idsb · 6 months
Holy fuck I am so ANGRY and idk what to do
#basically like. okay I was hired for the job I have rn with the intent of being a ‘part time’ employee#I am currently a ‘casual’ employee which means no benefits and no promised hours#but I’ve been working 35 hours/week#to compensate for missing out on those things ‘casuals’ get $5/hour extra#I was TOLD that casuals also did not get overtime pay or holiday pay or anything#and then was told I had to get my paperwork to transition in to part time submitted RIGHT NOW IMMEDIATELY#or else it wouldn’t be in until the new year#right okay so I wanted the 250% salary increase for holiday pay on Christmas and NY’s so I got the paperwork in#only to discover#after I got the fucking paperwork in#that casuals ALSO GOT 250% PAY ON CHRISTMAS#and the same overtime pay rules as part time employees#the only difference is paid leave and I won’t work there long enough for paid leave to matter that much#SO I BASICALLY JUST THREW $5/HOUR INTO THE DUMPSTER#and now I have to work 4 days a week to make what I was making working 3 days a week?????#when I already fucking hate this job???#and like idt it was intentional but I was mislead by my boss like she had the incorrect information#and it would’ve been one thing if I knew this in advance so I just ~*oopsies*~ didn’t get the paperwork in#but now that I DID get the paperwork in I can’t undo it without being like hey yeah I actually don’t want the entire reason why I was hired#I’m so fucking goddamn ANGRY#idk what the fuck to do#like that’s $200 entire dollars less per week#LIKE $1000/MONTH#ONE FUCKING PLANE RIDE HOME PER MONTH#I had started feeling like things were turning around as well and life just fucking DECKS me all over again#I don’t know what the fuck to do#I can’t fucking believe this
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k4shixe · 5 months
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Broken Heart. part 2
Characters; fem!reader, Gojo Satoru, Toji Fushiguro (gn!reader aswell)
Warnings; break up, meeting ex, drinking alcohol, partying, drunk, fighting, not proof read
Word count; 1.5k
Summary; After your break up your friends dragged you along for a party and you met someone new.
Here is Part 1
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A few days after the break up with Gojo, lets just say you were more then at rock bottom. You sobbed and cried all day while listening to sloppy, sad depressing music which you said to yourself that you would never do. A few of your friends had to come and help you around so that you dont live in a dumpster. The days you did go to work, you noticed your coworker, the one who made you feel worthless and took everything from you, got demoted due to "complaints" and you couldn't help but smirk to yourself. Plus she avoided you twice as much so now you didnt have to see her ugly face. Guess it worked out after all.
Your friends on the other hand tried everything to make you do something but you were always "tired" so they gave up after a while. And as promised, you had gotten up to get a glass of water when you heard a buzz on your phone. Thinking it was one of your friends you looked at the text notification to see it was Gojo. You threw your phone at the couch and took a deep breath before picking it up. You knew you should have blocked him but you still have a little hope.
Gojo: Hey love, can we talk?
You didnt know how to reply to that. How could you? You didnt want to hear him out because there was nothing to say. He was caught red handed and basically pleated guilty. So you switched off your phone and turned on the tv. You got another text but this time from your friends.
Friend 1: Y/n! We're going out to the club today you should come!
Friend 2: Yeah, maybe you can find a better guy then that asshole you dated
Friend 1: Exactly! We are picking you up at 6 so get ready alright!
Leaving the messages on read, you sighed to yourself as you went to your bedroom. You had to get ready or else they'll drag you to the club in your pj's and what if you do find a nice guy? You need to look your best. So you spent the next few hours getting ready, ready to be the prefect person you were always meant to be. As you heard your friend's car pull up in your drive way you checked in the mirror one last time to make sure everything was perfect. Makeup. Great. Outfit. Spectacular. And lastly your phone. You walked out the door feeling like you owned the world and your friends hyped you up especially since this is the first time in a week you've left the house for something personal to do.
Entering the club, you eyes scanned over everyone inside, especially the men who seemed drunker then ever. Was the club that good? Before you could say anything, mostly about going home, your friends dragged you to a booth and ordered a few drinks.
"Cmon y/n! Have some fun!"
"Guys i dont think this is a good idea"
"Nonsense! Just have one!"
So you did, but one turned into 3 then 5 and it just kept going until the point you lost count.
Your friends eventually pushed you to the dance floor where everyone else was and you felt alive. The music was loud and pumping through your veins, the drinks made you loosen up a lot and you had forgotten everything that happened. You signalled to your friend that you'd be sitting down at your booth and began walking towards it once they gave you a thumbs up. Looking towards your booth, your vision blurry you didnt notice you bumped into someone.
"Oh my god! Im so sorry!" You say repeatedly.
"Its okay. Im fine. That was nothing" a deep voice replied. Looking up you see a tall man with dark black hair looking at you.
You nodded and you both carried on with what you were doing but you couldn't get the guys face out of your head. He was a fit looking man with a cut on from the top to the bottom of his mouth. Dang it. You should of asked for his name. You looked around to see if you could spot him again but no use. However what you did see was 10 times worse. Your ex, Gojo, was at the very same bar with his friends and from the looks of it, he was walking right towards you.
"Hey y/n." All the alcohol you had just disappeared and you didnt have blurry vision. Atleast not from the drinks. You friends noticed the tears that were threatening to spill out and rushed over to you.
"Hey what the hell is you problem?"
"Yeah, last time I checked your status was cheater"
You can not emphisias more on how much you love your friends. Gojo ignores them, looking directly at you, his blue eyes showing more then what he was willing to show. But all you could remember was the feeling of betrayal.
Your friends had caused quiet a commotion to the point some people started recording and others started to try break up the fight. You were too busy trying to hold your emotions together, your mind swirling through each thought. It was when you felt a hand on your shoulder that you finally came back to reality.
"You caused quiet a scene, huh Gojo. Leave the poor girl alone" the voice sent shivers down your spine at how calm he sounded. His deep voice was a reminder to who he was and upon looking up you were right. The same man with the cut on his mouth.
"Step aside. I wasn't talking to you." Gojo says as he walks up to the man who is supposedly named Toji. They were standing head to head to each other with your poor self in between them.
"I thought your single now that you cheated with that lame ass women" Toji says as he tilts his head in a mocking smile. No words come from Gojo but a glare was evident as Toji put an arm around your waist and pushed Gojo as you walked together. You were still processing everything, you wanted to turn around to see if Gojo was looking but you knew he was but you turned around anyway and sure he was. You couldn't lie, the satisfaction you felt seeing him with his eyes wide looking directly at you was amazing. You turned around realising the hand tighten a little around your waist and you became a little uncomfortable. You looked towards the ground and took a deep breath.
"Uh thank you for your assistance, but I can take care of myself." You say trying to get away from the man.
"Really? I saw how you were back there. And we both know that dumb fuck will follow you just to talk to you. He has nothing better to do."
Toji says with a slight chuckle. "Atleast let me take you home pretty lady" he says as he holds his hand out. "Ugh fuck me." You mumble not sure of what to do. "Oh? Can I really?" He gives you a smirk before looking behind you to see Gojo still staring. "Great. Let's go then" he puts his arm around your shoulders and takes you out of the bar, calling over a taxi to drive you.
"Y/n! Wait!" The familiar voice shouted out, the one that used to bring you comfort. "Why are you going with him!"
"Satoru, its not your problem is it now? Besides he's my new boyfriend"
Gojo stared at you with shock. "Y/n please. I'll do better I promise. Give me one more chance!" He pleaded with you, looking at you with such intensity.
"Im sorry. But I cant. I trusted you." You say looking down holding back the tears.
"Thats right. Now go to that side chick, she'll love to have you." Toji turned you around with a hand gently placed on your back.
"Bye Satoru." You whisper quietly as a tears rolled down your cheek. You and Tojo both got into the taxi as he flipped Gojo off and the taxi started driving down the street. "Boyfriend huh? I like the wound of that" he whispered closely to your ear with a smirk.
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A/n: Here's a part 2 since some of you guys wanted one! Sorry for it being written later. I didnt know if I should do toji or geto but I think toji and Gojo dont like eachother from what I know so I thought it was better. Hope you enjoy!
Part 2 tag: @labelt-san @ritsatoru @multi-fandom-fanfic
(Sorry if u didnt wanna be tagged. Message me if you want to be removed)
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nocturnegyser · 4 years
Feral Angel
Warren x reader (Racc)
this is my real first time writing anything like this at all so its going to be really crappy and flawed... so please be mean
TW: Mentions death
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(y/n) has always been kinda feral growing up, having her fathers raccoon mutation giving her raccoon ears and tail and ability to hear and smell things like a raccoon and even the signature raccoon black mask you see every raccoon born with, her mother being human no one knows where her reality manipulation comes from, perhaps she accidentally grew another mutation?
After an accident with some boys she got in a fight with causing her to discover her reality manipulation power, her brother hesitantly sent her to Xaviers School for the Gifted, with a heavy heart and bag packed, (y/n) bid her brother adieu.
Her first step in, (y/n) is immediately greeted by Hank McCoy
“Hello, you must be (y/n) (y/l/n), I’m Hank McCoy, I am a teacher here and will be giving you your orientation tomorrow but for today I hope you have a relatively easy time settling in-“
(y/n) is immediately mesmerized by his fluffy blue furry face, in the middle of him explaining everything she immediately just pets his face and immediately Hank grabs (y/n)’s hands
“Please don’t do that.. ever again..”
“Oh ok sorry ._.”
“Well anyways for now I will hand you over to another one of our members here, Ororo, she will be showing you your way to your room”
Hank then passed (y/n) along to Ororo to show her to her room.
“This your first time living away from home?” asked Ororo trying to be friendly with (y/n)
“Oh! Uh, yea.. kinda.. I would travel with my brother a lot when I was younger so I lived in a van for a little bit but that was fun”
“You ever live apart from your brother?”
“No...” answered (y/n) a little nervously
“Well this place can be as homely as you make it to be” Ororo assures her
Finally coming up on (y/n)’s new room for the next 3 years or so Ororo opens the door to reveal her new room, her boxes she had sent a week earlier were sitting in the corner ready for her to unpack
“I know it can be intimidating here at first but you’ll soon come to adjust to life here.” Ororo reassured (y/n)... again
Ororo left (y/n) to unpack and settle in for her first night, she noticed she wasn’t sharing her room with anyone
Great, away from home and alone, this is already shaping to be a great new life...
Not even touching one of her packed boxes a baseball crashes through her window
“WHAT THE F*CK!!” (y/n) immediately exclaimed
She ran up to the window dodging the broken glass on the floor even though she was barefoot, looking for who threw the baseball
She immediately saw him, tall, broad, intimidating, and metal wings. He was the only one with a bat and the only one looking in her direction, he immediately ran inside, presumably heading to her room. 7 minutes later the tall metal winged angel shows up at her door
“Aww jeez.. sorry ‘bout that, here, I’ll take my ball back... and I’ll tell someone u need a new window..”
“Dude! I said I was sorry! Just give me back my ball ok?”
“UGH, fine take your stupid ball and watch where you’re aiming next time, GOD!”
Angrily, (y/n) slammed her door in the angel boys face.
“Man who the hell- UGH!”
Not even a full hour here and my window is shattered and there’s glass all over my floor! This is ALREADY shapping up to be a GREAT TIME
Meanwhile on the other side of the door
“Ugh! I said sorry!” angel boy grumbled walking away
(y/n) sweeps up the broken glass on the floor and throws a blanket over her broken window
Having unpacked 3 of her 5 boxes, (y/n) decides to call it a night and decided to finish tomorrow considering her classes start on tuesday and it was saturday
“Whew! Well the glass is cleaned up, window is... handled.. for now, 60% of my stuff is unpacked-”
A loud growl emitted from (y/n)’s small raccoon stomach
“well... guess i should go eat something then.. what time is it?.. 9:30??!? Jeez where does all my time go??”
Realizing how tired she is, she slowly makes her way to the dorm kitchen and hears someone already in there
Who is in here at 9:37 at night?.... besides me
She turns the corner and see’s who exactly is in the kitchen at 9:37 at night, angel boy
He turns around the second (y/n) enters the kitchen and both lock eyes immediately and both go “Ugh.”Neither saying anything, (y/n) begins making herself a pb and j and chips
“You mind passing me a knife?” (y/n) hesitantly asked noticing he was standing in front of the silverware drawer
Both staring each other dead in the eyes, angel boy slowly moved from in front of the silverware drawer not passing her a knife. Ugh, still maintaining eye contacts and squinting both giving each other death stares (y/n) slowly grabs a knife from the drawer
“Thanks.. a lot”
“Don’t mention it”
Continuing making her sandwich neither still talking
“So... I told the repair guy you needed a new window and he said he’ll be able to put a new one in on Monday”
“That’s the earliest??”
“No, the earliest was tomorrow but you were being a dick”
“God, you know, for an angel you’re an asshole you know that”
“I’m not an angel”
“Explains the wings and attitude”
Both still at each other’s throats, (y/n) realized she was not making anything better so she decided to try and de-escalate the situation
“Well anyways... I’m (y/n) (y/l/n)” (y/n) said holding out her hand for a handshake
“Warren Worthington” shaking her hand
“So... can you talk to raccoons? or find cool shit in dumpsters?”
“No and dumpster diving isn’t my mutation, I can hear and smell things like a raccoon can and just recently discovered I also have reality manipulation.”
“Reality manipulating raccoon girl huh? that must be a combo everyone’s surprised to hear”
“I don’t tell everyone, unlike you, I can hide my mutation”
“Why do you want to hide your mutation, and how do you hide your eye mask?”
“To avoid problems with people, and i use concealer”
“What kind of problems?”
“The bad kind”
“Why don’t you just fight them?”
Jesus who is this guy, an investigator??
“For an angel boy you sure ask a lot of questions”
“Not an angel”
“You’re right.. for a pigeon you ask a lot of questions”
“And for a trash panda you have a lot of snide remarks”
Again at each other’s throats, both finish their food and go to bed
“Jesus what a first day away from home, I’ll have to ask that repair guy if he can still give me a new window tomorrow” (y/n) said to herself in the comfort of her own room... alone..
One day down... countless more to go...
After her orientation with Hank, (y/n) decided to take a stroll through the mansion to familiarize herself even more with the mansion more
(y/n) glossed through the library, sped through the classrooms, peeked in the chemistry lab, she had already been at the kitchen and her hallway, she didn’t feel the need to check out the other hallways. She did however want to checkout the attic since the basement was essentially off limits to students.
