#Shriv Suurgav x you
sinisterexaggerator · 2 years
Please, imagine if you will, cockwarming the Duro boys + Hondo
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Cad Bane, Shriv Suurgav, and Hondo Ohnaka get a cockwarming.
Explicit / 18+
Warnings: PiV, double-penetration in Bane's case, kissing, not really any biting, sorry, but some use of teeth, care-taking, comfort.
Notes: Shriv is a little more confident in himself in his ficlet, and it's really sexy (imho), though he still self-deprecates a bit. Bane denies help and is a bit of an egotistical bastard. Hondo is a sweetheart and indulges you with pure fluff.
*I know cockwarming has nothing to do with actually being cold, however with the Duros boys, it just worked out that way because I headcanon they are cold-blooded.
Word count total: 4.3+
Kinktober-ish? 🎃
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“It’s so cold in here,” you said, digging in your pack for something warm to wear. Cad Bane sneered at you as he fiddled with the temperature regulator.
You were a bounty hunter, joining him on a job. It wouldn’t be the first time you had worked with Bane, and you felt you could remotely trust him.
It was a two-person gig, out on Ord Mantell. A Devaronian pirate was to be brought in for a heavy sum. He was elusive, well-armed, and known to kill on sight. It had been your idea to ask him for his help. While you were no amateur, Cad Bane had unmatched skills. He was sure to be of use, no matter how high the price.
“Todo! Ah thought Ah told ye te fix dhis dang-blamed thing,” he grumbled out, the little service droid’s fingers tapping anxiously together as his other servos grinded to a halt. He was beside himself in nervousness, and a form of agitation that bordered human. It was a humorous thing to watch, as the two made quite a team despite their bickering.
“Yes, well, you see, the thermostat is broken, and I did mention that you should purchase a new one the next time we landed, but perhaps you did not hear me. Oh no...” Todo continued with what seemed like real concern, “do you need your ears checked, Mr. Bane? Can you hear me now?”
You found it hard to suppress a laugh, Bane’s eyes constricting as he turned to face his droid. “I’d be blessed not t’hear ya’! Mebbe I’ll jus’ use you fer de parts,” he shot back, one finger pointing, punctuating his sour words.
“I am afraid you won’t find the right components to make the repairs. I am a techno-service droid, not a subassembly of a rather cheaply designed life-support system. Honestly sir, you should think about upgrading the-”
“Pushin’ yer luck, Todo…” Bane seethed, Todo ambulating out and beyond the cockpit rather awkwardly. He knew better than to keep speaking out of turn. He boosted himself down the narrow corridor, off to find better things to do.
“He was only trying to help. Aren’t you the one who programmed him?” you asked, amused. The hunter finally turned his crimson glare on you.
“Left ‘im how Ah found ‘im. Few tweaks ‘ere an’ dhere. Didn’ program ‘im te be’a nuisance,” he corrected you.
You shrugged, your body shivering. The coldness of deep space did not take long to set within your bones. You motioned towards the holomap. “How long until we’re there?”
Bane sighed, pushing the brim of his hat up from off his forehead and an intriguing metal plate. He pinched the center of his brow, seeming to be irritated at everything, including you right now.
“Couple a hours. Betta’ get some shut eye, yer gonna needit.”
You scrutinized the man, then turned to do just that. It was better than simply standing there, aggravating the Duros further.
You woke up restless. You had tossed and turned through half of what you thought was night. You took a breath, seeing your own exhale within the biting air of the ship. It was frigid!  
You had taken to Bane’s spare bunk, but his was empty. You checked your chronometer. Several hours had come to pass; you thought it odd he did not follow his own advice. You rose and exited, remaining barefoot and forgoing anything but your crop top and black pants. You tip-toed through the ship, finding your way back toward the cockpit.
The moment the automated doors parted, Bane withdrew one LL-30 blaster. It was aimed directly at you, though the hunter was seated in his pilot’s chair. You raised your arms in defense, he relented and replaced the weapon. You noted his movements were slow and feeble – Cad Bane was not himself.
He swiveled round, bothering to ignore your presence now, though he grit his fangs, emitting a sharp reprimand. “Don’ sneak up on me!”
His own breath came out in frosty puffs – something was wrong, it was obvious. Though, to get him to admit it would be like pulling teeth. Still, you had to try. “Bane, are you all right?”
He tensed up at the question. He wasn’t used to being asked about his well-being. He was silent for a moment, his response more subdued than you would have guessed. “Fine,” he answered, still somewhat vexed.
“You don’t look fine,” you commented, walking up beside him. His scales were discolored and pale in hue – you remembered reading something about Duros. They were humanoid, though reptile. They could not regulate their own body temperature. Though Cad Bane wore an insulated suit, it seemed not to be enough. You cautiously skirted his captain’s chair and made him look at you face-to-face. “You’re cold, aren’t you.”
“S-so whut. We’ll be dhere soon. Nothin’ I cahn’t handle,” he snapped at you.
You timidly reached out a hand. You were deliberate on purpose. You wanted the hunter to see you were not a threat as you gently cupped his lower jaw below his breathing apparatus. “You’re freezing.”
“De thermostate's busted, what de ye exspec’?” he retorted grouchily, shifting his gaze away from you as he tried to shirk your grasp. He waved you off with a gloved hand of his own, though it had been rather short-lived and half-hearted.
You did not speak. He leered at you as you stared back. For a moment you saw beyond his tough exterior and into the soul beneath. He was just a man, callous around the edges. He was a killer, that much was true, but at this very moment he looked… pathetic.
You were overcome with something, an urge to help, but also an urge to warm him. Being human, your blood was tepid, and you knew you could provide him heat. “Let me help you, please.”
“Don’ need yer help!” he was quick to turn you down, winding his arms around himself.
You did not let this deter you. You crept forward and straddled yourself across his thighs. His eyes narrowed beneath his hat, the Duros regaining enough strength to encapsulate your face. His fingers bore into your dainty chin; you did not react to it. He eyed you beneath the wide brim of his bolero, studying, observing, smelling you and your sudden, unmistakable arousal.
“Ah know what it is yer afta’,” he smirked, one snaggletooth exposed by the curling of his lip. “Duros dick,” he surmised.
You kissed him gingerly, peppering him across his mouth, his cheek, his neck; those parts left exposed to you as your hand wandered downward and began to unbutton and unzip his pants. “Body heat,” you managed to get out, “you’re a Duros, I’m a Human. It makes sense. I don’t want you to freeze to death.”
“Ain’ dhat somethin’,” he ridiculed and mocked you. “Givin’ a shit about lil’ ol’ me.”
“You’re a good shot. I need you alive,” you pleaded, your mouth now hungry for the taste of him, though he sat stalk still as you withdrew his unique members -  there were… two of them?
You gasped out in surprise. He outright laughed, a snide guffaw of derision and disdain, a snort, for lack of a better word, though he lacked a nose upon his surly countenance. “Surprise,” he snarled at you.
Your hand was sticky with his slick. You took him by surprise this time. You shoved your pants down, then lubricated yourself with his slippery byproduct.
You gathered up both his dual girths in the palm of your bare hand. You mashed them together closely, creating a double-headed spear with which to impale yourself. You made eye contact with him as this shut him up quite well, sliding down one centimeter at a time as you began taking in all of him.
He stared in disbelief as you whimpered at the feel, your cunt stretching malleably to accommodate his dicks. His brow ridge twitched as he sucked in a raspy breath, his whole body rigid, stiff,  until he finally started to relax.
“Tight as dhat ass ye got,” he said offhandedly, one arm roving below as he clasped the meat of your posterior.
With each tiny movement of yourself atop his cocks, you found yourself groaning, whining, and making other involuntary sounds. You wrapped your arms around the Duros, pinning him against your chest the best you could. You buried your hot breath against his neck and across his shoulder.
You pussy clenched around him doubly penetrating you though it had been  your doing, elated gasps indicating that even staying so stationary was almost too much for you to handle. “It hurts, but it feels so good,” you confessed to him.
Bane growled, low, churlish, a deep-seated rumble rising from the depths of his Durosian vocals. He pushed himself further into your snug loins, your shapely body, and your curves. He reveled in the scent of you as he began to absorb your warmth.
“Stay like dhat an’ don’ move,” he commanded you, hips jutting forward so that his cocks distended you from the inside out. The pressure was intense, causing you to murmur your euphoria in a form of protest. Your belly felt delightfully swollen, and your mind was overflowing with endorphins.
“Oo-ooh.” A sound of pleasure escaped you in a broken pant, his ribs and crests pushing you towards the brink of an orgasm.  You had only done this to warm him up, though you had to admit you had been curious. Your plush lips found their way once more to his thin line of a mouth. “Kiss me,” you pleaded with him.
Bane teased you with a gloved finger, thrusting it between your teeth instead of his cool tongue, his coloration darkening as your body worked its mammalian magic on him. It was like you had a built-in heater, and now that you were here, Bane would take advantage of every bit of you.
He shifted, grabbed you by the waist and forced you down, his phalli ending at the base of your vaginal canal as he bottomed out.  
You touched the protrusion within your walls as he split you open, massaging the tautness of your abdomen as you moaned again. You hovered there, sitting flush across his lap as you licked your lips, so close to drooling on yourself. You thought you could stay like this forever, drunk off his Duros dicks, feeling full and satisfied, a blissful look overtaking your entire face, settling deep into your eyes.
“Looks like ye’ve bitten off more dhan ye cahn chew, lil’ lady,” Bane quipped salaciously, grinning like a man possessed by something cruel, like egotism. His teeth dredged themselves across your ear; he rattled out a hiss; his hand adjoined yours, finding the outline of himself within your innards - then he pressed against it, albeit softly, just to be a total bastard.
“Mmmmmn… Mhmm…” you cooed right back to him before you stole another kiss.
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You were stationed on Hoth. You were a part of the Rebellion’s ground forces. You were on the lookout for the enemy from dusk till dawn, and so was Shriv Suurgav, though he was out of his element - he was supposed to be a pilot.
The general had decided he would best serve a purpose in the here and now. Suurgav was Spec Ops, and they needed all the help that they could get. His X-wing lay in wait some distance from the base – he was expecting to be signaled, or else to make a hasty retreat.
