#Pet stories
ringchollyandfriends · 2 months
Funny pets things of the last few days:
- Bean was supposed to stay home for a errand, but when I opened the door to go out with Elliot, she ran full speed to the car. Tail wagging, staring at the door. She came with us 😂
- Elliot firmly believes that he can catch ANY bird (he never does) including flying birds that are 100+ feet up. He will inevitably jump and run after them.
- Elliot has discovered that he can jump on cat tree. He will only be stopped if the tree is surrounded by barriers.
- I looked on my phone for a few seconds. I look back up, Elliot is 3/4 of the way into a wild creature's hole house thingy. He doesn't understand that he is not, in fact, a terrier.
- We put Nelly on the other side of the house where the dogs can't go. Of her own decision, she went back to where the dogs are and was VERY shocked to discovered that they were still there. The audacity.
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a-pale-azure-moon · 2 months
I really do live in Faerghus, because the calendar says it's spring but a foot of new snow fell overnight and as of this writing it's still snowing. I can only laugh because otherwise I'd cry. But since I'm snowed in today, I did a task that has needed doing for way too long but kept getting punted because I really did not want to do it.
I gave Rory, my golden retriever, a bath.
Rory is generally a good boy but he is not cooperative about baths. At all. He's also very strong (he weighs almost 90 pounds), so wrangling him is both difficult and exhausting as he wiggles and tries to bolt even as he's choking himself by pulling on the leash. Then he whines and sounds SO SAD that it makes me feel guilty even though I'm definitely not hurting him.
Being so uncooperative, his typical baths are usually quick rinses with the garden hose in the summer, but with the weather as it is these days, it might be August before that's possible. And he really can't wait that long; not only does he stink, his fur has a greasy feel to it (probably because he rolled in something) and his coat is very compacted, so much so that the brush can't make a dent in improving it.
These are desperate times, so like it or not, he was getting bathed indoors. Since he's way too heavy to lift into the tub, I tethered him inside the shower. It was quickly obvious that the only way I could keep him still enough to wash him was by pinning him between my legs. I got sopping wet, of course, but on the plus side, I'm quite sure this is the most thorough bath he's ever had.
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The volume of fur the bath released was impressive enough, but the dirt that came off was equally satisfying. He also smells MUCH better and the greasy feel is gone.
He's scared of the hairdryer, so I toweled him off as best I could and then brushed him for awhile as he air dried. Thankfully, he likes getting brushed, so this also helped calm him down a little from the "trauma" of the bath. I got even more fur out of him in the process, and it was still coming even after his patience and my back wore out.
By the time we were finally done, I was still wet, my back was on fire, and I had a huge mess to clean up in the bathroom. Was this face really worth all of this trouble? I'll let you be the judge.
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He still needs more brushing, which is something I'll try to do this weekend, but I'm satisfied at no longer having this chore looming over my head. And Rory of course got a treat afterwards.
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jtargaryen18 · 11 months
A Tale of 2 Kittens
I don't post a lot of personal things, I know. But this I had to share. I need emotional support. Hubby is good with cats but more of a dog person.
You probably remember that I lost a cat earlier this year. He was my baby. I loved him so much and we still look for him in our house. The girls took it hard too.
I've been donating to our local animal shelter and thought, well, I'll see if any of the adult cats would be a good fit for us so I went out once a week to visit. There were a couple of wonderful kitties there but someone kept beating me to them (mostly because of the nutty schedule I had all month). But they got good homes. 💕
A friend had a neighbor whose cat had kittens they were trying "desperately" to find a home for. For some reason, she picked one out and brought it to me. He actually looks a lot like a cat I had several years ago who lived to be 17 and that's why she picked him. Plus the girls saw him before I did so you know how that went... But he's awesome and we love him. I named him Oliver. Ollie for short. The only time he's still enough for me to get a nonblurry picture is when he's asleep.
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I was a little concerned because he wasn't fully weaned when I got him. Probably around 5-6 weeks. That was 3 weeks ago. But we made it work. He's healthy, growing.
Today, the same friend calls me. Someone adopted the mother cat and one kitten but that left 3 kittens they didn't have homes for. Apparently, 3 weeks ago, the neighbor's husband, who didn't want them, took the 3 out way out in the woods and dumped them while his wife was at work. He wouldn't tell her where.
