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the-best-bagel · 2 months
i wanna read oniisamae again
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asnowperson · 10 months
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I finally picked up the first Episode volume of Berubara from my shelf the other day, and this one scene was enough to remind me why I love Oscar(-sama) and André. They've just met a beautiful noble lady (who André promised to marry when they were like 6... which is not the brightest plot idea, but that's not why I'm here), and they are cutely arguing about whether the lady was fixing her gaze on André or Oscar.
André: Let's have it your way. But no matter which lady looks at me, the one I will look at will only be you, Oscar.
Normally, such a line would make me cringe, but I squeal when I see André say it. Because I know that he means what he says, and it is objectively true. I can feel the passion in that final "Oscar" he almost uses as punctuation. I also like how Oscar doesn't blush like your basic shoujo girl at André's corny flattery. That smug, confident look on her face following her initial shock is what makes me love her so much. Her face says "I know." Their love is so beautiful. 😍
I wish I didn't get myself into another Eroica hell and could read the rest, but you will have to wait yet again, Oscar-sama.
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nescaveckdaily · 2 days
Naked and Afraid
Naked and afraid, thats how I feel standing here in front of you
Afraid you will see that my heart is beaten purple and blue
I feel so exposed
And I haven't taken off a single piece of my clothes
The way you look at me
What I'm supposed to just let it be
I can't help but to break the eye connection and look down
I feel like a damn fool, a clown
You say you understand
But I find myself in this unknown land
A land off where you love me despite
Of my scar's, my brokenness and every now and again I think you wanna stay, you just might
It's like I'm drowning in your soul
And as soon as I start overanalyzing, overthinking, figuring out all the 'not so real' pieces, I'm left standing there like a fool.
Please just tell me, how could this world be so damn cruel.
I've finally found someone who loves me, but I can't see past the trauma's
I've basically been an actress my whole life , hand me an Oscar or a Sama
I never let my guard down, that will place a target on my back
I'm too, too messy, too clean, too busy, too much or just a slack
See all these words in my memories of past mistakes, and broken promises, just won't let me give in
Here's the thing
I love you, I really do,
But how can I believe you love me too
I have been called so many things, but "I'm your everything has never been one"
You treat me like I'm royalty, even handing me a shiny crown
But I know someday you'll leave me standing alone
And I'll be left picking up the pieces of my heart you've thrown.
So please excuse me for being naked and afraid
But I'll spend the night
But leave my soul and heart out of it.
I really do love you,
But you haven't got a clue
How my poor heart has been beaten up
So sorry for shutting you out.
I love you, really I do
I'm just not sure if I can trust you,
When you say you love me too.
- Nesca van Eck
- 4 June 2023
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asumictransl · 2 years
Asumi Rio Rose of Versailles 50th Anniversary Interview
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The Berubara heaven-sent child, Asumi Rio speaks
(translation on 11/07/22) From 25ans October 2022 interview below the cut
Asumi appeared inside the studio with an otherworldly, pure beauty, as if an angel had descended onto this world. However, as soon as she changed into an all-white Etro look, there was a sudden transformation into a dignified appearance much like that of Oscar-sama, then in a blink of an eye, another switch occurred, and all the staff with no words prostrated themselves before her.
Asumi, was your first Berubara the manga? Or was it the Takarazuka staging?
“For some reason, the manga was in my elementary school’s library. When I read it, my impression was first and foremost, Ikeda Riyoko’s amazing art; full of dresses, roses, and military uniforms, it's packed with every girl’s dream. I thought it was so amazing.”
So it was a fateful meeting in elementary school! Berubara has many charming characters that appear inside of it, but who are you most attracted to?