It was time to switch. Two other soldiers came to relieve you from your post, but something was wrong. The sweet Duros was nearly frozen.
You both had protective snow gear, layers upon layers of insulation, and boots with tread, but even so, Shriv looked worse for wear. You had known him for far too long to see him suffer. In fact, you had hid your feelings from him.
Perhaps now was as good a time as any to confess, for you both could perish any day now at the butt end of a trooper’s blaster, or a Sith Lord’s lightsaber – Darth Vader.
The poor thing’s fangs were a chatter as you both headed down the narrow hall towards the meager barracks. This base had many rooms, and you were sure to be alone, if only for one or two moments of reprieve.
“Shriv, come with me,” you whispered to him, guiding him through the corridor. You passed Echo Base’s center of command, spying both Han and Princess Leia bickering.
“Thosse two are at it again,” Shriv spoke between his shivers, though he was surprised at the firm grip you had upon his hand. He could feel the warmth of your human skin radiating outwardly, despite the gloves that housed his particularly lengthy fingers.
“Where are you taking me?” he asked with anxious curiosity. You glanced backward at him to see a look of trepidation, his face haggard, long, and nearly frostbitten.
“To get warm, silly.” You smiled at him, and he somewhat loosened up. It wasn’t that he was actually apprehensive, but he tended to err on the side of caution, no matter what the situation called for.
“That’s awfully nice of you,” he said casually, making conversation. “Just how do you plan to do that when we’re stationed on a planet literally made of ice?”
“You’ll see,” you said cheekily, pausing by the entrance while you waited the few seconds for the automated door to open – you were surprised it hadn’t frozen solid, but luck was in your favor, if only just this once.
Once inside, you sat Shriv down. You removed your gloves and pressed your tepid hands against his frigid scales, warming his scarred cheeks with the aid of your own body heat.
The Duros sighed out a frosty breath, red eyes heavy-lidded and drooping in contentment. Though he thought this was rather wonderful, he was suddenly befuddled.
“Thiss is all well and good and all, but I don’t see why-” You cut the Duros off. You massed your lips gently against his mouth. You cradled his striking jawline in the slopes of your bare palms. He gasped out a flustered breath, nearly jumping backwards. You held him firmly – that’s when he melted into your soft touch.
You perched yourself astride his lap. His shoulders slumped in mild surrender before he wrapped his arms about you. He kissed you back – it was more than you could have hoped for. His own lips were thin, but his icy tongue was playful and explorative.
You took it a step further. You moved one hand steadily downward. You fumbled with the closure of his trousers, the Duros’ eyes bolting open as they had closed to enjoy the moment.
“Swe-sweetheart, I’m not sure what it is you’re after, but…” Shriv trailed off, searching your sultry gaze. You leaned forward towards him and murmured in his ear.
“Your cock,” you professed plainly, his scales bristling as your words sent a surge of something foreign from the top of his bulbous head to the bottoms of his toes.
“Wh-what?” he gaped at you as you physically pursued him. His eyes roved downward as he intently watched you, though he didn’t bother to try and put a stop to it. He was hard, even in this angry weather. No matter how cold Suurgav was, you were pleased to learn he was able to perform at a moment’s notice.
“Shhh,” you cooed, attempting to placate him, “let me warm it for you.”
He was at a loss. He blinked once, mouth partially hanging open. You took this as an invitation, withdrawing his alien anatomy to be grasped securely by your curling fist.
His dick was thick, spined, and ridged. He had a slick, but you had your own. You were already so wet, for Suurgav turned you on – he just did it for you, and it was something that you could not control.
You undid the clasp of your own pants, pushing the waistband down to rest just below your hips. You lifted yourself up, then gradually, inch by inch, started to take his cock.
Oh, and it felt so good. You had to curb your innate desire to rise and full on ride him. Your pussy involuntarily clenched as you whimpered at the size of him.
Shriv’s breath caught in his chest as his body crumpled forward. He gathered you right up like you were a precious object, or something delicate. He clutched you to himself as he moaned against your neck, burying himself below your ear. He thought he might just cum right now if you even so much as moved another muscle.
“It’s so soft, and warm, and-” he humbly commented, his speech muffled across your throat. You thought you sensed something; his fangs had grazed you and it had felt so perfect.
“Lie back, Shriv,” you urged him quietly.
“I don’t think I can move,” he informed you honestly, “Or I’m gonna-”
“Just take it slow,” you encouraged him, pushing back against him with the full weight of your buxom form.
He complied, unwinding his arms from around your frame. He sank back on his hands first, then lied down flat. You tipped your shapely body forward, the rest of you still clothed and cozy. You dug your knees into the bed, then wrapped your arms around his shoulders.
You planted little kisses, nuzzling your nose in against his pale blue flesh. You canted your entire self a little to the right, then did your best to bring Suurgav along for the short-lived ride.
“Mmph…” he interjected, losing himself and all his wits. This had been totally unexpected, but there was not much he could truly complain about.
“You’re insane, I think. That, or you’re just really desperate,” he contended. “I know something about desperation,” he added after the fact, arbitrarily.
“No,” you faintly spoke, though not bothering to stir. The only thing you did was pull him in closer to you. “I’ve always had a thing for you.”
“Is that sso? Lucky me,” he affirmed nonchalantly, though he hugged you tightly, burrowing his rostrum amongst your standard-issue hat and your loose strands. “If this is a dream, might I suggest never waking me up,” he stated dryly.
Your cheeks flushed red as you shifted incrementally, feeling the fullness of his girth against your inner walls. You serried your hips into him, just to indulge in the bulge inside your guts.
“You can stay as long as you like,” you reassured him, licking a hot stripe just below his chin to the cusp of his ear canal.
The Duros shuddered; he barely contained a rush of nervous laughter. He muttered throatily, emitting a deep-rooted rumble to seal the deal. “Home, sweet home...”  he snickered, rocking forward to sheath himself more deeply.
You exhaled a breathy gasp, for you almost came.
“Stay still, please,” you begged of him. You encased him in a snug embrace, binding him in the tangle of your limbs.
“Yes, ma’am,” he purred, nipping the lobe of your fleshy ear. “Can’t take a taste of your own medicine, I see.”
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You awoke to the unique feel of a Weequay kissing you, his breath hot and temperate across the bare flesh of your shoulder. You were lying naked beneath the blankets after a night of excessive lovemaking, having found your way into the Pirate King’s plush bed.
It was luxurious, and he spared no expense. It wasn’t that he had to, all these things were bought with stolen credits, or money earned on less than legal business ventures. You were not one to judge, as you were no saint yourself. You had been a call girl, an exotic dancer, until Hondo had whisked you away from your cantina on Nar Shadda.
The bar had been owned and operated by a Hutt. This one in particular had favored you, but so had Hondo. He pulled some strings, did some mild-mannered convincing, his assuasive, persuasive voice enough to acquit a criminal from their past misdeeds – it would only take Ohnaka to save them with his charming intonations.
You were hooked, like a fish who had been baited, and Hondo was addicted to you. You were not sure why the Force had deemed it so, for you were nothing more than a lowly entertainer.
There must have been something there for the way Hondo pressed your form against himself, his leathery skin cool to the touch and almost reptilian. You pretended not to rouse; you were enjoying this too much, Hondo’s gentle hands caressing and tactually belauding your waist and hips.
He had thrown caution to the winds, for you had tempted him. He was an expert orator, on top of a dashing scoundrel. You decided not to question it. You were not sure you wanted to know the answer. Hondo had a reputation for being partial to hosts of women.
Still, it was nice to think you might be special, even if he tired of you after another full rotation. You purred out a pleasing sound, finally stirring from your drowsy daze.
“Good morning, dearest,” he spoke pruriently in your ear, his voice practically indecent for all the goosepimples it administered.
“Did you sleep well?” he asked of you, one ribbed finger tracing the outline of your figure beneath the sheets. He tantalized you with a simple touch, causing you to grind the protuberance of your ass against his already hardening cock.
“I barely slept at all, but that’s your fault,” you teased, gathering the man up by his hands and coercing him to wrap his arms around you from behind.
“My apologies,” he offered coolly, yielding to your desires, Hondo cinching his grip around your waist just below your vuluptous breasts. “I did not think you minded at de time.”
You chirped out a girlish laugh, guiding those manicured hands upward. You fitted them atop your tits, coaxing him to squeeze. “I have a mind to go another round, but it’s pleasant just to lie here with you,” you admitted.
“Why not both?” he inquired, roiling out a lecherous murmur from his hairline mouth, fingers manipulating and caressing the doughy tissue of your ample chest.
“I like the sound of that,” you declared with sultry elegance, the pirate beginning the whole affair with more kisses being speckled across your throat and collarbone.
You hummed, Hondo continuing to gently compress one breast, the other hand shifting beneath the sheets as he got ready to align himself.
You adjusted accordingly, lifting one leg up and back to drape across his thigh. Your sex was wet in anticipation, Hondo gingerly inserting his ridged member into your bedewed crevasse.
You moaned in appreciation, sinking your pelvis backward to greet his lap. You felt the tip go in, slowly gliding forthright to fill you to the brim.
You made to ride him, your hips beginning to undulate across his robust cock. It was thick, keeled, and a perfect fit. However, Hondo groped you tightly, forcing you to still.
“No, my love. Let me simply bask en de divine,” he whispered in your ear.
You smiled, taking his suggestion at face value. You reached around yourself, behind your waist to grab his buttocks. You used the firmness of your grasp to propel him gently forward until you were adjoined completely, sighing deeply at the sensation of being coupled with him.
Hondo interjected a licentious sound, holding himself back from spilling his seed within you. Instead, he stroked your hair, impressed his lips to the divot between your shoulders, and clasped you more securely to himself as if he never wanted to let you go.
You understood by now – he wanted to rest inside you as you warmed him.
It was intimate, your void occupied full-up as well as your beating heart. You began to wonder about the Weequay’s reputation. He was so genteel, proper, and refined, yet his men both feared and adulated him. What were you to Hondo? How had you found your way to Florrum?
Your doubts were extinguished as he sucked the salt right off your skin, leaving behind a memory in his wake in the form of broken capillaries. You humbly whined as he left his mark, the pirate mindful of his frills, making sure not to truly harm you on accident.
