yume-kara-samete · 1 year
KOKORO&KARADA - Morning Musume '20
Morning Musume '20 Concert Tour Haru ~MOMM~
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stickers-on-a-laptop · 10 months
the good thing is that it is impossible to be sad when coffee form of double action plays
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pikahlua · 4 months
MHA Chapter 410 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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1 あと少し進むだけだ あとすこしすすむだけだ ato sukoshi susumu dake da Just advance a little farther.
2 僕の"個性"を弔に譲渡するんだ ぼくの"こせい"をとむらにじょうとするんだ boku no "kosei" wo Tomura ni jouto surunda I will transfer my quirk to Tomura.
3 呑まれたであろう"向こうの僕"を強化しあの最凶の心と体を再び支配する のまれたであろう"むこうのぼく"をきょうかしあのさいきょうのこころとからだをふたたびしはいする nomareta de arou "mukou no boku" wo kyouka shi ano saikyou no kokoro to karada wo futatabi shihai suru Strengthen the me on the other side who would have been swallowed up and again take control of that heart and body of ultimate evil.
4 弔の様子からして"向こうの僕"はあの切札を切る事なくやられたに違いない とむらのようすからして"むこうのぼく"はあのカードをきることなくやられたにちがいない Tomura no yousu kara shite "mukou no boku" wa ano KAADO (kanji: kirifuda) wo kiru koto naku yarareta ni chigainai From Tomura's appearance, the me on the other side must have been defeated without playing that trump card.
5 まだ勝機はある まだしょうきはある mada shouki wa aru There's still a chance to win.
6 弔の支配できればOFAを"奪える" とむらのしはいできればワン・フォー・オールを"うばえる" Tomura no shihai dekireba WAN FOO OORU wo "ubaeru" If I can take control of Tomura, I can steal One For All.
7 お前がいなきゃだめなんだよ おまえがいなきゃだめなんだよ omae ga inakya dame nanda yo I need you.
8 嫌な事のほうがずうっと覚えているだろう? いやなことのほうがずうっとおぼえているだろう? iya na koto no hou ga zuutoo oboete iru darou? The things you hate you always remember better, right?
9 だから人の未来を阻むんだ だからひとのみらいをはばむんだ dakara hito no mirai wo habamunda That's why I obstructed people's futures.
10 与一 よいち Yoichi Yoichi,
11 僕は ぼくは boku wa I
12 皆に みんなに minna ni [want] everyone
13 ずうっと zuutto to keep
14 見ていてほしいんだ みていてほしいんだ mite ite hoshiinda watching [me].
tagline AFOその目的の為に… オール・フォー・ワンそのもくてきのために… OORU FOO WAN sono mokuteki no tame ni... All For One, for that purpose...
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1 あと少しー… あとすこしー… ato sukoshi-... Just a little farther-...
tagline No.410 さらば!オール・フィー・ワン 堀越耕平 ナンバー410 さらば!オール・フィー・ワン ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 410  saraba! OORU FOO WAN   Horikoshi Kouhei No. 410 Farewell! All For One  Kouhei Horikoshi
2 まだ… mada... "You still..."
3 消えねーのかよ… きえねーのかよ… kienee no ka yo... "haven't disappeared yet, huh..."
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1 ガボッ GABO "Bwagh!"
2 寒ィ…! さみィ…! samiI...! It's cold...!
3 力が入ンねぇ…! ちからがはいンねぇ…! chikara ga haiNnee...! I don't have any strength...!
4-5 立ってらんねえ たってらんねえ tatterannee I can't stand.
6 どけ‼︎ doke!! Out of the way!!
7 あアアアア!!! aAAAA!!! "Aaaaah!!!"
8 もう言葉すら失ってる もうことばすらうしなってる mou kotoba sura ushinatteru You've already lost words even.
9 生まれたてだ 死にかけだ shi ni kake da (kanji: umaretate) da You're about to die (read as: You're newly born).
10 大丈夫だ… だいじょうぶだ… daijoubu da... It's all right...
11 放っておいても消える ほうっておいてもきえる houtte oitemo kieru Even if I leave you alone, you'll disappear.
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1 倒れねーってのはクソ強ェだろ たおれねーってのはクソつえェだろ taorenee tte no wa KUSO tsueE daro Those who don't fall over are damn strong.
2 っぶねぇ……! bbunee......! "Close one......!"
3 完全に勝たねーと かんぜんにかたねーと kanzen ni katanee to "Must have a complete victory,"
4 なァ⁉︎ naA!? "right!?"
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1 ホギャア(来るな‼︎) ホギャア(くるな‼︎) HOGYAA (kuruna!!) "Uwagh (Stay back!!)"
2 オネンネの時間だAFO オネンネのじかんだオール・フォー・ワン ONENNE no jikan da OORU FOO WAN "It's time for beddy-bye, All For One."
3 嫌だ いやだ iya da No.
4 感情に支配されていたんだ かんじょうにしはいされていたんだ kanjou ni shihai sarete itanda I was controlled by my emotions.
5 こんなの僕じゃない…‼︎ こんなのぼくじゃない…‼︎ konna no boku ja nai...!! This isn't like me...!!
6 嫌だ いやだ iya da No.
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1 嫌だ嫌だ嫌だ嫌だ嫌だ嫌だ嫌だ嫌だ嫌だ嫌だ嫌だ嫌だ嫌だ嫌だ嫌だ嫌だ嫌だ嫌だ いやだいやだいやだいやだいやだいやだいやだいやだいやだいやだいやだいやだいやだいやだいやだいやだいやだいやだ iya da iya da iya da iya da iya da iya da iya da iya da iya da iya da iya da iya da iya da iya da iya da iya da iya da iya da NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO
2 憎い憎い憎い憎い憎い憎い憎い憎い憎い憎い憎い憎い憎い憎い憎い憎い憎い憎い にくいにくいにくいにくいにくいにくいにくいにくいにくいにくいにくいにくいにくいにくいにくいにくいにくいにくい nikui nikui nikui nikui nikui nikui nikui nikui nikui nikui nikui nikui nikui nikui nikui nikui nikui nikui HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE
3 奪われた因子が うばわれたいんしが ubawareta inshi ga The stolen factors
4 持ち主の元へ戻るーー… もちぬしのもとへもどるーー… mochinushi no moto e modoru--... return to their owners--...
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1 ーーなんてサービス --nante SAABISU --that would be nice. (Note: The word "SAABISU (service)" here is a generic word for an extra service done for a customer. For example: a free dessert on the house at a restaurant.)
2 あるわけないか aru wake nai ka That isn't possible though.
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1 ああ aa Ah.
2 くっそ kusso Crap.
3-4 オールマイトのスタンディングしたかったのに OORU MAITO no SUTANDINGU shitakatta noni [And here] I wanted to do All Might's standing [pose].
5 出久 いずく Izuku Izuku,
6 頑張れよ がんばれよ ganbare yo do your best. (Note: This can also mean "good luck," but I went with "do your best" because of what Izuku says to Katsuki about how his "Deku" means "ganbare" in Deku vs Kacchan, Part 1.)
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1 開戦数日前 かいせんすうじつまえ kaisen suujitsumae A few days before the start of the battle...
2 死柄木は必ず雄英敷地内で討つ しがらきはかならずゆうえいしきちないでうつ Shigaraki wa kanarazu yuuei shikichinai de utsu "We must defeat Shigaraki within the UA grounds."
3 決して地上にダテ落ちさせてはならん けっしてちじょうにダテおちさせてはならん kesshite chijou ni DATEochi sasete wa naran "We must never let him fall from grace* to the ground." (*Note: Jeanist is using a word that means something to the effect of "elegant fall" for which I cannot think of an English word.)
