grumbled, and the Weather Wizard waved his hand dismissively.
“Guilty as charged.  Charged.  As in lightning?”
“That needs some work,” the Pied Piper told him, arms crossed and frowning.
“Tough crowd,” Weather Wizard muttered, but he knew the man was right: his pun game had always been weak, and the skill was something of a necessity in their field.
“Your attention, please!” the Mirror Master called, and everyone turned their eyes to him.  He looked around at the assembled crowd of young supervillains, gauging who seemed like a good fit for the crew and who might be a liability.  “The card tournament’s starting now for anyone who wants to play.”
Everyone filed over to the giant rickety table, as it turned out that the entire group was interested in poker.  As the game began, Mirror Master continued watching the others for signs of deceit (beyond the usual card cheating, which was rampant amongst their profession) and genuine anti-social behaviour which would spell trouble within the ranks.  He hadn’t noticed any thus far, and the guys seemed to be having fun.
“Captain Boomerang’s Royal Flush is using obvious fake cards,” the Trickster commented with a grin during a surprising lucky win.
“Ah, you never miss a trick, do ya?  Call me Digger, mate,” the Australian cackled with purely good humour, slapping the back of Weather Wizard and causing him to choke on his beer.
“I’m Mick,” Heat Wave announced with a pleasant smile, and Captain Cold gritted his teeth at him.
“I’m Len.”  He was not going to be upstaged by that fire-eating circus weirdo.  Not again.
But the rest of the Rogues sat in silence, not yet ready to reveal their secret identities to people they scarcely knew, so the game moved on.
“Who had the bright idea to dress you in polka dots?” the Weather Wizard inquired of the man across the table after his fourth beer, still somewhat annoyed about earlier criticism of his pun.
“I left it up to that tailor downtown, Paul Gimby or something,” Pied Piper sniffed.  “He’s the expert in fashion, not me.  But I mean, at least I’m not wearing a puffy pirate blouse with matching elf booties.”
“This outfit is stylish as hell!” Weather Wizard retorted hotly.  “But it’s funny, that guy designed my uniform too.”
“Yeah, and mine as well,” Mirror Master said, nodding.  “I think we all—”
“Mine too!” the Top blurted out suddenly, cutting him off mid-sentence.  His eyes widened under his mask when he realized he’d interrupted their host, and he went silent with a slightly reddened face.  The others stared at him for a moment, then moved on.
“Don’t you get hot in that coat?” the Trickster asked Len, who shook his head.
“Nah, I built a portable cooling unit which is stitched into a seam to keep things nice and frosty.”
“Niiiiiice.  I could use one of those in my workshop,” the Mirror Master whistled, and Len nodded magnanimously.
“Sure, I can set ya up.”
“Great, thank you,” Mirror Master grinned, satisfied.  “And I also wanted to thank everyone for coming tonight.  I invited you all here because I’m hoping to build something big amongst the professionals working in Central City, and I’m really pleased with this gathering.  Some of us have worked together before, some of us haven’t, and we all have our reasons for being here.  I’m hoping this is the beginning of a successful collaboration…a meeting of Rogues, if you will.”
“Hear hear!” Digger crowed loudly, and there were smiles around the table.
“And I guess I might as well introduce myself: I’m Sam Scudder,” the Mirror Master announced as he pulled off his cowl and showed his face to the others.  “I was born and raised in Central City, and I can tell some of you were too.  This city belongs to us.”
The locally born criminals nodded amongst themselves, but they didn’t seem to be excluding Digger or the Trickster from the group, so it felt like a moment of acceptance.
“You know what?  I like this place, it feels like it could be home,” the Trickster concluded after a moment’s thought.  He wasn’t ready to tell the others even his Americanized name just yet, but he was enjoying the guys’ company.  And their beer wasn’t bad.
“Glad to have you here,” Sam told him, and his tone seemed sincere.  “A toast, then: to new friends, good times, and some really lucrative hauls.”
“Hear, hear!”
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macgyvertape · 1 year
D2 Season of the Seraph thoughts
Was not expecting a second hive focused season this expansion
Really glad for the autofire option being a setting now. Topical that I injured my mousehand this week, but also I notice my fingers & wrists start to hurt if I play for hours with high fire rate weapons
I enjoy the Battlegrounds challenge at +5 at first but I quickly started to hate blueberries who don’t bring champ mods or refuse to run for the laser core. The best runs were with people I like or making a LFG post for Legend where I could vet people were bringing mods.
I enjoy seeing Mars back again as a battleground and that the Braytech facilities on Europa are finally getting used as a map
I finally got everything together and made some 100 resilience loadouts, and it's a night and day difference with survivability. 
Revision 0 quest: it was enjoyable to go in with no guide right up until the floor tile puzzle. I was thinking its a shame we only get 1 season with this mission so looking forward to the exotic mission rotator. 
There are a lot of server problems this season, the Christmas server problems were an unintentional API bug, but sucks for my friends who did a master activity then got a server error and no credit. I have a new years resolution to play more games that aren’t D2, and so that was the perfect time. 
The robo-dog is so cute, I appreciate a friend describing helping me get the orbs as “taking me to the pound to get a puppy”
Once again busy during the Dawning I didn’t finish the last challenge of sit in gambit or crucible matches. I’d never bother to gild it, get 2k kills with a dawning weapon, lmao what a waste of time
GM power level reduction is great, the grind to get to power level so you can do GMs when they come out is a huge burnout factor for me and others. 
Very glad Bungie enabled all the mods and literally made me more interested in playing the next month. It was gatekeeping for no reason to make players buy mods a few at a time that were sold on random days, some mods I had been trying to get for more than a year. It’s basically playing a different game if you have a current meta build that relies heavily on one or two specific mods. 
