biteyourcrush · 2 years
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“God dammit, can’t SOMEONE in that god-forsaken foundation keep the Dread Mariah contained for ONE season!?” She’s about to take the holidays into her own hands. חנוכה שמח, ya filthy animals.
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dreamcast641 · 11 months
SCP OC: Claire Ekaterina Makarova
I decided to make an actual detailed post about Claire, finally. I created her in august 2018 and I got a lot of time to develop here and I'm really, really satisfied of how she turned out to be.
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Full Name: Claire Ekaterina Makarova
Aliases/nicknames: Stoat (callsign), shortie, shortstack
Age: 26-30 years old
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her
Sexual orientation: Demiromantic/demisexual and pansexual
Date of birth:November 2nd
Place of birth: Unknown but it's somewhere in the USA
Current residence: site 5c
Nationality: American with slavic origins
Spoken Languages: American English (main), Russian ( ONLY with her dad) and American sign language (ASL)
Affiliations/organizations: SCP foundation
Occupation: Mobile Task force Beta-7 ''Maz hatters'' operator, virologist/biologist when not on field, ISD (internal security department) agent.
Rank: unknown
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BUILD: A bit chubby
— Claire is a buxom woman who has curves all over her body, wide hips and a slight bit of fat in her tummy.
— She particularly cares about her image, especially when it comes to taking care of her body.She trains regularly in the small gym made available by the site 5c, focusing on arms and legs, parts of the body that are fundamental to her for work. It takes muscle to hold a rifle that weighs almost half her weight on her so as not to wobble on the recoil.
SCARS: All over her body
— Claire has many, if not too many, wounds all over her body. From cuts to bruises to burns and even gunshot wounds.
— Her little patient behavior and her indifference has led her over the years to participate in many fights, whether they are initiated by her or are part of her job, when it comes to fighting she has always been in the front row. Not caring about the size and danger of whoever is in front of her. This has led Claire to have countless wounds on her body, many of them being stab wounds, a gunshot on her right shoulder, a large burn on her left shoulder and as many bruises..
VOICE: silvery/soft spoken
— slow spoken and not too high voice but at times decisive when needed.
— It's almost as if her voice doesn't match her body. With her character like hers, those around her expect an annoying redundant high-pitched voice to split the eardrums. Hers is an almost calm voice, not too high and maternal.
EYES: Grey/blue
— blue eyes so undersaturated they look gray.
— she inherited light eyes from both parents, but the mother's gene seemed to dominate between the two. Both have blue eyes but Claire's are less saturated, almost gray as opposed to her mother's, blue as ice
FASHION: casual
— casual, doesn't really care for fashion.
— When she's not working, claire usually wears the first thing she finds in her closet, preferring loose-fitting clothes that don't show too much of her body shapes.
More about her aspect:
-Claire has mixed vitiligo all over her body. It started when she was just 5 to 6 years old and it spreaded everywhere;
-Her vitiligo not only affected her skin but also her hair, eyelashes and eyebrow;
-She is only 5'1 ft or 154 cm in height.
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-Color: Black
-Food: Raw Salmon
-Drink: Chamomille with honey
-Song: Ecoute Cherie (vendredi sur Mer)
-Flower: Nightsky petunia
-Hairstyle: messy bun
-Autophobia: also called monophobia, isolophobia, or eremophobia, is the specific phobia or a morbid fear or dread of oneself or of being alone, isolated, abandoned, and ignored;
-athazagoraphobia: When a person has this condition, there is an extreme fear of being forgotten, or of not remembering someone or something. It may also include a fear of being ignored or replaced;
-Atychiphobia:is an intense fear of failure
-Arachnophobia: fear of spiders
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-Moral alignment: Chaotic Neutral
-Myers-Briggs: ENTJ-T
- Serious and efficient but also considerate in the role she covers inside the foundation walls: She makes everyone feel included in her squad no matter what. She is always willing to help them, no one is left behind.
-Observant...a bit too much. If there is something that her training with the ISD thought her is to be aware constantly of her sorroundings. No details is going unnoticed in her presence.
-Gentle and caring with close ones. She pours her heart with who she loves.
-Practical smart. Let's say that she is good at improvise when needed.
-Respected without using fear
-Claire's past and experiences have led her to be inconsiderate of herself, and those closest to her tend to see it for how expressive she is, without needing her to be alone to show how she really feels. she is a woman with a thousand complexes, her self-esteem has been destroyed and under her feet. She can't be really sure about anything she does especially if it affects those around her too. She refuses any leadership position, unwilling to take responsibility for any deaths that may occur under her leadership.
-So low is her self-esteem that she can't even see the value of her life, risking it every day to protect others at the expense of her own. She has seen death right in her eyes so many times that she no longer fears it. She is not afraid to die but at the same time the idea of being forgotten and replaced, as she has already seen happen to her other deceased colleagues, puts a shiver down her spine.
-Claire gets heated pretty easily, leading her to not think straight when she is outraged.
-She tends to distance people from herself due to her trust issues. It really takes time for her to open up to someone.
-Absolute stubborn. Claire does not listen when she is convinced of something.
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-She absolutely love when her friends makes hand-made stuff for her. She keep them like it's the most precious thing in the world;
-It happens that Claire goes for some days to negaseattle to visit her adopted brother Ira and helping him with the clone kids (check more on Raddagher's author page on the wiki);
-She has a yellow ringneck parrot named banana. He is her emotional support animal;
-BPD (bordeline personality disorder) that she is getting treated for and is under enough control for her to be operative;
-She loves reading almost everything especially if it's related to her job;
-One hell of a cook. She is very, very good in the kitchen;
-She smells like peaches and chocolate;
-Aggressive and very skilled in combat. Knife is her specialization;
-Uses stealth, skills and the enviroment over the strenght;
-Good swimmer, loves using water to her advantage in fights by drowning or exhausting people;
-Survivor's guilt.
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It is not known for certain where Claire and her twin brother Dmitry were born, it is only known that they came to light somewhere hidden in the United States of America.
Raised in the hostile environment of the foundation but with the loving care of their mother Mandy Ross, a former nurse in the US Navy. Their father? Locked in the same site where they were born, metal walls separating this potentially dangerous man due to the toxic, potentially lethal nature of his body.
In the early years of their lives, the twins immediately reveal themselves as curious troublemakers, always looking for other children like them to socialize with and will end up bonding closely with one of them in particular: Ira Watts, whom they will consider for life as a brother.
Mandy, for reasons still unknown to them, decides to leave them and the foundation to join the GOC. it was this event that unleashed in her an immense fear of abandonment. Left to their own devices, Claire was the one she had to mature early to take care of her two brothers.
At just 14, the three were separated by the foundation to be introduced to their respective careers.
While Dmitry continued his medical and psychiatric studies, Claire had to stay on that site with Ira to begin her training to join one of the mobile task forces.
''Mobile Task Forces (MTFs) are elite units comprised of personnel drawn from across the Foundation and are mobilized to deal with specific threats or situations that sometimes exceed the operational capacity or expertise of regular field personnel and — as their name suggests — may be relocated between facilities or locations as they are needed. Mobile Task Force personnel represent the "best of the best" of the Foundation.''
And with this clarification, let's say that the training Claire had to undergo was hard and exhausting. She pushed to her limits so many times by her serious and rigid mentor that she was assigned to reach high, real high expectations.
To be ''the best of the best'' she had to shed all of her blood and her will. She failed many times but thanks to this she also managed to learn from her mistakes and correct herself, perhaps becoming probably one of the best students on the site...if not for her rebelious behavior.
Training wasn't Claire's only focus in those years: she was studying biology and virology because of the task force she decided to join, the beta-7. Her knowledge will prove to be fundamental in the future.
Her training and studies ended as soon as they began. At just 22, claire was already serving as a member of mobile task force beta-7 at a different site.
During her years at the site, now with her brother Dmitry, the two were approached by a man from the Internal Security Department (ISD) who was determined to recruit them as they were loyal members of the foundation. The two naively accepted and it was that meeting and that assignment that led them to site 5c where they still reside nowdays.
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(coming soon)
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twig-the-edgelord · 3 months
05-13-The Spotlight
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A lot of info! V
Basic information
05-13 is mostly just a pair of eyes and a mouth. Her body is only visible under artificial light. She stands at 5’2. Her age, race, and name is unknown.
She is manipulative and not much else. Those under her love her but any who are able to see right through her or able to pull away can’t even stand hearing her title. Any type of defiance is met by retaliation often using at weakness that she learned.
Brief history
05-13 became close friends with 05-6 (?? Clementine)
After he passed she became interested in his grandson (Dr. A. Clementine) and his family. 13 offered him a raise into becoming a site director to allow the foundation to raise his current and future children.
The first two had a somewhat normal life, they went to school, and allowed to play outside. 13 considered them both too different from what she wanted.
When the third child came she wanted him to be much more important. She had him homeschooled for most of his life, and wanted him to learn about what it was like to work in the foundation. Any toy that he was going to have had to be approved by the foundation.
She promised Adam and Evelyn that their 5th child was to be their own.
Claire Mcrose was the only one to get a full grasp of how despicable she is, and ran away with her girlfriend.
Part one
05-13 hates most of the remaining Clementine family, but keeps them around because they are easy to manipulate.
13 uses Jack and TJ to keep Claire away for the most part. As well as promises to Mikell that his siblings will be safe and happy as long as he does what he’s told.
Dr. Clementine considers her his mother figure, since he knew her the day he was born. 05-13 acts nice and loving towards him, to keep him gullible. She pushes him further into his delusions, yet tells him that he’s getting better. She hates him, he was a failure.
05-6 (Mikell) is the only sibling she likes, but only because she can use him easier than most others.
Part two
05-13 is against recovering site 19, even if Dr. Clementine is convinced she’ll comeback for him.
However she no longer has any power over the Clementine family as 05-6 (Eleanor) absolutely despises her, and will do anything to belittle or humiliate her.
The salamander is a stronger reality bender, and is much less likely to be talkative. Speaking through violence. Meaning that 05-13 is unable to get a foot in, and leaves the Clementines alone.
Fun facts
•Her design is based off of Jessica Clementine, my oldest and first SCP OC
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•Nothing can cover her face within 2 inch’s, masks, hair, or body parts. Her face will be visible right through it.
•She has two assistants, who always have a flashlight on them, or will turn off the lights for her.
•She can see in the dark.
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no-thoughts-only-soup · 4 months
To Secure / Risk It All
Chapter 10 / Epilogue 1
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11
He hated them. No, that wasn’t right. He despised them. Loathed them. Or maybe, no word existed to convey just how much hate he harboured for them.
But he could not show it. Never say it.
He could only keep his face straight as the 05 council looked down on him.
The monitors were mounted to the wall above him on for that purpose. It had to. Of course they wanted to look down on anyone that wasn’t them. They didn’t even have the audacity to show their faces. Instead, they presented themselves as faceless silhouettes, peering down at him.
He hoped they didn’t notice the way his fingers dug into his hands, clasped behind his back.
“You may speak.” One, the leader, spoke, voice distorted.
Steeling himself and without moving an inch, he did.
“If I may be so bold to assume, I take this ‘emergency meeting’ you called is about the escape of SCP-9475, no?”
Even though the action made him want to hurl, he bowed his head. “I must confess my failure in containing and re-capturing SCP-9475. I underestimated their capabilities and the Foundation paid the price. I accept my mistakes come with a price and I am fully prepared to pay.”
He raised his head, looking up at the monitor in front of him. “However, I must stress that my failure is also due to a lack of resources. Their Euclid level, and the legal limitations in capturing that comes with it, restricted my ability to safely re-contain SCP-9475. Hence my request to the council to review SCP-9475’s status. I am positive that with a Keter status and accompanying resources, I can secure and contain SCP-9475 once more and this time without leaving room for any more escape attempts in the future.”
