#I've been thinking about voices
splatbandcanons · 1 year
I'm not saying I'm right,and I'm not saying that I'm wrong, but I think that if it ever came to Nintendo casting musicians for localized voices and not in like sqiddish, I think Patrick Stump would be damn good Ichiya. Even just going off vocal tone and range,like Patrick can and would hit those high notes we know and love 'Chiya for. Also,he is from a literal pop punk band,how perfect is that?
Uhm,Thanks for coming to my ted talk?
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crocodilenjoyer · 4 months
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he's our little brother. take care of him.
anne carson - antigone / alec benjamin - if we have each other / dan pearce - single dad laughing: the best of year one / kodaline - brother
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somnimagus · 8 months
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did some vesperia chibis, i always forget how happy i get drawing these guys. i love them dearly
[id in alt text]
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momentomori24 · 7 months
Something I really love about The Smitten is how despite the fact that he's all talk about true love and genuine adoration he's... not at all about that. From his perspective, he's the dashing, dreamy heroic knight whose one mission is to rescue beautiful, pure, fair damsels in distress. To him, the princess isn't a person with her own personality and dreams and agency. She's an object he views as a trophy wife, a defenseless woman in need of saving, an idealised entity he can project his fantasies on.
And his route-- The Damsel route-- is such a good example of that. This route is the one route (that I know of) where the Princess is practically a blank slate. Where Thorn desperately craved connection, Adversary was itching for mutual rivalry and violence, Prisoner patiently waited for her freedom and Razour just joyfully chased the enjoyment of cutting us into pieces, the Damsel doesn't have anything to her outside of us. She's a helpless, obedient maiden whose only wants are what we want. She wants to destroy the world or she doesn't want to destroy the world or she doesn't care about the world depending on how we feel. This whole charade, no matter how much we want it to, is not about her. It's about us. Because she only exists as a contruction of our own wants. She isn't a person. She's an ideal. A blank canvas. Something to mold into whatever we want.
And that sense of security we felt, the trust we had in her and the image of the perfectly normal, genuinely innocent and real princess we met and fell in love with before the beginning of this route withered away and seeds of skeptisim were planted in its stead. And when we continued to press and push and question for her own desires or aspirations the illusion finally breaks, leaving us with the realisation that we never knew her at all. Because there was never anything to her from the start anyway.
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maulfucker · 8 months
So fucked up that obimaul is a rarepair. What do you mean not everyone is obsessed with enemies to lovers with a Force connection, where one side is completely obsessed with the other who barely acknowledges him (but is just as affected)
#hm i should make an original post tag#obimaul#like. say what you want but obi-wan saw a random dathomirian zabrak and immediately went 'maul?? alive??'#he DOES care about maul he just doesn't actively seek him out like maul does#post prompted by this song that makes me think about Maul in his crime lord era‚ all the luxury of the world within his reach‚#but none of it satisfies him because what he really wants is to find (and kill) kenobi#'another night up in the best suite; everything's gone wrong already‚ my body admits; dreaming so high the floor is the limit;#once again i got lost.. [...] another night i give myself‚ top of a skyscraper; i'm the king of the world‚ dreams for rent;#and when i look at myself i sigh with a low voice‚ 'i don't feel bad i just feel nothing''#(<- song is são paulo‚ 2015 by jão)#it's a song about feeling dissatisfied with the life of fame because there's an emptiness he can't fill with sex drugs or luxuries#and from the context of the album it's likely he's thinking about a past lover he's still not over#so. imagine with me.#i might make something out of this. maybe.#but like. posting about songs that make me think obimaul thoughts. not very productive. almost no audience.#... and while making this post i've been attacked by yet another song with a very obimaul words#'lie to me‚ run from me‚ we swear it doesn't count‚ in this way of ours‚ but it's not because i hate you that i can't kiss you anymore'#<- pilantra by jão and anitta
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dr3comebackera · 5 months
Daniel Ricciardo on his Zandvoort crash, surgery on his broken hand, recovery process, and return in Austin
Tom Clarkson: "Now you mentioned the elephant in the room, Zandvoort. FP2, Turn 3, what happened?"