I got a good lorely splendor roll and it really is easy mode with Titan
Fucking finally got Touch of Malice after 55 Oryx clears
Grateful to everyone loss farming in IB so much bungie buffed the xp gained for the second week.
Glad they buffed drop rate from wellspring, wish it had been like this the whole time since I had 0 wellspring weapons crafted. The poor red border droprate, and the seasonal challenges meant I was always busy doing something else
I’m glad Bungie made a lot of announcements about when the final seasonal event would be, and it wasn’t during the last week. I also appreciate that they said they will go back to being more public about seasonal info. 
I really enjoyed the difficulty of the last mission, it felt like the right amount of challenge.
However the legend system that scales based on fireteam size means it's awful to run the finale or Seraph Shield with 3 people; numerically a person is better off running it solo especially with the solo operator mod. I ran the missions a few times to help someone out, and the increased health and limited revives made a 2 person team feel punishing in a way that doesn't encourage helping casual or less skilled players.
Finishing the season needing to craft a lot of the guns, once again the red boarder and seasonal playlist loop is a grind way past the point of enjoyment. It's better with a partial knockout system but drops for finished patterns still happen way too often and the seasonal activity gives such low energy vs how much is needed to focus and time spent. I finished the season without crafting the ikelos shotgun or the linear fusion, and I’m so burnt out on the loop that I just don’t care. 
The crucible rep changes are fucking awful if you place low in comp like me (Bronze tier). On bonus weeks its changed from 2x to 1.5x, and so the strategy seems to reward players for playing every week and more rewards for being good, so if you’re on the wrong end of the cycle where you only play crucible on bonus weeks because you don’t enjoy it or are bad then the slow rank ups just mean I want to play it even less. It was a shorter time doing a full reset of a gambit rank than half a crucible reset, especially because if you don’t get enough kills in a match the game gives you 0 credit. 
The crucible rep changes are a shame because with the matchmaking changes I really enjoy the 3v3 comp. I feel like I’m playing others at my level and its the most enjoyable Destiny 2 pvp I’ve ever played
I tried doing some solo dungeons with current meta loadouts, and there's a noticeable difficulty change between Duality & Spire vs the older ones. What I realized is I don't enjoy soloing dungeons; jumping puzzles are a lot more punishing, some bosses take noticably more DPS phases, overall it's an exercise of patience I'm bad at.
Week 1:
For real I thought the braytech security frames were going to shoot me in the back in the intro mission. I wasn’t expecting Xivu Arath to the antagonist this season since we already had a Hive season
Osiris’ grandiose personal introduction to counter Clovis’ ego, him and Clovis butting heads all season is going to be fun to see 
Mara’s back in her D1 pirate clothes? She and Crow are the only one who gets clothes change in this game
That the scorn were exhumed locally, nice to know every major battleground is a zombie surge waiting to happen
Lots of sad feelings that Eramis’ former house are being raised as scorn as punishment
I’ve been hoping to get Mara as a character with a storyline that isn’t about her and Uldren/Crow, looking forward to her being a supporting character and tying into the Bray storyline
The Archimedes mission was nice, playing it solo felt challenging
I just didn’t play all weekend when DiM and the companion app were down. Really shows how heavily the community relies on these third party services, and the dedication and work the people running them do is laudable 
Other Weeks:
So glad to Elsie back and interacting with Ana. its just Bray family drama this season I love it. Osiris pseudo counts considering Felwinter was his mentor
Clovis thinking its a magnanimous offer in his private guard answerable only to him. Just like how Calus wanted to possess us as a shadow. 
I hope that if he does pull the heavily implied doublecross that its not because of Darkness corruption or the Witness but just because he’s a shithead trillionaire
In-universe if my guardian passed Ana’s former spot on Mars and it still had piles of guns I would take some with me
Revision 0 quest: we “surrender” to Eramis, there's so much untapped potential there for Eramis fans. Also wow Eramis sounds so depressed and its understandable, all those of her house that we killed being brought back as scorn.
I love that they reused areas from DSC, it makes sense storywise Bray facilites used the same design and I’m sure helped with developing such an elaborate quest. Going up to space and seeing Earth and the Trsveler was really special
Think its cool Fenchurch (agent of the Hidden) gives us the weapon and not Clovis. We’ve seen more of the Hidden this year than before, I’d love to see a season of the Hidden and see Aunor ingame 
Cutscene: based of Bungie to include MLK as part of things Ana taught Rasputin, especially since they usually shy away from recent historical people
Clovis has the anime villian glasses glare, he did fucked up science to his daughter(s) and assuredly unethical animal experimentation to the dog. Clovis is Shou Tucker.
Ana says “why didn’t you ever tell me you studied under Fellwinter” when it’s like a well known fact, IN UNIVERSE. Cool to get more of Osiris reflecting on himself as a novice and his relationship with the Iron Lords. 