One of them made it all the way back last night. My friend finds her neighbor in tears, telling her what happened and terrified her husband would find out it returned and do something worse.
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Not knowing what else to do, my friend took him to her house. She sent me these pics and was asking me if we could get him to the shelter or foster care because he's starved and needs medical attention. She's not able to have pets in the duplex she's renting.
To make a long story short, I asked her to bring him to me. If we can pull him through this, Ollie will have his brother and he will have a good home. I will be posting updates. 🙏
We'll also need to name him. 💕😻
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osab · 1 year
The Sims Life/Pet/Castaway Stories - 2023 Setup Guide
ft. Stories Starter Pack/Web Installer!
Choose which of the games you want to install with fixes included!
Join the TS2 Community Discord for the quickest Starter Pack news and more! <3
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amymaleneart · 3 months
So I had a cartoon moment today.
I was busy at my computer when Toffee got my attention by whining and looking into the other room. I looked in just to see Latte with a whole donut in her mouth, frozen in her tracks. I get up to chase her, but she drop her treat and scampered away. I swear I could hear Zoidberg's "whoop-whoop-whoop" as she runs off.
Found out later that there were originally 4 donuts in the box that she somehow was able to get from the high shelf.
She's defiantly not getting any supper or treats for the rest of the day.
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roobascooba · 9 months
I am here to inform you that today my cat decided to bring a gift to the house in the form of a mouse. Although I am utterly grateful for the kind gesture, I had to do the honor of trapping it underneath a strainer and flinging it right outside the front door whence it came.
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sarosthewizarddude · 10 months
My dog, Kylo, likes peanut butter. He can tell when you get it out just by the smell and comes rushing over because we all keep indulging him.
I really like eating apples & peanut butter as a snack. He figured out a while ago that whenever I start cutting up an apple, I'm going to be getting out the peanut butter soon, since when I eat a plain apple I eat it whole
Today however it escalated to a whole other level. I got out a knife and Kylo came rushing over. Apparently my apples & peanut butter obsession has elevated to the point that whenever I get a knife out during the day (not around meal prep time) Kylo just knows he's getting peanut butter.
On a different note if you cut up an apple and then reconstruct it and put it in a bowl and make the pieces spread out like a flower and put peanut butter in the middle it's incredibly satisfying
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enby-dressmaker · 11 months
TW: loss of a pet
This week I said goodbye to my fluffy stepbrother, Westley. If cats have nine lives, he must’ve gotten fourteen. He had (and beat) lymphoma. He had IBD. He had kidney disease. He had diabetes. He had bladder cancer. But he never gave up. When he got his first cancer diagnosis at the age of 8, the vet said that with treatment he might live 2 more years. He was still happy and himself when we celebrated his 16th birthday in May. When it was his time, he still hung on for almost 5 days after he stopped eating.
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[Yes, the second photo is also my profile picture.]
The toy mouse he’s sitting on is one that I made for him. It’s a copy of his “green mouse” that went missing about 8 months ago. It was his favorite toy, which he did lose once before (or hid it very well). We all searched for it and figured it had been thrown away by mistake, until one day there he was playing with it again. We’re convinced it will eventually turn up yet again, maybe many years in the future.
What are your favorite memories of your pets?
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sammysundog · 1 year
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The VOD of Saturday's livestream is now available on my YouTube!
I am really enjoying Alice's story so far, the developers definitely made some improvements from the Life Stories game.
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wulflynn · 1 year
Behold, the “Apostate Potate”… 🥔
Almost 12 years ago I brought home the tiniest little kitten and I just had to name her after a certain sarcastic apostate who adores cats.
I picked her out of a stray litter my friend’s neighbor found under their house. I sent a picture of her to my dad, saying “This is Anders and she’s coming home with me tomorrow.” (He was less than thrilled but thankfully, didn’t tell me no. Just that it was my responsibility to make sure our dogs didn’t eat her).. I put a small blanket from my car in the box with the kittens and stopped at the pet store on my way home. I set up her cat tree, litter box, dining area, and made a cozy little spot in a nook of my closet for her bed. Once I was satisfied with her setup, I went to sleep, eagerly awaiting the morning.
