#Young Slo-Be
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dustedmagazine · 2 years
Mac J — True Story (True Story Ent)
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When Young Slo-Be was killed in August it was a devastating loss for all hip hop community. It only made sense that Mac J would dedicate his new tape not only to Slo-Be but to Bris as well who was killed two years ago. True Story is a tribute album by the Sacramento MC which was released with a hashtag #LongLiveDaThugs.
True Story is a departure for Mac J. His previous efforts were short and tight. This one lasts more than an hour and consists of 23 tracks. It’s not exactly a baggy monster, but it feels that it was done in haste, like Mac J has just thrown in a few tracks which laid loose on his hard drive. It’s not that Young Slo-Be and Bris don’t deserve a full blown tribute. Trimming the disc by half might provide a moving memorial. True Story is 2021′s 7-song, 20-minute Tricky Situation, Mac J’s best to date, except he’s forgotten to delete all the mediocre tracks.
Mac J’s best weapon has always been puns, but here they’re drowned out. He jokes less and less. You have to dig through whole verses to find good quotes: “I never wear hats so I never turn a cap on”, “I get them bags to your door like I’m bellboy” or “Keep your eyes on that paper, that’s what teacher said.”
It’s not surprising that his mood turns darker. He’s writing about revenge for his fallen comrades. He mourns – and barely holds himself from spraying at the opposition. On every track, he reminds the listeners that he’s ready to avenge his friends. He raps on “Talk 2 Much”: “Make sure to count me in when it’s count time \ I ain’t give a fuck ‘bout yours but about mine.” Even when the production is playful and slappy, the Sacramento rapper has little use for play. He goes straight for threats. Maybe this is the reason why the CD lacks clarity: emotions get in the way of artistry. Half of the tracks are out of focus. Only the hooks hold attention.
As a tribute to the killed partners, True Story is as genuine as it can be. As a piece of art, not so much.
Ray Garraty
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gayshitanddadjokes · 1 year
Okay so the stepsiblings Tim and Cassie again! I want the rest of YJ to figure it out first and just not mention out of politeness, thinking that 'yeah, everyone already knows but you don't just say it out loud'. Like she brings (read: drags kicking and screaming) Tim to meet young justice. Everyone (actually I wanna say everyone but Kon because he's a moron) can immediately tell and they assume that Cassie knows and is just making fun of him for thinking she wouldn't recognize him so they play along.
Next time Kon and Cassie are making a fuss about Robin not telling them his secret ID they get the most incredulous looks in the world.
Kon: I just don't think we can trust him if he doesn't trust us
Cassie: I mean I love him but who knows what he's doing when he's not here
Everyone else:
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novacomics · 10 months
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anita and slobo doodle, i might color it one say
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amaraudermind · 1 year
I see so many posts about yj that are just "oh Greta is the sweetest and makes sure everyone is happy" "well Bart takes care of everyone's emotional well-being" "Cassie is totally the mom of the group" and it's all cute and fine or whatever
But it's all completely false these are nine teenagers who are all so astronomically incapable of regulating their OWN emotions much less anyone else's NONE OF THOSE MORONS is paying attention to each other.
Except for Slo-bo. He's paying attention.
He's doing fuck all with that information but he IS paying attention
They all love each other and can't stand each other and immediately fall apart after not seeing each other for two point three seconds.
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automaticsoulharmony · 6 months
TimKon QPR you’re so right ( @nebul4-t )
They just act like that
Everyone, EVERYONE assumes they like each other, little do they Kons Aro and doesn’t actually fuck with that shit
Tim did like Kon for a brief period of time, then realized it was a cover-up cause he didn’t understand intense platonic love
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This is @deepfried-dildos-again's fault
But it's that time of year folks! Annual reminder that Bart's eyes in the comics are YELLOW (they are green in the animated Young Justice), and Slo-Bo's eyes are not red like Lobo's.
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andronell · 2 years
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every time i see someone treating slobo and li'l lobo as the same character i put a quarter in the sock
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Anytime he sees/talks to/hears about/literally exists in the vicinity of any of the Young Justice members, Tim should get the goofiest, sappiest smile on his face that he literally cannot contain despite his best efforts
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cynric · 2 years
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[Image: A digital drawing of Anita Fite and Slo-bo from Young Justice 1998, Anita is asleep on a couch with a small toddler cuddled under her arm, Slo-bo is sitting on the floor leaning against the couch also asleep, another toddler is laying on his chest, the room is dark but lit by a small lamp on a table next to the couch, alphabet blocks are littered around the floor. /end ID]
DC here’s my pitch for an Anita and Slo-bo raise Anita’s parents and deal with teen parenting and chronic illness and also their dumb friends come around and cause problems sometimes comic please consider this and don’t worry about the fact that Slo-bo is technically stuck in a statue in the future he’s fine now don’t worry about it
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ao3 young justice 1998 fic stats
Kon/Tim (4,681)
Tim/Bart (213)
Tim/Cassie (197)
Kon/Cassie (169)
Kon/Bart (138)
Cassie/Cissie (59)
Tim/Cissie (19)
Bart/Cassie (18)
Cissie/Anita (16)
Bart/Cissie (10)
Anita/Slobo (7)
Tim/Slobo (6)
Tim/Greta (5)
Kon/Cissie & Cissie/Greta (3)
Bart/Greta (2)
Tim/Anita & Cassie/Anita & Anita/Greta (1)
Kon/Anita & Kon/Greta & Kon/Slobo & Bart/Anita & Bart/Slobo & Cassie/Greta & Cassie/Slobo & Cissie/Slobo (0)
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gayshitanddadjokes · 1 year
Cassie: Spray cheese is only good for one thing:
Kon: lube
Slo-bo: whippits
Cassie: I was gonna say pranks but I like your answers better
Red Tornado: *googling 'how to change career'*
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mossycrumpet · 2 years
A Concept™:
Through some classic comic book nonsense, Slobo manages to escape the statue and return to the present day. He's pretty lost, and Hella confused about what happened to him, and maybe his memories are a little fuzzy, but he remembers that he had friends on earth, so he tries to make his way back there.
He of course, causes trouble along the way, and catches the attention of some superheroes, maybe a green lantern, because he's a Czarnian it might get around to Crush and her circle, but basically everyone is running around dealing with whatever plot is going on in their books, while trying to find this feral, tiny, Czarnian causing havoc and seemingly headed straight for earth.
Maybe he does reach earth, bumps into Damian and starts a fight because "You ain't Robin, who the frag are you?"
Shenanigans ensue, and eventually, a member of YJ (probably one of the core four) see a picture of Slobo, freak out and ask where they got this, and immediately organize a rescue mission to bring him back to earth
Cue reunions, Slobo trying to deny that he missed them, Slobo not fooling anyone, and idk maybe he joins the team and gets to be a menace with Crush.
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amaraudermind · 1 year
Slo-bo is so interesting because he somehow has the most emotional maturity despite 1) being the youngest(an impressive feat on a team of toddler-aged teenagers) and 2) framing literally everything he does as self-serving and entirely separate from the thoughts, feelings, and opinions of everyone else. In this essay I will
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brian4rmthe6 · 2 years
Rest Easy Young Slo be
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