Aww there are some Cabal dogs there. Meme of Saladin running Old Friend’s Senior Dog Sanctuary complete with the infamous last post. Shame it won’t let me climb to the top
Fun Clovis cutscene, once again recontextualize that legend of “rasputin shot the traveler” 
So Clovis is just now on Europa?? As the verison in the exomind was a copy-dublicate vs a copy-cut, then wasn’t he vulnerable to Xivu-Arath the whole time? Also in a way Ana did kill her grandfather, if you consider the copy to be a separate version since if might have different memories
The dialogue in battlegrounds is top notch where it has just a bit of friction between different parties. Then there’s the direct personal attack lines of “Clovis Bray. Your progeny have surpassed you. Your services are no longer required. We appreciate your understanding”. Rasputin responding with corpo speak
Mara is back in her Queen clothes, dev bias that shes the only one who gets 2 outfits in a season /s
The new choral sounding music in the HELM is great, apparently a warmind track remix
The Rasputin and Osiris radio message was fun, in absence of Saladin being pissed at Rasputin for killing Felwinter we get Osiris being pissed when Raputin speaks with Felwinter’s memories
Mixed feelings on week 7 story where they started foreshadowing Rasputin’s death heavily, in week 7 its a question of “are we doomed to repeat the past” but it somehow becomes “humanity destiny 2 main story has no need for a warmind, Rasputin is too dangerous to live we gotta put him down like Old Yeller”
the ending cutscene was a lot of nice looking CGI and yet again the Tower view of the Traveler changes before a new expansion. Great to see all the different characters and the tower feels weird now without the Traveler. 
My more cynical take a week later and after thinking about how it was 2+ years between a Rasputin and Ana storyline, Rasputin’s death felt more like they were trying to trim the cast of characters than a killing a character to raise the stakes. Clovis Bray can copy himself and be fine after being deleted, and Rasputin has all these extra data cores he doesn’t feel fully dead, just “dead” enough for some angst but not so dead he can’t be brought back as the plot demands.
Do agree with the post that for a season where the grand finale is Rasputin sacrificing himself, this wasn’t really his season in that so many other characters got a lot of screentime, focus, and build up 
Anyway finally Eramis has crossed the line into poor little meow meow 
I like how Eramis has been talking to us personal a lot this season. Her lines on Seraph Station where she considered it a rematch of the Beyond Light fight, her lines in the battlegrounds where she says “polish your finest armor. I’ll see you again” and the other lines she has talks about trust and despair
Kind of a shame how at the end of the season Clovis kind of faded out of the story with no real resolution.
45 second revive timers in a jumping puzzle fucking suck
Ah the rasputin classical music I love it
Eramis on the collectables? Once again we’re just too late to see her. “We have no need of gods” interesting how much effort Eramis spends trying to get us to hate the Traveler
Osiris: “maybe this will restore Ikora’s faith in me” plz Osiris just talk to Ikora she’s concerned that you have no ghost and there are 0 OSHA safety regs here
I like the trace the wire mechanic a LOT more than nightmare zone bell mechanic
The super low Cowboy hat dungeon drop percentage is bullshit if it was done intentionally. It's disrespectful to players' time to make the Hunter one more rare than the other classes. I finished the season with 0 hats.
The dungeon especially in the last boss feels like its meant to be played with 100 resilience.
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anakinfests · 10 months
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it's time for day two reveals! give these wonderful works some love, please!
01. wants and needs by matchesonlyburn
On a planet whose atmosphere is filled with a gas with... interesting side effects, Anakin and Obi-Wan are sent to take out a Separatist base. Fill for the Rough Sex square in the 2023 Obikin Bingo as well as a prompt claim for the Sub!Anakin Fest
02. bare grace misery by thedunesea
Anakin let out a pained sound. “I failed my men, I failed you, and now… and now this. Could you, Obi-Wan? Could you come from this humiliation?” His voice broke, and then he was weeping, hot tears streaming down his face even as he kept stroking himself, his sobs of shame intermingling with his whimpers of pleasure. The mixture was so unbelievably erotic Obi-Wan felt his head spin. Or: Anakin gets poisoned, and the antidote that saves his life has some uncomfortable side effects.
03. serenity, serenity by obikined
After learning that the Separatists have gained the favor of a weapons manufacturer that has the power to overturn the Clone Wars, a freshly knighted Anakin and Master Obi-Wan must infiltrate the organization's inner circle and eliminate the partnership at an exclusive event posed as black market dealers. The problem is, the two of them have to act as a married couple, Anakin assuming the role of coy, submissive husband to a domineering and firm handed Obi-Wan. Between Anakin's not-so-subtle pining, Obi-Wan's suppressed emotions, and the fate of the Republic on the line, the two of them must confront their messy feelings for one another over a game of high-stakes, winner takes all sabacc.
04. subakin and his obi-dom by stevewell0022
Anakin Skywalker was forever in denial. He could not admit, no sorry, would never accept he was a sub. No Never. He, the great and powerful Jedi Knight, was destined to be a dom, and he would not stop until his desires came to pass. Later that very same day?!!?? "Yes, Master. Thank you for allowing me to clean your boots, Master." Anakin Skywalker. Famed Jedi. Woefully and fecklessly in denial. It would take a gentle super-dom to bring Anakin to heel. Obi-Wan, the renowned selfless Jedi that he was, would of course volunteer for this heavy burden, and save the galaxy from a darker fate.
05. no fault of my own by denims
“You know you’re not supposed to like this,” Obi-Wan murmured, “and here you are, so wet for me and I’ve barely even touched you.” Anakin looked away, blinking back tears that threatened to well up in his eyes at his master’s disapproval, but he leaked more slick into his lap all the same. “I’m sorry, Master,” he quavered. “I can’t help it!”
06. en garde, prêt, allez by lemon (lemon_sprinkles)
Anakin Skywalker is a highly skilled fencer, known for his fast pace and brutal attack style. Young and arrogant, he carries himself as a man who knows he's going to win - no matter the cost. Obi-Wan Kenobi is an equally talented fencer who has more titles and championships attached to his name than most could ever dream of, and who has the respect and admiration from everyone in the community. When the two are paired off against each other during the World Championships, Anakin is caught between wanting to prove himself and win the title, and not dethroning a man who has inspired him both on and off the piste. They say never meet your heroes - and certainly never kick their ass in front of a stadium full of their peers - but winning on the piste might bring more treasures and rewards to Anakin than he ever thought possible.
