#Raritan Bay
toddjdreyer · 1 year
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Sayreville to South Amboy
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lil-tachyon · 9 months
Noticed that you take socialist banners as inspiration on your art and that made me curious about your political views, Are you a socialist or Marxist? Os just kinda left leaning?
I really enjoy your blog btw
I’m glad you’re into what I do! I appreciate the very direct question so I’ll try to give a very direct answer.
I would consider myself an anarcho-communist. At least, that’s the kind of society I’d like to live in. I genuinely believe the abolition of private property, states, and hierarchies is a real (if very difficult) possibility and is in the best interest of the vast majority of people. That said, I’m an anticapitalist and a socialist first and I’m broadly (if critically) supportive of most movements that have had any success fending off capital. I’m not so naïve that I ignore the real historical failures of anarchism to create alternatives to capitalism on the scale of the USSR,PRC, Cuba, etc.
My politics are still evolving and I only really became radicalized in the last couple years. But anarchism still makes the most sense to me.
That’s what I’ll say for now. I try to be transparent about the things I believe but also I’m literally a guy who draws robots on the internet. Nobody who follows this blog needs me to lecture them on politics lol. If anybody reading this wants more detail about my views you can send me an ask but depending on the question I may not answer it publicly. An email ([email protected]) may be better.
To keep this somewhat relevant to what I normally post about, here’s the New Jersey ancom flag I drew a little while back:
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And some articles about socialist experiments in the Garden State:
-“The Anarchists Who Took the Commuter Train” about the Stelton Colony in what is now Piscataway.
-“Uncle Sam’s House: Anarchy in Piscataway” same topic but more focused specifically on the Goldman House (no, not that Goldman although I believe she visited the colony at some point), one of the last-standing and most distinctive structures from the Stelton Colony. Plus I’ll take any opportunity to plug Weird NJ.
-“Jersey Roots: Looking for Utopia in Colt’s Neck” on the Fourierest North American Phalanx Community.
-“All About the Utopia That Was Once in Perth Amboy, NJ” about the Raritan Bay Union, founded by dissatisfied former members of the North American Phalanx.
Also if anybody has the original newspaper article that talks about Peter Kropotkin visiting Jersey City, please send it my way. I’ve seen it referenced in a few places but I can’t track it down.
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words-by-elliott · 9 months
oh my gosh there are like 17 of y'all now. Wowsers. I've been busy finding housing and trying to scrape together enough coin to make that happen. My phone broke too so I just downloaded Tumblr on the new one.
I've been doing witch activities recently. and I think this blog is a safe space to share my experiences and seekins.
as far as experience goes, I'm quite the novice. In magic I mean. but I'm exploring this part of me and trying to figure out what this is, and what it can be. to put it shortly, I am patient. I am open. I believe.
I bring this up because today I had much progress in this pursuit.
In the morning I communed with the sea. I grew up on the Raritan Bay, in my home and my love, New Jersey. It was a 10 minute walk to a quiet local beach. Despite this it had been years since I had fully communed with her. I regret taking her for granted. Especially because now I live a 45 minute drive from the ocean.
But I made it today, while it's still hot as fuck out. There was a lovely picnic, basking in the suns embrace, and of course, the bay.
I swam among the jellyfish with the friend who drove me. I helt held by the cool waves. I felt myself healing. I took my heart and mind stones in for a attunement before I left.
When we got back to the city I met my girlfriend.
I told her,
"Sorry I smell brackish."
She replied,
"you kinda have a brackish vibe all the time, it's really attractive."
It one of the best compliments I've ever received. I love that woman.
The day was not without stress. I struggled. I cried. There's a lot going on right now, I'm up in the air again.
But like, and this is gonna sound like a weird turn, Ive had this pumpkin from october of last year. She made it 11 months before she started growing mold.
This pumpkin has given me so much love and support these past few months. Everytime I saw it I would smile and laugh because it seemingly refused to decay.
It remained. Until now. A month from a year, and a month before my lease is up.
I said goodbye. Took a moment to thank her for the joy she's provided. Lit some insense and blew some smoke at her to send her off.
I kept the stem. Cut the flesh off, (which I'll make into paints later), and scrubbed away what was left of the pumpkin bits.