4 地上だと蛇腔戦のように我々が圧倒的不利だからですよね… ちじょうだとじゃくうせんのようにわれわれがあっとうてきふりだからですよね… chijou da to jakuu sen no you ni wareware ga attouteki furi dakara desu yo ne... "Because if we're on the ground, we'll be at a huge disadvantage like at the Jakuu battle, right..."
small text in bubble 何回も聞きました なんかいもききました nankai mo kikimashita "I heard that many times."
small text out of bubble ぜってージーパン言葉だろ「ダテ落ち」 ぜってージーパンことばだろ「ダテおち」 zettee JIIPAN kotoba daro 「DATEochi」 "That's definitely a Denim Face* word, 'fall from grace.'" (*Note: Literally the nickname Katsuki uses here is "Jii-Pan" for "jeans-pants." "Denim Face" is one of the official translations of this nickname.)
5 いや意思統一の話だ いやいしとういつのはなしだ iya ishi touitsu no hanashi da "No, this conversation is about our unity of will,"
6 "何を守るか"という事 "なにをまもるか"ということ "nani wo mamoru ka" to iu koto "about what we will protect."
7 一帯の避難は徹底してるよ建物を守ろうってこと? いったいのひなんはてっていしてるよたてものをまもろうってこと? ittai no hinan wa tettei shiteru yo tatemono wo mamorou tte koto? "The whole area is thoroughly evacuated, so is this about protecting the buildings?"
8 建造物の損壊は最早考慮している余裕はない けんぞうぶつのそんかいはもはやこうりょしているよゆうはない kenzoubutsu no sonkai wa mohaya kouryo shite iru yoyuu wa nai "We no longer can afford to consider damage to the buildings."
9 神野区を荼毘戦に設定した時点で度外視していると言っていい カミノくをだびせんにせっていしたじてんでどがいししているといっていい KAMINO-ku wo Dabi sen ni settei shita jiten de dogaishi shite iru to itte ii "At the moment they set the Dabi battle at Kamino Ward, one could say to disregard [such concerns]."
10 我々は人命を未来を第一に行動する われわれはじんめいをみらいをだいいちにこうどうする wareware wa jinmen wo mirai wo daiichi ni koudou suru "We will act with human life and the future put first."
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1 前置きいいから! まえおきいいから! maeoki ii kara! "We get it! [So then what?]"
2 死柄木の人格的混乱が問題だ…AFO寄りならまだ良い しがらきのじんかくてきこんらんがもんだいだ…オール・フォー・ワンよりな��まだいい Shigaraki no jinkakuteki konran ga mondai da...OORU FOO WAN yori nara mada ii "Shigaraki's confused personality is the problem... It would still be better if [his personality] was closer to All For One's,"
3 支配は被支配者あってのものだからな しはいはひしはいしゃあってのものだからな shihai wa hishihaisha atte no mono dakara na "because control is a thing that only exists if there is a controlled person."
4 だから死柄木寄りの場合…それだけに留まらないのではないか だからしがらきよりのばあい…それだけにとどまらないのではないか dakara Shigaraki yori no baai...sore dake ni todomaranai node wa nai ka "So in the case where [his personality] is close to Shigaraki's...it might not stay as just that."
5-6 力と憎悪が醸成された今奴の破壊願望が土地そのものに向かう可能性がある ちからとぞうおがじょうせいされたいまやつのはかいがんぼうがとちそのものにむかうかのうせいがある chikara to zouo ga jousei sareta ima yatsu no hakai ganbou ga tochi sono mono ni mukau kanousei ga aru "Now that his power and hatred have been cultivated, there's a possibility that his desire for destruction will turn towards the land itself."
7 勝った先の話 かったさきのはなし katta saki no hanashi "This is a conversation about after we've won."
8 踏ん張るにも ふんばるにも funbaru ni mo "No matter how we persist,
9 這い上がるにも はいあがるにも haiagaru ni mo "no matter what we overcome,"
10 土台なくして成り立たない どだいなくしてなりたたない dodai naku shite naritatanai "we cannot stand without a foundation."
11 我々が守るものはーーー われわれがまもるものはーーー wareware ga mamoru mono wa--- "What we will protect is---"
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1 避難所 ひなんじょ hinan-jo Evacuation shelter
2 ああ…家が ああ…いえが aa...ie ga "Ah...our house,"
3 ジィさんの代から継いできた畑が… ジィさんのだいからついできたはたけが… JII-san no dai kara tsuide kita hatake ga... "the farmland we came to inherit since Grandfather's generation..."
4 出久… いずく… Izuku... "Izuku..."
5 「崩壊」を"面"じゃなく 「ほうかい」を"めん"じゃなく 「houkai wo」 "men" ja naku "I'll [direct] Decay not to the 'surface'"
6 "深さ"に向かわせる "ふかさ"にむかわせる "fukasa" ni mukawaseru "but to the 'depths.'"
7 すると静岡の一部が一瞬でなくなっちまうワケだ するとしずおかのいちぶがいっしゅんでなくなっちまうワケだ suru to Shizuoka no ichibu ga isshun de nakunacchimau WAKE da "Then part of Shizuoka will disappear in an instant."
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1 国土約37万8000km² こくどやく37まん8000km² kokudo yaku 37man 8000km² "The territory is approximately 378,000 km²."
2 今の俺なら一週間もありゃ水平線に変えられる いまのおれならいっしゅうかんもありゃすいへいせんにかえられる ima no ore nara isshuukan mo arya suiheisen ni kaerareru "If it were me as of now, I could turn it into a watery horizon in a week's time."
3 再興の芽も残さない さいこうのめものこさない saikou no me mo nokosanai "I wouldn't leave behind even a bud for revival."
4 「全ての崩壊」ってのァ…そういうことさ 「すべてのほうかい」ってのァ…そういうことさ 「subete no houkai」 tte noA...sou iu koto sa "The decay of everything... That's what it would mean."
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1 「変速」と「発勁」「危機感知」を併用すればさっきまでと違って攻勢に出られる…!早く止める糸口を… 「2nd」と「3rd」「4th」をへいようすればさっきまでとちがってこうせいにでられる…!はやくとめるいとぐちを… 「2nd (kanji: hensoku)」 to 「3rd (kanji: hakkei)」 「4th (kanji: kiki kanchi)」 wo heiyou sureba sakki made to chigatte kousei ni derareru...! hayaku tomeru itoguchi wo... If I use the 2nd (read as: Gear Shift), 3rd (read as: Fa Jin), and 4th (read as: Danger Sense) together, I can go on the offensive unlike before...! [Find] a clue to stop him quickly...
2 ……先生が死んだな ……せんせいがしんだな ......sensei ga shinda na "......Master died, huh."
3 …ちゃんと壊さなかったからだよ全く… …ちゃんとこわさなかったからだよまったく… ...chanto kowasanakatta kara da yo mattaku... "...Indeed, it's because I didn't destroy him* properly..." (*Note: "Him" refers to Katsuki.)
4 でも…なんだかんだ感謝はしてるな でも…なんだかんだかんしゃはしてるな demo...nandakanda kansha wa shiteru na "But...for some reason I'm grateful."
5 俺を強くしてくれた おれをつよくしてくれた ore wo tsuyoku shite kureta "He did make me stronger."
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1 こいつのスピードにも慣れるぐらいには こいつのスピードにもなれるぐらいには koitsu no SUPIIDO ni mo nareru gurai ni wa I'm just getting used to this guy's speed.
2 タッチの差で指をなぎ払う�� タッチのさでゆびをなぎはらうか TACCHI no sa de yubi wo nagiharau ka "You'll slash away my fingers in the gap before my touch, huh?"
3 けどーーー kedo--- "But---"
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1 小僧‼︎ こぞう‼︎ kozou!! "Boy!!"
2 4代目が…! 四ノ森さんが…! Shinomori-san (kanji: yondaime) ga...! "Mr. Shinomori (read as: The Fourth) is...!"
3 "危機感知"が "4th"が "4th (kanji: kiki kanchi)" ga The 4th (read as: Danger Sense) [was]...
4 いつまで itsumade "How long"
5 もつのかね motsu no ka ne "will you last, I wonder."
tagline 万死一生‼︎しかし奪われた"危機感知"‼︎ ばんしいっせい‼︎しかしうばわれた"4th"‼︎ banshi issei!! shikashi ubawareta "4th (kanji: kiki kanchi)"!! A narrow escape from death!! However, the 4th (read as: Danger Sense) was stolen!!