07. who's loving you by demon_dean
Anakin Skywalker was the luckiest man alive. He had the relationship he had always desired. Well, almost.
08. untamed and full of teeth by deanswade
Obi-Wan felt something inside him break. It cracked and ruptured and rippled. He felt when the tongue met his skin, hot and dry. It didn't have enough strength to latch, but this boy, his boy, was smart. Obi-Wan shivered, as the boy lapped. So clever, so good, he drank until he couldn't anymore, stilling in Kenobi's hold before going lax. "Hold on for me, little one," Obi-Wan whispered, "Be brave. Don't let go." Or Obi-Wan is the owner of local high-end bar for vampires, when one night an unfortunate boy stumbles through his door, half-turned. Obi-Wan, who had never made a fledgling before, falls for Anakin hard and fast.
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Chapter preview, because you like pain as much as me!
tw as always
“Given Akio’s progress in gaining awareness of his own mind and body, I believe that it would be safe for the both of you to do short sparring sessions,” Master Yen Sid decided. “The need to hold back to allow Tori to learn likely would prove useful so this awareness as well.”
“Awesome!” Tori said with a huge grin.
Akio nodded. “Yeah. That’s great!”
“Before you begin, I would like to ensure that you both are aware what sparring entails—”
“I know. Doesn’t matter who wins, it’s about learning,” Akio said.
Master Yen Sid looked amused by the interruption, as though there was some secret, inside joke that he had formed in his mind.
“Indeed, that’s the important part, more or less. However, other parameters will be needed to be set, due to the difference in your skill level.” Master Yen Sid stroked his beard. “I propose that we begin with magic—a skill in which Tori has some understanding, and Akio’s skills with which are far behind the rest.”
“You have to put it that way,” Akio said with a laugh, rubbing the back of his head.
Tori giggled. “It’s okay, Akio! I’ll show you the ropes!”
“Honestly, I kind of need it,” Akio admitted. “I only used magic in times of emergency, to be honest…any actual learning of spells from my parents was short-lived.”
“Huh? That’s odd.” Tori tilted her head.
“How so?”
“Well…Yami taught me a lot of stuff about magic, back when…you know.” Her face fell talking about it. “Though it wasn’t advanced, he seemed confident in it.”
“Well…Yami was…different. From the other me.”
“…How so?”
“There was a lot of truth to Yami not exactly being a part of me. He was…darkness. Nothing more. And it was by my…opening my heart to him that he became what he was. But…he knew things that I never learned, because he was something before.” Akio licked his lips nervously. “The darkness that my heart took on because it was lacking. And now that he’s not there…it’s part of the problem.”
There was a short hush between Tori and Master Yen Sid, Tori looking at Master Yen Sid worriedly, Master Yen Sid unreadable but somehow…also concerned.
“Well, you’re doing fine without him. I know that you miss him…but I guess…that’s why it doesn’t stand out so much to you that he’s gone as the other you?” Tori pondered.
“I don’t really—” He put a hand to his heart and looked down. “I don’t know. I guess I…didn’t really…remember him, until you brought him up.”
When Akio looked up, Tori’s face was perplexed by his words…
“I mean, it’s not a huge deal—guess just another gap—” He knew that the two in the room could see though his lies. He was shaking… “Sorry guys, just a bit…distressing is all.” He put a hand to his face and turned his body away from them.”
“Okay! Sparring postponed!” Tori said. “Actually, lessons postponed entirely!”
“I…would agree with Tori. At a time that you are feeling so vulnerable, it would be unwise for you to fight at very least, with the connection between your metaphysical and physical heart being so strong in your case, Akio.”
“I’m fine,” Akio said softly.
“No, you’re not,” Tori said, putting a hand on his arm.
“I said I’m fine!” He whipped around to face her, shoving her back, but stopped himself just short swinging the Keyblade suddenly in his hand before dropping the sword, putting his hands over his face, turning, and rushing off.
He couldn’t lash out like that, it wasn’t okay. Dashing down the stairs in the tower, he didn’t know where his feet were taking him, until he was in his bedroom, white sweater in hand. He didn’t wear it often, but…
He put it on, zipped it up, and put the hood up before rushing out of the room again.
“Akio—” Tori tried to say as he rushed past her.
He didn’t know where he thought he was going, or what difference he thought it would make, but he finally found himself behind the tower by some trees, shaking like a leaf. Finally able to stop himself and gain grounding. Which only left him shaking more.
He squared his shoulders and made himself walk back around the tower, where Tori was waiting outside. Of course, not looking angry, just concerned.
“Akio, please stop,” Tori said, grabbing his sleeve to stop him from walking past her.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t’ve snapped—”
“Akio. I’m not angry with you.”
“You should be.”
“Akio. I’m not. And you don’t get to tell me how I should feel.” She didn’t let go of his sleeve.
He slowly looked up and met her face. He knew there were silent tears slipping from his eyes, but he didn’t…he didn’t understand…
“I don’t know what happened.”
“I just…was upset, and I snapped, and then I ran. I couldn’t stop if I wanted to.”
“Akio,” Tori removed her hand from his sleeve.
He grabbed her arm and pulled her into a tight hug. “I’m so sorry.”
“Hey, hey, all you did was snap because I touched your arm. That’s what happened, honey.” She patted his back. “That’s what happened. I know that’s scary for you, I just didn’t think about it, because it had been okay.”
“I still shouldn’t—”
“You stopped yourself, that’s what matters, okay?”
The tears poured all anew and turned into sobs as he remembered the fear on her face, and the Keyblade she summoned moving up to block the attack.
“What’s wrong with me?”
