#also i never thought of aquariuses as an angry sign
noblehcart · 11 months
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crazilust · 2 years
Astro notes (2) 
Hello every one, I hope every single one of y'all is doing okay. Just some random notes I've had for a while. Please disregard anything that doesn't apply to you.
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Leo and Virgo mixed in a chart can be so fucking intense. If you add Scorpio to the mix, you can get someone that not only refuses to see their own flaws, but also pretty vindictive. (underdeveloped ones, ofc)
On the bright side, Leos are one the best hype man/woman ever. If you ever get to be their best friend or partner, you will always feel special next to them. They're ruled by the sun, baby!
One thing I freaking LOVE about Scorpio placements is how shameless they are about their feelings (except maybe scorpio moon, lmao y'all are struggling :') ). In a culture where being nonchalant is the norm and the "cool" thing to do, I love how y'all refuse to adhere to it.
While I don't agree with the whole "female ____ are better than male _____" or vice versa, I still think there's a difference between signs but it's not necessarily based on gender, but more on how you were raised. Let's take Aries for example. If you were raised in a society where being a man meant that violence was okay to perform, being ultra competitive was encouraged, you might become a pretty toxic Aries (because those natural traits of yours are being amplified and not discouraged). As opposed to an Aries who's born a female, and have been told that it's ugly to get angry, they should never be competitive, they might be a pretty mellow Aries. Bottom line : No, [enter a zodiac sign] men as a whole are not inherently toxic, they're just chained to the patriarchy.
Pisces mercury are the most vague people ever as their mercury are in detriment in Pisces. BUT! Man, if you let them express themselves through art, their sensibility and imagination really shine through. Let your pisces mercury friend express themselves how they want, man. They can feel you getting annoyed lmao.
Geminis are underrated in my opinion, when it comes to being geniuses or pioneers. I feel like we always comment on earth signs' intelligence or Aquariuses for the pioneer thing, but we always overlook Geminis!! Let me list a few : Marilyn Monroe, the icon. Laverne Cox, the first transgender to appear on Cosmo, Time, to have a wax figure at Madame Tussaud's museum, Prince, Kendrick Lamar, Kanye West. Man, the list goes on!! Emma Chamberlain (the most popular influencer of our time). F*ck, I could really go on and ooooooon. I will, as a matter of fact. Not on this post though, this one.
I envy Libra's ability to understand what people want from them and execute it perfectly (Kim Kardashian, anyone?). How do you do that?
If you ever have a problem that seems like there's no solution, get yourself an Aquarius and ask them what they would do. The best advices I ever gotten was from an Aquarius (Capricorns, too).
I got into astrology when I was 17, so my 6th profection year, which is the Virgo house. I forgot about it, then got back into it when I was 23, which is the 12th house profection year (or Pisces house). Thought that was interesting. I've always loved the weird relation between these two sister signs. For someone who's not into astrology at all, they always see these two signs as being soooo different. But I don't really think so.
My favorite coworkers are Sagittarius. They can get pretty intense and bossy sometimes, but always so funny. I don't like working with Virgos and Scorpios, though. Love them as friends, lmao.
This is it! You're done! Thank you for reading till the very end. I'm gonna try being a little bit more consistent on here, cause it really feels like my little comfort zone, away from the toxic social medias that eat at my soul. I really wanna try this sandwich place near where I'm at right now. I've been thinking about it while I was writing this. I'll tell you how it was on the next post.
dolly 💜,
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hotastrotakes · 4 years
Sorry if this is a bit much but what's your opinion on Pisces Sun/Libra Rising/Aquarius Moon and Mercury/Aries Venus/Sagattarius Mars and Pluto/Gemini in Jupiter/Aquarius Uranus and Neptune/Lilith in Aquarius? Thank you! 😁
Pisces Sun: As a water sign, you are intuitive and emotional, but unlike mysterious Scorpio or moody Cancer, your individuality comes from being extremely creative and dreamy. You’re an artistic soul, seeking to release your emotions through various creative outlets. You’re always looking for ways to express yourself, but can be a little bit passive.
Aquarius Moon: Aquariuses are very well known for being weird as hell, and because this is your moon sign, it’s representative of the way you perceive yourself. You value your alone time and tend to get lost in your own thoughts. I wouldn’t be surprised if you did some strange shit in your private time, like make up little songs or talk to yourself. 
Libra Rising: The first things that people notice about you is your sense of justice and your tendency to start really dumb arguments. A Libra is very rarely serious, and so people tend to think you’re flippant and a jokester, but you have a very strong set of standards that you hold yourself to. 