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krdc · 1 month
マジカルラブ (magical love) — full version
(lyrics & unofficial translation below)
magical love be with you wow baby
指の隙間でチラ見 (キミの smile)
yubi no sukima de chira mi (kimi no smile)
glancing through the cracks of my fingers (at your smile)
僕にはもったいないって? (ちょっと待って)
boku ni wa mottainai tte (chotto matte)
aren't you wasting it on me? (hang on a second)
今までだったらそれで終わり (チャ チャンス?)
ima made dattara sore de owari (cha-chansu)
if it had been before, this would've been the end (ch-chance?)
一味違うthis love wow
hitoaji chigau this love wow
this love is different, wow
masaka masakano tenkai
there's been a surprising turn of events
kokoro mo karada mo genkai
my mind and body are at their limits
寝癖 ドキり 照れる 素振り
neguse dokiri tereru soburi
your bedhead, your nervousness, the bashful way you act
超 cute ズキュン
chou cute zukyuun
they're super cute, they've struck my heart
瞬間 近づく鼓動
shunkan chikazuku kodou
the moment i got near your heartbeat
聴こえた マジかよ マジカル!?
kikoeta maji ka yo majikaru
i heard them, it's for real, it's magical?!
もう ムリ無理 見て見ぬフリ
mou muri muri mite minu furi
i can't keep pretending i don't see it
夢でも 胸高鳴り
yume demo munadaka nari
even in my dreams, it makes my heart race
運命変えちゃう love
unmei kaechau love
a love that changes destiny
君と 僕が? あわわっ
kimi to boku ga awawa
between you and me? i can't deal!
happi endo no tochu
on the way to our happy ending
焦る i want you (yeah)
aseru i want you (yeah)
i want you right now (yeah)
issho nara koete yukeru
as long as we're together, we can overcome it all
明日は七色 君と甘色 wow yes
asu wa nanairo kimi to amairo wow yes
tomorrow will have a rainbow, with you and the sweet colors, wow, yes
四六時中 夢心地 (キミの voice)
shirokujichu yumegokochi (kimi no voice)
day and night, i keep dreaming (about your voice)
そんなの聞いてないって (もっとキテ)
sonna no kiitenai tte (motto kite)
saying things i've never heard you say (come closer)
想定外 好きが渋滞 chu (che cherry?)
souteigai suki ga jutai chu (che-cherry)
unexpected feelings stuck in a traffic jam (ch-cherry?)
大胆不敵 this love wow
daitan futeki this love wow
this love is fearless, wow
ippo susunde koukai
the first step forward, there's regret
二歩目は あら単純明快
ni home wa ara tanjun meikai
the second step, it's just plain and simple
a b c d x y z
mousou bakari jairarenai
i can't keep staying in my fantasy
敏感 本音と嘘
binkan honne to uso
my sensitive true feelings and my lies
気づいた マジかよ マジカル!?
kizuita maji ka yo majikaru
you noticed them, it's for real, it's magical?!
もう ムリ無理 見て見ぬフリ
mou muri muri mite minu furi
i can't keep pretending i don't see it
夢でも 胸高鳴り
yume demo munadaka nari
even in my dreams, it makes my heart race
運命変えちゃう love
unmei kaechau love
a love that changes destiny
君と 僕が? あわわっ
kimi to boku ga awawa
between you and me? i can't deal!
happi endo no tochu
on the way to our happy ending
焦る i want you (yeah)
aseru i want you (yeah)
i want you right now (yeah)
issho nara koete yukeru
as long as we're together, we can overcome it all
明日は七色 君と甘色 wow yes
asu wa nanairo kimi to amairo wow yes
tomorrow will have a rainbow, with you and the sweet colors, wow, yes
隣にキミの笑顔 (love is the magic)
tonari ni kimi no egao (love is the magic)
with your smile next to me (love is the magic)
yeah (love is the magic) oh
魔法が解けたって 大丈夫さ ふたりなら
mahou ga toketa tte daijoubusa futari nara
even if the magic is undone, we'll be okay as long as we're together
shiawasesugite mo muri
i'm too happy, i can't handle it
mi taiken no munasawagi
the apprehension of something unfamiliar
世界の数だけ love love love wow
sekai no kazu dake love love love wow
for every world out there, there's just as much of our love, love, love, wow
hajimetedarake no sutori
in this story filled with our firsts
dare ni mo jamasasenai
we won't let anyone interfere
特別以上の love
tokubetsu ijou no love
a love that's beyond special
愛しい 嬉しい 気持ち
itoshii ureshii kimochi
and the precious, happy feelings
happi endo no tochu
on the way to our happy ending
もう全部 i want you
mou zenbu i want you
i want you, all of you
issho nara koete yukeru
as long as we're together, we can overcome it all
明日は七色 君と甘色 wow yes
asu wa nanairo kimi to amairo wow yes
tomorrow will have a rainbow, with you and the sweet colors, wow, yes
magical love be with you
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mofffun · 11 months
Moffun’s Song
Composer/Lyricist: Minato Takano (main writer of Kingohger) Arrangement: Kohji Mizuguchi Artist: Hitomi Yoshida
Note: *(もふもふ/MofuMofu = fluffy) // to the best of my ability a sing-along version. See literal/romanji/original kana under cut.
Moffun Mofu MofuMofu* Moffufu MofuMofu See my body, puff and fluffy Hear my words, sharper than thorns For ever, now and all eternity Moffun and us all There’s nowhere to go
Moffun Mofu MofuMofu Moffufu MofuMofu Though my fur is white as snow If you cross me, it'll get bloody Human kind is my best of friends Moffun and us all I won't let you go
Moffun Mofu Mofu (repeat) Moffun Mofu Mofu (repeat) Moffun, I love you! (repeat) I can't hear you (repeat) Are you messing with me? (Moffun, I love you!) with Moffun, together 'til the end of our lives!
Moffun Mofu MofuMofu Moffufu MofuMofu Hug, come close my dear, it's warm and nice Inside my heart, it's colder than ice Bye Bye so what, I don't wanna say Moffun and us all There is no way home There's nowhere to go I won't let you go There is no way home Moffun and us all~!
Literal translation. *(もふもふ/MofuMofu = fluffy)
Moffun Mofu MofuMofu* Moffufu MofuMofu [my] body is fluffy [my] words are sharp Always and forever Together with Moffun You can't escape anymore
Moffun Mofu MofuMofu Moffufu MofuMofu [my] body is all white If [I] get angry, it will be bloody Humans are friends Together with Moffun I won't let go anymore
Moffun MofuMofu (repeat) Moffun MofuMofu (repeat) I love Moffun! (repeat) I can't hear you (repeat) Are you messing with me? (I love Moffun!) [I] want to be with Moffun until death
Moffun Mofu MofuMofu Moffufu MofuMofu If you hug [me] tight, it is warm [my] heart is cold and callous [I] don't want to say words like bye bye Together with Moffun You can't go back anymore You can't escape anymore I won't let you go anymore You can't go back anymore Together with Moffun
MoffunMofu MofuMofu Moffufu MofuMofu Karada wa MofuMofu Kotoba wa TogeToge Zutto Towani-Itsumademo Moffun to Issho Mou Nigasa-nai
MoffunMofu MofuMofu Moffufu MofuMofu Karada wa Masshiro Okoru-to Chimidoro Ninngennsann wa Otomodachi Moffun to Issho Mou Hanasa-nai
Moffun Mofu Mofu (repeat) Moffun Mofu Mofu (repeat) Moffun Daisuki (repeat) Kikoenai (repeat) Ochokuttenn noka (Moffun Daisuki!) Moffun to Shinumade Isshoni Itai
MoffunMofu MofuMofu Moffufu MofuMofu Gyuttoshitara PokaPoka Kokoro wa Reikoku ByeBye Nannte shitakunai Moffun to Issho Mou Kaesanai Mou Nigasani Mou Hanasani Mou Kaesanai Moffun to Issho
Original/Official Kana.