Finally making it to the attic, she took a liking to the relaxing atmosphere. I could get used to the atmosphere up here, she thought to herself
(y/n) staring the window, taking a moment to herself to think. The hatch on the floor then opening up “Oh.. I’m sorry I didn’t realize anyone would be up here..,” (y/n) looked over to see Warren
“Oh, no it’s fine, I’ll leave if you wanna be up here... alone” (y/n) offered, “No no I’ll just find some place else to-“
“Well it’s not like I own the attic”(y/n) joked trying to let Warren stay upstairs
“Uh.. yeah ok, I guess” Warren slowly making his way back up the ladder “I just come up here to read sometimes”
“What do you read?” (y/n) asked trying to spark some small talk
“Mostly Cult of Raven or Stephen King”
“Stephen Kings that guy who wrote that one story about that hotel right with those twins in the hallways saying ‘Come play with us,’ right?”
“The shining?”
“Is that what it’s called?”
“Then yes”
“You don’t read Stephen?” Warren asked engaging in the small talk
“I don’t read a whole lot in general” (y/n) admitted “Got any recommendations?”
Warren pulling out ‘Monkeys Paw’, handing it to (y/n)
“What’s this about” she asked curiosly
“Basically the term ‘you get what you wish for’ taken to the extreme”
“Ah, okay” (y/n) the. beginning to read along with Warren
Not even a full 3 minutes passed before Peter came running up to the attic hiding from someone
(y/n) and Warren both looking at him confused, “What the bell? Peter? What’re-“ Peter cutting him off
“Ok ok ok promise not to say anything to Jean?” Peter begged
“What?”(y/n) asked “Well let’s just say I accidentally ticked Jean off,” then hearing Jean yelling from under the attic
“WHERE ARE YOU PETER, I KNOW YOU BROKE MY VASE OF LILY’S!!” Peter scared then sneaking out the nook window onto the roof as a quick escape
Jean then making her way up to the attic, “Where is he,” her eyes practically red, both pointing at the window, Warren trying to open it realizing Peter jammed it unable to open it “Welp.. guess I should go get him off the roof... again” Warren then making his way down the latter to outside
Jean still standing there, her hand in her hip her other on her forehead, noticing (y/n) just awkwardly sitting there, “Sorry about that, the boys here can be a bit much...”
“Warren, he got here not long before you did, he’s still trying to adjust himself, it’s nice to see you two being nice to each other”
“Well it’s not like it’s that hard to get along with him, I realized that once I took a step back to not argue with him, his nice guy act could use a little work though” (y/n) sheepishly admitted
“You’d be surprised who all he does the ‘nice guy’ act for around here”
“Lemme guess, half the girls here, right?”
“Like I said, you’d be surprised”
Jean then left (y/n) to go find Peter and ultimately reprimand him
You’d be surprised? Who all? What’s that supposed to mean? (y/n) thought to herself in her room
Hearing a knocking at her door, (y/n) goes to answer it, she opens the door to see Jubilee
“Oh ok, so you’re (y/n) (y/l/n), right?”
“Uh.. yes, and you are?...”
“Jubilation Lee, but you can just call me Jubilee or just Jube’s”
“Right, and what exactly can I do for you?”
“Oh right, Peter asked me to ask you if you wanted to go to the movies with us later seeing as how you’re the newest addition to the crew”
“The crew?”
“Yea! I mean you’re new here and we figured you’d maybe want some friends”
The concept of friendship was not entirely new to (y/n) but it definitely wasn’t familiar
“Uh, well yea sure, I guess, I’m not exactly busy until Tuesday so..”
“Perfect! I’ll text you the details and add you to our group chat if you want”
“Uh, yeah sure ok” (y/n) shrugged and exchanged numbers
“Great! well we were thinking about seeing- *GASP* You have an electric guitar??!” Jubilee instantly distracted
“Yea, her name is bender, because it’s a fender so it’s a fender.. bender” (y/n) joked letting Jubilee come in
“Oh that is perfect, are you in a band?”
“No, I dreamt about it but it never happened hehe”
“I might know a few people who wouldn’t mind joining a rock, more on that later, but we were thinking about seeing that new horror flick that’s in theaters right now at around 6-ish”
it was 4:37
“It’s going to be me and my friends Jean, Scott, and Warren”
“Yea, you meet him?”
Meeting Warren was a bit of an understatement at this point
“Yes, we met” (y/n) as exhausted as she sounded of him
“Great! Well I hope you two got along because we were thinking of seating arrangements and now that you’re on board, you’re gonna be next to Warren”
“Does it have to be next to warren?”
“What’s wrong? you don’t like him?”
“Well...” (y/n) paused to think that maybe actually getting to know Warren some more wouldn’t kill either of them
“Ok, yea, next to Warren it is” (y/n) said with a determined look
“Ok great, if I’m being honest, asking you to the movies was actually Warrens idea, he just wanted me to say it was Peter, not sure why”
Warren wanted her to ask me? Why not ask me himself?
“You’d be surprised who all he does the ‘nice guy’ act for around here”
Could that be what Jean meant?
“Well I’ll see you around 6 at the garage, see you then! Oh and nice meeting you”
“Yeah you too” closing her door puzzling what it all meant together
Eventually 6 was drawing close so (y/n) rushed getting ready and got to the garage super early and decided just to wait there for everyone
Warren then came walking through the door
“Oh, you’re here early”
“You too” she replied playfully trying to be friendly
“So...” (y/n) began “You watch the trailer for this movie yet?”
“No not yet, supposedly it’s good though from what I’ve heard so far”
“Nice, I didn’t watch a whole lot of horror growing up”
“Too scary for you?”
“No, my brother who raised me didn’t think of them as a proficient use of time, so we didn’t watch them a lot”
“Oh wow, I used to watch them all the time with my mom”
“Aww, I never knew either of my parents” (y/n) immediately regretted just blurting that out nonchalantly
“Oh...” Warren said a little shocked that she admitted something so personal
“Yea.. Well.. I’m sorry that probably sounded problematic but I swear it’s not what all it sounds like but...” (y/n) explained almost stammering
The rest of the group finally walking in
“I call shotgun!” Jean exclaimed as she rushed to the front seat
(y/n), Warren and Jubilee all sat in the back, (y/n) never have been in a car with friends she stayed quiet ‘cause she didn’t know what to talk about but was listening to the other’s conversations, she looked up at Warren who was sitting in the middle and (y/n) on his left, she noticed he was just looking dead ahead with stone cold eyes
Dang, he must not be all that interested in anything I guess...
Jean overheard what both were thinking and took more interest as to what Warren was thinking about, wonder what that could be?
The group finally arrived at the movies and all hop out and start making their way to front doors, this being the first time (y/n) was out in public not hiding her ears, tail or eyes, she was understandabley nervous and a little fidgety, she felt a million eyes on her and immediately wanted to run into the forested area behind the movie theater
It’s ok you know, people around here are not more accepting of mutants considering they live right next to a whole mansion full of them
Do you always talk to people in their own heads???
It’s better to think of just people taking amazement in your mutation then them just judging you
Yea well easy for you, you can hide your mutation, I mean... I can too but i didn’t wear my hat it didn’t go with my outfit
Jean giving (y/n) a motherly smile trying reassure everything’s fine
“Ahh fudge!!” Jubilee exclamed at the sight of the theater not showing the movie they wanted to see
“Mann! what’re we supposed to do now? This took a lot of convincing Charles!” Jubilee explained
The group went silent thinking about something to do
“I kinda wanna check out the music shop” (y/n) suggested
“I wanna go to forever 21,” said Jubilee
“Me and Scott’ll be at the party” Jean dragging Scott along and the rest of the group all going their own ways too
Waking in the music shop, (y/n) couldn’t figure one thing
So... why exactly did Warren decide to tag along with me?
“What exactly were you thinking on getting here?” Warren asked
“I was thinking about investing in some new strings, and maybe that new blink 182 album..”
“You play?”
“You in a band?”
“No... I wanted to but no one wanted to start one with a reality manipulating raccoon girl I guess” (y/n) said jokingly
“Heh, any cool inspirations?”
“My dad for starters”
“He played?”
“Yea, I watched old videos of him on stage and he could shred” a little bashfulness rosiness in (y/n)’s cheeks
“I take it you want to carry on the legacy?”
“Something like that, I mostly picked it up ‘cause I thought it looked cool and I didn’t have to spend money buying a new guitar”
“You’re using your dads”
“Yea, he named it Bender”
“Like from Futurama?”
“Maybe, but the main reason being is because it’s a Fender, so it’s a Fender BENDER” she joked nudging Warren seeing if he got the joke
“Clever, think you’re going to start a band?”
“If I can find any players here”
“I know my way around a drum kit, if that helps”
“No way! Do you have a kit?”
“No, I’m sure the music program at the school has one though”
“What kinda music do you like?”
“Mostly punk and alternative, you?”
“Metallica and Queen”
“Oh nice, I don’t necessarily hate classic rock, but I definitely prefer punk”
“It definitely suits you”
“Haha and what’s that supposed to mean?” (y/n) poking fun at Warrens statement, almost flirting
“Uh- well I mean it’s just very chaotic and from the time I’ve known you, you give off that controlled chaos kinda vibe”
“Controlled chaos ay? Well your vibe... I definitely gotta say is very Controlled rage”
“Must be why we go together” Warren immediately regretting spurting that out
“You think we go together?”
“Well- I meant like- I guess- I-“ Warren now blushing
He’s so cute flustered, to think he blushes so easily
(y/n) immediately realizing something
Wait.. I’ve never seen him blush but neither has anyone else... ahh I’m sure that doesn’t mean anything... right?...
“Yea well.. I’m gonna go buy these strings then” (y/n) said blushing a little bit
Both got a text from the rest of the group saying they’re ready to go home now that it’s 8:35
“Well guess we should meet up with everyone..” Warren pointing out the obvious and dodging eye contact
“Yea...”(y/n) agreeing also dodging eye contact both blushing
Finally getting back to the mansion (y/n), Jean, and Jubilee all make their way back to their rooms
Scott noticing Warren watching (y/n) walk away “You two have fun at the music shop?”
“Yea, didn’t know she played guitar” Warren said a little cheerfully.
“Someones sounding a little less murdery than usual”
“Shut up...”
A/N: I’m sorry if this sucked but it’s my first fanfic...
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pernatius · 4 years
Lost in Space Part 2: Ch 1
Summary: After returning to Earth, an unnamed Space Explorer must face the consequences of going past Quadrant 5.
Attempting to write 10k words for part 2 by the end of the week. 
Part 1:
Ch 1
Ch 2
Ch 3
Ch 4
Ch 5
I sigh. I watch my breath move away and disappear before my eyes. I shiver, but instead of hugging myself to keep in what little warmth I have, I look down at my shaky hands. I imagine my blood dripping down my fingertips. I then lay them down, hoping to paint the cold floor beneath me. I know full well it’s all in my head, but I try to anyway. I try until I can feel the skin underneath my nails tear. When that happens, I grip either shoulder. This isn’t because I now know it’s best to keep warm. I did so because of how trapped and lonely I feel. 
My eyes move up towards the wall I’m leaning against. I imagine a window and the rich blue sky waiting on the other side. I then go on to imagine how long I’ve spent here. By this point, I could’ve already stayed here for days, weeks, or even months. Time has lost its touch on me. The walls haven’t changed. No cobwebs or even a speck of dust has touched them. Even the door right across from me doesn’t have a sliver of time’s touch. Its knob hasn’t moved an inch since I got here. Even the air vent above lacks any indication of how long I’ve been here. There’s no sound coming from them, especially no voices. It strengthens the lack of hope, though. It causes my head to lower. 
Because of this, I scoff. I scoffed at how lucky I was back then. At least back at the Tauvoxes’ ship, I felt alive. Even if it was fear it’s better than feeling dead. 
Light touched me. It blinded me. I tried covering my eyes with my hand, but with his hand wrapping itself and clutching my wrist it became impossible. 
He led me. I walked by his side and took note of the many doors that stretched from both ends of the hallway. They’re all closed, which meant many others are facing the same torment I had just been released from. I imagine the hundred or so helpless others sitting at the very edges of their rooms with their heads down. Most hug themselves to keep warm or what little hope they had left. Some just lean against the wall, hoping for death to take them away from the mind-numbing torture. Sure, maybe some deserved to be here. Maybe they broke out of the limits of humanity, but no one deserved this. No one deserved the drain. Whatever they had done to get themselves here it couldn’t have been enough to forget they’re human too. They have families. They have friends. Maybe a pet at home like a dog. Maybe that dog used to wait at their front door until they got home from work. Maybe that dog now has their head down and is whimpering because they were promised a walk too long ago. Whatever the case they have memories. They have lives, or at least they had lives before being sent here. True monsters could be on the other side of those doors, but it’s not like they wanted to be one. Life just forces people to become one. I might not be called a monster to most, but it doesn’t matter what most think because in their eyes they see me as one. In his eyes especially. 
He sat right across from me and just like with The Director shades covered his eyes. They showed me the helplessness sketched on my face. “It doesn’t take much to realize you aren’t handcuffed. You can try to run out of here. Hell, you can try to sock my nose. However, if you’re smart you wouldn’t do something so rash. We attached a chip on the back of your neck not too long after your court case. So, if you try to do anything other than answer me you will be electrocuted.”
“Does it matter? Whether or not I answer I’ll just be sent back into that room to be left to myself. To be tortured.”
“Rightfully so. You had disobeyed direct orders, caused the death of your entire crew, and nearly brought all of humanity into another war. Thank God for that band of Space Pirates…”
His words faded from my hearing. Instead of sitting in the interrogation room, I’ve bent down in the middle of a farmers market. Underneath a small rock, a flower sways before my eyes. My hand pushes the rock away, grabs the flower, and plucks it out of the ground. I then ran over to my mother. Well, it was more like scrambling to her as I tried not to trip because at that time my shoes were somehow always untied. Once I’m next to her, I tug her baggy pants. When that doesn’t get her attention, I call out her name. Still, her attention is directed towards the woman running the little shop. They’re laughing as the owner places my mother’s purchased fruits and vegetables into a bag. Because I was just another selfish child, I kicked my mother. This gets her attention, but not the type I wanted. She turns and lowers her head as the owner is talking to another customer. My mother mouths, “When we get home-”
“Here’s your bag,” the owner interrupted her with a soft voice. 
With that, my mother’s demeanor shifted right back into its lighthearted self. She smiles and says her thanks, but that’s the end of that side of her. Once we get home she scolds me. With the flower crushed in my hand, I can feel my throat tighten. I’m crying in front of her as she points her finger and shouts at me. She could’ve scolded me for at least another hour, but a phone call cuts her off mid-sentence. 
