#I’ve never seen any of the child’s play movies
padawanton · 2 years
I hate hate hate algorithm based social media feeds (i.e. twt, inst) but youtube will put the wildest shit on my recommended page and I’m just like, Yeah I’ll click on that
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shitpostingkats · 10 months
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An Asexual's love letter to Good Omens 2
There's an infamous quote by Neil Gaiman going around, regarding the general vibe of season 2, and many people (I believe humorously) yelling that it could not be further from the truth. Particularly in the last episode, where that happens.
I disagree.
The final episode of season 2 was deeply, deeply comforting to me. 
I am asexual. Have been my whole life. Even before I had the words to describe what that was, child-me had this feeling in their gut of being an outlier, that everyone was exaggerating, or in on some joke, that I wasn’t privy to. Because I was bombarded on all sides by shows and movies and books, telling the same story of love, again, and again, and AGAIN. It’s drilled into our brains with the same fervor as the days of the week, or the quadratic formula. Meet-cute -> misunderstanding ->declaration of feelings ->kiss. More or less steps can be added to account for runtime or complexity of narrative, but that’s the basic structure that a relationship follows. It MUST be, because that’s the formula every character who's ever been in a story goes through, often times when it even feels like an add-on, like it’s only there because this is a story, there HAS to be a romance. And it has to follow the steps.
For a long time, I felt love wasn’t for me, because if there’s only one way to be in love, I sure as hell wasn’t feeling it. 
Instead, the relationship I ended up in looked a lot like what Beezlebub and Gabriel go through. Meeting someone routinely until it starts to feel comfortable. Getting to know them and slowly growing more attached. Eating chips and listening to music.
We like to joke whenever someone asks us how long we’ve been together, because the answer is we just sort of slowly fell into it, and we honestly don’t know when the line got blurred between ‘friends’ and ‘partners’. And, at least for me, a good deal of that confusion, that hesitancy to label, came from the fact that what I was feeling, what we were, couldn’t be love. It couldn’t be romantic. 
We were just quiet and gentle.
And that wasn’t love.
Because it was slow, because it wasn’t physical, because there was no structure aside from consistency and companionship. Because it didn’t follow the Rules.
Then I found myself in stories, and it felt like a revelation.
Beelzebub and Gabriel aren’t the first time I’ve seen a love like I feel represented in a narrative, but it never stops feeling special. And I don’t know if I’ll ever stop celebrating it.
Throughout the sequence in the pub, I kept expecting them to “confirm” Gabriel and Beelzebub. A dramatic line, a kiss, a whatever. That’s what I’ve been taught to expect, after all, that’s the only way a relationship is “real”. Of course, this doesn't mean Crowley and Aziraphale sharing a dramatic kiss is wrong, or that I can’t see why it resonated with so many people, but for me. Those moments in the pub are worth so much more.The last scene might have been literally showstopping, but those handful of moments between the duke of hell and an archangel were the beating heart of the season for me. A simple love story in four scenes. No kisses. No ‘I love you’s. Not even any definition of what. The love Gabriel and Beelzebub have is strong enough for them to both want to shatter their worlds and flee their lives and it's just. 
It's just that. 
Two people in a pub, playing the other's favorite song, giving a little gift, buying a packet of crisps. 
That sequence means far more to me than any kiss ever could.
Love isn’t only real when it's hot and sudden and ephemeral, it can also be
And gentle.
And still romantic.
Still real.
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bartxnhood · 1 year
all the stars | atwow
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| sully!family x fem!sully!reader
summary: based on this request.
warnings: reading feeling insecure, crying, jake and neytiri being the best parents to you
word bank: skxawng- idiot. ite- daughter. sa’nok - mother. itetsyip - little daughter(endearing). mawey - calm.
a/n: hi my lovies !! this is my first ever avatar piece so i’m so very sorry if it isn’t entirely accurate. i also haven’t seen twow yet (but i’ve basically had the entire movie spoiled so😭) so, im always open for criticism and feedback. also this didn’t go in the direction i wanted it to but i still hope you all enjoy this one <3
not proofread
requests open
Copyright © 2023 bartxnhood. All rights reserved. This original work is not allowed to be reposted on any platform in any format.
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growing up as a sully had its hardships. you were different from the other na’vi people because of who your father was. they saw you differently, you had an extra finger, and you were slightly shorter than your siblings and the people in your village.
but, it never stopped your family from loving you unconditionally. jake was your number one supporter, as his firstborn daughter he was highly protective of you but he gave you the freedom you deserved because he knew you could handle yourself and he always kept an eye out for you.
neytiri, your mother was strong, brave, and capable of anything she had to do. you took a lot after her, you were skilled when it came to hunting. she taught you everything you knew. she was so proud to be your mother, to have you as her daughter. you were the most beautiful thing she had done.
you were very close with your siblings. growing up, you were still young with lo’ak was born but with kiri and tuk you would always play with them, you were the big sister everyone dreamed of.
with neteyam, it was different. sure, he may be older but you were always a helping hand if he needed you. or, if he was having a hard time he always came to you. he took care of you as an older brother should, but sometimes he just needs a shoulder to lean on.
“y/n!” tuk cheered as you walked back to your home, you had gone out with kiri for a while to enjoy nature and help your sister find some items for her jewelry making. “tuk-tuk!” you beamed as she ran into your arms. “i made you something!” she handed you a piece of jewelry she had made, “oh my, ewya, this is gorgeous!” you grinned, “thank you” she watched as you put the piece on and she giggled. “so pretty!” tuk left your embrace, leading you back home where you were met with the rest of your family.
on one occasion, lo’ak, neteyam, and your father went out to hunt for a while but when they returned you knew the atmosphere was dull. mostly coming from lo’ak, you felt his sadness. “did he yell at you again?” you pulled lo’ak to the side he nodded, hanging his head low. “i’ll talk with him, okay?” you smiled, bringing your younger brother into a hug. “stay out of trouble, skxawng” the both of you laughed.
you were the daughter and sister they adored.
though, when you arrived at the metkayina clan things shifted. you weren’t as happy as you used to be, and it was hard adjusting to the different lifestyle. it didn’t help how the people saw you as a demon, often making comments on your appearance.
of course, you changed. you were slowly beginning to hate yourself.
“ma ite” your ears perked up, whipping your head around to find your mother who was approaching. “sa’nok” you answered, looking down at the sand. “what is wrong my child?” she questioned, coming by your side. it was late into the night, you weren’t able to sleep. you were tired of being alone with your mind so, you decided to get up and sit for a while in attempts to clear your head.
your family had moved to the oceanside in hopes of refuge. unlike the others, you felt alone. compared to the forest this was all so different, you missed playing in the trees, laying in the lush forest grass with your siblings. getting used to the sand and water was different, but oh was it beautiful.
the others noticed how you were different they’d poke fun at your height, your hands, your fingers, and your hair. it hurt, you’d stay up every night wondering if you were the problem.
were you that much of a disappointment to your family?
you shrugged, turning and facing the sea. “i don’t know, mother” you lied, fidgeting with your fingers. “just could not sleep” you felt her hand rest on your shoulder, of course, you knew that she knew something was wrong. it was your mother, she knew everything. “something is troubling you” you nodded, pursing your lips. “what is it, my child?” tears welled in your eyes, ears flattened as you looked at your lap. “i’m alien. everyone hates me.”
neytiri felt her heartbreak, seeing you like this and thinking people could hate you. how could anyone hate her special girl? she pulled you close to her, resting her head on yours as you quietly sobbed into her chest “oh..itetsyip” she cooed, brushing your hair behind your ear.
“what’s going on?” jake emerges from the hut after hearing a bit of commotion. you both raised your head turning back to find your father. his eyes scanned you, and seeing your puffy eyes he went into full dad mode. then, he looked at neytiri and they held eye contact for a moment.
you weren’t okay.
“what’s wrong, babygirl?” he asked, coming to your side. you felt a lump in your throat when he asked, all this time you had been bottling it up and now, you were about to explode. “i’m so tired” you cried, falling into his arms. jake held you tightly, neytiri rubbing your back gently, “shhh, mawey mawey.” your mother hushed your cries.
“i’m sorry if i’m a disappointment, father. i’m trying my hardest” you cried into his arms. you weren’t able to take the pain much longer. you began to hate yourself. “look at me.” he pulled you from his embrace, holding your face. “you are not a disappointment. i don’t want you to ever say that about yourself again, okay?”
as a father, you’d never want to hear your children say they were a disappointment. you were the greatest thing jake ever did. “yes sir” you nodded, wiping away your tears. “my daughter.” neytiri grabbed your attention, wiping away your tears. “ewya blessed me with the honor of being your mother.” she smiled sadly, “more than all of the stars in the sky, you are so loved. ma y/n” she pressed a kiss on the top of your head.
“let us go to bed now, it is late.” she stood up, reaching for your hands and jake followed suit.
