#Immersive Healthcare Solutions
dress-a-difference · 6 months
How Virtual Reality Transforming Health Care Industry?
How VR transformed Medicine
Virtual Reality (VR) isn’t just about gaming, virtual reality (VR) is a next-generation technology whose applications can revolutionize almost every industry. In healthcare technology, professionals and technologists are pushing boundaries every day, and practitioners are exploring exciting ways – Virtual reality in medicine can assist patients and health providers to achieve better treatments…
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techninja · 4 months
Exploring the Potential of Augmented Reality in Education
Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR VR) Software
Explore the world of Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR VR) software, its evolution, applications, benefits, and future trends in this comprehensive guide.
Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) have revolutionized the way we interact with technology, offering immersive experiences that blend the digital and physical worlds seamlessly. In this article, we delve into the world of AR VR software, exploring its evolution, types, features, industries, benefits, challenges, and future trends.
Evolution of AR VR Software
AR and VR technologies have come a long way since their inception. From early experiments to sophisticated applications, the evolution of AR VR software has been marked by significant technological advancements. Innovations in hardware and software have propelled AR VR from niche domains to mainstream adoption across various industries.
Types of AR VR Software
AR VR software encompasses a diverse range of applications tailored to different needs and industries. Consumer-oriented AR VR apps cater to entertainment, gaming, and social experiences, while enterprise solutions focus on training, simulation, and visualization tools for businesses.
Key Features and Functions
At the core of AR VR software are its immersive experiences and interactive capabilities. Users can explore virtual environments, manipulate objects, and engage with digital content in real-time, blurring the lines between the physical and virtual worlds.
Industries Utilizing AR VR Software
AR VR technology finds applications in a wide array of industries, including gaming, healthcare, education, and architecture. From immersive gaming experiences to surgical simulations, AR VR software is transforming how we learn, work, and interact with information.
Benefits of AR VR Software
The adoption of AR VR software brings forth a multitude of benefits. In education, students can engage in immersive learning experiences, while businesses leverage VR for training simulations and product visualization. Enhanced customer engagement and experiential marketing further amplify the impact of AR VR technology.
Challenges and Limitations
Despite its potential, AR VR software faces several challenges and limitations. High hardware requirements, user comfort issues, and content quality concerns pose barriers to widespread adoption. Addressing these challenges is crucial for unlocking the full potential of AR VR technology.
Future Trends in AR VR Software
Looking ahead, the future of AR VR software is promising. Integration with artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) will enable new applications and experiences. Advancements in hardware, such as lightweight headsets and haptic feedback devices, will further enhance the immersive capabilities of AR VR technology.
Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR VR) software represents a paradigm shift in how we interact with digital content and the world around us. As technology continues to evolve, AR VR software will play an increasingly integral role in various industries, shaping the way we learn, work, and communicate.
1. What is the difference between AR and VR?
2. How does AR VR technology enhance training simulations?
3. Which industries benefit the most from AR VR software?
4. What are the primary challenges associated with AR VR adoption?
5. What advancements can we expect in AR VR hardware?
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charmedreincarnation · 5 months
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Let me share you some examples of people outside of a spiritual realm using the law of consciousness. Reading about placebo opened my eyes to realize whether I believe it or not, use it or not, it is always operating.
1. During wartime, particularly in World War II, when medical supplies were limited, the use of a saline solution as a placebo became prevalent. One notable figure associated with this practice is Henry Beecher, a medic during the war. When morphine, a powerful painkiller, was scarce, Beecher resorted to injecting injured soldiers with a saline solution (a mixture of salt and water) as a substitute.The fascinating observation was that many soldiers responded positively to the saline placebo, reporting a reduction in pain. Beecher’s experience led him to further investigate what is now known as the placebo effect. He discovered that even inert substances like saline could elicit a therapeutic response in individuals, highlighting the power of belief and the mind’s influence on healing. Using saline as a placebo during wartime was a practical solution to address the scarcity of medical resources. It allowed healthcare providers to provide some form of treatment while conserving limited supplies for critical cases. The phenomenon observed in these wartime placebo administrations contributed to our understanding of the placebo effect and its role in medical practices.
2. And then there was another placebo test done with surgeries demonstrated the power of the placebo effect in the context of surgical interventions for knee pain.
The study, often referred to as the “fake leg surgery” study, focused on patients with osteoarthritis in the knee. Participants were randomly assigned to either receive real arthroscopic surgery or undergo a sham procedure where no actual surgical intervention took place. The sham surgery involved making small incisions and mimicking the actions and sounds associated with the actual procedure.The surprising finding was that both groups, those who underwent real surgery and those who had the sham surgery, reported similar improvements in their knee pain and functionality. This suggested that the positive outcomes experienced by the participants were not necessarily due to the physical intervention but rather to psychological factors such as the placebo effect.
3. The most fascinating one was this one: The study aimed to explore the role of mindset in reversing some aspects of aging.
In this experiment, Langer and her team created a simulated environment reminiscent of the 1950s to immerse a group of elderly participants. The participants were instructed to act as though they were 20 years younger and encouraged to engage in activities that required physical and mental activity. It aimed to create an atmosphere where the participants felt as if they were stepping back in time.The results of the experiment were described as astonishing. Participants reportedly experienced improvements in various areas, including physical health, cognition, and overall well-being. The study suggested that by changing one’s mindset and engaging in an environment that challenges typical aging stereotypes, individuals may experience positive effects on various aspects of their lives.
4. The Man Who Overdosed on Placebo" is a story about a 26-year-old man, often referred to as "Mr. A," who was part of a clinical trial for an antidepressant drug. In a desperate state of mind, he attempted suicide by ingesting 29 capsules of what he believed to be the experimental drug. This act was triggered by his depression, which had worsened after a breakup with his girlfriend.
However, unbeknownst to him, the pills he had taken were not the actual antidepressant, but rather placebos - essentially inert substances, often sugar pills, used in clinical trials as a control group. Despite this, Mr. A's vitals showed alarming signs similar to those of a drug overdose, reflecting the power of belief over the physical body, a phenomenon known as the "nocebo effect."
The nocebo effect is essentially the evil twin of the placebo effect. While the placebo effect can lead to improvements in health due to positive expectations, the nocebo effect can cause negative symptoms or even exacerbate existing ones due to negative expectations. In this case, Mr. A exhibited symptoms of an overdose solely because he believed he had taken an overdose.
5. Sam Londe, is one of the best but sad classic example of the nocebo effect, as detailed in Dr. Joe Dispenza's book "You Are the Placebo."
Sam Londe was diagnosed with esophageal cancer, a condition known for its grim prognosis. His doctors informed him that he didn't have much time left to live. Accepting this diagnosis, Londe quickly became bedridden and his health deteriorated rapidly, following the trajectory his doctors had predicted.However, upon his death, an autopsy revealed a surprising fact: there was not enough cancer in his body to have caused his death. The small tumor in his esophagus was not large enough or in a position to interfere with his swallowing or breathing. Essentially, Londe didn't die from cancer; he died from believing he was dying of cancer.
This case demonstrates the power of the mind over the body, both positively (the placebo effect) and negatively (the nocebo effect). In this case, Londe's negative beliefs about his prognosis led to physical symptoms and ultimately his death.
I've seen dozens of examples where of stuff like this particularly in the realms of hexing and witchcraft. Honestly, the same could probably be said about subliminals. But it doesn't matter much.Why? Because they work. It's all about observation and choice. You could say it’s the mind but the mind operates on logic. This goes beyond the mind and to your true being, what observes the mind observing the pain in the first place.
Actually I was talking to someone who had been struggling with shifting for a while about this and it really resonated with her which is why I decided to share it. She took a water bottle, labeled it shifting juice and just assumed that when she finishes the bottle she has “full access to shifting powers” is that how it works. Nope. Did she shift after two years of struggling. Yep. It doesn’t matter what story you create yourself whether you want to use logic or not whatever you assume and persist in and know as a fact will harden into truth and therefore reality.I just wanted to share this story bc I find it absolutely hilarious how we sometimes take it so seriously yet it can be so easy. I know placebo is just an assumption. It’s like when you tell children you checked under their bed for the monsters and drafted them and they assume so so they can sleep soundly at night. Call it whatever you want assumption, placebo, it’s all just words and each community calls it something different but at the end of the day it works wether you know the truth behind it or not.
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starsstuddedsky · 2 years
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Jeonghan’s Guide to Insurance Fraud (And Falling in Love)
reader x jeonghan
summary: your best friend offers a way for you to get your wisdom teeth removed without going into debt. the only catch? you can’t fall in love
genre: fluff, angst, non-idol au, elementary school teacher!jeonghan, f2L, fake relationship
warnings: swearing (jihoon needs soap), one suggestive joke?, mentions of insecurities??? (is that a warning)
wc: 11.2k
a/n: this story (probably obviously) is based on the fact that i have aged out of my parents dental and i still have my wisdom teeth and this gives me anxiety - if you live somewhere with actually decent healthcare what’s it like 😭 (we can call this 100 follower special sure yeah uh huh)
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“Marry me.” 
You eyed Jeonghan from across the couch. Having been friends with him since childhood, you knew what it looked like when he was going to say something completely insane. The corners of his mouth would turn up (as if even he knew how ridiculous what he was saying was), his eyes would glint with mischief, and when he was really messing with you, he’d sit back and fold his arms. 
The thing was, he wasn’t doing any of that now. 
It’s only because you knew him so well that you realized he was actually nervous, blinking just a little bit more than usual and popping his knuckles. 
“You’re serious?” You finally said. 
He shrugged, feigning nonchalance as he leaned back against the arm of the couch. “It’s a solution.” 
“It’s marriage, Jeonghan,” you said. “It’s not something you do on a whim.” 
“It’s not a whim,” he said, rolling his eyes. “I thought it through. You’d be able to get your teeth out without going into debt.” He poked your left cheek, almost to your jaw, as if he could reach your teeth. 
“But marriage? That’s like—a whole commitment and everything,” you sputtered. “You don’t just marry someone for insurance!” 
He shrugged. “Why not? It’s half the reason I took this job and my wisdom teeth have already been taken out. I need to make full use of it!” He knocked his knee against yours. “We’ll get divorced as soon as your teeth are fine. Don’t you want to do something fun and stupid?” 
“Fun and stupid is for people that didn’t lose their parents’ dental insurance,” you said with a sigh that even you knew was dramatic. 
“And this is a solution to that!” Jeonghan paused. “You really won’t even consider it?” 
You turned to him, seeing how earnest he was. For whatever reason, he really believed in this. “Why? What does this do for you?” 
“Contrary to what you and Seokmin think, not everything I do is give and take,” Jeonghan said. He placed a hand on your wrist, warm and familiar. “Yn, you are my best friend, and I want to help. I can help, I have a legitimate solution. If you want.” 
For the first time, you actually contemplated it. Fake marrying Jeonghan wouldn’t change anything. He’d still be the idiot you met in elementary school that somehow convinced you for an entire year that humans came from Mars, and who had talked you into joining the Shakespeare Club in high school before abandoning you to join the soccer team. And he’d still be the first person you’d called when your first boyfriend had broken up with you and you needed a shoulder to cry on, the person who kept you up all night so you could write your final paper last minute your senior year, the first person you hugged when you finally graduated college. 
“I’m not marrying anyone that doesn’t ask properly,” you said, not quite able to hide your smile. It was quickly wiped away when he slid off the couch, kneeling in front of you and scooping your hands into his. He looked up at you without a hint of a lie, his smile hesitant and nervous. 
“Yn, my love.” He paused for dramatic effect. It wasn’t the first time he’d called you ‘my love,’ but it was different when he was immersed in the act of a man in love, making your heart skip a beat. “Would you please consider marrying me?” 
You were tempted to say yes right away, your heart beating much louder than it should have considering it was just Jeonghan and not an actual proposal. You opened your mouth to answer, but the door flew open and Mingyu walked in. You whirled around to see him, Jeonghan’s hands still wrapped around yours. 
Jeonghan’s roommate clearly had walked in without looking, now frozen with his bag hanging in his hands and one shoe half off. “I can come back.” 
“No need!” You said, as he tried unsuccessfully to wiggle his foot back into his shoe. “Jeonghan was just proposing.” 
“Oh, is that all,” Mingyu said. You were tempted to keep the joke going but you were a little worried at Mingyu’s frown, a mixture of shock and concern. 
“He’s just trying to marry me so that I can get my wisdom teeth out,” you said. “It’s just insurance fraud.” 
“Oh, is that all,” Mingyu repeated, sounding rather disappointed. He finally shut the door behind him, tossing his bag into a corner and taking his shoes fully off. “Don’t let me interrupt.” You watched him cross the room, barely glancing at you and Jeonghan, and disappear into his room. 
Jeonghan squeezed your hands to get your attention again. “So? How about it?” 
You smiled. “Sure. On one condition.” 
You would have had a lot more fun if the waiter wasn’t still staring at you. It was starting to get uncomfortable. Since you sat down, you hadn’t felt him look away, his eyes burning into you throughout the entire meal. 
You wondered if Jeonghan even noticed, sitting across from you and frowning at the menu. You tapped his foot under the table and he finally looked up and smiled at the man. 
“Are you ready for dessert?” The waiter took his eyes off of you and you finally felt like you could breathe again. Some of it was your own fault. As Jeonghan ordered, you decided that it had been your idea and you couldn’t really be mad at him for being oblivious to your discomfort. It wasn’t like you were actually on a date. 
“Anything else?” The waiter turned back to you and you tried your best not to squirm under his gaze. It felt like he was trying to undress you with his eyes. You wished you had worn a jacket and less form-fitting clothes. 
Jeonghan reached across the table and squeezed your hand, making the waiter shift his eyes away from you for a moment. You glanced at your fake date and he smiled. 
“We’re good, thank you,” you said, not taking your eyes off Jeonghan. You waited until you heard his footsteps leading away before you sighed in relief, letting go of Jeonghan’s hand. 
“What is up with that guy?” You muttered. 
“We’re almost out of here,” Jeonghan said. “We can bail if you want, though.” 
You shook your head. “I want to see the look on his face when we walk out of here.” 
Jeonghan laughed. That was why you were best friends. You understood the little voice in his head that whispered about petty comebacks so well because it sounded a lot like yours. 
“So,” he said louder. You realized he was starting, fixing any stray hairs that had wandered into your face and sitting up a little straighter. “We’ve been together for a long time.” You nodded, smiling and finding it easy to pretend to hang on to every word as if you were in love. “Yn, you have been by my side through the most important parts of my life. I can’t imagine my future without you in it. Even before we were dating, I always knew it was going to be me and you.” 
He paused, stepping out of his chair to kneel on the hard tile floor, reaching into his suit jacket and pulling out a box. He opened it, revealing the simple gold band you had picked out together. With his free hand, he found yours, squeezing your fingers gently. 
“Yn, will you please marry me?” 