I brought her home the next day—along with the blanket that both introduced her to my scent and retained the scent of her brothers and sisters overnight—and showed her her new room. She slept in her bed with that little blanket for the first week until she started sleeping on my pillow. I kept her upstairs for the first few weeks and slowly introduced her to our two dogs. Once they all got along well enough and she got a little bigger, she had full-range of the house. She was a mischievous little thing, always getting into stuff and clinging to my pants as I walked around my room. We’d taken in stray cats before when I was little but my mom always found them new homes without telling me beforehand, usually when I was at school. I promised Anders that she and I are in it for the long haul, nobody would take her away. She was mine and the only cat I’ve chosen and raised.
She’s been with me from my awkward teenage years to nearly the end of my (still awkward) twenties and everything that’s happened in that time—loss of family, other pets, graduating, getting engaged, moving four times, everything. I always dote more loudly over my dogs, but I look at her and get overwhelmed with love, she deserves some recognition too💛. She’s my girl. My apostate potate. She’s a friggin’ weirdo and I wouldn’t have her any other way!
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a-pale-azure-moon · 13 days
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Luna in her upside down zen mode.
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corvidthots · 2 years
never been able to conceptualize The Mother Instinct of being able to wake up to your kid crying every time
that is until i got a cat and now i wake up to every. single. hairball.
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rainypaperangel · 2 years
A few years ago, I went on a volunteer short film production. None of us, except the actors, were being paid, and we all learned as we went. The film had a scene with a dead hamster - it was supposed to be a parallel to the main character's range of freedom.
Well, as the scene was being planned out in pre-production, the director and producer wasn't sure how they'd get the hamster sedated. A few days before the actual scene, the two proposed that we could simply get the hamster put down - it'd be risky and expensive to sedate it, however: This was a young, perfectly healthy hamster that'd been bought alongside one other with the sole purpose of being in this movie.
We were around 28 volunteers on this production; only 5 of us were women/AFAB. We all told the director and producer that if they killed that hamster for what would be literally two seconds of a volunteer indie short film, we'd walk off set. We were 2 of the 5 production assistants, the only make-up artist, the only costumier, and an editor.
Long story short, the director re-wrote the scene, both hamsters' lives were saved, and they were given to the make-up artist's cousin afterwards. Take what you want from this story.
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defilerwyrm · 28 days
There’s this guy in town who owns this little house, and a while back he rescued a street dog that was going to get put down. Turned out she was pregnant.
Problem is, he has mental health & drug issues and couldn’t afford to get them all spayed & neutered, so now there are 6 grown bitches with 15 puppies total, and they’ve dug under his fence in multiple places but he can’t afford to fix it so they go roaming all around town. (When I say can’t afford it, I mean his house is currently running on a generator because he can’t afford his electric bill.) He’s also a day laborer so he cannot take multiple full days off work to take them to the vet an hour away. He’s in a really rough spot.
He’s not a bad person. He’s just overwhelmed.
And this little conservative town with 6 churches for 300 people, have they tried to help their neighbor? Have they adopted the puppies he’s been trying to give away? Have they offered resources?
NOPE! All they wanna do is talk shit about him and complain about the dogs but never lift a finger of their own. And they come to his house to yell at him and cuss him out about the dogs, which does not exactly engender in him a cooperative attitude, as you might imagine.
So after a while of this going on, my mom gets fed up with all the NIMBY bullshit and starts talking to the guy, because she’s done animal rescue for 20-odd years and has Connections. He’s resistant at first, but when he realizes she’s not being an asshole to him on account of his addiction or the dogs, he decides to let her help.
She gets to work organizing and networking. Finds a non-profit that will cover vaccinations, spay/neuter, and flea treatments for all the dogs. Talks the next-door neighbor into paying for materials to fix the fence, since this guy can do the work of it himself. Gets him in touch with another non-profit that will adopt out the adult dogs.
Less than 2 weeks after she decided to do something, all puppies have been to the vet, 10 puppies and 4 adult dogs have been adopted out, and the second non-profit is coming by next week to pick up the remaining 7 dogs to ship them out for adoption.
I’ve learned a lot of things from my mom—some good, some bad—but I think the most important positive message she lives as an example of is this: sometimes, when something needs done and no one else is willing, you gotta stand up and say “I’ll do it.”
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casadegatos · 27 days
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Let's see how this goes. Let me write a story for you! Click picture for a link or click here to go to my commissions page
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