#aemon x naerys
lilosdraws · 3 months
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“Naerys loved Prince Aemon the most out of her two brothers, as he knew how to make her laugh.”
An update version of this piece I did 4 years ago
Aemon Targaryen and Naerys Targaryen Artwork also feating baby Daeron II
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darklinaforever · 2 months
Why do u think of the theory that Aemond actually cares for Helena and the kids are his? I actually wouldn’t mind it because he might be more tolerable. Helena is the only likable green at all. Like it would add some humanity to him that wouldn’t be annoying or bad writing. Maybe… and the irony that he killed Luc and we don’t know if the Blacks would know the son is Aeomond’s… Team Black ONLY: thoughts??
Frankly, for the book, this theory is clearly a throwaway.
But it could be possible in the show given how these writers do anything, and the fact that technically it could clearly work with what was briefly shown in season 1.
Already there is the fact that it was Helaena specifically who prophesied that Aemond would lose an eye. We are introduced that she is a dreamer through Aemond.
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Also Aemond did not seem at all against the idea of ​​marrying Helaena and did not seem to like how Aegon II spoke of her.
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Generally speaking, Helaena is always placed next to Aemond.
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Without forgetting the moment where Jace invites Helaena to dance which seems to annoy him, even if this is also the case for Aegon II and it is probably due to a simple rivalry between Aemond and the Velaryon boys, but compiled by the rest that may raise questions.
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There are also these weird scenes in episode 9 where Helaena catches Aemond's look when he enters the room.
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And then she always seems close to him during the coronation of Aegon II, still leaning towards Aemond.
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Plus the fact that she seems to caress / touch his arm when Rhaenys attacks.
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It could clearly make it into the show.
I am both for and against. Already I am against because of the book. More whitewashing for Aemond in the show...
But on the other hand, I could agree that already, at least Helaena could have had a little respite by having her children with someone 'one she likes.
And then also, the Green stans could no longer open up about the fact that the Velaryons boys are illegitimate children or about the fact that there is no incest in their team (at least consented and therefore abominable according to their term, even if Aegon II has already made sexual advances towards Baela who is his family, so still incest, but hey, apparently Aegon II is against incest ! 😂).
Honestly, I think if that happened it would just make me laugh.
And I would love to see Alicent's reaction to this, she who harassed Rhaenyra for years for not having her children with Laenor when her own daughter would have done the same.
That would be delicious.
Although I know some green stans would love to see Helaena & Aemond perform. Again, not really consistent with most of their initial comments but hey ! It's not like we should look for logic in the Green stans after all, or even in the basic HOTD show...
In any case, I will always choose Helaemond if they want to do something "romantic" with the character of Aemond, to avoid dealing with the romanticization of Alysmond... Definitely a woman that Aemond raped, since he took her as a prize of war, and it disgusts me to see this being romanticized.
But anyway, in the sole context of HOTD with what season 1 gave us, yes, Aemond being the father of Helaena's children could totally pass if that's what the writers want to do.
But honestly, Helaemond shp is just a pale copy of the Aemon & Naerys relationship in my eyes.
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beneathxblackwaves · 1 year
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Aemon loved Naerys, and Naerys loved him
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Prince Aemon "the Dragonknight" x Queen Naerys
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wulfhalls · 2 years
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very naerys x aemon coded
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House Targaryen & Forbidden Love
Wind and words. Wind and words. We are only human, and the gods have fashioned us for love. That is our great glory, and our great tragedy.