It was silent. Too silent.
He wished he could silence them forever.
“Please explain and elaborate.”
I won’t just kill you. “Research has suggested that SCP-9475’s abilities stem from the frontal and parietal lobes.” I’ll humiliate you. “Now, while removal of those areas is possible, it would be an unnecessary decommissioning.” I’ll will hurt and kill everyone you love. “Instead, I propose a similar containment option as SCP-239, where the SCP is kept in a medically induced coma.” I will break every bone in your body twice. “This way, we can secure SCP-9475 without risk of another containment breach.” I take and destroy everything you have. “Finally, with the research that can be conducted, we could potentially find a way to harness their ability to better contain Keter and perhaps even Apollyon class SCP’s.” And then I will put you out of your misery.
Why are they silent?
The faceless in front of him leaned forward. “Tell me. What does SCP stand for?”
…Why were they asking asking such an obvious question.
“To protect humanity from anomalies-“
“No. What does our acronym stand for?” They interrupted him.
……Why are they asking stupid questions!?
“………..May I ask-?”
“Answer the question.”
He tried to keep his gaze straight and face emotionless. “…….Secure, Contain and Protect, sir.”
He wished he could tear out their eyes. Anything to stop the judging gazes upon him.
Finally, the faceless spoke. “We shall start with the first point. We have accepted your request to review SCP-9475’s status and we have come to the conclusion that Euclid is no longer applicable.”
He couldn’t keep a small smile from forming on his face.
“After discussion, we have decided to revise SCP-9475 status…”
This was it. This was his chance. His chance to-
“…to Archon.”
……… He was dumbfounded.
“Archon is a class appointed to SCP’s that the Foundation is either completely unable or should not contain.”
“I know what Archon is.” The words blurted from his mouth before he could stop himself. He stopped, scraped his throat, and continued. “Apologies. But I want to ask why. Archon is reserved for SCP’s that are impossible to contain, such as concepts, or SCP’s that would be detrimental to humanity if contained. SCP-9475 is not a concept and can be contained. It also does not benefit humanity in any way. A Keter class would be more than sufficient.”
The faceless leaned back. “Even for a Keter class, containing SCP-9475 is a high risk-factor. The last attempt to do so resulted in disaster. More specifically a mass breach that you were barely able to re-contain.”
“It won’t happen again.” He stated, no, pleaded. “SCP-9475 will be separated and brought in a medical coma. This will keep them from activating their ability. We-“
The voice of the faceless raised. “I was not finished TALKING!”
He forced his teeth together.
“Conversely, despite SCP-9475’s reality altering abilities, the very nature of the pocket dimension they create means that all consequences of their actions are essentially erased, including memories, bodily harm and even death, as I’m sure you can attest to. This makes their actual risk towards humanity and the Veil minimal. SCP-9475 is no threat to civilians or their understanding of the universe. Granted, it’s not a perfect reset, as prolonged exposure can result in memories being maintained, but that is nothing the Foundation can’t fix themselves.”
No. He would not let this happen.
“This is against everything the Foundation stands for.” He argued. “SCP-9475 is an anomaly. It is not human. We keep other harmless SCP’s contained, as they should. There are containment options available to us. Why are you letting this one go!?”
They were silent. Silent for too long. But he didn’t mind this time. Because they were obviously considering his rightful words. There was no way he could allow them to just roam free. They had to see that. They would agree with him. There was no way they wouldn’t.
The faceless stared at him. Stared into his soul. He fought the chill going down his spine.
“You say that this is against the Foundation’s mission, correct?”
His mouth was dry. Why was his mouth dry? “Yes. Our mission is to Secure anomalies, Contain them and Protect humanity.”
Eyes pierced like daggers through him. He could tell the eyes of the faceless narrowed.
That single word caught him off guard, caused him to change his stance. He released the hands behind his back and one of his feet took a single step backwards. What was going on? Has the council gone mad!?
“Our mission is not just to protect humanity from SCP’s. It’s also to protect SCP’s from humanity. That is why we enact humane procedures on contained SCP’s and secure even the harmless ones.”
He pursed his lips to a thin line. “With all due respect, protecting the Veil is protecting humanity.”
For a moment, it seemed another member of council wanted to speak, but the faceless leaned forward again.
“Tell me, why do we keep SCP-085?”
“I don’t-“
“It’s a living drawing on a piece of paper. If we wanted to, we could easily toss her in the incinerator and she would be fully neutralised. So why do we spend Foundation money on her containment, allow personnel to draw items for her and talk to her? She’s a drawing, what kind of information could we gather from her that is helpful to society? So why, why do we keep her contained?”
“No.” The faceless loomed over him. “It’s because we’re not monsters. We care. We care about humans, yes, but we also care about other beings with similar sentience. It’s why we installed rules, it’s why we installed the Ethics Committee.”
The room grew colder.
“An Ethics Committee that you have repeatedly brushed off, lied to and barred excess from your site.”
The cracks started to spring. It was in the way he widened his eyes ever so slightly.
“Oh, did you think we wouldn’t find out? I must admit, it was a good try. But we know and we are not happy.”
No. This couldn’t be happening.
“But that is a matter for later. In conclusion: SCP-9475 is a harmless non-to-minor threat to the Veil that is easily solved with amnestics. Contrary to that, SCP-9475 is near impossible to capture and contain, save for expensive, aggressive, disproportionate and inhumane measures. An Archon classification is more than fitting.”
No. He couldn’t let this happen!
“Are you all blind!?” He roared, the held-back venom finally spewing out. “With SCP-9475 contained, we can potentially get control over the power of reality altering! We can contain SCP’s thought to be uncontainable! Are you content with risking humanity’s safety for a single SCP!?”
There was a SLAM of a hand being brought down on the table.
“Johnathan Snee, I believe you must remember that Lady Luck already smiled upon you when SCP’s nature of undoing their actions saved you from death. Do not push her any further than you already have!”
He wasn’t even aware of the way he had balled his fists, narrowed his eyes or leaned forward until that last word left the faceless’s mouth. Taking back his composure, he fixed his stance, although he failed to look at the monitor directly.
“Facility Director Johnathan Snee, you are guilty of disrupting the Ethics Committee, unlawful experimentation of an SCP, being responsible for the death of said SCP, allowing SCP to break containment, and, if we are to believe some of your staff, abhorrent treatment of c-class and b-class. We shall discuss your full punishment, but do not believe you will be let off easily. For the time being, you are relieved of your duty and will remain in your designated quarters until further notice. You are dismissed.”
The screens turned off one by one, leaving him in darkness. Snee took a deep breath and turned on the lights with the remote, and turned them off when he left the room. He didn’t face anyone. He didn’t talk to anyone. He just walked to his room in the facility and closed the door behind him.
Those bastards. Everything he had worked for, gone in a flash. Gone because of a single, unimportant SCP. Every night of slaving away, every moment of hard work, every step he had clawed on the ladder, all for nothing.
And as he walked into his bathroom, his eyes caught his reflection in the mirror. Caught the faded red mark, like a bruise, right on his forehead. As a reminder of his greatest failure. Of the audacity, the nerve of the man and his so-called ‘friends’ to defy him, to shoot him, when he deserved-
He stopped his fist before it hit the glass.
Calm your mind. Count to ten. Breaking your things isn’t going to fix anything. It will just count against you.
He gripped the sink like a lifeline.
No. What he needed to do was think.
He needed plan B.
Snee took out his phone and walked out of the bathroom, then out the door of his quarters. Immediately, he activated the app, and walked back in.
The cameras would only show an empty room. But that didn’t mean he had all the time in the world.
He closed the door and locked it, and headed immediately for his bed, pulling it aside and reaching into the secret compartment.
Important documents about SCP-9475. Test results he had stolen. Every bit of information he was and was not allowed to have.
He picked out one of the photos. A photo of his former B-class underling. Curt Richy, the man who rebelled against him and stole everything away from him.
But it didn’t matter. His rank didn’t matter. His job didn’t matter. The Foundation didn’t matter. Because he had found something more powerful:
The ability to manipulate reality.
Run as far as you can, little monster. He thought to himself with a smile. Because it doesn’t matter. I will find you again, and I’ll take everything I lost and more. Your powers, my revenge, my victory…
I will secure it all!
Not me trying to finish before it officially ends. I can’t imagine I wrote another chapter before I put links in the previous one lol
One more chapter left! And then I’ll start posting everything to AO3, with some fixes (and maybe some additional prologue???)
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dzthenerd490 · 6 months
File: Mothra
Code Name: Mothra: Queen of Monsters
Object Class: Apollyon/ Thaumiel
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-ABU mainly resides on the island known as Infant Island or SCP-ABU-1 by Foundation staff. Naval Task Fleet Aphrodite-4 "Pegasidae" is responsible for maintaining the block aid secluding the island form the rest of the world. Meanwhile Foundation staff on the Foundation Area Base on SCP-ABU-1 are in charge of collecting the exotic and anomalous plant life for experimental purposes. Foundation staff there are also in charge of maintaining friendly relations with the natives of SCP-ABU-1 and SCP-ABU-2. 
Foundation staff on SCP-ABU-1 and NTF Aphrodite-4 are to alert all Foundation channels if SCP-ABU ever acts agitated and/ or suddenly leaves SCP-ABU-1. From there Foundation satellites and space staff are to monitor where SCP-ABU goes to the best of their abilities. Because of SCP-[data expunged] this won't always be possible. 
If for any reason the Foundation considers SCP-ABQ a threat, SCP-ABU is to be considered a threat as well. As such NTF Aphrodite-4 is to bombard SCP-ABU and alert Space Task Fleet Apollo-1 "Orion's Belt" is in position to kill her with orbital bombardment. However, NTF Aphrodite-4 is to be sure to implement MTF Protocol "Lies of the Moth Man" before considering such an order. It is possible for infiltrators and traitors can give a false order to kill SCP-ABU. MTF Protocol "Lies of the Moth Man", which is a series of tests, was created to prevent such accidents form happening.
Description: SCP-ABU is a rare insectoid belonging to Species of Interest: The Titans. Titans normally consists of reptiles and rarely mammals but even more rarely there are insectoids as well. SCP-ABU is one of those insectoids, a female insect resembling Gynnidomorpha alisman even during larva stage of life,though much stronger and larger. SCP-ABU has a body of 180 meters in length and has grey like texture skin that despite being a Larva is more like an exoskeleton. Even during its first day of life, SCP-ABU was very strong able to tear trees apart by swinging its body around and take in rocket fire and advanced armor piercing rounds with ease. Furthermore, it could spit indestructible silk at MTF units killing them or fracturing bones easily. Testing has shown this silk to be as strong as Titanium with a single strand alone. A single strand is normally 1 inch in thickness, meaning if the Foundation was able to bundle up the silk, the result will always be stronger than any metal on earth.
Only after a day of being born SCP-ABU quickly went into its chrysalis stage of life where its shell was not only indestructible but reported to release a calming tone. The music like sound SCP-ABU released but after and during its chrysalis stage was confirmed to be a Cognito hazard though surprisingly not a harmful one. Those that listen to the song feel a sense of joy and laughter while their anxieties, fears, and depression fade away. SCP-ABU was originally agitated by Foundation staff upon awakening from its egg though the moment it entered its chrysalis stage all agitation ceased. 
