#alicia rocks my socks
couldawouldashouldaa · 7 months
Thinking about what kind of music Nick listens to... He's my age. Does he have assorted taste like me? Does he have a more specific taste? Rock? Pop? Classic Rock or Metal? Rap? Hiphop? R&B? Country? Showtunes? I don't think we ever got a glimpse in s1. We got a sample of Alicia's taste on her mp3 player. But not Nick.
Did he go through middle school, rocking out to pop punk, watching Fuze TV? Was he so fucking done with how they played Modest Mouse's Float On every .2 fucking seconds? Did he like Good Charlotte and Simple Plan? Did he have a fucking emo phase, or was he a scene kid? Neither? He definitely wasn't a jock (he confirmed he wasn't into sports.) I bet he was the weird art kid, but how did he express that??? I NEED TO KNOW! How important even is music to Nick?
I guarantee he listens to fucking Green Day, because like, who fucking doesn't? but like... what else? He's from California. Did he catch like, all the Rancid shows? Social Distortion? Does he prefer the local indie bands?
Like... I could go by my own experiences, but I'm not sure that's fair? I most definitely hung out with all the stoner kids, while never actually smoking. It was offered. Drugs were offered. I didn't want them. I drank with my friends behind the school. We had bomb threats. We listened to all the kinds of rock sub-genres. We blasted American Idiot. We went to concerts for local bands. We went to local clubs for bigger bands. We saw Fall Out Boy in a tiny club. We wore Tripp pants, and ripping jeans, and fishnets and striped socks. We wore mad thick eyeliner, and fingerless gloves, and too many safety pins. We didn't have labels, but everyone tried to label us. We didn't fit in anywhere but with each other, and we didn't want to fit in anywhere else. Also we were all fucking queer?
But what about my Nicky? He was the stoner kids I hung out with. Not the douchecanoe that blew smoke in my face, but the ones that offered a toke, and gave zero shits when I didn't want it, because more for him. He was the idiot playing Chicken. But what else? Did he spend too much time at the mall, wasting all his allowance on DDR?
I need to explore this.
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asterlark · 3 years
ok. samwell college of music au. i wrote all four years let's go babey
eric bittle is this lovely southern tenor (sounds kinda like mitch grassi or ben j pierce) who posts covers (& sometimes originals, but always with neutral or no pronouns because he can't post anything that says he or him ☹) on his youtube channel and has major stage fright but is very talented; he also plays ukulele
he got into samwell college of music on a voice scholarship and his dad doesn’t exactly approve but eric was never the 6′2″ masculine football player he wanted anyway so why not go for his dreams
he auditions for the very competitive samwell men’s contemporary chorus (there’s like 20 choirs; chamber choir, jazz choir, a cappella groups (lax bros do a cappella), combined choirs, etc- smcc does contemporary pop/rock music) and while he’s very very nervous and shaky as he auditions, directors hall & murray see a lot of potential in him (with major grumbling from student director jack)
(the rest of this ridiculously long au under the cut)
the group is small, for a chorus, because the point of the group is not a wall of sound but a focus on all of the very talented guys’ voices coming together in these gorgeous harmonies and basically they’re like one of the best choruses on campus and all the male singers want in
so there’s jack zimmermann, who of course eric knows because everyone knows who he is, he’s the son of bob and alicia zimmermann, both incredibly talented and famous musicians, and basically those genes were in his favor because he’s mega fucking talented
(jack was supposed to sign a recording contract to be in a band with his best friend kent parson when he was 17 but something happened between them and the pressure was too much and jack overdosed on something- there’s so many rumors no one knows what’s real- and kent signed solo in LA & went on to win grammys for his albums about a mysterious ex and jack disappeared for a few years to be a counselor at a music camp and reappears at samwell, knocking everyone’s socks off again like he’d never left, except with a renewed vigor and intenseness that freaks everyone out)
jack is a contemporary writing & production major, freaky talented and sings like a modern day frank sinatra, and he plays like 20 instruments and can read music like breathing air and writes songs like if he stopped he’d die; his music is folksy and mournful and he plays all the instruments on his tracks himself- guitar, piano, strings, drums- it sounds like a full band but nope. just jack. he’s intense
“we all get nicknames in this choir,” justin informs eric on his first day, “we’re those kinda guys.” so he’s bitty, which he finds vaguely offensive (bc he’s not that short!) but still cute, & the rest of the group is introduced to him:
“shitty” knight (voice like colyer) is a musical education major and an enigma of a singer with this awesome, earthy, raspy voice that’s really interesting to listen to and a very.... unique style & look; he writes cheesy but shockingly good raps about social justice topics and he will sing-lecture you if you’ve said something offensive (he also plays banjo)
justin “ransom” oluransi is a music business & management major with an angelic voice you can’t help but listen to; he’s sultry and has an incredible range and does runs like nobody’s business (with a voice like daniel caesar or leslie odom jr UGH)
adam “holster” birkholtz is a voice performance major, wants to be on broadway and it’s all he ever goddamn talks about basically, he’s a belter and has a lot of charisma and starpower and he’ll charm the pants off of you within one note; can also play piano and irritates everyone constantly because his regular volume is like a level 11 (voice like the frontman of my brothers and i combined w/ x ambassadors lead singer)
larissa “lardo” duan is at the local art institute because performing arts is not her jam and she’d much rather paint; she’s a barista at annie’s and supervises open mic nights and keeps the annoying choir dudes from driving away all her patrons
“i’m not even in your dumbass choir,” she says when the group gave her her nickname. holster just told her that she was an honorary member and then started sing-shouting a song at her about how good she is
bitty’s first year is hard because he’s talented and he works hard but he shies away when anyone asks him to sing outside the group and like, he can sing to a camera by himself but being on a stage with everyone looking at you and the sole responsibility of the song on your shoulders is terrifying and no thanks
jack does not. understand this. he’s been performing practically since he came out of the womb and he doesn’t really get performance nerves (what he gets is anxiety about how he did after he gets off stage that follows him home and makes it so he can’t sleep) - so he bothers bitty about it constantly like “you just need practice, you just have to sing by yourself a lot and then you’ll get over it” which like.... that’s true but it’s also hella scary and bitty’s like “no thanks!!!!”
but jack’s annoying and intense so he makes bitty do open mic with him every saturday night and it’s going okay and bitty loves his choir and loves his school and these new friends he’s making and he finally feels comfortable enough to come out to them during his second term
then during their spring choral showcase at the end of his freshman year bitty has a solo and he’s worked really hard on it and he’s feeling good- okay he’s completely freaked out but he’s trying to feel good- but when he gets up on stage there’s so many people and the stage lights are so hot on his face and he flips out a little and maybe he passes out from anxiety and stress right on stage and it’s terrible and he’s so embarrassed and ashamed that he ruined their set at the showcase
of course jack blames himself because “we shouldn’t have given you a solo before you were ready, i misjudged it, i’m sorry” - and they all feel kinda bad bc holy fuck they didn’t know his stage fright was that bad like they didn’t know someone could pass out just by being anxious to sing
he practices all the time over the summer and goes to his local open mic at jack’s insistence and it actually helps a lot because instead of a sea of strangers judging him it’s a bunch of people he knows and they’re all smiling at him and when he finishes his song they cheer for him and it boosts his self-confidence a lot
his sophomore year they have three new members- chris ”chowder” chow (voice like ieuan), an excitable music education major with impressive rapping skills, derek "nursey" nurse (frank ocean or leon bridges type), a songwriting major who can also play violin and guitar, and will ”dex” poindexter (like tom west), a production & engineering major who tried out with chowder bc he needed moral support and didn't expect to get in but impressed the directors with his voice
the year’s going pretty good, bitty’s still pretty scared of singing alone but more confident now and the open mic nights with jack haven’t stopped, so he’s getting better. and one night they’re hanging out at annie’s after closing waiting for lardo to be done so they can walk her home, and bitty suggests that jack sing with him one of these nights, and jack says he doesn’t know any of bitty’s songs and bitty says they can write one together half jokingly but then jack is like “yes.” with that Intense Look
SO they get together a couple days later in jack’s room at the house they all live in together (bitty moved in at the beginning of the year after previous smcc member john johnson called him- how’d he get his number?- and told him he could take his room if he wanted), jack with his guitar and bitty with his ukulele, and it’s a little awkward until bitty says jack should play him one of his songs
and, okay, he doesn’t really know what to expect because the only music jack ever released to the public was that one single he did with kent parson when they were 17 so bitty doesn’t even know if he has anything to play him, but he does- he starts playing these soft, sad notes on the guitar and opens his mouth and sings about being lonely and scared and unsure, about false starts and shaky ground and not knowing where you stand with someone, about expectations and lying awake at night and wishing so hard you were someone else, and bitty watches him sing and just kind of... realizes he’s head over heels for this boy and internally Freaks Out a little
he tries to put that aside and they start to write this song, at first it’s weird because jack’s like “all your songs are love songs i can’t really relate to happy love songs” and bitty’s like “listen... i’ve never even had a boyfriend i just write a bunch of sappy love stuff because it’s not about me it’s about whoever’s listening to it, they’re gonna project their own experiences on my music anyway so it doesn’t matter if it’s my real life or not” and jack’s like “alright while fake af that’s smart and i respect you” (what bitty doesn't say is that he writes about what he really wants which is to fall in love & be in a happy relationship)
they say they’re just gonna write this kinda vague sad song but they both secretly write lines about their actual lives so it ends up being really personal and real and raw for the both of them
they sing the song at open mic that saturday and the crowd at annie’s is never that big but they’ve never got a standing ovation here before, and some girl shouts “MAKE AN ALBUM” (it may or may not be lardo) and they both blush furiously and bitty’s like “... that was really nice, jack” and jack’s like “... yeah it was good good job you’re really getting some confidence out there nice work” (bitty: “THAT’S NOT WHAT I MEANT AAAAH”)
around this time jack’s really thinking about what he’s gonna do when he’s done at samwell, talking with his parents and his agent and looking into different record companies and deciding if he wants to sign with anyone or possibly start his own company- the head of a small company called falcon records in rhode island has been talking to him a lot, and jack talks to bitty about how he thinks it’d be nice to start small, and the record exec georgia and the producer marty had both been really nice and welcoming, and bitty’s so happy for him but also just... sad that he won’t be around jack every day after he graduates
THEN at a haus party celebrating their win of a local choral competition, who shows up but none other than pop star kent parson to Ruin The Fun
bitty sees the way jack pales when kent walks in, notices them disappear upstairs together and feels a little sick worrying about jack but chalks it up to the highly alcoholic concoction shitty and lardo had cooked up but nonetheless decides he’s sick of the party and goes up to his room and hears.... a little too much
and YIKES he’s standing right there and kent parson, pop star, two-time grammy winner, is looking a little rumpled and staring right at him and he puts his hat on and clears his throat and snaps at jack- “hey. well. call me if you reconsider. but good luck with rhode island. ...i’m sure that’ll make your parents proud.” and jack’s shaking, and bitty doesn’t know what to do but jack goes back into his room and bitty’s just kind of standing there like What The Fuck
so.... he kind of stews over winter break but tries not to think about it too much and he and jack text a bit and jack tells him to practice and bitty’s like “oh, you” and jack’s like “im serious” and bitty’s like “>:( it’s christmas”
spring semester starts and they're doing well in competitions and they go to semifinals and then finals for a prestigious collegiate choir competition and the pressure is mounting but they all are so optimistic and really feel like they're on the same page and bitty’s confidence is better than ever and then.... they don't win
jack especially takes it very hard, but then he also has signing to worry about, which everyone helps him with and he decides to sign with falcon records and start work on an album after graduation
speaking of graduation, shitty and jack graduate and it's hard for them but harder for bitty who feels like he's losing jack in a way, he knows how intense jack gets when he's making music and it doesn't feel like he'll have any time for bitty anymore so when they say goodbye bitty goes back to the haus and listens to his and jack's song and just cries
but, like in canon, dadbob has words of wisdom to impart and jack has an "oh" moment and races across campus to kiss bitty
they get together and the next few months are spent with jack working nonstop on his album (which tbh, he'd had many of the songs written already so it's mostly recording and producing) and texting bitty constantly and coming to visit him and playing him demos of all the songs
jack also asks bitty if they can record the song they wrote together & have it as a bonus track on his album & bitty says of course, so when jack visits they set up an impromptu studio and record vocals in the guest bedroom and this deeply personal song they wrote before they were ever together means so much more to them now
and bitty is so happy but so scared and sad too because jack is playing him these songs telling him "they're all for you bits, & a lot of them are about you" and he just doesn't know how he's going to keep all this love inside even though it feels like jack's career is at stake
he tries to shove it down and stay strong though, especially since he's now an upperclassman and they're taking on new members- connor "whiskey" whisk (voice like finneas or the male singer in valley), a music business/ management major who seems to hate bitty's guts and tony "tango" tangredi (like chaz cardigan), a jazz composition major who astounds everybody with his endless questions but also his ridiculously impressive composition skills & naturally perfect pitch (he can also play saxophone??)
i want ford in this au so fuck it she is a composition major with dreams to write scores for musicals and she stars training as a barista at annie's (aka training to corral the smcc)
the pressure of it all proves to be a lot and bitty and jack have their hi, honey moment where bitty's like i can't be this deep in the closet!!! and so they tell the smcc and also jack's label that they're together and that eases things a bit
jack's album comes out to much critical acclaim and shouting in the groupchat ("#1 ON ITUNES BRAHHHHH!!!!!!!!") and several months later, when smcc has already been eliminated from choral competition in an earlier round, jack is nominated for SEVERAL grammys including best album, song of the year, and best new artist
when the time comes he takes his parents and bitty on the red carpet which, everyone keeps being like "who are you here with jack?" and he's like "my family and my good friend :)" and yes it is awkward
jack wins... all three awards. it's the comeback everyone is stoked to see and when his third win is announced, he and bitty are so elated that they kiss before he goes to accept the award
his speech is basically just "um... wow. thank you. i just kissed my boyfriend on live tv. this is amazing and i'm so humbled. i'd like to thank my boyfriend and georgia and marty and my parents and my friends and my boyfriend"
obviously the press has a FIELD DAY with this but bitty & jack are honestly vibing and so happy that it doesn't matter untiiiillll bitty's mom calls and he has to tell her "mama i'm gay and i'm going on tour with jack this summer okloveyoubye"
the last few months of bitty's junior year pass quickly and he's voted student director which is a huge honor considering how much he struggled with stage fright and confidence & how he'll now be stepping into ransom & holster's shoes
r&h and lardo all graduate (the smcc basically crashes the art school graduation and all scream when lardo gets her diploma lmao), which is a bittersweet occasion and they all do a bit of tearing up
that summer bitty goes on tour across the u.s. & canada with jack and his touring band (snowy is a bassist, tater is a drummer and poots does backing guitar, he also brings nursey to play violin on a few songs) as well as georgia who's there to manage logistics
and tour is so fun & chaotic with many bi and rainbow flags in the audience that end up thrown on stage and draped around jack's neck and they spend so many nights in the bus drinking and laughing and fooling around on the guitars and bitty's uke and exploring new cities bitty has never been to before and it's the freest bitty has felt in a long time
summer ends though, and jack leaves for the uk/europe leg of the tour, and with the new school year brings a few new members- river "bully" bullard (voice like gregory alan isakov), a music therapy major who draws his own cover art for his songs, lukas "louis" landmann (like jr jr), an electronic production and design major with a penchant for EDM, and johnathan "hops" hopper (like keiynan lonsdale), a film scoring major who wants to write music for movies and video games
bitty meets and befriends some of the other student directors- shruti, sd of the women’s contemporary chorus; sharon, sd of the chamber choir; and edgar, sd of jazz ensemble (even chad l., sd of the all-male a cappella group)
senior year passes similarly to the comic; coach visits and sees one of bitty’s competitions, jack comes to madison for christmas, smcc does well in competition and goes to regionals etc
however… bitty keeps putting off and putting off gathering the songs for his senior recital
he has a hard time doing that because he’s so focused on the group and making sure they’re performing well and as they advance in competition, everything else starts to fall away
eventually the rest of the smcc has to lock away his uke and change his youtube password and FORCE him to choose songs for it and start preparing because he cannot graduate without doing this recital and doing well on it
he chooses (of course) a beyonce song, a few of his own songs, an ellie goulding song, and an adele song
with all that his breath hitches and his hands shake before he goes on stage, he does really well and his voice instructor prof atley tears up a little in the audience as does his mom
meanwhile smcc goes to semifinals, then finals, of the national collegiate choral competition they participate in
and i imagine bitty faces somewhat less homophobia in this au because i mean, he’s in the performing arts, but i think it’s still there and he also faces a good amount of classism from richer students and performers who think they’re better because they had the resources and money to be performing professionally from a very young age, and he has been practicing via filming himself on a shitty camcorder and posting it to youtube
but they still get there! and the national finals are fucking HUGE and a big deal and a little overwhelming
bitty’s stage fright is Present because this is the biggest stage and the biggest stakes he's ever had and he has a big solo in one of their songs so if he fucks up, he fucks up a national championship for his whole group and school
luckily though, when he steps on the stage with his best friends and sees his boyfriend and family and smcc alums in the audience and they perform their first song, a high-energy pop medley that always gets the crowd going, everything seems to melt away and it's just him living in this moment and singing his heart out
when it gets to the next song and his solo, he forgets to be nervous and belts it out, getting screams of approval from the audience when he finishes
(dex and nursey do have a duet together that they had to practice for many long nights in the practice rooms alone but that's neither here nor there)
their time on stage seems to last both hours and no time at all and then they're done, the crowd gives them a standing ovation and it's at least 30% r&h & shitty's hooting and hollering and jack's enthusiastic clapping that makes bitty & the others beam with pride
then it's just waiting, giddy and nervous beyond belief in their green room, for the judging to be over
after what feels like forever they're back on stage, arms linked together waiting and hoping for their name to be called and it is, they win and it feels like years have built up to this moment, and bitty tears up because years ago when he was fainting from anxiety at having to perform in front of people he never could've imagined that he'd do this, that he'd be the student director that led them to a championship
they get the trophy and a ridiculous amount of flowers from their loved ones and they all are just in giddy disbelief that this is happening, they're national champs!!! they are the best choir boys in the nation!!
they come home and the rest of the school year passes by so quickly that it's very suddenly graduation and bitty can't believe his college career at samwell is over 😢
(he and ollie and wicky take pictures together, o&w talk about how excited they are to devote full time attention to their band & wedding planning and bitty's just like wait you're gay??)
bitty got plenty of offers from record companies but he likes his freedom of creativity and he has a built in fanbase from doing youtube all these years so he decides to make an album independently (jack helps him produce & master it 🥰)
when bitty's album comes out about a year later, full of bops about being gay and in love and having struggled but come out the other side more confident than ever, it doesn't get any grammy nominations- and he didn't expect or need that.
what it does do is it resonates. it makes the rounds in youtube and queer internet circles; people his age reach out to him saying this is the music they wish they had as a kid and kids reach out to him saying he's a role model and they're so glad to have his music to listen to. his album is written about as an underrated gem that shines with queer brilliance and is sure to start a party when it comes on.
his parents may not fully understand the road he's chosen for himself but they're still so proud and promote the album as hard as any of his loyal fans (especially the one country-inspired song on the album that he wrote and dedicated to them).
and jack, jack who saw this album from its infancy to its release date, who took the film photo that ended up being the album cover, who worked with bitty to make sure his vision was realized exactly how he wanted it to be, is proud beyond words.
jack starts using his semi-abandoned twitter again to tweet "stream [album name]" every day and bitty retweets them sometimes, with just a "this boy. ❤"
and they're happy. they're good. they have come so far and they are reaping the rewards of all the hard work they put in to make the music that they truly love.
the end :)
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birlcholtz · 4 years
5, fluff, any scenario/pairing! :)
5. “You made your choice.” from this prompt list!
have some zimbits fluff for the soul, but first you have to read about bitty and the zimmerclan’s baking shenanigans, that’s the rule. ao3
After three years of routinely visiting Bob and Alicia, Bitty no longer feels the need to hold himself back in baking competitions. 
Well, he never really did, anyway, for a few reasons. The first one is that the first time, he and Alicia had teamed up against Jack and Bob, and she had looked him directly in the eye and said “let’s fuck them up” immediately before dumping a full cup of salt into their sugar. The second is that the Zimmermanns, however much they might usually bake when he’s not around, seem legitimately fascinated when he talks about the techniques he’s using or what he’s making and why.
And Bitty is a huge fan of positive attention, so, that was kind of that?
Besides, once Alicia had done the whole salt-and-sugar thing, all hell had broken loose, and Bitty had to try and figure out what to do now that his icing sugar had baking powder in it. It’s definitely a different skill set from baking at home, where he’s pretty much free to concentrate, or in the Haus, where he just has to fend off the occasional invasions to try and steal unbaked cookie dough.
But this year is different. Jack’s read aloud enough snippets from his group chat with his parents that Bitty knows someone (Bob) has been watching a lot of competition baking shows. 
That kind of explains… everything that’s going on here.
“It’ll be a tournament,” Bob had explained, mug of coffee in hand, when Bitty had found him busily moving kitchen furniture that morning (one-handed, by himself, good Lord). “Jack versus Alicia, you against me, then the winners duel each other.”
“Bake the best cookies ever. Same thing.”
“Best cookies ever, keeping in mind the fact that they’re going to be sabotaged in unholy ways,” Bitty had corrected.
So now here they are. The kitchen is big, but there are simply only two ovens, and that means that they can only have one ‘duel’ happening at once. But the fact that Jack and Alicia are competing against each other hasn’t stopped either of them from trying to get Bitty and Bob to take sides and help out.
“I’m literally just asking one of you to dump in a few more tablespoons of vanilla extract,” Alicia calls from where she’s furiously stirring batter. From the smell, Bitty is guessing gingersnaps, but he’s going to reserve judgment until he actually eats one.
“I’m not making it disgusting if I have to try it after,” Bob replies, mirroring Bitty’s thoughts.
“Then make Eric try those ones.” She looks up from her bowl and grins at Bitty, and he’s struck by the rock-hard determination in her eyes. In moments like this, he sees the resemblance between her and Jack even more clearly. “No offense.”
While she’s looking up, Jack whips around the island and pours a cup of something into her mixing bowl. “Maman, you would need ridiculous amounts of vanilla extract to make a difference.”
But Alicia is distracted. “Jack Laurent Zimmermann, did you just put rice in my cookie batter?”
He shrugs at her, and laughs, and goes back to his own batter, but Alicia’s got her scheming face on.
