ai-dadaism · 4 months
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A handmade Daily planner with coloring pages, and it is full of mushrooms! Want it? get it made to order from my shop!
Get it here: ✨🍄🥰🍄✨
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ainight-portfolio · 4 months
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Watermelons by the Window - Phone Wallpaper
I have made this artwork available for iPhone and Android phones~!
Donate at $1 or more and 50% of whatever you donate will be donated to
Abdullah Aid, a charity Organization helping those in Palestine.
Get your wallpaper here today: Watermelons By The Window
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aiainight · 5 days
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My Mush Mush Meme Sticker collection campaign is now live on Kickstarter!
Do you like mushroom cats? Do you like memes? Then you have got to add these stickers to your sticker collection. For a limited time only, you can choose
from a pack of 5 to 45 meme stickers from my kickstarter campaign~!
Check out the campaign now:
#meme #memes #stickers #mushroom #mushroomcat #nyancat #kickstarter #kickstarterlaunch #aidadaism #ainight #mushmush
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lorikabori · 1 year
Meet the Folklore Trio, a trio of subledgendary Fakemon
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Fennoon is a kind forest Pokémon that is willing to protect those who get lost. Using its signature move, Mystical Guard, Fennoon can cripple its opponents before dealing a devastating blow back. Reports say it can only be found during the afternoon.
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Wendawngo is a violent Pokémon and a reminder to keep your nearest Pokémon Center in mind in case it attacks you. Be prepared to face grievous injuries if you get hit with its signature move, Rampage. Reports say it can only be found in the morning.
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Ainight is a wise Pokémon that’s eager to share its knowledge with those they deem worthy. It protects itself and those it cares about with Aqua Veil. Reports say it can only be found at night.
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444names · 1 year
the entire lyrics of "all i want for christmas is you"
Abou Abould Abound Abouts Aing Ainighter Aint Airen Aireseep Aiting Alls Ally Ande Andind Anging Anna Antay Arealls Areeplaus Areer Arend Arent Arents Arep Arepletoe Areseere Asee Asen Asend Askind Askinging Askinights Awair Awaithan Awanna Awant Babou Babouldre Babound Baboutside Bell Belly Bright Brighter Brightlear Brights Brightsing Brininging Bris Cand Candinging Cang Canna Cant Cantant Cantay Careah Carealls Careas Careighter Careinic Caren Caresend Caught Caughter Caughtly Caughts Caus Causta Caustle Chills Chilly Chindeed Ching Chish Chright Chring Chrinick Chrining Chrish Christa Clace Claust Clausta Claustay Clic Cligh Clight Clightly Clis Clistan Clisto Coulding Couldreah Couldren Couldrent Cound Cout Coutsing Done Doneat Doneep Donic Dooree Doorth Doorther Doorthing Evend Event Eventants Eventsider Evere Everee Everen Everep Everese Everesen Everne Everneed Everywhant Everywhe Fild Fildinging Fill Filly Fire Firear Fireight Fireighter Fireing Firese Fore Foresent Forth Forthe Gone Goneah Hand Hande Handing Hangingic Hanna Hant Hants Hathan Hather Hathing Hathose Heah Healls Heas Heasen Heath Hereat Herend Heresend Herne Hernease Herneed Heryon Heryone Herywhappy Hold Holdren Hole Holeing Holetone Hose Hoseere Hosent Ishing Ishistleah Ista Istan Istay Isto Ithinging Itight Itightle Iting Juse Justay Justly Justoe Keed Keeryout Knore Known Lace Laugh Lause Lick Lickinging Lickints Ligh Light Lighter Lightly Lightsider Lista Listay Listmake Listoy Magick Maging Makee Makeep Makeeplace Makeerese Mase Masend Mask Masking Mish Mist Mista Mistan Mistly Mistmakeep Mistoy Moreple Morther Morthing Morthis Muchild Muching Muchrigh Muchring Neas Neeplaught Neeple Night Nightere Nightly Nights Nightsing Ning Ninging Ninick Nore Nown Onear Oneed Onight Oning Onna Ould Oulding Ouldrese Ound Ounde Ounder Outs Plausen Plaustoy Pletoning Poleton Pone Preall Preask Preinging Preple Presee Reasking Reat Reathat Reep Reight Reightly Rese Righ Rightere Rightly Rights Rightsing Ring Rintsing Rist Rista Saind Saing Saintant Sair Saire Saithease Saither Saithild Sand Sanding Sandint Sang Sanna Santsing Seeplausto Shild Side Sidee Sideed Sideep Sidere Sideren Sing Sinick Sleah Slealls Sleare Sleas Sleaskint Sleightle Sleightly Sleights Sleing Sleto Sletoe Sletone Sletoy Snor Snoreep Snorth