You toyed with the wispy braid that had found its way to hang and dangle, fingers admiring the texture of his ornate hairstyle. You had asked about it once, it was to denote the passage of time for his kind, one for every year he remained away from his native home.
“Delectable,” he stated dissolutely, remarking on the taste of you.
You craned your head, enough to see his handsome face. In sleep he wore no helmet, no protective goggles – he was just a man, a man you were rapidly falling in love with, for you couldn’t help yourself. Perhaps it was naïve.
You smashed your lips against his in enthusiasm. Your tongues became entwined together. They danced and furled around each other as Hondo thoughtfully massaged your inner sanctum with a flex; a pulsing of his cock full flush against the anterior wall of your twitching cunt.
You spoke his name in lust; this only made him kiss you harder and with more fervor. You pulled away before you were carried off, turning around to settle back into the sheets and downy pillows. “I’ve never been quite this happy,” you confessed.
He refastened his arms around you and relaxed, words muffled against the pecks he placed upon your shoulders and your back. “That sounds like a challenge!  I am one tu think I can make you even happier,” he quipped.
“I’d like to see you try,” you provoked him with a smile.
He ground his hips, his thighs, and his sex right into you, causing you to chirrup as he breathed directly in your ear. You shivered involuntarily, trembling from top to bottom.
“Dat can be arranged," he stated plainly, words tinged with a hint of subtle, good-natured arrogance.
Cad Bane Masterlist
Shriv Suurgav Masterlist
Hondo Ohnaka Masterlist
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155 notes · View notes
one-desperate-duros · 2 years
*Shriv's ion engines are running low on fuel. Even the pods, the supplemental tanks are nearly depleted. He has just enough for one more jump.
His search had been fruitless. He has no leads. The bounty hunter does not want to be found, and he is not answering his comms.
Shriv would be lying if he said he was OK. He is racked with guilt and an all-encompassing sadness that just wouldn't go away. It was a form of intense suffering - something he hadn't quite felt before. Shriv is preoccupied and nearly paralyzed with an ache in his chest that makes him feel like he is dying, but somehow he manages to stay alive.
But, in the end the misunderstanding had been his fault, and he would have to live with that, or succumb to the only other alternative, and ultimately he has a job to do.
Shriv enters the last known coordinates of the Restoration into his navicomputer, praying to Maker he doesn't wind up getting himself stranded in the middle of realspace due to another poor decision. For once, luck is on his side, the vessel materializing before his windscreen as he deaccelerates from hyperspace and is met face-to-face with home, sweet home.
Shriv sighs out of relief, or maybe it's his continued misery, he isn't sure which.*
Restoration ... come in ... This is, um, Shriv Suurgav. Clearance code 7-3-Tau. Requesting permission to board, over.
"Permission denied, Danger one. Code insufficient."
*Shriv closes his eyes, frowning, takes a deep breath and then tries again.* This is, Alden, isn't it? There must be some mistake, I-
"No mistake. General Calrissian has not formally reinstated your authorization to board this ship."
Well, can you, I don't know, ask him?
"@man-with-a-big-cape is currently indisposed."
Alden, I'm running out of fuel here. I'm tired, hungry, and just want to sleep in my own damn bed.
"Please stand-by for instructions."
This is asinine!
*Shriv activates his X-wing's open comm channel, having an asinine idea of his own as he mumbles to himself* Inferno, Black, Jade Squadron. Come in. This is Danger one, over. I've seem to of ... been denied boarding.
*When silence greets him, he sits there for a moment. He thinks about letting himself and his ship just drift away until he loses power and freezes to death. Maybe it would be painless.*
'Oh, but that would be too easy.'
@inferno-commander, @black-squadron-commander, @norath-kev, anybody out there? Think I can ... tag along at the end of one of your patrols? Maybe they won't notice me, not that that's a hard thing to do, anyway. Over.
3 notes · View notes
kuwaiti-kid · 4 years
The 20 Best Star Wars Books of All Time (Canon and Legends)
With the recent reveal of the Star Wars: The High Republic mixed-media series, now seems like a great time to look back on the novelizations, stand alones, and book series that have been an integral part of building the rich and expansive universe that we know and love today.
The first Star Wars novelization was released six months following the premiere of Star Wars: A New Hope. Ghostwritten by Alan Dean Foster, but credited to George Lucas, Star Wars: From The Adventures of Luke Skywalker was the first venture into worldbuilding beyond the cinematic universe.
Over the course of forty-three years, nearly five hundred books have been added to the Jedi Archives, uh — I mean the Star Wars library. In 2014, almost four hundred of these novels were decanonized by Lucasfilm to refocus the canon around The Walt Disney Company’s restructuring of the franchise.
The Expanded Universe was rebranded as Star Wars Legends, but it was far from forgotten by its fans or the authors of the new canon novels.
The Ten Best Star Wars Legends Books
Heir to the Empire by Timothy Zahn (1991)
You would be hard-pressed to find a fan of the Star Wars Expanded Universe who doesn’t love Timothy Zahn’s novels. He introduced us to beloved characters like Mara Jade and Thrawn.
Set five years following The Return of the Jedi, Zahn kickstarted the Expanded Universe with an enthralling story that followed the continuing adventures of Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, and Han Solo. Grand Admiral Thrawn attempts to track down a pregnant Princess Leia, while Luke Skywalker faces off with the smuggler Mara Jade (who just so happens to be the former Emperor’s Hand).
It is by far one of the best stories in the Expanded Universe.
The Han Solo Adventures (Trilogy) by Brian Daley (1979-1980)
Daley’s series recently returned to Star Wars discourse after High Republic author Cavan Scott tweeted out his current reference material for another project.
The trilogy follows Han Solo and Chewbacca through their days as smugglers in the capitalistic Corporate Sector, as they uncover a slaving ring, rescue kidnap victims, and face-off with a religious cult.
If you loved  Solo: A Star Wars Story, you’ll love this trilogy.
The New Jedi Order: Vector Prime by R. A. Salvatore (1999)
Set twenty-one years following the destruction of the Death Star, Salvatore did the unthinkable in Vector Prime. Sanctioned by George Lucas himself, the character death depicted in this novel is the only original series character to die in the Expanded Universe.
It is the first novel in a nineteen-book series entitled The New Jedi Order. While this novel sacrificed the life of a beloved character, it also introduced the villainous race of the Yuuzhan Vong.
The original trilogy characters are paired off with the younger generation (the Solo children) throughout the novel, before converging at the crux of a devastating battle.
Star by Star by Troy Denning (2002)
The Yuuzhan Vong continue their ruthless campaign throughout the galaxy, leading Anakin Solo to concoct a dangerous plan to thwart their attacks. Denning’s novel delved a devastating blow for the Solo family as their youngest son Anakin Solo sacrificed his life to buy time for the rest of the team to kill the voxyn queen and escape from the Vong.
This is a book filled with death and destruction, and it proves to be a real page-turner.
Dark Journey by Elaine Cunningham (2002)
If you love Jaina Solo, then the tenth novel in The New Jedi Order series is the one for you. Dark Journey follows Jaina as she struggles with despair and her need for revenge following the death of her brother Anakin Solo and the Vong’s capture of her twin Jacen.
They retreat to the Hapes Cluster, where they encounter the grieving Teneniel Djo and the familial struggles of the Hapes. The Former Queen Mother attempts to arrange a marriage between Jaina and Prince Isolder — an offer Jaina rejects.
Enemy Lines (Duology) by Aaron Allston (2002)
This pair of novels can easily be read as a singular story. It follows Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker, Han and Leia Solo, Lando Calrissian, Wedge Antilles, and Jaina Solo as they respond to the Yuuzhan Vong’s capture of Coruscant.
Wedge is a stand-out character throughout this novel, and I believe this characterization is one of the reasons that he remains a beloved minor character. The rebellion’s determined efforts lead them to a victorious battle on Borealis, though the Vong are far from defeated.
Shadows of the Empire by Steve Perry (1996)
This novel was Perry’s contribution towards the ambitious mixed-media series (also called Shadows of the Empire) created by Lucasfilm in 1996. The series included both a novel and junior novelization, a comic book series, a video game, action figures, a soundtrack, trading cards, role-playing games, posters, and so much more.
Set between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, the novel introduced readers to the Black Sun criminal overlord, Prince Xizor, whose primary motivation is to seek vengeance against Darth Vader. He does that by plotting to murder Luke Skywalker once his heritage is revealed. It’s a brilliant book that can be read as a stand-alone or as part of the mixed-media experience.
Survivor’s Quest by Timothy Zahn (2004)
Three years following the marriage of Luke Skywalker to Mara Jade, the couple struggles to balance their marriage and their duties as Jedi. Led by an urgent transmission, they journey together on a quest to locate the remains of the Outbound Flight expedition, which had been destroyed by Grand Admiral Thrawn on the planet of Niruan decades ago.
Expecting to find a graveyard of destroyed Dreadnought ships, they are surprised to find intact vessels and signs of life among them. Luke and Mara Jade come up against the vicious Vagaari to rescue the survivors of the errant Outbound Flight project. If you love Mara Jade and Luke Skywalker — this is the novel for you. They are at their best when they’re working together.
Black Fleet Crisis (Trilogy) by Michael P. Kube-McDowell (1996-1998)
Sixteen years following the end of the Original Trilogy, Kube-McDowell’s novel picks up with an era of peace for the New Republic. This trilogy of novels sits somewhat outside of the canon of The New Jedi Order and X-Wing series and provides a slightly different approach to the beloved heroes of the universe.
Chewbacca returns to Kashyyyk to be with his son; Luke works towards higher Jedi enlightenment in a self-built hermitage on Coruscant. Unlike other novels that focus on the characters and their arcs, this series is more focused on political and military plots.
The story follows the genocidal campaign of former Imperial slaves, referred to as Yevethan forces, as they seek to conquer the Koornacht Cluster.
This story deviates drastically from what we know about Luke and Leia’s mother, Padmé, thanks to the prequel trilogy, as Luke travels to the planet Fallanassi to learn more about his mother’s homeworld. Overall the trilogy makes for a great Star Wars story.
