#Nrc news paper club
roselind-neigeux · 3 months
I had a little idea - a discord server for the anons of twst pages like @nrcnewspaperclub or @nrc-confessions (sorry for the tagging/mention! Feel free to ignore) or just users in general. Idk I just feel like it'd be a fun idea and if they want the mods can join too.
Thered be spaces to share like- stuff about the anons if they're ocs and just chat about stuff yall seem really cool
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WAKE UP HON WE GOT NEW OFFICIAL ROLLO CONTENT (thanks to curekibouka for the translation!) 😭 (Bless him, he came home so quickly at only 40 rolls…)
***Rollo profile, Groovy, vignettes, and chibi spoilers below the cut!!***
As you can see in the card art shown above, it looks like his official English name will be "Rollo Flamme", not some other variation.
His coffin icon has a bell on it! Very fitting.
Yes, he’s triple fire magic and has a Duo with Grim.
… LMAO his Buddies are Malleus, Idia, and Azul 🤡
He's a third-year student at Noble Bell College, Student Council President, (but we already knew this) and 18 years old
His birthday is Feb 2nd! (There was a mistake in the initial launch of the Rollo card and profile in which his birthday was incorrectly stated as Feb 4th, which is Cater's birthday. Man was so mad when he realized he shared a birthday with a NRC boy so he redid his birth certificate/j)
(Here are screenshots of before and after the change; I happened to take a picture before the update:)
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178 cm tall (LMAO I guess he doesn't meet a certain Ghost Bride’s standards)
Comes from the Shaftlands (again, we already knew this)
Best subject is Potionology
His hobby is cleaning malewife trait
He obviously hates magic 😂
Favorite food is not, in fact, croissants; it's actually grapes
Least favorite food is savarin, which is a ring-shaped cake soaked in flavored syrup and then garnished with cream and fruit
HIS SPECIAL SKILL IS GARDENING WHICH MADE ME LAUGH OUT LOUD... considering what he used that skill for... 🤡
His official description in the profile states that Rollo is admired by his classmates for his seriousness and no-nonsense attitude, but he also has a tendency to be… neurotic 💀 gee, ya think
His vignettes are set at NBC, not Night Raven College. They seem to be set prior to the events of Glorious Masquerade.
It's said that the reason he is at NRC now is because he is there temporarily to study.
We see Rollo going about his daily routine. He tends to the Bell of Salvation and the gargoyles early in the morning when the sky is still dark which probably explains the dark eyebags. He’s able to witness the sun rising as he does his cleaning. Rollo finds the dawn peaceful! and loves listening to the bell ring.
OMG the gargoyles are so excited when he pays attention to them 😭 They hop around like excited little puppies… NOT ROLLO WANTING TO GET RID OF THEM
Rollo also has his duties as a regular student. I believe he discusses grades with his vice president. He thinks his classmates are stupid 😂 and finds it ironic that these people look up to him and see him as a top student and a great magician…
Rollo eats his lunches alone because he finds people noisy. Bruh, he has 2 croissants, 16 grapes and 1 cup of cafe au lait (coffee with milk) for lunch every day of the year…
He shops in the City of Flowers and has a routine of buying a plain letter set, only all white paper and envelopes—even if there is a better deal on other sets. If Rollo is one thing (besides angry), he’s consistent and likes to stick to a routine and to things that are certain!
LMAO Rollo hates the City of Flowers because it’s flowers blossom because of magic ✨
Rollo runs into some trouble when a community goat wants to chomp on rhe letter set he bought in town 😂 He’s calm at first but then gets mad because he considers the goat unsanitary and it’s trying to eat his robes…
I want to stress that this boy is suppressing his rage and disgust the entire time 🤡 He’s trying so hard to pass as well-adjusted… Man’s literally going to send this goat flying but stops because he realizes there are too many witnesses…
At the end, Rollo writes a letter to his parents to let them know he is doing fine. Apparently, they’ve been worrying about him ever since “that” incident 😔 The letter reads as very formal and stiff, as though he’s writing to strangers. Maybe he has emotionally distanced himself from his parents (perhaps as a result of “that” incident), although he isn’t outright rude about it.
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The fact that he writes with a feather quill instead of a magical pen………… ….. ….. … … . .. . … … . . . . .. . … .. . . .
Also the fact that he's by default in his big, bulky uniform with tons of extra material that would make it TERRIBLE for P.E. 💀 and has nothing else to change into... The last screenshot of the group above also looks like Sebek has leaned over to Rollo's ear to spread the GOOD WORD of WAKASAMA and Rollo is trying to do his very best to ignore him...
P.S. I want everyone to know that he does THIS whenever he has a Perfect in Magic History... ROLLO'S LITERALLY A CARTOON VILLAIN PLOTTING REVENGE AGAINST HIS CLASSMATES.... .. . .......... . .. . . . . . . . . . yes, I stuck him in a class with Malleus, Idia, and Azul :))
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yume-yuurei · 8 months
Sugar overdose
Trey Clover × reader
Synopsis: There's this one student in NRC... he always seems to look out for you, expressing his care and making your forced stay in Twisted Wonderland more bearable. Though there are some things about him that you stay oblivious to...
TW for: mild yandere, drugging/food poisoning (?) (basically unconscious potion consumption), stalking (if you can call it that), overall creepy-ish behavior. If you're uncomfortable with any of aforementioned topics, do not proceed, please. :з
(the whole thing might seem rushed or unfinished, forgive me if so, I'm still gaining experience in writing. ^^")
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He's always been there.
Since when you first got dropped into this world, Clover has always been somewhere in sight. It was hard to stop your gaze at just one thing when there were so many wonders you'd never seen before, so you never paid him much mind, not until the Heartslabyul incident, at least. Before you could only catch a glimpse of him in the cafeteria or exchange short greetings in the halls, but the first overblot gave him a push to change the matters. First he started calling out to you when seeing you in crowd, then he worked up some courage to ask for greeting hugs (or at least handshakes when you weren't in the mood), and at some point decided to strike up a conversation: one, two, five, to the point where you'll find him approaching you almost every day, helping out with chores, carrying groceries, sharing notes and helping with homework, staying over for night, and-
When did he manage to get so close?
Windows in NRC's alchemy lab expose one's eyes to unique views; usually it's already way past noon when classes end, enough so the sun starts setting by that time, painting the vast free skies in deep shades of pink and yellow. Wisps of colorful cotton clouds frame the canvas, giving finishing touches to the majestic evening painting. And the centre piece of the gallery of nature - the biggest wonder, an anomaly of this world, not unlike a shy flower on a fragile stem blooming among concrete plates or snowdrifts, - the prefect. Rays of dying light wrap around their figure perfectly. They come here every day, doing small chores for professors with the company of the infamous duo of freshmen-troublemakers. Still, even the boys' robust nature and somewhat graceless behavior cannot spoil the picturesque scene.
He lays his books out on a table closest to windows, having already claimed the space for himself ever since he joined the Science club. At first it was all about convenience: pretty views on the school gardens give him inspiration for new recipes, wide tables allow to keep his space as neat as possible and prevent any hazards (no more spilled flasks or lost papers - much easier to work now), fresh air when the room gets suffocating or his cooking experiments go wrong.
Now it opens another, a little less innocent in nature, opportunity for the young man - to keep a close eye on the cute magicless student. Actually, when you think about it, the fact is not perverse. Is it really wrong of him, a true older brother at heart, to protect those who are weaker than him in many senses of the word? If anything, he's only doing them a favor - prefect always expressed their appreciation of his help whenever they had gotten in a difficult situation with teachers or delinquents, so surely they would've found the notion to be sweet.
Sweet is the first word that comes to mind when you talk to Trey. It's not even only about his personality (the way the man treats his dormmates alone is enough of a proof; putting others' health and wants before his own, prioritizing their happiness, going out of his way to keep things peaceful). Smell of sugar and vanilla follows him everywhere: in classes, in hallways, in his room. You can smell sugar and caramel on his uniform every time Trey comes up to you for a 'good morning' hug. It's hard to resist the temptation to press closer, if only to have more - to get drunk on the overwhelming aroma and warmth.
He'd be lying if he said the prefect's preference for good perfume went over his head. Trey heard them compliment Schoenheit and Hunt for their cologne and seen how they pull away in mock disgust when Ace gets touchy after a particularly long basketball practice. Perceptive to smell. That's where his main hobby comes in handy: when one spends a great part of their day in the kitchen, they're bound to carry out some of its homey atmosphere with hints of cinnamon.
"Good morning! Don't forget to pack your gym uniform, your class has Flying lesson today."
Isn't that nice of him to leave you little notes and reminders? His attentiveness never fails to make you swoon.
"Have you eaten yet? Remember to heat up some lunch for yourself."
"I hope you're not staying up late again? Go to bed before I come over and make sure you do personally. >:("
"Your outfit today was really cute... I mean, you sure are good at styling clothes! Just wanted to make a compliment, don't take it wrong. :)"
Though sometimes his comments sound too... personal. Have you ever actually told him of your schedule? How does he know about your preference? Even Ace and Deuce, who you spend most of your time with, don't know and don't seem to remember that much. 
Prefect favors others way more than they should. Does the spoiled lion prince deserve being pampered by them? Do the troublesome freshmen not annoy them? How can they parade around, gathering crowds around themselves, stealing hearts of each and every student they encounter, and still treat him with such disregard? "Trey's such a mom friend" this and "I wish I had an older brother like him!" that.
I don't feel the same for you.
Why wouldn't you see how I slowly burn for you?
Even now, the dessert he left at your kitchen counter in Ramshackle is lacking flaws. Even layers of frosting, small edible decorations made out of chocolate - it's an intricate work, a miniature piece of art beloved by its creator, with so much time spent over it. And all for you?
Under the plate hosting the sweet treat is a piece of paper. You carefully slip the note from under the plate and read it, eyes crinkling at the corners at the thought of somebody putting so much effort to make you happy.
"I noticed you've been gloomy all day; please, enjoy this little treat. It's a new recipe of mine, so I hope you'll enjoy this."
