#additional tags on AO3
makeitastrength · 24 days
I know I’m the last person you want to hear from right now, but we need to talk ASAP.
Lucy sighs heavily as she reads the message on her screen and then locks her phone and puts it away without replying. It’s 10:00pm and she’s just been called back to the station, she's exhausted, seeing Kojo and receiving her birthday card has left her feeling raw, and she really just doesn’t have the emotional energy to have a conversation with Tim right now.
But she also knows he wouldn’t be texting her at this time of night, in the middle of whatever is happening, if it wasn’t serious.
She glances around the bullpen, assuming he’s received the callback too and is probably here somewhere. She doesn’t spot him right away, but she’s mid-conversation with Nolan just a couple minutes later when she catches a glimpse of Tim as he rounds a corner on the opposite side of the station.
Lucy quickly excuses herself and hurries after him, catching up to him just as the elevator doors are sliding closed. She just barely gets there in time, reaching out to stop them and then stepping inside as soon as they’ve reopened enough for her to fit through the gap. Tim is standing near the back wall and his eyes widen as he sees her, but beneath the surprise he looks utterly wrecked. And she knows he just watched a man he considered a friend take his own life, but the guilt in his eyes makes her think there’s more to it than that.
“Tim,” she murmurs, only vaguely aware of the doors closing behind her, trapping her in a confined space with him for the first time since the breakup. He motions toward the control panel, and Lucy wordlessly turns and pulls the emergency stop button, halting the elevator before it can begin its ascent. She turns back around, finds him watching her with tears shimmering in his eyes. “What happened?”
Read the rest on AO3
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karljnap · 1 year
saturday morning cartoons
Rated Explicit | 5.5k/ 13.3k words | Chapter 4/ 4 (complete)
Karl and Sapnap watch anime together all the time. A new show changes everything.
Tags: Smut, Fluff, Friends to Lovers, Sapnap in North Carolina
Excerpt: He moved over to give Sapnap the same hug, and a quick, feather- light kiss on his cheek. Chaste, if not for the hand he slid down the front of Sapnap’s shirt, making a show of reaching for the popcorn, popping it into his mouth with his free hand. The other hand lingered on his skin, out of sight, as he answered Foolish’s questions about the trip, his flight, the drive back into town. Sapnap heard none of it, their conversation drowned out by the low droning in his ears that had started as soon as he felt Karl’s touch on his chest.
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batcavescolony · 2 years
"I wish ao3 would let me-"
It probably does, you just gotta learn how to do it.
"I wanna see fics for only my opt"
Go to either fandom tag or your ships tag, (if you're doing fandom tag you have to add your ship in the 'relationship' section),go to fliters (mobile) or the right hand side (desktop), go to the 'search within results' area and put in otp:true just like that click 'sort and filter' And it'll pull up all fics with just your otp.
(EDIT: if you wanna do this but still have other parings try otp:false instead of otp:true)
"I wanna sort by _____ not 'Date updated'"
Go to 'filters' or right, theirs a drop down and you can change it to 'author' 'title' 'date posted' ect their are more options. Pick one, click 'sort and filter'
"I don't wanna see /reader"
Filter or Right, go to 'search within results' type in -/reader like that, click 'sort and filter'. No more /reader
"I don't want explicit works"
You know where we're going Right or filter. 'Exclude' section. 'Ratings' click the box that says 'explicit'
Obviously if people don't tag shit correctly it's not gonna work but yeah you just gotta learn how the tagging works. For better tutorials go to TikTok and search 'ao3 tutorials' you can do just about everything.
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facingthenorthwind · 8 months
Why does this have "- Freeform" at the end? and other questions about AO3 tag suffixes
Have you ever tagged something only for it to get a suffix like Character, Relationship or Freeform stuck on the end when you hit save? Do you think it's ugly and want it to go away, but don't know how? You probably can't, unfortunately, but there are a few situations where you can.