Your hand flew to your mouth, as you stood up, sputtering his name, trying to pretend like a flustered date, buying time so you could blink out the real tears in your eyes. Teaching those children was making him too good of a liar. 
“Yes,” you finally said. “Of course yes.” His smile was so big as he slid the ring onto your finger that you knew you had the entire restaurant fooled, maybe even yourself. There was applause when he pulled you into a hug, and you wondered if you were supposed to be this excited about a fake marriage. 
You caught a glimpse of a uniform out of the corner of your eye and had a terrible idea. You pulled away until your face was only inches away from his, playing with the lapels of his suit jacket while his hands came to rest at your waist as if this were natural. 
“You wanna kiss?” You asked softly. You were, perhaps, a little too entertained by how wide his eyes got, his hands suddenly tight. “It’ll be funny,” you said, leaning a little bit closer. “And I think it’ll look really weird if we don’t do it now because it really looks like we’re about to kiss.” 
He stared at you, glancing at your lips then back to your eyes. You realized that this was the closest you’d ever been to him, in all your years of friendship. Your breath hitched as he leaned forward, and you closed your eyes. 
Just when you were beginning to think he chickened out, you felt his lips on yours, a gentle and chaste kiss that was supposed to end in a heartbeat. Your hands curled into the fabric of his jacket as you leaned closer, chasing him before he could pull away. For a moment, he didn’t react. Then he was kissing you back and you forgot what you were supposed to be worried about.
You were both breathing heavily when he finally pulled away. You felt a little light headed, grateful he didn’t let go of your waist as you tried to remember why you had been kissing your best friend, and why it felt so good. 
“I can’t wait to marry you,” he said, reaching a hand up to brush some hair out of your face. Right. Marriage. Fake marriage. You finally pushed out of his arms, sitting back in your seat, though you kept your dazed smile. 
“Congratulations,” the older couple sitting at the table next to you said. “You two make a lovely young couple.” 
“Thank you,” you said. 
“Take it from someone who’s been married for fifty-one years,” the man said, “the only right way to do marriage is to find someone that loves you and hold on to them.” 
You smiled at them, feeling a little guilty that you weren’t really getting married. You did love Jeonghan, though not in the sense that he meant. 
“It’s been fifty two years, dear.” 
The man frowned. “No, I counted this morning.” 
“Well, you counted wrong.” 
You turned back to Jeonghan as they continued to bicker, raising your eyebrows. He smiled, picking up your left hand that now bore the “engagement” ring, running his thumb over your fingers. The kiss was messing with your head, that was why your heart was pounding at such a simple movement. 
You sat in idle silence as Jeonghan laced your fingers together and you both eavesdropped on the fighting couple next to you. For a couple moments, it was nice, and you let yourself pretend you really were engaged. You wondered what it would be like to be so certain in your love that you would commit to every day with them. Maybe you were just young, but you couldn’t imagine the strength of that love. Except maybe you could, because you knew for a fact that your future held Jeonghan. And Seokmin, and Seungcheol, and Mingyu, and all of your friends. They were fixtures in your life even if it was a different kind of love. 
Jeonghan tapped your hand, bringing you out of your daydream. “Free dessert incoming.” You turned around and saw a waiter, not the one who had been staring at you, carrying a large slice of cake with a candle in it. 
“Congratulations!” He said, setting it on the table. “Please enjoy your dessert complimentary as a sign of our hope your love will be everlasting!” His enthusiasm was fake but the free dessert was all you cared about anyways, the entire reason you had Jeonghan propose a second time. 
You cut into the cake, excited to see if it really was as good as the reviews said. The fork was halfway to your mouth before you paused, smiling at Jeonghan. He seemed to know exactly what you were thinking, rolling his eyes but opening his mouth. You leaned over the table, delivering the cake directly into his mouth. You tried not to think about his lips as you pulled the fork back, remembering how they felt against yours. 
You quickly cut your own piece, focusing on the sweet chocolate. It really was delicious, definitely worth the fake engagement. You savored each bite, not daring to look at Jeonghan for fear of your thoughts betraying you again. 
The cake was finished quickly, leaving you full and suddenly nervous with nothing to look at other than Jeonghan. Since when did he make you nervous? 
Because you weren’t looking at him, you didn’t notice him lean forward, and nearly jumped when his fingers brushed against your chin, thumb rubbing against the corner of your lips. 
“You had some chocolate on your face, idiot,” he said, dropping his hand and leaning back. It’s because you haven’t been on a date in a while, you decided. That’s why the simplest actions from Jeonghan were making your heart flutter. 
“Thanks,” you mumbled, trying to see if the waiter carrying a check was headed your way. 
You hoped the awkwardness would go away after a few minutes, but even after Jeonghan paid (and stared down the waiter) and you both walked to his car, you couldn’t think of anything to say to break the awkward tension. It was as if you had forgotten everything you had ever spoken about, your mind completely blank. 
You sat in the front seat of his car, tapping your fingers on the armrest and looking anywhere but at your best friend. You tried to remember the last time you had been with him and didn’t have anything to say. How did you normally act around him? Make fun of his driving? Tease him about…Well, usually about his lack of a love life but you were definitely not bringing that up now. 
You were relieved when his phone rang, saving you from spewing any of the awkward conversation starters you were coming up with. Jeonghan answered with his fancy steering wheel button, making you reminisce about the days when you would have to answer for him. Sometimes you missed his old car, as beat up and shitty as it was. 
“You bastard.” You grinned at Jihoon’s greeting. 
“Hi, Jihoon, my night is going great, how’s yours?” 
“Hi Jihoon!” You said so that he’d know you were there too. 
“How dare you fucking leave me?” Jihoon said. “You heartless, spineless, dickless, motherfucker.” 
Jeonghan laughed. “I see the dance went well.” You stifled your giggle. You’ve met Jeonghan’s work friends a couple times, though this is the first time you’ve experienced Jihoon’s full wrath (Jeonghan has told you many times how scary the man could be and you’ve seen firsthand that he has not skipped gym day in years). 
“I sent Joshua,” Jeonghan said. “It couldn’t have been that bad.” 
“Yeah that bastard is next, he switched too,” Jihoon said. “I had to chaperone with motherfucking Seungkwan.” 
“Oh come on, it couldn’t have been that bad,” Jeonghan says. “Seungkwan is nice.” 
“You better have a good goddamn excuse.” You could hear Jihoon’s glare. “Any second I wasn’t dealing with a kid crying bc they couldn’t get a goddamn muffin or pissed their pants I was listening to that fucking idiot gush about how cute the kids are. I haven’t had a second to hear my own fucking thoughts.” 
“Stop laughing!” You said. “Green light, dumbass!” Jeonghan wiped a couple tears from his eyes and stepped on the gas before the cars behind you honked. 
“Yn?” Jihoon seemed to finally realize you were there. 
“Yeah, I’m with Jeonghan, he’s driving,” you said. 
“Are you the reason that motherfucker ditched me tonight?” He asked. You wondered if it was safe to answer the question, but, catching a glimpse of the ring on your finger glinting under the passing streetlight, you realized you had a perfectly good reason. 
“Well, we did get engaged,” you said. 
Jihoon was silent. Jeonghan’s head whipped to you for a moment before turning back to the road. When you winked at him, it took him a moment to return a smile. 
“Took you long enough,” Jihoon finally said. 
“It’s not an actual engagement,” Jeonghan said, rolling his eyes at your groan. “Yn just wanted free dessert.” 
“You canceled on me because you scammed a restaurant?” Jihoon sounded pissed again. 
“We could have kept that going so much longer,” you muttered as Jihoon began to curse him out again. Jeonghan pulled into your driveway, leaving the engine on. 
“I’ll see you on Monday, Jihoon,” Jeonghan said. 
“Yeah, looking forward to it,” Jihoon said. You frowned as the call disconnected. 
“I think he might be planning your murder,” you said. 
Jeonghan laughed. “Yeah, you’re probably right. I’ll just call Joshua and make sure he’s there to witness it.” 
“I’m pretty sure it’ll just end up being a double homicide,” you said. “Is it weird that I’m a little scared of him?” 
“It’s a common reaction,” he said. “You get used to it, especially when you see him with the kids. He’s an entirely different person.” 
Just like you, you thought, barely catching yourself before you said it out loud. You saw Jeonghan exactly once at school, picking up a work paper he’d accidentally taken with him when he was grading at your dinner table, and immediately forgot to be mad because you got to spy on him teaching in front of a bunch of eight year olds who were actually listening to him. He might have been your best friend, but even you couldn’t deny the way he could make the entire class burst into giggles with just a wink was at least a tiny bit adorable. 
You looked at him now, dark hair getting so long it was falling over his eyes. As he reached a hand back to try (and fail) to tuck it behind his ear, you remembered how they pressed into your waist when you kissed. You pushed the horrible thoughts away, realizing you had been quiet for way too long. 
“I’ll go inside now,” you said, opening the door. You turned around as you got out, facing him. “Thank you for indulging me tonight.” 
His eyes flitted between the ring on your finger and back to your eyes. “You know I love free food just as much as you.” 
You laughed. “Thank you anyways.” You chewed on your lip for a moment before adding, “Seriously, thank you. I… I really don’t know what I’d do without you.” 
He blinked before smiling. “You’d probably let Soonyoung pull out the teeth with pliers.” 
“Oh my god, I totally would,” you said, covering your mouth. “You’re saving me from complete mutilation!” You both laughed, though it faded quickly and you found yourself lingering at the door. 
“Goodnight, yn,” Jeonghan said softly. 
You take a step back, returning his smile. “Goodnight, future husband.” You closed the door on him, though you didn’t miss how he rolled his eyes. 
He waited for you to get inside before he finally drove off, headlights flashing in the windows then disappearing as you watched him drive down the street. You stayed standing by the window for too long, staring at the street long after his car was gone. 
You found yourself in the front seat of his car again, clutching the piece of paper. It felt… flimsy. You turned to Jeonghan, who had been about to start the engine. 
“That was ridiculously easy, right?” 
He shrugged. You agreed to dress up today, and Jeonghan had decided to wear a suit which made it very hard for you to look at him and think properly but you were doing your best to ignore that. 
“It’s not like it’s a green card marriage,” he said, turning the key and starting the engine. “Plus we’ve been friends for so long I don’t think they’d be able to ask anything we couldn’t answer.” 
You sat back against the chair, still unsatisfied for some reason. A courthouse marriage wasn’t exactly romantic, but you reminded yourself this relationship wasn’t romantic. Still, you thought being married would feel different. 
“So, what do married people do?” You asked. 
“Seatbelt,” Jeonghan said, tapping your leg. You ignored the shivers that traveled down your spine. He turned back to the wheel, though he didn’t put the car into gear until your seatbelt clicked. “I don’t know, get groceries? Run errands?” 
“We do that all the time anyways,” you said, frowning. 
“You do remember that this is a fake marriage, right?” Jeonghan asked. 
You rolled your eyes. “Yes, I am well aware of that. I just thought that this might feel… I don’t know, different.” You held up the piece of paper. “Even if it isn’t actually real, this still legally links us together and that’s kind of monumental.” 
“Are you getting nostalgic on me already?” 
You stared out the window, watching the trees pass by. Maybe you were. You couldn’t help but remember when Jeonghan first got his license, six months before you could get yours. You spent so much time in the passenger seat of that rundown vehicle, seeing him nearly every day. 
You both had grown up. Well, Jeonghan had, with an actual adult job (complete with benefits!). You were still working a part time job and struggling to figure out what you wanted and spending every day terrified that you might never find out what that is. Sitting in his front seat, you wondered if you would ever know. 
“I don’t know,” you finally said. “I just want to do something fun today.” 
“Don’t tell me you want to scam another poor restaurant,” Jeonghan said. “We’ll never be able to go there again.” 
“I didn’t say anything like that!” You said. 
“Then what is something fun?” Jeonghan asked. It was a Monday and he had gone straight from work to the courthouse. You realized he was probably tired and wanted to go home and be done with the day. 
“Laying in bed and taking a nap?” 
“We’ve been married for like twenty minutes and you’re already trying to get me in bed?” Jeonghan whistled. “That’s low even for you.” 
You smacked his arm. “I literally said taking a nap.” 
“Well if you’re not going to suggest anything, then I will,” he said. You frowned at him, but it quickly turned into a grin when you heard his suggestion. 
An hour later you were wearing cheap plastic armor and held a phaser to your chest. You glared at Jeonghan from across the room. He raised his eyebrows and you knew he was saying, good luck with that. 
It had been a little concerning how quickly you and Jeonghan were able to round up friends for laser tag. It was always a struggle to find a date to meet up with everyone but a random Monday afternoon and a last minute invitation somehow managed to bring over half your friends together. 
On your team was Seungcheol, Jun, and Chan, while Jeonghan had Mingyu, Jihoon, and Soonyoung. A fair enough split, in your opinion (you learned years ago that as long as Jeonghan and Seungcheol weren't on the same team it was fair). Chan and Jihoon would both have to prove themselves, the only two invited that hadn’t been friends with you and Jeonghan since high school.  
The “safety instructor,” a kid that couldn’t be older than seventeen, finally finished explaining the rules and the group split up on opposite sides of the arena to begin the battle. 
“Okay, listen up,” Seungcheol said, rounding the group up. His competitiveness hadn’t changed since high school. “I’ll die before I lose to Mingyu and Jeonghan. Keep your eye out for them, Soonyoung is Soonyoung, we don’t have to worry about him, but Jihoon is a wildcard and I don’t trust him, he looks like he’s wielded a gun before.”
“Is it really this deep?” Chan asked you a little too loud. Seungcheol rounded on him. 
“Listen up kid,” he said, ignoring Chan’s protest that he was only a couple years younger. “This is about honor. Respect. This is war, and I’ll be damned if I lose.” 
“Did he watch Braveheart last night or something?” Jun whispered in your ear. You shrugged, adrenaline already pumping through your veins. It had been so long since you’ve gotten to do something fun. 
“Alright, yn and I should split up since we’re the only ones who have a chance at taking down Jeonghan, so Chan, you’re with me, Jun either stick to yn or find high ground.” 
Chan yelped as Seungcheol dragged him to the far entrance. “Why am I with you?” 
“I don’t trust you not to die,” Seungcheol said. 
“Dude, we met today,” Chan said. 
You glanced between Jun and the bickering boys. “Should I save him?” 
He shrugged. “He looks like he can handle it.” 
“You’re still mad that he finished the popcorn when I invited him to movie night.” 
“If he can handle Seungcheol’s wrath he can be invited again,” Jun said. “Otherwise I don’t trust your ‘work friend.’” 
“Oh my god, I can have friends other than you guys,” you said, pushing him to the middle entrance. “Go be a sniper, I don’t want to deal with your sulking more than I’ve already had to put up with.” 