There was no need to sign the note - identity of the sender was as clear as day. With a fond light and eyes and a prep in step, you move to set a kettle on the stove to prepare some tea - a chamomile blend gifted to you by Jade (he did sound proud of his blends). Not able to resist temptation, you find a fork and lift a portion of the dessert to your lips, taking in its enchanting smell. Cream melts on your tongue, texture contrasting the bright filling and bringing out a new kind of flavor. Tea long abandoned, you take another bite to savor it, sighing in content.
He truly was a master of his art, especially if his work managed to bring your guard down with little to no effort. It was all too late when you noticed how the cold filling tickled your throat, or how your fingers grew colder with each second passed. Staying steady on two feet has never been so hard before, as white noise overwhelmed your senses, disorienting, separating from reality. Seconds flash by in static pictures, and by the time he approached you from behind, there was nothing to do to hold onto consciousness.
There they are now, safe in his arms, not turning or running away anymore. Cradled close to a warm chest, burning with deepest of earthy desires, full of selfish wanting and a new blossom of hope, their heart would soon answer his calling. For a magicless human is no match to the power of true love.
He will always hold you near.
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glo0b · 2 months
~Cooking With Love~
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(I do not own the art or character)
Content: Sebek x F!Yuu, other ocs are in this and as well as the other first years.
Tw: Some NSFW mentions, this was meant to be a nice fluff cooking fic but my depraved mind can't stop
word count: 2081
note: This took me FOREVER. I kept stopping and continuing so it might not be the best.
“Oh look, the Culinary Crucible sign ups are out again, maybe I could sign up to be a judge.” The five Ramshackle residents were walking down the halls of NRC, heading off to lunch like usual until Felix pointed out the Culinary Crucible sign ups. “Nya, I nearly died last time from Lilia’s cooking” Grim sat on Yuu’s head, it was his favorite spot since her hair was so fluffy. “How did Silver survive all those years with him? Perhaps it made his stomach stronger, I should test that out later, Mumble Mumble” There Donnie went with his evil scientist thoughts again and pulling out his notebook with info about everyone in the school, honestly how could that boy not be best friends with Rook at this point.
Yuu picked up the small paper that was stapled to the cork board, she noticed two familiar names sketched in pen on the parchment. “Hm looks like Floyd and Sebek would be the ones cooking. You may want to reconsider that thought, Felix.” Yuu couldn’t lie, she was slightly excited to see what Floyd and Sebek could do but also terrified of what the food would turn into. She did know a bit of both of their skill sets too. “That damn Eel? Jeeze I already gotta deal with his ass in the Basketball club! I bet he’d poison the food if he could!” Balik groans at the thought of having to see that wicked eel’s face cook for her. “Oh hush! Hmm, maybe I should sign up to be a judge.” Yuu quickly pushed away her fearful thoughts and signed the paper. “If you get a stomach ache from their food don’t come crying to me, henchmen!”
The thought of Sebek cooking for her was on Yuu’s mind all day. She giggled softly and smiled at the thought which started to freak her friends out a bit. “Yuu has been a little too bubbly than usual.” Epel bit into his BBQ, finally able to enjoy it since Vil or Rook weren’t nearby. “I scanned Yuu earlier and her heart rate seems to be more elevated than normal!” Ortho spoke, not eating since he didn’t need food but he still could eat it in a way since Idia gave him a new update! “I couldn’t smell any potions on her breath or anything so it could be something mental.” Jack was clueless to what could have happened to their sweet friend. “Do you think someone cursed her!? I’ll get revenge for Yuu!” Deuce looked like he was about to punch someone. “Wha- no! Who could possibly want to hurt Yuu? Let’s just ask Yuu what happened when she grabs her food.” Finally Ace was actually using his head to think, which if they weren't worried about Yuu, would have freaked the group out even more. "Alright, I'll calm down." Yuu grabbed her food and made her way to the rest of the first years with the other four behind her. Yuu places her tray down and sits next to Ace. “Hello big sis-” Before poor Ortho could greet Yuu he was interrupted by a very concerned Deuce. “Are you ok!? Did someone curse you?! Did you finally snap!?” Ace face palms. “Real nice on staying calm, Deuce.” Yuu raises her brow in suspicion but keeps her sweet smile. “Oh? What’s this now?” The first year group looks back at each other before Epel speaks up. “We’re just concerned since you’ve been acting a little off today….” The other Ramshackle residents finally joined the first years. “That’s just because she’s excited about being a judge for the upcoming Culinary crucible.” Donnie sits next to Ortho while Balik, Felix, and Grim sit next to or across from Yuu. “Really, you aren't getting it? Here’s another hint, loud knight of Diasomnia.” Small ‘Oooohs’ escape the boys’ lips as Donnie explains the reason behind Yuu's state.
Yuu covers her face in embarrassment. “That’s…not the reason..” Balik stabs her food with her fork repeatedly. “Really? Jeeze I can’t tell which one of you is more dense.” Felix rubs the back of his neck nervously. “Yeah, I gotta agree with Balik here.” Ortho stands up- well floats off the ground in excitement. “Maybe we could get you two together! Big brother was playing a game with the same premise the other day!”. “I don’t think that would work. The only thing that guy seems to think about is Malleus just like the only thing Grim thinks about is fancy tuna.” Ace snickers as he looks over at Grim devouring a can of tuna in Yuu’s lap. “Nya?! Hey!” Yuu glares at Ace and he stops right away. “That’s a really sweet idea, Ortho, but I’m not sure it’s the best idea right now.” Ortho looks slightly disappointed but nods his head in understatement. “Ok big Sis! I’ll still make a plan though!” 
The first years continue to talk but soon lunch comes to an end. “Man, I got P.E next. I better go now so I can get changed.” Felix whines as he grabs his empty tray and leaves. Everyone else starts to get up as well and leave for their classes. Yuu holds Grim in her arms as she walks with Ace, Deuce, and Donnie. “Oooh~ We got Alchemy next” Donnie smirks knowing he’ll get an easy 100%. “Don’t act so smug just because you’ve got slightly better grades than us!” Grim kicks his little feet causing Donnie to laugh his unsettling clown-like laugh. “Slightly? Oh please, you’ve gotten Ds and Cs on every test from Professor Crewel!” Donnie’s smirk grows even bigger as he knows Grim can’t make a well backed up argument. hours pass and classes slowly finish up for the day. “Yawn I really wish P.E didn’t kick my ass.” Felix rubs his sore arms. “Maybe it’s just because you’re weak and have little muscle on your bones.” Felix glares at Balik. “Be quiet, will you! You’re hurting my ears!” Grim interrupts their arguing before it could get any more heated. The two glare at each other before shutting up. “Hey, isn't the Culinary Crucible supposed to start tomorrow?” Donnie quickly changes the subject to make sure Balik and Felix don’t start arguing again. “Huh? Oh, yeah. It’s meant to be taking place before lunch, I think.”. Grim pouts. “Why can’t I get free food too! No fair!” Yuu giggles at Grim’s whines. The five reach their dorm and soon settle in for the night awaiting the brand new day full of opportunities to come. A certain half fae walks past the school cork board covered in flyers for clubs and what not, he looks down at the Culinary Crucible sheet. “So she has signed up to be a judge….I’LL DO MORE THAN MY VERY BEST FOR BOTH THE YOUNG MASTER AND YUU!” Sebek hurries his way back to Diasomnia so he can return to his job of guarding Malleus.
Morning comes without fail, birds chirp on cue as the sun rises with its natural beauty. Sebek was out doing his morning jogs before he had to head off to the Culinary Crucible. Sebek had originally signed up so he could learn to cook for his liege but when he found out Yuu was going to be one of the judges he felt even more determined to master the practice of the culinary arts. ‘I have to be able to cook for my future partner!’ That’s what the little voice in his head kept telling him plus Lilia said a good boyfriend should be able to cook for his partner when they’re sick or tired. Sebek finishes his morning jogs and heads inside of Diasomnia to wash off all the sweat on his body. As the cold water hits his body he thinks about how the Culinary Crucible could possibly go. He did learn a bit from Yuu when all the first years were at Ramshackle for a studie night which somehow turned into a small party. Sebek couldn’t help but blush when he remembered how Yuu’s soft hands guided him on how to cut an onion or when he burnt most of the vegetables Yuu just simple laughed it off with a reassuring smile. “How could a human like that make me feel like this….”. Oh Yuu’s soft hands, he just can’t stop thinking about them. All he wants is to have them trail along his body and wrap around his hard- “I must stop thinking about such things of Yuu! I need to get ready!” 
Sebek finishes his shower and gets dressed but not before gelling up his hair like he always does. This man went through almost two jars of gel each week, if Sam didn’t somehow magically have everything in stock Sebek would have been stuck with his natural hair. Sebek quickly checks the time. “On time as always.” And with that Sebek leaves to head off to the Culinary Crucible.