A tag suffix is a hyphen followed by the name of a tag category. Tags are either Fandom, Character, Relationship or Freeform tags. The reason that a suffix gets put on a tag is that the wrangulator (the part of AO3's backend that deals with tags) can't have tags with the same name, even if they're in different categories. As a solution, it puts the category at the end of tags that have first been tagged in some other category. For example: let's say that someone tags Evil Mark Donk in the characters field because that's where they want it to appear on their work (which is a perfectly valid choice to make!). Then someone else comes along and tries to tag Evil Mark Donk in the additional tags/freeforms field. (That field is shown as "additional tags" on the posting form, but the wrangulator and tag wranglers call it the "freeforms" because that's what it was originally called.) When the second person hits save, it will appear as Evil Mark Donk - Freeform on their fic. This will also happen if someone tags Evil Mark Donk in the relationships field, but there it would appear as Evil Mark Donk - Relationship. It's ugly and it's annoying, but the wrangulator is trying its best.
So how do you get rid of it? Sometimes it turns up because you've accidentally put your tags in the wrong field. Maybe you wrote a fic where you tagged Evil Mark Donk in the additional tags field, and no one else had tagged for it before you, which means it doesn't have a suffix and everything's right! But then you write a second fic, forgot to select the "additional tags" field when posting and now suddenly you've got Evil Mark Donk - Character on your fic. If that's the case, all you have to do is move it. But what if the first person to tag it wasn't you, and they put it in the character field, so you're stuck with Evil Mark Donk - Freeform? You can choose a different phrasing for the tag that wasn't initially tagged in a different field, e.g. Evil!Mark Donk or Mark Donk is Evil.
You may also have the problem that on the first use of a particular tag, you accidentally put it in a field you don't want it to be in, and now even when you put it in the right one, it still comes up as Evil Mark Donk - Freeform! The wrangulator has betrayed you, and you will be stuck with the ugly suffix forever! Not so, my friend. The problem is that even though you deleted the character tag Evil Mark Donk, it's still floating around in the wrangulator, which hasn't noticed that you deleted it. What you have to do is wait for 24 hours (give it a few for leeway) and a part of the wrangulator called "the rake" will delete it. After it's been raked, you can go forth and post it in the additional tags field, and no suffix will appear!
Unfortunately, most of the time it's going to be that someone else tagged it in a category you don't want to tag it first, and you can't change it without changing the phrasing of your tag. Sorry!
Sometimes, taggers will add their own suffixes, and tag wranglers are extremely curious about why. If you've done this, or something similar like put (freeform) in brackets after a tag, please let us know why! What does freeform mean to you? You are of course free to put suffixes on manually if you want -- it's a valid way to tag! We are just fascinated by this practice and don't really understand it. Please enlighten us!
For more information about tags, I've written some other explanations about how tags work, such as how to tell what type of tag something is and tag capitalisation.
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ryssbelle · 3 months
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Poppy for N2 au, it took me so long to make her design cuz I didn't really know what I wanted to do only because I feel like her design is pretty perfect.
But then I just thought about fun outfits to give her or outfits that I would find comfortable if I was wearing them and it all came together.
Poppy here is pretty much the same as here movie counterpart, as nothing really changes on her end of things other than having more insight on Branch through his brothers, and through Lief. Shes also a bit more understanding a bit earlier on because of it but it doesnt do much to change her own character arc I would say.
Part of Poppys design was based off a design I had made for previous rulers of Troll Village/Tree
Namely Queen Protea who I designed as Poppys grandmother
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Named after the Protea flower which part of her design is based off :D
In the context of this Au Protea was the one who conceptualized the tunnels while her son, King Peppy, was the one to follow through after her death
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ronancebyler · 9 months
why do people hate eddie so much?
like what he did to lucas was very very shitty. he acts all anti-conformist and then created this whole nerd vs jock mentality, but i kind of assumed it was because he was bullied by jocks so he has biases. i didn't think he was irredeemable because of it.
i need to know, im new in this fandom. what did he do?
same thing with steddie. why do people hate it so much? is it not just any ship that didnt have that much screentime but became weirdly popular? that's pretty commonplace in fandom culture. i dont see nearly as many people hating on buckingham (except for the people who hate noncanon ships but yk what i mean).
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swissyyroll · 5 days
i don’t think anything could compare to opening up your relationships / favourites tags on ao3 and seeing new / updated fics. genuinely there is no other euphoria, it’s so special to have people share their wonderful words about characters you’ve invested into, whether it’s a very active pairing or perhaps an hidden gem that’s not so frequent.
it just gives me serotonin like no other!