I threw the flower down and continued to cry into my pillow. I don’t know how long I cried. Maybe a few seconds. It could’ve been five minutes. An hour possibly, or maybe even two. How long it was doesn’t matter. I calmed down eventually. Well, the crying portion of my emotions ended. From being a tearful mess I then turned to frustration. “You’re always making me cry. I wish something made you cry for once, mom,” I shouted.
It wouldn’t take long for me to regret that statement because what had come next was an explosion. My childhood home was swallowed up in a blaze of fire. I tried looking for my mom, but I was too late. A piece of the roof punctured right through her, but she was still alive. Her body twitched and I saw tears in her eyes. I wanted to help her. I tried to, but I was too weak. So, I ran. I pushed past some crops and ran until I slipped and fell in some mud. 
As I tried wiping off the mud from my face, I cried. I cried until I saw something appearing in the mud, it reflected something. It reflected something unworldly. Looking up, I see a spaceship. 
The trudging soon began. My shoes were covered in mud, grass, and sewage. They smelled and were on the verge of breaking apart. I’ve worn the same clothes for days. We’ve been trudging for days. Blisters sat underneath my feet. Scars scattered throughout my ankles and some even managed to get to my shoulders and chest. The others and I haven’t eaten much. Our rations ended a week ago, so we’ve been surviving on whatever we’re able to find whether that means killing a fox or going dumpster diving. 
It was supposed to end about a month ago, but the hideout was found out. The people that made it there first were either killed by the blast or, if they managed to escape before it hit, became their prisoners. 
“Go west? Are you insane,” our group leader questioned. 
She stood in front of him. She’s about my age, two years older. Her name is Ashley. I, of course, didn’t know it at the time, but she would become the one I risked everything for about two decades later. “Can’t you see they already know we’re heading south?”
We’re all young. Most of the group barely hit puberty. He was the oldest, so it was only natural for us to make him the leader. However, other than me he was the most stubborn. “Even if they do, what other choice do we have? Five hideouts have been discovered in the past month. If we go back west we’ll be shot down as soon as we step foot there, or worse we’ll become their prisoners. Let’s say you’re right. At least south we have some cover.”
“They’ve been hitting in one unit. There’s no way they’d split up in two separate directions.”
“And you know this how?”
“I’ve been watching them from afar. I haven’t seen any of them-”
“Wait. You’ve been splitting up from the group,” he yelled. 
“Yes,” she muttered under her breath. 
He steps closer to her and lifts her by her collar. Because of the huge height difference, her feet are seen dangling. She begins to cry. The others either just watch or look away. “You’ve been sneaking off from the group? For how long?”
Her crying causes my heart to drop and fists to shake. I wanted to do something, but I was just too scared. He was older, taller, and way stronger. 
“I-I don’t know...a few weeks?” The last word in her answer is spoken with a squeak. 
“You could’ve been caught for these past few weeks,” his grip tightens on her collar, “You could’ve given away our location these past few weeks.”
“I’m sorry,” she whimpered. 
Seeing him move his hand into his pocket, I already knew what he was planning to do. So, I didn’t waste any more time. I buried down my fear towards him and instead replaced it with the fear of that knife making it into her chest.
“Stop.” It was my turn to get in front of him. I looked at him with begging eyes, but he ignored me. He pulled the blade back and swung. 
He cried out and let her go. I caught her before she hit the ground. As she and along with the rest of the group tried to process what just happened, I grabbed her hand and led her away from there. The last thing I see of them is them trying to help him pull the branch out of his ankle. 
For months we all struggled. For months it was all about survival. It was about becoming a hunter rather than the hunted. It felt like years, but the years I’ve spent with her felt like hours. She made me happy the first time in a while. It’s the type of genuine happiness that causes your cheeks to cramp from all the laughing. I hadn’t felt that happy since before my father’s death. She was my first in just about everything. She was my lover. We’ve been together for basically my whole life. Until everything crumbled down. It crumbled because of me. 
“And you did it all for her,” he broke me out of my memories. 
“Yes,” I said confidently. 
“One life isn’t worth the lives of millions.”
My eyebrows furrowed. One twitched. The space between them scrunched up. “What are you trying to say?”
“What do you think I’m trying to say?”
“You think I would let her die? You think I would just sit back on my ass and let my wife die?”
“You were the one that caused her predicament. It’s only deserved you-” 
Before he can finish I punch his nose. He stumbles out of his chair and clutches his now crooked nose. Blood dripped out of the site, but I didn’t get to savor his pain for long because the consequences he described earlier began. An electric shock hit me. It went up and down my spine, causing me to stumble out of my chair as well. 
Knees bent and shaking, I cry. I cry for it to stop. It does, but I still feel it. It’s over, but I still feel my spine burning and head pounding. So, I fall to the floor and try to dig my nails in it. I watch my tears splash onto it as well. 
He moves in front of me. He bends down so that my eyes can meet with his shades. “Was it worth it?”
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One Million In One Day | 4
GOT7 SugarDaddy!Jackson Wang x Reader | Part 1 2 3 4 5 ? Characters: Jackson Wang, Park Jinyoung, Im Jaebum, etc. Summary: His mother’s final wish is to see him be happy in a relationship, knowing that Jackson would be fine when she left him. But, damn, he didn’t have time for relationships, especially not since he was busy running his father’s billion dollar empire, thus the compromise: you.
Word Count: 1k+ Warnings: Dumbness, drinking, mentions of infidelity, annoying-ness, etc.
Preview | Alternate Moodboard
A/N: once again i did this on the app so if its barf on your pc i am so sorry ALSO TYPOS AMSJSJSJS
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Pabo ❤: ya. U wanna watch smthing w me+mark
Pabo ❤: yayayayayaya wake up its only 7
Pabo ❤: ysaaaaaaaaaaaa
Pabo ❤: r u rly asleep or are u busy? U w Nari???
Pabo ❤: YA
Pabo ❤: YAAAAA
You have 10 missed calls from Pabo ❤
My heart dropped as I rummaged through this tiny, tiny purse that was just an accessory basically. After moments of looking and looking, and coming across with nothing, it was decided. I groaned in utter annoyance and almost ripped my scalp off if it wasn't for the fact I spent hours curling my hair to perfection.
I caNNOT BELIEVE I left my phone at home.
I whine and stomped my feet lightly, not wanting to disturb the driver of the taxi I was in. He didn't deserve that.
I huffed and crossed my arms. Oh well.
This was it, and at least I had my keys and wallet with me. Nothing was going to ruin this.
I wonder if Nari was already there.
I paid the driver once I got to my destination and went my way, inside the exclusive party. I turned to tell the bouncer my name but oddly enough, he spared me no look and simply moved aside and let me in. I... huh, thoughtful?
I blinked rapidly as I walked in the place.
Wait... do you know what that means?
It means I, me, ME, I have an effect on people. But why? It's neve-- wait, is it because-- because of this dress.
My heart pounded in my chest as I stalked down the hallway, making it into the dim, loud, smoky, dizzying place that made my stomach churn and my hands sweat.
Where is Nari?
I chewed the inside of my lower lip and watched where I was going. I went to the sides, avoiding the crowd at all costs, hearing a few heys and some how are you beautiful on the side, making me want to gag though my lips haven't even touched alcohol yet.
Suddenly, a very distinct shriek pierced my ears and I looked up to find the source. And there Nari was with a big grin, waving her hands at me as if I was some sort of celebrity.
"Oh my gosh!" she gasped, shimmying through the crowd. "You bought really did buy the dress!"
I chuckled nervously and nodded. I can't tell her about Jackson.
"Yeah. I... I thought it was about time, y'know, in this long time coming."
"Damn straight, jagiya!" she eeked in approval. "Oh when Jaebum sees you, he's gonna--" she cut herself off and then slapped my arm. I whined at the random action.
"What the h--"
"Jinyoung has been calling me for hours! Why haven't you answered his calls?! Is it because he doesn't want you to go to your ex's party."
My brows quirked, "Jinyoung's been calling me?"
Nari scoffed, and seemed that sh was about to attack me, but then she realized something. "Don't tell me, you forgot your phone again, didn't you?"
I rolled my eyes, "No shit Sherlock! Text Jinyoung and tell him I'm fine, ho."
She rolled her eyes, "You do it!"
"Nari! Just tell him this: she's with me, and is fine."
My best friend gave a prolonged groan and pulled her phone out. "Get me a drink then, ho. Reception is bad by the bar for some reason."
I chuckled and nodded, "Fine. Wait for me here then. I'm not particularly fond of hanging around the bar."
Nari nodded. I moved past her and went through the sea of people, gritting my teeth whenever sweat skin made contact with mine. I shuddered at the revolting atmosphere around me that gave me nothing but revolting sensations. Once I was spat out of the crowd that shoved itself against me, I huffed in both relief and frustration, gripping my glittering dress and strutting to the bar. The bartender gave a smile and nodded, immediately asking, "What can I get you?
I pursed my lips, "The sweetest cocktail you have, please."
"I'll make it sweeter for you." the bartender winks, making my eyebrows raise and my head to pull back. I brushed my sweaty nape and chuckled as the man behind the bar got to preparing my drink.
I laughed quietly by myself as I looked around the place.
JB really knows where the hottest places are at. He'll be a great businessman.
I looked over my shoulder, to where the voice came and looked at the man with widening eyes. His hair grew longer since the last time we met, but it still suited him, because, well, he was him.
"It must be your first time here," he spoke while his pointer and middle finger flattened my hair. It was a habit of his. He took a sip of the drink he had in hand then continued, "And the world must be good to me because it's my birthday."
I looked at him, astonished, in pure and utter disbelief, and chuckled loudly, "Don't you know who I am?"
The man seemed to take the questioning statement as a challenge. He leaned him, smelling his cologne and subtly of alcohol. "I could... know you real good."
I my mind went spinning and I just had to turn away.
"Don't you have a girlfriend?" I snipped, whipping my head back to him.
His face remained playful, but I saw how slightly his eyes dropped. "No," he replied the same way he did the first time I asked him a similar question.
"No?" I scoffed out a chuckle, "Are you sure? Isn't her name Jisoo or something."
It was then he visibly showed tension.
I felt tears well in my eyes but I blinked them away. I turned away and rubbed my nape, digging my fingers into roots of my hair. "I can't believe you're drunk already. Has your tolerance went down since last year?"
"What are you talking about?"
"What?" I repeated as I looked at him, "Do you really not remember me, Bum-ie oppa?"
Just then the bartender came back with my order and I took it without hesitation. The man before me was struck by lightning or realization. I took a sip of the drink in my hand and then clicked it against his, "Happy birthday, cheater. Good to know you want back what you've broken."
I turned away from him and swayed my hips away from the imbecile. Apparently though, he wasn't embarrassed enough by our encounter and called my name, pulling me by my arm. I looked at him over my shoulder and he dared to push my hair back behind my ear. He spoke my name again and so I reciprocated.
"Jaebum." I spoke with venom.
"Wh-wait. Ya... You look amazing."
I scoffed and roughly pulled my arm out of his grip, "I've always looked amazing, you bastard." I turned around and downed the drink in one go as I walked back into the sea of people.
"Ya! Where's my drink?" Nari asked as I gave her the empty glass. I saw a bunch of frat boys drinking soju and so I pushed my best friend aside and went to them.
"Hey, boys. Can I have some soju?"
They all turned to me and nodded profusely. I then took their bottle and drank it all the way back to Nari. She looked bewildered, mortified at me and my actions. "YA! WHAT THE HELL?"
Nari pulled her head back, "Ya! I'm not your cheating ex-" "I saw him." I spoke, out of breath and hot blooded.
"You did?" Nari spoke in surprise and concern.
"Yeah and he thought I was someone else and hit on me!"
"HE HIT ON YOU! WAAHHH WHAT A DOG--" "I'm so pretty he hit on me!"
Nari held back her laughter as I took her hand, "Ya... I need you to take thousands of hot pictures on me okay. I have to show someone."
She chuckled but pulled her phone out, nevertheless. "If that someone is Jaebum, count me in."
"NOOOOO!" I scoffed, "it's Jackson!"
Nari stilled, "who's Jackson?"
"He's my sugar daddy! Ya, don't you know I'm so pretty he asked me to go out on a date with him and pay me a million for it."
The woman threw her head back in laughter.
"Okay, jagiya. I believe you." Nari breathed out, "Waaah, I can't believe you're already that drunk."
Nari took my pictures and filmed me while I danced and drank, and danced, and drank, and drank again, and again, and I think I seduced Jaebum or something, because the same Nari was pulling me away for something.
I don't know what.
"Here," I was handed to someone like a package.
"She drank a one-fourth bottle of soju, two cocktails and a bunch of half finished drinks from strangers."
I looked at the man I was leaned up against and caressed his cheek, "You're pretty."
He looked down on me with raised eyebrows, "and you smell horrible."
"Ya, Jinyoung-ah, the correct response is to say you're prettier."
He rolled his eyes and grabbed my wrists, spinning around and carrying me behind his back. I grunt and hit my nose of his head, causing both of us to grunt.
Nari whined, "Just let her die, honestly."
"You read my mind." the man I was propped on growled.
"You can't tell the constellations apart for the life you," Jinyoung noted, adjusting his drip on me.
"You can still dump her body in a dumpster, Jinyoung." Nari offered.
He sighed, "Nah, she's not worth potentially getting caught and sent to jail for."
Jinyoung started walking off and Nari waved goodbye before heading back in. The bouncer however did not let her enter, which made her shout at him in annoyance.
"Yaaaa, stoooop! I still have to take pictures for Jackson!"
"Who's he?"
"He's the one who bought me the dress."
"Ah, you're sugar daddy? Nari sent you your photos for him." Jinyoung spoke as he put me into the front seat of some car.
"How do you know? Did you steal my phone?"
Jinyoung went into the front seat and opened the engine. He chuckled and drove his car back, "She called me, and told me."
"Why would she tell you?"
"Because I called her, knowing you."
"Knowing me?"
Jinyoung drove forward and glance at me quickly, "Knowing how you get around Jaebum."
"Ew! Don't talk about him!"
Jinyoung chuckled softly.
"Nari didn't call you to pick me up though."
"She was too busy taking pictures of me. You came here to kidnap me." I spoke, crossing my arms.
Jinyoung pursed his lips as I continued, "I won't give you my heart."
There was silence. The driver gripped the steering wheel. "You can't sell any of my organs to the black market."
Jinyoung gave a breath. His eyes crinkled. "Ya... no one would want any of your organs. You're too unhealthy. Mine on the other hand, would cost billions." The man struck a pose and I hissed between my teeth.
"Who is Jackson though?" a long minute of silence was broken by that sentence. I huffed at the question asked by the person beside me, "I told you, he's my sugar daddy. He's gonna make me rich."