Wedge’s Gamble by Michael A. Stackpole (1996)
Wedge Antilles and his X-Wing pilots, the Rogue Squadron, plan to infiltrate the Imperial High Command controlled Coruscant. Still, first, they free the imprisoned Black Suns criminals in hopes of bringing down the Empire.
The story is a race against time for the rebels as they work to take down the planetary shields protecting Coruscant. In the process, allies are lost, and a traitor is discovered among their ranks.
It’s the second novel in a ten-part series and proves to be a fast-paced read.
 The Ten Best Star Wars Canon Books
The Last Jedi by Jason Fry (2018)
Of the three novelizations included in the Sequel Trilogy era, Fry’s work stands out. He masterfully adapted Rian Johnson’s screenplay, Star Wars: The Last Jedi, and shed new light on aspects that may have been lost to the casual viewer.
The book provides readers with a look inside the heads and hearts of nearly every character seen in the movie — which genuinely enriches the story.
Star Wars: Bloodline by Claudia Grey (2016)
The novel delves into the ramifications of Senator Leia Organa’s heritage, as trusted allies turn against her at the revelation that she is Darth Vader’s daughter.
Grey delivers an incredibly poignant look into Leia’s psyche throughout this ordeal as well as how she handles balancing being a mother and a senator.
Star Wars: Resistance Reborn by Rebecca Roanhorse (2019)
If you were not overly thrilled with the dynamics between Finn and Poe in The Rise of Skywalker or were hoping to read more about Leia’s last days with the Resistance, this novel is a surefire favorite. Roanhorse truly knows these characters inside and out, and she brings a fresh, exciting adventure to bridge the gap between the Battle of Crait and the Resistance’s base on Ajan Kloss.
Leia works diligently to rally the forces after their defeat at Crait, which brings the familiar Inferno Squadron members, Shriv Suurgav and Zay Versio, into the picture. An interesting element of the novel is the recruitment of defecting Imperial forces that are welcomed into the Resistance. Overall the stakes are low in the story, but it still manages to deliver a memorable read.
Last Shot (Star Wars): A Han and Lando Novel by Daniel José Older (2018)
Created as a tie-in to Solo: A Star Wars Story, Older’s novel covers five storylines told in five parts with a mix of flashbacks between Han Solo and Lando Calrissian as they face a new threat by an old foe.
It also covers aspects of Han’s marriage to Leia, as well as his relationship with his young son, Ben Solo — which helps readers understand how things fell apart by the time The Force Awakens occurs. If you loved Daley’s Legends series about Han Solo, you’ll love Older’s novel.
Star Wars: The Aftermath Trilogy by Chuck Wendig (2016-2017)
The trilogy expands the extensive period between the end of Return of the Jedi and the start of The Force Awakens. Wendig introduces readers to Norra Wexley and her teenage son Snap Wexley (later seen on screen) and delivers an engaging storyline for Wedge Antilles.
The story follows the New Republic as they work towards defeating the remaining members of the Empire. This series also introduces Emperor Palpatine’s Observatory on Jakku — an exciting piece of foreshadowing for The Rise of Skywalker.
Star Wars: Thrawn by Timothy Zahn (2017)
The first in a series of three novels, Zahn returns to Star Wars and reintroduces Grand Admiral Thrawn to the Star Wars canon. The story begins with the exile of the Chriss warrior, Mitth’raw’nuruodo (Thrawn), and follows his path to the Empire alongside Imperial Cadet Eli.
Thrawn offers to serve Emperor Palpatine in order to protect his people. Throughout the novel, Thrawn’s calculated tenacity allows him to climb the ranks within the Empire, ultimately rising to the position of Grand Admiral. Thrawn is a fan-favorite, and this series is just the beginning of his storyline.
Catalyst: A Rogue One Novel by James Luceno (2016)
If you watched Rogue One and wanted to know more about Orson Krennic or Galen Erso, this is the novel for you. It covers Erso’s research into the energy kyber crystals under the Celestial Power project and follows his concerns as he realizes his research might be used for something devastating.
It’s an interesting approach to members of the Empire and shows the duality among the ranks and the inner confliction at the advent of the Star Destroyer. Familiar faces like Tarkin and Saw Gerrera also appear in this novel.
Battlefront II: Inferno Squad by Christie Golden (2017)
Golden’s novel follows the members of the Empire’s elite team of soldiers, the Inferno Squad, as they deal with the ramifications of the theft of the Death Star plans. The central characters, Lieutenant Iden Versio, Lieutenant Junior Grade Gideon Hask, and Lieutenant Commander Del Meeko, are all featured in the EA Game’s Star Wars: Battlefront II.
Versio and her team are tasked with eradicating the remaining members of Saw Gerrera’s Partisans, newly reformed as a terrorist cell known as the Dreamers. Gideon and Del infiltrate the Dreamers, while Iden is arrested for alleged sedition after intentionally revealing her disillusionment towards the Empire — which leads to the Dreamers rescuing her.
It’s not often that we get to see how members of the Empire fully believe that their actions are the right actions, and this novel delivers.
Alphabet Squadron by Alexander Freed (2019)
The first of a trilogy of novels focused on a group of New Republic pilots. The series crosses over with Marvel comic series Star Wars: TIE Fighters and has a forthcoming sequel novel Shadow Fall arriving in June. The book explores the costs of war in the wake of the Battle of Endor as it follows Yrica Quell, an Imperial defector.
Freed introduces readers to a colorful group of pilots (featuring X-Wings, U-Wings, and Y-Wings) who react with different degrees of suspicion when Yrica joins the squadron. It’s a compelling piece of fiction that is rooted heavily in the military aspects of Star Wars and strongly reminiscent of the 1990s X-Wing series.
Star Wars: Ahsoka by E.K. Johnston (2016)
Dave Filoni created Ahsoka Tano for the animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars, and she quickly grew into one of the most beloved characters from the Prequel Trilogy era. The young adult novel starts with Ahsoka during the Siege of Mandalore and explains how she came to adopt the pseudonym Ashla after fleeing to the remote Outer Rim Moon, Raada.
In the shadow of the growing threat of the Galactic Empire, Ahsoka works alongside Bail Organa and the Rebellion to evacuate the at-risk villages on Raada. Obi-Wan Kenobi also appears in this novel and struggles with the grief of Anakin’s betrayal as he remains in hiding on Tatooine. Overall it’s a great novel exploring an aspect of Ashoka’s life that had yet to be explored.
The final season of The Clone Wars is currently airing on Disney+.
Choose Your Adventure
While we endure the post-The Rise of Skywalker world, there is an entire galaxy’s worth of Star Wars novels out there to read.
Check out your local library or used bookstore and track down some of the older Legends books or jump on Amazon and pre-order the new The High Republic series.
Choose your own adventure, and as always, may the Force be with you.
The post The 20 Best Star Wars Books of All Time (Canon and Legends) appeared first on Your Money Geek.
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sinisterexaggerator · 2 years
Work has been rough this week, it's really beaten me down. Can I get some moments of tender loving care from the charming reptile men here (shriv, bane, and Ohnaka)? Please have them care for their roughed up or worn out lover?
I am sorry work was rough for you! It took me a minute to be able to get to this, so I hope that it still does some good. I wrote three short ficlets for you! One for Cad, Hondo, and Shriv. I hope they find you well. Bane's was inspired by this work of art created by @deepbluespace4.
Total word count: 1.7+
Warnings: None. PURE FLUFF, caretaking, and the boys being kind to you.
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You are a cantina girl; you serve drinks to scoundrels. You have a rough set of customers, and this week has been especially tiresome. You are dreading going back to work, though at least you have one measly day to call your own, but your lover is gone out on a job, and you are left to sulk alone.
You have no idea he came back early. He is watching you from afar. You take the same route back every night, only this time he observes you.
You kick a pebble, lost in your own thoughts. Your hands are shoved deep inside your pockets. If your mood was visible, it would have been a set of stark black lines, or a ball of malicious squiggles.
On top of everything, you barely make ends meet. Your boss is petty. Patrons had skimped on tips. You needed to do laundry, prepare a meal, clean your house, but you lack the required energy to do any of it.
You unlock the door to your paltry dwelling. Your stomach growls on empty, but all you can do is flop down on your bed. The tears come then. You sob into your pillows. A bittersweet release, though it somewhat helps.
Some few minutes later, your sense of smell is overpowered with the scent of food. Something warm, delicious, and meant for you. The hunter had been quiet. He had snuck in while your head was buried in your cushions. He had brought in a bag of street fare, takeout from a local market stall.
“Knock, knock, lil’ lady.”
You didn’t move. His throaty drawl had frozen you. You try to calm your tears as Cad Bane places the takeout on the table. His head cants to the side and so does that ungainly hat; he is quizzical, curious of your foul mood.
“It’s jus’ me,” he assures you. He hadn’t meant to frighten you, though his steps are often silent - it’s by second nature, and you had gotten used to it.
Your neck cranes up to look Bane in the eye. He frowns at you, or at least you thought he did, as his expression was nearly always wry.
“Brought ye somethin’,” he states quietly.
Bane strides forward, his grip upon his gun belt, the Duros toying with a toothpick that lives between his teeth with a motile tongue. He motions towards you, beckoning you to stand with the curling of a hand, a folding of four blue fingers and one thumb.
Your heart felt somewhat lighter at this nonverbal request; you went to him at his behest. Your arms encircle him about his tapered waist. He hesitates for just one moment before he envelops you in a cool, welcomed embrace.
It was said Cad Bane was cold-blooded in more ways than one, but he has a soft spot – one that you seem to fill, for you make him feel not so by himself.
“Ah don’t 'spose ye missed me?” he asks of you, though he thought he knew the answer. You respond with more tears and with a tighter grip upon his person; you had missed him terribly.
You give him a squeeze as he rests his hands along your back. He closes those crimson eyes of his and rumbles his contentment.
“Ah'll take dhat as a yes.”
He must have been in a kind of mood to be this nice to you, but you are thankful for him and will never take him for granted. The dark rain cloud has lifted, your temperament has shifted, and it is all thanks to him – this gangly man who wears a hat and hugs better than the rest.