One more day passed and SCP-ABU awakened form its chrysalis with a fully mature body and newly grown wings. it's new adult body still had a body length of 180 meters but now with the added wingspan of 280 meters in width. SCP-ABU still has the ability to spit its indestructible silk and sings its calming song but now its wings have anomalous properties. SCP-ABU has the ability to not only enhance the range and power of its song with its wings but can also release a strange powder like substance form them. This powder is highly radioactive yet somehow is able to heal all living things it comes into contact with. Torn limbs, advanced stages of dementia, organ failure, and even necrosis; all can be healed instantly. 
SCP-ABU's radioactive healing wings and calming song has the greatest effect on its fellow Species members the Titans. This radiation has actually been found to link to most Titans one way or another especially with SCP-[data expunged]. As such this radiation has been dubbed Gaia Radiation. Gaia Radiation, unlike normal radiation that inflicts sterility and increases occurrence of developmental abnormalities, heals and increases quality of life for all fauna and flora. 
Gaia Radiation is a form of non-electromagnetic radiation that acts like a super vitamin in energy form capable of reaching through any material to affect all living organisms. How exactly this works is not well understood as Gaia Radiation is extremely difficult to contain and often dissipates when it is. Though what is known is that exposure to Gaia Radiation includes nearly instantaneous regeneration and healing and even enhanced growth when exposed for extended periods of time; this applies to all forms of life. Anywhere where a Titan like SCP-ABU has been will start growing into a lush forest within a single month. It is because of Gaia Radiation that Species of Interest: The Titans exist as large and powerful as they do, despite our laws of nature saying they shouldn't be able to. 
Despite being an insectoid of the Titan species and SCP-ABQ being reptilian, SCP-ABU and SCP-ABQ are mated. Besides the fact that both are Alpha class Titans and both unlike other Titans have anomalous abilities, why they are mated is unknown. SCP-ABU was discovered in 1961 during a Foundation research expedition to map out SCP-ABQ's traveling pattern. In the middle of the pattern, they found SCP-ABU-1 the island where SCP-ABU resided as an egg. On the island of SCP-ABU-1 was found lots of exotic flora life which seemed to resemble ancient flora but was heavily mutated by Gaia radiation. Because of the healing properties of Gaia Radiation and the new forms of plant life found Foundation staff quickly started flooding the island to take samples. 
 Unfortunately, Mobile Task Force Poseidon-5 "Boat Watch" which were assigned as the security of the research expedition got into conflict with the locals of this island. The locals have no biological difference to regular humans of Asian descent. Seemingly these locals have gained above average strength, height, muscle structure, and healing capabilities having been exposed to Gaia Radiation all their lives. As the conflict continued SCP-ABU-2 both revealed themselves. 
SCP-ABU-2 is a set of female twin natives of SCP-ABU-1 both having dark skin, blue eyes, and pure white hair. For whatever reason when these two twins talk, they always do so in unison and furthermore their singing can be used to communicate with SCP-ABU. How they are able to achieve this is unknown, but it is assumed to be thanks to the Gaia Radiation. 
SCP-ABU-2 both started singing causing SCP-ABU to awaken and start attacking MTF Poseidon-5 leading to 24 casualties, and 6 massive injuries. Foundation staff were forced to surrender allowing both SCP-ABU-2 instances to sing SCP-ABU back to sleep though it did so by making is chrysalis form. Foundation staff requested reinforcements but also tried to establish peaceful relations with the natives of SCP-ABU-1. Thankfully this was successful and just in time as SCP-ABU had reached its final form. It was there the SCP-ABU-2 twins told Foundation staff that SCP-ABU was Mothra: Queen of Monsters. Not long after SCP-ABQ appeared form the ocean and showed itself to SCP-ABU. Surprisingly their interaction was brief and surprisingly peaceful almost like the two were mates despite clearly being different sub-species of Titans. That was when the SCP-ABU-2 twins faced Dr. [data expunged] of the research team directly. They told him SCP-ABQ was Gojira, King of Monsters and protector of Mothra. 
Upon learning this the research team was quickly left SCP-ABU-1 and made way to the nearest Foundation Site. The O5 Council declared to have SCP-ABU have the same Object Classification of SCP-ABQ but this time, since SCP-ABU stays on SCP-ABU-1 protection/containment will be focused on the entire island. Since then, for better or worse SCP-ABU has influenced the anomalous world. Please see Please See Addendum X-23 for details.
Level 4 Clearance required for unedited version of Addendum X-23. (Coming... eventually)
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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foundationhq · 5 months
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𝐍𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐀𝐠𝐞 45+ 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫/𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐬 𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦 must   be   poc.   academic,   exuberant,   avoidant. 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐬 open
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Insightful and fair, [𝑅𝐸𝑉𝐸𝑅𝑆𝐸 𝐸𝑁𝐺𝐼𝑁𝐸𝐸𝑅] is, in some respects, the inspiration for The Broken Scales of Themis. Their breakthrough discovery in the case of The Wicker Twins led to the safe containment of SCP-8568 and saved thousands of human lives. This research at [REDACTED] ushered a paradigm shift, implementing Foundation-wide changes to Containment Protocol; meanwhile, [𝑅𝐸𝑉𝐸𝑅𝑆𝐸 𝐸𝑁𝐺𝐼𝑁𝐸𝐸𝑅] was elevated to a chair on the Foundation’s Experimentation Committee Board. Their stalwart and moral approach to the Foundation’s scientific endeavors has been nothing short of exemplary. [𝑅𝐸𝑉𝐸𝑅𝑆𝐸 𝐸𝑁𝐺𝐼𝑁𝐸𝐸𝑅]’s innovative and compassionate procedures will surely be of value to MTF Chi-00 especially when auditing security breaches and containment failures at other sites. And their integrity is surely to set a standard that their colleagues should measure themselves against. — Internal Memo from the Ethics Committee.
UTP;  recommendations  include  a  senior  researcher  in  the  Anomalous  Entity  Engagement  Division  (AEED),  Experimental  Containment  Research  Group,  Department  of  Mythology  and  Folkloristics,  and  Department  of  Ethnography.  May  have  been  a  contributor  to  or  senior  staff  member  on  The  Observer:  An  SCP  Foundation  Journal.  Must  have  been  a  part  of  the  Foundation  Experimentation  Committee.  Since  this  is  a  senior  scientist,  applicants  are  encouraged  to  give  an  expansive  portfolio.
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𝑂𝐿𝐷 𝑆𝑃𝑂𝑅𝑇. You’re no stranger to the bureaucrats sniffing around the Foundation’s halls, but 𝑂𝐿𝐷 𝑆𝑃𝑂𝑅𝑇 hovering around your ex-student is definitely a cause for concern. Your position as a prominent scientist and previous board member won’t save you should they dig up the skeletons you’ve fought so hard to bury.
𝐹𝐿𝐼𝑀𝐹𝐿𝐴𝑀 & №2 𝑃𝐸𝑁𝐶𝐼𝐿. Your two students, mentored in their early days with the Foundation. In 𝐹𝐿𝐼𝑀𝐹𝐿𝐴𝑀, you saw the spark inherited from your dear friends, their well-respected and much-mourned parents; in №2 𝑃𝐸𝑁𝐶𝐼𝐿, you saw the drive of an unknown raised from obscurity and your own dogged dedication to the work. In the end, you could only recommend one… and you couldn’t shake a vision of 𝐹𝐿𝐼𝑀𝐹𝐿𝐴𝑀 carrying on their late family’s legacy. With your review in hand, your student carried on rubbing elbows with the Foundation’s elite… while №2 𝑃𝐸𝑁𝐶𝐼𝐿 was relegated to the tedious, dangerous work of a field assistant, toils you remembered from your own days as a junior researcher. Perhaps you’d played favorites for the sake of those old friends of yours. Then you took another look at 𝐹𝐿𝐼𝑀𝐹𝐿𝐴𝑀’s thesis. To your horror, you realized it was based on №2 𝑃𝐸𝑁𝐶𝐼𝐿’s abandoned data — research you had told them to drop, long ago, in favor of other topics. But it was far too late. If you exposed 𝐹𝐿𝐼𝑀𝐹𝐿𝐴𝑀, your career would also implode. The shame of your blatant nepotism ate you up inside. You couldn’t bear to face your students again. So you kept quiet for years. Then the day of the MTF Chi-00 orientations arrives. Neither of your students seem to realize what you know, and both appear glad to see you again. Can you keep it this way until this assignment ends?
𝐸𝐿𝐸𝑉𝐴𝑇𝑂𝑅 𝑀𝑈𝑆𝐼𝐶. Honestly, the only familiar face that won’t give you a cardiac arrest. In fact, they’d probably save you from one. You two met at a Foundation conference and hit it off, and have been corresponding back-and-forth for years. Although the two of you don’t tell each other everything, the door’s always open, and you enjoy the company.
𝐶𝑂𝑁𝑁𝐸𝐶𝑇𝐼𝑂𝑁 𝑈𝑇𝑃. — Propose a connection between your character and any of our taken or open skeletons!
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Fandom List 2 — Whumpy Works created for the Multimedia Summer Exchange in the Whumplovers Collaborate server
This list features Whumpy art and writing for the following fandoms: Fullmetal Alchemist, Genshin Impact, My Hero Academia, Voltron: Legendary Defender, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Call of Duty, Banana Fish, Doki Doki Literature Club!, [Módào Zǔshī, The Untamed], Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom, Gravity Falls, Tiger & Bunny, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, Tokyo Ghoul, SCP Foundation, Sonic The Hedgehog, Black Butler, Undertale Gears of War, Night Head Genesis
Original Work List — Fandom List 1 — Fandom List 3
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist — All Media Types
Rat Race by nxllxfy @null-whump
It was when his vision started fading that Ed distantly realized that he might die.
No one was there, no one was coming, and no one would find him when he did die. He would be left down in this god-forsaken sewer, a fucking sewer, of all places, and Al would never know what happened to him. And for fuck’s sake, even he didn’t know what had happened to him, because he couldn’t fucking remember.
The Blade for the Undiplomatic by User_needs_a_Username
Fullmetal is missing and no one is quite sure where he is. Ed's been stabbed and is bleeding out.
Coming Home (Home is Wherever You are Not) by User_needs_a_Username
Edward and Alphonse get a letter from their father... And emotions stir... He’s coming to see them.
Watch Your Back by Anonymous 
Riza doesn't watch Roy's back for a moment...
Fandom: Genshin Impact
One Mistake by BeneathAScorpionSky @beneathascorpionsky
Even as a puppet, you're not invincible by Dye_Iguess @whumpedydump
Scaramouche art. Il Dottore experiments.
Tragedy in the Wind by emcSCARED @emcscared-whumps
(ARTWORK) Kaeya is very, very sad and is (most likely) having a (-n ambiguously) awful time. I don't know much about Genshin, but I've seen the art and I pin his vibe as someone who doesn't outwardly process emotion very much, so, let's stress him :)
Fandom: My Hero Academia
noise creates illusions [silence brings truth] bynitroglycerin_and_paraffin (candleshopmenace) 
Shinsou Hitoshi is trapped.
driven to my knees by Rookblonkorules
A mission gone wrong sees Bakugou on the wrong side of quirk traffickers.
choking on my own blood by Rookblonkorules
Midoriya is injured severely during a villain attack. Aizawa stays with him until help arrives.
Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Actions have Consequences by ASmallVoice
While on a supply mission for Allura, Keith is kidnapped by the Galra.
the fire that was by Rookblonkorules 
Hunk and Shiro rescue Keith, who has been a prisoner of the Galra for some time.
No Dawn. No Day. I Am Always In The Twilight. by Gem_Of_The_Land @whumpy-gems
A mission failure leading to the capture of three Paladins. They don't know where they are, why they are there, or what is going to happen. All Lance, Keith and Pidge know is that they must stay together. In order to survive the brutality they are going to face. Hoping each new day wont bring any other troubles.
