#Ko Jae Hyun
absolutebl · 2 months
New Korean BL - Jazz for Two
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Tae Yi (Song Han Gyeom?) hears a familiar melody filling the empty halls and makes his way to the old music room. He knows his brother is dead, but he can’t help but hope, maybe, just maybe...it’s his brother playing his favorite song. When he slams open the door, however, he finds Se Heon (Kim Jin Kwon), a new transfer student, at the piano. Disappointment comes crashing down and Tae Yi can’t control his anger. How dare Se Heon play his brother’s song? How dare he smile? How dare he say he loves jazz?
“If I ever catch you playing the piano again...that’ll be the end of you.”
And with that begins Tae Yi and Se Heon's story, as unpredictable and visceral as jazz. (Source: BLUPDATE2022 Twitter via MDL)
Adapted from the webtoon "Jazz for Two" (재즈처럼) by Keul Ra Jyu (클라쥬)
Song Han Gyeom (prev A-Day), Omega X (rapper)
Kim Jin Kwon, Newkidd (leader, sub-vocal)
Byun Sung Tae - lead in Happy Merry Ending
Ko Jae Hyun - side in To My Star
With two active idols in the leads (we think), odds are not great on this one. So far the only truly successful execution of solid BL from active idols has been Semantic Error (and frankly KNK barely counts). Plus this is the production team/director behind A Shoulder to Cry On which I HATED, so yeah...
I'm excited to have anything new from Korea but I'm keeping my expectations low.
My idols in BLs tracking is here (possibly not updated). This won't get on the list until after it releases. Never count your idols until after the BL has hatched.
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save-the-data · 28 days
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Jazz for Two | S01E07
Korean Drama - 2024, 8 episodes
Episodes | Gaga | YouTube | iQIYI | WeTV | Tencent | Youku | Catalogue
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drunkonluv · 1 year
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I've always liked to play with fire
-  Sam Tinnesz
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noonaenthusiast · 2 years
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Reflection Of You 1x09
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korelist · 3 months
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UYARI : Yazılar genel olarak spoiler içerebilir. İçermeyedebilir.
İmdb puanı: 7,8 Benim Puanım: 8
Drama: Jealousy Incarnate (literal title)
Hangul: 질투의 화신
Director: Park Shin-Woo
Writer: Seo Sook-Hyang
Date: 2016
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Cast: Kong Hyo-Jin, Cho Jung-Seok, Ko Kyoung-Pyo, Kim Jung-Hyun, Mun Ka-Young, Lee Sung-Jae
2016 SBS Drama Awards - December 31, 2016
Best Actor (romantic comedy) (Cho Jung-Seok)
Best Actress (romantic comedy) (Kong Hyo-Jin)
Special Actress (romantic comedy) (Seo Ji-Hye)
Ten Star Award (Cho Jung-Seok)
New Star Award (Ko Gyung-Pyo)
Geç olsun güç olmasın demişler. Bu diziyi neden bu kadar bekletmişim hiç bilmiyorum. Kore dizilerinin altın çağı olan 2016 yılının şanına yaraşır bir iş çıkmış ortaya. Ayrıca farklı meslek dallarını izlemek bana her zaman keyif veriyor.  Pyo Na-Ri (Kong Hyo-Jin), hava durumu spikeridir. Haberlerden sonra kısacık bir süre ekranda kalan, haberlerin devamı olan ama haber olarak görülmeyen bir iş yapmaktadır. Reytinglerini arttırmak için poposunu çıkartıp göğüslerini büyütmesi istenen bu hanım kızımız başlarda son derece ezik olarak karşımıza çıkıyor. Diğer yandan kardeşi iyi bir üniversiteye girsin diye dişini tırnağına takan çok güçlü bir kadındır. Parantez açıyorum, kardeşi Pyo Chi-Yeol rolünde Kim Jung-Hyun oynuyor. Mr. Queen dizisinin King’i, Crash landing ‘in karizmatik oyuncusu burada liseli bir ergeni canlandırıyor. Bir süre sonra eski dizileri izlerken en keyif aldığım şey tanıdığımız oyunculara denk gelmek, farklı rollerde onları yeni bir gözle izlemek. Neyse dönelim konuya, Na-Ri aynı şirkette çalıştığı Lee Hwa-Shin(Cho Jung-Seok)’a 3 yıldır platonik olarak aşıktır. Hwa-Shin ise prime time haber spikeridir. İş için gittiği yurt dışından dönüş yapınca yeniden bir arada çalışmak durumunda kalırlar. Na-Ri ise iş yerindeki bütün angarya işleri yapmaktadır. Yine üzerine vazife olmayan bir İş için uçakla bir yere gitmesi gerektiği bir gün yanına tesadüfen denk gelen tanımadığı yolcu; Ko Jung-Won(Ko Kyoung-Pyo)’dan çok etkilenir. Daha sonrasında ise Jung-Won ile Hwa-Shin’in çok yakın arkadaş olduklarını öğrenir.
