#Prime and Composite Numbers
janmisali · 1 year
Okay follow up question to the "Why is 1 not prime" question
Why is 0 not Composite? Composite numbers are numbers that can be divided by more than 1 and itself equally. I mean yeah you can't divide by 0 (which also makes no sense because if you have 0 groups wouldn't the answer just be 0?) but you can divide it by every other number so It seems pretty darn composite to me.
so, technically speaking, a composite number is an integer that can be expressed as the product of two integers that aren't itself. some definitions restrict this to just positive integers (which excludes zero explicitly; "positive" means greater than zero), but even a more inclusive definition can't include zero, since the only way to get zero as the product of two integers is if at least one of them is zero.
that's why they're called "composite", they can be "composed" of other numbers (in the form of a factorization)!
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metamelonisle · 1 year
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@harvey000 sorry i never answered this i just want to keep it in my inbox forever
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neildylandy · 1 year
Birthday. Now.
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virmillion · 2 years
terrible news lads. 73 is a prime number
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chetansharma88 · 9 months
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turito924 · 1 year
Prime Numbers and Composite Numbers Explained
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It is crucial to understand the difference between prime and composite numbers in Mathematics. While composite numbers are numbers with more than two factors. They are just the opposite of prime numbers. 
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decolonize-the-left · 2 months
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The International Court of Justice (ICJ) hears arguments from 52 countries and three international organisations this week – the largest number of parties to participate in any single World Court case.
The 15-judge panel is asked to review Israel’s “occupation, settlement and annexation” as well as policies “aimed at altering the demographic composition, character and status of the Holy City of Jerusalem”.
The six-day hearings are based on a request by the UN General Assembly (UNGA) for a nonbinding advisory opinion on the legality of Israel’s policies in the occupied Palestinian territories.
Israel is not taking part in this week’s oral arguments and reacted angrily to the 2022 UNGA request of the ICJ with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu calling it “despicable” and “disgraceful”.
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All damage caused to the Palestinian population as a result of policies and practices illegal under international law must be the object of restitution and, failing that, compensation.
Israel must be required to prosecute people responsible for human rights violations.
Other states have an obligation not to recognise any form of illegal annexation of territories. France will never recognise the illegal annexation of territories in the West Bank.
From an economic standpoint, as requested by the UN all states must make a separation between the Israeli territories and the territories occupied since 1967 and distinguish products depending on that origin.
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max1461 · 2 months
I think base 60 is pretty clearly the best base. It's a superior highly composite number, and in particular it's divisible by
the first three primes (2, 3, and 5)
the maximum number that humans can recognize visually without counting (4)
by dint of the above, also by the total number of fingers (10), total number of digits (20), and number of knuckles on the hand (12)
In general it is very sensible for the sorts of things that humans tend to count.
The only downside is that it is somewhat on the larger end of what an acceptably sized base can really be. Base sixty would presumably make learning to count as a child somewhat harder, unless you do the Mayan thing and opt for a mixed base 60/base 20 system or something.
Base 12 is obviously the next best choice after 60.
Base 10 super sucks ass. Sorry.
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rbrooksdesign · 1 month
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Sketches+, Mar 26, 2024, Reginald Brooks
In the beginning---2
Something to ponder:
Sequentially divide any EVEN number by two -- it will result in an ODD. Divide any composite ODD -- it will result in a Prime. In the beginning, the source of all number patterns is the Primes.
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windfall-the-wanderer · 9 months
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The Toa Ulia! An all-female team composed of Toa of the six Prime elements: * Mareela, Toa of Water * Nulvot, Toa of Air * Aeza, Toa of Stone * Rylsha, Toa of Earth * Caleva, Toa of Fire * and Tenari, Toa of Ice
More info below the cut!
The builds of the team are not the most complex, but I wanted to unify their elements in a way that the sets would. They have matching torso, arm, leg designs, etc. Tenari and Caleva share inika shoulder chest armor, CCBS/inika leg armor arms and double inika leg armor thighs.
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Aeza and Rylsha both sport a Kakama on their chest, as well as a unique arm design with Metru forearms and tires
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Mareela and Nulvot share similar, but not identical torso designs (they were closer in the past, but Nulvot's was changed).
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There are a number of other, smaller details as well. Nulvot and Rylsha both share a CCBS/Inika thigh design, Aeza and Caleva both use chest hoses, Rylsha and Mareela use a near-identical shin construction, and there are several pairs of matching feet among the team too.
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I'm normally more of a fan of unorthodox team compositions and builds, but I had a lot of fun doing this sort of semi-large scale project of making a vanilla-element Toa team. I've never had to opportunity to do so (although with the genders flipped for most of them! which was another something interesting)
I tried hard to make each team member distinct from each other and unique as a moc, yet cohesive as a team, and while it maybe was not my most groundbreaking work I found it interesting.
I hope it was interesting for you too, reader, and thank you for reading!