I love that pumpkin. I truly believe there's a joyful spirit inside of it, that I've fed and nurtured with my own joy and love. And it in turn has fed and nurtured me.
I made a necklace out of the stem. I believe that her sprit resides in it, and that that spirit is my friend. I get to take her with me wherever I want now, but I'm thinking about letting her cure so she doesn't get fucked up by moisture or something.
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[the charms she wears are my heart and mind stones]
So yea, feeling very witchy rn. It's September so tis the season I suppose. But I remain excited for future lessons, experiences, and friends.
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legy · 11 months
one of the really interesting things about jaws (1975) imo is how much care it puts towards the authentic depiction of martha's vineyard (something very intentionally chosen for the movie, as amity in the novel is based on the hamptons and the actual shark attacks that inspired it were in the raritan bay) vs how little it truly gives a shit about sharks or honestly any form of marine life. it kinda makes the movie start dragging once they actually start hunting the shark because I found the tension of being a tourist town so dependant on seasonal vacationers way more interesting.
quin and hooper have unreal sexual tension tho
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drcyrusbortel · 11 months
CyberGwen: Jumpoff Point
Ship: Gwen/Miles Summary: Not every universe has superpowers - but they all have heroes. Prototypical.
The Spider Man franchise is as of time of writing owned by Sony, Disney, and Marvel. This fan-fiction was written for personal amusement. It is set in an alternate historical universe. Divergences in history, technology, and built infrastructure are objects of merriment rather than cause for alarm. Additional artistic liberties are present for narrative purposes. 
1: "Jumpoff Point"
From her perch atop the vast concrete bulk of the parking garage, Gwen Stacy stared into the night. Behind her, a forest of sodium lamps bathed the NeoSuezmax ships, gantry cranes, and container stacks of the expansive Raritan Bay container terminal complex in an eerie orange glow - and turned the sky above a dull blood red. Before her - perfectly illuminated by light pollution - Staten Island sprawled, a bleak industrial landscape of truck lots, low industrial buildings, and warehouses stretching from the boundaries of the port to the hulking Manchurian War Memorial Parkway. 
“I guess we won’t be needing these, huh?” Beside her, Miles Morales fiddled with the straps on his night vision goggles before flipping them up and away, seemingly satisfied. 
“If you want to accidentally shoot me in the face, sure.” Gwen raised her binoculars, and centered them on their target - a run-down steel-roofed warehouse in a barren lot. 
The lanky Brooklynite shrugged. “Sorry… I mean, I…”
“Control, this is Ghost One. No activity. We are go.” Gwen barked into her microphone. 
A chorus of affirmatives came in over the radio. 
She turned to Miles, who withered under her gaze. “I’m sorry about…”
Gwen winced. I didn’t mean to… “I was kidding, Miles. You’re doing great. Just… keep those goggles on, okay.”
She donned her mask, harnessed her battledress to the rappelling cable, stepped over the ledge, and pushed the release. A dozen stories of concrete carpark flew past before she hit the brakes, landing on the ground with a thud. 
Miles took a deep breath, rubbed his palms, and followed her down, forcing down vomit as he kept his eyes on the ground. 
“A decade of counterinsurgency in Montreal and Buenos Aires and they still haven’t smoothed out that landing.” Miles grouched as they sprinted past rows of trucks and under a cyclone fence. Astride them, a pair of spiders - big Norinco military models twice their height - rolled noiselessly into position atop eight jointed wheels, their turrets bristling with autocannon and grenade launchers. 
Gwen drew her machine-pistol, and shouldered the folding stock. Miles checked his automatic shotgun, loaded to the gills with taser rounds. 
More shapes - rovers, tankettes, and battledress-clad gendarme - emerged from the darkness as they approached the warehouse, and Gwen frowned as the soft whine of an octocopter pierced the night. “Control, move your drones; you’ll wake up half the neighborhood.” 
The rusty chain-link fence fell away where it had been cut earlier, and the warehouse loomed large before them. 
A steel door opened into the night, and a man screamed in alarm before Gwen put a burst through his chest. 
“Peni, cut ‘em loose!”
Streams of grenades, trailing gas, arced across the lot, through windows, and into the aluminum-sided structure as the spiders opened up. 
