If I had loved myself better, I wouldn't have been in most of the situations I placed myself in. But with pain, there is always a purpose. Everything happens for a reason. I’m growing and doing better every day.
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fixquotes · 2 months
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"His failures are as valuable as his successes: by misjudging one thing he conforms something else, even if at the time he does not know what that something else is"
- Bridget Riley
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usnewsper-politics · 3 months
Discover the Secrets of Success: Former U.S. Presidents Share Practical Advice in New Book! #Americanhistory #barackobama #BillClinton #coach #communication #cultivatingstrongrelationships #decisionmaking #embracingfailure #formerU.S.presidents #GeorgeW.Bush #GeraldFord #influentialleaders #inspiration #JaredCohen #JimmyCarter #Leadership #learningfrommistakes #LifePowerBookSeven #mindsofpowerfulpeople #motivationalspeaker #personalandprofessionallives #practicaladvice #presidentialwisdom #Resilience #richardnixon #RonaldReagan #selfhelpbooks #success
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jitzbala · 7 months
Half Marathon on Half a Slice of Orange and Half a Pint of Water (Part 2)
Finally, the day of the half marathon arrived, and I was brimming with excitement. But I made minimal changes, except for waking up much earlier. This was to ensure I consumed enough energy to fuel the race. My pre-race meal was simple – a sandwich made of two boiled eggs and mayo, accompanied by a glass of juice. I also made sure to drink at least 500 ml of water before I left. I always start…
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coachvee77 · 9 months
Fool Me Once, Shame on You
The Sting of Betrayal: When Lowering Your Standards Backfires We’ve all experienced moments in life where we’ve been willing to make compromises, lower our expectations, and give someone a chance despite our better judgment. Unfortunately, sometimes these decisions can lead to heartbreak and betrayal. One of the most excruciating forms of pain is realizing that someone you lowered your standards…
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flourishwithfreda · 10 months
🌟💔 Embracing Imperfection: The Power of Self-Forgiveness 🙏💖
As humans, we are bound to make mistakes and stumble along our journey. It's important to remember that these missteps are an inherent part of our growth and learning process. In this emoji blog post, we will explore the concept of embracing imperfection and the transformative power of self-forgiveness. Let's dive in and discover the beauty in forgiving ourselves! 🌟🌺
💔🌱 The Beauty of Mistakes: Mistakes are not failures; they are valuable lessons that shape our personal growth. It's okay to stumble and make errors along the way. These experiences teach us resilience, humility, and empathy. Embrace the beauty of your mistakes as stepping stones toward becoming a better version of yourself. 🌈💫
🌟🙏 The Healing Power of Self-Forgiveness: Self-forgiveness is a transformative act of compassion and self-love. It's about acknowledging our flaws, accepting our humanity, and granting ourselves the grace to learn, grow, and evolve. By letting go of self-blame and embracing self-forgiveness, we release the heavy burden of guilt and create space for healing and personal transformation. 🌻✨
💕🌿 Embracing Self-Compassion: Self-compassion is the key to cultivating a forgiving mindset toward ourselves. It involves treating ourselves with kindness, understanding, and empathy, just as we would treat a dear friend. Embrace the understanding that we are all flawed and imperfect, and that's what makes us beautifully human. Practice self-compassion by offering yourself gentle words of encouragement and embracing your journey with love and acceptance. 💖🌟
🔁💫 Learning from Mistakes: Mistakes provide us with valuable opportunities for growth and self-reflection. Rather than dwelling on our missteps, we can choose to view them as valuable lessons. Take the time to reflect on your mistakes, understand the underlying patterns or triggers, and identify ways to navigate similar situations in the future. Remember, growth and improvement are continuous journeys, and each mistake is an opportunity for learning and growth. 🌱🌟
🌈💖 Celebrating Progress and Growth: Forgiving ourselves is not about erasing our mistakes or pretending they didn't happen. It's about acknowledging our progress and growth along the way. Celebrate the small victories, the lessons learned, and the steps taken toward becoming the person you aspire to be. Embrace the beauty of your journey, knowing that every step forward, no matter how small, is a testament to your resilience and strength. 🎉🌟
Embracing imperfection and forgiving ourselves is a powerful act of self-compassion and growth. Remember that making mistakes is part of being human, and it is through these experiences that we learn, evolve, and become the best version of ourselves. Practice self-forgiveness, embrace self-compassion, and celebrate your progress and growth. Allow yourself to move forward with a lighter heart and a renewed sense of purpose. You deserve love, forgiveness, and the opportunity to continue growing into the incredible person you are meant to be. 💖🌟
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kimmyvictoria · 10 months
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Failure is not the end, but a catalyst for growth and improvement.