Jinyoung pursed his lips, "Are you seeing him?"
"I'm seeing you, pabo."
There was nothing but silence at this point. "Sure, let's see each other then." Jinyoung spoke after a while, deciding for himself.
I shrugged, "Sure."
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xb3avisx · 4 years
My thyroid condition may be treated but it does not retract the exhaustion I feel daily. I just choose not to use it as a crutch to neglect my responsibilities. Cause I imagine if I were to use things that I can’t control as an excuse to neglect the things I can. I would hate myself more than I already do 🤔and well, I just can’t have that.
Grams made sure i understood the importance of working hard for nice things. I wasn’t allowed pets, cause this one time I had a bunny rabbit and my grams she let it out and chased it away. I was told my whole life that I couldn’t even take care of that rabbit and that was the just cause I couldn’t have a pet cat or dog or any furry creature.
Instead I worked from age four, first there was the bakery. Kaneohe bakery, boss man thought I was the most adorable little girl. He’d put $20 in an envelope every so often to make me feel like my hard work was worth something. I used to love dipping the donuts... not gonna lie I slept on a pile of flour bags In the back and boy does my back hates me today.
I wasn’t allowed at kfc, but that didn’t last long anyway. She was making a drink and a big chunk of ice fell and cut her hand open and that was the end of her kfc career. The compensation was less than a hundred bucks for her work wound. She was not happy.
There was, the gas station up at the corner of windward city. Which is no longer there because it was sold out and turned into a car dealership. Or at least an extension to one that was already there. I remember I was stocking the cooler for her one night and she robbed while I was in there. She told me when they were gone that she was thinking a adamantly to herself for me to stay in there cause I was safe in their. Still here grams 💪🏻😕
There was the island movers job , which isn’t as it sounds entirely. She drove a route from one side of the island to the other stopping at her assigned banks along the way to collect all there daily deposits and paperwork. She’s than take and deliever them to the airport where they’d be mailed off to the corporate offices for processing. That was fun.
The multiple security jobs were always fun, I wasn’t allowed to really go along but I was told to come visit and bring her food most days. Especially when she worked at that car dealership up the street. Well lit, many cameras. Good times.
There was the newspaper business which was our biggest affiliation and longest one really. We delivered it, door to door. We sold it on the side of the highway, we even sold it door to door. The door to door sales was the shortest stint of our newspaper affiliations but it was the most fun. Waking up at 2 am daily, Monday through Friday, Saturday and Sunday.... give me a stack of 400 newspapers and one-two hours... I’ll have them folded and bagged in no time.
I remember when we dropped of George at 5 in the morning , mid route delivery , and it was my turn to hop up front and help deliver... I used to run like the wind was chasing me because there was this little boy that went missing back when I was little and being a Pisces and a natural day dreamer. Making up stories in my head was and really is still so easy today. I got it in my head that his spirit was gonna chase me or the people that had taken him lived in one of these houses I went to daily and I’d be next.
Grams worked as a regional managaer for e.k. Fernandez when she first adopted me and for years she kept reminding me that I was the reason she quit, it was my fault she stopped working her dream job so that she could be home with me. In between working three jobs , she was home alright... sleeping in her room while I made her breakfast before she had to get up for her primary job of course.
My grams, she did teach me that it’s totally acceptable to beat your kids til they are dripping with blood. Because her mother did it to her so it’s only fair she carried on the tradition. She’s taught me that in her eyes, being a lesbian is a sin and that I should die for it. She’s put me in a position to lie and cover for her many of times. Cause let’s face it, if I could live with myself for throwing her under the bus for some things. She might be facing some lawsuits and possibly fines or jail time. Cause what happens when you marry a disabled man with the intent to manipulate him for your financial gain ? Is there some kind of law against it ? I wonder 🤔 she told me my mother threw me in a dumpster cause she didn’t want me, because she wanted me to hate my mother as much if not more than she did. She called child protective services on her with intent to get her other kids taken from her and for years I never knew she did, mother always said she did. I never believed her before. I do now. When my tutu passed away, I wasn’t supposed to put flowers because grams hates her in life and felt it a waste of money in her death. But being the competitive, I’ve gotta be better than, the rest of our family mentality she had. She put flowers trying to outdo them.
Most importantly, she would make up math problems and I’d have to write sentences daily. I wasn’t allowed to leave the house until I finished this work books she made up herself. So today I’ve got pretty decent handwriting and while I’m no genius... I do ya e some basic and maybe mediocre math skills.
Yesterday I learned that the man she married all those years ago is now free of her grip and living I. San Diego with his sister and I swear I couldn’t be happier for him.
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daniellesimagines · 7 years
In An Instant (Ashton Irwin) - Part 4
word count: 7999 requested by: toomuchscotty_mikey9 on wattpad pronouns: she/her warnings: death, mentions of blood fandom: 5 seconds of summer, ncis au type: ncis, service summary: working in criminal investigation is never easy, but sometimes it just a hits a little too close to home inspired by: CBS’ “NCIS” authors notes: I GOT CARRIED AWAY AGAIN I COULDN’T STOP I’M SO SORRY I REALLY HOPE AT LEAST SOMEONE MADE IT TO THE END other parts: one / two / three / four / five
Your POV; 5:37am
“I hear you, I hear you,” you said out loud to yourself, hurrying out of the bathroom so you could get your breakfast from the beeping microwave. “You’re so impatient sometimes,” you told the appliance.
You grabbed your plate of leftovers, taking the paper towel off of the top of them. You went to the trashcan and sighed, realizing you’d forgotten to take the already nearly overflowing bin to the dumpster before you went to work the previous morning.
“I’ll be back,” you told your food, placing it on the counter so you could take out the trash.
It was a trek and normal as every other time you’d done this – going down the stairs and outside, walking around the building to throw the trash into the dumpster around back.
“Why can’t we just have a back door?” you grumbled, making your way back, “Or maybe even a garbage chute? Or just throw it out the window and let someone else-”
You cut your rant short when you noticed something out of the corner of your eye. You tilted your head in confusion – why the hell was someone lying in the bushes?
You cautiously approached, unsure of what was going on, but as you got closer, you realized three things: 1) it was definitely not someone who dropped something and was now looking for it, 2) it was definitely not normal for someone’s leg to be bent in the way this one was, and 3) there was definitely a person crouched in the bushes beside it.
So you immediately panicked, quickly reverting back toward the building so you could race to your landlord and call the police.
Ashton’s POV; Two hours later
The NCIS team had been called the moment police discovered it was the body of a Navy captain. And, of course, when they realized where the body had been found and who discovered it, they threw their days off out the window and came over to your apartment complex as fast as they could.
“Chris,” Ashton said as all the men got out of their cars, “I want you getting the body to autopsy as soon as possible, Michael: take photos of every single inch of this crime scene, Calum: interview every person who could have seen something, Luke: help Chris and do whatever he tells you to do.” He then immediately jogged into the building, looking for you.
“So do our jobs, basically?” Michael said, making the other men chuckle as they all got to work.
The moment Ashton entered the lobby and saw you talking to police, he breathed a sigh of relief. He knew you were alright, but he couldn’t imagine how you felt right now being the person who actually found the body.
“Y/N,” he said as he walked over, making your head snap up.
He could see that your eyes were bloodshot from crying and your hair was a mess from playing with it the way you always did when you were stressed or scared or nervous. You jumped up from your seat when he reached you, wrapping your arms tightly around his waist. One arm wrapped around you while his other hand went to the back of your head.
“You’re fine – I’m here now,” he murmured into your ear. He felt you let out a relieved breath, your arms squeezing him tighter. “This is nothing you can’t handle, you know,” he told you, “You see crime scene photos of this stuff every single day.”
“I’m not the person that finds the body, Ashton,” you reminded him, “It’s different when you find the body.” He responded by kissing the side of your head.
“Why don’t you take the next couple days off?” he suggested, “We’ll call someone else in to work forensics.”
“Someone else won’t get here for another 24 hours,” you shook your head, “And Matthew can’t come in because he’s out of the country on a business trip.”
“It’s fine, Y/N,” Ashton assured you, “I just think you should relax before coming back to the office.”
“I’ll relax after we find our killer,” you stated, getting up and sprinting up the stairs so you could get dressed and ready to go into work.
Ashton sighed quietly, watching you until you disappeared from the first set of stairs. He then turned to your landlord.
“Thanks for staying with her, Mack,” he said, making him chuckle.
“Good luck, Ashton,” he offered as the agent went outside to get a briefing from crime scene investigators.
“What have we got?” Ashton asked, showing his ID as he approached the men surrounding the body.
“Navy Captain Jeffrey Steiner,” Luke announced after pulling the fingerprint up on his handheld scanner, “Captain of the USS San Antonio. Married, no kids – we’re still trying to find his wife. He was on leave, scheduled to return to port in two days.”
“And the members of his crew?”
“Contacting them now, Boss!” Michael chirped from a few feet away, his phone pressed to his ear.
“You can do that in the car, Clifford,” Ashton said, “You guys get back to the office. I’ll drive Y/N.”
“She’s coming into work today?” Luke cocked an eyebrow, helping Christian put the body into a body bag. Ashton gave him a look, causing the men to nod.
“Right,” they said in unison, hurrying to finish up their duties so they could get back to the NCIS building and start working on finding the killer.
Your POV; Four hours later
You had been working non-stop for the last four hours and yielding no results. So far, you only had a name – Captain Jeffrey Steiner of the USS Arizona. You didn’t know why you couldn’t get any farther than that, but before you sent your head into a wall due to frustration, you decided you needed a break.
You found yourself with Luke, Calum, and Michael, pulling Luke’s chair out into the middle of the desks since he wasn’t currently using it, and just listening to them talk about the case. You didn’t know where Ashton was, but you just assumed he was in his office working on the case in peace. He wasn’t though, because when you heard the elevator door open across the room, you looked up and found Ashton coming out.
“There you are!” he sighed, clearly having been looking for you, “What are you doing up here? I thought you were in your lab.”
“I was,” you nodded, “But I needed a break.”
“Well, I need to ask you some questions,” he stated, not even waiting for a go-ahead before asking them, “What did you hear just before you found the body?”
“I already told you and the officer who took the witness statement that I didn’t hear anything,” you frowned, “I walked around to take my trash out and the next thing I know, I’m coming back to find legs sticking out of a bush.”
“You have to remember something, Y/N,” he shook his head.
“I don’t know what to tell you, Ash; That’s all I’ve got.”
“Boss...” Luke murmured.
“You have to give me something I can work with,” Ashton said, ignoring him, “Just tell me something about the guy you saw hiding!”
“Boss,” he said a little louder.
“I can’t remember anything else, Ashton!” you squeaked, feeling your eyes start to get watery.
“Come on, Y/N – this is important!”
“Irwin!” Luke finally shouted. Your eyes widened as you all looked at him, having never heard him yell like that before – and especially not at Ashton. His boss gave him a slight glare, but it didn’t seem to faze him. “Can I talk to you?” Luke asked lowly, “Now.” Ashton cocked an eyebrow but rose to his feet anyway, following Luke across the room where you wouldn’t be able to hear them.
Ashton’s POV
“You want to explain what just happened there, Hemmings?” Ashton asked monotonously.
“Don’t you think you’re being a little harsh on her?” Luke responded, not bothering to address the question, “I want answers just as much as you do, but you’re not going to get them by trying to force them out of her. Look at her!”
Ashton’s gaze went to you, seeing Michael and Calum desperately trying to comfort you as you cried. He swallowed thickly – he’d been so intent on getting what had happened out of you that he didn’t even realize he was making things worse.
“I get it, Boss; You want to solve the case,” Luke sighed, “But you’re not going to get anywhere by yelling at her for answers. You’re supposed to be making her feel better – not just as a co-worker, but as her boyfriend. The girl literally stumbled across a dead body this morning – the least you can do is not make her feel like she’s being useless.” Luke walked away without another word, heading back to you to see if there was anything he could do to help you calm down again.
Ashton stood there for a moment, still watching you with the men. You looked up as Luke approached you and followed him as he knelt down in front of you. His hands were on your knees and Ashton couldn’t tell what he said, but you smiled at whatever it was. You wiped your face and shook your head at the blonde. Luke said something else, instantly making you giggle and push his shoulder – telling him right then that it was one of his stupid jokes.
Ashton then made his way back to the group, causing the men to look up. You noticed them all look behind you, so you followed their stares, your heart skipping when you saw Ashton.
“We’re gonna take lunch now,” he murmured. They all nodded and he turned to you. “You hungry?” he asked, holding his hand out to you. You looked at it before shaking your head.
“You’re mad at me,” you whispered. Ashton began chewing on his inner cheek, taking your hand and pulling you up and into him. He kissed the side of your head and you could hear the crack in his voice as he spoke.
“I’m not mad at you, princess,” he told you, sighing in relief when he felt you hug him back, “I could never be mad at you.”
“But you-”
“Have poor judgment and a short temper,” he interrupted, “But that doesn’t mean it’s your fault.” You didn’t say anything else, you just squeezed him tighter until finally letting go. “So, lunch?” he asked, “I’ll take you to that new place downtown you’ve been wanting to try.”
“Are you bribing me?” you asked, earning a soft chuckle from the men sitting at their desks.
“Is it working?”
“It might be,” you shrugged. Ashton smiled, kissing your head again, taking your hand and tangling your fingers together.
“We’ll be back in a couple hours,” he told Michael, Calum, and Luke, “I don’t care what you find in the meantime – just let me know about it when we get back.” They nodded and you and Ashton made your way to the elevator.
An hour later, you and Ashton were on the way back to NCIS.
Or... That’s where you thought you were going.
You looked at Ashton in confusion when you realized you were pulling onto the street that led to your apartment building – the feeling only heightening when you pulled up to the curb right beside the bush Captain Steiner’s body was found in.
“Ash,” you said, “What are we doing here?” Ashton didn’t answer; He simply got out of the driver’s seat and made his way around to your side of the car. He opened the door, but you didn’t make a move to get out. “Why are we here, Ashton?” you asked firmly. 
Ashton reached down and took your hand, pulling you up. He closed the door once you were out of the way, taking you around to the spot the Captain’s body had been 12 hours prior.
“I want you to pretend I’m the body,” Ashton stated, letting go of your hand before sitting down in the grass.
“Ashton...” you said slowly, your heart beginning to pound in your chest.
“Y/N, if there’s a chance it’s going to help you remember anything, we have to try it,” he shook his head.
You closed your eyes for a moment, taking in a few deep breaths through your nose and letting them back out slowly through your mouth. You opened your eyes again and found Ashton lying down, looking up at you through the branches.