Aslında Na-Ri araya giren zaman sonrasında Hwa-Shin’i atlatmıştır. Hatta nihayet yeni bir gönül ilişkisine bile hazırdır. Jung-Won ise bunun için şahane bir adaydır. Birkaç kere Hwa-Shin’in Na-Ri’den hoşlanıp hoşlanmadığını teyit eden Jun-Won’da Na-Ri’den hoşlandığını itiraf eder. İşler bu raddeye gelince Hwa-Shin, üç yıldır köpek gibi davrandığı Na-Ri’i paylaşmak istemediğini fark eder. Hwa-Shin’in hayatındaki en önemli şey haberlerdir. Bu uğurda ailesine bile ihanet etmiştir. Burnu havada, kibirli, kendini beğenmiş bir karakterdir. Annesi, yeğeni onunla konuşmamaktadır. Burada yine bir parantez aç, Hwa-Shin’in yeğeni Lee Bbal-Gang rolünde Mun Ka-Young oynuyor. Kendisini; Find Me in Your Memory, True Beauty, Link: Eat, Love, Kill gibi dizilerden tanıyoruz. O da Kim Jung-Hyun gibi liseli bir ergen rolünde.
İkinci adam, kıskançlık, aşk üçgenleri yani sevmediğimiz ne varsa bu dizinin konusunu oluşturuyor. Buna rağmen öyle mükemmel işlenmiş ki, asla rahatsız etmemesinin yanı sıra bir süredir kaliteli oyunculuk izlemediğimi fark etmeme neden oldu. Genel olarak her dizide bir kişi şahane iş çıkartırken, başka bir oyuncu diziyi aşağı çekmeyi başarıyordu. Bu dizide herkes o kadar profesyonel ve doğaldı ki, sanki inanılmaz lezzetli bir yemek yiyip tatmin olmuş bir şekilde masadan kalkmışım gibi hissettim.
Doğrusunu isterseniz baş rol kadın oyuncu Kong Hyo-Jin güzel değil. Ama ne var ki ekranda devleşiyor. Rolünü öyle güzel yansıtıyor ki, ağlarken ki o dürüstlüğü, güzel görünmeye çalışmaması, güldüğündeki içtenliği ile olduğu yere çok yakıştırıyorum. O yüzden çirkin şansı diyemeyeceğim, başarısının ekmeğini şimdiye kadarki partnerleri ile yiyor olabilir. Hanım kızımızın birlikte rol aldığı aktörlerden bazıları; Kim Soo Hyun, Gong Yoo, Lee Sun Kyun, Cha Seung Won, So Ji Sub, Jo In Sung ve Jang Hyuk. Yeni nesil genç kadın oyuncularda hep bir poz verme merakı, güzel görünme çabası oluyor. Hyo-Jin ise hiçbir duygu değişiminde çekici görünmeye çalışmadı. Gönül rahatlığı ile güzel bir iş çıkmasının en büyük nedeninin “Kong Hyo-Jin” olduğunu söyleyebilirim.
Dizinin bir diğer gündemi de meme kanseriydi. Meme kanserine dikkat çekmek ve bilinçlendirmek amacı ile arka planda bu konu sürekli vardı. Bunu bile doğal olmayan bir hikayeyle o kadar doğal anlattılar ki.. üff! Erkeklerin meme kanserine yakalanması üzerinden işlenen konu oldukça ilgi çekiciydi. Bunu senaristin cesur bir hamlesi olarak görüyorum. Cesaret demişken, dizide oldukça cesur çok sahne vardı. 2016 olmasına rağmen öpüşünce şeytan çarpmış gibi kalmıyorlardı.
Normalde kadınları anlamak zordur derler. Kore dizilerin de erkekleri anlamak daha zor. Kaçan kovalanır sözünün tam anlamı ile suyunu çıkartıyorlar. Kadın seviyor adam bakmıyor, adam sevmeye başlıyor kadın vazgeçiyor, kadının tekrar aklı kayıyor, adam soğuyor. Şeytan diyor al eline bir cetvel geçir sıra dayağından. Zaten ikinci adam hangisi karar veremiyorsunuz. Dizide iki tane başrol erkek vardı. Ko Jung-Won karakteri Hwa Shin in tam tersi tek kelime ile mükemmel erkek modeliydi. Anlayışlı, sevecen, destekleyici, zevkli, kibar, bla bla bla… kısaca bütün dizilerde izlediğimiz mükemmel erkek tanımlarının tek bir karakterde toplanması gibiydi. Yani aslında ikinci erkek olamayacak kadar iyiydi. Tek eksik yanı coşkusu yoktu. Kim Hwa Shin’in ise tek sahip olduğu şey coşkusuydu. Kaba, sevimsiz, yargılayıcı, anlaşılmaz, kibirli, tembel bir adamdı.
Birbirlerine kan bağı olmayan insanların aile gibi yaşadığı kısımlar kafamı çok karıştırdı. Kim kimdir, kim kimin neyi diye anlamak uzun sürdü. Yine de eğlenceli bir grup olmuşlardı. Liseli ergenlerin kaldığı apartman ve apartmanın altındaki ‘veli’ sayılabilecek karakterin kafesi son derece renkliydi. Hiçbir karakterin yerine o yerine bu oynasaydı diyemiyorum. Dizi bütün klişeler üzerine kurulup, klişelerden uzak bir yorumla yazılmıştı. Kötü karakter yoktu. Sevmeyeceğiniz insanlar belki olabilir ama hiç kimse kötü değildi. İhanet yoktu. İki adam yakın arkadaş olmaları nedeniyle dudak uçuklatan ihanetler izleyeceğimizi düşünmüştüm.  Onun yerine dizide herkes kartlarını açık oynadı. Kimse arkadan iş çevirmedi. Felaketler yaşanmadı. Aynı kadına aşık olmuş iki yakın arkadaşın adil dövüşüydü. Erkeklerden biri mükemmel eş diğeri arızalarına rağmen doğru insan gibiydi.