Snorthinde Snown Sould Soulding Souldre Sounderen Sout Souts Soutsider Soutsing Stan Stanna Stant Stle Stleing Stleto Stly Stmake Stmask Stmasking Stock Stoe Ston Stonna Thanna Thappy That Thath Theall Thealls Thearealls Theat Theathilly Ther Theree Therne Theryon Theryone Thild Thill Thills Thilly Thinic Thintay Thintsider Thold Tholdreath Thole Thosen Tights Tind Ting Tingicking Tinigh Tock Tockind Tocking Tone Trealls Treinginde Tren Trese Unde Undee Undeed Underne Underneed Unding Upold Upoldre Upoleing Uponeask Uponna Waing Waingic Wainick Wair Wait Waith Waithan Waither Waitight Wake Wakee Wakeed Wanding Wang Wants Whanding Whanging Whanna Whants Whappy Whathande Whear Wher Wherne Wishinging Wist Wistay Wistletoy Wistly Withe Withosent Witigh Witight Witing Wone Woneasking Woneed Wonna Yealls Yeare Yeareight Yeas Yeask Yeat Yeath Yeathing Yoneasen Yonna Yould Youlding Youldrep Yout
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maricauchida · 6 years
Reasons to Attend AI Night (this coming May 23)
Organized by Indigo Research 
1. Because Artificial Intelligence is part of Forbes.com’s “Top 10 Trends For Digital Transformation In 2018″ (scroll down to # 6).
2. Because there’s more to AI than robots. 
3. The meetup/unconference is organized by the Indigo Research team, and Launch Garage team.
4. Because this event is the perfect place for you to ask the speakers who are also “subject matter experts” (RE: Machine Learning and Natural Language Programming) - FOR FREE.
5. The organizers make sure that the talks are friendly for everyone, which is also a good way to get started w/ AI when the only thing you know is the acronym.
6. Because the organizers are serving beer and (S&R) pizza :D
For more information about the program, please visit: https://www.facebook.com/events/441768336273411/
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bloojayoolie · 6 years
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Af, Anime, and Apparently: , Okay Ibl, story ame when I wss younger, had this Irish friend who pred our school when w as like 17, Dude ded recently nd here丐the ballad of the merveeus bsstard be average as fuck 17 year old Bribong Some foreign guy has just joined, his family just moved here city called Dery in Mgved here with his dad and his lite sister, his mum died when he was younger He gets put in my class and ends up stting nest to me This is howl met Eigh-Beers Mgee the all him Call him a hippo because of his fucking industrial size frant teeth and his big flucking lps Greg uses his adism to get out of doing and saying whatever the fuck he wants noing EB wth she lke Greg has his desk very paricularly arranged, pens on one side in a straight ine pencis on the other Dude is OCD as fuck with his pencilcase and shit Goes nuts i anything gets moved, so this desk is sightly apart from everyone elses We all get in shit twe fuck with him an purpose, We ought to know better The sutistic hippo keeps trying to get a reaction out of EB the whole class All af a sudden EB just casualy raises a foot and pushes the Hppo's desk right the fuck over Teacher hurries oer and trying to explan to EB atma Gregs autism while Greg teaks the tack G in his chair, breathing reawy ss thoug gh nong bd sheer辍tstie resentment EB looks at Greg and betsthe teacher "Oh sorry, wedant have Wid bump with more nenhinbeland' h on EB's third day at our school He's a pretty cool guyikes the 쑈me vidya and movies as me and is a big fan of Rugby, was captan of his team back iieland ell hem the school has s rughy searn he says EB goes to check it out, starts off on the lower team because hes think theyire ston of kind of fast runners gets recks fucking everyone that next hal f hel take him Jumps on him, grabs him by the neck to pull him down and iterally rolls on him ike a fucking rolling pn -EB didniteven have the bal What the fook you playin at son I didnt even have the ball, do you even know how to fookin play the game lad EB grins You know over in Ireland you have to be fit to play sports, the fatties get leit on the sideline EB grabs his amn and tosses him to the ground dude twists his anke or something and starts twitching and squeaking lke a baby elephant with parkinsons EB gets put on top team Anonymous (D wHTHOgC) 03 19/14(Wedj20 28 25 UTC-5 No 538041137 Reple 41T months without inc dont give long as youre cool to him dents aside from a few close cals with Greg the Mildly Autistic Hppo e pretty close Apparently ㅲ Ireland they don't have gangs they have paramitanes fighting between whether Northern lreland ts Britsh or hsh >He plays 4down a kal, bd ican tell some shit mu