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daffodilrays · 10 months
Guilt as a Motivator for Positive Change: Harnessing Constructive Remorse for Personal Growth
Guilt, often seen as a negative emotion, can actually serve as a powerful catalyst for personal growth and positive change. When approached constructively, guilt can motivate us to reflect on our actions, take responsibility, and make amends. Understanding guilt and its functions Guilt is an emotional response that arises when we believe we have acted against our own moral values or caused…
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spreadingpositivitynow · 10 months
Giving Up is Never the Answer
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Introduction: The Importance of Perseverance There's an old saying that goes, "When the going gets tough, the tough get going." This statement couldn't be more true. When life gets difficult and it feels like we can't take anymore, it's important to remember that giving up is never the answer. In this blog, we will explore several reasons why you should never give up on fighting for what you believe in. We will also provide supportive resources for both US and UK audiences, along with headings for better readability and tags for improved search engine optimization. 1. You Deserve Better Than That Fight for Your Dreams Giving up might seem like the easy way out, but it's not. It might feel like you're taking the path of least resistance, but trust me, you deserve better than that. You deserve to fight for what you believe in and to see things through to the end—no matter how difficult they might be. Remember, anything worth having is worth fighting for. The Importance of Self-Worth Understanding your own self-worth is crucial when it comes to persevering through challenges. When you truly believe in yourself and your abilities, you are less likely to give up when faced with difficulties. Building self-confidence and a strong sense of self-worth can help you stand tall in the face of adversity, knowing that you have the strength and resilience to push through and achieve your goals. Resources for Perseverance and Resilience For our US readers, check out American Psychological Association's resilience resource for tips on building resilience and overcoming challenges. For our UK audience, consider the Mental Health Foundation's guide on how to build resilience. 2. Quitting is Never an Option The Power of Persistence If you give up on something, you're essentially saying that quitting is an option—and it's not. Life is full of challenges and obstacles, but we have to remember that quitting is never an option. It might seem like giving up is the best thing to do at the time, but it's not. So never give up and always keep fighting for what you believe in—no matter how hard things might get. The Role of Mindset Having the right mindset can make all the difference when it comes to persevering through tough times. Adopting a growth mindset, which focuses on the belief that intelligence, talents, and abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work, can help you view challenges as opportunities for growth rather than insurmountable obstacles. This mindset shift can be powerful in helping you stay committed to your goals even when the going gets tough. Supportive Communities to Help You Stay the Course For those in the US looking for a supportive community, consider joining Meetup groups focused on personal growth and overcoming obstacles. In the UK, explore Action for Happiness to connect with like-minded individuals seeking happiness and well-being. 3. You'll Regret It Later if You Give Up Too Soon The Long-term Benefits of Perseverance If you give up on something before you've even given it a chance, you're only going to regret it later on down the road. Things might be difficult now, but if you stick with it and see things through to the end, you'll be glad you did. Trust me, giving up is never worth the regrets. Inspirational Stories of Those Who Never Gave Up For motivational stories of individuals who never gave up, check out Goalcast's list of successful people who faced numerous setbacks but ultimately achieved their dreams. The Power of Visualization and Goal Setting Visualizing your success and setting clear, attainable goals can help you stay focused and committed to your dreams, even when times are tough. By creating a vivid mental image of what you want to achieve, you can keep yourself motivated and driven to continue pushing forward, despite any challenges that may arise. 4. Surround Yourself with Positive Influences The Impact of Your Environment on Perseverance The people and environment surrounding you can have a significant impact on your ability to persevere through challenges. Surrounding yourself with positive influences and individuals who share your values and beliefs can help keep you motivated and inspired to continue fighting for what you believe in. Finding Your Support System Building a strong support system is crucial when it comes to persevering through difficult times. This can include friends, family members, mentors, or even online communities of like-minded individuals who share your goals and aspirations. Having a support system in place can provide you with the encouragement and guidance you need to stay committed to your dreams, even when the going gets tough. 