Kısacası çerezlik bir dizi değildi. Yan karakterlerin hikayelerinin altları dolu, kaliteli bir yapımdı. Bölüm sayısı evet bir tık uzundu. Bu konuda bende kararsızım, sanki daha az olsa tadı damağımızda kalırmış gibi de geldi. Ve inanmazsınız sonu vardı. En iyi sonlara sahip diziler arasına girebilir. Diğer yandan dizinin özellikle hitap ettiği bir kesim olduğunu düşünüyorum, çünkü; 25 yaş üstü izleyicilerin daha çok keyif alacağı aşikar. İki erkeğin dostluğuna da ayrıca dikkat çekeyim. İkisi de duygularını saklamak istemiyordu ama her attıkları adımdan sonra dönüp “hala dostuz değil mi?” diye birbirlerine bakıyorlardı. Belki çok ön plana çıkmadı, gizli özne olarak kaldı ama ben ikisinin arkadaşlığına tek kelime ile bayıldım. İkisi de hayatları boyunca kendileri için bir şey yapamamış, ikisinin de birbirlerinden başka kimsesi yokken, ikisi de bir diğerini kendi önüne koyuyordu. Öte yandan ikisi de bu sefer kendim için bir adım atmalıyım ikilemi yaşıyordu. Şahaneydiler.
Kesinlikle tavsiye edeceğim bir diziydi.
Suran - Step Step
Raven Melus
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k-star-holic · 1 year
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Seo Ji-hye hits back at Hong Soo-hyun's mistress Ilgal... up to 9.3%
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gunsatthaphan · 7 months
~ Monthly BL Breakdown: September 2023 ~ 
👻 Happy October!!! 🎃
Disclaimer: ALL shows can be streamed here or here, as well as on Youtube and other platforms. For more info on where to watch what, check out this post! 
New breakdowns are coming at the end of every month - feel free to add stuff!  -> previous breakdowns
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What came out this month? (green = seen/currently watching)
🌟 Senior Love Me? Season 2 - September 1st (Thailand) 🌟 Naughty Babe - September 2nd (Thailand) ✅ 🌟 Venus in the Sky - September 2nd (Thailand) 🌟 Marry Go Round - September 3rd (Thailand) 🌟 Where Your Eyes Linger (movie version with added scenes + commentary) - September 5th (South Korea) 🌟 Y Star Challenge (reality show) - September 8th (Thailand)
🌟 The Promise: Honeymoon Lost and Found - September 9th (Thailand) 🌟 Our Story - September 9th (Philippines) 🌟 Rerun (starring PP Krit) - September 13th (Thailand) 🌟 You Are Mine - September 15th (Taiwan) 🌟 Bump Up Business - September 15th (South Korea) 🌟 Wedding Plan Special Episode - September 16th (Thailand) ✅ 🌟 Right Time, Right You - September 17th (Thailand) 🌟 Kimi ni wa Todokanai (I Can't Reach You) - September 27th (Japan) 🌟 Bon Appetit - September 27th (South Korea) 🌟 Absolute Zero - September 27th (Thailand)
Monthly likes/dislikes
❣️ Naughty Babe - I'm loving this so much lol it's so silly but the comedy is so brilliant and so far I'm enjoying it more than Cutie Pie lol. The story is interesting and MaxNat's acting has improved a lot since CP which is nice. Definitely an unexpected nice little gem and also a band-aid for the soul after the OF-trauma every Saturday dskjhf
👎🏻 ø
New series & movie announcements
🎥 Like - Date TBA (South Korea)
🎥 Live in Love - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 Spirit Reborn - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 Red Peafowl (starring Max N., Mek J., Boun N., Gun N., Yacht S., LongFrank & others) - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 Couple or Not - Date TBA (China)
🎥 Ossan's Love Season 3 - Coming January 2024 (Japan)
🎥 The Luminous Begins (Prequel to The Luminious Solution, starring Kaownah Kittipat) - Coming December 2023
Other news from the BL world
❗️ The upcoming Thai adaption of Cherry Magic will premiere in November as confirmed by the cast. The airing date has yet to be announced.
❗️ Actor Est Ravipon (LBC2, Naughty Babe) joined GMMTV.
❗️ The upcoming Thai BL 4 Minutes has been announced to air in early 2024. One of the main actors, Bible W., disclosed that shooting will begin in October and run until December. Several months back his acting partner Build J. dropped out of the production as a result of a defamation scandal. Further details, such as a recast for his role, as well as an airing date, are unknown.
❗️ Santa and Earth (My Only 12%) and EarthMix (ATOTS, MLC) respectively announced that they will be having another project together in 2024. Details are unknown.
❗️ GMMTV actor Gun Atthaphan won an award for "Outstanding Asian Star" at this year's Seoul International Drama Awards.
❗️ This year's GMMTV 2024 lineup event will take place on October 17th.
❗️ The cast for the upcoming Korean BL Jazz For Two was revealed: Song Han Gyeom (OMEGA X), Kim Jin Kwon & Ko Jae Hyun (To My Star), Byun Sung Tae (Happy Merry Ending) will be the main cast.
❗️ A third season for the Japanesse BL Ossan's Love was announced for January 2024.
