#Winning with answers(King Dice)
multis-sermonibus · 1 year
Do you have powers, King Dice?
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"I suppose you can call 'em powers. The Devil gave me many gifts after I agreed to be his number 1. I can change my size, make illusions, little stuff like that."
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jq37 · 1 month
The Report Card – Fantasy High Junior Year Ep 12/13 A Moonar Yulenear Miracle
Welcome back to Fantasy High where last week, I was MIA because I was on a girls trip–a reason I think the Bad Kids would very much approve of. 
Luckily, we can easily gloss over what we missed in a quick series of bullet points because, while it was an absolute banger of an episode (eat your dice Brennan!), it was fairly straightforward plotwise:
The Bad Kids were dropped into a creepy, dreamlike version of Mordred Manor which was created by a semi corrupted Cassandra who was trying to create a safe place for the Bad Kids to escape but having her intentions warped.
The Bad Kids did a fetch quest, fighting monsters and dodging Baron while they found the pieces of the pride armor curse. Once they got them together, they had a hefty piece of free infernal magic that Adaine could use as a spell component for a major thing–maybe even freeing Lydia from Bakur.
Cassandra assured Kristen that as long as Kristen is alive and believes in the Cass version of her, she can’t be fully corrupted (which is seemingly what Baron was trying to do–kill Kristen so Cass could comeback as his “stark father” the Nightmare King)
Cass also sent Kristen images of her wedding–where she got Kalina as a kitten as a present. Kalina once again reiterated that Ragh is the only name she can say before breaking her own neck so she wouldn't attack Kristen. 
Got it? Good. We reconvene with the Bad Kids as they’re escaping this briefcase dimension and all of their loved ones are calling out for them, but they all decide to take a brief detour to hell to get some answers about the pride armor first–just what every parent wants for their kids! Adaine stores the infernal energy in the Sword of Sight and Planeshifts everyone to hell.
They pop into Fig’s Hellish Recording Studio and slurp down some boiling hot grapefruit seltzers before recruiting Baby to help them find the research books they need. Baby trashed them all and, unfortunately, it’s trash day so they all have to book it as the dump truck ambles towards the dumpster. It looks like it’s gonna be a close call but then–BLAM! The dump truck is vaporized by a plume of fire from the Goldenhoard! Yup, Bill Seacaster is here and he’s tattooing one of those cheesy bumper stickers onto his ship's ass: My son is a Maximum Legend at the Aguefort Adventuring Academy. He got Fabian’s message after all! 
Father and son are delighted to see one another but there’s still a lot of research to do so Kristen goes dumpster diving for books. She gets a 25 Religion and then a 20 (not nat) History while Adaine gets a 22 History and Riz gets a 27. Here’s what they collectively learn about the armor they came to research:
The sin armors were collected by Gorthalax as trophies for his hall.
Each was created by a different infernal deity to punish a mortal for the associated sin.
The armor of Pride was created to punish an elf named Athrenriel.
The Armor allowed him to win tons of battles but every battle ruined his reputation and the happiness of his family.
Eventually someone gave away the armor (maybe directly to Gorthalax, it’s unclear) but that caused the curse to move to the bloodline of the family itself and it’s been passed down patrilineally since.
The curse is known as the “curse of humiliation” and it usually affects the oldest boy in the family once their dad passes–which is why Gilear was a stud as a younger man and then he morphed into the yogurt man we all know and love. 
The best that they can tell, some combination of Gilear putting the armor back on and Fig calling for the power in the Night Yorb fight/being an archdevil had some weird magical effect that pulled the curse back onto the bloodline and got her involved despite her not being blood related to Gilear. 
This is just my interpretation but what makes the most sense to me is that because the armor was meant to help you win battles at the expense of your family’s rep, once Gilear put on the armor and rebooted the curse to its default state, he got really lucky and Fig, as his family, suffered for it. 
Anyway, the party catches up Bill on the whole Kipperlily situation (he thinks Kristen should just kill her and Kristen isn’t NOT thinking about it), the shrimp jump, and the Cloud Rider (which he doesn’t know much about but he does use it as an opportunity to teach Fabian a fun way to threaten his banker). He also gives them all guns–much to Adaine’s delight.
Fig remembers that she has to figure out her pact and asks Bill, a Warlock patron himself, for help with that. He’s happy to help her cheat at school and for 40 gp (borrowed from Fabian of course) writes her an agreement on the back of one of his crewmembers and flays it off (nobody liked that). Somehow, I don’t think Zara–who wouldn’t even let her be a Warlock of Cassandra because that didn’t feel right–is gonna let this slide but hey, it’s not my grade in jeopardy here. 
On Kristen’s suggestion, Fabian also gets a touchup on his Maximum Legend neck tattoo. He barely manages to stay conscious (truly so barely–Riz is so anxious about Bill using a dragon-sized tattoo gun on him that he gives Fabian disadvantage while trying to be supportive) but with the help of his friends he succeeds and, for his troubles, he now has a gold tattoo that allows him to safely handled cursed gold–no more dragon madness for him!
That super important business out of the way, the group splits up. Fabian and Gorgug stay with Bill so Bill can prove a point about the wisdom of buttering up ramps (just go with it) while everyone else goes further into the Bottomless Pit to continue investigating the armors of sin–this time in person. There are high rolls all around so here are the highlights again:
The Armor of Pride looks elven in design but it also feels fundamentally infernal. Riz wonders if that means it’s something maybe summer Eladrin related and Brennan says that would check out.  
The other armors don’t really feel seasonal in any way (the Lust armor is a full Gimp suit lol).
When Riz turns on Detect Good and Evil, he can see the weird rune from the dead bodies on the Pride Armor which now also pings as the word Anakarna. It’s the arcane mark on the armor which means that Ankarna is the one who made this armor. 
As he does this scan, he gets a call on his Spy Kids watch–it’s his dad! Just like Fabian, he’s super thrilled but he tries to keep it profesh. His dad (Pok Gukgak, secret agent angel) is understandably concerned that his son is randomly in hell as well as the fact that a god whose name hasn’t been said in a thousand years just had their name pinged by angelic spy tech (the necktie Riz used to cast the spell–all info gets routed back to the home office in heaven). Riz explains everything and his dad offers to help if there’s anything they want him to look up. They ask him to look up Athenriel and Ankarana and Pok is able to do that because he’s freed from the bonds of Oblivati Mori since they found the name themselves. So that’s a new fact we just learned: O.M. applies to celestial and infernal agents too, not just gods themselves. With Pok no longer bound by celestial silence, we get a bunch of info about Athenriel:
He wasn’t a follower of Ankarna as far as they know.
He’s older than the Court of Stars (the government of Falinel).
He’s not in any of the heavens they know of.
He was a druid and built many of the standing stones in Falinel (very probably including  the one they triggered two episodes ago. 
Gilear is related to him patrilineally. 
They also tell Pok about Kalina and Spy’s Tongue Curse and Riz asks Ragh if he’s under that with anyone. Ragh says no adamantly but Pok points out that he wouldn’t be able to say yes even if he was. Pok says that in order to get around a Spy’s Tongue Curse situation, the best strat is to find someone just slightly outside of the group of covered people to get you in the right direction and here’s where I want to cut in really quickly to drop the piece of info from Sophomore Year that I said recently was a loose end which was bugging me and might be relevant. This is a screengrab from the recap I did of SY Ep 4:
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So that’s suspicious as hell and also a possible reason that Kalina would want to say Ragh’s name to alert the Bad Kids to someone else. Anyway, back to the story in progress, Riz wonders if Athenriel is Bakur and asks his dad if there's anything connecting the armor being cursed and the Ankarna being corrupted/if Ankarna had a previous form. Pok starts looking it up and is a little confused because Ankarna’s file is a bit weird. It says she (we get the pronoun she in this ep so I’ll be using it now) is associated with the 9 Hells and it says that she doesn’t have any active divine domains (which isn’t weird because she’s dead) but the file is corrupted so he can’t see what the domains are supposed to be (though it seems like there are multiple). 
Riz thinks that maybe Sol could have pulled some shenanigans to snag the sun domain for himself and Pok lays down some facts about gods. Gods–even good ones–are playing a different game from everyone else. They have to when their very existence depends on having worshippers. And gods generally hate collabing with a deity that shares their domain because they were explicitly the competition. 
As they’re having this conversation, they’re exiting the pit and they make it in time to watch Bill hurl Gorgug up a giant ramp in some kind of insane and ultimately inconclusive science experiment. Pok says hi to him via the watch and they make quick plans for Bill to sell criminal secrets to heaven in exchange for gold (what is he even spending it on???? It’s hell!!!). Fig asks one last important question. Is this a Night Yorb situation? Now that the cat’s out of the bag, is it OK to say Ankarna’s name? Pok says it should be fine. The only problem will come if anyone actually starts worshiping her. (Did you hear that Fig?) 
Kristen Planeshifts everyone out of hell before Fabian has a chance to say goodbye to his dad (entirely for the bit) and all of their parents are so relieved that they’re OK. Gilear is even more excited when he learns that his good luck has been nullified and his life can suck again. He feels at peace being back in his comfort zone and firmly believes that he doesn’t deserve good luck AND the best daughter in the world. Fig is worried that Hilariel might leave him now that his luck is bad again but Hilariel was into him BEFORE his glow up so they’re all good. Possibly better than just good if Adaine’s teasing prediction of a baby on the way is more than a bit (Fabian demands she undo it with a div roll and plans to give Gilear a vasectomy with his sword). 
Lydia rolls up and asks what the hell happened because Bakur just tried to jailbreak harder than he has in ages. They start filling her in and offer to try the ritual they talked about in an earlier ep but she says they’ve been through a lot and it’s Fantasy Christmas tomorrow so they should get some rest first. Riz asks if Tracker is OK and they confirm that she and Nara both are when they give her a call. Zayn and Aelwyn are also both fine. Tracker and Nara were, as Fabian suspected, thrown out of the circle as protection by Gal from the pride armor situation. 
Kristen explains to Tracker everything about Ankarna and the corruption and Bakur. Tracker is honestly really sympathetic to Adaine saying the name out loud and triggering everything in a, “Well if you find a dead god’s name you GOTTA say it” kind of way, like it’s as irresistible as popping bubble wrap. 
They talk to Gorthalax who, surprise surprise, ALSO was being tongue tied by Oblivati Mori and can now spill some info. Lotta helpful dads in this episode! Here’s what he’s got:
Ankarna wasn’t a fiendish entity to start with. She fell, just like he did (you’ll recall Gorthalax went from being an angel of temperance to a devil of gluttony). He doesn’t know what her deal was exactly pre-fall though (which seems to be a running theme).
Post fall, she was all about rage and fire and conquering and Bakur was her right hand. Unlike her, Bakur wasn’t Celestial previously.
She had a set of scales that she turned into a warhammer (sounds like justice to war–also, doesn’t Porter have a warhammer? Suspicious).
She took artifacts from other pit fiends about conquest to study them which Gorthalax says is a super weird thing for a god to do. 
Bakur referred to her as a “Mistress to her people” which Gorthalax also finds weird because, generally speaking, gods are more the ones making requests not taking requests as she seemed to be doing (the Bad Kids think this might mean there was an as above, so below situation where her followers morphed her into what she is now).
She was very touchy about her relationship status and once almost merc-ed someone who made a pass at her and had a snide comment about her being married still.
Before everyone goes to bed, Tracker checks in with Kristen and offers to help in any way she can. Kristen asks her to ask Gal about Ankarna and her OG domain and Tracker promises to follow up–now that Oblivati Mori is out the window, she can bring it up during their weekly Zoom meeting no problem. Tracker, like Pok, warns Kristen to be careful to avoid allowing this goddess followers and belief because now that this name is out there, it’s only a matter of time. (FIG, ARE YOU LISTENING???) Kristen thinks maybe it wouldn’t be that bad if they can revert this goddess back to her original, presumably less destructive domain.
While the above conversation was happening, Nara was around so Adaine steered her away from it from getting her to take her and a disguised Aelwyn (“Roma Childa” which Fig shoots down with bazooka level force) to the Court of Stars where her dad apparently works (Note: Her parents are supposed to be clerics, right? I guess they just have no separation of church and state in Falinel, lol). Adaine tells these immortal elves with no concept of finances that she can’t afford to be the Elven Oracle and she’s tapping out because she’s working as an ice cream waitress to scrape together enough money for her basic needs. Nara both vouches for her skills as an adventurer and asks her dad to let her have the 10 barrels of diamonds that are just lying around their house that they don’t have any use for. After briefly clarifying that she (Adaine) was *not* in fact declaring war on Falinel (exhausting, high elves are exhausting), the Council says they’ll convene in a month to discuss whether Oracle should be made a paid position. Their first thought is lawyers but Adaine gets it changed to a dance battle and she gets Fabian assigned as her champion. Fabian agrees, though the text asking him if he’s down stops him from completing his sword vasectomy on Gilear. Better luck next time buddy. 
The next day, it’s the Moonar Yulenear and game time re: the gem in Lydia’s chest. Adaine is going to use the energy in her sword plus Contact Other Plane to make a viewing screen to talk to Bakur. With the spell, they get 5 questions and, of course, being the Bad Kids, they immediately waste two just asking “Sup?”. Riz yells at everyone except for Adaine (and maybe him) to shut up and the real questioning begins.
With their first proper question, they ask Bakur if he was Athenriel. He says yes. They guessed it in one. Second question: What was Ankarna’s previous domain before she was all about conquest? He starts crying scalding tears at hearing her name–the kind of crying that you do when you haven’t heard a loved one’s name in a really long time. He says she was the goddess of giants, long days of plenty, clarity, discernment, judgment, justice, righteousness, clarity, and the conviction to act with the force of the sun. So a serious slide from pretty chill to pretty intense. He also says that her sister was the light of her life and that she was fiercely protective of her. Final question: Was Sol involved in Ankarna’s corruption? Bakur, instead of answering, asks a clarifying question: Do they mean Sol himself or his followers?
At that, Adaine has to make a Charisma save. With help from her friends (including Gorgug’s new Flash of Genius Artificer ability) she just barely makes it. Bakur is going off about gods and followers and weapons and who wields who and Lydia is starting to not feel good so Adaine shuts down the connection right away. Lydia has to make a save and also just hangs on so it’s time for that gem to come out of her chest. 
When they reveal that they have the power to get the gem out properly, Lydia is taken aback and Ragh is in tears, soulfully pleading that they do anything they can to help, and of course they do. Adaine uses the energy stored in her sword from Fig’s curse to gold-seal the gem so it’s no longer in contact with Lydia’s skin. Inside the gem, Bakur reverts back from devil form to being a high elf that looks a lot like Gilear and is terrified of yogurt. 
Fabian volunteers to do impromptu surgery because he has the new anti-cursed gold tattoo and clearly the dice know he’s not anything close to a trained medical professional because he rolls TWO NAT ONES and KILLS LYDIA. But luckily, there’s no I in Team and the other Bad Kids are there to bail him (and, more importantly, Lydia) out. Adaine swoops in with a 13 Portent roll so she doesn’t just pass away on the spot and then Kristen, surprise surprise, casually pops out a Nat 20 to remove this enormous, chronic, burden from Lydia. Saint Kristen does it again. 
Lydia, free from the need for her constant rage for the first time in years, instantly falls asleep. Fabian keeps the gem because of his cursed gold immunity and Adaine uses Nystul’s Magic Aura to make it magically ping as an empty palimpsest to anyone who’s being nosy. 
And with that Fantasy Christmas Miracle, vacation is over and we move into downtime.
Fabian first!
First Track Popularity: 18. Wild success.
Second Track Bard: 23: A+ AND Brennan lets the Dance Battle for Adaine be a school project so he crushes his competition and gets her salaried! Even though he’s wildly wealthy and doesn’t need more money, Adaine declares him her champion for all future dance battles and demands that the position comes with a stipend as well. He’s named the Oracle of Dance and Adaine gets her extra credit from predicting that he becomes the future of dance. Way to pay off a bit.
Third Track Owlbears: 27. Big success!
Fourth Track Fighter: 32. Another A+!
Fifth Track Job: You might be wondering what a job roll is for Fabian since he’s, as I said before, fabulously wealthy. Well, he’s keen to threaten his banker life his dad showed him and with help from Fig as backup (and Adaine telling him where the banker is hiding) shakes him down. Brennan, who I assume is making this up on the spot, says that it’s written in Fabian’s trust contract that he gets a 200 gp advance every time he finds and threatens his banker. Adaine offers to locate him every day if Fabian will split the gold with her. Fig is down to tag along for free.
Adaine’s next–though we’re not going to resolve all of her rolls this episode. 
Now that she’s getting paid, she gives Basrar her two week’s notice and he’s sad to see her go but happy that she’s doing well. Adaine says that she’ll maybe come back to get a summer job for fun and he gives her a Fudgie the Whale cake to celebrate. Aelwyn’s sister senses go off and she can instantly sense that Adaine is having a nice thing without her. Adaine, who wanted to stuff her face with ice cream cake in private, is baffled at her non-divination specialist sister’s sudden supernatural intuition, but invites Aelwyn over to have cake with her. 
Also, with the Oracle job being paid now, Adaine gets to roll 2d10 GP and even if she fails her Oracle track, as long as she rolls for it, and her financial situation will count as Well Off which is great because it was really screwing with her school rolls to not have her finances in check.
First Track Wizard: Dirty 20. A+! And without having to worry about her supplies, she now has time for research and projects and stuff. 
Second Track Spells: This is a wizard mechanic that allows her to get new spells from her spellbook. With Help from Boggy, she rolls high enough to get a new 7th, 6th, 5th, and 4th level spell!
Third Track Mystery: She wants to Investigate Kipperlilly and on an 18, Brennan says that they’ll resolve this at the end of downtime, but she’s starting to put together where their hideouts and meetup stops are. Let’s put a pin in that until next episode. 