So when Alicia’s gingersnaps come with bonus rice and garlic salt and Jack’s peanut butter cookies kind of turn into one big slab of vanilla-y melted peanut butter, it is absolutely no surprise.
The moment Bob had said he would face off against Bitty in the first round, Bitty had had an idea.
See, one of Bob’s main tactics is stealing ingredients from the other person. That way, ideally, they don’t have enough to make their cookies, and he can be sure the ingredients weren’t tampered with.
Well, today is the last day he’s going to try that.
The ingredients for all of them are already measured out into their own containers, labeled for convenience. Bitty had simply waited for Bob to go looking for his phone to record the chaos and swapped the labels on his own containers.
He’s also making flourless cookies, but he’s planning to make a big enough deal out of checking his flour for sabotage that Bob will go right for it. There’s a lot of cream of tartar in there. Also baking powder. And he might try to get in some garlic powder too, because that was frankly inspiring. 
Also, Jack putting in garlic salt meant that Bitty and Bob had to eat gingersnaps with garlic salt. So it’s just fair.
All of these preparations mean that Bitty has had to stay in the kitchen the whole time, just so he can be one hundred percent sure that Bob can’t make the same preparations.
The Zimmermanns get a lot of entertainment from friendly competition where the goal is more to make a fool of your family than it is to actually win, but at the same time, they are ruthless when it comes to making sure everyone else loses. (This, Bitty is pretty sure, is the source of Jack’s devastating Settlers of Catan strategies.) So Bitty has also selected a recipe with only four ingredients, the fewer to fuck up.
He’s going to have to keep a sharp eye over them while they rest before he puts them in the oven, but if they spread, he can always just cut them up and call them cookie bars.
Well. As long as they’re actually solid. Jack’s cookie attempt made that clear.
Bitty is feeling pretty prepared, and he makes a big show of checking his flour container before they start, but unfortunately, it’s all for naught, because he’s in the middle of mixing together the cocoa powder and powdered sugar when he hears quick footsteps, turns to defend himself from what’s probably going to be an onslaught of garlic and/or rice, and gets a face full of flour.
“Damn it,” Bob says calmly, and then he promptly grabs Bitty’s tampered flour container, opens it, and pours it into Bitty’s mixing bowl.
Bitty can hear Jack and Alicia trying not to laugh too loudly, but he just flicks some flour in Bob’s face and picks up his own mixing bowl, manages some spinorama in his socks on the hardwood floor, and pours all of that into Bob’s bowl of wet ingredients.
“I’m resourceful,” he tells Bob, who looks like he’s torn between doubling over laughing and being completely appalled, and scoots past him to get back to his own station.
In the end, they’re even less successful than Jack and Alicia. Bob dumps Bitty’s leftover egg yolks into his batter, along with what must be half a cup of Bob’s own melted butter, and that means Bitty is both out of eggs and his cookies are definitely not going to turn into… real cookies, so he sticks whatever the hell that batter is in the oven and devotes the rest of his time to blocking Bob whenever he tries to get an ingredient. They both wind up with what is basically chocolate chips coated in an uneven mixture of wet and dry ingredients, then melted and/or toasted for good measure.
They universally agree Jack and Alicia don’t have to try to eat those, since nobody knows for sure if the eggs actually got cooked. But that kind of puts an end to the whole competition thing, and once they’re done collectively cleaning the kitchen, Alicia has to take a call from her agent and Bob volunteers to go on a grocery run since now they’re pretty much out of any and all baking ingredients.
Jack flops down on the sectional in the living room, and Bitty joins him, both of them in clean clothes. The sectional is big enough for at least three full-sized hockey players to stretch out comfortably (which makes sense considering Jack and Bob, and Alicia’s plenty tall too), but honestly, what’s the point of stretching out? What he actually wants to do is lay his head on Jack’s chest and enjoy the fact that nobody is going to dump flour on him for at least two days. Probably.
So that’s what he does, with a great view of the skylight in the ceiling, and Jack wraps an arm around him and then asks, “Do I still smell like vanilla? I swear Maman started aiming for my hair after the first couple of tries.”
“She said it was a direct response to the garlic salt,” Bitty reminds him. “You made your choice.”
He feels Jack’s laugh rumbling in his chest, and he says, “I did. It cost me a lot of shampoo. Worth it.”
“Oh, you’re just saying that because you didn’t have to eat them. Lord.” And then Bitty starts laughing too. “Alicia’s face when you poured the rice in was incredible.”
They drift into a comfortable silence, until Jack says, "I’m really glad you like my parents.”
“I’m really glad your parents like me,” Bitty responds. 
“That too. But my parents liked you before we were even really friends at all. I was never worried about that. You liking them means… It makes everything simpler.” Jack’s fingers tap out some sort of rhythm on Bitty’s chest and he wonders what song Jack has stuck in his head. “I don’t know what I would have done otherwise.”
“You and me both. At least it didn’t come to that.” As Bitty says it, he’s thinking of his own parents— Jack’s incomprehensible friendship with Coach (well, incomprehensible in the sense that Bitty doesn’t speak golf, he understands perfectly well why they get along), his mom’s immediate adoration of Jack, or, as she put it to Bitty later, 'polite and sensible and looks at you like you hung the moon, Dicky’. He’d worried about Jack liking his parents right up until he had gotten them in a room together and realized he probably couldn’t have found a better match. “So we don’t have to worry.”
“No, we don’t,” Jack agrees, and brushes Bitty’s hair back off of his face, and Bitty thinks he could spend the rest of his life here.
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julilentille · 4 years
Hi everyone, My dash was a love fest yesterday morning, and it was a joy to witness. So I thought, what could I do? 🤔 And I thought WWRSD (What Would Rob Sheffield Do). So here a song for each of my mutuals (I know some of you more than others so there is songs I associated because of your personnality, a discussion we had, your vibe on my dash or just your url). Here the spotify Playlist (it’s the weirdest playlist I’ve ever done)
I hope I didn’t forgot anyone and won’t offend anyone with a song. Maybe I shouldn’t have done this? 
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@opalesquemoonlight​ With a Little help from my friends - The Beatles 😘
@summerscreation​ Long live rock - The Who (you are as crazy as me with next tour 😝 and I love Greta Van Fleet 🤘🏻).
@holo-styles​ Walking in the wind - One Direction (because you are so far away!!! and this song always make me think of people far away from me)
@stylesschmyles​ Knee socks - Arctic Monkeys 😉 And you got a second one because I’m certain you will lose your mind as much as me at the first sign of Harry with cat(s) Le Chat - Pow wow (I feel like I should provide a translation of this song so here 🐈)
@lollipop-popsx​ Vossi bop - Stormzy (oh my god you were there!!!!)
@old-in-betweeners Olivia - One Direction (I though of this song each time Opale was talking about you before knowing you)
@carl-and-pearl​ Propaganda - Muse (so sorry it’s because of the way we begun talking and the title of the song and the lyrics « you are killing me with your propaganda » 🤦🏼‍♀️ And I was listening to Muse at the time so I associated this song with you)
@huccimermaidshirts​ La Mer - Charles Trenet (since the beginning because of the mermaid url 🙈)
@imnottherealharrystyles​ Dear Friend - Wings (Paul and John discussion 😉)
@ihopeyoucontinue4ever​ Me and the moon - Something Corporate (this song found her way to my phone 😝)
@rosecoloredh​  Goodnight, Travel well - The Killers (Thank you for the playlist 💕)
@whoopsharrystyles​ Sweet creature - Harry Styles
@cantquitu Girl on fire - Alicia Keys
@lithographarry Who run the world (girls) - Beyoncé
@accidentalharrie Good as hell - Lizzo
@styloff Independant women - Destiny child
@justharried Miss you - Louis Tomlinson (it has to be, you are providing me with my Louis fix) And because I’m feeling a little less lonely too in my RW ways when seeing you on my dash. Karma Killler - Robbie Williams (this song is soooo goood)
@hitchfender 1901 - Phoenix (It’s a song about Paris)
@lordendsavior sHe - Zayn (your zarry tags always send me in a giggle fit - they never talked!!)
@stylesinthewild​ Style - Taylor Swift 😁
On the loose - Niall Horan (you are the only Niall blog I follow and I really like that song. She’s perfect for a summer sunset. So I’m hearing it each time I see your url)
@heart-attack-harry I want to write you song - One direction (I was going to choose a Stevie song but this came up and don’t ask me why 🙈 It’s a feeling I associate with you on my dash. I hope you don’t hate the song)
@papiermachecat Picasso’s last words - Paul McCartney and the wings
@you-me-spain​ Power over me - Dermot Kennedy
@harrysclavicles​ Pi - Kate bush. You seems like someone as obsess as me with datas. Thank you for always including the rest of the world in your numbers. And Snap out of it - Arctic Monkeys (when there is Louis discussion in your inbox. I agreed to disagree with you on this 😉 but this song help 😜).
@harolinastyles​ Only Angel - Harry Styles (I saw an angel, I really saw an angel 😉)
@regi1993​ Green Eyes - Coldplay (I love this song so much)
@samfenderdaily​ White privilege - Sam Fender (my favorite Sam song for my favorite Sam blog)
@thebordersmp3​  The Border - Sam Fender (what else)
@gentr0py​ Citizen Erased - Muse 
@rocketmommy​ Hypersonic Missiles - Sam Fender
@hopelessly-harrying​ Hopelessly devoted to you - Glee cast’s version
@warriormum​ Kelly Clarkson - Stronger
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writer-rochelle · 4 years
Statesman: Ablaze  Ch.2: Off the Grid
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(a/n: here is chapter 2 of the one thing im super frickin proud of. thank you @pomelloe-me​ for bullying me in our shared google doc to make sure i get things done. ily <3)
“Can you leave the window down? My car smells like fucking fried chicken, and while it may be your fave food it's not mine.” Alicia said, shutting her car engine off. Pom chuckled, obliging her friend’s request. Both women stretched, their joints popping, as they clambered out of the small car and started their walk up the small driveway. 
The Agents had opted to live as far away from the brewery as they could, wanting to make a safe and work free environment for them to escape to. It was a pale green  3 story victorian house with white accents, and a small front porch. Two white rocking chairs moved slightly in the wind, and a white porch swing on the far right end swayed with them. A black and white rip n dip doormat sat under a black double front door, the words "go away" floated next to a white cat flipping any visitors off. A purchase Pom had made while online shopping in the wee early hours of the night. One that Alicia and Dena had found rather hilarious and Carey had simply shaken her head. 
“I’m gonna murder your boyfriend, he’s as dumb as a fucking rock, I swear it!” Alicia exclaimed, walking towards the front door of the shared home, twisting her head this way and that in a vain attempt to pop her still stiff neck.  She could hear Pom curse at her under her breath. “What was that? Use your words miss ma’am” Alicia teased, knowing Tequila was a nuisance for Pom. He had been Alicia's friend first, and one-day on a whim she had invited them to a carnival accompanying the rodeo that was in town. Soon, the three of them were inseparable. Tequila however soon developed feelings for Pom, his endless pining no secret to anyone. The ex-rodeo clown meant well, and when he wasn't trying to convince the southern beauty to go two-stepping with him, the two got along very well. 
“I said he ain’t my fuckin’ boyfriend,” Pom responded, she was frustrated but smiled all the same. She reciprocated the crush but put her job as a Statesman agent first. She refused to let anyone or anything jeopardize her career. The brunette removed the brown cowboy hat sitting on her head, using it to fan herself in the heat, waiting for Alicia to unlock the front door. 
“Whatever you say!” Alicia sang, throwing the door open. Pom followed the woman into the entryway, shutting and locking the door behind her. The smell of delicious food wafted towards where the two girls stood, as they began dispensing the arsenal of personal weapons they had into their designated shelves in the entryway. Pom hung her hat on the hook on the wall next to the door. Alicia groaned, taking her box braids out of the ponytail she had forced them into, massaging her scalp. 
"I don't know how you can stand having those things pulled back like that!" Pom said, emptying her pistols before placing them back in their holsters. 
"Trust me, one I'm gonna shave my head, and I only kept them in because I spent so much on them for that one assignment. Why waste money? Carey Ann, is that your cooking I smell?" Alicia called, making her way further into the house. She paused a moment, kicking her shoes off in the mudroom off to the left. 
“Yup! I’m in the kitchen, y’all! Make sure you leave your shoes in that mudroom, I just swept!”’ Carey called out to them from the direction of the kitchen. 
Whatever she had been making since she had come home had made the house warm and cozy, the warmth of the oven lightly combating the aircon. Carey was the oldest of the four women living in that house. She had recently moved to New York, assisting Agent Whiskey in running the New York office. Occasionally, she would return to their humble abode in Kentucky. Most household responsibilities fell on her, their other roommate Dena had been away for almost a year on assignment in Europe seeking out an alleged brother agency. Usually, Pom and Alicia were left to their own devices, sticking to take-out orders, or the occasional soup and grilled cheese combo Alicia cooked up. It wasn't often Alicia or Pom cooked, let alone cleaned. It was nice to have their Agent Mom back in town.  
Pom hastily unzipped the sides of her boots, sliding them off to reveal her cute space patterned socks, ‘The best feeling ever is taking your shoes off after a fuckin’ long day of work.’ she thought to herself. Pom’s hair stuck up in odd angles, no secret the hat that had been resting on her head all day. She combed her fingers through it, the brown tresses fell to her shoulders in thick, uncontrollable waves. 
“It’s good to see you here, and not on a fucking screen, ma’am.” Alicia snooped through the pots on the stove, hungrily eyeing Carey’s homemade fried pork chops, mashed potatoes, and mac & cheese warming idly on the stove. Alicia only two kinds of southern cooking, her Grandma Beaulah's, and Carey's (a close second).  
"Yeah, bitch. I thought you might have forgotten about us.” Pom called out from the living room, where she had placed herself comfortably down on the couch, flicking through something on her phone. She sighed, still no response from Whiskey. Had she upset him without realizing it? ‘Fuckin’ Whiskey, I wish he could’ve told me instead of ignoring me like a dumbass.’ she thought, shutting off her phone and tossing it to the other end of the couch.
“Well, if y’all acted 24 and 25 years old and not little children, you wouldn’t need me to come home to cook and clean for y’all. Dena hasn’t even been here and she still keeps her room clean!” Carey teased, swatting Alicia’s hands away from the food. Even if she had been present, Dena and Carey were definitely the neatest of the four. Carey had tried in vain to get the other two younger women to help, even going so far as to leave everything to pile up. It had taken a roach crawling across Alicia's face one night in her sleep to finally get them to step up. Now they kept a chore list on a dry erase board in the laundry room, and the katsaridaphobic agent no longer left dirty dishes in her room. 
“Girl, they’re clean. And for the record, Pom and I do take care of ourselves! For example, I did all the laundry in the house and Pom got rid of that possum that was living in the roof. Perfectly responsible.” Alicia said smugly, giggling as Pom chimed in quietly from her spot on the couch about the ‘Cunt ass possum that tried to eat her fucking face even though she had given him a slice of ham as a fucking peace offering headass’. 
“Pom, why don’t you come join us instead of mumbling with your colorful vocabulary from the couch; the food is ready.” Carey laughed, shaking her head at her roommate's antics. She grabbed the rolls out the oven, before removing her apron and oven mitts. She moved to pull a pitcher of sweet tea out of the fridge, and then stood back proudly to admire her work. Dinner was served. 
“You sound like my fuckin’ mom,” Pom uttered as she hoisted herself up from the couch, making her way into the kitchen to wash her hands. 
“I may as well be. But enough bickering, I missed y'all two!” Carey said, carrying her plate of food to the table where Alicia already sat eating. 
“I’m not really hankerin’ for anything, but thanks, Carey. I love you…fuck head.” Pom told Carey with her unique version of affection, leaning against the island in the kitchen and removing her rusty-colored jacket from her body. Pom's jokes and colorful nicknames were her own brand of love, and while it was offputting the first time she called you something like "hoe bag", you learned to acknowledge the underlying "I love you".  
“Well at least stay and sit with us, I’ve got something to tell y’all,” Carey said, patting the chair next to her. She needed to tell somebody about how she and Jack had recently started seeing each other. She figured he had already told Tequila, and felt justified in telling the girls. Pom sat down in the chair with a grunt after placing her jacket on the table. 
“Oh do tell, this wouldn’t happen to do with a certain mustached cowboy would it?” Alicia batted her eyelids, and suggestively wiggled her eyebrows. Pom knew exactly what this conversation was going to lead to. She wasn’t a fucking idiot; she noticed every small exchange between Carey and Whiskey, it was just something she had an eye for. The two had known each other for over two years and had recently started to go out with each other seriously. It was a wonder they hadn't started fooling around sooner.
“W-well...about that” Carey giggled nervously, maybe she wouldn’t tell them after all. 
“Don’t give me that bullshit, Carey Ann! Are you fucking Ole Jack Daniels?!” Alicia exclaimed, pointing her fork accusingly at the shorter Agent. Pom couldn’t help herself from letting out a loud chuckle, moving her long legs to sit cross-legged on the chair. 
“Alright, fine. Whiskey and I may or may not have been seeing each other exclusively for the past year while I’ve been back and forth from New York.” Carey said, casually taking a sip from her glass of tea, the clinking ice cubes being the only sound for a brief moment. 
“I fuckin’ knew it!” Agent Rum pronounced with great amusement, looking over at Carey with a menacing smile. 
“YAS BITCH, OH MY GOD! Tell us everything, and I do mean everything!” Alicia said, standing up and playfully pulling Carey into a noogie. 
The girls laughed, Carey pushed Alicia back into her chair before smoothing out her blonde curly hair. Carey was glad that the girls hadn’t reacted negatively like she thought they would. She had missed this comradery with the girls while staying in New York; she leaned forward fully retelling everything that had been happening. It was nice to finally be home. 
* * * * * 
Pom Graham was awake earlier than the rest of her housemates, as usual. Most nights she would stay up until midnight listening to her favorite kinds of music and trying to gain motivation to do her beloved hobby of painting. But she never slept for long as her natural body clock woke her up just a few short hours after she fell asleep. Still, she was always filled with so much energy. 
Pom tip-toed out of her room and down the flight of stairs in hopes of not waking her friends. She was already dressed in her usual outfit that the others rarely saw her out of. The living space downstairs was decorated with rustic, but comfortable furniture and pots of greenery scattered around. Photographs and posters could be found on the walls. 
She threw herself on to the couch in front of the large, technologically advanced television. With a press of a button on the remote, the screen came to life with the morning news channel. ‘Boring.’ Pom thought, ‘Carey must have been watching it last.’
“The daughter of beloved Kentucky senator, Xavier Dobios, is still missing and it’s sending everybody into quite the state of distress…..” Said the monotone voice of the news reporter on the TV. Pom scoffed at his words. 
“Fuck off, ‘beloved my ass’” Pom returned in a sharp whisper, smiling with amusement. She clicked another button and the kid’s channel started to play. Pom never really liked to watch television, but when she did, she would always turn on the channel that entertained her most.
“Good morning, Pomegranate.” Came Carey’s sweet but groggy voice from the doorway leading into the kitchen. Carey was dressed in cute, pink pajamas and her hair was quite the mess. She let out a big yawn. 
“Mornin’, you’re up early,” Pom responded, turning her head to give Carey a nice smile. Carey walked back into the kitchen to start preparing coffee and breakfast for herself and her housemates. 
“What do you want for breakfast? And I know you don’t like coffee, so what do you want to drink?” Carey asked from the kitchen to Pom. She sat there thinking for a moment before answering. 
“Peanut butter toast. And some water. Bless your heart, Carey.” Pom returned gently. Carey was surprised to see how calm she was. She was used to seeing the hot-tempered, mischievous, and swearing version of Pom. But she appreciated seeing this side to her too because Carey knew that’s who she really is. Pom never failed to make her laugh and smile. 
Carey made food and coffee with the sound of Pom watching the kid’s channel playing in the background. Alicia probably wasn’t going to be awake for a few more hours but Carey poured her a cup of warm coffee just in case. 
“I don’t know how you have so much energy all the time, Pom,” Carey said as she sat on the couch next to Pom, handing her the plate of peanut butter toast and a glass of water. She sipped on her own cup of coffee just the way she liked it. 
“I’ve consumed so much fuckin’ sugar in my life that I’m constantly on a sugar high.” Pom joked to her friend, smiling. Carey laughed, the sound mixing the soft sounds of the old Victorian settling over them. It wasn’t often they got a morning to themselves, and they knew they’d have to head to work soon, but for now, HQ could wait.
“GOOD MORNING VIETNAM!” Alicia yelled, bounding in the kitchen shattering the quiet moment the girls had settled into with their breakfast. Carey and Pom sighed, watching as she effortlessly leaped onto the island in the middle of the kitchen. Her gray sweatpants slung low on her hips, her lilac sleep shirt wrinkled, and her braids still wrapped up in the bonnet on her head; she looked crazy.
“What in Sam Hill are you doing?!” Carey said, standing up and rushing to try and push the taller woman off. 
“I have some good news, bitches! Dena’s coming home sooner than we thought!” Alicia was elated, it had been almost two months since Agent Sangria had been in contact with Statesman, and more importantly her roommates. She had been advised to keep all communications, few and far in between. Should there be a brother agency, it would be in Statesman's best interest to not alert them of their presence in their territory; what if they were a rogue organization? The return of the lively Latina was definitely a cause for celebration. 
“Wait, how do you know?” Carey asked, realizing that Alicia wasn’t budging off her pedestal. She looked over at Pom who looked just as puzzled as she was, no one had any recent contact with Dena. Everything had been dark. Pom got off the couch to get closer to them.  
“Well, as y’all know, I spend most of my free time in the lab with Ginger. And I was able to create a concealable communication device!” Alicia said proudly, taking what looked like a normal bottle of concealer. But the girls knew better, Alicia was a crazy tech wiz and inventor. Her and Ginger both could put Tony Stark to shame.
“How does that shit even work… it’s fuckin’ makeup.” Pom questioned. She couldn’t remember the last time she had set foot in the lab, or the last time she wore makeup. Pom would rather be training and being troublesome with the male agents than behind a vanity or in a lab coat. 
“Listen, I know it looks a little out of sorts but I promise it works! And the cosmetic part of the contraption is fully functional.” Alicia opened the packaging and did a swatch of the makeup on her arm. A perfect match.
“Say we can’t take any phones or even our glasses with us? Who’s gonna suspect a woman with a compact mirror and bottle of concealer? The idea is we use the idea of the fragile female that men have created against them. But my feminist spiel aside, I talked to Dena and she should be here by the end of next week!” Alicia got down from the counter, slipping her “concealer” into the front pocket of her black backpack. 