“What do you see?” Ashton asked you. You couldn’t stop your heart rate from speeding up again, tears in your eyes.
“I see my boyfriend lying motionless in a bush in front of me and I can’t do this!” you let out a short sob, trying to walk away but feeling Ashton grab your hand and bring you back.
“Princess,” he said softly, rubbing the back of your hand with his thumb, “I’m fine. When you leave this place, I am going to be coming with you and we’re going to go back to the office and I’m going to be fine. But I need you to play along until then, okay? Just tell me what you can remember.”
You closed your eyes again, not allowing yourself to look back down at Ashton on the ground. He remained sitting up, continuing to rub your hand to give you a sense of comfort that he was still alive.
“I went outside to take out the trash...” you started, your eyebrows furrowing together as you tried to recall what happened, “It was darker than usual because the streetlamp right in front of my apartment had been out for a week and no one was coming to fix it. I went around back to the dumpster and saw something sticking out from under one of the bushes that lined the sidewalk on the way back. I couldn’t tell what it was, so I walked closer and then I...”
“Then what, princess?” Ashton murmured, holding onto your hand tightly.
“I realized it was a leg...” your voice shook and you could feel your cheeks getting wet.
“And what happened after that?”
“I ran back inside... B-But I saw someone... A guy... He was... He was hiding in the bushes near the leg... B-But I didn’t want him to know I knew he was there because I th-thought he would try t-to hurt me too...”
“Focus on that guy, Y/N,” Ashton told you, “Tell me everything you can remember about what he looked like.”
“He had a hat on,” you answered, “There was a picture of a truck that I've seen before on it... A towing company logo, I think... His hair was dark... Almost to his shoulders, but not quite there... I couldn’t tell what color his eyes were...”
“Anything else?” You were silent for a moment before letting out a breath.
“I don’t... I don't remember...” you whimpered. You opened your eyes again when you felt Ashton stand up in front of you. He let go of your hand to put his on your cheeks, wiping your tears.
“You did so well, baby girl,” he praised you, pressing his lips to your forehead, “I promise I won’t ever make you do that again.” 
Your arms went around his waist, your head lying on his chest so you could listen to his heartbeat. He held you until you let go of him first, then taking your hand and lacing your fingers together so you could head back to NCIS.
“Hemmings,” Ashton said as you both exited the elevator, “Bring up the towing companies within five miles of the crime scene.” Luke immediately began typing, then his computer screen popped up on the plasma in front of you. “Can you show only companies with a truck as their logo?”
“Sure, Boss,” Luke nodded, bringing them up.
“That one,” you said the second the logos came up, pointing to one of them, “That’s the one on the guy’s hat.”
“Clifford, Hood,” Ashton said.
“Yeah, Boss?” they replied simultaneously.
“I want you two to go there and talk to everyone who works there or the immediate relatives of anyone who does,” he ordered, “Bring back anyone who even seems remotely suspicious.” And it was like that for the rest of the day – following up on leads, running any new forensics that came your way... Everyone was just doing work as usual until you all went home for the night to get some much-needed sleep before getting right back at it in the morning.
The next day
It was around 12:30pm and you’d gone back to your bedroom after eating lunch. You didn’t go into work that day – despite your protests, Ashton practically forced you to take the day off, telling you that you could use the extra time to pack your things to move into his place. It was something you’d been discussing for a few months now – moving in with Ashton – and this whole situation seemed to be the thing that convinced both of you it was the right time.
Ashton, being as protective of you as he was, had always been worried about you living alone across town from him. He was the kind of person who just wanted to make sure you were safe at all times, and what better way to do that than by living together? 
You both entertained the idea of him moving into your place for a while, but it was just too small to accommodate two people with as much stuff as you both had. So the only obvious solution was to move into Ashton’s house. 
You certainly hadn’t missed the process of packing up and moving from when you moved out of your parents’ house before starting college, but you were excited to move onto another chapter in living with Ashton.
As you were going through your closet and putting things in the box beside you every so often, you couldn’t help but feel like something was off. It started as what you thought were just stomach cramps from eating too quickly, but it slowly turned into a heaviness in your chest – like you were having an anxiety attack. You’d had plenty of gut feelings in your lifetime, and the feeling of having one now was no different.
And you realized it was right when you heard the knob on your front door start jiggling.
Your heart was racing, having no idea who was outside your apartment. Ashton had a key, the other boys would have knocked, your parents would have called before coming over, and as far as everyone else knew, you’d gone to work that day.
Your eyes widened the moment you heard the lock click, knowing that whoever had picked it was now free to enter your apartment. You quickly hid behind the door, able to see through the crack that it was the last person you ever wanted to see again – the man crouched down beside the body you’d found.
He went into your kitchen – probably checking the place to see if you were there – and you knew you only had a few seconds before he’d come into the bedroom. Your hands were shaking as you grabbed the baseball bat in your closet, knowing walking across the room to the gun you kept in your nightstand would be too risky and you didn’t know what weapon – because you knew he had to have one – the man had with him.
You were back behind the door – your arms up and ready to swing when he came into the room. You couldn’t hear anything but your heartbeat at this point and you honestly felt like you were going to throw up because you were so scared. But the moment he entered the room, his back was to you and you took your chance.
You swung the bat as hard as you could and hit him right on the back of the head. The man fell to the ground, but you didn’t even check to see if you’d knocked him out before you squeaked and dropped the bat, bolting out of the room. You only had time to grab your keys as you flew by your kitchen counter, wanting to get out as quickly as possible.
In hindsight, you probably should have called the police – and you definitely shouldn’t have been driving in your condition – but you weren’t thinking clearly; All you were thinking about in that moment was getting to NCIS and finding Ashton.
When you arrived 20 minutes later, the only intelligible words you could manage to tell the person at the gate when he asked you what was wrong were ‘Need Ashton’. He obviously immediately let you through and you quickly went to your parking spot before getting out of the car, not stopping running until the moment you were in the elevator to go to the third floor.
When the doors opened, you saw Luke sitting at his desk with the other three men looking at the monitor beside him. But he suddenly stopped in the middle of his sentence and happened to look over the top of his computer when he saw someone rushing over out of his peripheral vision.
“Y/N?” the blonde furrowed his eyebrows, surprised to see you there.
“I thought I told you to stay away from work today,” Ashton said before turning to look at you, only to become confused when he did. “That’s where my sweatshirt went!” he exclaimed, his eyes then going to your face. “Why are you crying?” he asked, rushing over to you and putting his hands on your face. Luke, Calum, and Michael came over as well to make sure you were okay.
Your chest was visibly rising and falling – which would have made sense since you’d been running since you were in the parking lot – but that wasn’t the reason. You couldn’t catch your breath and the tears were still falling, making Michael’s eyes widen.
“She’s having a panic attack,” he said, grabbing his chair and rolling it out to you. He pulled you away from Ashton to have you sit down, kneeling down so you didn’t have to strain your neck to look up at him as he spoke. “I want you to do what I do, okay?” he said, making you nod.
Michael took your hand and put it on his chest so you could feel the steady beating of his heart. He started breathing in and out slowly, motioning for you to do the same. 
You copied every breath, finally feeling relief after a couple minutes.
“Better?” he asked. You nodded again, wrapping your arms around his neck and hugging him. Ashton didn’t even have the chance to ask you why you were having a panic attack before he got the answer.
“S-S-Someone broke i-into m-my apart-apartment,” you sniffled, wiping the remaining tears off of your face.
“Who?” Ashton asked.
“Th-The guy besi-beside the bo-body,” you said, making the men’s eyes widen.
They all grabbed their gear and started heading for the elevator, when you made a small noise of detest. Ashton looked back at you and motioned for the other to go ahead, telling them he would meet them outside. He came back, kneeling down in front of you with his hands holding your thighs firmly.
“You’re safe here, baby girl,” he reminded you, “Nothing’s going to happen to you.”
“But they’re already going,” you mumbled, referring to his team, “Why do you need to go too?”
“You don’t want to be alone,” Ashton nodded understandingly.
“Would you?”
Ashton smiled slightly, squeezing your skin before standing up. He held his hand out to you, pulling you up from the chair and returning it to Michael’s desk.
“Go downstairs,” he told you, “Chris will keep you company.”
“Ash, the last thing I want right now is to be surrounded by dead bodies,” you sighed.
“Just go,” he kissed your forehead, “I’ll have him send you back up as soon as we get back.” He pressed another kiss to your lips, making you sigh again as he pulled away. He grabbed his backpack and jogged to the elevator, pulling his phone out to make a call. You watched the doors open and Ashton go in, blowing you a kiss just before they shut.
You sighed for a third time before giving in and heading to the elevator near the stairs, hitting the button for the basement. You walked into autopsy as Christian was coming out of the door.
“Oh, Y/N, you’re already here,” he said, “Ashton called and told me what happened.” You barely smiled – you should have known he’d make sure Christian already knew. He smiled slightly as well, “You just can’t catch a break lately, can you?” You finally laughed as he hugged you, hugging him back. You looked behind him, noticing the body on the table.
“That Captain Steiner?” you asked softly. Christian looked over his shoulder and then back to you.
“Let’s not worry about that,” he shook his head. He tried to usher you out, but you spun around to get past him, walking over to it. “Y/N, I don’t think Ashton would-”
“Chris, if Ashton didn’t want me asking questions, he shouldn’t have sent me down here,” you replied. Christian simply nodded.
“Yes, that’s Captain Jeffrey Steiner,” he told you, “Head of the USS Arizona.” You weren’t paying too much attention to the second part, your eyes trained on the left hand.
“Where’s his wedding ring?” you asked.
“Wedding ring?” he furrowed his eyebrows, “He wasn’t wearing one.”
“Are you sure?” you looked back at him.
“Well, if he was wearing one, he didn’t have it when I got to him. Why do you ask?”
“My neighbor Jessica…” you shook your head, “She lives across the hall from me. I’m pretty sure her last name is Steiner. And I’ve been racking my brain since the moment I got an ID on him… I swear I’ve seen him coming from her apartment before. He was always wearing a wedding ring.”
“Maybe she’s his sister.”
“But he lives there,” you shook your head, “Why would he live with his sister if he was married.”
“Marital problems?” Christian suggested.
“Maybe...” you trailed off, “But not what you’re thinking.”
“What are you thinking?”
“Jessica’s talked about Jeffrey before,” you told him, “I’m pretty sure she referred to him as her husband. Every time I saw him, he had a wedding ring on his finger – except right now.”
“So you’re saying that he was coming back from somewhere he wouldn’t be wearing his ring for the night he was killed?” he asked.
“I’m saying... What if she knew? What if she found out he was cheating on her?”
“So she killed him?”
“No,” you shook your head again, “Jeffrey was twice her size; There was no way she could have done it.”
“She hired someone to do it for her!” you exclaimed, “The guy I saw hiding in the bushes – he works at this towing company downtown – Jessica has a brother that works there! There’s no way that guy could have known which apartment I lived in unless someone told him!”
“She got her brother to kill her husband?” Christian furrowed his eyebrows, “And then had him try to go after you when you got too close?” Your eyes widened and you ran to his desk, dialing Ashton’s cell number and hitting the speaker button.
“Special Agent Irwin,” Ashton answered after the second ring.
“It’s her brother!” you all but shouted.
“Y/N? Who are you talking about?”
“Captain Steiner’s wife!”
“Chris, did you-”
“Well, what was I supposed to do?!” he said defensively, “You’re the one who sent her down here!”
“I didn’t mean-”
“Do you want a lead or not, Ashton?!” you interrupted.
“Yes, Y/N,” he nodded, “Yes, give us a lead.”
“Okay,” you took a deep breath, “Captain Steiner and his wife Jessica have lived across the hall from me for as long as I’ve lived in that building.”
“Wait, he’s married?” you heard Michael ask, letting you know you were on speaker.
“Hush, Clifford, I’m getting to that. Anyway, he’d been leaving his apartment more frequently and when I saw him leave the building a couple times before, he would be messing with his ring – I think he was taking it off! Jessica must have found out about it and-”
“So his wife killed him?” Calum interjected.
“Well, I’m getting to that part but if you keep interrupting me-”
“Y/N, just keep talking,” Ashton said.
“The guy with the towing company’s hat on – the one I saw in the bushes – he’s Jessica’s older brother. She had to have found out her husband was cheating on her and then got her brother to kill him. When he realized I’d seen something, he told her and she got him into the building so he could get into my apartment. He was probably going to hide out until I got home.”
“But she didn’t know you didn’t come into work today,” Luke said, “So you were able to get away from him.”
“What’s his name?” Ashton asked you.
“Shawn,” you replied, “Shawn Ahler. I think Jessica said he’s a truck driver for the company. He probably won’t be there though; He has to assume you’re looking for him now since I got away from him.”
“Thank you, Y/N,” your boyfriend said, “Call me if you think of anything else.”
“Uh-huh,” you nodded even though he couldn’t see you, “Be careful.”
Ashton’s POV; 45 minutes later
After unsuccessfully locating Shawn Ahler, the agents made their way back to the NCIS building to regroup and see if they could find him. However, the guard at the gate stopped them.
“Can’t come in yet, guys,” Andre said, “Sorry.”
“What’s going on?” Calum asked.
“Building’s on lockdown.”
“Why?” Michael furrowed his eyebrows.
“I don’t know,” he shrugged, “I was just told not to let anyone in until the area is secure.”
“Do you know how much longer it will be?” Ashton asked.
“Could be a while. Lockdown was only initiated a couple minutes ago.”
“What is happening in there?” Luke mumbled.
Just then, Ashton’s phone went off, letting him know he had a text. It was a simple one – sent from Christian’s cell phone.
He’s here
And Ashton’s heart immediately dropped. He shoved his phone back into his pocket, got out of the car, pulled out his gun, and bolted toward the building.
“Irwin!” Andre shouted, “You can’t-” He cut himself off, knowing Ashton wouldn’t have listened to him anyway. The three other men looked at each other as if they were wondering if they should follow him. The man sighed, “You’re gonna go in there with him, aren’t you?” 
The agents looked at him and nodded before getting out and running as fast as they could, pulling their guns out of their holsters as well, having no idea what they were looking for when they got inside. 
“Just make sure someone comes back to move this car later!” he shouted after them.
Ashton carefully went around every corner of the office, his gun ready to fire at any moment. He took the stairs down to autopsy, finding Christian in the room with the doors locked. He knocked, making Christian jump, his head snapping up to find Ashton at the door.
“Where is she?” he breathed out the moment it opened.
“I don’t know,” he shook his head frantically, “She was leaving the room and then all of a sudden, she was hitting the emergency lockdown button and yelling for me to tell you ‘He’s here’ as she ran down the hall.”