Fourth Track: Relaxation Fabian is surprised and honestly adorably thrilled when Adaine shows up at his little relaxation nurse spa day thing. And, this time, it actually takes! Adaine is able to relax so well that she removes 2 stress tokens (which allows her to get rid of two negative stat effects–she’s now down to only 1 stress). I guess money solves all your problems after all. 
[NOTE: Relaxation is supposed to be your last track but, in the AP, Brennan lets Shiv roll Oracle track and she gets a NAT TWENTY. Brennan flavors this as her issuing a ton of new prophecies while she’s at her spa day, haha.]
She closes off her downtime rolls with a sweet scene with Jawbone where she’s finally able to open up to him about the trouble she’s been having because she’s fixed it herself. Jawbone really wants her to know that she can come to him with problems and that she doesn’t have to fix things herself and when she says she likes solving her own problems and that she can still get discounted ice cream for everyone since Basrar let her keep the discount, Jawbone gently rebuffs her. He’s the adult, he buys the ice cream. (And Aelwyn steals the ice cream. Adaine catches her creating a portal to steal more whale cake from the mini fridge because she’s a menace even when she’s not actually there).
Finally for the episode, we move on to Kristen who is back in cleric class after a harrowing break and, as she steps into the classroom she sees an even more harrowing sight: In an all white suit with a Kentucky-fried silver tongue is the new Cleric teacher. None other than Buddy’s grandfather–Bobby Dawn. 
Fabian for Killing Lydia
I mean, come on? Double Nat ones? My guy. 
Honor Roll
Kristen for Saving Lydia
The reason Kristen can be such a chaos generator is because and everyone just deals with it is because, at the end of the day, she’s also the best cleric ever hands down. Honorable mention to Adaine for her arcane assistance. 
*I want to give Bobby Detention just for existing but I’m gonna wait for him to do actually do something out of pocket. Somehow, I don’t think I’ll have to wait very long. 
Random Thoughts
Just a few quick notes this week! I haven’t been including this section consistently because I tend to get a lot of my random thoughts out in answering asks that people send me and also I’ve been so busy that by the time I get to the end of the actual recap I’m often like, OK I’m done, lol. But I wanted to take a few minutes this week to include a few thoughts.
Love Pok being just not happy that Adaine has a gun but not being able to say anything because his son is literally wielding his gun. Also lol at Murph saying, “It feels less weird when you call it an arquebus.” That’s why I love referring to it as a glock whenever I can.
I didn’t mention it in the recap proper but, in case it matters, Fig uses her blood to create a…Copy? Clone? Child? Romance Partner?...for Baby named Baby Baby. Truly not sure what their deal is. 
Riz has a thought about whether they can use the power of music to uncorrupt Ankarna and, honestly, not even remotely the craziest possible idea. They have a rockstar on the team and last season a viral shrimp party was an important strategy.  
As much as Fabian is protesting, I think he’d make a great big brother. Also, he’d have a full house again! I think he knows deep down he’d be the most ride or die big bro ever. Did you see how outraged he was last ep upon hearing her hurt Adaine?
I wonder if Gal throwing her clerics out of the circle had more to do with the general badness of the pride armor or her recognizing Ankarna’s mark specifically. Glad Tracker is going to question her. I think they should be exploring all their godly options at this point now that OM is gone. Hell, Kristen should try and ask Helio if he’s still taking her calls. 
We need eyes back on the Rat Grinders ASAP. I’m glad Adaine took initiative there because we still have so many loose ends with them. We did a lot of macro investigating this ep but I’m itching to find out about the BS happening closer to home. What is Kipperlilly up to? Why did Ivy react the way she did to seeing “Lucy”? Is Oisin evil or not and can Adaine date him? All equally important questions. 
If Brennan bided his time and let Emily rage about Porter for two seasons only to lull her into a false sense of security and reveal that he was involved in secret machinations this whole time I’m gonna laugh so hard. 
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nickel-ii · 9 days
[The air was cold. He was used to the cold, but this wasn't the cold he knew. The cold he was familiar with nipped at the edges in an almost playful manner, reminding him that he was alive.
This was desolate. There was no wind, and they were on top of a wall.
Just him. Him and his trusted advisor, █████.
(He didn't know his name. He'd never known him.)
"Why are you doing this?" he asked, defeated, in that same deeper voice as before. █████ seemed taller than usual, perching high upon a palanquin that may or may not have existed, looking out upon the Licorice Sea.
█████ laughed, an unkind sound. "I win!" he crowed, instead of answering, seeming to grow larger with every passing second. "This kingdom is mine, rightfully mine! And you led me right to it!"
"Why are you doing this?" he persisted, wanting an answer. Why have you betrayed me? When I so trusted you?
█████ leaned in to him, now bigger than the wall he had built to protect his kingdom, his family, and smiled. "Because I deserve it. And you never did. Why should you? Why should you deserve respect after what you did to your son?"
█████ brought his hand up, and Cacao's own eyes went wide. "The fall of a king, the rise of an emperor."
His advisor brought his hand down, and the wall shook and crumbled. Cacao lost his footing, even as he tried in vain to hold it back together with his own two arms, and fell, and fell, and fell-]
Nickel sat bolt upright in bed, this time not with a shout, but he was breathing heavily. He wanted to reach for his sword, but Trophy was next to him (had he... fallen asleep here?), and he didn't want to wake him up, let alone accidentally hurt him.
(He didn't want to hurt anyone. Never again.)
He flopped back onto the bed, instead, trying ro steady his breathing. He felt like crying. Why did he feel like crying?
(He wanted this to stop.)
(( LORE PING @thegoldentrophy @ask-cheesy-ii @itz-bow-xd @dice-anon ))
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unholy-screeching9 · 10 months
If you're still taking hc requests I'd love to see some bottom Dice,,maybe bdsm mixed in there
Of course, dear! I hope this was up to your tastes. Sorry this took so long!
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Bottom!King Dice x Reader NSFW Headcanons
Bottom!King Dice x Reader NSFW Headcanons (GAME)
It’s no secret to you (or to anyone, really) that King Dice clings to control. It’s in his nature, as a power-hungry and greedy man. 
He is at his happiest when everything plays out exactly how he wants it to in his head. When he has the chance to manipulate any situation, or even any person, he snatches the opportunity as quick as it comes. 
For what it’s worth, you don’t blame him one bit. As one of the only mortals hired by the Devil, it’s important to Dice that he makes his mark. That he shows everyone that just because he is more physically vulnerable, that doesn’t mean he is some kind of punching bag. 
Oh, no. King Dice is the one pulling the punches. 
More often than not, this dominant behavior applies to the bedroom, as well. When you and your husband are intimate with each other, it’s almost ALWAYS likely that Dice is the one to take the reins. 
However, every once in a while… there’s a night where the King lays down his crown. A night where he is the one who surrenders. 
The nights where you take control.
There are a plethora of different reasons that you might be taking charge for the night—perhaps Dice isn’t feeling his best and needs some help in relaxing, or maybe it’s a special night for you, and obedience is one of your husband’s gifts to you.
However… Your favorite way to take control is to earn it. 
You don’t just get to take over the rules just by asking politely, as cute as you are when you do so. That’s not how Dice’s game is played. If you really want something? You have to take it. 
At first, you’re upfront with your demands, using a straight-forward, ‘no is not an answer’ attitude. This approach usually causes a bicker between the two of you, going back and forth until you eventually rip his clothes off of him and shove him on the bed, overtaking him while he’s off guard. 
This method works flawlessly, for a little while. Although, while you two make love, Dice does become a bit of a brat to you, exaggerating his moans and whines to the point where it’s unbelievable. 
It’s almost like he’s mocking you. Rarely does Dice ever take you seriously when you’re topping him for the night… as cute as he is while keeping things humorous, it really is annoying. 
However, overtaking your husband and truly bringing him to his knees is an art that requires experimentation and skill. And as far as you are concerned, you are an artist. 
So, you start getting a little more creative with your tactics. Becoming a brat yourself, until Dice finally lets up and allows you to have dominance. Pinning him down, engaging in a playful little wrestling game and winning out of sheer determination, despite the fact that your husband could very easily take you down. 
But recently, you’ve found an approach that works every time, without fail. 
The ropes. 
Oh, how invigorating it is to get home before your husband, grabbing the bindings that he had used on you so many times before. The look of infatuated horror when he walks in and sees you waiting patiently, the ropes securely wrapped around your hands? It’s delicious. 
Dice may be stronger than you, but you’re quicker on your feet. And in this game, speed is key. Just your luck. 
As soon as you catch him, and effectively tie him down? The knowledge that brattiness and struggle would be futile forces Dice to surrender, and he is yours for the night. That confident, menacing demeanor that was supposed to be so permanent dissipates, and all that’s left is a pouting, naked, blushing mess tied up in front of you. 
But the fun doesn’t just stop at the ropes. Those are only to make sure he doesn’t try any funny business while you’re in charge. What really brings on the entertainment and pleasure is the box of… tools, that you keep under the bed. Those are what really make Dice squirm in his place. 
As your lover adjusts to his current situation, you rummage through the box, looking for your favorite. You feel the familiar sensation of leather tresses brushing against your fingers, and you quickly pull out to our prize, grinning smugly.
The flogger. Your weapon of choice. 
“Y’know, you look so adorable all tied up like that, Dice. It’s like you’re a blank canvas, waiting for me to paint you.” 
The look that Dice gives you is absolutely exquisite. You don’t think you’ll ever grow tired of watching those confident, icy eyes turn soft on you, practically begging you for mercy. And goodness, you haven’t even started yet. 
“Oh, doll, please go easy on me with that thing, you know how sensitive my skin can get!” 
“Easy, babylove. I haven’t even touched you yet! What happened to your confident charisma?” You laugh to yourself, creeping closer to his tied up form on the bed, shaking the flogger teasingly. “Alright, sweetheart. If you be a good boy and sit tight for me, I might answer your pleas.” 
Dice grits his teeth and squeezes his eyes, shut, bracing himself for the impact of the flogger’s crack… But it never comes. He waits a little longer, muscles tense as he keeps up his guard, but the familiar sting of pleasure and pain never comes. 
What he expects even less is the ticklish feeling of soft leather brush up against his bicep. Oh…
Oh no. 
“Besides, my King… There are so many uses for this thing that don’t just involve pain. Sometimes, it can bring laughter.” 
Straddling his lap, you rest a hand on his right shoulder as you brush the tresses of the whip along his bicep, enjoying the sweet melodious sound of his laughter. 
Such a shame that he always insists on being the one on top… he really is so cute when he lets you control him for a change. You relish in the time you spend teasing, tricking, and marking Dice up like a work of art. 
You continue to let the flogger’s strings sweep over your lover’s skin, slowly making your way to that ticklish spot that you had discovered a long time ago: his neck area. 
Oh, you’ll never grow tired of the way he squirms underneath you, his uncontrollable laughter echoing through the room as you continue to tickle him with the very same tool you’ve used to lash him up. 
“I–doll, what–what are–you dOING–?!” Dice spits out between guffaws, tears pricking at the corners of his eyes as you continue to gently swipe over his collarbone. 
“Oh, don’t you worry about that, highness.” You smirk as you quickly crack the flogger over his chest, earning a beautiful roar of surprise from the man pinned beneath you. “I’m just keeping you on your toes…” 
“Aw come on, that’s not fair! I asked you to take it eASY—!” You don’t let him finish, playfully shaking your flogger’s tresses against his chest and sliding down to his stomach. 
Another sweet spot.
Another bout of chortles erupts from Dice’s throat, the man struggling against his restraints. Those tears that threatened to fall finally started rolling down his cheeks, picking up his mascara along the way. What a beautiful work of art his tears make of his face.
And that smooth, ivory skin as he tries to move away from your flogger’s teasing. Shining as he starts to sweat from the heat of the room, along with his hindered ability to breathe. So soft. So flawless.
You want to mark it up. 
Out of nowhere, catching your husband completely off his guard, you suddenly crack the flogger against his chest, relishing in that loud, pained whine that your husband let out. Dice grits his teeth in an attempt to curb his vocalizing, not wanting to appear weak in front of you. 
He’s fighting back, in his own, adorably pathetic way. 
Another crack of your special tool, this time, over his stomach. Still wanting to have a little dignity, the man keeps his teeth gritted, letting out a choked grunt as he squeezes his eyes shut. More tears fall down his cheeks, much to his protest. 
“Awww, what’s the matter baby? You don’t wanna whine for me?” You coo teasingly, going back to the gentle ticklish movements with your flogger once more, forcing another round of laughter from your poor lover. 
“I— N—!” 
How precious. Dice can barely even talk. Usually, the man would have a lot to say to you, even when you’re playing with his senses like this. You must have finally cracked him. 
“C’mon, Dice, use your big boy words. Lemme hear what you have to say…” 
The man struggles beneath you, trying desperately to curb his laughter and stop squirming so much. This is absolutely humiliating. How could you render him so helpless? Completely at your mercy? 
“N—No—! Never—! I won’t—I won’t whine! I won’t beg, cry, plead, none—!!” 
Ooooh, such bold claims from a man who can barely contain his laughter from something as small as a little tickle from your flogger. Dice is always one to talk a big game, even when he doesn’t exactly have the upper hand. 
He wants to play? Oh, you’ll play. 
Another crack to that beautiful porcelain chokes out another agonized scream, your husband throwing his head back as fresh tears streak down his cheeks, sweat starting to bead at the sides of his head. God, he is glistening beneath you. And that’s not even the best part. 
The real kicker is the pressure building against your thigh, that is perfectly snug right in between Dice’s crotch. He’ll never tell, but dammit, he likes what you’re doing. The proof is leaking slightly onto your leg. 
You know what he wants. But he has to earn it. 
“You poor, poor thing… Look at yourself, Dice. Look at how you squirm underneath me, your cock pressing right up against me. You try to act tough, you deny your feelings and cling to the last smidge of authority you think you have… come now, highness. You enjoy this.” 
“Yes, babydoll. You love it when I use your fear against you, don’t you?” 
The pressure is growing. That voice you’re using against him is driving him nuts. Even if he refuses to tell you, he doesn’t need to. You can feel it. 
Another crack of the whip. This time, right on his inner thigh, near his hardened erection. Oh, how he howls. It truly is such a beautiful sound, one that you don’t get to hear often. Usually, the roles are reversed, and Dice is the one undoing you. 
How amazing it feels to be the one taking the reins. You should do this more often–you’ve certainly got the speed to do so. 
But that’s something to think about at a later time. Right now, there are more important things to deal with. 
“I’ll drop the funny business and give you what you want, baby. I can see the longing in those glossy greens of yours. But I’ll only pleasure you if you ask for it.” 
Hearing you talking to him with such authority and demand makes Dice sick to his stomach. It’s not just the way you’ve stripped him of his dominance, and humiliated him in his own chambers. It’s not just the way you’ve ruined his beautiful skin, marring him with scars that will surely last over a week. 
What pisses him off the most is how his body betrays him, and proves you right. You’re absolutely right. He does love it when you smack him with that damned flogger of yours. He loves it when you toy with his emotions like a cat messing with its prey. It turns him on. Dammit, he needs you. He needs your help. 
“I.. Doll…”
“Hm? What was that, Dicey? Please, do be a dear and speak up.”
“Please, darlin’, please help me out here. I’ve let you have your fun, and you’re right. Your tricks worked like a charm. Now would you kindly wrap this up and get it all over with? I’m starting to get antsy here!”
You lean back in his lap, placing a hand on your chin as you think for a moment. Seconds later, you shake your head, laughing lowly as you lean forward, getting right in your husband’s face and running your hands over his bleeding collarbone. 
“That was such a good try sweetheart, you almost got me! But you haven’t been too well behaved since we’ve started tonight… How do I know you’ve earned it? How do I know that you really want it?”
Dice hisses at the sharp sting of your touch, fidgeting underneath you as the last bit of his iron shell starts to flake away. Even your fingers are rendering him helpless, and fuck, as much as it infuriates him, he wants you to continue. He needs it. 
“Doll, please! I’m not gonna ask again! Would you please cut the bullshit and just FUCK me already?!”
Ooh, that was the WRONG tone to use. Now, you wonder if he’ll earn anything. 
“I know you aren’t showing me attitude, you little bastard. You forget that I can do anything I want. I could end this right now if I really wanted to, and you’re starting to tempt me.”
That certainly shuts him up, real quick. Blushing in embarrassment for losing his temper like that, he looks away, hiding his reddened face from your gaze. Why do you have to be so captivating when you warn him like that? Why was that so hot?!
“P-please, I…”
You crane your neck to get a better look at him, and a malicious, victorious grin graces your features at the sight. You’ve finally made him break. 
Dice’s face is crumpled in dismay, and if you really listened hard, you could hear the tiny hitches in his breaths as he does his best to keep his desperate tears at bay. The sweat that had formed on his face earlier has finally started to drip down the sides, leaving small wet streaks of pink blush running down his cheeks. 
He’s trembling beneath you, his eyes shut tightly as he tries to keep his composure. The casino manager is hanging on by a thread, and fortunately, you brought scissors. 
“Dice, I’ll give you one last chance.” You murmur seductively, cupping his face and tilting his head towards you, forcing him to look you in the eyes. God, he looks even more pathetic with the light shining over his face. He’s so damn handsome, even when his makeup is streaky and his tears are flooding his face. 
“But this time, you need to beg for it. Otherwise, you can go to bed unsatisfied. Deal?”
And there it is. The thread has been cut. Dice leans his head right into your waiting palm, sniffling and kissing all along your fingers as if the gesture would be enough to convince you. His shoulders heave forward, trying to get closer to you. He’s aching for your touch, no matter how little. 