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fairybinie · 2 years
attention // c.sb
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wc: 806    genre: fluff, suggestive    warnings: kisses, pet names, potential bad writing
taglist: @iyeonjuni @odxrilove @iuwon @ijhyo @cherr-y-eji @ameliesaysshoo @enhacolor @misscalcutta @cherrybeomgyu @wccycc @hyukabean @strawberri-uyu @hyuntaena @feyregels @boba-beom @loverhyunn @ericyjun @tyungun @ashxxkook @bibinnieposts @laylasbunbunny @shiguresohmas @notdrunkbutdazed @stepout-09-15 @ox1-lovesick @soobsdior @ifwtyun @peachy-yabbay
a/n: my first attempt at writing something barely spicy also this is the least i’ve written 😭 anyways clingy soobin on the brain!
you and soobin had your legs sprawled out your sofa as you fixed your eyes attentively on the movie playing in front of you. just a casual friday night where you didn't want to do much. after a hectic week, the two of you agreed to become lazy bugs for the day. 
this is your second movie of the night and soobin has lost his attention span. you, on the other hand, couldn’t be more focused as it’s a movie you’ve never seen before. soobin has progressively gotten more tired, the late hour not helping at all. 
not to mention the fact that you’ve been stroking his hair for the past ten minutes. it drove him insane, the way your fingers loosely touched his golden locks like it was natural for you. your eyes stare right ahead at the screen as your hands do their own thing. soobin feels himself give into your touch, each time your fingers combed through his hair made his eyes flutter softly as he could give into his sleep any moment now. 
or his neediness. 
soobin becomes small in your embrace as he lays his head on the crook of your neck. you adjust your touch so that you’re stroking the ends of his hair, twirling the ends on his nape. the more you play with his hair, the more he just wants you. you allow him to rest there as you remain focused on the movie. soobin hates that he has to fight for your attention, so he can only do what he does best. 
he begins to place his lips onto your neck that he was once laying on, starting off rapidly, like butterflies. you notice the affection and wriggle in your place, almost shaking him off as you groan quietly with a small smile on your face. you do your best to ignore your boyfriend and remain looking at the screen. 
soobin doesn’t give up easily. he laughs softly, sending a warm breath to your neck which gives you goosebumps. it almost worked. soobin notices you quiver and decides to egg you on, making it more passionate. he goes back in, this time kissing you more slowly so each kiss could linger like a thread. a few moans escape from his mouth as he nips at your neck every other kiss, feeling his teeth leaving some red and purple marks. you roll your eyes to the back of your head, feeling pleasure from his affection despite not wanting to. 
“soobin,” you whine in annoyance. you try to escape, though his hand around your stomach makes it exceedingly difficult. “watch the movie.” 
the boy hums as he lays his eyes onto the tv screen with a pout resting on his lips. the moment doesn’t last too long as you feel him up on your neck yet again, this time taking his movement to your jaw, to which you can’t help but move your head up high to the contact. 
“bin,” you feel like a mother with her clingy child, only that the clingy child was your boyfriend.
“how can you expect me to focus on the movie if you’re playing with my hair like that?” he questions and you feel each set of words hit you with his hot air. 
“i want attention too,” the boy complains as he plays with the hem of your sweater. his hand eventually sneaks its way under your sweatshirt as his finger strokes your stomach. 
you swallow the urge to respond with his advances and soobin continues to enter your space. “the movie is almost over bub, i’ll give you attention once it is okay?” 
soobin compromises and stops momentarily, hoping that the movie does end soon. the universe seems to be on his side as he watches the main lead say their last words and the end credits hit the screen. he smirks to himself as he secures his hands around you as he pins you down on the couch, your eyes meeting each other’s for the first time in a while. 
“movie’s over.” 
soobin’s lips crash into yours, each movement becomes a slow rhythm. you give into the moment, bringing your hands to intertwine with his hair as you lightly pull on it, hearing some gasps in between your lips. soobin’s tongue asks for an entrance against your teeth and you accept, though it doesn’t last long before you speak and break the contact, barely with any air. 
“that sweater looks good on you,” you refer to the grey knit sweater he’s wearing, complimenting his blonde hair and giving him a cozy look. soobin smiles as he kisses you again, first on your lips then down to your neck again, moving up to your earlobe and you hear him whisper an offer with that husky voice of his. 
“how about off?” 
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bless-my-demons · 10 months
Redamancy: Chapter Eleven
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Series Summary: What happens when your soulmate is a vampire that struggles to maintain a diet of trying not to kill you? Common sense says run for the hills, nothing is worth your life - but my heart is whispering why not, what’s there to lose?
Warnings: Cannon typical violence
Notes: A few days late, so thank you for waiting! I had a rough weekend, but I couldn’t not put something out for you wonderful people that have shown me so much love for this story.
Word Count: 1491
Series Masterlist
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• March 16th, 2005 • Bella’s Ballet Studio •
I swear, Isabella Swan sure knows how to talk me into some seriously stupid plans. Okay, so maybe she didn’t really talk me into joining her, but I couldn’t exactly let her go face a bloodthirsty vampire on her own. Two humans against one vampire, not much by the way of odds considering we have no means for being any kind of physical challenge.
We managed to slip past Alice and Jasper while they were in the lobby checking out. After getting a phone call from Edward that the nomads figured out the rouse, both he and Jasper decided to get us far away… whatever that means long-term.
“So… you got a plan?” I ask her once we exit the taxi.
Jasper is going to murder me for managing to run away from him undetected and throwing myself head first into danger.
“I hadn’t really thought that far, he’s got my mom Y/n.” She pauses a few seconds before turning to enter the ballet studio she attended as a kid and I follow.
It’s silent in the building until we enter the main studio room lined with mirrors.
“Bella! Bella? Bella-where are you?” I hear her mom call out.
“Mom?” Bella begins running in the direction of her voice with me hot on her heels, “Mom?” She asks again as she whips open the doors to a closet in the back of the room.
Only it’s empty. Except for a tv. Playing an old home-movie of Bella as a child.
“That’s my favorite part,” the nomad James taunts Bella as he stalks toward us, “You were a stubborn child, weren’t you?”
Renee isn’t here, never was.
Terror, absolute terror shocks through me. It’s a trap and we walked straight into it without even questioning it. Jasper and Alice don’t even know where we are, I can only hope they’ve even figured out we’re gone by now.
I turn to run to the doors we just entered through, if I could just get outside and call-
But James is there in a flash, hand fisted around my throat. “Leaving so soon? The party hasn’t started yet.” He throws me against a wall as he stalks forward to Isabella, “Have a seat, you won’t want to miss this.”
I continue to flash in and out of consciousness as he plays with the both of us, taunting Edward and Jasper in his twisted video. Breaking Bella’s leg, a blow to my side to keep me from running again, the pain was all-encompassing.
And my only thought was, I hope they find us in time.
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“Darlin’, can you open your eyes for me?” Frantic words and cold fingers ghost over my skin.
I manage to crack one blurry eye open, “Jasper?” I croak out slightly confused. How long have I been out? Am I still in the studio?
“Carlisle!” Is the Jasper Hale panicking? I crack a smile on my busted lips and it earns me a line of questioning.
“What’s so funny, doll? Hmm?” Chilly hands continue to inspect my broken body, I can see his wide eyes flicking over my injuries. Not hunger - no, concern.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you panic, Hale.” I say calmly, at odds with the chaos stirring around us.
“Well, I’ve never seen you… like this. Because of me.” He won’t meet my gaze.
“Not because of you,” cough “I made the decision to tag along with Bella,” I paused to let out a particularly rough cough, “we thought he had,” another cough “her mom, we had to do something.”
“Carlisle, I need you!” He’s definitely panicking now, the tone in his voice getting harder the more labored my breathing.
“What’s-” but his dad stops mid-question as he slides up to the side not occupied by his son, his gaze accessing. “Talk to me Y/n, what hurts?”
“Uh, everything?” The stern look I receive from both men has me reconsidering. “Chest - feels like someone is sitting on it. Head definitely got smacked around and my arm-“ I try to lift it show Carlisle.
“Sprained at the wrist, but not broken. Ribs probably broken, maybe a punctured lung, definitely a concussion.” Jasper lets out a breath at his dad’s assessment like he’s been punched and I roll my head in his direction.
Carlisle turns to his son, “Help Emmett take care of James, I’ve got her.” He doesn’t offer him a comforting touch, as if Jasper’s distressed state were a palpable and volatile thing.
Jasper gives him a hard look for a few beats before nodding. Not sparing me a glance, he disappeared from my limited view before I could blink.
“I’m taking both you and Bella to the hospital, I don’t have the supplies to treat either one of you. I don’t have anything to even give you a needle decompression, like I suspect you need and soon.” Carlisle briefs me as he finishes up his assessment of my broken body.
“Don’t call my mom, please-“
“Y/n, she deserves to know you’re injured.” He replies softly. “And it’ll be impossible to avoid explaining your injuries when you return home.”
My open eye blinks slowly, trying to think of a plan that doesn’t involve freaking my mother out.
“Y/n?” Carlisle pats my cheek lightly to gain my attention, but I can’t hear him anymore. Muffled shouting and I’m lifted in a pair of arms that are semi-familiar. I groan in pain and I’m shushed gently before everything fades to black.
At least the darkness takes away the pain.
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• March 18th, 2005 • Hospital - Phoenix, Arizona•
Beep, beep, beep… The heart monitor grating on every exposed nerve in my chest. As someone not completely accustomed to an animal-only vampire diet, hospitals are a massive no-go, but I didn’t really have a choice. Not when it comes to her.
So I swallow the white-hot hunger and try to let the incessant beeping lull me into a meditative state. She’ll be okay, that’s what her doctor and my father told me.
Four broken ribs, a punctured lung, a sprained wrist, a fractured orbital bone, and a mild concussion. My hands tighten painfully to ground me in the moment, James is dead - hell, he’s ash now. He hurt her and now he no longer terrorizes my girl which is good enough for me, has to be.
I know he filmed it, Edward watched it, but I can’t bring myself to. After sensing his rage, I know I would absolutely combust from anger, to see his hands on her… I can’t. I can hardly stand to sit here across the room and see her face bruised and swollen, body covered with tubes and wires.
A sharp intake of breath pulls me from the dark recesses of my mind. I want to stand and walk to her, but I don’t quite have a grip on my control yet. Anger, hunger, or this terrified feeling lodged in my throat.
“Jaz?” She croaks out, not seeing me due to her eye injury obstructing her view.
“I’m here.” I assure her, the quiet rumble of my voice having a noticeable relaxing effect on her tired body.
“Why are you-” a pause, “Oh god-I’m in a hospital-” I immediately flash to her side as her heartbeat picks up and worry begins to flood the room.