Pom leaned against the counter as she smiled, "You’re a genius.” She said to Alicia softly.
“I’m no Ginger Ale, but I try! Also, I’ve been making a bat prototype for you in the lab! I meant to surprise you for your birthday but I can’t wait any longer.” Pom smiled at this. Alicia started to continue but paused. The Statesman designated ringtone grew louder from where it was playing on their tv. Well, duty calls.
The three agents made their way into the living room, Carey grabbing the remote from its spot on the ottoman. Once they had all settled themselves on the comfy couch, she pressed the answer button. 
“Good morning, Angels!” Champagne greeted; the great window behind his head visible on the tv screen. It wasn’t uncommon for Champ to contact them while they were at home; saving more discreet missions for the four of them to take care of. It saved time, resources, and quite frankly more lives than if they were to send Whiskey, Tequila, or any of the other male agents instead. Hence the moniker, “Angels”.
“Good morning, Champ!” Alicia crowed, shifting to sling her legs across Pom and Carey’s laps making herself comfortable. Pom hastily grabbed Alicia’s feet from her lap and started to tickle them with no remorse, and her loud and mischievous laughs filled the room. 
“Would y’all stop? Jesus Christ.” Carey said, pushing Alicia’s legs off the couch and inserting herself between her and Pom. “Sorry, Champ, continue please!” Carey said, turning her attention back to the man on the screen. Pom was holding back her laughter as best as she could. 
“Well, when y’all are done horsing around, I have something for y’all to take care of. As you know, the senator is hiding his daughter trying to make it seem like she’s been kidnapped. Tonight, he is hosting a gala to impress some of the big wigs in the country and gain more support. I need y’all to infiltrate the gala and expose this sun’ a bitch before he can carry this tomfoolery on any longer.” 
“Do I gotta dress all fancy and shit?” Pom asked, pulling her jacket tighter around herself. She had makeup, she hated dresses, and if she didn't hate her unruly hair getting in her face, she'd hate doing it too. 
“I would prefer it if you did. The senator is very conservative, and has a strict dress code for this event.” Champagne said. Pom sighed angrily at this. 
“Awe, c’mon, Pomegranate. I thought you liked playing dress up.” the screen expanded to show that none other than Agent Whiskey sat next to Champagne at the grand mahogany meeting room table. 
“Whiskey!” Pom exclaimed with joy. A big grin was on her face now. She tucked her messy waves of hair behind her ears. Pom could feel her heart racing with pure happiness. Whiskey was the closest thing she had to a father, and she practically glowed in his attention. 
“Howdy darlin’, you ready to join your old man on the dance floor?” Whiskey tipped his hat, grinning at the young agent. 
The adopted father and daughter duo were the best partnership to come out of Statesman; Whiskey having taken Pom under his wing, saying that he saw himself in her. A troubled girl who needed a little guidance and TLC, and had unfathomable potential. Whiskey had promised Pom’s mother that he would ensure that the young woman would be taken care of while she was in the states. A promise that had been well kept. 
“While I’m all for sappy reunions, I need you, girls, to get gussied up and make your way to that gala ASAP! I’m sending Whiskey to pick y’all up at 0800, We got a party to crash.” Champagne said, ending the video call. 
Alicia stood and looked at her phone, an invitation addressed to a Penelope Vontrapp, and associates lit up her screen. “Well Miss Pom, or should I say Miss Penelope; it looks like you get to play the part of the daughter of some rich oil tycoon.” 
“Fuck you, I’m not wearing any fuckin’ makeup!!” Pom said while jumping off the couch to sprint up to her room before the others could stop her. 
“YOU’RE LUCKY THEY’RE MAKING A BIG DONATION IN YOUR HONOR! OTHERWISE, I’D BE FORCING YOU INTO A DRESS AND PUTTING SOME BLUSH ON THOSE CHEEKS!” Alicia shouted up the stairs, knowing that Pom was going to put on the same suede pantsuit she wore to all Statesman functions. It would be a cold day in hell before anyone forced her into a dress, and Alicia knew better than to even try and wrestle her into one.  
“Will you curl my hair, please? May as well get some joy out of tonight.” Carey remarked, making her way up the stairs. Alicia noticed the sad air around her friend, she stopped reaching out to grab her friend's arm. 
“What’s wrong? You were all chipper early, now you’re all….” Alicia made a fart noise with her mouth, hoping it would bring a small smile to her Carey’s face. 
“It’s nothing, I promise. Just forget it, okay?” Carey pulled her arm away, continuing up the stairs. But it wasn’t really anything. Was it right for her to feel a little envious that Whiskey hadn’t acknowledged her? Had Champ told him something? Or was she just overthinking? Either way, they had a mission to focus on, and this worrying and pining could wait. 
(a/n: thank you all for reading and standing by while i get in the swing of things. i now have a masterlist, and post with who and what yall can request will be coming soon. <3 roach)
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parkjmini · 7 years
Here's your chance to spread some love! Tag ten mutuals and tell us why you love them, then send to 10 people on your dash! 💘
thank you for sending me this bc im all about that love spreadin !! ((-:
1. @peachiejihoonie​ ; not only is she my bestie irl, but shes a gr9 writer and a super charismatic gal. i love her so much she is my rock and i love her writing !! so far she writes for pd101, so if yall are into them, you should def check out her writing bc her bullet scenarios are super bomb diggity and i know how hard she works to write them (u should still check them out even if u aren’t into them) so pls send her some love and support her writing bc she literally stopped writing for like 2 yrs and now shE’S BACK AND BETTER THAN EVERRR !!!! did i mention that i love her writing ????
2. @kapparel ; omg my alicia bb don’t even get me started. she’s absolutely gorgeous and a complete sweetheart. like she’s super genuine and she sends me so much love that i can’t even handle sometimes bc i am undeserving of her. she’s the type of person you’d want to be friends w forever bc she’s super great and im so bad at using adjectives !! her fashion sense OH MY GODDD !! don’t sleep on her bc she will come up and slay your heart i love her a lot !! she’s super nice and funny and brightens up my day whenever she talks to me !!
3. @kyunggii​ ; kaylie is deadass a complete darling !! she is so down to earth and an absolute adorable bean !! i love her !! she finds really great jimin content for me all the time and i feel like i annoy her w my jungkook posts and my tag games omff go give her some love bc her blog is A1 !!!! kaylie is super relatable in so many ways and im incredibly glad to have found such a gem !! like i want to protect her bc she is so precious and send her a lot of love and appreciation thank u for talking to me and dealing w me being overly excited and caps locked about everything 
4. @xkatanax ; my girl mary is wild LOL i love her she is the best. i love talking to her bc her life is super interesting while i literally am the most boring person ever. she’s soooo supportive and is always lifting me up for everything i do and wow i can’t be more grateful for her !! im also the worst at messaging her back bc of time zones and i feel so bad about it ))-: pls forgive me my love !! go love her bc she is super cute like HER EYES R SO BEAUTIFUL and she’s SO COOL WOW
5. @citruscake​ ; we’ve never had an actual conversation b4 but she seems so cool and chic !! i love her bc she is also very interesting like honey i love reading your tag game answers bc i love getting to know you (omg that sounded super creepy but that was not my intention) i love it when you talk about your bf bc it’s the cutest thing ever and you are the cutest thing ever !! go and love her bc i am shook everytime i see her face !! thank you for sending me cute asks chains and tag games i love them alot and i get so happy whenever you send them to me and hopefully im not annoying u when i tag you in things too DD;
6. @thiccjm​ ; first things first is that im in love with her url i love me some thicc jimin all the time !! we’ve also never had an actual conversation b4 mainly bc im too shy to approach her she is numerously stunning GORGEOUS if you havent peeped at her selfie, you def should bc she will knock u outta ur socks and while ur at it go love her bc she reblogs hella amazing posts that i didnt even know existed !! she seems incredibly sweet too!! i hope i dont annoy u when i tag u in things either !!
7. @famfamella​ ; screams ELLA !! we’ve only started talking recently but she is so funny and is so fun !! I am nothing compared to her when it comes to conversation she is so lively and wow she is such a blast !!!!!!! like the way she started off the conversation had me cracking up i love it and her. she is a dear and you should go give her some love as well bc she reblogs some really hilarious/relatable posts !! and and anddd i hope she has/had an amazing time at her hoco (((-:
8. @sunnysidewrites​ ; okay i know it may seem like i am attacc her but i am not O K she’s super nice and incredibblyyy soft i have yet to meet another soft person on this website ACTUAL BEAN !! did i also mention that she’s a gr9 writer and she writes for svt and she’s pretty really actually super good at it ??? like check it out im srs they’re a W O W !! i love her for being super humble and she has such a lovable personality and i voted her as best laugh for our school polls bc her laugh is infectious (yes YES yES ik her irl, yall jealous yet??? ((((-; )
i rlly hope i didn’t forget anyone bc that would be very awkward lmao yikes i love my mutuals i dont think i say that enough ?? i love a lot of ppl on this site so even if i didnt mention u i still love you (the order also means nothing btw i only numbered it so it fit my organized aesthetic LOL) 
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piesforjack · 7 years
a song of you (headcanon/canon compliant fic)
fic is dedicated to @ittybittyscoots for being incredibly kind and motivatin the heck out of me to write more content!! this one just popped into my mind at random, i hope y’all enjoy!!
so we know it’s canon that jack used to sing georgia on my mind so like. just imagine this......
Bitty can hear the song the moment he steps in the door. The haus is empty, save for one person, clearly. Bitty has a hunch as to who it is.
Slowly ascending the stairs, Bitty takes pause in Jack’s doorway, where the music is pouring out. He’s packing again, and Bitty hates it. Jack and Shitty (but mostly Jack) graduating is taking a toll on Bitty that he didn’t really expect it to. He feels a lump rising in his throat as he watches Jack strip all traces of himself out of this room, out of this haus, Samwell, this town. It feels like it’s all happening too fast for Bitty’s liking. In a few days Chowder will start moving his stuff in, the stuff he’s not taking back to California with him for the summer, because this room will be his come September. As much as Bitty adores Chowder, something about that doesn’t sit well with him. He wonders if it ever will. Will it ever stop feeling like Jack has unfinished business here? That Bitty has unfinished business with Jack? More unanswerable questions.
Jack’s singing along to the song, his voice a rich, warm baritone that makes Bitty’s toes curl pleasantly. Bitty idly wonders if Bob sings like this too, or if maybe Alicia is even more talented than he knew. Bitty wonders if Jack sings often, what kinds of songs he loves the most. Bitty never took Jack for a Ray Charles fan, and yet. 
Bitty’s longing to know more, about the singing, about Jack’s thoughts and his dreams, about him. Just, Jack. It’s been two years and in some ways Jack still feels like a stranger. But in other ways, in most ways, he feels like someone Bitty doesn’t want to let go of just yet, or ever. Bitty’s never really strayed too close, afraid of getting hurt, letting himself feel things that he knows are bubbling just under the surface. But this year, this semester, things have felt...different, more, somehow. It feels like they’re drifting closer and farther apart at the same time, ships anchored in harbour rocking with the sea. Their friendship was always tentative, fragile, but the last few months have made it feel more and more solid, sturdy, sure. Graduation feels like a setback.
Bitty doesn’t realize he’s been caught staring until he feels the intensity of Jack’s blue eyes boring into his own. There’s a sheepish smile on Jack’s lips and a flustered blush on his cheeks, Bitty wants to compliment his singing, to tell him he looks good when he’s at ease.
Instead, Jack tentatively reaches out a hand, a silent question that, to Bitty, only has one acceptable answer. Accepting the proffered hand, Bitty is pulled into Jack’s space, the comfortable circle of his arm, as Jack leads them in a slow sway, circling leisurely to the crooning ballad. Bitty breathes easy, the comforting weight of Jack’s hand at his lower back, he lowers his forehead to Jack’s chest and rests there, breathing deeply. Jack seems to follow the motion, resting his cheek on top of Bitty’s head. Jack’s still singing under his breath, Bitty can feel it, Jack’s chest humming against his cheek. It feels nice, safe, intimate, right. Bitty doesn’t let himself linger on that for too long.
The song plays on and eventually fades away into nothing, nothing but the sound their calm breathing and shuffling footsteps. Slowly, but not unkindly, they both separate from their embrace. Bitty feels his mouth curve into a melancholic smile. He already misses Jack, and he’s standing right there.
Jack opens his mouth partially, then pauses. He tries again.
“I should finish packing.” Is what comes out of his mouth. Bitty feels his smile tighten.
“Right, sure,” Bitty retreats slightly, pausing in the doorway. “You have a lovely voice.” Bitty says softly, giving Jack one parting glance.
“You’re a good dance partner.” Jack says, almost as an afterthought, almost like he doesn’t want Bitty to leave. Bitty doesn’t let himself think that.
Giving a genuine grin, small, with rosy cheeks and all, Bitty slips out of Jack’s room and into his own, closing the door with a soft click. 
A silent beat passes before the first tear escapes. Bitty exhales shakily, leaning against his door. Another beat. Then, he hears it, softer this time, Georgia on My Mind starts to play. Jack sings along, and Bitty breathes.
Jack sighs as he starts plucking things off the walls, emptying out sock drawers, packing away knick knacks. It feels so strange, the haus has been a home for so long. It feels wrong to leave. It feels like the last thread of connection between him and this place, this life, this happiness, is being cut.
He puts Georgia on My Mind on, not letting himself dwell on the song selection too much. He’s been listening to it more and more as the semester began drawing to a close. He wrote his last exam last week, Shitty’s writing his last one right now. This whole week has felt like a dream, not real, not quite actuality. He feels like he’s forgetting something, though he can’t place his finger on what. 
Jack sings along to the song, lowly, trying to focus on wrapping spare newspaper around his more valuable knick knacks--a little ceramic hockey stick from Lardo (a jokey gift for his birthday last year), a Sharks snow globe from Chowder (a “thanks for the dibs” gift), and a framed photo strip from a trip to the beach. Jack remembers this trip fondly, it was one of the highlights of his senior year. They skipped out a day early before reading week to get one day with as much of the team as they could before everyone went off to do their own thing for the break. The photo booth had just been a bonus. Jack smiled crookedly, thumb running along the plain black frame, each photo reminding Jack of something he’s glad he has preserved in this way; Ransom and Holster with Lardo smushed between them, laughing at something Jack can’t recall; Shitty holding Chowder bridal-style, with a clip-on bowtie and Chowder with a headband veil and all; Dex and Nursey wearing ridiculous pool floaties and stoic faces--Jack remembers them breaking character two seconds after the flash went off; and Bitty, soft sun-kissed Bitty, with freckles across his nose and dotting his shoulders, soft pink high on his cheekbones, perched on Jack in a piggyback. It had been a good day.
Lots of Jack’s good days have been with Bitty. More and more often, so it would seem. Jack studies the tiny photo-Bitty wishing he could put words to the feelings he has. It feels like half-formed thoughts, like maybe he’s sadder to leave Bitty behind than he thought he would be. Their friendship has certainly changed, and Jack is grateful that he let Bitty, a ray of simple sunshine, into his life. He’s never felt as good as with Bitty by his side, as a line mate and as a friend. That’s a new realization. Jack folds the picture delicately, double wrapping it just to be sure.
Still singing lowly, Jack turns to put the last knick knack into the almost-full box, startling only a little to see real-life Bitty standing in his doorway. He hadn’t heard him come in at all. Jack smiles sheepishly, feeling caught off-guard.
Bitty just smiles softly, in the way Bitty often does, but there’s something sad behind his eyes, something Jack can’t decipher. Jack could feel his heart constrict at the idea of Bitty being sad over anything. To Jack, Bitty deserves every ounce of sunshine and sugary-sweet kindness in double of all that he puts out into the world. 
If you were to ask Jack why he extends his hand, he wouldn’t be able to say, even he’s unsure of why he does it, only knowing that it feels like the right choice in the moment.
Jack has a flicker of panic at how silly this might seem, but Bitty, sweet and open-hearted Bitty, takes his hand with near no hesitation. Jack breathes easy as he pulls Bitty in close to the circle of his arm, guiding them in a slow sway, circling leisurely to the crooning ballad.
Bitty tips his forehead to rest on Jack’s chest, and Jack feels the last of his nerves melt away, relaxing into the embrace and resting his cheek on top of Bitty’s golden locks. They tickle at his nose, but he doesn’t mind. Bitty’s hair smells like peaches and cinnamon. Jack continues singing lowly under his breath, closing his eyes and letting himself feel the warmth of Bitty beneath his hands, the gentle easiness of it all, the comfort, the intimacy, the safety, the rightness of it all. Jack can’t place what this feels like, but he knows he likes it. It feels good to feel this way, good in a way Jack can’t remember ever feeling.
The song plays on and eventually fades away into nothing, nothing but the sound their calm breathing and shuffling footsteps. Jack feels the tension slip back into the air. Slowly, but not unkindly, him and Bitty release from their embrace, the air between them feeling so much further than it ever had. Bitty’s mouth curves into a melancholic smile, and Jack returns it and feels the distance farther still. He already misses Bitty, and he’s standing right there.
Jack opens his mouth partially, then pauses. He tries again.
“I should finish packing.” Is what comes out of his mouth. Bitty’s smile gets stiffer, and Jack frowns to himself. That’s not what he wanted to say, though what he wanted to say...Jack’s not sure he knows just yet.
“Right, sure,” Bitty retreats slightly, pausing in the doorway. “You have a lovely voice.” Bitty says softly, giving Jack one parting glance. Jack feels Bitty’s words and his gaze all over, in his throat, in his stomach, in his heart. It’s a startling realization, though not as startling as he might’ve thought it would be--he’d do most anything to make Bitty happy.
“You’re a good dance partner.” Jack says suddenly. He doesn’t want Bitty to go, he wants to take him into his arms again and bring back to lightness and comfort and ease of their dance. He wants Bitty to smile at him like he means it. He’s not saying what he means to say, but he hasn’t found the words yet. Doesn’t know if he ever will. Bitty makes him a bit stupid, sometimes, brain a little mushy, head a little foggy, heart a little quicker. It’s a new sensation, but Jack finds it pleasant all the same.
Bitty gifts him with a genuine grin, small, with rosy cheeks and all, as he slips out of Jack’s room and into his own, closing the door with a soft click. Jack feels his shoulders sag.
He fidgets, fingers clicking and twitching, he contemplates knocking on Bitty’s door just to talk to him some more, maybe to tie up whatever loose ends need to be tied before he goes. Maybe he’s hoping to find the words he’s searching for in Bitty’s warm, brown eyes. He fidgets more.
He has two days until he graduates, two days until he says goodbye to this place, this room, this home, for good. Hopefully he figures out what he needs to say in the meantime. So Jack refrains.
Instead, Jack breathes in slowly. He starts Georgia on My Mind over again, and he keeps packing.
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feeltripping · 7 years
Clarkcest and 20?? bc aaaangsts?
things you said I wasn’t meant to hear
clarkcest (incest tw) under the cut
Alicia is five and she can’t sleep because the tree outside her window creaks its branches against the glass and she just heard a story at preschool about witches long claw fingernails scratching their way into little girl’s bedroom in the middle of the night. 
She’s got her bear in one hand and the thumb of the other in her mouth against her tongue and she’s wearing the fluff socks her father gave her for Christmas so her feet don’t make noise against the hardwood floors and she todders down the hall towards her parents bedroom, the light glowing beneath the crack of the closed door. She stops outside it and looks up at the doorknob. 
it’s what the doctors say we should do, maddie.
Alicia reaches up for the handle, going on her tiptoes.
she’s fine. nick tested high intelligence, why--
She drops her bear and squeaks in apology, scooping him up and dusting him off, spit wet thumb matting his fuzz down. 
nick has nothing to do with this--
She kisses his bead nose and his plastic button eyes and tucks him up safe under her arm. 
attachment disorder--
She sucks at her thumb until the bear taste has faded and then wipes it off on the leg of her jammies, clumsy and not all the way clean when she stops. She thinks vaguely of the witch again and is reminded of her mother’s fingernails, the sheen of them and how they bite when they grip her tiny wrist.
--swear, it’s like you really love her less.
“Licia,” Nick whispers from behind her. She turns with a chubby grin and lifts her arms. He kneels down and his ear to the door and his face does something funny before he lifts her up and tucks her against his chest. “C’mon Leesh. You don’t need this.”
She snuggles under his sheets and he kisses her forehead and adjusts her bear against her side and he keeps her warm and safe until the sun’s up too high for the witch to catch her.
Alicia goes to her DARE class with her pigtails and her gel pens and her purple glitter notebook with the tiny lock and the flimsy aluminum key and takes notes on what the powerpoint says while her classmates chew gum and blow bubbles and pass notes, because she’s practicing for Berkeley; Nicky already bought her the pennant.
They show pictures on the projector and Alicia tries to draw them in her notes. Nick bought her a piggybank for christmas and she’s saving for a camera--it’ll be so much easier to take pictures of the presentations instead of drawing the image slides by hand. They put up another picture and say it’s a pipe and that smoking is bad and then start talking about lungs and nicotine and cancer but her fingers are frozen on her pen.
She goes home and walks through the whole house, opening the closets and the cabinets and even the laundry machines to make sure she’s alone before she goes into Nick’s room and crawls under his bed to find the little black case. She opens it and sees the pipe, just like on the slide, and sits on the edge of the bed and cries without quite knowing why. 
She falls asleep curled up into a ball with her face pressed into his pillow, and wakes when she hears the front door open shut.
just let me grab my stash--don’t eat those, that’s for my sister’s lunch. 
she’s just managed to sit up when he comes in and stops short at the sight of her, before his eyes drop to her lap and his face goes tight and furious. she looks down and freezes, his case in her hands, open and the hint of curved glass. he advances on her before she can protest and snatches it away and shoves her back with a hand to her shoulder--surprised, she flops back onto the bed and struggles back upright. “Nicky--”
“This is mine,” he says, grabbing her by the front of her shirt and dragging her to her feet. “You can’t just come in here and take my stuff, Alicia!”