You smirk to yourself, poking your pointer finger at his lips, demanding entrance. He complies immediately, allowing you to slip your finger inside and explore that bratty little mouth of his. In fact, he goes the extra mile and sucks on it, allowing you to push your middle finger against his tongue as well. He lifts and lowers his head onto your hand, his tongue expertly working around your digits until you’ve decided he’s done enough. 
When you pull your fingers away, a small string of his drool connects the tip of your middle finger to his bottom lip. Aw, now that’s just priceless. 
“Such an obedient little princess, all of a sudden… You want me to fuck you, pretty boy? Is that what you want?”
“Yes, darlin’! Please, please fuck me, I’ll do anything. I’ll beg, I’ll sit, I’ll kneel, whatever you want! I’m dyin’ here, angel!” 
“Dying, you say? Well, I suppose I can’t have a dead husband now, can I?” You tease amusedly, gently pushing him back so he lays against the silky pillows. 
“Please… I’ll be so good for you, sugar. Anything you say, and I’ll do it.” 
“Alright, honey. I guess I’ll give you what you want.” You relent, smiling warmly and positioning yourself above his throbbing cock. “You ready?”
You’ve never seen Dice nod so quickly in your life. How adorable is that? 
What’s even more charming is the loud, piercing whine he lets out as you lower yourself onto him, your nails digging into his shoulders as you steady yourself. You don’t have to sit there much to tell that he is practically overflowing, due to burst at any moment.
Well, this won’t take too long. 
Wanting to hear more of those melodious noises, you finally start moving, finally giving dice what he had been wanting that entire night. Struggling against the ropes, your lover cries out in pleasure, bucking his hips along to your slow, sensual movements. He matches your rhythm easily, despite being so restrained. If anything, you have to commend him for such expertise. That truly takes some skill. 
“F-faster, baby, please-!” 
Awww, how sweet. He’s asking so nicely. But you didn’t recall asking him to speak.
You lean forward and crash your lips onto his to shut him up, taking his head in your hands as you continue at the pace you’re currently in. He wants you to go faster? He’ll have to wait patiently. 
You won’t lie, though, the little whimpers and moans he releases into your mouth are so pathetically endearing that they do tempt you to go faster, in pursuit of your own release. You suppose that to please yourself, it wouldn’t hurt to also please your husband at least a little. 
So, you pick up your pace, only slightly. However, to your surprise, it’s still enough to drive your husband into a groaning and crying frenzy underneath your form. The whines he makes double in volume and length, and his hip movements speed up to match your rhythm once more. With how rough he’s trying to be, you can tell he’s so desperate for more. It’s so entertaining to watch. 
You can feel his cock getting closer and closer to release from inside you. You can also see it on your husband’s sweaty and tearful face–and hear it in his voice. 
But you aren’t quite done yet. 
You slow back down to the pace you were going at the beginning, much to Dice’s dismay. Before he can complain and ask why you slowed down, you deepen your kiss, cutting off any air that Dice was breathing in. Silent, sweaty, and his lips all over yours–exactly how you like it. 
A wonderful reminder that tonight, everything is up to your standards. You have the final say. Man, does that power feel amazing to hold. No wonder Dice enjoys his job so much. 
“I know you’re confused at why I slowed down, sweetheart, but if I’m being honest? I don’t know if you can handle it if I pick up the pace. You’ll be done before I say so–”
“No-! I mean, n-no. No, I won’t. I promise you, baby. I said I’ll be good, and I mean it. I’ll be good, and I won’t cum until you let me. Please, please speed up, mi corazón. I don’t know how much longer I can wait.” 
“Hmm… Well, since you promised. But let me warn you, King.” 
You grip the bottom of his head, forcefully tilting his head up towards you, staring him down as you cease both your own movements, and his. 
“You cum before I say so, and I will wreck you so hard everyone in the casino is gonna wonder why you’re walking so funny. You’ll be lucky if you aren’t out there in a wheelchair if you defy me, you understand?” 
“I understand, sweets. Anything you say.”
Taking his word, your grip returns to his shoulders once again, and you start to pick up the pace. Faster. Faster. Until every time you come down on his cock, his entire length disappears inside of you. 
Oh, LORD, that hurts. It hurts so fucking good. You start to wonder if you had been punishing him for waiting this long, or yourself. 
It doesn’t take the both of you long to get lost in each other’s trance, finding your steady, quick rhythm and working through it together. Dice’s head slowly lolls back as he does as much as he can, trying so hard not to lose his composure.
When you make a threat, it’s best to take you seriously. And Dice does not want to explain to his boss why he can’t show up for work the next day. 
But god, you feel incredible on his dick, the way you slide on and off of him with such smooth rigor, your skin slapping against his over and over again, creating a beautiful sound that he’d never grow tired of. It’s enough to get him close. 
Too close. Way too close. 
Dice is towing that line now, and he knows it. If he doesn’t gain his composure soon, he’ll end up misbehaving, and then you’ll REALLY be upset. 
He can hold on for a little longer. He can sense that you’re getting closer too. He can do this. Just a little longer…
Just… a little… 
Suddenly, your lover screams in ecstasy, his eyes squeezing shut as he releases every last drop of seed inside of you, stuffing you so much that a little leaks out and starts to run down your thighs. Oh, fuck. 
“…I…D-doll, I’m- I’m sorry. I know, I promised, and I broke that promise. I don’t know what came over me, I swear! Please, please have mercy on m–”
“Aww, Dicey, it’s alright.” You muse lovingly, cupping his face and pressing a warm, tender kiss to his sweating forehead. 
What do you mean it’s alright? Surely, for someone who was disobeyed after putting up with his attitude all night, it would be anything but okay. 
“I… Are you sure?” 
“Yes, Dice, of course! It happens. Mistakes happen…” 
Before Dice can truly feel the relief of being off the hook, he feels your nails dig deep into his shoulders, drawing a bit of blood that ends up trickling down and mingling with the small beads of blood left from your flogger’s wrath. 
The man lets out a soft growl of pain, gritting his teeth and reflexively struggling against the ropes, but your nails in his flesh aren’t even close to the amount of pain you have in store for him. 
“Ah! Be careful, sweetheart. You move against those restraints too much, and you’ll end up with rope burns.” 
There’s something off about your tone. Sure, it’s kind and concerned, but it’s just… eerie. There’s a hint of malice that’s enough to make Dice slightly uncomfortable. 
“Darlin’, are you positive it’s alright? You seem a little tens—!!!!” 
Before he can finish, you start pounding yourself onto him, moving with such force that could break his legs if you aren’t careful. The suddenness of your movements knock the wind right out of Dice’s lungs, and all that he can do is gasp before holding his breath, tensing up as you continue to shake the bed. 
Holy SHIT, that hurts. Dice has really done it this time. 
“S-sweet—sWEETHEART! Ple-ase! I’m—!” 
“Easy now, my king. It’s all gonna be alright!” You call back to him with that same overly kind voice, bringing down your nails and scratching up his shoulders as you fuck him into the mattress, chasing after your own release. 
He had ONE job. One simple task: to wait until you said he could cum. It’s not like he was doing much of the work, either—Dice is tied down. He can’t use anything to aid you. That’s not how this night works. 
The ONE thing you asked him to do, and he blows it. How disappointing. 
Because now, you have to chase your own release, all by yourself. Dice was supposed to help you, but now, he’s just an exhausted shell of the man he was just a few minutes ago. Just like you had been thinking since the beginning of the night. Pathetic. 
“D-DARLIN’—! I’M- I’M S-SORR—!!” 
The man can’t even speak properly. Every time he tries, you knock the breath right out from him, leaving him gasping for air as you continue to release your anger on his poor shaking legs. 
“You don’t have to apologize, baby! Things happen!” 
Oh, but he does. He knows you better than anyone—you’re pissed. Beyond pissed. And you have every right. He understands. He’s been such a bad boy, he deserves every ounce of pain you inflict on him. That’s how punishments work.
Jesus, does it hurt to get a taste of his own medicine. 
The minutes that pass by feel like hours for Dice, and seconds for you. Once Dice finally gets the hint and shuts his trap, the only sounds in the room are his restrained moans and shouts, your ragged breaths as you continue to chase after sweet release, and the harsh creaking of the bed moving way more than it should be. 
Eventually, you finally reach your climax, spilling your juices all over Dice’s front, covering his stomach. After he dared to disobey you, you’ve finally had your revenge. When you slide off of him and collapse beside him, panting heavily, you slowly look over and admire your handiwork. 
To say that Dice is exhausted is an understatement. The man looks beaten, his breaths shaky and labored as he comes down and recovers from whatever the hell you had put him through. His legs are barely functional, unmoving aside from the slight tremors that come from the shock of your sudden wrath. 
A small stream of saliva runs down his chin, slowly trickling down the two face of his head, disappearing near his neck area. Sweat drips down his skin as well, leaving him drenched, hot, and sticking to the sheets below. The ropes he had been struggling against are still keeping his wrists tightly bound, and you can see the slight red marks from where he had tried to break free. 
You should probably untie him, at the very least. 
You slowly reach over and undo the knots, lazily tossing the ropes off to the side. You can deal with them later. 
Dice barely moves in response, slowly sliding into a semi-comfortable sleeping position. The aftermath of your orgasm is still very much stuck to his stomach, mixing with both his sweat and your own, but neither of you have the energy to clean up. 
His hand slowly, shakily, finds yours, and he squeezes longingly, silently asking you for a cuddle. You give in, and roll onto your side, snuggling comfortably against his side and resting your head on his shoulder. 
Alright, you’ll give him this: he’s so warm. So warm. It’s so nice, you don’t want to be anywhere else. Even if he had disappointed you, you suppose that the cuddles will make up for it. 
You pull up the duvet to cover the both of you, and you settle back down, starting to drift off to sleep when Dice’s low, tired voice catches your ears.
“‘M sorry, pip. I didn’t mean to…” 
Okay, that’s really cute… no matter how hard you try, you just can’t stay mad at him forever. Squeezing his hand, you laugh softly and press a kiss to his cheek, gently rubbing his chest to help his shaking form ease into sleep. 
“Oh, King… It’s seriously alright. I really do mean it this time, I promise. I love you.” 
Finding comfort in your words, your husband finally finds slumber, the tiny shakes in his body slowly dying down as he relaxes. You smile and kiss his shoulder, gently rubbing his chest through the silky covers. 
At the end of the day, it really was an accident, and your time together was still some of the best you’ve had. You can easily find it in you to forgive him. 
Besides… the next morning is where he’ll really feel his punishment.~
Bottom!King Dice x Reader NSFW Headcanons (SHOW)
To many high-end demons who roam down in hell, King Dice seems nothing more than some helpless little lackey that kisses the ground the Devil walks on. A foolish mortal that kisses up to those in power after they give him a smidge of authority somewhere. 
But they don’t see the full picture. 
While they do see Dice bow at the Devil’s feet when he needs to, and watch how much effort the man puts into his work to please his boss, they don’t see the other side. They don’t see the true power Dice has over other people. 
Dice may have his show, and all the fame, money, and glory he desires because of the Devil, but everything in the show truly is Dice’s. He is the one making most of the decisions, from the music to the set design. 
His band appears right from the palm of his hand. Dice decides who to choose for contestants. The clothing he wears is from his favorite tailor. He appoints his driver. The food he eats. The very ground he walks on. 
Dice is in charge of everything, down to the tiniest of details. He’s not some clueless wannabe star who takes what he’s given—aside from his boss, he is the one to make the moves. The alpha. The leader. 
Even in hell, some of the imps recognize Dice for the authoritative and powerful man he is. He’s respected. Idolized, even. There isn’t a meeting that goes by where the showman isn’t bombarded with excited chatter and questions about his work. 
And hey, Dice would be a dishonest fool if he said he didn’t enjoy the attention. He adores it. The peasants cheering his name before he even walks on that stage, the way his cards answer every last call he makes, his boss’s pleasant idle chatter with him… hell, even the carpal tunnel from signing so many damn papers every day gives him fulfillment! 
But there’s one place that he enjoys using his power and dominance the most. And you can’t lie—you enjoy it just as much. 
Under the sheets. 
There’s just something about the authoritative tone that Dice uses on you in the bedroom that hits just the right spots in your head. The way he fondles over your body with those perfect hands of his. The flicker of bright, piercing green in his irises that peeks through whenever things really start to heat up. 
Dice truly is a wonderful sight to behold when he has the chance to show off his control over you, and you’ll never grow tired of his ways of taking over the bedroom.
However… Just because you enjoy one thing doesn’t mean you don’t enjoy another, right?
Sometimes, you’re the one who’d like to be in charge for the night. Dice just makes the idea of dominance so exciting, you can’t deny that you’d be happy to take over every once in a while. 
Curiosity turns to fondness over the idea. And eventually, that fondness turns to craving. Need. But Dice, despite the loving gentleman he is, doesn’t give up so easily. It’s not in his nature to just hand over his authority like it’s some pleasant little gift he bought you. 
The only ways you’d ever get the chance to top him are if he is too tired to make things exciting, or if he needs you to relax him after a stressful day. Otherwise, things are on his terms. 
But the more you imagine taking the reins, the more determined you are. 
You know fully well that Dice will never give you such power just by asking nicely. He’ll think it’s adorable, sure, but you’ll need to try a lot harder than that if you really want to get your way. The showman may be a sweetheart who’d give anything to see you happy, but even so, he’s not your little puppet.
It’s alright, You’re prepared for such things. 
You know your lover better than anyone else in the world. You know his strengths, his motivations, the things he holds dearly. You know his weaknesses, both out of the bedroom, and in. 
And boy, are you ready to use those weaknesses to your advantage. 
To get what you want, you need to be unpredictable. You need to catch your lover right off his feet, so you never strike at a set time frame. Your catch could happen anywhere–in the limo, in your chambers, even in Dice’s own dressing room. 
The latter is certainly your favorite. 
How splendid it feels to sneak into Dice’s domain through the back door, waiting patiently for his show to conclude, perched neatly atop his velvet sofa and listening to his smooth voice manipulating his audience. You’ve chosen a rather enticing outfit to wear, in hopes of sending the hint as soon as Dice comes in to see you. Your special box of ‘tools’ sits right beside you, waiting with you just as patiently. 
You know it’s go-time whenever you hear the overwhelming applause come from the auditorium, your husband sensually thanking everyone for coming out tonight as the curtain finally closes. This is it.
The door to the dressing room creaks open, and in steps your husband, looking bleary-eyed and ready to head home… until his eyes fall onto your waiting figure. He can’t help but stare in awe, confused yet longing eyes tracing and memorizing every single hair on your head. Every thread of fabric on your outfit. Well, he’s certainly awake now. 
“Oh, sweetheart, you look absolutely wonderful tonight. What’s the occasion?” 
You can’t help but chuckle at his dumbfoundedness. It seems that his eyes have completely missed the box that was sitting beside you, too focused on your erotic taste in fashion. Perfect. 
“Nothing too special, dear…” You muse seductively, standing and sauntering over to your husband. Smiling at his adorable fascination and desire, you kiss his cheek and reach at his bow tie, completely undoing it with one firm tug. 
“I just thought that maybe we could have some fun in the studio tonight. You know, to celebrate yet another successful night as Inkwell’s biggest star.” 
“My, my! How forward of you tonight, my love.” Your lover smirks in response, his hands snaking around your sides in an attempt to seduce you right back. “You don’t even want to wait until we’re home, hm? You want me to treat you right here?” 
How sweet of him to try and get you to melt into his arms, as he does every night. But tonight is different. Tonight is your moment to shine, after he’s had many moments on his show. And you have him right where you want him. 
“You’re right about one thing, sugar. I don’t want to wait until we’re home, the ride is rather long. However…”
You grin wickedly as your sleek handcuffs secure perfectly around Dice’s wrists, trapping him in his own hold against you. His eyes widen in shock as you easily slip out from his arms, the chains of his restraints clinking together as he tries to break free. 
“Wait a minute! Doll, what are you–”
“Easy there, tiger. I’m not gonna hurt you. I just need you to be still this time around, that’s all~” 
Setting your special box on the floor, you guide the awed showman over to the couch and sit him down, straddling his lap and pushing him back. 
“Tonight, you’re mine. Right here, in a space that’s supposed to be your own.”
“What do you mean I’m ‘yours,’ just what are you getting at here? Uncuff me right now, you little rascal!” 
You laugh mockingly at Dice’s outrage, leaning down and pulling something out of your box, holding it up and examining it. Your eyes deem the tool adequate, and you shift your position so Dice is forced to lay down, briefly uncuffing him for a moment to reposition his arms. 
Dice makes a move to launch at you and reclaim dominance once again, but you’re just slightly quicker than that. You shove your entire body weight against him, shoving him down against the soft cushion. No more funny business. Now it gets real. 
“Now you listen to me, six-sides…” You growl threateningly, grabbing his arms and forcing them above his head. The slight tremors in your husband’s form feel intoxicating against your still, confident legs as you re-cuff his wrists together, this time using your long rope to add extra security.
“You will NOT disobey me tonight, or put up any sort of fuss. You know damn well what you expect of me when you are in this position, so why do you think I should expect any less?” 
Before you can go too much further, you realize that you’ve got some fabric to remove, first. Holding the excess rope by your mouth to keep Dice in place, you rip off that goddamn suit of his, tossing his now wrinkled waistcoat, vest, slacks, and undershirt behind the couch. Tch. Pathetic pieces of cloth. 
“You're my bitch, you understand me? You're nothing but a shaking, horny little puppet. Tonight, you’re my plaything, and nothing more.” 
That tone of voice you’re using. The dirty language coming from your normally refined and polished vocabulary. Your embarrassing attempt at displaying power. Power that is supposed to belong to Dice…
How… How DARE you?! 