❗️ At their event "Always More", WeTV announced their 2024 lineup. The following BL productions are included:
Monster Next Door
I Saw You In My Dream (WeTV x DeeHup)
Me And Who (WeTV x Domundi)
Knock Knock Boys (starring Seng W., Best V. and others)
❗️ MeMindY announced their next 2 BL projects:
Love Sea (adapted from an unreleased novel) - Coming 2024
Boy Next World (universe travel plot) - Coming 2024
Both series are adaptions from Mame's novels and will air in 2024. Earlier, FortPeat (Love in the Air) confirmed in a press conference that they will star in another one of Mame's projects, which led fans to believing they will appear in one of the 2 projects, along with BossNoeul. The official cast reveals will take place on October 3rd and 5th.
Upcoming series & movies for October
👉🏻 Sasaki to Miyano - October 1st (Japan, Netflix release)
👉🏻 If It's With You aka Even If I Fall In Love With You - October 5th (Japan)
👉🏻 What Did You Eat Yesterday? Season 2 - October 6th (Japan)
👉🏻 Lucky Love - October 15th (Thailand)
👉🏻 GMMTV2024 lineup event + press conference - October 17th (Thailand)
👉🏻 One Room Angel (manga adaption) - October 19th (Japan)
👉🏻 The Camp Fire - October 29th (Thailand)
👉🏻 Shadow - October 31st (Thailand)
👉🏻 Boys Like Boys (dating reality show) - October TBA (Taiwan)
👉🏻 Bump Up Business - October TBA (South Korea)
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hot-boyband-tourney · 1 month
Welcome to the Tournament of the hottest boy band members of the 80s/90s
It was inspired by all the tournaments pitting famous beautiful people versus famous beautiful people of specific eras and specific jobs. The polls should start on the 8th of April, leaving around two weeks for submissions. I’ve compiled a list already but you can submit other boys that aren’t on the list through a google form. Feel free to submit non english speaking boy bands.
The only pictures accepted will be pictures from the 80s/90s and very early 2000s. To submit propaganda either use the same google form as for submissions (even if the guy in question is already on the list) or through the submission box or tag me on posts.
The List
Backstreet Boys
Nick Carter
Kevin Richardson
Brian Littrell
AJ Mclean
Howie Dorough
Take That
Robbie Williams
Mark Owen
Jason Orange
Gary Barlow
Howard Donald
JC Chasez
Lance Bass
Justin Timberlake
Joey Fatone
Chris Kirkpatrick
New Kids On The Block
Jon Knight
Jordan Knight
Joey McIntyre
Donnie Walberg
Danny Wood
Joel "Jo-Jo" Hailey
Donald "DeVante Swing" DeGrate
Dalvin "Mr. Dalvin" DeGrate
Cedric "K-Ci" Hailey
Chris Keller
Gérald Jean-Laurent
Andrew Mac Carthy
Seo Taiji & boys
Seo Taiji
Lee Juno
YG (Yang Hyun-suk)
Moon Hee-jun
Jang Woo-hyuk
Tony An
Lee Jae-won
Eun Jiwon
Ko Jiyong
Kim Jaeduck
Lee Jaijin
Jang Suwon
Kang Sunghoon
Filip Nikolic
Frank Delay
Adel Kachermi
Shane Filan
Mark Feehily
Kian Egan
Nicky Byrne
Brian McFadden
Boyz II men
Shawn Stockman
Wanya Morris
Nathan Morris
Marc Nelson
Michael McCary 
Scott Robinson
Ritchie Neville
Sean Conlon
Abz Love
J Brown
Ronan Keating
Keith Duffy
Michael Graham
Shane Lynch
Stephen Gately
98 degrees
Nick Lachey
Jeff Timmons
Drew Lachey
Justin Jeffre
Jonathan Lippman
Dream street
Matt Ballinger
Frankie Galasso
Greg Raposo
Jesse McCartney
Chris Trousdale
Omari Grandberry
Jarell Houston
Dreux Frédéric
De'Mario Thorton
Mark Barry
Christian Burns
Stephen McNally
Rich Cronin
Brian Gillis
Devin Lima
The Moffatts
Scott Moffatt
Clint Moffatt
Bob Moffatt
Dave Moffatt
New edition
Ralph Tresvant
Bobby Brown
Ricky Bell
Michael Bivins
Ronnie DeVoe
Johnny Gill
East 17
Terry Coldwell
Brian Harvey
John Hendy
Tony Mortimer
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prbni · 2 years
My controversial Kdrama opinions
1. Ko Moon Young was just a psychologically messed up girl. She isn't the 'girlpower' or 'badass' that the Kdrama fandom likes to dub her into.
2. In 'Hotel del Luna', they could've just chucked the entire character of Gu Chansung out of the window and gave Chang Myung a rebirth/rebirths,make him go through various trials and tribulations to repent and earn Man Wol's forgiveness. Didn't have to make it unnecessarily tragic.
3. Unnecessarily tragic reminds me, the 'realistic' ending of 2521 was a JOKE. There was NO point of developing such a power couple if they were to break up for such a mundane reason.
4. Romance genre isn't Song Kang's 'thing'. He shines better as an actor in non-romance genres.
5. Had they focused on developing Ju Kyung as an individual character who finally learns how to completely take a stand for herself instead of dangling her between Suho and Seojun, 'True Beauty' would've become a more popular and appreciated drama.