Jun laughed, letting himself get pushed into position as you took the opposite side, already mapping out your plan of attack. From the little map they gave you, it hadn’t changed much since the last time you had been here, though it had been years. You smiled, remembering the last time you had dominated the competition. Jeonghan had been on your team that time, and there was a huge argument about whether that team was unfair. 
You took a deep breath as the countdown dropped to five seconds. You had a reputation to uphold and a husband to destroy. 
You were moving as soon as the doors opened, blinking through the machine-generated fog and advancing down the right side of the arena, to where you knew an outpost would be. You could hear Jun’s light footsteps in the catwalks above you, though they soon vanished as he turned to the middle of the map. 
You peered into the darkness, looking for any flash of the green light that signified your enemy but found nothing. You got to the tower, pulsing white light that you shot down before it could damage you. Your armor blinked once, twice, then faded, and a two minute timer began counting down on your phaser. Two minutes of invisibility. You grinned. 
You crept along the side, taking extra care to be quiet. Finally, you caught your first glimpse of a victim, a flash of green light a few paths to your left. You ducked behind a pillar to follow, stepping out and taking a shot. Your phaser buzzed with victory, and you darted back before your victim could spot you and expose your invisibility. 
You moved quickly, glancing at your phaser to see you had gotten Soonyoung. An easy kill, but it made you smile anyways. You were nearly across the arena now, and decided to climb up and see if you could get a better angle for the arena. You knew there was another outpost nearby and heard the unmistakable clanging of someone fighting it. After a couple seconds it stopped, and you guessed it meant someone else had a power too. 
From above, you spotted another green light, taking the shot before it could vanish and feeling the satisfaction of another buzz. You heard Jihoon curse and smiled, ducking behind a wall before he could see you. 
“Fuck you, yn,” he said. 
“Language!” You called back, laughing as he cursed at you again. 
You started to cross a bridge but froze when Jun appeared from the other side, pointing behind him. 
“Jeonghan has unlimited ammo,” he said, ducking behind a barrier. You step behind a wall just as Jeonghan comes into sight. He didn’t see you, but he must have known you were nearby from Jun’s warning. 
“Oh yn,” he called in a sing-song voice. “I know you’re out there.” You still had a chance. He knew you were there, but he didn’t know that you were invisible (for 30 more seconds), which meant he was looking for a blue light. You figured it would give you a couple seconds of surprise and maybe you’d get a good shot off before him. 
You heard Jun groan as he got shot and knew this was your only chance. You stepped out raising your phaser before you spotted him, aiming at nothing- nothing- nothing- then at the bright green light at the end of his phaser as he turned to face you. 
You didn’t hesitate to pull the trigger. 
You felt the buzz of your phaser and cheered as Jeonghan’s armor blinked. 
“All these years and you still can’t beat me,” you said with a laugh, crossing the bridge to gloat over him. He rolled his eyes. 
“I can’t believe you’re using the same strategies,” he said. You passed him, walking backwards because you didn’t dare turn your back on him. 
“And yet they still work!” You grinned, until you felt a new buzz, your armor blinking. You whipped around, finally finding Jihoon standing below you with a smirk. 
“Oh fuck you,” you said. You ignored the laughter you heard from both Jihoon and Jeonghan, retreating to hide until your armor recovered and you were back in the game. 
You could hear Seungcheol and Chan bickering from somewhere to your right, followed by Mingyu’s shout as they apparently managed to take him down. Once your armor was glowing blue again, you ventured out, taking extra care to be aware of your surroundings. You stayed on the floor, making sure to check above you for any green light. 
You were able to take out Soonyoung two more times, Mingyu once, and you nearly got Jihoon a second time but Jun got to him first. Though there was only a minute and a half of the game left, you were determined to catch Jeonghan one more time, listening for his laugh, then for his coughing as the fog machines billowed out giant clouds. 
You were all the way around to the entrance you had come in through, the fog making it difficult to see any farther than a couple feet in front of you, which seemed like a safety hazard to you. You moved slowly, trying to pick out any light in the darkness. 
“Hands up.” His voice came from behind you. You cursed, raising your hands in the air. “Turn around.” 
“Just shoot me already,” you said. 
“I want to see your face when I beat you,” he said. “Come on.” 
You turned to face Jeonghan, rolling your eyes at his satisfied smile. “Are you going to shoot me yet?” 
“No, I’m going to enjoy this moment,” he said. You knew he was running down the clock so that you had less time to get revenge. It didn’t make it any less annoying. 
“You’d really shoot me?” You gave him your best betrayed look. “When we were married today? Only a few hours ago?” 
“Save it, you didn’t hesitate when you shot me,” he said, phaser trained at your chest where the blue light gleamed. You caught a glimpse of something behind him, a flash of blue light. 
“I regretted that,” you said, stifling a laugh. “Give me a chance to redeem myself.” 
Jeonghan paused and for a moment you thought he was actually considering it, eyes turning soft. “Fat chance-” 
His armor buzzed and flashed. 
“Who the-”
You bursted into laughter with Seungcheol as Jeonghan turned to face him. You had caught a glimpse of him while begging for your life and somehow managed to keep your face straight until he was in range. Chan trailed behind him, smiling but looking slightly concerned at the pure glee that you and Seungcheol shared. 
Jeonghan glared at you, turning the corner without a word as you high-fived Seungcheol. 
“I owe you,” you said. 
“Ready to hunt down the rest of them?” He cocked his head to the arena. “We still have a minute.” 
“Sure, I could go for a new record with Soonyoung,” you said. 
“Take the right side again, Chan go up and meet up with Jun, I’ll take the left,” Seungcheol said. Chan saluted him, though you didn’t miss him shaking his head as he climbed the stairs. He’d fit right in. 
You got Mingyu one more time just before the timer ran out, then all of the lights on your armor flickered and turned off, the arena lights turning on. You grinned at him, bumping your shoulder into his. 
“You nearly got me that time,” you said. 
“Whatever,” he said. “I still don’t think it’s fair that you got to team with Seungcheol.” 
“Would you rather me and Jeonghan were together again?” 
Mingyu hesitated. When you turned to face him, his brow was furrowed. 
“What’s wrong?” 
“You and Jeonghan are really married?” 
You held up your left hand, gold band still sitting. You hadn’t taken it off since the night he proposed. “Apparently.” 
Mingyu was quiet as you walked beside him, still frowning. 
“Okay, spill.” 
“Whatever’s wrong,” you said. “Clearly you don’t approve of me and Jeonghan, so tell me why.” 
“It’s complicated,” he said with a sigh. You stopped him just before the exit. 
“Jeonghan said it was fine, but if it’s messing up something in his life, I want to know.” You waited until he met your eyes. “He’s my best friend, you know I wouldn’t want to do anything that hurts him.” Mingyu stared at his feet and didn’t answer you. 
“Is there someone else? Someone he should be dating for real?” You were surprised at how difficult it was to say, the words leaving a foul taste in your mouth. 
Mingyu tilted his head. “Something like that.” 
It was your turn to frown. Jeonghan had dated plenty of people before and it had never bothered you. You even liked most of them, until things inevitably went wrong. Why did the idea of him having feelings for someone feel so… wrong? 
“Are you lost?” You heard Seungcheol shout. You followed Mingyu out, trying to find your smile again. Even when you saw your name at the top of the leaderboard, it was hard to really smile. 
“As expected,” you forced yourself to gloat over Jeonghan, dropping beside him on the bench. He was taking off his armor, and didn’t react to your shoulder pressed against his.  
“You’ll get ‘em next time, champ,” you said, patting his knee. He shook his head, watching Seungcheol and Mingyu argue. 
“Hey,” you said. He turned to face you, and maybe it was the way the sunlight filtering through the windows made him glow or maybe it was just the way he looked at you, but you forgot what you were going to say. 
“What is it?” He asked with a little frown. 
You blinked, trying to push the weird feelings away. “You’re a simp.” 
Jeonghan scoffed. “Since when?” 
“Since you had an easy shot and let me live,” you said. “Seriously, marriage has made you soft.” 
“You think that’s why I didn’t shoot?” He asked. He laughed at your frown. “Oh, yn,” he said, throwing an arm over your shoulder and pulling you close to him. “You may have won the game and you may have beaten me, but you betrayed your husband, and for that you at least owe me dinner.” 
“You’re so full of it,” you said, but you didn’t push him off. “You would have executed me.” 
“I’m hurt,” he said, patting his chest. “You shot me, right here. It still hurts, I’d never do that to you!” 
You rolled your eyes but you leaned into his embrace, tucking your head onto his shoulder. You remembered what Mingyu said, about his heart belonging to someone else and it sent a pang through your heart. Whoever that person was, they were going to be very lucky. Once you got out of the way. 
Your teeth hurt. Actually, your whole face ached. You struggled to open your eyes, finally managing to pry them open only to squint them closed because the lights were so bright. 
“Ah, you’re awake,” a calm voice said. You frowned at the blurry shape standing over you. “I’ll get your pick-up person.” The nice voice disappeared, leaving you to blink alone. 
They weren’t gone for long, returning with another figure that was familiar. 
“Jeonghan!” You tried to say, except there was gross stuff in your mouth making it difficult to make sounds. 
“Hey toothless,” he said, stopping beside you. He glanced at the nice-voice, who you were pretty sure was some sort of nurse since they were wearing bright green scrubs, then picked up your hand and held it. “How are you feeling?” 
“Mouf hurt,” you said. Jeonghan laughed, squeezing your hand. 
“We’ll get out of here and pick up your prescription, how’s that sound?” 
You nodded. You couldn’t tell if the tingly feeling spreading through your body was the anesthesia wearing off or from Jeonghan beside you. You stared at him, studying his face, eyebrows, nose, jawline, everything. Had he always been so handsome? 
You didn’t turn away when he caught you staring. He seemed to think it was funny, smiling down at you. Since when was his smile so sweet? 
The nice-voice nurse returned. “Okay, yn, you should be good to go, we just have a little paperwork for your husband to fill out.” 
“Huthband?” You tried to say. “I don’t have a huthband.” 
The nurse laughed. “I’m sure you can’t forget marrying someone like him.” You followed their finger, pointing at Jeonghan. 
You frowned at him for a moment, then laughed. “Jeonghan ithn’t my huthband.” 
You frowned at him as he shook his head, patting your hair. “I guess we know how well you handle anesthesia, dear.” 
Dear? You kept staring at him but the nurse handed him paperwork and he seemed to think that meant it was the end of the conversation. He let go of your hand to fill out, which made you frown even more, reaching a hand to rest on his arm. He glanced at you and shook his head at your pout. 
He scribbled on the paper, frowning a couple times but finally put the clipboard down, turning to you. He smiled at you, a warm, fond smile. Is that how married people looked at each other? You tried to return it but your swollen, gauze-filled mouth made it impossible. 
“Let’s go,” he said, returning his hand to yours. You let him pull you to your feet, leaning into his shoulder until the dizziness passed, and then you kept leaning on him because it felt nice. He didn’t protest, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and gently massaging your shoulder as you left the suite. He handed the clipboard to the nurse with a smile. 
“I see you’ve remembered your husband,” they said, winking at you. You glanced between Jeonghan and the nurse. You remembered Jeonghan—he was the boy who sat next to in second grade that never shut up about the World’s Worst Jokes (literally, it was his favorite book), the boy you finally decided to call a friend in fifth grade after he helped you catch up your schoolwork because you missed a week with strep throat. He was the boy you were no longer allowed to pair up in assignments with in middle school after you were dubbed the ‘demon duo’ by all your teachers (it was affectionate, but the Lollipop Incident of seventh grade could not be forgotten), the boy you followed around all through high school because your senses of humor just matched. 
You remembered spending countless university nights beside that boy as he kept you awake until your essays were finished, more than once saving you from the back pain of sleeping slumped over a table by forcing you into a bed. That boy had been your roommate, until a year and a half ago, spending nearly every second at your side, bickering with you about how many holes are in a straw and holding you while you cried over everything from bad grades to heartbreaks. 
You thought you would definitely remember marrying that boy. 
“I couldn’t ever forget him,” you finally said. You wished your words weren’t turned to mush by your mouth. You looked up at Jeonghan, who was smiling down at you again, squeezing your shoulder. 
He thanked the nurse, pulling you outside. You waited until the doors shut before lifting your head off his shoulder. “Are you sure we're married?” 
He laughed at your frown. “Last time I checked.” He lifted your left hand and held it with his own, matching gold bands knocking against each other. 
“Such boring rings,” you said. It was a lie; you loved the simplicity. It just seemed right for you and Jeonghan. 
“I’m never going to let you live this down,” Jeonghan muttered with a crooked smile. He walked you all the way to his car, letting go of your shoulder to open the car door for you. It was strange to see him opening doors for you, but maybe you really had forgotten dating and marriage, and maybe this was normal. You fell into the seat, exhausted from the short walk, barely working up the energy to pull your seatbelt across your shoulders. 
You felt fingers brush against your forehead and you opened your eyes to see Jeonghan brushing a strand of hair out of your eyes. He held your gaze, fingers lingering on your brow. 
“Get some rest,” he whispered. “I’ll pick up your prescription and take you home.” You nodded, the movement finally causing him to drop his fingers. You could feel the ghost of their light touch against your brow, just as you could still feel his fingers laced with yours, even as you watched him drive, both hands gripping the steering wheel. 
You closed your eyes, resting your heavy head against the seat. You were not going to fall asleep, your mouth hurt too much for that, but for once Jeonghan seemed to be avoiding the potholes so it was at least a smooth ride. You wanted to ask him about your marriage, about how you could forget crossing the line between friends and lovers. 
Somehow when you opened your eyes, he was on your street. You definitely remembered him moving out, so why was he taking you back here? 
“If we’re married, why are we going back here?” You asked as he pulled into the driveway. 
Jeonghan fought another smile. “Are you asking me to move in together?” 
“No, I’m asking why married people don’t live together,” you said. He left the car, walking around to your side and helping you out. You leaned on him again as he walked you to the door, feeling exhausted. 
“Maybe we don’t have a happy marriage,” he said nonchalantly. He pulled the keys, your keys, out of his pocket and let himself in, half-carrying you to your room. “I mean, you literally forgot we are married.” 
You shook your head as you crawled under your blankets. “No, I don’t think so. I’m really happy we’re married.” 
He pulled the blankets over you, tucking you in. “Why’s that?” He paused over you, dark hair falling into his eyes again as he looked down on you. 
“I really like you,” you said. He leaned over you, and all you wanted was to melt into those beautiful brown eyes, but your eyelids were getting heavier with each heartbeat. The last thing you remembered was Jeonghan pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. 
You watched Jeonghan at the bar. He was getting drinks but he had been stopped by some girl whose name you couldn’t quite remember. You turned to look at the dance floor; Jeonghan could talk to whoever he wanted, you didn’t have any right to care. 
The rest of your friends were scattered around the dance floor at different tables, being normal humans and socializing. Mingyu had tried to drag you into a conversation, but Eun Woo was at the table and there was no way you would deign to be anywhere near that man. 