All of Ramshackle’s (living) residents were sitting in the courtyard talking. It was their free time before lunch so Donnie started making bets “Ok, 10$ says Sebek burns it to ash.” Donnie rolls his eyes at Felix’s bet. “Oh please, he’s not Lilia. Althouuuugh, 5$ says he makes it too dry or too bland to eat.” Yuu couldn’t help but laugh “Wow, you really don’t have faith in him? How about 100$ says Sebek makes something that I’ll enjoy.” Both Felix and Donnie’s eyes widen “Henchman, are you feeling ok!?” Even Grim and Balik looked shocked “Yuu is making bets?!” Balik dropped her cool guy act from pure shock. “We don’t even have that kind of money! Crowley doesn’t pay us shit!” Yuu smirks at Donnie’s comment and shrugs her shoulders. “Well~ I just have a lot of faith in Sebek, I guess. Plus I should probably join in on the fun shouldn’t I?” “I guess you do seem to like him a lot.” Balik plainly states. “Seems?? Those two are head over heels for each other!” Donnie throws his arms up in the air in frustration. “We’ll just have to wait and see who the winner of the bet is.” Yuu smiles knowingly. “Nya, I’m going to buy so much tuna with this bet!” Donnie rolls his eyes at Grim’s gluttonous statement before looking down at his watch “Looks like we only have a few minutes till next period.” Everyone lets out a small groan before saying their goodbyes and parting for their next classes. ==============================================
Yuu sat comfortable in the judge’s chair with Idia to her left and Trey to her right. Sebek set a bowl full of chicken pho before her with shaky hands. He looked so nervous, which seemed so unlike him. Once Idia and Trey also reserved a bowl of the chicken pho Yuu took a small spoon full. She looked up at the nervous half fae man in front of her and put the spoon to her lips…..Woah! The chicken had a melt in your mouth texture and the broth was so flavorful! Yuu’s eyes opened in shock as she let out a small moan from the amazing dish. After the other two finished it was time for the results. Yuu was so proud of Sebek, he obviously worked super hard on the dish. Yuu happily held up the sign that had the number ten written on it. “Amazing~! I loved it!”. Trey held up a ten sign as well while Idia held up a nine sign. A big grin spread across Sebek’s face as he saw the high ranking signs, he quickly bowed. “Thank you!”  ================================================
“WHAT!?” Like they planned this Felix, Balik, Donnie, and Grim all yelled in unison. “But how!?” Donnie was still in disbelief, how did Sebek do such a good job!? “My tuuuuuuuna!” Grim whined as his dreams of buying tuna with the bet money went down the drain. “Oh hush, I’ll buy you some tuna.” Grim’s ears pop up at the mention of Yuu buying him tuna. “I guess you get the money then.” Felix lets out a sigh before handing Yuu the money. “Thank you! Now remember next time not to test my intuition~” Yuu chuckled to herself. “Yeah, yeah, whatever and maybe next time we can get to taste this ‘amazing food’.” Balik still doubted Sebek of all people could cook such a good meal. “Yeah maybe…..” Yuu remembered the creamy, rich broth and melt in your mouth chicken, maybe she would have to cook for Sebek some time? Maybe a cooking date? Who knows, there’s so much time in life when you cook with love~!
You have made it! Thank you for reading! I hope you liked it, it took me VERY long to make this. Mental health didn't help much lol. Make sure to get plenty of rest and to drink water dear reader!
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rendy-a · 10 months
Hello, hope you’re doing well <3 Once again, congratulations on reaching 500 followers! Keep up the good work =^6u6^=
For the event, may I ask for something lighthearted where the reader tries to push Rook to approach Neige at the dance, but ends up approaching him instead?
This might just be the longest fic I’ve written yet.  I first read the request and thought, ‘Oh, so reader accidentally asks out Neige.’  Then I thought no, they mean Rook.  But wait, what if it ended up being both…  So needless to say this fic gets to be a little bit of a crack fic but I think it is fun and wraps up nicely.  Enjoy!
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“Trickster, I’ve been watching you for weeks now and I’d like to tell you more about it,” Rook says before flashing you a large grin.  You hold up your hand to his face as though to signal him to stop, “No, absolutely not.”  Rook’s brow creases and he shakes his head sadly, “Non?  I thought I had it that time for sure.”  You give him a small chuckle, “You can’t lead with that sort of thing Rook.  We are used to your…eccentricities…here but telling your idol you’ve watching him for years is only going to freak him out.”  Rook seems to consider your words closely.  “Perhaps this is too much to hope for, Prefect.  I thank you for your help, but I believe it is best if a hunter remains in the shadows.” 
You pat him on the back, “That’s just nerves talking.  The Rook I know has all the tenacity of the Beautiful Queen and won’t give up so easily.  So, lets revisit the rules and try again.”  You clap your hands like an instructor directing a class to resume an exercise and, in a way, that is what you were.  A few weeks ago, Crowley had announced another one of his mad schemes; a multi-campus goodwill dance.  You’d been taking photos of the Science Club for the school paper when a third year from Pomefiore had come in all aflutter with news.  “It’s everyone!” he exclaimed, walking in the door, and heading toward a table where his friends wait.  He’d certainly caught everyone’s attention with his unsolicited announcement, but it was the excitement at the table of friends that really piqued your curiosity. 
“Curious, Trickster?”  Rook asks mischievously.  You jump and pass him a guilty smile.  “Maybe a little.  What do you think is so exciting?”  Rook’s eyes narrow in delight as he passes you the news, “Le petit oiseau says that he has heard who our guests will be.”  You nod at Rook to continue.  “It will be everyone.”  You look at him a moment before gasping, “Everyone!?  That is so many people!”  Rook gives you a secretive smile, as though delighting in sharing this news with you. 
Speaking of sharing news, you lean over and poke Trey in the shoulder to get his attention, “Hey, Trey, I just heard it is going to be all of Royal Sword.  You’ll get to see Che’nya for sure now!”  Trey adjusts his goggles with a lopsided smile, “You don’t say?  That’s great news.  Riddle had wondered when the dance was announced how they’d decided the attendee list.”  You beamed back at him, happy to know you’d get to see your RSA friend again.  You didn’t have many people you knew outside of NRC, but there were a few.  Thinking of that thought, you turn to Rook.  “You realize this means you’ll have a chance to see Neige again too.”
Rook looks up with widened eyes and his mouth parts into an O.  “When you think about it,” you continue, “you could also even ask him to be your date to the dance!”  Your hand shoots forward to grab the flask Rook fumbles.  If you needed any indication of how shook he was at the thought, that was it.  You tilt your head and look at the hunter, “Not a fan of the idea?”  Rook looks at you, “Ah, mon amie, I am on fire over the idea but, moi?  I could never ask such a thing!”  Then, you saw something you had never expected to see.  Rook, who never seemed to be caught unaware, flushed slightly at the thought. 
You look at him and slowly remark, “You want to take Neige to the dance.  Yeah…you should do that.  Rook,” you place a hand on his shoulder, “I’m going to help you.”  The hunter gasps and raises his hands in surprise.  “That’s right.  I’ll practice with you until you are ready.”  Then you clap your hands under your chin, “Alright!  Let’s go get you a date!” 
You were not getting Rook a date.  It had been days since you’d started role-playing with Rook as ‘Neige’ and still, each attempt he made to converse with the idol was a disaster.  Rook had little sense of social boundaries; his conversation attempts varied from far too intimate to wildly disturbing.  You’d witnessed many attempts at starting a request to attend the dance and each one was a disaster.  You were starting to question this could be a success even to yourself.  “Maybe he needs an example,” came a voice from behind you.  You turn to see Epel watching you from the staircase above you.  You look up at him, “What do you mean?”  He sighs, “We’ve all heard ya practicing, and he jest ain’t gonna get it.  So show’em.”  Then Epel rolls his eyes at you and wanders off.  Show him, eh?  That is just crazy enough to work.
You give a subtle signal towards the bushes and are gratified to see Rook’s head emerge and give you a nod before retreating into cover.  Time to start the plan.  So, you were really going to do this now.  After Epel had mouthed off at you about giving Rook an example, you’d considered if that wasn’t actually a brilliant plan.  With the way your current practice had gone, you’d decided it was worth a shot.  You were going to ask RSA idol Neige La Blanche to the school dance.  Only, you’d make sure that he turned you down in the end.  After all, you weren’t trying to GO to the dance with him, just ASK him.  Then Rook could use your efforts as an example to base his own attempt on.
Right on time, Neige emerges from the gymnasium with his companions.  Ok, time to embarrass yourself.  You jog up to him, earning a scowl from Grum and a wave from Hop.  “Hi guys, remember me?” you ask in a friendly fashion.  “Unfortunately,” grumbles Grum under his breath.  You pointedly ignore him and address Dominic, “School dance is coming up fast.  How exciting.”  He returns your cheer, “Oh yes, we are all so happy to attend such an event.”  You try to sound as innocently as possible when you ask, “So, are you all going together then?”  A chorus of agreement emerges from the bunch, and you congratulate yourself on getting there before anyone else has a chance to ask Neige. 
Then, as though fate had taken pity on you, Neige smiles sweetly at you and remarks, “I’ve got a list I need to turn into your headmaster.  Can you show me the way, Prefect?”  You smile perhaps a bit too widely as you agree and elicit a gasp from Timmy.  It reminds you to control yourself and you quickly settle your face into a much less sinister expression.  “Follow me,” you tell the lovely boy, gesturing towards the main campus. 
You make sure you’ve turned down the path and out of sight of the other RSA students before tapping Neige on the arm.  He turns his innocent gaze on you, and you ask, “Can I talk to you privately for a moment?”  You gesture to a small garden with ample buses surrounding it, trusting Rook will be able to get himself concealed somewhere while you focused on your ‘confession.’  You sat down on a bench and Neige sat beside you sunnily smiling at your nervous self.  “So, the dance.  You do plan to go, don’t you?”  His eyes scrunched closed in happiness as he declared, “Yes, I’m ever so excited!”  You peer at him from out of your lashes as you ask, “Do you plan to go with anyone?  Anyone special, I mean.” 
His mouth rounds into a little O shape as he lifts his hand to his face.  Then he flushes and looks at you coyly, “No one has asked me yet.”  Then that perfect princess of a boy actually flutters his eyelashes at you and now you are taken aback.  What in the world.  “I..well, I guess someone probably will.  I mean, I’d love to go with you,” you finish lamely.  So much for setting a good example.  Only, Neige gasps in delight and leans forward, “Really?  You’re asking me to the dance?”  Now you know you’ve messed up.  You weren’t supposed to succeed and now you were on the edge of stealing Rook’s dream date to the dance.  Time to take drastic measures. 
“Yes, I..I’ve been watching you for weeks now and I’d like to tell you more about it,” you cringe at using Rook’s line but honestly, he was now the best person to imitate to get out of this situation.  You hear an intake of breath caused by your confession, “You…you’re a fan of mine?  Prefect, I never knew!  I’m so happy!  I’m sure we will have a lot to talk about at the dance now!”  Your mouth hangs open and all you can do is mutely nod at him before gesturing that you should continue to the headmaster’s office.  You turn as you leave the secluded garden, swiveling your head around to try to locate Rook and silently beg for forgiveness but he is nowhere to be seen. 