You are a Spicerunner for the Ohnaka Gang – it is voluntarily, though you are weary. You sigh deeply as you situate your transport ship upon the steady ground. Home sweet home, or rather Hondo’s. You are just a visitor, though he often keeps you by his side.
You are more than just a flavor, a one and done. You are also a great pilot, though the Weequay is somewhat partial to you. When in your company he forsakes all others, and he gives you a home here with him on Florrum.
You were gone longer than you meant to be. Imperial TIEs had come upon your whereabouts. You had to hide in secrecy on some small moon. The cramped quarters, the low rations, had all nearly gotten to you.
You exit the hatch and stumble down the ramp. You are so tired from being vigilant, you nearly miss your step. Likewise, you hadn’t even noticed, though the pirate had come to greet you. He catches you in his outstretched arms before you hit the rocky earth.
“Water. Now,” he commands someone just out of your sight. He turns your body in his arms, adjusting you so you can look at him. His gray eyes behind his goggles appear concerned. He walks you gently to a nearby hovercar.
“You poor dear,” he says with a gentle lilt, “I was afraid someting had happened tu you.”
He opens the door and carefully sets you down. The ride is short up to his fortress, but you are happy to be away from the burning heat of the noonday sun.
You are handed off a cup; you chug its contents. Hondo picks you up like a bride being carried across a threshold as soon as you are done. He takes you up some stairs; you are hardly a bother for him. He had seen you fly in and had prepared a bath.
His undressing of you is sensual, though he is respectful. This moment is about you, and not what you could do together. He peels off your boots, your many layers, then guides you by his hand into the warm and soothing bath.
You relax, a sigh exhaled from your parted lips. You bat your lashes at him, slowly, and he gives you his signature, sly smile.
Water is rare on this dry desert planet. He cares enough about you to make sure you are clean and rested. He takes one foot up without him asking, his hands tough yet mild as he massages it with rapt attention and the utmost diligence.
“Du you feel better?” he asks of you in his most dulcet tone of voice. You can only nod your head as you dip down lower into the suds.
“Much,” you croon for him.
 Hondo was a catch, and a wily one at that, but he had his moments, and you were very thankful for him.
“So glad tu hear et, love,” he says as his lips brush against your ankle. You thought you must have died and met with Maker, for if not, he would surely one day be your undoing.
You cannot sleep; you are plagued by anxiousness. You have deprived yourself of rest and nutriment. You rove the shelves in the Restoration’s cargo hold, taking note of inventory, the supplies needed to keep the rebellion going.
A Star Destroyer had been spotted half a parsec out just days ago. Everyone was on high alert. That meant Danger Squadron was more often on patrol, and you were more than worried for it.
Shriv was the commander of that squad. He wasn’t the best at leadership. It wasn’t that you thought lowly of him, but he had told you that himself.
You tried to keep your mind preoccupied, squaring away reports and communicating shortages, but whenever you tried to lay down your head, your intrusive thoughts kept you awake in bed.
Finally, they gave Shriv a brief reprieve. It was Black Squadron’s turn to guard the fleet. He came upon your smiling face at a viewport on the lower levels, having searched the ship for you. You are weak, pale, tired, and hungry - his extended absence from you had made you ill.
“Fullua?” the Duros asks as he approaches you cautiously. “What’s wrong? You don’t look so-”
You outstretch your right arm, your pallid fingers. You stroke the lines etched into his cheek before you almost faint from pure exhaustion, though he catches you just in time.
“I couldn’t eat. I couldn’t sleep. I missed …” you manage to get out. Shriv curls a lip, his eyes brimming with worry and concern. He guides you to a lift, he holds you in his arms the whole way to your quarters. He coerces you to sit down at a table.
“I’ll be right back, sweetheart.” He strokes your face before he departs from you as you emit a whine. He had just returned, and he was already deserting you, or so it felt.
You lay your head down on the table. You do everything you can do to keep from crying. Ten minutes rolls by before the Duros comes back to you, though he is loaded down with food.
Shriv had raided the Restoration’s mess hall. He brought you the leftovers of that evening’s meal, and a little for himself. “Eat,” he lightly commands you, a frown seated upon his face.
You smile at him. You partake of a piece of bread, though your other hand only wants to hold his, and so you did.
You eat all you can stomach. He watches you in total silence, though he makes sure you get your fill before he stands and helps you to stand as well.
Shriv guides you to the mattress within your dorm. He lovingly helps you take your boots off. He blushingly assists you get undressed, though he averts his eyes like a gentleman. He is being silly, you have already been intimate together, but Shriv has always been respectful towards you, and never once made you feel uncomfortable.
Once you are prepared for bed, Shriv lies down and wraps you in his big, strong arms. He cradles you as carefully as he might a newborn youngling. He kisses you upon your forehead. He hums a little tune; a melody that accompanies a song his life-giver had sung to him on Duro.
Within minutes, you are asleep. Shriv will drift off too, eventually. Your mind is filled with pleasant dreams, as Suurgav had shown you care and kindness. It was only one of the many reasons you loved him so.
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sinisterexaggerator · 2 years
So we know how the Duros duo take care of their SO's while sick, how they act when sick....how would the Duros dad's react the first time their kid got sick, and not like a lil sniffle but actually sick?
Instead of headcanons this time, I wound up writing ficlets!
After talking about how sadistic I write my Bane, I went out on a limb and wrote him super soft one of the only times I imagine he would be: around his kid!
Word Count: 838 total
Warnings: None. Sick baby, cuddles, fluff, family feels.
He hadn’t wanted the kid, hadn’t asked for the kid, yet here the kid was. It had taken him weeks, months, just to get used to the idea. You had announced that you were pregnant, and he had nearly choked. But now things were different. He was different, and very worse for wear.
But it wasn’t due to anything you had done, or even your little tyke. The runt was sick. Really sick, and Cad Bane was beside himself.
You caught him glaring, for lack of a better word. Stock-still as a statue, he eyed the sleeping grub.
The only thing that placated the agitated Duros was the toothpick he rolled along, whorled about by the pink point of his often vulgar tongue.
Your hand came to rest upon his shoulder; he didn’t stop you. In fact, he squeezed it gently. It was out of place, though actions often spoke louder than words in his defining case.
You were not neglectful, you attended to your child, but it did not matter how often you came or went, for Cad was always at his side.
At one point the room was dark, your human sight was ill-adjusted. You had thought he left without a word, but his ruby eyes peeked open. They blossomed in the night, like a Candlewick flower in its native habitat. Bane’s eyelids blinked as he inspected you, the duties you attended to, from beneath the wide brim of his bolero hat.
You tried to coax him to your bed at this late hour, but Cad only waved you off. He wouldn’t leave his tiny heir, the male halfling that slumbered quietly.
You caught him the next morning, snugly sequestered in the toddler’s makeshift nest – he had chosen to forego the comfort or the company of your loving touch to spend the evening with the fruit of your fertile loins.
The youngling was feeling better; he was crooning in his daddy’s ear. He was alerted by your footsteps, a hand moving to withdraw the blaster that was not there.
It was a rule. He did not wear them in the house, though he kept them close in case anyone dare encroach, infringe, or otherwise creep on his little family.
“Did you stay awake all night?” you asked the man.
He corrected the position of his signature incidental atop his head, rubbed at an itchy spot beneath his scarred and weathered rostrum. Then, he rearranged himself to sit. The little boy crawled into his lap, and Cad Bane did something that was rare – he smiled.
“Maybe,” was all he said.
“No, I tried that.”
“Yeah, that too.”
“You’re not helping by yelling at me!”
“No, I don’t want you to come here!”
“Because you’re all the way on Duro!”
“It’s fine, everything’s fine! I’ll figure it out! Gotta go!”
“Shriv, I’m right here. Can I do anything?” you asked the irate Duros.
“No!” he snapped at you, though perhaps not aiming to.
Suurgav had called his mother, not trusting you, himself, or anyone with the well-being of his baby girl. She ran a fever, her eyes were droopy, and she had lost her healthy glow.
The fledgling was strapped to her daddy’s waist, one arm encircling her as he bounced her gently while he paced.
“Waak’cha kaaq,” he whispered in her ear, Durese words that meant “poor thing.” Though you knew that all his worrying wouldn’t help her in the end.
You carefully took her from him; he followed you around the house, shadowing your steps. She was shivering, so you ensconced her in warm blankets and held her to yourself.
Shriv wrapped the both of you up into a tight embrace. He breathed into your hair as the Duros felt like shedding tears.
“Sweet man,” you called him as your lips brushed against his jaw. He held you tighter, rubbing his rostrum into your downy locks.
“I’m sorry, I’ve just never had to deal with this before. I feel so powerless, useless. I just want her to get better.”
The baby peered up at Shriv; she was old enough to understand. She rumbled out a purr and chirped, a sound that meant she loved him.
Shriv sighed, squeezing her pinky finger. He was so in love with her, just as much as she was with him. “Let’s put her to bed,” you offered.
He slowly nodded. He held her hand the whole way there. Shriv was tired just like the baby, he had been awake all night, fretting and floundering on how to help.
You left them for just two ticks. You ran off to grab more blankets and some water - to stay hydrated was important, especially when ill.
Shriv had curled into a little ball around his daughter. He was snoring softly. The toddler yawned, snug as a bug. She placed her tiny open palms on Suurgav's cheeks.
You thought your heart was going to melt inside your chest, seep right out the spaces between your ribs - those two would be the death of you, even if they hadn't meant to.
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sinisterexaggerator · 2 years
I’m back.
Realized belatedly I meant the headcanons about Shriv wanting to go exclusive with reader when I was talking about his self-deprication. Not the “Persistent” ficlet.
Sorry for the confusion 🤦🏻‍♀️ *insert embarrassed wingofshadow here*
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Oh, OK! Thanks for clarifying @wingofshadow! At first I was confused because I thought he did not degrade himself in that ficlet, he was only afraid of hurting reader with his teethies! All right, here's a little short something. @kimageddon had to make it horny with her "you forgot" idea and it wouldn't leave my head, so sorry about that! >D
Title: Something in my eye
Word Count: 551
Warnings: Just a bit of a crotch squeeze, otherwise it's all fluff and feelings and dealing with ill feelings about oneself.