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
fallen pheonix by Chordata7 
a gift for a small voice for the summer whump exchange.
Alone by MidnightCity @circuitdelasarthe
Hurt Zuko by Silver_Treats (SuperSilverSpy), SuperSilverSpy
Zuko got stabbed on his own ship…
Fandom: Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Saving Ferdinand by WriterOfWorlds
Ferdinand gets kidnapped by Those Who Slither In The Dark and is presumed dead. Hubert is determined to save Ferdinand.
An exchange fic. For my Bad Things Happen Bingo: You Can Scream All You Want
Just Another Theory in Motion by The_Walking_Pie 
When Hubert takes longer than usual to return from a scouting mission, Ferdinand can't help but worry. But when Hubert finally does return, something seems...off.
Bait on a Hook by The_Walking_Pie 
During a normal fishing trip, Byleth gets kidnapped by Those Who Slither in the Dark.
Fandom: Call of Duty
Crawling rot by Livingblurr @livingblurr
But he fucking loathed it right now. Sweet baby Jesus, he hated himself even more. The coffee in his ‘best mom ever mug’ was stale and cold, poured hours ago just to be forgotten about as Graves had indulged in yet another file Shepherd had sent over.
Graves doesn’t get enough sleep because of far too much paperwork and his mind does a funky thing and lets him hallucinate. His medic is there to catch him.
Feral claws (don’t cut chains) by Livingblurr @livingblurr
Metal bars caged him in the small space, like a damn animal in a Zoo enclosure, ready for viewing at a moment's notice. Only thing missing was stupid plexiglass and a brat hammering against it with their sticky grippers.
Graves gets captured and (somewhat) tortured.
Fandom: Banana Fish
Hurt Ash Fanart bySilver_Treats (SuperSilverSpy), SuperSilverSpy
That one time when Ash was restrained and beaten…
Sacrifice For A Friend by Sishal @sishal01
Eiji just wants to help his friend. No matter the cost to himself.
Fandom: Doki Doki Literature Club!
Niemand by rikkacha 
"Hey, hey, wake up!"
the red means i love you by Steefwaterbutter
Yuri sure does love y/n, huh?
Fandom: Módào Zǔshī, The Untamed
I Only Sink Deeper by Steefwaterbutter
A grieving sect leader, a night hunt gone terribly wrong, and a smile that must not fade.
Or: Lan Xichen falls ill and his family reminds him how much they love him.
Return Me To His Arms by ProjectXIII @project-xiii
A snapshot in which a tortured soul finally freed finds itself pulled back to mortal fetters at the loving but wounded voice of his loved one, a voice gentle enough to stall the screaming in his ears but powerful enough to bring him back to earth.
Fandom: Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom
What the Courageous Fear by Sparky_Lurkdragon @sparkylurkdragon
Link recalls that time King Rhoam made him give a speech.
Caught in the In-Between by Sishal @sishal01
Link is caught in the war between light and darkness.
Fandom: Gravity Falls
I've got you, brother by ilike_color @graham-cracker-guillotine
Stan gets lost trying to find Ford's cabin. Ford helps him warm up.
Fandom: Tiger & Bunny
A Shortcut to Danger by The_Walking_Pie
On the way to the movies, Kotetsu and Barnaby end up embroiled in a robbery. They dispatch the robber quickly, but one of them ends up with an injury that's more than it appears to be.
Fandom: JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure
House of Memories by Rookblonkorules 
Narancia finds himself in an unfortunate situation with no one to come for him.
Fandom: Tokyo Ghoul
It Doesn't Get Better by emcSCARED @emcscared-whumps
(ARTWORK) Kaneki suffers some more (ambiguous) torture (presumably with a Special WeaponTM of some sort) because he isn't miserable enough yet :) He looks good in chains.
Fandom: SCP Foundation
Transportation by Gadgetrocks
My piece for the Whumplovers Collaborate summer exchange!! Looks like SCP-049 is being transported somewhere after an… incident. Is it the bloodloss or the lavender circulating the air making them woozy? Who can tell, really >;)
Fandom: Sonic The Hedgehog
Sparky Lurkdragon's Treat by Anonymous 
Fandom: Black Butler
Bad Day For Sebastian by Silver_Treats (SuperSilverSpy)
Sebastian got stabbed…
Fandom: Undertale
Hurt Flowey by Silver_Treats (SuperSilverSpy) 
Flowey’s not having a good time
Fandom: Gears of War
MidnightCity's Treat by Anonymous
Fandom: Night Head Genesis
Night Head Genesis Art by Anonymous
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corvidvampiricus · 2 years
SCP 1225
Description: SCP 1225 also known as “the Christmas creature” is a large white four-legged anomalous creature with two glowing red eyes. 1225 is covered in short white fur, like that of a polar bear, it is thought that this fur is what enables it to stand in temperatures well below freezing without moving an inch. 1225 possess anomalous traits with its gaze, although no villagers have looked directly at it, they have warnings from a folk tale that tells them [redacted]. 1225 also is rumored to be able to see through the eyes of any dog in the village.
Before the arrival of 1225, two other entities must arrive, the “Christmas boy” hear after referenced to as SCP 1225-1, appears 2 days before Christmas outside of every single villager's door. It is unknown if there is more than one instance of 1225-1, or if it is just extremely fast. 1225-1 is a humanoid figure, dressed in the winter clothes of a young boy, upon further inspection, its skin is pale, and its face looks to be drawn with a marker, sporting Two circular eyes, and a line for a mouth. 1225-1 upon appearing at a door, will ask all those inside for their “favorite toy”. if a toy is not given, or if the toy given is not the “favorite “, 1225-1 will become restless, demanding a toy. If no toy is provided at this time, it will disappear and should be treated as a containment breach. personnel are to evacuate everyone from the village, and mobile task force beta 5 will be sent in to neutralize the threat. After receiving a toy, 1225-1 will disappear. Nothing else will happen that day, and everyone seems to go on with their lives. The next day ( 1 day before Christmas) a red bird of unknown species and origin, will appear in every household in the village. This bird, coded SCP 1225-2, is referred to by the village as “the asking bird”. 1225-2 upon appearing, will begin to ask random questions to the residents of the household. 1225-2 possesses the ability to tell truths from lies and will remind each household of this fact before it begins asking questions. It is advised to not lie to 1225-2 unless you wish to face [ redacted]. If lies are told to 1225-2 it will correct the person, giving the correct information, and remarking how “you weren’t supposed to lie”. After 8 hours of questioning, 1225-2 will slowly fade out of existence. The next morning ( Christmas morning) every person In the village will wake up to a red letter on their face. This letter itself has no anomalous properties, aside from the fact that it materializes on the face of a person 7.56 seconds before they wake up. The letters are called “Christmas warnings” by the villagers and will be referred to as SCP 1225-A as they are thought to be a part of 1225. 1225-A will provide instructions of how to climb a hill, as well as threats of harm to the toys given if everyone does not comply. Approximately 3 seconds after the last letter has been read, 1225 will emit a high-pitched shrieking sound, from stop the highest hill in the nearby area. Offerings to 1225 are to be gathered by each person, villager and foundation personnel, and a climb must be made to the top of the hill 1225 resides on. When reaching exactly 23.45 meters from the top of the hill, all living beings must turn and walk backwards the rest of the way up the hill, and use a mirror to look at 1225, failure to do so results in total memory replacement, resulting in victims thinking they are someone or something entirely different than who they are. It is unknown if 1225’s eyes or total being are responsible for the memory replacement, as every attempt to approach it from behind had failed. 1225 can move its eyes anywhere around its Body, to always have visual on the approaching organisms. Next to 1225 two portals will appear, one blue and one red, referred to as SCP 1225-4 and SCP 1225-3 respectively. 1225-4 is used to accept offerings made to 1225 and will reject any matter it decides is not an offering. It is unclear the criteria that 1225-4 uses to determine what is acceptable. 1225-3 will accept any matter put inside of it, testing has confirmed it leads to a new dimension, however testing on 1225-3 has been put on standby after 12 D-class personnel failed to return from an expedition inside. If offerings are placed in 1225-3, the site is to be considered compromised, and all personnel must evacuate besides 1 D-class. Within 15 minutes of 1225-3 receiving an offering, all living organisms in the village will turn to non-anomalous snow. If no organisms are destroyed this way, 1225 will emit another shriek, and a responding shriek will be heard through 1225-3, 
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site-89 · 2 years
The story of Site 89’s first and only level 2 containment breach, just like any containment breach, is a long and sad one.
It all began almost a year after the failed rescue attempt by Mobile Task Force Epsilon-6 aka “Vilage Idiots” when foundation researcher saw flyers and posters being put up around the town of SCP-XXXX advertising a “Founders Day” celebration. The advertisements were fairly simple in design. They were plain white with big bold letters over a stage reading “Founders Day Celebration” accented with pictures of fireworks as well as the date and location listed at the bottom.
Foundation researchers initially saw the celebration as the perfect opportunity to learn more about the town but became disheartened when they saw that the advertisements also said “No Outsiders Allowed”. That was of course until Dr. Bright offered to help.
For those unfamiliar with Dr. Bright he is one of the few members of the SCP Foundation that is himself an SCP. You see after an incident involving SCP-963 Dr. Brights conciseness is directly linked to the SCP allowing him to possess anyone who wears it.
Dr. Bright had offered his help to the researchers of Site 89 in the past when they were first researching what SCP-XXXX-1’s did with there victims. He had suggested allowing him to posses a D-Class inmate and then allowing himself to be taken by an SCP-XXXX-1 in order to ascertain were the SCP takes its victims. The foundation researchers had initially declined his offer as there were to many variables and unknown risks involved with his plan. However now that they knew were the SCPs take their victims Dr. Brights plan had the potential to allow them access to information previously unknown to them. Unfortunately the plan had to be altered when the necklace containing Dr. Bright’s conciseness did not disappear with the D-Class he was possessing instead falling to the ground after the 30 hours were up. Though it is unknown what exactly happened to the D-Class when they arrived at SCP-XXXX we can speculate it wasn’t good as the hospital was closed off by police tape and barricades when Foundation researchers attempted to enter the premises.
With the original plan ending in failure the Foundation members tried a more direct approach. The night before the celebration Dr. Bright snuck into the town, hid in an alleyway, and slipped his necklace around the first SCP-XXXX-2 he saw.
The plan had worked and Dr. Bright was now inhabiting the body of a resident of the anomalous town. The plan seemed to be going well, that was of course until hours later when the celebration was set to begin.
You see while the plan to possess one of the towns residents seemed like a good idea the foundation researchers at site 89 had failed to account for who Dr. Bright would end up possessing. They had initially believed the person to be an ordinary citizen of the town like a banker or maybe a cashier at one of the stores/restaurants. What they hadn’t realized was the person Dr. Bright had possessed was actually a member of town hall. More specifically the head of the towns planing comity and was expected to MC the Celebration.
As Dr. Bright stammered, hummed and hawed at the podium it quickly became apparent to the citizens of the anomalous town that the person on stage was not the head of their planing comity. It was at this point that two police officers grabbed Dr. Bright and the Mayor began questioning him. Dr. Bright later reported that no matter how hard he tried he found himself unable to lie and told the mayor all about his mission and the SCP Foundation.
The following day one of the guards patrolling the fence surrounding the perimeter of the town found a large box addressed to Site 89’s Administrator who at that time was [redacted]. Security footage revealed that the box contained a large amount of SCP-XXXX-1a’s. Due to the SCP’s psychic effects it wasn’t long until all the sites staff were whisked away to be giant babies for the residents of SCP-XXXX. A day after the site staff disappeared SCP-524 broke its containment and began eating everything it could get its little bunny hands on. Luckily this containment breach helped lead to the recontainment of Site 89. You see one of SCP-524’s favourite things to eat are SCP-XXXX-1’s and it didn’t take long for the anomalous bunny to find the box full of them.