All the way back to Ramshackle, you rehearsed to yourself what you’d say when Rook finally caught up with you.  Hopefully, you’d have a chance to say it before he took out his disappointment on you.  You try to remind yourself that Rook wouldn’t do that but, after stealing his date, you weren’t so confident.  How much longer did you have?  Days?  Weeks?  Then, you heard the clicking of boots behind you on the path.  ‘Ah, so I guess my time is up,’ you think sadly.  Then you stand up straight, square your shoulders and turn to face him; ready to take whatever he deems you deserving of.
“Trickster,” Rook begins slowly.  You gulp down a lump, “Yes, Rook?” Then a large smile slowly spreads on his face, “That was très merveilleux!  My heart soared when you asked the fair Neige to the dance and, quelle surprise, when he accepted!”  Your composure breaks and you start apologizing, “Oh my gosh, I don’t know what happened.  I’m so sorry.  I never meant to take this from you!”  Finally, Rook does look surprised, “Why Trickster, I’m not upset.”  Then, as his expression turns into a sly smile, he elaborates, “In fact, I’m rather pleased by this outcome.  I had worried about asking my Idol to the dance and now I don’t have to.  In fact, I will have the distinct pleasure of observing two of my favorite people at the same time.  Très bien!”  You breathed a sigh of relief and gave the hunter an awkward chuckle.  You had a date to the dance and a fan club too.
Finally, the day of the dance arrived.  In the interval, your roles had swapped, and Rook had become a sort of mentor to you.  He helped you pick out a boutonniere to present to Neige, gave you several topics of conversation based on Neige’s known habits and offered you some much needed confidence boosters.  “Trickster, you look as radiant as the moon glimpsed on a still lake.  Would that I could be on the other side of the door when you knock to take in the full effect,” Rook waxes on poetically.  You casually wave him off with your hand, “Right, right.  I’m totally glamorous.”  Rook seems to hear the hesitation in your voice and sets a comforting hand on your shoulder, “Never fear, Trickster, for I shall be right there to guide you at the dance.”  That’s right, Rook was going to watch you at the dance and lend a hand.  Ok, you can do this.
You can’t do this, you think for the thousandth time as you lead Neige about the dance floor.  The pressure of escorting an idol was really taking a toll on you.  You felt the weight of people’s stares as you danced across the floor.  For his own part, Neige seemed blissfully unaware, smiling and chatting so merrily with you.  He seemed determined to spend the night like he was living in a dream, and you supposed, in a way, it also felt like that to you.  A simple commoner who somehow lands the lovely prince; it was a well-played out storyline and you had to admit you found the appeal in having the attention of such a charming boy. 
You’d never managed to hold it though, without the attention of another.  You could occasionally catch a glimpse of Rook as you swept across the floor.  He’d been true to his word, taking in the sight of you both for the entirety of the dance; forgoing his own dance experience to support you in yours.  He cheerfully and silently offered suggestions to you by gesture.  Like now, as you see him lift two glasses of punch and carry them suggestively to a table in front of a private balcony.  “Neige,” you ask dutifully, “Would you like to take a break?”  He bats his large eyes and tentatively replies, “I could go longer if you prefer.  It’s up to you!”  Ah, so he was tired.  You silently thank Rook for noticing.  “I’m ready for some rest.  Let’s have some punch and find a quiet place to chat.” 
You lead him to the table and pick up the glasses, offering him one.  “Mmm, this is so good,” Neige says after taking a small sip.  “Yeah, its my favorite flavor,” you reply, savoring the taste.  This seems to please your date as he exclaims, “We have so much in common!”  You give him a half-hearted smile, feeling slightly guilty that it is Rook that knows you both so well and not an achievement of your own efforts.  Maybe you ought to help Rook out by putting in a good word as a way of paying him back.
You continue leading Neige to the balcony and see a jacket hanging over the railing.  It was a little chilly, so you grab it and drape it over the boy’s shoulders.  He has a moment of surprise before offering you a cheery thanks.  “Neither of us was wearing a jacket though, so we’ll have to find its owner before we go and make sure they get it back!” he tells you.  You assure him, “Oh, don’t worry about that.  I’m pretty sure I know who this belongs to.  I’ll make sure I get it back to him later.  In fact,” you pause considering, “I think you know him.  Do you remember Rook Hunt from the VDC?”  Neige affirms, “Yes!  He is a great fan of mine.  I sometimes see him on campus.  He told me so much about you!” 
This takes you aback.  “He told you about…me?” you ask in a surprised tone.  “Oh sure, whenever we are together, he only seems to talk about you,” Neige remarks while gazing at the distant stars.  This was new information to you.  Whenever you happened to meet the hunter lately, he’d only spoken about Neige.  Rook was a curious individual both exuberant and open while keeping certain sides of himself sheltered and hidden.  You wondered what it was about yourself that he’d found interesting enough to share with his idol.  A nagging thought hooks into your brain; if Rook had the chance to speak to Neige but chose to talk about you instead, did that mean he found you to be equally as fascinating as his idol?
The dance continued but you knew yourself to be distanced from it.  You absentmindedly completed dances and smiled at your dance partner and friends, but your thoughts were elsewhere.  The number of times your eye’s sought out Rook in the crowd drastically increased and, from his sly looks, he’d also noticed your interest.  It was almost a relief when the last song ended, and you were able to walk Neige over to his RSA companions and bid him a goodnight.  Neige had given your hand one final squeeze and earnestly wished that you’d be able to speak again soon.  You replied honestly that you hoped for that as well.  It wasn’t the same burning appreciation that Rook had but you’d come to feel that you also understood the appeal of the gentle boy.
“He is quite charming,” Rook remarks, appearing suddenly at your side.  You look down as you reply, “Yeah he is.”  You gaze at your feet, feeling oddly shy.  “Rook,” you cautiously begin, “When you are interested in a new target, how do you start to get to know them?”  He tilts his head, carefully considering your question, “I think the first step is always to observe.  I like to watch them closely until I have the essence of their appeal firmly in my grasp.”  You paused to consider that.
The dance was officially over but some of the livelier students had put on their own music to continue with their own private party.  Though it was soft as it drifted across the dance floor, you found yourself smiling and swaying with the beat.  “Rook, I do believe I need some lessons on up close observation.”  Then you lean in and wrap your arms around his neck, urging him to join you in a dance.  He laughs in a joyful tone, “Why Trickster, I think you’ve no need for lessons.  Look at how you’ve already caught me in your trap.”  You smirk at him, “I had a good teacher.” 
The many songs drifting from different groups of students created a discordant sound but it hardly mattered.  Rook chose no particular melody for your dance.  Instead, he appeared to lead you at random to some beat only he could perceive.  It felt right though.  You had only just begun your detailed study of Rook Hunt but you’d long since known he moved to his own tune.  Now, you were simply joining him.  Finally looking his way and seeing him.  After all, observing someone closely was the first step to knowing them; someone you’d come to deeply admire had told you that.
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Twst rp account list for Group blog
All the staff of NRC:
The NRC confession:
NRC new paper club:
NRC garden:
NRC cooking club:
NRC therapist:
NRC dance club:
↣@nrc-danceclubofficial (Last see: May 27)
NRC host club:
NRC book club:
NRC prophet:
Octavinelle's cafe:
↣@mostro-lounge-offishial (Last see: April 27)
The RSA confession:
↣@rsaconfessions (Last see: April 15)
The NBC student council:
↣@nbcstudentcouncil (Last see: May 19)
The STYX health and safety:
↣@styxhealthnsafety (Last see: May 21)
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Yuu being a fairly cheery person, but she's talented at writing angsty fanfics and stories with heart-wrenching or ambiguous endings. People read it, and they're like, "Who hurt you?"
Belle is either a fan of her works or her main editor. She's one of those readers that angrily praises Yuu for breaking her heart (she means that affectionately.)
Gaston is just scoffing at why someone would be so affected by a piece of writing. He reads it, and an hour later, LeFou finds him sitting in front of the fireplace unnervingly still with no emotion in his eyes and Yuu's latest work on the floor. Gaston is just holding a glass of scotch that he barely took a sip from. I imagine that it's the same reaction people had to Crona's poem in Soul Eater
So I’m in love with bookworm!Yuu and I headcanon that she had the same reaction to the NRC library as Belle did with Beast’s library.
And when the club were watching her memories and Belle saw Yuu get excited over books, she was like ‘new BFF’ 😊
Yuu and the Disney characters definitely have a book club and some members include: Belle, Rapunzel, Beast/Adam, Ratigan, Quasimodo and others.
(This isn’t really part of the ask but I headcanon that Leona is well-read in Shakespeare one because he was a prince and two because of Lion King’s ties to Hamlet and as a Shakespeare fan myself I think they’d basically recreate the deleted scene in Beauty and the Beast where Belle reads Romeo and Juliet)
(Also, Belle and Yuu totally fangirl about Shakespeare together while Adam and Leona just give them looks of affection the whole time)
I can imagine that Yuu would write fanfiction (Rook and Lilia do as well) and she can either go completely fluffy and filled with the most heart-warming declarations of tender and warm love that makes you feel so elated it’s like you’re in heaven or angst that is so soul crushing that it feels like you got punched in the gut and all you want to do is hide under the covers and cry until your eyes sting.
The book club is impressed. Belle is her most loyal and devoted fan and wonders how someone so emotionally intelligent  fails to see the many many suitors who are madly in love with her.
Oh my god, Gaston! I love the fact that HoM!Gaston is basically the opposite of Hercules. The only way you’d get him to read something is to draw something on it since like Alice he believes that a book is boring/impossible to read if it has no pictures (honestly, I think that realisation is what makes Alice start to think that maybe having no pictures is not a bad thing). 
The villains decide to give her writing a try considering that they claimed her as one of them first (no, you literally didn’t. The sensational six/heroes were her friends first) (they’d argue that since she goes to a villain school she’s an honorary villain) (someone stop them before another custody battle starts).
I would give anything to see Chernobog or The Horned King be all like ‘this is child’s play’ and then you find them catatonic as they sit at their tables completely silent.
Maleficent is so proud of her. She always knew that she’d make an exceptional granddaughter-in-law. 
Daisy: You sure you can handle it, Hades? This is pretty heavy stuff.