6. The love line between Hwang InYeop and Seo Hyun Jin's character in 'Why her: Oh Soo Jae' was absolutely unnecessary and awkward.
7. Jo Bo Ah and Ahn Bo Hyun and an amazing chemistry in 'Military Prosecutor: Do Bae Man'. However, they could've developed a slowburn romance between them instead of abruptly putting a kiss sequence in the last episode out of nowhere.
8. In 'Snowdrop', Eun Young Ro forgiving Soo Ho later on didn't make sense. Their kiss sequence was purely fan service,nothing else.
9. Individual acting aside,Kim Hye Yoon had more chemistry with Lee Jae Wook(2nd lead) than Rowoon(main lead) in 'Extraordinary You'.
10. Writers are overusing 'Let's kill off the main character and make the show tragically memorable' trope wayyy too much.
11. As much as it physically hurts me given the chemistry of the actors,Choi Do Il and Oh In Joo not having any proper romantic sequence till the end of 'Little Women' makes sense to the storyline(the shipper me might've wanted a hug though).
12. Also the writers should stop doing the 'lets make the second lead better than the main lead'. Its annoying to see one person actually making sincere effort for the girl but the girl ends up totally ignoring their effort and like the ML. Not in just Kdramas but in all sorts of dramas. I actually saw a Chinese drama where the second lead finally turned into a villain. I LITERALLY commented 'good for him' lmao.
13. Sunho in 'Cheer Up' is problematic. Neither his sad backstory nor his sincere feelings for Haeyi changes that fact.
14. The Heirs(2013) drama wasted an opportunity to pair Young Do(Kim Woobin) with Yoo Rachel(Kim Jiwon). No, they didn't need to be 'siblings'. I'd have chosen the two heartbroken yet sassy and tough people romance over the sappy romance of the main couple in a heartbeat. And the actors would've NAILED it.
15. Jojo not ending up with Sunho in 'Love Alarm' finally broke the 'Cinderella and Prince Charming' fairytale trope of Kdramas. That girl was too messed up in the head . She didn't need the rich,fierce and impulsive lover, but the quite,patient and thoughtful one. So don't go ahead and say the ending sucked. Maybe they could've made things more coherent, but no the ending didn't suck.
16. Moon Dong Eun should have remained single, with the last episode ending with him crossing paths with Do Yeong, with Yeonjin & gang & all the revenge agenda gone, she could hv offered him a smile and a game of Go, keeping an open ending for them. Lee Do Hyun was fabulous in playing Yeojeong and their chemistry was amazing. But they could hv just been partners in crime with their teamwork without the romantic plot between them.
17. No. Ryu Shi Oh doesn't give second lead syndrome. Byun Woo Seok is a very good actor but he plays the villain in 'Strong Woman Kang Nam Soon' and not anti-hero. Lee Yoo Mi and him should be paired opposite to e/o in some other project in the future but Shi Oh and Nam Soon ain't the 'enemies to lovers' you think it is.
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Categorizing Parent-related Trauma for male and female leads in Kdramas:
Orphans: Lee Hong-jo (Destined With You) Moon Gang-tae (It's Okay to Not be Okay) Moon Sang-tae (It's Okay to Not be Okay) Ha-ru (Extraordinary You) Naksu/Cho Yeong (Alchemy of Souls) Tak Dong-kyung (Doom at Your Service) Nam Ji-ah* (Tale of the Nine Tailed) Cheon Sa-Rang (King the Land) Jang Man-wol (Hotel del Luna) Yoon Yi-seo (100 Days My Price) Kang Young-hwa (Moon in the Day) Kim Do-ha (Moon in the Day) So Mun (The Uncanny Counter) Do Ha-na (The Uncanny Counter) Kang Tae-moo (Business Proposal) Kang Tae-ha (The Story of Park's Marriage Contract, present version) Lee Heon (The Forbidden Marriage) Do Do-hee (My Demon) Ji Eun-tak (Guardian: The Great and Lonely God) Na Bong-seon (Oh My Ghost)
Half Orphans with loving remaining parent: Eun Dan-oh (Extraordinary You) Koo Chan-sung (Hotel del Luna) Ye So-ran (The Forbidden Marriage) Nam Ha-neul (Doctor Slump) Yu Ji-hyck (Marry My Husband) Kang Hee-soo (Captivating the King) Choi Yi-jae (Death's Game)
Half Orphan + Remaining Parent is THE WORST: Jang Uk (Alchemy of Souls) Kim Do-ha (My Lovely Liar) Lee Yul (100 Days My Price) Ahn Min-hyuk (Strong Woman Bong-Soon) Seo Mok-ha (Castaway Diva) Gong Tae-seong (Sh**ting Stars) Kang Tae-ha (The Story of Park's Marriage Contract, past version) Yi In (Captivating the King) Kang Ji-won (Marry My Husband)
Parents (at least one) are THE WORST but Both Are Still Alive: Jang Shin-yu (Destined With You) Han Yi-joo (Perfect Marriage Revenge) Ko Mun-young** (It's Okay to Not be Okay) Mok Sol-hee (My Lovely Liar) Gu Won (King the Land) Crown Prince Lee Hwi/Dam-yi/Yeon-seon (The King's Affection) Do Bong-soon (Strong Woman Bong-Soon) Woo Young-woo (Extraordinary Attorney Woo)*** Jung Ji-woon (The King's Affection) Kang Bo-geol/Lee Ki-ho (Castaway Diva) Yeo Jeong-woo (Doctor Slump) Hong Hae-in (Queen of Tears)
Immortal Being that Still Somehow has Parent Issues: Myul Mang/Doom (Doom at your Service) Lee Yeon & Lee Rang (Tale of the Nine Tailed) Jeong Gu-won (My Demon)
Added trauma flavour: Parent was murdered in front of them (**Still counts if they survived the murder Parent tried to murder them Dying from seemingly incurable disease which makes their parents/guardian sad (If your parents are alive, you must pay for it by dying yourself) Adoptive parent/stepparent is THE WORST
Somehow has normal parents: Lee Jun-ho (Extraordinary Attorney Woo, Has no backstory at all. We only meet his older sister and hear nothing about his childhood.) Shin Ha-ri (Business Proposal, her family is refreshingly normal, right down to her brother being sent out to find her when she's drunk) Oh Han-byeol (Sh**ting Stars, Again, we know almost nothing about her family, only that she has twin sisters. But she doesn't appear to have childhood trauma.) Park Yeon-woo (The Story of Park's Marriage Contract, her mom being annoyed at her for something that is a crime doesn't count as bad parenting) Lee Young-joon/Sung-hyun (What's Wrong with Secretary Kim, his trauma comes from a kidnapper, his parents faced a pretty impossible situation and did their best. They clearly love their kids)
*Counting her as an orphan even though she gets her parents back after 20 years, she spent her childhood orphaned.