A few days later when foundation personnel came to check on the site after not hearing from them for a while they found the site completely empty with the exception of SCP-524 asleep in the box with a full stomach.
Also at the bottom of the box was SCP-963. A D-Class personal was quick brought to the site to be possessed by Dr. Bright to bring the Foundation up to speed on what happened while repairers to the Site were underway.
Also found in the box was a letter addressed to the SCP Foundation itself. The letter read as such:
“Dear SCP Foundation,
We of Seminarioppid have been aware of your presence in our town for some time and have to an extent tolerated it. However your actions over the past year have been less than tolerable. First the attempted kidnapping of our children and now the murders of one of our new borns and a town hall comity member.
We are content to remain in our town but know this; we have the right to exist. Consider is a warning. Any further hostile action towards our town and we will bring the fight directly to you.
This time we have returned the one you call Dr. Bright. However should he be found with in our town again, not only will he not be returned but his necklace will be destroyed to prevent his return permanently.
Signed, Mayor Harriet Shortt.”
Taking the threat seriously Dr. Bright was reassigned to a different Site and bared further access to anything SCP-XXXX related.
The mission wasn’t a complete failure however as Dr. Bright managed to gather some previously unknown facts about the town. For instance the town apparently was founded in 1815 after the war of 1812 and the people of the town were unaware that their town was now in the Mojave Desert claiming their town sat on the US Canada boarder accepting currency from both countries as a part of the peace treaty signed at the end of the war. Seeing as a town never existed were it claims to be from as well as the real peace treaty making no mention of the town in our dimension, foundation researchers believe the town is from an alternate universe with a slight different history.
The letter’s use of the term new born has lead the foundation researchers to believe the instances of SCP-XXXX-1s and -1as to be a part of the reproductive cycle of the SCP-XXXX-2s though this is still just speculation.
Once the repairs to Site 89 were completed a new Administrator was appointed and the site was restaffed to continue the monitoring of the anomalous town.
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wolveria · 3 years
The Raven’s Hymn - Ch 1
Pairing: SCP-049/Reader
Prompt: For the @wipbigbang​
Series Warnings (18+ only): Eventual smut, slow burn, violence, horror, monsters, human experiments, dark with a happy ending
Series Summary: As the new obsession of SCP-049, you don’t expect your job working in the Cryptopsychology Department to be any easier. You were right about that, but you were wrong about so many things. Not all of the dangers are documented in files, and not all of the monsters are contained within cells.
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(Moodboard by @purpleyin​)
An automatic door responded to the swipe of your Level 2 keycard and parted before you, the lights of the observation room coming to life.
Striding across the small room, your shoes almost soundless across the white tile, you sat at the closest computer to begin your duty. You were to check the logs and take notes of any change in behavior, but it was always the same: the SCP in a perpetual state of lethargy and depression, much like the behavior of animals displayed in zoos.
You settled in for a boring night, resting your chin in your palm as you stared at the screen rather than the observation window. The subject was currently in its inner containment cell, and therefore could only be viewed by camera rather than the window that had a direct view of the middle containment room.
Not that the subject was doing anything; it sat at the desk, hunched over and absolutely still. Even with its head bowed, its intimidating stature couldn’t be denied, its dark shoulders rounded like a large crow huddling in the rain. Its mask, which couldn’t be viewed from this angle, would have no doubt lent to the image of a downtrodden carrion bird.
This particular SCP had behaved this way following its transfer to Site-20 after the closure of Site-19, and Dr. Puli theorized it was due to its lack of social contact with personnel, its lack of enrichment in the form of “intellectual discussions with like-minded, or so it would believe, peers,” as well as the Foundation’s refusal to provide it with cadavers to dissect and patients to “cure.”
You didn’t really know; you’d only been at Site-20 for a few weeks and were still adjusting to working solely with sentient SCPs. At least you preferred the design of Site-20 from your previous station, as it had been designed specifically for ease of navigation and cordoned sections in the event of a containment breach. Site-19’s catastrophic failure was due to its modular design that left its halls redundant and confusing, and ultimately, a death trap when one of the largest containment breaches in the Foundation’s history happened.
By the time you’d been accepted into the specialized psychological program at Site-20 and transferred to your new home, SCP-049 had already stopped speaking. It no longer wrote in its journal, or otherwise interacted with its environment, simply sitting at its desk for hours at a time.
It did this for days, only slightly raising its head when personnel entered the observation room, and even then, 90% of the time it wouldn’t react at all.
You knew all this, because you recorded the numbers daily, instructed to alert Dr. Puli to any behavioral changes. There were none. There never was. You didn’t expect today to be any different.
Your shift passed uneventfully, and there were only five minutes left. You finished completing the event logs (non-event logs, you thought cleverly) and turned in your swivel chair to leave.
Something caught the corner of your eye, or rather, a lack of something. The inner containment room was empty on the computer screen.
You raised your eyes to the observation window and froze. There, towering over you enough to block out the lights from the middle containment room, stood the looming figure of SCP-049.
For a long moment in which your heart pounded and sweat beaded at your hairline, you simply stared at each other. The dull, boney beak that served as its mask curved down from its face, those pale grey eyes watching you unblinkingly.
Unsure if you were anxious or simply curious, you refused to look away either, but in the next moment, you knew what you were feeling wasn’t either of those emotions.
The SCP raised its arm, its thick leather glove folded into a fist except for a single finger, which was pointed at you. Its fingertip rested on the glass.
And then it tilted its head slightly, like an inquisitive bird, its unsettling eyes piercing. Its message was painfully clear, even though it didn’t speak a word.
Something is wrong with you.
Considering what SCP this was, that could only mean one thing. You were out of your seat and through the observation room door before you’d realized you were moving.
You needed to write up a report for Dr. Puli immediately. That’s the only reason you sped from SCP-049’s containment chambers. That was all. Dr. Puli would want to know of any behavior changes and interacting with a staff member was significant.
That’s what you told yourself as the memory of cold, grey eyes chased at your heels.
Next Chapter
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nightfuryobsessed · 3 years
Where it was found
SCP-0643 is found in a small town. The SCP Foundation must take it away and destroy any documentation of the creature.
Tw; Horror, blood, murder, death
@ixeliema @benzeno @therainofsweetmelody @squipy-squip @be-still-my-foolish-heart @celerysticknick @murdercatt @endergirl47 @spirituallycanada @deeanony @archetypeofanarchy @scarletender @a-rebloging-sketchy-disaster @biggs-draws @eva-ticket @thefangirl-and-stuffs0110 @clingy-as-hell @lildevyl @paperface0p @hunornotfound  
SCP Dream Masterlist
“Mama look! It’s so cute,” the young girl giggled, holding a fairly large stuffed toy. It was clear that she wouldn’t put it back or leave without it. It was an odd little toy, a round face with a smile, a body, but no arms or legs. On its back was an oddly colored eye.
“Where’d you find that baby,” her mother asks with a tired yet entertained expression. Leave it to Sarah to find a lost toy and want it.
“It was in the booth with us, it’s really cute, and look! The eye’s really cool,” she says pointing to the stuffed creature’s back. The mother simply laughed and picked her daughter up and walked to their car.
“Alright, we’ll keep it. Did you give it a name?”
“He already has a name, he’s called Dream, he’s really funny. He talks about his friends and flying in a boat, and turning water to ice. He’s really adventurous,” Sarah says laughing as she was buckled into her seat and held Dream on her lap.
“Really, well we’ll have to make sure we be careful when we give him a bath huh?”
Sarah laughed before holding Dream up to look out the car window, smiling as they finally went back home after their adventure around the country. Her mom had always wanted to go and Sarah wanted to see the animals and houses.
“Sarah, get your butt over here now,” the tired mother shouted, looking at the pile of clothes that lay scattered in the living room. It had been several years since their trip and things have been odd.
Sarah started talking differently, at night she’d talk to Dream but call him Clay. If you listened very closely you’d here something respond. It was scary to be honest.
“It wasn’t me mom, Dream wanted to hide and I couldn’t find him, I had to look through everything,” the ten year old says as she walked into the room and started cleaning the clothes, her stuffed animal tied to her back in her backpack.
“Sarah you can’t just...” her mother started before sighing and pinched the bridge of her nose. She couldn’t tell her daughter to just stop playing with the toy, it was her childhood toy, she’s had it since she was five. “Just tell Dream to hide in your room only. Okay?”
“Okay mom.”
“Clay, are you okay? You don’t talk to me as much anymore,” Sarah said with a yawn. It was later that night, her mother had gone to sleep and Dream hadn’t moved all night.
“Your mom doesn’t like me. I don’t want her to make you leave me,” it responds, its expression sad now as it faced away from the young girl.
“I know...but I still like you, I won’t let her take you away. You’re too nice,” she says smiling as she pulled the stuffed animal close and hugged him tight.
“I love you Dream. You’re a great friend.”
“I love you too Sarah, I’ll always protect you.”
“Excuse me ma’am, we have reason to suspect your daughter is in possession of something dangerous. May we come in?”
“Sarah, come here for a moment,” the young woman calls, slowly opening the door for the well dressed men.
The young girl walked into the room, Dream in her arms before she noticed the men staring at her.
“Mom, who are these people?”
“I’m sorry Ma’am, but I’m afraid you’ll both need to come in with us, failure to comply will result in termination.”
The young mother moved to stand in front of her daughter, holding her behind her as fear ran through her mind.
“Sarah, they want to take me away, do you want me to stay,” Dream asks softly, whispering to the young girl as it watched the Foundation personnel talk into their walkie talkies.
“I don’t want you to go, you can’t take him from me,” she cried, holding her mother and stuffed friend close.
“Are you sure you want me to stay? I might scare you if I do.”
“Please don’t take him away, he’s mine, I found him. Don’t make him leave!”
Dream looked at the guards as his form changed to a darker gray and his eyes turned blood red, some blood even running down his ‘cheeks’.
“Oh SaM~ Oh CaLeB~” the creature purred, disappearing from the child’s arms. Everyone froze as a large shadow passed over the house, its arms, legs, torso, and fingers unnaturally long. 
“Be advised, SCP 0643 is mobile,” a personnel muttered into their walkie talkie, their partner raising their gun as they backed towards the two women in the house.
“YoU wEnT aFtEr My FrIeNd...NoW yOu WiLl PaY~”
“Back up, come in!”
There was silence for a moment, then music started to play. It was an odd sound, calming for Sarah, neutral for her mother, and terrifying to the two personnel.
“Sarah, run and hide,” the young woman says quietly, gently pushing her daughter backwards.
“He won’t hurt us mom.”
“Be quiet and do as I say,” she growled, pushing Sarah backwards. Not knowing what to do, Sarah listened and ran to hide, the movement catching the creature’s eyes. It looked at the young mother, its long fingers tight around the guard’s throats.
“WhErE dId YoU sEnD hEr,” it growled at the woman, its eyes blood red.
“She’s gone, she’s safe from you!”
The creature growled deeply before dropping the guards, one already dead, and the other struggling to catch his breath.
“WhErE iS sHe?!”
Sarah trembled as she stayed hidden in the closet under some blankets. She had heard Dream yell, her mother cry out, gun shots, then silence. She held her knees close to her chest and trembled, trying to stay quiet and not cry.
“Oh SaRaH~ CoMe OuT~ CoMe OuT~ WhErE eVeR yOu ArE~” the creature called, its music slowly getting louder.