Hades: I’m the Lord of the Underworld, babes. God of the dead? Ring any bells? I’ve met the souls and read the records of the worst of the worst. This little piece of paper is nothing.
*one hour later*
Pain and Panic: *enter Hades’ office after he locked himself in there and find him cuddling Cerberus, his shoulders visibly shaking* Uhh, boss? You okay there? 
Hades: *voice thick and cracking with emotion and it’s clear that he’s been crying* GET OUT *throws a spare box of tissues at them*
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mangoharvest · 10 months
May I please request a Yandere Deuce??? Also please drink water!
Henlo YES. I’m SO sorry I was gone for like 5 years. I had this one since 1/18 and just barely finished, so it will def feel rushed. Sorry it took so long, and feel free to req more (that will NOT take so long lol). Also, this one is not as yandere as I would like. I think Deuce is objectively one of the less insane charas so it's hard to imagine him being true yandere if that makes sense lol.
White Knight - Yandere!Deuce x Reader
Deuce is a good kid. He really is. Sure he had a rough patch in middle school, but that’s all behind him! At least, that’s what he has managed to convince those around him of. While it was mostly true, you could always tell he was never 100% genuine. He may not have even noticed it. How his eyes shifted at the mention of a local gang spotting, or how his adams apple would bob lightly when someone brought up sneaking out to party. The man was hardly a party monster, but it had been quite a while before the opportunity to relax had presented itself. So, when you had offered to sneak him out of school to celebrate New Year’s, it was difficult to bother feigning surprise. At least, that’s what it had appeared like.
“Deuce,” You hissed, tapping at his window, “Oi… It’s me! My magishift skills are as good as your grades, so hurry and open up!!” A low blow? Sure, but it’s not as if it was a lie.
After a few moments and much more frantic tapping, said man finally came to the window, prying it open just enough for you to slither in. “About time.” You muttered, huffing from a mix of annoyance and slight exasperation. You placed your broom next to the window, mentally noting to return it later.
“Sorry about that,” Deuce muttered, smoothing down his blazer, “I was trying to get that idiot Ace out for the night. Luckily he just texted me he’s got plans already.”
“I see. Lucky indeed.” 
As quickly as you had come in, you made your way back to your exit. Reaching out a hand, you offered Deuce an awkward smile. “Are you coming, or what?” 
“I thought you wanted to get out for once.” You murmured curiously. Though no one could hear your musings from the bar, Deuce sure jumped as if he could. He had always been awkward, but you had been thoughtless enough to assume that he could at least attempt to channel whatever he had going on before NRC. How foolish of you. 
You had chosen a smaller club with his help, something more low-key from the usual spots. The music was good- but not nauseating- and the bar didn’t bother to ID you since you used to run with the manager. It was the ideal situation for anyone that didn’t exactly ooz sociability; so imagine your surprise when the party-craving Deuce refused to leave your side. While this in itself wasn’t awful, he also refused to leave the wall. Getting drink refills 20 feet away was the farthest the two of you had been all night. Thank god the man was a nervous drinker.
“Your lemon drops?” The bartender offered, placing the two drinks delicately beside you. You nodded in thanks, offering a small smile as you tuck your phone away. As you paid for the drinks, another is placed down. “Oh, uh,” You chuckled awkwardly, “I think you have the wrong person for this last one.” Internally, you prayed the bartender wasn’t about to say what you think he was. 
“It’s no mistake, the gentleman over there paid.” Your nervously frozen smile followed the bartender’s gaze, landing on an older man along the counter. A glass shattering snapped you out of your trance. You smiled again to the bartender, before nodding dismissively at the gentlemen and taking your two original drinks. 
Much to your dismay, you only manage a step back to the safety of the wall before your path is cut off. Fuck! You mutter, barely managing to hide your disdain behind a paper-thin smile. “Can I help you?” 
“It seems like you forgot something, care for some company on your way back.” Jesus christ, it really couldn’t get worse than this. Your smile quickly fades, though you're sure to keep a semi-polite tone.
“Oh sorry, I’m really not much of a shot person. Plus I’m here with a friend.” The man dramatically looks on either side of himself, shrugging before moving further towards you. 
“I don’t see anyone as lovely as you here. Looks like they left you.
“Oh, no he’s actual-”
“I’m sure you’re used to that,” He shushes you. Your face morphs into one of clear annoyance. You hadn’t missed the implications in his tone, and now you felt no obligation to cater to his weird mockery-flirting. You begin to brush past him.
 “I gotta go.”
“Hey hey, careful there!” His hand, which had already been uncomfortable close, grasped at your wrist. As you tugged away from him, you could feel his grip tighten. Your body begins to fill with a suffocating sense of dread. 
“Can’t have you falling down and wasting our drinks.” Your glare is met with an insufferably confident smirk. Of course you just had to run into this shit stain the one time you went out on a school night. 
“Hey...” Your partner for the night called, sending a shiver down your spine. You knew about how he used to be when he was younger, but this felt completely different from what he had told you. He was furious, seething at the man before him. 
“Deuce,” you breathed with a sigh of relief, “There you are-” as you attempted to break away from the strange man’s grip, you could feel the pain in your wrist only increase. He noticed you beginning to flail, and yanked you towards him. 
“Let go of me, you stupid prick!” You seethed, still trying to be semi discreet as to not set Deuce off. The man has an unreadable expression, before looking at you in bewilderment.
“Why are yo-”
Too late.
Before you could react, the man was already on the floor. 
“Oh shit, Deuce what did y-” Before you could finish your question, said man grabs your hand. “We have to go.” he states, not leaving room for rebuttal as he starts towards the door. Wordlessly, you follow behind him. By this point, both of your drinks were on the floor, and the party had been definitely tainted by having some random man’s knocked out body on the floor. Behind you, a pair of security guards come dashing out, yelling for you to stop. Terrified, you only run faster. 
It isn’t long before you could feel your lungs sting, tugging lightly at Deuce in hopes he would slow down a bit. He peers at you, seemingly brought back to reality upon seeing how disheveled your impromptu race had made you. Looking behind him, he bit back a frustrated growl, before focusing on you apologetically.
“Sorry about this.”
“Sorry about w-Hey!” You yelp in surprise as Deuce lifts you bridal style (quite easily too) and hastily begins running off again. It’s amazing how he is somehow faster than before, and not long until the security guards of the club give up their pursuit. The sky above you is an odd purple shade- no doubt a result of residual magic in this world. There were a few unnaturally big stars out tonight, providing light in tandem with the moon. The rest of the city slept, as only its party district was known to function around this time. Despite this, Deuce kept running, barely breaking a sweat. You could hear his footsteps echo against the stone tiles that guided your path. 
“Deuce, you can stop now. I think they’re gone.” You murmur in his ear as to not startle him. His face flushes a bit, before shaking his head. “It’s ok, I’ll just slow down a bit.” 
He does as he says, slowing to a walking pace, but refusing to let you down. “It’s okay, really.” He keeps assuring you, doing little to dampen your protests. Eventually, you relent.
“You’re so stubborn,” You pout, gently adjusting your arms to wrap around his neck. “My stubborn little knight.” 
“A knight?” Deuce questions, face exploding to a shade of crimson only matched by Rosehearts himself. You chuckle at his antics, going further and placing a chaste kiss on his lower jaw (it was all you could reach at that angle). Deuce’s face explodes with shock, and he starts mumbling and muttering like a madman.
“Deuce.” You chide, causing his gaze to snap right onto you, before darting away and back again. He was quite adorable like this. Such a clear contrast from earlier. You had seen him worked up before, but he was really upset tonight. He looked like a bomb about to go off. The insane strength behind his punch, in addition to the unusually commanding tone he used with you made you nervous (though not in a purely negative manner). If you weren’t so sure he would never hurt you, you likely would have been scared shitlesss. 
You take the chance to curl further into him, making sure to hold his gaze with a slight blush of your own. “Thank you. For tonight. I was… I was really scared back there. That man, he really freaked me out…” Thinking about what had happened earlier that night made you shiver in Deuce’s hold, making said man hold you closer with a slight grimace. 
You kept going. “But, you really helped me out big time. I don’t think I’ll ever need someone to protect me as long as I have you.” You joke, closing your eyes to rest a bit before getting to NRC. 
Little did you know, Deuce’s heart was racing. He felt every hair on his body stand in delight, and his face was frozen in one of disbelief and awe. Then, he chuckled. It was more akin to a scoff, maybe. You really couldn’t tell. All you could feel was his resting his head atop your own, muttering proudly, “I’ll always be there for you.”
You snuggle into his side, vaguely hearing the sound of his ringer going off, followed by an annoyed and gruff, “I’ll send the money tonight.” and some yelling from the other line. He hangs up, muttering something about Ace needing his snack money back. You nodded silently, then had a weird recollection from earlier.
You had texted with Floyd right before getting your drinks, and according to him, Ace’s phone has been broken since last night’s practice. An odd coincidence, but maybe his mom called and he was embarrassed. However, you began thinking. The man from earlier; had he been looking at you? Or had his gaze been settled past you? It was weird, too weird to feel coincidental, but not enough to really raise any flags.
 Deuce was your white knight. So surely he would never orchestrate something like this…right?
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saltdrinker · 9 months
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coughs Now for my baby's official introduction...
My MC: Vicki Murakami
Birthday: June 21
Age: 16
Height: 160cm (5′ 3″)
Dominant hand: Right
Homeland: Unknown
Family: Akio Murakami (father)
Best Subject: Arts
Club: None
Hobbies: Arts and Crafts, DIY around ramshackle when the birdman lets her have time for that
Talents: Does beast taming count?
Likes: Japanese Cheesecake/fluffy desserts
Dislikes: Black Licorice
VA: Atsumi Tanezaki
Nicknames: Vic or Vivi (Adeuce), Herbivore (Leona), Henchman no.2 (Grim), Petite trickster (Rook), Shrimpy (Floyd)
The (Vice) Prefect of Ramshackle Dorm, Vicki never imagined her life would get turned upside down for the second time when she found herself isekaied into Twisted Wonderland. Having been a Junior in her old high school, She finds herself as a 1st year in NRC, navigating her way through this new world as she makes new unlikely friends along the way.