However, that left you alone at the table your group had claimed when you arrived together, watching everyone else having fun. Names floated around your head, occasionally matching the faces of the people wandering around. Thankfully, no one you didn’t know came to say hi. 
Just last year you had been excited to go to your first high school reunion, tracking down all of your friends and making sure they kept the night free. That had been before you realized everyone else had grown up and gotten adult jobs, leaving you and your part time job to feel tiny and more than a little bit like a failure. 
Your friends got their revenge and dragged you to this year’s reunion. The worst part was, you were stuck. Because of the incident last year (which had nothing to do with you and Jeonghan and the intercom system), your former student body president (turned CEO) decided it would be best to host your reunion at a hotel under the guise of promoting safe drinking habits. They’d booked rooms for everyone and even had free (cheap) beer. You’d be impressed, if you weren’t suspicious that half the funds were from the embezzling scandal you’d heard his company had gotten caught in. 
You found Seungcheol chatting with a couple members of the baseball team. You debated joining him, but they were probably reminiscing about the games they’d played and you’d only gone to a few, so you doubted you’d be able to really contribute to the conversation. 
Seokmin and Soonyoung hadn’t left the dance floor since you arrived, though that surprised no one. The only difference between high school and now was that the alcohol in their system was legal. You were much too sober to think about joining them. Plus it had only been a couple weeks since your surgery, and though you were technically allowed to do physical activity, you used any excuse you could to avoid the chaos of Seokmin and Soonyoung on the dance floor. They were a hazard to society. 
You stood, seeing Jun walking towards his ex, but Mingyu roped him into his conversation. You glared at Eun Woo, as you were now standing awkwardly. 
A quick glance told you that Jeonghan was still stuck in line at the bar, still chatting with the same girl. Not that it bothered you. Maybe you should join him. 
You took a step, but a voice made you freeze. “Who left you all alone?” You spun, finding Minghao standing in front of you, hands buried in the pockets of his jacket. He managed a nonchalant expression until you threw yourself in his arms. 
“You came?” You half shouted with your arms around his neck. 
He laughed, catching you before you toppled him over. “Miss me?” 
“Don’t even joke! Of course I did! You left me with a bunch of idiots!” You took a step back, though you didn’t let go of his hands. Minghao. He’d gone abroad after high school and never came back, leaving a hole in the friend group that could never be replaced. Mingyu liked to call it losing the only braincell you had ever known. 
He caught your left hand, lifting it and raising his eyebrows at the gold band. “I will confess that part of the reason I came was to see if the rumor Seokmin was raving about was true.” 
You let go of his hands, leaning against your seat. “Yeah… A lot has happened since you left.” 
“Clearly.” Minghao raised his eyebrow. He scanned the room, picking out your friends, pausing at Jeonghan at the bar before turning back to you. “It’s good, though. I’m, and don’t you dare make fun of me, happy for you.” 
You frowned. “What are you talking about?” 
“I mean, Jeonghan has things figured out. Like, he has the stability that you need, he’s got a real-life job and everything, and he’s just good for you.” 
What had Seokmin told Minghao? Did he think you were married for real? 
“I’m not saying that you need to change or anything,” Minghao said quickly. “I just think it’s good for you to be with someone that isn’t… figuring out his life still.” 
“Yeah,” you said. You slid into your chair, trying not to think about how even though Minghao lived thousands of miles away, he could still see you struggling. 
“I can’t believe you didn’t invite me to the wedding,” he said, still standing beside you.  
“Oh, we just had a courthouse thing,” you said. You don’t know why you didn’t tell him the full truth. “It wasn’t a big thing.” 
“Well, when you have the real party, I better be invited.” 
Despite feeling like your heart had been crumpled into a ball, you rolled your eyes. “Minghao, you’ll be my best man.” 
He nodded. “I’d better be.” You managed a few more minutes of small talk before he slipped away to find the rest of your friends. 
His words rang through your head. Maybe you really shouldn’t be with Jeonghan, fake or not. Minghao was right, he had his life figured out; as much as he complained about his job, you knew he loved the kids and he was going to spend the rest of his life teaching. You could barely decide on what to wear every morning. Figuring out your future was something you just weren’t ready for. 
You liked Jeonghan. You knew that. You remembered your anesthesia induced dream, where you managed to tell him your feelings, the soft kiss he placed on your forehead, but it was just a dream. He didn’t feel the same way, no matter how much you wished it could be true. There was someone else he pined for, and if it was anything like the feelings that were threatening to overwhelm you now, you couldn't help but pity him. 
Your feelings didn’t matter, you decided as you watched Minghao join Soonyoung and Seokmin with a backflip in the middle of the dance floor. You wouldn’t mess up Jeonghan’s life any further. You would ask for a divorce. Tomorrow. 
Jeonghan finally returned, setting a drink in front of you and laying an arm over your shoulders. “Bear with me,” he whispered into your ear, lips almost brushing against your ear. “I can’t remember her name but she’s been flirting with me all night and even when I told her we’re married, she wouldn’t leave me alone, so, you’re stuck with me for the rest of the night.” 
You nodded. You hoped you were looking serenely on your friends, but Jeonghan gently tapped your arm until you turned to face him. “What’s wrong?” 
You shrugged. “Tired.” It wasn’t technically a lie. You were tired, but that wasn’t why you didn’t want to be here. 
He pulled his chair a little closer, resting his chin on his shoulder. You knew he was just putting on a show to drive away girl-whose-name-was-a-mystery and that the way he was looking at you now wasn’t real. It didn’t make it any easier to bear his gaze. 
He tilted his head to the side and smiled, eyes twinkling with the familiar glint that you knew meant trouble. “You want to get out of here?” 
You felt your face flush. “Stop joking around.” 
He cocked his head and you followed it to where the girl (whose name you thought started with a S) was still eyeing Jeonghan. “If we disappear into a hotel room for a couple hours maybe she’ll get the point.” He’s right, but you can’t stop yourself from imagining what he was implying, making your blush deepen. 
“You said you’re tired, you can just hide up there for the rest of the night if you want,” he said, apparently not noticing your embarrassment. “Or you can sit here and avoid everyone for the rest of the night and we can pretend like that girl isn’t eye-fucking me.” 
“Let’s go,” you said, standing. Jeonghan took your hand in his, pressing a kiss to your hand that sent shivers up your arm before tugging you across the room, playing the part of a lovesick husband perfectly. You weren’t as good, but you kept your eyes on him and found your smile wasn’t as hard to force as you expected, letting him pull you back into his embrace as you passed through the doors. You cast one glance at S, who looked rather offended. You grinned at her as the doors swung shut, winking even though she probably couldn’t see it from across the room. 
Though the show was just for her, it wasn’t until you were alone in the elevator that he finally disentangled himself from you. “Looks like it went pretty well.” 
You nodded, staring at your feet rather than facing Jeonghan at your side or in the mirrored walls of the elevator. “She looked sufficiently shut up.” 
The doors dinged open and you followed Jeonghan. “We’re rooming together, by the way.” Seungcheol had been in charge of the rooms, setting everyone with roommates and even dropping off bags. There was no reason to think that he would mess anything up. 
No reason until now. 
“There’s only one bed,” you said in a tiny voice. The door clicked shut behind you, Jeonghan at your side. You stood in the hotel room, bathroom door to your left, closet to your right, king sized bed right in the middle. “I’m going to kill Seungcheol.” 
“Actually, it was probably Mingyu,” Jeonghan said, sounding not nearly as unsettled as he should have been. “He called about our rooms and probably mentioned we were married. People I don’t even know were talking to me about it.” 
“I’m going to kill them both.” 
“It’ll be fine,” he said. “It’s not like it’s the first time.” He’s right, you had shared a bed before, when you were thirteen, and there were four other people shoved onto the bed because having twenty people in one sleepover meant you slept where there was space. “If it really bothers you, I’ll sleep on the floor, or crash with Mingyu and Seungcheol.” 
You shook your head. “No, it’s fine, they’ll just make fun of me, and you’re right, it’s not like it's the first time.” No, it was nothing like then. Your heart didn’t pound when he was next to you back then, you never looked at him and wished what was fake could be real. 
You flopped onto the bed, legs dangling off the side as you laid on your back. Your heart was beginning to ache thinking about Jeonghan, so you thought about what Minghao said instead. Most of the time you could pretend you were okay with watching everyone you knew move on with their lives and grow into actual adults, but a night like tonight made you feel small. Insignificant. You were yn. Just yn, and normally that was enough, but not tonight. 
You felt the bed dip as Jeonghan sat next to you. “Do you want to talk about it?” Of course he knew something was wrong. You turned your head towards him, studying his frown which had concern etched into every crease on his forehead. 
You didn’t think you were choked up, but when you said, “No,” in a tiny voice, tears were suddenly threatening to spill onto your cheeks. You turned your head away from Jeonghan, sure that you would fold under his gaze and start crying. 
“You should just go back down,” you said. “I’ll be fine.” 
“I’m not going anywhere,” he said, voice gentle but firm. “You’re stuck with me.” You felt a tear slip away, angrily wiping it off the side of your face. “We don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to, but I won’t leave you alone, yn. I—I won’t.” 
Why? Why did he have to be so kind, and sweet, and loving, and the perfect best friend, fake fiancee, fake husband? Why did he make it so hard to do anything but love him? 
Love wasn’t fair, you always knew that, but it felt cruel now. You couldn’t stop the tears now, turning fully on your side though it was too late to hide them from Jeonghan. He slid next to you, pulling you off the mattress and into his arms, and you knew it was dumb to sob into the arms of the very person that was making you cry but you did it anyway because maybe that’s what you were doomed to suffer. You clung to him, even as your heart was breaking. 
You woke up to the sun in your eyes. You frowned as you opened your eyes, blinking against the light. Usually you closed your blinds so that you could sleep in. It took another moment for you to remember that you were in a hotel room, not your bed at home. That didn’t explain why Jeonghan was wrapped around you, his arm acting as your pillow. Your frown deepened as you met his eyes, finding him staring down at you. 
“Why are we cuddling?” 
He snorted. “I should be asking you that, since I clearly remember telling you this is my side of the bed last night.” You lifted your head off of him enough to see that you had indeed crossed onto his side. But he wasn’t innocent either, with one arm tucked under your head and the other wrapped around your waist, holding your bodies together. You decided not to mention it because you didn’t want him to let go just yet. 
“How long have you been up?” You asked with a yawn. 
He shrugged, shoulder lifting your head. “I don’t know, maybe twenty minutes?” 
“Why didn’t you wake me up?” You said, gently slapping his chest. 
“You looked peaceful,” he said. You looked at him, peering down at you with a soft smile. The morning sunlight that fell through the window cast a halo around him, making his dark hair glow. There was something in his gaze, something you had seen so many times but suddenly felt new, and for the first time you let yourself wonder what it would be like if your feelings weren’t unrequited. Maybe you were still dazed from waking up, but you thought maybe it wouldn’t be very different from how he was with you now. 
“Jeonghan,” you said slowly. “Mingyu mentioned something to me.” 
“Oh boy.” 
“About you.” Your heart was pounding as you forced the next words out. “About how there’s someone that you want to date. For real.” 
He was quiet, though he didn’t break your gaze. Finally, he said, “Yes.” 
It took all of the courage you had in you to say, “Who?” 
He stared at you and because it was Jeonghan, you knew he was trying to figure out what to say. You could practically see the gears turning in his head as he tried to get the words out. The longer it took the more your heart sank. 
“We should get divorced,” you said, turning your head to stare at the window, the wall, anything but those damn eyes. “Teeth have been successfully removed, I’m not in debt, and there’s no other reason to stay married.” Especially not when there’s someone else. You couldn’t quite bring yourself to say it. 
You peeked at Jeonghan and found you couldn’t decipher the frown on his face. It felt wrong to not know what he was thinking. But maybe it was your own fault. You had been keeping things from him yourself, bottling up the emotions and pretending the love you felt wasn’t head over heels idiocy. You couldn’t be hurt that he was so far away when you had built the distance yourself. 
“I love you,” you whispered. “I’m in love with you. I know that there’s someone else, and I’m not saying this to try to win you over or anything, but I think you should know. That I love you.” 
 You’ve seen Jeonghan speechless three times in your life. The first was in elementary school when he was wrongfully accused of stealing candy from the teacher, the first time he found out there were consequences for his “harmless” pranks. The second was when his girlfriend dumped him, the only time in your entire life that he didn’t tell you what happened. This was the third time, opening his mouth and trying to answer but unable to get any words out. 
“I’m an idiot, I know,” you said. “Who falls in love with their fake husband?” Even as the final stake was driven into your heart, you tried to joke. You started to push off his chest, fully prepared to run away and avoid Jeonghan for the rest of your life, but his arm tightened around your waist, pulling you even closer. 
“It’s you,” he sputtered. “There’s no one else, it’s you that I want to be with, that I want to date, that I want to marry, one day. Yn, I have loved you for so long, I don’t know what to do, so please, just give me a second?” 
It was your turn to be speechless. “It’s me?”  
He laughed, face finally breaking into a wide smile. “Of course it’s you, who else could it be?” 
“Maybe one of those moms that Mingyu says are always flirting with him, or one of your coworkers, or anyone that’s ever met you because, seriously, how could anyone not be in love with you?” You rested your head back onto his shoulder. 
“Well, it’s you. It’s always you.” He leaned a little closer, brushing his nose against yours. You swallowed, remembering your first kiss with him. You wondered if your second kiss would be as good. 
“Can I kiss you?” You asked when he didn’t move any closer. He nodded, though the movement caused your lips to brush against one another. You leaned into it, arm snaking from his chest to his neck, feeling his hand digging into your waist, trying to pull you impossibly closer. You don’t know how long the kiss was, feeling like a lifetime had passed when you finally pulled away. 
“Not quite as good as the first time, but it’ll do,” you said, grinning at Jeonghan’s frown. “You have stinky breath.” 
“You have stinky breath,” he said, “But if you’re talking about the restaurant, that wasn’t our first kiss.” 
You thought back, trying to remember any other kiss. There was none during your fake marriage (other than the anesthesia-induced dream that you were beginning to think might have been real) and nothing had ever happened before that. Except… 
“When we were twelve?” You laughed. “That does not count.”
“A kiss is a kiss,” he said. “In fact, I remember you saying it was your first kiss.”
You slapped his chest. “It was your first kiss too!” 
“So you admit it!” Jeonghan was laughing, clinging to you as you pretended to push him away. He wrapped both arms around your waist, tucking his chin onto your shoulder. He waited until you met his eyes. “I love you.” 
You kissed his nose. “I love you, too.” You didn’t run away when he pulled you close again, sliding cold fingers to the back of your neck and pressing his forehead to yours. You were certain he was going to kiss you again. 