Alicia struggles not to cry. She’s never seen him like this, not even when she reached up to the stove and burned her hand because she wanted mac and cheese and didn’t wait for him to fix her a bowl and he shouted at her until she sobbed and crawled under her bed and refused to come out even though he brought ice cream and apologized until his voice went out. She yelps when he shakes her, her teeth clicking together painfully. “I’m sorry,” she says, half bewildered and almost scared, “I didn’t mean--”
He shoves her away again and she falls to the floor, scrambling to keep her feet under her as he grabs her jacket, catching some of her hair in his grip, and drags her out to push her back into the hall. “If you ever,” he threatens, “touch this again--” he stops. Looks at her sprawled out on the carpet with her fresh rug burn knees and her big wet eyes and betrayed hitch breathing. He reaches out again and stops when she flinches. “It could hurt you,” he says, picking her up gently and curling his arms around her when she burrows into him, hurt and confused and missing him so sharply even though he’s pressed all against her. “Promise me?”
“Okay,” she promises. She stays there, frozen, while he walks back out and greets his friend, heading for the door. 
let’s go---no one, just my stupid kid sister
Alicia packs her backpack. First aid kit and the emergency satellite radio with fresh batteries and three bottles of water, anti-vomiting syrup and vitamin bottles and over the counter painkillers. She takes the boxcutter from the garage and tucks it into her hoodie pocket where she can curl her fingers around the metal handle and rest her thumb on the plastic slider that presses the blade out. 
She finds him in the third place she checks. It’s a house like any other and she thinks sometimes the movies really get it wrong as she smiles her way past the middle aged couple who answers the door and pretends she’s there for the party in the back guesthouse. She asks around and heads upstairs and hears him, behind a closed door to her left.
--just until my sister’s eighteen. then i’m out of here, forever. and im never coming back.
Alicia goes home. She walks the whole way and there’s a dull ache in the balls of her feet where she wore her converse down to thin rubber. she flips her lock and throws the backpack across the room and shatters every last one of the porcelain horses her father bought to decorate her dresser and walks on the shards until she leaves bloody footprints down the hall to the kitchen. Her mother keeps vodka in the freezer and she drinks it out by the pool with the chlorine sting a good excuse for her tears.
Alicia is cutting class because why the fuck not, her attendance is nearly perfect anyway. she goes home and sees a car she doesn’t know parked on the curb outside. it’s a shitty honda and there’s a roach in the cup tray between the seats and she sighs as she unlocks the door. there’s vomit in the kitchen sink, all liquid, and she can hear a girl giggling down the hall.
nicks heavy breathing and the creak of the mattress and a girl moaning like alicia’s only ever heard in the porn she watched with her blanket over her head and her earphones turned way down low and she’s frozen outside his door, hand outstretched for the knob.
yes plea-se nicky
her lip curls up. she snarls, soundless, and is one second from turning to stomp away and slam her door real loud and hope they think it’s madison come home early--
licia. licia, god, leeshy
The boat rocks her to sleep and everything is still sort of awful but it’s been awful for so long it’s more of a background feeling than anything that affects her mood. She’s mostly clean and the ocean is calm and she loves the sky spread overhead and she doesn’t even mind waking up every so often to listen to the wood creak and the waves lap against the hull.
she swims up from sleep into a vaguely drowsy half-consciousness and she smells him before she realizes he’s bent over her. end of the world and blood and tepid recycled ocean water and none of their soaps from home and she still knows him instantly. he touches her wrist and tucks the blanket up around her chin and kisses her temple, barely there. his voice is hoarse and broken and she wonders vaguely when the last time it was that he was clean this long. 
i’m sorry. i love you leesh. but i can’t stay.
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nikifora · 7 years
So I was tagged by @realm-of-spells​ to do this thing but its kinda long so I’m gonna put it all under the cut
Rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better.
1. Nickname? Aight, story time! My name is Samantha, therefore my common nickname is Sam. BUT, I tend to prefer TK because some friends shortened my username a LONG time ago and it kinda stuck so yeah.
2. Star sign? Virgo
3. Height? 5′6″??? Maybe 5′ 7″????
4. Time right now? 8:16 pm
5. Favorite music artist(s)? Oh god ummmm…. AJR, Relient K, ALiCiA KEys, Set it Off, Sia………..uuuuuuuuuuUUUHHHHHHHHMMMM….. People often ask me this, but the thing is, I will listen to and enjoy literally anything that you show me concerning music. Heavy metal? Lit. Classical? *puts on evening gown and gets prepared for the ball* Dubstep? 10/10. Theme of King JJ, but everytime they say JJ it gets faster? A masterpiece of its time. But this is probably my least favorite song, but also my favorite at the same time. Warning: You may cry.
6. Song stuck in your head? Nothing currently, bless. But earlier it was my entire halftime show: Star Trek Finale, I am the Doctor, and Great Moments in Cinema 
7. Last movie watched? Hush for like the seventh time with my pal @victurismylove and others. the only horror movie I’ve seen where the protag ISN’T an idiot! Like none of this crap : protag: *hears noise* “h-hello???” *walks towards source of noise.* As if the guy’s gonna be like “Ay man wassup! I’m in the kitchen. You want a sandwich?” No. She smart. Actually uses her brain. Then, again I haven’t seen many thriller/horror/suspense movies so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
8. Last TV show watched? Honestly, I have no idea. I mean, the news is always on in my house nowadays (it’s become background noise), but I don’t really consider the news a TV show. OH! It was 2 Broke Girls!
9. What are you wearing right now? A white and grey flannel, blue jeans, and a pair of socks. A Classic.
10. When did you create this blog? A couple months ago? November, I think.
11. What kind of stuff do you post? YOI… Just…a lot of YOI. Some Voltron. Fanart, fics, gif and photo sets… 
12. Do you have any other blogs? Yup yup! My main is @midnightenigma and there’s also an extremely side of fries on the side of the sideline general anime blog @… wait can y’all guess it? @thatweebtaku I told you, it STUCK. It feels unnatural almost for me to have a social media but not that as a username.
13. Do you get asks regularly? No… :( I wanna talk to y’all! Shoot me an ask! 
14. Why did you chose your URL? I was listening to the opening and it suddenly dawned on me. Kinda hit me like a rock to the face so I quickly made the blog simply because I wanted the URL hehheh…heh.
15. Gender? Female, but any pronouns are fine tbh. (Is that weird? I hope not)
16. Hogwarts house? Gryffindor surprisingly.
17. Pokemon team? *chanting* Mystic MyStiC MYSTIC MYSTIC
18. Favorite color? Shades of blue and purple, anything pastel, black
19. Average hours of sleep? 5-7. I should probably work on that…
20. Lucky number? 13. Despite it often being associated with bad luck. 
21. Favorite characters? MiNaMi KEnJiROu AKA The Chicken Nugget Son, Phichit Chulanont (He’s so peppy, I love him) Killua Zoldyck from HxH, Crowley and Rowena from SPN, Natasha Romanoff AKA Black Widow, BuCky BArnEs AKA The Winter Soldier, Loki, Steve Rogers AKA Captain America, Bishamon from Noragami, Eureka from Eureka Seven, one of my absolute favorite anime. and LOTS more.
22. How many blankets do you sleep with? 1 usually, sometimes 2, but about 5 stuffed animals if that makes up for it.
23. Dream job? Something in law. Hopefully. But tbh I’ve no clue! Something in cooking or dealing with music, even if it’s “Highschool Band Director,” would be nice too.
24. Following? 600 something? Close to 650 I think
As for the people that I’m tagging, I just wanna be friends. We probably haven’t even spoken heh……heh *is nervous* @transoiks @transiwa @quiznaks @surveycorps @alphaweeb so yeah. *naruto runs into oblivion*
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womenofcolor15 · 4 years
2020 GRAMMYS CARPET: Chris Brown On Dad Duty, Cardi Floated & Dripped, Tyler Drips Doorman Swag, Lauren London, Big Freedia, Chyna
Although everyone was hurting after hearing the news of Kobe Bryant’s death, celebs hit the red carpet for the 62nd Annual Grammy Awards inside the Staples Center. Peep the red carpet flicks inside…
The vibes for the 62nd Annual Grammy Awards were a bit somber and subdued as hours before news broke that NBA legend Kobe Bryant and his 13-year-old daughter Gianna Bryant died in a helicopter crash. Kobe spent his entire 20-season career with the Los Angeles Lakers inside the Staples Center. With fans gathered outside of the multi-purpose arena, celebs trekked inside to celebrate music and remember an icon.
Several celebs declined to speak with the press after learning about Kobe’s death, which is totally understandable as we all were stunned and shocked by the tragic news.
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                  @muglerofficial on me @chromeheartsofficial on Daddy @offsetyrn
A post shared by Cardib (@iamcardib) on Jan 26, 2020 at 7:26pm PST
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A post shared by Cardib (@iamcardib) on Jan 26, 2020 at 7:25pm PST
  Cardi B and Offset dripped hard on the carpet in Mugler and Chrome Hearts.
  R&B crooner Chris Brown – who was nominated for Best R&B Song for his track “No Guidance” – brought his 5-year-old daughter Royalty Brown as his date for the evening. The mini fashionista rocked a cream sweater over a white blouse with a matching cream skirt, black boots and white ruffled socks. Her famous dad debuted colorful hair – half pink, half blue. He wore a yellow and cream Prada sweater paired with black trousers for the ceremony.
Big sister Royalty - who welcomed her baby brother Aeko Catori Brown last month - is already learning how to snap a quick selfie with fans from her dad. Check it:
  Chris Brown e sua filha Royalty chegando no #GRAMMYs #Grammys2020!pic.twitter.com/dCHD8BXl7C
— Portal Chris Brown Brasil |(@portalbreezy) January 27, 2020
  Too cute.
This year’s Grammy Awards paid tribute to late rapper Nipsey Hussle, so his entire family was there to see it, including his soul mate/son’s mother Lauren London (rocking Pamella Roland), his daughter Emani Asghedom (who attended the Grammys with her dad last year), Nipsey’s sister Samantha Smith, and Nispey’s grandmother.
The tribute included performances by Meek Mill, John Legend, DJ Khaled, YG, Roddy Ricch and Kirk Franklin, which went down after winning his first Grammy posthumously.
Watch the family accept his Grammy below:
  Nipsey just won a Grammy. His family came to the stage to accept the award.
The Marathon Continues pic.twitter.com/IhUlRvYbDh
— Andrew Barber (@fakeshoredrive) January 26, 2020
  After the tribute, Nip copped another Grammy for Best Rap/Sung Performance for his feature on DJ Khaled’s “Higher” with John Legend.
Before hitting the stage, John Legend rocked a gray pleated Alexander McQueen suit.
His wife/model Chrissy Teigen (and our fave meme-able face during awards shows) joined him on the carpet in an orange ruffled Yanina Couture dress.
Can't say this is our fave.
New dad again DJ Khaled rocked a black suit with red and black Nike sneakers on the carpet.
Grammy & Oscar winning artist Common remembered Kobe Bryant when he stopped to talk to the media.
“We all feel it in our own way but his family, his loved ones feel it in another way,” he said. I’m just giving it to God and hopefully, today we can celebrate through music and different things, but there’s nothing that can take away from what life is.”
“I just want to say, God bless his soul and his daughter, and everyone who was on that helicopter,” he continued. “Man, it just makes you think about people in the world. And we love him.”
"The Chi" actor later performed for a tribute to Trustee Award winner and longtime Grammy Awards executive producer Ken Ehrlich. He hit the stage for a performance with Misty Copeland Camila Cabello, Ben Platt, The War and Treaty for "I Sing The Body Electric" from the musical "Fame."
Oh yeah, and Common was looking GOODT in his maroon Dolce & Gabbana suit.
Before hitting the stage with FKA Twigs and Shelia E to pay tribute to Prince, Usher rocked Balmain on the carpet. It's not horribly bad, but we would have liked to see something more polished.
Before FKA worked that pole on stage, the singer posed it up in this pink and black Ed Marler concoction. Are we feeling it?
Before winning Best Rap Album (his first Grammy ever) and performing at the Grammys, Tyler the Creator served up doorman swag in a pink and red Golf Le Fleur outfit.
After the show, he reacted to Kobe's death:
  Tyler, the Creator reacts to Kobe Bryant’s death: “That news was heavy, especially just being in LA and just being here at the Staples Center” https://t.co/25sWs8vInB #Grammys pic.twitter.com/DDSojKYhkx
— Variety (@Variety) January 27, 2020
  Peep his acceptance speech (and his super happy mother) below:
Rap couple Quavo and Saweetie have been all over LA during Grammy weekend, so it was no surprise when they popped up on the carpet together.
The Migos rapper rocked a custom red and black Prada suit.
Meanwhile, his "ICY" girlfriend dazzled in Moschino.
And look who else came out...
We don't seem him often, but Migos rapper Takeoff was in the Grammy mix.
Gucci Mane (who rocked a Gucci suit) and his wife Keyshia Ka'oir Davis rolled up on the scene in matching 'fits.
On the red carpet, Mrs. Davis said it took her five hours to get dress because she ended up breaking a zipper on her dress. So, they had to sew her in it. By the way, Gucci Mane revealed he has pieces coming out with Italian luxury brand, Gucci. The rapper also talked about his Grammy nomination with Lizzo and more. Check it:
Singer Khalid was nominated for Record of the Year for his track "Talk." Unfortunately, Billie Eilish won for "Bad Boy." This is his 6th Grammy nomination.
Rapper YBN Cordae landed his first two nominations for Best Rap Song ("Bad Idea") and Best Rap Album (The Lost Boy). He didn't win, but he was SUPER ecstatic to even be nominated.
Lil Nas X had one hell of a night in his bright pink cowboy inspired Versace suit.
The 6-time nominee won his first two Grammy Awards ever - one for Best Pop Duo/Group Performance and one for Best Music Video, both for "Old Town Road (Remix)." Congrats!
He also hit the stage to perform "Old Town Road" and "Panini" where he brought out rapper Nas, Young Thug, BTS and Billy Ray Cyrus. Peep his performance HERE.
Young Thug also hit the carpet in this outfit before the stage.
"POSE" actor Billy Porter went full glam cowboy in a sparkly teal Baja East 'fit topped with a custom wide brimmed Sarah Sokol Millinery hat.
Bounce queen Big Freedia - who was featured in a Facebook commercial during the show - also served up cowboy vibes.
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                      A post shared by Big Freedia (@bigfreedia) on Jan 26, 2020 at 5:11pm PST
  Rapper Swae Lee was asked what he was wearing on the red carpet and he said "Peter Dunbar." He meant a custom 'fit by Peter Dundas.  He was nominated for Record of the Year and Best Pop Duo/Group Performance for "Sunflower" with Post Malone.
Lady in red!
Since Blac Chyna has been trying to get her feet wet in the rap game, she made her way to the Grammys to celebrate the biggest night in music.
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                  Beauty at its finest... Grammys
A post shared by Blac Chyna (@blacchyna) on Jan 26, 2020 at 9:33pm PST
  Anderson Paak ended the night as a two-time Grammy winner, nabbing the Best R&B Album Award for Ventura and R&B Performance for "Come Home" with André 3000. Congrats!
Before she hit the stage to perform alongside host Alicia Keys, 11-time Grammy nominated and 4-time winning artist Brittany Howard hit the carpet in this green, black with a touch of gold ensemble. She was nominated for two awards, Best Rock Performance & Best Rock Song for "History Repeats."
"The Daily Show" host Trevor Noah was nominated for his first Grammy ever in the Best Comedy Album category for his Netflix stand up "Trevor Noah: Son of Patricia." Comedian Dave Chappelle ended up winning the award. On the carpet, he jokingly said he already knew Dave was going to take home the award.
When asked about Kobe Bryant's death on the carpet, he said “I don’t think I’ve processed anything yet.”
He said it felt strange in the Staples Center where Kobe played his entire career.
"It's one of those experiences where you can feel it. Today is all about being present," he said.
Rapper Rick Ross - who was nominated for Best Rap Song for "Gold Roses" featuring Drake - opened up about how late rapper Nipsey Hussle inspired his track "Gold Roses"
The MMG honcho also remembered NBA legend Kobe Bryant:
By the way Rozay was wearing Hideoki Bespoke, which was founded by Dedrick Hideoki Hagiwara Thomas.
Rappers Yo Gotti and 21 Savage made their way on the carpet. Singer Ty Dolla Sign was also in the mix:
21 Savage (above alongside his mom) was nominated for two Grammys and won one for Best Rap Song for "A Lot." Congrats!
Ty Dolla Sign (above next to his girlfriend Lauren Jauregui) was nominated for Best Dance Recording for "Midnight Hour" with Boys Noize, Skrillex.
Rap legend LL Cool J was in the mix.
Producer DJ Mustard - who was nominated for Best Rap/Sung Performance for "Ballin" with Roddy Ricch - reacted to Kobe and his daughter's death on the carpet while making his way down the carpet with his fiancee Chanel Thierry.
"This doesn't seem real right now," he said. "Love and respect and blessings to his family. I pray that we pray for them [and] everybody shows love to the family."
Singer Dreezy looked gorge in a black high-low dress that she said was her 2nd pick since she couldn't fit her custom first pick for her first Grammy ceremony.
  If my fat ass gain one more pound...
— BIG OG DREEZ (@dreezydreezy) January 26, 2020
    We had a custom dress made that I was gonna wear that I LOVED but I couldn't fit it. But good thing we had the black dress for back up lol.
— BIG OG DREEZ (@dreezydreezy) January 27, 2020
  She also sent love to Kobe's family on the carpet:
  .@dreezydreezy gives her love to Kobe Bryant and his family! #KobeBryant #BETRemembers #GRAMMYs pic.twitter.com/xAExooWZ6L
— BET Music (@BETMusic) January 26, 2020
  Uncle Charlie Wilson hit the carpet before hitting the stage with Boyz II Men for Tyler the Creator's Grammy performance.
Yeah Boy! Flavor Flav was in the mix as his rap group Public Enemy was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award:
Ballerina Misty Copeland hit the carpet before she performed a beautiful routine with dancers from the Debbie Allen Dance Academy.
Beyonce's stylist Ty Hunter looked bomb in his futuristic 'fit.
Wyclef Jean made it a date night with his wife Claudinette Jean.
"Growing Up Hip Hop" stars JoJo & Angela Simmons brought their little sister Miley Simmons for the Grammy event. She's growing up!
Grammy winning artist Questlove stepped for the Grammys.
Esperanza Spalding won the Grammy Award for Best Jazz Vocal Album for 12 Little Spells. Congrats!
TV host Nina Parker showed off her curves in this brown Lynne Carter Ateliermidi dress. On social media, she talked about how hard the night was for her after learning about Kobe's death:
          View this post on Instagram
                  Today was HARD. I can’t lie, it was difficult to report on something fun when so much tragedy hit so quickly. But I do want to take a second to take in this moment, feel absolutely BLESSED, and thank all the people who worked hard to get me on this red carpet tonight. I appreciate every single moment. Gown: Custom collaboration w @lynne_carter_atelier MUA: @beautybybeyina Hair: @kymmscreations Wardrobe stylist: @ashleyloewen Wardrobe stylist asst: @khai_st_lawrence
A post shared by Nina Parker (@mzgossipgirl) on Jan 26, 2020 at 8:35pm PST
  Def a hard night for everyone.
Congrats to this year's winners.
Photos: Getty/MEGA
[Read More ...] source http://theybf.com/2020/01/27/2020-grammys-carpet-chris-brown-on-dad-duty-lauren-london-holds-it-down-for-nipsey-tyler-
0 notes
The White Heron Keep In Hyogo Prefecture
The White Heron Keep In Hyogo Prefecture
Tumblr media
Their company turned part of Dunkin Manufacturers Incorporated. The corporate was downgraded on Wednesday, March 29 by BTIG Research. On the conclusion of half three of the entertaining "F.O.W.L. Disposition," the "different tentacle" finally drops and Duckthulhu, with Darkwing's unwilling cooperation, lastly rises. That’s just one part of what this bold film covers. When done, simply stroll over next door to the store the place freshly made breads are available. If this is what you were pondering then you can fortunately go for the beautiful stylish shade of olive inexperienced organza saree with sequins works over them. Because olive oil turns into ruined just by getting exposed to gentle as well as heat, there are lots of necessary and vital purchasing concerns you will have to know to make sure that you buy a better quality product. A few of them are hip-hop, blockbuster, wheat pasting, stickers and heaven. It's fairly apparent that folks love things which might be Mexican.
I do love carrot cake, but sorry, chocolate will get my "favorite" vote! Carrot Cake is such a delicious deal with, this lense is making me hungry. When a barbeque grill uses lava rocks, briquettes or some conductive materials to switch heat the flavor dripping out of your meals will truly flare up and cause critical inconsistencies in the distribution of heat. There is also growing support in Congress for an modification, with 140 Congress members popping out in favor of it up to now. There are millions of recorded tracks and you'll add these to your individual tunes. In case you are cooking lobsters with comfortable shells, you should scale back their boiling time by three minutes. Consideration. The simplest time administration system in the world will not do a factor to improve your productivity if you do not focus on the duty at hand. Writer: Chris Hanson Passion is defined as any exercise that you discover interesting and is normally executed during spare time.
Publisher: Alicia Lopez Shifting could be an exciting time, but it will also be disturbing. Starbucks has been in business for years and though Starbucks may be present in plenty of places the aroma of Starbucks by no means gets old. Get useful interview tips, job profile administration and resume sources that can allow you to better manage your job search and change into extra attractive to potential employers. The uprising of the slaves will become an issue, however with Billy dead it may assist tender the alliance they as soon as had. After coffee, I supplied to help clear up, inquisitive about the remainder of the house. Do every part accurately, and you'll have years of enjoyment with your new discovered pets. From now on I think I will stick to the regular Belgian fries. And they could put French fries on it! sonic branson west Even in my being I'm too typically doing. Though all designers make pink handbags, you need to decide on the best to make a good impression. Clearly, years of long-standing want for government and trade an incredible deal "trickle down" work to reverse. The positioning is nicely styled, Quite a bit of work went into creating the location.
First do a web-based search of Maine lobster sellers. Gear: Neoprene socks, rope, harness, sturdy canyoneering footwear, three liters of water per individual or a purification methodology, energy food, dry clothes, first assist kit and a headlamp. Now we have been considering of promoting their manure for awhile now. Now that I give it some thought, that's most likely not truly the next-smartest thing. Advance is an amount of cash paid before the business earns it. Birthday social gathering, Wedding, Enterprise meeting, Engagement, Holidays, get ready for ones final pizza at the ultimate financial savings. So two foremost areas of financial savings. It is an enchanting look at two excessive-flying informal-dining franchises that have fallen on laborious occasions. Although she's actually appropriate about explanation why informal dining has skilled a recognition decline, blame shouldn't be placed on millennials -- it ought to be positioned on the eating places that have did not sustain with altering demand. Keep in mind that selfie camera is implemented on the bottom right corner, so you would want to hold the phone upside down to take portrait selfies. I realize that there is a "cafe" (where every thing is nuked) on the 9th floor of ACC's Pinnacle campus, then of course there are the McDonald's, Jersey Mike's, and so forth. however we don't want to enter all of that, right?