And that was when the men heard an agonizing yell followed by a gunshot in the direction of your lab.
Your POV; 60 seconds earlier
Your only luck in this situation was that Shawn didn’t have a gun – he had a knife – which meant he would need to get close to you in order to use it. And you weren’t about to give him that chance.
Your lab was on the completely opposite side of the building as autopsy, but it was luckily on the same floor. You knew it was only a matter of time before Shawn caught up to you, so you did what you hoped you would never have to do.
You heard Shawn closing in on you as you raced around the last corner, the door to your lab in sight. You went into a dead sprint, running faster than you’d ever run in your entire life – even more so than the first time you’d run from Shawn.
You tried to shut the door behind you, but you couldn't do it in time. And even though he wasn’t close enough to actually stab you – or whatever he was planning on doing with the knife when he caught you – Shawn managed to reach out and put a pretty decent-sized gash in the middle of your upper left arm. 
You let out a sharp scream, holding your arm to keep it from bleeding as little as possible, but you still kept going, knowing you were literally fighting for your life at this point.
You made it through the main and secondary labs until you ended up in the ballistics lab and that was when you collapsed. But just before Shawn reached you, you grabbed a gun from an evidence box you knew still had bullets in it, loaded it, flipped onto your back, and squeezed the trigger. The knife fell onto the floor as well as Shawn while you just released the gun and grabbed your arm again, crying out in pain.
“Y/N!” you heard Ashton yell as he rounded the corner into your lab – you’d never heard his voice more panicked than it was in that moment.
His eyes were wide as he came into the room, kicking the knife away from Shawn’s hand – just in case. He reached down to check for a pulse, unable to find one. He quickly holstered his weapon and ran over to you.
“Baby girl,” he said, dropping to the floor to move your hair off of your face, “Are you alright?”
“I told you not to leave!” you sobbed, squeezing your arm, “They would have been fine without you!” Ashton’s eyes widened at seeing the blood pooling around your arm, knowing you’d gotten hurt.
“I know, princess,” he choked, “I’m sorry.” He then got up on his knees and picked you up bridal style, taking you back to autopsy so Christian could look at your wound.
30 minutes later
“Hey, Y/N,” Luke said softly as he entered the autopsy room, “How are you doing?” Ashton and Christian looked over to find the three members of Ashton’s team coming in.
Ashton was sitting on one of the tables with you on his lap, your legs around his waist and your head on his shoulder as Christian was working on your arm. Your eyes were closed as Ashton ran his fingers up and down your spine, but the men knew you weren’t asleep – you were just still trying to calm down. Even then, Christian answered for you.
“She’ll be fine,” he informed them, finished wrapping up the wound, “She wasn’t cut deep enough for surgery – she just needs to let this arm rest easy for a few weeks.” They all nodded.
“Well, FBI is almost finished in her lab, so they should be gone within the next half an hour,” Calum said.
“Thank you,” Ashton muttered. They turned around to leave, but not before Michael spoke up.
“Oh, Boss,” he said, “Jessica Steiner is waiting in interrogation. Just let us know when you’re ready to talk to her.” Ashton nodded and Michael jogged to the elevator before the doors closed. 
It was quiet for a moment, the only sounds being Christian moving around.
“How are you on pain, Y/N?” he asked. You held up five fingers and then three, telling him you were at an eight. “I’ll go get you something for it then,” he nodded, putting all of his stuff away and leaving the room as quiet as the bodies that came into it. 
You could hear Ashton swallow thickly, making you finally open your eyes and tilt your head on his shoulder to look at him.
“I’m sorry, princess,” he choked out, finally letting his emotions take over. You reached up with your good arm, wiping the tears off of his cheeks with the pads of your fingers.
“It wasn’t your fault, Ash,” you murmured, stroking his cheekbone.
“But you were right,” he shook his head, “All four of us didn’t need to leave – I should have stayed here with you. This wouldn’t have happened if I had just listened to you. You were scared and instead of stepping up and being your boyfriend, I... I chose my job over you... And maybe this means we should-”
“Don’t you dare try breaking up with me,” you said firmly, sitting up so you could look at him properly. There were more tears pooling in the corners of his eyes as he shook his head.
“Y/N, I chose my job over you!” he repeated, “You can’t tell me you’re not upset about that!”
“So what if I am, Ashton?!” you exclaimed, “You think one shitty decision outweighs everything else?! Don’t you think that if I blamed you, I’d be on the other side of the room right now refusing to even look at you?!” Ashton was silent, his heart aching when he saw tears in your own eyes. “If you’re really gonna leave, I know I can’t stop you,” you choked, “But you can’t do it until after you put Jeffrey’s wife away for murder. For me.” 
 Your bottom lip trembled and you did absolutely nothing to stop the tears from falling freely as you climbed off of Ashton’s lap to stand between his legs. 
“And please just don’t forget that I love you more than anything, Ashton,” you said as confidently as you could, “No matter what consequences your decisions have on me, I’ll always love you more than anything.”
You then walked away from him and toward the door, leaving the room without even looking back at him – but knowing his eyes were on you the entire time.
Ashton’s POV; One hour later
After spending a good amount of time alone in his office, Ashton had finally recomposed himself enough to conduct Jessica’s interrogation. He informed his team that he was ready and they said they’d meet him in the observation room. 
They did exactly that, but Ashton didn’t say a word as he took the folder from Calum’s hand and went back out of the room. The three men looked at each other in confusion before turning toward the window as Ashton entered the interrogation room.
“Finally,” Jessica rolled her eyes, "Do you know how long I've been waiting in here?"
“About an hour,” Ashton said monotonously as he sat down across from her, making it incredibly obvious to her that he didn’t care, “I had more important things to do.”
“What could possibly be more impor-”
Ashton cut her off by opening the folder in front of him and taking out the photos of the FBI’s crime scene – the ones of Shawn in your lab – and laid them down in front of her. Her eyes instantly widened as she slapped her hand over her mouth.
“Shawn...” she whispered to herself before looking back up at the agent across from her, “What happened to him?”
“Do you know how many people I see sitting across from me every month, Mrs. Steiner?” Ashton returned. Jessica cocked an eyebrow, not sure why that was relevant. “Hundreds,” he answered his own question, “I see hundreds of victims, witnesses, and suspects every month, and that was the single fakest response I have ever heard.”
“Excuse me, but I-”
“Would you care to explain to me why your brother tried to murder my forensic scientist today?”
“Why would I know anything about that?”
“Oh, I just assumed you did because we found your fingerprints on the handle of the knife he used as well,” he shook his head. Jessica froze for a moment before regaining her composure.
“Shawn borrows my stuff all the time,” she said, “I’m not possibly going to notice something like a kitchen knife being missing.”
“Then I’m assuming you also have no idea that your brother used that same knife to kill your husband three days ago?”
“Shawn murdered my husband?” she asked softly, clearly trying to maintain innocence.
“Only because you asked him to,” he stated.
“I’m sorry?”
“You knew your husband was cheating on you,” Ashton replied, clearly tired of playing around, “You knew that when he said he was called into work at midnight almost every weekend, he was really meeting another woman; You could smell the perfume on him when he came home. But you didn’t want to believe it, did you? You didn’t want to believe that your husband would ever leave you for someone else – so you got rid of him before he could. But you knew couldn’t do it by yourself – you knew you didn’t stand a chance at taking out someone twice your size, so you convinced your brother to do it for you. You know what your mistake was though?” he said. Jessica glared at him as he went on, “You live across from a forensic scientist who notices every little thing. Is that why you tried to have her killed too? Because your brother told you someone saw him and you realized it was her, so you told him to take her out too because you knew what she does for a living? You knew she was gonna figure it out eventually – she’d seen Captain Steiner enough times to know he was your husband. So you gave your brother one more job: break into Y/N’s apartment to hide out until she got home. The problem with that was she was already there – she wasn’t supposed to come into work today. She heard him pick the lock and sneak in while she was in her bedroom. Unfortunately for him, however, she's got a baseball bat from high school and quite an impressive arm. Must’ve hurt, huh? I certainly wouldn’t have wanted to be your brother when she got to him.” Jessica was silent for a moment before speaking again.
“I want my lawyer,” she grumbled.
“That’s a good idea,” Ashton nodded, standing up, “I’ll come back when they get here and then we’ll keep talking.” He gathered up his papers and made his way to the door before turning back to the woman sitting at the table. “By the way, if you ever get out of jail and so much as think about coming after my girlfriend again, you’re going to wish the judge gave you the death penalty,” he growled just before letting the door shut loudly behind him, leaving her alone once again.
Your POV; Three hours later
After gathering all of your things and putting them in your bag, you were ready to go home for the night. Luke had come down to your lab a couple hours ago to let you know that Jessica confessed to everything. And while that gave you some form of relief, you knew it was only a matter of time before Ashton came down to tell you he was breaking up with you.
You found yourself sitting at your desk – your bag sitting at your feet – as you just stared at the photos you had framed on the desktop. They were all of you and Ashton, of course – all of them silly poses and smiling faces – but all of them relaying the same thing: that you and Ashton were in love.
But none of those photos were more proof of that than the one where you were sitting on a park bench reading a book during your lunch break and Ashton was sitting beside you, looking at you with a small smile on his face. That was your favorite photo of the two of you – for obvious reasons – and you couldn’t help but smile every time you looked at it.
The quietness of your lab, however, was interrupted by the elevator outside the door opening. You looked over and found Ashton coming into the room, his hands stuffed in the pockets of his coat. He had the same solemn look on his face that he did in the autopsy room earlier that day.
“You ready?” he asked, his voice barely even coming out. 
You simply nodded slightly, turned off your desk lamp, and grabbed your bag, standing up. Ashton led you back to the elevator, neither of you saying a single word.
In fact, neither you nor Ashton spoke until he pulled into his driveway 20 minutes later.
“This isn’t my place, Ashton,” you whispered, finding it strange that he’d turned the engine off without having taken you home yet.
“Yeah, it is, Y/N,” he replied, giving you as much volume as he could muster, “It’s ours; We live here together now.”
“Ash-” you started before being cut off.
“I know I’m stubborn and I get too into my work and I take the job a little too seriously sometimes,” he started rambling, finally looking at you, “But I love you and I love how carefree you are and I love that you love me even though we’re nothing alike. And maybe I speak before I think most of the time because if I’d thought about it first, I never would have entertained the thought for even a second that I could possibly live my life without you in it. You keep me grounded and alert and sane in a job where I would otherwise lose my mind nearly every single day if I didn’t know you were an elevator ride or phone call away and I... I’m not in any place to be begging you to forgive me for all the stupid things I’ve said or done that have caused you to get hurt in some way, but I am... I... I’m nothing without you, baby girl, and I’ll never be able to say I’m sorry enough for making you feel like I’ve ever really wanted to live a life where I’m not waking up and falling asleep with you.”
You didn’t know whether or not he was actually finished with his speech, but you didn’t care. You just moved your good arm toward the back of his head, threading your fingers through his hair and pulling him to you. The moment your lips met, you felt him let out a deep, relieved sigh. His arm slid around your back, carefully pulling you over the center console until you were straddling his lap. You couldn’t do much with your right arm since it was starting to hurt again, so you simply pushed through the pain to wrap it around Ashton’s neck and let it rest on his shoulders. His hands moved to your hips, firmly holding you in place – as if you were even able to go anywhere.
“I love you, princess,” Ashton choked out when you pulled away for air. You barely smiled, letting your hand slide from the back of his head to his cheek so you could stroke his cheekbone.
“I love you too, Ashton,” you whispered, leaning back in for another kiss.
other parts: one / two / three / four / five
master list / master list for mobile users
you can also check out my last imagine here, my to do list to see what’s coming up, and click here to go to the page for my calum fic :)
Other TV show AUs: Alex / Calum / Luke / Ashton / Ashton / Michael / Luke / Ashton / Calum / Michael / Luke / Ashton / Marshall / Harry / Harry
Other service AUs: Luke / Michael / Calum / 5SOS / Luke / Ashton / Calum / Michael / Ashton / Calum  / Calum / Ashton / Michael
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glitchybean-writes · 5 years
Chapter 4: Marvel At Their Innocence
Mia had gone back out reluctantly, having been in too much of a ‘fight and protect’ mode to sleep. Nothing special happened, she saved a few people, wrote their names in her book- though, at one point, someone was very, very close to being shot and it took all her power to stop the bullet. The guy in question insisted on getting her a meal, which she reluctantly agreed to (he was very nice and the food was great). A little girl gave her a stuffed bear after basically saving her life, that was nice. Mia had smiled at the cutie and patted her head, thanking her and leaving.
After arriving home, Mia sat the adorable bear with the spot-on mask on the windowsill, not really minding if anyone noticed- she would display the creation with pride until the day she died. Hehe, that rhymed.
She beamed at the toy happily before heading to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee, having the full intent of pulling an all-nighter. Mia wanted to try and find a way to fix her outfit so it wasn’t so big and in the way. Maybe a tighter long sleeve shirt? She could sew the hood on if needed. The sweatshirt was the only thing really in the way. But, she could secretly hide things in the sweatshirt, like her orbs…
She stared at the blank, oversized graph paper, mind racing for a solution. She couldn’t get rid of the hood- it was important for hiding her face in case her mask fell off, as well as her hair, and she felt a bit less cold in it. Plus, aesthetic. At this point, the big red X in the middle of her sweatshirt was a symbol someone was there to help. Hell, her name was partially based on the X. But the big hoodie was limiting her movement.
She stared for a moment, then…
“GOT IT!” she half yelled, continuing in a un-knowing mumble, “If I can create some kind of utility belt, I can put my orbs in it so I don’t have to worry about their placement. Of course, I can put them in the back pocket of my bag until I finish it, which won’t be too long, then I can just find that long sleeve shirt I never wear and add a hood and the X and- I’M A GENIUS!”
“Go to bed,” her mom shouted tiredly.
“Yes, Ma’am,” as if she actually would go to bed. She chugged her coffee and began to make designs for the utility belt. Since she didn’t need her coat anymore and washed it the second she got home, it should be in the dryer now. Maybe…
Ten minutes later, she was floating outside of the sleeping little girl, holding the neatly folded Hooded Grin hoodie with a note taped to the top. She hesitated before using her powers to open the window- silently hoping no one would assume she’s breaking into someones random home- floating her old hoodie with a note taped on top to the nightstand and closing/locking the small window.