Vicki isn't an extrovert nor is she an introvert, though she may seem like the latter at first due to her not being very talkative. Most of the time, Vicki doesn't know how to talk to her peers due to her overthinking a lot. She tends to look distant and uninterested at first, but get to know her and she shows her cheeky and chaotic side. As much as she would like to relax and enjoy her new chance at high school life and stay out of trouble, trouble seems to find her wherever she goes. At least she has the Adeuce duo to watch her back.
Sometimes she tenses up and suddenly acts defensive and curt, mainly around certain individuals and strangers. Case in point, Vicki doesn't like being casually touched by people she isn't familiar with, often backing away if possible or taking their hands off of her. She tends to be dodgy when confronted with personal/nosy questions, giving brief answers or avoiding answering altogether. Being pushed to give answers will result in Vicki getting angry, sending a glare as a sign to stop. Despite these flaws, she is very loyal to her friends and wouldn't dare think about abandoning them in any situation. She is quick to think on her feet, coming up with spontaneous solutions in dire situations. Vicki can be impulsive at times, but it doesn't compare to both Grim's and Adeuce's tomfoolery.
Extra trivia
Vicki is Japanese-American
She is twisted from Morgan (Enchanted + Disenchanted)
She can speak some Japanese.
She used to practice writing in Hiragana and Katakana when she was younger
While Vicki does do arts and crafts, she loves origami the most
Her dad was the one who taught her origami, as it gave her a connection to her roots and was their favourite activity to do together
Vicki loves making paper cranes and will give them to her friends as gifts
Just like Silver, she can talk to animals
Everyone thinks she's magicless due to her inability to use various types of magic (This will be explained later)
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yuurei20 · 1 year
Lilia Info Compilation part 14: Lilia and Music
Lilia can play many instruments and compose his own music, having had a long time to learn. He is proud of his singing ability.
Sebek describes his singing as, “like the voice of a vengeful spirit risen from the grave”.
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Cater says, “Lilia basically screams out all the lyrics in this mock raspy voice, even when they’re about tender moments”. Cater says they do not compose their own music in the Pop Music Club and are more like a cover band when they play at all.
Mostly they chat and eat snacks in the club room after school, with “the whole music-playing bit” being “kind of an afterthought”.
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During a recruitment event for the club, Lilia was “shrieking and smashing guitars” and leaped into the audience to crowd surf, but no one caught him. The event resulted in a single new recruit: Kalim.
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The pop music club has a minor problem in a vignette when all three members decide they want to be the lead singer. Cater claims that Lilia’s “banshee screeches are gonna drive all the normal freshies away”.
Lilia wins the spot through a game of rock-paper-scissors but immediately resigns. When asked why, he says, “It was a position everyone wanted, so I couldn’t very well let it be without winning it for myself”. Lilia opts to play bass instead as, according to his research: “It is either the bass player or the drummer who most commonly leads a band”.
Lilia says that he finds “the idea of a role that is impressive yet restrained rather agreeable” and ultimately assigns himself the position of leader and bassist.
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He volunteers to teach Kalim the drums. Sebek describes Lilia as “a bona fide professional bassist” and Kalim says, “Lilia’s got stamina for days. You should see the way he hops and yells and smashes his bass guitar during Pop Music Club concerts!”
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Cater seems to struggle with Lilia’s performances—asking him, in Book 5, to “keep the improv dialed down”—but Lilia still went out of his way to gift Cater with his trademark smartphone case for his birthday when Cater failed to acquire one for himself.
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According to Cater, Lilia has been “nudging” him about what he will get him in return ever since.
We received a rare look into the elective classes offered at NRC in a vignette where we learn that Lilia is taking a class called “Poison Refining” with Cater and Vil, but he does not seem to have any particular reason for enrolling.
Lilia talks with Cater about Cater’s decision to take the class because “It can’t be worse than the alternative”, and says that he chose it for similar reasons.
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kirans-wonderland · 4 months
Meet Jaspar Hallows:
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Name: Jaspar Hallows Birthday: 31st October
Age: 20
Height: 214cm
Homeland: Ephemeral Hollow
Occupation: NRC Student, third year
Club: Science
Favorite Subject: Ancient Curses
Hobbies: Piano, Paper snowflakes
Talents: party planning, conflict resolution, waltzing
Background: Jaspar grew up as the only son of a prominent family in the Ephemeral Hollow. The Hollow has long stood a neighbor to the Valley of Thorns and is deep rooted in tradition. Jaspar was expected to follow such tradition from a young age but he always yearned for something different. The only one who understood his desire was his childhood friend Salem. Eventually he was able to get out of the restriction of the Hollow for NRC. Though they had already done most of their schooling in the Hollow, they wanted to start fresh and experience the outside world together.
Unique Magic: "Spirit's King" allows him to summon ghosts to his command. He founded it when he was young as a way to not feel lonely before he met Salem. This ability caused others to deem him creepy and off putting. The ghost he summons most often is the spirit of a dog he named Zip. He has been Jaspar's longest friend and now acts as his familiar.
Fun Facts:
Holidays from other places are his favorite thing as there were basically none from his homeland.
He has a huge paper snowflake collection that only Salem knows about.
He likes to think he's a jack of all trades. He'll try anything once but the majority of the time, he's not the most successful. He can get over ambitious very easily.
His families prestige meant he was raised to be a gentlemen and was most affluent in classical piano and the waltz.
Most things he experiences are new to him and he's easily excitable like a puppy.
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kandlewick · 1 year
In which the Reader is part of the newspaper club and has been tasked with covering ‘The Seven Wonders of Night Raven College”.
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[pt.1] [pt.2]
Despite the fact you were forcibly thrown into a world full of magic and mayhem, everything on your list was really no different than anything you’d expect from the world you were from. Maybe you were supposed to find comfort in that but really, how uncreative can students even be? One of the mysteries was that, supposedly, during a certain time on a certain day, if you walked two steps at a time up the stairs leading to the statues of the Great Seven and then walked back down them facing backwards, you would be granted access to a parallel world. What was with that? The most likeliest of scenarios would be you tripping and giving yourself a concussion and a one way trip to the nurse’s office. 
Regardless of the age of the school, nothing seemed particularly thrilling to write about and you were half tempted to go crawling back to your club leader for a new assignment, eager to rid yourself of bathroom ghosts and school basement catacombs.
“Aren’t campus mysteries a little lame?” Ace raised a single eyebrow as he peeked over your shoulder at the papers lying scattered around you at the lunch table, “Something like that feels something only middle schoolers would gossip about.” Even Deuce seemed to agree as he read them over himself.
“I didn’t know that we even had a basement at NRC?” The blue headed boy blinked his eyes in slight confusion, titling his head.
Looking up from his meal, Epel perched his elbows on to the table and stole a slip of paper and began reading it out loud for the others as he went down the long list of possible topics, “A hungry ghost whom roams the mess hall, a mysterious gargoyle that tells you your fortune, the statues of the Great Seven whispering the name of your destined lover- what’s all this shiet?” Epel’s face soured, “Feels like some bad internet rumors written by a bunch of kids.”
“Thanks for the support guys, I really appreciate it,” you groaned, slouching farther down into your seat. You had really tried your best to get as many stories as possible but even you knew you got nothing but a bunch of ridiculous tall tales. “I think half of the people who came forward with rumors were pulling my leg too.”
“Why not just ask for a new topic? I’m sure your club leader wouldn’t mind it if he saw how bad you’ve done so fa-”
“Oya? Did I hear you mention rumors?” 
Lilia was smiling ear to ear as you turned to look at him, his bright eyes narrow with mischief. You gave him a tired nod as you turned to offer him the small stack of papers you had typed up, letting him read through what you had learned.
“There’s nothing interesting in there, trust me.” You weren’t ashamed to admit it, “While I’m sure some would appreciate the stories of the school’s gargoyles coming to life if you ring a bell in their ear, a lot of them are sorta-”
“How curious,” Lilia hummed, looking at the pages from front to back, “I noticed you haven’t written anything down about the mysterious disappearing dorm that haunts the NRC campus! It’s one of my personal favorites. Nothing like a little mystery as the kids say!”
Disappearing dorm?
“Oh yes,” he smiled, “Some say it was cursed by a powerful fae to be forgotten by all who step foot on the Isles of Sages. Heheh, I’ve even heard that as soon as you are chosen to join that dorm, nobody ever hears from you ever again!”
If everyone is supposed to forget about the dorm, why does he know about it?
“Hmm, I wonder?” 
Pushing his vague response to the side for a later date, this was actually a compelling mystery! 
And now that you were about to enact the ritual to find the dorm, you were getting cold feet. You felt a little ridiculous decked out in a jacket and blindfold and the thought that Lilia was ALSO pulling your leg made you reluctant to take a step out of the Ramshackle dorm to attempt this. Not to mention the anti magic potion you had drank left a bitter taste in both your mouth and wallet. Lilia had claimed that the potion was required to get past the dorm’s cloaking ability and since magic was such a prevalent thing in most student’s lives, nobody would willingly temporarily nullify all surrounding magic as it would include their own but here you were, magicless and human. But again, you’ve learned that in this world, nothing ventured nothing gained so with a deep a shaky breath you took a step out into the cold night air.
The voice of Lilia rang in your ears as you made your way back onto campus, making sure to be extremely quiet. Sneaking onto school grounds in the middle of the night was as nerve wracking as you thought it would be and the thoughts of all the other mysteries you had written down seemed all the more plausible as the world around you seemed to still.
“First,” you reached down and pulled up the hood to your jacket and wrapped the blindfold around your eyes, “and then turn around, hold your breath, and walk backwards into the garden.”
As you walked, you could hear the blood rush in your ears. Everything was so quiet at night. You could feel the dense bushes get thicker and pokier the farther you ventured and you were thankful for the jacket the rumor had required as the night air had gotten chillier and chillier. You shivered from the top of your head to the tips of your toes and you couldn’t tell if it was from the cold night air or from your nerves. You quietly missed the warmth of your four walls and fuzzy roomate and wondered if a school article was really worth all of this, stumbling around in the dark without the uses of your sense and you could even feel the potion bubbling angrily in your stomach, threatening to come back up and make a mess of what felt like rose bushes. And you were cold. So cold. You were freezing.