“Shh sweetheart, you’re alright.” Smoothing the hair on her forehead and her emotions at the same time.
“No-you,” she chokes out, “you-you’re here and-and-”
“I’m fine. I’m not letting you out of my sight.” I tell her resolutely, my fingers still caressing her beautiful face.
“If it hurts too much, if you aren’t ready to be in a place like this, I’ll understand. Your eyes…” her fingers trace lightly over the tops of my cheeks and I hold perfectly still. My eyes must be pitch black by now, but there are more important matters - like her in this hospital bed.
I give her a wan smile, “Darlin’, I’m exactly where I need to be.”
A blush rises to her cheeks at my words and it eases the restriction in my chest a fraction.
Her smile cracks, “My mom?”
“Downstairs.” Her face blanches completely, “I called her, she’s not mad-“
But her mother opens the door to her room slowly, trying to preserve the quiet.
“Mom?” Y/n asks tenderly, I stand to give them space as she rushes to her daughter’s bedside.
“I’m going to go find my father.” I tell them, giving Y/n one more lingering look before disappearing silently out of the door, save for the click of the latch.
“He’s been here the whole time,” her mom starts explaining, “I haven’t been able to get him to leave your side to even eat anything…” I stop paying attention as I walk down the corridor to give them privacy.
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thetriplets3 · 10 months
hii hru?? can you do “lingering looks, they should have turned away seconds ago” from the prompt list with matt?? thank uu
started with this idea, got carried away and I have no idea if what I wrote makes any sense but enjoy and thank you for your request I loved writing this
⁵⁵⁵ change ⁵⁵⁵
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Matt and I are best friends, always have been, probably always will be but he’ll never see me as anything more. I was always closer to Matt than his brothers. He was the first person I’d go to if I needed anything. Sick, upset, happy, hurt, excited, you name it Matt was first to know.
Matt has this ability to make anyone feel safe, welcomed and loved. He has such a warm gentle soul and his presence is always a comfort to me. We’re both very affectionate people, hugs, cuddling, linking arms in crowded spaces, or pats on the back in passing. I haven’t seen Matt and his brothers in about 8 months, other than FaceTime calls since I moved away for school. The semester has come to an end which means I’m back home for the summer.
Wanting to see all my friends, the boys invited me to stay at their home in LA for a few weeks. Arriving to their house I take everything around me in, almost inspecting the place. They moved here about 3 months ago but since I was away at school I haven’t been here yet. My inspection is quickly interrupted by Chris swinging the front door open and squealing my name out, before tackling me in a tight, much needed hug.
“Missed you kid” he says, ruffling my hair as I’m bending down to take my shoes off.
“You’re literally the child here, kid” I joke.
Settling all my stuff into Nick’s room, he and I head to the living room to watch a movie. I’ve made myself comfortable in the corner seat of the couch curled in a ball on my side, resisting the urge to fall asleep.
Hearing what sounded like something falling, my eyes curiously drift in the direction of the noise, stopping briefly on Nick whose clearly used to this type of thing before looking up only to be met with Matt regaining his balance. I smile, taking in his presence and energy. Our eyes meet and it feels like time has stood still. We’ve FaceTimed a bunch over the last 8 months so it’s not like I haven’t seen them at all but seeing him in person after all this time feels different. A good different.
Seeing how much he’s changed makes my heart do backflips. I was worried when I moved away that the boys and I would grow apart but they made sure to let me know it’s gonna take a lot more than me moving to lose them. They look happier, there’s a glow to them. You can tell that they’re at a good place in their life just by looking at them. Matt had this air of confidence around him that he didn’t have when I left. He seems more comfortable with himself and happy, which makes me happy. His style has definitely changed and improved since I saw him last. I’ve always loved his style and now he radiates confidence. My love for him grows seeing him in person after so long. The change of moving from where I grew up with all my friends and family around me to living alone half way across the country scared me to death. But now that I’m standing here in front of him, change doesn’t seem so scary.
“Hi sorry to interrupt this little love reunion going on but there’s a movie playing and this vibe going across the room is interfering with that so do something other than stand there please” Nick exasperates.
To appease him we breaks eye contact and Matt makes his way to me, sitting next to me. Opening his arms, inviting me in for a hug I scoot over with my blanket wrapped around me and melt into his hold. Like 2 pieces of a puzzle. Shifting to bring my knees to my chest, I rest my head on his shoulder awkwardly, not being able to fully reach it.
Sensing my discomfort he gently grabs hold of my legs pulling them to lay atop of his lap. Our eyes flicker to each other with a soft smile. Taking his hint to get comfier I rest my head between his shoulder and neck, wrapping my right arm across his body and letting the other lay in my lap. His left hand lies over my knees and the other securely around my back, his thumb mindlessly rubbing my arm.
My eyes shut for a moment taking this feeling in. This feels different than every other time we’ve cuddled. Usually it’s just a head against a shoulder, head on the chest but this feels like it’s beyond those boundaries. He’s holding me to him like he doesn’t want me to leave, the hands on my leg feels intimate, it’s like he’s trying to tell himself I’m actually here and he’s not imagining it. I’m not complaining. I’ve spent the last 8 months just dying to be back with my people, my safe place.
A tear slips from my eyes. My hand grabs a hold of his shirt, balling it in my fist. Feeling a hitch in my breathing he tightens his hold on me letting me know he’s here. He places a soft kiss on the top of my head.
“I’m here sweet girl, I’m not leaving” he whispers.
Wanting to see his face I shift my head slightly resting my cheek on his shoulder softly smiling up at him. I’ve always admired his perfect bone structure and his stubble makes him look much more mature. My favorite color lies in his eyes. My cheeks tinted pinks, watery eyes, and soft pout on my face causes a small laugh to escape his mouth.
“You’re so beautiful. You seem happier than when you moved, it suits you” his eyes scan over my face landing on my eyes “I missed you life’s not the same without you here” he continues looking at me, taking in every detail, wanting to remember this new version of me. “I love you” he says with a slight chuckle to ease the tension he might have created.
“That’s the first thing I thought when I saw you, you seem more confident and happy, still clumsy but you look at peace with where you are. All I could think about for 8 months was coming back and being here with you. The camera doesn’t do you justice” I say. The words I’ve been wanting to say for so long dance on my tongue, nervous to show themselves. “I love you”. Finally.
Hearing that makes him smile, making me smile. I can’t not smile when he does it’s irresistible. Placing a sweet kiss to my forehead, I nuzzle my head back into the crook of his neck as he holds me closer.
“I wasn’t aware I picked a romance movie, gross” Nick says with disgust and sarcasm dripping from his voice.
Change isn’t always a bad thing, it leads you to exactly what you need in life at the right time.
taglist: @antisocialties @iluvmatt @dwntwn-strnlo @fake-coolbeans @opheliaofficial07 @angelcake-222 @oneirophobic @strniolo
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footprintsinthesxnd · 2 years
Promise Me
Pairings: Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x female reader
Warnings: failed relationship, miscarriage, angst, alcohol abuse, car accident
I’ve written this for @callsign-phoenix Sophie’s 1k follower challenge using the prompt ‘Hangman’s Hangover’.
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“How many of those has he had,” Phoenix asked, aiming her pool cue towards Hangman. He was sitting at the bar surrounded by empty glasses, and his hair was a mess, not in its usual neatly gelled state. He had dark shadows under his blue eye and the gray tracksuit wasn’t doing him any favors.
“I have no clue but I have a feeling one of us is going to have to carry him home,” Coyote grunted, taking the cue from Phoenix.
“I’m not even sure what he’s drinking now. He started with whiskey but since then he’s had vodka and god knows what.” Bob chimed in, popping another peanut into his mouth as he watched his friends play.
“This has really done a number on him,” Coyote mumbled.
“They lost a child, Coyote. They are both hurting and I don’t blame them. Do you remember how excited he was when she was pregnant?” They all thought back to that day when Jake came running into the Hangman, the biggest grin on his face and waving a small piece of paper. It was the sonogram and he’d carried it in his flight suit ever since.
“Yeah but they didn’t need to break up over it.” Coyote grumbled, he never understood that if they loved each other and needed each other so much why they broke up.
Phoenix sighed, “They're just processing their grief differently and it's hard on both of them. She is just as broken up about this as he is.” Phoenix glared at her fellow aviator displeased.
“I know it's not her fault. I didn’t mean I like that. I can’t even begin to imagine what they’re going through,” he sighed. “I just hate seeing him like this.”
“We all do Javy,” Phoenix explained, “I just know that both of our friends are hurting and they need us.” She set the cue down on the pool table, abandoning the game. “I think I’m gonna call it a night. I’m gonna check in with her on my way home.”
Bob and Coyote waved her goodbye and watched as she placed a gentle hand on Jake’s back before leaving.
“You’re up Bob,” Coyote said, leaning across the table smirking as he took another shot.
“What!” Bob's expression resembled a deer in the headlights, a few peanuts escaping from the cup and rolling down his uniform.
“Well I spent all of last week helping him home and he was sick in my car. Do you know how long it took me to get the smell out?”
Bob's face crumpled a little and he wrinkled his nose at the thought of Jake vomiting in his car. He’d never really liked Jake, he had been a dick to him ever since their first meeting before the uranium mission and he always managed to find a way to pick on him. But looking at his fallen comrade now, Bob couldn’t have felt more sympathetic, he loved you both dearly and he felt your pain.
Having been as thick as thieves since your Top Gun training, you had started dating shortly after. You were the kind of couple that everyone wanted to be, so in sync with each other, you knew what the other would do before they had even thought of it. It was the kind of love Bob had always wanted, the kind of love from movies that he’d seen as a kid. He was convinced that you would get married after the uranium mission especially once you’d found out you were pregnant. Jake had been ecstatic and had even promised to make Bob the baby’s Godfather. He smiled at the thought of that day, everyone had been celebrating at the Hard Deck, even Mav was there raising a toast to the newest member of the Dagger Squad.