"I don't know what you see in me," Shriv confessed, sighing. "I'm just a jaded Duros with a big mouth and an even bigger head."
"Stop it," you scolded him. "That's one of the dumbest things you have said to date. Besides, you forgot the biggest thing about you."
Shriv's brow ridge knitted as he contemplated what you were getting at. "My quote, attitude problem, unquote?"
Your hand lightly came to sit upon his knee, sliding, teasing, as your palm moved to rest across his groin, though he was not erect. Shriv gasped, nearly choking on the inhale. His own hand moved to join yours, his fingers toying with the tips; the softness of your flesh as he removed you carefully, yet he held you to himself, arm pinned against his chest.
"O-oh, smooth. Normally, I'd- It's just ... I was being serious," he said solemnly, continuing to caress the apex of your index and middle digit with the scaled pads of his own. "I don't want to lose you and I'm afraid you'll get sick of me one day," he admitted worriedly.
"Shriv," you said, your voice firm and commanding. It caught his attention well enough, for he turned his head to look timidly in your direction, thin pupils fixated on you - your face reflected back at you in his shining eyes of ruby. "Please, don't talk that way. I hate it when you do that. I can't stand the idea you think so lowly of yourself."
"I ... I'm sorry," the Duros apologized too quietly, gaze shifting towards the floor.
"And stop apologizing all the time!" you instructed forcefully, though you allowed yourself to calm back down to a warmer speaking volume. "Shriv, I love everything about you. If I didn't I wouldn't be sitting here with you."
"Oh," Shriv responded flatly. "I-I see."
"Do you? I'm not so sure."
You frowned, tugging your arm away so that both could wrap snuggly around his hefty build. You squeezed as tightly as you could, though you lacked real strength. Still, you were able to get your point across.
"You're funny, witty, charming, kind, brave ... and that's just hitting the surface level," you whispered into his ear canal.
"I - I am?" he asked with trepidation coloring his tone.
"Of course you are. You risk your life everyday, you make people laugh everyday. The galaxy would be a darker place without you in it."
Suurgav remained quiet, though he was overcome. He held himself steady in your arms.
"To not hear your voice, to not see your smile, to be without you in my life ... I rather risk going up against Darth Vader himself than to have never met you."
You stifled your mild shock, for you felt something wet against you neck. You hadn't even known that Duros could cry, though it made sense. You gently tautened your shared embrace, planting a sweet kiss just below his well-honed jawline. "I care about you, Shriv, and so does everybody else - even if they don't always say it out loud. Be more confident in yourself and in your abilities. You've got nothing to worry your big head about."
Shriv nodded, using it as an excuse to wipe his tears off on your blouse. He chuckled wryly, trying to make light of all of this. "I'm not crying or anything, I've just got... something in my eye."
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sinisterexaggerator · 2 years
Who says Duro don´t kiss?
Here's the thing, I don't say that, but some fic writers might think that it's hard for Duros to kiss in the human sense by way of their nearly lipless mouths. Personally, as a cultural thing, I think Duros might have a different way of kissing each other, so to speak. I like to say they rub their rostrums together, and possibly touch foreheads.
On the OTHER hand, I also think they do like to try and kiss each other. I imagine some gentle biting, tongues dancing together, growling, licking, you know. I am sure it is fun for them just as much as for humans.
In regards to Cad Bane I imagine that Duros more or less likes to slink his tongue down your throat as far as it will go, especially if you're needy for it and beg him. He might not kiss you "properly" but by the Gods it is something to remember, and if he does, it's rough and passionate because he doesn't fuck around when he wants something - plus, you have to be special.
Shriv likes to be kissed and otherwise kiss you when you so allow it and probably moans about it and tightly gropes your hot little body in unexpected and pleasing ways. He treats you with care, but he can also be riled up or be a little feisty, which may be a rare occasion depending, but this man is definitely a switch if you catch him on a good day.
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sinisterexaggerator · 2 years
How about the Duros bois reacting to their respective ladies accidentally calling them ‘daddy’ during sex? 😏
@kittycat-kai - Do not hate me! ;D I went with my instincts on Cad, then I couldn't get what @weirdlet said out of my head, so Suurgav just can't help himself.
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"Harder, daddy!"
Warnings: SMUT BELOW THE CUT - NSFW 18+. Dirty talk, penis in vagina sex, two dongs in Cad's case, but no DP this time. Ass grabbing, humor.
Word count: 641
Cad Bane had holstered one Durosian dick inside your twitching cunt. He rammed you without quarter, but you couldn’t get enough. The second of his cocks rested between your ass cheeks. He had smooshed them both together in a makeshift sheath.
His rawboned fingers dug into your rotund rump as he grit his fangs, one snaggletooth exposed in a display of near-to aggressive rapture. He loved the way your flesh jiggled as it bounced when he fucked you from behind. So soft and warm, round and fun to squeeze  - he was near to a climax when you uttered two simple words: “Harder, daddy.”
Cad slowed his tempo; his brow ridge knitted inward as his forehead crinkled in mild disgust. He responded to you, his voice husky and lacquered with disdain. “No.”
“What?” you asked, somewhat frowning. You had thought that he might like that. You had bothered to take the risk, not assuming that he would mind.
“Ah said no.” He picked up his pace again, perhaps more so out of anger or agitation than because he truly wanted to. He groped you tighter as you bear down against the table – you had been bent over for quite some time.
You decided you liked this newfound combativeness; it only made him plow you without remorse. You tried again just to be a brat – not expecting what came next.
“That’s it, just like that, mm, daddy…”
Bane pulled right out of you. He rose and released his lock. He grabbed his hat from where it rested – he pushed it down atop his head and zipped his pants up.
“B-Bane?” you stuttered out as you rose to your full height. He didn’t say a word. He walked right out your door - it slammed closed and he was gone.
You pouted. You wondered if your short romance was over, for you knew the bounty hunter was one to hold a grudge – you should have listened to him.
You had been feeling frisky; you had managed to coax a Duros to your quarters. Now Shriv Suurgav was nestled into your warm mammalian vagina as he held you up in his big, strong arms against the wall.
You hadn’t made it to the bed; it was just as well. You were so enthralled with him you would take it anywhere.
His long, thin fingers grasped your ass as he used the muscles in his biceps to keep you held aloft. He was crooning in your ear, his soft breath sending shivers down your spine.
“Mm, harder daddy.” you cooed for him.
His rhythm slowed; he had paused, though he exuded a small sound that was reminiscent of a purr or a kind of rumble.
Shriv was new to all of this, but he would try his best. You nearly laughed at what he said.
“Oh, yeah?” he whispered to you, grinning from one side of his long face to the other. He spoke salaciously, his throaty voice taking on notes of an almost casual seduction.
“Why don’t you clean your room, you dirty girl…”
You choked; you couldn’t help it. He continued, not letting your reaction stop him.
“You’re terrible, filthy, I oughtta sspank you for being so naughty …”
“OK, no, stop.” You sputtered with a laugh. Instead of letting it bruise his ego, he went farther with it.
“Gonna make you finish all that homework … and you’re gonna do the dishes too while you’re at it.” He jerked his hips; you let out an abject mewl.
“And don’t forget dinner’s at 7 sharp.” he snidely reminded you. “-you’re the main course so don’t be late, sweetheart.”
Your arousal had almost left you, but somehow Suurgav had made that hot. You kissed him full flush on the mouth to finally shut him up.
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sinisterexaggerator · 2 years
Thot: sweet and fluffy morning sex with sweet Shriv and some breakfast in bed🥺🥺🥺.
Ooh, I love this. I was instantly inspired. Don't ask me what happened. This went to a weiiiiird place, but... I really like it. xD Some sweet, sweet angst along with a soft and sexy Duros with some *cough* breakfast in bed.
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Shriv Suurgav x Fem! Reader
Word count: 1.6k+
Warnings: NSFW : 18 + // Smut, angst, bad dreams, comfort, PiV sex, cunnilingus, fingering, kissing, cuddling, and fear of death.
Breakfast in Bed
Explosions - the rapid firing of blasters - the earth rocked beneath you as you swayed from side to side trying to keep your balance. You were blinded by a thermal, the sweltering fluorescence expanding before your eyes as it consumed everything beyond your sight’s horizon.
You ran for cover; you saw white armor. Men shouted, and women too, their lamentations ringing out among the din of battle charges and orders barked. Your heart raced. You did not know if you would make it.
You saw Suurgav. He waved for you to walk forward towards him, urging you to take shelter under the canopy of a downed tree trunk. You paused; he hadn’t noticed the grenade. You screeched his name, “Shriv!!!” before the device erupted.
You awoke; you meant to scream, but the sheets were stirring. Your anxiety contorted into pleasure as your labored breaths transformed into immodest moans; you reached out above your head to grip the bedframe, steadying yourself for there was a Duros between your legs.
“What- what are you doing?” you breathed out heavily, suddenly enraptured. It was a stupid question; it was obvious. Shriv paused only momentarily, his husky voice reverberating betwixt your thighs.
“Haaving breakfasst in bed,” he stated perversely, a mischievous lilt coloring his tone. He continued with his mission, and by the Core he was so good at it. You had trained him well when just months ago the man was timid. His fear had all but left him as he had mapped out and memorized the best way to make you writhe.
Now he wouldn’t stop; he did this often. You had lost count of your many orgasms.
It was a reward in and of itself to see you squirm beneath him; to taste your distinct branding and your unique flavor. He was addicted, and Gods – you were wholly blessed for it.
Your hips bucked upward to meet his hungry mouth – you weren’t afraid of his fangs by now - he was industrious with the way he feasted on you, and being careful was always his prerogative.
He took the hint - you wanted more of it. He gently pressed against either side of your inner thighs. He splayed your legs apart, exposing you in your most vulnerable state. He had never bothered to lift the blankets.
He delved into your mound with unmatched enthusiasm out of anyone you had ever known with this much familiarity; you coaxed the sheet back to expose the lurid act. You couldn’t help yourself; you loved to watch.
“Mmmnnn,” he moaned into your cunt as he dined on you like you were a well-earned meal - a kill freshly captured - his appetite insatiable. Your voice left you in a ragged breaths; you were cracking and Suurgav would be the one to split you open.