A flash, a bang, and they were inside. Gwen put bursts into two men in respirators clutching their eyes, while Miles unloaded taser shells into wheezing, retching shapes. A single insurgent in flash goggles raised his muzzle towards Gwen - and exploded in a spray of autocannon fire. More shots rang out as the Agency assault teams fanned out through the warehouse, passing stacks of food and water, three dozen mattresses, and cases full of small arms and ammunition.
“Thanks for the overwatch, Peni.” 
“Anytime, guys. Sorry about the drones.” Peni said. 
 “We live and learn, Peni.” Gwen intoned. “Is this what we thought it was?”
“Well, we have a dozen perps, a cache of small arms, and what looks like a planning space. So far, we’ve gotten facial recognition off two of our prisoners, and yes, they’re both from Quebec. Mostly matches our intelligence on the target.” 
“There are forty cots here; we’re missing almost thirty bad guys.” Gwen observed. 
Miles whistled. “Gwen, check this out!” 
He leaned into a white twelve-meter container, pockmarked with autocannon scars and blackened with soot. “This setup is good. Look, you’ve got your low-field MRI, compact biochem-and-hemat diagnostics suite, general anesthetic support… there’s a whole surgical suite in here.”
“It’s… a mobile medical trailer. The sort they use for emergency response, military field hospitals, and charity cases.” She frowned. Where the heck had they gotten one of those? “Where’s the microbiology kit?” 
Miles inspected the blackened pile of scrap plastic and metal that had once housed a multiplex PCR assay, automated culture panel, and spectrometer. “Autocannon shell maybe?”
Gwen shook her head. “No, look at the scorch marks. They burned this before we got here.” She glanced around the container. “Computer’s gone too.”
“Well, if you were doing plastic surgery to avoid facial recognition software, I’m pretty sure you’d want your medical records pretty thoroughly deleted too.” He looked around the room. “This stuff seems pretty expensive for your run-of-the-mill terrorist.”
“We’ll get forensics to pack everything up. Whatever’s going on, it’s big.” Gwen sighed as she glanced at her watch. “Crap. Subway’ll be closed by the time we’re done with this.”
Miles gulped. “Maybe… you could crash at my place? It’s a straight shot down the highway from here…” 
Gwen tilted her head. 
He took a step back. “Just crash! I have a fold-out sofa-bed for guests! Or I could drive by your place and drop you off!”
Gwen’s expression softened. “Miles, it’s fine. Crashing at your place would be great. I could really use the extra rest.” She gave him a reassuring squeeze. “Thank you.”
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saunterdownwards · 1 year
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thank you @mimitosha for alerting me to this—
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southjerseyweb · 3 months
New Jersey Fishing Report- March 14, 2024 - On The Water
Phil Sciortino at the Tackle Box in Hazlet said worm balls soaked in Fin-Essence are catching stripers in the back of Raritan Bay by South Amboy. He …
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seattleru · 3 months
Новости Сиэтла - 27-02-2024
Покупатели Сиэтла приветствуют действия FTC по слиянию Kroger-Albertsons: «Это мой магазин».
В Сиэтле Федеральная торговая комиссия (FTC) предпринимает шаги по блокированию потенциального слияния между Kroger и Albertsons, двумя крупными сетями продовольственных магазинов. Это слияние может повлечь за собой значительные последствия для местного рынка продуктовых магазинов. Представитель Kroger отметил, что их бизнес-модель направлена на снижение затрат и предложение покупателям более низких цен. С другой стороны, представитель Albertsons выразил опасения относительно того, что действия FTC могут принести пользу крупным розничным сетям, таким как Amazon, Walmart и Costco, позволяя им еще больше укрепить свое доминирование в индустрии продовольственных магазинов. Это событие подчеркивает конкурентные динамики и регуляторные вызовы на розничном рынке Сиэтла.
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Источник: https://www.seattletimes.com/business/seattle-shoppers-cheer-ftc-action-on-kroger-albertson-merger/
EPA выделяет еще 1 миллиард долларов на очистку токсичных отходов в рамках третьего денежного вливания для программы Superfund.