The note read:
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It was a little all over the place and pretty short, but it was all that she could think to do for the little girl…
About an hour or two earlier, Mia was having a difficult time with a particular criminal who was trying to rob a father and his daughter. Mia was disoriented and couldn’t tell what was going on after being shoved into some crates, hitting her head pretty roughly. All she could see was a blurry figure walking toward her, stopping and turning around- she could faintly hear the little girl yelling.
“Leave them alone, meanie!” Panic.
What was this kid doing?? They sound like a freaking 5-year-old, oh god, still can’t see shit, oh god, oh god-
Mia tried to regain balance and move either the little girl or criminal as she saw the blurry figure get smaller while moving towards the girl- she ended up moving a dumpster, slamming it into the criminal. This works too, she thought. When the criminal was finally able to move the dumpster, she had gotten a bit more of a grip on her vision and threw a trap/knockout orb at the criminal, him becoming encased in the metal springs and passing out at the electric shock preceding the capture. She exhaled lightly and walked over to the father and his daughter.
“Are you two okay? You get hurt? I can walk you home if you want,” she offered, looking from the horrified father’s face to the angry little girls face. The father looked at Mia for a moment, being a bit taller than the Hooded Grin- which honestly made Mia feel a little weird.
“I… We’re okay, and I would very much appreciate it, please,” he replied, smiling at the small hero. Mia nodded and looked down at the little girl, who currently appeared awestruck.
“Would you mind,” she looked back up at the father, “if I carried her so you won’t have to worry about her as much?” the father seemed hesitant.
“If you’d uh, if you wouldn’t mind.”
“Of course not,” she crouched down to the little girl, “Hi, sweety, would you like,” she offered a small gasp and continued in an exaggerated, excited voice, “a piggyback ride?” the little girl nodded excitedly, smiling happily. It made Mia feel… warm. “Alright, ready? Three… two… one…” Mia floated the girl up, smiling at the little girl’s happy squeals of “daddy, I’m flying!”
Honestly, if Mia had siblings, you best believe she would be running around the house playing games and making her siblings fly, for that happy squeal, knowing that she had prevented injury to this little girl and her father, knowing that she helped even a little bit of the current and future generations live more made everything worth the struggle.
She glided the little girl above and behind Mia, plopping the small one on her back and looking to the amazed father. Everything in that moment was worth it.
“Lead the way, sir.”
They arrived at the house after 15 or so minutes, Mia, surprisingly, finding lots of things to talk about to keep everyone calm. You would’ve never known that the two were almost robbed and that Mia could’ve probably died, or at least gotten some sort of bad injury. Their house looked like your typical, mowed grass lawn, two story house. She set the little girl down who excitedly ran inside.
“Wait here!!” she called behind her at Mia and her father. The father sighed.
“I really can’t thank you enough, I’m not quite sure what would’ve happened if you hadn’t shown up… though, as a father, I have to ask… How old are you? You can’t be older than, what, 16?” he asked, staring down Mia with a concerned half-glare.
“Uhm, well, I uh- what ya got there?” she interrupted herself, hoping the father would drop it. The little girl had sprinted up to her with a small, fluffy object in her hands. Before Mia could think, the object was thrust into her arms.
“Thanks for saving me and daddy!” the father chuckled softly as the little girl ran inside, following suite. Mia looked down at the object in her hands.
She found a small, stuffed bear with little stubby arms. It had (what appeared to be) a hand-sewn white hoodie with a drawn on red X on the front and a little  mask on its head. It was so freaking cute, Mia couldn’t resist the urge to let out a little ‘awwwww’ at the stuffed toy in her arms, smiling under her mask.
When Mia later went back to go over things with the police, she heard the criminal yelling about “the stupid brat” throwing a rock at him.
She started working on the designs, feeling more and more proud of the little girl as time went on.
Mia folded her mostly finished ideas and put them in a folder in her bag before changing, getting a new cup of coffee, and riding the city bus to school. She saw Ty at the bus station where she gets off, holding a smallish box and looking nervous. She hopes he’s okay.
“Hey man, what’s up?” she stood out of the way for bus passengers to get off, looking at her nervous friend.
“Hey, Mia. I, uhm… Just wanted to apologize for yelling yesterday and stuff, it was a pretty jackass move of me,” while speaking, Ty had rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand.
Oh. Right. “Oh, yeah… It’s okay, Ty, no need to fret over it,” she offered a small smile, attempting to pretend she didn’t forget about him shouting, but wasn’t worried about it. Besides, if he was this worried about it, she shouldn’t be worried about him being any sort of threat. This was especially clear when he handed her the box he was holding, continuing to speak.
“It wasn’t okay, though. You looked pretty scared, and I was, you uhm, you know, most likely part of that yesterday… So, i got you a little Fitz,” he concluded, motioning to the box in Mia’s hands.
“You.. a little Fitz?”
“Just open the box,” he chuckled, looking at his friend. She opened the wrapped lid, pulling out the small plush keychain of her favorite character in the show Agents of SHIELD: Leopold Fitz, basking in its glory. She stared at the toy unbelievingly, holding it as if it were made of glass.
“You… are… the best. The literal best, oh my god, I could freaking kiss you-”
“Please don’t,” he interrupted awkwardly, chuckling once more. She stared in awe.
“I’m gonna carry this puppy everywhere, oh my god,” she continued, gently putting Fitz Mini in her pocket. Mia didn’t notice his small sigh of relief, or notice how bad he still felt. She didn’t notice that he still felt like a horrible friend. She was way too excited about what happened earlier, and what he gave her, but that feeling didn’t go away the entirety of the day, or the following week.
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justwordsonpages · 4 years
I used to spend so much time wondering if you cared about me..
I used to spend so much time hoping one day you would.
I've known you half my life.
You were the first guy I ever dated, kissed, loved... You were, so many times, my first.
I remember everything so so vividly.
You were.. Shy. And quiet. And so sweet.. In middle school I would walk with you 2 blocks down the road to your house every time I saw you. Sometimes, you'd come sneak up behind me. Sometimes you would put your arm around me or pretend like you were attacking me. We'd walk super slowly, talking the whole way. Usually, and even to this day, you'd probably be disagreeing with something. We talked about everything.
We were friends. Sometimes I would see you during school. At the dances, I'd always look for you, secretly. Once I met J because she randomly sat next to me and just struck up a conversation, and you came and joined us and I basically stayed with you that night. I met your cousin at one of them. At another, I had left early because my mom and I were going to the high school to watch a play. I would be disappointed whenever you weren't there. Sometimes I'd be off with H, J, B, A, P, etc and wouldn't see you either.
It wasn't until my summer after 8th grade that you told me you liked me at all. We were so shy, we were still kids. You were slick with words then too.
We hungout sometimes alone, sometimes with others. D was usually with us. Things were great sometimes and awkward some others.
Once, you and D stopped by my grandmas house and asked if I could go with you guys, so I did, and we walked literally all the way across town to your dad's. It was fun. We joked and laughed and had a good time. We left to start heading back and it had started getting dark. We took the long way because I was avoiding my mom, I knew she would be mad. We kept walking. D joked that we should kiss. We hadn't kissed yet, ever. You had your arm around me. And I just remember always feeling so safe with you. Walking under the old bridge with spray paint and sharpie covered bricks, with the lights on. It was oddly romantic somehow. You were so nice to me that day.
There was a day when we were walking around and it just started raining. I've always loved that vibe.
We walking a stray dog we found one day.
Just so many memories.
Unfortunately we were not mature enough and it ended about 2 months later pretty awkwardly. We were too young and had too much to learn. After that, you went on to develop a very high sex drive and my dad died and I also had surgery. We did not speak at all, and I honestly thought that I would never see you again. I missed you, the whole time.
I saw you, one time in a parking lot after I got done in Kmart. I was with my mom, you were with D. My mom and I were pretty far away. I think you guys saw me, because right then as fast as you both could you ran to the car you were with.
Almost 2 years after we stopped speaking. It's late, I'm in my grandmas bathroom doing my hair, and my ipod lights up. It says your name and a "Hey".
First off..."Hey"?? Lol.
We talked. We became close again, and this time we hung out at perry farm. It was a super nice day in May I think, and it was nice to see you..
We had several small little encounters like that. Like when we'd sit on the playground and you'd just set your hand on my thigh and we would talk. And you would move it ever so slightly, and that would be all. You drove me fucking crazy.
Or when we would meet up at the elementary school to make out after hours. That got intemse sometimes, but it never went anywhere. I saw a different side of you then, but you were always still just a gentleman. Or when we'd show up near a creek under these railroad tracks and do the same thing.
When we would stand somewhere and hug for like 30 minutes straight without moving.
When we got older, and in high school sometimes I'd see you in the mornings or randomly. At one point I saw you alot either before or after school and sometimes your friends too. I loved it. I loved being near you.
And then you started talking to R and everything was different from then on. She didn't trust you around me. Started hating me and told you not to talk to me any more. For a long time, you didnt.. I hated it. Felt like I saw you with her every time I turned around. I wanted to be her more than anyone else in the world.
And then your grandma passed away.. And you texted me. You explained everything. Told me she didn't like you talking to me and how you didn't want to but you were trying to be a good boyfriend. You told me she's controlling. You told me about your grandma. You poured your heart out to me about it.. You told me you were sorry and I said that it was fine. Sometimes you would call me. Then a while later, R pretended to be pregnant and hurt you alot, I know that, and then you guys broke up and she moved to Texas. You started talking to me again.
I've heard about and had to picture you with so many women.
0nce in a period of us not talking, you called me while you were hanging out with N. We talked for 6 hours. We talked and laughed and you threw quarters at N. I was so happy after that phone call. There was late night phone calls here and there. We had to be sneaky.
Once we met up at BC to revisit the past and we were sitting by the garbage dumpsters. We were just hanging out and talking and I just looked over and you kissed me right then. I think that's the most spontaneous and unexpected kiss I've ever had. We started talking again after that day too. And all this happened through the years and I never slept with you. You always wanted me to, but I never wanted to just be "one of them".
When you lived behind the school we were walking once and a car rear ended someone else right in front of us. Perhaps that was the night that it was so super dark and suddenly you kissed me. I asked you what that was for and you said "closure".
Anything to do with you made my heart race. You were my best friend and I loved you so much all at once. I would do anything for you. And then life went on for a good while. We're so much better apart than together. During these times you hurt yourself over people who did not deserve to know you and it changed you.. A lot.
You absolutely love sex but it's as if no one's touched you.. Loved you.
You are so angry and jealous but so sweet and loving.
Everything is different. We hung out. And on this particular day, for the first time ever, you picked me up in a car you own. You dressed up for me and then actually admitted it. We went on a drive and smoked a blunt, and talked. Just like always. It was so nice. But I knew I still loved you..
I left my relationship for you.
So then we eventually did it.. We were together. We went on a walk one night, smoked, and listened to music. It was pretty cold that night. Eventually you tested those waters and grabbed my hand. And then the next thing I know, we're standing in a field in pitch black kissing each other. A lot.
You stayed at my house that night and I gave you head for the first time ever. You told me no one's ever been able to do that. I still don't believe you.
I've literally never met anyone and wanted them as bad as you. I had to go back to school after that weekend and I still hadn't slept with you. I was still nervous. I would stay at your house for a bit every now and then and we fell asleep. When you woke up you said "nobodys ever slept in my bed before" and I didn't believe that either.
I was at school 5 hours away from you when we began planning a trip to meet halfway. So we did.
We were intimate fairly fast.
Intimate in the one way we never had been. Passion is an understatement. Sex in your car, in a Walmart parking lot in a state neither of us lived in.
When we got done, an old man in his car was staring at us. So we parked my car and went to a nature preserve. It was beautiful and we had a great time. I took pictures. We smoked your dab pen. We almost had sex in the park. We went to the hotel and had the most passionate sex of my life. Like pressed-up-against-a-mirror passion.
The window, the mirror, the bed, the shower, his car, we couldn't get enough of each other. After all that we fell asleep, and in the middle of the night, we woke up and you made love to me. It was beautiful, and I will never forget it.
But now... Now something has happened to me. I told myself that I deserved to be happy for once and do something for me, and then I let myself have you. I let my enjoy hearing your every sign and moan. I let myself enjoy your reactions to my every move and teasing you. I let myself enjoy it when you wanted me so bad you were shaking. Your teeth chattered.. And yet you were still so nice to me. I let myself be the thing you needed and I hate myself because I don't regret it...
I don't regret you.
0 notes
blahblahblair · 7 years
a funny thing happened on the way to Shinerfest.....
The car was loaded and I was in my car, Ina & Elizabeth in Ina’s truck. I told them I needed to stop and get gas and not to worry about waiting on me--I’d meet them at the Green-Dickson park in Shiner, Texas where the festival was being held, about 1.5 hours from Austin. They took off and I did one last run through my house grabbing dumb little last minute stuff and throwing it in my collapsible bucket that I use with my battery powered shower. I was really excited about having this since we’d be going to two days of music AND camping so I knew I’d really want to take a shower. 
I grabbed the last couple of things, jumped in my car and threw my purse and that bucket in the passenger seat. When I started my car, I realized I didn’t *actually* need to stop and get gas. However, when I was about 3 miles east of Bastrop, I realized I was a tiny bit tired and thought that I’d like some coffee so I stopped at the next gas station I saw. When I pulled in I thought, “I might as well put $20 in since I’m here.” I grabbed my phone and wallet and headed inside. I stopped, remembering to lock my car since there was so much stuff in there and continued inside. I paid and headed back to my car--a Yukon Denali--and started pumping the gas (the gas tank is on the driver’s side). I must have just been staring at the gas pump waiting until it got to $20 when I hear what I think sounds like a van door sliding shut and instinctively looked to the right, over my shoulder. In my peripheral vision, I realize that my huge truck is rocking from side to side and for one second, I think “Earthquake?!?”. Then I see him. A kid jumping into the back seat of a small sedan on the passenger side of my car. I hadn’t even noticed them pull in. As I’m looking through my car at this guy, with my brain screaming, “WHAT THE EFF IS GOING ON?!?!?”, I suddenly look in my car and see this:
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My next thought is “WHY DID HE BREAK MY WINDOW?!?!?” and then “OH SHIT! I JUST GOT ROBBED!”
I’m not going to go into the details of what I did next, as I acted like a crazy person. I was yelling & crying & cussing like a sailor. I figured out they had grabbed my (basically) empty purse and the bucket with my beloved shower. I was SO mad, I didn’t even know what to do. The cops were called and showed up in like 3 minutes. She took my statement and was very patient with me. I said to her, “The thing that makes me the maddest is that you KNOW they are just going to throw my purse out the window when they realize I have my wallet and my phone with me.....” 