“We really do need to get divorced, though,” you said, laughing when he sighed. “I want to do things in the right order, date you for real.” You kissed him again, just because you could, watching the smile quickly return to his face when you pulled away. 
“I do want to marry you, one day,” you said, resting your head against the pillow for the first time. You held up your left hand, studying the way the gold caught the morning light and seemed to glow. 
“You better not say that in front of Joshua,” Jeonghan said. “He’s had our wedding planned since he found out I was in love with you.” 
“Wait, he knows?” You frowned at him. “How long have you been in love with me?” 
Jeonghan’s eyes wandered to the ceiling as he scratched the back of his head. “Been in love? No idea. Too long. But when I realized, we were still living together, and ever since then I’ve been trying to figure out how to tell you.” 
“That’s why you moved out?” You wrapped your arm around his waist, tucking yourself onto his side. 
He nodded. “I needed to know if I was actually in love or just spending too much time with you.” He played with your hair. “I am in love with you. And I’m sorry I was too much of a coward to say it sooner.” 
You found yourself staring at the ring again. It was such a simple thing, just a band of gold that you and Jeonghan had agreed on with the intent to return it when the ruse was up. You really had only gotten them because you were worried someone might call out the insurance fraud. 
“I don’t want to take it off,” you confessed. 
“Then don’t,” Jeonghan said softly. When you looked at him, he was without his usual smirk, eyes serious. 
“Five minutes and you’re already proposing?” You asked. 
“Well, I already got you into bed,” he said with a grin. “But seriously, I don’t want to take off my ring. I’m going to marry you, someday.” 
“I think that sounds nice,” you said, tucking your head back onto his chest. “So, Joshua is our wedding planner? Do we really trust him?” 
“You know, if you told me a year ago, I would have said ‘fuck no,’ but he’s dedicated. He has a pinterest and everything, a color scheme, a list of the best rated bakeries and catering services, photographers, videographers, venues, anything you can think of, he has it. I can’t prove it, but I swear he has a date reserved already.” Jeonghan continued to describe his friend’s vision for your wedding, but you found yourself staring at him, watching him talk. 
 Jeonghan has been by your side for most of your life, your best friend. You knew everything about him, from the way he liked his tea to his obsession with tiny utensils. Still, being friends and being lovers were two very different things. You should have been scared at how much was going to change, but in the little bubble of your hotel room and the magical glow of the morning sun, you felt nothing but hope.
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a/n2: thank you for reading!!! I hope you had fun, I truly love this story <3 enjoy this meme I found after i came up with the idea and couldn’t find anywhere to throw it into
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a/n3: i am incapable of letting this story go so here are some snippets of stuff that didn’t make it into the story/after the ending 1 //
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sunshinesmebdy · 5 months
Pluto in Aquarius: Brace for a Business Revolution (and How to Ride the Wave)
The Aquarian Revolution
Get ready, entrepreneurs and financiers, because a seismic shift is coming. Pluto, the planet of transformation and upheaval, has just entered the progressive sign of Aquarius, marking the beginning of a 20-year period that will reshape the very fabric of business and finance. Buckle up, for this is not just a ripple – it's a tsunami of change. Imagine a future where collaboration trumps competition, sustainability dictates success, and technology liberates rather than isolates. Aquarius, the sign of innovation and humanitarianism, envisions just that. Expect to see:
Rise of social impact businesses
Profits won't be the sole motive anymore. Companies driven by ethical practices, environmental consciousness, and social good will gain traction. Aquarius is intrinsically linked to collective well-being and social justice. Under its influence, individuals will value purpose-driven ventures that address crucial societal issues. Pluto urges us to connect with our deeper selves and find meaning beyond material gains. This motivates individuals to pursue ventures that resonate with their personal values and make a difference in the world.
Examples of Social Impact Businesses
Sustainable energy companies: Focused on creating renewable energy solutions while empowering local communities.
Fair-trade businesses: Ensuring ethical practices and fair wages for producers, often in developing countries.
Social impact ventures: Addressing issues like poverty, education, and healthcare through innovative, community-driven approaches.
B corporations: Certified businesses that meet rigorous social and environmental standards, balancing profit with purpose.
Navigating the Pluto in Aquarius Landscape
Align your business with social impact: Analyze your core values and find ways to integrate them into your business model.
Invest in sustainable practices: Prioritize environmental and social responsibility throughout your operations.
Empower your employees: Foster a collaborative environment where everyone feels valued and contributes to the social impact mission.
Build strong community partnerships: Collaborate with organizations and communities that share your goals for positive change.
Embrace innovation and technology: Utilize technology to scale your impact and reach a wider audience.
Pluto in Aquarius presents a thrilling opportunity to redefine the purpose of business, moving beyond shareholder value and towards societal well-being. By aligning with the Aquarian spirit of innovation and collective action, social impact businesses can thrive in this transformative era, leaving a lasting legacy of positive change in the world.
Tech-driven disruption
AI, automation, and blockchain will revolutionize industries, from finance to healthcare. Be ready to adapt or risk getting left behind. Expect a focus on developing Artificial Intelligence with ethical considerations and a humanitarian heart, tackling issues like healthcare, climate change, and poverty alleviation. Immersive technologies will blur the lines between the physical and digital realms, transforming education, communication, and entertainment. Automation will reshape the job market, but also create opportunities for new, human-centered roles focused on creativity, innovation, and social impact.
Examples of Tech-Driven Disruption:
Decentralized social media platforms: User-owned networks fueled by blockchain technology, prioritizing privacy and community over corporate profits.
AI-powered healthcare solutions: Personalized medicine, virtual assistants for diagnostics, and AI-driven drug discovery.
VR/AR for education and training: Immersive learning experiences that transport students to different corners of the world or historical periods.
Automation with a human touch: Collaborative robots assisting in tasks while freeing up human potential for creative and leadership roles.
Navigating the Technological Tsunami:
Stay informed and adaptable: Embrace lifelong learning and upskilling to stay relevant in the evolving tech landscape.
Support ethical and sustainable tech: Choose tech products and services aligned with your values and prioritize privacy and social responsibility.
Focus on your human advantage: Cultivate creativity, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence to thrive in a world increasingly reliant on technology.
Advocate for responsible AI development: Join the conversation about ethical AI guidelines and ensure technology serves humanity's best interests.
Connect with your community: Collaborate with others to harness technology for positive change and address the potential challenges that come with rapid technological advancements.
Pluto in Aquarius represents a critical juncture in our relationship with technology. By embracing its disruptive potential and focusing on ethical development and collective benefit, we can unlock a future where technology empowers humanity and creates a more equitable and sustainable world. Remember, the choice is ours – will we be swept away by the technological tsunami or ride its wave towards a brighter future?
Decentralization and democratization
Power structures will shift, with employees demanding more autonomy and consumers seeking ownership through blockchain-based solutions. Traditional institutions, corporations, and even governments will face challenges as power shifts towards distributed networks and grassroots movements. Individuals will demand active involvement in decision-making processes, leading to increased transparency and accountability in all spheres. Property and resources will be seen as shared assets, managed sustainably and equitably within communities. This transition won't be without its bumps. We'll need to adapt existing legal frameworks, address digital divides, and foster collaboration to ensure everyone benefits from decentralization.
Examples of Decentralization and Democratization
Decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs): Self-governing online communities managing shared resources and projects through blockchain technology.
Community-owned renewable energy initiatives: Local cooperatives generating and distributing clean energy, empowering communities and reducing reliance on centralized grids.
Participatory budgeting platforms: Citizens directly allocate local government funds, ensuring public resources are used in line with community needs.
Decentralized finance (DeFi): Peer-to-peer lending and borrowing platforms, bypassing traditional banks and offering greater financial autonomy for individuals.
Harnessing the Power of the Tide:
Embrace collaborative models: Participate in co-ops, community projects, and initiatives that empower collective ownership and decision-making.
Support ethical technology: Advocate for blockchain platforms and applications that prioritize user privacy, security, and equitable access.
Develop your tech skills: Learn about blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and other decentralized technologies to navigate the future landscape.
Engage in your community: Participate in local decision-making processes, champion sustainable solutions, and build solidarity with others.
Stay informed and adaptable: Embrace lifelong learning and critical thinking to navigate the evolving social and economic landscape.
Pluto in Aquarius presents a unique opportunity to reimagine power structures, ownership models, and how we interact with each other. By embracing decentralization and democratization, we can create a future where individuals and communities thrive, fostering a more equitable and sustainable world for all. Remember, the power lies within our collective hands – let's use it wisely to shape a brighter future built on shared ownership, collaboration, and empowered communities.
Focus on collective prosperity
Universal basic income, resource sharing, and collaborative economic models may gain momentum. Aquarius prioritizes the good of the collective, advocating for equitable distribution of resources and opportunities. Expect a rise in social safety nets, universal basic income initiatives, and policies aimed at closing the wealth gap. Environmental health is intrinsically linked to collective prosperity. We'll see a focus on sustainable practices, green economies, and resource sharing to ensure a thriving planet for generations to come. Communities will come together to address social challenges like poverty, homelessness, and healthcare disparities, recognizing that individual success is interwoven with collective well-being. Collaborative consumption, resource sharing, and community-owned assets will gain traction, challenging traditional notions of ownership and fostering a sense of shared abundance.
Examples of Collective Prosperity in Action
Community-owned renewable energy projects: Sharing the benefits of clean energy production within communities, democratizing access and fostering environmental sustainability.
Cooperatives and worker-owned businesses: Sharing profits and decision-making within companies, leading to greater employee satisfaction and productivity.
Universal basic income initiatives: Providing individuals with a basic safety net, enabling them to pursue their passions and contribute to society in meaningful ways.
Resource sharing platforms: Platforms like carsharing or tool libraries minimizing individual ownership and maximizing resource utilization, fostering a sense of interconnectedness.
Navigating the Shift
Support social impact businesses: Choose businesses that prioritize ethical practices, environmental sustainability, and positive social impact.
Contribute to your community: Volunteer your time, skills, and resources to address local challenges and empower others.
Embrace collaboration: Seek opportunities to work together with others to create solutions for shared problems.
Redefine your own path to prosperity: Focus on activities that bring you personal fulfillment and contribute to the collective good.
Advocate for systemic change: Support policies and initiatives that promote social justice, environmental protection, and equitable distribution of resources.
Pluto in Aquarius offers a unique opportunity to reshape our definition of prosperity and build a future where everyone thrives. By embracing collective well-being, collaboration, and sustainable practices, we can create a world where abundance flows freely, enriching not just individuals, but the entire fabric of society. Remember, true prosperity lies not in what we hoard, but in what we share, and by working together, we can cultivate a future where everyone has the opportunity to flourish.
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zeldurz · 9 months
A rant about Bacta
For today's long and rambling meta, let’s talk about bacta, aka my least favourite part of Star Wars. The magical space healing goo that solves all your problems for some reason, with no considerations for anything that makes any amount of sense.
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Once again, going to preface this with “I am not a medical professional and am by no means an expert in this field”
More happening below the cut:
To start, I will say that from a meta perspective, I understand why bacta is the way it is. We see it first in Episode V, where Luke is being treated for hypothermia and Wampa-related injuries - and I will give the GFFA that one. We often treat hypothermia with Luke-warm (haha) baths to raise the patient’s body temperature back to what it should be, and I could absolutely see a regulated, temperature controlled immersion tank being used for situations like this. I will even give them the “it’s a sterile solution that has antibiotic properties and promotes healing” thing, like it’s a giant vat of space polysporin or something. HOWEVER, it’s everything that came after that that I have an issue with.
You see, dear reader, the next thing that happened after the movies we all know and love was a tabletop RPG - the foundation of which all legends content is built upon. And in a tabletop RPG (like dungeons and dragons, for those who aren’t familiar), you need a system for tracking health (IE hit points, hearts, etc) and a way to quickly restore your character back to “full health”. Since Star Wars doesn’t have clerics or health potions, you get the magical healing goo that solves all your problems instead. And because you need this resource to be limited in order to give the game an element of risk, you make bacta expensive and sometimes challenging to get ahold of, but it has the power to fix any and all problems.
Now don’t get me wrong, I appreciate that in video games or DND I can drink a potion and suddenly my arm isn’t broken and I am no longer on fire, but Star Wars at its core is not an RPG (I do also, for the record, feel this way about healing spells and similar abilities in fantasy settings, but that’s for another time). I also want to make clear that I, an angst gremlin who thrives on fake science and making characters suffer, am not the average audience for this type of thing, and that narratively, action adventures like Star Wars would suffer tremendously with long, drawn out recovery times. With that being said, the gap between ‘I’m skipping over this because it doesn’t have a place in my story’ and ‘I throw the character in the goo (or have them ingest the goo?? Or inject it?????) and everything is fine now” is substantial, and I for one am really not a fan.
“But Zeds!” you cry, “what about suspension of disbelief? Star Wars has impossible laser swords and impossible galactic travel and-”
I know. And obviously bacta isn’t a make or break it thing for me, because my one and only brain cell is devoted at all times to my poor little meow meows who have committed so many war crimes - but the thing about suspension of disbelief for me personally is it has to be logically consistent within the universe, and for me, bacta makes no fucking sense whatsoever.
(if you are bothered by potential injury/medical stuff and non-graphic discussion of bodily fluids, this is probably where you should get off this train of thought)
I have a lot of issues with bacta, but I can lump them into two broad categories: mechanism of action (ie the biology) and the Bacta Economy (ie the wider implications for healthcare and best practices). 
Mechanism of Action:
To quote Wookieepedia
Promoting rapid regeneration of organic compounds, bacta could be used in a variety of both critical and noncritical medical situations. Described as being warm to the touch, the bacta liquid could aid in the healing of concussions, internal organs, and broken ribs. Furthermore, it could be placed in small dishes to help regrow fingernails, mend cuts, burns, and other injuries. Due to its "one-size fits all" use in medical applications, it was a highly prized and commonly used medical treatment for most, if not all, injuries. Bacta could also knit together broken bones
Bacta can fix everything, apparently, with the legends page going so far as to state that “it's replaced most conventional medicine.” I am not a medical professional, but the idea that one single substance could fix every ailment ever in every species is ridiculous considering that a) we can’t even treat the same condition in different people with one substance (as anyone who has been on antidepressants can tell you), let alone conditions with widely different symptoms and presentations. I could maybe see if it was some sort of stem cell activator or something like that, but even then it seems far-reaching to assume that things like broken bones or concussions could be healed by the same substance. The fact that bacta is primarily applied topically (ie to the skin either as a gel or in a tank), but can also be administered orally or by injection only makes things weirder. Does it absorb into the bloodstream through the skin? How does it reach the injured organ in order to “promote healing?” Is it entirely unaffected by stomach acid???