Bob’s face fell as he thought back to the fateful nights two weeks ago. It had been carnage. The couple had been in a car accident on the way back from a party and Maverick and Penny’s house. A drunk driver came out of nowhere and rammed them clean off the road. Jake came away mostly unscathed but you had taken a direct hit from the car on your side and was left with a broken collarbone and multiple broken ribs. The baby hadn’t survived and when you had both needed each other most you just couldn’t stand to see each other so hurt. After fighting like mad, eventually the doctors advised that Jake stopped coming to visit. That was the last time Jake had seen you and since that day spent most of the time at the bar drowning his sorrow.
Bob sighed, placing his empty cup of peanuts down and headed towards where Jake was sitting.
“Hey Bagman, mind if I sit here?” He gestured to the bar stall next to him. Jake mumbled something and Bob took that as an invitation to sit down. “What you got there.” Bob pointed towards his single glass that was no longer surrounded by others. Penny must have tidied up, Bob thought to himself.
“I don’t know,” Jake replied, expressionlessly.
“What do you mean you don’t know,” Bob asked worriedly. How much had he drunk?
“Well, Penny wanted to clean up the glasses so I poured it all into one.” He slurred, waving his hand over the glass. “I got whiskey and vodka. I think there’s some beer in there too and I had tequila. Oh, and I had a gin and tonic earlier too.”
“Shit Jake, what’s that a recipe for a ‘Hangman hangover?”
The other pilot snorted and downed the rest of the glass, pulling a face at the foul taste. He stood up from the bar stool, wobbling slightly and Bob grabbed his arm to support him. “Come on, Jake. Let’s get you home ok.”
“No Bobby, I don’t want to go home.” His lip began quivering as Bob carefully guided him out to his car and got him seated in the front seat. “Please don’t leave me, Bobby. I don’t want to be alone. Please don’t leave me.” He started sobbing into the sleeve of Bob’s jacket and Bob pulled him close. Jake gripped onto him like he was a life raft in the middle of the ocean and he didn’t want to let go. Bob could feel all the tension leaving Jake’s body as he cried, burying his head into the crook of Bob’s neck. The two men embraced like this for a while, neither wanting to let go too soon. When Jake eventually pulled away, he looked up at his fellow aviator with teary eyes. “Please can I come home with you, Bob? I promise not to be a dick to you and I'll try my best not to be sick in your car.” He hiccuped and for a moment Bob thought he looked like a child pleading with his parents, he looked so innocent.
“Sure thing Bud,” was all Bob could muster, helping Hangman swing his leg into the car and doing up his seat belt, before going round to the driver's side.
The drive home was quiet, Bob kept watching as Jake became more and more green but kept promising he wouldn’t be sick. When they reached Bob’s apartment, Jake was straight out of the car and vomited on the pavement outside his house. “I’m so sorry Bob,” he almost cried, continuing to wretch even though his stomach was empty.
“It’s fine Jake. Don’t worry.” Bob helped the other man up the drive and through the front door, aiming him straight for the bedroom. Jake collapsed onto Bob’s bed with a sigh while he went to retrieve a towel and bucket. When Bob returned Jake was asleep and he had to try and roll the larger man onto his side next to the bucket. He pulled off Jake’s shoes and his jeans, leaving him in his T-shirt and boxers. He looked so peaceful when he slept, Bob thought. He retreated to the door and was about to go out when Jake stirred. “Bob, will you stay with me for a while?” He called out softly. Bob stood in the doorway debating his options before agreeing and sitting beside Jake on the bed. Jake rolled over so that he had his head resting on Bob's leg. Bob tensed slightly unsure of what to do so he just sat with his arms crossed, listening as Jake talked.
“I’m so lost without her Bobby. She was my everything and we were so happy. I…” He sniffled and wiped his nose with his hand. “I don’t know what to do without her. I was a dickhead and I don’t know why. Everything just hurt so bad and I ended up losing both of them.” A steady stream of tears began following down his cheeks. Bob placed a gentle hand on the man’s shoulder, comfortingly. “I don’t know what to do.” Jake continued to talk quietly and Bob listened.
“Bob, can I get you to promise me something?” He looked up at him, the hurt evident in his eyes.
“Sure thing, Jake.”
“Promise me that if you ever love someone as much as I love her, promise me you’ll never let her go. Promise me, Bob.” More tears began to fall from Jake’s eyes and he lay his head back on Bob’s leg.
“I promise, Bagman.”
The two men continued to sit in silence until he could hear soft snores leaving Jake's mouth. He wriggled out from under his fellow pilot and made his way out of the room quietly. Pulling his phone out of his pocket, he called phoenix.
“Hey Bob,” she whispered when she answered.
“Hey Nat, I’m sorry I know it's late,” he began.
“No, it's fine. Don’t worry. She’s only just gone to sleep.” He could hear Phoenix shuffling around at the other end of the phone before her voice became louder.
“She’s a mess, Bob.”
“Bob sighed, “ Yeah, so is Jake. I’ve got him at my place and all he’s done is cry since we left the bar. I don’t know what to do?”
“We need to do something. I can't keep watching them go through this.” Phoenix sighed. “I think we need to get them to see each other again. To talk through everything.”
Bob agreed quietly, trying to think of a way they could get their two friends back together.
“How about you come by my place with Bagman tomorrow afternoon? I'll get her to come over and we can see if they’ll talk to each other.”
“That’s a good plan, Nat. Thanks.”
“No worries, Bobby. It’s a date.” She laughed at Bob tripping over his words on the other. “I’m joking, Bob. I'll see you tomorrow.”
“Yeah,” Bob laughed awkwardly. “See you tomorrow, Nat.” The two pilots hung up the phone and Bob sat on the sofa. Maybe they could get Jake and you to work through this, after all, they had the kind of love from a movie.
Tag list: @callsign-phoenix @imjess-themess @blue-aconite @averyhotchner @mayhem24-7forever @green-socks @a-reader-and-a-writer @topguncortez @luckyladycreator2 @ssprayberrythings @smoothdogsgirl @xoxabs88xox @maggiescarborough @callsignmaverick5 @alexxavicry @abaker74 @elenavampire21
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Chucky tumblr…
Can we STOP making the BOLDEST CLAIMS KNOWN TO MAN. Listen I’ve been in some fucked up fandoms. Steven Universe, Undertale, Warrior Cats, the MCU… but oh my god I’ve never seen a fandom so like… wish washy. Like one post will be an entirely different brand of WILD than another. Like… The TiffNica DNI’ers! I understand NOT liking the ship, it’s a Hostage situation, not killing stalking. Yknow? But making claims that’s whoever ships it has a fetish for torturing women and that they’re mentally ill is just… erm… AND DON MANCINI. THE NUMBER OF CLAIMS IVE SEEN ABOUT THIS OLD GAY MAN IS BUCK WILD.
Absolutely buck wild. Like YES, as a Nica Pierce enjoyer, she’s been through SO MUCH. BUT SHE’S A FINAL GIRL IN A HORROR MOVIE FRANCHISE. Sydney’s boyfriends in Scream all turned out to be killers, does the creator of scream have a kink for murderous boyfriends???? Like YES Nica’s been through way too fucking much. Her getting her limbs cut off is CRUEL. unnecessary? Possibly, yeah, I could agree with someone who said so. But I think it’s to show that- Despite how LOVEABLE of a character Tiffany is, she’s still a murderer and a monster. Like with Freddy Krueger, you sometimes want to be able to love your slasher, despite the many cruel things they do. Which is why we keep coming back to the Child’s Play franchise again and again.
all I’m saying is… it’s just SO WEIRD to me. Seeing people call Don a fetishizer and all this shit it’s WILD. Like take a step back and genuinely think about what you’re saying about a man you’ve never personally met. And who these actors have and are (to my eyes) comfortable with.
Like does Don Mancini hate women or does he just like torturing his oc’s???? I CAN SAY. Reading everyone’s posts. I do see a bit of a disproportionate level of trauma with the female cast and characters. But also I’m pretty sure in the show there’s just more women I think…. Like Jake and Devon and Chucky. And then Lexy, Nica and Tiffany okay there’s NOT more. But❗️ Devon doesn’t get any screen time let’s be so ffr. Maybe we SHOULD be talking about the lack of attention black characters get in this franchise. The two major ones (the kid in Chucky 3, and Redman) have just been objects of chucky’s attention.
I AM IN N O WAY WITCH-HUNTING OR HATING! You can BE critical of the show! I love reading people’s solid critiques! Which is why I’ve read a lot of these posts, this is just me- pointing out a kind of weird pattern. An ick, I may say. This isn’t against anyone. Please don’t tumblr cancel me
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kitkats-and-kittens · 6 months
This post was inspired by lucky lefties district deep dive, so please go watch. I left a similar post in a comment under her video but I wanted to expand on it since I spend an unhealthy amount of time thinking about the career districts.
I’ve seen people online with the opinion that 4 is different from the other Career districts somehow. That they either aren’t prone to sending up volunteers or that their tributes aren’t as cut throat.
I personally hate this theory however I can see why people have come to such a conclusion.
In the books the two district 4 tributes are never named and both die very early on despite having supposedly trained their whole lives to survive this sort of thing. Also I doubt the movie helps as in the films the male district 4 tribute is extremely young and is killed by Cato during the bloodbath.
The girl dies later to the tracker jackers along with Glimmer and I think the impression people form because of that is something must be different about 4. Why else would their tributes be so young and die so early?