もっふんもふ~もふもふ~ もっふふもふもふ~ カラダ~は~もふもふ~ コトバはとげとげ~ ずうっと~とわにいつまでも~ もっふんと~いっしょ~ もうにがさ~な~い~ もっふんもふ~もふもふ~ もっふふもふもふ~ カラダ~は~まっしろ~ おこるとちみどろ~ ニンゲン~さんはオトモダチ~ もっふんと~いっしょ~ もうはなさ~な~い~ もっふんもふもふ!(もっふんもふもふ!) もっふもふもっふ!(もっふんもふもふ!) もっふん大好き!(もっふん大好き!) 聞こえな~い (聞こえな~い) おちょくってんのか? (もっふん大好き!) もっふんと、死ぬまでいっしょにいた~い もっふんもふ~もふもふ~ もっふふもふもふ~ ぎゅっ…としたら~ぽかぽか~ こころは冷酷~ バイバイ~なんてしたくない~ もっふんと~いっしょ~ もうかえさ~な~い~ もうにがさ~な~い~ もうはなさ~な~い~ もうかえさ~な~い~ もっふんと~いっしょ~
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shitolodise · 7 months
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really addicted to this song lmao
here, have a cover that sounds really close to medic
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Yume no kuni Nebārando - Lyrics + Translation (夢の国ネバーランド)
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English title: Neverland, the land of dreams
Translator's notes can be found at the end and are marked with an asterisk.
Please do not repost/retranslate without permission.
【Sy】 そうさ! 言ったとおりだろ?
【Na】 それは君が手を引いてくれたから
【To】 お前が飛べるのは妖精の粉のおかげ
【Sy】 一番大事なのは君の気持ち
俺が手を離しても 上手に飛べる
【To】 小さな体に大きな心 大胆なドッチツカズ
【Na】 離さないで! まだ少し怖いんだ
【To】 大きな体に小さな心 繊細なドッチツカズ
【Na】 なんて楽しいんだろう
でも夢じゃない 今空を飛んでいるのだから
【Sy】 不可能なんてないのさ
想像を遥かに超える さあ冒険の始まりだ!
【To】 危険は常に隣合わせ
用心しないと 命とり
【Na】 それでも私は行きたい ネバーランドへ
【Sy】 そこはきっと 俺の居場所
【Na・Sy】 ドッチツカズの夢の国
【Na】 そこはきっと 私の居場所
【Na・Sy】 ドッチツカズの夢の国
【Sy】 子供だけの永遠の世界 終わらない夢
【Na】 子供だけの秘密の世界 囚われない魂
【To】 願わくは とびきりの夢を
願わくは 魂に揺りかごを
【All】 どこまでも飛び続けられるように
【Sy】 Sō sa! Itta tōri daro? 
Shinjireba sora o toberu tte 
【Na】 Sore wa kimi ga te o hiite kureta kara 
Tasukete kureru kara 
【To】 Omae ga toberu no wa yōsei no kona no okage
Kansha suru nara watashi ni deshou? 
【Sy】 Ichiban daiji na no wa kimi no kimochi 
Ore ga te o hanashite mo jōzu ni toberu 
【To】 Chīsana karada ni ōkina kokoro daitan na dotchitsukazu
【Na】 Hanasanaide! Mada sukoshi kowai nda 
Jōzu ni tobete iru no ka wakaranai 
【To】 Ōkina karada ni chīsana kokoro sensai na dotchitsukazu
【Na】 Nante tanoshī ndarou 
Demo yume janai ima sora o tonde iru no dakara 
【Sy】 Fukanō nante nai no sa 
Sōzō o haruka ni koeru sā bōken no hajimari da!
【To】 Kiken wa tsuneni tonariawase
Yōjin shinai to inochitori 
【Na】 Soredemo watashi wa ikitai Nebārando e 
【Sy】 Soko wa kitto ore no ibasho
【Na・Sy】 Dotchitsukazu no yume no kuni 
【Na】 Soko wa kitto watashi no ibasho 
【Na・Sy】 Dotchitsukazu no yume no kuni 
【Sy】 Kodomo dake no eien no sekai owaranai yume 
【Na】 Kodomo dake no himitsu no sekai torawarenai tamashī
【To】 Negawaku wa tobikiri no yume o 
Negawaku wa tamashī ni yurikago o 
【All】 Doko made mo tobi tsudzuke rareru yō ni
Shinjiru basho ni tadori tsukeru yō ni
【Sy】 You see? It’s just like I told you!
If you believe, you can fly
【Na】 That’s because you led me by the hand,
Because you helped me
【To】 You can fly thanks to my fairy dust
If you’re going to thank someone, shouldn’t it be me?
【Sy】 The most important thing is your feelings
If I let go of your hand, you’ll still be able to fly just fine
【To】 A small body with a big heart, such a bold dotchitsukazu*
【Na】 Don’t let go! I’m still a little scared
I’m not sure if I’m flying properly
【To】 A large body with a small heart, such a subtle dotchitsukazu*
【Na】 How fun
But this isn’t a dream, we’re really flying right now
【Sy】 Nothing is impossible
Far beyond your imagination Let the adventure begin!
【To】 Danger is always present
If you’re not careful, it can be fatal
【Na】 Even so, I want to go to Neverland
【Sy】 That’s surely where I belong
【Na・Sy】 The dreamland of a dotchitsukazu*
【Na】 That’s surely where I belong
【Na・Sy】 The dreamland of a dotchitsukazu*
【Sy】 An eternal world for children only, a never-ending dream
【Na】 A secret world for children only, a free spirit
【To】 Wishing for a splendid dream
Wishing for a cradle for the soul
【All】 So that we can keep flying forever
So that we can reach the place we believe in
Notes: ドッチツカズ (Dotchitsukazu)- Refer to the glossary
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koizumicchi · 8 months
転生したら可愛かった (かぴ) English Translation
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転生したら可愛かった Tensei Shitara Kawaiikatta It Would Be Lovely If I Were To Reincarnate Capi & HoneyWorks Collab
MV kanji
T/N: Keep in mind that Japanese and English aren’t my first language. I never claim my translation (attempts) to be error-free. As always, if you’re going to use or reference my translations, please do not claim it as your own and credit me.
