#I'm slightly afraid
You guys I'm finally gonna listen to the Midnights album for the first timeeeee
I delayed it for forever because I'm super busy with school and I knew that if I listened to it I would get caught in Taylor Feels(TM) and just scream lyrics and reconsider my life choices instead of studying. You might say 'Shir, you're reblogging Midnights gifs and lyrics all the time' and to that I say Yeah I love torturing myself apparently
Anyways time to see what it's all about
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kayleerowena · 9 months
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THE WITCH'S WINGS & OTHER TERRIFYING TALES, an 'are you afraid of the dark?' graphic novel with three stories based on hispanic urban legends, comes out october 3rd 2023!!!
kick off the halloween season & ✨ preorder it now ✨ if fun, spooky middle-grade horror is your jam!
i'm so excited for people to get to read this book; everyone involved put so much love into it, and i can't wait to hear what people think once it's out in the world. to celebrate how close the release date is, here are a few preview pages from my segment of the book, the tale of the haunting of bus #13!
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vladdyissues · 2 months
Barely a few hours into April 3rd here in the USA and already Dannypocalypse is trending on Tumblr
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alllgator-blood · 2 months
What do you think of Leshycat?
Okay I'm gonna preface this with a screenshot:
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These are my steam stats for the pc build of cotl (I have maybe 30-40 hours on switch). Been playing this game since around the time it came out, have 100%'d it with each new update, I'd say I'm pretty familiar with the setting and established lore. THAT SAID...
I DID NOT KNOW WTF LESHYCAT WAS TIL I GOT THIS MESSAGE. I felt insane actually because I kept seeing art of it and thought it was an elaborate prank? Or someone's oc that got popular?? I couldn't remember a single instance in-game of anything even hinting at this ship, so I literally could not fathom why people were shipping leshy with some random cat. WELL I finally did my own research. And then I rewatched the animation of leshy burning the steak, and was like "ah. I see."
So for my actual thoughts? Ummmmm I don't get it but I don't really get the other ships in this game either. I've seen a million different explanations and justifications for various ships, but I just personally like the thousand-year-angst and family drama and sibling chaos way more than I like pairing people up. My leshy is strictly aroace as well so I hadn't even considered drawing him in a relationship, he's too busy shoveling dirt into his mouth and contracting e. coli to be a responsible boyfriend :')
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recurring-polynya · 1 month
hey guess what happened last week
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queerdiazs · 3 months
tease tidbit tuesday 🫧
i have not stopped thinking of eddie thumping his head against the wall when buck and chris were talking about shannon, thank you very much. that felt very much like fanservice specifically for me lmao TIM MINEAR I'M IN YOUR WALLS BROTHER
anyway, have hoa eddie angst <3
He looks at Eddie. “Did you throw that at me?”  Eddie shakes his head so hard he sees stars. “No. I swear I didn’t.” He erases the distance between them. “God, let me—” “Don’t touch me,” Buck interrupts him, stepping away swiftly “I don’t want you to touch me.” 
tagged by @daffi-990, mwah
tagging @spagheddiediaz, @jeeyuns, @puppyboybuckley, @devirnis, @wikiangela, @watchyourbuck, @eddiebabygirldiaz, @underwater-ninja-13, @actualalligator, @exhuastedpigeon, @rogerzsteven, @honestlydarkprincess, and @monsterrae1 if any of you wanna share something!
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lupeloto · 9 months
galladrabbles "let me"
heyyy, it's @galladrabbles time with an amazinggg prompt from the lovely @ardent-fox !!!
this week's prompt is "let me" so allow me to present to you a smutty drabble, which is not my specialty so be gentle!!
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Ian’s hands are pressed firmly into the mattress, trapping Mickey's torso on either side as his lips travel all over Mickey’s thighs with sweet kisses and rough bites, inching closer and closer with each one.
Mickey winces as Ian hits his weak spot, his hands automatically shoot towards him, gripping his hair with a desperate intensity.
Ian halts, grabbing Mickey’s hands softly in his own before roughly shoving them above Mickey’s head where his fingertips lightly brush the headboard.
 “Let me,” he says in a hushed tone as he makes his way back, one hand placed firmly on Mickey’s wrists.
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kooldewd123 · 5 days
wattrel evolving before fuecoco is such a good rugpull! fuecoco has such a clear path to skeledirge that he's honestly felt on the verge of evolution to me for like the past twenty episodes now, and especially so with all the development he's been getting recently (really, i expected fuecoco to evolve first out of any of the main cast's pokemon). meanwhile, wattrel hasn't really done much since he was caught, and it doesn't even feel like he's gotten as much screentime as hatenna or tinkatink, despite coming before both of them. but then they actually baked that discrepancy into wattrel's characterization! wattrel feels inferior to fuecoco for being unable to fully conquer his problems while fuecoco continues to make even greater progress. and so when wattrel is able to actually confront his fears head-on, the narrative rewards him with evolution, catapulting him ahead of fuecoco instead. it's a really good way to flip the script with a pokemon that's felt a bit neglected lately.
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ghetto-omega · 22 days
"Incredibly common white people space" is so true
Like no shade to white people fr but as someone who is poc, I'm always like- "man.. where's the bipoc 😭"
It doesn't make feel lonely but I'd definitely feel less? Alienated if there was more melanin in the both the misces and alterhu communities
Yes absolutely !! I'm still so afraid of talking about any serious experiences I've had as a black person on here, I just don't wanna be alienated anymore than I already am both IRL and online 😭🤚🏾 it's just the little things that make you feel estranged, like if I use a lot of AAVE in a post it never gets as much interaction as it would if I just talked "properly".