The words were out of his mouth before he had time to think about it. But in that moment, it meant more than Tori would know. Something had changed. He didn’t like it. What had happened? Was he going to lose control? Would he be vigilant enough not to?
“It’s just a bad day. I brought up something triggering.”
Akio pushed her back gently, shaking his head. “I know that you miss Yami, you should be able to talk about him. You’re mourning—I should be, too.”
Somehow, her face was without tears, without fear. Tori truly was the strongest of all of them.
“That’s true, but—having an emotional reaction in a form you have before doesn’t make you bad.” Tori sighed.
“It doesn’t…” Akio sighed, the tension slowly left Akio’s body, and he put down his hood, taking a deep breath.
“Now then. We’re taking a day off! We’re gonna…we’re gonna…talk astronomy! All day!” Tori decided.
Akio blinked. “That…does sound fun.” He laughed lightly, but then coughed from the gunk in his throat from crying. “And maybe…maybe we should talk…about Yami.”
“If you think you can handle it.”
“I think maybe I need it.”
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drowning-in-daiya · 6 months
Twisted Ties: Chapter 1.5: Off to Japan!
Note: Anything spoken in italics once they've landed in Japan is Italian. Enjoy!
“So, mother has decided I need experience abroad?” The young heir asked from her table. Gia had caught her in the middle of writing an essay for her one of her tutors, though she couldn’t tell for what subject. She looked up from writing. 
         “Yes, that’s right,” she said. 
         “I’m not doubting mother’s decision, but I’m supposed to debut soon, and this is the last year before my inheritance trials. I’ve never been allowed to step foot off the grounds, but now I’m going to Japan? Forgive me for being difficult, I’m just confused on what brought this on,” Vittoria said. 
         You wouldn’t be able to tell, thought Gia. The girl had mastered Contessa’s lessons on hiding any and all emotion to a frightening degree. It was disconcerting to be gazed at with such a blank look, no ripple of her thoughts to be found in her light brown eyes. Regardless of these feelings, she inclined her head respectfully. 
         “Your mother feels she has taught you everything you need to know for leadership and that you have learned well in other aspects. Your magic and flame control are that of an adult, and your weapons skills and hand to hand combat are top notch. However, as you mentioned, you’ve not had much opportunity to see the outside world. She believes some real-world experience would take you to another level,” Gia lied smoothly. 
         “What kind of experience is she supposed to get, exactly?” Gia glanced briefly at the blonde girl sharing the table with Vittoria. She took in the closed books and empty sheets and her laidback appearance as she tipped back in the chair.
          Seems she still hasn’t gained an appreciation for learning, she thought.
         The question stumped her, though. She hadn’t considered further details as she’d assumed the two girls would jump at the chance for freedom and Vittoria’s deference to her mother would compel her not to ask questions. A spark of worry lit up in the back of her mind, but she ignored it for now. Just typical teenage behavior, nothing more, she reasoned. 
         “All sorts. The list is too long to name,” she said. The girls continued looking at her in expectation. Sighing, she threw out whatever popped in her mind. 
         “Well, socialization for one-”
         “She’s a great socializer!” Carina cut in. Vittoria nodded along, looking doubtful of Gia now. 
         “You two only socialize with one another, how would you know?” She couldn’t help the exasperation lacing her words. 
         “I know because we socialize together and I think she’s great at it,” Carina said grinning. Years in the mafia pulled Gia’s face from the scowl itching to cross her face. She took a deep breath.
         “There’s always room to grow. And you can’t base your socialization skills on one person, Carina. When she gets into the real world, she’ll come across those with different opinions and values to hers. There will be conflicts she must resolve, relationships she must nurture well. She has lived in a vacuum so far and has no real idea of what it takes to be around people, much less to lead them.” Gia stopped herself, surprised at the vehemence in her voice. She cleared her throat and continued. 
         “You see, there’s more to socializing than simply talking to one another. And being in another country will give you the opportunity to practice,” she said. 
         “But couldn’t I do that here?” Vittoria asked. Gia’s eyebrow twitched. 
         “You could. But your mother also thought it’d be nice of you to meet a branch family. And your sister is there, too,” she said. For the first time in a long time, she saw Vittoria’s face change. A blush warmed her light brown skin and a small smile appeared. 
         “Aurelia? She’s in Japan?” Surprise flitted through Gia. Maybe I should have led with this information first.
         “Yes, she’s always been. You didn’t know?” She asked. 
         “No. Whenever I asked mother, she said I didn’t need to know. Whoever sent my letters to her wrote the address, and when I got letters back there was no return address,” Vittoria said. She hopped up and started pulling clothes out of her dresser and closet. Carina dropped the chair to the floor and wordlessly left the room. 
         “Carina?” Gia called out. 
         “She’s gone to pack,” Vittoria said. 
         “I see. It’s good you two have such a close relationship. That’s important in guardians. Ah, I don’t mean to presume she will be,” Gia said. She watched Vittoria for any other reactions, but her face had settled back into its neutral set. 
         “She will be,” she said simply. Gia waited to see if she’d add more. The silence stretched between the two. Gia shifted on her feet slightly.
         “Excuse my impudence, princess, but this is what I mean by enhancing your sociability. A leader cannot leave silences between her and others unless it’s intended, perhaps for intimidation. I do not think you meant to intimidate me just then?” 
         Vittoria stopped folding a shirt and looked at Gia. Again with the impossible to read look, she thought. 
         “I didn’t,” she said. 
         “You didn’t, but?” Gia prodded. 
         “But what?” 
         A heavy sigh left Gia. How was this child so different from Vincenza who had studied under Contessa the same way? Perhaps Contessa made a mistake isolating her as much as she did, especially after what happened with Vincenza. 