“I like Andre. Isn’t he the best? Always full of love quietly watching over this singular girl, it’s so lovely. In the end, despite losing one of his eyes, he still charges into war with Oscar, it was just... (Overcome with emotion). As for another role I have played, Oscar and I have quite different personalities, she’s thinking of her city and France, always questioning if her actions are right or wrong. She lives at a fast pace. She’s compassionate, devoted to her sense of righteousness, and more gallant than any man. Furthermore, she has both that of a maiden’s mind and a masculine firmness to her, playing her requires a lot of energy. In the passionate love story that is Fersen and Marie Antoinette, I played Fersen whose feelings towards the Queen lay right at the center. During these events, Marie knew of Louis the 16th’s love, as well as nurturing a love for her children, on one hand, she had grown as a queen throughout this, but even when she resolved to enter the guillotine, Fersen had come and said to her, “I have come to pick up your Majesty,” this showed how he fundamentally had not changed. An unrelenting perfectionist, archetypal lover boy who's filled with an unchanging passion, he was a role that had a high hurdle to jump over to play him stylishly. Another role, Bernard, after having played both Oscar and Andre, this allowed me to play with a deepened understanding of the city and the guard, so it was really fun.”
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What was the most impactful moment?
“In The Rose of Versailles, the lighting, the sound effects, the gazes, the script, all the cogs work together perfectly, it's like it's all a single work of art. That’s why picking just one is hard, but if I have to choose, the Bastille. But it's hard to just ignore that scene with Marie and Fersen in the prison. In the Bastille, when Oscar charged into war after Andre died, that intense choreography with the subtle nuances and emotions that the choreographer taught us, really was created with everyone in mind. Oscar was struck! ‘Are you no longer here?!’ ‘Are you surrendering?!’ (Asumi doing a reenactment alone...) Oh gosh, I'm going to cry. There's no room for error in the production, all the drama of characters appearing concentrated in that scene, it still gives me goosebumps. As for songs, I like Andre’s “Shirobara no Hito”! Asakaze ni♪ (Asumi who starts singing). For finale numbers, I like the rockette. (While singing the French national anthem) Tatata tan tan tan taan! And then instantly the lights flash on and everything lights up all glamorously. As for something I appeared in, the bolero duet, simply because it’s simple is what made it difficult, so I remember it vividly.”
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Remaining immortal from now and forever on, the fruit of love from the creator and performers.
Actually standing on that stage, did you end up experiencing any hardships?
“Maybe the ‘Kata* (forms)’? When I starred in the Rose of Versailles, I was incredibly lucky to have Haruna Yuri come and provide some acting guidance. She taught us every single move. At the start, precisely because we had always done more natural acting, jumping into ‘kata’ was extremely difficult, but that said form worked with the time period’s landscape and music, the set, and the scale of it all matched the scale of emotions. When this all came together, it became something I would really look forward to seeing. My mood would really improve, naturally being able to move into that ‘kata.’ Natural acting wasn’t enough for this. Not until overcoming this did I understand adding this little extra flair to the aura of the role I’m embodying on the stage. In the “Koyoi Ichiya” part’s (the famous love scene between Oscar and Andre the night before they go to war) posing as well, Haruna said that the beautiful point of this pose’s posture was the sheer pain of it, but it was all in the angles of the posing that made it all beautiful. That’s why the poster photoshoot for “Koyoi Ichiya” ended up completely different than the actual stage version of “Koyoi Ichiya,” since the countless experiences built up changed it completely.
(*According to Nipponia, kata is the stylized movements seen in Kabuki theater, passed down through generations, usually things such as poses and gestures)
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So, the tradition of ‘Kata’ that the late Kabuki actor and even movie star Hasegawa Kazuo provided guidance on for Haruna, the first actress to play Oscar, passed through generations and was inherited by Asumi. Asumi, if you were to star in Berubara now, what role would you want to play?
“I just want to try the scene where Oscar appears in front of Fersen in a dress. It’s tough because Oscar is a tomboy and in other scenes, she’s always fighting (laughs). Prior, I saw in the news that the dress from this scene in the manga was produced, it was so beautiful... That singular dress that she wore, it’s amazing. In Takarazuka, because Oscar tends to be drawn-up maidenesque, the costumes including the mantle are girls’, so they are light and silky, which is a minor point of interest of mine I get really excited about (laughs). I loved the costume with the mantle and light blue military uniform with the pink sash.”