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janmisali · 1 year
Number Tournament: ONE vs NOT A NUMBER
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[link to all polls]
1 (one)
seed: 10 (46 nominations)
previous opponent: tau
class: absolute unit
definition: the only positive integer that cannot be classified as either prime (exactly two factors) or composite (more than two factors)
NaN (not a number)
seed: 26 (20 nominations)
previous opponent: mute
class: ERROR
definition: ERROR
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bfpnola · 7 months
We are Israel's largest human rights group [B’Tselem] – and we are calling this apartheid by Hagai El-Ad
One cannot live a single day in Israel-Palestine without the sense that this place is constantly being engineered to privilege one people, and one people only: the Jewish people. Yet half of those living between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea are Palestinian. The chasm between these lived realities fills the air, bleeds, is everywhere on this land.
I am not simply referring to official statements spelling this out – and there are plenty, such as prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s assertion in 2019 that “Israel is not a state of all its citizens”, or the “nation state” basic law enshrining “the development of Jewish settlement as a national value”. What I am trying to get at is a deeper sense of people as desirable or undesirable, and an understanding about my country that I have been gradually exposed to since the day I was born in Haifa. Now, it is a realisation that can no longer be avoided.
Although there is demographic parity between the two peoples living here, life is managed so that only one half enjoy the vast majority of political power, land resources, rights, freedoms and protections. It is quite a feat to maintain such disfranchisement. Even more so, to successfully market it as a democracy (inside the “green line” – the 1949 armistice line), one to which a temporary occupation is attached. In fact, one government rules everyone and everything between the river and the sea, following the same organising principle everywhere under its control, working to advance and perpetuate the supremacy of one group of people – Jews – over another – Palestinians. This is apartheid.
There is not a single square inch in the territory Israel controls where a Palestinian and a Jew are equal. The only first-class people here are Jewish citizens such as myself, and we enjoy this status both inside the 1967 lines and beyond them, in the West Bank. Separated by the different personal statuses allotted to them, and by the many variations of inferiority Israel subjects them to, Palestinians living under Israel’s rule are united by all being unequal.
Unlike South African apartheid, the application of our version of it – apartheid 2.0, if you will – avoids certain kinds of ugliness. You won’t find “whites only” signs on benches. Here, “protecting the Jewish character” of a community – or of the state itself – is one of the thinly veiled euphemisms deployed to try to obscure the truth. Yet the essence is the same. That Israel’s definitions do not depend on skin colour make no material difference: it is the supremacist reality which is the heart of the matter – and which must be defeated.
Until the passage of the nation state law, the key lesson Israel seemed to have learned from how South Africa’s apartheid ended was to avoid too-explicit statements and laws. These can risk bringing about moral judgments – and eventually, heaven forbid, real consequences. Instead, the patient, quiet, and gradual accumulation of discriminatory practices tends to prevent repercussions from the international community, especially if one is willing to provide lip service to its norms and expectations.
This is how Jewish supremacy on both sides of the green line is accomplished and applied.
We demographically engineer the composition of the population by working to increase the number of Jews and limit the number of Palestinians. We allow for Jewish migration – with automatic citizenship – to anywhere Israel controls. For Palestinians, the opposite is true: they cannot acquire personal status anywhere Israel controls – even if their family is from here.
We engineer power through the allocation – or denial – of political rights. All Jewish citizens get to vote (and all Jews can become citizens), but less than a quarter of the Palestinians under Israel’s rule have citizenship and can thus vote. On 23 March, when Israelis go and vote for the fourth time in two years, it will not be a “celebration of democracy” – as elections are often referred to. Rather, it will be yet another day in which disfranchised Palestinians watch as their future is determined by others.
We engineer land control by expropriating huge swaths of Palestinian land, keeping it off-limits for their development – or using it to build Jewish towns, neighbourhoods, and settlements. Inside the green line, we have been doing this since the state was established in 1948. In East Jerusalem and the West Bank, we have been doing this since the occupation began in 1967. The result is that Palestinian communities – anywhere between the river and the sea – face a reality of demolitions, displacement, impoverishment and overcrowding, while the same land resources are allocated for new Jewish development.
And we engineer – or rather, restrict – Palestinians’ movement. The majority, who are neither citizens nor residents, depend on Israeli permits and checkpoints to travel in and between one area and another, as well as to travel internationally. For the two million in the Gaza Strip travel restrictions are the most severe – this is not just a Bantustan, as Israel has made it one of the largest open-air prisons on Earth.
Haifa, my birth city, was a binational reality of demographic parity until 1948. Of some 70,000 Palestinians living in Haifa before the Nakba, less than a 10th were left afterwards. Almost 73 years have passed since then, and now Israel-Palestine is a binational reality of demographic parity. I was born here. I want – I intend – to stay. But I want – I demand – to live in a very different future.
The past is one of traumas and injustices. In the present, yet more injustices are constantly reproduced. The future must be radically different – a rejection of supremacy, built on a commitment to justice and our shared humanity. Calling things by their proper name – apartheid – is not a moment of despair: rather, it is a moment of moral clarity, a step on a long walk inspired by hope. See the reality for what it is, name it without flinching – and help bring about the realisation of a just future.