転生したら可愛かった 俺の好みの女だった 心も身体もすっかり女の子
Tensei shitara kawaikatta Ore no konomi no onna datta Kokoro mo karada mo sukkari onna no ko
It would be lovely if I were to reincarnate as her She was the woman I was fond of In both body and mind, she was a woman through and through
ブラック企業の元はサラリーマン 犬を助けて死んでしまいました 目覚めると俺は女の子だった 0歳児だった生まれ変わっちゃった
Burakku kigyō no moto wa sararīman Inu o tasukete shinde shimaimashita Mezameru to ore wa onna no ko datta Zero saiji datta umarekawatchatta
I was a salary man working at a black company in my previous life I ended up dying after saving a dog When I awoke, I was a girl I was reborn as a 0-year old child
ウソ泣きに騙される大人 俺は女の子だぞ 楽しいぞ
Uso naki ni damasareru otona Ore wa onna no ko da zo Tanoshī zo
I deceive the adults with my crocodile tears I am a girl It’s fun
転生したら可愛かった 俺の好みの女だった 手鏡ばっか見ちゃう 中身おじさんでも 転生したら楽しかった 勉強やっぱ苦手だった 心も身体もすっかり女の子
Tensei shitara kawaikatta Ore no konomi no onna datta Tekagami bakka michau Nakami ojisan demo Tensei shitara tanoshikatta Benkyō yappa nigatedatta Kokoro mo karada mo sukkari onna no ko
It would be lovely if I were to reincarnate as her She was the girl I was fond of All I do is look at hand mirrors Though I am but a man inside It was fun to reincarnate But as expected, I am not good at studying In both body and mind, I am a girl through and through
社会経験はそれなりにあります お小遣いの交渉 折衷案いかがでしょう 先生それは間違っています 社会はそんなに甘くないです
Shakai keiken wa sorenari ni arimasu Okodzukai no kōshō Setchū an ikaga deshou Sensei sore wa machigatteimasu Shakai wa sonna ni amakunai desu
I have a fair amount of social experience Negotiations for my spending allowance How about hearing my proposed compromise? Good sir, that is wrong Society is not that sweet and easy
騙されません口説き文句 相手が悪かったな 少年よ
Damasaremasen kudoki monku Aite ga warukatta na Shōnen yo
I won’t be tricked by your pick-up lines My bad that your opponent was me Oh young boy
転生したら可愛かった 将来きっと大物だ トレンド最前線 中身おじさんでも 転生したら楽しかった 世渡りばっか上手くなった 心も身体もすっかり女の子
Tensei shitara kawaikatta Shōrai kitto ōmono da Torendo saizensen Nakami ojisan demo Tensei shitara tanoshikatta Yowatari bakka umaku natta Kokoro mo karada mo sukkari onna no ko
It would be lovely if I were to reincarnate The future will surely be big and bright I am the lead in trends Though I am but a man inside It was fun to reincarnate I got better just by going through life In both body and mind, I am a girl through and through
好きな人ができて デートとかもしちゃって 前世忘れちゃって楽しんで なんでわからないの? 子供 理屈じゃなくて 人生2周目も楽勝じゃない
Suki na hito ga dekite Dēto toka mo shichatte Zensei wasurechatte tanoshinde Nande wakaranai no? Kodomo rikutsu janakute Jinsei 2 shū me mo rakushō janai
I have someone I like We’ve gone on dates Forget your previous life and enjoy yourself Why is it not clear? It’s not a childish reasoning Even my second life is not an easy victory
転生したら可愛かった 俺の好みの女だった 手鏡ばっか見ちゃう 中身おじさんでも 転生したら楽しかった 勉強やっぱ苦手だった 心も身体もすっかり女の子
Tensei shitara kawaikatta Ore no konomi no onna datta Tekagami bakka michau Nakami ojisan demo Tensei shitara tanoshikatta Benkyō yappa nigate datta Kokoro mo karada mo sukkari onna no ko
It would be lovely if I were to reincarnate as her She was the woman I was fond of All I do is look at hand mirrors Though I am but a man inside It was fun to reincarnate But as expected, I am not good at studying In both body and mind, I am a girl through and through
転生したら可愛かった 将来きっと大物だ トレンド最前線 中身おじさんでも 転生したら楽しかった 世渡りばっか上手くなった 心も身体もすっかり女の子
Tensei shitara kawaikatta Shōrai kitto ōmono da Torendo saizensen Nakami ojisan demo Tensei shitara tanoshikatta Yowatari bakka umaku natta Kokoro mo karada mo sukkari onna no ko
It would be lovely if I were to reincarnate The future will surely be big and bright I am the lead in trends Though I am but a man inside It was fun to reincarnate I got better just by going through life In both body and mind, I am a girl through and through
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sonimiki · 1 year
BT: Lower (One’s Eyes)/ロウワー
This is a base translation, meaning these are not singable/translyrics but rather a translation which seeks to provide a more direct meaning without having to worry about the constraints of rhythm/etc.
That being said, my translation style prioritizes meaning/helping English speakers to understand the beauty of the song’s lyrics over strict literal accuracy, so keep this in mind while reading.
そう簡単な祈りだった 端から
sou kantan na inori datta hana kara
That’s right– It had begun as nothing more than a simple prayer.
dandan to kieru kandan
Gradually becoming disillusioned with you,
ima kara donchou ga agaru kara
The curtain’s about to rise– it’s showtime,
shizuka na kaijou o ato ni sayonara
Thus we’ll soon say goodbye to the quietness of this theatre
iikakete ita koto ga hitotsu kiete mata fuete
I’d cut myself off from saying one thing, but soon the urge to say another would rise
senaka ni ushirometasa ga nokoru
Left with a guilty conscience ever weighing-down upon my back
shitagaitai kokorone o hakidasanu you ni komete
I wouldn’t dare obey my heart’s desires– instead bottling them all up,
mune no naka ga ori no you ni nigoru
And now it feels like my heart has been polluted with their rotten remains
uketometai koto ga jibun sae kakaerarezu
There are things in theory I’d like to come to terms with, but I just can’t
moteamashita sore o mamotte iru
I’ve been keeping them all to myself, though I might explode from it
kasunda koe wa karakara ni nodo o yaite umetsukusu
With a mangled voice, a throat that feels both completely dry and choked up at the same time,
nani o iu beki ka wakaranakute
I never know the right thing to say
kanjite ta mono ga tooku hanatarete ita
So I’d let my feelings out somewhere far, far away
onajiyou de chigau nandaka chigau
Same as always– something about it wrong, just feeling a bit wrong1
何時まで行こうか 何処まで行けるのか
itsu made ikou ka  doko made ikeru no ka
How much longer until we go? How far are we even able to go?
sadaka janai nara nani o omou no
If you “don’t know yet”, well then what’s keeping you from knowing?
僕らが離れるなら 僕らが迷うなら
bokura ga hanareru nara  bokura ga mayou nara
Should we be fated to part, should we be fated to lose one another,
sono tabi ni nankai mo tsunagareru you ni
I pray we may be reunited each and every time such a thing happens2
ここに居てくれるなら 離さずいられたら
koko ni ite kureru nara  hanasazu iraretara
If you’d just do me the honor of staying, staying and never to part,
mada dare mo shiranai  kankaku de sukuwarete iku
Then I’ll get to remain the only one who knows what this salvation feels like
heion to wa shoumou o motte kawari ni nasu
“Peace” is replaced with attrition3
jissai wa doumo kawari wa naku
But in truth, there’s hardly a difference between them
kyouraku to wa uso de naru
“Pleasure” is founded upon sin4
“hokorobu mae ni koko o dete ikou ka” to
“Why don’t we get out of here before it all goes to hell?”
tsugou no ii negai o onaji you ni onaji you ni tsubuyaku
…Again and again, I’m whispering that too-good-to-be-true wish to myself
何処から聞こうか 何を見失うか
doko kara kikou ka  nani o miushinau ka
Where to even start, what it is that I’ll lose--
sadaka janai kara koko o ugokenai
The uncertainty of it all has rendered me frozen in place
僕らが疲れるなら これ以上無いなら
bokura ga tsukareru nara  kore ijou nai nara
Should we ever tire, should we ever feel as though we can’t take anymore
sono tabi ni nankai mo nigedaseru you ni
I pray we may be able to run away from it all each and every time
心が守れる様に 奪われない様に
kokoro ga mamoreru you ni  ubawarenai you ni
So we may protect our hearts, so they may never be stolen away,
互いに託して 身体を預けてよ
tagai ni takushite karada o azukete yo
Let’s entrust them to one another-- put your trust in me
君と泣く 君と笑う 君と怒る
kimi to naku  kimi to warau  kimi to okoru
To cry with you... To laugh with you... To get angry at something with you...
君と歌う 君と踊る 君と話す
kimi to utau  kimi to odoru  kimi to hanasu
To sing with you... To dance with you... To talk with you...
itsu made tsuzuku darou to onaji you ni onaji you ni tsubuyaku
“I wonder how much longer this’ll last” Again and again, I whisper
ima wasurenai you kizumareta kuuki o
I wonder how much I’ll think back on
kore kara nando omoidasu no darou
This moment that feels so etched into my brain, in a “you’ll never be able to forget” way
bokura dake ga
Should we-- as in nobody else--
僕らが離れるなら 僕らが迷うなら
bokura ga hanareru nara  bokura ga mayou nara
Should we be fated to part, should we be fated to lose one another,
sono tabi ni nankai mo tsunagareru you ni
I pray we may be reunited each and every time such a thing happens
ここに居てくれるなら 離さずいられたら
koko ni ite kureru nara  hanasazu iraretara
If you’d just do me the honor of staying, staying and never to part,
mada dare mo shiranai kankaku de boku no ikite iru subete o tashikamete
Then please, as I live on with this feeling nobody else has yet to feel, look at that existence itself5
tadashiku shite
And tell me if it’s right
This is a line I can’t really think of a way to transcribe its wordplay into English, but essentially 違う (chigau) can mean both different and wrong. It’s being used as an antonym to 同じ (onaji), but also incorporating that double meaning in here I believe.
