#Per me si va ne l'etterno dolore
piedude · 1 year
Welcome new followers!
To hell 😐
To celebrate the sudden deluge of new followers I’ve received in the past ~24 hours (almost 10% of which are real people, which is unprecedented!), I’m going to subject you all to a gauntlet of Swiftposting. The strong and cultured will survive, the shameful and pathetic will unfollow.
🧨💥🎈🎇💖Welcome to the motherfucking pit💖🎇🎈💥🧨
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kikiandclouds · 4 months
Halo! I saw the boy and the Heron today and it was amazing!
Not big spoiler but I haven't seen anyone talking about the Dante's Divina Commedia reference, and since in this household we don't gatekeep symbolism here some stuff (I didn't put too much effort on it, just what I recall from highschool, but if you're curious you can search about it ;)
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When Mahito and Kiriko follow the heron inside the tower, we see them enter from this door. On top of it, is written "facemi la divina potestate (I've been made by the divine father=god), and this is a part of the quote written on the hell's gate in the third canto of Inferno:
"Per me si va ne la città dolente,
per me si va ne l'etterno dolore,
per me si va tra la perduta gente.
Giustizia mosse il mio alto fattore;
Facemi la divina potestate,
la somma sapienza e 'l primo amore.
Dinanzi a me non fuor cose create
se non etterne, e io etterno duro.
Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'intrate".
Here's the English translation:
"Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
Created me divine Omnipotence,
The highest Wisdom and the primal Love.
Before me there were no created things,
Only eterne, and I eternal last.
All hope abandon, ye who enter in!"
I don't wanna spoiler anything, so I'm just gonna leave it here for those who are curious and noticed this little detail but didn't know where it came from ;)
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persephoneflouwers · 2 years
Harry in Inferno - Canto III
I was talking to the ladies in my gc yesterday night. It was not a very optimistic moment and I said “sometimes I think Dante would have put Harry among ignavi”. One of them replied “yeah, weren’t ignavi the ones who were forced to run after a flag or something?” The word flag triggered my brain instantly. So here I am, 2 rewatches of golden and lights up and a reread of the iconic Canto III of the divina commedia later.
I’m gonna leave the text in original language (translation on the right) and just have fun with words. I like the upcoming parallels, as useless and pointless as they are lol. I’m not trying to decode anything. Let’s pretend this is just the way I would teach Dante to my kids, if I were a high school teacher. Just say the word Harry and you got their attention for an hour. Okay, so.
Canto III: the scene opens with the most emblematic words in the Italian literature. Not kidding! EVERYONE knows them.
Per me si va ne la città dolente, «Through me the way is to the city dolent»
per me si va ne l'etterno dolore, «Through me the way is to eternal dole»
per me si va tra la perduta gente «Through me the way among the people lost.»
Giustizia mosse il mio alto fattore: «Justice incited my sublime Creator»
fecemi la divina podestate «Created me divine Omnipotence,»
la somma sapienza e 'l primo amore. «The highest Wisdom and the primal Love.»
Dinanzi a me non fuor cose create «Before me there were no created things,»
se non etterne, e io etterno duro. «Only eterne, and I eternal last.»
Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate". «All hope abandon, ye who enter in!"»
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Dante is reading this message written on Hell’s door. It’s a warning to whoever comes in to leave all their human expectations outside this realm. The journey is about to get rough and the things they will see there are the worst that people can experience.
I thought of the previous parallels Harry x Persephone immediately.The myth was kind of pessimistic; Persephone can’t leave the Underworld because of the consequences of her actions (eating 6 seeds of pomegranate), but Dante’s journey is a discovery journey. He is travelling through hell, describing what he sees and how he feels (Dante cries and passes out A LOT during the journey), but the ultimate reason behind his trip is to enter Heaven, where he will meet Perfection, Love and Eternity. Also his muse, Beatrice, is waiting for him.
Quivi sospiri, pianti e alti guai «There sighs, complaints, and ululations loud»
risonavan per l'aere sanza stelle, «Resounded through the air without a star,»
Per ch’io al cominciar ne lagrimai, «Whence I, at the beginning, wept thereat.»
Diverse lingue, orribili favelle, «Languages diverse, horrible dialects,»
parole di dolore, accenti d'ira, «Accents of anger, words of agony,»
voci alte e fioche, e suon di man con elle, «And voices high and hoarse, with sound of hands,»
facevano un tumulto, il qual s'aggira «Made up a tumult that goes whirling on»
sempre in quell’aura senza tempo tinta, «For ever in that air for ever black,»
come la rena quando turbo spira. «Even as the sand doth, when the whirlwind breathes.»