В Сиэтле Агентство по охране окружающей среды объявило о внесении в федеральную программу Суперфонд 1 миллиарда долларов для очистки 25 мест захоронения токсичных отходов в 15 штатах. Это финансирование является частью суммы в 3,5 миллиарда долларов, выделенной в соответствии с законом об инфраструктуре 2021 года, подписанным президентом Джо Байденом. Объекты, подлежащие очистке, включают бывший завод по переработке металлов в Ист-Хелене, штат Монтана, старую текстильную фабрику в Гринвилле, штат Южная Каролина, и пляжную зону в Нью-Джерси, загрязненную корпусами свинцовых аккумуляторов. Суперфонд Raritan Bay в Олд-Бридже, Нью-Джерси, также входит в список участков, которые получат финансирование. Этот бюджет также будет использован для ускорения работ по очистке 85 текущих проектов Суперфонда по всей территории Соединенных Штатов.
Программа Суперфонд, созданная в 1980 году для борьбы с опасными объектами, долгое время сталкивалась с финансовыми трудностями. Однако включение в закон об инфраструктуре 2021 года механизма налога "загрязнитель платит" позволило оживить программу. Ожидается, что этот налог, начавший действовать в 2022 году, принесет до 23 миллиардов долларов в течение следующих пяти лет. Представитель от Демократической партии Нью-Джерси, Фрэнк Паллоне, подчеркнул важность работ по устранению проблемных участков Суперфонда для защиты общественного здоровья и окружающей среды.
Заместитель администратора Агентства по охране окружающей среды Джанет Маккейб подчеркнула, что почти 80% новых участков очистки, объявленных недавно, находятся в общинах с низким уровнем дохода или среди меньшинств, которые страдают от загрязнения в большей степени. Усилия по очистке направлены на преобразование загрязненных территорий в пригодные для использования пространства, такие как общественные парки, розничные торговые объекты и жилые дома, что приведет к созданию рабочих мест и улучшению качества жизни в этих общинах. Анонсированное финансирование является значительным шагом в исполнении обязательства президента Байдена по очистке наиболее загрязненных участков Суперфонда в Америке.
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Источник: https://www.seattletimes.com/business/epa-awards-another-1-billion-to-clean-up-toxic-waste-in-third-cash-infusion-for-superfund-program/
WA хочет, чтобы школьные округа лучше отслеживали прогульщиков.
В Сиэтле возникла тревожная ситуация с исчезновением подростка из числа коренных народов, что подчеркивает опасности, с которыми сталкиваются ученики-индейцы в штате. Законы штата о прогулах, принятые для защиты учащихся, таких как исчезнувший подросток, подверглись критике в связи с их эффективностью. Несмотря на усилия по сохранению учащихся в школе и соблюдению закона, педагоги и защитники прав утверждают, что этого недостаточно для обеспечения безопасности учащихся, особенно во время пандемии COVID-19, когда многие учащиеся исчезают.
Закон о Бекке, принятый в 1995 году, направлен на защиту студентов, прекративших посещение школы, но его реализация подверглась критике на протяжении многих лет. Согласно закону, школьные округа должны предпринимать действия после определенного числа необоснованных пропусков, включая подачу ходатайств о прогулах в суд для несовершеннолетних. Однако из-за большого количества судебных дел и опасений по поводу карательных мер закон претерпел изменения, запрещающие задержание студентов за прогулы с июля 2021 года.
Несмотря на внесенные изменения, существуют проблемы с применением законов о Бекке. Отчеты показывают, что низкий процент учащихся, которые должны были быть направлены в общественные комиссии по взаимодействию, действительно были направлены, и лишь малая часть прогульщиков подали ходатайства о прогулах. Это может быть обусловлено недостатком ресурсов и персонала в школьных округах, а также путаницей в вопросах отчислений учащихся и подачи ходатайств о прогулах.
В общем, ситуация в Сиэтле отражает сложную проблему, в которой усилия по защите учащихся и обеспечению их посещаемости сталкиваются с проблемами в реализации и эффективности, особенно для учеников-индейцев, которые сталкиваются с высокими показателями прогулов.
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Источник: https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/education/wa-wants-school-districts-to-keep-better-track-of-truant-students/
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sandyhookhistory · 6 months
~ William Alexander ~
We have a belated #harbordefensehappybirthday to celebrate!