“Now you listen to ME, you harlot.” Dice sneers from underneath you as you make quick work of the ropes, securing his chest and torso with expert knotting before moving down to secure his feet together. “You think you can speak to me like that, here? In MY dressing room? In MY studio? In MY domain?! You have THREE seconds to remove these pathetic ropes and uncuff me, and apologize for your insolence, or I swear to Satan I will–”
Dice’s words are cut off with a harsh, stinging impact to his chest, and replaced by a high-pitched howl of pain. Oh, shit, that hurt. What on earth did you…
Oh. Oh, no. 
Not that. ANYTHING but that. 
“Shut your goddamn mouth, Dice.” With gritted teeth, you lean down so you’re inches from Dice’s face, waving your trusty flogger for good measure. “And don’t make me use this more than I need to, you got that? I will make that porcelain skin RIDDLED with scars, scratches, bruises, ANYTHING to make you submit to me. You don’t fucking scare me now, you bastard. You’re pathetic. And you’ll do nothing, if you want to keep your head.” 
Slowly, Dice’s mouth closes in submission, but boy, if looks could kill? You’d surely be dead. Even so, you can’t help but scoff at his death glare, feeling completely unphased at the threatening flickers of bright green his irises give off. Oh, he is pissed. 
But you could not give a damn. 
“Good boy. Now, stay nice and quiet for me, and maybe I’ll reward you instead.”
You ignore Dice’s furious grumbling under his breath as you continue tying him down to your liking, smirking at your handiwork once you finish. There’s no way he’ll be able to try any more moves on you now, not after your knotting. 
Which is great, because your next trick would be the cause for a heap of squirming…
You slowly tug down Dice’s boxers, bringing them down to his knees before putting your flogger to work once again. Except this time, it’s not to inflict any pain, but rather, something much more joyful.
Dice’s laughing, even when he might not want to, is always such a melodious sound that graces your ears. And god, there’s nothing that brings it out more than when you gently flutter your flogger’s tresses over his inner thighs. His weak spot. 
You never usually get the chance to play with your husband’s emotions like this, but watching him wriggle beneath you, trying without success to escape from your grasp? You make a mental note to do this more often. 
To ground Dice back to reality, and make another beautiful mark on his ivory flesh, you suddenly crack your tiny whip against his hip, relishing in that precious whine that you hadn’t heard in way too long. Yes. Definitely do this more often.
“H-how–! H-how dARE you! You little BRAT! S-stop thi–AGH!” 
Another blow from your tresses, to his stomach this time. As cute as he is writhing beneath you, you have no tolerance for brattiness. Not tonight.
“Watch it.” 
“MAKE me, you–AAHH!!” 
One last crack of your tool for good measure, and Dice is finally looking down for the count. Dark tears pricking the corners of his squeezed shut eyes as his eyeliner mingles with the clear liquid, his pearly whites gritted in an effort to conceal his agonized yet aroused groans. 
“Had enough?” You beckon, teasing his nipple with your free hand as you run the flogger along his sides. 
Reduced to a twitching, mumbling mess, your husband weakly nods, his cheeks red in humiliation. This… This is torture. You are evil. But yet, Dice doesn’t want you to stop. 
Alright. Maybe he can let go of his pride for one measly night.
“I… O-okay, dumpling. You got me. I-I’ll back down for tonight. JUST for tonight though, you hear me? You can have your fun for ONE night. Don’t tell me I never gave you anyth–MMH!”
Sometimes, you find that all you need to shut that blabbering mouth is to kiss it. If he weren’t being such a brat to you, you’d have half a mind to do it more often. He really tastes just delightful, when you have the chance to snag his lips right after his show. 
That cinnamon chapstick combining flavors with the leftover hints of red wine from his saliva make such a heavenly combination, even after effectively shutting Dice up, you can’t bring yourself to pull away just yet. You want to enjoy your meal, just for a bit longer.
When you finally pull away, you can't help but grin at Dice’s disappointed moan, mourning the loss of your soft lips against his own. God, he’s lucky he’s so damn cute looking like that!
“Awww, what’s the matter, princess? You looking for something?”
That disappointed look is quickly replaced by another embarrassed pout, your lover’s cheeks darkening just that much more. 
“S-shut up. I don’t want to hear it.” 
“Too bad, hun. Unfortunately, I’m not interested in what you want.” You admit in mock sympathy, running your finger down his cheek. Your hand slowly, sexily, trails down his side, manipulating him into believing your touch was for comfort before bringing your hand down on his ass, laughing softly at the pained grunt Dice tries to hide between his teeth. The tears that had threatened to fall earlier finally make their way down, leaving dark violet streaks all over his face. Absolutely beautiful. 
But there’s something else that you notice, pressing up against your leg. Something that you had been waiting for since you first started toying with him. Finally, there he is. 
“Look who’s finally coming out to play, Dicey! It seems that I’ve finally got you cracked, and what, with one spank? You mean to tell me that’s what got you hooked?”
“I s-said, sHUT UP–!”
Another spank to his reddening ass, and Dice is a whimpering, wailing puddle between your legs. God, how pathetic. He really is your perfect little slut tonight. 
“What was that, baby? I couldn’t hear you.” 
“N…Nothing, doll…”
“That’s better.” You smirk, gently pumping his hardened erection with your hand, looking him right in his pathetically watery eyes. “Now… do you want me to fuck your brains out or not?”
“...” Oh, watching that internal struggle between want and stubbornness is hilarious! The way Dice’s eyes flicker back and forth as his head leans down in thought, both sides of his brilliant mind fighting for the correct decision. You didn’t know he could be so indecisive, even when he doesn’t have that much power. 
“I don’t know if you heard my question, Dice.” You lament, your hand speeding up and gripping him twice as hard, choking out an excited screech from the quivering man beneath you.
“I said… do you want me to fuck your brains out, or NOT?!”
“Yes!! Sweetnessl, please!! I n-need you!” 
“One more time? You’ve gotta speak up, baby, I can’t hear you.”
“Don’t you DARE swear at me, boy!” You bellow from above him, your free hand squeezing his nipple in warning. “You BEG, and you beg NICELY, you understand?”
“Good.” Smirking at your success, you lower your bottoms and take a seat on his waiting cock, painfully slowly. From there, your puppet is nothing but sensual screams and praises as he finally receives what he’s been craving. 
But as with many things in Dice’s life, after adjusting to your form hugging his length, he can’t help but need more of it. And he isn’t afraid to be vocal about his desires, either. 
“B-babydoll… I…”
“Oh for hell’s sake, Dice, what? What do you want from me, hm? Go on, spit it out.” 
“I—n… I need y…” Ohh, the poor dear. You’ve rendered him speechless, it seems. 
“C’mon, use your grown-up words, sugar bear. Come on, tell me what you want.” You smile lovingly, manipulating him with your sweet sweet voice as you cup his face, wet with desperate tears. 
“I need you, my love. Please, please start moving already…”
Laughing at his helplessness, you slowly start bouncing up and down, pinning him by the shoulders as you ride his cock at a snail’s pace. You can feel it inside you, Dice is full. Dangerously full. You’re sure that once you’re finished with him, you’ll be so stuffed you might just feel queasy. 
But that’s alright, You’ll take it. You’ll take every last drop, if it means Dice will submit to you completely and cum into you at your discretion. 
That’s the key. This time around, Dice is cumming on your terms. And before you go too crazy, you need to make that known. 
“B-baby, faster! Faster, please!” 
Perfect timing, too.
“Now, Dice, you listen to me and you listen good. I’ll give you what you want, but you need to promise me something, alright?” You pause in your tracks, making sure you have Dice’s complete attention. 
After whining in despair at the cease in movement, Dice does his best to recollect himself before looking back up at you, panting heavily, a small sliver of drool running down his chin. 
“Anything, doll! Anything!! I’ll promise to beg, kiss, hell! I’ll even BARK if that’s what you want! Just say the word, and I’ll promise! But fuck, baby, if you don’t start moving again I don’t know WHAT I’ll do!!” 
“Easy there, casanova. As appealing as the thought of you barking for me might be, I only need you to do one thing.” You lean forward, your nose touching his front pip, your hot breaths mingling together to create a suffocating heat between the two of you. 
“You will NOT cum until I tell you to. Do I make myself clear?’
“CLEAR AS A DIAMOND, BABY! You have my word! Now ple–”
“Ah ah ah,” you tsk in disapproval, skeptical of his quick answer. You want him to mean it. That answer was way too quick, laced with arousal. 
“You better not be pulling my leg just to get what you want, showman. Promise me again, with meaning.” 
Dice takes in a shuddery breath, trying to get a grip before completely breaking, leaning his head back as more darkened tears stream down his blushing cheeks. He lets out a whine of despair, his eyes squeezing shut. He wants you so bad, it’s physically painful. 
“Sweetheart, I promise you, I’ll do exactly as you say! I won’t even THINK about cumming until you give me permission! I mean every word!” 
Still a bit too desperate for your taste, but you figure you’ve tortured him long enough. You run a couple fingers along the bottom edge of his face, fondly teasing him with your touch as you finally start to move your ass again, this time at a much faster and rougher pace. 
“Alright, hun, you win. As long as you keep your word, I’d say you’ve earned your fair share tonight.” 
What sounds like a simple transaction in your voice, means everything to the man pinned beneath you. Holy FUCK, you’ve started moving, and you’ve started moving quick. Yes. Yes! 
To hell with insisting on control! To hell with stubbornness! Damn it ALL, if it means Dice gets to feel like this, completely at your mercy! 
The man bites his lip to keep from screeching too loudly, not wanting to damage your hearing. You’re giving him exactly what he wants, even though he’s put up such a fight with you all night, the least he could do is spare your eardrums. 
But as much as Dice wants to conceal his excitement, you want him to let it all out. And in an effort to coax out his screams, you dig your nails into his shoulders and drag your fingers across his chest, the scratches from your hands hatching over the slightly scarred marks on his chest from your flogger. 
It works like a charm. Forgetting all about decency, Dice screams in pleasure, throwing his head back as you continue chasing your orgasm. His hands reflexively struggle against the restraints, the ropes and cuffs surely rubbing his skin raw. 
Not that Dice would care. With the way he’s acting over your skin crashing against his, you wonder if he even notices the pain. Probably not, since all he’s whining about is how much he loves you, and that he doesn’t want you to stop what you’re doing at all. 
Though you want to tell yourself otherwise, you can’t help but thrive off of Dice’s sweet praises as you concentrate on your rhythm. Even when he is dominant, he’s sweet to you, but when you’re in charge? It’s on a whole nother level. 
Literally, all you are doing is lifting and lowering yourself onto his dick, but your lover may as well be renewing his vows to you. It’s priceless! 
“Oh my WORD, babydoll, you’re incredible! Please don’t stop what you’re doing–GOD, just like that sugar! JUST LIKE THAT! You’re so fucking good at that rhythm, sweetheart, I should hire you as a conductor!! SHIT, RIGHT THERE! THERE, BABY!”
And he keeps on going, from there. It’s so, so adorable, you can’t help but lean forward and kiss his precious lips as you pick up your pace, pounding against him so hard the both of you start to see stars. 
His muffled shouts of pleasure, as well as the straining in his voice, let you know that he’s starting to get close. And yet, as he promised, he holds it in for you. Just as you had asked. 
Good heavens, such a good boy he’s being! 
“Mmm, baby, you’re being SO good for me, you know that? See how easy it is to be satisfied when you don’t put up such a fight? You could have had this so much sooner if you had just surrendered from the beginning!” You moan into your husband’s mouth, smiling into your kiss as Dice whimpers back in apology.
“Mmm! Mmmfh, mm… MMM!~”
“Oh, I know you’re sorry, sweet cheeks. It’s okay, I forgive you. You’re just too adorable to stay angry with!” You giggle in response to his newfound language, pulling your lips away from his and grinning at the string of saliva connecting your mouths together. Perfect. 
“I feel you getting close, baby. You remember your promise, don’t you?” 
Biting his lip so hard he almost draws blood, Dice quickly nods, doing everything in his power not to explode into you until you say the word. So obedient. It’s almost strange to you, as just half an hour ago, he was putting up such a fight. How quickly the tables can turn!
“I-I remember, doll!” 
“Good boy. Just stay like this, for a little bit longer. And then I’ll let you cum, okay? But DON’T move a muscle until I say you can cum.”
Completely tense, Dice nods in agreement, gasping for air as you continue to shove yourself onto him, finally starting to get close as well. Now this will be one of the best sensations you’ve felt in a long time. 
Starting to struggle to keep it together yourself, you lean down and bite on his shoulder, muffling your pleasured shouts as you feel your insides come close to exploding. 
Alright, You’re ready. But… 
“Dice, are you ready?”
“YES! Yes, baby, I’m ready!” 
“Are you sure you’re ready?” You can’t help but tease him one last time, smiling against his shoulder as he roars in desperation, that familiar horny rage back at full force. 
“DAMMIT, BABY! How many times do I have to FUCKING say it?! I’M READY!” 
“Watch it, mister. You might just prolong your wait if you start being a brat again.” 
Dice winces slightly in regret at losing himself, much to your amusement. He pants heavily as you continue bringing him closer to the edge, until eventually:
As soon as the words escape your lips, you feel Dice’s erection twitching as he explodes every last bit of his seed into your ass, filling you up so much even your stomach expands a little to hold it all in. The screams of euphoria that come from above your lowered head are sounds that you will hold onto until your dying days–they are perfect! 
It’s enough to push you over the edge as well, and once again you sink your teeth into Dice’s collar bone as your own fluids explode from underneath you, splattering all over Dice’s front like a work of art. A beautiful, sexy, delicious work of art. 
You finally know just what you want to give him for his reward. 
Tiredly lifting yourself off of Dic’s cock, allowing the excess seed to spill between your legs, you smile warmly at your short-winded king as you rest your hands on his knees to keep him still. And then, you let your tongue do the rest. 
Despite being out of breath, Dice finds the strength to groan in pleasure as you drag your tongue across his stomach, lapping up every last drop of fluid you can find. He lets you know just how incredible your tongue feels against his skin, wondering aloud just how you might taste. 
If he must know, you taste deliciously salty, with a hint of iron as the tiny beads of blood from his new flogger scar mingle together with your juices. It’s delicious. 
He has been good for you ever since you had started fucking him, so maybe you could give him just one more reward, right? 
Once you finish cleaning him up, making sure every ounce of liquid has been taken care of, you lean back up and press your lips back against his. Upon feeling his mouth open slightly as he gasps in surprise, you slip your tongue right inside, your taste buds connecting with his and allowing your husband to learn exactly how you taste. 
Exquisite, as far as Dice is concerned. 
While he is distracted with the different flavors happening in his mouth, you find the energy to stand completely, pulling up both your bottoms and his boxers. You quickly undo the ropes and handcuffs, feeling a little guilty at the red marks that mar his flesh. 
Being the gentleman he is, Dice doesn’t let you wallow for too long. 
“Don’t sweat it, sweetheart. I’ve put you in similar situations before. Besides, I… might be a bit of a masochist.” 
Oh, really now? 
“Hm… I’ll have to remember that for next time, then.” You tease warmly, tossing the restraints aside in favor of snuggling on top of him, smiling sleepily as your husband’s arms lazily wrap around you. 
“Mmm… as much as I hate to give up my reins again, next time can’t come soon enough.” Dice admits softly, pressing a tired kiss to the top of your head and letting out a yawn as his eyes start to flutter shut.
You both rest comfortably against each other, finding comfort in your skin’s contact. But even as you slip off into dreamland, your mind wanders, and you ponder Dice’s last statement in yearning. 
He is absolutely right, next time can’t come soon enough.
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incorrectklavekatz · 10 months
The crows as cards cause I’m bored and why not, as usual my asks are open and I’m always happy to answer!!! Possible ROW and CK spoilers??? Obviously SOC spoilers
Kaz: king of clubs, symbolises strength, power and determination, his ambition towards taking down Rollins, and his effectiveness in doing so, as well as his power by the time ROW occurs in him having two people on the merchant council, the queen of fjerda and the wraith on the seas, in play can be useful, but in most cases doesn’t do much if the rest of the hand is shit, he needs his crows
Inej: Queen of spades, I was going to make her and Kaz match but I’d rather give her an individual one, symbolises intelligence, practical and intellectual, plans ahead of time, inej is always the one in the crows to provide insight to their issues, no matter how cryptic it may be at times, and she shows her ability to understand the consequences of all of their actions better than the other crows several times, in play a black queen can change the game if not countered by a red one
Nina: queen of hearts, pretty obvious as it is, heartrender, queen of fjerda, symbolises a powerful woman who is commanding and has a strong presence yet is compassionate, caring and protective of those she loves, her taking the parem to save the others in coming out of the ice court, as well as generally just being there for the crows in their times of need while still being a very independent and strong female character, in play can be incredibly useful for saving a hand
Matthias: king of hearts, symbolises honesty and spirituality, obviously spirituality to djel and his honesty about changing who he was to be a better man, and admitting that what he did was wrong along with coming to terms with how he was raised and how that effected him and how he treats others, also symbolises a kind gentle man, which he became because of Nina, sparing the boy who shot him, in play again not very useful unless the rest of the hand is good
Wylan: Ace of diamonds, symbolises a financial increase and can indicate a message from a new lover, his claiming of his inheritance from his father, and Jespers role in helping him achieve and maintain that inheritance with reading to him, in play can change the stakes of the game and is very fluid compared to other cards in what it can do, as well as changing the suit to how it sees fit regardless of the suit being played, changing to look like kuwei, asking to be beaten up further for dramatic effect etc
Jesper: Jack of Diamonds, symbolises youth, energy and potential, “maybe he was a bullet in a chamber, waiting to be given direction”, it can also symbolise future financial instability, his gambling, and can be used to represent an unfaithful employee, when he accidentally ratted them out to the dime lions, in play isn’t extremely helpful and generally can benefit the person before the player more than the player themselves, heavily depends on the other cards in the hand, much like how Jesper often puts trying not to disappoint others above his own general well-being and mental health
+ Bonus kuwei: ace of spades, mirrors Wylan, symbolises death, darkness and mystery, parem causing death, hiding in the tomb, nobody really knowing much about him, but can also represent new beginnings, fresh starts and rebirth, moving to Ravka and changing his name to fix his fathers mistakes, arguably one of the most important cards in play, can change the game entirely based on its high place on the list of outcomes on rolling the dice or drawing from a deck of cards chance, can also symbolise power, luck and triumph, whoever was ‘in possession’ of kuwei was winning the game
If anybody has any other opinions on this please let me know!! Also I am aware that technically they have all already been assigned cards in the collectors edition art for crooked kingdom but these are my own takes, might do an analysis post on their cards assigned in the official art if anybody is interested <333 also will do any other characters in the SOC duology and maybe some from the SAB trilogy if asked!!!