Which, speaking of concussions, does that mean bacta can cross the blood-brain barrier? You’re telling me that there is one goo that is perfectly matched to every being in the whole fucking galaxy (considering how many different blood types humans have and how much care has to go into matching organs or stem cells for transplant in humans, I find it a stretch to believe that one size fits all for every human, let alone other alien species), and it can fix bones and nerves and everything else? Without side effects?????? What about longer term treatments? Are we not worried about muscle loss? Nutrition? Dehydration???
Not to mention the implication that it can fix broken bones without setting them - the whole thing reeks of hand-wavey space magic, which would be fine if it wasn’t explained in universe as ‘miracle bacteria fix things and we will not be elaborating further’. This is especially problematic since Legends mentions some people have a bacta allergy (which would leave them functionally without healthcare) and because having only one substance that fixes everything from a paper cut to life-threatening injuries is a huge risk to your civilization (from possible contaminants/shortages) as well as doing a disservice to every individual. Between the implications that there are relatively few other drugs (maybe this is why everyone seems to be awake for surgery all the time and no one uses any painkillers? Because they need the bacta for something else????) and the fact that no one is going to waste their precious goo on your headache, healthcare must really suck in a “we only have the goo” galaxy (even moreso than it already does).
The Bacta economy and the wider implications for healthcare in the GFFA:
Canonically, bacta is extremely valuable and nearly impossible to synthesize. In fact, I seem to recall a scene in one of the legends books where Luke has recovered from an injury, and after being treated in a bacta tank, the practitioner is siphoning the excess bacta out of his ears so it can be reused.
In real life, we are very careful to handle bodily fluids with care to avoid accidental exposure to certain diseases - but you’re telling me that you can just soak someone in some goo for days (or weeks!) at a time while they have open wounds, and then pull them out and drop in the next patient? Is there no concern for bloodborne disease or infection at all? 
One of the things I do use bacta for in my fics is recovery after surgery - the antibacterial properties, plus the analgesics and everything else make it a reasonable choice for standard post-op procedure - but the idea of having a patient come out of a sterile operating room and into the goo tank that might have held someone with gangrene a few hours ago is a recipe for disaster imo
And speaking of contamination - how are we deciding which bacta is injected/administered orally and which is topical? Are we injecting people with goo that other people have been sitting in (again, for days or possibly weeks???) Or is only “fresh” bacta used for that purpose? Maybe it’s a class thing, and the rich can afford fresh but the poor have to make do with stuff that’s already had someone in it for a month idk, the whole thing just feels really really grody and like a good way to ensure your entire population is HIV+
And on that note - if every injury and medical condition is treated with one limited, expensive resource, how are hospitals allocating it? If you have broken ribs, for example, would you be evicted from the bacta tank if there was someone who was in a speeder crash whose life is in danger? What about a premature infant? Even if we are assuming that the GFFA operates under capitalist hellscape rules and each patient has to pay for their own bacta treatment, the fact that there’s only one resource to treat every condition must make for an absolute nightmare of triage (I imagine this is only compounded on ships, where the resources are even more limited to stocks on board, and a disaster like an explosion in an engine room could result in massive casualties if the only option for anything is “treat with bacta”)
All of which is to say - bacta works great as a plot device, but as soon as you start looking at it even a little bit, none of it makes any sense at all.
For me personally, I mainly include the use of a tank for post-operative patients - particularly after a major surgery - along with treatment of hypothermia or other conditions with poor circulation or temperature regulation. I also use a gel for wound dressings, but I rarely would have a character receive it orally or by injection. I think it is a useful thing for doctors to have, but I refuse to believe that the entire Galaxy’s healthcare revolves around one substance (no matter how great), and especially that the Galaxy’s physicians have been replaced by it.
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seogoogle1 · 2 months
Unveiling Microsoft Persia: A Revolution in Tech Innovation
In an era where technological advancements are reshaping the world, Microsoft stands at the forefront, pioneering innovations that transcend boundaries and redefine possibilities. Among its latest endeavors is Microsoft Persia, a venture that promises to revolutionize the tech landscape, particularly in the Middle East region. With its strategic vision and commitment to excellence, Microsoft Persia is poised to leave an indelible mark on the intersection of technology and culture. Let's delve into the intricacies of this groundbreaking initiative and explore its implications for the future.
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Microsoft Persia: A Visionary Leap
Microsoft Persia emerges as a testament to Microsoft's unwavering dedication to global inclusivity and diversity. Recognizing the immense potential within the Persian-speaking world, Microsoft embarked on a journey to establish a dedicated hub that caters to the unique needs and aspirations of this vibrant community. By leveraging cutting-edge technologies and fostering local talent, Microsoft Persia aims to empower individuals and businesses alike, driving socioeconomic growth and fostering innovation.
Empowering Innovation through Localization
At the heart of Microsoft Persia lies a commitment to localization, ensuring that technology is not merely adopted but embraced as an integral part of everyday life. By tailoring products and services to resonate with Persian culture and language, Microsoft Persia bridges the gap between technology and tradition, making innovation more accessible and relevant than ever before. Whether through localized software interfaces or culturally resonant marketing campaigns, Microsoft Persia seeks to create a seamless and immersive experience for users across the region.
Fostering Digital Inclusion and Accessibility
In a rapidly digitizing world, access to technology is synonymous with empowerment. Microsoft Persia recognizes this imperative and endeavors to promote digital inclusion on a broad scale. Through initiatives aimed at enhancing digital literacy and bridging the digital divide, Microsoft Persia empowers individuals from all walks of life to harness the transformative power of technology. By making tools and resources more accessible and user-friendly, Microsoft Persia ensures that no one is left behind in the digital revolution.
Catalyzing Economic Growth and Innovation
The establishment of Microsoft Persia heralds a new era of economic growth and innovation in the region. By providing a fertile ground for startups, entrepreneurs, and enterprises to thrive, Microsoft Persia catalyzes the development of a dynamic tech ecosystem that fuels progress and prosperity. Through strategic partnerships and investment in local talent, Microsoft Persia nurtures a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship, propelling the region onto the global stage as a hub of technological excellence.
Embracing AI and Cloud Computing
Central to Microsoft Persia's mission is the integration of transformative technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and cloud computing. By harnessing the power of AI, Microsoft Persia unlocks new possibilities in areas such as healthcare, education, and smart cities, driving efficiency, and innovation across sectors. Moreover, through its robust cloud computing infrastructure, Microsoft Persia provides scalable and secure solutions that enable organizations to embrace digital transformation with confidence, unleashing unprecedented levels of productivity and agility.
Sustainable Innovation for a Better Tomorrow
In the pursuit of technological advancement, Microsoft Persia remains steadfast in its commitment to sustainability and corporate responsibility. By prioritizing eco-friendly practices and minimizing its environmental footprint, Microsoft Persia ensures that progress is achieved in harmony with the planet. From green data centers to carbon-neutral operations, Microsoft Persia sets a precedent for sustainable innovation that inspires others to follow suit, ushering in a brighter and more sustainable future for generations to come.
Looking Ahead: A Future of Boundless Possibilities
As Microsoft Persia embarks on its journey of innovation and transformation, the possibilities are truly limitless. By harnessing the collective talents and aspirations of the Persian-speaking world, Microsoft Persia is poised to redefine the boundaries of what is possible, driving progress and prosperity in the region and beyond. With its unwavering commitment to excellence, inclusivity, and sustainability, Microsoft Persia stands as a beacon of hope and inspiration in an ever-changing world, shaping the future of technology one breakthrough at a time.
In conclusion, Microsoft Persia represents not just a venture in technology but a testament to the power of vision, innovation, and collaboration. By harnessing the transformative potential of technology and embracing the rich tapestry of Persian culture, Microsoft Persia paves the way for a future where innovation knows no bounds and opportunity is within reach of all. As we embark on this journey together, let us embrace the spirit of Microsoft Persia and dare to imagine a world where technology serves as a force for good, empowering individuals and communities to thrive in the digital age.
Website: https://microsoftpersia.com/
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hopessolution · 2 months
Innovative Animation Studios In Austin Texas
Who We Are at Hopes Solution
Hopes Solution is a leading Animation Studios In Austin Texas, renowned for our expertise in 2D, 3D animation, and motion graphics. Our passion for innovation and advanced technology propels us to infuse energy and life into every project we touch. We are dedicated to transforming your ideas into captivating animations and dynamic motion graphics that engage and mesmerize audiences. As we tap into the vibrant energy of Austin's market, we offer tailored solutions that elevate your storytelling. Your vision, combined with our animation and motion graphics expertise, ensures a storytelling experience that is truly unmatched. Embark with us on a journey of visual creativity and discovery.
Motion Graphics Services in Austin Texas
Motion graphics stand as a powerful tool for communication and storytelling enhancement. Our professional animators are adept at creating motion graphics that turn intricate data into engaging visual stories. We are proud to be recognized for our exceptional work in designing animated graphics, typography, and visual elements ideal for video intros, titles, transitions, and presentations, making us a go-to for motion graphics in Austin Texas.
Product Visualization
Our team of talented animators excels in producing detailed product demonstrations, walkthroughs, and interactive presentations. We craft 3D animations that provide a realistic and immersive view of products, prototypes, architectural concepts, and industrial designs, bringing your vision to life in a virtual format.
Character Animation
Character animation is at the heart of storytelling, and our animators are masters of this craft. Specializing in character rigging and animation for a variety of formats, we animate 3D characters with realistic movements, expressions, and behaviors. Our animated characters are designed to express a full spectrum of emotions and interactions, adding depth to any story.
Educational Animation
Animation is an invaluable educational resource, making complex topics accessible and engaging. Our animators create custom content for educational purposes, including lessons and e-learning modules that feature tutorials and educational videos. We leverage animation to break down and explain scientific concepts, processes, historical events, and academic subjects in a way that is easy to understand.
Visual Effects
Our animators in Austin, Texas, possess the skills to seamlessly integrate 3D animations, special effects, and CGI with live-action footage for films, TV shows, and commercials. We elevate the art of visual storytelling by adding digital elements, simulations, and effects to produce captivating and immersive experiences.
Game Animation
We offer comprehensive animation services for the gaming industry, developing animations for characters, environments, objects, and cutscenes. Our focus is on creating dynamic gameplay animations and cinematic sequences that enhance the interactive experience and contribute to the overall gaming environment.
Medical and Scientific Animation
At Hopes Solution, we provide specialized animation services for the medical and scientific sectors. Our animators craft educational animations for healthcare training, research, and patient education. We produce clear and informative animated visuals that demystify biological processes, medical procedures, pharmaceutical actions, and scientific principles for audiences of all backgrounds.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is the expected turnaround time for a local project?
A: The timeline for completing a local project is influenced by the project's size and complexity.
Q: Are discounts available for non-profit organizations?
A: Yes, we offer discounted rates for non-profit organizations.
Q: How is client feedback handled during the editing process?
A: We use collaborative tools and maintain open lines of communication to effectively integrate client feedback.
Q: Can I meet with the animator in person to discuss my project?
A: Yes, we offer both in-person meetings and virtual consultations via Zoom, Google Meet, or Skype.
Q: What is required to start with your video animation services?
A: To begin, we need a voiceover script and a storyboard provided by you.
Q: What if I am not satisfied with the final video?
A: We are dedicated to your satisfaction and will continue to revise the video until it meets your approval.
Q: What is the cost of your services?
A: Our services are priced based on the specific needs and scope of each project.
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sharma1985ankush · 4 months
Mobile App Development Agency in Delhi NCR/Greater Noida
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From Bustling Bazaars to Global Innovation Hub:
Delhi NCR, a land of vibrant culture, historical landmarks, and a booming tech scene, is rapidly transforming into a mobile app development powerhouse. From bustling startups nestled in Gurgaon's co-working spaces to established IT giants in Noida, the demand for innovative and user-friendly apps is skyrocketing. But navigating this dynamic landscape can be tricky, especially with so many development companies vying for your attention. So, let's delve into the exciting world of mobile app development in Delhi NCR, exploring the latest trends and why The Green Concept might be your perfect partner on this digital adventure.
Riding the Tide of Innovation: Trending Technologies
The Delhi NCR app development scene is buzzing with cutting-edge technologies that are shaping the future of user experiences. Here are some of the hottest trends to keep an eye on:
Beyond Screens: Immersive Experiences: Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are no longer confined to science fiction movies. Imagine learning about Hindu history through immersive VR tours of iconic monuments, or trying on clothes virtually before buying them. Delhi NCR companies are at the forefront of exploring how AR/VR can enhance app functionality and user engagement, creating truly unique and interactive experiences.
AI-Powered Personalization: From Mass Market to One-to-One: Gone are the days of one-size-fits-all apps. Today, users crave personalized experiences that cater to their individual needs and preferences. Delhi NCR developers are harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to personalize app interfaces, content recommendations, and even in-app interactions, fostering deeper user loyalty and driving meaningful engagement.
Blockchain: Building Trust, One Block at a Time: Security and transparency are paramount in today's digital world, especially for apps dealing with sensitive information like financial transactions or healthcare records. Blockchain technology offers a secure and transparent way to manage data, making it ideal for these types of apps. Delhi NCR development companies are actively exploring the potential of blockchain to enhance app security and build user trust, laying a foundation for a more secure and reliable digital ecosystem.
Voice-Enabled Interactions: Speak Your Commands: The rise of smart speakers and voice assistants like Alexa and Google Assistant has pushed voice-enabled interactions to the forefront. Delhi NCR developers are integrating voice commands into apps, making them more accessible and user-friendly, especially for visually impaired users or those on the go. Imagine seamlessly navigating your banking app or controlling your smart home devices just by speaking your commands.
Finding Your Perfect Development Partner: Why The Green Concept Stands Out
With so many app development companies in Delhi NCR, choosing the right one can feel overwhelming. Here's why The Green Concept stands out from the crowd:
Your Vision, Our Expertise: Beyond Coding, We Speak Your Language: We don't just build apps, we partner with you to understand your unique vision, target audience, and business goals. Clear communication and collaboration are our core values, ensuring you're not just informed, but actively involved throughout the entire development process. We become an extension of your team, not just hired hands.
A Multifaceted Team: Your One-Stop Shop for App Development: Our team boasts a diverse range of skills and experience, tackling complex projects with confidence. Whether you need an e-commerce platform with robust payment gateways, a captivating game with stunning visuals, or an AR-powered learning tool that breaks down complex concepts, we have the expertise to bring your idea to life. No need to juggle multiple agencies for different aspects of your app development; we offer a comprehensive solution under one roof.
Transparency is Key: Building Trust, One Update at a Time: We believe in open communication and regular updates. You'll never be left in the dark about the progress of your app, as we keep you informed, involved, and confident about every step of development. Expect detailed reports, regular meetings, and clear communication channels to ensure you're always on the same page.
Beyond Launch, We Care: Your Long-Term App Partner: Our commitment extends far beyond building your app. We offer ongoing support, maintenance, and updates, ensuring your app evolves and thrives in the ever-changing tech landscape. We'll be there to address any bugs, implement new features, and adapt your app to the latest trends, so you can focus on growing your business without worrying about the technical upkeep.