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faeocs · 2 months
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✧ Love interest(s): Aegon I Targaryen + Rhaenys Targaryen + Visenya Targaryen + in some aus Orys Baratheon
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✧ Love interest(s): Maegor Targaryen + Rhaena Targaryen
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✧ Love interest(s): Daemon Targaryen + Rhaenyra Targaryen
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✧ Love interest(s): Aegon II Targaryen + Aemond Targaryen + Cregan Stark
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✧ Love interest(s): Aemon "The Dragonknight" Targaryen + in some aus Naerys Targaryen
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✧ Love interest(s): Daemon Blackfyre + Aegor Rivers
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✧ Love interest(s): Valarr Targaryen + Aerion Targaryen
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✧ Love interest(s): Duncan the Tall
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with the new season approaching plus the duncan and egg franchise I've finally decided to make a full asoiaf oc list! let me know if you'd like to be tagged in any future stuff 🥰
do excuse the bad blending I'm still learning <333
taglist: @noeverse
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mal-zoya · 2 years
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Unsay these reckless words (find hope in the hopeless)
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linaartsblogsworld · 7 months
Daenaera Velaryon gives birth to Rhaena Targaryen
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Happy family reunion ,Baela holds her favorite niece Daena, Rhaena holds Baelor Aemon and Daeron are just like brothers , Naerys stares at the infant in Daenaera's lap.
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alannybunnue · 1 year
What do the rest of the targaryens think of Queen!reader with Aegon IV?? I imagine that some of them would be impressed with how she manages him, his mistresses AND still finds time to rule.
Do you have any thoughts about her and aemon? Their son??
Most are intrigued.
Daena for example, she finds the queen an interesting woman, but also scary, since when Daemon was born, our dear reader made sure to remind Daena that she had no more values than a mother of a bastard, the whore of her own cousin. Also told her to pray that Aegon wasn't crowded King.
He was and Daena fears for her life.
Naerys is impress and grateful, thanks to the reader, she didn't marry that scum and can live her life in peace.
Aemon is in love with this woman and it's very satisfied with being her lover. She chose him since in her eyes, Aegon and all of his bastards are lowlifes and she wouldn't want that for her heir, so she went for the better brother.
No one ever suspected of an affair.
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maidragoste · 11 months
so i read the part "You're doing the right thing" because i was in the tag of viserys ii. i have to agree because him being a dad so young disturb me like why was he a father of 3 at 16. it was good and at the same time i like when characters are uncomfortable like me so what would they felt if canon happened: this teen boy with three little kids clinging to him because their mother left.
Hi anon! I really liked your question
I sincerely believe the Queen would be relieved, because she never approved of that marriage, but at the same time furious with Larra's departure. She hates her for making her brother suffer and for leaving him alone with the children.
I think Aegon II would propose finding a new wife for Viserys, thinking that this would make him forget about Larra, but the Queen and Aemond instantly refuse, declaring that the best thing is for Viserys to be alone for a while and take care of the children. Of course the three of them help Viserys where they can with the children.
When Aegon IV (in this universe it is impossible for him to end up being Aegon IV but I don't know how else to refer to him because there are many Aegons in this family 😭😭 ) refuses to listen to his father, you are there to be the voice of the reason; when Aemon is sad because he misses his mother Aegon II is ready to distract him with another visit to Sunfyre in Dragon's pit; when neither Viserys nor the nannies can calm the cries of baby Naerys, you and Aemond don't hesitate to take the baby for a walk around the castle until she calms down.
Anyway anon, I hope my answer has satisfied you and I hope to hear from you again (if you want next time you can choose an emoji so I can identify you)
I hope you are well anon and thanks for writing to me 🥰🥰❤️❤️
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darklinaforever · 6 months
Absolutely not a fan of Rhaenicent, or even Alysmond and Helaemond (I hate Rhaenicent, specifically Alysmond... And for Helaemond is simply for me a form of copy and paste of the Naerys and Aemon relationship) but we must admit that these montages are divine :
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sarcasticsweetlara · 2 months
If Larra Rogare had become queen
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If Larra Rogare had stayed and survived, maybe things would have been better.
Larra could have finished adapting, (though we know the maesters will never acknowledge that) and started her own court.
She would have had own crown personalized and then pass it on to Naerys and later to Daenerys, and eventually Aelinor Penrose, as I headcanon Aelinor is her great-great-niece through her sister Marra Rogare.
Larra's court would have consisted of House Velaryon, Celtigar and some paramount lords but I feel like she would like to emphasize Targaryens are Valyrian dragonlords whether they have dragons or not.