Daniel Ricciardo: "I *awkward laugh*, I mean I obviously can remember it very clearly, since I didn't hit my head. Erm, but, so you come through, turn, I guess it's Turn 2, and it's over kind of a crest, but then you stay quite tight, because, then the line for 3, you ride the top of the banking. So you know, you're not taking a conventional racing line, so you're not like looking at the apex, you're looking at the top of the corner, pretty much. Like, as a driver, we're always looking ahead and normally like at the apex, but the way you exit 2, you then kind of look straight ahead and pick your braking point."
DR: "So at that point, I'd exited 2, I hadn't seen any yellows, nothing like that. And then by the time I've looked and braked, I then looked where I need to turn, and I see Oscar. This all happened so quickly, but I remember, I can, obviously I'm picturing it in my head now. So I remember, okay, the line we take is high and by this point I'd braked, so I'd already committed, so I knew the speed I was going. My only choice was to take the high line, but I could see his car was at the top of the track. So there wasn't enough room for me to pass through the high line. I'm going too fast to take a low line, so it was either, probably look like a real idiot and crash into him, or try and just slow the car as much as I can, and likely just crash into the barriers, which is what happened."
DR: "But yeah, because it was all, I guess I'm still trying to figure out what I'm going to do, by the time then I'd committed to just going straight, I hadn't then realized, 'okay, take your hands off the wheel.' And a lot of us still don't do it, because crashing is not natural. And it happens so quickly, because you don't plan to crash, so a lot of the time you don't kind of have, yeah, the time to be like, 'okay, I'm crashing, what do I need to do? Brace myself, okay, take my hands off the wheel.' Sometimes you just don't have the luxury of time."
DR: "So, that was it, I hit the wall. I've only watched one replay, but I just don't, I don't want to. Basically, when I've gone in, I'm pretty sure like the right front, it's just the angle, right, the right front would've grabbed the Tecpro [barrier] first, and then that's, like, pulled it in, so it's, it's like I've turned really hard right, the way obviously it's grabbed the wheel. So because the wheels then turned so quickly, I've basically lost grip, so it spun out of my hands, and the bottom of the [steering] wheel, which is pure, hard carbon, has then come up and basically karate chopped my hand."
DR: "So then, you've got the shock of the crash and then adrenaline, so I've come on the radio, and I'd, I think I'd been like, oh sorry, like I've crashed or something. And then, is he like 'oh, you alright?' or 'can you continue?' and I was like, 'no, the car is damaged.' And then, I could feel my hand, and I was like, 'ow, my hand, my hand.' And then I just, it started to, like the pain just went, obviously ramped up really, really quickly, and I feared that something was bad. So, as I'm, I wanted, I was like, 'I need to get my glove off, I need to get my glove off.' And as I'm pulling my glove off, I remember, I was thinking, *awkward huffy laugh*, I was like 'if there's a bone through the skin, I'm gonna pass out.' So that's all, I was just like 'please, please don't let me see anything gruesome.' I'm not good with this stuff, I'm sweating telling it, like I'm serious. I suck at this.
TC: "Have you broken a bone before?"
DR: "I broke my arm as a kid at school, throwing a tennis ball. Anyway, yeah, another very random accident, and I didn't need surgery, that was like a long, long healing process."
DR: "But yeah, so, alright, so I've pulled my glove off, and I, I could see it was already quite swollen, but no bone through the skin. I was like, 'okay.' But then the pain just got so bad, so as soon as I jumped into the medical car, I was *long pause* making a lot of noises, because I was in a lot of discomfort. So I knew that it was not good. I knew immediately, obviously, I wasn't going to race on the weekend. Like I didn't need a doctor to tell me. I feared it was a broken bone. I think the first thing that really kind of just made me sad, was I just had a very, very productive summer break. I felt really, really good physically, and I was just, yeah I was just ready to go. And this just felt like an unfortunate setback. But I was just more worried about surgery and all that, because I'm, again, I'm a bit of a wuss.