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flagboi-whotookit · 3 months
Reviewlike #1
Fortune Favors the Fortunate (Dicey Dungeon) 1. The set-up This is a very innovative roguelike... In setting at least, we'll get to the rest later. You play as one of six people who entered a competition run by Lady Luck herself, where if you win, you get your heart's greatest desire. Said people are promptly transformed into dice and forced to traverse a dungeon. The cast is just as colorful as the setting, some of the best include; A workaholic playing to remove his need for sleep, the cut-throat and competitive type vying to win a billion dollars, and a curious inventor here by accident because she was interested in the bus headed to the show. Still having said that, we still have... 2. A glaring problem Yeah... I know I was hyping the setting up, but the gameplay falls flat compared to the rest. Which is a shame since that's the part you really have to nail to make a good roguelike. But, why? Why is Dicey Dungeon so bad? Well... it's too luck based. Wait, wait, put the pitchforks down. I don't mean it has luck in it, I'm not someone reviewing Shotgun King on Steam. Most good roguelikes have luck in them. I mean that it is ALL. LUCK. This game has next to no skill involved. The majority of this game is combat, and how do you fight in this game? Roll dice. Wait, that's it? Sadly, yes. Sure, you can reroll dice, or add a pip (the little dots on dice) to one. You can also choose how to spend the ones you do get. But a lot of the weapons/tools need specific, or a specific range, of numbers. Pretty much every item in the game either has a max number cap, meaning it just won't accept higher dice, or mandates you use an even or odd die. I understand this was in an attempt to balance the game, but the fact you're beholden to a Yahtzee cup is balance enough. The amount of times I've got a bunch of useless dice, or my opponent got a perfect set that I had no way to counter, is unparallel. Even with all that, I still feel inclined to ask... 3. Is this salvageable?
Answering this question means we have to answer another first: Where does being salvaged end, and being scrapped start? Stay with me! I promise this is going somewhere. If the dice aesthetic stays, it would have to be *purely* aesthetic for the gameplay to work. Which would make it blend into the sea of dungeon crawler roguelikes. Instead, I offer a better solution: Broaden the scope from simply dice, to all luck based things. This way, they could keep Lady Luck, but kick the luck-dependent combat. The issue here is; is this too far from the original vision? I mean, it's called DICEY Dungeon, die are kinda it's thing. I can't answer this, I didn't make the game and don't know the people who did, so I don't know what their vision was. All I know is the final product.
So, where does this leave us? Well, wherever it's lead you. I don't care for conclusions, I won't tell you what to think about this. I'll just leave you with my take, feel free to add on, or tell me why you think I'm wrong. I'm all for discussion. Anyway, enjoy your day or night. If you aren't busy, get comfortable, grab a drink, throw on a podcast, and roguelike until your mouse dies. And once again, stay tunned, as long as there are roguelikes, there's my opinion. Is it a good opinion? That's for you to decide...
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gorlygorlx3 · 16 days
Skullgirls Color Palettes
What I mean by this:
In Skullgirls…well Skullgirls Mobile but Skullgirls the Video Game as well , each character has a specific color palette that references a character from another franchise, which can be really cool if you figure it out!
Moonstruck <= Sailor Moon
Ogre Achiever <= Shrek
Harlequin <= Harley Quinn
Megalomaniac  <= Sans
Indomitable <= Makima
And that’s just a couple. There’s hundreds of more and all of them are great. So here’s all of mine.
(Reminder: This’ll go under the Guilty Gear/Soul Calibur Video Game AU, meaning that Sun & Moon are together as one.)
Loving Light (Original Colors)
Glamorous Benediction (Glamrock Freddy Colors)
Hell's Bells (Sammy Lawrence from Bendy and the Ink Machine)
Dubious Duplicate (Double from Skullgirls)
​​​​​Unstoppable Apostle (Pit from Kid Icarus)
Judge & Jury (Judge Frollo from Hunchback of Notre Dame)
Bishop, Skip, and Jump (The Bishop from Cuphead)
Ursa Minor (Gregory from Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach)
Martyr Matters (Marth from Fire Emblem)
Chosen Sheperd (The Lamb from Cult of The Lamb)
Bluebells (Bonnie from Five Nights at Freddy's)
 Rockette (Original Colors)
Holy Matrimony (Elphelt Valentine from Guilty Gear)
Maze Runner (Glamrock Chica Colors)
Pixie Cut (Filia from Skullgirls)
​​​​​Guns 'n Daisies (Daisy from Super Mario)
Throwback Thursday (Toy Chica from Five Nights at Freddy's 2)
Hidden Gems (Jem from Jem and the Holograms)
Iridescent Princess (Pearl from Splatoon 2)
Heartbreaker (Amy Rose from Sonic the Hedgehog)
Key Change (Sakura from Street Fighter)
Vandalized (Kimberly from Street Fighter)
Rolled Sleeves (Asuka from Tekken)
Starlet (Karen Aijo from Revue Starlight)
Bayou Blues (Original Colors)
Caught Dead (Arthur Morgan from Red Dead Redemption)
Whistleblower (Louis from Princess and the Frog)
Sin-phony (Big Band from Skullgirls)
Leatherback (Montgomery Gator Colors)
Six Shells (Cassidy from Overwatch)
Nocture Crusader (Darkwing Duck from Darkwing Duck)
Bonechillin' Villain (Happy Chaos from Guilty Gear)
Jackpot (Dante from Devil May Cry)
Fiddle Di Die (Esther Winchester from Cuphead)
Rabbit's Foot (Glamrock Bonnie from Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach Ruin)
Blaze of Glory (Bowser from Super Mario)
Masked Motives (Zorro from Zorro)
Dimmed Lights (Original Colors)
Winning Smile (Roxanne Wolf Colors)
Platinum Grace (Lili from Tekken)
Toxicity (Poison from Street Fighter)
Number One (Cassie from Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach Ruin)
Eyes Up (Alice Angel from Bendy and the Ink Machine)
Vicious Vixen (Foxy from Five Nights at Freddy's)
Plucked Heartstrings (I-NO from Guilty Gear)
Black Thorns (Black Dahlia from Skullgirls)
Thick Water (Eliza from Skullgirls)
Hedonia (Anna Williams from Tekken)
Femme Fatality (Mehira from AFK Arena)
Poised Poison (Evil Queen from Snow White)
Gentlemen Preffered (Marilyn Monroe from Gentlemen Prefer Blonds)
Bat Burglar (Rouge the Bat from Sonic the Hedgehog)
Sun & Moon
Opposite Attracted (Original Colors)
Goose Chase (Banjo & Kazooie from Banjo-Kazooie)
Q&A (Answer from Guilty Gear)
Tethered Forever (A.B.A from Guilty Gear)
Lucky Shriek (Blanc & Noir from GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE)
Kill the Lights (Sunnydrop & Moondrop Colors)
Viral Infection (Eddie Brock & Venom from Venom)
Otherside (Dr Facilier from Princess and the Frog)
Friendly Neighbor (Satsuki Kusakabe & Totoro from My Neighbor Totoro)
High Spirits (Chihiro & No Face from Spirited Away)
Equinox (Zato-1 from Guilty Gear)
Snake Eyes (King Dice & The Devil from Cuphead)
Radio Silent (Alastor from Hazbin Hotel)
Restless Nights (Bedman & Delilah from Guilty Gear)
Cartoon Violence (Henry Stein & the Ink Demon from Bendy and the Ink Machine)
Boom Boxer (Original Colors)
Nothing But Neon (Banjo & Kazooie from Banjo-Kazooie)
Java Blast (Azucena from Tekken)
Mic Drop (Volume from GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE)
Bad & Boozy (Spider Mobster from Cuphead)
Classically Trained (Music Man from Five Nights at Freddy's: Pizza Simulator)
Feline Groovy (Ms. Fortune from Skullgirls)
Lucky Feet (Lucky Chloe from Tekken)
Dance Battler (Dee Jay from Street Fighter)
 Off The Rails (Choo Choo Charles from Choo Choo Charles)
Spilled Tea (Muffet from Undertale)
Sonic Synergy: (Lucio from Overwatch)
Tidal Wave (Big Man from Splatoon)
Crimson Cunning (Original Colors)
Checkered Flag (Roxanne Wolf from Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach)
Rushin' Roulette (Johnny from Guilty Gear)
Hell & Highwater (Captain Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean)
Twin-Tailed Terror (Miles "Tails" Prower from Sonic the Hedgehog)
Tempest (Mast from GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE) 
 Swimming with Fishes (Rottytops from Shantae)
Pillage Plundered (Captain Hook from Peter Pan)
Stormy Weather (Umbrella from Skullgirls)
 Anchor Clanker (Popeye the Sailorman from Popeye the Sailorman)
Barnacle Boomer (Cap'n' Cuttlefish from Splatoon)
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butterflyintochains · 3 months
All We Survey - Chapter Two
Summer break has sadly come to its end, time for rest and recovery from the long 2010/11 NHL season is over, now, it's time to work again. Pittsburgh has called its soldiers home, home to win it a fourth Stanley Cup. As usual, Sid is first back, a captain's duty to his city. Duper, Kuny, and Kennedy are not far behind him. Kris arrives from Sorel a couple of days later, the same time Geno lands from Miami. Erik, heading into his first full season as a Penguin, lands from Sweden the day after. Flower, a dyed in the wool goalie, arrives the same day camp begins. Finally, the core are back on the ice together after far too long apart. Bylsma gathers them in a meeting room, and goes over highlights from last season, discussing what they all did well, and areas for improvement. He also pulls up the preseason schedule. ''Home for three against: Detroit, Chicago, and Minnesota. Then, away for three against: LA, Chicago, and Detroit. Any questions before we hit the ice?''
Kris asks. ''Are we home or away for our opener?'' Dan looks at the schedule, and answers him. ''Away to Vancouver, we get home on the 11th to play Florida.''
James Neal says. ''That's stupid, having to fly across the continent to open our season.''
Ray says. ''That's the roll of the dice, Nealsy, only so many teams get to start at home. Best to just get on with it.'' The boys get suited up, and finally hit the ice again. Sid, still suffering from his concussion, sits on the bench. Geno is under strict instructions to take it easy on his knee. However, Erik and Kris are allowed to just run off the leash together, Kris gets the puck off of Duper, and gets a breakaway, letting it fly past Brent's ear. ''Holy shit, Tanger!'' Nealsy says. Kris gives a wry smile, and adjusts his helmet. ''All in a day's work. Dan, Erik and I wanna show the team a drill we talked about, can we?'' Dan nods, curious himself. ''Yeah, of course.''
Kris and Erik take to the ice, Erik says. ''Right, this came from us rewatching the Fastest Skater event from Raleigh, Kris, ready?'' They set up across the ice from each other, and do three laps each, skating backwards. ''Well done, boys, might be useful for everyone to learn.'' Dan says.
Kris downs some gatorade. ''I agree, in today's game, skating backwards is becoming such an important skill.'' Bylsma gets the entire team, save for Sid and the goalies, doing backwards skating drills. Erik might still be very new, but he's feeling so settled already.
Preseason begins on the 21st of September, with a win in style 3-2 against the Red Wings. Then, 4-1 wins against both the Blackhawks and Wild. Then, it's off to LA to play the Kings, Flower asks Erik once they're in the hotel. ''First preseason, Erik, how are you liking things?'' Erik says, smiling ear to ear. ''It's great, I'm only gonna admit this to you two, but I finally feel like a Penguin. I finally feel like I'm a part of this team, and not 'the new guy'.''
Kris beams. ''Well, that's good, because you're kinda stuck with us for the next four years. No one's been weird to you so far, have they?'' Erik shakes his head. ''No, not since Flower's prank in Ottawa, everyone's been great.''
Flower asks, the Arsenal highlights from last week going ignored, not that Erik cares that much right now. ''Do you miss Ottawa, though?'' Erik shrugs. ''Sometimes, but I'm glad to have the team I do now. A team that won't bail out when things get rough. I'd hate to see how they'd handle Sid's concussion, or Geno's knee.''
Kris stretches out on the bed, almost like a cat would when getting comfortable. ''So would I.'' He stares up at the ceiling for a few moments. ''I can't help but feel like Sid's concussion is my fault, you know.'' He says, out of the blue.
Erik sits up, and asks. ''How?''
Kris runs his hand down his face. ''I dunno, maybe I should've been there to protect him, I'm his dman, it's my job, isn't it?'' Flower says, emphatically. ''Your job is to stop people getting to me, not to throw yourself on an altar. This is not, and has never been, your fault, mon chum. It's that Washington player's fault.'' Erik can't help but to wonder if his partner has always had such a martyr complex, has Kris always wanted to fall on the sword for his team mates like that? To the point of him being out with the concussion and not Sid?
They take their game against the Kings 3-2 in a shootout, and beat Chicago 4-2. Their preseason ending with a 3-2 loss to Detroit. Then, off to visit the Sedin twins in Vancouver.
The season gets off to a really good start, only marred by losses to Edmonton and Washington in a shootout and overtime respectively. Then, a strange two game loss streak against Buffalo and Winnipeg. They have a big one away against the Wild on the 18th, one that could make or break the month. After the read out, the visitors storm onto the ice of Xcel Energy Center, something to prove from the off. Kuny takes opening faceoff, and executes perfectly. They're up 2-0 by the time second period rolls around, Erik puts them up 3-0, before the Wild rally back to get on the board 3-2 before third period. The visitors pull off the win 4-2, without much fuss. Bylsma addresses the room afterwards. ''Good game, gents, went out there with a point to prove, and you all did so well. Flight leaves soon, so be on the bus quickly, okay?''
The next two games are even better, a clinical 3-1 masterclass at home against the Canadiens, making their hotshots look very ordinary. This is followed by a 4-1 demolition of the Devils on the 22nd. Kuny checks the schedule. ''Really? A home and away against the Islanders? This late in the month?''
Engelland remarks. ''At least we can just get the bus, and the games are two days apart.''
Flower saunters in, munching on a sleeve of Oreos, which are absolutely not in the diet plan. ''You worry too much, Kuny.'' Kris and Erik steal an Oreo each, Kris adds. ''And, Geno is coming back full time in November, so we're good.''
Turns out, the team's current leader's worries were unfounded, both Islanders games go their way.
Geno is back full time for training on the 1st of November, ahead of a road game to San Jose. Flower gives Geno a massive hug in the dressing room. ''Welcome back, mon ami.'' Geno smiles brightly, and dons his jersey. ''Thanks, Flower.'' Kris also gives Geno a hug before putting his helmet on. ''Good to see you back, G.''
Geno laughs. ''Good to be back, Legend.'' Erik is last, not wanting to interrupt the friends reunion just yet. ''First full season, Karl, having fun?''
Erik nods. ''Yeah, a lot of fun.''
Kris walks out of the dressing room. ''Boys, Erik's got a new nickname!'' Erik sighs, and resigns himself to the nickname, it could be worse, couldn't it? ''Thanks for that, Geno.''
Geno has a shit eating grin on his face when he says. ''You're welcome, Erik.'' They make their way out to the rink together, Bylsma splitting Kris and Erik up for training today after three months of them being partners. ''Tanger and Engelland, you're the first pair. Erik and Benny, you're gonna be our second pair. Nisky and Bortuzzo will be our third.'' This surprises them both, but they'll make it work, the breaking in system was never going to be permanent.
November, it turns out, is a bit more up and down than October was. A shootout loss to the Sharks opening the month up. Before a shootout win against the Kings. A win against Dallas and a loss to Carolina set them up for their game against Colorado on the 15th. Two days away now. The quintet are having a movie day at home before a gym day tomorrow. Sid looking like he's itching to get back on the ice. ''Have you skated yet, Sid?'' Erik asks.
Sid sighs, and shakes his head. ''Nope, doctor says I can next month, though. I'm on light work in the gym for now.'' Kris, fascinated by the timeline, asks. ''When will we expect you back?''
Sid says, cautiously but a tiny glimmer of hope sits in his voice. ''End of the month, hopefully. Although, you've been doing so well without me...'' Flower, knowing where his captain is going with this, cuts him off right there. ''Ah, no, zip it, captain, we need you, end of story.''
Erik grabs more popcorn from the bowl Geno's holding. ''What he said.''
After the movie is done, Sid says, taking one of his many painkillers. ''I've seen the press calling Kris and Erik 'The Twin Terrors' lately. What d'you two make of that name?''
Erik smirks, running his hand through his hair. ''Oh, I love that, that sounds so cool, huh, Kris?'' Defensive pairs don't often get their own nicknames, more often being lumped in with their forwards for a unit nickname. So 'The Twin Terrors' is the coolest thing he's heard in ages.
Kris nods, agreeing with his partner. ''Sounds fantastic to me, the Two Headed Monster and The Twin Terrors, backed up by The Trickster.''