Shriv kept his lengthy digits anchored across your legs even as you contrived a struggle. He knew you loved it when he wouldn’t let you go. You had taught him to be forceful. He was lying flat down on his belly, his legs extended by the knees to adjoin together in the air as his feet kicked leisurely.
His motile tongue took turns swirling and furling around your clit before licking a stripe down your labia minora and slinking his way into your dripping slit.
That skillful muscle probed you; he fed off you; he clamped down harder on your thighs as he drew you forward and lapped at your secretions like an animal quenching its inappeasable thirst for water. He pushed his tongue further into your quivering sex before he darted right back out again, trailing a path back to your throbbing bud.
You gasped as he shifted and filled you with one finger. It was slow, delicate, and it penetrated you with ease. You were already so drenched.
“That’ss a good girl…” he teased, his words praising your heightened arousal for him, exuded in a dry flirtatious baritone as he mildly laughed, though it wasn’t meant to be a mockery.
He matched his own speed as he caressed your inner walls, the Duros rumbling at the simple way your body threshed against his calm and patient strokes.
You came within minutes, seconds, Suurgav smooshing his rostrum directly against your tuft of wiry curls - your fleshy prominence - as he buried his tongue again, sampling of the nectar he had drawn from you.
Your release caused something surprising, something you had not experienced before. The vocalized expressions of your ecstasy morphed into tears of fear and overwhelming anxiety.
The Duros removed himself; he looked aghast. He reached out for you, though he was overcome with a sudden shyness and a sense of guilt.
He stammered; he was terrified that he had injured you. “F-F-Fullua?! What’s wrong?!”
He looked near to tears himself. He was shaking like a leaf as he searched you over. You raised your arms for him and begged him silently.
He crawled forward and you kissed him with more passion than you had meant to. Shriv gasped but accepted this dumbfounding gesture. Your hands explored his face; his head; his shoulders, even as he was about to have a heart attack.
“Shriv, I dreamt you died. It was so real!” You rolled with him. He was beneath you even as you sealed his lips with yours again. He slept naked, you both did. There was nothing to bar you from his full erection.
Without warning you placed him within yourself; you softly wept as you began to ride him. He stared up at you, chest heaving. He raised one hand; his fingers crept; they shakily brushed against your cheek.
“Is- is that all?” he whispered, unsure of himself; unsure of your current state.
“I-I didn’t hurt you?” he asked with great concern.
You only shook your head, slowly gliding your exorbitantly wet sex across his rigid member, his ribs and crests pushing you towards the throes of another pleasurable release.
Shriv threw his head back and bared his fangs in his own show of corporeal euphoria, his fingers lightly dredging into the plump, meaty thickness of your rump. It did not take long for him to reach a peak, though he held off, grinding his teeth into his bottom lip.
You impressed your cunt against him as far as it would go; you shoved his monstrous cock to the back of your canal. You ground your hips into him as much as you could stand it, your slick cavity full to the brim with his foreign anatomy.
Shriv’s eyelids fluttered as you came a second time, your declamation perhaps loud enough to hear beyond the door. Shriv instinctually lifted up his arm; he clamped your mouth shut, but so very, very gently.
“Quietly, darling, q-quiet...” he hummed through lips now pursed. He was afraid of the general hearing you, or anyone who might be around. He was still somewhat self-conscious; he liked to keep things private. He didn’t like unwanted questions or people meddling in his affairs – at least when it came to this.
Your teeth sank into his blue flesh in a tender nibble; he gasped before he was pushed to his own climax. His back had arced before he limply fell, hassling out haggard puffs of air in his exhaustion.
You crumpled atop him; you clung to his neck and shoulders. You buried your nose in the crook of his cool neck. You whimpered, whispering.
“Stay here. Just today. Don’t go. Don’t leave.”
You wouldn’t see it, but Shriv’s browridge knitted. He shifted to pet your head, his reedy fingers sweeping back a few wisps of your silken hair.
His words came out gravelly, his voice lacquered with an air of earnest, “Fullua, you know I have t-”
“No!” you belted out, clinging harder to him. He wrapped his arms around your upper body and cradled you against his chest. He thought it over before responding. Maybe there was some way he could make it work, though he would have to reorganize his schedule and explain himself.
“All right. Just today,” he confirmed, though sternly, yet he was still worried for you, his intonations giving away his deep unease.
Your head rose; you kissed him zealously. He managed to smirk against your soft lips, though when you pulled away his voice held a modicum of sass.
“Just caan’t get enough of me, caan you?” he feigned exasperated.
You could have retorted just as audaciously if you had wanted to, fallen into his mode of joking. Instead, you cupped his clear-cut mandible, grazing your fingers across his bristly chin.
“No, I can’t.”
Shriv nearly choked on his own spit. He hadn’t expected such an honest, forthright reply. He thought you might poke or prod at him at his expense like you always did, though his heart welled with a buzzing slew of happy chords and sentiments.
“Wait right here,” he commanded lightly.
He left you there for several minutes; you heard noises from your little kitchenette. He had brewed a cup of caf, toasted some bread to coat with jam, and offered you sliced pear and starfruit.
You took it from him; he snuggled back up into you. He shared a piece of fruit from off your plate and activated the holoprojector that sat across from you. He grinned like a giddy child.
“I used to love watching cartoonss in the morning – always made me feel better when I waas down.”
He stopped to study you, the simple act of you nibbling your piece of fruit. His grin softened until it became a smile. He faintly kissed your forehead and you instantly felt relaxed.
“But I’ll never love anything as much as I love you,” he finished, leaving you melting and your heart ready to burst.
The Duros knew just how to placate you, and for that you were quite thankful. Even if it turned out to be nothing, even if it was all a dream... for him to humor you, or to take you seriously, whatever this might be - it meant his words rang true, and you loved him, too.
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sinisterexaggerator · 2 years
Well M`am, you said it 😈. What would Shriv would say/do if he wanted to go exclusive *evil horn dog laugh*.
Mn, yes. Good, good...
Shriv is a worrier by nature. He is also rather anxious from time to time. I see him as not being the one to admit his feelings first as he is afraid of rejection. This Duros would wait on you while his own emotions eat him away inside. The stronger and stronger his desire for you becomes, the worse his anxiety increases - especially if anyone else happens to show an interest in you.
Oh, he wants to lock you down. Maybe he wants to give you a "love bite," mark you, and show everyone you're his... But, he would never, ever draw blood on purpose. He's too much of a softie and a gentleman for that. He'd be mortified.
Instead, he flees the scene any time you come around. You're going to have to coax it out of him.
While he might be unwilling to share and in denial at first, and possibly even combative, in the end if you put enough pressure on him he spills the Bith beans, and once he starts talking he just can't stop.
"I ... I really like you, all right?! Like, REALLY like you. Some might call it-
I just can't stand the idea of you with someone else."
Maybe he self-deprecates during his confession, or has trouble looking you in the eye.
"I know I'm not much to look at, and my ... winning personality is even worse. Just ask anyone! Hells, I'm not even that funny!"
'Do I even have a selling point?'
"What I'm trying to say is ...
Oh, forget it."
Don't let him walk away! Pull him back to you! Otherwise, he might take this as a sign he's right, and that you wouldn't care to have anything more to do with him.
Although, once he understands you aren't going anywhere and want to be with him, he's the most loyal and caring partner there is, not to mention there isn't a day you won't go without him doing his best to make you laugh or cheer you up when you're feeling down.
Marry me, Shriv!!!
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sinisterexaggerator · 2 years
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Masterlist - (NSFW 18+)
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Better than candy
Ao3 link | Tumblr Masterpost
Shriv Suurgav x F! Reader (Smut)
Summary: There’s something urgent and terrible about this war, how it brings strange bedfellows together from across the galaxy who might not otherwise have met. Shriv Suurgav and you are so unlike each other, it’s not surprising that you've found an unexpected attraction to one another.
He's overworked - he sits alone, or tries to, in his office, or other places throughout the ship. You’ve come to bother him, or better yet, help him find a way to relieve his stress. This “Duros under duress” must relax.
Note: This started out as a one and done, but has turned into a series of "one shots" with a repeat reader who serves to provide Shriv with a "sexual awakening" of sorts, while at the same time helping to boost his self-esteem, at least at first…
One shots:
“Breakfast” in bed
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Shriv Suurgav x F! Reader (Smut / Bad Dreams / Comfort)
Summary: You awake from a bad dream, but there is a Duros between your legs. When you inquire what he is up to, he says he's having "breakfast in bed."
7 minutes in Heaven, or “in the cockpit” ( you’re the cock pit )
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Shriv Suurgav x F! Reader (Smut)
Summary: You're a junior communication’s officer on Dantooine, and your cold-blooded lover pilots an X-wing. You find yourself being sneaky - even rebels need to get laid on occasion.
His kid.
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Shriv Suurgav and Zay Versio
Summary: Shriv reflects on his life as a soldier, what it all means, and comes to terms with the fact he's got a kid now.
Small Victories
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Shriv Suurgav x F! Reader (Smut)
Summary: Shriv catches you masturbating.
Ficlets (Fem! xreaders / Misc.): Contains smut *
A little Shriv Suurgav fluff - “Be careful!” (wtf!?)
A kiss - Shriv is apprehensive.
R-really? - Shriv finds out he is going to be a dad.
Beach day - A trip to Glee Anselm has Shriv feeling romantic.
Oops - Shriv and a pregnant s/o. *
Love bite - You give Shriv a nibble.
Morning, princess. - Shriv's morning routine with reader.
It Pays To Be Persistent - Shriv resists his innate urges as he passionately kisses you in a supply closest *
Something in my eye - Reader boosts Shriv’s self-confidence and asks him not to be so hard on himself.
Shriv pets a stray kitten - Fluffy cuteness.
Home, sweet home. - Reader cockwarms Shriv (second entry). *
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SFW relationship
NSFW relationship
Shriv’s personality
NSFW Daddy Suurgav
Duros cultural headcanons in relation to marriage / traditions and customs,
Baby Duros Headcanons
Nerd levels
Early history
Shriv’s Arsenal and Designation within the Rebel Alliance
Danger Leader
Duro’s orbiting cities / HC for Shriv’s hometown
“That’s what you said about rescuing Han Solo from Jabba’s palace.”