***This character is tricky because I understand why her mother wanted nothing to do with her, but her trying to manipulate the dad and also saying he didn't raise her properly made me so angry.
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iuteamstarcandy · 6 months
[TRANS] IU ‘Flower Bookmark 2’ Album Introduction and Song Introductions
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A pristine and beautiful trail of memories that do not fade over time
IU’s second remake album [Flower Bookmark 2]
A book that I took and dusted off from an old library. As I turn the pages one by one, there are times when I find old four-leaf clovers or flower petals that are inserted like bookmarks. It’s a pristine and beautiful trace of a gift that contains someone's sincerity long ago. Along with it comes the memorable pieces of writing that are underlined on each page. This 'Flower Bookmark' may be one of the symbols of youth culture that show the romance and sentiments of the past analog generation which are slowly being forgotten these days.
IU's second remake album, [Flower Bookmark 2], is an extension of the remake album [Flower Bookmark] which was released in 2014 and received excellent reviews from the public and critics. This is a special mini album which reflects both the analog emotions contained in the original songs and the unique lyricism of ‘IU’. Like the previous [Flower Bookmark] album, IU herself selected music from previous generations which are like “flower bookmarks” that she had always cherished and collaborated with musicians of a wide range of generations and genres, including Jeong Jae-il, Ko Tae-young, Hong So-jin, Kang Yi-chae, Jukjae, Lim Hyun-je (Hyukoh), Kim Sung-mo and Jung Sung-ha, to make more detailed efforts than ever to add IU's color on top of the original songs’ unique sentiments.
[Flower Bookmark 2] uses IU’s pure tone to reinterpret songs of the past that transcend generations, in the hopes to revive pristine and beautiful moments that do not fade over time, connecting generations after generations, providing deep empathy and resonance in them and becoming a gift of memories as a ‘flower bookmark’.
01. 가을 아침 (Autumn morning)
Lyrics by Lee Byung-woo
Composed by Lee Byung-woo
Arranged by Jung Sung-ha
Originally sung by Yang Hee-eun
“This song is included in [Yang Hee-eun 1991], an album commemorating the 20th anniversary of ‘Morning Dew’. Yang Hee-eun sunbaenim shared with me that it was an album that she finished recording 9 songs in a day together with Director Lee Byung-woo, who was studying in Vienna at the time, while she was in New York. I listened to this album a lot because I respect them musically and could sense the refreshing vibes of the two of them when they were young, so this is my favorite song from that album. Even though the song is simple in its structure, the guitar performance, voice and lyrics are perfectly combined, making it as beautiful as the title, autumn morning.”
02. 비밀의 화원 (Secret Garden)
Lyrics by Lee Sang-eun
Composed by Lee Sang-eun
Arranged by Echae Kang
Originally sung by Lee Sang-eun
“These are my favorite lyrics from [Flower Bookmark 2]. I like Lee Sang-eun sunbaenim’s simple sentences that are filled with warmth. In particular, I think the lyrics that switch freely between the perspectives of ‘just me’, then as an ‘adult’ and as a ‘person who falls in love’ are really cool.
I could relate to the lyrics which go, ‘Forget what happened yesterday / Everyone makes slight mistakes’ and they gave me comfort.”
03. 잠 못 드는 밤 비는 내리고 (Sleepless rainy night)
Lyrics by Kim Chang-hwan, Park Gwang-hyun / Composed by Kim Chang-hwan, Park Gwang-hyun / Arranged by Hong So-jin, Jukjae / Originally sung by Kim Gun-mo
“This is a song that I really wanted to remake someday. I was in a hurry to do it first before anyone else did, so I even considered putting just this one song as a remake on my 4th full-length album [Palette] which was released last spring, that’s how ambitious the song made me. I heard about Kim Gun-mo sunbaenim’s vocal range and was prepared to some extent, but I was surprised several times throughout the recording, saying, ‘Oh, I can’t believe this’. I'm cautiously predicting that it will be the song that has the most fanatics (Note: people going crazy over) in [Flower Bookmark 2] ☆”
04. 어젯밤 이야기 (Last night story)
Lyrics by Park Gun-ho
Composed by Lee Ho-jun
Arranged by Im Hyun-je (Hyukoh) , Kim Sung-mo
Originally sung by Sobangcha (Fire Truck)
“This was a song that was so famous and well-loved that I felt a lot of pressure to remake, but I courageously did so because it was also such an attractive song to that extent.