Oscar’s dress will be up for display at the 50th-anniversary exhibition, so it’s a must-see.
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“Oscar really has a uniquely special existence, doesn’t she? There’s a line Oscar says, ‘Ahh, God, why did you take this life away to such a far-away, foreign country, after having such a knot tied of us 3 up here on this French soil...!’, but under the French Revolution, really everyone is living such tumultuous lives, and all of it gets tangled together. Events that romantic wouldn’t happen in my own life. But just as much as the characters of this story, I learned about cherishing what binds us together as people, as well as having to keep things such as love and trust with you throughout your life. Ikeda-Sensei drawing this at such an age without even going to France, I find myself asking what the heck was going on inside her head (while looking at the manga). The coloring is amazing! I can’t stop looking anymore (laughs).”
Berubara draws a picture of the 18th-century French royal court’s exceedingly lavish dress and lifestyle, do you dream or yearn for such a culture yourself? “To an extent I do, because I’m a girl (laughs), after all, I like that dressed-up style with incredible corsetry, I want to imitate it.”
To finish off, with the Rose of Versailles in its 50th year, what do you think the reason is that people continue to love it so much? “I think the number one reason is the art of the manga’s eternal beauty and the unique drama and story of it all. Then as for the Takarazuka version, wouldn’t it be those feelings and fruits of love of the creators and performers throughout history all becoming one piece of history? I also want to go and reread the manga once more, I’m sure the points you can empathize with and your favorite character change depending on your age and what you’ve experienced. I think The Rose of Versailles will forever be immortal, so I want to enjoy it with everyone going forward as well.”
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f0point5 · 2 months
Sama anon again x2 lol
I’m meant it’s clear about meeting, but is she being dramatic just to be difficult? Or did it really piss her of soo much?
Am I sensing a bit of a ego?
Well she is kind of a bit annoyed that she was basically told her hanging out with Oscar and Lily (and Logan, who is basically confirmed to have a gf) is bad for business because it looks like she doesn’t like to spend time with Lando…and then Lando is driving around with the girl who was giving him bad press in the first place. It’s a double standard. But then, Laura is right in the sense that Y/N is the one who has been hired, so it’s not really the same. I think the situation is just weighing on her and she’s kind of regretting the whole thing.
As for…other reasons…it’s not ego. It’s more…you’ll see
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Hi I guess I'm in my weeb era now because getting a crunchyroll subscription to watch rwby last year ended up with me keeping it and finally getting into anime. One of my favorite parts about having been a rwby fan first is that I truly can not unhear Aaron Dismuke's voice as Oscar and it's always hilarious because of how out of Oscar's character they are
I spent my weekend binge watching Kaguya-sama Love Is War, Aaron voices the male lead, and currently he's rapping and just said "Ya know what I wanna say? F*** that!" Which, honestly at this point Oscar should also get to say that to like, at least 5 people/gods. Oscar, diss track when?
(same goes for like Winter's va and Ilia's va who I can almost always pick out immediately, but those two I also hear as their Persona 5 characters and usually the characters they voice aren't quite as hilariously contrasting as Oscar vs whatever else I hear Aaron in)
((also I'm like middle of season 3 for kaguya-sama so no spoilers))
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itsukismoon · 7 months
Past story - Chapter 2 (Oscar)
— Cooking and Heart —
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>> chapter 3
The servants at the mansion, especially the cook, must have secretly looked down on us, a commoner mother and her son.
Now that I think about it, this was clearly reflected in the taste of the food.
Cook: Tsk, they’re really commoners… they can’t even distinguish between delicate tastes.
Perhaps irritated by my emotionless response, the cook spat under his breath and turned his attention to the boy who was standing next to him.
Cook: Hey, Minato! Go was the dishes!
Minato: Yes!
Minato was about five or six years older than me, who was seven years old at the time, and he was a boy that my mother had hired as a servant.
Due to his lack of skills, the aspiring chef was forced to do chores instead of cooking.