Sustainable Practices: Building Apps with a Conscience: At The Green Concept, we're passionate about building eco-friendly apps that minimize environmental impact. We actively explore sustainable development practices, use energy-efficient tools, and offset our carbon footprint wherever possible. If aligning your values with sustainability is important to you, we're the perfect partner to create an app that's not just innovative, but also environmentally responsible.
Delhi NCR is brimming with mobile app development potential, and The Green Concept is your ideal co-pilot on this exciting journey. We equip you with the technical expertise, creative vision, and unwavering commitment to create an app that stands out in the bustling Delhi NCR market and beyond. Ready to turn your app dream into reality?
Contact The Green Concept today for a free consultation. Let's explore the latest trends, discuss your unique vision, and craft a personalized development plan that brings your app to life, sustainably and successfully. Remember, in the ever-evolving world of mobile technology, choosing the right partner is crucial. Choose The Green Concept, and unlock the full potential of your app, not just in Delhi NCR, but on the global stage.
We believe in the power of apps to connect, empower, and make a difference. Are you ready to join the movement?
P.S. Stay tuned for more insightful blog posts on mobile app development trends, industry news, and success stories from The Green Concept. We're passionate about sharing our knowledge and helping you navigate the dynamic app development landscape.
Contact us: Web: www.thegreenconcept.in Email: [email protected] Mob: +919899130429
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rofnal203 · 4 months
2024’s Ultimate GPU Showdown: The Best Options for Your Needs
Welcome to our blog where we are diving into the realm of high-performance computing and graphics processing units. In this article, we’ll be exploring the anticipated 2024 GPU showdown, analyzing the best options available to cater to a wide range of needs. Whether you’re a avid gamer, a content creator, or a professional in need of top-notch visualization capabilities, we’ve got you covered. Join us as we unravel the most promising GPU options and help you make an informed decision for your specific requirements.
The Evolution of GPU Architecture: What to Expect in 2024
The advancements in AI integration are set to revolutionize the rendering process, promising more efficient graphics processing and improved overall performance. Furthermore, the increased focus on ray tracing technology will undoubtedly elevate the visual quality of graphics, delivering more realistic lighting, shadows, and reflections in graphical output. Another key feature on the horizon is the enhanced support for 8K and virtual reality displays, which will cater to the escalating demand for high-resolution and immersive experiences. Notably, the continued emphasis on power efficiency and thermal management will be a driving force behind the development of cooler, quieter, and more energy-efficient GPUs, ensuring optimal performance while maintaining sustainable computing solutions.
Rising Demand for AI and Machine Learning Capabilities in GPUs
The increasing integration of AI and machine learning applications in various industries such as healthcare, finance, and automotive is propelling the demand for more powerful GPU capabilities. As these technologies continue to advance, the need for GPUs with enhanced parallel processing and deep learning capabilities is becoming increasingly apparent. GPU manufacturers are directing their efforts towards developing specialized hardware and software solutions tailored to the specific requirements of AI and machine learning workloads, addressing the growing demand for GPUs optimized to handle neural networks and large datasets.
The Role of Ray Tracing in Next-Generation Graphics Cards
The integration of ray tracing technology in next-generation GPUs is poised to revolutionize the gaming and graphics industry. By simulating the behavior of light in virtual environments, ray tracing will offer unparalleled levels of detail and accuracy, bringing about an unprecedented level of visual fidelity. This advancement not only enhances the visual quality of games but also opens up new possibilities for interactive storytelling in industries such as architecture and film production. Moreover, the cinematic-quality visuals generated in real-time will undoubtedly elevate the immersive experience for both gamers and content creators, setting new standards for visual excellence.
Advancements in Cooling Technology for High-Performance GPUs
Liquid cooling solutions have gained traction in the realm of high-performance GPUs, as they excel in dissipating heat effectively while operating quietly. Additionally, manufacturers are focusing on the development of innovative fan designs with advanced blade technology to enhance airflow and minimize noise levels in GPU cooling systems. Furthermore, the integration of phase-change materials in cooling solutions presents a promising trend, offering efficient heat transfer and improved thermal management. Moreover, the utilization of advanced thermal interface materials (TIMs) is optimizing the contact between the GPU die and cooling solutions, ultimately enhancing overall thermal performance. These advancements in cooling technologies are poised to elevate the efficiency and effectiveness of GPU thermal management.
Impact of Quantum Computing on Future GPU Development
The integration of quantum computing principles into GPU development has the potential to redefine the landscape of computational power and speed. By leveraging the capabilities of quantum computing, future GPUs are poised to deliver unprecedented performance, making real-time ray tracing and AI-driven features more accessible than ever. This innovative approach to GPU architecture holds the promise of enhancing graphics rendering for complex visual tasks and virtual reality experiences, ushering in a new era of computational efficiency and capabilities. The convergence of quantum computing and GPU development may unleash a wave of advancements that revolutionize the field of graphics processing.
Comparing the Top GPU Models of 2024
The 2024 NVIDIA GTX 12800 sets a new standard with its exceptional ray tracing capabilities, catering to the needs of both gamers and digital artists seeking unparalleled visual fidelity and performance. On the other hand, AMD’s Radeon RX 9800 emerges as a powerhouse in the realm of 8K gaming, delivering seamless performance and breathtaking visuals, setting a new benchmark for immersive gaming experiences. For those seeking cost-effective options, the Intel Xe-HP 9600 presents an enticing choice, offering impressive 4K gaming performance while prioritizing efficient power consumption. Additionally, the ASUS ROG Strix RTX 12600 Ti distinguishes itself with its exceptional cooling system, ensuring low temperatures even during the most demanding tasks, making it an appealing option for users with high-performance needs. Each GPU presents a compelling option catering to a diverse range of user preferences and requirements.
How to Choose the Right GPU for Your Gaming Setup
When it comes to selecting a GPU, it’s essential to carefully consider your budget and performance needs. While high-end options may offer better graphics, they often come with a higher price tag, so weighing the cost against the desired performance is crucial. Additionally, researching the compatibility of the GPU with your gaming setup is vital. Factors such as power supply requirements, physical dimensions, and available ports can significantly impact the overall functionality of the GPU within your system. It’s also important to take into account the specific games you play and their recommended system requirements to ensure the chosen GPU can handle your favorite titles at optimal settings. Lastly, don’t overlook additional features such as ray tracing, DLSS, or software suites that may enhance your gaming experience based on your preferences and usage. Each of these considerations plays a pivotal role in selecting the right GPU for your gaming needs.
Maximizing Performance: The Best GPUs for Content Creation
When it comes to high-resolution video editing, the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 is a standout choice with its massive 24GB of GDDR6X memory, ensuring smooth playback and rendering of 8K footage. For graphic designers and illustrators, the NVIDIA Quadro RTX 6000 offers superb support for Adobe Creative Suite and other design software, providing unparalleled stability and accuracy. If your workflow involves real-time visual effects and virtual production, the AMD Radeon VII’s 16GB of HBM2 memory and high bandwidth make it a powerhouse for demanding real-time applications. Additionally, for 3D rendering and complex simulations, the AMD Radeon Pro W6800X Duo delivers exceptional multi-GPU performance, making it ideal for professional content creators. Each of these GPUs caters to specific creative needs, offering optimal performance for different aspects of content creation and design work.
Budget-Friendly GPU Options for Every Need
For casual gamers or office work, the NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 offers solid performance without breaking the bank. Its affordability and reliable performance make it an ideal choice for everyday use. If you’re into content creation, the AMD Radeon RX 580 provides a cost-effective solution with great rendering capabilities. Its ability to handle rendering tasks efficiently makes it a valuable asset for content creators seeking an affordable yet capable solution. Gamers looking for a budget-friendly option with ray tracing support can consider the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 for an optimal gaming experience. The inclusion of ray tracing support at an affordable price point opens up a new level of visual immersion for budget-conscious gamers. For those seeking a versatile GPU that balances price and performance, the AMD Radeon RX 5600 XT is a compelling choice with its excellent value proposition. Its balance of affordability and performance makes it a strong contender for those seeking a well-rounded gaming experience without breaking the bank.
Future-Proofing Your System: Upcoming GPU Technologies
In 2024, the ultimate GPU showdown is poised to showcase cutting-edge technologies that aim to revolutionize gaming and professional workstations. With a focus on advancements in AI and machine learning, the upcoming GPUs are anticipated to deliver unprecedented performance for handling complex computational tasks with ease. As users look for the best options to meet their needs in 2024, the emphasis will be on efficiency, prioritizing high frame rates and real-time ray tracing capabilities for truly immersive gaming experiences. Moreover, future-proofing your system with these upcoming GPU technologies will ensure compatibility with next-generation games and software, maximizing longevity and overall value for users.
In 2024, the GPU landscape is set to deliver an array of cutting-edge technologies that will redefine gaming and professional workstations. From the increasing importance of AI and machine learning capabilities to the pivotal role of ray tracing in next-generation graphics cards, the ever-evolving GPU architecture promises to revolutionize the way we experience visual content. As users seek to optimize their systems for gaming, content creation, and everyday use, the careful selection of GPUs based on performance, price, and specific needs will be crucial. Whether it’s maximizing performance with GPUs tailored for content creation or identifying budget-friendly options, the choices available cater to a wide range of user requirements. Looking ahead, with the constant evolution of GPU technologies, future-proofing your system will be essential to ensure compatibility with next-generation games and software, ultimately maximizing longevity and overall value for users.
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harinikhb30 · 5 months
Charting Career Ascent: Navigating the Dynamic Realms of AWS Cloud Expertise
Embarking on a professional journey in Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud computing unveils a realm where innovation, adaptability, and continual growth intersect. Let's unravel the layers that make an AWS career not just promising but a vibrant tapestry of learning and opportunity.
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1. Surging Demand in the Digital Frontier:
The professional landscape is witnessing an escalating demand for skilled AWS practitioners. With businesses globally embracing cloud technologies, there is an unprecedented need for individuals proficient in crafting, implementing, and overseeing cloud infrastructures.
2. Roles Tailored to Individual Expertise:
AWS distinguishes itself by offering a diverse array of roles that cater to a wide spectrum of skills. Whether one's passion lies in architecting cloud solutions, fortifying security measures, delving into development, embracing DevOps methodologies, unraveling the intricacies of data analytics, or exploring machine learning, AWS provides roles that resonate with individual expertise and career aspirations.
3. Cultivating a Culture of Continuous Learning:
Central to AWS is a commitment to innovation that fosters a culture of continuous learning. The platform's regular introduction of novel services and features not only encourages but necessitates staying abreast of the latest technologies for success in the ever-evolving field of cloud computing.
4. Global Career Horizons:
AWS's prominence as a global cloud services leader opens up expansive career opportunities. Working with international teams, contributing to projects with a global impact, and having the flexibility to explore diverse career options across geographical locations are intrinsic benefits of an AWS career.
5. Competitive Compensation and Professional Advancement:
The demand for AWS professionals, coupled with certifications and expertise, translates into competitive remuneration. Beyond monetary rewards, AWS offers a trajectory for continual professional growth as individuals accumulate experience and certifications within the dynamic realm of cloud computing.
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6. Versatility Across Industries:
AWS's adaptability spans across a myriad of industries including finance, healthcare, e-commerce, and entertainment. This versatility empowers professionals to align their careers with industries of personal interest, contributing to impactful projects in diverse sectors.
7. Certification Validation and Professional Credibility:
AWS's robust certification program provides a structured framework for professionals to validate their expertise. Earning AWS certifications not only enhances credibility in the job market but serves as tangible evidence of proficiency in specific AWS services and roles.
8. A Flourishing Ecosystem and Community Synergy:
Being an integral part of the AWS ecosystem brings manifold advantages. Access to a vast network of partners, clients, and a thriving community provides invaluable opportunities for networking, collaboration, and a continual awareness of industry trends.
9. Flexibility with Remote Work:
The inherent nature of cloud computing often facilitates remote work opportunities. This flexibility in work arrangements is particularly appealing to those seeking a harmonious work-life balance or exploring career possibilities beyond the confines of their immediate physical location.
10. Future-Proofing Careers with AWS Prowess:
The ongoing paradigm shift of businesses to the cloud positions an AWS career as potentially future-proof. As skills in AWS cloud computing become increasingly indispensable, professionals find themselves at the forefront of technology trends, ensuring continued relevance in the dynamic field of cloud computing.
In conclusion, stepping into an AWS cloud computing career promises not just a job but an immersive journey into a realm where each stride unfolds new discoveries and opportunities for professional excellence. The dynamic and ever-evolving nature of AWS makes it a prime choice for those aiming to carve a successful and fulfilling career path in the technology industry.
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Unlocking Opportunities: Exploring Top 10 Digital Marketing Courses in Bandra, Mumbai
Are you looking for digital marketing courses in Bandra? Is it hard for you to choose the best one from the plethora of digital marketing institutes in Bandra? If so, you've landed in the perfect place.
 With the ever-evolving digital landscape, mastering the art of online marketing has become the prime importance. Let's explore the top 10 digital marketing courses in this buzzing city to help you make an informed choice.
Top 10 Digital Marketing Courses in Bandra:
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AADME is Asia’s 1st AI-enabled and Lifetime Mentorship digital marketing course in Bandra. They provide a dynamic learning platform for digital marketing classes in Mumbai with an affordable fee structure.
It is the best institute for digital marketing courses in Mumbai. Recently, it was awarded the Most Trusted Digital Marketing Learning Platform in 2023.
Aadme has trained 50k+ learners. They help students, working professionals, housewives, or agency owners who want to scale their businesses.
Course highlights
Guaranteed Internship: Assurance of practical experience through a hands-on internship at the end of the course
100% Job Assistance: Commitment to supporting graduates in securing employment opportunities.
Work Experience Letter: Upon completion of internship you will be granted a work experience letter.
100+ Tools Training: You will learn more than 100 plus automation tools increasing productivity.
7+ International Certifications: Attainment of globally recognized certifications for professional credibility.
Build Your Agency in 90 Days: Empower individuals to establish their digital marketing agencies within a three-month timeframe.
Lifetime Mentorship: Continuous guidance and support from experienced mentors throughout one's career.
Nations’ Best Trainer: Learning from a recognized and esteemed expert Alok Badatia
Personalized Training: Tailoring education to individual needs for a customized learning experience.
Easy EMI Options are Available: Providing flexibility with convenient and manageable EMI payment options.
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2. IIDE – the digital school: Known for its industry-aligned syllabus and experienced faculty, IIDE stands out for its focus on practical learning, ensuring students are job-ready.
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3. DMTI is another well-known digital marketing course in Bandra.  DMTI SOFTPRO was established in 2009. They provide a range of courses, including both online and classroom training. They have trained more than 29,729+ students in digital marketing.