TC: "What happened next, I mean, you went down to Barcelona, to Dr. Xavier Mir, who is renowned in the MotoGP world, for mending those sort of breaks. I also think he was, didn't he help Lance Stroll earlier in the year as well?" "Yeah" "So who put you in touch with him, or did you know him already?"
DR: "So from the medical center, we went to the hospital there in Amsterdam. Got scans, and they're like, 'yeah, it's broken.' And by this point, it's the size, like, looked like an elephant stepped on my hand. The doctor there said, 'look, I would recommend surgery.' He's like, 'you can have it here, but you probably want to wait anyway a few days for the swelling to go down. Speak to whoever you need to speak to and obviously you can have your surgery wherever you want, I'm just going to give you my advice.' So then we reached out to Lance, we reached out to, well Jose, a friend of ours who works with Alpinestars, so he knows all the MotoGP guys, and he, he's Spanish as well, so he knows. So he, I think, put us into touch with Xavier Mir, and then, yeah, Lance was like 'go to him' as well. All signs were just pointing to, this guy's done this too many times, just go see him. Like, like don't even bother, just go there.
DR: "So it was, it was a blessing and a curse because, *laughs* he does a lot of MotoGP guys, who, are not human. They are not. It's fact, they are not. So, I think there's an expectation of me going in there, he's like 'oh, F1, MotoGP, same! Not human, don't feel pain.' 'No, doctor, I feel pain. I'm going to cry for the next 48 hours whilst I'm in this hospital.' So it was just funny, they, I think, you know, all the doctors and nurses and that who were helping me, and they were great, but I think they were, they were just quite, they would laugh a lot, because I would wince and pull away and ask questions every needle that went into my arm. Erm, so I think they just thought I would be tough like a MotoGP rider, but I am not."
TC: "I'm sure you were."
DR: "No, no, trust me, I'm not. The break itself was quite significant. It was a shatter, like it wasn't like, oh you just break it clean down the middle. I think it was in eight pieces or something. So it was also, for a bone that can be quite a simple one, it wasn't too pretty."
TC: "So it's your pinky that was being affected by it?" "Erm, well..." "On your left hand?"
DR: "It's like the outside of the hand. So that's the bone I broke, in between like the wrist and the pinky, like that knuckle. So like along the outside there. But even me just rubbing my finger over the top of my hand, hurt like crazy. Maybe I just feel pain more than others, I don't know. *laughs* But er, sorry, I just want to, just let's also say one thing. There was also the reality where, yes, I would moan and complain because I don't like the pain. But it was a broken hand, so there was also a part of me which was like, 'look, dude, yes you're in pain and it's going to be a bit of a process, but people have worse injuries, people have bigger accidents.' So don't get me wrong, I also tried to reality check myself through it all, and I think that's what made me quite, like remain quite positive."
TC: "You missed five races, you came back for Austin. Was there any talk of you getting back earlier, maybe for Qatar?"
DR: "So I knew, I was doing physio every day, and I was, I was doing what I could to come back as soon as possible. But I also wanted to make sure, and I think, you know, Red Bull/Alpha Tauri were really good with this, I wasn't fighting for a world championship, like it's not like, dude you need to just drive through immense pain and just get a point, you know because this is your titles on the line. Like it was, let's make sure you do this and heal properly, and get the right treatment, because also you've got, hopefully a second part of your career which is going to be long and glorious. So it was just, don't compromise anything that you then have a bum hand for the next two years of your career, three years, whatever. So it was good, I could just do it properly."
DR: "Qatar was talked about, I went on the sim the week of Qatar, on the Monday, but I couldn't, er, yet, drive with the full force of the steering, like so we would like bring the feedback down. Er, I just couldn't grip it and do more than like two laps at full strength. So it was very clear that Qatar was out of the question, and also for me to come back and like, yeah, I don't know, not drive at my best and then, no, that no one benefits. I don't benefit, the team doesn't. So er, it was that, at that point we're like, let's just go all in for Austin and make sure I'm good for that."