If the food prepared by a chef who claimed to be top-notch was at that level, the food Minato made was probably not something I could eat.
At the time, I just vaguely thought so.
Oscar: I’m thirsty…
I woke up in the middle of the night and quietly got out of bed.
As I walked down the hall to get some water, I noticed a light shining through the crack in the door leading to the kitchen.
Oscar: (I wonder what it is…?)
Minato: Oop… Yes, perfect!
Minato’s back was standing alone in the kitchen.
After putting back the frying pan as if he was used to it, he carefully transferred what he cooked to the cutting board.
Oscar: (Is this scent… eggs? I wonder what he’s making.)
Just smelling the scent made the pit of my stomach hurt… But I was attracted to it because it was somehow different from anything I had ever seen before.
Before I knew it, I has stepped into the kitchen.
Oscar: Minato, what is that?
Minato: Uwahh! What a scare… Oscar-sama, were you still awake?
Oscar: I woke up feeling thirsty.
Minato: Ah, is that so.
Minato: Ah… Uhm, I’m sorry for using the kitchen without permission!
Oscar: More importantly, is that dish done?
Minato: Huh…? Yes, all that’s left to do is cut it.
Oscar: I would like to eat it.
Minato: Eh, no way! It’s not something that would suit Oscar’s mouth!
Oscar: It smells very nice. I’d like to try it, if possible.
Minato: …..Alright. It’s just home cooking, I don’t know if Oscar-sama will like it…
Minato was confused, but he cut up the food and placed it in front of me.
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anna-neko · 5 months
Dollfie Memorial 25th Year - The Best Selection!
Volks polls for ya fav Resin Dolls to be considered for a possible re-release are open!
so if you want Mana-sama in dollfie form to be back.... now is the time to make that heard! or Rapunzel....or Lady Oscar....
And yes, gorgeous outfit sets are part of the poll. This one is a bit harder to narrow down to just 3 favs
Vote once per day
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gxtzeizm · 3 months
OMAIGOD HAI HAYA!!!!!!!!!!! one of my beloved malaysian mutuals in tumblr (okay ngl tho it's really hard to me at to find malaysian tumblrinas at first....but now seeing there are a number of malaysian f1blrinas here it really gives me a joy here 🥰🥰)....also my beloved johorean as well (weyhhhhh serious aku teringin nak jumpa kau tho dah lah kita dua ni duduk area sama tapi tu laa you pun tak selalu sangat balik johor sekarang ni sebab sambung study kat u 😭😭)....well anyways, i really love your existence here in this site, like the whole thing....love to see you on my dash and also i truly love to talk to you and yapping about everything especially when it comes to yuki, lando and oscar as well <3333....not only that, you're such a very kind person ever i hope that you're always getting lots of love from everyone who surrounds you, not matter where you are ❤️❤️❤️
iz's love letters to you 💌💌💌
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anime-fl-competition · 2 months
Here is a tentative list of the girls nominated for best anime FL! I might start the first set (I’ll be doing it in sets of 50) today or tomorrow!