In the books Katniss does however, mention that it is strange that the district 4 male died so early on and we know he’s 18 unlike in the films, and it’s not hard to imagine that the girl from 4 was simply unprepared when the nest fell on her like Glimmer.
However, I also think the district 4 Victors we end up meeting only serve to confuse people further. We don’t meet many of the district 4 victors but the ones we do see aren’t exactly what you would expect from a career district. Mags who is extremely old, fragile and kind by the time we come to meet her in catching fire and Annie who is described frequently to have suffered a complete mental collapse during her own games.
They’re not exactly the paragon of strength, intimidation and glory that we associate with Careers like Gloss or Enobaria.
Finnick is definitely the most stereotypical career out of all of them, at least in appearances and stature, but throughout the books we learn that he is incredibly kind and gentle despite what we’re lead to believe spending most of the first few days in the games caring for Mags and ensuring Katniss’ safety by playing up her pregnancy for the Capitol.
It’s hard for us as the audience to really reconcile the fact that 4 is like 1 and 2 because we actually get to know the tributes from their and we learn that they aren’t as one dimensional as we’re lead to believe with the others.
So yes I do believe all 3 were careers. I think Mags probably formed a pack similar to the one we see Coral forming in Tbosas she was probably an earlier example of a career. Meanwhile Annie I believe suffered a similar breakdown to Cato after Clove died.
I don’t like how people assume that just because she was well trained and prepared that she somehow wasn’t still susceptible to trauma. If she was a career then we can assume she grew up close with her partner and like how Cato and Clove had a close relationship. Watching him die so brutally would’ve had an affect on any teenager career or not.
Finnick is definitely the hardest to see being a career ironically enough and that’s simply by virtue of the fact that he was 14 years old when he was reaped.
If the whole point of career tributes is to ensure your district wins and is granted the food and wealth that the Capitol gifts to the victors as a reward then why let a 14 year old child volunteer?
The only reasons I can think of is
1. Either he was some sort of prodigy (though I still find this confusing as wouldn’t waiting for him to turn 18 and sending him up with assurance that he might win not be better than sending a half trained 14 year old and hoping he’ll be the first?)
2. He got unlucky. Maybe the reaping system is employed some years or they don’t always manage to get volunteers, though I find this unlikely it is definitely a possibility.
3. Or (and this is more of a personal theory btw) like 1, 4 tries to play the social game with the Capitol and figured sending an attractive, prodigy 14 year old would stir up interest (and provide Finnick with a good storyline for interviews) while also ensuring lots of sponsorships based on his looks.
I personally believe the third theory though there’s not much evidence so I would take it with several grains of salt.
However even with all that sorted I believe that district 4 does train their tributes in a slightly different way then 1 and 2 however I think this comes more from a place of culture and propaganda than anything else.
Since district 4 runs the fishing industry they obviously have access to the ocean. They’re one of the only districts to do so barring maybe 5 and even then 4 has access on a much larger scale. This is bad for the Capitol.
Of course it’s said that Panem is the only surviving nation from after the world changed but they could easily be lying and either way, having a whole district with the potential to utilise the only bit of the world the Capitol doesn’t and cannot have complete control over if they ever decide to rebel means that district 4 is a threat.
I think that the Capitol places a lot of emphasis on inter personal relationships in the district, I also believe that like 11 they are probably heavily monitored, especially on the ocean and that whippings, beatings and executions are probably commonplace as the Capitol wants to discourage any attempts at escape.
I think district 4 has a very close knit community, and that the Captiol does everything it can to tie them to their homeland, establishing roots and connections that mean many people in district 4 don’t want to leave their home.
However I think this is also a double entendre because the close sense of community between district 4 citizens means that they get especially frustrated when their children die in the games and while I’m not saying that the other districts don’t care about their kids as much, something we see, at least in district 12, is a very defeatist attitude towards the games. The kids reaped there have given up before they’ve even made it into the arena and I imagine it’s similar with a lot of the other poorer districts, just accepting their grim reality and not bothering to try and fight. It’s implied in catching fire that 4 outright rebels and on Katniss’ victory tour she describes them as one of the districts angry at the Capitol. I believe this is because the strong emphasis on community bonds and connections means that the citizens in district 4 don’t take the abuse lying down so much as other districts like 12.
This is why I also believe the district 4 focuses primarily on survival when training volunteers. And I don’t mean survival techniques like how to start a fire or stop an infection because I don’t think the Capitol would allow those types of skills to be taught, but I think district 4 basically teaches their tributes to do anything they can to make it home.
We see it with Coral in Tbosas movie where she breaks down sobbing about how all her kills couldn’t have been for nothing. I think this feeling of doing what you have to to make it home ends up being a driving factor behind their teachings.
They’re taught to put morals aside and that even if they’re in an alliance the only one safe to trust is their own partner. Maybe they’re also taught to use whatever they can to endear them to the Capitol, whether that be their looks or their skills in the arena.
So while they’re equally as indoctrinated as 1 and 2 I believe that a lot of their training is focused on doing whatever they need to in order to live.
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underacalicosky · 3 months
15 questions for 15 friends
Thanks @fangeek-girl @sky-kenobye @willameena @kato-neimoidia @to-proudly-go and @dark--whisperings for the tags! ❤️
1. Are you named after anyone?
Supposedly, I was named after a movie character played by Liz Taylor. I’ve never seen the movie though.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Two nights ago while we were watching Christopher Robin (with Ewan McGregor) because stories about growing up and forgetting about childhood always gives me the feels.
3. Do you have kids?
Two kids.
4. What sports do you play/ have you played?
I wasn’t allowed to play sports when I was younger. Once I was in college, I realized that I was actually pretty athletic. I’m old now and my knees are creaky, so I don’t play anything anymore.
5. Do you use sarcasm?
Yup. All the time.
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
How they treat others
7. What's your eye colour?
Dark brown
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings, why else would I be in the Star Wars fandom?? But yes, that’s behind my obsession with giving Obikin a happy ending in all my fics.
9. Any talents?
I’m somewhat artistically inclined, I think. When I was a child, I wasn’t really given the opportunity to explore artistic things (do you see a pattern with my childhood lol?) so I don’t know if I’m necessarily talented. But I’ve always felt most at peace when I’m doing something creative and lately that’s been in the form of writing fics.
10. Where were you born?
In a northeast US state
11. What are your hobbies?
Writing fanfic? I don’t have a lot of spare time between working, doing Mom Things, and trying to keep the household running, but I love baking and I try to squeeze in time to write fics and fiddle around on tumblr at night after the kids go to bed.
12. Do you have any pets?
One cat. He’s very sweet and very grumpy at the same time.
13. How tall are you?
5' 1”
14. Favourite subject in school?
15. Dream job?
In an ideal world, money isn’t a concern and I would spend part of my day decorating cakes and cupcakes and the other part reading and writing.
Thanks so much for the ask! I’ve lost track of who’s been tagged! So I’m tagging anyone who hasn’t been tagged yet and wants to share! ❤️
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xo-zozo · 10 days
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⤷ i actually hit 100 a little bit ago but i never did anything for it so we’re doing it now!! tysm for getting me to 100 so fast, i’ve literally only been posting for a few months so it’s a huge honor
⤹ how this is gonna work is there’s gonna be about 80 questions below and you can send me an ask with the number of question that you want me to answer
what’s your favorite tv show of all time?
who’s your favorite music artist (s)?
what’s the worst movie you’ve ever seen
who are your favorite moots?
what’s your biggest pet peeve?
what’s your go to karaoke song?
what’s your favorite color?
what’s the best vacation you took and why?
who was the last person you said i love you to?
who is your idol?
what’s the best compliment you’ve received?
what makes you laugh the most?
what are your current grades?
what did you do for your last birthday?
what is your favorite sleeping position of all time? 
what is the dumbest way you've been hurt? 
what are the three scents you like?
what’s your favorite season?
who’s your favorite disney character?
what’s your favorite disney animated movie?
what’s your favorite halloween costume you’ve worn?
what’s the best gift you’ve ever received
what are you the best at?
what’s your favorite book?
what’s your favorite quote and who is it by?
favortie fictional man?
do you have any pets?
who was your first tumblr moot?
who is the best movie villain?
what’s your favorite restaurant?
where would you like to travel?
how long have you been on tumblr?
are you popular at school?
what’s the most money you’ve ever spent in one day?
do you believe in true love?
who’s your celebrity crush?
who are your favorite youtubers?
what’s the latest you’ve ever stayed up?
what’s your favorite drink?
what’s the craziest thing you’ve done in school?
can you cook?
what books did you read as a child?
whats a celeb you hate?
how many boys bff’s do you have?
what’s your favorite movie?
whos someone you wanna look like?
what’s your favorite subject?
what’s the last song you listened to?
what’s your favorite app?
favorite emoji
what upcoming movie are you most excited for?
what was the last thing you ate?
what’s your spirit animal?
what’s the last text that you sent?
what’s the last text that you received?
what was the last ss that you took?
have you ever had a crush on an animated character?
night or day?
what’s your favorite band?
who’s your least favorite fictional character?
what’s your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?
wheres the craziest place you’ve ever been?
what’s the last thing that you bought?
who’s one person you really want to meet?
what is one talent that you didn’t know that you until recently?
what’s your dream job?
what’s your favorite place to buy clothes?
what games do you play?
who’s a fictional character that you relate to?
do you plan on having kids?
what’s the worst injury you’ve gotten?
where do you sit on a roller coaster?
how big is your friend group?
who is the worse teacher you’ve ever had?
where do you usually do headcannons from?
what’s the reason for your favorite colors?
what’s the worst rule your school has?
what’s your favorite memory?
whats your least favorite memory?
anything else i’m comfortable with answering!
