#OTP: Jorah
ladysansalannister · 10 months
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I’ll feel the cold as they put out my sun.
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This video isn't mine, but I just love this song and the clips. Jorah really was Daenerys's prince in shining armor. 💔
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thank-god-and-you · 2 months
Vivat Crescat Floreat [05/19]
Rating: T
Genre: Romance
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Jorah Mormont, Daenerys Targaryen; Dany/Jorah.
Fic Summary:  [Showverse] She tells him that she has been grappling with things she can no longer ignore. Things that were as dormant as those three petrified dragon eggs once were. Things that came alive inside her not from fire, but in the icy, barren snows of Winterfell. Snapshots of Daenerys’ relationship with Jorah in the early years of her reign.
Chapter Summary: A mishap causes uncomfortable specutlation.
Warnings: Mild sexual content.
Notes: Prompt–“biting".
Link here on FFN and here on AO3.
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dgct2 · 2 years
My Top Ten Ship List
1. Cassandra Railly & James Cole, #12Monkeys 
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2. Fox Mulder & Dana Scully, #TheX-Files 
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3. Elizabeth Bennet & Fitzwilliam Darcy, #PrideAndPrejudice 
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4. Peter Bishop & Olivia Dunham, #Fringe 
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5. Garret & Talon, #TheOutpost 
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6. Betty Cooper & Veronica Lodge, #Riverdale
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7. Steve Rogers & Peggy Carter, #Marvel 
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8. Jack O’Neill & Samantha Carter, #StargateSG1 
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9. Sam McCall & Dante Falconeri, #GeneralHospital 
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10. Daenerys Targaryen & Ser Jorah Mormont, #GameOfThrones 
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grissomesque · 2 years
ten characters, ten fandoms, ten tags
Thanks for the tag @foreversilenthere!
In no particular order:
Star Trek: Voyager | Kathryn Janeway
Star Trek: TNG | Beverly Crusher
Star Trek: DS9 | Garak
Star Trek: Picard | Laris
Battlestar Galactica | Laura Roslin
CSI | Sara Sidle
X-Files | Dana Scully
M*A*S*H | Hawkeye (but I also want to pick BJ!)
Severance | Irving
Fringe | Olivia Dunham
Honorable mention: Law and Order: SVU / Olivia Benson. I haven’t watched (or read fic) in 249 years but E/O was one of my formative OTPs.
Can I be honest? I feel like I can be honest with you. I’m tempted to put Jorah on this list. But GoT broke me so bad I can’t bring myself to do it. Anyway, #JusticeforJorah.
And uh this was harder than I expected it to be? I also ran out of shows and had to really reach back in time for some options. I kind of just ping pong between Trek/CSI/BSG year after year.
Okay ten people is a lot and I have tag anxiety. @vegawriters @curator-on-ao3 @bookishpower @matriarchinwaiting @aoifeandisolde @neverenough37 @serene-venus @quirkette100 @burntheparameters @scullysidle uhh if I didn’t tag you tag yourselves!
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ancsury92 · 2 years
My favourite ships
I love making lists. Recently, I relaized I haven’t made a list about my favourite OTP’S!
Here ya go:
1. Garcia Flynn and Lucy Preston (Timeless)
“You should know the Lucy in the journal. She is very, very impressive.”
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2. Gene Hunt and Alex Drake (Ashes to ashes)
“ We weren't bad though were we? “
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3. Jimmy McGill and Kim Wexler (Better Call Saul)
“Jimmy, I had the time of my life with you..”
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4. Louisa Durrell and Spiros Halikiopoulos (The Durrells)
“You are very special to me”
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5. Jorah Mormont and Daenerys Targaryen (Game of thrones)
“Tyron Lannister was right. I love you. I’ll always love you.”
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6. Gereon Rath and Charlotte Ritter (Babylon Berlin)
“-Will you carry me all the way back to the city? - Of course.”
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7. Kara Thrace and Lee Adama (Battlestar Galactica)
“My name is Lee Adama and I love Kara Thrace!”
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8. Mark S. and Helly R. (Severance)
“ You’re easy to pretend to care about.“
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9. Jax Teller and Tara Knowles (Sons of Anarchy)
“We don't know who we are until we're connected to someone else. We're just better human beings when with the person we're supposed to be with. I wasn't supposed to leave...I belong here.”