5. Learn from Your Mistakes and Embrace Failure The Value of Failure in Personal Growth No one enjoys failure, but it's important to recognize that failure can be an invaluable learning experience. Instead of viewing failure as a sign that you should give up, try to see it as an opportunity to grow and improve. By learning from your mistakes and embracing failure as a natural part of the process, you can develop the resilience and determination needed to keep fighting for what you believe in. The Importance of Adaptability and Flexibility Being adaptable and flexible in the face of challenges is key to persevering through tough times. When faced with obstacles, it's important to be willing to change your approach or try new strategies in order to overcome them. By staying open-minded and adaptable, you can increase your chances of success and continue moving forward, even when things don't go according to plan. 6. The Importance of Self-Care and Stress Management Taking Care of Yourself While Pursuing Your Goals As you work tirelessly toward your goals, it's essential to prioritize self-care and stress management. Ensuring that you're taking care of your physical, mental, and emotional well-being will not only help you maintain the energy and focus needed to persevere but also prevent burnout. Stress-Reducing Techniques and Activities Incorporate stress-reducing techniques and activities into your daily routine, such as regular exercise, meditation, deep breathing exercises, or engaging in hobbies that bring you joy and relaxation. By dedicating time to self-care, you'll cultivate a more balanced and sustainable approach to achieving your goals. 7. The Role of Motivation and Discipline Staying Committed to Your Goals Maintaining motivation and discipline is crucial for staying committed to your goals, especially when faced with setbacks or challenges. To keep your motivation high, regularly remind yourself of the reasons behind your goals and the benefits you'll reap once they're achieved. Developing Healthy Habits and Routines Establishing healthy habits and routines can also play a significant role in maintaining discipline. By creating a daily schedule that incorporates time for working toward your goals, self-care, and relaxation, you can develop a more structured and focused approach to achieving your dreams. 8. Overcoming Procrastination and Maintaining Focus Combatting the Urge to Put Things Off Procrastination can be a major roadblock when it comes to persevering in the face of challenges. To overcome procrastination, break your goals down into smaller, manageable tasks, and tackle them one at a time. Setting deadlines for these tasks can also help you stay on track and maintain focus. Staying Focused and Present Practicing mindfulness techniques, such as meditation or deep breathing exercises, can help you stay present and focused on the task at hand. By training your mind to remain in the present moment, you can minimize distractions and better concentrate on working toward your goals. 9. Practicing Gratitude and Mindfulness The Benefits of a Grateful Mindset Cultivating an attitude of gratitude can have a significant impact on your ability to persevere through challenges. By focusing on the positive aspects of your life and expressing gratitude for what you have, you can shift your mindset away from negativity and foster a more resilient outlook. Mindfulness Techniques for Building Resilience Incorporating mindfulness practices, such as meditation or yoga, into your daily routine can also help you develop greater resilience in the face of adversity. These practices can promote mental clarity, emotional stability, and a heightened sense of self-awareness, all of which are essential for maintaining the determination and focus needed to achieve your goals. 10. Inspirational Examples of Perseverance Historical Figures Who Never Gave Up There are countless examples of famous historical figures who refused to give up in the face of adversity, such as Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Edison, and Helen Keller. By studying their stories and learning from their experiences, you can draw inspiration and motivation to continue fighting for your own beliefs and dreams. Books, Podcasts, and Other Resources Consider exploring books, podcasts, or other resources that focus on perseverance and overcoming challenges. Titles such as "The Obstacle Is the Way" by Ryan Holiday, "Grit" by Angela Duckworth, or the podcast "The Ed Mylett Show" can provide valuable insights and inspiration to help you stay committed to your goals. Conclusion: Keep Fighting for What You Believe In In conclusion, giving up is never the answer—no matter how difficult things might seem at the time. By focusing on self-worth, maintaining a positive mindset, learning from failure, surrounding yourself with supportive influences, setting clear goals, prioritizing self-care and stress management, staying motivated and disciplined, overcoming procrastination, practicing gratitude and mindfulness, and drawing inspiration from others who have persevered, you can develop the resilience and determination needed to keep fighting for what you believe in—no matter how hard things might get. Trust me, your future self will thank you for it later on down the road. So, stand tall, believe in yourself, and never give up, because the power of perseverance can truly change your life. Read the full article
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mtgacentral · 10 months
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gabrielwolfus · 2 years
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#imparare #fallimento #fallimenti #successo #successi #impararedalfallimento #bramstoker #learning #learningforlife #failure #failures #success #learningfrommistakes #learningfromfailure #learningfromfailures #learningfromfailuresandmistakes https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf7U166MtHR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thoughtslovehugs · 2 years
Advise on Post breakup
now i know...