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generalkiira · 8 months
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honestly i get it i wouldn’t wish USA healthcare system to my worst enemy
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effervescentdragon · 2 years
a collection of my favourite tags in f1 rpf
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good to know we're all united in our beloathing ❤️
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carryoncastiel · 2 months
Beautiful Things
Word Count: 3,000
Rating: Explicit
Relationship: Gale/Wyll
Tags: POV Wyll, Married Couple, PWP, Fluff and Smut, (check AO3 for full tag list)
"So,” Wyll starts as he looks back at Gale again, “how does it feel to be Gale Dekarios-Ravengard?" "Exhausting for one," Gale says, the corners of his mouth lifting into a small grin. "Oh?" Wyll snorts and gives the other man a curious look. "I'm going to feel my legs for days." ~~~
After their grand wedding Wyll and Gale enjoy their first day as newlyweds - by not leaving the bedroom all that much.
So, this fic actually takes place right after the big Dekarios-Ravengard wedding. However, since I still have to finish writing that one (it's already quite a bit longer than this fic) and I can't force my brain to do what I want, you're getting the smut first.
You're welcome.
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honamisupportteam · 3 months
Trying to find Anhane fic that’s actually focused on Anhane and not them being background to Akitoya or other couples (challenge: impossible) (hell)
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panevanbuckley · 5 months
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karljnap · 1 year
saturday morning cartoons
Rated Explicit | 1.9k/ 13.3k words | Chapter 1/4
Karl and Sapnap watch anime together all the time. A new show changes everything.
Tags: Smut, Fluff, Friends to Lovers, Sapnap in North Carolina
Sapnap prided himself on being loyal, a ride or die friend. He loved fiercely, blindly, would do anything and everything for the people he cared about. He'd gladly suppress a small crush on a new friend, tolerate the crush when it bloomed into something wild and all- consuming, block it out completely when the friendship became too important to risk. He'd never do anything to jeopardize something so precious as what he'd found with Karl, or any of his friends. 
Which was why he itched to flee, to just get up and leave before he said or did anything he couldn’t take back.
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faebriel · 6 months
and you caused it (a fic scrapbook)
a collection of written scenes, outlining, notes and art as a sequel to my fic cause most of us are bitter over someone.
In which Niki has a terrible secret, Puffy just wants to move on, Tommy sneaks into casino parties and Wilbur learns to deal with anger being justified. Or - the one thing they don’t warn you of, when dropping nuclear warheads on old friends, is fallout.
31.2k words of angst, hurt/comfort, niki struggling through a self-imposed redemption arc, wilbur and niki fighting through the worst argument they've had possibly ever, techno and niki having their worst argument ever, tommy acting as the server's cassandra, and pandora's box being opened. niki-centric, with a heavy dash of rainduo - although techno, tommy and puffy also have their moments in the spotlight.
oh, and a happy ending. eventually.
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chapter 1 - is bitter there?
wilbur does his very best to be a good friend. niki continues to have issues with making apologies. a casino opening party is attended, and a few well-kept secrets find their way into the light.
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chapter 2 - at least i have nothing
arguments are had. roommates are invited to crash on an attempted murderer’s metaphorical couch. more emotionally intense conversations are had over l'manberg’s skeleton corpse, and niki is once again alone.
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chapter 3 - sugar, milk and molasses
a prisoner goes free, niki and tommy try (and miserably fail) to get along, and some breaking and entering is committed. just out of curiosity, y'know.
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chapter 4 - everyone there is, all together now
three important conversations are had, and niki comes home.
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chapter 5 - but i'm forever missing him
resolutions are made on phil’s verandah, wilbur finally understands how horrible it would be to die in a ravine underground, and once-old friends are made new again. niki, again, finds herself baking a cake.
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hylianane · 4 months
Sometimes I sit back and gush at the fact that ‘Monkey D. Luffy loves Roronoa Zoro’ and “Roronoa Zoro loves Monkey D. Luffy’ are their own tags in Ao3 because I’ve been in my fair share of fandoms but I’ve never seen a shipping community be so in love with their character’s love that they reiterate it in the additional tags of their works so much that the archive’s tag wranglers had to make it their own thing. Though then again it’s also used in lots of non-shippy works. Just goes to show that this relationship is a huge part of the show’s emotional core, one of the primary things that its writers latch onto. It’s adorable. And maybe a little funny.
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piosplayhouse · 2 years
Not going to get involved in the ao3 politics shit but I just want to say after reading some of the top posts on this site I can tell most of the people talking about this subject very clearly did not experience Sexytimes With Wangxian
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