I know there is a popular translation going around which I think accidentally misinterprets the 様に (you ni) here to be used with the meaning of “in order to”, however I’m pretty sure the kind of 様に (you ni) here is the sort used to make wishes. Example: 神様の恵みがあります様に。= May the blessing of God be upon you
Literally “peace, as it is to be defined, exhaustion is made into its replacement”. But 消耗 (shoumou) might also refer to 消耗戦 (shoumousen), i.e. attritional warfare. This is a military strategy where a country attempts to beat the enemy by basically wearing them down until they’re flat out of resources and any real way to fight back. My personal take on this lyric is it might be referring to how in the singer’s mind, feeling “peace” has been replaced with feeling “exhaustion”. Yet “nothing has really changed”, since the singer cannot spit out thier feelings and thus bottles this “exhaustion” up despite its existence, as if peace were still present. Also just a side note, but I enjoy the wordplay here with 代わりに成す (kawari ni nasu) and 変わりはなく (kawari wa naku). 
A bit more liberal here. But I’ve only ever seen 京楽 (kyouraku) used in settings meant to evoke religious/fantastical imagery... 京楽の悪魔 (kyouraku no akuma) or a demon of pleasure, etc. 嘘 (uso) means lie but it can also refer to the more ambiguous idea of just something not beign what you thought it was... So I thought “sin” would be the best choice here, given the song’s themes. For similar reasons, I also have translated 救われる (sukuwareru) or to be saved as “salvation”.
Credit to StiglerCS_TV on Twitter for helping me to understand this line! Felt like I was all “awwww yeah I totally get this” until the very end which suddenly stumped me haha
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gisatako · 4 months
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Ossan's Love SP (2016) - 心も体も一歩前へ、kokoro mo karada mo ippo mae he Ossan's Love (2018) - 勇気をもって一歩前進、yuuki wo motte ippo zenshin
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miyadateryota · 9 months
【lyrics translation】
Color me live...
ー english translation by chye
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Woah, Color me live…
誰の声も 届かない
Dare no koe mo todokanai
A place where no voice can reach
Deep self, here is so deep
何も視(み)えない 聴こえない
Nani mo mienai kikoenai
A place where nothing can be seen and heard
Ain’t nothing, here is nothing
深い海の底へと 堕ちてくような
Fukai umi no soko e to ochiteku youna
At the bottom of the deep sea, It seems like I fell down
日々に 呑み込まれて
Hibi ni nomikomarete
And I drowned within the days
I can’t breath
「逃げたい、そっと」 「出来ない、ずっと」
Nigetai sotto dekinai zutto
“I've always wanted to run away” “There's nothing I can ever do”
光のない 物語(ストーリー) But, one day…
Hikari no nai suutori, but one day
It's a story filled with darkness, but one day...
I found...
Color me live
Color me bright
生まれたての Heart Beats
Umaretate no heart beats
Newborn heartbeats
“希望”へと繋ぐ 音色(おと)
Kibou e to tsunagu oto
A hope that connects to a colorful tone
消えそうな 勇気を 照らしてく
Kienai souna yuuki wo terashiteku
The once disappearing courage brightly shines
At this very moment
世界に 忘れられたような
Sekai ni wasurerareta youna
It seems like the world had forgotten us
Tiny sounds, tiny signs
無限にループするような Waviness It's me
Mugen ni ruupu suru youna waviness it's me
Waviness that stuck in an endless loop, it's me
Yatto kizuite shimauyo
Finally, I realized it
鮮明すぎる 蒼に舞う
Senmei sugiru ao ni mau
Too vivid, the dance within the azure
呼吸の粒 美しく 儚く I can see
Kokyuu no tsubu utsukushiku hakanaku i can see
Shallow breath, and ephemeral beauty, it's all I can see
Kanjitai motto hoshii yo motto
“I want to feel more” “I want to feel what greed is”
光射してゆく Feelings…
Hikari sashiteku feelings
Feelings that sparkled...
I found…
Color me live
Color me bright
ありのままの My world
Ari no mama my world
In my very own world,
Jiyuu wo shitta
I've learned what “Freedom” means
鼓動 新たな旋律(リズム)を刻んでく
Kodou arata na rizumu wo kizandeku
And the beating new found rhythm scattered
初めて 映した色に
Hajimete utsushita iro ni
The first color I projected
初めて 夢見た明日に
Hajimete yumemita asu ni
On that first day where I saw my dream
心と身体はもう 捉えようのない 好奇心へ
Kokoro to karada wa mou toraeyou no nai koukishin e
My body and mind is set to that unstoppable curiosity
誘われ 飛び込む New wave
Sasoware tobikomu new wave
And invited myself to dive in that new wave
そう、モノクロだった 未来までも
Sou monokuro datta mirai made mo
That's right, even until that monochrome colored future
Saa mou ichido
Why don't we try again?
Color me live
Color me bright
生まれたての Heart Beats
Umaretate no heartbeats
Newborn heartbeats
“希望”へと繋ぐ 音色(おと)
Kibou e to tsunagu oto
A hope that connects to a colorful tone
いまなら 愛せる あの日の 自分(ぼく)も
Ima nara aiseru ano hi no boku mo
Maybe now I can finally love myself from that day
Color me live
Mune odoru hikari e to
To the light that can make my heart dance
Color me bright
想うがまま 泳ごう
Omou ga mama oyogou
Swimming until my heart's content
Color me live
僕だけの“Color”で ...
Boku dake no karaa de
With my very own color...
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everglowstardust · 2 months
今夜最高ね (Isn’t Tonight Great?)
English Translation:
Sleepily rubbing my chest
I let out a single yawn in the mirror
It was so bright, I closed my eyes
Hurry up and dye it all the color of the shadows from that day
There’s an uproar in my unfaithful heart
But my body says the opposite, du du wa
Just this time, smack dab in the middle of this moment
Let’s just dance, alright, how about one more time?
Isn’t tonight great? I’ll search for tomorrow’s you
Multicolored dreams
Isn’t tonight great? Light up the city
Because we can’t sleep
Isn’t tonight great?
When we were drunk with excitement
We were sweating (haha) and laughing at each other the whole time
Next to the moon that can’t cry
Even a sigh that’s too far away disappears
Things like lonely memories of rumors
Are worthless traps, so papparra
It isn’t over yet, that’s what’s true
Give me moonlight that’s as bright as the sun, come on
Isn’t tonight great? Just forget the you
Up ‘till yesterday, will you?
Isn’t tonight great? If the color of the shining stars
Won’t decorate us
Isn’t tonight great?
Isn’t tonight great? I’ll search for tomorrow’s you
Multicolored dreams
Isn’t tonight great? Light up the city
Because we can’t sleep
Isn’t tonight great?
Isn’t tonight great? Just forget the you
Up ‘till yesterday, will you?
Isn’t tonight great? If the color of the shining stars
Won’t decorate us
Isn’t tonight great?