have Pagpened because he always changes the subject when gets clos·tohame Edgy fapgot Luke comes back to school Luke hangs around with a pack of riggers who are all apparenty in a gang, he les to pretend he's part of this "gang" and carries this fucking Stanky e around that he panted red and bue for some reason aOne day at lunch Like corries up to EBied o ofnotere starts askrig his datisalcoholc Nope aound Tm guessin your mam had a far lew belore you were born though mate Well tuck Ind wanna sift speI had to sht out a dat bastardlke yourset. Jog on ン"You win t)4ck with the wrong person t y inst, boy?" EB starts laughing, IHeraly loses his sht at the ste of this Itle fagpot in a trenchc oat with a stanley knfe and actualy presses EB grabs his wrist, takes the fabled blade from the hands of the chosen one tosses t over a fence and punches him straight in the face We're out geting beer, Tm with a 7/10 GT that Ive had a crush on for tucking months Her and EB get along realy wel, athough I sort of think she only hung out with us because EB did That right when we're all drunk, me and QT end up fucking Leaving out my side because this is the ballad of Eght Beer, not me Spend ages taking with QT,estabǐshthat shè apparenty seat, ikes me back EB heads up to bed, I stay down with the other guys to watch TV, QT was askeep when 1 came down QT comes running do wwith a towel round her, soaking wet, and rung out the ont door Apparently EB sleeps naked, not surpnised since Ive found him naked before after a night of drinking Says she came on to himeven ater all he shit she said aLaugh숨 and says he took aprt to bed with hm,awas cn e tablo and when she ed onwth him he lossed all over her Threw her clothes out the wendow into the rain and told her to go and fetch Two weeks later he takes me to a pub and hooks me up with a 910 Anonymous (TDwHT HOC) 03/1914(Wed 20.43 59 UTC-5 No 538044014 Raps.4380408044772 332420 EB and me are total bros after being fnends for a few years 가%aving hm as a best friend is Ike havngtose nasty trainers as a kid Shit get pretty he avy >Him and E汨were close, mostly because EB would buy him vidya and act super interested in the anime sht he lied because nobody else other than me would loses his har chermo aGotovst him, EBisgung me there >He thinks rs awesome get our photo taken together witout any har EB lets him draw all kinds of dumb sh on his bad head, lets him draw a dumb moustache on him o Spend ages just dicking a >Son of a bitch luke who R is, Dukey the Rookie is across the bar in the same tucking trenchcoat he wore back at school >EB says hi chats away to him lbe nothing ever happened >We head home and EB spend the night sitting up with me playing Batlefront on my old P52 and drinking, just trying to cheer me up me every time Sorry for that 2sad4me post, but iti make sense later Anonymous (IO woitth%) 05/19/14(Wed)20 52 46 UTC-5 No 530045357 Reeses 씌38amsrme esaaa Lving together in a let with some chick and her boyfriend The one song I remember is "Uncle Tommy by The Rumjacks, because it played when sht went down EB told them that he "ain't lookin any trouble lads, have a beer and forget that tripe for the night aye? 4 of them jump on him, start beating the shit out of him -l tackle one of them to try help him, get the fuck beaten out of me but fuck that it's goddamn E8 in there EB broke the dudes fucking am He gets up, bleeding out of every pore in his beaunful iwish body Bouncing around with his fists up, Ieraly looks ike he could fly around the room he's bouncing that much The skinheads keep going for him but back off every time aher he swings, it looks lke he could knock a building down with that sh Babbling some incoherent shit in lrish rage, nobody understands the words but everyone understands the meaning pack up there sht ike a scene from a fucking move Eight tucking beersl You splied eight of me fucking beers you hairless tuckin mongrels Eight beers lad, eight fucking beers What's the fucking craic there lke Anonymous (D: wHTiHOgC) 031914(Wed]21:6 02 UTC-5 No. 538047326 EB sgoing back to Ireland to vist his nan, she's real sick 기we lar dr, Befast-thritrs the captal of the oth but not of Ireland ckhow t wori ed EB never eaty expla edit, 5ad you wont understand the bullsh politics unless you grew up there go 1o vist his nan with EB' Sweetest tucking old lady ever, says that EB was always a rough lad but awk he'd never hurt a sour greedy fucker This woman is clearly the most infuenial famly member in the Eight Beer famly EE shows me round Derry, tels me about how 5pIt relgusy and shows methes bg ass wall cood place Takes me to Belast agan