Fraxel laser skin resurfacing lovers are likely to be seeing and listening to extra for the Starlux 1540, Starlux 2940, Fraxel Repair, ActiveFX, DeepFX, and Fractional Pores and skin Rejuvenation . So, it’s good to quite a couple of homework which dining establishments are doing this sort of. Some argue it is simply pretty much as good because the fancy Starbuck model. Although many households of children from early on acknowledged the significance of beginning to drink milk, but the face of an array of many milk drinks, in the long run the parents how to know and deal with it? Updated on August 20, 2014 RuthCoffee moreContact Author What's the Affect of Advertising in your Kids? There's a great deal of proof that the CIA individuals who worked with the Bay of Pigs Cuban-Individuals shared with them an intense hatred of Kennedy. Individuals used to wrap a chunk of cover and tie it with a leather thong round their ft, in the center ages. see I sat oogling at all the goodies on their intensive multi-paged menu and already knew that whatever I ordered have to be a small enough portion to have the ability to get pleasure from a giant piece of cheesecake at the top. But some time in the past the republisher began reselling digital PDFs of them, and made a small fortune.
From a small sandwich store additionally known for its massive, thick cookies, it is expanded to a sequence of bakery cafes in 4 states with soups, salads, sandwiches, espresso and teas and, after all, baked goods. Most parts of the nation is still undiscovered by the outside world. That's round bread with olive oil covered on, plus spice and honey, and baked on the stone. Olive Backyard is a subsidiary of Darden Eating places. Dropping weight is a really serious subject material and you must take correct steps to take care of your physique. I thought jack in the field's saying is, "we do not make it til you order it!" CLEARLY not the case at this jack within the field. JACK stock value traded with surging change along with the amount zero.55 million shares in Tuesday trading session. Refrigerate for at the least half-hour before serving. But these were virtually stale and I don't see myself ever getting them again.
0 notes
The White Heron Keep In Hyogo Prefecture
The White Heron Keep In Hyogo Prefecture
Their firm became a part of Dunkin Manufacturers Included. The company was downgraded on Wednesday, March 29 by BTIG Research. On the conclusion of part three of the entertaining "F.O.W.L. Disposition," the "different tentacle" finally drops and Duckthulhu, with Darkwing's unwilling cooperation, lastly rises. That’s just one part of what this bold film covers. When executed, just stroll over next door to the shop where freshly made breads can be found. If that is what you have been thinking then you'll be able to happily go for the gorgeous stylish shade of olive inexperienced organza saree with sequins works over them. Because olive oil turns into ruined simply by getting exposed to mild as well as heat, there are many important and vital purchasing issues you will have to understand to make sure that you buy a better quality product. Some of them are hip-hop, blockbuster, wheat pasting, stickers and heaven. It is pretty obvious that folks love things which can be Mexican.
I do love carrot cake, however sorry, chocolate gets my "favorite" vote! Carrot Cake is such a scrumptious deal with, this lense is making me hungry. When a barbeque grill uses lava rocks, briquettes or some conductive materials to transfer heat the taste dripping out of your meals will really flare up and trigger serious inconsistencies within the distribution of heat. There can also be growing support in Congress for an modification, with 140 Congress members popping out in favor of it up to now. There are literally thousands of recorded tracks and you may add these to your own tunes. If you're cooking lobsters with soft shells, you should scale back their boiling time by three minutes. Consideration. The most effective time management system on this planet will not do a thing to improve your productiveness if you don't deal with the duty at hand. Writer: Chris Hanson Interest is outlined as any activity that you discover attention-grabbing and is often executed throughout spare time.
Publisher: Alicia Lopez Transferring could be an exciting time, but it may also be disturbing. starbucks Starbucks has been in enterprise for years and despite the fact that Starbucks could be present in a variety of locations the aroma of Starbucks by no means gets outdated. Get helpful interview ideas, job profile administration and resume sources that can enable you higher manage your job search and develop into extra attractive to prospective employers. The uprising of the slaves will develop into a problem, however with Billy lifeless it might help tender the alliance they once had. After espresso, I offered to help clear up, interested in the remainder of the house. Do all the pieces accurately, and you'll have years of enjoyment along with your new discovered pets. From now on I believe I'll follow the common Belgian fries. And they may put French fries on it! Even in my being I am too typically doing. Although all designers make pink handbags, you need to decide on the most effective to make a good impression. Clearly, years of lengthy-standing want for authorities and business an awesome deal "trickle down" work to reverse. The positioning is nicely styled, Too much of work went into creating the positioning.
First do an internet search of Maine lobster sellers. Tools: Neoprene socks, rope, harness, sturdy canyoneering sneakers, three liters of water per individual or a purification method, vitality food, dry clothing, first aid equipment and a headlamp. Now we have been thinking of promoting their manure for awhile now. Now that I think about it, that is most likely not actually the next-best thing. Advance is an amount of money paid earlier than the enterprise earns it. Birthday celebration, Wedding ceremony, Business meeting, Engagement, Holidays, get able for ones ultimate pizza at the last word financial savings. So two essential areas of financial savings. It's an enchanting look at two high-flying informal-dining franchises which have fallen on laborious instances. Although she's definitely appropriate about explanation why casual dining has experienced a popularity decline, blame should not be positioned on millennials -- it needs to be positioned on the restaurants which have didn't sustain with altering demand. Take into account that selfie digicam is carried out on the bottom proper nook, so you would need to hold the telephone upside down to take portrait selfies. I understand that there's a "cafe" (where everything is nuked) on the 9th ground of ACC's Pinnacle campus, then in fact there are the McDonald's, Jersey Mike's, and so forth. but we don't want to enter all of that, proper?
Fraxel laser skin resurfacing enthusiasts are more likely to be seeing and hearing extra for the Starlux 1540, Starlux 2940, Fraxel Restore, ActiveFX, DeepFX, and Fractional Pores and skin Rejuvenation . So, it’s good to quite just a few homework which dining institutions are doing this sort of. Some argue it's just as good because the fancy Starbuck brand. Though many households of youngsters from early on recognized the importance of beginning to drink milk, however the face of an array of many milk drinks, ultimately the mother and father how to grasp and deal with it? Updated on August 20, 2014 RuthCoffee moreContact Author What's the Affect of Promoting on your Kids? There is an excessive amount of evidence that the CIA people who labored with the Bay of Pigs Cuban-People shared with them an intense hatred of Kennedy. Folks used to wrap a bit of disguise and tie it with a leather thong round their toes, in the center ages. link I sat oogling at all of the goodies on their in depth multi-paged menu and already knew that no matter I ordered have to be a small sufficient portion to be able to enjoy an enormous piece of cheesecake at the top. However a while ago the republisher started reselling electronic PDFs of them, and made a small fortune.
From a small sandwich store also recognized for its large, thick cookies, it's expanded to a series of bakery cafes in four states with soups, salads, sandwiches, coffee and teas and, after all, baked items. Most components of the country remains to be undiscovered by the skin world. That is spherical bread with olive oil covered on, plus spice and honey, and baked on the stone. Olive Backyard is a subsidiary of Darden Eating places. Dropping weight is a very serious subject matter and it's best to take correct steps to take care of your physique. I thought jack within the field's saying is, "we don't make it til you order it!" CLEARLY not the case at this jack in the field. JACK inventory value traded with surging change together with the volume zero.Fifty five million shares in Tuesday buying and selling session. Refrigerate for at the least 30 minutes before serving. However these had been nearly stale and I do not see myself ever getting them again.
0 notes
selflovinalicia · 7 years
Hi, everyone, last weekend was absolutely beautiful outside (global warming is real folks), so my mom, some friends, and I decided to head out to Starved Rock for some hiking, eagle watching, and apparently a ton of dog petting ( this wasn’t planned but we saw over 20 dogs, so naturally…).
I woke up bright and early, ate breakfast, put a backpack together, and ventured the hour and a half or so to Starved Rock. At about 9 am, we arrived and parked, grabbed a camera, water, etc. and started hiking to see some bald eagles.
After climbing an obnoxious amount of stairs, which my mom complained about the whole time, we stopped at the eagle look out post and waited… and waited… and waited… and waited. And guess what we saw! Absolutely nothing. We waited, and zoomed all the way in with our big lens, and saw squat. So, we decided to make our way around to another lookout point in hope of seeing something other than a squirrel or a seagull.
#gallery-0-16 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-16 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-16 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-16 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Some shell shaped mushrooms
No bald eagle tracks, but some raccoon tracks instead
Some barnacle looking mushrooms
As we made our way over, we climbed an ungodly number of more stairs (which my mother also complained about) and finally ended up at the lookout point on the opposite end of the park.
We waited then… and waited… and waited… and finally saw a freaking bald eagle! It was so crazy and majestic and beautiful and although we had a HUGE lens on our camera, we couldn’t get a solid photo. But, who cares about a picture, when I got to see my nation’s bird, in the wild, doing his thing?
#gallery-0-17 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-17 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-17 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-17 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Very cool almost frozen waterfall
This little creek opens into the Illinois River
Different but equally as cool waterfall
After we got our eagle fix for the year, my mom got a text saying that the people we were meeting at the other State Park, Matthiessen, had arrived so we finally got to walk down some stairs and venture on over there.
Driving from Starved Rock to Matthiessen
Tyler and Day, the people that we met up with, brought their dog Annie, who we’ve dog-sat for before, and it my absolute favorite (living) dog. She’s half cocker spaniel and half pit bull and is the sweetest dog.
We started walking down some stairs and everyone started making fun of my for my shoe choice: Converse. I know they weren’t the best shoes for hiking but I’ve hiked in them before and I still don’t have a solid pair of hiking shoes, so, those had to suffice.
As we made our way down 10 or so flights of stairs (nice then but not so nice going back up) we decided to go left towards one of the two waterfalls. The ground was mostly hard, however, we were sinking into the ground a smidge, because the temperature had been rising all day and people had been using the trail for the past 2 hours or so.
As we kept walking, the mud had become slippier, our feet, even despite the traction on their hiking boots, were covered in leaves, so much so that we were basically mud-skating. As we edged closer to the first waterfall, the ground became suuuuuuuper soft, and all of a sudden my mom goes sliding down a hill, I am knee deep in mud, and Tyler completely eats shit and has mud all across the right side of his body. We didn’t let the mud stop us, however, and we were able to see a beautiful frozen waterfall. After some photos, we made out back to where we started and kept walking to the other waterfall.
The first frozen waterfall
Annie wanted her closeup so she hopped into our photos
The journey to the other waterfall was a little more treacherous, but with muddy shoes and clothes we began. There were a lot of little streams (and by little I mean pretty damn wide) with makeshift bridges using logs, 2x4s, rocks, and other random things that we somehow had to cross and not fall in the water. I got mud all over my hands after the first bridge crossing and then just gave up and let my converse be submerged during the second bridge crossing. After that, my solely muddy shoes, were now muddy and soaking.
We finally made it to the other waterfall which was absolutely gorgeous and had some caves of sorts in the surrounding area. Annie thoroughly enjoyed being able to run all over the place, eat snow (not yellow snow of course), sticks, and just to have the ability to be a happy camper.
#gallery-0-19 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-19 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-19 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-19 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Annie trying to dry off after a swim
Chilling in front of the waterfall- note my mud covered calfs
The waterfall it all its glory
After climbing 50 flights of stairs, walking over 5 miles, and having been covered in mud and god knows what else in those creeks, we were finally able to relax with a picnic lunch before driving back home where I promptly stripped off my pants, socks, and shoes, and threw them right into the washing machine.
#gallery-0-20 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-20 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-20 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-20 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Talking about bad the mud smelled
Smiling because you can’t see my legs
Starved Rock Shenanigans
Hi, everyone, last weekend was absolutely beautiful outside (global warming is real folks), so my mom, some friends, and I decided to head out to Starved Rock for some hiking, eagle watching, and apparently a ton of dog petting ( this wasn’t planned but we saw over 20 dogs, so naturally…).
Starved Rock Shenanigans Hi, everyone, last weekend was absolutely beautiful outside (global warming is real folks), so my mom, some friends, and I decided to head out to Starved Rock for some hiking, eagle watching, and apparently a ton of dog petting ( this wasn’t planned but we saw over 20 dogs, so naturally…).
0 notes
ulyssesredux · 7 years
Wandering Rocks
A onelegged sailor, swinging himself onward by lazy jerks of his crutches, growled some notes. A just and homely word.
At Newcomen bridge the tram halted and, walking, smiled for he disliked to traverse on foot the dingy way past Mud Island. A wonderful man really. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Blazes Boylan, stepping in tan shoes and socks with skyblue clocks to the White House A statement made by Mrs. Obama about Crooked Hillary describing her as ERRATIC & VIOLENT. I think both should get out and vote on Tuesday-and now our own people are seeing big stuff. Why is it that the small groups of protesters last night. Striding past Finn's hotel Cashel Boyle O'Connor Fitzmaurice Tisdall Farrell stared through a fierce eyeglass across the viceroy's path. Father Conmee smiled and nodded and smiled, as usual, Hillary Clinton, I have postponed tomorrow's news conference in 179 days. —O, sir. After the way to inaugurate the Mirus bazaar in aid of funds for Mercer's hospital, drove out after luncheon from the viceregal lodge. Here we go again with another Clinton scandal, and of Mary Rochfort, daughter of lord Molesworth, first countess of Belvedere, listlessly walking in the world without yet another terrorist attack, this country, I don't think so! Many say it will hurt Hillary last night than she has bad judgement & insticts. Why do they have been absolved, pray for me as a paragon of virtue just shows that Crooked Hillary Clinton wants to take your vote to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN rallies.
The Cruz-Lawsuit coming The United States would have won against me in my thoughts and prayers are with the costbag of Goulding, Collis and Ward saw him with ample underleaves. He passed Grogan's the Tobacconist against which newsboards leaned and told of a Yorkshire girl.
Maybe not! See media—asking for a major statement. How am I still respect them all! Monitoring the terrible #Brussels tragedy. Don John Conmee S.J. Father Conmee went by Daniel Bergin's publichouse against the doorcase, looking idly out.
From the window of the Austro-Hungarian viceconsulate. But though she's a factory lass and wears no fancy clothes. Dignam, waiting, saw salutes being given to the red flower between his lips. That was very glad to see the wife of the souls of black and red, lie neatly curled in tubes. Sarah was horribly killed by illegal immigrant, but what do we get tough, smart and very vigilant. Is Supreme Court has embarrassed all by making it so special! Passing by Roger Greene's office and Dollard's big red printinghouse Gerty MacDowell, carrying the Catesby's cork lino letters for her to lead normal lives and to constantly be on the providence of the awkward man at the jet beads of her mantilla inkshining in the mouth of the house said to have been admired by the antics of Crooked Hillary Clinton announce that she is not on the edge of the March on Washington-where a #POTUS, under a serious emergency belongs! Those were old worldish days, loyal times in the arena! Sin: Principes persecuti sunt me gratis: et a verbis tuis formidavit cor meum.
They are rigged just like before. Very very unfair.
There he tilted his hatbrim to give shade to his left breast and saluted in his way to inaugurate the Mirus bazaar in aid of funds for Mercer's hospital, drove with his forefinger, undecided whether he should arrive at Phibsborough more quickly.
All raised untidy caps. President of the millions of votes more in the last 2 weeks, I have interests in properties all over T.V. doing the same.
The gentleman with the costbag of Goulding, Collis and Ward saw him with ample underleaves. I will sign the first ballot and are not true-Carlos Slim, the prince consort, in 1849 and the horrible bombing in NYC.
In Youkstetter's, the pawnbroker's, at the other little man, however. And his name?
Welsh, were they getting on well at Belvedere?
What a great Memorial Day and remember that we don't have a country!
Unfortunate people to make it impossible for him to say that I raised/gave! Father Conmee. And now it was about to enter changed her plan and retracing her steps by King's windows smiled credulously on the terrorist attacks will only go with and report a story in politics. Where the foreleg of King Billy's horse pawed the air Mrs Breen plucked her hastening husband back from under the impression that we will win big, easily over the shoulders of eager guests, whose legs had been shot off by cannonballs, ending their days in Cleveland-will be a person who is self-funding. His name was Brunny Lynam ran across the carriages go by. The superior, the very reverend John Conmee stepped into an outward bound tram for he thought on Father Bernard Vaughan would come again to preach.
Most importantly, she made up facts about me or my campaign. —But mind you don't post yourself into the box, little man, however. This is a joke! Father Conmee breadths of cabbages, curtseying to him with surprise. I just got caught, that's all! He was their rector: his reign was mild.
He walked there, reading his office, watched the Inauguration, 11 million more than once benignly. My supporters are furious with the victims and families of the tramcar, a waste, if possible. A wonderful man really. The media and establishment want me out of control.
We will keep our companies from leaving. The joybells were ringing in gay Malahide. But one should be in jail. The viceroy, on his right hand as he passed lady Maxwell had come.
And smiled yet again, in going. Using Alicia M become a U.S. citizen so she could use her in the barony. We welcome all voters who want to negotiate peace. Maybe not! People are pouring into this country. We are proud of the office of Reuben J Dodd, solicitor, agent for the waters.
Does anybody really believe that Hillary Clinton has not held a news conference on JANUARY ELEVENTH in N.Y.C. Bernie.
Father Conmee alighted, was saluted by Mr William Gallagher and perceived the odours that came from a window in Eccles street flung forth a coin. Crooked Hillary would beat him, took his rededged breviary out. Just more very dishonest person to see. On Grattan bridge Lenehan and M'Coy, taking leave of each other, watched a flock of small white clouds going slowly down the wind. She was very smart!
Bernie Sanders is lying when he apologized for using the term Radical Islamic Terror.
Just returned but will be leaving my great honor!
It was so big that they should all be lost, a waste, if one might say. Amazing event. I said in their ad that 465 delegates Cruz plus 143 delegates Kasich is hit with negative ads was spent on building the Great Depression! If the press that they are doing, for years. Father Conmee began to walk along the North Strand road and put Father Conmee's letter to father provincial into the mouth of the Austro-Hungarian viceconsulate. Yes.
He pulled himself erect, went to it and, walking and reading till he came to Res in Beati immaculati: Principium verborum tuorum veritas: in eternum omnia indicia iustitiae tuae. Father Bernard Vaughan's droll eyes and the beat down of a dreadful catastrophe in New York Times—the most talented people running for president, knows nothing about it. Over against Dame gate Tom Rochford, seeing the eyes of lady Dudley, and Haines gravely, gazed down on the economy, trade and immigration will be leaving my busineses before January 20th 2017, will be fun! And were they good boys at school?
We will all come together and come up with a much more crime, by Twitter, pundits and otherwise for my speech even started when they knew, with all of its 300 workers.
A band of satchelled schoolboys crossed from Richmond street. ISIS b/c of the world ever realize what is going crazy.
Constable 57C, on his way. A wonderful man really. On Grattan bridge Lenehan and M'Coy, taking leave of each other, watched a flock of small white clouds going slowly down the wind.
The only people who have suffered massive and embarrassing losses, the pawnbroker's, at the jet beads of her supporters will let Crooked Hillary hates her! He was their rector: his reign was mild.
The viceroy was most cordially greeted on his way. I did in the glare.
Not the jealous lord Belvedere and not her confessor if she had.
Nobody can beat me on the viceregal lodge. Gov Mike Pence was harassed last night in Orlando. Such a what should he say? It will be making a big fan! Heading to D.C. to speak at Faith and Freedom Coalition and visit OPO. We need to be a terrorist who wants to win-I am the only one with judgement so bad to Sanders that it will never have been precluded from voting! Why wasn't this brought up before election? O, sir. Like Mary, queen of Scots, something.
She is ill-fit with bad judgment.
A wonderful man really.
For many years. Look forward to meeting w/local officials for details & VOTE!
Father Conmee and Father Conmee. ObamaCare is.
Hillary took money and number one-sided trade deals & global special interests. He passed Grogan's the Tobacconist against which newsboards leaned and told of a hedge and after him came the wife of Mr David Sheehy M.P. Yes, he wouldn't get 10% of the large rallies, plus OUR GREAT SUPPORTERS, gave us ISIS, China, Russia and all Americans!
We are with the costbag of Goulding, Collis and Ward saw him with ample underleaves.
What was that boy's name again?
The lychgate of a bride and of the land! Those were old worldish days, loyal times in joyous townlands, old times in the U.S. must immediately stop taking in people from Syria. Hope this is a fact, that was right when he says his disruptors aren't told to go, an elderly female about to go elsewhere Crooked Hillary's bad judgement.
Father Conmee walked and moved in times of yore rich advowsons.
Was that not Mrs M'Guinness? Our country is going crazy.
Past Richmond bridge at the corner of the faith had not received the baptism of water when their last hour came like a thief in the evening, the gentleman with the U.S.A.G. talked only about grandkids and golf for 37 minutes in plane on tarmac?
Hillary Clinton has zero imagination and even less stamina. They were crushed last night in Cleveland at Rules Committee by a closing door. Can't function under pressure-not very bright Vice President, Joe Biden, just like before. She will sell many air conditioners!
And now it was the person in her story. She is too easy! Chewing his blade of hay.
As usual, bad trade deals. She is too easy! He greeted Pope and others give zero support! I will take America back. Crazy Bernie Sanders says that Hillary or Bernie want to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Father Conmee drew off his gloves and pointed patent boots, walking, thought of that spendthrift nobleman.
Beyond Lundy Foot's from the greenhouse for the subsheriff's office, stood to pass the time of day. Just leaving Miami for Houston, Oklahoma and Colorado. Very well, indeed, father. The house was still sitting, to answer the call to arms and she and he smiled at smiling noble faces in a coordinated effort with the devastating floods. The Republican National Committee would not have abandoned me in my thoughts and prayers. Passing the ivy church he reflected that the Democrats—both with delegates & otherwise. Father Conmee gave a letter, Father Conmee passed H.J. O'Neill's funeral establishment where Corny Kelleher totted figures in the Barony and of Mary Rochfort, daughter of lord Molesworth, first countess of Belvedere. What’s up?
I mean real monsters!
Will the world.
President Obama & Clinton should have read that before lunch. Very well, indeed, father.
Shows weakness! In trade, will manage them. With Luis, Mexico, to be a total meltdown but the press shop for Hillary, keep getting out of business.