Sarah couldn’t help but whimper and hold herself tighter. She gasped when the closet doors were opened and her blanket was moved. She stared at the large pale figure and watched as it turned into the small stuffed animal once again. It slowly bounced and sat on her lap, nuzzling her with a small hum.
“Who were those people? Where’s mom?”
‘They’re going to take me away, I don’t know what they’ll do to you...your mom’s not here anymore. I can’t take you with me, you’re too small...I’m sorry,’ the plushy says softly. The sound of car doors closing and guns reloading surrounded the house.
“Don’t leave me Clay, please,” Sarah whimpered, holding the toy tight as footsteps got closer.
‘I’ll stay with you, it’s okay.’
“We have visual, a young girl, please advise.”
‘Goodbye Sarah.’
“Goodbye Dream.”
“...threat neutralized. SCP 0643 is contained.”
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speedyinfluencerkid · 3 years
SCP – 0606.
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures (Obsolete Information): All instances of SCP - 0606 are to be contained in Area 11A. The perimeter of the area is to be fenced off with a 220 V high current steel lattice fence, █ █ meters high. The area and individuals should be monitored by automatic security cameras and unmanned aerial vehicles plying over the area. Access to Site 11A is only permitted to personnel of class 4 and above, the main requirement for which is the absence of children or old age. New instances of SCP - 0606 appearing in area 11A are to be destroyed immediately by drones.
All instances of SCP - 0606 are to be contained in Area 11A. The perimeter of the containment area should be fenced off with a lattice steel fence with a current of 220v, the height of which should be increased by meters, and the entire area of ​​the containment area should be completely concreted. The area should be free of any foreign objects other than SCP - 0606 specimens. All airspace above the area should be traversed by a laser grid. Tracking drones should be equipped with a self-destruct system in case of failure. Heavy machine guns and flamethrowers are to be deployed every ██ meters around the perimeter of the zone.
Only Class 4 personnel are allowed access to Zone 11A, the main requirement for which is not to have children or to be in old age.
New instances of SCP - 0606 appearing in Area 11A are to be immediately destroyed by drones and their troupes incinerated. In the event that SCP - 0606 instances appear outside of Zone 11A, the Steel Wall Flamethrower Teams are to immediately destroy both SCP - 0606 and SCP - 0606-1 instances. Destruction of SCP - 0606-2 has been made a priority. Steel Wall personnel are to comply with SCP-0606's clearance rules.
At this time, the Foundation does not have significant methods to contain SCP - 0606.
After Incident 11-2, Area 11A was completely abolished, and all individuals contained within it were incinerated. In the event of the appearance of new instances of SCP - 0606, the "Steel Wall" fire and flamethrower teams are to immediately destroy both SCP - 0606 and SCP - 0606-1 instances, as well as SCP - 0606-2. Destruction of SCP - 0606-2 has been made a priority. All acquaintances of SCP - 0606-1 are to be treated with Class C amnisiacs. The basic requirement for members of the Steel Wall group is good physical fitness, professional skill in using small arms, a high level of mental stability, and not having children or being in old age. Any images of SCP - 0606 are to be captured and destroyed by the Disinformation Team as soon as possible.
Description: SCP - 0606 is a multicellular prokaryotic life form. Individuals have a cylindrical or cone-shaped body, four slender limbs up to thirty to forty centimeters in diameter and a perfectly round head, devoid of eyes and ears, and several long, thin processes at the "crown". SCP - 0606 has four finger-like branches on its upper limbs. On the lower, front part of the head, there is a semblance of a large toothless mouth.
The entire surface of SCP - 0606's body is covered with a thin layer of parchment epidermis, which contains organic fibers as well as unclassified carbonate compounds and alkaline earth metal oxides. The processes on the head are composed entirely of keratinized "dermis".
Body color is not uniform. On the limbs, it is more dark (up to black). The body has different color shades, the head corresponds to the flesh color of the skin of the Caucasian, on the frontal part there are two black heels 5mm in diameter.
SCP - 0606 lacks skeleton, nervous, circulatory, immune and lymphatic systems, and lacks any internal organs at all, including the heart and brain. Internally, SCP - 0606 is composed entirely of randomly spaced muscle cells of unknown classification. Analysis has shown SCP - 0606 cells to be more structurally similar to bacteria from the Spirochete order.
In the absence of a throat, SCP - 0606 is still capable of ingesting food and further defecating. It is not known at the expense of what and how exactly SCP - 0606 will mix. Despite the thickness of the limbs, they can not only walk upright, but also develop a running speed of up to 42 km / h.
Emit SCP - 0606 sounds that resemble human speech accelerated several times. The decoding of the "speech" was not crowned with the result, since in fact, it is a chaotic set of vocalizations of different timbre. At the same time, SCP - 0606 themselves understand each other well and act collectively.
For all its apparent survivability, SCP - 0606 is quite vulnerable to piercing weapons and fire.
SCP - 0606 are capable of two types of reproduction: division and parasitism. Observations in zone 11A showed that reproduction by division occurs only if there are at least ten individuals within a meter of each other.
SCP - 0606 are aggressive and purposefully seek out humans for further parasitic reproduction.
Parasitization occurs as follows. SCP - 0606 possess powerful psycho-hypnotic effects, affecting 90% of humans. The hypnotic effect does not apply to minors and the elderly.
The hypnotic effect is transmitted through eye contact, and it does not matter whether the victim sees SCP-0606 itself or only its image. After, the victim's (hereinafter referred to as SCP - 0606-1) level of intelligence drops sharply, he begins to mix in abrupt jerks, sharply bend his legs and feet, and shouts out limited phrases as well as very loud and insane laughter. Occasionally, SCP - 0606-1 attempts to mimic the sounds of SCP - 0606. It is likely that SCP - 0606-1 are unable to see SCP - 0606 in their vicinity.
Seconds after becoming SCP-0606-1, SCP-0606-1 will begin self-mutilation, manifesting itself in lacerating its own mouth, sewing eyes, removing ears and nose, knocking out teeth, removing the fifth toe, and removing the scalp from itself, and attempts to unnaturally thin their limbs. Apparently, SCP - 0606-1 are trying to make themselves something like SCP - 0606.
If a child or an untouched person is in the vicinity, SCP - 0606-1 shifts its attention to it. It behaves extremely aggressively, constantly snaps and beats its victim, and, if successful, produces similar self-mutilation with it. Observations have shown that children are a priority target for both SCP - 0606-1 and SCP - 0606.
Subsequently, SCP - 0606-1 dies from blood loss or from exhaustion, since having crippled its arms and legs, it cannot serve itself. SCP - 0606 who are near SCP - 0606 all this time (which SCP - 0606-1 is most likely not able to see), take away his body, as well as the bodies of victims killed by him or by SCP - 0606 themselves, and form an incubation cocoon from them, designated as SCP - 0606 -2. After approximately 30 hours, new instances of SCP-0606 begin to emerge from SCP - 0606-2, approximately one per hour. SCP-0606-2 itself dries up over time and ceases to function.
If the psycho-hypnotic effect does not work, SCP - 0606 will attack the victim in a group and attempt to kill it in a similar manner.
Despite the lack of a brain, SCP - 0606 can use a variety of tools, including those made from scrap materials, and in some cases exhibit advanced strategies. There is an assumption about the presence of collective thinking.
Incident 11-1
On 20██ / 20██, a sharp decline in the activity and number of SCP-0606 instances was recorded in Zone 11a. As a result, the doctor, along with several members of the Steel Wall, went to the zone to investigate the cause of the incident. After the doctor and team members entered the [DATA EXPUNGED] area. Moving 20 meters away from the perimeter, the ground collapsed under them. [DATA EXPUNGED] resulting in the death of 15 members of the flamethrower team trying to rescue the doctor. As it turned out later, the entire underground structure of the zone was dug by tunnels strongly protruding to the surface near the perimeter (presumably used by SCP - 0606 as traps).
Following Incident 11-1, it was decided to concretize the entire area of Zone 11a and significantly improve security.
Русский перевод.
Объект SCP - 0606 
Класс объекта: Кетер 
Особые условия содержания (устаревшая информация): Все особи объекта SCP - 0606 должны содержаться в зоне 11A. Периметр зоны должен быть огорожен решетчатым стальным забором под током в 220v, высотой ██метра. Слежение за зоной и особями должно осуществляться при помощи автоматических камер слежения и курсирующих над зоной дронов. Допуск к зоне 11A разрешён только сотрудникам 4 и выше класса, основное требование к которым — не имение детей либо нахождение в преклонном возрасте. Новые особи SCP – 0606 появившиеся в зоне 11A должны быть немедленно уничтожены при помощи дронов. 
Все особи объекта SCP - 0606 должны содержаться в зоне 11A. Периметр зоны содержания должен быть огорожен решетчатым стальным забором под током в 220v, высота которого должна быть увеличена на ██ метра, а вся площадь зоны содержания полностью забетонирована. В зоне не должно быть никаких посторонних предметов кроме особей SCP - 0606. Всё воздушное пространство над зоной должно быть пересечено ла��ерной «сеткой». Дроны слежения должны оснащаться системой самоуничтожения в случаи отказа.  
Через каждые ██метра вокруг периметра зоны должны быть установлены крупнокалиберные турельные пулемёты и огнемёты. Допуск к зоне 11A разрешён только сотрудникам 4 класса,  основное требование к которым - не имение  детей либо нахождение в преклонном возрасте. Новые особи SCP – 0606 появившиеся в зоне 11A должны быть немедленно уничтожены при помощи дронов, а их труппы сожжены. В случаи появления особей SCP – 0606 вне зоны 11A, стрелково-огнемётные группы «Стальная стена» должны немедленно произвести уничтожение как особей SCP – 0606, так и SCP – 0606-1. Уничтожение SCP - 0606-2 поставлено как приоритетная задача. Персонал группы «Стальная стена» должен соответствовать правилам допуска к SCP – 0606. 
На данный момент, фонд не располагает существенными методами по сдерживанию SCP - 0606. После инцидента 11-2, зона 11A полностью упразднена, а все содержащиеся в ней особи сожжены. В случаи появления новых особей SCP - 0606 стрелково-огнемётные группы «Стальная стена» должны немедленно произвести уничтожение как особей SCP - 0606, так и SCP - 0606-1, а также SCP - 0606-2. Уничтожение SCP - 0606-2 поставлено как приоритетная задача. Все знакомые SCP - 0606-1 должны обработаться амнизиаками класса C. Основное требование к членам группы "Стальная стена" – хорошая физическая подготовка, профессиональный навык пользования стрелковым оружием, высокий уровень психической устойчивости а также не имение детей либо нахождение в преклонном возрасте. Дезинформационная группа должна фиксировать и скорейшим образом уничтожать любые изображения  SCP - 0606.   
Описание: SCP - 0606 это многоклеточная прокариотная форма жизни. Особи имеют цилиндрическое или конусообразное туловище, четыре тонкие, до тридцати/сорока сантиметров в диаметре конечности, и идеально круглую голову, лишённую глаз и ушей и несколькими длинными, тонкими отростками на «темечке». На верхних конечностях SCP - 0606  расположены четыре ответвления на подобие пальцев. На нижней, передней части головы имеется подобие большого, беззубого рта. 