Wait, rose bushes?
“Keep going until you run into rose bushes with the reddest of red petals,” Lilia’s voice echoed between your ears as you slowly began untying the fabric around your eyes, “That’s when you know you’re there. If you did everything right…”
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lowkeyclueless5137 · 7 months
Remember my ask about HP X TWST where the Golden Trio go to NRC when they're children?
Yeah! I love what you comes up with. Imagine them getting their Hogwarts letters when they're eleven (assuming they got to TWST years before their own canon time), and then they got to Hogwarts since well, it is their world and this school should be able to teach them how to control their own magic, since NRC can't do it what with their magic being way different.
But because of their journeys at NRC, they become way different than them in canon HP. What if this new trio still go to Griffindor, but they're not one to discriminate towards other houses? They will think believing ones personality based solely on their house is bullshit. Even if back at NRC they do that, but never to the same degree as those at Hogwarts.
They also way smarter at Potions and think Professor Snape to be incompetent because they already got Crewel who is really got ay his job.
Oh! Imagine book 4 when Harry got his name picked from the Goblet! Imagine everyone's reactions back at TWST when they found out! Imagine Umbridge! Riddle is quite attached to these children, he will absolutely HATE it if he heard what the Ministry tried to do to Harry.
*pulls out math notebook*
Ok ok... Let's settle up sum time-line first. :3
My personal pick for an age where they were younger would be 8. And now hear me out on why.
We can go to them being Isekai at 8, way before any of the 3rd years get enrolled. Only Leona is there as he repeats a year on and on. So out of all of them, Leona remains constant.
The trio is faced with the Ramshackle situation, with the different dorms, the magic system and so on. They even come to meet big bros Trappola and Zigvolt, who'd be 2nd years at that time.
The most these 3 would do is help around with simple chores or do some nice lil activity paper that Trein gives them, help Crewel with sewing, hang around at Sam's. Vargas is mostly running the kids dry with all the sports so he's your go-to man when it comes to tiring up the 8 years old.
On their 2nd year in NRC, come our first important batch of 1st years. Ofc, Ron is absolutely curious about Ortho, since he, as a wizarding world native, never saw such advanced tech. Neither did Hermione and Harry, but Ron still was all over the place with awe when it came to tech. Many hyped him up to pick up engeneering(?). And Ortho, rightfully was happy for someone showing so much interest in him and his big brother's works.
You also have Malleus, who gives the kids bedtime stories in the form of gargoyle infodumps. Hermione actually joins the gargoyle club since actually Malleus had some pretty cool facts and stuff about architecture. Ya know, a nice lil side study.
Harry would get along with Trey and Cater. They have that home-y feeling. And Trey makes some awesome sweets on top of it.
Next year, we get sum radical changes.
We get Riddle and Azul, who quickly secure their Dormhead positions. We get Kalim and Scarabia having a renovation overnight, we get Vil as a new Dormhead, Malleus's 2nd year in magishift wins and a whole load of other insignificant shenanigans.
This time around, we have our golden trio wanting to befriend Riddle at first, since he was the new Dormhead, therefore it was bound to get informed about the residents 10 years old on campus. Surely Riddle sees them as young kids, so he's a bit more lenient on them. Hence why he's also growing more lenient on other things too. He would probably bond with Harry over their shared family situation, although the Dursleys were a bit more harsh out of seemingly no known motive.
And also Vil pretty much likes to pamper them up and just affirm that they are pretty lil kiddos. Sure, some things were harshly made clear like posture and how you should always comb your hair before going out. But Vil is chill most of the time.
Azul however? He's a lil sneaky shit. Of course, he sees the 3 as no good for bringing him profit. But he is generous with them and offers them sometimes a free meal on the house part. One time Ron came to him asking for some dessert with some crampled madols he gathered over the time. Azul didn't have the heart to take the money and the twins teased him relentlessly how he went soft for sum kids. The twins were considered scary, so for those, Azul ended up shoving them in a pot as a payment for their relentless teasing. :'3
Silver is basically forced naptime. They are big kids, but still even some older NRC Students get dragged in this comune naptime. :'3
Kalim is fun! He's a ray of sunshine! Jamil not so. Jamil is that responsible figure that everyone feels like they absolutely shouldn't listen to. No. Listen to the snake man. Snake man doesn't want any of you to end up in an early casket.
Ruggie is Leona's helper, so he sometimes brings the kids to Leona, not knowing better. Leona tolerates the 3, but hey... Leona's the only constant student in here. So it is hard to not get attached to him at least a tiny bit. :'3
Then, you finally have the year we're everything goes down. The letters arrive for both Harry, Hermione and Ron and clearly those were a very important lead to the 3's homeworld. We have Idia and Kalim as new Dormheads and everything is just going to shit. :'3
Ofc, Crowley was now forced to use the letter as a way to find a path home for the 3. (it's not like one of the most influential people in the world would be at his throat if he doesn't do it. No sir, definitely not)
He does! Surprisingly he does! And ofc, this means a whole load of things. 1. Someone had to make sure these kids are safe and sound. For Harry at least, his home life was absolutely shit, they couldn't possibly let an 11 year old return there on a good mind. 2. This was a different kind of magical world, so they needed to be discret and try not to cause any scenes. 3. Who's gonna even get these lists?! With what money?!
So the thing we have ia that the Dormheads take it in between themselves. They had to split up and see how could they handle this pickle. The 3 needed new clothes, new books, everything from A-Z since apparently these wizarding community lives in 'prehistory' according to Leona.
So Azul is the one that walks the 3 around. Thankfully, Hermione's letter had clear instructions of how to navigate and what to do in order to get to Diagon Alley. Of course, Kalim offered some 'teeny tiny' pocket money in the form of pretty gems that they would sell to the bank in order to get money from that world. Ya know, as a gift for the new official school year. Riddle tagged along mostly to make sure no incident befalls out group. Plus he was great in finding the books they needed.
Of course, there were some weird looks thrown at them, mostly at how vibrant they were compared to your normal peep going around.
For a new school gift, the 3rd years and current Dormheads decided to put some comune exchange in order to get some nice things for the 3. For Hermione it was a very pretty quill and special ink. For Ron, he had a beautiful scarf in his favorite colors.
For Harry, they got Hedwig, with the promise that they will use Hedwig to send letters firstly to their families, letting them know they were OK, then send to NRC peeps a letter, mostly to keep up with each other.
Of course, on Diagon Alley they meet Mrs Weasley, who immediately recognises her son. Very floofy reunion in there. :3
We also have a meet with Hagrid. Hagrid is very nice. Everyone in the group likes Hagrid! Yay! :D
We get more exposition from the 2, before they would have to go back to NRC and prepare for the leave on 11th. Since school in NRC started on the 1st of September, this was in the 2nd week.
For giving away the kids, Malleus, Kalim and Vil were assigned. Of course, it came down to a big hug to each of them and Malleus crying like a baby over it, but in the end, the 3 are set on going to Hogwarts with the express.
Of course, their main going in between worlds gate was a mirror. A pocket mirror which had an incantation that had to be said in order to be unlocked. The 3 memorised that thing over and over again so they were able to send Hedwig through and also visit on weekends. :3c
They get assigned to Griffindor and Kalim is delighted since Scarabia has gold and red as their color scheme. So now they match! :D
Leona rubs it in Malleus's face that the house mascot is a lion
The trio would be absolutely used to different 'houses' thing, since at NRC they had 7 dorms to keep up with. Like here is a downgrade to 4, which makes it absolutely easier to just keep up with all the news and in-dorms gossips.
They would absolutely try to befriend Draco. He's a bit mean, but they saw meaner. :'3
Ofc, the NRC keeps up with our trio like it's the national news. The Dormheads read their letters at the meetings holded in the Ramshackle lounge, and then tell the others.
Clearly these 3 Excell in flying and potions. Even practical magic, since they have a much more solid theory behind and there is less struggle when you have like 22 other people brainstorming with you a solution.
DEFINITELY Crewel holds extra lessons for the 3. Give him the potions manual and he'll turn these 3 into alchemists overnight. Not only do they have 3 years behind them of assisting at the potions lessons, but there's also the fact that potions bases for the first years at Hogwarts were usually taught in a few weeks at NRC. So you'd bet that for our trio, Snape just racks his brain trying to find a way to get a weak spot in their potions knowledge.
First year they have one hell of an adventure with Quirrel and the philosopher stone. Granted it was absolutely hilarious how easy these 3 11 years old managed to bypass all the traps and everything.
But they also got Idia with them on that night, mostly forced by Ortho since it was his turn to check on the 3, but ya know... A great light and also the 3 headed dog seems to like him a lot. Wonder why? :3c
Quirrel gets fucking wacked in the head in 4k ultra HD. Yay! Violence! :D
You bet NRC peeps don't allow Harry to return to the Dursleys once he wasn't welcomed anymore. Surprisingly, Leona is again repeating an year, so he takes Harry with him for the summer vacation. Hermione and Ron had to go and catch up with their families. They do re-meet a few times during summer vacation. :3
2nd year of Hogwarts already has the once 3rd years working aboard on internships. So you have now the basilisk problem. No worries, Rook is absolutely thrilled to hunt that thing down. It's almost scary how fast he figured shit out. :'3
3rd year gets us more on our favorite bunch: the ex-first years. Adeuce absolutely help with busting out Sirius. Sebek tries to tell them to keep a low profile... But the whole thing blew up and ya know... Just a grand escape I guess :'3
4th book is where we get fun. With all of our friends either with jobs or on internships, they absolutely help out throughout the whole tournament. From Lilia's spartan training to Azul making a water breathing potion, to Vil's absolutely stunning ball outfits to even Rook and Ruggie's help with how to handle wild creatures and navigate around. All of them are present as spectators and try their best to support their lil kiddos.