From the chord progression to the story in the lyrics and to the main riff (Note: a short repeated sequence of notes or chords to make a song catchy), it is a song that I’m in awe whenever I listen to it because it is perfectly balanced and solid and this is the song I worked on the most happily in this album.”
05. 개여울 (By the stream)
Lyrics by Kim So-wol
Composed by Lee Hee-mok
Arranged by Jung Jae-il
Originally sung by Jung Mi-jo
“This is a song that so many seniors have done remakes of. Among the various versions of ‘By the Stream’, I took reference from the version of this song in Jeong Mi-jo sunbaenim's 2016 album [37 Years] the most. In no other song is there a person that is as hateful and irresponsible as the one who leaves in the lyrics. As it's a song about yearning for such a person, the ‘deep sorrow’ and ‘desperate resentment’ enter your heart as they are, without any defense or embellishments.
The ‘By the stream’ that (Kim Jeong-hee) sunbaenim first sang and the recent ‘By the stream’ sung decades later come across as distinctly different from the emotions to the stories in their voices. If given the chance, I want to sing this song again after a long time.”
06. 매일 그대와 (Everyday with you)
Lyrics by Choi Sung-won
Composed by Choi Sung-won
Arranged by Go Tae-young
Originally sung by A Wild Chamomile
“I think there’s no need for a long explanation for this song. Everyday with you is the best!”
Translated by IUteamstarcandy
Source: Melon
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save-the-data · 30 days
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Jazz for Two | S01E06
Korean Drama - 2024, 8 episodes
Episodes | Gaga | YouTube | iQIYI | WeTV | Tencent | Youku | Catalogue
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namjhyun · 4 months
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In a time when we are suffering from an over-saturation of content and less than mediocre stories, particularly related to people with superpowers, South Korea has released MOVING and proved there's still hope for the genre.
Like its tittle the story is in constant move, not only pushing forward but going back to different timelines to give us context o our main characters and how the things happening in present time are a direct consequence to the past. Technically, MOVING is perfect. One of the strongest points is definitely the editing and this can be seen in the way the story jumps from one year to another but you never lose track of what's happening nor leaves you confused. There are gaps to fill but with other episodes that will give you answers. The score complements the actions and emotions of the characters to perfection.
The performances are top notch and it's not surprise considering this drama is stacked. If you have been watching korean dramas or films for a while, you will recognize even the most random character or one-episode-cameo it's performed by an award winning actor or actress. These people have a reputation for a reason and they deliver in every scene, with a look, a touch, a smile or a punch that will push you through a wall. For some characters in the drama literally speaking.
Zo In Sung hasn't starred in a drama since Dear My Friends (2016) and I am so glad this is his return to the tv format. In MOVING he delivered a nuance, charming and badass performance that in the hands of another would have fell flat. His character's entire existence it's what pushes most of the story forward: a person used as a weapon to kill but all he ever wanted was to live. The big mystery of the drama it's to find out what was his fate after he got separated from those he loves.
Ryoo Seung Ryong remains one of the most compelling actors of his generation, giving us the incredible story of a good man lost in life until he found his purpose and redemption. His storyline, full of gore and violence, was actually a tender love story about how far a man will go to protect his family. Marvelous.
Han Hyo Joo's character could have easily fallen into the Smurfette principle but no. She's an equal to the men who love her and those that want to kill her, with a very strong motivation to keep herself on the top of the game. This character's loneliness comes through every scene she's in, bottling everything up in order to be strong for her family but you can tell she's waiting for a chance to be free and, most importantly, for her son to be able to live freely.
Ko Yoon Jung, Lee Jeong Ha and Kim Do Hoon are really promising actors, particularly considering they hold their own while performance with so many household names. I think Kim Do Hoon and Kim Sun Kyun probably gave one of the most heartbreaking yet beautiful stories in the drama.
Like I mentioned before every single actor in this drama brought their A+ game face but I would be doing a disservice if I didn't mention Kim Hee Won, Cha Tae Hyun, Ryoo Seung Bum, Park Hee Soon, Yang Dong Geun, Jo Bok Rae, Park Kwang Jae, Kim Joong He and, of course, Kwak Sun Young. She in particular was SPECTACULAR.
None of these characters are one-dimensional, they are not defined by the label society wants to put on them. They are all joined together by the experiences, hardships, love, motivations and ambitions they share. At the end of the day, related or not by blood, they are a family. Even the so-called enemies.
MOVING it's absolutely worthy of the hype that surrounds it through all social media and news outlets putting in the category of one of 2023 best tv shows. I only regret I didn't have the time to watch it sooner so I could have add it to mine.
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elderflowergin · 1 year
2022 kdrama/movie roundup!
It was a tough year for keeping up with anything because life, toddler, etc, but here are the things I watched, in part or whole, that I remembered. Hot Takes Incoming!