Dante enters Hell. He calls it “aura senza tempo” to give the idea of something that it’s meant to last forever. It’s dark like a starless night. You somehow can sense this because anything looks timeless, foggy and not meant for the human eyes to see. The souls’ pain is endless, it goes on and on non stop forever.
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Dante meets the damned souls for the first time. They are screaming, cursing, in agony. He feels their sorrow and starts crying out of compassion.
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Ed elli a me: "Questo misero modo «And he to me: "This miserable mode»
Tegnon l'anime triste di coloro «Maintain the melancholy souls of those»
che visser sanza 'nfamia e sanza lodo. «Who lived withouten infamy or praise.»
Mischiate sono a quel cattivo coro «Commingled are they with that caitiff choir»
de li angeli che non furon ribelli «Of Angels, who have not rebellious been,»
né fur fedeli a Dio, ma per sé fuoro. «Νor faithful were to God, but were for self.»
Caccianli i ciel per non esser men belli, «The heavens expelled them, not to be less fair;»
né lo profondo inferno li riceve, «Nor them the nethermore abyss receives,»
Ch’alcuna gloria i rei avrebber d'elli". «For glory none the damned would have from them."»
Dante introduces the “ignavi”, the ones “who lived without infamy or praise”. He was referring to people who weren’t able to take positions and stand for what they believed in their lives. It’s something very close to Dante’s heart because his passion for politics was the reason of his exile from the city he was born in. He couldn’t stand those people who wouldn’t fight openly for what they believe (or maybe for who they are?)
Isn’t this the major accusation people do to H? Don’t Some people call out the ambiguity of his actions, choices, silent clear enough to point the finger against him for not picking a side? The queerbaiting thing too? And H just… lets them? Kinda?
Questi non hanno speranza di morte «These have no longer any hope of death;»
e la lor cieca vita è tanto bassa, «And this blind life of theirs is so debased,»
Fama di loro il mondo esser non lassa; «They envious are of every other fate.»
misericordia e giustizia li sdegna: «No fame of them the world permits to be;»
non ragioniam di lor, ma guarda e passa. «Let us not speak of them, but look, and pass.»
E io, che riguardai, vidi una 'nsegna «And I, who looked again, beheld a banner,»
che girando correva tanto ratta, «which, whirling round, ran on so rapidly,»
che d'ogne posa mi parea indegna; That of all pause it seemed to me indignant
His words are strong words. Even Virgilio, his mate for the trip, suggests to not waste more time worrying about them. They leave together for the next stop
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And they go on with their journey not before Dante sees what the damned souls are doing: running after a flag they kinda neglected in their lives.
H doesn’t, hough. He waves it anytime he can :) remeber that video of H taking the little rainbow flag out of his jacket and waves it? How cute was that?
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♥️ this post is for @moonslust who seemed very enthusiastic of the idea
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signorformica · 4 years
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«Per me si va ne la città dolente, per me si va ne l'etterno dolore, per me si va tra la perduta gente. Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate». —Inferno: Canto terzo: La porta dell'inferno *Dante Alighieri, by Raphael ~ ca.1510 Palazzo Apostolico Rome • via Bibliothèque Infernale on FB  
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bludichartres · 4 years
Per me si va ne la città dolente, per me si va ne l'etterno dolore, per me si va tra la perduta gente
Dante Alighieri   Inferno    Canto III
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Vergil, Prince and Judge of the City of Dis
per me si va ne la città dolente,
per me si va ne l'etterno dolore,
per me si va tra la perduta gente.
giustizia mosse il mio alto fattore;
facemi la divina podestate,
la somma sapienza e 'l primo amore.
dinanzi a me non fuor cose create
se non etterne, e io etterno duro.
lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate.
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girlcalledtasha · 3 years
Something weird happened last night.
It’s been snowing again so during my daily checks on the hole I took Rosalind a coffee to warm herself up. The snow was coming down hard, and she was sat in a beach chair beside the hole with a parasol heavy with the fallen snow. Her eyes lit up as I handed her the hot drink. I was hoping she would take off her owl mask to drink it. No luck. She had mastered a technique of sipping it from under the mask.
I felt like we had been getting pretty familiar, so I asked her what made her want to join this ‘book club’.
“Just a change of pace really. I used to work in a genetics lab. About a year ago I was brought a DNA fragment to sequence that was found inside a meteor.”
“Not the meteor that wiped out the City Square pigeons?!” I asked her.
“That’s the one. Lucky no one got hurt. Except the pigeons I guess. Poor pidgies.
“Anyhow, this DNA. It had all the usual AT CG base pairs, but at one point there was a pair we hadn’t seen before. We named them YZ and it only showed up once in the short sequence. We decided to stick the pair in the DNA of an E coli bacteria to see if it did anything, similar to how we manufacture insulin. Maybe we’d synthesise some exotic protein from it?