Viserys could have asked for her council in how to tread around Lords and how to be a better father (as Larra certainly took care of her siblings, trueborn and illegitimate, younger or older) and be more efficient in discipline; and Larra would have counciled him about having a better relationship with Dorne and keep watching the Narrow Sea.
And most important of all, she could have stepped up as Queen Regent for Aegon IV alongside her daughter Naerys serving as Princess Regent as well, while waiting for her grandson Daeron to grow up and become king.
And Daeron could name both of them Queen Grandmother and Queen Mother.
This way Larra could have met her grandchildren Daeron and Daenerys (and her twin brother if he survives) and could have felt happier and Aemon and Naerys would have been happier as well.
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wulfhalls · 2 years
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very naerys x aemon coded part two
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babybells123 · 10 days
A compilation of my favourite Jonsa metas <3
Pre/post-series source material:
Jonnel 'One Eye' Stark x Sansa Stark (original post).
Some more words on Jonnel and Sansa:
The Black Prince With The White Guardian (aka as the best Ashford Tourney analysis ever.)
More Ashford Tourney (dispelling anti-arguments):
Ashford champions:
The original outline & GRRM's red-haired love interests:
The Pact of Ice and Fire:
Sansa Stark/Queen Alysanne parallels:
A mini-compilation of historical pairings/couples from the songs & Jon and Sansa:
Literary/artistic influences:
Memory, Sorrow and Thorn & Jon and Sansa:
The human heart in conflict with itself:
Lord Byron & Jon and Sansa:
Jon Snow is a Byronic hero:
Sansa Stark & the Pre-Raphaelites:
The incest motif in conjunction with thematic influence:
Book foreshadowing & clues:
A Time for Wolves (the case for Jon and Sansa). (2013)
The parallel journey of Jon Snow and Sansa Stark:
A compilation of every book hint, from the start of the series:
Chapter transitioning:
Jon 'One Eye' Snow & Sansa Stark.
Restoring Winterfell:
Jon is never far from Sansa's suitors.
If I give him sons he may come to love me/If I wanted her love she might give me children: (or the domestic desire):
Lyanna/Sansa parallels:
Jon Snow/Prince Aemon the Dragonknight parallels:
Sansa Stark/Queen Naerys parallels:
Roses & Jonsa (and hope):
Jon/Waymar Royce:
The Girl in Grey theory:
Additional Girl in Grey references:
More Girl in Grey:
The 'willowy creature' and repressive desires: (aka Jon Snow is a romantic.)
Sansa Stark & Targaryen imagery:
Sansa Stark & the white cloak:
Jon Snow, Sansa Stark & Winterfell:
Jon Snow is the silent, unconscious answer to Sansa's prayers:
Jon’s foils:
Anvilicious desires:
AFFC Alayne II (Arriving at Snow and leaving behind Stone) - chapter analysis.
TWOW Alayne I: Who she was, Who matters, and Who it will be: - chapter analysis.
Allusions to Jon through Sansa's dance partners in TWOW:
Dance with me anon (Jon ADWD):
A hero from the songs:
There are no heroes/Edd, fetch me a block:
Sansa, Jon & sweetness:
A sight so lovely & dark honey hair:
A ghost wolf, big as mountains:
An enchantment:
Blood superiority & how Jon and Sansa differ from the rest:
Of Ghostly Silences, Bats, Brimstone and a Ghost Wolf, Big as Mountains.
Some thoughts on Jon and Sansa:
Extra tidbits:
The Jonsa compendium (aka the holy website that compiles all the major evidence)
Kissing cousins (google doc):
Why Jon and Sansa are so uniquely compelling.
Game of Thrones hints written by the man himself - (The Bear and the Maiden fair):
Wish fulfilment (gif):
Visuals: The wolves will come again.
The original outline & how Jon and Sansa encapsulate hope and literary subversion: (my meta).
GRRM's use of foreshadowing:
Fandom stupidity regarding foreshadowing:
Textual analysis:
Why Jon and Sansa are so intriguing: (my meta).
GRRM about Jonsa:
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goodqueenaly · 5 months
Which pre/post-Conquest events and in-series events do you think would be popular plays/operas in each of the Seven Kingdoms and Essos?