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10. Amelia Sedley and William Dobbin
“ I have loved you and watched you for fifteen years in vain. Have I not learned in that time to read all your feelings and look into your thoughts? “
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chrkrose · 1 year
Hi! I've just fund your Nettles x Daemon fan arts and...By the Doom, they're wonderful! I've to admit that I'm a Daemyra shipper (even if I slightly prefer Daemon/Laena. I think he really loved her, in his way of course) but I also love little brave Netty (and obv our Lord and Saviour Uncle Daemon). I can't understand the hate, it's just shipping after all...Ok, the age difference can be creepy (and I ship Jorah/Dany, I know something about it) but come on! Chill out and support Blacks, guys!
Aaaah thank u! ♥️I have some more arts planned for Nettles and for Daemon x Nettles so stay tuned haha.
Tbh I think it’s quite impossible to be 100% clean in shipping couples in asoiaf. I mean, my OTP is j/b and they have a hella problematic age gap if we apply modern lenses to it. So while of course some problematic notions can’t be supported even if it’s fantasy, some things can be overlooked or at least admitted in the context that you know it’s problematic but you recognize it as such and you like the pairing in that context but knows it’s not something to be looked upon in real life.
And tbh while I still think Team Black was right in their cause, the fandom is turning me off from Team Black if solely because Team Green fans are so much more entertaining lmao. Overall I think I’m Team Small Folk and Team Dragons #RIP.
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springdandelixn · 2 years
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No one asked for this but I’m posting one regardless.
What’s your name? What can I call you?
Call me Bean or Beanie. 
Who are your muses?
A while back, I used to write for ScarletVision (Vision and Wanda). I dabbled a little on Brutasha (Bruce and Natasha) as well, but now my main OTP is Jorleesi (Jorah and Daenerys).
I now mostly write Reader fics with my muses Jorah Mormont, Vision, and Loki. 
Other characters I have written for are Steve Rogers, Thor and Tony Stark. I may add some Game of Characters soon.
What genre do you write in?
I personally prefer writing dark, angst and smut. Not so much on fluff but I don’t shy away from that either.
I also prefer writing AUs than canon. I dunno. There’s just something fascinating about taking out characters from the environment we know they came from and putting them in new ones.
Do you take requests?
I do when I announce that I do.
Can I be added to your tag list?
I don’t have one any longer but you can follow my archives blog and turn on notifications if you want updates on my stories or updates on new stories I post.
Miscellaneous Notes:
I don’t have a posting schedule. Mainly because I write very slow and I don’t want to keep your hopes up when I don’t post on a date I’ve mentioned. So, updates will come when they are ready to be released into the wild. 
TBH, ask me questions about my fics. Send me anon questions or DM me about why you want to strangle my character or why you want to cuddle them. I would love that a lot.
That is all. Thank you! 
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kateofthecanals · 1 year
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Whew okay! I am assuming this is for ASOIAF/GoT…
2. Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?
None that I can think of? I have plenty of BROTPs but I don’t think they are anyone’s OTPs lol.
4. Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?
Pretty much any Sansa pairing that isn’t SanSan is a NOTP for me, lol. And yes, unfortunately, a few of them are pretty popular. :-/ Dany+Jorah is also a pretty big nope for me.
10. Most disliked arc? Why?
Dany’s Meereen arc. It’s just so bloody boorrrriinnggg!
11. Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
I mean obviously anything to do with Sandor and his relationship with Sansa, and to a lesser degree just Sansa too. Also I love the Ironborn stuff, I just can’t help it!!
13. Unpopular opinion about XXX character?
Fuck Theon, he got was he deserved. 😌
18. Does not shipping something ‘popular’ mean you’re in denial and/or biased?
Not necessarily. Anyone can ship anything for any reason afaic so long as you don’t act like a dick about it.
24. Would you recommend XXX to a friend? Why or why not?
Depends on the friend. ASOIAF is definitely not for everybody, especially those easily squicked out by (gasp!) age gaps!!!
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spacedadpicard · 2 years
Fandom 001: Game of Thrones
thank you, my love!!
read more so i don't clog up everyone's dashboards.
Favorite character: oughghghg i love all the lannisters, but tyrion's gotta be my fav. wine-loving bookish boy who hates his dad <33 he's just like me fr.
Least Favorite character: hm. see, this is a hard one because of just how many absolutely reprehensible piece of shit characters there are in this show. putting those obvious answers to the side, i'm gonna say euron greyjoy. i've not watched any of his scenes in ages but i remember finding him insufferable.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): BRIENNE/JAIME MY BELOVED. after that... hmm. jon/ygritte, jorah/dany (but like. purely one-sided lmao so i don't know if that counts), dany/missandei, aaaand. ned/staying the fuck away from king's landing.