“Instead, adding that single base pair changed the entire nature of the organism. It quickly became a colony and then a simple multicellular organism similar to a water bear. But it didn't stop there. It became more complex. Growing to the size of a grapefruit. It looked a bit like a cross between a toad and a hippo, with a long yellow stalk coming from its back.
“One morning, it decided it didn’t want to sit in its nutrient solution any more so it began hovering about 3 feet in the air above it. Just vibing. And its form had changed again. It’s hard to describe. Kinda like a black void? Picture a neutron star, but instead of shining light, it radiates terror, existential dread and the anxiety you feel when waiting to hear about the outcome of a job performance review for a job you really need because society is literally falling apart and apparently now would be a perfect time to make you redundant, even though there was a perfectly good furlough scheme that could be funding your wages.
“It was pretty nuanced as ominous voids go.
“I left soon after that. Not sure what happened to it. I guess it’s still there.”
I left her to sip her coffee and went to check on Gomez. He’s stopped staring at me now, but he won’t take his eye off the second door to my room. I’ve no idea where that door goes. As I’ve said before, I live in a basement and until last night there was only one door in here. At least, I think there was. Maybe I just haven’t noticed it before? I’m surrounded by dirt on all sides so there shouldn’t be another room down here.
It isn’t even really a door. Just a door shaped opening in the corner of my room edged with an inscription that reads:
Per me si va ne la città dolente,
Per me si va ne l'etterno dolore,
Per me si va tra perduta gente.
Which Google Translates reads as "Null Reference Exception: Hope Not Found", but my phone has been playing up since its trip down the hole so it could be a recipe for vegan pain a chocolat for all I know.
The mysterious door leads to a damp narrow staircase spiralling deep into darkness. The ceiling drips with a malodorous fluid from finger-like stalactites onto the stairs, making them slick and treacherous. The walls are irregularly cut stone with crumbling mortar. Every surface is covered in a mosaic of slime mould lined in miserable gardens of nitre.
This has to be a health hazard. I’ve covered it with a bed sheet.
I emailed my landlords to complain. They say it’s probably rising damp and they’ll send someone to have a look at it. They better sort it out soon. There is a hot and humid draft pouring out of it and the screams are keeping me up at night.
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petalididonna · 4 years
Per me si va nella città dolente,
per me si va ne l'etterno dolore,
per me si va tra la perduta gente.
Dante Alighieri (terzo canto della Divina Commedia)
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strizza-blog · 5 years
'Per me si va ne la città dolente,
per me si va ne l'etterno dolore,
per me si va tra la perduta gente'
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biotoscana · 3 years
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“Per me si va ne la città dolente, per me si va ne l'etterno dolore, per me si va tra la perduta gente”. Così recita il primo verso del canto III dell’Inferno di Dante Alighieri. Siamo nell’Antinferno, dove scorre il fiume infernale Acheronte, che le anime dannate si preparano ad oltrepassare per raggiungere il luogo – l’Inferno appunto – in cui sconteranno la pena stabilita in base al peccato compiuto in vita. Tranquilli questo non è l’antinferno, questa è una delle vie cave attorno al paese di Pitigliano. Vi abbiamo mostrato la via cava di Fratenuti, la via cava della Madonna delle grazie, domani vi mostreremo questa..... continuate a seguirci e vi faremo emozionare😱😉www.agriturismopoderebello.com #viecave #viecaveetrusche #viecavepitigliano #pitigliano #necropoli #etruschi #esperienzeuniche #esperienzeindimenticabili #tuscanyexperience (presso Pitigliano) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMVFBVjjf-w/?igshid=18su9x4p3p9gf
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saltanoia · 3 years
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...per me si va ne l'etterno dolore,
per me si va tra la perduta gente...
(Dante - Inferno - canto III)
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kidzbopdeathmetal · 7 years
Buckle up kiddos, Codex Omega analysis is here. Starting with the over all concept of the album and the beginning track, Dante’s Inferno.  I just woke up from a post work nap so I’m appropriately exhausted and ramble-y for this shit. This is not going to touch the actual music theory of each song or the visual art of the album, because I still don’t have my preorder stuff to give a proper analysis of the art that I can’t currently see. This is STRICTLY the lyrical content. Putting a Read More because who the fuck wants to read this shit honestly.  