Well, we do get a bit of a sense of what sort of "history plays" have been written and performed in Braavos (though whether these have been popularized elsewhere in Essos is a bit of a mystery). Arya references the mummers of the Ship teaching her speeches from, among other plays, The Conqueror's Two Wives, presumably about Rhaenys and Visenya Targaryen (which I personally think would be a potentially fascinating study on the respective characters of as well as the relationship between the two sisters). Likewise, in "Mercy", Arya-as-Mercy notes that Izembaro borrows a threat from Prince Garin in Phario Forel's Wroth of the Dragonlords, a play about the doomed final resistance of the Rhoynar against the Valyrian Freehold. Of course, the main action in "Mercy" centers around the staging of Forel's newest work, The Bloody Hand, a play which - obviously more than a little loosely - adapts very recent Westerosi history, staged in that chapter for the entertainment of the Baratheon-Lannister court's envoy, Harys Swyft.
Westeros doesn't appear to have exactly the same theatrical tradition Braavos seems to have, but there are certainly both puppet shows and mummer's plays performed across the Seven Kingdoms. While the specific entertainments we've seen have been limited to either mythological (the story of Florian the Fool) or allegorical (the unsubtle tale of the kingdom of beasts reported by Qyburn to Cersei) subject matter, there might nevertheless be any number of opportunities for historical events to, no pun intended, take center stage. There are way, way too many historical events and figures in the roughly eight millennia of Westeros' existence as a collection of political entities (again, to say nothing of Essos), so these ideas are not even scratching the surface, but I thought I would come up with a few.
So, for example, the accusations against Queen Naerys and Prince Aemon (perhaps complete with a Katherine of Aragon-like defense by the queen) might mirror, say, Henry VIII. The collapse of the Gardener kingdom under the weak and ineffective Garth X, followed by a devastating civil war, feels to me like an opportunity for a Reach version of Henry VI (perhaps echoed with the Dance of the Dragons, many centuries later). Even the story of Torgon Greyiron might have its share of light Hamlet parallels, as the story of a royal son quasi-usurped from his royal place by the wicked murderer of his kinsmen while he was away from his homeland (though with Torgon having something of a more fortunate ending than Hamlet himself, naturally). Not, of course, that we need to limit our imaginations only to perfect parallels of Shakespeare plays (to say nothing of any other history playwrights). Benedict Justman, for one, seems like a figure whose life could be used to ask deep questions on, say, the nature of power, the importance of love versus duty, and the importance (or not) of legitimacy. The flight of the Manderlys from the Reach and their welcome by the Starks might likewise be used by some enterprising playwright to explore themes of justice (and injustice), alienation, and self-identity.
And of course, what entertainments might be popular would likely be dependent on the politics of any given time and/or place. Would, say, plays depicting King Ronard Storm have been popularized during the reign of King Aegon IV or King Daeron II - maybe to denounce Ronard's reign as defined by lasciviousness and resistance to lawful authority (as with Aegon's), but maybe also to depict a bastard as a stronger and more worthy heir than his legitimate half-brother (if, say, the play was written by Blackfyre partisans)? Perhaps in the immediate aftermath of Robert's Rebellion, Riverlands playwrights would have looked for inspiration to the heroic uprising of Edmyn Tully against the wicked tyrant Harren Hoare (though perhaps with less emphasis placed on the king rewarding Edmyn being the first of the recently overthrown Targaryen dynasty). Daeron I's conquest of Dorne might have encouraged pro-conquest playwrights to create works about King Durran the Young, whose similar name, apparently similar youth, and very bloody military campaigns against Dornish armies might have made a natural comparison for these creators (though probably less so the idea that King Durran supposedly "became besotted with his own niece in later life and died at the hands of his brother Erich Kin-Killer").
Personally, I would love to see more fanfic invent plays or similar entertainments from Westerosi history. I, of course, would be remiss not to note my own, albeit very humble attempt at a Westerosi history play, The True History of the Blackfyre Rebellion. (And please no one remind me that I have a second play that I probably have to completely rework and is certainly nowhere close to being done.)
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