         “You should explain and elaborate when you speak to others, not speak in simple conversation ending sentences. No one will know what’s going on inside your head if you speak the bare minimum,” she said. 
         “But mother says a leader shouldn’t reveal their inner workings,” Vittoria rebutted. It seems she took the things her mother told her very literally. 
         “That is true, to a degree. But just like everything in life there’s moderation to that rule. You can be more forthcoming with friends and family.”
         “I am with Carina.”
         “I am family too,” Gia said emphatically. 
         “Yes, but I didn’t have anything to add.” Gia started to say something, then closed her mouth. 
         “Okay, princess. I understand. While you’re in Japan I hope you keep in mind what I’ve said. I fear we have not prepared you enough for life outside the castle,” Gia said without thinking. 
         “Are you saying mother failed to educate me well?” Like when Aurelia was mentioned, emotion finally showed on her face as her lips twisted into a frown. Gia’s eyes widened.
         “Of course not, princess! It is just a completely different world out there and it is impossible to prepare you for everything you might face. The few you have had around you all your life do not encapsulate what you will encounter out there. That is all I meant, nothing against the Donna,” she said. 
         Vittoria’s tensed shoulders relaxed as she accepted Gia’s answer. 
         “You’re worrying too much. I’m sure nothing too crazy could happen. People are rational and intelligent animals,” Vittoria said. 
         Gia could tell she’d get nowhere if she continued. She simply said “Yes, princess. I must finish up the preparations for your departure. I wish you safe travels.” With a slight nod, Gia left the room. 
         I hope you’re right, princess. 
         “Excited?” Zelmira asked. Vittoria looked at her mother’s guardian who had a gleam in her dark green eyes. Her dark curls were piled atop her head, and she was dressed as if on vacation instead of her normal uniform. 
         “Yes, a bit. You seem to be very excited,” she replied. 
         “Who wouldn’t be if they got a free vacation? Come on! You can do better than that. You’re finally meeting your sister and you’re in another country. That’s a big step from never leaving the castle all in one day! Oh! The Palladinos have a young one your age and that adopted girl Contessa put onto them. You’ll get you some new friends right off the bat,” Zelmira rambled. 
         “I suppose so.” In truth, Vittoria was very excited and more than a little nervous. But she refused to show that in front of her mother’s guardian for fear she’d report her less than put together reaction. When the plane landed, her heart lodged itself in her throat. She’d expected that at takeoff with the new experience of flying, but instead the nerves decided now to attack. 
         “Can we get off yet?” Carina asked in the seat opposite hers. Her skin, normally a healthy copper, looked green and she was holding her stomach as she slumped in the seat. Zelmira laughed at the sight and clapped her shoulder. The movement jostled her, and she slapped a hand to her mouth covering the “oomph” that came out. If possible, she became greener.
         “There, there. Just a little while more and the plane’ll be parked. I told you to take the nausea medicine,” she said. Carina mumbled what sounded like I didn’t think I’d need it.
         Vittoria turned to the open window and looked out at the tarmac. So far it didn’t look any different from Italy. If not for the hours spent staring out at the lights and squares of life they passed over, she’d believe they were still in her home country. But they weren’t. She was in a completely different place. A place she’d have the freedom to explore at her pleasure. The place her sister was. 
         Her nerves exploded again, and she felt her own stomach twist and become sick. Worry pricked her insistently. What would Aurelia be like? Would she welcome her with open arms? Would there be animosity between them? She didn’t think so. Her letters were always warm and contained what seemed like every waking moment of her life. It had been a while since their last letter, but surely her feelings wouldn’t have changed so quick? 
         She jumped at the stewardess’s voice over the intercom announcing they could now depart. 
         “Will they be waiting for us here?” she asked Zelmira. 
         “I dunno. We told them you were coming, but it’s late and they’ll have school in the morning. Speaking of which, you two better be prepared. Japanese schools are no joke. Little princess should be fine, but Carina…” Zelmira trailed off with a grimace. 
         “I-I won’t embarrass you by failing, princess!” Carina declared loudly before doubling over. “Gimme a moment, I think I need to-” she ran to the bathroom slamming the door behind her. They stared after her, then turned to grab their carry on and headed for the exit. 
         “Mother’s education was thorough enough. I’ll be fine, so do not worry.”
         “Of course, of course. Just giving a heads up. Carina of course will be in your class so don’t forget to give her some support, alright? Her Japanese isn’t the best too so she may have trouble. You should practice a lot with her,” she rambled on. A worried look creased her brows creating wrinkles between them. 
         Zelmira has always had a soft spot for Carina, Vittoria thought. 
         “Of course. A leader must support her guardians lest their faults lead to shortcomings of your own,” she said, repeating a line her mother said often. Zelmira glanced quickly at her from the corner of her eye, her lips quirked up. 
         “Yeah, sure. I was going more for friends don’t let friends fall behind but, eh whatever.” 
         As the two entered the lobby, Carina caught up looking refreshed. It was near empty with mostly just staff milling around waiting for the next flight to arrive. Disappointment welled up in Vittoria unbidden. 
         Don’t be silly. You will see them soon enough. As Zelmira said, it’s late. It was dumb to hope they’d be here to greet you, she told herself. She continued forward after the older guardian. They rounded a corner and were hit with a riot of color. 
         Large signs with her’s and Carina’s name painted on them in a mess of colors beckoned them to a small group of smiling faces. Vittoria vaguely heard Zelmira’s soft chuckle, but she’d zeroed in on one face and the world seemed to melt away. 