TC: "And Liam was doing a decent job as well"
DR: "Exactly, he was doing well and there was also, I think Red Bull were great to give me a contract whilst I was injured, to give me a contract for next year. So I, I had that-"
TC: "That was very significant, wasn't it?" "Yeah" "They actually signed you long-term when you were on the sidelines?"
DR: "Yeah, there's so much about being back in the Red Bull family this year that's felt good and right, and I think that was such a, yeah just such like a big thing for them to do that. I think obviously it showed they have a lot of faith in me. It also put to bed if anyone was like, 'oh you know, is there still any issues from their previous relationship years ago? Like is there any carryover tension or whatever?' Like, for them to do that, I think it was very much like, he's our kid and we're going to support him because we believe in him and- So that was really nice."
TC: "So you come back for Austin, and were there any ill effects there? Because I mean, that's a quick track, sector one in particular."
DR: "Er, no, like in, in short no. Erm, I think the race, I got into it quickly and, and, and I was actually honestly expecting more pain in Austin. I was expecting like every kind of bump or kerb I'd hit would be like 'ow, ow, ow.' But it was okay, and erm, I think it was just an endurance I needed to build so like, towards the end of the race, I could feel like my grip strength was maybe not as good as at the start of the race. But honestly, I was, I was fine. And I think that was another thing, I didn't want to get back into a race and then be like, 'yeah I could have done better, but you know, my hand was not up to full strength.' Or like, I was like, this can't be an excuse, and it wasn't, so it was all good."
TC: "And Daniel, you were never going to miss Austin, right?"
DR: "No, I couldn't. I would've loved the result to be better, but no, I couldn't miss Austin.
TC: "The track, the place"
DR: "Yeah, yeah. I love it."
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tastycitrus · 5 months
so i've seen multiple AU stories where cass comes to gotham early, meets one of the other batkids and bonds with them. i've seen several with either jason or tim, and one with steph.
i want to put them all together. an alternate universe where cass comes to gotham early and runs into a bunch of kids who promptly imprint on her like lost ducklings. she doesn't know why they've attached themselves to her; she still can't comprehend language let alone communicate.
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front-facing-pokemon · 7 months
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#alt with eyes hidden under the cut#cofagrigus#their eyes are shiny. made of plastic. so they're looking a little bright. apologies for this#so. generally when i have quarrels about the pronunciation of a pokémon's name (since i don't watch anipoké)#where someone else and i pronounce the same pokémon's name differently. which doesn't happen very often‚ since typically i talk about#pokémon mostly entirely in text. because most of the communication about things i like happens in text. and the pokémon games#are not voice acted. so pronunciation of their names is sparse and sometimes limited to anipoké but even they're inconsistent i think#but whenever i have quarrels about the pronunciation of a name. someone else and i pronounce it differently. i go to pokédex 3d pro#on the 3ds. because every time you go to a pokémon's dex entry‚ the pokédex guy says their name out loud#i basically treat this as gospel for how to pronounce pokémon names. i've been proven wrong a lot but i've also been proven right a lot#and this guy. oooohhh this guy. before pokédex 3d pro i pronounced this guy's name as though the F-slur was right in the middle#only recently did i learn that it kinda sounds like “grievous‚” [kʰɐ.fə.'gɻiː.gəs]#at least. that's how the pokédex 3d pro guy says it#whereas i had been pronouncing it [kʰow.'fæg.ɻɪ.gəs]. so. you can see the issue that arises with that pronunciation#a lot of these pronunciations that i have to double-check just live in my head. and it's only when i say them out loud that i realize#how i'm saying them. like how i pronounce “centiskorch” as [sɑ̃.t͡si̠.skoʁʃ] for some fucking reason. my brain sees it and is like#yeah that's? a french word? even though it looks nothing like one#i also tend to pronounce “grumpig” as ['gʀʊm.pɪç] because of the “ig” at the end. i guess. german instinct#of course these are pronunciations i never say out loud but the first time i Have to say this pokémon's name out loud i'll go#oh yeah! it's not pronounced like that. i should probably not say that#and then i do not. just a fun little story about my twisted and fucked up mind. a little peek into my enigmatic brainspace#jesus christ these are some of the longest tags i've ever written. i'm gonna stop
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marcusagrippa · 6 months
anakin was not born with the teeth of a star-eater, ferrous-black and always dripping blood. his halo did not used to shine so brightly that it hurt his master's eyes, his skin did not always shift and ripple like the surface of a newly-forming planet as the magma churns beneath. his eyes used to be soft and blue and human. he did not grow into his own radiance like it was an oversized sweater, nor did it grow from within him, transforming him gradually from within; his greatness was thrust upon him by a creature who whispered dark promises with the voices of a thousand evil men. he does not want it, this power, and it does not want him.