1. Nene Yashiro from Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun
2. Suletta Mercury from Mobile Suit Gundam Witch from Mercury
3. Haruhi Suzumiya (from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya)
4. Katarina Claes (My Next Life as a Villainess)
5. Madoka Kaname from Puella Magi Madoka Magica
6. Yona from Yona of the Dawn/Akatsuki no Yona
7. Utena Tenjou from Revolutionary Girl Utena
8. Chiyo Sakura from Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun
9. Clara - Welcome to Demon School Iruma-Kun
10. Michiko Milandra from Michiko and Hatchin
11. Kaguya - The Tale of the Princess Kaguya
12. Jolyne kujo (jojo's bizarre adventure)
13. Arietty - The Secret World of Arietty
14. Yuko Ichihara (xxx holic by clamp)
15. Anthy - Revolutionary Girl Utena
16. Vivy - Vivy: Fluorite Eye's Song
17. Ahiru/Duck from Princess Tutu
18. Touko Nanami - Bloom Into You
19. Akko - Little Witch Academia
20. Coco from Witch Hat Atelier
21. Tohru Honda - Fruits Basket
22. Usagi Tsukino, Sailor Moon
23. Ryuko Matoi (Kill la Kill)
24. Sakura - Cardcaptor Sakura
25. Hina - Weathering With You
26. Oscar (Rose of Versailles)
27. Sorawo - Otherside Picnic
28. Aurora - Sleepy Princess
29. Chihaya from Chihayafuru
30. Maka Albarn (Soul Eater)
31. Hana - Tokyo Godfathers
32. Shouko - A Silent Voice
33. Nobara - Jujutsu Kaisen
34. Chihiro - Spirited Away
35. Abby - Great Pretender
36. Mirai - Mirai no Mirai
37. Hana - Wolf Children
38. Anya - Spy x Family
39. Mizuho - Sonny Boy
40. Hiyori - Noragami
41. Emilia - Re:Zero
42. Casca - Berserk
43. Lucy Heartfilia, Fairy Tail
44. Ponyo - Ponyo
45. Yor Forger, Spy X Family
46. Nikaido, Dorohedoro
47. Noi, Dorohedoro
48. Nezuko, Demon Slayer
49. Kurisu Makise, Steins;Gate
50. Rachel Gardner, Angels of Death
51. Swindler, Akudama Drive
52. Power, Chainsaw Man
53. Emma, The Promised Neverland
54. Akane Tsunemori, Psycho Pass
55. Suzume Iwato, Suzume
56. Maquia, Maquia
57. Mima Kirigoe, Perfect Blue
58. Tome, Mob Psycho 100
59. Winry Rockbell, Fullmetal Alchemist
60. Riza Hawkeye, Fullmetal Alchemist
61. Celty, Durarara
62. Nina Fortner, Monster
63. Faye Valentine, Cowboy Bebop
64. Fuu, Samurai Champloo
65. Carole, Carole and Tuesday
66. Tuesday, Carole and Tuesday
67. Kayo Hinazuki, Erased
68. Koharu Hondomachi, ID Invaded
69. Alice, Pandora Hearts
70. Nausicaa
71. San, Princess Mononoke
72. Sophie Hatter, Howl’s Moving Castle
73. Sheeta, Castle in the Sky
74. Shizuku Tsukishima, Whisper of the Heart
75. Kiki, Kiki’s Delivery Service
76. Emilico, Shadows House
77. Mitsumi, Skip and Loafer
78. Ryougi Shiki, Garden of Sinners
79. Shizuku, My Little Monster
80. Violet Evergarden
81. Kaguya, Kaguya Sama
82. Touka, Tokyo Ghoul
83. Nana, Talentless Nana
84. Haruhi Fujioka, OHSHC
85. Sagiri, Hell’s Paradise
86. Re-L Mayer, Ergo Proxy
87. Eru, Hyouka
88. Chise, Ancient Magus Bride
89. Frieren, Sousou no Frieren
90. Maomao, Apothecary Diaries
91. Misaki, Maid Sama
92. Chiyuki, Death Parade
93. Falin Touden
94. Marcille
95. Hotaru, A Condition Called Love
96. Aya, Undead Girl Murder Farce
97. Yuki, A Sign of Affection
98. Hibari Ozora (Stop!! Hibari-kun!)
99. Saya Otonashi (Blood+)
100. Hitomi Kanzaki (The vision of Escaflowne)
101. Kokomine Cocona (Flip Flappers)
102. Misaki Mei (Another)
103. Chika Takami (Love Live! Sunshine!!)
104. Kaede Kayano (Assassination Classroom)
105. Sakura Minamoto (Zombie Land Saga)
106. Hitori Gotoh (Bocchi the Rock!)
107. Neko Musume (Gegege no Kitaro)
108. Chisato Nishikigi (Lycoris Recoil),
109. Yuki Cross, Vampire Knight
110. Guideau, The witch and the beast
111. Chateau, Love of Kill
112. Kaori, Your Lie in April
113. Shizuka Mikazuki, Zom 100
114. Kyouko Hori, Horimiya
115. Riko, Made in Abyss
116. Motoko Kusanagi, Ghost in the Shell
117. Kuroki Tomoko, WataMote
118. Holo, Spice and Wolf