The Colorado game is a big ticket event on the 15th, the boys are met by a wave of applause when they skate out for warmups. One thing Erik has learned from his eight months as a Penguin, no city loves their team the same way they do in Pittsburgh. It's been nice not copping the blame for losses too, that was painful in Ottawa. It didn't matter whose fault the losses were, the fans would blame the young foreigner. Here, they're a unit, and treated as such. The game finally gets going, and is probably their best all season so far, the energised Penguins declaring no quarter to their visitors. Going up 4-0 in the second before the Avalanche finally respond to make it 4-2 before the intermission.
Once back on the ice for third period, the Penguins hold the line, Bylsma icing the newly baptised Twin Terrors for powerplay, on which Geno fires home a goal from them both for 5-2. The Avalanche score again, but they respond quickly to seal their best game of the season 6-3. ''Well, boys, I don't quite know what to say tonight except for well done, let's keep this up into Florida.'' Shero says after the game.
Florida doesn't quite go to plan, but the team avenge the losses with a 5-0 shutout against the Islanders when they get home, a game with every reason to celebrate, why? The Big Six are finally all together again, Sidney Crosby is finally back from his concussion, and he really makes it count. Both Twin Terrors are taken for press after the game. ''Well, boys, big win against a division rival, how good was Flower tonight? And how does it feel to bounce back after the Florida trip?''
Kris says. ''Flower was amazing as always, hope this win felt good for him after our loss to the Panthers. We're all very happy to get this done after how badly we played down south.''
A journalist asks Erik. ''Erik, this is your first full season as a Penguin, how does this team feel to you now vs back in March?'' Erik sits forwards in his seat. ''It feels great to be here, I feel like I've found my home now, the others have been great, Bylsma is an amazing coach, I've joined a great system, and can't wait to see what the future brings us.''
Another asks Kris. ''How does it feel to have such an elite defence corps to lead now, Kris?''
Kris smiles and runs his index finger down his nose. ''Oh, it's amazing, I'm a very happy 1D right now, we're building something really cool together.''
Finally, Erik is asked. ''Erik, first game against Ottawa on the 25th, at home, how are you feeling?'' Erik thinks for a moment, certain he's being baited, so he says. ''It's gonna be interesting, but I'm a Penguin now, I've already put the time with Ottawa into the past.''
They're both asked. ''How does it feel to finally have the captain back on ice after so long?''
Kris, who knows Sid best, takes this one first. ''I cannot be happier right now, Sid is my brother, and I love being on his unit, so I am very pleased to have my center back.''
Erik nods, and says. ''It's great, I was heartbroken to learn of Sid's concussion while I was in Ottawa, and it's been weird being here and not playing with him. Nice to have the Big Six all on ice at last.''
The game against Ottawa is a thrashing of epic proportions, 6-3 to the hosts. Then, a 4-3 overtime win against the Canadiens the following night at Bell Center. Only a loss to the Rangers puts a dimmer on the dominant back half of the month.
December opens with a game against Ovechkin and the Capitals, the same team that's robbed them of their captain for nearly a year. So, they skate for Sid that evening in DC. Playing with spite and swagger, attacking their rival's goal with precision, menacing the offence, Johnson standing on his head to stem the tide. In the end, the Penguins win 2-1 in a heated game. ''That's for Sid, assholes!!'' Benny shouts to Ovechkin as they go off the ice. ''Benny, that's enough, we won, don't piss them off any further.'' Kuny warns him.
Ben just shrugs, and unclips his helmet. ''What do I care if I piss them off? They took Sid out, they deserve it.''
Duper mediates in a way only he can. ''You're right, Benny, but don't make them take you out, y'know? We have cups, they don't, that's all I care about.''
That's something Erik thinks about, the possibility of winning a cup with this team, he has no idea when it'll come, but at least it's on the cards. Ottawa never even seemed close to it while he was there.
December is weird, winning in bunches and losing in pairs. After a 6-4 loss to Ottawa on the 16th, the Penguins somehow find their feet again, reeling off an impressive 8-3 win against the Sabres the following night on their return home. Even better, Sid is finally granted permission to skate again after being placed back on protocol after his symptoms have spiked again, no gear allowed just yet, and no playing. But, the core take a friendly skate together the day before the Blackhawks come into town. ''Feels so good to be able to do this again, excited to get back in the saddle.''
Kris pats his best friend on the shoulder. ''Good, I've missed having my center, Geno's great, but I've missed you so much.'' Sid looks emotional. ''I've missed you too, Tanger.''
Kuny warns the captain, taking on the big brother role he usually does. ''Just, take things easy, don't rush yourself back and get hurt again.''
Sid says, nodding his head. ''I won't, Kuny, trust me. This concussion has taught me a lot, I'm finally ready to be the captain our team needs me to be.'' Sid smirks, a glint of humour in his dark eyes. ''Besides, can't wait to see how good our Twin Terrors actually are.'' Bylsma comments. ''They've been a godsend, Sid, even with some small issues for Tanger here and there.''
Erik jokes, nudging Kris' shoulder. ''Our own captain doubts us, Kris, you hear that?'' Everyone just laughs, things are slowly going to get back to normal, in time for the playoff push too!
The Blackhawks go down 3-2, and the Jets fall 4-1 to the Penguins, before christmas break comes, and the team are ordered to rest up for the last half. But, the core six cannot wait to be united on ice at last. During the last team meeting, Ray announces the team members due to go to Ottawa for the all star game. ''Evgeni Malkin, Erik Karlsson, Kris Letang... and James Neal. With two dropouts, we have four Penguins going to the game in January.'' The four all stars share an excited look, ready to tear it up together a month in advance. But, they all know not to miss the forest for the trees. Big games ahead, and they need to be ready.
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grapecinnamon · 1 year
Now that I've finished The Cuphead Show S1C (which was freaking amazing and I really hope we get season 2a/4), I would like to list out the best and/or wildest moments (in my opinion)
The Devil's Revenge
-"Its not like you lost MUGMAN."
-i love how for these past 3 months, we were all talking about how scared Mugman would be, but he's just treating hell like it's nothing
-Mugman was 100% sure Cuphead was not going to heaven
-ok but Cuphead and Mugman being so happy to see each other always puts a big smile on my face
-Cuphead going back to the soul ball game (which is so fucking genius and I lost it when I saw that)
Don't Answer The Door
-Baby Bottle 2: Electric Boogaloo
-"I've never seen fingertip bullets." "Oh ho it's happening somewhere! Believe you, me!"
-Sally Stageplay pretending to have rabies
-Rocky Horror Picture Show Devil
-Mugman briefly pretends to be Sandra Bullock
-Henchman getting put in a bubble along with the rest of the Devil's beloved things
-Kettle thinks Devil's a cat despite how fucking big he is
-I love how Devil starts to like being a cat
-also I couldn't help but squeal when I saw Kettle and the goat together at the end
Holiday Treedition
-omg the freaking stop motion shot of the house
-i was stimming like CRAZY every time they sang
-Brave Little Toaster lookin saw machine
A Very Devil Christmas
Tumblr media
-also can anyone tell me why Cuphead's bad enough to go to hell but good enough to get on Santa's nice list?
-also aaaahhh! Devil in his conductor outfit!
-and nnnnngh! Henchman making the train for Devil
-and eeeeeee! the stop motion shots omfg!
Special Delivery
-Mugman Drag Mugman Drag Mugman Drag
-also not Mugman saying Chalice has big feet when his are clearly huge compared to him
-Devil knows Ms. Chalice
Down and Out
-hands down the best episode
-King Dice sings again (god Wayne Brady's voice is so good)
-"Can we get another round of shots?"
-Devildice fans, come get ya juice!
-Chalice just casually possesses Kettle
-and Mugman
-also omgomgomgomgomgomgomg Chalice going to hell
Dance with Danger
-Chalice literally dies on screen
-and she happens to die on the same day she met the cup bros
The Devil and Ms. Chalice
-Chalice getting a vision of her dead self
-omgomgomg the dance competition OMG IT WAS SO GOOD
-Cuphead winning against the devil repeatedly in rock paper scissors
Y'all I'm still in shock the last three episodes fucked me up in a good way omg I need more
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millenniumdueled · 1 year
Yugi can only stare, confused, exasperated, doubtful, as Bakura leans over the table, rubbing his chin and humming to himself as he assesses the board.
"Hmm, I see... Well the odds are a bit against you. But that doesn't mean you've lost yet," Bakura says to Yugi. Yugi just stares. "Do you hear me, Duke? In just a few more turns, Yugi will be the one to win this little game of yours."
"I don't know how you got in here, but there's no way Ryuji can lose!!" shouts the clown.
Duke just laughs. "You two are both crazy!! But. Don't you go helping him. This is our game, Bakura."
"Oh I wouldn't dream of it! Yugi solved the Millennium Puzzle, he doesn't need my help to see the one, obvious path to victory."
But he doesn't see it. Yugi directs his attention back to the board game, but he just can't see a way to win. The next turn has him on the run, and the next sees him down to his last life point. He squeezes his eyes shut, clenches a fist against the table.
The sound of metal against metal draws his attention, and Yugi opens his eyes to see that clown take the Puzzle from its place on the table to hand to his son. Duke smirks.
"One more turn, Yugi. One more turn, and this is mine."
"Solve it! Solve it Ryuji, show him who the true King of Games is!!!" the clown laughs hysterically.
Click. Clack. The first few pieces go together smoothly, fitting and locking together under Duke's fingers. Bakura crosses his arms, but his own sinister grin shows no sign of wavering.
"Haven't we been through this? You haven't won. And only Yugi can solve that Puzzle," he warns.
Yugi turns to Bakura, once again wearing a look of shock. Returns his attention to the game. But how? How can he possibly win? What is this glaringly obvious solution Bakura keeps babbling on about?
As he scours the board and his dice pool for an answer, he hears a frustrated growl from Duke. Glances up to see the man beginning to struggle, popping a piece back out and turning it over to try again.
"I'm beginning to feel like a broken record. Only Yugi can make those pieces fit and solve the Puzzle."
Yugi looks down at the board again. Puzzle.  Like pieces of a Puzzle, fitting together...
He gasps when he sees it. A small, abnormally shaped space with just enough room to unfold one last dice, to summon one last monster. He has no choice but to try it.
A pair of summoning crests, and the dice unfolds, perfectly filling the available space.
And just like that, it's over. The monster seems weak, but its special ability brings the game to an end in Yugi's next turn. Duke can only stare in disbelief as Yugi's dungeon master, armed with his new monster as a sword, strikes his final life point. His hands go still, gently setting down the Puzzle piece they had been worrying with.
Bakura laughs wickedly as the clown lets out a cry of despair.
Is it really over? Even as the light fades from Duke's remaining life point, Yugi can't quite relax. He watches the realization spread across his opponent's face, but there's no victory cry, no celebration quite yet.
"I was so close. The Millennium Puzzle was supposed to be mine," Duke utters.
"duke... i didn't win because i want the power of the puzzle. i didn't win because i want some title."
"Then what?! What were you fighting for?!"
"i just... want to see my other me again. that's what i wished for. just to be with him again..."
Duke looks away. He can't understand what "Other Self" Yugi is talking about. But he can understand that he's lost. And there's no use in being a sore loser. "Okay..." he sighs. "Okay. Yeah. A promise is a promise, the Puzzle is yours."
Yugi starts to get up, but he's stopped by Bakura's hand on his shoulder. "You must be tired, stay there. I'll get your treasure for you." He's doubtful, but Yugi doesn't argue as Bakura walks over to scoop up the pieces from in front of Duke. He does, however, watch him carefully.
Once the Puzzle and all its pieces are in hand, Yugi is finally able to release some of the tension wound tight in his muscles. But he knows he can't fully relax until it's assembled again, until his Other Self is back where he belongs, inside his heart.
It took him eight years to solve before.
He doesn't care if it takes another eight.
(( once again Y. Bakura written with the help and blessing of @ryouterring he is not my blorbo I'm just borrowing him ))
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Chapter 29- Alois
Time dragged like a broken leg. All Alois had for company, all he'd had for the past weeks, were the same set of catsbones, carts of books heaved up stairs from the Palace library, and one singular madman.
Mad boy, Alois had to amend. Elias was indeed a boy- twelve years old, the one solid fact Alois had managed to coax from him- and not a man, though he was, without a doubt, mad. He muttered now, under his breath, his fingers laced and clasped in front of his mouth as he stared down at the jet and ivory tiles of the catsbones board.
Alois watched him, though he should be watching the board- mad or not, Elias could have made a fair amount of coin sweeping catsbones boards at any gambling palace across Pavaloir's harbors. Most of Alois's pieces sat in a tidy pile at Elias's end of the board. His last roll of the dice hadn't gone favorably, either. A few moves, a few flicks of Elias's wrist and the clatter of dice, and Alois would lose his right boot.
"Are you going to do something?" Alois asked.
"Quiet," Elias said, not taking his eyes off the board. He was Estaran, his accent thick as gholiant stew; they spoke their mother language, comfortable as old leather after nothing but courtly Lapidaean for so long. Elias hadn't seemed to recognize Alois. Maybe he didn't care. There was something refreshing about it. Alois might have been any young sailor, any docksman or miner, anyone but who he was.
Fisherman, Alois thought, and then thought of Marin, and his throat grew tight.
"You might as well put me out of my misery," he went on, scrubbing his palm over his eyes. "You're winning. It'd take a miracle for me to pull ahead at this point."
"Miracles happen."
"Not against you," Alois scoffed. Elias didn't answer him, but reached out, tossing the dice. Alois groaned as Elias flicked his three remaining pieces down, three ticks of his nails against the ivory chits. He swept them to this side and raised his wide dark eyes to Alois, a hint of a smile on his face.
"I win," he said.
Alois reached down to tug off his boot. Between the shutters, the long wind-stirred drapes, he heard them: bells, bells ringing across Lapide, a tide of sound growing nearer with each passing moment. The last to sound was the deep bronze voice of the bell crowning the Palace, beneath the hawk finial atop its grand dome. Alois stopped, and straightened, watching his glimpses of the city between the drapes. He rose to cross to them and stood, fingertips brushing the fabric, listening to the bells as they went on, and on.
Beyond the terrace and the spearpoints of statues the Vie was all light, the city all light, verdigrised domes and slanted roofs and spires struck brilliant by the noon sun. The Vie was like a spill of silver ribbon, the clamor of bells becoming discordant, then slipping once more into harmony, a golden tide of sound reaching him up the sheer cliff walls of Valeris Ridge.
They'd rung this way for days. They were mourning bells, Alois knew, though for whom he had no idea. King Daval had wanted no sympathy cultivated for Lapide, but Alois had learned Lapidaean tradition at his mother's feet. She'd slipped him books his father forbade and told him the rest. Bells were rung for festivals and fetes, for coronations, for occasions of joy, the bells an outpouring of prayer for the Triune.
Now, their sound was somber, their pattern funereal. The pall of it hung, and lingered, like scars from plague.
"She's scared," Elias murmured as the sound faded.
Alois looked back. "What?"
"Who else? Princess Isabella." He fiddled with the catsbones pieces. It was a beautiful set, the prettiest Alois had ever seen. His guards at Pavaloir Tower had played with a battered old board and replacement pieces carved from brushfowl bones, but this one was a masterwork, board inlaid with mother-of-pearl forest birds, pieces carved in the shapes of tiny ships. The board tiles themselves had been skillfully made to look like the ripple of water across the deep ocean, so the playing ground became a battlefield, ships sailed and lost across its surface.
Did Cereza sail a battlefield? Was she lost out there amongst waves and starlight, none but the wind as company? Alois felt his hands quiver and clenched them. Gray spotted his vision, pushing in at the edges; always a haze, his vision narrowing. One day it would narrow to a pinprick, and then to nothing at all. No more catsbones, no more sunstruck Vie. He thought of Cereza, of her sweet face, the curls of blonde hair escaping her pearl net. To marry her, to end the war. Peace and prosperity. A long reign. A fair reign.
A fair world, if such a thing were possible.
"I doubt that," he said at last. "Isabella doesn't seem the type for such base and mortal emotions as fear."
Elias shrugged one shoulder. "She is." He set the piece down on the empty board, precisely, then reached to pluck another: this one of jet. He set it ahead of the other, so they seemed to curve along the same course: toward what, Alois couldn't fathom. "Queens and kings have much to lose and much to fear."
"My father's not afraid of anything," Alois muttered.
"Yes," Elias said. "He is."
Alois snorted. "Name one thing that scares Daval Belmont."
"You do," Elias said.
Cold twisted in Alois's gut. He clenched his hands, knuckles blanching. "Don't mock me."
"I'm not."
"Why would my father be afraid of me?"
"That's not what I said." Elias bent again over the board. More ships, now; he moved them, muttering, whispering, swept them away and moved them again. His movements became agitated, and he shook his head and shoved the pieces into a heap, pressing the heels of his hands into his eyes. "No," he said. "No, no, no, it isn't right..."
Alois crossed to him and touched his shoulder. Elias jumped, whipping toward him. His gaze was far away, not on Alois; he was elsewhere, leagues off. With a blink, his eyes focused, and Elias seemed to return to them, to this room. He stared placidly at Alois.
Cold whispered across his skin. Around them, the sound of bells faded. "Are you..." Alois began. His mouth was dry. "Are you all right?"
"Look at this," Elias said.
He set the ships on the board again. Alois sat, slowly. The jet ship sat lonely in the center. Behind it, another chased its course.
"There's a storm coming," Elias said. "All the way across the Great Blue. I saw it. I saw it there and it told me. Its blood shone in the water, and I cupped it in my hands and drank it."
"What? The Great Leviathan?"
"You believe me," Elias said, like it was a fact. "You believe in it. You always have." He gave a one-shouldered shrug. "It calls to you in dreams."