         Twins though they were, Aurelia could not look more different from Vittoria. Where her hair was straight and medium brown trailing down her back, Aurelia’s was a mass of curls, dark and springy. Their skin was different tones as well. Vittoria and Vincenza shared the lighter brown of Contessa, but the twin’s father was darker toned, and she had inherited his beautiful deep walnut brown. Similarly to him as well, her eyes were dark. But as they gazed at one another, Vittoria could see mirthful light and joy dancing in them. 
         As if pulled by some force, Vittoria took off running at the same time Aurelia did. They met in a clash of limbs and giggles. She didn’t care for decorum, what a leader should do in the throes of emotion, how unsightly it might seem to indulge in such blatant affection. All she knew was the welcoming warmth of her other half, and it felt like some part she hadn’t realized was missing had slipped perfectly back into place. She didn’t realize she was crying until hands were wiping her face clean. Aurelia tutted and furrowed her brows. 
         “Aww why’re you crying? My sweet baby sister,” she said and nuzzled her head against the other’s. Vittoria hiccupped a sob and pressed her face into her sister’s neck. Bright citrus and lime flooded her nose. The same scents I like to wear, the thought passed vaguely by. Second by second sounds filtered in through her own racing thoughts. She heard chatter around them as the others made their greetings. She stepped away and, keeping her head bowed, wiped the rest of the tears away. An embarrassed flush creeped down her neck, but she schooled her features into her normal cool and collected set. 
         She took in the others in the group quickly. Two older people, the Palladino heads she assumed, stood separate talking quietly to Zelmira. The man was tall and a little soft in the features with a round face and big eyes. His dark, loosely curled hair was neatly styled, and he wore casual clothes. It was obvious he was of mixed ancestry. Vittoria remembered her mother once describing the Palladino as a melting pot of ethnicities and countries, yet they preferred to remain on the little island their founder was raised on to anywhere else. His wife was short and had glowing, dark skin and a halo of tight curls that looked as soft as a cloud. She stood straight and alert, her bright pink eyes constantly roaming. Vittoria found herself mesmerized by their beauty, thinking of a sharp piece of pink garnet. 
         She forced herself to look away and found Carina toe to toe with a smaller girl accompanied by another, frazzled girl. The second of the two was obviously the Palladino’s child, Vivianna; a perfect blend of her father’s wavy hair, a darker complexion, her mother’s pink eyes softened by the roundness of her father’s, and a height similar to her own: not too tall but not short by any means. 
         The girl she had a hold of was no more than 5’0, but she exuded a confidence that made her seem bigger. Her mocking smile was not tempered at all by her wide hazel eyes, the cute skirt and shirt she sported, nor the twin buns some of her light brown hair was pulled into. The rest flowed to her mid back in a thick fall of loose curls and small braids. Despite the late time, a light layer of makeup was obvious, enhancing the best of her features. 
         “Uh-oh,” Aurelia whispered. Expecting a look of worry, Vittoria was surprised to see an amused grin on her face. Aurelia must have seen something in her face, though she was sure she’d kept it the same, because she leaned in close to whisper as if she didn’t want the girls to hear her. Not that it mattered since they were wrapped up in their apparent argument. 
         “Alessia has a rather unique knack for stepping on people’s toes. She’s got a smart mouth and an eagerness for a fight, verbal or physical,” she said. 
         “Alessia,” Vittoria tried the name out. “She’s the orphan mother saved from the corrupt orphanage, right? She should be better behaved for one relying on the charity of others,” she whispered back. Aurelia’s smile faltered. She raised a finger to lightly scratch at her cheek as she considered her words carefully. 
         “That…well, she’s still her own person you know. You can’t expect someone to act as you want just because you think they’re indebted to you,” she said. 
         “Mother says-”
         “Mother probably says a lot of stuff. Doesn’t mean she’s always right,” Aurelia said with a frown. It quickly went away, and she smiled at Vittoria again.
         “You came to learn right? Lesson number one: no one is infallible,” Vittoria tried to speak but Aurelia leaned in close and placed her finger against her lips, “not even mother. I’m sure she taught you a lot, but not everything is as clear cut and perfect as she wants it to be. Humans have free will. Alessia is Alessia. If she changed who she was simply because it’s what’s expected of her, then she’d no longer have her free will. What’s the first line of the Bellincioni creed?” 
         “The Bellincioni will always stand with the people and for the people, protecting their freedoms from those who’d seek to abuse them, even if from the Bellincioni themselves,” Vittoria recited immediately. Aurelia simply raised her brows in answer. 
        She understood where her sister was coming from. It was in line with the family’s oath, established in the past despite their noble status and the threat that could pose to their standing, to support not just members of the family but those under its protection in their freedoms. To tell Alessia or anyone in her position to act a certain way because they were helped was not just an infringement on her freedom of will and a slap to her face, but a breaking of the Bellincioni creed. 
         Shame welled in Vittoria as she realized the full extent of what it meant for her to expect Alessia to act in what she considered a “proper manner” as an orphan and what she’d unconsciously expected from Carina who had also been taken in. She’d never stopped and thought too hard about her mother’s words and what they truly meant in given situations. Maybe it’s just a fluke, though, she thought. Her mother was all she knew for most of her early life. To begin doubting her now, in a foreign land with only one person from her life in Italy by her side…no she couldn’t fathom it. She filed this away for future rumination, perhaps when she became more settled. For now, she needed to defuse the argument between her and Aurelia’s friend.
         How did they even manage to start fighting within seconds of each other, she wondered
         She walked over with Aurelia who maintained her smile and looked between the two. The height difference was comical; even barring Alessia’s much shorter stature, Carina was taller than average. She was bent to be more on level with Alessia, something Vittoria thought was odd since wouldn’t you want to be taller to intimidate the other-
         “You–you–you!” Carina said. 
         “What, cat got your tongue?” Alessia interrupted. 