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autism2009 · 8 months
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xxjadeablexx · 3 months
Hazbin Hotel Synopsis
Salutations! My name is Jade and I have to make a blog for my Composition class. When given a free range of topics, I decided to write about Hazbin Hotel. Mainly character information, headcannons, theories. You know, that kinda stuff. I realized for my professor to care about any of this stuff, she probably needs to know about the show. And I highly doubt she already does. So! let's get into a basic rundown of the show, in mostly my own words. Obviously, spoilers ahead. On October 28th, 2019, YouTube channel "Vivziepop" uploaded a video named "HAZBIN HOTEL (PILOT)." The video soon blew up, and got praise and backlash for the idea of the show. It got a lot of criticism for being an animated musical, since those are mainly geared towards children. However, Hazbin hotel is a show with a target audience of 18+ (weird to think I was like 15 when this came out.) With many dark themes including commentary on the toxicity of the porn industry, this show is obviously not meant for children.
Despite the backlash, it obviously did something right, because in early 2020, before the second episode could come out, A24, an American independent film company, decided to take the concept and make a whole series out of it. Four years later, on January 19th, 2024, the show's first series was released on Amazon Prime. The show follows the Princess of Hell, Charlie Morningstar. She is a very energetic demon who believes the sinners in hell deserve a second chance. She builds a hotel and basically gets laughed at by everyone. But after getting back to it after an interview about said hotel, there's a knock on the door. We then meet one of my favorite characters, Alastor. Alastor is known as the "radio demon." He offers to help Charlie with the hotel. Charlie says yes and that's kinda the end of the pilot.
Alastor then enlists the help of Husk, a cat-like demon who runs the bar, and Niffty, a small cyclops who does the cleaning. It is immediately evident that Alastor is a powerful demon. He is known as an "overlord," and is feared by many, having the ability to control basically anyone, along with summoning help for any number of things.
As the show goes on we find out that redemption is basically impossible. The angels literally laugh in Charlie's face when she suggests it. Adam, the first human soul in Heaven and angel, lets it out that his army "exterminates' sinners and demons like once a year (which later gets changed to 6 months and then 1 month.) This upsets Emily, a Seraphim who shares the views of Charlie. Emily and Charlie say that:
If Hell is forever, then Heaven must be a lie (Emily!)
If angels can do whatever, and remain in the sky
The rules are shades of gray when you don't do as you say
When you make the wretched suffer just to kill them again.
Adam then says he will see them in 1 month instead of 6. (this is apparently because of a major timeskip, but I feel like it wasn't really explained like that in the show. it really just reads that Adam keeps moving up the date cause he's a prick that wants to kill all the demons.) Charlie decides to take things into her own hands and finds someone who knows how to Kill the Angels. So, what does she do? She gets her own army, her own weapons, and the guts to kill, and proceeds to kill literally any angel she can. Alastor gets injured and is unable to fight off Adam, which ends up fine because Niffty kills him. The scene is actually hilarious because Niffty is described as “10 pounds soaking wet,” by Angel Dust. So this tiny demon who was given a knife and told “stab any angel you see,” kills what is essentially the hardest angel to even touch. That's like the president dying from a mosquito bite. 
That’s not even mentioning Sir Pentious, who originally tries to kill Adam. After Alastor is killed, Sir Pentious decides to go after Adam himself. Pentious is one of the most cowardly characters in the whole show. He is so scared to confess to a girl at some point, that upon her questioning why he bought her a drink, he says  “Because i bought everyone drinks!” when he hadn’t but then he does because everyone hears him. He does that like 2 more times and the situation repeats himself, even when the drinks turn into sex. He is too cowardly to admit to liking her that he has sex with a stranger instead of just confessing. But I digress, because he redeems himself by going after Adam. He resolves. He confesses to his crush. He kisses her. And then Adam kills him like, almost immediately. Despite Pentious being a coward, he isn’t weak in any sense of the word. He is a skilled inventor with many war machines that could have killed Adam. Adam just kinda snapped and suddenly Pentious and his minions and his blimp are dead. But Niffty, a masochistic, child-like cyclopes kills Adam. I love Niffty, but how does that work?
It fine though, because Sir Pentious ends up in Heaven. His sacrifice for his friends proves enough that after he dies, he ends up in Heaven in front of Sera and Emily, the Seraphim. Thats the end. The last thing we see of the main plot is confused faces and a less dark version of Sir Pentious. 
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chetansharma88 · 10 months
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Positive numbers with more than two variables are considered compound numbers. In other terms, a number is referred to as a composite number if it is not a prime number.
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adobe-outdesign · 4 months
>All Ultra Beasts (except Naganadel) have prime numbers as stats >All Paradox Pokemon (except Koraidon and Miraidon) have odd numbers (Past) and even numbers (Future) as their stats New group of Pokemon with composite numbers as their stats when?
Pokemon in Gen 20 having stats entirely comprised of base 20 numbers
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