Today, we honor Continental (U.S.) Army Major General William Alexander, Lord Stirling who was born (most likely) on (Wed) December 4th, 1726 in New York City.
By all accounts, he was quite intelligent and well educated. He was the son of Scottish immigrants who fled Scotland after the Jacobite Rebellion. There was ancestral royal blood in the family, and he sought and held a highly controversial title of Lord Stirling. He lived a life befitting the title - and racked up the bill to go with it. Living in New Jersey and deeply in debt by the time the Revolutionary War broke out, the conflict provided a timely interruption to offload his monetary problems.
He became a Colonel in the New Jersey Militia, using his personal funds to outfit the 1st NJ Regiment; he was promoted to Brigadier General in March, 1776.
At the Battle of Long Island in August, the Patriots were quickly outflanked by the Redcoats. Seeing the disaster unfold, Stirling organized troops from Maryland into a well-executed, collapsing rear-guard action that allowed the majority of the American Army to escape. Scattering his men at the very end, he himself remained to be captured. The action was so successful, even the British acknowledged his gallantry.
Released in a prisoner exchange, Stirling was decisively engaged at Trenton that December. He was defeated at Short Hills, NJ in June of 1777, but won at Brandywine and Germantown, both in Pennsylvania. That winter, by accident, he was able to expose, and stop, a planned coup by General Horatio Gates to take command from George Washington. He’s forever part of New Jersey’s legacy for his part in the Battle of Monmouth Courthouse on June 28th, 1778. The fight was savage and he took heavy casualties, but his troops held their ground.
By 1781, Stirling was assigned to command the forces in the northern frontier as the Continentals moved south to Yorktown. With the war all but over, Stirling, in poor health, died on active duty on January 15th, 1783, age 56. He was buried in famed Trinity Church in New York City.
However, his legacy of service would not be allowed to end there. With War Department General Order No. 194 on December 27th, 1904, he became the namesake to “Battery Alexander,” a two-gun 12-inch caliber disappearing battery at Fort Hancock, NJ. Construction began in 1898, and it was accelerated for the outbreak of the Spanish American War. Completion and transfer to the Coast Artillery was in July, 1899.
Battery Alexander is unique, as it is the two northern emplacements of what is called “9-Gun Battery” at Ft. Hancock. A total of six 12-inch guns and three 10-inch guns were emplaced there between 1896 and 1902. Battery Alexander’s guns face due north, and cover the west into Sandy Hook and Raritan Bay, as well as the approaches to the harbor from the southeast. The Battery enjoyed an exceptionally long service life of 43 years. The guns were finally salvaged for a scrap drive in early 1943. During the Cold War, the vacant emplacement was used as ammunition storage for 90-mm Anti-Aircraft guns until the Nike missiles came online in 1954.
Today, the Battery is in poor shape, with trees and vegetation growing through the concrete. The National Park Service has classified Battery Alexander as a “ruin,” meaning it will never, ever be restored or even preserved.
Although the emplacement may be vanishing, the incredible legacy of General William Alexander, Lord Stirling, the Battery that carries his name, and the service of the US Army Coast Artillerymen that manned it across four decades is in the safest of hands, here.
🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
🇺🇲🇺🇲 ** Please Like & Follow "Sandy Hook History" on Facebook & Instagram for more amazing maritime and military histories of the Garden State and New York Harbor as well as a review of the 80th Anniversary of the Battle Of The Atlantic and World War 2** 🇺🇲🇺🇲
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rockypointdaily · 7 months
The Big Apple is a Boater’s Paradise - Rocky Point Daily
Big Apple Charters is opening New York City’s nautical world to locals and visitors alike. Surrounded by water, the Big Apple is a boater’s paradise; from cruising in front of Lady Liberty, traveling under the Brooklyn Bridge, anchoring off beaches in Raritan Bay, sunsets over the Palisades, visiting City Island for lobsters, or even planning a Caribbean escape, we have something for anyone looking to get a little more sea breeze in their life and peace in their soul. The heart of Big Apple Charters is the customized private luxury yacht charters for up to 12 guests, which can be arranged for packages between 2-8 hours (or more) with your closest family and friends. Luxury and refinement in a beautiful small yacht package.