and shows methe pace wherethe ttanc was bu -we end up going to place caled The Crown Bar Ger pretty drunk, or Tpped as EB calls it Walked around Belfast for a bt, he tells me about the history of some stuf »Spend a few nights there, have a fucking blast but decide to head home don't wanna be an inrusion on the whole nan stustion Lad you're practicaly a part of the famly Anonymous D wH7HOQC) 03/19/14Wd21 18 48 UTC-5 No 538040230 Getting close to the end now Shits hard to wrte, I miss hat fucker Life is prety uneventful for a wle pparentty some Kiddy Fiddler called Wilm Whight fucked EB when totally agan family home a load of sht, fucks 2EB spends all nut there next to her, nearly gets wolent when staff ask harto leave so doctors can sort some 닸官out calm him down and we wat r, hosptzd for brig bme B's Sister gets beter, but is pretty fucked for life Never taks never leaves the house she's pretty much a goddarmn vegetable EB spends all of his time off work with her, never comes out anymore, just sts in with her. We sometimes come ound and drink with him but he refuses to leave the house -One night while he's sieeping, EB's fucked up sister C's faul, that's pretty much the main subject of t. I don't get why she'd need to say that but whabever Tels me he waan't that close with his family back home his dad is fucked up with grief and everythings just a mess ie doesn't want to go home because he has nothng there other than remnders, but doesn't want to stay here because of what has pened Does his best to be the usual bi9dck coolguy that he always was, puts on a brave face but f you c h him on his own he's luckn9 merable ite gets in 갠 few fights when we're ot dmkrg ry one who gnestmamy 5hvt gets m edistety fucking amidated none ofths ads everyone on" that he used to do s fighting back tears already guessed, but he starts teling me about how he blames himseffor what 거had pened to his sis have tucking known better >Lterally carrot change his mid anthis shit, looks like he has himse#1uly convinced th this is his taut we talk about old imes laugh a be things actualy seem back to normal for whie Ainight mabe. Let's have one for old tme's sake, ae? Hie eventualily leaves, but before he goes he tells me that 'You've been a good mate from day one mate. Honestly out on a limb rd do fuckin' anything for ya Take t easy lad speti ong tme EB doesn't reply to teats or Cutign place doeant answer B tucking hung himsel is fanly tatoo many things that I don't need thanked every tme fucker
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ai-dadaism · 1 day
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Mush Mush Meme Cat Stickers Day 5:
Hmmm.. have you seen my memes?
Look over here for a moment will you?
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ai-dadaism · 2 days
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Mush Mush Meme Cat Stickers Day 4:
I see you looking at me memess~
Check out the campaign now:
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ai-dadaism · 3 days
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Mush Mush Meme Cat Stickers Day 3:
I summon forth memes~!!!!
Check out the campaign now:
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ai-dadaism · 3 months
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The Halloween Sticker Collection
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ai-dadaism · 2 months
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The Halloween Sticker Collection
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ai-dadaism · 4 days
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Mush Mush Meme Cat Stickers Day 2:
Day two of the MushMush Sticker collection campaign, do you recognize today's meme? If you do, check out the rest of it's friends on kickstarter~!
45 stickers are up for grab! Check out the campaign now:
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ai-dadaism · 10 hours
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Mush Mush Meme Cat Stickers Day 6:
Huh? You haven't seen my memes?
Look over here for a moment will you?
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ai-dadaism · 4 days
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Day two of the MushMush Sticker collection campaign,
Do you recognize today's meme? If you do, check out the rest of it's friends on kickstarter~!
45 stickers are up for grab! Check out the campaign now:
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ai-dadaism · 5 months
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$9.5 | Ghost going hand-in-hand Sticker
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