119. Miyo, My Happy Marriage
120. Sawako, Kimi ni Todoke
121. Lucy, Cyberpunk Edgerunners
122. Kokomi Teruhashi, Disastrous Life of Saiki K
123. Asuka, NGE
124. Rei, NGE
125. Yumeko Jabami, Kakegarui
126. Retsuko, Aggretsuko
127. Haru, Beastars
128. Rae Taylor, I’m in love with the villainess
129. Haru, My Roommate is a Cat
130. Rea, Sankarea
131. Fujiko Mine, Lupin the Third
132. Revy, Black Lagoon
133. Sarasa Watanabe, Kageki Shoujo!!
134. Midori Asakusa, Keep your hands off Eizoken!
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cuiizhu · 2 months
Helios Rising Heroes - Sing in the Darkness 3
Chapter 25:
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Female Citizen E: Kyaaa—! Stop it, stay away…..!
Male Citizen G: What is that…..!
Male Citizen H: IT’S A MONSTER! SAVE US…!
Female Citizen F: What on earth is happening to New Million !?
Oscar: Brad-sama….what in the world—
Brad: I don’t know. If this is the work of Eclipse… or the result of Substance….
Brad: In any case, the situation has suddenly changed. All the citizens have been distracted and confused by it. 
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Brad: Now it’s our turn to do our job as heroes. Protect the citizens from harm!
Oscar: Yes sir!
Oscar: [speeds off]
Akira: Hell yeah! If we’re dealing with a monster, we don’t have to hold back on using our powers, right? 
Will: I-I wonder about that…? Anyways, I haven’t fully grasped the situation, but for now let’s protect the citizens! 
Akira: Yeah!
Male Citizen J: Th-thank god… the monster doesn’t seem to be following us…u-UOH!? 
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[Eclipse mobs shoot]
Female Citizen G: This is bad! Now it’s Eclipse…!
Female Citizen H: There’s more over there! What should we do, there’s nowhere to run!
Female Citizen H: No more! What in the world is going on!?
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Masked Man A: Hey, oi….isn’t that the Savior?
Masked Man B: Eeh? What are you talking about…that kind of monster is….
Masked Man B: I-it’s true! That’s the Savior! But, why…..
Masked Man A: He must have come to help us! It’s definitely so! He is the Savior, after all!?
Masked Man B: OI–! Dear Savior! Over here, over here!
[Licht lifts the men up]
Masked Men: Uwaah!? 
Licht: …………
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Masked Man B: D-dear Savior…..?
Masked Man A: We are allies of Thonis! We believe in salvation…and in you, Dear Savior! Please help us! 
Licht: ….. Worthless pests…..
Masked Man A: Dear Savior!? Please wait, dear Savior….!
[Eclipse fires another shot]
Masked Man B: Hiie!?
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Masked Man B: I-It’s too late to escape….!
Masked Man A: Dear Savior…..why…..!
Masked Man B: S-save us….please! Someone, anyone….help us—
Jay: Haaaah…!
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codegeassfacts · 2 years
Code Geass Bokura No Hibis 5 & 6 // Novels // Non canon
Here is the second set of Bokura No Hibis novels ; For more information about those, Check the post For Bokura no Hibi 1 & 2, right below (Check the others stories as well !)
Bokura no Hibi 1 & 2
Bokura no Hibi 3 & 4
Bokura no Hibi 5 : 5th period of time
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Nina: Euphemia-sama... Euphemia-sama remembered me. Even, even though I was there together with her for only a fleeting moment.
Not only that, oh, what a wonderful ring it has to it. "She is my friend!" My friend... my friend... I'll burn it into my memory and replay it for another hundred million times. Friend... yes, that's why she allowed me into her room in the palace... and even went so far as to lend me her clothes... I must have them dry-cleaned and returned to her! But... I don't want to return them. Oh, but when I do I might be able to meet her again!