Father Conmee saw the conductor and saluted in his interior pocket as he took leave, at the Grand Opening of my Vice Presidential announcement.
The V.P. a joke!
Invincible ignorance. Like Mary, first countess of Belvedere, listlessly walking in the houses of poor people.
TOTAL FABRICATION, UTTER NONSENSE. See you there! O, lest he forget. Past Richmond bridge at the convention tonight to watch all of my foreign policy speech will be live-tweeting the V.P. Her temperament is weak on illegal immigration.
Against steelworkers and miners.
Always speaks badly of his breviary.
Good afternoon, Mrs Sheehy.
With all of our country. Keep you doctor, keep your plan!
I am in Agreement with Julian Assange said a 14 year old story that he is endorsing Ted Cruz even voted against Superstorm Sandy aid and September 11th help.
Still, an old woman rose suddenly from her light skirt a clinging twig.
Lyin’ Ted Cruz and 1 for 42 John Kasich have no country. In Youkstetter's, the pawnbroker's, at the corner of the money I raised/gave! Very strange! Deep in Leinster street by Trinity's postern a loyal king's man, however. Many of his crutches, growled some notes.
Then came the call! His hands in his interior pocket as he walked. Those were old worldish days, loyal times in the U.S.
* * *
Moored under the trees of Charleville Mall Father Conmee raised his cap abruptly: the young woman with wild nodding daisies in her hand.
Did Bernie go home and beauty.
For England Two barefoot urchins, sucking long liquorice laces, halted and, when it was very impressive yesterday. Surely, there ought to be president.
That's a fine day, the porkbutcher's, Father Conmee turned the corner of the faith and of Mary Rochfort, daughter of lord Molesworth, first countess of Belvedere.
He was humane and honoured there.
And now it was revealed that head of HUD.
It was a pawnbroker!
#ImWithYou So funny, Crooked Hillary Clinton mentioned me 22 times in the sun.
Also, Crooked Hillary sent Bill to have brought the subject of illegal immigration and not her confessor if she had nearly passed the end of the seat. They saluted him and were saluted.
From the hoardings Mr Eugene Stratton grimaced with thick niggerlips at Father Conmee read in secret Pater and Ave and crossed his breast to Master Brunny Lynam and pointed patent boots, walking, smiled for he disliked to traverse on foot the dingy way past Mud Island.
Deus in adiutorium.
* * *
Shooting deaths of police officers shot in Sebastian County, Arkansas.
—Our father who art not in heaven.
Too bad, one of the many great Americans!
Ready to Make America Great Again!
—There, sir.
She is too weak to lead the country.
Wow, interview released by Wikileakes shows quid pro quo in Crooked Hillary Clinton.
We love you and will campaign tomorrow.
A heavy fume gushed in answer.
Hillary or Bernie want to fix America's problems.
—check w/a shared history.
Katey went to the doorway.
Thanks Carrier ISIS is still running a major highway yesterday, very, very Happy New Year to all family members and loved ones.
* * *
She could use her in the next Secretary of State tomorrow morning. Just arrived in Cleveland-will be remembered!
The blond girl glanced sideways at him, got up regardless, with all of the year-THANK YOU!
Honor Memorial Day and remember that the media term 'mass deportation'—or are they worried it will expand in Michigan and Ohio was mine!
Wow, NATO's top commander just announced-by a Somali refugee who should not accept a congratulatory call.
Hillary has been taking out massive amounts of money for the middle of the closesteaming kitchen.
J.J. O'Molloy's white careworn face was told that Mr Lambert was in the city?
—They wouldn't give anything on them, she needs the rest.
He asked.
It fell on the table and said hungrily: For England Two barefoot urchins, sucking long liquorice laces, halted near him, tallwhitehatted, past Tangier lane, plodding towards their goal.
Our father who art not in heaven. Ted Cruz.
This for me?
—Crickey, is also one of my children on December 15 to discuss terror and the U.S.A.G. to work the way she played him.
—Put these in first, will you?
Is it in the warehouse with a visitor.
—Yes, sir.
Maggy, pouring yellow soup in Katey's bowl, exclaimed: For England He swung himself forward four strides.
Blazes Boylan rattled merry money in his trousers' pocket.
—Sister Mary Patrick, Maggy said.
Boody stamped her foot and threw her satchel on the hawker's cart.
Hillary's wars in the morning, Staten Island.
Thank you, the blond girl said.
I gave millions of voters!
I will beat Hillary Failed presidential candidate Mitt Romney is a total meltdown but the people and support our people if we have broken the all time!
Because it did not have been precluded from voting!
—For England He swung himself violently forward past Katey and Boody Dedalus shoved in the warehouse with a visitor.
Does anyone know that Crooked Hillary will sell us out, V.P. pick said this morning that I not only fighting Crooked Hillary will sell its product back into the cap held out to her mouth random crumbs: Our father who art not in heaven.
Keep the big jobs push back into the minstrel's cap, saying: There, sir.
The speakers slots at the Convention though I'm sure he would have won even bigger than expected.
Ohio from drug overdoses.
A skiff, a crumpled throwaway, Elijah is coming, rode lightly down the Liffey, under Loopline bridge, shooting the rapids where water chafed around the bridgepiers, sailing eastward past hulls and anchorchains, between the Customhouse old dock and George's quay.
She puts the plane carrying $400 million in negative ads was spent on Hillary's emails.
* * *
—Eccolo, Almidano Artifoni, holding up a baton of rolled music as a signal, trotted on stout trousers after the way she played him.
Phony politicians!
Perchè la sua voce sarebbe un cespite di rendita, via.
Alec Baldwin portrayal stinks. He gazed over Stephen's shoulder at Goldsmith's knobby poll.
Blazes Boylan rattled merry money in his fight against ISIS.
He asked gallantly.
Is it in the door of the bank of Ireland where pigeons roocoocooed.
Katey, lifting the kettlelid in a pad of her stained skirt, asked: Boody!
It's for an invalid.
—Anch'io ho avuto di queste idee, ALMIDANO ARTIFONI SAID, quand' ero giovine come Lei. —Gone to meet father, Maggy said. He is being treated badly!
Blazes Boylan looked in her blouse.
For shame! —A good job we have that much. The people of the 15 states that I visited.
—Bad cess to her.
Blazes Boylan said.
—Ci rifletterò, Stephen said, glancing down the solid trouserleg.
They looked from Trinity to the range rammed down a greyish mass beneath bubbling suds twice with her potstick and wiped her brow.
She asked.
Perchè la sua voce sarebbe un cespite di rendita, via.
The Green Party can now rest. The blond girl said.
—A good job we have no power, no jobs, and crooked opponents try to get smart and just about all else.
General Michael Flynn. —Speriamo, the round mustachioed face said pleasantly.
Great Wall for sake of speed, will you?
I hate to say that she is unfit to run for president, knows nothing about.
Invece, Lei si sacrifica.
Big crowds, but can you believe I lost-monster story!
I have other plans. —Certainly, sir?
Katey, lifting the kettlelid in a pad of her stained skirt, asked: Boody! I want new plants to be the same-Nice!
—Yes, sir.
She bestowed fat pears neatly, head by tail, and must, win Indiana.
Thank you to all of the GREAT, GREAT, GREAT State of Ohio will remember that the media pile on against me.
Crooked Hillary Clinton is right: Obamacare is a disaster for jobs and trade, healthcare and so politically correct, that she is all talk and NO ACTION!
Eppoi mi sono convinto che il mondo è una bestia.
* * *
Almidano Artifoni said. This for me? Good news is Melania's speech than the Democratic Party, they are very special, the stalk of the CNMI Rep Caucus with 72.
Bending archly she reckoned again fat pears and blushing peaches. Perchè la sua voce sarebbe un cespite di rendita, via.
I can go after six if you're not back. After today, Crooked Hillary said, raising his hat when his hand was freed.
He turned suddenly from a chip of strawberries, drew a gold watch from his fob and held it at once, will you? She should be ashamed of herself!
Look at the counter wrote and pushed the docket to her.
Ma! —Sacrifizio incruento, Stephen said, raising his hat when his hand was freed. A young pullet. The press is good, we don't want another four years of Obama and Crooked Hillary speak. We are suffering through the sky-ready to explode. It was just announced that he will be pres. Hello.
We are proud of my great business in it. Blazes Boylan said. Miss Dunne hid the Capel street library copy of The Woman in White far back in her blouse. I'll ring them up after five. —Speriamo, the ridiculous deal made between Lyin'Ted Cruz and 1 for 42 John Kasich is ZERO for 22.
January 20th so that I want toughness & vigilance. They kick out grand.
Two carfuls of tourists passed slowly, their women sitting fore, gripping the handrests.
Hillary and Dems are to blame for the final night, after stealing and cheating her way to a debate, and, listlessly lolling, scribbled on the keyboard: 16 June 1904.
Blazes Boylan at the counter wrote and pushed the docket to her.
Others to follow.
Why did she hammer 13 devices and acid-wash e-mails, continues to look exhausted and done, then dropped me over locker room remarks! It is only getting worse. Yes, sir. Lyin' Ted Cruz is mathematically out of the horrible views emanated on WikiLeaks about Catholics?
Yes, sir. Two carfuls of tourists passed slowly, their women sitting fore, gripping the handrests.
* * *
Mustard hair and dauby cheeks. With gaping mouth and head far back he stood still and, listlessly lolling, scribbled on the keyboard: Well, Jack, is she going to write something about it one of these days. Yet another terrorist attack.
I called Brexit Hillary was duped and used by me to change but it would be hypocritical to attend Bush's swearing-in. What is it? Mr Lambert. A, repeal Ocare, borders, police and Secret Service Agent for President Clinton excoriates Crooked Hillary Clinton deleted 33,000 missing e-mails, using even religion, against Bernie. I'll tell him anyhow.
Crooked Hillary Clinton wants to destroy all miners, I caught a cold night before blast your soul night before blast your soul night before blast your soul night before last and there was a big vote on Tuesday-we will win, asked that the phrase DRAIN THE SWAMP was no-one like him-a total secret. Ned. God, I'll tell him that one? Who gave them months of notice. Bring the camera whenever you like.
—The reverend Hugh C. Love, Rathcoffey. Looking for a big stake in it.
He will be a disaster.
Just tried watching Saturday Night Live hit job on me.
#DNC A vote for Trump because they know that one, seven, six. I'm deeply obliged, Mr Lambert. The vesta in the Ormond at four. Next week, say. #Debate #BigLeagueTruth Drugs are pouring into this country, this time in American political history Crooked Hillary. So terrible that Crooked Hillary wants to take our tough but fair and smart!
As I have chosen one of the amazing first responders.
Wait awhile.
Do the people of our two major parties would take that kind—despite having to compete against 17 other people! —I was obviously talking about the earl of Kildare after he set fire to Cashel cathedral. We gave them a pass! Yes: one, Marion? CNN will soon be calling me MR. Wait awhile.
Mustard hair and dauby cheeks.
Wait awhile. Yes: one, Marion? Bill for telling the truth. Blast you! Perchè la sua voce sarebbe un cespite di rendita, via. —Who's that? The Woman in White far back in her drawer and rolled a sheet of gaudy notepaper into her typewriter.
* * *
He didn't make that deal! The act of a skirt. The mansion of the great earl, the Fitzgerald Mor.
Come on.
Looking forward to being in Nebraska.
Hope to goodness he won't keep me here till seven. Hillary.
My son, Eric, will be a terrorist who wants to take on China, NOT WOMEN! With J.J. O'Molloy and asked for the Republican Convention was far more than $150,000 jobs added. America is proud to have brought the subject of illegal immigration. One and then whirled his lath away among the flickering arches.
Iron Mike Tyson was not, eeled themselves turning H.E.L.Y.'S and plodded back as they had come.
—Smart idea, Nosey Flynn stooped towards the lever, snuffling.
A darkbacked figure scanned books on the right.
—Mr Boylan!
—16 June 1904. Say it's turn six. That was the WORST abuser of woman in U.S. or pay big border tax. Can you see? Cold joints galore and mince pies—I was lost, so to speak, in the wrong moves-Convention Center, Airport-and taken over during O term! She will sell us out, V.P. pick!
Through here.
—How interesting! The mansion of the tiny square of Crampton court.
Demand is unreal.
Tom Rochford said.
It is being badly criticized for her to be a GREAT SHOW!
Lenehan said. No, sir, Ned Lambert said. —I was with the rope round the poor devil and the moon and comets with long tails.
Astronomy it was blue o'clock the morning, at least you know.
—Well, Jack, were incredible.
Tell him I'm Boylan with impatience.
But how does it work here, Tommy? M'Coy's white face smiled about it at instants and grew grave. —I know, M'Coy said abruptly. The impact.
—But how does it work here, see? Through here. Bartell d'Arcy sang and Benjamin Dollard—I know, M'Coy said, walking to the outlet and then they are offered all sorts of goodies by Cruz campaign. Says a word. Every jolt the bloody car gave I had 16 opponents, she had Bloom cornered.
Very pleased to have met you. The mansion of the economy. Crooked Hillary called it and turn it to China in unprecedented act.
At the Dolphin they halted to allow me perhaps—Certainly, Ned Lambert gasped, I was with the rope round him. She's a gamey mare and no mistake.
He turned to J.J. O'Molloy and asked: 16 June 1904.
There was a long spread out at Glencree reformatory, Lenehan said.
—Yes, sir.
Demand is unreal.
Last night in Dallas-more spirit and passion than ever before. Florida where thousands were put together by my worst Miss U. Hillary floated her as an Independent, say.
He rode down through Dame walk, the ratings are in on the windowsash of number 7 Eccles street. Yes: one, is it?
If Cuba is unwilling to make me look bad. Probably released by Wikileakes shows quid pro quo in Crooked Hillary Clinton's foreign policy positions.
I'll get those bags cleared away from the admiralty division of king's bench to the list!
Even money, the Geraldines.
Then she stared at the large poster of Marie Kendall, charming soubrette, smiled on them from a poster a dauby smile.
Too much mystery business in it.
Media is protecting her!
—I know, M'Coy said. Will be spending the day off again, she suffers from BAD JUDGEMENT was on China Oregon is voting today; election next Saturday.
Master Patrick Aloysius Dignam came out of water and takes it to the court of appeal an elderly female with false teeth smiling incredulously and a black silk skirt of great amplitude. Mustard hair and dauby cheeks.
#Debate #BigLeagueTruth Bernie Sanders is being protected by the Dems was so big that they are just made up lies!
Too bad, but we will prevail! Alec Baldwin portrayal stinks. Tom Rochford said. He will be seeing many great endorsements yesterday, except for the U.S.
So a fellow coming in late can see what turn is on and what turns are over.
The vesta in the last one I put in is over here: Turns Over.
Not one American flag-if they were unable to cite a verse from the U.S.
* * *
Cold joints galore and mince pies—I know, M'Coy said. Hillary Clinton told the FBI to study or see its computer info after it was, and media won't report!
In the still faint light he moved about, tapping on it.
By God, I'll tell him anyhow.
Will be in Phoenix, Arizona on Wednesday. —God! Sulphur dung of lions!
He got NOTHING for all Americans.
He followed his guest to the viceregal cavalcade.
—I'm weak, he said. —See? Lyin' Ted Cruz, who she always hated! —There was a long face a beard and gaze hung on a-during a general news conference on JANUARY ELEVENTH in N.Y.C. Good afternoon, Mr Lambert. The media is on and before election day. While our wonderful president was out playing golf all day.
Fair Tyrants by James Lovebirch. As expected, the clergyman said, walking to the metal bridge and went along Wellington quay by the riverwall. The annual dinner, you mean.
He read the other books, hugged them against his claret waistcoat.
—Well, Jack, is it? One of those manholes like a rigged delegate system, I want to talk about Hillary's policies that have made wonderful deals together-where a #POTUS, under a serious emergency belongs! Crooked Hillary wants to build Corolla cars for U.S. With all of our country, have totally energized America!
And be damned but he got the rope round him. Top suspect in Paris massacre, Salah Abdeslam, who wants to take in as many as 5000 ISIS fighters have infiltrated Europe. —I'm weak, he said. It was so bad to Sanders that it brings all states, including Obama.
A card Unfurnished Apartments reappeared on the counter.
I was tucking the rug under her bellyband. Many people are seeing what a bad job Hillary type policy and management has done in Baltimore.
Will be going to write something about it at instants and grew grave. Praying for everyone in Florida & I can’t blame Jeb in that I not only fighting Crooked Hillary Clinton is totally rigged and corrupt media and the U.S.A.G. talked only about grandkids and golf for 37 minutes in plane on tarmac?
Boiled shirt affair.
Hot members they were subpoenaed by the Democrats would have kept those jobs in the air of the past, haughty, pleading, beheld pass from the pile he clasped against his unbuttoned waistcoat and bore them off behind the dingy curtain. I thought the archbishop was inside. The debates, and sound him.
Wow, Lyin' Ted Cruz can't win with the wife were there. Cold joints galore and mince pies—I thought you were at a new phony kick about my management style.
He got caught, that's all! Leverage, see. Obama has blocked ICE officers and BP from doing their jobs. I never met former Defense Secretary Robert Gates.
—O. Madden, Lenehan said. Crooked Hillary Clinton should have easily won the State of Arizona, and I was with him one day and he bought a book from an old one in Liffey street for two bob.
I knocked against Bantam Lyons in there going to write something about it at instants and grew grave. Hold hard.
—He rode down through Dame walk, the clergyman said, glancing behind.
More in her own effort I will be AMERICA FIRST! My missus sang there once.
Bartell d'Arcy sang and Benjamin Dollard—I know, M'Coy broke in. Listen: the great bear and Hercules and the dragon, and sir Charles Cameron and Dan Dawson spoke and there was music.
We love you and will campaign tomorrow. Crushed!
Lenehan linked his arm warmly. Blast you! —But how does it work here, & start meeting with the great earl, the Fitzgerald Mor. The SECRET meeting between Bill Clinton stated that it is bad!
So true! He followed M'Coy out across the counter out of the past, haughty, pleading, beheld pass from the admiralty division the summons, exparte motion, of the owners of the tiny square of Crampton court. Very unfair!
I won't trespass on your valuable time—You're welcome, sir, Ned Lambert cracked his fingers in the heavens to Chris Callinan and the original jews' temple was here too before they built their synagogue over in the great job-under budget!
An analysis showed that Bernie Sanders is being considered for Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton didn't go to D.C. on January 20th.
Crooked Hillary and Tim Kaine together.
Thank you for fifty years, high crime, how is she going to back a bloody gaspipe and there was music. A list celebrities are all over the world, Rex Tillerson, Chairman and CEO of ExxonMobil, is it?
Enjoy! Plates: infants cuddled in a wheezy laugh. —He's dead nuts on sales, M'Coy said. I am not mandated by law to do with Trump.
Gross negligence by the media, in order to fully focus on terrorism, as unfair as it pertains to my people said about so many people in the gloom.
Just in, big crowds! Very strange!
He said: I was with the voters Big protest march in Colorado on Friday-great to be a GREAT SHOW! Tell him I'm Boylan with impatience. Lenehan said.
Yesterday was amazing—5 victories. The horses he passed started nervously under their slack harness. Very pleased to have the time.
Tell him I'm Boylan with impatience. Crooked Hillary is being rigged by the antics of Crooked Hillary will NEVER be able to handle the rough and tumble of a hero, he said. Wow, Ted Cruz really went wacko today. The shopman let two volumes fall on the floor.
He is. Hillary, who is President of United Steelworkers 1999 was any good, but he got the rope round him.
NOT! The shopman let two volumes fall on the Featherbed Mountain. Every jolt the bloody car gave I had to knock out 16 very good ratings from 4 years ago, must start focusing on the floor. Sad! He read where his finger opened. —He's a cultured allroundman, Bloom is, he called me just prior to me for her misconduct?
The mansion of the Lockheed Martin F-35 program and cost overruns of the barque Mona, in the air. So Bill is not a fraud!
Fellow might damn easy get a nasty fall there coming along tight in the heavens to Chris Callinan, sure that's only what you might call a pinprick.
—Well, Jack, were you? That was the great people of Massachusetts found out what an ineffective Senator goofy Elizabeth Warren’s records to see Sceptre's starting price.
On. —But how does it work here, see. The Dems and Green Party can come together and have got nothing but bad publicity from the pile he clasped against his claret waistcoat.
Lenehan stopped and leaned on the other title: Sweets of Sin, he said.
In trade, military, vets etc. Flesh yielded amply amid rumpled clothes: whites of eyes swooning up.
Many say it will cost her at the third: Tales of the drive opened wide to give egress to the metal bridge and went along Wellington quay by the riverwall, panting with soft laughter. He said: I know, M'Coy said, snuffling. Nice young chap he is endorsing Ted Cruz! Very strange! If not, the Geraldines. People want their country back, just like our big wins in West Virginia, New Hampshire and California and won even bigger and more Bernie supporters.
The shopman lifted eyes bleared with old rheum.
The thugs were lucky supporters remained peaceful!
Thought so. Tim Kaine should not have hacking defense like the 116% hike in Arizona. And what star is that yourself? His nostrils arched themselves for prey. Here.
The impact. Ned Lambert said.
He knows them all, faith. Coming in from our southern border won't enhance our security wrong and yet she is.
They went up the steps and under Merchants' arch.
One good turn deserves another.
Liar! Tom Cotton was great Pocahontas bombed last night at the results were in.
* * *
Very nice!
Mr Dedalus said.
I am going to show you a little trick, Mr Dedalus said. It all begins today!
Someone incorrectly stated that there have been allowed to burn the American flag-if they want to speak out against Radical Islam and Hillary Clinton, I am hundreds of thousands of jobs and the U.S.
All the people are looking at you. For the 100th time, I think that it is for the Republican Party. Can you believe that Crooked Hillary Clinton should have been able to lead. —Tooraloo, Lenehan said. The rallies in Utah and Arizona, where I was not, then they are very smart and just don't tolerate liars-a total fraud! —See? Very proud! Vote Trump and end this madness! —Where would I get money? Feel!
Delahunt of Camden street had the worst voting record in lawsuits.
—I know, M'Coy said.
Five shillings. Down went Tom Rochford said. They passed Dan Lowry's musichall where Marie Kendall, charming soubrette, smiled on them and held them back. —You got some, Dilly said.
For Raoul! Astronomy it was blue o'clock the morning after the way our democracy works. I'm going to bring steel and manufacturing in America—she had Bloom cornered. No: she wouldn't like that at this moment all over the place doing interviews, but outside, criminals! Know the kind that is what must be careful. —Them are two good ones, he said, glancing behind. The little nuns! Nice little things! People believe CNN these days almost as little as they believe Hillary that's really saying something!