A good relationship is about working in collaboration, communicating our needs to each other, showing them what we need and don’t over expect.
Breakup is not that scary, scary thing is treating that relationship as everything. The more you are dependent on the other person reflects how much you need that person, you could be too weak or relying too much on the other person so this relationship is your everything, which could make the other person also very tired so want to leave.   
Recognise that you could have chosen the wrong arena, overestimated your capabiliities, hence the breakup is a result, it is a time stop and think to learn from the experience what skills you lack. Review areas that you need to work on and walk out of this misery.
Recognise that could be that the other person just doesn’t sees you as lifelong partner or is not ready to settle down so you will never be the right person anyway. Do not deny your own value and worthiness.
Break up is a process for self growth, not the end of your happiness. Do not blindly accept the person if they return, must evaluate if you really love that person or you are just too weak and need them. If you love them you would not insist on patching back. Because loved therefore there’s heartache, so we should respect their decision and let them go.
An artiste once said: 如果你看不到我的优秀那即便我是一团火,你也是只能看到这团火里冒的青烟。
“If you are not able to see my worth, even if I am a ball of flames, you will only see the smoke from this ball of flames”
Therefore in the eyes of someone who doesn’t value you, all your compromising and accommodating 妥协和迎合 would only magnify your worthlessness. When you don’t feel you are worthy, it is not that they gave up on you, but you had given up on yourself, hence they disregarded you as well. 
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jitzbala · 8 months
Failing Forward: The Unexpected Key to Success
Embracing failure isn't about celebrating missteps, but recognizing them as stepping stones to growth. Dive into a journey where setbacks become setups for success. Join the conversation on growth and resilience.
Generated image showing happy and sad faces Ever experienced that sinking feeling when things don’t go as planned? Whether it was flunking an exam, messing up at work, or simply making a small, avoidable mistake, we’ve all been there. I, for one, have always been someone who took failures to heart. Each time I stumbled, the world seemed to collapse around me, drowning me in self-doubt. But a…
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k00270183 · 2 years
Ironing my fabric 
after doing this I realised it was a complete utter waste of my time because I would go on to put it in a bag and get it scrunched again. I also ended up just melting some of my fabric
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manoasha · 3 months
"Oops Moments: Even Monkeys Can Slip! 🐵"
Ever heard the saying, “Saru mo ki kara ochiru” in Japanese? It’s like a cool reminder that everyone, even experts, can make mistakes. Let’s jump into why it’s okay to have those ‘oops’ moments! 1. Everyone Slips Up 🤷‍♂️ Imagine monkeys swinging from trees. Well, sometimes, even they slip and fall. The saying is a bit like that, telling us that everyone – even the smartest people – can have…
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educationislight · 3 months
Learning from Mistakes: Embracing Growth and Progress
#PersonalGrowth #LearningFromMistakes #SelfImprovement #Progress #Development #PositiveChange #Inspiration #Motivation #LifeLessons #MovingForward
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