Shriv and the New Republic
Shriv Suurgav's SEXY voice.
Yes, Shriv has fangs!
Duros aging
Duros eyes
Planet Duro
The DuroTech Mneffe-class Superluminal (starship)
Art I commissioned! Shriv cleaning his X-wing.
Smart girl.
Zay / Shriv show?! Come on, Disney!
Shadow of the Sith thoughts
Resistance Reborn thoughts / part 2 / part 3 / part 4
Shriv 1st Comic Appearance
Shriv 2nd Comic appearance / appearance 3
Shriv's appearance in Mandalorian season 3 ending credits.
Return to the Main Masterlist
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sinisterexaggerator · 2 years
I´m gonna be honest with you, like thinking about it, out of the 3 main boys on this blog I think Hondo cuddles would probably be the best cuddles.
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I'm not so sure.
For one, Weequay skin is supposed to be tough like leather and blaster resistant and may feel more like hugging a rock than a sentient. I do not doubt that perhaps Hondo uses skin care products as per @queenevac and that his is more downy and supple than a normal Weequay, and I *do* see him as a pillow talk kind of guy, but I am going to have to go with Shriv Suurgav on this.
Of the three of them, even though he has a sassy as kark mouth, that Duros is a gentleman and will treat you right all your livelong days. Sure, Hondo might talk your ear off while you lay in bed together, but he's normally too busy trying to make a profit to be worried about cuddle time for very long, and Shriv just has these big, strong arms... The better to hold you with, of course.
I'm not saying Hondo isn't a good cuddler when he indulges you, but I also see him wanting to get straight to the "down and dirty." He spends his time on the seduction, but once you hit the bedroom it's game on usually, and he loves a dangerous, take charge partner.
I see Shriv as someone, that when he gets used to you and the idea, wouldn't be against PDA for one thing. Talking wrapping his arms around you as you wait in line to get your dinner in the mess hall, sneaking kisses in a closet, cradling you to himself after a dangerous mission because he's happy you're alive, or just overall body worship before, during, or after a sexy little escapade. He's the best of both worlds being a sub-leaning switch (another HC), and even though he may be able to use his daddy dom voice on the new recruits, underneath the act he's sweet as Jogan fruit pie and a terrible authority figure.
Plus, he'd let you recline on him for hours. What's the point of getting out of bed with someone like you around? That is unless he has important business to attend to for the Rebellion.
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How would our 3 kings respond to you waking up crying next to them? (Not me having ptsd dreams early in the morning lmao)
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Bane would eye you, then roll over and go back to sleep. If he can't because you're crying too loud, he'd sigh and get out of bed. If he's feeling really generous with his time and has the mental energy for it, you might get asked: "what's with de waterwerks?"
Shriv would cuddle you and hold you close, whispering "it's OK" in your ear as he strokes your hair. Doesn't know what's wrong, and he won't ask, not unless you want to talk about it -- but he's there to comfort you until you calm down. He may even try to cheer you up-- "who do I need to kill?"
Hondo would wake up from a deep sleep, drool hanging from his mouth. "What, what?! Ded I du someting wrong?!" Poor man, confused and hungover. Probably doesn't even know what day it is.
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sinisterexaggerator · 5 months
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Oh my God, @dukeoftheblackstar did it again! This time it's Damgaav!!!! I love these two. This is so cute. Thank you! This art made my week.
by scent.2002 || Meta
Transparent under the cut
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sinisterexaggerator · 2 years
You must help me! This addiction to Duros! It gets worse by the day. So can you...give me MOAR?? XD
A Bane or Shriv ficlet perhaps? Fluffies, fuzzies, or pure smut...whatever you want. I just need to feed this addiction.
I thank you very much in advance. 😆
I came up with this on a whim.
Title: It Pays To Be Persistent
Shriv Suurgav x Fem! Reader
Word count: 546
Warnings: A heated kiss, dry humping, thoughts of biting, breast fondling, a little angst, fluff, and definitely smutty-ish.
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"Lissten, kid, I-"
"Shut up, Shriv," you commanded, the hot, plush flesh of your lips mashing against the thin blue line that demarcated his. Your wet tongue snuck its way in, furling around the Duros' as his fangs parted almost reluctantly, though still granting you access.
"Mmn..." Suurgav moaned into your mouth, releasing his built-up tension as his husky frame relaxed, shoulders drooping in near defeat as he was finally giving in to your advances. His arms rose, encapsulating you in an embrace that felt divine, draping himself across and around your neck as his gloved fingers got lost in the silkiness of your hair.
"We shouldn't be doing thiss," he whispered, though his actions spoke otherwise, Shriv pressing against your warm mammalian body as he inched you backward into the wall.
"Yes we should," you retorted with enthusiasm, hands groping the firm musculature of his biceps as you hoisted yourself up, using the partition behind you and Shriv himself as an anchor so that you might wrap your legs around his waist.
"Fierf-f-fek..." he responded, unable to believe his luck, his cock hard beneath you as you found a rhythm, grinding into the sizeable outline that was barely concealed beneath his uniform. "Thiss isn't exactly the best place to-"
"It's perfect," you confirmed, your hands venturing upward to gently massage and caress the rounded planes of his head, words muffled by the continued closeness of your mouth to his.
"I've been dreaming about thiss," he admitted, the Duros' asymmetrical teeth lightly grazing your chin as he fumbled to keep up before he pulled away long enough to remove a glove using those same fangs, spitting it off to one side of the supply closet. "Wanna ... t-touch you," he confessed shyly, though his long, reedy fingers hovered as if unsure.
"Mn, Shriiiiv... " you whined, taking his hand into yours so that you could place it upon the swell of your breast, the Duros making an appreciative sound halfway between a whimper and a moan of ecstasy. His hips rocked forward, pinning you more succinctly, the cute noise that had escaped him morphing and contorting into a quiet, pacifying rumble in his chest.
"Suurgav?" you asked timidly as he had set his canines against your throat, the flat of his face buried beneath your ear where a steady vibration of his vocal chords caused your heart to flutter.
Just as quickly it stopped.
"I'm s-sorry," he muttered, " I ... "
He gently pried you loose, your arms and legs. You found yourself firmly planted on the floor. He retrieved his glove, afraid of his own animalistic inclinations. He had imagined himself biting you. He cautiously backed away.
"I can't bear to -"
He shook his head in disapproval of himself, retracting his own limbs as he recoiled from you. "I'm afraid I'll h-hurt-"
With that he left the small enclosure and you behind as you touched the place at the nape of your neck where his cuspids had traced your artery. A shudder rocked your spine as you licked at the remnants of his kiss. There was no way in all Sith hells he was going to get away with this.
Shriv was a catch; one that would not escape so easily. You recuperated, adjusted your disheveled clothing, and made to follow him.
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sinisterexaggerator · 2 years
I’m under the weather 😣 so how about headcanons for our favorite Duros taking care of their respective s/o’s when they are ill? (Or, potentially not, in Cad’s case? 😅)
I am sorry to hear that! Hopefully this will amuse you somewhat and help you take your mind off things! @wingofshadow
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Being a Duros, both Cad Bane and Shriv Suurgav would be able to tell something was off perhaps before even you did.
They would definitely be able to tell if/when you had a fever due to the change in your body’s temperature without needing a thermometer, as I headcanon their specialized eyesight can register thermal signatures.
Cad Bane would not know what to do with you. He might stare at you while you coughed and sneezed, quietly sipping his caf with his legs crossed at the kitchen table.
He narrows his eyes at you if your coughing fit goes on for too long. Not at you personally, but at your illness. He doesn’t like seeing you this way, especially because you complain.
He hates hearing you complain that you are sick, mostly because you are annoying and whiny about it in his opinion, but also because if you weren’t sick you wouldn’t be acting this way.
He might quietly make you a cup of tea, hand it off to you, and not speak another word about it.
He mostly stays out of your way because that is what he would want if he were sick –  peace and quiet and no one to bother him. (He is most assuredly a grump, more so than usual when under the weather.)
At least that’s what he thinks he would want. Cad may very well like being babied and taken care of when not feeling well - he would just never suspect such a thing until someone bothered to try, which no one ever has.
Maybe he has a recipe memorized that he used to make for himself. Something warm and light; maybe a soup of some kind. Maybe he bothers to make it for you because he knows being sick makes you weak, and you need to keep your strength up. Even though he rarely admits it to himself, he likes having you around.
If your fever gets too out of control, he will not mention the reason for his behavior, but he will calmly sit by you, hoping that you take the hint. He knows his microscales are cool to the touch, and unless he absorbs too much heat from you for his own comfort, he will let you cuddle him though he will mildly complain just to make you think he’s doing you a favor, and not because he wanted to help you.
Shriv Suurgav would spend most of his time frowning at you out of pity and concern.
He would give you that “poor baby” look while he put his hand on your forehead to try and cool you down.
He would prattle on about this or that thing his life-giver used to do for him when he wasn’t feeling well, and he’d try every single one of them on you until something stuck.
He would also make you tea, but he would sit beside you while you drank it. Maybe he nudges you with his shoulder to encourage you to finish it because it’s good for you.
He might make a joke or two about what “doesn’t kill you makes you stronger,” unless it does kill you, then he would be sorry he said that because you were dead and riddled with horrible guilt.
If you were cold, he’d make a nest out of blankets on the couch or bed and bundle you up into it like a little burrito.
If you were hot, he would cuddle with you and have no shame about it, so the coolness of his microscales could work their magic on you.
If you were out sick from the day-to-day operations as an officer in the Rebellion, he would give you all the latest gossip and would assure you that everyone missed you and hoped you “got well soon.”
He would run a hot bath for you if that were an option.
If you couldn’t sleep, he’d hum a little Durese nursery rhyme, something his own mother used to sing as he stroked your hair in bed.
He would hold the tissue for you so you could blow your nose and wouldn’t even complain that it was gross. (Well, maybe he would a little bit, but in a very good-natured way.)
He might even try to cook a little something for you, though he’s not too good at it. It’s the thought that counts, or he at least brings you take-out.
He might even suggest curling up to watch old holomovies with him until you felt better. He would definitely let you use him as a pillow.
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