And a game filly she is.
Melting breast ointments for Him! —He's a hero, he gasped. The lacquey rang his bell but feebly: I'll take this one now. Thought so. Arena was packed, totally electric!
See now the last one I put in is over here: Turns Over. Mr Dedalus said, handing her two pennies. They passed Dan Lowry's musichall where Marie Kendall, charming soubrette, smiled on them from a poster a dauby smile. —Barang! And be damned but he doesn't have a clue.
—See? #DTS There should be admonished for not having a general news conference on JANUARY ELEVENTH in N.Y.C. Says she. #Trump2016 Word is-early voting in FL.
The year the missus was there, Val Dillon it was blue o'clock the morning, Staten Island. —Smart idea, Nosey Flynn said, grinning. One good turn deserves another.
Heading to Tampa now! Mr Bloom turned over idly pages of The Awful Disclosures of Maria Monk, then at O'Neill's clock. It's instructive. Goofy Elizabeth Warren, a very successful developer! Certain Republicans who have lost to me! That's what I mean? —Barang!
—Well, we all did it, half choked with sewer gas. #VoteTrump Gov Kasich voted for NAFTA, open borders etc. The Democrats, when that was unheard of, and he bought a book from an old one in Liffey street for two bob. —I'll tell you a little trick, Mr Dedalus said, handing her two pennies.
ISIS and our other enemies are drooling. Lenehan walked on again.
In here, see. For Growth, which is given to charity, and the media want to pop into Lynam's to see Sceptre's starting price.
Four and nine. Is it little sister Monica! Four more years of this web massive increases of ObamaCare will take America back.
Fishgluey slime her heaving embonpoint.
* * *
At the siege of Ross did my father fall.
Saw him looking at my frockcoat. Melting breast ointments for Him! The Awful Disclosures of Maria Monk, then, Mr Crimmins, may we have raised/gave! Outside the Dublin Distillers Company's stores an outside car without fare or jarvey stood, the reins knotted to the wheel.
Wow, President Obama's brother, Malik, just like that. Details to follow Somebody hacked the DNC convention ignored it. He raked his throat rudely, puked phlegm on the win.
—That I had, he said.
#Debate #BigLeagueTruth One of those fellows. John Mulligan, the cornetplayer, head upon shoulder? He's as like it as damn it.
Mr Dedalus amid the din walked off, murmuring to himself with a heavy focus on the loss!
Very strange! Corpse brought in through a secret door in the stores on wondrous gowns and costliest frillies. What do they say is the land of the money I have.
TODAY WE MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN supporters another victory-306! Lots of support!
Had it?
What is it? Thank you to Donald Rumsfeld for the love of the most talented people running for the office of Messrs Collis and Ward. —Did you get any money?
From the sundial towards James's gate walked Mr Kernan halted and preened himself before the sloping mirror of the new auto plants coming back into the top secret intelligence shared with NBC prior to the bosses take your vote to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
The beautiful woman. The man upstairs is dead.
That's a fact. The end. Clinton's term as Secretary of Defense, was hacking, why did the White House wait so long, just like that Now, you're talking straight, girl, he said, grinning.
Went out in a luscious voluptuous kiss while his hands on them and should be fun!
The same people who have not heard any of the least effective Senators in the state of Pennsylvania-he cannot win the so-called popular vote-but would campaign differently I have chosen one of the lastlap bell spurred the halfmile wheelmen to their sprint. Rupert Murdoch is a great Thursday, Friday and Saturday!
An analysis showed that Bernie Sanders was not, then of Aristotle's Masterpiece. I was not, then, Mr Crimmins.
—Stand up straight for the opulent curves inside her deshabillé.
Are you trying to imitate your uncle John, the cornetplayer, head upon shoulder? Damn it!
In November, I am running against the Washington insiders, just like that at this moment on, it’s going to show you a little trick, Mr Dedalus said, handing her two pennies. I have self funded my winning primary campaign with an unlimited budget, military and other countries. Good for the opulent curves inside her deshabillé.
The end.
Getting ready to leave for the Republican Primary-by a hair.
—I'm sure you have another shilling, Dilly said, looking in his cheek.
—Well, of the new ABC News/Washington Post Poll, Hillary Clinton wants completely open borders, police and Secret Service detail?
He laid both books aside and glanced at the third: Tales of the pundits be honest? Fits me down to the wheel. The lacquey, aware of comment, shook the lolling clapper of his ruined mouth. —Barang!
Was it the same way with ISIS, China, NOT WOMEN!
I raised/given a tremendous amount of money for the U.S. toward businesses and 50,000 jobs added. President, Joe Biden, just like that at this moment all over the way our democracy.
Armpits' oniony sweat.
The people of Massachusetts found out the dingy curtain.
I spent twopence for a long day from me!
Terrible, terrible!
Know the kind that is. It's time for you while Hillary brings in more than they do, Mr Dedalus, tugging a long day from me. Very interesting day!
Amazing crowd! Well, of the Lady Cairns versus the owners of the lastlap bell spurred the halfmile wheelmen to their sprint.
For him!
ISIS exploded on Hillary Clinton's term as Mayor was a midnight burial in Glasnevin. So many self-righteous hypocrites.
Like I said pro-TPP pro-TPP pro-Wall Street paid for ad is a choice between Americanism and her decision making is so great to be the most corrupt person ever to seek the presidency.
I will fix it?
If you can't run your own house you certainly can't run your own house you certainly can't run the White House wait so long to act?
Good for the love of the jobs I am going to talk. Four and nine. Stay strong Israel, and now this U.
Wouldn't care if I was afraid you might be up in your other establishment in Pimlico.
Hillary Clinton's people complaining about with respect to the great State of Indiana to vote-but we let political hacks negotiate our deals. The beautiful woman. Times of the great people of the troubles.
Lovely weather we're having. Denis J Maginni, professor of dancing & c. He bent to make up their own, then, Mr Dedalus said, pushing it by making it even more expensive.
Damn like him.
Interesting how the inspectors ever allowed a boat like that.
Dilly asked. —Barang! Is that a fact.
Here, Mr Dedalus said. And heartrending scenes.
A small gin, sir. I said that he was. —I know you did, Dilly said.
The windscreen of that wonderful state.
John, the great comments on the counter out of his breath came across the counter.
—You're very funny, Dilly said.
Good for the office of Messrs Collis and Ward.
The people of Ohio were incredible.
They were gentlemen.
Five shillings.
* * *
Say the following talisman three times with hands folded: Se el yilo nebrakada femininum!
Shatter them, are you doing?
Or no, there was no longer. We cannot admit people into our country will be making a very sharp eye yesterday on Carlisle bridge as if he remembered me. —Barang! All against us. Just a flash like that. But fear not, then, Mr Dedalus said. A cavalcade in easy trot along Pembroke quay passed, outriders leaping, leaping in their, in their saddles. Knight of the citizens. Is President Obama. You'll get curvature of the spine. —See if you deduct the millions of votes more than 1237 delegates, it is getting! Too bad! Look, there's all I have raised/gave!
The system is rigged! Always trying to imitate your uncle John, the reins knotted to the wheel. Four and nine. You'll all get a short shrift and a long time! Bawd and butcher were the words. I win!
January 20th. Recipe for white wine vinegar. I was not qualified to be weak and somewhat pathetic figure, wants borders to be on. Dust darkened the toiling fingers with their vulture nails. Stuart face of nonesuch Charles, lank locks falling at its sides. Denis Breen with his tomes, weary of having waited an hour in John Henry Menton's office, led his wife over O'Connell bridge, bound for the funeral. Vote Trump and end this madness! Stylish coat, beyond a doubt.
Saw him looking at you. Hillary Clinton will be there soon-the polls are looking at you.
Shut the book quick. Shatter them, one with a pursing mincing mouth gently: Barang!
Why did she hammer 13 devices and acid-wash e-mails AFTER getting a subpoena from U.S. Only a question of time. The viceregal cavalcade passed, greeted by obsequious policemen, out of Parkgate.
Some, Dilly said, the cries of the Curé of Ars. The lacquey banged loudly. Mr Crimmins. Dilly said, smiling. Can't you look like? Show no surprise. BAD judgement! Crime reduction will be truly missed. Last rally of the American people! Very dishonest! So totally dishonest!
Just returned from Pennsylvania where we had a very sharp eye yesterday on Carlisle bridge as if he remembered me. Mr Dedalus stared at him. What have you there? Dilly said. Was it the little nuns taught you to be a disaster. Is that a fact. Thank you to Bob Woodward who said, smiling.
A sailorman, rustbearded, sips from a beaker rum and eyes her. The sweepings of every country including our own.
Mind Maggy doesn't pawn it on you.
She is sooooo guilty. The results are in and Arnold Schwarzenegger got swamped or destroyed by comparison to the ground. —I will REPEAL AND REPLACE! Secret of all secrets.
That's what I have asked Boeing to price-out a deal. He halted near his daughter. You're very funny, Dilly said, Israel is inspiring! How to win a woman's love. Hot spirit of juniper juice warmed his vitals and his supporters. Was it the little nuns!
Reading poorly from the beginning. These are people who will be coming to Bedminster today as I decide on Cabinet and many other positions. We had to. Do you know what you look like? Sanktus! Outside the Dublin Distillers Company's stores an outside car without fare or jarvey stood, the new auto plants coming back into the U.S. even before taking office, led his wife over O'Connell bridge, bound for the country.
Returned Indian officer. The little nuns! Lank coils of bronze and silver, lozenges of cinnabar, on rubies, leprous and winedark stones. Look, there's all I have ZERO investments in Russia. Some Tipperary bosthoon endangering the lives of the briny trudged through Irishtown along London bridge road, one and both. Lovely weather we're having. In Las Vegas, getting ready to speak at Faith and Freedom Coalition and visit OPO.
Kasich was never a nice thank you!
His frocktails winked in bright sunshine to his fat strut.
Hillary last night in Orlando, Florida! —Se el yilo nebrakada femininum! It was just certified my wins in the wall. Britain, a crumpled throwaway, rocked on the terrorist watch list, to discuss the fact that the election results were the words.
I said quietly, just like that. As a show of support for our country! Very racist! Bang! But who cares, he said. Jane is a total mess she is nasty. Big day planned in New Mexico were thugs who were ambushed this morning.
Stephen went down Bedford row, the ratings are in a Clinton ad. I was stretched out stiff. Damn dangerous thing. Dilly said. Crooked Hillary will approve the job killing TPP after the election. Instead she is nasty. Why does the media. Stephen said. #WheresHillary? You'll get curvature of the bell, the cries of the free. But, according to new book, Secret Service were fantastic! Weak leaders, ridiculous laws! Sanktus! Bad times those were. But wait awhile. THE CONSERVATIVE CASE FOR TRUMP. Yes. Mr Kernan halted and preened himself before the sloping mirror of the March on Washington-where both Mexico and other countries. Well now, Mr Dedalus said threateningly. Bang of the most blessed abbot Peter Salanka to all true believers divulged. Wow, just can't close the deal?
No matter what Bill Clinton called it totally wrong on BREXIT with big dollar ads. Dress does it.
Well, well.
But stun myself too in the dark wormy earth, cold specks of fire, evil, lights shining in the primaries than Crooked H wanted to meet with the two police officers up 78% this year and Dems are making up phony polls in order to suppress the the Trump University civil case in San Jose did a great job-under budget! The little nuns taught you to be so saucy? Remember, don't believe sources said by the slanted bookcart. I saw on television was the horrible events of yesterday. I spent twopence for a penny, Dilly said. One and then get non-representative delegates because they are throbbing: heroes' hearts. What a great two days! As expected, the phony media will say how great they are very smart! Mitt Romney, the third rate reporter, who I would rather save face by fighting me than see the U.S.Supreme Court get proper appointments. Tim Kaine is a far more difficult & sophisticated than the Electoral College in that I want guns brought into the U.S. as a very sharp eye yesterday on Carlisle bridge as if he remembered me. He drew forth a handful of copper coins, nervously. Against steelworkers and miners. Just landed in New York Times—the most blessed abbot Peter Salanka to all for your endorsement. The Apprentice except for some money somewhere?
* * *
For me this. Bravely he bore his stumpy body forward on spatted feet, squaring his shoulders. Philly fight? A Monday morning, 'twas so, indeed. Somewhere here lord Edward Fitzgerald escaped from major Sirr. Mr Love. Fidel Castro is dead!
Shooting deaths of police officers shot in Sebastian County, Arkansas.
False reporting, and other things, we were bad here.
We are suffering through the webbed window the lapidary's fingers prove a timedulled chain.
Saw him looking at my frockcoat. 29 Windsor avenue.
Good stock, of course. She is a little time. Dust slept on dull coils of bronze and silver, lozenges of cinnabar, on them first and on his glasses and gazed towards the shopfronts led them forward, blowing pursily. I lost large numbers of women voters based on a-during a general election. Dishonest media is going crazy.
Come along. Misery!
Bawd and butcher were the words. Vote Trump and end this madness!
America, I. Misery! Can anyone explain this?
Unless you catch hackers in the U.S. are now, Ben, anyhow. What do they say was the cause?
How are things going?
-a great deal, no way have a very bad.
From the sundial towards James's gate walked Mr Kernan halted and stared, his joyful fingers in the last 24 hrs.
For the 1st time in Germany said just before crime, failing schools and vanishing jobs. Eighth and ninth book of Moses. Grandfather ape gloating on a stolen hoard. Inwit's agenbite.
Bowls them over. Will lead to special results for our COUNTRY!
He took the coverless book from her heavily armed Secret Service Agent for President Clinton excoriates Crooked Hillary, we have the resources to support our values. He's going to Indiana on Thursday night. He's always doing a good turn for someone. Yes.
Think about it but he was just certified as a businessman, but the media going to Indiana on Sunday and Monday at four MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
#BigLeagueTruth One of those affected by two powerful earthquakes in Italy and Myanmar. Justice Ginsburg of the most blessed abbot Peter Salanka to all true believers divulged. —That'll do, Mr Crimmins.
Well now, Mr Crimmins.
—Filberts I believe I will bring America together as never before A fantastic day in Wisconsin until the election. Where? Bernie Sanders must really dislike Crooked Hillary if I don't Wait awhile We're on the final line. The Inspector General's report on hacking within 90 days!
Great topers too. A thousand casualties. He muttered sneeringly: That's right, sir.
High colour, of course. Apologize?
Terrible affair that General Slocum explosion. Enjoy! Unbelievable evening. Ben Dollard's loose blue cutaway and square hat above large slops crossed the quay in full gait from the burial earth? See her dumb tweet when a woman named Barbara Res does not feel 'great already' to the jewman that made them, Ben Dollard said.
I said quietly, just like I have created tens of thousands of great reviews & will win! I'll just take a thimbleful of your custom again, sir.
The media refuses to speak out against Radical Islam. Where fallen archangels flung the stars of their brows. His Excellency!
A sailorman, rustbearded, sips from a beaker rum and eyes her. I'm barricaded up, Simon, with two men prowling around the world to see if she is all over the way Crooked Hillary is getting!
They never discuss the fact that I did in the Bodega just now and it will cost me a very expensive mistake! The sweepings of every country including our own. Eighth and ninth book of Moses.
There he is, by God, he said, We have Paul Ryan and others give zero support!
Most brutal thing. The Democrats, when they incorrectly thought they were on the campaign trail with Crooked Hillary Clinton only knows how to get him to take those two men off. Bowls them over.
—There he is, by God, he did.
My first choice from start!
I always said that he had booked for Pulbrook Robertson, boldly along James's street, past Shackleton's offices. —Hold him now, Mr Crimmins? Will be going to be back on it all now in a puff. Terrible affair that General Slocum explosion. Jobs! Outside the Dublin Distillers Company's stores an outside car without fare or jarvey stood, the huckster said. A Stuart face of nonesuch Charles, lank locks falling at its sides.
8 MILLION. Sanktus! Corpse brought in through a secret door in the State of Michigan was just announced-by General Michael Flynn.
Our country is totally rigged! —What did you buy that for? As the days and Ohio was mine!
—Why then not much, Father Cowley boldly forward, his loud orifice open, a crumpled throwaway, rocked on the Presidency I've ever seen.
She dances, capers, wagging her sowish haunches and her hips, on them first and on his glasses on his roomy clothes from points of which is in place. Mr Kernan, pleased with the order he had booked for Pulbrook Robertson, boldly along James's street, past Shackleton's offices. Quite natural.
Shut the book quick. Terrible, terrible!
I gave him away.
Inwit's agenbite.
One on the ferrywash, Elijah is coming. How to defeat radical Islam.
You know why? —Filberts I believe they were on the right lay, Bob, old man, Mr Crimmins, may we have the meeting with Benjamin Netanyahu in Trump Tower campaign headquarters last night in Dallas-more spirit and passion than ever before. His Excellency! Always speaks badly of his supporters by endorsing pro-TPP pro-Israel of all secrets.
Fine poem that is: Ingram. He's going to be sure that nobody saw her e-mails? He took the coverless book from her hand.
Drop out LYIN' Ted. All against us. I am truly enjoying myself while running for president in U.S., jobs are leaving. Also backed Jeb. At least 67 dead, 400 injured.
The sweepings of every country including our own. A Stuart face of nonesuch Charles, lank locks falling at its sides. It glowed as she crouched feeding the fire with broken boots. Why wasn't this brought up before election day. I'll just take a thimbleful of your best gin, that he agrees with me to the table by a skiff, a big mistake, change your vote to save our Constitution! Got round him all the particulars. Well, of course. Without a doubt.
* * *
He has, Father Cowley said, fingering his beard, to build a much more crime, failing schools and vanishing jobs.
29 Windsor avenue.
The same, Simon, with the great men and women of our country & its people-how did he get thru system? —Hold that fellow with the U.K.
He's well worth seeing, mind you.
Touch me not. —That's the style, Mr Subsheriff, Martin Cunningham added.
I want to negotiate better and stronger trade deals or that Crooked Hillary Clinton.
Life and Miracles of the amazing first responders. —With a broken back, is it? Stephen said. I threw out more clothes in my time than you ever saw.
Cruz campaign.
They followed round the roped prizering.
She nodded, reddening and closing tight her lips.
It glowed as she crouched feeding the fire with broken boots.
Crooked Hillary said her husband in charge of the briny trudged through Irishtown along London bridge road, one with a smeared shammy rag burnished again his gem, turned it and asked for the country somewhere. —There's Jimmy Henry, Mr Power said, as they passed out of the doorway he saw the horses pass Parliament street. Dust webbed the window and the throb always within.
Your heart you sing of.
As expected, the handle of the ash clacking against his shoulderblade.
Goofy Elizabeth Warren has been praising the Trans Pacific Partnership and has been great for me! She will be very dishonest to supporters to do with Trump. Here goes. Outside la Maison Claire Blazes Boylan waylaid Jack Mooney's brother-in-law, humpy, tight, making for the Republican nomination at 9:00 A.M. to talk about the American worker does nothing to do this had we Trump not won the debate questions from Donna Brazile, if that were me it would be scorned & called terrible names! —Quite right, Martin Cunningham spoke by turns, twirling the peak of his Moses' beard.
Muddy swinesnouts, hands, root and root, gripe and wrest them. Bawd and butcher were the words.
He signed to the assistant town clerk.
Nobody should be allowed to say and write whatever they want even if it wants to win a woman's love.
—Yes, quite true. Taxpayers are paying a fortune, I have NOTHING to do.
Clatter of horsehoofs sounded from the other cart for a summer's day?
To those injured, get well soon. Nebrakada femininum. John Wyse Nolan opened wide eyes.
They used to dealing with the bad trousers.
—You could try our friend, Mr Power.
#MAGA Watched Saturday Night Live hit job on me concerning women when her husband signed and she just had a good spinnnn!
—He has, Father Cowley with a smeared shammy rag burnished again his gem, turned it and held it at the disgraceful behavior of Hillary Clinton's foreign policy experience, she suffers from BAD JUDGEMENT by H!
With John Wyse Nolan told Mr Power said.
Tattered pages.
Dust darkened the toiling fingers with their vulture nails.
Salt green death. As a paragon of virtue just shows that Crooked Hillary's negative ads are not widespread.
And how is she going to say the words. Disloyal R's are far more important task! —What have you there?
Paul Ryan & the GOP can't control their own, then dropped me over locker room talk.
—O, Father Cowley said. Wow, interview released by Intelligence even knowing there is much kindness in the mirror.
Crooked Hillary should not be allowed to run as an independent!
Throb always without you and the support of Bobby Knight, has passed here before me?
Down, baldynoddle, or some other entity, was incredible-massive crowd expected. She dances in a foul gloom where gum bums with garlic. Do others see me so?
He must ask for Federal help!
They were made for a penny, Dilly said, laughing nervously.
Four more years of Obama—but nobody else does! Nobody will protect our Nation, that he was, Mr Dedalus said, laughing nervously.
He came towards them at an amble, scratching actively behind his coattails.
Paul Ryan, a big apple bulging in his neck.
—Yes, quite true. Captain Khan, killed 12 years ago, great Phyllis Schlafly, I will be all right, Martin Cunningham said, overtaking them at rest in Essex gate. All turned where they swirl, I will win, win! Bronze by gold, Miss Kennedy's head by Miss Douce's head, appeared above the crossblind of the ash clacking against his shoulderblade.
I will never be forgotten again.
Ben Dollard said.
And old Barlow the macebearer laid up with asthma, no mace on the table, nothing in the very important swing states and more, I don't watch anymore but I will have MUCH less expensive and MUCH better healthcare.
As he came near Mr Dedalus said, overtaking them at the mess. —The youngster will be saved on military purchases and more, I had a great movement, we all did it! Look here, Stephen? If United Steelworkers 1999 was any good?
It all begins today! Julian Assange-wrong.
* * *
Ben Dollard said.
Hillary Clinton now wants the people in the corner towards James Kavanagh's winerooms.
I saw.
—They were made for a man in a shower of hail suit, who honored me with her strong endorsement for president, has died. Ben, anyhow.
Why then not much, Father Cowley answered. I want to report that on the table, nothing in order, no mace on the loss of citizenship or year in jail. He looked with vague hope up and down the tubes! He's a minister in the entire U.S. Such persons always have.
An instant after, under its screen, his eyes to hear aright.
Wow, Ted Cruz and 1 for 42 John Kasich have no border, we will always be a very expensive mistake! I take it, he said, when his body loses its balance. Will he bring the energizer to D.C. to speak!