🫧 𓇼 𓏲 *ੈ ✩ ‧₊˚
| tags: @urbanflorals @reminiscentreader @nqds @annamatix @x-liv25-jamieswife @sophiesonlinediary @lyrakanefanatic @thatrandomlemononyourcounter1 @fortunatelyjollybeliever @123letsgobestie @off-to-the-r4ces / @zoyaaaabear @clarissawealsey-10
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noxturnalpascal · 1 month
Life Update
It feels to be like I've been pretty absent on here and that bums me out. I had to step back a little for my mental health because the negativity in this fandom does affect me. But stepping back also bums me out because this site can be SO fun when I'm interacting with my moots and making new moots and all of us are squealing about new pics of our boyfriend together.
That being said - the MAJOR reason I have been absent in the past 2 weeks is because of travel. And oh boy.... is this a whopper of a story. So, if you're interested in a tale of insanity, read below the cut.
[TL;DR] I'm back (not that I went anywhere)
sorry I couldn't resist TUWOMT reference, I actually went a lot of places and some of them were good and some were terrible but I really am back now. (Also, I posted this at 2am apparently but did not mean to do that then, so I am reposting now)
So first of all, I was in my hometown in upstate NY last week visiting my family because we are planning to move to the West Coast after our lease is up here so we wanted to visit again before we moved across the country. I live in Florida and we drove 2 days - with our cat in tow - (because my anxiety is so bad it makes it impossible for me to step on an airplane). While I was home I took the train with my bff to Manhattan for 3 days and we hung out there, didn't get to meet Pedro Pascal even once, and took the train back to my hometown. My husband and I drove the 2 days back home and got back Sunday night. It was exhausting and I was only home for like 38 hours and then Tuesday at 1pm I began my next trip. Started with an 18 hour bus ride from Orlando to Lafayette, Louisiana to get a train from Lafayette to Los Angeles, CA. I was planning on being there 12 days before getting the train back to Lafayette and then a bus back to Orlando.
So as I've said I have a terrible fear of flying and I am also the owner of a very bad back (and since my husband and I share a car) I didn’t want to do all that driving alone (dangerous/stressful and bad back) and couldn’t fly cuz of my mental illness. So this is by no means meant to be offensive, but I’m apparently too much of a babygirl to be a bus person. I did not know this. I thought I was tough. Nope. 2.5 hours in on the bus ride and I’ve been listening to this man 2 rows in front of me play instagram reels on his phone the whole time even though the driver said 5 times (FIVE TIMES) to wear headphones….. Well the driver gets sick of it, pulls over at a gas station in the middle of nowhere and tells the guy to leave. He won't so the cops are called. The cops show up and he finally gets off the bus after a 30 min delay. I’m like….. WHAT THE FUCK? IS IT ALWAYS LIKE THIS??? I didn't know if this man was gonna get mad and start swinging on the bus driver or the cops..... it was scary.
The first station I was at in Orlando I almost threw up cuz I was so nervous. Before I got on the bus I went to pee and to wash my hands and there wasn’t any fucking soap in the bathroom. I thought that was bad. AND YET SOMEHOW.... every subsequent stop was somehow worse. Literally, I kept saying to myself “this can’t get any worse” ....and it kept getting worse. These are the sketchiest, dirtiest fucking places you can imagine. I was staring at this toothless old white dude behind the counter at one of their convenience stores and thought to myself “this has got to be a movie set cuz this can’t be real.” Kind of waiting for someone to jump out and say "PSYCH this is all a joke. I know the floors here look like they were mopped with literal dirt, and everyone looks angry or drugged out, but this is all fake. It's all a joke meant to make you lose your mind." But that didn't happen. I've just never experienced anything like it. I’ve never seen anything so disgusting in my life. The 2nd to last stop only had doors on 2 of the 7 bathroom stalls. One of the stations had a TV on that just played old reruns of a Jaime Fox show while every child in the building cried and coughed at alternating intervals. Yes, this was 3am, and they made three busses full of people cram into a station with not enough seats and wait around for an hour... This is not a joke. 
I felt so fucking unsafe the whole time but I had to get off the bus at the stops and walk around (cuz they made you) but also cuz I was VIOLENTLY motion sick the whole fucking ride on the bus. Like clutching a barf bag with a pounding head and miserable. Also on the bus almost everyone else had two seats to themselves and I had a seat partner the entire time, but it kept changing. First it was a girl and then a kid and they were cool but then it was cigarette smelling guy and then guy who literally wouldn’t stop accidentally touching me, including putting his elbow in my back multiple times (I have fucking herniated discs so this did NOT feel good). 
And when I tell you that my back hurt, i mean i couldn’t spread out or anything cuz someone was fucking next to me the whole time so my back was on fire. I was in so much pain I cried 3 separate times. So I couldn’t sleep cuz people kept talking and I was in pain and the ride was rough and guy kept touching me. And I just kept telling myself, ok countdown cuz you’re almost there you're almost there. And by now I told myself - this final stop - the bus/train station in Lafayette - is not going to be clean but it’s okay, because you’re going to be off the bus and it’s going to be okay.
When I tell you that they pulled up to a dark parking lot at 4:50am next to a building with gates drawn down over the doors and dropped me off - I was in fucking shock. “Is this building closed?”  i shouted at the bus driver. “yeah,” he says, getting back on the bus.  “Ummmm, where do i go?” I’m fucking starting to panic. “You can go sit on the platform till they open in a few hours.”  and he’s gone. 
I’m alone in the dark with my luggage at the fucking bus station in downtown Lafayette. 
Oh except I’m not alone because there are 3 men milling about, one of them keeps asking me my name, two of them ride bikes past me back and forth. I go to sit on the platform and this alarm goes off and this voice comes over the loudspeaker shouting  “THERE IS NO LOITERING ALLOWED HERE. PLEASE LEAVE IMMEDIATELY.” and repeats non-stop.  One of the guys goes “why is it doing that? Is it gonna call the police?” HOW THE FUCK WOULD I KNOW?? I FUCKING WISH IT WOULD MY DUDE, ARE YOU SERIOUS?
I tell him my name to be nice and he keeps telling me i should come sit with him and this other guy cuz it’s “safer” and I’m like….   IS IT THO?!?!?!?  and he keeps saying “youve never been here? Do you wanna go see downtown? It’s a short walk, i’ll help you roll your suitcase.”   BRO WE’RE NOT GOING COURTING IT’S FUCKING FIVE IN THE MORNING. This man wants to go on a fucking stroll with me and I am just envisioning what my Forensic Files episode is gonna be like and hoping the re-enactment actor they get to play me isn't too ugly.
I’m desperately trying to call a lyft to take me literally anywhere else, and no one is accepting my ride request. FINALLY someone accepts, and after 45 minutes of sitting in the dark, trembling out of fear and cold in only a tshirt with my bags hunched around me, I get my ride. The lyft driver takes me to a Hilton hotel by the airport. I walk in, and I’m mid panic attack and crying and tell the employees there at 6am my story and ask if I can pay for a room so I have somewhere safe to hang out. They refuse to make me pay and offer me the lobby (lots of outlets and large, plush couches) for as long as I need it and tell me to help myself to the hot breakfast and coffee. Fucking Angels.
Does it stop there? No it doesn’t. Cuz I still have to go back to the train station for my train to California, which leaves at 12:30pm. So I spend HOURS in the hotel lobby, chilling and eating and it’s nice and I feel safe. I schedule a lyft to pick me up at 11:15 so I can get back to the train station with an hour before I’m scheduled to depart.
10:45am I get a text that my train has been canceled. CANCELED.... Apparently, there are storms affecting the route, so my train will not be running between New Orleans and San Antonio, TX (I’m 2 stops after NO). But they will provide me BUS ACCOMMODATIONS to get me to San Antonio so I can continue my journey there.
Wrong word, my dude. BUS??? I’m fucking triggered. I start bawling like an insane person. The girls who let me stay in the lobby at this point are probably like “oh shit we thought she was normal but she’s crazy.” I call my husband, I call my mom, I call a couple friends. I’m a fucking mess. I just want to go home at this point but I’m still a 12 hour drive away (with no car of course) and OH YEAH I haven’t fucking slept!
So first thing’s first - I ask the hotel for a room and they feel terrible for me (cuz i’m a crying sniveling mess) and give me a discount on a suite and let me check in right away. I call Amtrak and cancel my train, sobbing on the phone with them (and it’s a man so he’s very awkward about it) but they give me a FULL refund. I most likely won’t get refunded at all for the VRBO rental I got for Los Angeles though. I got to the room and booked a rental car for the next day from the airport that I was like right next to, and so the plan was to sleep there overnight and get a lyft to the airport and drive back towards home the next day. 
My husband offered to take off work and drive to meet me at an airport along the watly so I wouldn't have to drive the whole 12 hours with my terrible back.  I ended up getting a Malibu which was such a nice ride and it had a lumbar support in the seat and my back felt FUCKING GREAT. I met up with my husband at our planned location and we drove home. Between the time change, massive rain storms, and construction traffic, we didn't get home till 10:30 but I fucking made it home. (Because of course with all my bad luck I was terrified that I was going to die on the way home.)
BUT IM HOME SAFE IF NOT A LITTLE WORSE FOR WEAR (mentally and physically exhausted). I will make a post later today with my plans for my writing updates. I have a new WIP I want to share and I know some of you are waiting on my current series as well.
TY always for your love and support ✌️💖🫂
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ceebit · 1 year
okay,, just imagine you & vernon having a battle abt who’s more awkward/had more awkward moments. you’re both spitting out your embarrassing moments like a roast battle & eventually one of you just says the most excruciatingly cringe, humbling, felt it through the screen humiliating, should’ve kept it to yourself moment. i feel like this is just such an oddly comforting & wholesome friendship/relationship moment.
laughed so loud at this pls. why is it always vernon.