Aquarius Mercury: You’re a bit of a wild card in the way you communicate and behave: people never know what exactly you’re going to do next or what kind of crazy shit you’ll say. However, that doesn’t mean you’re illogical or dumb: you just have a lot of stuff on your mind and an array of ways you can say it.
Aries Venus: This is one of the most difficult placements. Aries is a sign of aggressive masculine energy, and Venus is a planet of sensitive and feminine energies, making it very difficult for the placement to work well. You tend to be very flirty and intense when you approach people, and you’re a boundless source of energy in all your interpersonal relationships. You like when relationships are new and exciting, and you thrive when your partner is someone you can just have fun with.
Sagittarius Mars: You are a great debater, and when you get angry, you like to distract yourself with something else so you don’t stew on it. You take on a lot of different activities, but sometimes you have trouble managing all the tasks you’ve accumulated and give up easily. 
Gemini Jupiter: Jupiter is the planet of luck and success. Because Gemini is an air sign and is very variable, this can be a tough placement when it goes up against stubborn Jupiter. You tend to trust your judgment to lead you towards success, and you communicate in ways that tend to further your goals.
Aquarius Uranus: Uranus is more representative of a generation than it is of an individual. Uranus in Aquarius means that your generation is very unconventional and seeks more intellectual stimulation than the generations before it.
Aquarius Neptune: This is another planet that represents a generation. Neptune is a planet that represents imaginative consciousness, and because it’s in Aquarius, that means that your generation finds creativity through intellectualism and idealism.
Sagittarius Pluto: Pluto also rules over a generation in the aspect of power and control. Because it’s in Sagittarius, your generation is likely to be independent and optimistic, always looking towards a brighter future.
Aquarius Lilith: You have an obsession with freedom and you’re prone to erratic behavior or unexpected outbursts. You’re extremely rebellious and you get bored really easily, which can lead to you having many partners that you don’t actually like just because you enjoy the novelty. 
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ferie-anon · 4 years
hi are ship requests open ? if yes, i would like to request a ship with nct 127 :D. my placements are: aquarius sun, aries moon, aquarius venus, capricorn mars, aquarius mercury. thank you so much and have a nice day !!
Ooh, that’s alot of air placements! You have an aquarius stellium, since stelliums are signs that recur three or more times in a chart! So you’re very very extroverted, and aquarius gives you an outside the box-like thinking and eccentricity. Most aquariuses I know have some type of unique thinking! With your aries moon, you are determined and confident/know yourself best~ Combined together, you’re very balanced in where you have your interesting new ideas, but know when to implement it and keep it from going overboard. XD Now with capricorn mars, you are disciplined and dutiful, opposite of someone who would lose motivation in a project and not finish. Overall your placements make you a well rounded independent thinker and with consistency. <3
In nct 127... your match is Jaehyun!
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Jaehyun also has his sun in aquarius, which makes you both recognize each other’s behavior and understand each other mentally well. You caught Jaehyun’s eyes when he saw how brightly you were shining chatting with your friends as they laugh at your funny remarks. Smiling at your vivid expressions~ Anyway, both of you guys have similar values and act similar, so there won’t be much questioning about each other’s trust! Jaehyun’s moon is in taurus, which complements and balances well with your aries moon. Both moon signs know their self well and their value system is clear and consistent to them. You won’t find yourself disagreeing again with different mindsets as its clear there won’t be much conflicts arising. Also, his calm nature can balance out with your very confident self and its more of him appreciating your qualities while you’re happy someone is paying attention to you. <3 Jaehyun would appreciate the confidence and excitement you bring to his life too~
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Also, with your placements you’re more on the independent side with natural people skills, so you’re not exactly one to be clingy and dependent. Jaehyun would appreciate your independent rebellious side, and both of you guys would have fun playing games and having fun with ‘what if’ topics <3 Jaehyun also has an aquarius stellium, with aquarius also in sun, mercury, and venus. So lets break it down a bit, first with his mercury conjunct to your sun. Both of you guys think logically and apply it to situations, with that his mercury is very appealing to your sun as you find it pleasing with someone on the same page as you. Both of you guys have venus in aquarius, so you both want to be seen as someone that is different than others (not your typical ordinary person). I think with this together, you guys will never be bored with each other, endlessly surprising each other and enjoying the surprises too! You guys radiate ❤️🌠💫🌗!