Romaji Lyrics:
nemutai mune wo nadete
kagami no naka akubi hitotsu tsukeba
mabushikute me wo tojita
ano hi no kage sometekure yo hayaku
uwaki na kokoro no naka jitan da
karada no koe to urahara du du wa
tada kono toki shunkan sanaka
odorou tekitou oorai mou ikkai ikaga?
konya saikou ne asu no kimi wo sagasu
iro toridori no
konya saikou ne yume ga tomoru machi ga
nemurenai kara
konya saikou ne
tanoshisa ni youeta koro wa
asedaku datte (haha) waraiatta zutto
nakenai tsuki no soba wo
toori sugiru tameiki sae kieta
uwasa no sabishii omoide nanka
kudarannai wana dakara papparra
mada owari janai hontou nanda
taiyou douyou muunraito choudai saa hora
konya saikou ne kinou made no kimi wo
konya saikou ne hoshi no terasu iro ga
kazaranai nara
konya saikou ne
konya saikou ne asu no kimi wo sagasu
iro toridori no
konya saikou ne yume ga tomoru machi ga
nemurenai kara
konya saikou ne kinou made no kimi wo
konya saikou ne hoshi no terasu iro ga
kazaranai nara
konya saikou ne
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pikahlua · 7 months
MHA Chapter 401 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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1 体が動かない…‼︎ からだがうごかない…‼︎ karada ga ugokanai...!! My body won't move...!!
tagline 1 「凝血」でAFO拘束‼︎ 「ぎょうけつ」でオール・フォー・ワンこうそく‼︎ 「gyouketsu」 de OORU FOO WAN kousoku!! AFO restrained with Bloodcurdle!!
tagline 2 No.401 THE LUNATIC  堀越耕平 ナンバー401 ザルナティック  ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 401 ZA RUNATIKKU   Horikoshi Kouhei No. 401 THE LUNATIC  Kouhei Horikoshi
2 火傷の男とインゲニウムの会話から状況を推察 やけどのおとことインゲニウムのかいわからじょうきょうをすいさつ yakedo no otoko to INGENIUMU no kaiwa kara joukyou wo suisatsu I inferred the situation from the conversation of the burnt guy and Ingenium.
3 戦場跡を辿り せんじょうあとをたどり senjou ato wo tadori I followed the traces of the battlefield.
4 雨風を免れた血痕を採取 あめかぜをまぬがれたけっこんをさいしゅ ame kaze wo manugareta kekkon wo saishu I collected the blood stains that escape the rain and wind.
5 その血がAFOのものかオールマイトのものであるかは そのちがオール・フォー・ワンのものかオールマイトのものであるかは sono chi ga OORU FOO WAN no mono ga OORU MAITO no mono de aru ka wa Whether that blood belongs to All For One or All Might...
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1 削いで尚 そいでなお soide nao Then slice it off.
2 血風嗅ぎ穿つこの鼻が けっぷうかぎうがつこのはなが keppuu kagi ugatsu kono hana ga This nose that sniffs the scent of blood
3 うーん違う うーんちがう uun chigau "Hmm, wrong one."
4 報せてくれる‼︎ しらせてくれる‼︎ shirasete kureru!! will let me know!!
5 オールマイトああ OORU MAITO aa All Might, ah.
6 オールマイトおまえなら判るだろう⁉︎ オールマイトおまえならわかるだろう⁉︎ OORU MAITO omae nara wakaru darou!? All Might, you [of all people] understand, right!?
7-8 俺が敢えてこの躯を曝け出した意味! おれがあえてこのからだをさらけだしたいみ! ore ga aete kono karada (kanji: mukuro) wo sarakedashita imi! The meaning behind why I dared to expose this body*! (*Note: This kanji for "body" can also mean "corpse.")
9 英雄の心は他が為にのみ存在を許される… えいゆうのこころはたがためにのみそんざいをゆるされる… eiyuu no kokoro wa ta ga tame ni nomi sonzai wo yurusareru... (Literal translation) A hero's heart is only allowed to exist for the sake of others... (Official translation) A hero can only claim that title as long as his soul burns fiercely in service of others...
10 …だが神が地に伏せ人のか弱き心をも得たのなら …だがかみがちにふせひとのかよわきこころをもえたのなら ...da ga kami ga chi ni fuse hito no ka yowaki kokoro wo mo eta no nara (Literal translation ) ...but if a god is a person fallen face down on the ground and has his even his heart turn weak... (Official translation) ...however, say a god has fallen prostrate upon the earth and his divine soul has turned feeble and mortal...
11 自らの生を踠くことすら許されよう! みずからのせいをもがくことすらゆるされよう! mizukara no sei wo mogaku koto sura yurusareyou! They should also be allowed to struggle for their own lives!
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1 判ってるさ わかってるさ wakatteru sa "I understand,"
2 ステイン‼︎ SUTEIN!! "Stain!!"
3-4 この"ヒーロー40名殺傷犯"を終わらせに来い この"ステイン"をおわらせにこい kono "SUTEIN (kanji: HIIROO 40-mei sasshou-han)" wo owarase ni koi (Literal translation) Then come and end Stain, this criminal who murdered 40 heroes. (Official translation) Then come for the life of Stain--the man who murdered 40 heroes.
5 「俺が 「おまえは 「omae wa (kanji: ore ga) You (read as: I)
6 来た」‼︎ 生きねば」‼︎ ikineba (kanji: kita)」‼︎ have to live (read as: am here)!!
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1 「強制発動」「瀉血」 「きょうせいはつどう」「しゃけつ」 「kyousei hatsudou」 「shaketsu」 Forcible Activation: Bloodletting
2 血を ちを chi wo His blood...
3 捨てた⁉︎ すてた⁉︎ suteta!? He threw it away!?
4 赤黒! あかぐろ! Akaguro! "Akaguro!"
5 君が何かして来る事は予想できてた! きみがなにかしてくることはよそうできてた! kimi ga nani ka shite kuru koto wa yosou dekiteta! "I was able to predict that you would come and do something!"
6 だから事前に仕込んでいたさ だからじぜんにしこんでいたさ dakara jizen ni shikonde ita sa "So I prepared in advance."
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1 タルタロスから唯一人 タルタロスからただひとり TARUTAROSU kara tada hitori "Because you were the only one from Tartarus"
2 僕を拒絶し逃げ果せたあの日から! ぼくをきょぜつしにげおおせたあのひから! boku wo kyozetsu shi nige ooseta ano hi kara! "who rejected me and managed to escape that day!"
3 捨てたところで血は同 すてたところでちはおな suteta tokoro de chi wa ona-- "Even if you threw it away, your blood is the same--"
4 馬鹿か? ばかか? baka ka? "Are you an idiot?"
5 「抗原変態」 「こうげんへんたい」 「kougen hentai」 "Antigen Metamorphosis."
6 血を書き換えたんだよ! ちをかきかえたんだよ! chi wo kakikaetanda yo! "I rewrote my blood!"
7 痕跡を残さないのが長く君臨する秘訣だ こんせきをのこさないのがながくくんりんするひけつだ konseki wo nokosanai no ga nagaku kunrin suru hiketsu da "The secret to a long reign is to leave no trace."
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1 血を抜いたおかげで目が覚めてきた ちをぬいたおかげでめがさめてきた chi wo nuita okage de me ga samete kita "Thanks to the blood I drew out, I've woken up."
2 ステイン‼︎ SUTEIN!! "Stain!!"
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1 ゼェッ ZE "[wheeze]"
2 ゼェ ZE "[wheeze]"
3-4 ステイン‼︎ SUTEIN!! "Stain!!"
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1 「凝血」をいただこう 「ぎょうけつ」をいただこう 「gyouketsu」 wo ita da kou "Let me have Bloodcurdle."
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1 思えば君は連合…延いては弔の成長に大きく貢献してくれた おもえばきみはれんごう…ひいてはとむらのせいちょうにおおきくこうけんしてくれた omoeba kimi wa rengou...hiite wa Tomura no seichou ni ookiku kouken shite kureta "If I think about it, the League...you contributed greatly to it and, by extension, to Tomura's growth."
2 あれで役目は終わってるんだよ殺人犯 あれでやくめはおわってるんだよさつじんはん are de yakume wa owatterunda yo satsujin-han "With that, your role is finished, murderer."
3 AFO‼︎ オール・フォー・ワン‼︎ OORU FOO WAN!! "All For One!!"
4 終わらんさ おわらんさ owaran sa "It won't end."
5 ハァ HAA "Haah"
6 全ては…過程だ魔王… すべては…かていだまおう… subete wa...katei da maou... "All of this...is a process, Demon King..."