Like I'm already stepping so far out of my comfort zone just making my blackness known, and like.. kinda a central part of my blog !! I just really hope other POC/BIPOC take a little comfort in it maybe U⁠^⁠ェ⁠^⁠U
Besides, I'm having a lot of fun here !! Even tho I have a couple miscecanis friends irl, they've never been really interested in the world building side of things so I'm glad I get to share it with people who DO care about that lol
Thanks for the ask anon, I love you I love you I love you U。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。U
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crunchworldsupreme · 4 months
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catch me doing dishes instead of my homework because I don't have to present my sink to the class.
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asfodeltide · 1 year
hi i just want to say i love love love love your akira so much… seeing other ppl draw him fat/chubby makes me so happy and your art is so so gorgeous i just wanna stare forever Keep it up!!!
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blocksruinedme · 1 year
jimmy don't fucking ask us what you should do with scott
that's it, that's the post. (see today's ep)
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thisbluespirit · 10 months
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Matty Firman (Suzanna Hamilton) and Colin Beale (Jeremy Northam) in Wish Me Luck S1 (LWT 1988).
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strawberriivulpine · 4 months
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for valentines day i think i'm gonna try and make these into keychains for me and @father-lance!! we're in a multifandom minecraft thing and that's where these slight design changes came from (like the ripped pants and the cat ears)!
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they're matching. :) they're supposed to be holding hands...
its a VERY long story how this crackship kinda... ended up being a thing that we actually both really love? but long story short our gayness accidentally bled into when we were playing our characters and it just kinda... ended up being really cute!
they're not actually together in the rp HOWEVER this will not stop us from having it in our own noggins
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jessicas-pi · 1 year
So This Was A Little More Angsty Than I Recalled...
We’re probably both going to be bruised black and blue by the time this is over, Ezra thinks, blocking a hard swing and throwing it right back. The sun was setting when they started, and it’s nearly dark now.
Sabine’s eyes glow too gold for comfort in the dusky night. Just like he has every day for the last month, he bites his tongue and holds back his questions.
Hera and Zeb won’t tell him about whatever happened to Sabine on Malachor, Kanan and Okadiah are as lost as Ezra is, and if Ahsoka knows anything, she’s not telling. When Ezra brought it up to Mom and Dad, they just told him to be there for Sabine.
He’s been trying.
Sabine has not been cooperating.
So after a month of being there with no success, Ezra gave up and decided that it was time for some non-optional friendship bonding time, but even his best efforts at finding a so-bad-it’s-good holofilm like they used to watch together, even after making some really good movie snacks, all for her, she sulked and complained the whole time, being so—so—infuriating that before he knew it, they were yelling in each others’ faces about tropes.
Ezra stopped yelling, stopped the film, took her by the arm, dragged her outside into the Atollon landscape, and said that they were going to beat the crap out of each other.
(For Mandalorians, sparring is training, recreation, and even courtship. He figured… maybe it would work as therapy, too?)
He doesn’t feel bad about throwing the first punch, because she hit back twice as hard. Ezra thinks his lip is split from a hard hit to the front of his helmet, and Sabine’s knuckles are scraped raw and bloody. They circle each other, slower now than when they started. Her hair has blown out of her braid and sticks to her face in the heat.
It’s a little bit pretty, but now definitely isn’t the right time to think about that.
Sabine rolls one shoulder—he thinks it’s where he landed a decent punch.
“Had enough, tin can?” she demands, but the tension has started to drain from her body and she sounds a little closer to playful than he thought she could ever be again.
“Not if you’ve still got that attitude, wizard girl.”
“You’re gonna regret that,” Sabine warns. She settles into a stance, rocking a little, coiled like a spring.
“Probably,” Ezra agrees.
She draws a breath, and Ezra must have blinked or something, because in the space of an instant, she’s flown at him. He can barely see her in the dark and even the night vision in his helmet doesn’t help.
But he has a split second of advantage. In pure chance, she overextends, and he slams into her, sending them both tumbling through the Atollon dust.
She’s up on her feet again right away—or at least she would be, but Ezra snags her wrist, and drags her back down, flipping over so she’s neatly pinned beneath him.
All he needs is a knife to hold to her throat and it would be a near-perfect replica of the scene in the holofilm that started their stupid fight in the first place.
Sabine doesn’t say anything. She just lies on her back in the dust, looking up at him with the eyes that always seemed to see through his mask, but now they don’t look like they’re seeing anything. He hopes she’s processing her emotions and not disassociating.
Ezra is about to move off of her when something catches his eye, and he brushes some of her hair away from her face. It clings—not with sweat, but with blood. There’s a cut on her cheek.
“Did I hurt you?” he breathes, not sure what he’s even saying, and he draws away.
Flying up, her hand seizes his wrist, gripping painfully tight, even as her sharpening gaze fixes right where his eyes would be.
Ezra swallows dryly. The look she gives him is making him feel a thousand things that he doesn’t really want to sort out, now or ever.
“Sabine?” he asks. “What…”
He trails off. Her thumb slides to the little space between his glove and his sleeve, pulling the cloth back. Never looking away from his face, she pulls his arm up and softly kisses the pulse of his wrist.
“You’re dangerous, Ezra,” she smiles, breath on his skin.
Then, like the Spectre she is, Sabine is gone.
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coldbasementruins · 1 year
McDonald's employee Will absent-mindedly telling customer Nico "You will have a happy meal" in a commanding tone and panicking because he meant to say it as a question. Nico being intimidated and weirdly attracted to the cute cashier who's internally dying from embarrassment.
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