“remember the time i had salad in my teeth and i had to give a speech at a school in front of a bunch of middle schoolers?”
your head shifts on his lap to look up at him in a amusement, brow furrowed as you try and garner what prompted him to bring up such an embarrassing moment. the movie you’d put on had long since been tuned out, volume lowered, and the silence had been enjoyable. it’s one of the many things you liked about your friendship with vernon—you didn’t feel the need to fill the space between you with mindless chatter.
“mhm. i remember your face pleasantly paling and having to coax you out of a hallway corner for over thirty minutes.”
he laughs, nose scrunching up at the memory, and rolls his eyes. “they were all giggling and i really could not figure out why for the life of me. i even looked down to see if anyone had pantsed me without me knowing.”
“small children are ruthless,” you agree sympathetically, and he shoves your shoulder gently.
well if you were sharing embarrassing moments…
“remember the time i wore our school uniform inside out and backwards?” you grin, eyes narrowed at the minute way he purses his lips to keep from laughing, and poke his stomach. “and i didn’t notice until the teacher cleared her throat and said—”
“‘y/n, sweetheart, run to the bathroom for a bit?’,” you finish in unison, and vernon snorts a laugh into the palm of his hand. you squint at him all the while, arm moving up to shove him the way way he’d done before.
“think having to walk out of the classroom and into the hallways—past several open classroom doors, mind you—with my uniform on backwards and inside out beats salad teeth in front of small kids any day.” your eyes closed, you sigh and lay a hand on over your heart before adding on, “i think that change my entire psyche. was a changed person after that day.”
“yeah? and my pants ripping open in the soccer field on game night and showing my good luck briefs to the entire high school isn’t worse?”
you peek an eye open to see vernon inquiring you with a brow raised, and ultimately realize where this was going. so be it, then. good luck underwear be damned.
“definitely child’s play compared to my mom chaperoning the halloween party and making me show up in matching hot dog costumes.” you remember the cellphone lights and quiet snickering all to well, even faking a stomachache from all the candy to miss out on school for the next three days.
“you have your voice crack when it’s your turn to read morning announcements and come back to me when your childhood spirit hasn’t been destroyed,” he scoffs dramatically, and you sit up in incredulous disbelief. that wasn’t even bad, considering you know he’s gone through worse. not as bad as you, though, which reminds you of—
“learning most of your outfit was see through after getting drenched in the rain and having to root through ‘work handouts’ only to come out wearing the worst combination of clothes humanly has ever seen in broad daylight on the day of a really important meeting definitely beats ‘broken childhood spirit’,” you roll your eyes playfully, “especially since everything looked… wrong. i looked like an overgrown gap kids model.”
you shake your head at the burst of laughter you get in return, grinning despite yourself. “i think that’s the worst thing i’ve ever gone through, personally. i’ve never wanted to sink into the floor and living amongst the earth and worms more than i did that day.”
“yeah? tell that to the journals i filled with how much i liked your stupid face.”
his eyes widen suddenly, a hand quickly slapping to cover his mouth, and avoids looking at you entirely. you blink, dazed by the sudden admission, and laugh nervously.
“the journals you filled with how much you…?”
“i don’t like this game anymore,” he mumbles through his hand, and you can’t help the quiet laugh that slips past your lips. he glares at you without any heat, and with enough prodding, he eventually relaxes enough to face you again.
“remember when chan broke into my room and got ahold of one of my notebooks?”
you do. you also clearly remember him almost tearing him a new one in arguably the worst panic you’ve ever seen him in, eyes wide and ears tipped red for whatever reason before the younger boy could utter a single word written between the pages. you remember being curious about chan’s loud gasp and vernon’s visceral reaction—granted it was an invasion of privacy—but everyone wrote in journals. you’d chalked it up to embarrassing recounts of childhood days or stress written retellings of losing his favorite pair of socks in the wash.
not… you.
“is that why you didn’t speak to him for three days?” vernon looks up at the sound of your voice, surprised at the calm timbre and complete lack of the clearly expected teasing that usually followed revealing you’d written about your best friend in secret, and lifts a hand to rake through brown strands with a sigh.
“partly. it was really embarrassing, you know? also i was like twelve, and a little stupid, so a dramatic three-day long grudge was a nightmare to him. his mom even made him write an apology letter.”
you laugh again and he cracks a smile. “do you still have the journals?”
“oh, god, no. i burned them all along with my childhood dreams and aspirations to be a pilot.”
you look at him. he looks at you. and you look at him. and he looks back at you. silence hangs between the two of you again, prolonged for a moment too long, and you see the way he relaxes into the couch. his mistake, honestly.
you take that moment to bolt from your seated position, socked feet sliding against the floor as you make a break for him room. you hear his alarmed sound of protest, quickly discarding the remote to run after you, and unfortunately makes it to his bedroom door before you.
“let me see them!”
“i would literally rather bungee jump off of mount everest than let you read my pubescent diary entries.”
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unsightedjoker · 1 year
Spider-man: ATSV NSR AU
Ok, I usually don’t post stuff and only reblog and like stuff but since i just watched Spider-man ATSV and I really liked it that it hasn’t left my mind and won’t leave it any time soon I’m still so hyped I feel like sharing this. I was on my way home when I started to listen to the NSR soundtrack and the inevitable happened just remembering the premise for the game and what happens in the movie I started connecting thoughts and this entire AU happened.
My writing isn’t the best to make a fanfic that does justice to my ideas at the moment and hell if I can’t write I have even worse at drawing so making fanart for this is also out of the picture.
For anyone who doesn’t know NSR (No Straight Roads) it’s an indie game from 2020 that’s very underrated from what I’ve seen. The plot is very simple a Rock duo Mayday (a guitarist) and Zuke (a drummer) enter a competition made to scout for new talents that want to join NSR, a company that besides functioning as a music company works as the main energy supplier for the city by using a Mcguffin that transforms music into energy. Anyways NSR turns out to be a group of EDM artists that have complete control over the city and never allow any other genres to join especially not rock, so after getting rejected and suffering a city wide power outage (which NSR is completely inmune from) our rock duo decides to start a revolution to bring back Rock and take down NSR by hijacking their concerts. If you have not played it take this as a recommendation the art style, gameplay and music are reaaaally good (worth mentioning the music for each boss is dynamic it starts as EDM but as you start having the upper hand the music turns into a rock version of the same song).
The premise for the game and having Gwen and Hobie right there in the movie made this AU inevitable in my mind so I’m sharing it here.
So the characters I’ll be using changing for the AU will be the two main protagonists and the 6 main bosses of the game.
First off the protagonists
Because it’s a guitarist and drummer Gwen and Hobie take Mayday and Zuke’s place that one seems a bit obvious to me. It can also be Gwen and Miles but I ended up choosing Gwen and Hobie. However instead of starting their movement after being rejected by NSR they’re fully into their revolution agenda and hijacking the EDM concerts
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The first boss is Dj Subatomic Supernova and honestly that one was also an easy pick as he directly fits with Spot, especially because of his last phase in his fight where his face breaks and it looks like a black hole ejecting black matter or whatever. They’re both also so self-centered and silly.
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Sayu is the second boss and consists of a virtual idol (like Hatsune Miku) made as a project by four adolescents so for the au she could be made by peni parker and the virtual reality spiderwoman (i can’t remember her name :’) ) but idk who else could be put as one of Sayu’s creators in this AU.
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Yinu is a child pianist prodigy so for her I’d go with Mayday Parker, since Yinu also gets help from her mother during the fight I guess Mary Jane helps her or maybe Peter B. idk? It’s just that Yinu’s dad in the game is dead and that’s also one of the reasons she plays her piano because her dad taught her. Yinu’s character is supposed to represent the lack of control child prodigies have in their lives because their parents or guardians are in charge of making all the decisions during their youth so I imagine Hobie would spend a bunch of this confrontation telling her to go wild and start doing whatever she wants to do while Gwen would tell Peter or Mary Jane to pay more attention to Mayday and be a better single parent, culminating in the piano solo at the end of Yinu’s boss fight
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So this one’s a bit weird but hear me out. 1010 consists of a boy band made up by 5 robots that are almost identical with the exception of their color and hairstyle so in this case it’s five alternate versions of Miles Morales robots as a boyband while the original Miles (the one that isn’t a robot) is Neon J (the creator of 1010) in this AU. I ended up choosing Miles for this one because despite how much Mayday says she despises them she has a crush on 1010 and while Gwen and Miles wouldn’t really act like Mayday and 1010 respectively I still chose this because of that.
In a similar way Gwen has a crush on 1010Miles but she isn’t entirely into it because the Miles robots have an artificial vibe to them like prefabricated charm and personalities, they can fool a lot of people but not everyone. Once one breaks and the real Miles comes out to replace it they start focusing on him, Gwen and Miles throughout the fight start to realize they like each other mean while Hobie goesout of his way to show how he’s in the wrong as he should question the stuff they do and shouldn’t be following NSR, by the end when they defeat Miles he ends up accepting it and actually rooting for them to beat the remaining members.
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I’m using an action figure as a substitute for robots lol
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This one I reserved for my favorites Nadia (EvE) and Pavitr. Eve happens to be an eccentric artist and Diva that is the second in command because of her skill. There’s a couple of reasons I chose to have Pavitr in Eve’s place:
First, during the briefing before her fight it’s stated that the “instrument” she uses to make her music is her body and mind in contrast to all the previous artists which have actual specific instruments (from sinthesizers to a piano) which doesn’t explain much until you get to her fight and see her dance, she dances (and probably uses a bit of magic as well or something) to make her music. If I’m gonna give the ability to make music through the movement of their body to anyone it’s gonna be Pavitr.
Second, during her phases Eve shows she can warp the space around her in what she refers as the Diva’s realm and from what I remember the part of diva’s realm is supposed to be a reference to Deva’s realm and Devas are deities from hinduism if I’m not mistaken, so there’s also that.