7 高等教育など受けずとも こうとうきょういくなどうけずとも koutou kyouiku nado ukezu tomo Even though I never received anything like a high school education,
8 英雄が何たるかは全部おまえが教えてくれた えいゆうがなんたるかはぜんぶおまえがおしえてくれた eiyuu ga nantaru ka wa zenbu omae ga oshiete kureta you taught me everything about what a hero is.
9 生きて勝て いきてかて ikite kate Live and win.
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1 俺の全てーーーーー…… マイ・オールーーーーー…… MAI OORU (kanji: ore no subete)-----...... My all-----......
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1 エルクレス⁉︎もう壊れた筈じゃ エルクレス⁉︎もうこわれたはずじゃ ERUKURESU!? mou kowareta hazu ja "Hercules!? You should have been broken already."
2 最後ノシールドデス さいごノシールドデス saigo NO SHIIRUDO DESU "This is my last shield."
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1 生キテ イキテ IKITE "Live-"
2 俊典 としのり Toshinori Toshinori,
3 がんばれ ganbare keep at it.
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1 俊典‼︎ としのり‼︎ Toshinori!! Toshinori!!
2 まだ紡がれてるぞ! まだつむがれてるぞ! mada tsumugareteru zo! [This tale] is still being spun!
3 がんばれ ganbare Do your best,
4 俊典 としの Toshinori Toshinori.
5 お師匠… おししょう… oshishou... Master...
6 …これは幻覚だ …これはげんかくだ ...kore wa genkaku da ...this is a hallucination.
7 私が私を励ましているんだ… わたしがわたしをはげましているんだ… watashi ga watashi wo hagemashite irunda... It's because I'm encouraging myself.
8 与えられてきた全ても脚も サポートアイテムもあしも SAPOOTO AITEMU (kanji: ataerarete kita subete) mo ashi mo My support items (read as: everything that was given to me) and my legs,
9 もう使えない もうつかえない mou tsukaenai I can no longer use them.
10 もう戦えないよ もうたたかえないよ mou tatakaenai yo I can't fight anymore.
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1 でも demo But...
2 まだ死んでない まだしんでない mada shindenai I'm not dead yet.
3 来いや こいや koi ya So come!
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1 AFO‼︎死柄木弔に接近‼︎ オール・フォー・ワン‼︎しがらきとむらにせっきん‼︎ OORU FOO WAN!! Shigaraki Tomura ni sekkin!! "All For One!! He's approaching Tomura Shigaraki!!"
2 泥ワープ圏内に入ってます‼︎ どろワープけんないにはいってます‼︎ doro WAAPU kennai ni haittemasu!! "He's within range for a mud warp!!"
tagline 絶望がもう [cut off] ぜつぼうがもう [cut off] zetsubou ga mou [cut off] Despair is already [cut off]
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tomochii-chan · 1 year
if u dont mind can i ask what ur favorite smut comics are ? looking for recs and i trust ur taste
Oh no I’m about to reveal my tastes ahahah 😂 I have a lot tbh but I’ll just list a few that I recommended to my friends
Anything by Amairo Chu
Ore no me o mite i ke kinmugai-Nureta Karada ni hibiku meirei!
Atashi no Pink ga Afurechau
Kiss de Fusaide, Bare naide.
Dekiai Zentei, Keiyakukon. ~Iwashiro Bengoshi wa Ai ga Deka Sugiru!?~
'Ecchi Shitai' to Itte Kure - Seijin (?) Buchou to Junshin (?) OL
Suki tte iu made ikasete yaranai
Unmei no Tsugai to Shinkon Hatsujou Sex (omegaverse)
Hatsujou Suru Unmei ~Eriito Alpha No Risei Ga Genkai~ (more omegaverse lol)
Sex Drive Watashi no kedarui kyoikugakari
Osananajimi Bartender to Hajimeru Kaikan Lesson
Kyonyuu-chan to Kyokon Joushi: Kaisha de Musabori Sex
Inmananoni, Tadanoningen Ni Anan Nakasa Re Chaimashita. (Too short..)
26-sai Shojo Charao Joushi ni Dakaremasita
Koi to Sex wa Touch Up no Nochi de Kokoro mo Karada mo Kokoroyoku Shite Ageru
Juokuen no Keiyaku Hanayome Kahogana Onzoshi to Hisoho no Inbi na Kekkon
Ecchi na XX Moretemasu...! - Cool na Douryou wa do Hentai deshita
Tadano Renai Nanka de Kikkonai -Kojirase Joushi to Fechina Buka-
Watashi wa Okazu Senpai ni Taberaretai
I have waaaaaaay more lmao 🤣 But you can start with those at least ahaha
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hydranomago · 9 days
[Lyrics & translation under cut]
Doodled textbooks and myself looking outside all the time. Sky above a skyscraper, I dreamed unreachable dream. I want to break the door of my feelings that have no way out. If I smoke behind the school building, there's no way of escape.
We will crouch down, gather in a lump while turning our backs against adults. I will glare at adults who doesn't know anything about us. And my friends plan to run away from home tonight. Anyway, I don't want to go back to school or home anymore. I'm trembling without even knowing what I am. It's a night of fifteen years old.
I will ride on a stolen bike without knowing the destination. I will run into the dark night. I didn't want to be tied up by anyone, I felt free when I ran away from everything on this night. It's a night of fifteen years old.
Cold wind, cold body, I miss people. I will run past the house of that sleeping girl, while whispering goodbye. In the dark, vending machine stood alone. Warmth that you can buy for 100 yen, I will tightly grasp hot canned coffee.
I don't know how love ends, but that girl and I have always dreamed of a future together. Adults told me to give up my love, but I don't like it at all. If those boring lessons are everything we have, What a petty, what a meaningless, what a powerless fifteen years old.
I will ride on a stolen bike without knowing the destination. I will run into the dark night. I will smoke a freshly learned cigarette. I continued to seek freedom while staring at the starry sky. A fifteen years old night.
I will ride on a stolen bike without knowing the destination. I will run into the dark night. I didn't want to be tied up by anyone, I felt free when I ran away from everything on this night. It's a night of fifteen years old.
Credit: https://lyricstranslate.com
rakugaki no kyoukasho to soto bakari miteru ore choukousou biru no ue no sora todokanai yume wo miteru yariba no nai kimochi no tobira yaburitai kousha no ura tabako wo fukashite mitsukareba nigeba mo nai shagande katamari se wo mukenagara kokoro no hitotsu mo wakariaenai otonatachi mo niramu soshite nakamatachi wa kon'ya iede no keikaku wo tateru tonikaku mou gakkou ya ie ni wa kaeritakunai jibun no sonzai ga nan nano ka sae wakarazu furueteiru  juugo no yoru
nusunda baiku de hashiridasu yukusaki mo wakaranumama kurai yoru no tobari no naka e dare nimo shibararetakunai to nigekonda kono yoru ni jiyuu ni nareta ki ga shita juugo no yoru
tsumetai kaze hieta karada hito koishikute yume miteru ano ko no ie no yoko wo sayonara tsubuyaki hashirinukeru yami no naka potsun to hikaru jidou hanbaiki hyakuendama de kaeru nukumori atsui kan koohii nigirishime koi no ketsumatsu mo wakaranai kedo ano ko to ore wa shourai sae zutto yume ni miteru otonatachi wa kokoro wo sutero sutero to iu ga ore wa iya nano sa taikutsu na jugyou ga oretachi no subete naraba nante chippoke de nante imi no nai nante muryoku na  juugo no yoru
nusunda baiku de hashiridasu yukusaki mo wakaranumama kurai yoru no tobari no naka e  oboetate no tabako wo fukashi hoshizora wo mitsumenagara jiyuu wo motometsuzuketa juugo no yoru
nusunda baiku de hashiridasu yukusaki mo wakaranumama kurai yoru no tobari no naka e dare nimo shibararetakunai to nigekonda kono yoru ni jiyuu ni nareta ki ga shita juugo no yoru
Credit: https://www.lyricsondemand.com/y/yutakaozakilyrics/juugonoyorulyrics.html
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smutrecommendations · 8 months
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Akuma Ni Kokoro Mo Karada Mo Tsukamaremashita
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