he is glad his mother has never known him like this. in the depths of his spiralling despair he finds himself almost glad she died, so that she remembers him as human and not... this. supernova child, borne of the cosmos. sky-walker. he is not the son of the stars, he is the son of shmi - wide-eyed boy, sunburnt cheeks, shock blonde hair. the galaxy will not remember him that way.
they will know him as monstrous. she knew him as kind.
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akuma-tenshi · 1 month
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so the new hullabaloo lore teaser, huh??
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angryaromantics · 2 years
I feel like I have a fundamental disagreement with how a lot of people view being inclusive.
To a lot of people, inclusive means using language that includes everyone, all the time. I'm thinking about the breadth of the aro community here, and how some positivity posts about certain parts of the spectrum could actually feel alienating to other people.
Loveless aros aren't going to have the same needs as queerplatonic partnering people, or aplatonic people, or lovecore people, etc etc.
It's near impossible to be consistently including the entirety of the aro community when discussing aromantic issues, and if that's the basis by which you're judging inclusiveness, you're going to be spending more time policing language than you are finding your place in the community.
To me, inclusiveness should be about more of us feeling comfortable sharing our experiences--finding the overlap and the differences and celebrating them both. We're never going to get very far if we spend all our time feeling excluded and never move past it to put our own voices out there.
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skala · 1 year
and the universe said I love you
and the universe said you have played the game well
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my son, I am so very proud.
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laundrybiscuits · 2 years
(wait for the season to come back to me tag)
Eddie doesn’t want to tell the kids yet. Steve kind of understands, but he also knows Dustin’s never going to forgive him for holding out like this. He cancels his biweekly lunch with Dustin twice before sitting Eddie down and saying, “We gotta tell him something.”
“Fuck off,” says Eddie.
“He’s twenty-five years old. He can handle it.”
“That’s not what I’m worried about.”
“What the hell are you worried about, then?” Steve snaps. “I can’t keep lying to him, man! It’s not fucking fair! Just because you—”
“Steve,” says Robin. “Come on. Cool your jets, hotshot.”
Steve realizes he’s been kind of yelling, then. He also realizes that he’s standing over Eddie, who’s folded into a defensive crouch, and Eddie’s nails are in serious danger of ripping the couch cushions open. Eddie doesn’t look scared, exactly, but his face has gone inhumanly still and blank. It’d probably be worrying if there was any space in Steve for worry.
The anger’s still roaring full-tilt through Steve, though. He gets like this sometimes for no goddamn reason at all, and he knows it’ll pass in a minute, but right now the urge to break something is so, so strong.
“Fuck,” he snarls, and wheels around, storming into the kitchen.
He runs the tap just so there’s some noise as he tries to get his shit under control. Robin comes in after a little while.
“I’m—going to the gym,” Steve says, still gripping the sink hard.
“Okay,” says Robin. “Be safe.”
When he comes back, Eddie’s not in the living room.