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I didn’t know if I should just turn around (but I really couldn’t because I had most of the camping stuff in my car) or continue on (but it was supposed to rain all weekend and the festival info said that we wouldn’t be able to park our cars next to our camp). Basically, I kind of just spun in circles in the parking lot shaking my head. 
Here’s what I assumed happened. Because I was on the side of Hwy 71, they were able to simply pull in, break my window and rob me, and be back on the road in less than 10 seconds. Seriously. It was that fast. Grr. (the yellow dot is where my car was)
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After the cop left, I headed back inside the shop to fill out an “incident report” and get a trash bag. I had decided that I would continue to the festival and at the very least, I’d drop off the stuff that they would need. I figured if I wanted to, I could head back home. As I exited the store, my phone rang.
“Blair? This is Deputy Newton. I just left you about 20 minutes ago?”
“Well, a “found property” alert popped up as I was driving the area looking for the car or your purse, so I came over here. I think I have your stuff--can you describe your purse again?” So I did. 
My things, along with 4-5 other purses, were found in a dumpster down the road--someone had seen the car pull up to a dumpster, throw a bunch of stuff in, and drive off really fast. They thought it was weird so they called the police. 
About 30 minutes later, she came back and handed me my shower bucket and my purse which had almost everything in it. They had dumped stuff out of the organizer things I have in my purse, but really, nothing of note was missing. So in the span of about an hour (?) I was robbed AND my stuff was returned. CRAZY. 
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My hero ^^^^ (also, I should note, I had to edit this picture for about an hour because I looked like DEATH! Deputy Newton needed zero editing because she is so cute. She mentioned she had just had a baby and her husband is also a deputy. I <3 her! I asked if I could give her a hug, but then realized that was probably not allowed because, you know, the gun? She agreed to a selfie instead. If she sees this picture, she probably won’t recognize me--HAHAHA!)
Once that was settled, I got back on the road (about 2 hours later) and as I made the next turn (about 3 miles), there, shining in the distance, was a GMC dealership. I pulled into the service department and they helped me vacuum all the glass out so that shards weren’t flying around while I was driving.
The rest of the drive was really pretty, the park was AMAZING and the weekend was so much fun! Friday night was a “battle of the bands” and they were all great! The next day, the actual music didn’t start until around 1 which meant we got to just chill (read: drink) for the first part of the day. It was pretty humid, but it didn’t even rain until we were loading the last things in our cars on Sunday. Oh, and we were able to park in our spot, so my car wasn’t just open in some lot across a field! Here are some more pictures and music from my favorite band of the weekend:
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It was a really lovely drive....Shiner and Gonzales are both really pretty. I’m not sure what they do to make money out there, but they take great care of their towns from what I saw. 
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View from our campsite. I will TOTALLY come back here to camp--only 1.5 hours away, beautiful, everything was SUPER clean and the people could not have been nicer! 
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Ina chillin’ while we wait for it to cool down to head over to the music. However, the actual festival was only about 300 yards away so we could hear the music perfectly from our campsite!
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Elizabeth enjoyed the shower, too! I’m not kidding....being able to rinse off makes ALL of the difference out there!
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Once the sun started to go down, it was BEAUTIFUL!
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Paper moon <3
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This band was great! Flatland Calvery out of Lubbock. Here’s a video of one of their songs....keep an eye out for them! #thisisnotwadebowen 
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Blurry view from my cot on Saturday night. I *swear* it was the camera’s fault. 
In the end, all that really happened is that I have a broken window that I need to get fixed before I head up to Dallas this week for my 30th (!!!!!) high school reunion. Other than that, a great time was had by all. We ended up making friends with the ladies who were camping on both sides of us and I drank ALL the beer! See you next year, Shinerfest! 
0 notes
rojpoj-diary · 7 years
Blog Entry #15
Hello, today was amazing, it was one of the best days I have had this year. Since we have no school tomorrow today is the last day then we have Spring Break! WOOHOO! So anyway the school day was ok, as we were finishing the decor for the Rally and the MORP dance, we were tying three balloons together to put on a balloon arch, well I tried anyway. I got the first two tied, but shortly after it either almost immediately became undone or it became undone when I tried tying the 3rd one. And need I remind you I made around 5 attempts before I gave up, those balloons hate me or something. I tried them right, the crisss-cross then the tie, it is so basic but fuck me right. Anyway at the end of 5th period Neko was doing a cheap Russian accent and I told Maddie so I walking up to him and explained to him how Russians pronounce the W like a V and that your tongue should be more flat as that is how slavic speakers talk apposed to the romance language speakers who’s tongues are more upward. He tried getting me to do an accent and I said Slavic with a Russian accent and he loved it, as Maddie, David and him her walking out of class together he told them how I schooled him on pronunciation and jokingly said he should take classes from me, lol. So after school I head towards the Rally as it was today and a surprising amount of people came and loved it. Cool enough Amanda was coincidentally sitting behind me. The rally was great, I had no idea the Mr. Bassy knew how to play the drums and so well I might add, him and Molly played them so well. Molly is becoming really well known in Solano and is getting a lot of support, I am so proud of her. Afterwards I walked to Mr. Riley’s room for no real reason, Cesi came in to get his keys to get into the little threater to get her keys and told me the set up for MORP was at 5:30pm so as I leave the front door I and walk told the walk area, I turn around and Amanda is there and we talk about the MORP dance being at 7pm and how I needed to be there at what Cesi said was 5:30 but come to find out was officially 6pm. She offered me a ride and I was debating with her on how I could get a white shirt for the color run where we throw powdered paint at the runners on a path. During this conversation, I noticed Sophia was walking behind Amanda by several feet and i asked why she was at school and she said she was looking for someone and I totally should have used that chance to give her a hug but it did not cross my mind like usual. Sarah comes over soon after and we just talk about random stuff like medication for horses and make up, like my cover up I use for my acne. She leaves after getting picked up as she was waiting for a ride. So then I proceed to call my mother to see if she had the car so I could go to the store to buy a shirt but she didn’t and said she would look for a shirt. But I took Amanda up on her kind offer to go to Michael’s to buy a white shirt. Her car was messy but so are most people’s cars. So anyway we get there and look at the large white shirts as the last time I bought a blue there in medium size it barely fit but the large white looked too big, but the medium surprisingly looked like it would fit. So as we are in line I offer to buy her candy as she was looking at them but she declined the offer, and soon after she notices Lawson and Stephen walking down to the shirts so I told her to so turn around so they don’t notice us as my plan was to buy the shirt and sneak up on them but we weren’t fast enough and they got in line and noticed us so we walking over to them and Lawson was holding a black shirt and a white shirt which I wondered why but did not get a clear answer besides for the dance. Stephen asked if I am going to his and Beth’s party tonight but I decline as I am not a party person, I wouldn’t know most people there, and the fact my home is a police state and my parents would never let me go to a party let alone one late at night. So we leave and she drops me off but before I get out of the car I give her a thank you hug and then go inside my home. Mother and my older sister Nina had apparently found a white shirt actually and mother got a bit upset that I bought one but to be honest I bought it because I did not think they’d actually find one, besides the new one was better. So after listening to some music I take a nice warm shower to get clean for the dance. I worse my green converse, the new white shirt and my black jogging pants. Mother put some cover up on my face for my acne. Father dropped me off at 5:29pm so I was very early. I said Hi to Maddie as she was with her orchestra friends. I knock on MS. Sullivan’s door to see what the official time was as my text to Melissa was not replied to. She said it was officially at 6pm and that I could hang out in her room but I declined the offer and said I wanted to walk around. After walking around for a couple of minutes I return to the quad only to meet up with Cassidy, Biane, and some new girl who’s name escapes me. They had Starbucks and Cass was sad as she said she should have gotten something for me but I said it was fine. I did appreciate the thought though. SO we start getting to work by going to the gym and seeing what’s what, then we go the little theater to look for the posters, we looked int he back stage and we couldn’t fine the light for like 5 minutes until Cass found it down the starts leading to the music room. I am not used to being in the back stage so it was new to me, what we thought were old posters from the MR. GQ event they we thought we could use, turned out to be for something else that escapes me, so we look for the posters on the other side. There is this little stairway down that leads to this little storage space but it also has an elevator for wheelchairs, what was funny was that Biane didn’t see the handle for the space so Ms. Sullivan jumped the gate only for it to open on her, we all laughed hard because she thought it was locked for some reason. I soon after came up with the idea to check the Student Counsel Storage room which Ms. Sullivan gave me credit for for having such a great idea, anyway we find the posters and the boxes painted as Rubik’s cubes and stereos in there. I grabbed all the “stereos” but they were too tall stacked up for the door so Cass helps me when her and the new girl walk in and see me struggling and the new girl grabbed the big Rubik’s Cube and we all walked over to the gym. And the a bunch of Link Crew people arrive to help out. Lauren also does too and we all start putting up posters. Lauren, Cassidy and a few others hang out the Mr. Riley’s room for a bit so Lauren could do her make-up and we talked about how I have never been to Dutch Bros or Chick Fil A, and everyone one is surprised. So Lauren starts talking about how her and Cass should bring me to to those places some time. Including the other small chatter it was fun, then we get back to the gym to do posters and I mention how my dad gets me clothes from the dumpster sometimes because he likes dumpster diving and from his work randomly and she was shocked and hilariously said he should see a doctor. She also comically asked if I wanted to move in with her lol. She kept saying how she would teach me how to yike when the dance started and I was my usual uncomfortable self about such odd activity, she also intentionally made me feel uncomfortable to be funny but acting like she was going to yike on me, she said it was easy to do, which is true. So then we go back to the room so that I could get tape for the posters but there isn’t any more so I give up and when we get so Lauren could get her hair curled, which Cesi did, and I said how I couldn’t do it because I didn’t want to burn her as I have never had practice and would need someone who who tolerate burns without slapping me or a wig bust to learn how. Lauren asked if I wanted to be one of those hair people but I said no, I just wanted to learn how as it’s a nice skill and that my mother also said it would be a good idea as girls like a guy who can do hair. She then asked out of no where if I was ever going to tell my parents that i liked girls and I said that my mother may be accepting but the rest of my family wouldn’t be. Cesi said I should tell my mother. I told them how I have to bottle in how I feel and how it’s slowly killing me on the inside emotionally. They were very supportive and how it must feel terrible. Lauren said if she was a lesbian that her parent’s would eventually accept her. Sarah came in and Lauren told her the fact that  I liked guys. Link crew peoples were fine to tell, plus I trusted Lauren to tell the right people even though I was so nervous that she was telling others about it but she was speaking softly and I forget her justification. But anyway it made me feel so great and motivated me to act more myself and be more confident about liking guys. Lauren again offers for me to live with her which I just found so sweet. Cesi is such a cool person by the way, the room isn’t the same without her. So after her hair was done, we all compliment Lauren’s now wavy hair. And then we start getting work on stuff, I and two other girls make new posters for the ticket sales because the last poster was messed up, then we got the paint powder out and threw it on eachother. I was just caked in it but I loved it, my whole body was covered. So when the color run happened everyone switched between different colors to throw and it was so much fun. I started out helping Cesi with the blue but then switched to other colors independently. The runners loved it and it lasted until 8pm, so about half an hour. Then the dance started but it took a while for most people to show up. Selena had to use the restroom so I took over the scanner but did not know how to use it so I did wrist bands while Sarah did the scanner with Lawson watching. Selena and the others never came back. I called Amanda as to know when she was showing up and she said she just left her home. When she called me I was too busy putting bands on people’s wrists to answer it but it was fine as she just went in and waiting for me with her friend. I then had Lawson cover for me so I could go in. Now I never did dance but with one of the songs Amanda kept making me crouch when the song said to go low. I don’t know how to dance and so it frustrated me that she kept saying go with the flow but there is no flow to follow as my arms and ass are too shy to express themselves. So i sort of give stood there while being touched and pushed by a bunch of people who were dancing and walking past. I felt so uncomfortable yet happy that I was at least hanging out with Amanda. I kept leaving to get water or fresh air as it was humid in there and hot. After a few times of leaving I start feeling incredibly sad that I can’t dance I felt like an idiot for doing nothing. Lauren wasn’t there to teach me anything and Amanda didn’t show me anything so I spent a few minutes in the bathroom crying at the fact I am trying to act normal and was failing. So i get out and get some fresh air before going back in, and after hanging out with Amanda for a couple of minutes I go to get some water and Selena grabs my hips like she was yiking on me and I panic and turn around quickly only to hit my head on the rim of the metal. And so i leave and I tell Mr. Riley how it essentially smells like B.O. and bad choices, which he relayed to Kalvin and Ms. Sullivan who also found it funny and said it was so true. I and still remember how loud Mr. Riley laughed, it was funny. Anyway as it was reaching the end of the dance my mother and sister call me to see when the party ends and tell them 10:30pm and that there is also clean up, to which they essentially did not understand between each other. My mother as going to call Alex to pick me up since father was going to bed. And at this time, Mattie left because he didn’t like a lot of dancing and so Lauren looked a bit sad, and I tried to cheer her up but it didn’t work. Anyway when she heard about my dilemma, she offered to drive me home since she couldn’t that one time it was almost raining but she was late for work so she couldn’t give me a ride but luckily for me it didn’t rain on me. It made me very happy. So then I call my mother to tell her the news and she said it was fine. So then we all started to clean up. I also called Amanda to tell her I was sorry that i left at the last several minutes because Ms. Sullivan asked me if I could check to see if the dumpsters were open which they were and then we told each other good night. Soon after Cassidy, LJ, and I move a table to the little theater and Lauren asks me if I am going to the Prom to which  said yes and she gets all excited and I tell her I am going with Maria and Amanda. I also told her that my sister was going to help me rent a tux and she says “aw” and goes all goo goo about thinking of me in a tux going to prom with two girls. It was funny ad made me happy. So after we were dismissed Lauren and I head to her truck while Cassidy went to her car so she could follow Lauren so after I was dropped off they could get some food. I wish I could have gone along, I have $20 in my wallet but my parents wouldn’t have let me out later than that dance. So anyway I tell her the usual directions, straight down the road, lake a left at the fork then turn left at the 7/11 and it’s the apartment complex with the cross on it next to the big ass tree. She drove into the driveway of the next apartment complex by accident but it was fine because that one was a path that went around easily, vs having to turn around in the small parking lot of my complex. Anyway since the fence is basically missing I just walked over after saying thanks and good night. In hindsight I should have given her a hug but I was too happy about what transpired today. I’ll give her one next time I see her. So anyway I get inside my home and take a shower and stuff then I text her thanking her for the ride, and now I’m off to bed early on a free night, because my legs are damn sore and my lower back hurts like fucking hell. So good night, great story wasn’t it? Lol, see ya. I’ll leave you with a picture of the dance.
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