Dreams. Pathways of stars. The falling star that had traced the way to Estara so many thousands of years ago. His mother had whispered to him, even as the word of Bellana was called from the rooftops. Of whales, and godsblood, and blue spurting like rivers from its wounds. The tales of the world's beginning, that the Leviathan shaped it from dark seas, and that all things came from its flesh and its blood. That all things would one day go back to it, and all would become dark again. His mother had taken him by the hand, had helped him saddle his elk and ridden with him to the shrine of the old three-faced goddess.
She'd traced the paintings on the shrine walls, candlelight flickering in her amber eyes, and told him these tales of how all things had begun.
How do you know what's true? Alois had asked her, thinking of the stained glass windows of Bellana in the throne room, the way their colors enshrouded him, so brilliant they made his eyes hurt. Bellana, staring down with her blue-white eyes, her flaming sword aloft as she battled her enemies, seemed real as anything: a force like a storm, like a tidal wave, like his father the king, eclipsing all in its path. He certainly believed Sky-Queen Bellana would hurt him if she found out his pricklings of doubt.
His mother smiled. She wore dusty riding leathers, not her usual gown and veil and gold collar, her hair braided in a coil at the nape of her neck. Her fingertip lingered on a painting: the Leviathan surrounded by schools of sea creatures, the masses following it like cloud gulls follow winds.
No one knows what's true, she said. No one for sure. No one but the whale, and it's not one for telling.
But Father says...
He'd trailed away as cold crept over his skin. Mentioning Daval was like invoking the true name of the Deepmother: it might draw him here, it might make him come and find them. And when he did, he wouldn't have to fear Bellana's wrath. His father's would be enough.
His mother's expression had sombered. She'd turned back to the walls, lowering her hands, and sat at the shrine's edge.
The little spring had plashed down the rocks. The candlelight broke into splinters of light across its surface. Alois had thought about how much he wished he could stay there, not just in the shrine but in that moment, an insect caught in amber. How much he wished things would never change, that he would always feel safe and hidden from the eyes of gods and kings alike.
Mama? he'd asked.
It's all right, Alois.
His mother held out her arms and he folded into them. He was six years old, still afraid of the dark, understanding too much. She'd stroked his curls and leaned her cheek against the crown of his head. The candlelight made the paintings seem to flicker and move: fishes and monsters and whales and winged things, circling and circling to no end.
You are not his, his mother had whispered to him. You don't belong to him. Nor to me, either. You are your own. To burn or to build, you choose. All we have is choice. That was what the Leviathan gave us, greater than all else.
He'd held onto her so tight, believing her with all he was. Four years later she was dead, limp and bleeding on the bed, the whites of her eyes bruised black from her plague. It had killed many, that plague, one of so many plagues to sweep Estara. All her love had seemed to die with her, and all Alois's courage, too, held close like an ember, keeping him warm.
Did belief die so easily? Could it be killed, too?
He didn't know. He didn't know what to say to the mad boy. He plucked a fruit from one of the bowls of plums scattered through the room and took a bite. Its honey-sweetness didn't shake the taste of dread from his mouth.
"Who are they?" he asked as he chewed, nodding at the catsbones board.
"The cursed princess," Elias said. He rested his hand on the lonely ship. "And the bleeding man."
He tapped the other ship. "He hunts her across dark and lonely seas. Hunts her to the flank of the whale, so he can stare god in the eye and ask why, and kill it at last..."
"The cursed princess? Cereza? You see Cereza?" Alois's heart hammered. "Is she all right? Is she alive?"
"Not for much longer. She's dying."
Dying. Not dead. "The bleeding man-"
"You call him Witchhunter."
Captain Azare was hunting Luca and Cereza. On his father's orders, no doubt. Alois experienced a surge of hot anger. Another terrible thing done in service of Daval, in service of Estara. At once Alois wished the Witchhunter were here, were standing in this dim, pretty room with its books and its drapes and its gulls calling from the terrace, so he could demand why. Demand why, and punch him, or draw steel on him. Something equally stupid.
He remembered Azare in the passageway, then. Orklight and shadows, the glint of steel and silver on Azare's Witchhunter grays, the look in his eyes, a longing so profound it had struck cold to Alois's core.
Trust what he asks of you, he'd told Alois, and Alois had. Not for the king, he knew. Not for Daval, but for him, for Azare. He'd wanted so much to trust Azare, and so many had suffered for it. But trust him he had. Even now, a part of him still wanted to.
He set down the plum, sucking juice off his palm. "Bleeding man. Is Azare wounded?"
"There's more what can be wounded than body and bone," Elias said, matter-of-factly, and scratched at his ear.
Captain Azare. Hunting Cereza. Hunting Lapide's hope. Alois thought of Cereza again, her sweet face and fine spirit. He hadn't wanted to marry her, still didn't- he did not want to marry anyone at all- but to have her at his side, be his queen, wouldn't be so bad. She was the kind of person to make things grow, not to raze them with fire. Maybe together they might have become the kind of leaders Alois wished he could be.
Peace, prosperity. Fairness for all. He might as well have wished for honey sweets, too. It was never to be, his betrothal never more than a cloak to hide a dagger beneath.
All the same, he couldn't help but pray she would come back alive. A prayer not to Sky-Queen Bellana cloaked in lightning, but to older gods, nameless gods, weeping water and the flicker of candlelight on stone. All the same, he couldn't help but hope everything would be all right. Not just for her, but for everyone.
For Daval, too?
"Where are they?" Alois demanded, leaning across the board. "Tell me more. Tell me everything."
"Far away...on the rim of the world..."
"Saints-" Anger flashed, a lightning strike, and he slammed his hands down on either side of the catsbones board. The pieces jumped; one ship toppled. Elias flinched, hiding his face in his hands. "I'm stuck here, I'm useless, I'm waiting for nothing-"
Elias was weeping like a child, his shoulders shaking. Alois breathed hard. His own eyes swam with tears. Traitor eyes, in more ways than one. He wished again the Witchhunter were here to do what he'd done ten years ago, to drag him away from the sight of his dead mother and hold him tight in his arms. Azare had wept then, he realized. He'd wept like Elias was weeping now.
Alois let out his breath.
"I'm sorry," he said. The words sounded glib, but he didn't know what else to say. If it were Marin he'd know what to do, but Marin was a long way from here. Still, he knelt next to the mad boy and put his arm around him, staying with him until his sobs and shudders slowed, until the room was quiet once more.
Elias lowered his hands. Salt tracks glimmered down his face. He scrubbed his knuckles over his nose.
"There's something here," he said. "In the Palace. Like a cloud of smoke. Can't see through it...hurts to try..."
"What? What is it?"
"I don't know. I could see the princess, and then...too much. Too strong. Ghosts whispering. Chained at the wrist and at the neck. They remember...there was a girl here who could talk to them, but this isn't speaking, this is-"
He cut off, and his eyes grew wide. He twisted and grabbed Alois by both wrists. His chair toppled and clattered. Alois jerked back, but Elias was full of some fever strength, and held on.
"It's coming for her," he hissed.
"Who? Isabella?"
"She's in danger," Elias said. "Not just her. Her ghost. It's restless inside her like a bird in an egg, ready to hatch, ready to die-"
There were few times in Alois's life where belief consumed training, where conviction obliterated caution. A child, following his mother's secrets instead of his father's punishments. When he had made his bargain with Isabella, the fledgling promise of a new way of living. Now, that same fervent conviction burned in Elias. He wasn't mad, Alois saw, not really. Simply pushed so far he'd been tilted out of the way most saw, into some new realm of knowledge, some divine place past Alois's ken.
Now, belief swept aside all logic, all doubt. Alois knew.
Something was wrong.
Footsteps approached the door. Alois stood as two Falcii pushed it wide, blocking the doorway. Both were armed, pistol and blade.
"Good afternoon," Alois said, switching back to his formal Lapidaean. "Is everything well?"
The Falcii approached. Elias backed off, hands clenched.
"Prince Alois? Come with us," said the one on the left. Her voice was flat, emotionless. Alois glanced around the room. Plants hung from braided ropes. Shelves held today's collection of books. The breeze stirred the drapes, something below exciting a cloud of gulls so they rose like smoke, buoyed on the wind. A catsbones board, pieces scattered.
"I'm sorry, what's this about?" he asked.
"Come with us." The other one was a big man, a head taller than Alois. "Now."
"Did the princess send you?"
"Isabella is no longer a princess of Lapide," said the first Falcii. "We come under the orders of Captain Enzo Acier, acting regent of-"
"Acier? Where's Isabella?" Alois stepped back. His stocking-clad right foot slid on the flagstones. "What happened?"
The big man drew his stiletto: a sinister whisper of steel to steel. Alois's palms were slick. He stepped back again. The cloud gulls shrieked outside.
"This isn't right-" he began.
"For Lapide," the Falcii whispered.
A howl split the air, a frenzied cry. Elias. "Saints! The pain!" Alois whipped round as he collapsed, writhing, clawing at his face. "The pain! The pain! Saints spare me! It hurts so much!"
"What's wrong with him? He plagued?" The first Falcii swept past Alois; the second looked past him, distracted. "Paolo, hurry up and help me-"
Alois picked up the upset game table chair and swung it straight for Paolo's back. It cracked into him, hard, with the sickening thud of wood against flesh. Paolo cried out and dropped to his knees, bowling sideways. The other Falcii whirled with a shout, blade half-drawn. Daval might look at him with shame, but Alois was a son of Estara.
He was trained as one, too.
The first Falcii came at him, blade loosed. Alois ducked aside and she skidded past him. On the floor, Elias sprang at Paolo, catching him round the neck. Steel sang. Alois ducked as a blade lashed down for his shoulder. The Falcii slashed at him again, and he twisted out of the way. Her sword hit the doorframe and stuck deep.
"Ah, Hells-" she started.
She never finished. Alois hit her on the head with the empty fruit bowl. She collapsed, leaving the sword twanging in the doorframe. He wrenched it loose and turned, braced to fight, but there was nothing, no one. Elias released Paolo, who slumped, unconscious, to the carpet.
"It's all right," Elias said. "I got him."
"Yes, you did," Alois said, eyebrows raised, breathing hard. He peered into the corridor. Nothing there but sun-dappled marble and echoes.
"They were here to kill us," Elias piped up.
"Yes, I rather realized that." He went back for his boot and pulled it on again. It was a good thing he wasn't dead; it'd be damn embarrassing to go to his tomb half-shod. "We have to get out of here. Someone will have heard all that. Come on."
"Ghosts hear everything," Elias whispered.
Alois couldn't argue with that. "Where's Isabella?"
"Down. Down. Down in the dark." The boy brushed past him. "Follow me."
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multis-sermonibus · 1 year
black leather jacket: what is a fashion trend that others hate but you secretly enjoy? (Leorio)
black olive: if you could own a restaurant, what kind would it be? (King Dice)
café noir: when you hang out with your group of friends, do you contribute to conversation? are you the quiet one? (Naruto)
☽ send a shade of black. ☾
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"I love wedge sneakers. Most folks don't like'em but I just think they're neat!"
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"A dapper one of course. Where only fine dining is acceptable. And where there's plenty of alcohol to go around."
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"I'm usually the one that starts conversations in groups to be honest."
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hindisoup · 1 year
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Game Night Vocabulary
पट्टे का खेल, बोर्ड खेल - board game (masculine) * रणनीति पर आधारित - strategy based * मौके पर आधारित - chance based * भाग्य / किस्मत पर आधारित - based on luck * एकल खिलाड़ी का खेल - single player game * दो खिलाड़ी खेल - two player game * दो या उससे अधिक खिलाड़ी खेल - game of two or more players सतह, बोर्ड - surface, board (feminine) नियम - rules (masculine) * rules can be for example सहज (simple) or जटिल (complex) * नियमों के अनुसार - according to the rules (adverb) खिलाड़ी - player (masculine) * प्रतिद्वंद्वी खिलाड़ी - opponent * अन्य खिलाड़ी - other players खेलना - play (transitive) गोटी - 1. piece, token, pawn (feminine) also मोहरा, प्यादा (masculine) 2. checkers game (feminine) * मोहरा चलाना - to move a token * मोहरा रखना - to place a token * मोहरा हटाना - to remove a token पहली चाल - the first move (feminine) पहली चाल चलने वाला खिलाड़ी - the player who moves first (masculine) अंदाजा लगाना - to guess, estimate (transitive) निर्णय लेना - to make a decision (transitive) समझौता करना - to negotiate, compromise (transitive) लक्ष्य हासिल करना - to achieve a goal (transitive) अंकों के संग्रहण करना - to score points (transitive) जीत हासिल करना, जीतना - to win (transitive) हारना - to lose (intransitive) बारी - turn (feminine) * अपनी बारी का इंतजार करना - to wait one's turn (transitive) * यह किसकी बारी है? - Whose turn is it? * यह आपकी बारी है - It's your turn. * बारी बारी से - by turn (adverb) * अपनी बारी खो देना - to lose, miss one's turn रेत घड़ी - hour class (feminine) पासा - dice (masculine) * छह पक्षीय पासा - six sided dice * पासा रोल करना / फेंकना - to roll, throw the dice (transitive) * पासा फेंकने पर बड़ी संख्या प्राप्त करना - to throw a big number on a dice (transitive) कूदना - to jump, hop (intransitive) * दूसरे के मोहरे के ऊपर से कूदना - to jump over another's pawn (intransitive) कब्जा - capture, take over (masculine) * मोहरे पर कब्जा करना - to capture, take over a pawn (transitive) बेतरतीब - random (adjective) बेतरतीब ढंग से - randomly (adverb) बिखरना - to scatter [eg. pieces] (transitive) अक्षर उठाना - to pick up a letter [eg. in Scrabble] (transitive)
Game Types
सुराग खेल - mystery game (masculine) क्लुएडो - Cluedo, Clue मोनोपोली - Monopoly (feminine), lit. एकाधिकार (masculine) टिक-टैक-टो - Tic-Tac-Toe रिस्क - Risk, lit. जोखिम (masculine) * जोखिम उठाना - to take a risk (transitive) शब्दों का खेल - word game (masculine) * स्क्रैबल - Scrabble बच्चों का खेल - children's game (masculine) पारिवारिक खेल - family games (masculine) सांप-सीढ़ी का खेल - Snakes and Ladders (masculine) त्यागी - Solitaire (adjective) ताश - playing cards (masculine or feminine) * cards can be मानक (standard) or विशेष (special) ताश का खेल - card game (masculine) ताश का डेक - card deck, deck of cards (masculine) डेक में फेरबदल करना - to shuffle a deck of cards (transitive) कार्ड बाँटना - to deal cards (transitive) कार्ड खींचना - to draw a card (transitive) शीर्ष कार्ड को पलटना - to turn over the top card (transitive) डेक पर लौटना - to return to deck (transitive) ट्रिविया खेल - trivia game (masculine) सवाल, प्रश्न - question (masculine) से सवाल पूछना - to ask a question from (transitive) जवाब देना - to answer (transitive) बैकगैमौन - backgammon (masculine) शतरंज - Chess (feminine) चौपाट - chess board (masculine) राजा - king (masculine) रानी - queen, also वजीर (masculine) ऊँट, फील - bishop (masculine) घोड़ा - knight (masculine) हाथी, किश्ती - rook (masculine) सैनिक, प्यादा - pawn (masculine) शाह-मात - checkmate (masculine)
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news4usonline · 23 days
Murray’s dagger is a shot at Lakers’ heart   
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The Los Angeles Lakers are in trouble. They know it. And everybody else knows it. The Lakers are halfway to going on summer vacation. By blowing a 20-point lead against the Denver Nuggets, the Lakers may have blown their chances to win their first-round series against the defending NBA champions.  Game 2 was a game the Lakers needed to win. They should have won but got no dice. As a result, Denver’s 101-99 win kept their feet on the Lakers’ neck.  Jamal Murray, probably one of the most underrated players in the entire NBA, dropped one of the most iconic finishes in postseason history when dropped back nailed a jumper over the outstretched hand of Anthony Davis as the buzzer sounded at the end of the fourth quarter to give the Nuggets a commanding 2-0 series lead against Los Angeles.  Can't stop watching https://t.co/IWU0TxQa2Q pic.twitter.com/StNCfxHTYj— Denver Nuggets (@nuggets) April 23, 2024 When you think of game-winning shots in postseason history, the Lakers have had their share of breaking other team’s hearts. How about that 3-point dagger that Robert Horry hit for the Lakers against the Sacramento Kings?  Remember that? If that wasn’t enough, you cannot forget about that Derek Fisher Hail Mary game-winning basket against Tim Duncan and the San Antonio Spurs,  The Lakers have often been on the winning side of game-winning shots. This time, the Nuggets hit the big one when it counted. How will the Lakers rebound from this devastating defeat? It was more than a tough loss for the purple and gold.  To come back from this defeat will take a Herculean effort by the Lakers collectively as a team. The loss by the Lakers is compounded by the fact that Los Angeles has lost 10 straight games to the Nuggets, including being swept in the West Conference Finals last year.  The epic collapse by the Lakers in Game 2 superseded the double-digit lead Los Angeles surrendered to Denver in a 114-103 defeat in Game 1. The Lakers outscored the Nuggets 31-20 in the second quarter to take control of the game.  By the time the third quarter rolled around, the Lakers increased their lead. The problem the Lakers ran into is that an NBA game is played in 48 minutes, not 36 (outside of overtime). Denver outscored Los Angeles 32-20 to finish the game with a flurry.  Outside of Murray’s incredible shot-winning basket, there were several factors that contributed to Denver getting a two-game jump over the Lakers.  For one, the Lakers turned the ball over 14 times. That’s never good. On a second note, Denver outscored the Lakers in the paint, holding a 54-38 advantage. Finally, how does any team stop Nikola Jokic? The Lakers have had no answer to slow down Jokic. In Game 2, Jokic was unstoppable, scoring 27 points, collecting 20 rebounds and handing out 10 assists.    He made this. pic.twitter.com/OTim2JoZRH— Los Angeles Lakers (@Lakers) April 23, 2024 Making the defeat even harder to swallow is that both LeBron James and Anthony Davis played well. Davis, before Murray stuck that fadeaway jumper in his face at the buzzer, held his own against Jokic with 32 points and 11 rebounds. James answered with 26 points and 12 assists.  Game 3 and Game 4 are going to be interesting. Either the Lakers are going to fight their way back into the series or the Nuggets are going to break out the boom handles and sweep Los Angeles at Crypto.com Arena.  Right now, the Nuggets are like sharks in the water that smell blood. They’re coming. So now the Lakers have to go and protect their home court. Good luck with that. The Lakers don’t have an answer on how to stop Jokic. Murray has become indefensible, especially at crunch time.  The Lakers have to play desperate to have a chance to win the next two games. That might not be enough to keep Denver from finishing off this series quickly. Lead Photo Caption: Denver Nuggets guard Jamal Murray (27) goes up for a shot against Los Angeles Lakers forward Anthony Davis (3) during the second half in Game 2 of an NBA basketball first-round playoff series, Monday, April 22, 2024, in Denver. (AP Photo/Jack Dempsey) Read the full article
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unholy-screeching9 · 1 year
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A request from a few friends of mine! For those who’ve left me a request in my asks/messages, I’ll get to them as soon as possible. But they may take a little while.