“I told him he could hang out in my room for a while,” Robin says, before Steve can work himself up into a panic. “I think it would be good for him to have, like…his own private space. Not—I’m not talking about kicking him out, obviously. But maybe we could figure out a partition or something in the living room?”
“Yeah, sounds like a good idea,” says Steve. “God. I’m so sorry. He knows I’m sorry, right?”
Robin flicks him on the forehead. “Yeah, he gets it, dingus. I think he called you an ambulatory fountain of penitence once. Like, a perpetual apology machine.”
“Sure,” says Steve. “Got a lot to apologize for.”
“Nope, we’re not doing that,” says Robin, patting him gingerly on the shoulder. “I’d hug you but you’re all gross and sweaty. Go shower, you’ll feel like a person again.”
He does feel like a person again after a shower, but the Dustin question still hasn’t been figured out. He tries to bring it up again after a few days.
“I wouldn’t even have told you guys I was back if you hadn’t kidnapped me,��� says Eddie, picking at his dinner. Vegan stuff is usually okay, weirdly enough, so Steve’s been learning to cook with tofu. He’s not sure if Eddie actually gets anything out of it on a nutritional level; he hasn’t asked.
“Yeah, I know,” says Steve. He’s trying pretty hard not to get mad again. It keeps him up sometimes, thinking about how easily Eddie could’ve wandered into a different bar that night. He hopes that they would’ve crossed paths sometime anyway, being in the same city and all, but maybe not. He just doesn’t know.
“So you get it, right?” says Eddie. “Why I don’t want to put that on the kids. They’ve all, like…processed it and everything. They’ve moved on, just like you did before I came back and fucked up your life again. And you didn’t even really know me.”
It’s not like he’s saying it in a mean way, but it’s deliberate. He’s watching Steve carefully to see how it lands. Steve takes a deep breath; he can do this right, this time.
“Eddie,” he says. “You know I’m glad you’re back, right? You’re not fucking up my life, I’m happy you’re here.”
“You seem a little stressed for a guy who’s supposed to be happy.” Eddie leans back and smiles. It doesn't reach his eyes. “Just seems sometimes like maybe it would’ve been better for you if I’d stayed, like, a story from your past.”
“No,” says Steve. “No. No. Never. It—might’ve been less complicated, maybe. But not better.”
Eddie looks down at his plate, silently fiddling with the golden-brown chunks of fried soy protein, and Steve realizes it might not just be about how the kids will react.
“Hey. You know it’s going to be fine, right? Dustin loves you. He wants you in his life, whatever that means, and you know he’s not gonna do anything to make you uncomfortable. Plus, he lives like one town away and has his own car, so if I keep putting him off like this he’s just gonna show up here one day and then we’ll really be screwed.”
It’s kind of a joke but it’s also really, really true. Eddie laughs, some of the tension finally dropping out of his shoulders, and says: “Okay. You’ve worn me down, Harrington. Alert the brat pack.”
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faeryaesther · 2 months
Super Lady (Iga Swiatek) ㅡ (G)-IDLE 💖
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howtosingit · 1 year
TK’s Caress + Tommy’s Voice Breaking + Carlos’s Smile 4x18
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ilovedthestars · 24 days
here's the thing. yes, some pieces of art are "better" than others. there are many criteria you can measure that with--technical skill, creativity, clarity, conceptual depth, successful execution of the artist's intentions, etc., and i do think it's useful to clarify which ones you're using as a measuring stick. but like, of course you can evaluate art. of course you can be critical (in the "art critic" sense) of art. (among other things, that's one of the most important ways to get better at making art yourself.)
however. when it comes down to evaluating what gets to count as art. what art even gets to have a seat at the table. i will go to bat for the thing that isn't as "good" every single time.
you can say you think a piece of art is bad. you can say you think it lacked technical skill, or clarity, or conceptual depth, and you consider those important elements of a successful work. i might even agree with you. but if you think that means it doesn't matter, someone is going to die on this hill and it isn't going to be me
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