#Mia mottley
tomorrowusa · 2 months
A Conservative politician is making millions off of slavery 190 years after slavery was abolished in Britain and its territories.
Tory Richard Drax comes from a filthy rich family notorious for having established the model for slave-based sugar plantations in the Caribbean in the 1620s. Even by the standards of a slave-based economy, the record of the Drax family was appalling.
The Barbados plantation was worked by up to 327 slaves at a time, with the death rate for both adults and children high. Sir Hilary Beckles, chairman of the 20-state Caribbean Community’s (Caricom) Reparations Commission and vice-chancellor of the University of the West Indies, estimates that as many 30,000 slaves died on the Drax plantations in Barbados and Jamaica over 200 years.
Thanks largely to their their ill-gained riches, the Drax family owns a 700 acre walled estate in Dorset which includes a deer park. And apparently they are getting even richer.
Despite threats to make Richard Drax pay reparations and seize his family’s plantation – described by one historian as a “killing field” of enslaved Africans – the government is now planning to pay market value for 21 hectares (about 15 football pitches) of his land for housing. The move has angered many Barbadians, especially those who say the Drax family played a pivotal role in the development of slavery-based sugar production and the Barbados slave code in the 17th century. This denied Black Africans basic human rights, including the right to life. Critics have called the planned deal an “atrocity” and said this is “one plantation that the government should not be paying a cent for”. Trevor Prescod, MP and chair of the Barbados National Taskforce on Reparations, said: “What a bad example this is. Reparations and Drax Hall are now top of the global agenda. How do we explain this to the world? “The government should not be entering into any [commercial] relationship with Richard Drax, especially as we are negotiating with him regarding reparations.”
It's baffling why the Barbadian government would enter into such a deal.
Drax, the MP for South Dorset, travelled to Barbados to meet prime minister Mia Mottley. It is understood he was asked to hand over all or a substantial part of Drax Hall plantation. If he refused, legal action would follow. Mottley’s spokesperson said the current Drax Hall purchase was not linked to reparations and the government “constantly acquires land through this process”. Mottley has pledged to build 10,000 new homes to meet demand on the island, where there are 20,000 applications for housing. A senior valuation surveyor said the market value for agricultural land with an alternative use for housing would be about Bds$150,000 (£60,000) an acre. At this price, the 21 hectares could net Drax Bds$8m (£3.2m). The land would be for 500 low- and middle-income family homes, which would be for sale.
I'd just grab the land and pay Drax a token £1 just so he legally can't claim he wasn't compensated at all for the transfer.
Barbados poet laureate Esther Phillips, who grew up next to Drax Hall, said the planned deal was an “atrocity” and a case of the victims’ descendants now compensating the descendant of the enslaver. “He should be giving us this land as reparations, not further enriching himself … at the expense of Barbadians. As Barbadians, we must speak out against this.”
And with the reported thousands of deaths during the 200+ years of slavery at the Drax plantation, how many people will be comfortable with the idea that their new home is built on what was essentially a forced labor camp which became a model for regional slavery? Isn't the Drax property on Barbados a large cemetery?
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afrotumble · 2 months
Mia Mottley | TIME100
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Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva meeting Barbadian Prime Minister Mia Mottley on the sidelines of the Caricom (Caribbean Community) summit in Georgetown, Guyana, 28 February 2024
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nakeddeparture · 5 months
Bridgetown, Barbados. Population Growth. You know what the issues are. Mia has to find a non-human-resource way to repay the debt.
There are too many bu*****s and too many wi*****s and too many w****es and plenty of sex organ di****ses in Barbados for the production of babies to be at an optimum. Males in their early 20’s buying ‘do***ie, please get h**rd’ pills. Close wunna ears if you don’t want to hear THE TRUTH. Naked!!
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king-shango-the-great · 11 months
Her Excellency, Mrs. Mia Mottley, getting these Crackas straight!!
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indizombie · 2 years
Caribbean women have roots in the Old World, but there has been no way of tracing where in Africa or India they come from. By insisting that English was the only accepted language of education and communication, other languages were broken, and the links to faraway continents turned flimsy. Still, despite the many problems in the Caribbean today, gender equality has become less of an issue. Women have taken the reigns of family and community. Women in public life and education today are trailblazers. In 2022, there are eight female heads of state and prime ministers in the Caribbean. In Barbados, both the president and prime minister are women. Simpson-Miller, who served for two terms. Dominica led the way by electing its female Prime Minister in 1980. Since then, Haiti, Bermuda, Jamaica, Guyana and Trinidad and Tobago have followed suit by electing women as prime ministers. As Barbados’s intrepid and outspoken prime minister, Mia Mottley, said, women have had to work twice as hard to be half as noticed as men, and that obstacle has produced greater competence. The examples set by women now have set the stage to remove this burden for the next generation. Perhaps the defection of men in family life – absent fathers created out of slavery and perpetuated through that same trauma – has led to matriarchy in Trinidad and the Caribbean.
Ira Mathur, Indian-born Trinidadian journalist and writer
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nansheonearth · 2 years
I LOOOOOVE your header! (Rihanna + Prime Minister of Barbados and one of my greatest role models, Mia Mottley) 🇧🇧😁
My goal is to get a pic with them both one day. Black Bajan (wlw?) Women Excellence!
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apveng · 2 years
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This is an excellent write up on Barbados PM Mia Mottley and her efforts to change the world of global finance for the better. And it gives you an idea about how IMF and other financial institutions and private finance works to exploit smaller nations for profits.
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hleavesk · 2 years
do not expect much progress from the world leaders and cop27 outcome but need to listen to and address to all those suffer from the climate crisis. check mia mottley’s voice for the climate vulnerable. 
(source: the guardian | 7 nov 2022)
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ocelotrevs · 2 years
'We have the collective capacity to transform,' says Mia Mottley at Cop27
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yemme · 1 month
When PM Mia Amor Mottley speaks, I listen. Intellect, paramount.
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Chilean President Gabriel Boric, Barbadian Prime Minister Mia Mottley, Argentinian President Alberto Fernandez, Bolivian President Luis Arce and Colombian President Gustavo Petro at the CELAC summit in Argentina today, 24 January 2023
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nakeddeparture · 17 hours
IT’S TIME! Prime Minister Mia Mottley, the Attorney General Dale Marshall, and Richard Boyce (Chief of Police) MUST look into the Sunset Crest matter - Are international/domestic crimes being committed - Barbados.
Why should Barbadian citizens go without water and be terrorized by a Canadian citizen, Tina Parravicino, 24x7? Please have your say. Naked!
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dutty-lingo · 5 months
💥Barbados PM says country owed $4.9tn as she makes fresh call for reparations💥
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stephen-narain · 6 months
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