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Lastly we have his mars in libra, while yours is in capricorn. His mars libra makes him one who rarely gets angry, trying to avoid conflict as much. With your capricorn mars, you aren’t looking to provoke people, but if necessary you will draw the line. I think you can teach jaehyun to be a bit more assertive and less avoidant of things like these, and jaehyun’s easygoing mars placement can show you to take it easy at times. :3 Oh and his libra mars is trine to your sun, mercury, venus~ Trine placements are positive ones, and Jaehyun can influence you positively with his more grounded placements,(Libras are passive and calm, and taurus is chill). It can show and bring you a new perspective in your life, and so it is another well balanced synergy between you two. :3
Overall, you two will share overflowing chemistry and alike thoughts (almost like telepathy XD) and the attraction is clear with you guys together. You get each other’s personalities, and there’s an undeniable energy with you two, do I need to continue? XD You two would be -> 💫⚡️✨💥🌹💖💎
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hotastrotakes · 4 years
hi! i was wondering if you could read my chart? thank you x. sun in gemini, moon in aquarius, cancer rising, mercury gemini, venus in gemini, mars in pisces, jupiter in leo, saturn in cancer, uranus in pisces, neptune in aquarius, pluto in sagittarius, chiron in capricorn, north node in taurus, midheaven in aries, lilith in taurus, and ic in libra
Gemini Sun: Sun in Gemini is a very versatile sign. Geminis are very social and outgoing, and more likely than not, you’re an optimist. You enjoy talking to others and taking in the world around you; every day is a pursuit of knowledge for you.
Aquarius Moon: Aquariuses are very well known for being weird as hell, and because this is your moon sign, it’s representative of the way you perceive yourself. You value your alone time and tend to get lost in your own thoughts. I wouldn’t be surprised if you did some strange shit in your private time, like make up little songs or talk to yourself. 
Cancer Rising: You may seem shy and defensive to people. It’s easy for you to be perceived as very moody and irritable. You may have a “shell” that people need to get through before they can understand who you really are. 
Gemini Mercury: These guys are very easy to talk to and never have a shortage of ideas. Air signs are well known for being flighty, but when we apply that to communication, we have someone who doesn’t like ruminating on the same idea for too long. Your focus is always being pulled in different directions. 
Gemini Venus: You have many friends, and you’re a social butterfly. However, you might have issues settling down or committing to a relationship, as you don’t want to miss out on all the options available to you (Audrey calls this the “cheater placement”).
Pisces Mars: This is a little bit of a whack combination. Pisces are very gentle and passive, whereas Mars is the planet of ambition and aggression. You may tend to feel guilty about expressing anger, and you try to avoid confrontation because you don’t like the person you become when you’re angry. 
Jupiter Leo: Leo is a very naturally lucky sign, and Jupiter rules over luck and success. You may have success in your friendships, and you like to work towards your ambitions with creativity and spontaneity. This may also manifest as luck in finance. 
Cancer Saturn: Saturn is rule-oriented and structured. A Cancer Saturn is also a detrimental placement, and often this means that you have difficulty expressing your emotions, especially in the familial sphere. You try your best to nurture and guide the people around you to be the best they can be, and are a strong believer in the idea that love is the best medicine.  
Pisces Uranus: This placement represents your generation rather than your self. Your generation thrives in chaos and often turns to fantastical escapism in order to avoid facing their issues. 
Aquarius Neptune: This is another planet that represents a generation. Neptune is a planet that represents imaginative consciousness, and because it’s in Aquarius, that means that your generation finds creativity through intellectualism and idealism. 
Sagittarius Pluto: Pluto also rules over a generation in the aspect of power and control. Because it’s in Sagittarius, your generation is likely to be independent and optimistic, always looking towards a brighter future. 
Capricorn Chiron: Chiron is about your “emotional wound”: as a Capricorn, this can mean that you’re obsessive in your ambition or that you’re too concerned with your status. On the flip side, the healing aspect of Chiron means that you might be a stable leader or particularly generous. 
Taurus North Node: This is related to your destiny, or what you may need to do in order to become self-actualized. Taurus is a sign of comfort, so this may be telling you to become more self-disciplined and stable. As a double air sign, that might be something you struggle with anyways. 
Aries MC: This is about potential career paths [disclaimer, you know the drill]. An Aries is all about activity and energy, making your potential career path something full of zest like being a paramedic, an athlete, or a search and rescue officer. 
Taurus Lilith: Because Taurus is a sign of indulgence, and Lilith represents our dark side, you may tend to allow yourself to hedonistically indulge in things like sex, food, and various other worldly pleasures. Maybe pay more attention to that. 
Libra IC: The IC may relate to your past: that said, as a Libra, you probably had a fairly stable past, but perhaps you felt as though you were particularly unique amongst the people you surrounded yourself with. As an adult, you need a peaceful environment to thrive. 
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