Enjoy for now! 💋
King Dice x Reader ‘Homeless’ Headcanons
You and your husband are devastated.
King Dice had never had a loss on his game show. Not one. Single. Loss. Every contestant had won his game, even some of the dumbest souls alive.
The show was simple. If someone were to mess up on a song name or question, Dice would give them a helpline, or hint them towards the correct answer.
For fuck’s sake, all contestants had to do was roll any number on the giant dice machine. Any. Goddamn. Number. Losing was impossible at this stage.
Key word: was.
The mess started with a cup. A kid. A stupid fool who couldn’t even name ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star’.
Somehow, the child did the impossible. Not only did he lose the game, he lost at the easiest stage. He rolled the dice too hard, and the machine malfunctioned.
You had never seen your husband so panicked in front of an audience before. He threw every excuse under the book.
“That’s actually a good thing!” “When the dice shatters, you go directly to the prize room!”
The audience didn’t buy it. Dice’s facade failed. He failed. No. He didn’t fail, his contestant failed. He’s only reaping the consequences of his contestant’s stupidity. And it crushes him.
Not many people would understand why Dice tried so hard to get that kid to win, but no one knew what happened behind the scenes. No one knows what goes on in those discussions with his boss.
Not even you.
But when your boss is as pretentious as Dice’s, it’s pretty important to do everything right. Every. Single. Thing. There is no room for error. And even though you disagree completely, according to the higher ups, Dice made a terrible mistake in letting that cup get away.
A mistake that is unredeemable.
You wait anxiously outside Dice’s dressing room for the telltale elevator signaling his return. Your heart pounds in your chest. Your skin starts to sweat.
What if he gets into an argument? What if he gets in trouble? Of course he would.
…What if he gets fired?
Oh God, you hope not. If Dice is fired, you both will lose everything. Dice will have wasted years of his time all for nothing. You’d hate that for him.
Your head snaps up when you hear a loud ‘ding!’ as the familiar elevator shoots up from the ground. You hold your breath as your husband steps out, approaching you.
Before you can ask what happened, his arms are wrapped tightly around you. He doesn’t say a word. Neither do you. You hug him back, ignoring the slight shakes in his breathing for his sake.
The ride home is dead silent. The walk up to the suite is silent. No words are spoken until you both finally step into the bedroom, Dice sitting on the edge of the bed and lighting up a cigar.
You open your mouth to ask what was going on. Nothing comes out. You can only stare, mouth slightly ajar as Dice takes a long breath of his cigar, exhaling tiredly.
His glassy eyes lock into yours, and he takes your hands. He squeezes them. You squeeze back, hopeful for the best.
He tells you the worst.
“Doll, I’m so so sorry… I lost the show.”
That was months ago. You both kept the large home for as long as possible with the money Dice had put away, but eventually, that ran out.
You both sold all the furniture you had. Gave up electricity. Gas. Heat. Anything to pay the rent. Eventually, you were both out of luck.
Now, you both live on an abandoned mattress in the alley back behind Dice’s old show building. Cold. Hungry. So hungry.
It’s wet. Musty. The mattress is old, creaky, and full of broken springs. But it’s the best you have.
You both wear the same clothes you had on when you walked out of your former suite. You haven’t changed since.
Your only friends anymore are the rats that sneak behind the alley, looking for their next meal. Finally, something to relate to. You both end up scavenging through the garbage just to get by. It’s disgusting. Sickening. But it’s the best you have.
Your hair is matted. Your face is covered in dust and grime. Your clothes are tattered and torn. You feel gross. But your husband sticks by you, and loves you anyway. You can’t thank him enough.
But honestly, he’s in a similar condition. His once pristine and perfectly primed suit is now wrinkled and covered in various stains. Parts of his clothes are torn off. He only has one shoe, having lost his other one somehow.
His mustache is unkempt, and a thick layer of stubble laces the lower half of his face from lack of grooming. The edges of his head are slightly cracked and chipped away.
You both are absolutely miserable, but at least you have each other. That’s the most important thing to you. You wouldn’t want to go on with this without him, and he certainly wouldn’t without you either. You need each other.
Yet, it doesn’t change the fact that you’re hungry. Starving. You’re cold. That mattress is so uncomfortable, you think Dice is starting to get back issues from that thing.
For fuck’s sake, you both are using newspaper as blankets. When you used to eat caviar for the fun of it, your best meal now is leftovers trashed from a nearby brewery. $8000 wine you both drank on the daily is replaced by questionable water and half drank beer bottles.
From riches to rags. In mere months. It’s torture.
The stress of it all takes a huge toll on your husband, and you honestly can’t blame him. You can’t even imagine the guilt he feels for putting you in this position, even though it really wasn’t his fault. But he blames himself.
And he hates himself for it. Why couldn’t he capture a single kid when he had manipulated thousands of adults? Why couldn’t his boss be satisfied with the many souls he collected, instead of firing him over one loss?
Dice scoffs to himself and shakes his head, sitting up on the mattress and leaning back against the brick wall of his old theater.
You slowly open your eyes and glance over at him as he flicks his lighter, pulling out a spare cigar and lighting it up before taking a long, exhausted hit. He looks so tired. He is tired. And irritated. Angry.
Man, if he had the chance, he’d love to give his boss a piece of his mind.
You sit up as well, slowly resting against him as he smokes. Your nose is greeted by the familiar smell of cigar smoke, which is ironically the best scent in the alley. God, you both need a shower.
He sighs, glowering down at you. He loathes seeing you like this. It makes him angry. If there’s anyone who doesn’t deserve this, it’s you.
“You shouldn’t be here, doll.” He states for the hundredth time since you both lost everything. “You don’t have to stay. You deserve better than losing your life over my troubles.”
You sigh softly, your arm resting over his back as you lay your head against his shoulder.
“No, baby.” You reassure him. “I’m not going anywhere. Not only do I have nowhere to start, but I’m not leaving you behind. You’re my husband. Until death do us part, remember?” You offer a gentle smile, your other hand resting on his chest.
Dice grimaces slightly at the memory of your vows. He knows damn well it’s true, and if the tables were turned there’s no way he’d leave your side either.
He just… he can’t bear to watch you eat from a garbage can. He hates watching you force dirty water down your throat just to survive.
He wishes he could change things.
“I… I’m sorry, sugar. I’m so sorry things turned out this way. I never wanted this life for you.” Dice takes another hit from his cigar, exhaling heavily as he breaks away from your graze.
“Honey, it’s not your fault.” You murmur, your hand massaging his shoulder blades. He groans softly and leans into your touch.
“You’re not to blame for this disaster. It’s your boss who’s the jerk, throwing you out at your prime. The world fucked you over. And that’s not your fault, at all…”
Your hand on his chest traces down to his thighs, and you run your fingers along the tight fabric of his slacks. They slowly make their way towards his hardening groin as you continue.
“I could never hold any resentment towards you for this. I love you, King. So much. You deserve so much better than what you’ve been given…”
Dice moves to reply, but he yelps slightly as your hand grabs his crotch. He’s rendered speechless as you gently squeeze and massage his cock through the fabric, dropping his cigar entirely.
You smile slightly as you start to nip at his exposed collarbone, snuggling him as you pamper him. He groans softly and rests his aching head against yours, starting to move his hips into your hand.
“Shit, dear.. now? What if someone sees us? Oh fuck, right there baby… please…”
You giggle softly and shake your head, kissing his cheek, admiring the way his stubble feels on your lips.
“We’re in a dark alley at night time, and there’s no one around. I think we can have a little fun…”
“Ohhh… a-alright, if you insist. It has been a little while.”
You grin at his approval and immediately pull down his slacks, exposing his cock. Hungry and excited, your hand reaches for it and immediately starts pumping.
You relish in your husband’s desperate whines as you fuck him with your hand, cooing gently to him as he grits his teeth.
“You deserve to be treated like a King, even when you’re not at your best. Please, let me help you out~”
“Ohh, sweetness…” Dice moans out, panting heavily. “Please, please don’t stop. I need this. I need you~”
And boy, does he have you. You crash your lips onto his, pumping his cock faster and harder as he grinds his hips into your hand. He groans loudly into your mouth as he quickly reaches his peak, releasing his load into your hand.
He has a lot more in him than usual, you can feel it. You smile as you lick the juices off your fingers, gently running your thumb over Dice’s slit as you look at him fondly.
“You poor dear, it seems like you have a lot more load in you than usual… let’s fix that~”
As soon as the words leave your mouth, your husband pulls you into his lap, lowering you right onto his throbbing dick. You let out a loud moan as he completely fills you up with his length, gripping onto his shoulders as you adjust.
Dice growls slightly and leans forward, ripping open your top. He hungrily starts to nibble and suck on the exposed skin, moaning as he makes his way down to your nipple. You shriek in excitement as he sucks on it, rubbing his thumb over the other.
His mouth is doing wonders on your chest. His hands are working magic on your skin. The way his beard tickles you drives you crazy. You love him so much, no matter how rough around the edges he is. He’s perfect.
Dice’s hands travel to your sides as he starts to thrust into you, ripping moans and whines from your throat left and right. He feels a lot thicker than you’re used to. Very full. You can’t imagine the amount of load he’s been holding onto.
Soon, you’ll be holding it inside of you.
Excited by the thought, you begin to bounce on and off of him, matching the rhythm of his thrusts. In retaliation, Dice reaches up and yanks on your hair, removing his mouth from your nipple and instead crashing his lips onto yours.
Every single groan he makes turns you on even more. Every thrust brings you closer and closer to release, but you hold it in. You want your husband to release first. You need to feel just how much seed he has in him. You need him to fill you to the brim.
No. You need him to stuff you beyond your limits. You need to be overloaded.
It’s been too long since you last fucked each other like this. The last time was in the comfort of your old home, in the silky sheets. On a much nicer, more comfortable mattress. In a much better smelling environment.
But at some point, you get too desperate to care about your surroundings. At some point, you don’t care about how broke you are. How hungry, how cold, how wet you are. How musty it is. How much it smells. None of it matters.
It’s been months since you both have satisfied each other. Months. Dignity be damned. If anyone saw you both, you’d worry later.
Right now, it’s just you, him, and the shitty mattress. And you love it.
You love the feeling of his thick, throbbing cock slamming into your hole. The sounds of skin slapping against skin. Your husband’s husky voice as he moans into your mouth. How hot your insides feel.
And man, does your husband look hot, wrestling his tongue with you as he pounds into you. You don’t mind the sweaty smell, or the ripped clothes. You don’t mind the scratchiness of his stubble. In fact, you actually quite like it.
You like him. You love him. And by god, does he love you.
You squeeze your hands on the sides of his head, rubbing over his pips to try and get him to go harder. In response, he growls loudly and bites on your lip, quickening his pace. Good heavens, you can feel how much he has inside of him.
He’s going to explode into you until he’s milked dry. You’re gonna be full for the next week.
He releases his mouth from yours, groaning loudly as he rams into you.
“Doll-! I’m close! Fuck! FuckfuckfUCK-!”
You brace yourself, but it’s not enough to prepare you for the sheer power of Dice’s release.
His cock practically bursts inside of you. His juices shoot out from him, and god, it keeps on coming. He’s been holding onto this for months. There is so much. You wonder if you’ll be able to hold all of it.
You whimper and whine in pleasure as you reach your own climax, your hands squeezing his shoulders as your own fluids burst out of you, dripping onto your clothes and Dice’s.
Oh well. Your clothes are already stained and beaten, what’s one more?
Holy shit, Dice is still filling you up. He’s grinding against you as he rides out his high, and you feel his seed start to overflow inside of you.
So much so, that your stomach extends slightly.
He whimpers slightly, head resting on your chest. He nibbles down on your skin, slowly reaching his limit. You’re milking him completely dry, and he loves that feeling of satisfaction as he finally releases every last drop of load he has.
You take it all.
Once you both start to come down from ecstasy, you breathe heavily and just hold onto each other. Neither of you dare to move.
Dice’s cock is still inside of you, twitching occasionally. You say nothing about it. In fact, it’s probably for the best that he keeps it there. If he pulls out now, you’ll surely spill some of his juices.
Dice holds you close, rubbing your back and finally chuckling slightly as you keep him warm.
“Sorry pumpkin, I might’ve overfilled you just a tad… please do your best to keep it all inside though. I’m sure it’ll keep you full for a while~”
You moan softly and nod to him, resting your head on his shoulder.
You both stay still for a few minutes, basking in each other’s presence. You take comfort in his heavy breathing, the rise and fall of his chest, and the feeling of his dick still inside of you, keeping warm.
Eventually, Dice gently lifts you off of him, laughing softly as his juices immediately start running down your legs. He realllly stuffed you good.
You pant heavily as you collapse beside him, leaning against him. You’re still leaking. You watch as the white liquid oozes out of you, and begin to close your legs when Dice stops you, removing his glove.
“Not to worry, baby. Here, let me.”
You open your mouth to question, but you can’t even get a word out before Dice’s fingers gently enter your hole, one by one. Eventually, three fingers are inside, effectively closing you off and stopping the leak.
For fun, your lover cheekily starts to pump his digits in and out of you, earning a stream of pleasured whimpers and cries from you. He’s driving you crazy.
Fuck, it feels so good.
You let him continue, gripping onto him and squeezing your eyes shut. He feels amazing. Every single part of him. From his face, to his dick, to his fucking fingers. He’s perfect. Even in this state.
Eventually he stops, but keeps his fingers inside of you. You wrap your arms around his neck, clinging onto him. Your faces are inches apart, your breaths mingling together.
He smiles tiredly at you, and you smile back. You kiss, and rest peacefully against each other.
Even when homeless, with no money, no food, nothing but the clothes on your back and other people’s trash, you both still suppose things could be worse.
As long as you have each other, you’re never truly at rock bottom.
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boredgamecieranshippy · 7 months
Game Design - The design of the game is very basic, being a representation of the location in the story, with imprinted leave designs and the fact it is made out of "wood". With maze like pathways for each player to slowly make their way to the middle.
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Ideas I can take from it -
RULES - The Rules of The game are simple, players must roll dice, that depending on the amount of numbers they get, increases their chances to reach the middle which is the goal. "However with every turn a player will face. A challenge will emerge and cause havoc in its wake."
Film - The film doesn't go into detail on how it works but it does show us how the game changes the lives and reality of the location it is in, when being played. With Monsters, animal hordes or hunters whatever you want to see will just come crawling out and attack you.
DEJARIK (Star Wars)
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RULES - (Not my writing but using it for guidance)
Board and Pieces: Dejarik is played on a circular board with holographic monsters or creatures as the game pieces. Each creature has its own unique abilities and attacks.
Strategic Gameplay: The game involves strategic movement and attacks. Players control their creatures to defeat their opponent's pieces. The specific rules for how each creature moves and attacks are not fully explained in the movies.
Holographic Creatures: The creatures on the Dejarik board are depicted as being aggressive and attacking each other when they move. The game appears to be intense and sometimes violent.
Unknown Rules: The exact rules and strategies for Dejarik are never fully described in Star Wars canon. This leaves much of the game's details up to the imagination of fans
This is a consideration on how I can structure my game - Like have the base of the game be a chess game, where at first looks like a card game you realise that it is also like a chess game, trying to implement two style within one, or have it where using a card answering a question with a card and depending on how good or bad it is determines how far you are on the chess board; like a race of some sorts.
Game Design - It is essentially halogenic version of chess but with actual hologram creatures acting as chess pieces, to fight to the death to see what side wins.
Wizards Chess (Harry Potter - Ron)
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Strategic Gameplay: The game involves strategy, just like regular chess. Players need to think several moves ahead, anticipate their opponent's moves, and plan their strategy accordingly.
Magical Commands: In the series, the player would issue verbal commands to the pieces to direct their movements. For example, a player might say, "Knight to E5," and the knight piece would move to that square.
Sacrifices and Attacks: Like traditional chess, players can make sacrifices, capture opponent's pieces, and employ various tactics to checkmate their opponent's king.
Physical Gameplay: Wizard Chess is depicted as a physical game with large, life-sized pieces moving on a board that resembles a giant chessboard. Players interact with the pieces directly.
Again it is very similar to normal chess, with each piece moving to their basic assigned parts to either counteract another part, or to be attacked if fail. With the players using strategy to gain the upper hand, but their is a catch you also play as the pieces as well, so there is a higher chance of you getting yourself killed than the statues.
Game design - Very similar to Normal chess and acts like normal chess, the only difference is that the pieces are actually statue versions of the pieces that come to life to attack each other.
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