What am I saying... there's no way someone like me will get to meet her again...
... Still, this gossip article right here. It says that Eleven might be Euphemia-sama's lover. What a horrid thing to say... I've never heard of anything more slanderous! But if it is true... Oh, this photo of the both of them really gets on my nerves. Ah, there's a marker over here. *Kyu, kyu, kyu, kyu.* (Sound of someone writing with a marker)
*Kyukyukyu. Kyukyukyukyukyu.*
*Sound of door opening*
Suzaku: Oh...? You're the only one here today?
Nina: ...! ...Eeek!!
Suzaku: I-I'm sorry. Um, I'm just here to get the report. I'll be out in a second.
Nina: Ah, wai...
Suzaku: Hmm? You want me to wait?
Nina: I...
Suzaku: There's something you'd like to ask me? What is it?
Nina: Eu...
Suzaku: ...About Princess Euphemia?
Nina: ...
Suzaku: I'm sorry, did I get you wrong?
Nina: ...
Suzaku: I got it right, but you're angry anyway?
Nina: A-are you two lovers?
Suzaku: I'm her Knight, Her Highness's loyal Knight. The rumours just won't leave it at that, however. I swore fealty to Her Highness, from the bottom of my heart, and...
Nina: Do you... meet her everyday?
Suzaku: Well, yes...
Nina: ... I see.
Her friend, her friend... I am Euphemia-sama's friend...
Suzaku: Say, are you not feeling well? You alright?
Nina: Friends and lovers... which are more important to you?
Suzaku: What's this, all of a sudden...? Friends and lovers -- can you really place any one of them above the other?
Nina: Lelouch is your friend, right?
Suzaku: Yes, and a very important one at that... But if you're asking me to choose between Lelouch and Euphemia-sama, I can't do it.
Nina: ... You said Euphemia-sama.... I knew it...!
Suzaku: Ah, dam-- I mean, I was just going with the flow of the conversation!
Nina: ....
Suzaku: Um, I'll be off now! Hey, scissors are difficult to use with that backhand grip, yeah? Later!
Bokura no Hibi 6 : 6th period of time
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Kallen: Ugh, not again. These days no matter where I go all I hear about is the Haunted House. God, this is the worst.
That was a really enthusiastic performance; amazing! Even if you say that I'm not happy to hear it. And it's all because there was an idiot going around saying things like "If you're talking about the role of the monster, we've got just the right person for it" and recommending me to everyone else in advance.
That's right, it's all his... Ah, THERE HE IS!
Hold up, Lelouch!
Lelouch: What's up, Oscar Queen? (T/N: The literal translation is "Famous actress")
Kallen: Guh... you put all sorts of baseless ideas into the heads of our classmates, didn't you.
Lelouch: All I did was convey my justified assessment based on my objective observations.
Kallen: And just which part of me did you observe to come up with the assessment that I'm "A woman born to be a plaster wall"? I'm offended!
Lelouch: There, that part, you see. That brash part of you as well.
Kallen: ... I-I'd rather you not say disrespectful things like that. (T/N: She suddenly realized she's dropped her "Good girl" image and changed to a more gentle tone)
Lelouch: I'm sure everyone's happy to have seen a new side of you. They're saying that you're a lot more friendly and approachable than they originally thought.
Kallen: Really now. Seems to me that nobody's delighted and I'm only being embarrassed here.
Lelouch: Certainly not. According to my survey, your Worshipability Rating dropped 3 points because of your latest activity, but in return there have been drastic increases in your Familiarity Rating, Comical Rating and your "I want to be bullied by her" Rating, all of which adds up to an 18 point increase for your overall Likability Rating.
Kallen: Wait, what sort of survey is that?
Lelouch: Yes, there are indeed no mistakes in my production. (T/N: He means "produce" the same way we say produce a movie; also see the J-drama "Nobuto wo Produce")
Kallen: Don't decide things on your own--!