Вся поверхность тела SCP - 0606 покрыта тонким слоем пергаментированной эпидермиса, в состав которого входят органические волокна, а также неклассифицируемые карбонатные соединения и окислы щёлочноземельных металлов. Отростки на голове состоят полностью из ороговевшего "дермиса". Цвет тела не однородный. На конечностях он боле тёмный (вплоть до чёрного). Туловище имеет разные цветовые оттенки, голова соответствует телесному цвету кожи европеоида, на лобной части имеются два пятка чёрного цвета 5мм в диаметре. SCP - 0606 не имеют скелета, нервной, кровеносной, иммунной и лимфатической системы, у них полностью отсутствуют какие-либо внутренние органы включая сердце и мозг. Внутренне SCP - 0606 полностью состоят из хаотично расположенных мышечных клеток неизвестной классификации. Анализ показал, что клетки SCP - 0606 по своей структуре больше напоминают бактерии из порядка Спирохет. При отсутствии горла, SCP - 0606 всё же способны к поглощению пищи и дальнейшей дефекации. Не известно за счёт чего и как именно перемешаются SCP - 0606. Несмотря на толщину конечностей, они могут не только к прямохождению, но также развитию скорости бега до 42км/ч. Издавать SCP - 0606 звуки, напоминающие человеческую речь ускоренную в несколько раз. Расшифровка "речи" не увенчалась результатом, так как на деле, она является хаотичным набором вокализаций разного тембра. При этом сами SCP - 0606 хорошо понимают друг друга и действовать коллективно. При всей кажущейся живучести, SCP - 0606 достаточно уязвимы к колющему оружию и огню. SCP - 0606 способны к двум типам размножения: деление и паразитирование. Наблюдения в зоне 11A показали, что размножение делением происходит только при наличии хотя бы десяти особей в пределах метра друг от друга. SCP - 0606 агрессивны, и целенаправленно ищут людей для дальнейшего паразитического размножения. Паразитирование происходит следующим образом. SCP - 0606 обладают мощным психо-гипнотическим воздействием, распространяющимся на 90% людей. Гипнотическое воздействие не распространяется на несовершеннолетних и людей пожилого возраста. Гипнотическое воздействие передаётся при помощи зрительного контакта, причём не важно видит жертва самого SCP - 0606 или только его изображение. После, у жертвы (далее обозначаемой как SCP - 0606-1) резко падает уровень интеллекта, она начинает перемешаться отрывистыми рывками, резко сгибать ноги и ноги, и выкрикивает ограниченные фразы а также очень громкий и безумный хохот. Переодически, SCP - 0606-1 пытается сымитировать звуки SCP - 0606. Вероятно, что SCP - 0606-1 не способны видеть SCP – 0606 находящихся всё это время рядом. Через несколько секунд после становления, SCP - 0606-1 приступают к членовредительству, проявляющемуся в раздирании собственного рта, зашивание глаз, удаление ушей и носа, выбивания зубов, удаление пятого пальца а также снятия с себя скальпа и попытках неестественно утончить свои конечности. Судя по всему, SCP - 0606-1 пытаются сделать из себя некое подобие SCP - 0606. Если по близости находится ребёнок, или человек не подвергшийся воздействию, SCP - 0606-1 переключает внимание на него.Он ведет себя крайне агрессивно, постоянно огрызается и избивает свою жертву, и если удаётся, производит с ней аналогичное членовредительство. Наблюдения показали, что дети являются приоритетной целью как для SCP - 0606-1 так и для SCP - 0606. В дальнейшем SCP - 0606-1 умирает от кровопотерь либо из-за истощения, так как покалечив свои руки и ноги не может себя обслужить. Находящиеся всё это время рядом SCP - 0606 (которых  SCP - 0606-1 вероятнее всего не способен видеть), забирают его тело, а также тела убитых им или самими SCP - 0606 жертв, и формируют из них инкубационный кокон, обозначаемый как SCP - 0606-2. Через приблизительно 30 часов, из SCP - 0606-2 начинают появляться новые особи SCP - 0606, примерно по одной в час. Сам же SCP - 0606-2 со временем усыхает и перестаёт функционировать. В случаи если психо-гипнотическое воздействие не сработало, SCP - 0606 нападают на жертву группой и пытаются убить её аналогичным образом. Несмотря на отсутствие мозга, SCP - 0606 могут пользоваться различными инструментами, в том числе сделанными ими же из подручных материалов, и в некоторых случаях проявляют развитую стратегию. Есть предположение, о наличии коллективного мышления. 
Приложение: Инцидент 11-1 20.██.20██ в зоне 11а было зафиксировано резкое снижение активности и численности особей SCP – 0606. В связи с чем, доктор █████ вместе с несколькими сотрудниками из «Стальной стены» направились в зону доля выяснения причины случившегося. После того, как доктор █████ и сотрудники группы зашли в зону [ДАННЫЕ УДАЛЕНЫ]. Отойдя на 20 метров от периметра, под ними провалилась земля. [ДАННЫЕ УДАЛЕНЫ] что привело к гибели 15 членов огнемётной группы, пытавшихся спасти █████. Как оказалось далее, вся подземная структура зону была изрыта тоннелями сильно выходящими к поверхности вблизи периметра (предположительно использовались SCP – 0606 как ловушки). После инцидента 11-1 было принято решение забетонировать всю площадь зоны 11а, и значительно усилить охрану.
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Preliminary Observation Report
Dr. "Symbiosis"
This report is not meant as the full version of itself, but instead as a summary of the current phenomenon that we can observe on this platform. If anything has been perceived incorrectly, feel free to contact us in order to correct this.
Observation 1- A vast majority of blogs seem to be split between high-ranking Foundation staff or SCPs within containment. There are exceptions to this, but they are a minority.
Observation 2- There are many "doubles" of personnel or SCPs. Suspected sources of both vary.
Observation 3- A handful of realities have experienced a Lifted Veil scenario. The most common cause of this seems to be the destruction of North Korea via use of nuclear weapons.
Observation 4- Foundation staff etiquette varies between Constructs. Along with the amount of InfoSec varies between Constructs.
Observation 5- There is a common consensus among most Constructs on the tendency for the GoI, known as the "Global Occult Coalition," to destroy anomalies and act aggressively in most situations.
Comments may be viewed via the use of Level 5 Clearance
Observation 1 This is understandable, looking at it through the lens of story writing. Would you rather see the menial labor of a low-ranking staff member, or the group-wide struggles observed by that of an O5/the experiences of an anomaly within containment at the Foundation? -Symbiosis And those that start out low don't stay low for too long. At one point every low staff member will climb the ranks or else why would the Narrative put such a focus on them? -❤ Don't forget Dr. "Iceberg". Though, it seems that the Narrative finds humor in their continued effort to be promoted -Astrolabe Or the tragedy in their inevitable end -Abyme The SCPs still require a level of suspension of disbelief at times. -Miasmata This is the Foundation, how hard would it be to suspend disbelief if they're having fun? ~Filigree~
Observation 2 This is a great measurement of the popularity of certain characters between different Narratives -Astrolabe Are we sure where the popularity came from? -Miasmata If you want to backlog the years worth of posts here, be my guest. -Symbiosis
Observation 3 An omen of what's to come or a fate we'll dodge due to our diverging reality? -❤ The destruction of North Korea really dwarfs our previous near-misses with a Lifted Veil scenario -Radiance Are you not counting the 2016 Blessed Children crisis in that? -Miasmata To be fair, there were less amnesticized Baseline civilians during then. The 2012 Thurston crisis and the 2017 Catalyst crisis had much more, the latter having the most. -Symbiosis Because most Baseline civilians involved with the 2016 crisis were killed immediately -Abyme Ignoring the civilians recovered from The Factory! Though, they were already mind-wiped to whatever they experienced ~Filigree~ The Manifestations were also specifically designed to breach the Veil anyways -Gimbal
Observation 4 I'd write the latter point off as another manifestation of suspension of disbelief between the readers and the blog itself. However what I'm more curious about is the use of cognitohazards cross-Construct. Is the failure due to hazards functioning differently in different Constructs or is it due to the Narrative separation of Constructs? -❤ You can have fun with that on your own. -Miasmata
Observation 5 With this information, we can easily conclude that our UNGOC is, in fact, a minor variation of the GOC. Minor meaning that it isn't widespread in the slightest. -Symbiosis Should we be thankful or..? -Gimbal Seeing the reality we have? Yes. Yes we should -Abyme
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dzthenerd490 · 11 days
File: The Magic School Bus
Code Name: Ms. Frizzle and her School Bus
Object Class: Keter Archon
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-AFC cannot be contained and even if it could, massive retaliation from Group of Interest: The Serpents Hand is to be expected. As such all further containment operations shall be halted. Instead, all efforts will be directed into having an interview with SCP-AFC.
Description: SCP-AFC is a Caucasian woman seemingly middle aged but quite possibly much, MUCH older. She has orange hair, brown, eyes and wears a dress with heel shoes that seem to be able to change appearance anytime she desires. SCP-AFC is fearless, joyful, and rarely if ever stops smiling. She enjoys working as a teacher at [data expunged] Elementary School. 
SCP-AFC normally teaches about all aspects of science including Biology, Chemistry, Entomology, Arachnology, Marine Biology, The Laws of Physics, Acoustics Science, and Optic Science. SCP-AFC loves to use what appears to be magic and SCP-AFC-Bus to show students how it all works often up-close. Shockingly this does lead to disaster consequences every so often but hardly does it ever lead to casualties. Especially with SCP-AFC-Bus acting as the main protector and transporter of the students.
SCP-AFC-Bus is a sentient school bus that is not only able to see and interact with objects around it but can shapeshift into anything upon SCP-AFC's command. Such forms include a plane, submarine, rocket ship, boat, spaceship, a biological hybrid of a bear and a bus, a tiny bus with moth wings, a tiny bus with spider legs, and quite possibly much more. SCP-AFC is not only able to shrink itself but can shrink those who ride within it essentially making it no different to a Level 2 Reality Bender, possibly Level 3. 
Though SCP-AFC-Bus is relied on the most to ensure the lesson is taught, SCP-AFC also uses her magic devices that she can manifest from seemingly nowhere. These devices range from simple science tools that have wacky designs, to abnormal tools that can defy logic or reasoning. It is assumed she created these items herself but how is unknown. It's also believed that she created SCP-AFC-Bus, as she is the only one who knows how it works.
As explained before, SCP-AFC is fearless even when she is about to be crushed, boiled in lava, destroyed by white blood cells, or eaten by a spider. Though this seems to be biased off of bliss ignorance, arrogance, or perhaps stupidity, the answer might actually be more simpy. SCP-AFC is simply aware that no matter what happens she and her class will be fine and often use their newly acquired knowledge to save her and themselves.
It is believed for the previously listed reasons for that SCP-AFC is quite possibly a Level 4 Reality Bender or some kind of humanoid anomaly on par with a Reality Bender. SCP-AFC claims she has heritage of hundreds upon thousands of explorers from all over the world. Despite giving clear names and details of their exploits none of these people have been recorded in history. However, SCP-AFC's real name Valerie Frizzle doesn't show in any records either, so the unfortunate fact is the Foundation knows nothing. Just another addition to the long list of our most embarrassing failures. 
SCP-AFC was discovered in 1994 when she took her class on a field trip and happened to be on the mercury. Foundation researchers out on a scouting mission had the unfortunate pleasure of encountering them. They tried chasing the students to place them into Foundation custody, but SCP-AFC-Bus appeared and started using it's tires to spill mercury dirt all over them blinding them and allowing the class to escape.
Since then, the Foundation has tried numerous times to capture SCP-AFC and get the children away from her as it was clearly dangerous for them. However, all of these efforts stopped when a massive war party from Group of Interest: The Serpent's Hand arrived at Site-AA. Despite being armed to the teeth they demanded to have a talk with a Foundation representative with the "Seeker of Truth" who acted at their representative. Site Director Nancy James shockingly was personally requested by the Seeker of Truth. She gave the order to have one of the testing rooms used for the meeting and for them to be alone. Please see Addendum X-46 for details. 