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4. upGrad is an online higher education platform providing rigorous industry-relevant programs designed and delivered in collaboration with world-class faculty and industry. Merging the latest technology, pedagogy, and services, upGrad is creating an immersive learning experience – anytime and anywhere.
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5. Compufield is also one of the best digital marketing training institutes in Mumbai. It offers customized learning solutions to students, working professionals, and entrepreneurs. The Digital Marketing Training program is designed keeping in mind the latest industry trends and techniques.
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6. ICIT Computer Institute is one of the leading software training companies in India, offering comprehensive IT courses and cutting-edge training programs to IT aspirants [students & individuals], working professionals, corporates, institutions and government entities.
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7. EduPristine is one of India’s leading training providers in Analytics, Accounting, Finance, Healthcare, and Marketing. Founded in 2008, EduPristine has a strong online platform and network of classrooms across India and caters to self-paced learning and online learning, in addition to classroom learning.
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8. IIM Skills is another institute providing digital marketing courses in Bandra that provides online courses in different digital domains.
They provided real-time projects to ensure that they became well-trained for the digital industry. The institute offers a comprehensive course in digital marketing
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9. Digital Vidya- The Digital Marketing Online Course at Digital Vidya offers a valuable learning experience through its hands-on assignments. These assignments are divided into module and case study tasks, which make the course more practical and engaging.
10. IDCM is India’s top-ranked vocational Training Institute, skilling 2 Lakh+ students annually. This course is designed for both freshers and working professionals who want to excel in their digital marketing careers. It is a classroom-based training program.
Exploring the Digital Marketing Course Fees in Mumbai:
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Understanding the financial aspect is crucial. The digital marketing course fees in Mumbai vary across institutes. However, institutes like AADME offer value-driven courses without compromising quality.
Finding the Best Digital Marketing Institute in Mumbai with Placement:
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Securing a placement after completing a course is a priority for many. Institutes like DMTI and AADME boast excellent placement records, forging lucrative career paths for their graduates.
Unveiling the Best Institute for Digital Marketing Course in Mumbai:
While each institute has its unique offerings, the 'best' institute depends on individual preferences. Factors like curriculum, faculty, industry connections, and alumni success stories play pivotal roles.
Empowering Your Digital Marketing Journey:
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Now that you're equipped with insights into the top digital marketing courses in Bandra, Mumbai, it's time to leap! Choosing the right course can transform your career trajectory in the digital sphere.
Ready to delve deeper into the world of digital marketing in Bandra, Mumbai?  
Explore our comprehensive guide to choosing the best digital marketing courses in Bandra tailored to your needs!
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techtrendshub · 9 months
Exploring the Future: Emerging Technologies Shaping Our World
The world of technology is in a constant state of evolution, and it's an exciting journey into the future. As we navigate the 21st century, we find ourselves surrounded by emerging technologies that promise to reshape our lives in profound ways. From artificial intelligence (AI) to virtual reality (VR) and beyond, the future is brimming with innovations that hold the potential to transform industries, improve our daily routines, and challenge our perceptions of what's possible. In this blog post, we'll take a closer look at some of these groundbreaking technologies and the impact they may have on our future.
Artificial Intelligence (AI): The Power of Machine Learning
AI, often described as the pinnacle of human achievement in technology, is already making waves across various industries. Machine learning algorithms are becoming increasingly sophisticated, enabling AI systems to analyze vast datasets, make predictions, and perform tasks that were once reserved for human experts. As AI continues to advance, we can expect to see its applications in healthcare, finance, autonomous vehicles, and even creative fields like art and music composition. AI-driven personal assistants and chatbots will become more intelligent and seamlessly integrated into our daily lives, making our interactions with technology more intuitive and efficient.
Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR): Immersive Experiences
Virtual reality and augmented reality are revolutionizing the way we experience entertainment, education, and even work. VR immerses users in virtual worlds, while AR overlays digital information onto the physical world. These technologies are poised to redefine the way we learn, play, and connect with others. In education, students can explore historical events or distant planets through immersive VR experiences. In healthcare, surgeons can use AR to visualize patient data during surgery. The gaming industry continues to push the boundaries of VR, providing gamers with unparalleled levels of immersion. As hardware becomes more accessible and affordable, VR and AR will undoubtedly become integral parts of our lives.
5G Connectivity: The Backbone of the Internet of Things (IoT)
The rollout of 5G networks is another milestone in our technological journey. With speeds that dwarf those of 4G, 5G will unlock the full potential of the Internet of Things (IoT). Smart cities will become a reality, with connected devices and sensors optimizing everything from traffic flow to energy consumption. Telemedicine will thrive with low-latency connections, enabling remote consultations and surgeries. The way we work will transform, with remote collaboration tools benefiting from seamless, high-speed connectivity.
Sustainable Technology: A Greener Future
As we grapple with the challenges of climate change, technology is stepping up to provide solutions. Renewable energy sources like solar and wind power are becoming more efficient and affordable. Electric vehicles (EVs) are rapidly gaining popularity, and self-driving EVs promise to revolutionize transportation. Innovations in sustainable agriculture, such as vertical farming and precision agriculture, are increasing food production while minimizing environmental impact. These advancements in green technology are crucial steps toward a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future.
The future of technology is bright, filled with promise, and limited only by our imagination. As these emerging technologies become more integrated into our lives, they will undoubtedly bring about profound changes in the way we work, learn, communicate, and interact with the world around us. Embracing these innovations and staying informed about the latest developments will empower us to thrive in the dynamic landscape of the future. So, fasten your seatbelts, because the journey into the future of tech promises to be an exhilarating one, and we're just getting started.
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supremetechnologies · 9 months
Why Custom Software Development Is Important
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"Software is a great combination of artistry and engineering." Custom software development epitomizes this blend, offering tailored solutions that cater to a company's unique artistry and engineering needs."
—Bill Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft
In a world where one-size-fits-all solutions are increasingly inadequate, custom software development emerges as a powerful tool that empowers businesses to meet their unique needs and challenges. Unlike off-the-shelf software, custom software development tailors applications and systems precisely to a company's requirements. This approach not only offers a competitive edge but also fosters innovation, agility, and scalability.
Custom software development isn't just about creating a standalone application; it's about crafting a digital ecosystem that seamlessly integrates with your existing processes, enhances user experiences, and adapts to evolving market dynamics. By harnessing the expertise of skilled software developers, businesses can unlock a world of possibilities, streamline operations, and drive growth.
In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology, businesses are constantly seeking innovative ways to stay competitive and efficient. One such approach that has gained significant traction is custom software development. This article will definitely help you explore the importance of custom software development, uncovering its myriad benefits and why it has become a cornerstone for modern businesses.
Stay tuned!
Key statistics:
According to Gartner, by 2025, 70% of organizations will use low-code development tools to create custom applications, showcasing the growing importance of customization in software development.
A survey by Forrester found that 62% of businesses that adopted custom software solutions reported a significant improvement in their operational efficiency.
Custom software development allows for better data security. A Verizon report reveals that 43% of data breaches occur at small businesses, underlining the importance of robust, customized security measures.
IBM notes that custom software development can result in a 10-20% reduction in operational costs due to improved efficiency and automation.
A Harvard Business Review study found that businesses using customized software solutions have a 35% higher return on investment compared to those relying solely on off-the-shelf software.
In the healthcare industry, custom software is crucial for ensuring patient data privacy and compliance with regulations like HIPAA. Statista reports that healthcare data breaches cost organizations an average of $7.13 million in 2020.
Custom software development plays a vital role in e-commerce, where personalization is key. Econsultancy reports that 80% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase from brands that offer personalized experiences.
The gaming industry relies heavily on custom software to create immersive and unique experiences. Newzoo estimates that the global games market will reach $218.7 billion by 2024, driven in part by customized gaming software.
In the era of remote work, custom software development for collaboration and communication tools has become indispensable. Buffer found that 98% of remote workers would like to work remotely at least some of the time for the rest of their careers.
Let’s explore this blog post carefully so that it will enable you to understand the significance of custom software development for the unimaginable level of growth of your business. What are waiting for? Let’s move ahead!
Enhancing Efficiency and Productivity
Custom software development allows businesses to automate repetitive tasks, reduce human error, and streamline operations. By designing software that aligns with specific processes, companies can dramatically increase their efficiency and productivity. Tailored User Experiences
Off-the-shelf software may not always meet the unique needs of your customers. Custom software development enables you to create user-friendly interfaces and features that cater to your audience's preferences, leading to higher satisfaction and loyalty.
Scalability and Adaptability
As your company expands, so will its software requirements. Custom software may be built to grow easily, allowing for higher user loads, new features, and changing business dynamics without causing severe interruptions.
Competitive Advantage
In today's competitive landscape, having a technological edge is crucial. Custom software development allows you to innovate faster, respond to market changes, and stay ahead of competitors who rely on generic solutions.
Data Security and Compliance
Data breaches can be devastating to a business's reputation and finances. Custom software development enables you to implement robust security measures and ensures compliance with industry-specific regulations.
Cost Efficiency in the Long Run
While custom software development may require a higher initial investment, it often results in significant cost savings over time. Streamlined processes, reduced operational costs, and increased revenue generation contribute to a positive return on investment.
Integration with Legacy Systems
Many businesses rely on legacy systems that may not be compatible with off-the-shelf software. Custom solutions can bridge the gap by integrating seamlessly with existing technology infrastructure.
Customer-Centric Approach
Understanding your customers' unique needs and preferences is essential for business success. Custom software development enables you to collect and analyze data for more personalized marketing and product development.
Rapid Problem Solving
In a dynamic business environment, issues and challenges can arise unexpectedly. Custom software development allows you to address these problems quickly and effectively with tailored solutions.
Custom software can be designed with the future in mind. It can adapt to emerging technologies, ensuring your business remains relevant and agile in an ever-evolving digital landscape.
To summarize,
Custom software development has emerged as a critical asset in an era where enterprises are defined by their ability to adapt, innovate, and meet the particular needs of their customers. Its importance cannot be overstated, as it offers enterprises tools to boost efficiency, provide personalized experiences, and protect their data in an increasingly digital environment.
Companies that engage in bespoke software development may obtain a competitive advantage, predict their operations, and effectively handle the complex challenges of today's business climate. Customized software development is a strategic requirement for any forward-thinking firm, not just a technological choice.
Recognize the power of custom software development with Supreme Technologies! 🚀 We're your trusted partner for tailored solutions that supercharge business growth. Unleash your potential today!
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smarterfeds · 10 months
Unlocking the World of Benefits: SavvierFeds' Global Training Solution
In an increasingly interconnected world, access to quality benefits training for federal employees is no longer confined by geographical boundaries. Smarter Feds, a leading provider of professional development, presents a ground-breaking approach to benefits training that transcends borders and bridges the gap between in-person and virtual learning.
Breaking Down Barriers: The Smarter Feds Difference
Traditional benefits training often limits participation due to logistical challenges and time constraints. Smarter Feds understands the evolving needs of today's federal employees, whether they're stationed in the heart of bustling cities or remote corners of the globe. By offering both in-person and virtual training options, Smarter Feds ensures that valuable insights into benefits are accessible to all, regardless of their location.
Global Reach, Personalized Experience
What sets Smarter Feds apart is their commitment to personalization. Leveraging the power of technology, they bring benefits training directly to the screens of federal employees around the world. Through virtual training sessions, individuals can engage with expert trainers, ask questions in real-time, and collaborate with peers, creating an interactive and immersive learning environment.
Empowerment through Knowledge
Empowering federal employees with comprehensive knowledge about their benefits is at the core of Smarter Feds' mission. The training sessions delve into the intricacies of federal benefits programs, equipping participants with the understanding needed to make informed decisions about their financial and professional futures. Smarter Feds covers a wide spectrum of topics that matter most to federal employees, from retirement planning to healthcare options.
Join the Global Learning Revolution
As the world evolves, so do the ways we learn and grow. Smarter Feds embraces this evolution by uniting federal employees worldwide through accessible, informative, and engaging benefits training. Whether you're a seasoned government professional or just starting your journey in the federal sector, Smarter Feds is your partner in navigating the complexities of benefits with confidence.
Smarter Feds' commitment to providing globally accessible benefits training redefines professional development for federal employees. By erasing geographical boundaries and tailoring experiences to individual needs, Smarter Feds opens doors to a new era of learning. Join the movement today and unlock the potential of your federal benefits like never before.
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Luxurious Gated Community Plots for Sale in Vijayawada | Ivan Infra Projects
In the bustling city of Vijayawada, where urban living is on the rise, finding the perfect balance between tranquility and convenience can be a challenging task. However, Ivan Infra Projects presents an excellent solution for those seeking an elevated lifestyle amidst nature's serenity — their gated community plots for sale in Vijayawada. Boasting a harmonious blend of modern amenities, security, and scenic surroundings, these plots offer a unique opportunity to build your dream home in a prestigious location.
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Unraveling the Beauty of Ivan Infra Projects:
Prime Location:
Situated in the heart of Vijayawada, Ivan Infra Projects' gated community plots are strategically located to provide easy access to major transport hubs, educational institutions, healthcare centers, and entertainment zones. The convenience of nearby essentials ensures a hassle-free lifestyle for residents.
State-of-the-Art Infrastructure:
Ivan Infra Projects takes pride in providing top-notch infrastructure that meets the highest standards. The gated community features well-planned internal roads, street lighting, and underground electrical lines, enhancing the overall aesthetics and functionality of the development. Additionally, the plots are meticulously designed, providing ample space for landscaping and personalization.
Unparalleled Security:
Safety is a paramount concern for any homeowner, and Ivan Infra Projects understands this well. Their gated community in Vijayawada is equipped with advanced security systems, including CCTV surveillance, manned entrances, and secure boundaries. Residents can enjoy a peaceful living environment with round-the-clock security monitoring.
Luxury Amenities:
Ivan Infra Projects believes in elevating the living experience for its residents. The gated community offers an array of luxury amenities that cater to every aspect of a modern lifestyle. From well-maintained parks and landscaped gardens to jogging tracks, children's play areas, and fitness centers, every amenity is thoughtfully designed to promote health, recreation, and community engagement.
Eco-Friendly Living:
In today's world, sustainable living is of paramount importance. Ivan Infra Projects is committed to environmental conservation and incorporates eco-friendly practices in its gated community. The project includes rainwater harvesting systems, sewage treatment plants, and green spaces that promote a clean and green environment.
If you aspire to live in a secure and luxurious environment while staying connected to all the conveniences of urban living, look no further than Ivan Infra Projects' gated community plots for sale in Vijayawada. With their prime location, state-of-the-art infrastructure, unmatched security measures, and a host of luxury amenities, these plots offer an unparalleled living experience. Embrace the opportunity to build your dream home in one of Vijayawada's most prestigious developments and immerse yourself in the perfect blend of nature, comfort, and convenience. 
For More Info:
Call: +91 9502267654
Visit: https://www.ivaninfra.com/about
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