Sell Your Haunted House - Jang Nara in boots. Kang Mal-geum in dark lipstick. Touching, gay, many mother issues. The girls were fantastic. The boys weren't bad.
25 21 - I was dropped back into the 90s. Surprisingly, I didn't hate it. The girls were fantastic. Na Hee-do was correct to dump Baek Yi-jin. Moon Ji-woong, perfect boy. Ji Seung-wan for PRESIDENT!
Why Her? - Someone thought it'd be a great idea to throw Seo Hyun-jin's ex-client (shudder) current-student (TRIPLE SHUDDER) Hwang In-yeop into the romance mix when billionaire CHOI YOUNG-JOON and Crown Prince Bae In-hyuk were already there. And they thought it'd be funny if Hwang In-yeop won. NO.
Eve - The superior commentary this year on the horrors of capitalism. It ends with reparations (Park Byung-eun hands over his entire empire to Seo Yeji, who promptly divests it), rich people dying in horrible ways and Seo Yeji doing the tango. Were the makjang knobs dialled up so high they're broken? Yes. Was it fun? YES, because I got to see Park Byung-eun's range, which includes Pained Hottie, and Seo Yeji running men's feet over in cars wearing couture. We can ask for no more.
Juvenile Justice - No one asked "What happens if we take three of the most charismatic working actors in Korean entertainment today and squeezed the life out of them?" But someone answered anyway.
My Liberation Notes - Lee El, a revelation. Mr Gu, a revelation when he started talking, and not the good kind.
Grid - Kim Mu-yeol. Kim Ah-joong and Jang So-yeon had a great year. I didn't understand the time thing at all. This is a me problem, but probably the only time I'll face it this year. Right? RIGHT?
Bloody Heart - Jang Hyuk has done nothing wrong, ever. The girls were fantastic. Lee Joon, I heard your script was meant for Lee Joon-hyuk. Sorry.
Pachinko - The girls were fantastic. Kim Min-ha, baby, you're gorgeous. JUNG EUN-CHAE was everything. Sorry to Lee Min-ho, who had the tough double role of acting as Ko Hansu and also like he belonged to this cast of greats.
Our Blues - Great acting, but my own blues were sufficient for me. The girls were fantastic. Unwanted to wanted pregnancy storyline: no thanks. This is a me problem, but probably the only time I'll face it this year. Right? RIGHT?
Extraordinary Attorney Woo - 75% love; 25% NOT THIS AGAIN.
Little Women - The girls were fantastic. I ran out of air by this point in the year. I'll come back for you, gothic interior design, poison orchids, and Song Joong-ki in the best role he's played all year!
Through the Darkness - Almost too many twirling moustache psychos and dead girls. I did it for Kim Nam-gil because he's so pretty in this and in case it wasn't abundantly clear by now, I don't think with my brain. The lone living girl - Kim So-jin - was fantastic. Jin Seon-kyu, well-adjusted stealth hottie!
Reborn Rich - Samsung owes Lee Sung-min its entire semiconductor business as @rain-hat said. Lee Sung-min owes me reparations for making me watch this show for him primarily (secondarily Park Hyuk-kwon, Kim Shin-rok, Park Ji-hyun and Kim Nam-hee for their acting; Kim Young-jae because he is THE DILF). I'm manifesting NO TIMESLIPS in 2023 dramas.
Under the Queen's Umbrella - Kim Hye-soo pushing up her hanbok sleeves to carry babies and do embroidery should be projected onto my tombstone unto eternity. The girls were fantastic. And I know this is unusual, so bear with me, but: the boys? FANTASTIC ALSO.
Vikram - Fahaadh Faasil, my thoughts are nasty and you don't want to hear them. The girls might have been fantastic had they been permitted to live and not be dumdums. That was never going to happen, of course. There was torture and a baby in significant peril, but it was also the most fun I'd had in a while. I should get my head checked.
Ponniyin Selvan - The sheer scale of work and sweat that has gone into the enterprise of making Vikram seem taller than Trisha Krishnan for the last twenty years! Iconic. The girls were fantastic.
The Naked Kitchen - This is sold as a story of a woman choosing between two men. That is a lie. It's about a man coming to terms with his marriage drifting into polyamory, and enjoying it. Shin Min-ah and Ju Ji-hoon fuck in a museum, which was also weirdly sweet.
Asura City of Madness - AHJUSSHIS WHY. Hwang Jung-min's shirttails worked very hard in 2012. Jung Woo-sung ate glass and has pathological issues about being as handsome as he is. We love him for it. We did not love this.
Hunt - Love is your bestie learning how to write and direct just to write and direct you in the role of a lifetime for you, personally. I don't know if that's what happened here, but that's what love is. And chemistry is whatever these two guys have in this completely ordinary movie that did not give any feelings. Hwang Jung-min, pussy OUT.
Decision to Leave - A well-deserved love letter to Tang Wei, just beautifully shot, gorgeous.
Il Mare - Absolutely lovely little film, reliant almost entirely on the star power of two actors who are so charismatic they don't need to meet in the movie to convince you of their romance.
Laal Singh Chaddha - There was a very beautiful wedding at the end. Aamir Khan's face must hurt.
Darlings - A movie that appreciated and respected noted hottie Shefali Shah.
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noonaenthusiast · 2 years
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Reflection Of You (2021)
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fgadfanpage · 1 year
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-> Café Minamdang (2022, ep. 14). Dir. Ko Jae Hyun.
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