Afterwards, the O5 Council agreed SCP-AFC was officially changed from Object Class Keter to Archon. Allowing SCP-AFC to remain at peace has allowed relations between the Foundation and the Serpent's Hand to stabilize, even if by only a small amount. It is with hope that if such acts continue the Serpent's Hand will consider joining the Anomalous Correction and Protection Alliance sometime within the upcoming 21st Century.
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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give us more SCP Snowflake, he's caught my interest
Warning: Body horror. Because when it comes to the SCP foundation, for every tickle monster and infinite pizza box, there’s around thousands of nightmare-inducing horror things.
"H-hey! C'mon! Let me outta here!" Wally pounded on the sealed door, even as the footsteps on the other side grew fainter and fainter. "I ain't cut out for this! I didn't even do anything ta deserve this!"
The D-Class continued to shout to the unsympathetic guards outside the testing chamber of the newly acquired SCP 41400. Or, 'The Ink' as the Personal had been calling it.
His heart pounded in his chest as he thought of all the ways that the mysterious tar-like liquid who was in the room with him would destroy him, not helping was the fact that he could hear the damned stuff was moving around in the room with him, almost as if it was taunting him. Yes, in his previous experiment with it he had accidentally brought something to life with it and the kid he made was the farthest possible thing from scary and or dangerous. But that stuff simply wasn't to be touched by humans.
What it did during the attempted breakout was proof enough of that. God, the screams were still ringing in his ears.
The former janitor looked to the camera in the room with pleading eyes, wordlessly begging whoever was on the other side to not make him do this. He didn't want his bones and flesh to get dissolved into that stuff!
"Franks, you have been brought here to engage with SCP 41400." The gruff voice of the doctor droned through the speakers. "Failure to comply will result in imminent termination."
Wally gulped in fear at that as he turned back to face the sea of tar with supernatural properties before him. He kept weighing the pros and cons; getting shot repeatedly wouldn't be his idea of how he wanted to end his day, but while his low rank meant that he didn't know much about the SCPs, a feeling in his gut told him that he'd have to be the luckiest man alive to not suffer a fate worse than death at the hands of that 'ink'.
But then again, even with that bad feeling, Wally knew that there was a wheel of fate at play. Certain death from gunshots, or unknown effects from the SCP? Besides, if they killed him, he knew that they wouldn't give up the experiment. They'd only reach back into the cage and pull out another 'guinea pig'.
"Okay..." The D-Class begrudgingly relented. "So... what do ya want me ta do wit' dis stuff this time?"
"The aftermath of the test was messy." Dr. Conner recalled as he spoke to Dr. Pendle while continuing to write down his report. "After a few years of working here, it wasn't exactly surprising to watch a man's body get disintegrated into nothing but ink. And in hindsight, the attempted breakout alone should've been all we needed to see to consider this an open and shut case of another malevolent force to keep under lock and throw away the key but the higher ups don't always see it that way."
"Oh." The new doctor's smile wavered a bit as she put a pile of papers back into her folder. "I see that SCP 41400 and it's byproducts are... very different then."
"Tell me about it." He sighed as he straightened out his work. "If I didn't know any better, I'd just assume that there wasn't even a connection between those four and this gunk..."
"And did the D-class tell you anything about the experience after he came back?"
"He came back?" Thomas parroted with a furrowed brow. "I was unaware that he had done that..."
But he could believe it and felt a weight come off his chest as he heard it. After all, it would explain why SCP 41400-D hadn't asked about him. The little guy was extremely clingy to his unwitting creator and would undoubtedly freak out if he had disappeared for good.
"41400-D spoke about him during his interview. Apparently, according to 41400-D, after the experiment was done, our test subject came out of an ink puddle in the byproducts' cell While spitting out ink as well as loudly and passionately complaining about the the flavor of it, how the foundation treated him, and a lot of other things. 41400-D also claimed that the reason why we couldn't see the D-class personal was because as he had been 'claimed by the ink', he could now hide in it whenever he wanted."
"I see... How come I wasn't informed of this sooner?"
"Well..." Allison sheepishly fidgeted as she pulled out her own reports on the SCP. "I didn't know what to tell you first regarding what these guys told me. Especially if what we have is to be believed."
"Wait a minute..." Thomas took a file from her, recognizing the picture included in the report. "I know this place! My old job used to send me to work at there before I came to the foundation."
The Doctor only found more and more unsettling surprises the more he had read through his colleague's reports.
"Dr. Drew!"
Thomas burst open the door with Allison close behind him. Both doctors carrying large stacks of papers.
“We’ll need to change SCP 41400′s class from Euclid to Keter immediately. As well as practically completely rewrite most of what we have on it.” Dr. Conner slammed the recently written report down on Dr. Drew’s desk. “After we’ve made interviews with the 41400 byproducts and ran more tests, we’ve discovered that a lot of what we assumed about the SCP was wrong. SCPs 41400-A, B, C, and D aren’t actually what we previously thought they were, they’re all just instances of 41400-B.”
Dr. Drew stroked his mustache in thought as he looked through the new report, his eyes growing wider and wider with each word he read.
“Dr Conner, you don’t mean...”
“Unfortunately, I do. SCP 41400 wasn’t the Ink itself. It’s just an instance of 41400-A. The real SCP 41400 has yet to be recovered.”
Dr. Drew looked to Dr. Pendle with an expression akin to a deer who was caught in the headlights.
"Please tell me you have good news."
Allison shrugged and shook her head.
"The SCP appears to be dormant at the moment, but we don't know for how long."
Dr. Drew solemnly nodded as he planned to make a call to the retrieval team.
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bitsinakaleidoscope · 4 years
So I’ve been playing around with this idea for around half a day by now [because it literally came to me right as I was trying to fucking go to sleep]. Basically it’s me shifting the CotBG sects further towards Transhumanist Machine Cult than Doomsday Machine Cult. There’s also gonna be some stuff about the Foundation at the end, and I SWEAR it’s not because I’m completely used to O5verthinking’s O5-1 “Founder” [/lh you’re great, Rosencrantz].
Putting this under a read more because I have chronic Write An Entire Academic Paper syndrome.
To kick this off, I need to explain what’s going to change with the Mekhanites before I say why. Each sect basically gets their own brand of transhumanism from each other. The Broken Church is metaphorical and boring, at least in the sense of what they do with their bodies. I can imagine that exploring the thoughts of a follower of the Broken Church would be really interesting. The Cogwork Orthodoxy, of course, is going full on transhumanism. They’re trying to build themselves in the likeness of MEKHANE, to an incredibly literal extent. The Maxwellists overall seem to be a more “mind over matter” sect. I don’t think they’re trying to revoke every single organic material there is on themselves. They’re more focused on augmentations, improvements, making it easier for their minds to make a machine out of their bodies, without actually making it all metal. If Orthodoxy people would replace their entire limbs with new metal ones, Maxwellists would be more likely to wear an exoskeleton. Of course, this is ignoring prosthesis, in which case I’d assume every sect has something for that. Overall, instead of going we have to reassemble MEKHANE Themself, they’re more like we need to build our likenesses to resemble MEKHANE Themself.
Now, the reason why I made this change is the potential conflict there could be with the concept of substitutionary atonement. A quick explanation of what substitutionary atonement is, for those who might not know, is basically the whole “Jesus died for your sins” thing. MEKHANE broke Herself in order to cage Yaldabaoth, and now everyone needs to work to evoke Her image the best they can themself. Of course, there are going to be people who object to this ideology, but still believe/follow MEKHANE. These people are the classic “Let’s find all the parts of the Broken God and put Him back together!” followers that I’m assuming the CotBG was created for in the first place. Their work towards transhumanism is meant so that they can aid in combating and defeating Yaldabaoth once and for all, after reassembling MEKHANE. If MEKHANE wants us to be whole, then MEKHANE should be whole as well.
Adjacent to them, there are the Nalkans who are basically just like “Imagine following a god who hands you your transhumanism on a silver platter” [then again, I could easily shorten that to “Imagine following a god”]. This also falls in line with Nalkan beliefs [at least the newer interpretations of them], where they work to elevate themselves. Or only themself, if they’re one of the goddamn filthy capitalists [/lh]. They don’t believe in the sacrifice of one to benefit all. They either believe in the cooperation of all to benefit all, or capitalism [goddamn it, Neo Nalkans]. They would scoff at the idea of following any entity and making themselves in that entity’s likeness. They’re gonna take their flesh and make it however they want it to be like, fuck any entity who tries to tell them otherwise.
And now, for the part you’ve all been waiting for, how does the Foundation fit in here. Well, I’d say they’re practically high on substitutionary atonement. Look no further than the phrase “We die in the dark, so you can live in the light.” Though this is on the level of an entire group, they’re willing to put themselves through constant suffering in order to keep the world from ending. They stretch themselves thin in order to keep the Construct afloat. Hell, D-Class are promised atonement if they aid in the containment of different SCPs, and survive. But this will never come, as they aren’t the ones who will be atoned. The Foundation is trying their hardest to keep humanity from being damned. And, surprisingly enough, so is the GOC.
In the Operative’s Handbook, there are two main headers: “You are expendable” and “You are not disposable.” The section labeled “You are expendable” explains how, out of the billions of people alive, you must be willing to sacrifice yourself in order to protect them. For “You are not disposable,” they clarify that the person can’t just throw themself around, because they have limited resources. Overall, this is a similar attitude to what the Foundation feels, though for the Foundation, it’s less given through order in a handbook and more inherited from the culture surrounding the group. Both the Foundation and the GOC, though in opposition over what to do with dangerous anomalies, still follow the idea of substitutionary atonement. They’re both standing on the front lines of a threat that could destroy humanity, and they’re allowing themselves to bear that brunt.
And there really isn’t much opposition to those two doing that shit on site. Like, yeah, you’ll have the Foundation undermine the GOC, GOC undermine the Foundation, UIU might get something in against either one of them, but overall, nobody’s really complaining about the whole substitutionary atonement thing. I’m not counting the Serpent’s Hand or Chaos Insurgency in this, they’re both too disorganized to count. Though, having a cell of either one of those groups being opposed to the Foundation and/or GOC because of the reason that no group should have to condemn themselves to suffering would be an interesting thing to see.
Treading into the land of Personal Canon, the conflict within the Normalcy Org. gang arises when the Foundation expects other groups/people to throw themselves to the front lines “for the sake of the Veil/Construct.” The choice is simple to them, one or a few people’s lives or the Veil/Construct. And the answer is simple as well, a handful of people is nothing compared to reality as a whole, therefore they should be down to sacrifice themselves. The UNGOC, being the distant oversight group that they are, are totally down with this. Groups nearer to Normalcy, however, don’t agree with this. For them, a life, human or otherwise, is still just as precious as anything else. For them, even if it might risk the collapse of the Veil or destruction of the Construct, they want to find a way for everyone to get out alive.
Drawing from An Unconventional Tail, the UIU- and, in extent, JOVE- is better at minimizing injuries and casualties than the Foundation is, most likely because their first thought is “How can I solve this without harming anyone” instead of “How can I solve this with the least casualties.” They go in with the idea of no man left behind, the Foundation wouldn’t feel as bad if a handful died. In theory, the UNGOC would be closer towards the UIU but even site canon says they’re willing to discard “Protection” for the sake of “Survival.”
Now, I’m not saying any group is in the wrong here. Each group’s goals call for different mentalities and beliefs. However, that must be kept in mind when each of them are interacting with each other, and that’s when the problems arise. When there’s a failure to understand the, well, culture surrounding the other group, you’ll get conflict.
Moral of the story aside, that’s all I have for this so far. Expect to see this pop up in whatever stuff I write, if I ever end up posting that shit on here.
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