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artworksstore · 8 months
Check out the great products created from this nautical chart on Fine Art America
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shahananasrin-blog · 11 months
[ad_1] Newswise — Hackensack Meridian Health, the largest, most comprehensive and integrated health care network in New Jersey, is pleased to announced that Gregory Rokosz, DO, JD, FACEP, FACOEP, has been appointed chief medical officer for Old Bridge and Raritan Bay Medical Center’s.  The chief medical officer position is part of the hospitals’ senior leadership team and includes managing both hospital’s physicians to provide high quality medical services.“We are delighted to welcome Dr. Gregory Rokosz to Old Bridge and Raritan Bay Medical Center’s,” said Patricia Carroll, FACHE, president, chief hospital executive, Old Bridge and Raritan Bay Medical Center’s. “Dr. Rokosz will continue his stellar medical career in leadership positions spanning clinical affairs, research, and medical education. He is an emergency physician and a health law attorney, and we could not have a more qualified or experienced medical leader joining both our hospital’s.”Dr. Rokosz joins Old Bridge and Raritan Bay Medical Center’s from RWJBarnabas Health (RWJBH), where he was the senior vice president for Clinical Affairs, Research, and Education and chief academic officer. He previously served for 21 years as the chief medical officer for Cooperman Barnabas Medical Center (CBMC). Prior to this, he was president of the medical staff at Union Hospital in New Jersey. Dr. Rokosz is an emergency physician, medical educator, medical administrator, and health law attorney. He is board certified in Emergency Medicine and Family Medicine and is a Fellow of the American College of Emergency Physicians and the American College of Osteopathic Emergency Physicians. On a state level, Dr. Rokosz served on the New Jersey State Board of Medical Examiners for more than eleven years, including serving as Board president. He continues to Chair the Physician Executive Constituency Group of the New Jersey Hospital Association, a position he has held since 2003.  “It’s truly an honor to join the dedicated and talented professionals at Hackensack Meridian Health, and to continue to drive clinical excellence and innovation at Old Bridge and Raritan Bay Medical Center’s,” said Dr. Rokosz. “I know that the people I work with share my passion for helping patients and delivering the best medical care possible.” window.fbAsyncInit = function () FB.init( appId: '890013651056181', xfbml: true, version: 'v2.2' ); ; (function (d, s, id) var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = " fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); (document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); [ad_2]
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quotidiansacred · 1 year
Raritan Bay Union - Wikipedia
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radar-ryan · 1 year
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The system that has been giving us rain for most of the day will continue to stick around tomorrow. Tomorrow is the day the significantly strong cold front will push through the region, bringing high winds, coastal flooding concerns, and plummeting temperatures. A wind chill advisory now includes most counties in the state, save for a few in NE NJ. These counties are not exempt from the wind advisories however, as high wind gusts up to 40-50mph are able to impact the entire state, mostly along the shore, likely causing power outages.
The rapid temperature drop could cause wet roads, bridges, and sidewalks to quickly turn to ice as a result of a flash freeze. Ice can begin to accumulate on surfaces as soon as late morning to early afternoon hours tomorrow. This will happen as temperatures will plunge from the mid to upper 50s all the way down into the 20s and 30s in just a few hours! As night falls, the high winds will continue to roar as temps lower into the teens and single digits. Meanwhile, wind chills are expected to drop into the negatives. The NWS includes coldest wind chills possibly reaching 10-15 degrees below zero between Fri night and Sat morning.
Friday morning and afternoon high tide cycles are likely to be impacted by the strong winds and result in possible widespread coastal flooding along the coast and Delaware River, with areas of major flooding along Raritan Bay.
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capnted · 2 years
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Shark Week Blimp out on the high seas yesterday! #catalina30 #thunderstruckmotors #solarpowered🌞 #greenboat #boatlife⚓ #sailing⛵ #islandlife🌴 #seashepherd (at Raritan Bay) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf4FGKCrcLKS1zougPPYNJaypIqLRA179vzIuw0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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southjerseyweb · 4 months
NJ swimming: 2024 state team tournament brackets released - Daily Record
Passaic Tech will host North 1. North 2 will be at the Raritan Bay YMCA. Central will be at The College of New Jersey. South is at Gloucester County …
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