Last but not least I like a bit of angst. In the game its shown Zuke and Eve used to have a good relationship as they were a duo and know each other closely to the point Zuke knows what’s going on in her mind while many don’t, however after a certain incident they disbanded. Similarly in this AU they used to be a duo until they received an invitation to join NSR, Pavitr wanted to share his music and art and be in contact with everyone in their community so he accepted, this however was a deal breaker for Hobie so they disbanded. Once he got his position Pavitr could share his music however after being put in a pedestal he no longer could keep in touch with his community as much when he wanted leaving him feeling isolated and only focuses on his craft now as a way to cope. Their fight besides being about taking him down would have the purpose of mending Hobie and Pavitr’s relationship.
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This one was also very obvious Miguel takes Tatiana’s place. To begin they’re the respective leaders of their antagonistic faction but also majorly because the entire story of NSR and ATSV happens because both of them had a very specific personal problem and instead of dealing with it by themselves or getting help to solve it they decided to make it everyone else’s problem and never even try to recognize that maybe they’re wrong.
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And that’s it that’s all I have in my mind
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msweebyness · 4 months
Miraculous-Some Sasha HC’s
Arguably one of my favorite OCs I’ve created-well, technically she’s not an oc because she canonically does exist according to the card game, she just doesn’t have a name, but-ANYWAY, is Sasha, Ivan’s little sister! I fell in love with this child I created, so have some cute HC’s! @artzychic27 @imsparky2002
Is it weird that that I imagine her looking like a slightly older Boo from Monsters Inc?
She actually loves Monsters, Inc for that reason and was Boo for Halloween one year. (Ivan got a Sulley cosplay sweatshirt to match her!💖)
She almost always has her hair in these cute little pigtails
She also carries one of her various stuffies with her at all times, she has eleven in rotation at the moment
Absolutely adores her big brother. Ivan always makes time to play with her, be it an impromptu tea party or just watching a Disney movie, he’s never too busy for his baby sister.
Sasha, like her brother, is not the most verbal child, she only really starts talking with people once she feels comfortable around them
Mylene absolutely loves her, thinks she’s the cutest thing in the world. She lets Sasha play with her hair when she goes over to their house
She has a bit of a crush on Marc’s brother, Kiran. Ivan and Marc both think it’s adorable.
She sings little songs to herself while she’s doing chores. It’s precious.
She’s so ridiculously adorable, oml. Whenever Ivan brings her with him to a school thing or just a meetup between any of the classes, EVERYONE wants to hug her.
That being said, if you piss her off, her angry face can put her big brother’s to shame.
She sometimes has nightmares, but Ivan will play songs with his drumsticks for her to help her calm down
This child moves impossibly silently. She scares the crap out of someone by simply appearing at least once a day.
Ivan brings her to Kitty Section rehearsals sometimes. Anarka would kill for this child, and Juleka nearly died of cuteness when she let her play a few chords on her guitar. (She gets SO many hugs from Rose)
She got akumatized after the new Hawk Moth showed up, when she was upset because some older boys were making fun of her and ripped a special stuffy her brother had given her. None of the other heroes had ever seen Minotaurox that upset.
He’s her favorite hero, and Marinette made her a plushy of him. She also has a little Polymouse hoodie
Stommp also loves her, even if he can’t interact with her. He may or may not have used his enhanced strength as the Kwami of determination to push a display shelf of magazines onto a creepy older guy who was looking at her funny once.
Leave your thoughts in the comments and reblogs!
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wfagamerants · 8 months
I’ve made a whole post about why I don’t think Mario has any true canon months ago, yet at the same time also pointed out some things where Mario can be surprisingly consistent.
Truth to be told, while I do point to inconsistencies in the games, which are plentiful, the main culprit are Nintendo themselves.
I tend to look at what they say and how they operate to, as best as possible, gauge their intentions with a lot of stuff and a good example of their willingness to play fast and loose and actively alter information is with the Koopalings:
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Contrary to what is often quoted, Miyamoto never said they never were Bowser’s kids, but rather that in ‘’their current story’’ Jr is his only child.
Another example of them changing their stance as they see fit to me is how they treated the subject of Mario and Luigi being plumbers.
We have very direct statements of how during the 2010s, people were not allowed to bring up that subject matter in videos:
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And even a documented instance of a Japanese bio referring to Mario as having been a plumber a long time ago.
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Which, as seen on the screenshot, has obviously been changed since and we got even more recent examples of the movie and one of Wonder’s loading screen trivia bits presenting his occupation proudly. Even at the time 3D World wasn’t shy about it:
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Which is one of several times where official statements and in-game content don’t exactly align, heck, it’s weird on a general level given pipes are such a crucial bit of iconography for the franchise, derived by the fact that Mario and Luigi are indeed plumbers.
Stuff like that is why the Toad and Captain Toad thing is a sore spot for me. I never actually denied official sources claiming they are different character, but even despite that kind of explicit statement:
They chose to okay Galaxy supplementary materials that call Toad the Toad Brigade Captain and put him on the cover of Galaxy 2, in the same spot Captain is at in the Starship Mario art no less.
They chose to not have red spots, blue vest Toad in 3D World besides a pre-release Captain Toad life icon, instead having a Blue Toad be playable, which is not how the Toad character is ever represented, to the point where when 3D World art and renders are used to represent him, they are ALWAYS edited to give him the red spots. It’s hard to call it a SMB2 callback, because unlike say, Luigi’s Mansion King Boo or Biker Wario, it’s never even acknowledged or brought back like other game specific designs.
They chose to have a pre-release bonus for Treasure Tracker, an amiibo bundle for it and the function for said amiibo, to be all based around Toad and one of the mission descriptions even just calls him Toad, despite Captain Toad supposedly being a name.
They chose to give Captain in TT Toadette as a partner and include SMB2 elements like turnips and Shy Guys (only red and blue ones like in that game no less) which have no relevance to this supposed separate character, yet are highly tied to Toad.
They chose to have Mario in the Toad costume be called Captain in special Mario Challenge dialogue, in the first Mario Maker.
They chose to show Captain when talking about Toad in an Odyssey developer’s Q&A video.
They chose to have the Toad spirit become Captain Toad in Smash Ultimate, lining up with stuff like Shadow becoming Super Shadow or Alm, Celica and Isaac becoming their adult selves.
They chose to give Captain in Mario Kart Tour most of Toad’s animations, a trait *only* seen with variants and even classify him as a variant internally. Party Time Toad, who is definitively him, has more distinct animations than Captain does.
They chose to give Toad a treasure hunting themed expansion set and even call him a treasure hunter in LEGO Mario, an ongoing merch-line with an extremely big name.
They chose to continue the 3D World thing with Wonder, keeping Toad off the roster when Captain is around, while Mario vs DK has him playable no problem.
They chose to let the movie, Mario’s biggest non-gaming outing to date, very explicitly treat Toad and Captain as the same character and even give out pamphlets explaining references in the movie in Japan. Said pamphlet calls Treasure Tracker Toad’s game, making no mention of Captain as a separate character.
They chose to make a big promo video promoting Mario games tied to certain characters and have Toad tied to Treasure Tracker. This video was also put on the Nintendo Switch news tab, mentioning Captain by name in the description, yet showing Toad and it has its own spot on the Nintendo website too. Additionally they list Treasure Tracker in Toad’s list of appearances on Play Nintendo.
In isolation I wouldn’t think much of any of these, but when it happens so often I do start to wonder what the idea is. They are shooting every opportunity to establish Captain as his own character, especially for normies who likely just saw him and assumed he was Toad anyways, in the foot. 
I tend to refer to the movie a lot when trying to cite Nintendo’s seeming attitude towards some things too and yeah, I do still think it’s a big deal the New York backstory is back. It clashes with the Yoshi’s Island backstory, which is also supported by Mario & Luigi Partners in Time, but THAT backstory in turn clashes with the pre-SMB games and bios as late as 1994, that referred to Mario as italian, Foreman Spike as american and Pauline as being from New York, still establishing the old backstory as relevant enough to be brought up in character guides.
They are questionably compatible, but that’s because they are from very different eras of Mario. The Yoshi’s Island one will likely persist as the more commonly referred to one, because it mixes better with Mario’s SMB onwards world, but the old backstory is still accepted enough by Nintendo to allow it in a monster hit movie.
And that’s the thing, the movie takes liberties, but still holds true to a vision Nintendo themselves want to have out there, for Mario and his world. They know many people will be exposed to Mario for the first time in a while or possibly ever, through the movie and okayed for it as a way to interpret the franchise, that is a big deal.
Is the movie ‘’canon’’ to the games? We don’t know, Mario doesn’t have an officially recognized canon ala’ Hyrule Hystoria. It may not be canon in the sense of having happened in the game universe 1:1, but it is canon as a Nintendo approved, modern, big interpretation of Mario.
And the thing is, regardless if it’s canon or not, it’s influence can already be felt.
The Peach Showtime cover art has been updated in a way that makes Peach resemble her movie design a bit more, Wonder’s animation upgrade was directly motivated by living up to the movie’s standards of how people expect the characters to move and animate and then you got this:
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A video on Nintendo’s official Youtube accounts, a Switch news tab article and even it’s own page on their website. A remarkably pushed marketing pull for games conveniently only highlighting characters in the movie and the game selection is clearly inspired by that too. Smash for DK to replicate his fight with Mario, Toad explicitly being called Captain, Mario Kart for Peach because that section was a prominent marketing scene for her, etc.
Nintendo’s biggest concern is how they want the brand to be presented, more than any canon. I’ll call out inconsistencies when I see them, but in general, this is what I pay attention to the most and why I am very accepting of the fact Mario is always bound to face changes, bigger and smaller, that may at times even be departures from what came before.
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