OK SO. Take every thing I say with at least some grain of salt because honestly I might have a degree in Art History with a pretty strong understanding of Literature themes, but I’m not an expert on much anything so I could very easily be wrong about literally any of this.  I feel a good place to start is with the concept of the album, which because of the AMA I have a clearer understanding of than I did when it first came out. According to Spiros the album is essentially a 3rd Testament written by Man to Man, and largely operates as a subversion and sarcastic commentary on Biblical texts. This really isn’t surprising considering their blackened roots and long standing relationships with several Greek black metal projects. Omega is also the last letter of the Greek alphabet, and a Codex is an ancient book. Pretty simple stuff - the Omega essentially is in reference to this album being the “Last (3rd) Testament” of the Christian Holy texts. When the album dropped, they also had this to say about it: “The beginning of autumn marks the release of our tenth opus, Codex Omega. You are all welcome to enter Inferno in search for the last Testament. Here only the Headless prevail, as there is no godhead above. Here, Martyrs died for the sake of reason and knowledge. And our Art is our Church. Our Queen is not “virgin” Mary. Our Gospels are bringing fear. And at the end, the true identity of Trinity is revealed. Behold Codex Omega!” A lot of this is cryptic words in reference to specific songs but also reveal how the band views the progression of the tracks, and the story they tell. The album is intended to be listened from start to finish in one setting, not skipped around, essentially operating as a concept album in the loosest sense, but most especially like a book read from beginning to end. This is in line with the fact that the album booklets and art are integral to the over all experience of the album. Septicflesh albums certainly are a visual experience as much as an auditory one. Each song has a prologue that accompanies it, that is directly tied into the themes of the song and often reveal more about the song than the lyrics do. For instance, the starting track, Dante’s Inferno has the prologue -
[Divina Commedia/Inferno/Canto III:] “Per mi si va ne la citta dolente, Per me si va ne l'etterno dolore, Per me si va tra la perduta gente.”
The “per mi si….” segment is the original Italian from the 3rd Canto of Dante’s Divine Comedy book one, Inferno, and translates to:   “For me it goes to the painful city, For me it goes to the eternal pain, For me, I go among the lost people.” 
The “official” Harvard translation has the “per mi si..” lines translated as: “THROUGH me you pass into the city of woe: Through me you pass into eternal pain: Through me among the people lost for aye.” I’d assume that the Harvard translation is a more nuanced translation as the one I provided previously is just a literal translation of those lines run through a translator. A fitting start to an album - this is the beginning of Dante’s journey into Inferno - the listener is beginning THEIR journey into Codex Omega with the very first lines from the Canto. While I would be happy to give a verse by verse analysis of each song, I’ll refrain for fear of writing a literal book about this album, but in essence the song is detailing Dante’s journey into Hell through the various levels, and at the end seeing essentially Lucifer himself where he landed when he Fell, where I am assuming he is on his “throne.”  
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hnoss-dunedain · 5 years
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《Per me si va ne la città dolente, per me si va ne l'etterno dolore, per me si va tra la perduta gente. Giustizia mosse il mio alto fattore: fecemi la divina podestate, la somma sapïenza e 'l primo amore; dinanzi a me non fuor cose create se non etterne, e io etterno duro. Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate》 Dante Alighieri, inferno, canto terzo #esoteric #explore #door #portal #goth #gothicarchitecture #gothicportal #gothic #inferno #dantealighieri #literature #italianliterature #divinacommedia #palermo #photo #urban #sicily #hope #nohope #photography #historyofart (presso Palermo, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bthk2xjnDBQ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=h0pwa6k2wday
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bludichartres · 4 years
Per me si va ne la città dolente, per me si va ne l'etterno dolore, per me si va tra la perduta gente.
Inferno III Canto D. Alighieri 
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Per me si va ne la città dolente, per me si va ne l'etterno dolore, per me si va tra la perduta gente. Giustizia mosse il mio alto fattore: fecemi la divina potestate, la somma sapienza e 'l primo amore. Dinanzi a me non fuor cose create se non etterne, e io etterno duro.
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alexvigliani-blog · 6 years
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"Per me si va ne la città dolente, per me si va ne l'etterno dolore, per me si va tra la perduta gente. Giustizia mosse il mio alto fattore: fecemi la divina podestate, la somma sapienza e 'l primo amore. Dinanzi a me non fuor cose create se non etterne, e io etterno duro. Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate". . Arco di Trevi (FR). Si tratta di uno sbarramento in blocchi di opera quadrata con un'ampia apertura ad arco, attribuibile al III-II secolo a.C., al confine con il comune di Guarcino che costituiva probabilmente un passaggio controllato al confine tra il territorio degli Equi e degli Ernici. . #dantealighieri #divinacommedia #viviciociaria #lazioisme #livetravechannel #travelblogger #loveslazio #lazio_photogroup #blogger #gotourism #nikonitalia #quotes #yallerslazio #hotshotz #igerslazio #ig_italia #ig_lazio #top_lazio_photo #archeology #instalike #instagood (presso Lazio)
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