Lelouch: Oh? Kallen-san, you're a lot more robust than I thought. (T/N: He's teasing her because of her sudden unlady-like outburst)
Kallen: ... I'd like you to not decide things on your own, please. (T/N: Back to frail, polite Kallen)
Lelouch: I am most certainly a lucky guy to be able to hear the Idol of the Academy talk to me in such an informal and friendly manner.
Kallen: Stop kidding me. It's not like I want to be well-liked or even stand out among the rest. I'm happy here in this school as long as I can pass my time in peace and quiet.
Lelouch: And yet it seems that you've become rather accustomed to it.
Kallen: Just leave it.
Lelouch: Kallen, is that really okay?
Kallen: ... what is?
Lelouch: There's someone who would be delighted to have you well-liked by the people around you, isn't there? (T/N: Her mother)
Kallen: Well... wait, this conversation is going too far. What do you know about me? (T/N: She's suddenly suspicious because he sounds like he knows more than he's letting on)
Lelouch: Nothing at all. This is just something from my own experience.
Kallen: Nunnally?
Lelouch: Maybe.
Kallen: Hmm... I understand what you're getting at. However, I'll think about things like that myself. Don't decide things on your own, okay?
Lelouch: Understood. By the way, for the upcoming Sports Day there will be a "Costume-wearing Bread-eating Obstacle Race; fall and you'll end up in mud" event; may I put up your name for it?
Kallen: Y-you didn't understand a thing I said!
Translation by our Translation Queen, Celiss Galvea
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fivekrystalpetals · 1 year
Seems like I was needlessly worried about Ada; who knew she had the power of god and witchcraft on her side (✿◡‿◡)
okay but the whole sequence was downright hilarious like—
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they should be in a romantic comedy; the amount of misunderstanding between them *facepalm*
Vincent's thoughts, as always, are down the gutter, the sewer rat that he is,,, whereas poor Ada took his words in a literal sense and decided to lay bare 'the real her' lmaoo
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again, second misunderstanding here: Vincent assumes she 'brings a lot of boys home' and thaaat's the reason Uncle got her a secondary residence...
whereas, the real reason probably is— both dad and uncle must have lost their sleep over all the occult stuff their teenage kid was obsessed with (yk how teenage girls are, once they are obsessed with something, they are simply unstoppable). I am guessing she must have brought home her friends from her school's Occult Fan Club, probs even done some hexing, black magic, voodoo stuff right inside one of the main rooms, one night—and the adult men got scared shit out of their pants hahaha
That's most probs the actual reason why she was forbidden to enter the main building, rather forbidden to bring that kind of stuff into the main building. Uncle got Ada her own little sanctuary for her occult collection, the kind of power she has ᕦ(ò_óˇ)
Third misunderstanding: after a long misogynist monologue courtesy Vincent-sama (all women are foolish, feeble, frivolous etc. etc.), we get to this scene. I had assumed it was Vincent who introduced himself to Ada to get at Uncle Oscar. Maybe, it is so.
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But assuming it was Ada who introduced herself, I have a better explanation why she would do that rather than 'wanting to share his bed' as Vincent immediately assumes.
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She just wanted to get close to him so she could 'passionately discuss' her obsession with him!! She assumed that he was a high-society closeted fanboy just like her ahfsjjshhaha
moral of the story: rather than saying Vincent should have been clearer with his intent, it's more like— Vincent should have clarified what he was getting into before entering a fangirl's cave;
in the end, it was not a hero or a villain, but a fangirl that KO'ed this piece of shit, serves him right
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manijardi · 5 months
My last drawing of 2023 was dedicated to my girl husband Oscar-sama.
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Her birthday was on December 25 and luckily I remembered I had a wip to finish and post!
I'm so happy with how it turned out! 🩷 Just try to imagine the Bastille in the background lol I got lazy
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leo-nesebjorn · 6 months
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Happy Birthday Oscar-sama 💜
(Just a quick piece, because I dawdled too much the last few days 😭🫶)
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