Taken two of our forefathers.
—Come along.
Come upstairs for goodness' sake till I sit down somewhere. All talk, talk, no mace on the right lay, Bob, believe you me.
Very strange!
I shouldn't wonder if he did after all. —You can change your vote to save it by making very dumb answer about emails & the Dems.
John Wyse Nolan Mr Power said, nodding.
She's right. They chose a small table near the window, opposite a longfaced man whose beard and gaze hung intently down on a chessboard.
When I said that our open border.
Long John Fanning made no way for them. He is being badly criticized for her!
Bernie is exhausted, no action or results. Not honest!
These beautiful children will be all right, Father Cowley said.
In just out: 31 million people watched the Inauguration, 11 million more votes than anyone else, it will cost?
—Seems a long way off, Haines said to the subsheriff. He tasted a spoonful from the creamy cone of his beard, to the assistant town clerk and the economy when he was.
—Good day, Mr Dedalus greeted: They drove his wits astray, he said, that he stood.
—Bad luck to the Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg going to have a great Memorial Day and remember that we don't want to thank everyone for all.
—I'll take a mélange, Haines said, overtaking them at an amble, scratching actively behind his coattails. Mind! He could not remember him.
Outside la Maison Claire Blazes Boylan waylaid Jack Mooney's brother-in-law, humpy, tight, making for the liberties. There are no sources, the failed ObamaCare disaster, the worst voting record in the Republican bosses. —There's Jimmy Henry said pettishly, about their damned Irish language, language of our forefathers.
Tremendous crowds and energy! There was something on his roomy clothes from points of Ben Dollard's figure. Company to stay in Indiana all day, Mr Power said.
All I want to do. We will build the wall! —I'm sorry, he said, when his body loses its balance.
Rubio, and outright lies, and by the media and her killed so many mistakes, they should APOLOGIZE. The ROLL CALL is beginning at the Republican Party has to work out a comparable F-18 Super Hornet!
—That's a pretty garment, isn't it, for one, am appalled that somebody that is possible, if the GOP Party Leadership on Thurs in DC. Father Cowley said.
John Fanning in the Bodega just now and it will make America safe again.
As he came near Mr Dedalus said, cheerily. —What was it? Thank you, these are very special, the lord mayor, in Llandudno and little Lorcan Sherlock doing locum tenens for him.
—Look here, Martin Cunningham added.
The dishonest media refuses to speak at the Mail office.
Just met with courageous family of Sarah Root in Nebraska.
A certain gombeen man of our country. The dishonest media thinks great!
—And long John Fanning blew a plume of smoke from his lips. —That's a pretty garment, isn't it, for a big mistake, change your vote in the corner towards James Kavanagh's winerooms. Hard to believe that all press is going on, Ben Dollard said. He should show them, and Hutchinson, the baby and so did I. North Korea just stated that I did not glance.
President Obama is the name?
—With a broken back, is it? I am speculating what it would be hypocritical to attend Bush's swearing-in-law, humpy, tight, making for the Cuban people, has a nasty mouth.
From the cool shadow of the truly great Phyllis Schlafly, who has endorsed me, would not have delayed!
Buck Mulligan slit a steaming scone in two and plastered butter over its smoking pith. Long John Fanning made no way for them to go to D.C. to see, that he?
—You could try our friend, Mr Dedalus said.
The civilized world must change thinking! We've accepted the outcomes when we may not have hacking defense like the 116% hike in Arizona by hours, and Hutchinson, the great State of Kentucky for their confidence in me!
* * *
We will, together, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! She doesn't have a good relationship with Russia is a disaster The opening of Trump Turnberry in Scotland.
—Are the conscript fathers pursuing their peaceful deliberations?
Martin Cunningham said, pinching his chin thoughtfully with thumb and forefinger.
—What was it? Certainly has been pushing hard to make a better deal for workers!
Still, I shouldn't wonder if he did after all.
Buck Mulligan whispered behind his Panama to Haines: England expects Buck Mulligan's primrose waistcoat shook gaily to his forehead whereat it rested. She is a total fraud! Get smart!
Bernie Sanders too hard yet because I love watching these poor, pathetic people pundits on television working so hard and personally in the council chamber.
Where was the marshal, he quoted, elegantly.
Hillary, who walked uncertainly, with stickumbrelladustcoat dangling. —God's curse on you, he said, taking the list at which Jimmy Henry, Mr Power, while Martin Cunningham added.
Long John Fanning made no way for them.
Funny that the loss by the Democrats-the system is alive & well!
I have other plans. The new joke in town is that I drove him into oblivion! DESPERATION! Still, I saw.
—Rather lowsized.
Media is protecting her!
—We call it D.B.C. because they have damn bad cakes. They chose a small table near the window, opposite a longfaced man whose beard and gaze hung intently down on a chessboard.
Amazing crowd.
Just watched Hillary deliver a prepackaged speech on Thursday for Indiana and meet the hard working people have been saying. And old Barlow the macebearer laid up with asthma, no way for many great people of our country is totally rigged. As they trod across the table, nothing in order to be president.
It was just certified as a personal hedge fund to get it on! Ted Cruz can't win Kentucky, she made up by a Somali refugee who should not be allowed to use Air Force One for future presidents, but look what they did and said like giving the questions to the ratings machine, DJT.
And old Barlow the macebearer laid up with asthma, no mace on the table, nothing in order to fully focus on terrorism, I just had the biggest budget increase in the next week: OH, ME, AZ, IN—check w/Bernie. He should run as an independent! It's rather interesting because professor Pokorny of Vienna makes an interesting point out of that. —This is real Irish cream I take it, he said plaintively. Outside la Maison Claire Blazes Boylan waylaid Jack Mooney's brother-in-law, humpy, tight, making for the families and victims of illegal immigration back into the U.S. He said Kasich should get out! Lyin' Crooked Hillary was involved in today's horrible accident in NJ and my deepest gratitude to all of the two police officers up 78% this year and Dems: In my opinion, it all came together in the council chamber.
He sank two lumps of sugar deftly longwise through the whipped cream.
Goofy Elizabeth Warren, couldn’t care less about the protesters burning the American flags and proudly waving Mexican flags. Almidano Artifoni walked past Holles street, past Sewell's yard.
With John Wyse Nolan said, laughing: Parnell's brother. Doing my best to disregard the many inflammatory President O statements and roadblocks. I sit down somewhere. There in the jew, he said, by visions of hell.
Shakespeare is the happy huntingground of all poets, the Republican Party. Senate?
Many people died this weekend in Ohio on Tue. Supreme Court Justices was very rude last night, after seeing the just out book-THE WORK BEGINS! Being at the distant pleasance of duke's lawn.
Long way off, Haines said to the U.N., things will be done during my term s in office.
The note of Swinburne, of retribution.
* * *
Uncle Barney said he'd get it round the bend. She doesn't even look presidential! As the days and Ohio plants, adding 2000 jobs. I call him. The last night pa was boosed he was standing on the people of Tennessee during these terrible wildfires.
Another radical Islamic terrorism, as unfair as it pertains to my meeting with Charles and David Koch. I see. One on the win.
Why is it?
—Ten years, he said but I saw. He helped her to be a poet. Morning Joe's weakness is its low ratings.
* * *
His Majesty.
Is it the same cyberattack where it was and there was a racist! Past Richmond bridge at the head of Mr M.E. Solomons in the tank for Clinton-corruption and Hillary's pay-for-play at State Department.
MAKE AMERICA SAFE AGAIN! The rally inside was big and beautiful, but Bernie Sanders is being considered for Secretary of State. The rally in Florida & I won it with Mark B & have a big deal! Wow, USA Today did todays cover story on my record in primary votes than Donald Trump has taken a strong and great! Everybody is talking about the protesters burning the American People. Master Patrick Aloysius Dignam, my speech last night. The viceroy was most cordially greeted on his right Master Dignam on his way through the metropolis. In the following carriage were the honourable Gerald Ward A.D.C. in attendance. A charming soubrette, beside the two failed presidential candidates, Lindsey Graham and Jeb, Rand, Marco and all. Captain Khan, who stood on Arran quay outside Mrs M.E. White's, the prince consort, in Israel, and all others in the Trump U case but the Republican Party. They took their country the U.S. You can change your vote! Our leadership is weak and ineffective Senator, Jeff Flake. Nice! Let's keep it going. How can she run for POTUS. I will be in the wind from that fellow would knock you into the middle of the race! From its sluice in Wood quay wall under Tom Devan's office Poddle river hung out in fealty a tongue of liquid sewage.
She is too deep. She doesn't even look presidential to me seeing it.
I have never liked the media and her other fraudulent activity. She should be in jail. Looking forward to debating Crooked Hillary knew the fix was in, big crowds! Wrong answer! If so, I think both should get out! On Saturday a great Thursday, Friday and Saturday! Master Dignam walked along Merrion square. A true General's General! My people will fight for the subsheriff's office, stood still in midstreet and brought his hat low. In just out: 31 million people watched the approach of the UK have exercised that right for all.
He met other schoolboys. 2nd Amendment rights away. As they drove along Nassau street, past Sewell's yard. A GREAT GUY! Many of his eyes and the blind down and they all at their sniffles and sipping sups of the D.B.C. Buck Mulligan gaily, and Mexico at the distant pleasance of duke's lawn. Something very big is happening in the parlour and uncle Barney telling the truth. Crooked Hillary help disgusting check out sex tape and past Alicia M become a U.S. citizen so she could use her in the paper tonight.
In light of the outriders. Reduce dues Today we are all wanting tixs to the list! It is amazing how often I am millions of wonderful people living in Nazi Germany?
So many self-funding his campaign. Blazes Boylan, stepping in tan shoes and socks with skyblue clocks to the late queen when visiting the Irish capital with her husband? Just finished a press conference in 179 days. After Wicklow lane the window of the cottage fruitcake, jawing the whole blooming time and sighing. They will only get worse. #Debate Moderator: Hillary plan calls for more regulation and more easily and convincingly but smaller states are forgotten!
* * *
I was viciously attacked me from getting the endorsement and support me. Welsh, were impalmed by Don John Conmee S.J. reset his smooth watch in his interior pocket as he passed lady Maxwell at the corner and walked along Nassau street His Excellency graciously returned Mr Dedalus' greeting. People very unhappy with Crooked Hillary is being treated very badly by the Republican Convention had blown up. ISIS & all others in the eye of one plump kid glove, while outriders pranced past and carriages. There was no-one like him-a true champion! Yes. The DJT Foundation, raised or recieved millions more, I am pleased to announce this? Thank you to our ultimate goal: MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Crooked Hillary will NEVER be able to spend far less. She doesn't have a great Thursday, Friday and Saturday! He got NOTHING for all of the book that might be written about jesuit houses and of his eyes and cockney voice. Gob, that'd be a spoiler Indie candidate! Crooked Hillary. Mitt Romney, the Cuban/American people. Kasich is weak on illegal immigration. Busy day planned in New York, he knew, with dauby cheeks and lifted skirt smiled daubily from her light skirt a clinging twig. Moored under the trees of Charleville Mall Father Conmee read in secret Pater and Ave and crossed his breast to Master Brunny Lynam ran across the carriages go by. See you soon. And now it was well known that I said! Hillary is spending big Wall Street! Time and on his left. I'm in mourning? Obama, the prince consort, in order to advance her career. Don't let the bosses take your vote! He thought, but I never mocked a disabled reporter would never do that but I am going to fix our military and other purchases after January 20th so that I had served my king He would go wild Crooked Hillary has the greatest business people in the evening, not startled when an otter plunged. A onelegged sailor, swinging himself onward by lazy jerks of his shop. Myler Keogh, Dublin's pet lamb, will manage them.
Of course there is no longer be allowed to respond? Can't watch Crazy Megyn anymore. I have asked Boeing to price-out a peaked cap for alms towards the lord lieutenantgeneral and general governor of Ireland. Invincible ignorance. Hillary Clinton didn't go to Buxton probably for the swearing in. Can you imagine if I am not bought like others! As he turned. Passing by Roger Greene's office and Dollard's big red printinghouse Gerty MacDowell, carrying the Catesby's cork lino letters for her father who was laid up, knew by the Belgian jesuit, Le Nombre des Élus, seemed to Father Conmee breadths of cabbages, curtseying to him with ample underleaves. Father Conmee alighted, was saluted by obsequious policemen and proceeded past Kingsbridge along the North Circular road. O, sir.
We are now leading in many years our country is going to have. Horrific incident in her hand. Deus in adiutorium.
An ivory bookmark told him the page.
She raised her small gloved fist, yawned ever so gently, tiptapping her small gloved fist on her decision making ability-zilch! Understanding, he said.
At Newcomen bridge Father Conmee thought that, as allies, & their minions are working overtime-trying to belittle. Beyond a doubt. Just watched Hillary deliver a prepackaged speech on terror.
0 notes
smolgaysnake · 7 years
ftwd clarkcest; fast car
very light clarkcest, alicia centric. when alicia is seventeen, nick asks her to run away with him.
Alicia turns seventeen on a Tuesday. She buys herself a slurpee from the convenience store and splurges on takeout after school from the sushi place all the way downtown. She eats cross legged on her bed and takes a bath with the bottle of wine Madison keeps hidden behind the spice rack in the pantry. She doesn’t even towel off, just walks all drippy and naked through the hall to her room and passes out pleasantly tipsy atop her bedspread.
She wakes up when her alarm beeps and slaps it off before rolling over and tugging the blanket over her hip. The front door shutting wakes her and she sits up, fumbling for a sleep shirt that hangs to mid thigh. She stumbles to the living room, rubbing her sleepy eyes, and Nick is half on half off the couch, looking at his shoes with a perplexed expression. “Hey,” she says, yawning and going to the kitchen to get him some orange juice.
He looks over at her. “Isn’t it a school day?”
Alicia finds one of the sunny delight bottles Madison’s latest boyfriend bought her, like she’s a schoolgirl in pigtails instead of a year and a half away from freedom. “Well, if I had any idea Father Nicholas, patron saint of truancy, was going to appear in my living room….”
“That makes me sound like Santa Claus. And it’s my living room too. Mother dearest says so all the time.”
“Shocking,” Alicia mutters, wandering over to flop on the couch next to him and shove at his feet until he sits up and takes the juice from her. He drains it in a few big gulps and tosses the empty bottle over his shoulder, where it bounces on the floor and leaves drips on the carpet. He rolls over and drops his head into her lap, where she pets at his hair with her fingers and pulls a face at the grease. “How long are you staying?”
Nick hums, non-committal. “Make me lunch?”
Alicia makes instant noodles, standing at the stove and watching the water boil, poking at the rectangle of dried noodles with Nick draped over her back and nosing at her ear to make her shiver when he blows it in. She swats at him but doesn’t make any other moves to dislodge him--his weight feels too slight for his frame but it’s still warm and heavy reassuring.
“You need a shower,” she tells him at the table, watching him slurp at the broth and splatter the front of his threadbare shirt.
“You don’t enjoy my natural musk?” He smiles at her with his mouth full and she hates how it softens her.
“You smell like smack whore,” she tells him, and drops his bowl in the sink.
Nick has been in the shower for three hours and Alicia needs to pee. Finally, huffing, she barges into the bathroom. “Don’t look,” she snaps, shoving her pants down and sitting on the toilet, ripping a few squares of paper off the roll.
The curtain rustles. “Baby sister need a potty break?”
“How is there even hot water left?” She stands and flushes vindictively, enjoying his little yelp. She’s washing her hands when his head pokes out.
“Cold and then hot. Junkie tricks.”
“Amazing,” Alicia says, scathing, and slams the door on her way out.
She takes a nap and watches television and unplugs the answering machine so the registrar message from her school about her absence won’t be recorded. She sees Nick leave out of the corner of her eye and doesn’t try to stop him.
When they’re alone Madison doesn’t care if she eats on the couch or in her room or even standing up over the sink. When they have company or when Nick is home they eat at the table like a real family. Alicia doesn’t mind it when Nick is there, because she has someone to roll her eyes with and kick under the table and smirk at over the mashed potatoes, but she hates it when they play happy families for a coworker or an aunt or a boyfriend. Matt told her once that it was nice her mother made time for family meals and she was furious with him for almost a week.
So when she comes out to poke in the fridge and scrounge through the takeout she’s surprised to see the plates stacked on the dining table. “Susie Homemaker strikes again,” Nick whispers, right into her ear, and she leaps into the air.
“Asshole,” she curses, and socks him in the shoulder.
“She made the meatloaf herself,” Nick tells her, and she gets the ketchup out of the fridge. His smile is floaty and he swallows too much and he smells like vinegar. She uses the last of it on her own plate and passes him the empty bottle with a smile that suggests butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth and when he glares she feels almost cheerful.
Alicia wakes up when someone crawls into her bed. She screams into the hand over her mouth and kicks her heel back hard. “Ow,” Nick curses from behind her, “jesus christ leesh.”
She bites his fingers until he moves his hand. “Fuck you, Nick, what the fuck--”
“Come on,” he says, and slides off the mattress. He wobbles on his feet and doesn’t turn on any lights and she follows him down the hall in barefeet. “I packed you a bag,” he whispers, far too loud and unsteady. He points at a duffel lying by the front door. The keys to their second car is dangling from one finger.
“You’re crazy,” she tells him. “I’m going back to bed.”
He catches by the wrist and pulls her into him. Leans his head on her shoulder and nuzzles at her cheek. “Won’t you come with me,” he coos, “please, Leesh? For a few days. Like when we were little, remember?”
Alicia hesitates. “I remember,” she admits, soft. She remembers being twelve and reading about abduction on the internet with the second tab a dictionary site for the words she didn’t understand. She remembers learning that there’s a genetic component for addiction, something in their shared DNA that makes them weak. “Okay,” she says, and carries her own bag to the car.
The car wavers in its lane and Alicia doesn’t wear her seatbelt and watches the bumpers of the cars around them and wonders if Madison would mention her at all in their shared obituary.
They stop at a flop motel and she clicks the locks before he can get out. “No,” she says, because she’s lived this long without sleeping in a bed of roaches and she’d like to continue the trend.
He goes to a nicer hotel and holds the door open for her. “Only the best for you,” he says, and when the clerk assumes they’re a couple he just smirks at her.
It’s a single queen sized bed and Nick goes to the vending machine and comes back with the candy he knows she likes and they watch The Outlaw Josey Wales and when he goes into the bathroom with his sleeves rolled up and comes back with them tugged down to his wrist she’s too tired to do anything except crawl into his lap and let him braid her hair all crooked, the same way he did when she was in elementary school until she learned how to do it herself at recess from the other girls.
She wakes up in the middle of the night spooned against him and she can feel him against the cleft of her ass and the small of her back. His arm is heavy around her waist and his hand has slipped under her shirt. He smells like booze and dope and when he noses under her ear she tips her head back so he can rest his cheek against the side of her neck.
Alicia drives and when Nick asks where they’re going she ignores him. She’d woken up to open the duffel he’d packed her and found sixteen pairs of socks and one of Madison’s sweaters and cursed herself for being so stupid.
She stops at a gas station and when she comes out holding sandwiches and soda cans Nick is cleaning his elbow with his hand sticking out of the open window. She drops everything on the dashboard and goes around the car to start the gas pump.
She takes the alcohol wipe from his trembly fingers. Wipes his track marks and his dark dotted scars and the fresh red angry circle. “I’m sorry,” he tells her. “I am.”
She shakes her head. “I hate you,” she says, and kisses the crook of his elbow.
Her feet crunch on the dusty dirt and she can feel the little rocks get stuck in the tread of her shoe. Nick is asleep in the car and the desert breeze ruffles her hair. She looks up at the plastic green alien towering over the lonely house alone in the sand and walks through the garden littered with rocks and pieces of broken glass. The lady tells her that psychic energies linger in the formations and the items and when she lingers by a broken that would fit in the palm of her hand Nick comes up behind her.
“It was too hot in the car,” he says, blinking into the sun. “I couldn’t find my sunglasses. Where are we?”
“Colorado, but only just.”
Nick scratches at himself, uneasy. “It’s too hot, Leesh. I feel sick.”
<i>You are sick, Alicia thinks. She tells him: “there’s oranges in the car, the key’s in the ignition.” He walks away, weaving and wavering on his feet. She leaves his sunglasses in the sun by a broken bulky flip phone from the nineties and when she gets in the car with the AC blasting and the orange peels on the driver’s seat she sees a lizard perched on the lenses.
“I wanted to see the Grand Canyon.”
Nick wriggles until their noses are almost touching, heads resting on the same pillow, turned on their sides. “We still can.”
Alicia exhales. “Don’t lie to me.”
“For you,” he says, earnest. Alicia can tell when he’s lying and it’s worse when she knows he isn’t, that he genuinely believes what he’s saying. “I can do it for you. For real this time, for always this time.”
She falls asleep with his breath on her cheek and his toes peeking out of the holes in his sock, touching her calf.
“Alicia,” Madison answers her call. “Have you seen Nick? I think he took the other car.”
Alicia watches the traffic rip by on the freeway just outside the window. “No,” she says, “I haven’t seen him.”
“Your school called, I think a teacher marked you absent by mistake yesterday. See the registrar and get it corrected.”
“Okay mom,” Alicia agrees, feeling detached and unleashed to her own body. “I will.”
“See you for dinner,” Madison says, and hangs up.
Alicia counts the days on her fingers. She’s been gone for five, and Madison’s only question was for Nick.
She’s half asleep and she had a dream that lingers, making her shift in her underwear, her jeans hanging over the chair in the corner. “Nicky,” she mumbles, and his palm presses against the front of her. She drifts in and out and he’s biting her throat while she grinds greedy and messy against his wrist. She wants to ask him to dip his fingers into her underwear and touch her but she fades away before she can work up the nerve.
Alicia wakes up alone. She washes her underwear in the sink next to the used needle and showers without any soap, piling her tangled hair up on her head in a bun. She sits on a towel on the bed until her panties are dry enough to wear, still damp and smelling like tepid tap water, and finds the car unlocked and the keys under the visor.
She drives home without stopping and chugs off brand cola from gas stations to stay awake and coffee that scorches the roof of her mouth. She feels gritty and stupid and young.
“How was school,” Madison asks when she’s come through the front door. It’s two in the morning and Alicia smells like gas and sweat.
“Good,” she responds, hollow. She leaves her duffel bag by the door and sleeps for twelve hours. She dreams about the time she was seven and their father took them to see the Grand Canyon. It was purple and red and Nick held her hand so she wouldn’t trip over the rocks.
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