And when Voldy comes back and Cedric is cut off due to budget and narative impact, Malleus is absolutely the first one to declare war on Mr Mcbaldy no-nosey.
So with the support of an insanely op fae king and some also very powerful mages from another world that absolutely are getting down and dirty with every occasion to ensure a clean win, you can imagine that less spells are thrown around and more punches and roasts. :'3
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liviavanrouge · 8 months
New Character
"A mysterious ghostly male that appears to be following Livia around during the Playful Land Event, unable to see seen by anyone but Malleus and Gidel."
Name: Narcol(Twisted from Philips sword)
Gender: Male
Age: at least 16 or 17
Status: Alive/Deceased(Both)
Voice Actor: Yuki Kaji
Introduction Line: "Ah....how interesting."
Star Sign: Gemini
Birthdate: May 26th
Height: 6'8(203 cm)
Dominant hand: Both
Home: Valley of Thorns
Species: Rogue Elemental Spirit
Occupation: Secret NRC Student, Malleus Contractor
Grade: Senior or Junior
Class: Unknown
Club: Gargoyle Research Club
Best Subject: Ancient Magic
Half Brother: Vapula(Contractor: Livia)
Cousin: Navy(Contractor: Silver, formerly Livia)
Favorite Food: Frozen Eels/Octopus
Least Favorite Food: Anything Warm and seasoned
Like(s): Watching Livia
Dislike(s): Malleus' Temper
Hobbies: Pranking Sebek and Vex
Pet Peeves: Livia's rebelliousness
Talent: Throwing items halfway across Sage's Island
Appearance: Narcol has mid-length blue-white hair with long bangs that fall around his eyes. Malleus states that Narcol didn't have an appearance when he met because the boy was nothing but misty smoke but Narcole copied Silvers appearance, making minor adjustments to appear more human. Narcol has a dark blue eye with a light blue eye that almost appears to look white, his pupils are always dilated. He wears a necklace with a miniature 'fake' sword on it that can grow into a real one.
Malleus comments that since nobody but him and Livia can see Narcol, he has yet to appear in a dorm uniform or the regular school uniform.
Personality: Narcol is silent and reserved, only asking speaking up and asking questions when he feels it is necessary. He tends to be the one to secretly calm Malleus when the latter snaps, and reminds him that his tantrums will scare Livia away. He finds Livia adorable which is the main reason for him agreeing to Malleus' contract. He hates it when Malleus gives him dumb tasks like retrieving a mere piece of paper that Livia dropped on her way from class or helping in waking Silver, and will complain the whole way there and back.
He has a scary side that is revealed in the game when Fellow Honest and Gidel appears to take the students to Playful Land, scaring Gidel who he allowed to be able to see him in order to keep the male at a distance.
Background: Narcol was revealed to have been accidentally summoned by Malleus when Livia was ten years old and still living in the Draconia Castle. He agreed to the terms that Malleus set down and began working along side him. Malleus states that when he first summoned Narcol, the male was nothing but a thick cloud of misty smoke hovering around him, until Silver had accidentally walked in and Narcol copied his appearance, enraging Malleus at the mere sight of his similar appearance to the human boy but decided to name him Narcol.
After making the contract, Narcol never leaves Malleus' side, and is disappointed when nobody can see him still. Livia did get a glimpse of him once but he was whisked away by Malleus as to not alarm the girl since she didn't know about her Spirit Summoning powers at the time. When Malleus enrolled at NRC, he informed Crowley of Narcol's presence, allowing the male to become enrolled and a secret student as long as he behaves.
-Narcol is named after Narcolepsy which is stated by Thea to be something Silver might be diagnosed with
-Whenever Silver falls asleep, Narcol is actually the one who aids Livia in watching the boy, although she is unaware of this
-He is able to cloak himself from Livia's view but only for an two and a half hours
-Floyd states that once when he was in his eel form, something chomped down on his tail which was Narcol
-Narcol comments that Jade, Floyd and Azul would look delicious frozen alive in their mer forms
-Malleus has said that Narcol's presence might throw Livia into a frenzy but never stated why
-Idia had commented once that some of his mangas go missing, the culprit unknowingly being Narcol
-Narcol burns any book he steals from others but safely returns library books
-He has stolen half of Vil's makeup once but returned it after drawing on Sebek's face with lipstick and eye shadow
-Narcol will be revealed to the others by Malleus himself
-The terms of the contract Narcol made with Malleus has yet to be revealed
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serendipiadorm · 2 years
Serendipia Student Profile - Sebastián Noel
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Personal Info
Name: Sebastián Noel
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Species: Reindeer Bestialhuman/Leshy
Birthday: 12/23
Zodiac: Capricorn
Height: 200cm/6ft'5in
Orientation: Pansexual
Eye Color: Festive Red
Hair Color: Forest and Mossy Greens
Homeland: Northern Shaftlands
Family: Mother
Esca Damián Delgado - Brother
School Info
School: Night Ravens College - Transferred To
Dorm: Serendipia
School Year: 3rd
Occupation: Snowboarder,Sled Racer,Casual Singer
Club: Track & Field
Best Subject: P.E. & Alchemy
Other Info
Dominant Hand: Left
Favorite Food: Fruitcake
Least Favorite Food: Coal,Meat except some Fish
Dislikes: Being Laughed At,Too Much Fog,Confusing Hallways,Too Serious People,Tense Situations,Summer's Heat,Car Headlights,His Red Area around his Nose
Likes: Red & Green things,Ribbons,Candy Canes,Singing with Others,Scrapbooking,Donating to the Less Fortunate,Reading Happy Stories,Running Around,Happy Go Lucky People,Dogs
Talents: Getting Lost in New Places,Snowboarding,Sled Racing,Chorus Singing,Making Others Feel Happy,Track Running,Being a Good friend,Flirtation,Smooth Talking
Unique Magic: Bright Scent Light - Certain smells make Sebastián terribly sick but make his nose illuminate like a red light bulb for how long he is sick. It's more powerful than most flashlights.
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Personality: He is an energetic reindeer boy with always a positive attitude. Seems too good to be at NRC but was transferred with reasons unknown. Might be hiding more behind that smile.
Fun Facts: Transferred from a Northern Magic College to NRC midway into the 3rd year unexpectedly.
He has a few snowboarding & sled racing medals/trophies so is a winter sportsman. He doesn't really talk about it much unless asked now.
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Art by @vivaresmala
Due to weather change is prone to getting sick with head fevers a lot and usually is in the Infirmary or in bed literally after classes.
The area around his nose is always reddish looking like it's irritated but he says it's always looked like that.
Has an awful sense of direction so often looking at map apps on phone or paper maps of places. He once got lost in a grocery store for 2hrs somehow when it had arrows pointing to exit.
Hasn't really socialized with anyone due to being the new kid. He feels lonely quite a bit but is a social butterfly just having a hard time.
Likes to sing with others a lot as did so most of his life as a kid. Feels it brings people together to do so.
Has been told he looks like the housewarden a lot but he assumes people mean because they are both deers but he hasn't really even met him just seen him a few times in the bright lights of parties.
To help him get around in the dark he has solar powered red and clear lights attached to his antlers that he charges while he sleep during day. The flower pin is from a friend who finds red looks good on him. They were clearly flirting yet he didn't notice.
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yuuniee · 2 years
“I will never return to the way I was before, never again.”
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I edited the picture to make it look like the way I designed her!
Name: Lilith “Aries” Fontana
Japanese: リリス・“アリエス”・フォンタナ (lilisu ariesu fontana)
Birthday: 10th December
Age: 17
Height: 173 cm / 5'8 ft
Dorm: Ramshackle 🎩
Dominant Hand: Right
Homeland: New York, USA
Voiced by: [TBA]
Family: Unnamed mother, unnamed father
Nicknames/Aliases: Tiger Barb (Floyd), Dame Double (Rook)
Grade: Freshman
Class: 1-A (no. 23)
Club: Mountain Lovers Club (former), Science Club
Best Subject: Animal Language
Hobby: Making laces
Favorite Food: Rice
Least Favorite Food: Pickles
Pet Peeves: Social media
Talent: Dancing
Appearence: Lilith is a young lady with fair skin, black and white straight hair that goes down to her hips, red left eye, right gray eye and slender build. She usually tends to let her hair down.
In her school uniform, she wears a red jacket with faux fur on the ends of the hood and with sleeves rolled up to her elbows, a white jacket, a black skirt with gold stripes that reaches to her knees, a black pantyhose and a pair of brown boots with fur.
Personality: She may come off as insensitive and rude sometimes, but she has a playful nature that she shows often. She is also energetic and caring, but she often denies it.
Unique Magic: “Hellhound Stampede”
It allows her to summon two ghost dogs and she can command them to do anything. However, it can consume so much energy that she may end up collapsing and even accumulating blot...
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[x] (this is her nightgown ^^^)
Fun Facts:
Her father is a well known chef while her mother is a housewife. However, she greatly dislikes her father as he was the one who pressured her to become the best in class.
She has a small birthmark that looks like a dot on her left palm. This part is the only part she likes on her body.
Her parents were both social media addicts, and they usually filmed her whenever she practiced and put those in their own accounts. That’s how she grew to hate all the social media platforms, because she thought these turn people into zombies.
She used to have a cat named “Lucia”, but later her parents kicked it out for tearing off the curtains.
She may often come off as rude, insensitive and verbally abusive, but she actually has a gentler side which she shows during the Chapter 6.
Her nickname, Aries, comes from her father who thought it would be a great idea give her a cute name.
She actually has a photo album of the photos she takes during the events like Halloween, Port Fest and Al'ab Nariya (Fireworks Festival).
She is childhood friends with Ian since they were six.
She used to be a successful dancer in her school before she came to Twisted Wonderland.
At random times, she gets ideas about new dress ideas. When that happens, she grabs whatever thing she can sketch on, whether it’s a piece of paper or the back of her notebook, she sketches it out. That’s why she tends to get really distracted sometimes.
Before Renée sew her a skirt like she did to herself, she used to wear a pair of pants like the rest of the NRC boys with a black belt with little gems she found in a closet.
Although she may dislike Cater, they both share a love for spicy food and sometimes they eat them together.
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