         “More like a little mouse! I can’t think straight because of you!” 
         “Sure it’s me and not your own dumbassery?”
         Before Vittoria said anything, Aurelia slipped over and wound her arm around both their shoulders. Like this the height difference was even more pronounced, but she pulled the focus to her with her bright smile.  
         “Come on guys~ How could you start fighting as soon as you meet? We’re supposed to be friends, not enemies on sight~” she said.
         “It’s looking impossible there, Aurie,” Alessia said and crossed her arms. 
         “Aww really? Come on Alessi. They just got off a long flight, we had a long day at school. We’re all tired so our tempers will be a little hot right now. How about we try again in the morning and see if there’s a difference, hm?” Both girls visibly relaxed under her arms. After a few seconds they nodded and looked away from one another. 
         Vittoria, taken aback by the affectionate nicknames each had for the other, was shocked at the ease her sister handled the fight. She’d had no plan to start, but Aurelia had quickly jumped into action and, with a few words, brought their anger down. Conflicting emotions flitted through her, but eventually she landed on pride for her sister. It’s a shame her powers are weak. She’d make a good guardian for me in the future, she thought. 
         Looking at the group, Vittoria’s heart swelled again. Rather than uncomfortable nerves choking her, a sense of fullness and warmth made her feel light and brought the tiniest smile to her face. It almost felt like she was coming home rather than coming to a new land. She found herself looking forward to the future. 
Chapter end notes
What started the fight between Alessia and Carina??
While Vittoria was blubbering in Aurelia’s arms, Carina went up to introduce herself to the other girls. Wanting to practice her Japanese, she greeted them with “Long time no see!” instead of "Nice to meet you." Alessia, who’s voice tends to be on the (haughty) teasing side of things, asked her if she had just started learning Japanese. 
Carina, embarrassed, asked “What’s it to you, kid?” and thus began a barrage of insults from one to the other and looked a little something like this:
“Hah, your brain is obviously nothing but cobwebs if you can’t tell I’m not a kid. I’m probably older than you even if you are built like a Brobdingnagian.”
“A what?”
“A giant from Gulliver’s Travels. Ever picked up a book?”
“That’s rude! And I doubt you’re older you little–little shortie! I’m 17. And at least I wouldn’t stoop so low as to make fun of someone’s height. Ah, well, that wasn’t what I meant–”
“It’s good being stupid isn’t a crime. I can feel my brain cells decreasing every time you talk. And I’ll have you know I’m 17 too, not a kid,”
“Really? Why are you so tiny??”
“Do you think before you speak at all or is it just a hamster up there running full speed on its little wheel?”
“Why do you keep calling me stupid in different ways?!”
“Why do you keep calling me short in different ways!?” 
“I don’t mean to-”
“And that’s why you’re an idiot! Only idiots insult people by accident!”
“Not true. And I’m not an idiot, I mean sure I don’t test too well, and Gia said it’s a good thing I won’t need higher education, but that doesn’t mean I’m an idiot-”
“Only an idiot doesn’t know they’re an idiot-”
And so on.
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felicitysdiary · 1 year
Hello old friend
Omg it has been another 2 years. Is it a tradition now that I will come back to Tumblr every 2 years lol hahaha?
Well well, let’s see what happened for the last 2 years. 
Ab.so.lute.ly nothing. Blank. Empty. 
Did I achieve anything? No I didn’t, except for the fact that I finally graduated from my bachelor’s. Wooho (: Nothing more. No skills, no certificates. What was I thinking 2 years ago? What was my resolution? French mastering, can’t even order in French. English C2, fucking liar. My English exacerbates eventually. Working in Uniqlo store makes my English broken. I don’t even think I speak intelligible English now. Whatelse? Oh I’m studying my master now. I was supposed to finish it this August but guess who is delaying it again? Felicy (:
What about working experience? Have I gained any ounce of relevant experience in the field? A nicely rounded zero. I don’t know man. At this point, I’m doubting everything I say and do. I still listen to My Way by Frank Sinatra to remind me that where there is a will, there is a way. But to be truthful to myself and my blog, I think I made the wrong choice in 2017 where I decided to study abroad. Don’t mistaken me my dear diary, studying in the Netherlands is a real eye-opening experience for me. It changes my personality and perspective for better or worse. I still appreciate the opportunity with every breath I take. But seriously, it’s choking my mental health in an unexpected way. I used to think I am a strong and independent girl until I was slapped in the face with the reality. Living in a completely strange country with no network, no friend is sooooo terrible. I realized and admitted that I was too naive to think I can just keep studying and then the opportunity will be handed to me on a gold-plated dish. Haha. How lunatic I am. Will is still correct about me. A coward, procastinating, lazy-ass person. I don’t change at all from the last post. Omg how crazy is that? 
My dear diary, 
I know all the things I need to do that might change my future but I never start changing. Learning and mastering an european language, getting some certificates to show off on linkedin. The number of suicidal thoughts has increased alarmingly for the last 2 years. Sometimes I just want to jump out of the window and be free of worries. But I’m so coward to do so. I know for a fact that all the living will feel sorry for me, especially my mom. I don’t think she holds up any high expectation for me but i think she hopes i could find a job and settle down soon. in the end, all she wants is I can live on my own because she can’t live with me forever. I’m so ashamed of myself that I haven’t called my mom for almost a month now. I’m scared of her being so disappointed that I need to extend my studying. Again. I really don’t want to ask her for more money. I truly want her to be proud and worry-free about me. It’s so difficult. I’m exhausted with my own thought now. it’s like i’m in mud. the more wiggle, the more trapped I am. 
I don’t know if I’m still alive the next time I come back. I hope this is not my last wills. 
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