Character I find most attractive: jaime hehe
Character I would marry: mm. i think probably tyrion. he's smart and kind, and we could just spend our lives complaining about our families and talking about books. sounds great to me.
Character I would be best friends with: samwell tarly! again, man loves books. we'll sit and read and eat biscuits.
a random thought: just. what the fuck happened, man. when will i stop being angry about s8.
An unpopular opinion: in all honesty, i don't really known enough about fandom opinions to know what is popular and what isn't. i love cersei? i guess that's probably pretty unpopular in most circles?
My Non-canon OTP: mm. i mean. i don't know because, for someone who is a massive romantic, i pretty much need to be spoonfed ships so i don't have a ton of non-canon ones. i guess maybe jaqen and an older version of arya...? and that's mostly because i love jaqen lmao.
Most Badass Character: so many to choose from, but tywin is the first one to come to mind
Most Epic Villain: see above answer lol see what i mean about loving the lannisters
Pairing I am not a fan of: jon/sansa
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): i feel like... you could choose almost any character from s8, but i'm going to say tyrion because he suddenly became the world's biggest dumbass.
Favourite Friendship: oouuughh. i'd say either tyrion and varys or arya and the hound.
Character I most identify with: to the surprise of no one, tyrion.
Character I wish I could be: god, literally none of them. i guess samwell, if i had to choose? it'd be cool to go to The Citadel. also jon would literally protect me with his life and, lbr, i'd need that in this universe.
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julie-finlay · 5 months
asofai for the ask game
ooooh thank you! <3
otp: Jaime/Brienne make my heart sing
favourite canon pairing: Jaime/Cersei. and noooope this does not contradict the previous answer :')
worst pairing ever: Stannis / what D&D did to him in s5. yes I know it's meant to be one of the few things GRRM confirmed, but until it happens on the page (so never) it will not happen in my heart.
guilty pleasure pairing: Oberyn/me, sorry Ellaria but I know you would support us
a pairing you want to see more: hmmm any of the ones that don't get enough time for Death Reasons, but probably jon/ygritte
that pairing everyone likes but you’re like “lol no”: there's nothing offensive about Sam/Gilly, but every now and then out of nowhere I remember the "fat pink mast" chapter and nooo thank you.
favorite non-romantic pair: lots and lots and lots. davos/stannis, dany/jorah, asha/aly, brienne/pod, dany/ser barristan, cersei/losing her tenuous grip on the last remnants of sanity.
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thank-god-and-you · 28 days
Maybe warm soup & Jorleesi, if you are up for it :)
Rating: K+
Genre: Romance/Family
Character(s)/Relationship(s): Jorah Mormont, Daenerys Targaryen; Dany/Jorah
Summary: "But that’s the thing with words and magic, isn’t it? There’s power in it. And that’s what’s happened. The power of words has turned prophetic."
Warnings: None.
Link here on FFN and here on AO3.
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moonflower91 · 2 years
You probably have answered an ask like this before, but what are your ASOIAF OTPs and NOTPs?
My OTPs for ASOIAF are kinda…limited haha but they are: Jon/Sansa, Helaena/Aemond, Rhaenyra/Alicent, Alicent/Criston Cole, Alicent/happiness
My NOTPs are Petyr/Sansa, Sandor/Sansa, Daenerys/Jon, Jorah/Daenerys, Arya/Jon, Tyrion/anyone, Viserys I/happiness, Aemond/Any Strong Boy, Daemon/Rhaenyra, and last and most controversial….Harwin/Rhaenyra
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kara-night-light · 2 years
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Lalalala I am ignoring the break up for now and posting this!
1. Sarah would slap Jordan in the face for stupid decisions (of course it won’t hurt him but yk) And Jordan would never dare slap Sarah
2. Sarah 100%
3. Jordan 
4. It’s Sarah both ways. She’s grumpy and irritable but Jordan finds it adorable.
5. Sarah 
6. Sarah
7. Sarah 
8. Jordan all the way.
9. Jordan makes Sarah blush a LOT and finds it adorable.
10. Tbh they hug eachother from behind a lot. Although its normally Jordan cause he can actually see over Sarah’s head.
11. Jordan, Sarah finds it adorable
12. Jordan makes Sarah coffee.
13. tbh idk 
14. Jordan 100% 
15. Sarah curses all the time and Jordan reprimands her for it
16. Sarah makes Jordan laugh 
17. Jordan 
18. Jordan closest to the door in case he needs to fly out at night and Sarah is honestly all over the place. She never stays on her side of the bed.
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@salzrand​ - <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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ladysansalannister · 3 years
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